'"!Varjv -s . I . ledger I7MZ ,1 is' - f. .... ,. THE WEATHER ' 'i ik' U via PTashinfton, Aug. 30. Fair totitfht, probably joUoued by shatters Saltir. day moderate temperature. TKUPKRATURK AT kai II nni R I I 9 HO 111 112 I 1,1 3l.. 3 4 1 51 '89 171 I 74 7S 78 I 79 I 80 I sTils 801 THE EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY AUGUST 30, 1918 VOL. IV.-NO. 299 I'lUilialirci folly r.xopi Sunday. Subscription Price: $0 a. Tear br Mall. Coryrltht. IMS, tiy tlia Public L,edctr Company. Entered aa Second Clan Matter at th. rontnfTlr. at Philadelphia. Pa. Undfr tha Act of March 3, 180. PRICE TWO CENTS XiffWuJ? Ituentng public and (V H h P MAYOR ORDERED TAXES CUT, NOT VARE, alF SAYS Ji. Smith, as He Golfs at Water Gap. Takes Credit From Senator INSTRUCTED HISCABINET nnartmpnt TTftniin Responded fte f With Promise to Drop Use less Men, He Declares Points in Mayor's Talk on City Economy Plans "I told Senator Vaio sK months ,ngo the tax rate must bo lower in 1919." "1 told Chairman Gaffnev the same thing " "I took steps necessary to cutting down the tax rate." 'I stole a marh on ou fellows and weeks ago ote the Directors they would have to cut out need less places" By o StalT Correspondent Shawnee-on-Delaware, I'a., Aug. 30. Major Smith told Senator Vnre to inform the teal estate Inteiests of .Philadelphia the piesent tnx rate would bo loweied. and also instiucted Chairman Gaffney. of Councils1 Fl nance Committee, that the rate would have to be levlsed downwaid. The Maor weeks ago wrote to the heads of all departments and ordeied them to reduce their forces and to cut out all places not absolutely essential He has nnsweis Indicating hundieds of places can and will be disposed of next ear. Ml this and more the Mnr sne to dav In nn lnterlew between shots on the beautiful golf course that lines both sides i of the Delaware nier alioxe the Water Gap. Tha Mayor Is In the pink of condi tion, and vpnn his leturn to th cltv Tuesday means toslnrt thing's motlng toward s lowered enst of municipal up keep, and a lower tnx rate for I'M1. Xp ewa for Two Weeks He had not rad the n"wpipei for two weeks, the Max or slid, so was un aware Senator Vare had announced there would he no reduction In the nx Tate and that Chairman Gaffnev had made public his pHn for cutting out Unnecessary places In the cltv Co em inent. ij- for this jear I took step necessary to cuttlrg doxxn the lax rate, and vthat Is all there Is to It. "That Is all I can sav about the tax rate, and you can draxv your own con - elusions.1 nTS He Mole March Ajfked how he meant to bring annul .11 lower tax rate, .Mayor smun sain- , men with KTTCr hi - !' ' T w ?t ';,'" !!"! "i".?: T" "'l",""? "'?.,? f "aNo o. a d 1 iThu . SSs and Horn the hattlPflelds he. k th,'rx"rnm,uT?eriorx'eX1 T.' -" '" ,iVh" "" ZX ' dhi ZZZZ - - .t--W-r- Tlelvlf.od above.Tl. P., Itlsh vpt in tx r.TTe must ic low 01 in 1 m i i ,,.i., ,,, Iri.-, .... ...... t r i i 1 it tfttnl iof wip d.iy or .Jn ra t.nfiVinfr nftpi thrm Lout nn hv ii a j j t n w .i aii .i rKiu to K l v c all ci i on nt or 111 in 'elf xntpiiRn nr lor to he In ir fulled ,. ,, . - rf . itre tiuiiKiui; tutri intm v' ' " ' "j I IT.ii - "sentcfwatJon ofndna.' caned ,. UL" '" '" th- elation of a Mcto, lou, adxance, ; Tis, beet, Insisting all along that the inte - leB.e ' I'e stacked Hip Kua .1 enl on to an article appearing n a ,,, , ,)PttP1 thnn uln(1 , ,llem should He Joxver than the on. found .J"' ,"'' .' ."'.'r T" .?!." "Vl"?"?: OIT.,lSD , mam )f the.(l ,,, , , "I stole a march on xou fellows audi""'' cleared up aftei James Mniphx, weeks ago wrote the Directors fhev "" unueriahei, hi .soun xxuiien would haxe to cut out needless places, atreel, Trenton, had telephoned to .Maik I told Ihein thev were to drop out the ' '-"ke, an undertake! herp Murphx told places, regardless of who held them. 1 1-ake to look In thplnlcle put kit of the ..r .-.I .v,. .1,... .,. .. ! , 1,1, nian's coat to find his name and . .... ....... .... ...... !''