sr$7,sSWn'- k-i v,w,n '.iilia:- X' sn 'Aft W r 2V $ a 4jf$i - EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PlLiLAJji'.JA'HlA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEAIBEU 18, 1015 rijr IM MS fA. 1 j & If IPs Ik it. K-' Li I II KfV & ft &a ffiMantrin'B Arniv Nnw Press ing Hard at Fort Mai- k f J. ;ENCH MENACE GERMAN CENTER V maison Heights ' " vr .vOVEK HllNUEiNBUHU L1JM!, LA Bv G. H. TERRIS Special Cable to Evening Public Ledger CtvvHoM. lilt, bu .Veto Vorfc TlmM ( o. With llie Trenrli Armies, Sept. 13. Though ery fimllHr with this ground, a slip of memory eter(l led me to anticipate bv some hours the nrrlval of Mancln's first lines nrross the west end of the ChemlndesDames "When the map names no lonper corre spond with any visible object, such slips are easy, and no irncp lcmains of the MaugeURe road, of th" Ou irdlin Angel In Vaurlan's farm, which Ions marked the point where the Chemln des Dames broke off eastward to Mil maison, Chreefrn, auclere and Craonne, those battlefields of hotrlble and glorious fame French Know the (Jrounil And now the wheel of fates comes the full circle round with Inexoiable stride The French alone now are re covering their tainpn miiIo of last year's struggles Hitter espirlence has glen them an intimate Knowledge of tho ground and all IIh possibilities of ambush thickets In the steep m vines where lioche machine gunneis DE HAVILAND FOURS ARE "FASTEST THINGS IN AIR 95 Can Outrun Best Fokkcrs at 5000 Meters and Arouse Great Enthusiasm Americans Win in Many Combats By KDWIN L. JAMES Special Cable to Kiening Public Ledger Ccrvrlohl lilt by Stw York Timri Co. Willi the American Armv In Trance, Sept 18. With tho American Infantry and artillery lmlng completed tho task of establishing .1 strong new line after wiping out the St Mihlel sillcnt, there bus de eloped a most intense aerial contest along this new line. We hae as the cnem well knows, one of the gieatest ail plane concentrations In tho hlstorj of aviation, and he is to ing to equal it The Germani hao thrown their ciack squadrons on to this front, and air fights are counted bj scoies, while both sides arc indulging In elaborate bombing activities In bombing we aie doing perhaps our biggist woik. e aie opeiating both div and night bombers and to g!e an Idea of what we aie doing one rrmv st-Ue that fliers uttiched to the l'iist American Arniv luue drop peel mine than thirt tons of bombs in the Inst twentv font limit 1 (!oie, ConlUns md I.ongujon are I favorite targets, and effective woik is nlo being done on the roads, on ' both hides of the Moselle Itlver espe liallv in harassing an neiuv move ment towiril Siaibuig I'oui tons of bombs weie dropped on the rallioid I station at Conllans in the mottling Itritish bombers in innjiini tion with the riist Armv diopped eleven tons congregate and deep limestone laves'nf bombs in divltght on Karlsruhe and quarries with which the hillsides nietnin bomhcis repotted good le are riddled, ovv we nave iignt and ' suits ,lt Jinonville rrecitt and rapid tanks, whose mechanism is being I bullions nt the littn plite tluee big ilies hav ing been tarted V h s. constantl Improved, and of which the cars we first saw at the mill of faux In April 1917, were but clumsy .precursors Swarming all planes with 'their machine guns and bombs are vir tually new and er piecious auil laries Already the roads of the enemv supply, re-enfoi cement or 1 etreat along the valley from Anl7-l.e-Chateau to Laon are under our lew and tire Monkey mountain, carried on Sundi night against sttong resistance more than 100 dead bodies were found In one trench dominates the low ground on both sides of the Ailette about Plnon, and Its loss leaves the Gerimn forces on JIalm ilson plateau with onlj one practicable road behind them, the Mail be use road through Chav ignon to Laon. Mangin at Tort Malmalson Besides -1500 piiEoners, the three dajs of well-directed and determined