m-$& W V1 " A i V. -TJk. '"J1, wJl5'' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHlEADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1918 5J. 4 U 1& -Www THEAfRE SEASON OPENS NEXT WEEK"CHU CHIN CHOW" AND "LEAVE IT TO JANE BEGINNING THE NEW ) fHEATRICAL SEASON The Outlook for' the Future. , 'Attractions Booked for Pres- . cntation Here rpHE flrst courses on Philadelphia's meaincai Diu-ot-wre ror the sea- ?on of 1918-1919 oro ready. Two of them will bo served next week, ns an. flounced In another column, while the following Monday will find every first class, house save one offering Its own particular amusement dish for the de- lectatlon of footllght appetites that have been whetted by the enforced ab tlnenco of the torrid months. No Herbert Hoover of the theater has undertaken to "conserve" the foot light repast that will offer wnr-tlme relaxation hero this season. On the contrary, no former season has been planned more ambitiously or launched more confidently despite the unprece dented economies generally ' necessl- 4... ...9 1 .... m. . Iy until uy wur conaiuons. I nis para s dox merely demonstrates the psycho logical, astuteness of the managers, Who realize that the theater may play a vital part In relieving the mental tension that Is an unfailing character istic of abnormal times. The combina tion -of this condition and the tremen dous material boom which Is a by-product of the war Is undoubtedly directly responsible for the unprecedented ear llness of tho season's Inaugural. TT7ITH the opening of the handsome new Sam S. Shubert Memorial theatre on the site of old Horticultural Hall, next Monday evening, the city will have more first-class playhouses than ever before In Its history, not excepting tho days when both the old Chestnut Street Theatre, as well as the recently lejuvcnatcd Chestnut Street Opera House were "In tho ring" of local amusements. For count ing the Little Theatre, Philadelphia this season will have eight houses in In the central part of the city offer ing attractions of first-class preten sions. DURING the course of the season, Philadelphia is to sec virtually all Of the attractions which were notable successes on Broadway last year, ns well as an exceptional number of new dra matic and musical offerings. In addition to the openings for the next three Mon days announced In today's "Theatrical Indicator's on this, page, dramatic at tractions and players booked for the local season Include Maude Adams, Ethel Bairymore, William Favcrsham In "The Prince and the Pauper"; Mme. JCazlmova, in repertory; John Barry more, a sequel to "The Blue Bird," titled "The Betrothed"; Guy Bates Post, In "Tho Masquerader," "The Road to Des tiny," "Eyes of Youth"; Maxlne Klllott. "Allegiance," "Freedom"; Lionel Barry more, In "The Copperhead" ; Bertha Kalictf. In "The Riddle Woman"; Robert B. Mantell, In Shakcspeaie; Mrs. Flske, David Warfleld, Qeorgo, Arllss Leo Dltrlchsteln, Otis Skinner, Cyril Maude, Henry Miller, William Gillette, Frances