Evening' public ledger PHiiiADELpmA Thursday, September 12, iois ipm . -s x ". S.3 Hi I" iwr :) B5- GLI ODIATI AUSTRI ACI SEMPRE SCONFITTI ;Gli Italiani c gli Inglesi Vittori- osi Bulla Fronte Montuosa Published and Distributed Under rr.nMiT No 34- Authorized by the net of Oclabw I, lfllT, on flle at tho rostolllce ot Phila delphia. Fa, Dy order of the President. A. R. HURLESON. . Postmaater General. Rmnn, 12 BOttcmbrc. Dalle notlzle gluntc dal fronto dl bat taglla o da quanta ha comunlcato, lcrl, II. Mlnlstero della Gucrrn, b! rlleva che 11 (ruppo Inglesi, operant! suU'AHl plano dt Aslago, hanno con successo compluta una Incurslono contro lo posl llonl austro-ungheresl, sul fronto delle montagne. ed hanno Inflttto al nemlcn Prrfllte cr-nsldcrovull. OH IngiesI catturarono Bcttantnrttp prlgionterl cd una abbondinto quantlta' dl rhaterlale da guerra. 'Nell'arca dl Monte Asolone le fmzc ltalln.no catturarono pcfllzlonl nemlche o le ,'mantcnnero, nonostanto I lolentl contrattacchl dell'nvcrarlo. OH Itallanl catturarono prlglonlerl Tielle Valll Daone, Area e Ornlc. ed oc cuparono un'lnoletta a slid dl fontc dl plave, annlchllendo la guarnlBlone. II comunlcato ufficlnle, pubbllcato 1'altra sera, reca quanto apprcsso: v "Xella regions dl Dosso Casino, a nord dl Monte AUIsslmo, ripetutl tentatlvl dl nttacco da parte del nemlco, falllrono sotto II noitro fuoco OH au Btriacl sublrono pcrdlto rllevanll. "Nel baclno dl Alano uno del nostrl rlpartl d'lncurslone ragglunsc le Hnee nemlche o dopo aver sopraffatto le sentinelle pose In fuga un forte dlstac- camento austrlaco accorao In loro aluto. II nostro rlparto torno" conducendo seco del prlglonlerl. "Nella Valle Lagarlnn, nella rcglone a. nord dl Monto Grappa, lungo II me dio corao del l'laie, rartlsllerla cd I rl partl In rlcognlzlonc furonu uttlvlsslml. 11 nostro fuoco prooco rciploiltne dl un largo dcposltu nemlt.0 dl munlzoni presso le pendlcl dl Zugna Torto." Un dlspacclo da I-.on.dra nnnunzla cho 11 dlpartlmento della guerra a Vienna ha pubbllcato, lerl laltro, un comunl cato pel quale, mentre l nmmette che le forzo Itallano plnno rlusclto a penc trare ntille poslzlonl austro-ungheresl nel'Bettore dl Monte Asolone, b! dice che le ,.ruppe nustrlache hanno rlstablllto peseta la sltuazlone, medlanto un con trattacco. Un dlspacclo da Amsterdam annunzla che 11 glornale Viennese "Uelchspost" ha pubbllcato un artlcolo col quale si dlchlara che Tagltazlone del Jugo-Slal e I'attlxlta' del rlvoluzlonarl e' talmente accentuate In Creatla che. se la sltua zlone non sublaco un Immcdlato cambla mento, una catastrofo Bara' Immlnentc V Farlgl, 12 settembre. Un promlnento unlclale della Croce Ttossa, glunto In Parlgl dalla Svlzzera, ha. dichlarato che ulrca trentamlla prlglonlerl Itallanl inuolono scttlmanal mente ne campl dl iletcnzlono In Austria, it r mancanza dl elbo e per ma lattle. Rccentemente, dopo Indlretti nej;ozlatl con l'Austrla, parecchl trenl dt Itallanl emaclatl, In maggloranza af tStli i71nf tiihpcnlonl. ulunsero In Rvizzora. Le condizlonl erario tall che ad essi non poteva esser dato he leggiere mmestro e pareccbl I quail nascqstamento aeano rloevUtQ'cJbf sollfll, da donnc Impletosite della; - lord condlzlone, morlrono lm medlatamente. HBforzI'della Croco H-ossa1 Americana Btr accertaro so agll Itallanl prlglonlerl -f fosse dellberatamente Inoculato 11 germe della tubercoiosi, sono riusciti inutiii. Un magglore della Croco Hossa Amer- c: I'HOTOPIAW The Stanley Booking Corporation TUB following theatres obtain their pictures through tho STANLEY Booking ' . Corporation, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest produc .tlons, All pictures reviewed before exhibition Ask for the. theatre In your t locality obtaining pictures through tha STANLKY Booking Corporation. ' ,i i - AIUlUU., lth. Morris & Pasayunit Ave. Alnambra jut. Dally at 2: Uvkj. U:13S. 1.T ' WII.T.IAM FARNUM In "THK UONDMAN'" , IADAI I ( 02D AND rllOHPSON STS. frUlLkJ MATINKr. DAILY UARUAItA CA8TI.BTON 1ft HEnEDlTY,, lADPAniA CHESTNUT Below 16TH AKCAIJIA If) A.M. to 11:15 P.M. f john nAnRY.Monn in i f "ON Tim QUIET" BLtJEBIRD qave. BRbADWAY Brtdot43SnSVr.M?- I ' TMRnA TtATtA 111 A FOOIj THEnB WAS" .. .Wm-Kin MUM HT.. S1AMAYUNK tIVlfili03 MATINEE DAIfcr J- MAUY GARDEN ln "J "THE SPLENDID 8INNER" FAIRMOUNT 20th t OIRARP AV. MATINBE IJA1I.Y ! VD. IV ORIVFITH Presents "THK UKEAT UJVE- CAKIII V TIIEATRK 1311 Market Bt, rAMIl-i I 0 A M. to Mldnlsht. ' aiORIANA BWANSON In , "SECRHT CODE" i?Tft't OT" THEATIIE Below Spruce, DO IT! Oli' MATINEE DAILY 1 CONSTANOn TALMADOE In A PAIR OF SILK 8TOCKINaS" nt3C AT MHDTUPOM Hroad St. .t Erie uruf-VJ. numuwui 2.T&0P.M. u MAK MARSH In "MONKX JIAU'- InICJCDTAI eOTH ft WALNUT STS. liVlrJlirvIALi Mats. 2 :.in Kvira. 70. 'CLARA KIMBALL YOUNO lo I PAHCD 1ST ft LANCASTER AVE. UCJUCJ i MATINEE DAILY THKDA BARA In, "SOUL OF BUDDHA"'' rv H E ' A T R E S 6WNED AND MANAGED BY MEMBERS OF 4XH,E.UNITED EXHIBITORS' ASSOCIATION l gEftw"1; ?2D ABOVE MARKET Pauline' Frederick in "Fedora" i CEDAR 00TH ft CEDAR AVENUE f; DoufeUs Fairbanks ' I'nggSJgy. ,rht.ISFUM'M"ket Bt-80th coth -JROfiOTHY PALTON '" ggF grfl AMIAI Ota- Maplewood Avea. ILtJLJINlLi 2:15 and 8:11 P.M. jfeuline Frederick in "Fedora"' &t fDAWfCnDn 15 Frankford Ave. -t.w mrrw Trfjrr-i tk tinnatMTi In IN PURSUIT OF POLLT' 7 'V l ItfREKA PHOTOPIYH 40TI1 ft MARKET STS ' MATINEE DAILY 'iSvf.'. II irut.. l.afK l H. LVDfet I '.I" JNNOCEN.T" 1 . ' i i i ' i 1S13K' WDPB4AYB. ft DAUPHIN-BT. aw '. ninnn'. 