- " the economy moxe and that I xxould hold them responsible for reducing their forces to a wartime basis You can bet we will get action on that matter. "I haxe In my desk in Philadelphia cation When the clothing xxuin In tin replies from the department heads, sav- man was starched $!in 91 was found lnr they had already started work In The man was first seen on the beaih reducing forces to a basis that will per- th's morning bv Ueonaid Harker look-1 mltablg saxlng to the personal service I ut at coast cuard station .Vo l'fi .,1,,. Item for the next twelxo months, Xo Trifling- Reduction Although the Major would not Indi cate to what extent he expected to be able to reduce the present city tax of J1.75, he let U be understood he did not haxe n mind a reduction cf a few cents for political purposes "When I say the tax rate must be re duced I mean Just that," he said in reply to a question as 10 what sa counted on. "I do not think the present rate Is necessary In lew of changed conditions, and there Is no reason xxhy the cltv cannot be run on less mnnev " next year. "when I agreed to the last increase It seemed necessary, but ex en then I had In mind a reduction just as soon as conditions would warrant. I bellexe the time is ripe for a reduction and haxe made all my plans with that end In view. There Is no politics In my etand and politics will not be allowed to pjaj any part In the changes." Could Save Millions The present Income of the city 16 In excess of 148,000,000 from taxation and all other sources A one-cent reduction In the tax rate approximates less than 1100,000. A -saving or sexeral million dollars Is estimated by city financiers If II unnecessary places are abandoned and work Is discontinued on unnecessary projects. Such a sxveeplng sax Ing would mean a posslhle reduction cf 15 or 20 cents in the present rate, bringing the grand total of school and city taxes to $2 15 or 2.20, as compared xvith the present high total of $2.35. " In connection with a saxlng on need less work and places, hoxvexer. it Is nec essary to add more than $1,000,000 that will haxe to be found to pay policemen, firemen and other emplojcs a living wage. When told there was little or no rnanca 01 niuutiiiK liib t.nii.i ibsucb .- committee to agree to a 110,000.000 POnci rniv lui uuiisii, man" a J", nuajii tals, grade crossings, eta, the Mayor declared he xvas sorry to see some of this necessary work Interrupted. DREAMS OF GOWNS A Full Page' of FASHION PICTURES I Illuttrating the SEASON'S NEW MODES 1 Will Appear in Tomorrow's Eucntna public ledger - us '-f-F-; j.. . VufSJoMEs ls than $4ooo Rrx-enue MctiMirc Is .Completed' And Will Be Introduced in l House Monday Washington, Aug. no. Completing Its tusk of fiamlng the elght-bllllon dollar war lexcnup bill the House Vos nnd Means Commit tee todax agieed to lepoit the measuie to the House Mondax. It entiles gieatfy Incieosed Income taxes, begin-1 nlng with a not ma! ta of 6 per cent on all below $4000 a ear and uboxe1 the eemption limits j To reach wat pioftts, n flat win Pionts tax of so pe, cent is leUed. i with an nltemntlxe ilnn of excess-1 piortts taxes innglng fiom 3i to 70 ' per cent. The mifxlmum suitax on Incomes Is talsed to 65 per cent, and the normil tax on all Incomes oet $4000 Is made 12 per cent. KILLED AS SPY, MAN WAS INSANE Philadelphia!., Ocean City Coast Guard. Shoots When Attacked THOMAS ELLIS Hll a Staff Cormiiomlrnt Oiesn Cltx, . .1.. Aug in I tlie bill wns recelxed Xepp.sitx foi pK A man at (list bellexed tn hexe been Ishtion to siiiieinent the bill" pin an agmt in the eniplox of ",t niianx , was r ' '"lo" for allotlng homesteads to men shot nml lnaii.Mil, 1,111.1 .1,1 ' 1 under twentx-nne and iritlclsnis fiun shot and instantlx killed this morning, rtepublUans of a published artlcl, ... bx a coan guard on the beach neni gardliiK the War Oepartment edui i .Second stieet tional progiam furnished subject for de- Latet dexelopments In the case how- l'!1."" Sevpral ."enatots denounced Hi .... ,,, h , me ca e. mm , allegt d plan as sot lallsili though CI1.1I1 - exer. point to the Innocence of the .11 111 Ina ,-n,l,ernln. Senatoi Wndsworlli lie has been Identified as Thonms Cllls and others were of the opinion lint Hip Tienton. V , The hodx lias been sent ''Ills inoxislnn for spe lal and lechnlcil to Trenton training foi dnifted xouths would be 'used merelx" to enlaige the present Ihe n.ast Riiaid who shot and killed tralning-eduiatli.iial sistem l.llis is