Starr, Laurette Taylor, Ruth Chatter ton, Margaret Anglln, In repertory; James K. Hackett, Rose Stahl, John E. Kellard, In Shakespeare; Phyllis Xellson Terry, Mary Ryan, In "The Little Teacher"; Richard Bennett, in "Un known Purple"; May Robson. in "A Little' Bit Old-Fashioned"; Maude Fealy, In "The Little Teacher." ' ESPECIALLY varied and numerically Impresslxe Is the list of comedies, farces, Melodramas and other dramatic attractions of a lighter character, In this group may bo classified "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath," the wholly delight ful "Seventeen," as dramatized from Booth Tarklngtoh's Inimitable story of "calf love" ; William Collier, In "Nothing 'But Lies," "Tho Very Idea," "Yes or No"; Nat Goodwin, In "Why Marry?" "Another Man's Shoes" ; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew, who step from the silence of the movies to do the "spoken" stage In "Keep Her Smiling" ; H. B. Warner, In "Among Those Present"; Arthur Guy Empey, In "Pack Up Your Troubles," , "The Tailor-Made Man," "Polly With a Past," Tiger Rose," "David's Adventure," I i PLAYS AND PLAYERS TO BE SEEN IN FOOTLIGHT AND FILM PRODUCTIONS 4t " WW il ll7?ilU VtVm MM. KaflillKSLH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaatfc'At " .kW aaaaaaaaaaaaafl ;te ,-mftl MADGE. KENNEPY M Kicny nujwviv T' FLOteENCE reEEDtffcfct-IONEL BRAHAM T'CHU CHINCHOW '5HUBUH:i "Penrod," "The Hluo Pearl," with George Nash; "Tho Liberty Gun," "Lolty," "Friendly Enemies," "My Boy," "Why Worry," "L'nder Orders," "Dolly of the Follies," "Emily's Apart ment," "Lombardl, Ltd.," "The Walk Offs" "One of Us," "Look Pleasant"; Jane ("owl, "Information Please," "Tea for Three," "Double Exposure," "The Woman on the Index," "Ho Didn't Want to Do It," "She Walked In ller Sleep." "A Very Good Young Man," with Wal lace Kddlnger; "In a Net," Wnlker Whiteside; "The Man Who Stayed Home," "Tho Winning of Me," "Slck-a-Bed," "Llghtnln'," "Any Girl," "Happi ness" and 'Daddies." X. for musical comedy and revue has been remembered. The announcements Include, In addition to tne annual favor ites like the Zlegfeld "Follies" and the Winter Garden's "Passing Show," "Oh, Lady, Lady," Al Jolson In "Slnbad," "Maytlme," "Miss I Don't Know," "Oh, I-ook," with Harry Fox and the Dolly Sisters ; William Rock and Frances White: "Rock-a-Bye-llaby," "Take It from Me," "Safety First," "The Kiss Burglar," Nora Bayes, "In and Out," r.amoml Hitchcock In the second "IIItchy-Koo," Julia Sanderson and Joseph Cawthorne, Donald Brian. Mltzl Hajos In "Head Over Heels,' Eleanor Painter, Richard Carle In "Furs and Frills," and "Her Regiment." AMONG the comedies, plays and musical "shows" seen here In the past, which will return during the sea son, are Fred Stone in "Jack O'Lan tern," "The Cohan Review," "Miss Springtime." "The Rainbow Girl," "Toot ! Toot!" "Flo Flo," "The RIMera Girl," "Chin Chin," "Pom iom," "Have a Heart," Alexander Carlisle In "The Coun try Cousin," Lou Tellegen, "Three Faces East," "Turn