9,: tltUspA tiAKA fj ji -rJ.t-i - M Tf fUl RMDOSMPAnT' jt-m Icana ha dichlarato cho o posIUyo ,Che lo popolazlonl degll Impcrl' Centrall, In vasta proporzlone, non ltanno avuto piu carna dal meso dl gennalo Bcorso. EgU ha dichlarato cho la condlzlonl In Austria ed In Germanla sono dlvenute died votte plu" crltlcho In qucstl ultlml set mcsi. OGGI E" LA GIORNATA DELLA REGISTRAZIONE Tuttl gll uomlnl che oggl hanno rag glunto II dlclotteslmo anno dl eta' o non hanno nltropassato II quarantaseeslmo, hanno 1''MIk dl reglstrarsl per II scr lzlo selcttlvo. Eccezlono o" fatta per coloro cho si Bono rcglstratl In prece denza. Nol slamo certl che gll Itallanl con onesta', coBclenra e con splrlto patrlot tlco, del quale dlcdero Bempro prova, non mancheranno al dtvero che loro incombe e si rechernnno entro la glornnta dl oggl nel locall stabllltl per la reglstrazlone, o slttiatl nel quartlcre ove ess abltano. Tall locall rlmarranno npcrtl dalle oro sette del mattlno alle ore nove dl sera. Tuttl coloro cho si rcglstreranno rlce cranno una carta che attesta l'awe nuta reglatrazlonc, e queRta dovra' es sero custodlta per prcaentarla a qtialun quo ilchlesta delle autorlta' competontl o degll utHclall dl pollzia. Chlunque. compreso lien eta- cno an- blamo sopra detto, non ottempcrera' al ilmoro dl roclstrnrBl. aara' passlbile I nas3lblle I della pena dl un anno dl carcere eu avra compluto II plu' gravo atto dl slealta' o codardl.i erso la Patrla sla d'orlglne, sla dl adozlone. Local Meat Market Tho follow Ine rcnort of the fre'hineat trado In Phlladclnhli la furnished h the local lUe stock and meat office of the nuroau of Markets. United Mates Department of A (Trim i It lira - .1 riinsi! IfRKF Hecelpla moderate: mar- i ket steady on better prod"- weak on com , mon stuff' demand Just fair STKKRS Itecelpts. moderate: averae qualltv common market steady on (rood lie at $J4 to 128, wak on common steers 'i i-'f domind fnlr. , . , , VI5AI. Ttecplots modeTate; market steod at l-'l to 28. demand good , . , POIIK Receipts Punt: mjrket on Boml welnht froen loins firm nt 3(l to J33: de mand Rood . ,i ' I.ASVH Itecelnf moderate:, "'"""i",. "' rumulatlng. market Irrrsulnr: bulk of tholce at -'1 few ton 127' demand slow. ... i MUTTON Itecelpts mroWate: market Blow at 1 to J21. demand llcht rows tlccMpts liberal: market draguy i and wiak nt llil to 122. I j Bank of England Statement London. Sent. 12 The veeklv state ment nf the Hank of Knulnnd ihows the following cliancfB' mini resere in-1 creased .312,un0. circulation lncrcnoed 458.000, bullion Increased 770,534, other securities decreased 414.000; pub lic deposits decreTed 885,000. other de- i noslta lncr.'aed 7 150.000. notes iexere Increased 325 000. Onernment secdrl- j lies lncreasert Tb,4U.uuu. i no :iihiiuuhmi of the bank's reserve lo liability this week Is 17 20 per cent: last week It was 17.65 per cjnt Bank rate la 5 pc cent. I PROVISIONS The market ru'ed firm, with a filr Job- I blni- demand. Qoutatlons follow t Its' beef. In sets, smikctl nnd nir-drled. 47c. western beef. In s'ts smoked 47c. city beef. . knuckles and tenders, smoked nnd air dried 40. western beef knuckles and tenders, smoked. 48c. beef bfcms. 10: pork, family. 13fi14: hams. R. P. r-ured, loose 3334e do skinned. loose. 83W34c; do. smoked. 3, 3(lc, olhnr hnms. smoked elty cured, as to brand nnd neraee 3188c( hams, smoked. ' western cured. SlfitSflc; lo, boiled, boneless, i 4c: plcnlo nhoutdera. S P. cured, loose. Hi.. An cmrlrml 9(lnl KilltX In tllckle aC- cordlnir to averace. loose 30e: breakfaat tncon. as to brand and averace, city cured. 44c: breakfast bieon. western cured. 44c: lard, western. reflnd, 27,t'28c: lard, puro city, kettle rendero 27MW2SC. REFINED SUGARS The market was nulet but firm under light offerlnKs We quoto on n basis of Uc for fine Rranulated DAIRY PRODUCTS CIIRUSE Tho market rul-d firm, with .Inn.nnH nhmrhlnp tho limited OfTprlnCS Quotations. Na York, whole-milk, fancy. fesh 274 c: pnectaN higher: do do fstr to aood fresh. 2727Hcj Wisconsin, whole, milk, fancy, 27e; do, do, fair to cood, i 27i274c. I POULTRY j I.ivn Desirable stock was In Kcod rpquest nnd firm, with supplies well under control Tho quotations: Tow Is. not Leghorns, nc- PIIOTOI'LAtS I I RPR TV BKOAIJ ft COLUMI1IA AV. lilOCr 1 I Matinee Dally THEDA 2UUA In "TUB TWO OKPIIANS" MARlVPT STREET THEATRE ''' ivirvrvn i A. m. to h as p. m. VIOr.A DANA In "THE ri.OWKR OF THK DUSK" MODFf Si SOUTH ST. Orcheatra. llJUCI, Continuous 1 to 11. OI.ADYS imOCKWKI.L In "THE BIRD OP PREY" OVERBROOK 03D &foiaSearvE .m.. DORIS KI1NYON In THE STREET OF SEVKN STABS" PAI APF 12U MARKET STREET MAnnr, normand in "PECK'S BAD aiRL" PRINCFSS ,018 MARKET STREET A?l 8:30A. M. tolllISP. M ,. ' fAii i.r. iiii KWKI.b In "THE BBI.OVED BLACKMAILI t.ACKMAILER" REGENT "Kr, Anna Q. NII.-nnkHn .Farnum In RIAT TD GERMANTOWN AVE. l-Vl1 IW AT TTILPEHOCKEN ST. ONSTANPE TALVADOE In "THE LESSON" RIVOT I 62D AND SANSOM STS. Il V Wl,l MATINEE DAILY MAHOIIKRITR CLAYTON In "INSIDE THE LINES" RURY MARKET ST. BELOW 7TH IX- 10 A. M. to 11:15 P. CONSTANOE TALMADOE In "A PAIR OF SILK HTOCKINC1S" M. SAVOY 12U MA"I"5T STREET ijr VUI 8 A. M TO MIDNIGHT CORINNF. OniFFITH In "THE CLUTCH OF CIRCUMSTANCES" STANI FY MAnKET above ioth OlAINLLI 11URA M. hlliisp" M. ORRALDINE FArtnAn ln "THE TURN OF THE WHEEL1 VICTORIA MAnKET ST. AH. OTH V V:i.r:i OA.M. to 11 :15 P.M. "THE PRUSSIAN CUR" IUMRO ?KONT, ST. ft aiRARD AVE. juiiiuv Jumbo Junction on Frank'aM "L" Sessue Hayakawa '"oFmces' T" I DPI IT 02D AND LOCUST STREETS LVA.UJ1 Mata. 1:30. 3:30. EvBa.0:30toll HAKKY MOKEY ,n "rH" "een 0 GOD NIXON 02D BELOW MARKET ST. WlWJn ;j.,5 T and CHARLES RAY in " nine r" ivrv O'CLOCK TOWN" TFOP. A mn AND VENANOO i, V, X-i AjjJ- Mat.. 16c i Nlfht, 20o oVth. T6 Bth of a Nation" I'HOtOPL.WH STRAND G'n' AV l vn-nr.E.of Broad SESSUE HAYAKAWA . In ''IIIS piRTHRiaHT" THIS program; appears in MORNING-?. ND JCVNING PUBLIC j iH-i- . ,j-M.V. rordlna; to quality. 840800! exceptional lolM hUher. White Leghorn fonlta, 82RHc: fwraii cnire, noj i,cnorni accormnic to quality, 84 it Me i White l.fahorn rhickena, aa to quality, 82W34C. Rooatera. 2Bi!12Tc. I)uck, I'ekln, sprint, 85 33c: dd. do. old, 30fi(3-'c do. Indian nunner, STn20c. Oul neaa. per pair, welihlni, 1HS Iba. apiece, OOcVtl.10: amaller altea. OOsOc. Plcrona. old. per pair, 80S 3 5c; do, soune, per pair, SSSJ80C. FUESH FRUITS Choice atoik Bold fairly and niura ven erally were veil euatalried under moderate ufTcrlnga. Quotntluna' Arplca, New York, nor libl IJucheaa, $803! Alexander. 