l.eon Joseph Meehan. a I'hlla- delphlan He nttended the .Notllieasl aim liermaiitown High Sthouls i, a 1 lexer golfer and Is in the mix ill lesenes, detBl'eil to to 1st guan du iMiml Wus Vllritnl Hills, who boatiled nt 717 Aliilbenx stieet, Trenton, was (princrlx a iiotttrj iiiaiiuf.iftuiei In Kokuiiiii, Ind Hi suf '' alll"n n-ciarr., aim llie-e nilll the dinth of his wife are said to liaxe i'.f'Vi'l-,1' T rVj,l1 .. y'" ,'"- 1" " In Hit Mite Hos 1ll.1l for the Insane al '..n.o.i fered b'lslntss lexeises, and the-e am Ing a struggle, f-enet SeixiiH ngtnts expressed the opinion that Ihe mall might haxe been 11 s-p It was sug- gfstid he nilglit haxe s-ignaled xvith ml lf,(i Uf,U!i to enimx bUiinarlnes oP: the ,leise toast Mentllx leared 1 ins anernoon me uientltx of the man inrlHrou' Accoidlng to Mniphx. who said filends of Kills xxele with him while be was telephoning, the man left Trehlon XX It h S100 hn IntPllHi it In Iisa r.n It!., ... Informed Captain William Henileison the commander of the Mntlon Captain Henderson sent Meehan to an est the suspect After the shooting the clxli authoi Itles of .Ocean ("its made no effoit to take Meehan Into custoeli 'I'he guaid was placed In charge of Captain Henderson "f xias marching Kills back tonurd D "'"....Msi l " ..-'.. t. ptuttlii. Mill- IMJHtll II Illl ttlMLlI m -cail l tlXT I'Vvll ll.l. ul. tlmlnn .. -11 CJ.....I. said In renlv "np l0a8t Bua station." said J lehxn xlngcouhVbe',oda "wnen he ""ddenlj broke and the toast guard station." said Mielnn Shots Mnilr lllni Unit "I fired two shots to his right and he halted I grasped him bv the aim and again xxe set foith toxxard the station At one point In our walk a roadway r'L", -". ... ?. Dp.a.cn-. A motorcar; i . . .. . . imnr.eu uuti 1 t-ai-eu 10 me urixer In nan. ,,, . ... . ,. , . ' figuring I would get the machine to take me and the pi Isoners to the station . ,!. I .. .. ... . , .... The car went right on. now ex or A resident 01 ine neinnrornooci. attracted bx the shots I lud fired, came up and I asked him to get hlb car He went away In do so. Suddenly the prisoner broke away from me. then cllxed at une "I fired once at his legs. rfiredZce'krhVhut missed l. .. LI. .1 . . As he xxas a bigger man than I, and I fe A The Coroner's Jury, under direction ui su.uiici iiwiuiu I'iiu suui.i, riuae- cuior coie, Drougnt In a xeraict to the ! effect that a man bellexed to haxe been Aiiuiiiaa r.uiB. ireiiiun, nuu met ma death from a gunshot wound In the heart. Inflicted by Meehan. The cixil authorities of Ocean City made no effort to take Meehan into custody. He xvas placed In charge of Captain Henderson. BOY FLIER OUTWITS GERMANS 4 f Escapes Dy jumping Irani. and xvalked elghtv miles to the Swiss border near Schaffhausen. The aviator is returning to the United States Im mediately. Name Ilriilge for Wilson By the Associated Press mfu ne oinicu. i-snoc ni nis irany I north of Pine street retain the number me great tiadlttons 0 helnp the chain, waded the Ancie up to tneir nerKs, 1 s It happened the bullet went through . . c . ,1,., ni smith nf Pine 49 ' i a .u. . ... .. 1.1. .i. u.i.iv, v,,.o oiu.,- his heart. I had no intention of killing tlnonc P rensonrassigned which ' T m""'"r OI r""dm In " """ """ , ", X. . the man We -wanted him allxe so as tmm&to" oVled by h''l'"d"'a'' I. has placed the whole beh.n.l them because the had gone 1 to question him" l"f,,!T ! ih. fnCii,.. r...lts resources at the disposal of th. too far attacked and took the height wuiks huh ixinea to rreenom inr dra nuiiumi iim "- " , .... Bi..t j , ...,"" "' - - - .. - : . . " "" ,"' nrn . T i .. .j i.ki.. .... vAuoa.tu ..pa. jii.1 u.,.ul . . . ... .u.., iii'ii iiiiM rnnniru I. m.c llll.linll'" W.lfl I Ifl IlirA An, tn lA 1.a fcj,.mna nnrt n .;.. j..A,u, Pr... i',0la,lo".,.. ... ,a th's country" men of Pi'0"yV..1" headcuarters when the Welsh gained No Occasion for Alarm, Says Mill- Uen Knocked Into Delaware. . Teronne. has been to l,er, s .,., Uml. AuJ 7oI.ieu- otPne slree, this will In the fu,u,e conttlbuted In sacrifices and '.fr,r'."" the wood on August !. i.terof Ju.tice Girl Lo.t in Schuylkill Mnr.H.1 Haig's forces. tenant. Thomas Hitchcock. JK. of West-'help to mote thoroughly ecjuallze the r.i i sH wunoui hesitation that lc. lesieroa moining uiey capiutert IU the Atsociated Press Two men and a girl were drowned In Hi itlsh-troops this uuy. I 1.1 nci wiiiib iiiramci mi u. (. t zensmp ,'- " "" '"it 10 inose IJelxiue n, 111 um noxuij xvooa, , ,,,. in Th.pahtn.iniim.il the I)e aware and Hchukl Itixers, ac- ,.,( in an easterlv Lafaiette fly ng squedron. last Maich. who earn their bread by the sweat ,.f ..,.., n,H n black chant..