pressure has thus brought Mangin's army to tho culminating height of Tort Malmalson. We Know what that means by last v ear's experience When at length Malmalson was taken In October the enemv abandoned the whole of the Chemin-des Dames and bolted behind the Ailette A ridge further east and all his suppl roads were, in fact, so closely in view from this plateau that thev could not long be held, or only at fearful cost The situation tocHy Is different and much more favorable to us The Ger mans are at the sttne time astride the Vesle Hill, astride the Aisne astride the Chemln-des-Dames and astride the Ailette. Instead of having these nituial obstacles to fall bacK upon one attei the other, thev may be cut off along the Aisne and along the "-Ailette valley simultaneously. Their chief stronghold, the St Clobiin fotest block. Is in danger of being turned by the south and east The fate of the whole center of the Hindenburg line Is therefoie decidedly in question It is time the heroic blood and other losses of four years' campaigning on ,the Aisne were avenged. PLAN ARMY TO OFFSET U.S. Enemy Would Enroll 3,000,000 in Russian Pro inces Home, Sept 18 (By 1 V S ) J 1 recent conference of the rulers of the Central Powers It was decided to enroll 3.000.000 soldiers fioin I:thon!a I.i- xonia, Courland, fkranli, Klnland md He llavil.intl Pours Win AmeiUanrmde lie Hiviland fouis with Llbei tv motors continue to aiouse the greatest enthusiasm over their performances They give promise of solving tho problem of observation and bombing planes, which need no ptotectlon from clnsse machines Thev have been developing a speed of (deleted) kilometeis an hour, wheiecs the best I'okkers do about 180 kilo meteis Thee spec's n made it .1000 meter? Lower thin that the Pokker has an advantage, but only slight. When attic ked bv flermin clnsse planes our De Hnviland fouis cm get away bv Iniplv tunning, which is what observation or bombing planes aie expected to do when attacked bv a chasse Monclav afternoon for the fifth time De Haviland four mu hints m ide good their escape when attacked bv i heavy formation of Pokkei j and Albitioss planes This was clone bv making height and then speeding home Our De Haviland midlines ic counted for a lmche ch .sse which was hi ought down bv the observers' train ing the tear end machine run on the pursuers I do not mem to sis (hit De H.uilind midlines are ch isse ma chines Anv De Havilind would stand against one boche clnsse machine, but it would flee from moie thin one for the leason that the De 11 iv Hind Is not eapible of diving and nnneuveiing, which is necessaty to pirtlclpate In a pitched air Kittle Hut they are the fastest thing on Willis on the western fiont today at a height of ."000 meteis or moie. Wo Mill lick American made chasse machines This strenuous air fighting, of course, brings out manv thr lling stories, many of which cannot be told because our aviators are wounded, oi hue lost their lives and the censoi ship rules bar talking ibout casualties However the experience of Major (de leted) of Gloveisville X Y, com mander of an obbeivatlon squadron has some thiills Attacked bv Tour roliliers The mijors outfit was asked to per foim and especiallv Important and I dingerous mission to do the woik himself flving in a Sdmson, a I l-'iench made machine and taking a 1 l'rench observer, lie set out north ward r.ecauso uf atmospheric conrii- of tho wreckage and stood up to ee four American doughboys They had been guarding bocho prisoners just behind our first line I have the mijors word that those four Amer icans were tho best looking men he ever snw in his whole life Tho mnor his replaced his machine with a new De Hiviland four nnd siys he will get nwav clean net time Ills llleis snv there will not be unv next time, because ho is too valuable ns n com mander to tike such chances The enemy his mmv star squadrons befoie us The n es nte nllowed to paint