WW'Tv$wM. w f1 'ft V 1 "V1 -o' i" y EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1918 t: pu "JjFWJ m c JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Tfancy Wynne Chats About Several Weddings Miss Gillette to , Wed Mr. Brown Mrs. Barklie to Entertain Admiral and Mrs. Grayson and Mrs. Stcttinius pro: you hear that Edith Cllllette U to married on October 5. a Saturday? Saturday is a sort of nice tiny to choose, Jsn't It? For, according to the old vhjme, "Saturday, no day at nil." and so you have no superstitions tn think about. Anyhow na I was savins, it's a nice day to choose. Edith Is a perfect beauty. I think, and you probably agree with me. She hud the loveliest soft ejes and such pretty h.ilr and a perfectly lovely expression. f The lucky man In this marriage Is Pick Brown, more disnlftedly known as Richard P. Brown, and the wedding is to take place nt 8 o'clock in the evening in Calvary Church, Germantown. "llTOnD came esterday that .Mice ' Gnynne, of New York, and Lieuten ant Horace R. R Allen were married In Paris on August 10. You know. Alice Gwynne Is the daughter of the lnte Kdwnrd Gwynne. of New York, and a niece of Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, of New York and Newport. The interestiiiK bit to t'hllatlel phlans Is the fact that Major TJ.ircIuy War burton was ono of the witnesses, for, jou see, even If you arc an American in France, you have n civil ceremony and you have to have regular witnesses, and Major Wnr faurton was one and Major Lydls, of New York, was another for Lieutenant Allen, and Miss Gwynne had Mr. (leoi-Re Munroe and Harry Lehr as her witnesses. Hurry Lehr having married one or the Dicxcls, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DreJtel, of this eit . Is an interesting per sonality to Phlladclphlans. aside from his famous dinners and remaikable costumes. He Is a Balttinorean, but has lived piln clpally in New York and is now in France engaged In war work. The 1 elisions wed ding ceremony for Lieutenant Allen and his bride followed the cl il one and look place in the American Church of the Holy Trinity, In Paris. TlrilS. ARCHIBALD HARK LI 13 camo home thl3 week and will open her house in Wayne for three weeks. She Is going to spend the winter In Ros-ton. to be near Major Barklie, who is stationed at Camp Aycr. But, ou s.ee, Mis. ISarklio' promised to f,p tho Cafeteria of tlio Horse Show through, and so she lb solnn to do 'It and has opened her hoiis'. an 1 will have meetings of committees and various preparations there until afte.' the .show next week. Admiral Caroy C.rajsun and his wife, 'and Mrs. Kdwnrd Stettinius and her daughter, of Washington, are comlnsj up to stay with Mrs. ITvrkllo as her guests over the show. Admiral Grayson Is the President's doctor, you know. I think Mrs. Barklie is an awfullv good simit to go to bo much trouble tn keep lipr word and stand by her friends In this work. For you would" not blame her in wartimes if she did not come on when- she had a perfectly good excuse not to, owing to her hu&band's change of camp. But she is a good sport, and that's one reason why every one likes her so much. She can al ways be rolled upon, and she's simple and unassuming and charming and does a vast amount of work. MRS. B.S give a IARCLAY WAItBl'RTON will decidedly interesting luncheon at the Rita tomorrow for Floyd Gibbons, the American war correspondent, who lost an eye "over there" when rushing to the assistance of .Major Berry, when the latter was hit during tirr charge of June 4 at Chateau Thierry. Some hentence! '. ! lie ij-,( wem over me iop-- wnn tne itainuow Division, jou know, and Is certainly one Interesting. Major Geneial Waller, V. S. M. C, will be one of the guests. TTIOUR patriotic little girls out In Uer- mantown gae a fair iccently on the lawn of Doctor Rhoad's house, on School lane, for the Red Cross. They weie Mil dred and Klizabeth Gray, Frances Felin and Grade Pittleld. They sold paper dolls, and Ice cream cones, candy and cake, and there were also grab-bags, which are al ways exciting. The proceeds amounted to $21, and the young workers handed it all pver to the Red Cross. Little Grade Pitfleld Is very specially Interested in the soldiers now, for Isn't her brother-in-law, Sergeant Jacob Rlegel, Jr., one? Of course he is and he's some brother-in-law, let me tell ou. So, of course, she's working even harder to help jthe soldiers. J' T0 YOU feel about caterpillars as I do? L J If you do, jou'io mtjflty glad thit the summer Is fast coming to a close, and thai you won't have to meet tbem across your path or have to walk out In the middle Of the street, so that by no possibility of a chance could one drop on you. Would that the loathing could be overcome, but