- nf i... Madrid. Aug 30 The cabinet council ,..,. . .' .,., ,av. i,wa,a ,n d" 'J8terl twas captured by the Hermans, lias . their broxv than to any other class -"" '"" J .. ' '"will meet at 5 o'clock this afternoon -- - --" ' Bapaume. tney also escaped from a Herman prisoner camp JCH nAVS IN IAII kllK I W W - tory In ". i men xvent on to A.rdinit , the olllclal explanation, the lne ,wo men werH nmano u. au-1 ,aboeufa south of and has arrlxed here 1CW UrtliJ 111 Jnil. I Ul 1. II. H. Luborltra for Full il.i. ' ' , a ..,v mnM Mn... ..iL According in me l'i""' " dM unknown, and I.ulher Miller, twen- Wauoeuis. ouH Tlli-h-ncU .hn la the slxteen-x ear-old - liinciu " - "'m xviin meeting will ne neio in uiscuss economic , ... . . , .wAorWrTOSma.HirchcSk.Vumpiil First Two of .GuiltV 97 Get Licllt .'.'." ,a J""lllm "a'- I" this country. English troops on their right through I oroblems and the budget but It Is the """. 5rf old. S ..North Twenty, ir I'arla, Aug, 30, The historic bridge 4.i .. .h. TYU.. Tilr. nt TnllrH liaa h..n glxen the name of President Wilson.- j,n. ? ..., .w..w.. - - " " - IMANPOWERBILL THROUGH SENATE WITHOUT DISSENT Its Passage Preceded by Lively Debate of Sev eral Provisions ,., .,.,. .. CRITICAL " ' ,V'"1J REPUBLICANS EiiHl-ntional and Homestead t? . 4.. I. I c i Features Attacked a Social- igtic ill Their Scope WashinRton.AtiK. 30. Conuress late today enacted the man-power bill brlPKlnK within the arm, draft nil able citizens from eighteen to forl.fie jears of age. and senl il to President Wilsnfi for his sinna ttire. The Senate, follow inir Hip i i ample set li) (he House .jeslerdaj. adopted the conference report on l lie bill without a roll call. M ahlnictfin, mr to t'nexpeoled obstacles dex eloped Ind u hi the path through Congiesj nf the man-pr.xxer bill, extenllng ihe nrmx draft to men of eighteen to foitx-Hxe 'but leaders procieded In full lontlilence VICTIM of havng 'he mensura in President Wil son's hands before night Ciltlih-m of the conference ill ift i Hdnpted xesterday In the Iloue. began 'ill the pnntp nlmi.al Immafllnlnli ..r..... To axold' re-committlng the bill ar- rnugements weie made for slmnltanpniis ,. ....... ,,.,.,- -,, .... . .... nr ., .. miimUiI ipn hi nn. ineelni? Inter nr II..- t,.lrlmpn, nblr.ilons lo the liomesle.id pioxKlon 'Ihe lesolutlon would pm- xme mat laiius or nomesteaii rigms so Blamed tannot be sold or transfeued t ,af .riigr' ,ohep!n; speculatio,, in sokllers' homestead I IRIltS When the Senate look up the con- fcrence leport Uepuhlieans attacked what thev called a War Ilepai linent , plan to tike oxer npproxhnatelx 400 aunioxed bx (Jcneial March Senator l.oclge, inlnoiitx leader, sin-. f;tt-u 111 11 iniiiniuiii 111 1111- iiinii-'vj. ci bill authoi red the iducitlcin of oung I .1... Inl..nu ln .Un ...n.. ...n.. a ' men who aie drafted Into the serxlte 01 xoluuler 1. l U.nalm IVnlenn lt.elalo.1 I li u I ,..l.An 1)l( iw,srp ua passed It xxas with Hip 1 urdei standing that all axailable men ine needed In France to win the war and that cleneial Maith specifically said all would be in Trance bx June .10 ivjkt sn t thai pirt of the geneial pin- gram fen the (Joieinnienl 10 take oi'r Cnlitllliiid en CtlKe tour. Column lliie SPLIT 46TH WARD, REFEREES ADVISE Commission Tells Court Proposal Is Equitable and Advisable 1 triATTr rx nTXTini? 4 'P rIiT17 WOULD DIVIDE Al PINE Itecommeiidlnr a dix ision of the Koitj -sixth Wind at Pine htreet, the. Commission tf Fixe appointed hy Judge Patterson to pass upon the adxlsablllt.x of splitting the Wet Philadelphia Waid. 1 in n PiiLUHK mr 111-1 1 niiuMxiii nIp(1 ,ts leporl thl0UKh ts hecretar, ' ..fMii .... t i...... ... ...n.,nR oAeDin..u William l.llliun ill yuaiici ncyigna r. . v ....,. iUUII l 1UJ I ThU ..ns ... ,hir(i Httenint to create . jr.i i wu, phiiaiieiniiin Tim , r,,an,i t ,In rninmlssloneis ' ..7 ". ' . ... ....... ....,. ... .... will lie suumilieii 10 me aiiuse in 111c Court next week for-xection. and if the remrt is uusiuinea. me uuesiiun ui ' 'JZT '" """ '" .SWXtMIIUCl , ,,,, ,j , The commission would let the section ti, .lo.