to tho Right!" "Every woman," "Grumpy,' "Twin Beds," "Come Out of the Kitchen," "Pollyanna," "The Garden of Allah," "Tho Boomerang" and the perennial "Ben Hur" ITrHILE any preliminary discussion of VV tho musical season Is obviously outside the province of this forcast of tho dramatic season, mention may here be made that grand opera will be given In this city at the regular theatres by tho San Carlo Grand Opera Company, La Scala arand Opera Company from Milan, Italy, and tho Boston English Opera Company, In addition to tho regu lar freaRon hero by tho Metropolitan Opera Coihpany. "Toy Hunt" at Woodsidc The management at Woodslde Park has provided another "Toy Hunt" for children. This will be the last feature event of tho season as the youngsters will return to school after Labor Day. As In the past "Toy Hunts" the gates of the park will be thrown open at 1 o'clock and nobody will be admitted to the upper part of the park before that time. O ill !-.aaaaaaaaB ; . tMm ' ' MW. rwMVBKH&vwsvaV viMSSSSk TVW BiaUmr'aBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr "3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBL X iLmLWSLLa? C:i!Li "LaaaaaaaaMLnX Hvi ' JFtkmBM MHn aviSBai aMaaaVyai !! I aaaaC BfS, flrr fflMaaaaaBaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaW V, i-WKmwMmMmMmMT v " CMltlfclKisi ppEte uy ft. "Z. lEAVE IT TO jANEi" I: ijHl 'H&!' iH lili I IB Wl OtjDSSOM SEELEt;. THEPA. BAI5A. tt KEITH r"-" iMtt.-utncrn;tv casc vicTotetA. . OPERA MOUSE outT aejT" ... C AVE" TV 8h be'- Vino Jt l E l 1 Both Phones. Johnie Weber Augusta Lang George S. Banks Elsie Bostel Charles Edwards BabeRichman DON TRENT And a Chorus of Beauty BOXING WEDNESDAY NIGHT CHESTNUT BELOW TWELFTH STREET NEXT WEEK Dirrtt From Musical Comedy Triumphal T. Roy Barnes Assisted by BESSIE CRAWFORD Prwntln "A I'ACKAOK OF SM1I.KS" The lllih 1'oteoUta of Kaitlmet Blossom Seeley And Her Famous Musicians In "HKKMiT'H KYNCOI'ATEH STIIDIO" FRADKIN and MISS JEAN TELL TIIK WORMt-BKN'OWSFn VIOMNIKT AND TUB rllARMINO KOPHANO CHARLES IRWiN CLARA & EMILY BARRY LA VEEN & CROSS THE SEEBACKS THE AMKRICAN MKD CRON8 PRESENTS "The Immortal Allied Fourth of July in Paris, .1918" In 1U Own KtcIiiIti Motion rlctnftx. All Rerenues flo to Th Red Crons EXTRA-COMKOV FK,TIIKKI AND EXTRA MUSICAL KKATUHKt -'' PERCY WINMK- Foster Ball & Co. I Bronson & Baldwin In "TUB HAYH OF ' I In "A 1DU SOXOOLOnV" Two Shown I)11x Mxtlncra, 3 r. M., 25c and 30c. Nllhtl, S I. M.. 25c to 1.00. -cats Aluf a Meek In Advuncc. Iltli, Filbert 3305 1 Krmtone, Rues 3150 THEATRICAL INDICATOR FOR THE COMING WEEK Spectacular Musical Fantasy of the Orient and a Musical Comedy Will Launch the Acju Dramatic Season at Philadelphia Playhouses OrEXING ATTRACTIONS BllUliURT "Chu Chin Chow," an elaborate musical fantasy, based on tho Arabian Nights tale of "All Baba and the Forty Thieves." Company of three hundred Includes Florence ttcod, Lionel Hrnham and Mile. Ketty de Galanta, tho Russian dancer. Book by Oscar Asche, music by