their machines in distinctive colors denoting squidrons There is one squadron with ted wings nnd white bodv Another Pokker outfit has led bodies and white wings An other lias mic liines p tinted hi ick with white snipes and another squadron ins violet coloied machines, while vet nnotliei bus machines camouflaged hi ick and gicen One sqtiadion is living machines with Aineilciin markings We have got 1 luge number of these In the list few days 111erir.1n Downs Pour Hoc lies Lleutenint Clinics R D Olive fiv ing vesteidiv got four bodies single handed He w is flying north of Thlau couit when attacked bv ,1 Pokkei lie got beneath and sent the Pokker down binning Continuing on patrol neir Lichausso he was itticked by tluee Pokkers He dished at one and got It by being the quicker with his midline gun Tinning simply he clashed a second and dived with the tlilid Pokkei on his tail At a height of r,nn meters he maneuvered to nil v int ige nnd got the lein lining Knche An experience of Lieutenant I M stvvaab was even mote thi filing He wis put of n patiol of five machines which was bioken up bv enemv shell fire In 1 high wind Svvaab got lost md w is cuiied far behind the enemv lines He had lost dliectlon and theie wis in 1I1 drome ahead Thinking it was his own the Ameilcin selected It to Imd but it a height of 200 meters he siw a Pokker ailse in fiont field Svvaab was In the sun and the boche could not see him i he got the hoc lie with f-eventv bullets (letting away ftom theie but still lost Swaab was attacked ten minutes latei bv eleven Pokkei s He dived and suddenly came up amid the boche foimitlon with both machine guns going Two boche machines crashed, and swooping to 1 greit height sviab got aw av undei piotection of a he iv v cloud ITALIANS RETAKE GORGE ON BRENTA Formid able Barricades Overcome in Sudden Rush and 350 Prisoners Taken RAIDS IMPROVED LINES n5 ward rnicr Y. M. C. A.W0RKER IN DRIVE IRE ATM fiERMANS Carries Chocolates and Cigarettes UNABLE 10 KMIT for American Soldiers fly the Aitociatcd Pre Willi Hie Atnerlrnn Army on llie I or rnlne Frnnl, Sept. 18 The Y. M C. A. has won Its place In the hearts of the American soldiers and an Instance of the service rendered b these workers Is given- In a story told of tho recent fighting On the morning of the Ameri can advance against the St. Mihlel sali ent, a Y. M C A. man appeared among the soldiers carrying a huge pack on his bnck Ho did not explain his pres ence except by a whispered word to a commander, who nodded approval When the order to advance came ho moved forward with tho men At tho first paue whllo the soldiers were be hind a little rise of erouml. the Y At. UnrrSnl C.nhl tn F, nln Pl,l!r l.rdeer C. A man made his way from soldier Corurlohl, J0I, hu .Veu' York Tlmfi Co. With (he llnllnn Armtra, ept 18 On either side of the narrow and pre cipitous gorge of the Ilrenta ftlver at the point where It leaves the Austrian lines nnd enters the Villlin there has existed since last winter a formidable barricade of wire and a complex ss tem of enemv trenches Wile fills the xallev up with an Im pisilile tangle It lies hilf under water In the rushing stream ltelf nnd writhes up each w ill of the steeplv sloping rock on cither side Moreover nn the ledges nnd In the caves nnd crannies of those high cliffs were hidden Atitrlin ma chine guns to sweep the narrow gorge helow A et with n sudden nttiek at dawn ItM im Infintry rushed the whole of the birrlei system nnd ciptured nmr'y TiO prisoners The fighting was severe, but short. In the dark ravine ind the Ital ians victorv was nlded their air plnnes which dived one iftcr mother. Into thit gap between thn high moun-1 tain, dropping bombs nnd einlitvliiKi drums of machine gun bullets upon the ustrlan garrison below I Miortlv afterward anntliei sector close nt hand, to the nnith of Mount j Orappa, broke into aetivltv ei les , of little raids and rushes weie cirried nut there to