It can't. We all have our pet antipathies. They say Napoleon had h fear of cats. What a pity his enemies did not know It eooner? It might have saved an awful lot of bloodshed. Just think, If the Duke of Wellington had just sent a lot of cats Into tho front line trenches. Why, Napoleon would have thrown his gun away and fled, and the army, seeing their chief fleeing, would have "fleed," too. But to return to caterpillars, though I'd like to forget them. How would you feel to hear what I over beard last Monday, when two little lambs were comlns home from school. They - were dragging their books In their mall bags and , loitering along. One (topped suddenly and planted her foot firmly on the ground, while her mouth as sumed a gterii expression. "What you doln't Klizabeth?" asked her companion. "Only thtepptng on a 'caterplllow,' " replied lrV Klizabeth, as she walked pn unconcernedly, v?'X: consoled myself with the thought that HJrtUP? that., same ElfHbeth would, feel 1Mm or a crunchy June bug. Think of calling It a pillow Oh! ! ! 1 NANCY WYNNE. Social Activities Headquarters for the fourth Llheitv Loan campaign will be opened nt the Chestnut Hill Strvlce Housf. under the direction of Mrs, Francl3 Mcllhenny. A salxage com mittee for lieach stones and other articles lias nlso bei-n formed with Miss Krnrxtlne Coodman as chairman. Classes In French and stenography will be started soon, and the kitchen c'nsxes begin nest week. The students will serve luncheon for the wink ers eery day The work on the sunni-iits cent out by the nuartcrmasler's department has been cry successful, and has brought many new workers to the Service House. Mr.-.. R. W. Clark Is much Interested In this branch of the work. Mrs. Radcllffe Cheslon. Jr.. who lias been spending a few weeks In Chelsea, returned esterday to Fox Hill Farm. Itryn Mavvr, the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Wil liam Struthers Kills Her sister, Mis. licorice Kustls Payne, who spent tho summer at Lake diampinin, will not return until the end nf the month. Mrs. Mnhlnn Hutchinson and Miss Fdith Hutchinson returned on Saturday fioin Nar liiK.insett Pier to their homo In Iievun. .Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hush, Mrs. John Wel'h n-ayton and Miss Mazie Hush li.vvo returned to Chesterage, Kirk and. after spending three week In Bay Head Mrs. Robert W. Daniel, of Tttwmnnt, finished h-r course In nursing nt the Cnher sltv Itospii.il jesteiday and will go tn Wash ington today in join Captain Daniel, V. S. A. Mrs V v. MerrTck has returned to Her home In Germantown after spending the summer In l'roufs Neck. Mp. Mr em! Mrs. Daniel II. Whitney will ,.n.. their cot iag in Ray Head next week and will moi Into thpir new home on N.u.iinr strict. Chestnut Hill. V-- (n,Ke Cameron and her children, or J-'oaonl House lane and t5recne street. n;-mamown. limn returned fiom Sharon siZo'en'1'0" t,"'y haVt' l,eC" "'"'"'""S. lhp M's si.,v naggerly. daughter ,,f Mrs. torne.ius llaggert. of 51" Woodland Ter mer, is snu'llllnir nmn tl, o, ,.i.i .-,... , Mr us the guet of Miss Daisy Marshall. Mr. Joseph Kclley. 1 s. X. n. F. has re turns to Norfolk hcre he Is statlonci In """; ,",rvlc-'' '''' "Pending a furlough wit hlx parents. Ml. and Mrs. John KelleV. ,U. their siinnner In me In Berwyn, Pn w,nir..hmI "M7 u' A,r"'l (,,ar,; nni1 "lr w'n" Vh, ""cnt tnp 8'" In Chelsea, ,ae i" n!", ,hClr """"' 92! '"tliarlne ...a, 7!R'r FOn" ""' r-,1"- to West Chester Academy this ed(. Filcndti of Mr. Fiank Afnrrlt tr t on ft P i i s. . v i " --.. ... ... .i-i .rs. Krank c Morris nf Mahcrn, 1-n ulll i, ,Ti.i ... , ","" .' lu. i. , . .? "'. "r"" nai lie -. .-. ,. mi-cu io m,, rani, major while serMng wlih the peditiiinai y tones In France or H'lgeant iVnisrlrun ex. .Mr aril Mr. John .1 P.annon and thsir rtaugliler. MN, Mnraaret Bannon, l!nK- horm. P.,.. in rclmil , tw ; ,'nlM,wnB. and will lUe at 15ll Diamond street .., ,P ""'"'"B"' f Jl H.1P11U11 and Mr CharliM . Hun Iton. ,, of M, A " nr: wMi'";,,"1 l;'or,-"--1'-,'" d Wal'nut streets, will take piaco nt the Church of our Lady or Meicy, Bios.il stieei and Siwuuelianna axenue. en Uetoher 1. Mi.is Uaniiou will have Miss Genevieve llarri.