8 30tf h 7A, Maiden liluah. t.l.nu&H :,o, nrloua ynrltlea, I3BS lid. Applea. VliitlniH, per libl Clrlmea. I5IS7: Jonathan, $70, llonum. nT, Applea, rcnnailvanla, VcHh, per litil l7eoi do, per S-buanel l.nakel 40c ll.'iOi do. per buahel basket, I1W.' l' t'rnb apples, per S-buahel Imaket. II i'TWl nv renra New York, llartlMt, per bbl No. 1, l8tBi No 2, 1 .1004. l'eara N.-w ork. per buahel basket Hartlett, No. 1, l 78W:.' fin; An. No. S, IIOlRll: Serkol. l iiOtts fl()i rienilah lleautv 11 ,infrs,.l(i. rliima. New York, per 4-nuart baaket He no f'laudc, 4njr,1Sc Damaon. 40wr.1c, Jliue HaRe 8'WfiOc. IjcmonH, per box, S .1 4f s Oranffca. California, per box, SA$MO, drapc frult per box Msr.l rineapplea, Florida, Per crate, $4.L'"iff 8 8.V do Cuban, per crate. 14 21W8 21 Orapea. Delaware, per 3 pound hnaket 11lci do California, per box, 113.108 21. Trara California, per box, 1 ft 8 Un. Peachea. California, per box. 28W JI.21. luma, California, por box II t&2. rrunea Norlhncatern, per box, Italian, llltf I 7n Cantatotttiea Delaware, per atandnrd crate, 12 iwts 2 : do, do. per Jumbo crate. J3P3 50, do. do, per pony crate. MW1.71: do California and Colorado, per standard crate. $3."o4: do, do. per pony irate. -2 fln2 7B: do, do, pink menta, per flat crate, fl.00, do, do. whlto rlnda, per flat cjote, II 50 VEGETABLES Prlcea ere flrmlv held on choice stock of tnOt MeRrHntlnna nil! , AmmrmnA fulrli- n n I . m Quotations' While potatoea Eastern shore! per bbl No i, 4fi: No 2, 2s in ."!... ," n ,n. r.,a,?e"'.. 'rjy. ..per -hiiMhAt iinn,ri.n 1. Stfffll IK- Vn o fiiiff?-.. imf pniaioes jersey, per niMb ltnc No. 1, !4Ff4t!0: No 2. $2 7ft8T3 Wblto potatoes. Jerae, per 100 lba. J2MI!i,t &."IftaC?'2,"' Jersey, per basket No. I, 81 nT1.7(ii No 2 7ficliJH. Sweet pota toes. NC. per bbl No. 1. 14 SOWn, No 2 St fiOW2: Culls II. Hwcet potatoes. Kaatcrn Shore, per bbl No I. Ii..1(ifl7, V? J!...1,W3 J-ettuce N Y.. per crate JJciiJJI.Co Celery, N. Y.. per bunch l.lWT.Oc Peas N. Y.. per bushel basknt Jlif2.i0. Cahbare, N. Y, per ton S11W 88. Onions. Jersey. j.er -bushel basket 1 i til a p nusnei namper NUcGp do, per 100-lb ban 2.1ia2.10. The Colonial MARKET AND ANNOUNCES THAT IT HAS The Federal Reserve System OUR APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP WAS MADE IN ORDER THAT WE MIGHT BE OF BETTER SERVICE BOTH TO OUR CLIENTS AND OUR GOVERNMENT. WM. FULTON KURTZ, PRESIDENT. EVERY corporation (forciRti or domestic) doing business in the United States (and not specifi cally exempted) is required to file with the Collector of Internal Revenue for its district, on or before September 30, a Capital Stock report for purposes of taxation. We ha.c issued a booklet containing; the revised regulations RoverninR this taxation. A copy of the booklet and of Tax Return Form 707 (for domestic corporations) or 708 (for foreign corporations) will be sent on request. The services of our Tax Department in the solving of any taxation problem may be commanded without charge. The National City Company CorreiPonient Open in Thirty Cilits Philadelphia 1421 Chettnut Street Telephone 555 Locust Bonds Short Term Notes The United. States Expects Every American To Stand by the Flag Subscriptions will be received now for the FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN WHEN, AS, AND IF ISSUED To encpurage early subscribers, this JBank will issue its temporary receipt for full-paid subscriptions, bearing interest at the same rate as the new , bonds, until the date of issue of the new bonds. THE BANK OF NORTH AMERICA 307 Chestnut Street 0 Philadelphia Founded 1781 ilfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, , i .. i Safe-Deposit Vault Wc invite our customers to avail themselves of our Burglar Proof Vault for tho storage of Secur ities and other valuables, for which there will bo no charge. As an extra factor of safety watchmen arc cm ployed both day and night. Frazier 6- Gbi BANKERS Broad & Sansom Sts., Phila. Trust Company OTH STS. BECOME A MEMBER OF (w&s: E 211 E. German St., Balto. I i 1! Federal Tax on Capital Stock Acceptances . i ,, rmmmm t,kovt, Anvr.BTinKrmfra fr?, KSTATII OF WILUAM n. nARNES, lUSf ileceasfil Letters of administration on the nboa estate halnir been granted to tho uiidorslcned, all persons indebted to the said estste are requested to mnke payment, and those h-wlng claims to present tho same, without de.ay, to MARTHA S. BARNES. Or to her attorneys, JERB I. CROWLEY. WILLIAM A, ORAT. l:0b-l 2lVldnernid 35 K8TATB OP HELEN R. 11ACON. - deceased Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to tho undersigned, all peraona Inrteiited to tho said estate are requeated to makn payment, and tons havlnp: claims to present the same, wlthout'delay. at the office of the Corpora tion executor. 4m Chestnut st Philadelphia. JOSEPH T rtt'VTIN'Cl nnd , THE PROVIDENT I.IIT AND TRUST CO OP PHII AI'-1 PHIA ASA S WINCI, President. Or their nttornev, Executors. THOMAS R WILLIAM" Est , nnn Drexel Bldg Phlln IKSr ESTA1K OF MAIIY W. t'OI.LinVY I -& Letters testnmentars on tho nbnvo ' I estate having been granted to the under- .ia.i '. -nn I-J.l.1,.1 n fl.n ..1.1 na. I tate aro renuested to : make ra J ment. and thos hnvlng claims to pris.ut the same without delay, at tne onice or tno corpora tion etecutor. 4nn Chestnut st Phlladcl nhli itnnFitT ii rtMrn ' the rnovinnvT liff and trust co or piiiLAiir.t riitA. ASA S WINO. President. Or their nltorney. Executors CHrMTPH V. FARR lr I 101R IVnl Estate Trut IIMg . Phlln ANVl'M. Mrr.TINOO , I'IIILAI)KI.PIII RAPID TRNIT CO. , (Jencrnl Ofllce. Bth nnd Daunliln ts. 1 Philadelphia. August 20 1918. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS . The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders nf the Philadelphia Itnnld Trnnlt Conipnnr will be held nt the (lenrral Office of the i Company. Bth nnd Dauphin sts , on lvednes- na, sepiemocr in, luin, in ii au a, m for the purpose of election of Dlrrctors for the ensuing four cnrs nnd the transictlon of such other business us m ly como btforo the meeting The lleenril of Stockholders will be taken nt the close of business on August 29, 1018. I Transfer bnnUs will remtiln nnen NOTF No business w'll be tnnsictcd on Wednesday September 1 UMR The meet ing will he adnurnert to meet on Wednes day. Oftnber HI, Mitt. n n SFt "nt tin r secret rv IPECIM, NflTlCFt MMIKKT STREET TION l. IIK I'lillndelnhla t a stated meeting of the Unird of Directors, held tills dn. Mr William P Slnnett. Vice President nnd Cashier, re signed the latter ofllce tn devote himself to the duties of VUe President Mr. Fred F. Spellssv heretofore Assistant Cn shier was appointed Cashier WILLIAM P SIN.SETT Vli e President. Fidelity Trust Company Capital : $5,000,000 Surplt'3 $16,000,000 Dnuntnwn Oilier: llroul Mreet Odlre: 3t S3I Chestnut St. ,N. K. nr. nf 43-ilS . Fourth St. Ilroml 4 ( hestnut MUSIC 7olera-Uelin Philnclelnhln iC1" Musical Arnrlnm 1017 Snruee St.. pi.iij.i.i 0Cm" T-mltient rncuttv. mnrlprn ,nnir.n,An. j, Charlton Lewis Murph. Manjclng Director! nNciNo Hi COUTISSE7, SCHOOL. Mlrronrd tndloa 1520 Chestnut Ht Dav & Eve Locust 310J A TlIACHMt I OR l.VKKV PUI'IL tl'MMI It III sniffs Ari.NTic vnx. . j. Westminster J..""l.Uch 'r1" '' .' rJ '"'h' runnlnc water. 112 r.O up wklv.; 2 iQ up dally Chaa Ituhre Seailjs. Alinrn, Robert Alt xnnder, Robert Ilancroft, Joseph Kastert. Georto Heale. Anna M. life:' Amelia HiBler. Charles A Campbell Marv M Cirlln. William C Claxton. Robert 11. Conway, HrldKet K nr ev Harrv -D'sston, Albert 11. I'lUEhlTtJ. M E Driver. loseph I'dse. Marv Helen 1 Tidt'll, Helm i Tre ih M tr A (Irav, Irene Mm Cuv, Lewis M Hamilton J me E llunmond. Prlllp J. Hart Anna Hopkins. Mary J llurlev Marv Tohnson Justus tones. l:m ibelh 1 elh Ji rt mi th 'vrmllir i:ii7abth J 'v'err. William Kltt. I'eirr Cruse. Fr ink viinimerlln Elsie A Hartlev, Fenton S ILirtnun, Hester Harlni tt. Tames t . Lorlmer, Walter A. i ons Marv A MeCaffrev. Wm O McCouchl, Mar MontEomfrv Charloa Morris Sallle E Morrow, Willi un J Murrav, N, llle A Vurra Thomas P Niale. Lellll.1 II Ni Iscm Isabella Mchols. Ann Nlnniver William Ore. Joseph W Pasroe Kdw ird II Peters Eleanore Hand ill I ranklln S Hellb. Patrlik Ht liter. Herman Hhhardson M Sihiuh Anna Doroth Sllverlhorn John oudci V trv A StalKer, Alary stalev . John Slefanou Ii A'fred Stein. Wain r M Sforey, Urulfnril W. Thomas lhniv c enler, I'uRene H Vinton Frank L. w auni r Ann i Will. Johanna M ALCORN Vlt .100 VocIrps st Sept 10 '"OIIEHT. husbind of Eintni Aliorn Rela tives and frWnds, Denver IkIkp No o, 1' and A. M, Denvtr. Col, nnd Olrard Retail Grocers' Asso Invited tn services Sat , 2 P m Oliver II Hair llldg , 1SJ0 Chestnut st. Int Arlington Cem ALEXANDER suddenly. Sept. 10 ROR ERT. husband of Marv Alexnnder Iteli tlves nnd friends, Caledonia Lodge, No 700. I O. O. I , Continental Council, No 71, Foresters of Amirici. Scottish Thistle Soci ety and members of Hethany Hrotherhood Invited to scrvlie" Sit 3 pm. 1S11 S Cetll st. Int Fernwood Com l'rlends mav rail Frl 8 to 10 p m. HANCROl'T. Sept 11 JOSEPH HAN CROFT. Helatlves and friends invited to funeral services Mon 2 10 p m. 1.120 Adams evo . Frankfortl Remains mav bo vievve.ll sun eve int i;isi uenar ii ii ; HARTLETT On Sept. 12 IIAHTI.KTT nireil 7a Servlcts and Inter ment Kistern Marjland. . , BASrKitT Sept 10 OEOnOB. husband of Mary A Bnstert aged 72 Helntlves and friends Invited to services, Frl , 2 3tf p m . 80s s Cecil st Int private HEALK, Sept 0, at Mathlaa'a Home ANNA It., daughter of llto William A and Eliza M Beale Relatives and friends In vited to funeral, Frl . 10 a in , residence H R. Snvder. 4820 N 13th st. Int. North wood Cem. Remains may bo viewed Thurs , S to HI p in. Auto tuneral BEE. ent. Ill AMELIA wife of JoVll Beez. aged 0,1 Relatives and frivnda In vited to funeral servlcea. Sat., 2 p m.. 2014 Ettins st. Int private, Northvvood Cem HIOLER Sept 11, CHARLES A BIO LER, M D . aged 0U Relatives and friends invited tn funeral aervlces. 2001 N 13th st . Sat , 2 10 p. m. Int. private, West Laurel Hill Cem CAMPBELL Sept 10 MARY M. widow of E Johnson Campbell Relatives nnd friends Invited to services. Frl. 2 p m. Oliver 11 Hair Hide ls.'d Chestnut at Int prlv-ite. West Laurel Hill Cem CARLIN. Sept WILLIAM COSTER CARL1N husbind of Rose, son of Kathrvn S and lato Edwin Car'In nged 2(1 Rela tives and friends all nrganlratlons nf which the deceaseil was a member Invited to at tend funcrul services Frl . 8 p m . 4.11 E nl .. .,tl n.lv-la Un. IV.,1 'nraru inf un. ciuiiu &,... u,,, ,,w. I.ntirel T1I1I fern CLXTON Suddenly Pep 11, ROnERT BETHELL CIAXTON Services nnd Int private CONWAY. Sept 8. BRIDGET CONWAY fneo Short) wife of John Conway Hlf tlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Frl 8.30 a. m. 2217 rrderal at Solemn hltt, mass of rcnulem St Chsrles Borromeo' Church 10 a. m Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral T- isvt vsl' . r n saa nasi mitimapina ehascr- No 2M IIARUYtC DENVEY. son of Edward and tiura jicnnev l.ui s -u si Hmlf flnis-i rc DO' aiiFKi l iPDl. JW MUl I 11 a -I DOl'ailKnTV (n?e Conner). 010 8 4Sth M widow of I.aw renca u Dougherty. Rela f Lireaand frlendalnvlted to.runeraf services Frl.. 3 n in . Oliver H Hair llldg. io.o Chestnut st int privaie. DRIVER Sept lo. JOSEPH DRIVER Relatives and friends Invited to funeral 503 State st . Camden. N. J . Krl , 2 30 p. m Int, llarlelgh Cem. Friends may call Thura . 7 to 0 p m EDGE Sept II. MARY HELEN (nee Se- ,m txlfn nf E.lvvln Edge. Relatives and i"."". ."... . . . ,.. n a.. mends invlteu lo lunrim services, rn . - m iriri.ue ..... Vr( Phlln.lelnht.i int private. .. .:. c-n to ovtiwi ...iA .1 Edward J. Ensell Relative, and frlenda In- vlted I to fumral servlcea. Krl., 2 p. m., daughter's residence. Mr. W. T. Ronlne. 11013 Chestnut t. Int. Fernwood Cem Auto funeral , ,, , . . , r IliiAli -nuiui eiiiy ui e-ain) eiaj i o, N J. Sent 11 MARV A . wianvv' or vviinam Freaa (nee Ilaumgardner) agea e. Due no tice nf flipersl VlM P e-lven. ORAY Sept 10 IRENE MAY. wir of Robert J Oray and daughter of lata Theodore- and Luelnda Reed Relatives and frlenda. Woman's Loyal Moose circle: Camp No 31. P. O of A., Invited to funeral aerv. Icea Yr. - n m . 01T N 12th at. Int. North Cedar 11111 Cem. Remains may be :.i!