Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 06, 1918, World Series Final, Image 6

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    'n&ikin'kmj ' r " '' ' l 7 I FNftFIPiH PI ANFS I OUISTCONCK C10 PRUSSUN I RECErvEnjrojiuN hotel WOSOH ffWBSOtWER '' $
oot Wants to Know Why
Soldiers and Sailors
Resolution Calling for Invcs-
ttfratSnti T.liwl Asiflp tf) GlVC
. Y1 In Pnnrlillir AT PJlRlirft
fly ilie Associated Press
Maslilncton. Sept 6
Controerv mer draft slacker round-
Ifc' 'ps broke out again toilH In the Sen
Lfe'h ate. deaplle the fact that the Prenldent
fiSf B" or(1ere(1 nn lnxeHratlon and the
S"fM5. raids hae ceased Senator Smoot, of
jpiij&AHah, ltepuhlkan, ailed up Ills n sn-
ftyhe Senale Mllltar Committee of the
u ' aMABt. I.. Vnu Vi.rlf anil plspullpri1.
KlK -.!:.. ... - - ... .
ftw . i if t. J- ..I--1 I.. .. l.r..A ....
ii 6 particular! ui mpuui- ... .. ....-.- ... -
M 4r-a (anldlora un.l Kallnrit linrt Icitiated
!'.,, Senator Jones of New MexUxi IVnio-
E45s.-( i ernt. lirnrousK uroteKttd nir.ilnst adon-
es i :: ... ... .. ......
J$a tlon or tne recoiuiion
lie silil nil
Monday Evening's Affair in
New Y. M. C. A. Will Bar
Most Men
i ImestlRnllon as ummessar and ini-
) -.mended the effort to patch draft licl-
Senator FrellnKlimsen of New .IerKe,
i Republican, Inquired lion man lnnnent
i yt
men were arretted In th" raids and
Senator Klrhv. of Vrkansas ho es-
Jr""Y terday commended the Uopriiineiit s ao
X.ii. Ihitles. said he imleitood H.tioo men
II-.-. I 1 V .. v1. .. . ..f..-........
I... nero HSU'U 111 ir. luift i.i iciririite
vjito their draft boaids
That patriotic cltiiens, under or oxer
the draft ages, will not object to tem
porary Inconxenlence of being ruipf
tloned was asserted l Senium lomw
He said a slaiker whs n' loathsome
s a man who commit!" mnrder een
Worse, guilt of treason, and pointed
Several hun Ired Rlrls at Hrg Inland
will do the baliv act .Monln evening
There Is to he a Imbv show at the ship-
jard. and the girls of the pen-and-pencli
division of the big ship plant will be the
Their mo'li'is are to he barred and
we don't mu what will le dene w'th
the. nole when thev cr for the'r "nns
These 'lmlil-s lave to le amused, miH
this Ik Jut arcthei way of their own
There will te Judges to pick out the f.i
ones and give them e.u h n boltle of
fresh milk
About nn girls ,ue 'iv7v about It "
lime men than that ale graduilh pirt
Ing with their reason bet in.p tlu-v hive
not a thance In the world to ee this
Miow of b ib ( lothes
The Imjvs of th lniz bind and n few
hired eiitertnineis will be Jpc (n euli
dragging a hen- ball and chain and
led right out again as soon as their
a 's Hie fiver Some of lh men are
tearing th Ir htlr out In a green rage
Main ue living to ipnlifv for tlv
bind but tin dlieitui sas he s tilled
iMi ' It ' am lying how iinni ship
wnrkers are tiracticlng on their cor
lets and piccolo or living to hoin In
ii singers or clog-dinteM with tin
other talent
The girls will all mi-l. before thv
enmrt out of the dressing looms The
affair will be held in the new V M
C Huildmg wbii h is to be for
mullv opened on the following di
'Hie babies' will pulse In the lobbv
to pi iv a game of ' (Solng to Jerus item"
and In this as well as the other fea
tuies the ghl will have to mil off
with bovs In dres onlv What happens
after that all depends The (Jiiistconol.