-ori as maid nf honor und .Miss Kathryn Hlck!.. as bridesmaid. Miss llos-e Mary McX.UI has leturaed to her home in ttcrmantuu n after a visit of scxeral dajs on Lung Island, Miss Helen Itlloy, of Bala, who has been spending the summer with her family at Sea Isle City, will gi to Xew York for seeral dajs before oturnlngto tho city Miss Helen Hare, of U1G North Sixty third street, has returned to hr homo after spending tho month of August in Chaise i. Mis Samuel Cuinmings, of 170U Walnut street, is isiting her parents. Mr ard Mr John Burt, of Mil J'acllie avenue, AtlantlJ City, for a slmit tlm Mrs. M H Monuey, of PitlMiurgh lias leturned to her lionie after a visit to her sister, Miss Maiy Brautlgani. A dinner was given on s iturdaj ccnlng for Mrs. Mooney's nephew, Mr Haity Hiautlgain, who expects to leave this week for a naval training sta tion. Mrs. Mooney's son, Mr. Clemen Mooney, has ivne oveiseas The members of the Cherokee Club, will entertain nt their cottage in Wlldwood, X J , for the Inst time, on Saturday evening. With this affair the cotlagn will b closed. Many naval rIlcers of lank will be guests of the club on that night. The mairlage of Miss Florence Fiaser and Mr. Cney was solemnized this afternoon be the Rev Mr Halfnst. The bridegroom and bride left for Atlantic City immediately after the ceremony. The best man was Mr TPihe't N Gallagher, while the bride was, attended by Miss Helen O. Stratton, of Merlon After tlia wedding trip Mr. und Mrs. Coey will live at 1038 North Thirteenth street. The manlage of Miss Grace Welshad and Mr. A. A. Kaurene. both of this city, took place on Wednesday in Klkton. Md After a wedding trip of seeral weeks to Virginia Hot Springs Mr. and Mrs. Kaurens will live in Logan. MISSISAUIE BKLASKY Imm . 1 JHHHIW iWrs, i. HE. .'i "Ih WEDDING DATE K f' v MISS r.nn'H 'XsftesHSM .... , yT Daughter of the laic Major Ca-iiii . Cilletlc ami Mr-. (Jillcllc, of 5106 Nrwliall ftrect, whose marrinpc to Sir. Kiihanl 1. drown will lake pl.u-e at B o'clock ori"?atur- ilav evenlnp, October 5 THE GILDED MAN By CLIFFORD SMYTH Copyright 1118. bu B"( f lAxerljht, Inc., .Vrto York . Copyright, ;)(, ?py the Publu Ledger f . tiii; sroitv tuts r.n W'MW huntliur fn- fPHnr fn 1-dltA ( 1 j a I a -lta I'olnmbta South America, with Kamjl Ar thur hN imrtiiir. tiivnJ .tfiidun 1h 1niuiM In n tlMititnltr vilit(nn ami i'apuar, Thrf nifinlhsj idttr lie nnopars from no one knows wlpri. lhmiKh it m.u bo that Aitmir uip(Ik. Thrti ij 1 1 tr ) n enuMweri to marrv I'nn l.clqhtori in Connpctlcut. Her umlf llnrobl I.elahlon ui'JcitH to I h. marrlai. ber-u ih'Tf n,iy lun ihm Hjpi'tiiiiiw tn th.it time mnnth blnk In Mcu.-in'M lift to inilt the mnrrhitfi unJt nlibl n InwiUiRiitlnir trlti to Colom h' N platmpil Th" nrtv wnsiii of DoivM I'n.i nni hrtr unrln and two frletidf t)n Mi luiar ihy mpl Poctor Mliutula nl tMnnrrtl (lH?ran i'n!o;iil.latis At Ilmufi Pl. tlntiiis to ncointiiiv fifii'Tal IIrnn to Itu.ttt )va inir tho rt "f hji tutrty hhltul 'lhfr 1 rrllnv aualtmt h Atnerh'Anx h-ran nf ! i tiii nvpiitN tn I'-inanui inin whlth iinrrnn bid nln.v t rlrtl to Hrrit An mntt- of fatt H Kinall urmv froMi rincntn unrir IVdro a bontblnck li already mi the av tn IMn.ima. and lavld and (Itnerul llenun hi-r Infill from afar. CHAPTKR IX i Continued i (jTT SOL'NDfl like a regiment of soldiers," X said David, taking another Inn draught from the FaUtaltlnn "plHtol" ami i, turning It to Hen an. "Perhaps," replird th fienenil Indiffeient to outside matters until lie had nninhed his part of the pi escribed reieniunv "And ben- we are." he added, with a Rich of con tentment, "i-aluting Panama and an Ameri lan company, 'vlth an ninij of volume er. bent on .licking the Yankees, cunihig down upon us." "Are von -ure?" ' "Caramba ! In Honda thev t-ald these volunteers started from Bogota thne d.ii ago They are due here now " "Wo must meet tbem." said David, upon whom the General's "pistol" had not failed to score. "Wait a moment! As Miranda would siv, theFe peons are canaille and tin re is no rooom for a meeting." Both men laughed. Nevertheless, In spite of the humor of the situation, it bad more than the umial peril Incident in travel on the IJogota trail to be comfortable. "Two men agulnK a regiment'" chuckled Herran. "ttut they are not after us." ingii"d David "They are aftei the Yonkteh and ou ale a Yankee. Well. Senor. what shall we do."' "You are In command. Si nor General." "Caramba! Then, let us mutch' We can't jump down those rock", the suamp Is even vj;orse-j-and w won't ietre.it hefoie a lot of peons. Forward, Senor' We can at least use pistols If we need to '" With which comfottlng assurance Herran handed one of his case bottles to David, this the latter tetalned, first joining his comrado (u a final "halutc." declaring all the while that this kind nf exeieice had been unknown to him for jfai" a statement re ceived by General Herran with the skepticism it deserved. The two hordes vveie then brought Into line and. with touch of whip and spur, commenced a ncianible up the trail, at the top of which the fiont rank of the peons were Just visible. As Herran bad pi i dieted, Um traveler with whom they had to contest the right of way belonged to one of "the volunteer regl ments pf Bogota penns bound for the Isth mus. At their