Frederlo Norton. Opens Monday night. CIIKSTXUr STREET OPERA I10CSE "Leave It To .lane." musical com edy version of Georgo Ado's fresh-water comedy, "The College Widow." Jerome Kern contributes ho music, while Guy Bolton and I G. AVode house are responsible for libretto and Ij rlcs. Tho cast Inol Ics Obcar Shaw, Ann Orr nnd Georgia O'Kamcy. Opens Thursday. It Is a love story and Cross, athletic comedians, Harry and Harriet Sceback, "Kim In a Gym nasium." ni.OBK "Blnlto Iteviio " tabloid musi cal comedy: "Kggs." with .Top llou.nd nnd Udllli May , Wloe s llanelng Iluds, Kabor and Taylor, Hurle Ilrothers and Kendell : Coupe and Houghton, "Self Defense"; None Nness nnd Mnrlette's Mnnlklns. WILLIAM PKX-. ''polling of season with "Don't Stop." musical reue. Hums and Klssen. In songs, Hadle and Ramsden. In "fhiirlie's Visit" , Weber nnd Hldnor, ami Him "To Hell with the Kaiser," flrvt half of week Tom Urown's Musical Hevue bends bljl for InBt half of week. CROSS KEYS Clnrn Kentlng'sfut Cps Itnlnes and Goodrich. In songs , Klsk and Knllon; "A Jolt fiom Jane." com edy sketch : White Steppers, Cell! Opera Company, tlr-t half of week. Who's My Wife?" lxads bill for last half of week COLOS1AL "The Itislng Generation," Juenile act, Tlrior and King, songs nnd dances; Flying Sumiueis, gm nasts: Greenlee and Williams, dancers Charles Class, songs. Alma Kubens. In "Kalso Ambition, Is 111m reature (Irst half of week A.YO.Y "On the Italian Front" mili tary ppectncie, by Geneml Pasano . Frank Gnby. ontrlloqulst ; I'aillsle unrl llnmrt ninlp.il rpvnp Alnv.tmlpr nnd Fields; Mr and Mis. Archibald ' Fnlls, comedy with hongs and danie. , Film feature, Bnld Hennett, In "The i Vamp." GKAXI) Oiie Oliver. In "I.lliertv Atlame," patriotic playlet; the Th-ee Kddys: Meiritt and Uldewcll . J Itn-, mond, West and Coffman , Ilulnucll nnd compnn , seenth part of "A Fight for Millions" PHOTOPLAYS S7M.V.fiV-.Madge Kennedy, In "Friend Husband," a comedy of feminist Im plications, dealing with the adventures of a modern wlfo whosr. aim Is free dom In domestic life i'n-t includes Kockllffe Fellow es, (Jer.rge Itiinny and i'aul Uer(on. PALACE Mae Marsh. In "The Glorious Adonture," for the llrt half of the week Norma Talmnilge, In "The Safety Curtain" witli lhigene O Hrlen on Thursday. Friday nnd s'aturdav. ARCADIA William S Hart. In "Itlddle tlawne" The cast which will he seen In support of tlm star Includes Knth rrlne MacPonalil ns lending woman. Don Chancy. Milton lto.s. Grctchen I.ederer and Lcn Kent 1 1CTOI11A Tbeda llnni. In Tlie Clemencenu Ciic" ns ndnpted for the screen from the novel by Alt ander Duinas. William Shay has the lead ' Ing male role. j .Kf7:.VT "The Hoiisp of Mirth." with Katherlno Harris Hai-rjiuore. flr-t half of the week: iliild itennett in "The Mairiage King " int half of the week, i STRAMI Till I Coiiin Hack to - cm " , flist half of tln w.ek. Itlllh- HuiKe In "The Fin suit of Ioll," last half of the Aeek LorVST "The tiieat T.ove." prochK'ed by D. W Grlinth. (Irst half of