Cirls' flub will stage ihe show and
iliirge eaih Infant" thlrtv-ftve cents
crowd that
OUI mai rouou-ui- ir .... ..iM,rU ,,,. the einenses
out without warning and men htd been " ,a ,n- """"
notified to canv their reglFlrition cards () ( tKK jn.r t n, .hin lmln
Senstor falder of N'ew link He- i.irjitnn huMilint t llnr Maui and ""
publican, .nterjet-lnl that tl.ous.nds of ". .U,r'ln,,re..hm.,.,.m-.n-"s',S.ll'
men over and under the draft ages wte .. , , r(ll.rliii Irm -i- rK'ml' "'
arretted ill" !" I'lJnd lner I'lnii. ino-inllsht mi
Admitting this to be true hen itor ",', ",, ,, , , fun riiev pIbm-.I iIimii
Jones Bald he belleveit ine people oi ,.. .u irMng io smu
.rfJfW York approv.d the nmnd-ups and II" i aurr mi- horn, lafi
would not Indorse Senator ("alder's TIJ. ((i ,M-AN, .((m.k I I I II In
crltlciam l.niln 'in net all (h- fan popsllil- wit "I
In the midst of the dNiussion the -.jj-mber Tl, -J . bn ftf ""xW
Bmoot resolution autoinatiuallv was laid dj ",.. n tin- llnd i nrrinki
(side under the rules to give p'ai e to rmvT anil a .lin I oili to Ih h II tnl'
the pending emergtnc agricultural bill nmnih
with lis nrohlbltliin rider 1 he 1 es.ilul Ion Uui.. iimv mi i'TIIFHIM: Aloit-
coeo to the calendar, wheie It must re- i. w of ilie i hi" "."'"V" I?1m'.i'.Vn"
Sialn until taken up b, majorlt5 vote 'h;- i,h 1.,-hj:'511Tft;; Wt 'w'.VTJnl
WIIVT's Rl.l tlllll'.ll? II i Mm
larUIn of in 1 hter xhlii.inl balls from
i.njiii nn.1 is hi iMis(iin 1 in shoi.tinie o ir
!. r i.' Tt..; and moose . vvhn .m of the oth. r
- j, (, wrnt lions I'll found mt -noiiBli
. , . ., ,, ahom th Urn hir.l In aitlsfv his curies I
Conllaued from I'aee One lie SleJ-lareit his unn ilie muld ii" .1"
2 President Will Not
, erj thing in his own hands
much rrltlclred at tlisi foi this
his. .I)claS proceeded from tlv
II. w is alind en such pruli as thai lie h"t
, - fort birds Bn.l had th-ni ll nainhleit m
tntlt of in ,,ne m. -s for hlm-Mf I'lvU. I'larl I III; I
h fact fortv lunt I dm l.un lln .vntii unl n
mci '".:- .,,"- , .,.,.., ,i i.. .
,j - . tMII mil irrii mi ".' .
n- ' I .L. ,.... nlla.t ntl l.utll III, t ft the . . .. I ,. .k u .. II nrnalm ami llirnLll
IIIUI t.J .U-M.'.. .....v .!. .. .... ..- ,. WHI' I'l - ' I." n " .'".,,",
T,-oMont ,.pu,..ill IV unk ntiiniii.- th1r guns upon the larger
,. 7 . . .". . .. . i i. .. i.undln lniBkeii
vie . N in in nn unni i vn n.u iiiiiuniuv Liu-- . n u .., ..
W'JlfW .. ."V.- -.-.. .. ....... .'""""". ;..',, ",lA'.; i Vh Il-m...r fm
It too
kv ,
President penoiulh II.... ntumi.- . wff -jj-n tn-..- -"-
! An it hot It viv (Kit titlrrtnnh link iiii4i"i u-.i I il..U r. i r i. a,tini
y.Vl , "B -y uw """ v "- -"" t-'" fourteen nun.. u-n-i " v V
'. MTlftrf .. ... . n i.i .. ..-., ilrtw.ii 111 Ilia I)lH. It Tl
Wirr -"Oie.ior nv one inn ' " '' .VS'wwt ani t.ia.i i Wv of It Tl.- W.