head rode I'edio, "III He," more diUpldattd an to costume bu' more joyous of mood than on that memorable morning when he led bis forces down the Calle do I.as Montanas to be rnvlewed by the President oT the Republic. f Immediately behind him. borne by two of his trusted lieutenants, floated the flag of the tepubllc. Its id and yellow fold some what faded-'and duily from the thre days' march, and Happing now In an thing but defiant fjshlon. Huvlng rtac'.ied the top of the hill over looking the sheltned ledge chosen by David and Herran foi their impromptu celebration, the vplunteerc kept right on. Led by Pedru and his two hannpr-beurers, they plunged down the steep, winding trail, crowdir.? upon each other, shouting and laughing, tilling the narrow spare with most unmllitary disorder. In the meantime the two norsemeii irled Ijielr best to reach a point bb near as possible to the top of tlis trail before the volunteers began the descent In this they failed, and the inevitable colllilon with the front ranks f the peons took place half way up the hill side. Hr they nut Pedro and h's Immni ate fellow ers. lishind whom pitssed. with Increae. ing energy, the whole rabble of peons. "Hug tho side of the road." rauiioned Her ran In a low voice. "I'll take the middle a'nd try to distract this attention of thes: people from you." "HaluU, Henort" cried Pedro, attempting s rourtnous gTMtlng his burro would; lw "iviat nw rrpm ranam7" .Not t V''0MBt 1" covirUy, Herran MttaA fjAak kia kaH iMia "-'-'-'-- Ufi 4'tJK','i i wv.nr . .1 .T- A. ' f CSJIiiir: ANNOUNCED 0 . lMintn liv KAllB. cm.i.ktti: flag Into ivhli.li be was patriotically heading, and offered his 'pistol" to "HI I!tv" "Ah!" exclaimed Pedn., Ills eves fahly snapping with astonishment "It Is General Hi-nan! Itia-no, Senoi (ioueial. we go to bisng Panama back to Colombia " "That Is well" replied the in her, diplo matically ignor'ug Itie Implied reproach; 'with siieh biave men you will furclv j,uc-i-.-ed. Senor I'apltan" . "And tin Ynnkeesr-' queried Peflri . smack 'ng Ids Up., after a long draught from the Gilltl.ll's bottle Doubile's ou will find them in I'au.im.i " The rent- lliat this was Gen-ial Hen an, til- man vvboin Panama had made ruinous' spie.nl like wlldlite among iim volumet r-' v ho i-iovvilrd togetiier excltnllj l.em ,, he.ii ll.g the latest liillletiti from the land they weie pledged to lecapluie. Shoots ijf iiiiiiizeiiietit ind gn.itloii, derision echoed along :... nail - expnsslons of hos tlllty that might have appalled one lets cool than Hen an Hut he pretendiil nut to m,. lire these denmnstrati ms, and devoted hlm rfilf to l'eilm who he pereelvtd, -j. mined by his llattcrj "It's a bad IniMiiefcK Senoi I'aplian h,. :isund lilin innfldHnt'iilly "Hut the coun tiy Is safe w.th Mali hr.iv, vulumeeis to defend it ' "nd sou. Si-iinr Geneijl, jou iipht w th Ui-"" "It will be an honor." ginrluui.lv replied the hen, of Pnp.im.i But tnst 1 must ,ee His Uxcellrm-), the Prcs'deol, In Hogotu I will tell linn how jou are burrjlng to the lesoue of the lithiiius." "Where aie jour soldiers"" "Some of them voti wl tleet on the wav to Honda " "An otlker was with you just now Whele Ik he.'" In the' throng of volunteers surioundlnj them it was Impossible to distinguish Dav d who had dnubtl.hu seised the opportunity cieated by the sudden recognition of Herraii to force IPs way up the side of the Irall as the general bad suggested Varamlui '" exclaimed llerisp. n,. ,as gone oil ahead He knows tile President (unit us and the dispatch of great Im portance lo Hie republic that w- bring him I must hurry Pardon. Senor Cap tan ,( I am forced id leave you so quicUh JVr haps we meet soon again In Panama ' With a fine show of deference II, nan ha ll. led the King of the rioolhlaiks. vv .lose e.ves j-iviikled iiuiudli nt this recognition of h.s auk from :i brother officer, and who signi fied his iippuciation of the tribute by a wave of the hand to ills follow t-rs and a I'oiiimund to Ihein not to dela ihe general "Sti. ores'" In- shouted, "make wa.v foi the great Honor General ! He comes for the re public After be has seen Don Jose, he will go with us to br ng back Panama.'' The order was given with all the flourish that hail won renown for Ped'o as a polisher of boots and was leceived by the volunteers wlln their wonted rheei fulness and enthu siasm Ciiforttinatrly. the bilrm who had the honor of cinylng "HI rtey" was so uu uppreci.ithe of his rider's e'lupjeme that he allowed himself to he Jostled Into ton close proximity with the bearers of the Has He then became so hopelessly eiitsngled 'n his country s colors that, uttering a dismal Inay, he was tumbled headlong down th. shppeij h(ll. dragging the amaml and pictesting Pedro