-a I ma,l in. nf 11 niinula. tnn 0f (rom 53 000 to 100,0110 persons hnv nnrni,lmaielv 22.000 assessed ot- anA iRs.ia rpulstered x'oiers. and In geographical area Is loo large.. A dlxlsion at Pine street will xer equit ably dlxide the xotlng population as ne present constituted The people of this large area and population are entitled tn additional representation In Select Council An examination of the plan will show that none of the divisions haxe lines crossing Pine stieet either north or south A dlxlsion at Pine street win oixme Sentences By the Associated Press Chicago, Aug 30. The first two of the ninety-sex en defendants In the I. W W, case sentences by Judge f.andls to dav xxere Meer Frledkln. of Denxei, and (Hen Roberts, of Fresno, Cal.. who xxereeach glxen letn das" imprisonment in the county Jail on each of the four counts In tha Indictment, the sentences to rj concurrently, st1 . FOUR U. S. AIRMEN KILLED Two Nny nnd Two At my Flier? Victim of Accidents fly the Associated Press I Uli hit Vails. Tex.. Aug 111 I.leu-, tenmt K ?.. MiOinin of Cresnn Cal I eiid Cadet Kills Hernnnl P.ahiock. of Wishlngton 11 C . xx-ere Killed Instant h al Call Field this mornltiK when their plane fell 2000 fert from the toft of a ' loop Cadet Hnbcock who whs txvcntx one ears old and tak'ng n's nrt lesson hi aernlitlc living, was a son of llrlga dler General Habcock who Is now In France Penaittnln. I In.. Aug 10 Two naxal mlalnrx tvpia Llllut mill 1 tlllld Sllf- , frred minor Inlurlcs when their ma-I chine made a nne dlxe Into the bax here last night ,, , , ,, Tnp ,iea, aIP .lame l.Ioxd Clint. hill Sxracuse, V V . and PeWItt fl Wllrox, New Ion Center. Jiass i PHILA. SOLDIER KILLED, 2 HURT rj,. Qthers From This LltV AtT Reported , Missing i OFFICER IS PRISONER Philadelphia Soldier in Today's Death List I'rhale John .1. Kellej, .South Third street. 'August SO, flS 11' The full IUI nf iHHitiHlllefl niifiintiu tl tP.lHx bx the ,.r Department Is nrlnlrd on nilKe 10. n enllsieil mm MIIpcI, two nihi'is xxoumled nnd three lni-slnpr and xn of. ficer a prisoner Is Philadelphia's cimi altv toll lodix. the "inaliest total inee Ihe .Mllis took the offtnsixe 011 thp west ern fiont Ihiee soldleis fiom this cltv whose1 fate hid bepn learned thiough pi late sources ale named In tin olllclal list foi the first time lodax one I'hlladelphli solilirr. prexiinil reported missing Ins rtj.ilned Ills reiri mvnt ai tording to nn oRki.il nntini.iiioti fll ,n w ivpnrtmi m 1.....1. . III' Is Pll- xale t'HITord 1 V1111 KiiK, IJ111 1: t( i.i- ford si 1 pet dei.ilU .. i. 1.... 1. ..,.,...., .1 h beranu ,,,.,, , ,,," ', - z:?rvin" '' J, --'' r " ' " ' "? ,. ,,, , 11,1 1 . L. , C l,l1 KU l,a"K '" hN "" " lon'- m, rlsunllv ro ,,,.,, for ,,,. , lmll ro'i released ror the "w" "L V . " '"Tl J"' I".'! In- eluded one man fiom the State of Penn- '-exetiih street rllRle II. A. linlex, 2307 North (JijI;, stifpL MIS.li Kalph AriiKln, I'rlxiite 17J7 -North TlX ent X -etOnd Street. Prlxate XX IIII11111 F. Ilriknrl, .Ir , 1445 Mixtiei axenue Prlxnte l III 11 in llesrir, 31JI Arbol street CASl I.1IK.S I Itlixi NKVItllX Poinis I lenleiiiiiii XX Milam II. Mi Cuti hrim, Jr., Wax ne , wotiuded foutliiurd nn l'aice l-unr. ( uluiun, I un BRITISH PREMIER TOASTS GOMPERS Victory in War Means Most to Toilers. Declares Lloyd George P.A'flIli;TI?n DV I rmnr. BAiMJFJL J LD BY LEADERS I nmliin, Aug 30 Piemlei Haxid l.loxil Ceorge m , llln,. ,, , . , . , ' unche flxen todix h5 iho Coiern.neni In honor of Samuel Hompers the pies. dent of the meilcan Ve.i.r...in "- t)n, ,,,.,, uo1' '""I oseri ., toast lo the health of ,he labor leaclei, who ih xlsitlnir V.n land ... .. .... ' o (ens ror two leisnim. oia m- 'lo'l "eorge 'One of ,lee , the . i-uumry irom xxntli our oiipui ,.,. --- ..wk.vo a I I " "" """ "' "' ' anm It ...... !... . . It now has prnxed Itself true to ' AIUe" ln ,he "''at struggle for llhertv I'rnUe for Cniiippm Theiefoie." he continued "we salute i the flag of that glotlous land of 'e.ne'MrnoS' his friends for their own sake Gompers Is a name as well known In exery coun- 7 ""J"..1.'1" own, 'Ir "ntnpers Is-a ' man xxho. like nix elf, has forglxen thop' xxho In the nast hat. m,!,,,,?, 'I,8e i. ,, , .,."