. cntinism reacneo i." ri.mav in me i "-.-,, hunter from i enauj c" no.iKn u.
posal of the Senat- Mil tary Affairs
y Committee that the l'nsident name a
J? ,'svar cabinet of lenovvn "executive nbll-
yUSk tty." aad thus vlttuallv devolve the con
Wi duct cf the war upon men who were
axperlenced In acting and luting quick
The 1'iesldent A d not do It But on
i the contrary under th pressure of re-
tCent events esppei ia of the Herman
, drives, he himself IHrned to act and
ct uulckly rfreat i rlsis has done
i for the I'resiUnt what t great crisis to
often dor - in li gn p-!tlons It
hse . ..... v'v in direc-
MoBa where hitherto he was weak It
hue, oi . i mt i u man
s of ac'Ioii 1 le na'Um nieded an ex-
eutlve. It was proixised io graft one
.,. n,.H tnv n n' miiu.nm.n. I. Intm.
S& v 'f posinc between the President and cverv
sff thing else men with authorltv and with
ivtA the capacity to act But events had
!L' -mother solution In Mew Thev took
jjffV. hold of llr Wilson and made .ilni an
'f 4 w ! jt nrl II m lirt-lf IlIA ti Liit 111 'a
'&? respite the xat'wiiH dfla In reaclilnK
Stwss 'decision upon Ku.ssla and deppiie th
V1irrt'r ..t..u no rlluDtt l.fKlt lfin PITlPfl t ft Tllii -v .
2 Y"" "... V. '""
j: T! tension OI Hie mail ast!
. J -.. .-,l'..n . 1. ll.l.
'Jfc a Huirifc acuuu vn ,eiijir
sttonc men who now surround
llson have no dltllcultj In getting
ns fn it. him. prompt decisions of
iJ&.i' the ort they ure used to receiving In
,ibx; th world of business -me criticism of
?fiiZj the I resident as an executive has pm
. &JiHy rioriy died out. He had to learn and
&? ' he has learned, not perfectl pel haps.
r for no one Is a mu per cent mmi.er nut
'j.V , till all the big questions or tne war
fflC'Bo up to Mr. Wilson and he gives his
RiJft. .L-.ui.ra ulth reasonable sl.eeil. it In
.7 . tl. I-..IW-.."
kSSj. dimcuit to imagln the machine here
BBrl running with th I're.1diit away.
51 Therefore the dels'on not to ro on the
rrP-tnwn unn tt bn pxnectod
irifaC' i'--"!- --
mmmfind of th (EUHrd at thi Merrhnnt t
hn rtinf In N1nm.ru to HPftiitnf rnmmnvid of
rnmpflin It Ihlrtj-fourth JMttallun I H
(1 N A
hunt nh1pni has tktn nnm nt th nwrrt
-nine out or in wKn twinrr rnr hip nouiipri
T1ic ii1iimi hAit h uunrli thnt tHffteil ruo1
(d fprbuJr but the women In rhanr of
th- tlnnrrs ifl thlr Ucnr wnw nJeJ for
fftHentUl and quit niakln th iunrti The
oidisT Ptlll n'fm IntfrpRtpd In thr ttanclnu
but -.