Improve the line In sev eral places At once here too the Ital lans mido good their intentions md todav have over 100 prisoners md a number of machine guns The role which the Itillin iron is plavlng now Is ni ide up of constintlv repeated Incidents like this It mav b, described as an iggrsqle defen sive dv mtnge of pisitioti is of course still with the Austrl ins on this front, and In point of numbers In the field thev also, thanks to the enrollment of pi isnners tecovered from Hui-sin are stronger thin our Italian Miles The sv teni of eontlnuallv worrvlng sectors keeps them however, in doubt ns to the Italian intentions and tends to pin their foices ilov n to this front Great Army Too Much De- tcrioriated to Reply to Foch Offensive SHOULD ADMIT DEFEAT to soldier giving each a cake of choco late and pack of cigarettes When his pack was exhausted he returned to the rear, hut reappeared In a few hours with another bundle Ho rcpeited his trips until his organisation was able to bring up supplies In larrcr quantities. FRENCH TO REOCCUPY HOMES Will Recover Treasures Buried at St. Miliicl fly the Associated Press Willi Hie nierlrnn Armv In I orrnlne. Sept 18 Plans are already under way ror tne reoccupauon ny mo irencn population of tho territory of tho St. Mihlel salient, from which they were driven out four years ago and which was regilned last week In the American offensive Scores of persons lire le ipiestlng Anicrlcin officers for permis sion to return to their homes One dehgitlon applied for permission to return to M Mihlel or to send a committee to recover monev burled there The olllcers were told that when the (Jeinnns ippeired many persons fled lnstllv and, not knowing when the invasion would end, had burled In gardens and other pi ices little stores of gold, sliver and Jewels FOOD RIOTS IN AMSTERDAM Shops Pillaged by Mobs In fantry and Cavalry Called Out ll the I mted Press Amslrrilnm, ept 18 Food 1 lots broke out here Mnndav night and Tiles, dav In vnrloiis parts of the eitv., .Shops were pillaged The polbe nnd Infantry and cavalry detachments dlsprsed the mobs Four persons were injured Dy CHARLES H. GRASTY Special Cable to Kiening Public Ledger Copyiialit, lilt, bv ATcio York rimes Co. Paris, Sept 18 As details flltet through from the St. Mihlel battle, fresh stimulus Is given to speculations that have been going on since duly 1 ns to vvhnt Is the matter with Oermany. Not .once since Koch's offensive have they shown their old sti Iking power. The great nrmv which previously nevei let a single week go by without making us feel the force of Its blows has for nearly two months been limp and Impotent Until now the pre vailing opinion has been that quarrels In tho high rommand and the broken confidence of the German people were reflected in the weakened morale of tho army It is possible the German high com mand depended too much upon the nattii il strength of the position, as perhaps we did at the Chemlij-des Dimes when the Germans walked through on May 27 It Is suggested nlso that Pershing jumped so quick and hit so hard that It threw the Ger mans into confusion befoie they could pull themselves together. , The xictoiy has com pletely upset the otganized peace of fensive In Germnny. ' Whllo It Is unsafe to leave out of reckoning some kind of strong Ger man inllv east of our present positions, or to count 011 too grc it a weakening In the enemv lines In front of the Prench and Kngllsh as a lesult of Tershlng's stroke In the Woevre. and while onlv a few weeks remain of good fighting weather, the feeling is general that Foch will succeed In choosing winter quarters for the Ger mans more to his liking than theirs. Beautiful Diamond " La Vatlieres A magnificent selection you can find one to please and at the price you care to pay. Greatly admired is one with a large diamond in a hexagonal pendant, sus pended from the chain by a delicate thin bar $335. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JUWELErtS SILVERSMITHS liuy War Savings Stamps raffus I A Real Smoke. DON DIG Reina K Victoria dHBspSssP Size BSygsgSjgygg1: i3ffiii?ii i-3 Six Other Sizes, 10 to 15c Pent Bros. Co, Mfrs., Phila. The Quality Cigar Start today to buy War Savings Stamps An excellent investment and a patriotic duty JtyyssNv 1 ir ffi&ji, v'vyy CohianunityStores We Serve (S) You Save M other parts of Hussia with the 1920 class i tions. he hid to fiv ver low At of Germanv and Austria with which to withstand American attacks according to the Zurich correspondent of the CJortrere d Italia today At the same time the Austro-fiermsns plan to raise 1 5fl ono adidtlonal troops to fight the Czecho-slovaks in ItussU it was said However, the plan Is reported to be depending upon the dying down of the battles In the west. In order that the Central Powers might have a six months' respite in which to carry out their program Esthonla, I.lvonla and Courland are Russian provinces which German troops overran, PORTUGUESE PLOTTERS FAIL Attack Planned Against President Nipped by Arrests ?) the I'nited Press Miulrid. Sept 18 A plot to attacK the Portuguese President and Govern, n.ent. said to have been concocted by a number of officers and noncommisslohed officers, has been discovered, semiofilcl il dispatches from Lisbon stated todav It Is planned to Isolate in Lisbon those who have been apprehended The Portuguese Government is taking possession of the railways, telegraphs telephones and waterways 313,000 MEN SAIL IN AUGUST Shipment of U. S. Troops An-j nounced in London "London, Sept. 18 Three hundred and thirteen thousand American troops em I barked for Europe during August. It was announced today Of these 180,000 were carried on British ships. height of "00 meteis lie was attacked fiom behind bv four Pokkers. they flew all around the majot's machine The major took the job of getting link and the Prench observer turnid himself into machine gunner With two guns he drove off three of tin four bodies, crippling one, hut mean while one foe got beneath the tall of tho American machine, where the gunner could not shoot. Swooping sharply, the major gave his gunner a line on the fourth boche. ' but hoth machine guns Jammed As the German swept bv he let loose a hut st of huliets which took off the major s propeller Helpless the Amer ie in machine began to glide to earth while the German got behind again and poured bullets into the plane fol lowing It to within twenty yards of the ground The observer was shot thiough the head but the mator was uninjured By nnw the major's plane was close to the gtound and going at lueak nec k speed towaid a line of old trenches with heavy wire entangle ments Just ahead he saw about J00 Germans on the ground and having lost his direction in the flight, he thought he was as good as a prisoner Then his plane hit a wire line and turned turtle, throwing the observer twenty feet. The major climbed nut The U. S. Food Administration says: m "Keep Quality Up" changing prices iCeeninc anc difficulty in securing enough pro- Qf. 5 ducts of the better kind to supply the Uallty demand, makes store-keeping rather t t strenuous these days but you can Up depend, for quality and price sayings, on Grocers showing the above window sign. ALL-WEEK SPECIALS jjllliiiiiiiiiMmJiiiiiiiiMiiiiumw 11 EWEM3 ? v vOT. W 4 O. ?:fftT & Masti Wee? rs AVmv.V.W.CMAUC...' .WVU.."V.WMWC'VW.l" '."iVi'iS.V.'.V.'.V.V.'.V.1 ARGQgloss STARCH 8C VULCAN0L STOVE POLISH box 5C DROMEDARY C0C0ANUT Xb 5C In the "Ever-sealed" package lit,, , gsr keeps as fresh and moist as if just I II grated more flavor, no labor. v Prinfine !!bb o2c PurePhosphate BaltirrtPcnvder im'OiJ It rites In the oyen therefore Is best for heavy war flours '.WW ' VWWACVW.VW.W.WS M NOTh I onk for Hi Community More, NcH:i1h In Public IrdSrr lcc t, tMer Munilo "nil t.enltiE ledger rdnrdii sVsVm 1 sSisSw fop ' r-v j-' 7h isjw I (v Mm liiM 7 All a t ' -! ', Try To Have This Beautiful Hair : s Cttticur will surely help you. Treat- Mnt: At night rub Cuticura Oint B3 it into partings all over the scalp. Bonune snampoo vvun vuu- Soap and hot water. Repeat in weeks. Cuticura Soap and Oint- 1H UNI ior every-uy louec xsnvn EVIDENCE That Production Requirements Demand Increased Facilities otV. nea r The IflaV ,l. v.