-..,irt Thnra after 8 n m vlf?..TnuJ.J.l.V.finV ir-rr-wia vrin ma niiAY aged 00. Relatives and friends inVlted to-funeral .ervlees, Krl.. 10 . m rimiiuic. i a. jui. In Frame. nmWAW Killed In action July ll Corp THOMAS PAUli ORENNAN, I on of Mary T. ana tn late i.augnun urn nan aged 27, Relative, and friend. In vited to' aol. high mas., Mon., at tho Churcn of the Tranaflguratlon. BSth and fmjtmr av at 10 ft, IO. liti trnw -.rient 9. JAJH R.. widow ' -j Tboaaa . HaoUltoa. acta VU. ntuvci t Tboaaa U. HmlUon, ued go, BtUUvci asru ., .iriitin,. ...... ......UD . -- . . Most IO 1 IVCUCemer Pill rtUUi to attend memorial services on Sun eve. a m mi '"' Sept. 13 at the Abigail Vare M K Church ""?. Anr),0s Sept 10 MAROARETTA Movamenslne ave. and Morris st . at 8 1 l""A"nla0: of Ilsrry i Hlrhardsnn Fu- "DISSTON-At Atlantic City. Sept. 11. "eral service, 323S Chestnut t . Frl. 11 ALBERT II DISSTci.N Relatlws and a. m Int Er""",. awa nnnoTJtY frlenda invited to funeral aervlces Sat. PCHAUR Sept f ANNA HOROTHY " - tTO.r:" "V.-. ?'", ?"Lrf.8 ?"Jf"ir fni aVlv-'aSd frl?nd Inv'lted to tv. liretninaii uun um ... uk. -.4- DEATIIH and friends Invited to funeral. Frl . 2.30 P. in. 1027 N. 11th it Int. convenience of family , HAMMOND Sept. 8, PHILIP J., aon of latp I'aptnln Philip J and Margaret Ham mond Funeral, to which relatives and friends, riggers of Crams' Shipbuilding Co , InMted, t-at , 8 a m , 211 Heed st Solemn mass of requiem Churcn of Sacred Heart 0.80 r. m Auto service. HART Sent n. ANNA utdow of Michael J Hart Relatives and friends InMted to funeral I'M, 8 3(1 a. m a Packer place rear 127 Florist st . near 2d and Race), solemn mass of rcnulem St. Augustine's Church in a. in Int. Holy Crosa Cent. Auto service, II VUTI.r.V Suddenly, at Ilasonne. N J. Sept. tl. TENTON S son nf Mirnrrl M nnd late Jnsenh Hartley Relatives and inenns. empioves Atlantic Rennlmr Co, rt"..lMl,0rlTnnon?nCi?"mn M..IIr,li.. url ?.h.r- n.,' im cr-.i e.fn.i -4tn ' ,nt' wim in nine mothpr'a rr Mt Morlnh Cem Auto funeral HART.MAN Sept II. HESTER HART 3IA Ilelstlves end friends Invited to services Mon 2 n m . Oliver 11. Ilnlr " Mb tjr Chestnut at Int private Kindly omit flowers New York city papers rd'aso copy. 1 1 in 1 ITT -Nildd .TI V Rnt n nt Al. 'antic Clti N J JAMES L HAltTNETT I uneril brother resident SIS N TUni?. gold st Frl n m Private I , HOPKINS Sept tl. MARY J HOPKINS , (nee Harrison), wlfo of Reuben J Hopkins, I aged 2" Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Frl a p m, husband's residence, 1(127 N. Hutchinson Bt Int. nreenmount Cem. Ttemalna may bo viewed Thurs . 7 to 0 p m . HURLEY Sept 11, MARV widow of John V Hurley need 40 Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral servlers Sat 2 p tn 13M W nittenhouse st . Oermantown Int private. Remains may bo viewed Frl eve. JOHNSON "Sept 10 JUSTUS husbind of Aurora II Johnson (nee Meredith), nged on Relatives and friends Exrelslor Lodge, No 401. r nnd A M Palestine Chapter No 240, Roinl Arch Masona, St. John'a f'nmmandcr. No 4 K T , rmnlojes of llaldvvln Locomotive Works Invited to serv ices l'rl . 2 p m 541 Mohnwk ave , Nor- MArt.l Pn T. STf Itnrl.l. f-nm IM.nil. mav cnll Thurs eve , 7 to It p m I JON'ES Sept II, ELIZABETH, widow nf John r Jones ngi d 71 Relatives nnd I friends Invited to funeral services Sat . t ' ui,v. resiaence or son in law jrvine i' I'll I'arker st Chester Ta Int 'Chester rtnrnl Cerr friends mac lew re- rmma e Tl 7 lo It p. m. Kni,I,y On r,t 1" Intl. nt nrllctnn. N' J , .li:itBMIAH. huhnnil nf Inte KI171 I eth Kellv (nee Pace) netatlep and frlnrta lnlteil to funrnl on nt morn nt S 10 o'rlork from lite realilenr 711 Mover st Henulem mini Churrh of llolv Nltno 10 o'rloek Int Ht Dcnla's Om Anlmnre KKNDIO Sept 11 KI.lAHnTIf .1 KHNllln. nireil 7 Funeral rea!nn(e of nrphfw, John K Ilnnwork 2(1 2tl ae,. Coateavllle, Ta , Sat Mtet nt housu 11 a m Int prltate KHltlt Sept 11, WII.t.IVM huibnnd nf Kmnm tnee Sternl. aceil 7J Il"latle and frlendu. nurllora cf the 114th IteKlment nf Pa Volunteers anil members (1 A H . Ke atnno Coumll of Matlonarv IlnKlneers in lteii to funernl aerlce Snt , 'J .10 p m. 31JJ " 17th Bt Int prhnte MrT Sent 11. PUT!:!!. Iiuahnml of late Anna Mario Kltt. HBeil SI UelatKei anrt frlenili lnlted to funT.il Mon. s a m 144'! N" 'JSth st. Illeh miea St I.uilwls'n fhunh 0 a m. Int New Cathedral Cem KIll'SIl Sept n. THANK husband of Mirv Krue tnp rer(rii"on1 HelitHea nnd frlnnda i:ur. Ua Council. No 1H2, r of A Voln Trlhe. No 17 I O. II M emptnea of llnnrv Hltner Sons Co . nil other nrjnnlza tlonn of uhleh he waa a member. Invited tn funeral aervlres Prl . 1 .10 p m . 21111 Cednr at Int North Cedir Hill Cem Auto fu. nenl Itomilns ma be leed Thura eve. KlTMMRRMNd At -.411 Webster t Sept 10 r.I.SIi: A wife of Charles Kum morllnir and daughter of lato "William J. and Marv J Watt Helatlves and trW-ndl In ltPd to perleeq rl . 2 n m . Oilier II Rilr nidir . 1S2II Chestnut st Int private i Krlends m iv mil lion Chestnut st , Thurs ' irve IlIHMUr I MI1H. need irn -Sept 10 WALTER A I.OIU- iced "7 Reluives nnd fr'.nds In- vlled to funeral servlets. Frl. 2 .10 p ni . 11(10 Stratford ave. Melrnsg Park. Pa Int PrLWNS Sept. 0. MARY A . widow of , Patrick LonP Reiatlvea and friends, nlso ' I e irue or l"e S icren Heart n v. M. "o- dallty nnd Rosary Society of St Aeatha's , Church. Invited to fun.ral Frl. 8 30 a m . .1S-.J lteno st. Solemn mass nf requiem at ' st Catholic Cem Auto service I MiCAFntEY. Sept 11. WILLIAM O McCAeTHEY. aeed 47. Relatives and. rrlvnils mvltea to runeini services, nav . -p in , 3J0 Tearl tt . Camden N J. Int private. Triends may call l'rl , 7 to 0 p m MiCOUCHlE Suddenly. Sept 11, MARY. wifo of John McCouuite Relatives and friends O. I A to II of I. E , New Cen tura Dlv No 211. of Phlla.. Invited to funvral services Trl 2 p in . funeral par lors W A Dunlap HUh st nnd Talrmount ave Remains may bo viewed Thurs. eve. Auto service MONTGOMERY Sept 10, CHARLES. liu&hand of lite R.becca J. MnnlEomerv, nud aJ Relatives and friends also Zonnh Trlhe No 44. I O I M , are Invited to services Sat . 