TIIK lM FS HhFJI IthTThR to Meutn
int l.lti lncp hf lflrnru in ultde through
thi waltz Mttil (ox trot
Rl M-.KI.I. iU IV. nf th rntiKtructlon
vrf at thf Mtrrhnnt nrd ha enlltfd In
th nal nWat.on rorpw
tht- Mtrrhnnt nrd has twn romnlpted fimt
In rtad for tm i In fi the lon In the tun
htructlnn (More tin 1 th reHr exit tha wont
oupnt nt i
Mi rchnnt ariJ lmf purchased h nhnrr In
Dornn ffrrtn it and hope noon to l.u
htm nut tntltelv to nsn twnt r?ntf. h dn
sOMUtOt) UITII Ml H K nforelhntisht
pt nri" to Hill Mr-r t rrliuloM rotUr l th
Mnhant rd Hnd now Hill rpfurn I"
pltr h nurittt w lth Hh f untndfr If h ha
t fj i hl cctluloid 4ri th (.round usaln
lilt. I,IM I1KUH.I.1. ot the W S I)
parinifiu AUnhant Mird took on n llltlp
lor inn h tan t the shore anl aU?d for
nlsht work i duck ih un
JOL I (), Ml K II M Wtl. nn lak.'n
ttlhtit work sj h- hti hfHT hlmtIf thlnklnw
mil f onlrtlitttlntiH for the prl7 nuffKestlon
Uix .n tin nrd
llKHIMN sfltruoitM Its (m. pi-pal
iiiK I rpiic Wink O Nolll MMnr of 1 il
nn nf h nt leihtxir
I I UIIK II s III I.N wnrkinn in th
Utrthint hh1 mi Inn,; h i Iih n( t is rm
'rn -
WI1T Is V t R withonl t Sun 1 m "
(Mil Klrifl Mfnhfint mhI wlh to kn iw
fo It In trains t 11 his I iit
1M (ill (. ItONM'N lAIMI In hW Mlnw
inHn it now tloulil rltd Hon loi a
Mtr untalnlni, IJ whlih lu had nd
lr il to hN nniiher In hiripn nn
dunii hip fnuinl II and millel It fir him
anl lEuiif i wllliiir, tn lm ihnost anj
d thins If no onl knw thf nun
Nt OI FKK UIIL llh rifueil for th-s
ii T t (ark f liter llntin h I Mam a
md UlllUm Street a JhnI apph Ht (ramp
snip aid unl iU n t ollh (" tluns
IIltlt IIMtMsll. of thp i-riinp ship
nrl 1 almoM t th point nf Hllnn or
(Jon iiintj hin fllr ftrt strlppinu iuk
Ktar hflpliiK another unfm Innate miiidnt out
on the rond he urk told th had topped
inklnt, w ars until ifn r the w.ir
s 1. v0N, mi! ri;il hu nt nt i i" Pine
fc lit llmli Hen nli it ha h iuie UUl
i) tin. m thf ;ik Hl-i in Iarlwid nnd
nt si iUwh ljlklnir ihont H 1 h u t In
h. ottln are ptliMi l watiinu f r iiti In
itation hi lhx hi s thin wondiful
ul hi anl Jtilae fur "i" t
IIKIE CNN, hefl furfiiirtn r t'-.Tln
i r it th HnunKion plani of tn (,u-
t JniHn i (iliipdiix umiM liki In i the
iLMll md rahhlt MHSiii up n d Ittll'
rllr than wnnl thin nun Hf ln a
iiw linn'in-' nut i tlxl 1 ) or itv nt
i t nhflN tlwit mot i wluiW link 1hi a
ns rutlir l.jtt to h up tht k iknu of
In oJ fowlUU Ptei- , , ,
MlKM 4 . 1 1,1,. I'lMOlO I'l.Wllt In
tliH Iuisn S. JotlN llrnin-tluii Itim 1 Is not
1m humeri for Rnlns lilt hud hi lh
-ti pHnulHd Itintir hut it i tt - th
nt) r plarrB ,
MIN I1IIN111 IC of th l'u v S. 1 lie.
Utlmiitktun Hand wont us in iiiflni none
nd thr t no uk otxlni. He prefers Hie
Tr ii h horn I c nno Ik unl to I low It In
ih irm .