the week. Pauline Fiederick, In Fedora llnal half of the week , nrRi.rsQi'i: CrlS7.VO--HniTv Hastings "Hlg Show ' with I'nu Colcmnii ns tho featured comedian. Among the pilnclpals .ire i Alma Bauer. Phil Peters. Hazel I.or- ! ralne. Marjorle Itandnv ille. Alice Gull mette. Harry Holds J.ee and Cort, and , Goocln and Ani.ito TROCAOKRO- 'Girls from the Follies." j with Fred Hinder as the chief coin- ' edian The company includes Hani Von, Charles Asiott Al Cj. May Harlow. Anna Armsttong Habe I.uvettn. Francis Woodford nnd Hay Wlnl hrop. 1 c7.1V:7'V The Trail Hitters." James V. Cooper s biirlt'vqui. Jnhimle Weber i is the principal comedian with George H Hanks t h.irli s iMwaids Don Trent Augusta l.ang I. Isle Hestel and Habe i Klchman In the cist .V.s 7 ,;; s Pl'MOSTS Season opens with a matinee on August 31. New and old members to be seen Include Joe Hamil ton, Hennto Franklin, Alt S Gibson, Charley Gnno, Burke and Walsh, Billy Sheldon, Harvey Brookes, Oscar Smith and Tom O'Brien. rvrvRE opExixas NEPTEitllER S HltOAD"Potba Pretends." O A PRICK Charlotte Walker, In "Nancy Lee " LYRIC "Business Before Pleasure" rotHlEST "The Girl Behind the Gun " SRPTEMItER 3 AlU'.I.Pin -"Sometime." SEP TEMPER 16 III.'OAI) -'Not With M Money" 01.' REST 'Going fp " fe feS 1 tT -a k.ft F.a .&m NK r COLONIAL ALMA RUBENS in "Fulit Ambition" lllll Tliur.. Return bv Iopulrtr Demnnd of Those Amnzlnr Joyous JmenlkK "The KWIni: (irnerntlon"i (Ireenlee & Hllliuin, c-rlon1c Dan ccrs, llrier & Klne, Vnmle vllle's Cr crest fou ie Tllr Ilthir Viim mersi ( harlrs Clous. STRAND "'" at Vennno K. of Ilrond IIM, Tl r.SPAV. Wl:ilNKMAV '"Till I Come Back to You" Itniiitinrp of Cunttnrlnn l.ovf Tlll'HM)Y, rniDAY. ATrKI)Y Thr Inromnnrnht BI..F. RIIRKR m "Th. Pursuit of rollr" 1 riPI IQT n?n '! I.OCI'ST ST. i-.jyj i i :30 t) 3.sn n.so , MOMIW. TI'KSllW. WKIIMxnw Thr .srnniitlon of the l'irtiire Uorld "THE GREAT LOVE" Ihniil . (irlmth'a Mnstrrnlerr. For Stirntlnc ll Prpcedlnic AprilMements Tllllisnw. FKIIIAV, STI'RIV 1 lir Kmlliint enni of the Screen I'WIIM: I'RKIir.Rlf'K. In -rrilORA" Tlie Mot rnmotm of Sordou's llcrolnrs NIXON 2:15. 7 nnd 0 ENID BENNETT "The Vmp" CJrnprnl rnftnnn & Co.. "On the Itallua lTHnt," n Oonrpou MllltHrv Spectacle, rnrll!e A Row M u 1 r a 1 Rpnir Friink (iahliri lrx iimlfr A K I p I it rrhlr A (Jfrtlf I'nlN. "lUimpInc thp KhIIb " I Philadelphia's Leaaing Theatres, Direction LEE & J. J SWITRERT y sm mm vwvwwvuuux COXTIXVIXO ATTRACTJOXS FEATURE FILMS FORREST "America's Answer," second United .States official war picture released by the Committee of Public Information. Scenes selected from more than 30.000 feet of (Urn taken by tho signal corps of the American K pedltlonnry Force In Franco. OARRICK "Hearts of the World " D W. Griffith made tlie production In France and America, with Bobert Harron, 1-llllan nnd Dorothy Glsh, George Fawcett and Ben Alexander In the leadlnB parts, of tho war. WOODSIDE rniLAriKi-rniA'a i-katuno i-abk RODIA'S CONCERT BAND OIUSBI'I'R ROniA, Conductor