11 a m . at 7lJ Tine st Int HlllFiile Ocm Remains miy bo viewed 1 rl 7 lo 'I p m ..,, MORRIS Suddenly Sept 11, SALLIE E wife of Joshua W Morris Residence. 2132 S 13th st. Duo notice of funeral will be slven Delaware papers copy MORROW - Sept 10. WILLIAM J. hus band nf lato Jane K Morrow. Relatives and friends. Sons of Joshui, I. O I. . No .11 empioves of Powers WelBhtman-Itosen-Karlen Chemical Woiks. invited to funeral servlios Sat . 2 30 p m . .HI." Alnslle st . Falls of S"huvllilll Int I.everlnglon Cem Friends miv call Frl eve Auto service. MVltlUY Sept 11 NELLIE A . wife of AuKUitlm S Murrai and dauuhter of late Peter anil Elten Finep-in Relatives nnd friends also II. V. M S-xlalltv of St. Eliza beth s Church Invited to funeral Sat . SKI a m husbands resid.nce. 101. N tlrnt st Solemn rmlllenl mass St Llbra liith'H Chunh 10 a. m Int llols Sepukhru Cem Auto funeral . ..,.n MURRAY Sept 10 THOMAS P MfR RAY. son of Into Thomas and Mary Murr-iv Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral, sat 8 10 a in 12TS Dunton st tnear Front st and Glrard ave ) So emn re quiem mass Church of the Immaculate Con i.ptlon 10 a. in. Int Old Cathedral Cem Auto funeral VEAI.E LELILIA TI. NF.AL. wife of Otev Nealo Helatlves and friends invltert to fi'ieral services, ,1!20 Vino st , Thurs , S NEUSON. At Ttuffalo. N. Y Sept. tl. ISAHELLA NELSON Services private, residvnen J. Sarsent Price, Jr. Int. Ivy HI" Cem . ..... ,, , NICHOLS Sept 11 ANN, widow nf IIenr Nichols need si Helitlves and friends Invited to funeral services Mon . . ... Il,.ull.lr.n u.n ami VeInh rOOll IIU llfton Philadelphia Int. private St Jamea's !"". ";,""V "i.vi.n.f. mav call Sun, VIEMEYER S-ept 0 WILLIAM NIE MEYEIt. husband of lHjab,",,ll,1N,'rn"eI (nee Heeler) aeed, 01 Relatives and fliends. members of German I.v angelical Lutheran Eminuel Church 4th and Car venter sts . Invited to funeral 1 rl J P. in . (lljl Shelbourne st . Lawndale. Int. slrlcllj '"'ore' Sent. 11 at Homeopathic Una. pltal Camden. N t . JOSEPH W ORE. Rela Ives and frl. nds and the various or Bnnlsitiuiu of which he was um.mber. In vited to funernl services Sat . 1 1. m . i ll-m-Mi V 1 Int O'd Cnmden I'eni PASl'lllj much in nvviuii. ,''':. ---. Ill EDWARD II PASCOE. In his 3.1th vear. son of the late Edward Bonsai and Mary ''PETERS -suddenly. Sept. 10 EI.EV N'ORE PETERS (nee Sharpe), wlfo of Raj mond I Peters aged 18 Relative, and friends Invited to funeral sorvlies fa.it.. 1 P m. Pirenta reaidence. 2031 N Randolph st Int private Remains may be viewed i rl . t in p m Auto iun.rai Citv. aviia lih riiii I" . o .. N- J ritANKLIN S. RANDALL aged 73. Relatives Tand friends Invited to Int Frl "llpm. North Cedar Hill Cem.. Frank RF.ILI.Y Sept 10 TATR1CK, aon ol Winifred and late P Thomaa Rellly for ':.'.'- iim t,-iu,enrth st. and grandsor Mate (lecrge and Catharine Hopklna Rela Ives and friends Invited to funernl Mon 30 a in residence nf brother- n-law. P. J " ..w ti--i.ll ..i a ITirrh ritnii n ' ) riuenn 7n I'ftSCnail mr. 1IB" requiem masH St Clfmeiit's Church 10 m mt n,rir;rT?"t 5SddnU PPt 10. IICRMAN , t,,..Vn.i of Mario UMiier (ne Hnn- I nVi-rl aced ill HelntUes and lrlfnd alio tho men of the Holv hamlly or m IJonaxcntura'a Churrh St I-onaxentura!. Tlna-f)plnl ASO lOUri J-rmr ui .nimn No 'Ol? F of A and Phlla and Reading H,U "eiu'i.cr."' ,,'"" ....'- ,,' Frl V. nona en uras Church II 10 11,1, iiiNinu ruii ,,- ,.,- funeral services. Frl 2 p . m.. parents' resi- ite ce S'.40 K St. int. private ; jviorin eeoar lilll 1 Cem. Remains may be viewed Thura . - I" - .. , in tni.f l . hlLVIlRTliu. u .. . .,. -.. ranu "i .."',' '. --: ' ..iia. Invltert l e.,1 ?- , c.i o n m . 1110 Mlllvr St. Int leeiaiivre ." '"l'"..:."---. -" -r private. Remains may bo viewed Frl.. after 7 ?nlllER. Sept. 10 MARY A. widow ot Charles Souder. aged 70 Relatives and mend, invited to funeral Frl. 8 30 a m. 4"l Klngsesslng ave ., Solemn requiem mass a-! theWureh of the Vl.at.or , ... m. Int. -. .w.,, nhureh or ina , oi '",. a-i rem ' NeW Cathedral t fill . STAIOER Sept 10 MARY, wlfo of n ' ui.im. fnen lilndlevl aged nR Itela , tuc and friends Invited to funeral servlcea I Frl 2 P. m.. nsinnn pvko at Tacony. .'rends may ra 11 Thurs 1 30 1 to .0.30 p. m. ,mt Oreenmount Cem Auto service, I STALEY Sept. 11. 43n N 0th at. TOHN, husnano OI r.li..'.'. riniey, agea 77 Duo nollCO OI lunerni ui ue mvfn. STErANOWIl-'Z nepi in Ai.riicjna8nn of Julia and Ludvvlg Stefannwlei aged 8 vears 3 months and 3 (lavs. Relatives and friends also achool children of tho Tjn. dal Annex Invited to funernl Rat so n in . Ptvrenta' reaidence. 3307 S 22d at. i.t l!oly Crosa Cem Auto service STFIN Sept, 10. at Atlantic City, N, J , M., huahand of Emma T Stein I WALTER M., huenand or hltrnia T Stelr J -A 'nlh.V aged 87 Relative, and frlenda . Manufacturer.1, Rptai .Enlner.' and . Athletlo C up.. Fnna. jy". Tjcn. . ncai?e?vA'..V."''.VViHr. ..""" '" Aclette. of which he vva. a llffm all oinr wcif"; ,""r-i ' twr. Invrllea to funeral. Sat, p. m.t atua Sem. Auto uac n. ". hliiREY At Mt Hollv, N. J.. Sept. 8, BRADFORD W. STOREY ae 10. Relal tliV. and frlenda. Mt. Holly Id. No 11. F. and A M. Invited tn fcner.l. M Cherry t., Mt. HOIlyj, . J.. Tt.i a . m. -int. if Uolly IW. irKui. wir wu tain, te. DKATHS THOMAS. Suddenly. Sept, 11. HENRY C. THOMAS, aaalstant chief engineer of Palrmnunt Park. Notice of funeral later. TURNER.' Sept. 11. JAMES TURNER, M T, D , aged 02 Relatives and friends Invited to services, flat,. 2 p. m , at 417 N. J3d st, Int private. VENIER Muddenlv. at Weston. W. Vs., Sept 9. EUORNE It., husband of Nellie Wnler Relatives nnd mends, William C, Hamilton Lodge, No S00, F and A. M.s T II Freeman Chapter, No. 243: Mary Commandery, No. 30, K. T.i Lu Lu Temple, A A O N M. S., of Phlla : Thlla, Lodge, No ,11, i, o O, M.I Maumeo Tribe, No. qui T n Ti t . iir..hin.inH r.-n.n Um non P O S of A : Fraternal Patriotic Amerl lan Council. No. 30, all other organizations of which Im was a member. Invited to at tend funeral. Sat , 2 p m , 2017 W. Olrard nve Int, Mt Peace Cem. Remilns may luo "' Frl eve Auto service. VINTON Sept. II, FRANK L. VINTON, """ " Helatlves and friends Invited to iuiin.1 priinr., r , , 11, , no ti , iiiii st , Cnmden N J, Int. private. Monument Cm , Phllndlphla WAONER Sept. 11, ANNA (neo Frel. ling) wife of Frank Wagner. Relatives and friends, members nf Csmp No Ol. P. O. nf A . Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 rvm.. 14 W Norrla st. Int. Oreenmount Cem. Au'o funeral WILL Sept. 11, JOHANNA M. WILL (n-o Arnold), widow of John F. Will. Rela. Uvea and friends Invited to funeral serv ices Frl ,3pm, son's residence, 4130 N. 7th st Int private. Mt Peace Cem. ..n-l ..!. tll A . 1.4 T T.U LOST AND FOUND IIRACELET Lost, diamond bracelet con. talnlng ir diamonds, platinum mounting. Return J n. Caldwell 1 Co, Chestnut and o iinil'pr his WALLET Iist Sunda evening center of town iiihck wallet containing moncv classlfliatlon card reporter's police card etc. Reward V Reher. reporters' room Public Ledger, Independence Square. HELP WANTED FEMALE (Other fliissinecl Ads on Tage 2) ...A.rr.,'T ron PATRIOTIC Kr.HVICK LMTKI1 STATKS QOVKHNMCNT WORK YOUNO WOMEN WANTED Trom 17 tn a-, jeara of ase Married or alnttlo Tleeome Rn essential worker Tie "'the girl behind the man behind the gun No experience Is neces sary. Assured steady advancement. Permanent work. 0 PER WEEK rin.ST 4 WEEKS 10 10 to $12 per week within the next few weeks with rapid ad vancement thereafter. SPECIAL ADVANTAfins Meals served at cost, nnnlveranrv pay ments slek benefits vnritlona with inv. 7 tn 8 houra length of work ing day, Applv week-davs S 10 n m to (1 n m EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT main; opricB . Philadelphia Mlaa M. D Iljan. l3t Arch at. 11RANC1I OPPICE Miss 0 Smith , PHILADELPHIA 40(1 Market St. nnANcir office . obrmavtown Miss r R Zlncol, 20 W. Chelten nve. I1HAVCH OFFICE Miss W (J nelllj. CHESTER TA. 20 i: Trth st THE HELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA HILL CLERK nnn who ran nn.r.l. r. r Smith t'P'-wrlter advancement assured Almh 211 S Mh at ,,0P'$'lK.rErR rOU APfnitNTINfl DE , "TM IJNJ . ooon WAfir.H TO STA11T i; ';;;;"' "'.' ''''"' ''..'".':..'?.'-;" I A'.UVilM- ACPI'I-TO MR. WIEST I y ii.;u.i umviii "JKr . PUiu.ic l4'n"'-" "Til AM) CHESTNUT STS . HOOKKEEPERS A 1-vrRO flnanclil Institu tion has several vacancies in its audit de partment: experienced bookkeepers from 2.1 I" 31 with some knnwlidco of auditing pre ferred Applv. stating age experience and Hilary expected P 424. Ledger Office BOOKKEEPER A large corporation la lr. need of a capable bookkeeper, atats ei nerlenee education, salary, laat employer, nox It 304. Ledger office BOOKKEEPER bv Kensington manufacturer for statistical and accounting work: must be experienced nulek and accurate: state euiai. i"n, -ii i- in, l.eoger UtriC BOOKKEEPER, exp one familiar with gen- eral otncp work nrer : capable nf supervls fxcel oppor . good sail rv P 4 II. Led Off. BOOKKEEPER Assistant D K. bookkeerr: reference required; stato salary. P Ao3 Ledger Office CASHII.R loung ladv to assist during busy season' men's hat store. Apply at once Truly Warner. 1107 Market st. CHAMBERMAID wanted by Mrs C. C. Zatft linger: best reference required Phone, Chestnut Hill 111 CHAMHBRWORK Neat, rellablo white girl for ctnmberwork and waiting, reference required 210 Ji Montgomery ave , Ardmo re. CLERK The Atlantic Refining Cn has an opening for experienced female rlerk and typist at Its main office. 3144 I'assvunk live. This position requires one who la an accurate Is plat and good In general clerical work. Including filing Autobus direct from oHth and Woodland ave to main office'. Apply In person at sales department. CLERK chief of psvroll department In ea sentlal Industry: must be able to Inatruct aaslstants. operate comptometer. hnndle, time and work tickets, audit cards, etc. applicants' replies treated con fldentlallv; give age nationality, re ligion phono (if any), aalary now receiving, complete bualness ex perience and when can interview This Is a real opportunity "D-OT." P. O. Box 3170 CLERK YOUNO POSITION IN KEH'S OFFICE. LADY FOR CLERICAL BANKER'S AND BRO. C 10. LEDGER OFFICE. CLERK Young lady, between 10 and 18, wanted for offieo work, good oppoitunltv, war essential Applv AJax Metal Co.. Frank fnrd Hve and Richmond st. ' CI.nitKb for corit. stock, payroll and dt-pArt mint work, a number of clerical positions ftcant throjxh draft to bo ft lied with womn - nltv- to g""d pav , CLERKS )i apiuiy Mnn cnarncrrr- Picceiient opportu- ODtain permanent employment ftt rrfrrcvee V 310I,eclirr Office S for utatlstlnl department of lartr tiuhllshine house. SO to Mart, unrul rhnnra of ndvincement, hours 8 30 to .. 30, B 30 to 1 Saturday, no etperlenco necessary. Heply C 11. ledger Office. (.'I.F.HKH ourn: irlrlt bitpn the nfiesof HI ind 17 wanted for orflcp uork cood uorMnjr condition" Ad Ires statlmr nir, pxp'rlenrH nnd .salary expecteI I 423 I . As-r Off If CUIIIKS -Positions open for clerks and hill. ing operators, shorthand not necessary O 441 Ledger Ontral U)ok hlte. wood waitea. phone Ovtrbrook q71) Mill nmflfld ae OIRI. lietween 111 and IH wanted for cler VMtrk good upoortunltv war essen- K il I tint Ani.lv Aiax Metal Cn rrankfnr.l .1. ----- -.--.-- ----. - .-. ..... and Richmond st Ulllli iuuru iu ui'Tum priMiie orancn lel- ephone exchange in law cilice; state us, rxprience and salary expected M -HI ledger Central (IIKI, to learn bindery work. 48 hour week, modern uorklnir conditions Houghton PrrPr. J4 W "nmerfet st QIIIL for general clerlcul work, one who can operate P. II. X. preferred. Apply 244 s .Itn OIRLS 17 stria up for varloua Mfff. Depta. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY excellent working condition. good wage. ALSO CAN EMPLOY ADOUT 10 fllRLS 14 to IS FOR INSPECTION WORK Continuation .school In factory where pupil. attend short time every day thus offering rest from work and doing away with a Ions school day, MILLER LOCK COMPANY, Orthodox and Tacony at.,, Frankford, or U S. Employment Service Office Women'" Division 4201 Frankford av. Bring this ad with you. OIRLS wanted, learner, and experienced: good wage, paid: steady work. Apply Orl'wold Wonted Co . Darby, Pa. GIRL for general houaework. Apply 1444 -y o. auvo. jj ; , HELP WAyTEP raxAia-k (Other Claaslfled Ada en Fair 1) - -ins .t-. rtrrtr.s -. .. .. -!sJ uuiin-i rt.tu iym.i nnniea on WOrKrOf taM Ti: Government In assembling, tapplnv mt-i chine, power preae, foot preta, screw miLfri ihlne nnd pine-threading' department of the hat IL T. PAISTE.CO.. 8201 Arch it. Apply (a " f either of the II. B. Employment Sirrlo. 