Till. MMUIIM sllllp KI) tripholH
f nut wllh the hHiida ipplnc tin hI the
llrsi lnlenhlpiir l nhuot at - nt n t i im i
urdn ini thai t tht It i-hhii lor nor tarr
in. h hum nn oi the nrie mu uu en
t thp fe ! after th- Htiontlnc Moe trot
o four out tif ttl MrA at that
It. V SVMI'HN. WHO Olt(M11 thp
i h tl hfim Ution at th Mtrihiint tfhlinHtd
Hi) nude hlni" If penTall urful In nth
Irt'c-n of nil UlmK there lias I a ken n Job
ii ih Ho,. Inland ryt .
II. WOOIMN. one of the nioun 1 perform
" on the i; Ienrimiit liafciMiiUI tam pt
h MTrhint arrt ppendi tnont nf hl holl
It with a Muter and no InV-lni.
y s r4
Ti? JtaaBr?" J
I li BBaVv
Ouarterma'ter alioaril the ill-fateil
iil.mnrine rli.i'cr o. 209, who in
now reported a ini-inp liv the
Na) Dcparlniriit
Joint A. Mi-Briilo. Jr., This City,
Keportnl .Miiiip
.lolin A Meltilde, .It , twentv -three
viats old, was nlioard the stiomnilue
chiiser No 20'i when Ii was sunk hy
inlMiike hv the Unit Tuislg and he is
imw reiiorttd s missing hv the Xhvv
Hi till tin Hilt, Ills fatll l John Mr
Hi id. .ui , 'itl'i .leltei on s leet, nu
ll innied tod i
nutig -Mcnil.le was q,i u tti m.ihtpi on
the J'11 N'otlfi utlon that he was miss,
hii, was received last nlchl
The father immedlnt. Iv got In turn h
w Ith fi It nds of his son, w ho wt te a ho ltd
the 2U', und from aeeoitnls thev give, he
hlleves oung Mollilde lost his life les
ulng his romptniuns
Hefore he enlisted Mi'Hrl.le i tlre
imn foi the I'i nnsv Ivnnln Italjtnul
Army Supplied to Protect
Men in Battle, Says
Chief of Staff
Hug Island IS'ci-tld 1000 and Will
Pay a High .t S27 a Day
I'nless approxlinatelv 400(1 hii"lv men
irp ohnlned for the livetlng gnngs at
Hog Island hih! othei vnrds within a
shnit time the hipvards i inn.it m.iln-
tiiln their lonstriutton inorrnni nnd
the inoditition of ships n tn( greatest
viud in the vrld will lie miiih itt.inl-ed
.Men who enter this si v I. ire piom
Ised tin hlRhet wages, often as much
as J J, a ilav
Thesi fmts wcie mide pulilii this
afttinoon l.v Charles IMe si n'or v leo
nres'di nt and Item Admrlal I'lnnels T
Howies, assistant genet nl mnuagei of
the Knieigenrv I'ltet ("orpointion hoth
of whom made appials foi rlv.ter". lu
connertlon with the Isvuain of tue
Hist of a seiles of dallv hulletlns
Trains liiillilin showed Hog Island
riveting gangs maldng the low.st aver-
ige per nuir per houi or lluee varus
Latter's Confidential Messages
Indicate No Shortnge,
Declares March
Ity the Abcinted I'rnt
nshlngton, .Sept B.
ronfldentlal messages from Cieneral
l'ershlng Hnd other reports from France
Indlinte that the Amerlran ntmv now
Is supplied with sultielent nlrp'nnes of
all kinds to protect Its men In hattle
(Jeneral March, chief of st'ift give this
Information to meniheM of 'he Hume
Military Committee todav nt their
weekly conference at the Wui Depart
ment. Tiansportation of 1'nltfd States
tioops In I'm nee has heen highly or
ganized hj Colonel Samuel M Kellori,
who has returne.1 home and reported
that the situation Is eminently ats
faotory, (leneral .Mnrth told ihe com
mittee. liepresenntive Shallenherger, of Ne
hraska, cillfd attention to reports of a
shortage of plnnes nnd said the puhllc
should know the truth (ieneral Miut.li
ieillfd that rll i,porls, Including (Jen
eial Ptrsh'ng's tonfldentlal .messnges
Indicated tint there was no shortnge
flenernl Maich said the advance of
the Allied f. rtes tontlnued to he en
tirely satlsfr.ttorv and that the rt north
fiom all aouicps regarding the situation
wete of an encouraging nature
Colonel t'ellon's report, the geneial
said, shows that the transportation
luancli of the army overseas Is fullv
equipped .o handle the gieal program
involved In the new draft extension law
President Selects Man to Stiroced
Anibnpsador Page
Wnshlngton, Sept. 6 Piesldent AVII
son has picked the man he wants ns
nmbissador to the Court of St. James
to succeed Ambassador Page, who re
centlv lesigncd. The man selected Is
not one of those who have been men
tioned foi the post.