....u.4 nun jor his Killtles We aie fully prepered to co-operate to sure the Ideals which xvb hap ahxsj, held men we IT-"?!Tr- " "lh"r " -". of labor are conxlnced that xictorv in this war Is essential that they may achlee lhe great objects of their llxes Prexious to the war, German labor or ganized to destroy the domination of Prussian militarism. The, task 'which Continued n Taae llxe. Colnnm Three When ou thlr.lt nr nrltina. - thlak of WHITDxO.-Atv, - . A -Uu'.sU -;ti!h ...... . .. a--,. ..., hciiuuiB ieanpa ..m.Ht Th itr nh hmt nAi..m. t v.a r that ntnup mnnnnnt ni .. .-... ...- ... - - - ... , (.iiiiai i u BRITISH SPIRIT HIGH AS FOE'Si FRONT BREAKS i Hair's Triumphant Men! Press Retreating Enemy to Last Ditch XEISGKANCE FLAVORS SUPERHUMAN BLOW Achancin;; Army Same That Reeled Under Foe's Spring Attack BACK 1N q, r) SCFNFS ijv..iv li UI.IJ .Tl..IilMjO rmluieis in llijili Spirits as Tlicv Force Teiilon to Retrace Steps u run ip cirii" Spcrt'ul Cnhtf In 1 1 rnhip Publir Ledger '1 ni mi 1 ,1 loiif 7 m, i ...... ., ,.,.,,. , , ., utlli the llr lis 1 Armies In ! ranee, ' c .ipaume ins opp,, n,xCn aim iiom hip mils not til of tlip SnniP nnxonu Anas t Isilit inn down thp Hup neioss ",p "l'1 P"'"mp battl. fields hx Cinch and nulltfmnnt nnd Mm x il xxluie the IliitKh tinopv tip pipsslng 101 w.irn, -mil furtliPi stin In thp Anstrillan llahtlni ?oiip in rpulllcips and TIpI lox aliniH Ihe Somme this side of xxoods eist of lux Ignx-CInx ignv line Peioniip Hip pnemx is letipntlnc nnd his rnpn up t.xlnjr to gpt nxxnx be hind thm icu fxuaids lie feu c thev nip intuht nnd klllpil ' In iilnces thp Ceiinin imchlne gun neis and ieir guaid lines nip miln- tnlnlnu" a tlPicp lpslstnnce in older to gain tlmp foi a mine otdpilx iPtrcat of the (Icinwi divisions, nnd this de fptisp is sttoii'ipst on thp noitherni half of Hip Austi illin fl out pp haps to didaj Hi" 1 iptuie of Pel on lie up. il tliex- mix haxe time to icmoxc their enoinious stoips t'pon our l'irst nnd Thlid armv ft unts, fiom riiupaume and Hnlle- couit to the ninth of the An.is-C.im In il ion.1 the Ceiman aimx Is steal .,.,,, ,,,,,, 'n5 nn In the .laiKnws nml daxllshl I-1 ht thp counti west the following up the Geimins in big stildps ne the samp men xxho In M.uih last had lo fall luck oxei the same gtound under oxei win lining odds The c lunge of foittuip is bilm to then spirits nnd tn 1 1 j J ud of the xxa Is 11 splendid texenge. Soldiers In lli;;(i Spirits Hei.iusp the haxe the enemx on the run thex me tigei to go mi till they tan walk no further Olllceis and men. like minx I haxe met today are high spliited full of odd jokes nnd laughter. c, Itpil a llttlp betond the ieerxe nnd quietude of the Hub lisli xxa.x. because Tilt? Is still hopping it as they ia. and txeix hour In lugs them news of more xillages ietap lined, mine xxoods from xxhlth the (Id minis haxe tied, moie ground gain ed on the light 01 left So I found the Aiistialians jester- dix moiulng ntul 111 one piate xxeisn llicers who hid been moxlng for- wild da aftei da until they weie """" lwll '""" "m,e "" " "" Mined and fai out in the xx ildei ne.ss miles awax from wlicie tliex inn nr' the Somme battletlelcN The old dingon." said one of the oIllLers of the elsli tioops "lias his tail slicking up stial'hl as a ciow hii and Welshmen haxe a light to be 111 mid of themselx.- because since '" -',d' "I,en ,lie nttnkci1 acioss Hi Ancie tliex haxp i.ipnilPil place, ifler place xxith thousands of i lson eis smashed thioii-rh the encniv exeij . ,,,,, ... q,t,,,i jm,i kpnpd him nme he t,lod ,0tstand ""' !-ca,ert hlm " '" " ",,r 1 1 With Hngllsh tioops on the light ami l,,c ,oft " "n,, lhe w'1',,, "ho .., i-o,,., mil ni the bnxnnet nnlnt nnd ifleiwaid stnrme 1 the forticss pos. "on at Thlepxal which broke the Pnenu's in tin line of iisistnnce anl, ". with other troops, swept across the P'-:i,'les rt(,"e nntl tTont ilmaison i and I a Bolselle and Oixlllcis tluough the Mnmetz Wood and Cseynd to .'