41( -. .- -... -. . . 1-4 Arch St.. 10 to 11 'JO A. M. Brine thla nfl'f and aak for Mra. Ilobson. omLa 200 WHITE WANTFD TO T.RARN TO OPFRATR MILLIVn M. 8 CHINES AND ORIND1NO MACHINES nniNO IlEFERENCES MIDVALR STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO EDDYSTOVF lttFLB PLANT EDDYSTONE. PA HIIUDELPIIIA OFFICES "2 '"'nd road (Mr. Mooney) C203 Market st. (Mr. Plechner) APPLY AT U. S EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFlrjTH l?:-,?' .lth at , Phlladelphli, P.yCE8 URINa THIS ADD WITH YOU oini.t Id TO 18 YEAR4. AH STOCK OIRI-S ANO STORE MESSENlOFRt' GOOIT I SALARY' PBHMANES'T POSITION. APPLY- OPPEVHEIM COLLINS & CO. 1J07 CHESTNUT ST. CURLS, over in tn label and -wrap bottled and small packanes. liuht. clean pleasant work. IvRlnners can learn In a short time: aunrantee minimum paid: cood pi-rework rotes nnd permanent vrork. Anplv Emnlnr ""nt Department II K. Mulford Co.. 428 s 13th UIRLS Wanted, brlnht ulrls. IS to 31. to work In store and ahlpplne department; short hrurs; cood vvtRes tn atart nnd a-oivl J rhnnce fr advancement Apply Caatl Kid ' Co . ir.10 Hrnadivaj. Camden. N. J and ask for Mr O Rnurke ami.'?, 1R to 1". vears of air, for work In , wholesale drup; hnuae: steady employment n''...pnr round chance for ndvancement for I5l,,t,,e clrl" Applv. Smith. Kline A French, 10 N r.th st. Ask for Mr. Alklaa. ' CIIKIjS wanted In manufacturing department: Dtcnsnnt Work anrt sllrroiinillnpN nnA uinces. jaa . ntn, lo in A. M or 1811 a J t wises with advancement when familiar wjthm , the work National niacult Co.. 13th at. mil, ,,ienv,ion hp OIRLS, is to 30 vears of nue. for Hunt, con- Keniai vors 4-nour ween; cnanr ror aar. Applv Ketterllnus I.ltho Co . 401 Arch st. GIRL, able to operate I. C. Smith typ writer, one sood nt flcures. Apply 244 8, iiiiBirwi, GIRLS wanted to rack cakes. 112 3 up forC nt hour' work. Keebler-Weyl Baking Co. 2(1S N. 22d St. OIRLS wanted to work on folding paner' boxes Brown & Halley Co 410 N. Frankjln.fr t GIRLS for light mechanical work. J.-Blrct i Mover Co 1212 Vine st. OIRLS. to button cushions. Apply 244 8. e" F.th st. HOUSEWORK Wanted a woman for -n. eral housework In small family no ehlUl drn; no washlns or Ironing. P 427. Ledgra Office f JOB PRESS FEEDERS wanted to feed carel-'i" board Hrown & Bailey Cn ,410 N. Franklin MAID white, for 3 children wanted In irocal f famllv $40 per mnnth, room and board, R V 221 S 3d at . rllv ' MESSENGERS tn deliver telegrams all parte of cltv light healthv outdoor work: good pav see Mr. Chambers. Western I'nlon 1T.01 Chestnut at MILLINERS experienced: liberal aaUrr: long sensnT opnortunlty for rapid ao vaneement Applv F.lfman's 1421 Walnut at. MILLINERY nnprcntlces. paid while ls.rn Ing 12J' Walnut st lt, MODEI. Refined voting ladv size 30' first ' class dreaamaklng eatabllshment. M 44S. Ledger Central NURSERY GOVERNESS nr mother's helpert refined, educated woman for 3-vear-olcl h.u anA nnslst with older Hov who rAM to. r arhool: must bo able to mew and wllllnar"W-v assist irun lisne iipsinirs wora; aDiuiy co snesk French deelrnble: best references re quired Ol.ll. Ledger Central. r f NItRSERY"c.OVERNESS, to take, rare of2 bovs 4 and 8 referenco required. Apply P O nox 772. Ogontz, Pa. NURSE experienced, full charge of 2 chil dren 4 jrs. and 1 '4 ra.: permanent borne at Ardmore. reference required Wrltov Mrs Alfred li Hare freach Haven. N. J OFFICE WORK Young lady for general oltlce work: opportunity to learn adding michine Address stating age. experience and jialnr desired P 412, ledger Office. OpTICE GIRLS 2. run errands, do niinir: good opportunity for advancement. Apply (22 Walnut st - GOOD SALARY AND LARGE BONUS WE WANT 20 SALESLADIES' rLBAst. ANT PROFITABLE AND PERMANENT WORK. W. i. II. WALKER. 1241 RIDGE AVE. SOLICITORS THE Pt'RLlC l.rntlhK REOUIRE9 SBVF.HAL FIRST - CLASS SO. 1.1C1TORS FOR CIRCI'LATIOV PROMOTION. AHII.1TY TO MEET AND TALK TO THE REST PEO PLE IS ESSENTIAL I1DT PER SONAL APPEARANCE WILT. RE CEIVE FIRST CONSIDERATION' A OOOD PROPOSITION FOR A FEW WOMEN OF MATURE YEARS WHO TVO NOT ortJECT TO HOUSE-TO-ItOl'sE SOLICITATION: ALSO WANTONE EVPFRIENCED CREW MANAOFR APPLY TO MR COR Ill's. SECOND FLOOR, PUBLIC i T-TirtFR nuiLPiN-n. SOPRVN'O wanted for quartet choir In lead ing Philadelphia Presbvterlan church; cood sslarv tl 314. ledger Central STENOGRAPHER for purchasing depart ment of large manufacturing company: op portunity for development: state ag and .al ary expected Z 72. P. O. Dox 3443. STENOGRAPHER, accurate, hlgh-eehool ed ucation: corp or Ins exp desirable: good houra, pleas aurround'ga, excep. nttrac. wk state exp pres sal ph. no C 7 Led. Off. FTENOORAFHEn Wanted experienced sentlal girl willing to use dictaphone. Hernateln Mf Co . 3d and Allegheny lit STENOGRAPHER In largo law office; good opening, state age. experience and .alary expected M 317 Ledger Central , STENOGRAPHER: on familiar with Un derwood machine. Wm. Foster, 120S N. TEACHER Commercial teacher wanted fere position near city; good salary, P 42S.1 I.e,i-er Office WEAVERS fern . on narrow Knowles looms. AppIv tt right Textile Co .Jasper le Orleans. WOMEN AND GIRL3 WANTED AT ONCB TIME AND HALF TIME OVER 48 HOURS rUNTir OF OVERTIME STEADY WORK WITH REUULAR INCREASE ArPI.Y 7 A. M. JOSEPH CAMPDELt. CO. 2D AND MARKET STS. CAMDEN. N. J. WOMEN WANTED - on Government work to learn tha art of Alecuttlnr and lawmaking good wage. and pleasant condition. HENRY DI8STON & SON1 i 'i acony ' Apply ' Government Employment Bureau 131S Arch .t. : v ;i ASK FOR MIS BARKER (11 x, fctf '. $ ,Av- M m fi r!4 13 -m "m J 11 -JiJ II : -IBi v j-. ie tt . . , r . k. I y