The President has given gieat tltrfe
nnd thought to the selection He Is
undet stood to have requested the man
Chronometer Originally Wa
Given to Briton by Prinre
OITHcals of the Ctilted States .Shipping
Hoard Kmergency Kleet Corporation pee
Ihe hand of fate In the tact, made public
todav, thnt the chronometer now being
nstalled on the Qulsteonck, t rst ship
launched at Hog Island and christened
hy Mrs. Wnodrow Wilson, was once
presented lij a prnce of Prussia to a
llrltlsh sea captain . . ,
When the shipping hoard llrst under
took Its vast itinsttucllon program, the
manufacture of ships' chronometers was
almost exclusively an r.nglMi Industry,
Hnd It was necessary to purchase hun
dreds of these delicate Itistiuments sec-ond-hand
from tho British Oo eminent.
Consequently, It fell to the lot of the
Qulsteonck to ohtHln the chronometer
iresented hv Prince Albert of Prussia to
Captain Buckley. Hojal British .Navy.
In appreciation of the honors showered
upon the Merman prince on H. M. H.
flrovvler oft the const of Brazil In 184
IS. .
War Department Order Affects
Emplojes Within Draft Ages
Washington, Stpt fi Secretary Baket
has ordered the chief of each bureau In
the War Department to replace hy De
cember 31 all men within the draft ages
who, would be classified In class 1 now
assigned to dut In Washington or In
War Depirtmenl branches elsewhere
with men phv 'rallv disqualified for gen
eral military f-etvlCe
The positions thus vacated may nlso
be tilled liv men In the deferred classes
where such tlcfeiment has heen granted
on the grounds of dependence Incep
tions are to be made onlv where Incum
bents are 'ndhpensable nnd where men
not within the draft age are not avail
able t" take t'leli plates
War Needs Cloe Tvyo Classes at St
Joseph's College
As the lesult of a conference this
week at Plattsbuig N. Y. with repre
sentatives of the War Department re
laidlng the taking over of the college as
a unit of the students' arrnv training
corps, the authorities or i aosepns
1 01 ege announceu lou.iy n.ui iur .r
duration of the war thev will be forced
to discontinue the evening classes
This step is nece-arv io maite rum
for the required mess halls, dormitories
md study halls On this account also
Ihe grammar sthnol will be discontinued
Will l!a)e Charge of St. James Till
Next February
Judge Weasel. "Tv ho recently npnolnt-
ed Israel llecht temporal y receiver of
the St .lames lintel Company, today
made the receivership permanent until
fehruarv 1. inifl Security waa fixed
at U.W.OOO Meanwhile, the re.itvor IS
to conduct the business of tho hotel
tnd all unsecured creditors ure en
joined from legal action
me juare also appointed amvni is.
Provnn. (Seoree tie B Me.vers nnd Wlll-
Inm I. llodelhelm appraisers. The In
ventory of appraisement Is to be filed by
October 1.
Death of Doy Passenger Avoidable, Is
The Coron'r's Jury todav censured the
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company
after an Investigation into the death of
Fred Dlckel. sixteen eats old, 178 West
Olney aenue, In the Samaritan Hospi
tal .tune 2.
The boy died from a fractured skull,
received while n passenger on a trolley
that was struck hy another car at Ger
mantown evenue and Huntingdon street.