with him Profiling by til's aco'dent. General Herran hpuired Ills own horse througn the ranks of Ihe volunteus. gaining at last after much energetic pushing and shoving, the 'op of the hill H're he paused to look hack, with an nward chuckle, at the exulted throng of men and boys from whom he had escaped, and to pick up again his fellow -tiaveler. David. Hut. wlUttvrr the explaratlon David was not to be found There were no c-o'.s trails fiom the main Hogt.ta road Into which he might have blundeied, anil h's disappearance, therefore, became more of u puzzle as Hei tun liavelid mile after mile, at the best speed of hlch his hore was capable, with out trace of hhn In a way General Herran felt responsible for the safety of the man with whom he had been traveling, the more so that this man was a foreigner, belonging tn a nation whose citizens weie.not welcome jurt then In Coloni bia. Had David been other than an Ameri can, Herran would have taK.n bis disap pearance, puzzling though It was with the cheerful Indifference peculiar to hint. But the fact that he was an Amtrican. alone in a hostile country, appealed to a chivalrous strain in his natu:e, urging him to do the best he could for his rescue. Acting on this, General Herran rods with out stopping until nightfall, reaching jut after dark dusk conies swiftly enough In the tropics on. or (hq primitive .little hos- stelr jjeptfojr th? accommodation oMrav-. u iKh 'a,iaaili'taa Basal. Hr. u la accommodation o. trav-. I also retur 'id full turret that hsuTnot, bsen i Baselo. Mre.' u ul hm4t r.l -.t K . '.".- 4 r ''Vj- "V5ii!i'X? UV.r, it ''-ii'l idP ttoe i4l8f nit if TIH usual In such places, there was a large num ber of guests Intending lo spend the night. This pnsada, or Inn, was a one-storied, ram btlnp affair consisting of three rnrms and a veranda sheltsred bv the oveihanglng eaves of a thatched roof All tho I minis were filled with people, most nf them Ivlng on inRts spread on the floor the veranda was similarly occupied In the dim light from smnkv lanterns It was difficult to tell who thie people weie Heiran i onfldent that David was among thrm appealed to the proprietor, a slolld-looklng peon, for Infor mation ' . on have a Yankee here. Senor?" "N'o. Senor " Yankee lame today from Howled' "Vo, Senor " He was l'dlng alone to Bogota ?' "No, Senor.'' "A young man on n bay horse?' "No, Senor " ' Is theie a foreigner here?" ' No, S.mor." foreigner passed bete today on a ba hoi se"" ' N'o, Senor." Caramba. hninlue' Have ,vou ever seen a foielgner here?" ' No ,ve. Senor. ' "Toda.v ?" No. Senor " Hxa'-peraled bv what he tonsiderrd the slupldlt.v of the landlord. Hertan addiessed hi a loud vo'ce the various guests who weie preparing to pass ihe night on such Im pinvlsed beds as they could get for them- SI Iv es 'Sennie, 1 am looking for a oung man. a foielgner, 1 Yankee, who Is riding to llogota on a hav horse He must be here Have jou seen him? ' Theie was a confused nun mm A num ber of the men --at up on their mats and re pentid energetically the landlord's negative. Moiniug fii'ltd In bring the expecteif solu tion of the general dltllculties ' in the bedlam cieated hv burros, hoises, traveleis all trying to make their depaiture from the Inn at the s.inn- eutlv hour, and nil llndlnit th'i plans ilri.ived bv some fault In harness, misplacing of baggage or other Inconveni ence pei u in" lo ,i four-footed c.invejanct time was no sign of the missing David. A nuuiliei of naiive inetehnuts on their wav fiom llogota to the toast who hail lodged at the inn during the night recognized Her ran, and though their gteellngs were eor ibal. too old-time friendliness whs tetnpeied bv the uticei taintv with whhh the average ''oioinhlaii viewed till" unfortunate officer's pan in the so-called Panama levolutlon. As new., of hiv pic.s-mc spiead amnng th de pal ting guests. General Herrsn felt the n straint as well as the disagreeable curiositj w itli whlih In- was tegarded This made his .earch for David more difficult As a neiilt of the little thai he barued he was innvinced that David had neither leaihed nor passed the inn on lil w.n to Bogota In the meantime, nothing isiu'd be galnrd fioin the landlord of the Inn. whose .nte'li geuce was at an evin lower ebb In the morn, ing thr.n on the preceding evening Thi"-gnnd-natuied but fatuous boniface found It dltllcult to sustain a conversation on the most ordlnarj' topics, ami as a result of hi Intel betuiil lahois with him, the sociable Herran was nearlng the extremltj' of misei," when his own paity at lived, seveial bouts afte" the lasi traveler had left the Inn "Ah, j es, Senor General!" gtoaned Colonel Itodrlguez, the bustling Utile ofllier In charge of the men duiing H"i'ian's absence, "we