Edna Wallace Kinney, Contralto Free Concertt Twice Daily 300 Free Toy for Children TOY HUNT Next Tuesday, 1 to 3 P. M. Firework 'Every Friday Night FORREST NEXT WEEK LAST WEEK TWICE DAILY 2:15 and 8:13 Tho U.S. Government rresnts THE 2ND OFKICIAIi WAtl I'lLTUUl-i EMW ATI io VUnallied Htary al of Ameiica'M Flnit I Year in tbeWorMWiir I onered h tlie imUfon of FUmi Committee on Public Information. I George Creel, Chairman laaeu uy me i . n, Rlsnel Corel A. E. V. Ky Order of aeneral jona j. rernninr. Trlcea 25e and flOc . ftU WAtt TAJL .MRHIHD Wslnut b. 8th St. MATS. DAILY 1600 IdlM Attend the Clno Each Week. FORGET YOUR TROUBLES AND SEE HARRY HASTINGS' BIG SHOW WITH DAN COLEMAN '. ALL NEW A LAUGHING RIOT Oh .mtj TImm. Yw'U RaiMtlTr riMMMtiy - Jfv. f4 ,, PENN Linoilttr At., tat. 40th lilt REOPENS MONDAY 2ll5. 7 S. 0 EXCEPTIONAL BILL OF VAUDEVILLE INCLUDINO THE UUSIOAT. C0MEDT "DONT STOP" BURNS & K I 8 S E N E A D I E & RAMSDEN WEBER . RIDNER la Conjunction with Photoplay Benutloo "TO HELL WITH THE KAISER" Compute Chui of Program TkundiT STRAND OEUMANTOWN AVENUE AT '31rv"111' VENANGO D. XV. OIUKFlTH'fl "THE GREAT LOVE" TrocarWo. Mitlneo MONTE CARLO GAYETY -hY steppe .a4 hi VAUDEVILLE KEITH'S T. Itov Harnea and riessle 1'rawford, In the Hkit "A Package of Smiles" ; Hlossom Seeley, In ratnlmc soubs ; Frailkln, vlollnl.st, Foster Hall. cliaracter comocly study; reicy llron-. son and Winnie Baldwin, In sonns, I diaries Irwin, monologulst ; Cl.na i und llmlly Harry, singers; I,.i Veen i D UMONT'S MINSTRELS 9th, Corner Arch GRAND REOPENING MATINEE AND NIGHT Saturday, August 31st Crrickcrjack Comimnv. Host Show Eer UKl.t'llMi: IIOMKt iid iirrici; vuiv oi'i:n (ire.it Loral Ilurtrsiiues l.tl'SrillMI A Mill' AT 110(1 INI.WII mill LH1IITLK.SS Ml.lIT IN TIIK I'AKK Llfct of C'oinpjnr In et Announcement HUBERT .TK.E mim m "J'l M ' 1 wwwwwHwwr tHL KIKMIMt IKIItTln I.TIIIAI. ll.M.L-IlItOAK 4 I.OnT STS ) Gala Opening Monday Night AT.A8RP WILLIAM ELLIOTT, F. RAY C0MST0CK and MORRIS GEST Present THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTION Now in Its Third Year at His Majesty's Theatre, London, England Sif?f3 iPilsJiw GARRICK TWIC1E IIAILY 8.15 nnil 8.IS THEATRE Samuel F. Nixon, JJf,?6 Sinn') Nixon Nlnllinisrr, ltu.., Mtr NEXT DnCITI7CI VIA CT 7I7l7l WEEK "THE WONDER SHOW OF ALL TIME" "SIIKI'ASSINO KVKN 'TIIK IIIKTII OK A NATION" AND UNAIU'ltOACIIKI) 1 ANY OTIIKK PROUUCTION" AlLlIllF The Master Producer's Master Produc tion. Eighteen Months in the Making The Sweetest Love Story Ever Told. The Greatest Spectacle Ever Produced rURTEU nV fill. niTon e'itipi nc ftiv vnivnp Daily Mats., 25c to $1.00 Nights & Sat. Mat. 25c to $1.50 NOTE T,IIS I'ICTUKE WIIX. POSITIVLIA , NOT UK seen aoain in "Ultl lllll. ADIII.IIIIA THIS SKABON. I ?SnST&KaVhAH MONDAY EVG SEPT. 2 "T.'nN.. 1'OrULAR SLOO JLITINEES AVEDNEMIAYS Kltatc of llonrr H. llarrU Offcni CHARLOTTE WALKER in "NANCY LEE" By EUGENE WALTER. Author of "PAID IN FULL." "THE EASIEST WAY," Etc. , vnnivn ivn tvu v & ? , v- miv .