It was said he would not have been In
jured had the Iron window grating been
In place "
Commutes Death Sentence otfil
!.. mi., n.r.. "i .""r2Hl J I
rrtvatc who nciUBCU to JLrni
fly the Associated Press j
WRKlilngtnn, Sept. B Private .Wll-J
Ham A. Kerner, Company O, 306th In- ,
fantry, Who was sentenced hy a court-
martlabat Camp Upton, N. Y., to be shot,
because he refused to obey an order tiV
drill, has neen ordered releasee! ana
restored to duty by President Wilson.
The President's Indorsement on th8
record, made public today, merely Hays jJ
the sentence Is disapproved because tn ,
assiaiHnu juukg auvocaie Eoerai vtiiui
omciateii at the trial was not lesaujr
appointea. e tJ
. .
Governor Nominated by Demo-'
cratic Committee for U. S. Senate
By the United Presi
Louisville, Sept. i Governor August il
Owslev Stanley has been nominated .foi,l,l
United States Senator to succeed the"l
late Senator Ollle .lames His nomina
tion wbr by the Democratic State Cen
tral Ami tlxeentlve Committee.
(Jeorge Martin, of CattletshurB. was!!
appointed to nil the unexpired term otl
senator .lames
about them
youll like-
This was due. It was Ml.l to the fact upon vvnom nis cnoice nas lauen to ac
that Hog Island K ol.llg.d to turn out cept. the post and Is awaiting a leply.
more riveters fiom its training schools it is'llkelv that nil announcement may
In hi-s lime than Hie otlu r vards
I be fhatle within a few tlai,s.
x ySJJ
- 2x
kv -
Actual Sir
.:. re
..1. riJiM
Why gamble
with your health?
Why smoke the wrong kind of
cigars when you can get" the
Girard at most any cigar counter
in the city?v
never gels on your nerves,
and it's a fine, full-flavored Ha
vana smoke at that. Insist on the
Keal Havana
Broker size
A To retain
' W its goodness
i 'L'v'.i'tja.
Never gets on your nerves
Opnnl Alan Strut k by Aulo
John M Hibb, sitj vears old who
liv is on Church road near Ogont7 was
struck bv an automobile on old York
load at the ciest of Ogontz hill, shortlv
hefore midnight last night ind vas left
Ivlng In the roadvvav Othei automo
hlllsts found him unconscious, and he
has been removed to the Ablngton Me
norial Hospital His tonditkm Is seri
ous .Suburban polite are trlng to lo
cate the driver of the machine which
struck him
K .' . The
If Wr' w,;
Mb v decision
Dr, Snyder Again on O.teoputli Hoitril
Dr. O. J Snyder of this fit), was to
day reappoimea a memoir oi tne niaie
n...n.,i,ilil L'vomlnlno' Dnaril
Mf . smlwim mm
t sWiar Jtkk mJkWSaBlifKr S. Hi J V-ifla.TmijiMg!iffc ' ,
v l itv-sMbJiBttSy MtMtsW mkvBMri itvsJ k 4 3fwAm&Blni 1 1 il I 1 1 i
sr& rW'rwBrymrtMnr ' '$ "gsflr'ftajffi liiii ini
I DUO -ART f !
IB-1 Afa. Osteopsinic r.xanuninu uoaru
r-Cf-vVC .L.ni.m.nJ
rrike Diamond
ft.va ,
rv s
IW Ifli.
C. J. Heppe & Son, Philadelphia Representatives
The purpose of this instrument is to bring into the homes of all
who love srood music the same incomparable playing as last spring
thrilled the distinguished audience in the Academy of Music when the
Duo-Art Pianola-Piano took Harold Bauer's place as soloist with the
Philadelphia Orchestra.
This achievement, absolutely unique in musical history, is only
an example of the boundless enjoyment the Duo-Art will bring .into
your home.
So exactly does it interpret the playing of Bauer and other
master musicians that it is impossible for even the most critical to
distinguish the slightest difference between the artist's personal per
formance and the duplication of that performance by the Duo-Art.