met the vonniteeis. Thej wanted us lo go with them to Panama Thej- waved their flag. Ihey shjutcd, thej made speeche.s. thev cheeied the Fathetland, they cursed the YsnketH, thej said you would lead thun lo the Ihthmus Their little captain, who lode on a burro and talked peon vetj- much, said we belonged to thiin. and Colomhin depended on us It wvys veij- terilble We thought tliej' would inver leave us.' "Did jou meet the Yankee, Don David with them"" asked Herran 'Dor. David' Rut is lie not with jou''" they asktd In letinn "I left him whin we nut those insane volunteers " "Hut, Senor General, thej' said that a joung man it must be Don Dav hi went with jou " "Ah, ctuaiuha ' Then thej' know nothing.'" 'That 1 all, Senor." Then he is Inst, that little fellow He i not with me he Is not II li those canaille unless thev h,d him, or kill him No one has hi en him, he is lost or dead " Having reached ibis dec nlou, there was nothing fuilhei to do except march to Bo gota and telegraph from there the news of David's dlsappeaiance to his friends In Honda (Ci)NTINTKD ToMiiKKOW) WRONG SUBSTITUTES FOR WHEAT ON SALE Food Administrator Warns Gro cer? Aguin to Cease Violations Retail qiotets were again wotned toda.v by the Federal food administration in a circular tailing attention to the continued use, contrary to the new wheat regulations, of certain forbidden substitutes in sales In i biding wheat flour Ailmlnlsttator Cooke gave the giocers the benefit of the doubt by deecilblng this lola t Ion of ordeis as "a serious inifunderstand Ing " He made no threats as to pi naltles for the uuailthorWd 'sale of ceieaK hut re- i, stated that poitloifof the new wheat rules designating the Igale substitutes to be used ill such cases Most of the groteis. Mr. 1'ooke said, vvete still under thv Impiesslon that rice, rolled oats and homliij gills could be hundled ovr the counter as substitutes with pure wheat flour "This Is no! the i asc" Insisted Mr. Cooke "Giocers are not permitted to uv these articles atij' longer as substitutes, and the oniyl ones permitted, at cot ding to the ruling fiom Washington, arc as follows "Coin floui. coin meal, bailej Hour rice tlour. potato tioui. ueet potato flour, buck wheat flour, tiat Hour, peanut flour, bean flour, mllo flour, kaftir flour and feterita flours and meals" HAM) KNITTING TOO SLOW Women of lltiilil ('oinpanv Use Mailiines for Soliliers Three hundled women, employes of the Kdvvaid G Uudd I'ompanj. Twenty-fifth htieet and Hunting Park avenue, organized as tile Tienih Club Au.lllar.v, are perfoi tir ing an essential work for the benefit of the G36 employes of that firm in the seivice. tin Thursday nights the women meet at 3511 Ninth Seventeenth street. In h house leased for their use bj the llllll. and knit muffins, sweateis am wrstlets fer the u.w of the Uudd emploj.es In service Men emplojed In the Budd Manufactuiing Company's, plant contribute the money re ipilred for the purchase of the yarns !.eu 1 Heinz, general manager of the Uudd Coni-panj-. Is the ptesldent of the Trench Auxil iarj. SCOUTS HIG SUGAR SAVERS More Than 800 Pounds Conserved at Cmiip KP"ri conservation puictlced bj Phllade -phla. Boy Sc-ou's at their summer -anip at Ttcasure Island, near Frenchtnvvn, V. .1 , resulted in the saving of more than S00 pounds of sugar H A. Gordon, Scout executive for Phila delphia, today sent a letter to th food admin istrator for New Jersey In which he returned certificates for 650 pounds of sugar saved at the Fcsut camp. In addition, camp offlclaU "DREAMLAND ADVENTURES" liy DADDY THE LIBERTY SPIRIT A rnmiilflc ,,rir ndienfirr ccti irirt;. ticffls ntnu Stonilnu utril tnrlUo Raturdau Hilly Capture a General Uimnllniii Ihtirttlxl irini's fo huy Lib erty linnih fion lllllii lirltilutii and I'PIIIIII. anil the l.ibett)! i plllt t-niMC ilv irlinlr ritnt- to he xtttldrnlll tiiuisiioi tc.l In I'rnnrr 'I heir the llcrntain nchc liln mourn nnrl rue about lo xlioat him, when I'cfiiji) ami III, put the Hani to llluht In liuiliiiji hornets' iicsfn amouu them.) CHAPTER V WHHN Ihe German soldiers tied befoie Ihe attack of the hornets. Jonathan Hsnirist tnod looking after them in a dared sort of waj'. Then to Peggy's illsmaj', he kee'ed over In n sudden collapse The strain on his neives had been too much Peggy shivered The Gentians would be haik in a moment Cnless Jonathan Hnrd flt fb'd In a huirj. he would not get another i hancr Bui ll.ll Belgium was on the job He ran mil of the basement door, and In a moment he hud dragged .Mr llardflst to his feet. He pulled and he tugged until he Rot the stricken man Into the cellar and through t.ie door of the ventilator Then Bllh Belgium inn back' to finish his wink He wasn't going to let the Kaiser have the S"iin