. r. Rasetln-Ie-Crande Welsh Again Capture .Mametz Wood I -.,- , ., , , i j ...MBmelz Wood, captuied by the wp,sh '" ,9:.G..h,, been fp" Wood for a time a day or two ago, and then fell back from It Tuesday under fierce shelling, but It Is again theirs, as 1 saxv for myself when 1 went up to it and then took the" field Hack toward Ginchy. The British turned their heavies on CauUnoto en Fate Six, Cduu Tw i i uiiieiinjnt.. .- '-i ivcvi p venc ni " ,,," " .-,--- .. wvuiKi-aj V-JH MMjk, ,.,.,,.:'-: hrtilif1'-"' ;, .t&fl ragmaur vma'kwr twukmm "; BRITISH CRASH THROUGH FOE'S LINE EAST OF ARRAS N Trnnnc Big Enemy Fight First Battle With Kaiser's Mounted Soldiers and Continue Steady Progress North and East of Soissons F,v the I nited PrrM Purls, Aug 10 it p in i Anieiii ni tioops. .mucking with the Frpncli north nnd pist of Snlssuns en gaged In tluli (list hnttlp with C.ei nnn t nx .ill tod i The enenn Inn led i I.ukp bodv of mounted tmops acainst thp l"ianco- AiiipiIpti fnipps in an i ffoi t to hip.ik up thpli nd imp Thp nt.ick wnh pn- t It fix iiiisiitressful nnd the Allies ioii- tinupil thpir steadx inogipss In fuilous fighting I'tPiii'h nnd Ainorlcan tioops, nl- , ., . .. . , , tacking inn 111 of Silsons nip ap prott'hlng tin- xxfstwaid pscarpmpnls of th( .,,, t,,eInl, Tpn flesh ., (li.ivlinis lUOOOOi mpn Imp luen rushed 1111 to onnose this adxame. which seiloulx tliieitens the whole "ps u l'"'n " i'" memx s Aisne t xiln lint XI itn tlie nn ric.in .irmips m I'r.inip, X nn- 111 illl m I Amuil,nn nifll ,Prv N nnining a liraxx the Into the i fHH,MT:? .il) r li o a e POSTON ab h o - IJancrofl, ss S 0 ? 3 3 1 R.twlinjr. 2b. ? 1 0 1 i " Williams, cf 3 1 "Z 1 0 0 T.iKiiart.lf . . . 6 2 3 10" Stock, .th.. .. 4 1 10 0 0 Chiulh'rne. cf. s 2 2 3 0 o Lutlerus. Hi... 3 0 15 11 Terr.x.ss 0 3 4 r " Mi'libcl, II 4 0 17 10 Smith, th 2 '1 1 0 0 r Craxath, rf 3 3 12 0 1 Ixonctchx, Hi. 5 0 16 2 ' i'imicc, 21) ... 4 0 0 0 10 Crandall, rf.. 3 P 0 3 7 Dcxinc, c 4 0 2 8 10 Wagner, c. . . 3 12 7 10 fortune, ii ... 3 1 1 0 1 0 Uagan, p 4 0 10 0 0 Totals .33 3 1126 8 2' 'Totals 35 8 12 27 6 0 BASEBALL SCORES BOSTON ....0 00 00 00 0 0071 PHIL(lg)..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 7N) Rudolph-Wngnei ; Oeschgei-Adams; umphes, O'Day-EmsUe. BOSTON.... 0 0 00 1 1 32 18 12 0 PHIL(2g)..0 0 C 0 0 0 3 0.0-3 113 Eagan-Wagnei; Foitune-Devim; umpiies Eiuslie-O'Day. ATIFTICS.. 0 BOS (1 g) . . . 2 Johnson-McAvoy; Mays-Scliang; umptics, Connolly-Nallln. ATH'TICS.. 00010000 0-141 BOS (2 g) . . . 0030100 OX 45. Peny-Peikius; Mays-Schang; BROOKLYN. X.I.. 0 0 0 0 NEW YOKIv.N. I- 0 0 0 0 Coombs-Millei ; Peiutt-McCatty. CINC1N,ATI..N.I-. .0000 CHICAUO, .N.I 0 0 0 0 Mitcliell-Wmgo; Wolkei-O'Fanell. Ni:V YOKlv, A. L..." 0 0 0 0 ASII'GT'X, A. 1- 3 0 2 Finneiaii-Hnnnah; .lolinuoii-Ainsmlth CLEVLAX1), A. I.. 0 10 0 0 DliTKOIT, A. I,. 0 0 0 0 0 Coveleskie-O'Neill; Cumimglifim-Sneucei. GREECE CALLS THREE CLASSES TO COL'jRS ATHENS, Oieece, Aug. 30. A loyal deciee has bceu is sued calling to the colois leciuits of the classes of 1000, 1L01 and 1002, in Gteece and Macedonia. - SPANIARDS BECOM NG UNEASY tlons will oe nrouB.i .orwaru. I Public opinion dlsplas symptoms of nnnalderable eacitement oxer the In- - ... . a . t i i.rnatlonal situation and many tonfer- ences are being held by leading polltl ciins noxv assembled at the capital Count Tlomanones. Minister of Justice, declared there xvas no occasion tor alsrm, Other ministers are maklnr gr?a.l. enorio iu .mi nru. CI. I in.' ,Am- aMiiiut - IN BIG BLOW Thrnir Vtnh Cavalry Force -Pushing Piietm rnichlne gun nests In thicker nnd the pntrmies to ciips A Iipiw dpstrupllip fitp has bepn tin tied on I n lgn Two new fleimaii dl Islous haie hppti identified opposite the Anieii (,ms Thp Ametlcan pnltiius .up still Inentpil nlong the iiIIwh with their , patrols pc netr.itiiiK hex nnd !x the loocinfeij 'rex Willi Hip I'remli Arnij in Prance, , Aug "0 Tlip Mpi nnns ai p m iking n supipinp ' pffoit to 111111111111 tbeli positions on,, the plitenu noitli of Soissons TIipx" .IIP tbrnivlin- fl null linnnv .itrnitiel both thp Pirnrli .mil Ampilrnni hiiH hip dismitlnc thp ciniiml foot bx foot Aftei the unsiucessful enemx nt- teinpts a few di5s hkci to 1 etake the helghts west of the Solsscm Coticx- le.Chiteiu nnd known as the (lime dp Montpoouxp. in isoners taken lix one i icnrn nix ision included men riom Ilimn illffo.nnt rill ill. imc ,.f InCquin nnd two Intt.ilions nf crick mountain tl oops 0000000 0098 3 3 00 22 0 X-12 11 1 umpiieb, iMnlliu-Coiinony 0 0 0 0 0- 0 1- 1 2 2 7 J 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0- 2 1- 1 THREE DROWNED N R VER itiovf a hi me nutr 3ni. 