- ., in T '! , Ullv artT. iu.Vuepf'"wrt l" n van orv! ,.iUO .-ijjio '., m a l ... or. u"-. or .. no ' . tl iW- , ' OU &, It l . . 0U xVhtO " " V VCT'.,ctUTC."' 1 l.vTD. " .AdtU0""l( new v:- diouv,i ". .T1. ?"7i.l,n! ' ..... 11' JVOOII TeK" tne WTrf ; ncra-; The, I linun . r fUB . irivt' ..ttuw .n&S0 . . mimim Current News Items "ini,rr. 'ronS . " .' .w WO"v:ihia, I .vVttage "jTcvrt ..oni F.M".-. V.W 1 V S iS? WV.TCAt. T'?? ' ; - iitrw"- 1..11CI. -. . . Anva 'T . i Nrhep,'-;-8nd;i;n-twbJi: "",... r"' . U""", -. ..-...- nci W . 1 cr . f u crtn indi.::..'cni- -fcriai - i ft If ter,.': Micmai.-' "in ' In t OA... v,"Wi of Ir f t" ."" tAe , '.ree. ihr'rl ''aa .. . . --"ecru - - "viu r. hta """h i,ii v." eio- ; 'repa'! i - . ' tne ?.. "e nej. . . 'o in. ...t;n;r-renab; i... "' reln,.i lfc .r . ,Tni iha ;ra anc: ,t "' ;. -""Its r.t . ' j ".jn t.n . - mj - ilea th, "cr0 ereto mil th, be ior, ind C by 'duals thr, far "0(1 1 yt Excellent Opportunity Rttponilbl manufartarlnr eonecrns run obtain on ttrme tlre tennt thorouchlr modern arrommodatloni for any n amber f plmnti and emplojfi' hootlor. In a hlxb-rrado Industrial rora manltr now deteloplnt within 10 utlea of rhlladelphlu, Mucb cheaper "orcrbrad" coito than prewut congested metropoUtaa eentera afford. PREPARE NOW FOR THE FUTURE and atold freltbt dtlara to freawnt la larte commercial ccttom b locatiDc In thla new Ticlnltjr with Una train anc (roller acrrlca. conplato ahoppUc facllltlea and (ancral welfare fcaturra for all-jaar amaacmont, aa tract rontalna largo crook and keautUutlx wooded ototo now bolaz dailaod (or park pu- j t ?" ttSs.'i crda rcce ved 'I'll '"ad, Vpl ?tiOD can SffSKKiC,ft!?; w tut0 reL,'." tho",nv;, ikc I upon ."i JY'at. corj., ', Al'K ?.u?ton,! tC'rcZ B".?e;J "'.'?a , Vfco wba;Vure abA ' r 'Wi : ' ' he V i'VunuJ-rnr. u"y a ii..,"u'eii,, '"'"ion. ' i llorTalkinjMa1 Why is instrument tor your Victrola home? i , ti, Ctl),e Emergency Industrial Development Co. 129 S.'Sth St., PhlladelphU Ml rkoata Lombard 4114. Mil I. S When the greatest artists of all the world make records exclusively for the Victrola, there must be a reason for their choice. That reason is the Victrola itself the abso lute fidelity with which it brings their sub lime art into the home. .And it follows that the Victrola is the one instrument to provide you with the best music an'd entertainment of every kind. "Whether you want operatic or concert arias, or the latest song "hits," or tuneful "soldier" songs, or sacred music, or band or orchestra selections whatever you want you hear them at their best only the Victrola. fr Z m Wri. 1 I'VVi ft a on tne victrola. There are Victors.and Victrolas 'in great variety from $12 to $950. Any Victor dealer will gladly play any music you wish to hear and demon strate the Victrola. Saenger Voice Culture Records arc invaluable to .1-dEvg- vnr-i ctndrnts ask iVT . ,-;S;JCZir--'Arw? to hear them. a? Mi. &i r-'t 5-WJ SS&aur: ' && w . pis1 ::.. Rilbw-i P Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. Important Notice. Victor Records and Victor Machines are scientifically coordinated and synchronized in the processes of manufacture, and their use, one with t the other, is absolutely essential to a perfect reproduction. Maw Victor Rocorda demonstrated at all daalara en tho lit of oach month Victrola XMI, 27S Victrola XVII, electric. $332.50 .Muhuimny or oak Victrola "Victrola." It th Regiatarod Tradamafk of tho Victor TaUdngMachlna Company designating thapioducta of thla Company only. Vl ' a ,r'fcfc'cj4i1 I ll-!I fv T l-i fk poll.