una In the Hardfist treasure chest with wh'ch to btiv guns and ammuni tion for h's armj Hlllj Belgium wanted that SlTili.Oliii for I'ncle Sam Billy tiled to drag the. chest fiom the auto, mobile where It bad been plated by the Gei nians In teadliuHs lo be cart led to Berlin, but it was too heavj for him He could not budge II Would he have to leave It for the Ger mans, Hitir all" llillv lielglum had a bead on bis j-oiing shou'deis When be found he couldn't move the chest, he detei mined to move the money and jewels out of Ihe t lust Near the auto mobile stooil the llardflst family garbage can, lecently emptied ai.d ileaneil Blllj' jerked off the cover, and burled Into the can the bags of iiioue.v and gems that fllb-d the chest. Before he finished. P ggy, looking over the top- of the high sbtubberj fiom her post in the attic window saw the German soldleis leiiiinlng Tilth- faces wet swollen and l.iev looked as if they had been through an awful battle The hornets had made it might j- hot for them At any other time Peggj- would hav laughed thej looked so badlv stung But now she was filled Willi fear for Hlllj Bel glum. Despite the risk to heiself If the Ger mans saw hit, she leaned fiom the window to shout a warning "Itun. IJIIIv' The Huns are coining back" llillv slammed shut t.ie empty treasure chest and leaped fiom the auto He didn't have time to reach the bouse, so be popped lulu the garbage can and pulled the cover down over his head A llfle banged below and a bullet "pinged" into the window casing beside Peggy A Hun bad seen her and fired Peggy dodged bark, nnd tan lo' another window where she could see without being seen The Germans seal died t.ie couityaid for Mr llardflst, and were about to enter the house when shouts of alarm dlsti acted their attention The ofllcer ran Into the garden, took a look down the bill toward the west, then ran back at lop speed, Jumped into the auto, started the engine, and with a shouted orilei, drove awaj- at full speed Some of the so'dlers leaped Into the auto, and the others Hid after it Hlllj' Belgium's head lame up out of the garbage can for all the world I'ke a Jack In thebov He looked so funtiv-, Peggj couldn't help giggling. But the glggb- ended in a gulp, for coining up the hill weie more so'dlers a dashing, jelling. lighting bunch Whether friends or foes PeRgj- could not tell "Look out' Jlore soldiers'" she shouted to Billy Belgium He sciambbd out of the can, slammed on the cover, and lied full tilt for the house. Befoie he got there, Ihe door opened and out came the Geinian general In a gleat liur iv He was In flight after his men Billy took one look at the geneial. then quirk as a flash lowered his head, and chaiged into the Hun's fat stomach. "Ach!" giimted the gem nil, doubling up like a Jack-knife, and tumbling over h.ick waid. Before he could catch his breath, Billy grabbed up thp rope- he had Intended to use to lasso Mr. llardflst, and wound Ir around him In a tnce the German leader was a ptisonei the prisoner of Hlllj- Bel glum. tin thr iicj-I chapter trill he lohl how the nirrlfin lolilieis ill ii r the Geimnns hrler-tkelter hefoie them) HOLD REN'EFiT CARNIVAL Falls of 5tlmylkill Raiding Fiiuil fur Wel fare WmL The Falls of Schujlklll Itizens' purloile committee will hold an outdoor carnival to night and tomorrow- night at Hldge and Mid vale avenues. In aid of Its welfare1 work among the soldiers and evadors Music will be furnished bv the F'ire'pen's Band. There will be the usual sale of dolK fancy articles and refreshments. VCeililed Yesterday Morning ' A verv prettv wedding look place jeslci- i dav morning, when Miss Teresa Mcilab. of Jilt' Sunuj-side avenue Hast Falls, became tile bride of .Ml Helbeit Dirvill. 2I Kiel, Chelteu avenu ', Get man own The Itev David Kellj performed the oeie inony at St Bildgei s Human Catholic Cliurvh at ! o'clock .Miss Hose Mellale. cis'cr of tile bride, was maid of honor and Mr ,1 jheph Fii'iiegan ac-ed as best man Following the ceremonj. a wedding luenk tusl was served at tlie home of the bride Mr and Mis Div n will spend . hcii- honej -n, on nt Palm U.-.i a, I'M HI RTHDA Y CONGRATL'IATIONS To GKNKIIAL PURSUING Kiom the MdiiuKe-mi-nt ,,f MAItKirr STP.nET Ab 10TH Tituj ami Tomorrow II tr, M 11 Mt V. M GERALDINE FARRAR IN 1IKR KIIIST GOl.DWYN PICTL'Ilt: "THE TURN OF THE WHEEL" N(kl Wfe-K Mr Plckfunl In 'Johanna Kfilltata" I A T A-tTT" 1-' MARKET ST11E1CT HXI Al r, 10 A M. TO 11 :ir. P. M L lLl-U-l.t-l FlltKT PIIEHKNTATIOV MABEL NORMAND ' 1,KCK ,. exl Wtt-K Madge Kenned) In "Friend Hufcuao-i" A R C A D I A CIIERTM'T IintXJW 10TH l):l.'. . M. 1" i'. 3-S. .'. 