'uiey wjere knocked Into the Delaware jesterd'ay afternoon "while working near a pile- drlxer Both bodies were recovered and .remoxed to the morgue The a-lrl drowned xxaa Miss I, villa Woerner, nineteen jears old. 4413 Mans yunk axenue. She. was bathing in the Schuylkill, at Nixon street aud County line, when she nt beyond her" demh Pax Id Paul, who reside nearby, made a vain effort to .effect the girl's rescue. v.& A s.W ,iKI j. i.( x- ?L?C-J - JSKti A . . i . :&,; - t (y "J." -VJB ifJ:i-JPM' u jal ir. Jt r IUal jTit.ijX .t 'r I -rtfti ir1fTir"MlHlr wi T 1 fjii siHIHHHHBrrtjS L eep Forward on 7- Mile Front South ' of Scarpe 'ALLTES REACH QUEANT SWITCH Engli.sh Widen Gap in Hin- denbnrg Defenses in North SEIZE EiSTIRE WEST RANK OF THE SOMME Capture Biaches. Mile From Pennine W in Hullccourt and Other Towns FRKiVCH STFF.T. flAIlVTMr!. "11,VJ Himiliert Storming Oise Heioliti! Poihis Occupy Picirdy Villages London, Aujr. .10 (7:30 p. m.). Trops of Field Marshal Haijf tO da.x crossed the Hindcnburg line to the south of Hullccourt. North of Soissons. French troops leda.x raptured Hill 159 and they now hold all the high ground be twren Soissons and Leury, accord ing to information received from the bntllrfront this evening. In the Ljs salient the British are repnrted to have taken Xoote Boom, three milts south of Ballleul. The (Jcrmans haxi; retreated from the town of Kailleul. li the Auociated Pre London. Aug. 30. Sw British forces east of Arras r-"T'v' sumed their advance thfs mornlnir and nt an caily hour had penetrated another 2000 yards (more than a mile) on a front of seven miles be txvren Bullecouit and the Scarpe, ac cording to advices leceived here. In the meantime French troopg, whfih yesterday took Xoyon and Id vanced to Mount Simeon, to the northeast, tesumed their attack and I aio advancing up the difficult heights noth of thp Oise. Thp British forces are within a fexv hundred ynr Is of the Drocourt Qiirant switch line and have captured Riencomt. nullproiirt Captured Th. XXfo rxm... .. i ...i ..I-, "nice iiimounces tne cap--- tine o' Bu'lecourt and Hendecourt-I.Pz-Cfi-nitourt (txxo and one-half mile past nf Ctoisilles) in a plunge eRt of the Sensee yesteiday. BUxxeen Hendecourt and the Arras Cambni mad (thiee miles northxx-arrl) the Canadians attacked the German line and madp fax ni able pioirress, the si I'etn.'iit nNo sixs In this itlack In the Arias region the Hi itlsh haxe crashed through the Hlndenhurg line and aie rolling up tne Ci'imnn foues thee The gap In the line has been widened. Th? ad. xanee max make the line farther south tovxard which the Germans are retieitlng. untenable British Cross .Somme Adxanred British troops have cross ed the Hixei Somme south and west of Peionne. it 1 officially announced. British tioops haxe captuied Com hies between Bipuume and the Itlver Somme. The British nlso captured Cler sui -Somme lihiee miles porth- xxest of Peionnei on the Somme RiVer betxxeen Combles and Peionne. - The Clei mins haxe lost all their Im portant bases west of the Hlndenburs line except Peronne, Fergnier and Ham The fall of Peronne Is believed to be near, Hngllsh and Scottish troops astride the Scarpe haxe continued their ad vance and gained valuable ground in the direction of K'etplgny. Hnmblain- les Pres and Plouxutn. The village ov ltem nas Deeu ciptuiea. fly the Associated Press trS With the British Annies In France, Vi Aug 30 B'aches, on the south bank J'; about a mile from " ptured by Field mornlnsr ntiahail . - .i HLuiiin- .-.. rJ'ZAi iiiirtiiuii . Oil.'- -jj haxe 'entered;! Bapaume, and pa-T' AHEAD Here Is where tie trouble borrow:' Fair tonioht. but showers inmnr. n,n -. I Ilut light south ulndj are wet and pure: M' .4ncl moderate the temp'rature.l ' ,. i'fi -"eVr J-- buW D IL, i -m '4 W vv. 41 ! W 31 S Cti