It is mechanical only in the sense that it plays itself by motive
power from any electric-light socket.
In addition, you can, if you wish, control every note and repro
duce the most delicate tempo or expression while using any standard
pianola record roll ; and you can, of course, play it by hand.
Where Germans May Try To
Stand Behind Hindenburg Ljfie
The leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST this week
September 7th is accompanied by a helpful Map which shows the present Hin
denburg, line, and also clearly indicates the line behind it at the River Mease,
which, in the opinion of experts, will be whqre the Germans will make their, new
stand. It also shows the territory the American troops are holding in Alsace, Lor
raine, and along the Vesle, including cities, rivers, etc.
This article analyzes all the important war news of the past week from the
Western Front.
, Other features of great interest to the American public in this number of
."Th Digest" are:
Why American Airplane Production Lags
In This Article Are Presented the Criticisms of the American Newspaper Press Upon the Recent.
Air-craft Production Report of the Sub-Committee of the Senate
Germany's War on the Children
Soldiers Turning to the Bible
Food for the War-Winter
Wanted: A Million Workers
Germany Proposes a United States of Europe
Shall We Wear Cotton?
Undersea Pipe-Lines for All
New Words for New Things
Ordering a German National Hymn
Current Poetry
News of Commerce and Finance
W ala-U
I'lawnd I"
1 vJU elleUn
':;', V.R be IU
I H toitr t
(f. IMW pric-v.
7 a I 9
I4 hv In
m anr in
curkrt at
W hat
!& -Carat Riip, 116.35
)4 -Carat Rioii, $31.75'
-Carat RUfi, $51.50 1
i -Carat Rlnp, $100.65 j
4 -Carat Riifi, $150.37,
-Carit Rinp, $175.12
IH -Carat Rinp, $248.62 1
1 -Carat Ri,,,, $299.12 1
2- Carat Rinp, $398.50
o our enttrprlae In batlnr mad
lona ions asoi wr mil
M)U. Mall
lona lone asoi wr huia them In
lain quautltlrs, Tnrnr arma are au
oerfart and free- from rlaua and fup-
mglr nriiiiani. mi. uaviniin oi ioin
However, and In Jarce qaantltlei
0 in naiinc innar
tit '- j-J"-'i - euporlunltr
rg. BMfr iuep.
Oasin TtUtr and Satordar Eienlnn.
7S CUTTCfU oTaj.S' UVJ. 1
" "!-" -swi
Demonstrations gladly given at your convenience,
will be sent on request.
Made only in th following pianos
Sold in Philadelphia by
&SON "
1117-1119 CHESTNUT ST,
How Your War Furnace -Can Help
Win the War
(Prepared by the U. S. Fuel Administration)
Britain Appreciates Our Efforts
The Theological Student of theFuture
In Berlin To-day
Saving the U-$oat's Victims.
Replanting the War Forests
Joyce Kilmer '
A Parson's Lonely Daughter
Personal Glimpses of Men and Events
Many Half-tone Illustrations, Maps, and Reproductions of the Best Cartoons
Read The Digest-' for Authentic News Regarding American Fighters
One subject of paramount interest holds to-day the
lir.st place in the hearts and minds of the fathers and
mothers of Amerirti and of the millions of anxious
women here at home, the wives, sisters, and sweet
hearts of the gallant fellows who have gone "over
there." It is the question of how the "boys in
brown" are faring on the battlefields of France1, what
they are doing, whether they are making good and
holding tjieir own successfully against the on
slaughts of the Teuton. The one bure way to get
this information in an accurate and comprehensive
form is to read from week to week in THE
LITERARY DIGEST the exact facts regarding
our men abroad, their movements, their various
activities, their share of the fighting, and the meas
ures that are being taken .for their comfort and
support facts drawn from all the authoritative
sources and that may be accepted withoutquestfon,
forming a continuous history of our part in the-war
that is well worth preserving. Begin studying it
:l v - " '. . -i - I , A ,.
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September 7th Number on Sale To-day All News-dealers 10 Cents
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