41, 7-Jl. .'1(1 P M JOHN BARRYMORE "s T,t.IBr. AduV'l Allrarlitni O. ilnnr'a ' lilrd of Hacdad ' Nl. Wit , Marguerite Clara In Out nf a Cl'ir toky TlfVfXm A MARKBT Ahove. UTH V 1L 1 UK1 A A-M- to 1 1 :w p. u. V 1V 1 Vyil.T WIli yox e Till! KPOCU.MAKINCi PKODl'CTION "The Prussiaii Cur" All-Stnr Cnt. Including MIRIAM COOPER. nrPPMT MAllKHT 8T Below KTH REGbN 1 "In Judgment Of" MARKET BTRRET ATJUNIPKR It A M tn It p, M. CONTINUOUS VAi'ni.'vri t v A. SEYMOUR BROWN & CO. McKAV'ti SCOTCH HIIVIE. OTIIKIty. CROSS KEYS ak irr.wTH "VIOLETS" -,"JnT BROADWAY -TN.,hj.y4. THE 90MPAB.DMENT Qr,WMatatt' -! .mVikm!-',-'r?mtZ-JXLkmmm'i VvII Dfisiaw & wm - a a T" WILL TRAIN GIRL CHAUFFEUftt National Service League anil Aulo Compa i-ian arnooi Ti"'-1. To meet a scarcity of truck driven li cnaurreurs, which will be Increased by new- diaftf an automobile agtncj the nari of which lias not been made public, hai fered to co-operate with the National Leal mm unmans service in PhPadelphja in ( ?.... l, , . ...... . ... .lS - W'-Z 4-fJ Ing nnd training girls for driving trueki;MJ, well as small cars. No charge will b maiiil Tor Instruction ''tVf . ,,v v-.uce. ,,j,-n uciouer i unij- eigns (ftjs:H rlrlu I. .... j , -. ....' Llltij v..,. uc cnieieu in one class, out) mm iffi many classes will be otganlzed as'ar necffi sai-y to accommodate the recruits. fM The lessons will begin at J, 30 a. m. and '.,15 last until After ft n , Th -U1a Mill k taught leiiairinL? ns well drlvlnr. so thJ "',' thej will be thoroughly fitted for emoloy- . ment It was stated at the National lagui for Woman's Service. 1703 U'nlimt uls.e liutr '.,3l pofltlonK aie iotUIe)- asuured Ihe flrU incv iiiuan ineir course. tfrt FORREST Last 2 Evgs. MatlnM TnemeneMi' "A siUAsmjMvi sutJUKab" Inquirer ' M "SURE FIRE HIT"- Klaw A: Erlanircr's C NEXT WEEK -. Seats Now ONE WEEK ONLY TRIUMPHANT RETURN On In to Trfmendous Popular Demand D. W. GRIFFITH'S s"p"? Dsllv Mat... 25c to ft. t KiO. A Hat. Mat . Sf,.- In tt.r.O. "The Moat Wonderful Child Actress I Have Ever Seen" Till! I.OL'NGKK In THB PR Eli A lays of ELIZABETH KENNEDY "PHOEBE PRETENDS" Fl.ri.nor OarVn rtl(Khtfu1 Vw Comfdy. BROAD STREET THEATRE LAST 2 NIGHTS MATINKi: TOMOUHOvV, HU?T SKATS 1,50 Next Week Seats Now Hi mzfflr wmam in i mmmimmmW MM i!)L7 TTMCS EDWAItt) CLAltK'S NEWEST PLAT LusA NOT WITH MY MONEY I A MIJLOIIIIAMATIC COUBDY - W v.itn i.ui'iic vvnison, vvniinm Morris'' And e-thsr Plai-rs of DUtinctlon. 1ARRICK L-"5'. 2 J K.g. b.ib vveei.K Matinee Tomorroi la Kugene VV'altr' -," :' Comedy Druu " S V T J w.i... ... .. " 0 .3.111-tf I j J. " J" ....-. ,.,nj ",'Tr, mi, rilKSa , jj,! fHtr-ADKU'lHA'S I.EADINO THEATWri- , uirrriion i.r.a ( J. J. SHUBERT 9am S. SrHlhorl- Jh1"- TONIGHT AT S3 ... ..7". ..."rn" Loeuat 3t. MATf.i:K HATI'RDAY L winiam j.'.iiioii. V. Hay Comstock Murrla llwt l'reent the VVoilcl's Moat lieautlful J'ltMJuctlon. A MuhIcuI t:xtratt sauza of the um uneni Special Children's Mnt.( llondav, Sept. 16 PERWH17'W sii'autu iiuauom u ; . O'CLOCK i:VOS and 'i O CLOCK AT MATfL MATINEE SAT'D'Y nraj, $1.50 MK8SKS. I.Ki: anil J. J. bllUBGIlT PrMtl - Iklkcfe TV ' ADELPHI i:vi;nings at 8:15 Mats. Thun. A Sat.. -! A SPLENDID .MIVrnOPOIJTAN CAST CHREETr 0PERA HOUSE Mlthla. II r,n, (I 7.V. &Oc Matlne-e-n l nil. T.-s. r.ijc vb.xi.i'lt -iils. ,,nl Hilll3al Ma K 1", Vata 115 VVII.l ' HI KM.IOTT F. RAY COMSTOCK JitOItKIS UUHT M- y 'AMEBJCA't rS UUEATfWT jf'J r&m,vr? ""Saw t I TiHV-' With Orttinal CaantM I P. rournr ir.-iiiii ejiiaimi. U'lth OHrleie.1 PAMuae MAT CATTIDniV -i . uniunnI I, LYRIC - $f.50 Tonight at 8: 151 MAT:SAT. ,' A If WOOD Pr.t, f M Entire Lower Floor -SrMTniJrrrsrii 1. jtsI l-J msssaix & i:iiriffr7wrorvv ' .'fi 51 WVMRilsfav i?' Uy Montague Glaae A Julm Bckeit Ooodnm, Barney Bernard, Alexander Crr And Original New York Company Dance and Entertainment FOR THE BENEFIT OP rnuiri TriDArrin tnTTXTrx mii iuurtvAu ruHU s v Ovrrrcna Cominiiie-e. of ihe Emergency Aid at Pennolvanla - A'TOP THE WALTON ROOF.; KVEKV NIQItT, HEPT. 11 TO U, INCLUirVS, . , S AT O'CLOCK 'J?5! ALtrartiona from all leading I'lilU. Thtatrel Ti-i FRIDAY y AiincvTi t r !nU.WL!ILLU rM Aumisslon, J1.00 f" ..... 1 ...u nt ull l.iln, tin.,!. nn.1 .1.1.-. I-- f 'JM 4Le.v.o . , .... ,.u,r. e,,.u uiaei KenCeyt J& "SKND EM A SMOKE" MKTKOPOL1TA.N OPEUA. 1IOU6B J-jCV TOMOUIIOW EVEXIMI AT Sain P. U. pS FLOYD GIBBON otr the iop with itt ttumbutv DivifliajT TefL.. rrs t aHil tl KA U..- au. isa r- t It Oft Chestnut Kt, hik! Qr fiTmlitiiff B. F. KEITH'S THEATJWrJ MelNTVBR A HRATTI T? Si in "THB MAN FKOM MONTANA" tb ' r4ti eerviiu ,m via, eeez 4- ,r RAF K.I.Kl.NOH HALL t 11RQ , rBAJflt ' TnKMENDOU VABiEtT HH.LI " j, CASINO uBHvTy' WaJnul A lt SL and JACK CTD ANin OBtANTOWN ,VVKNO HIW PIRTHKlaHT ,W TrowKfp. pr ?. tiigfc 1 PflM" atrnm h: fH ". Vsi Jf-Jii JsV t y, ,, iJ7,-? Ji3KWmmmBmmWmVmmMmmmWm1t IVktff ., t A tXi pfiT. i j