-... " TTfrnajxa Mr m q.trr 111. . t . ni.i.' THE l'LAY OF A WOMAN'S TRIUMPH ( Kit OKIiTN DOL'IIT.S and DECEIT Company of 300 People 14 Big Scene s Enlarged Orchestra Positively Biggest and Most Expensive The atrical Production Ever Taken Out of New York. iiruun nnil t'rrnteil hj Os.ar Am he. singed la Amerlcii lJ Direct from One Year at The Century Theatre, N. Y. Mu!c !3' Frederick Norton. .. 1.3 ii neie. A MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA OF THE ORIENT iTo.iuer!.VnV',.'.i,HnV'"1"nco '" l'rlrr ln PH of th. extmorrtlnary elte of tho l,M;!l,1!e'?.ll';nof,,,!h)''X1?,h0,u, nUml""' ' ,,la'r" """ PPly Present WITH Till. MISS MR. LIONEL BRAHAM MR. EDOENE OOWLES MR. ALBERT ItOWSON MISS IDA MULLC MIBS OLARA VEHDERA MR. NEAL LAKE MR. GEOROE BELL AND FOLLOMINd EXTRAOKIIINARY CAST: FLORENCE REED MISS TESSA KOBTA MR. III0HIE LINO MR. OEOROE HASELY MISS STELLA BT. AUDRIE MISS LUCY BEAUMONT MR. FELICE Do GRE00RI0 K?' Sl'J.IiINTER8 MR- BOBERT MERRIMAN .. unAAjco Diann Sllaa CL&BA BU&TOn MISS TINA RUSSELL MR. JIAKKY TURPIN 875 OTI1KUS IN r.NSEMIII.E SCENES. uil.. oinu' to tho eluantlc slz nf this iirucluotlon and tho dlfllcultleii of tranupxrilnir juch u btu otcractlon, "CIIU CHIN CHOW" will bo .ten this year ln onl lllltl.i: ilttes I'hlladelphla, Huston and ChlCJEo PRICES Eves, and Saturday Matinee, 50c to $2.00 (EXCEPT HATI7IIDAV XIliHT AND HOLIDAYS) Popular Matinee Every Wednesday. 50c to $1.50 EXTRA HOLIDAY POP. MAT., MON.( Labor Day) Sept.2 FORREST THEATRE SPECIAL." MONDAY NIGHT. SEPT. 2 Oprnlnr Krcular Thoatrlcal Heaaon S WEEKS ONLY SEATS MON.. AUG. 26. 9 A. Rl. KLAW & ERLANGER Present A NEW MUSICAL COMEDY HOOK AND I.VIIICM BY BOLTON WODEUOUSE ill'MIll 111 IVAN 0ARVLL CAST INCLUDES DONALD BRIAN JOHN E. HAZZARD WILDA DENNETT. ADA MEADE JOHN E. YOUNQ. FRANK DOANE EVA FRANCIS. VIRGINIA O'BRIEN ANtl nrWITOHINQLY PRETTY OIRL CHORUS iUBia in an . jo Hat I'uni ir siii 1 asci. iimi naiiii m, rii VOTE Tho Klr.f Pr,l,ii-(lnn U'lll .it NIXON'S AfULLU T1IEA1KE. Atlantic City. Jlonday Nil N'lckt BROAD STREET THEATRE Or-KNINO Or THE SEASON UB0RDAYMAT.&?&.2 1 N wvv -..-...... "or.rr,- c I PHOEBE PRETENDS! A new prrAvnn catpo COMEDY BY Majxaxxnwa u"U ACTnoR 'THE.POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL" tx ?. !; Lbor Par anf Wad. aUt loata' S1.6?. Scat Sale Monday. A. M. -m II aaiii fiaifuirir aiu- & mv aa a r-rifr f m mm.- iPtiktM ii i AT THX TOBBl M KKirr STRF.r.T nt JCNITEIt (INTINU()l 11 A.M. to 11 I'.M. IIKCINNINC. MON 1AY MATIN KK jmiiii.1 "f-K-NAN rrrarnt Tin: l al 11 PEOPLE IN CAST PrUty Girli. Funny Comedians, SnappySonjj SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION A CUATE Or FRESH LAUOUS "EGGS" A MUSICAL TABLOID WITH JOE HOWARD and EDITH MAY OTHER ACTS OF SABL0SKY HCUU1HK BXAHUAHV. and 1 t 4 ffi. IT SI TTirATSE. MARKET BEL. 6MH DAILY, 2,301 EVEN1N0 S . 7 li MONDAY. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Klara Keating's KUT-UPS IN ALL SORTS. OrCAPERS THURSDAY. FRIDAY it SATURDAY "WHO'S MY WIFE?" A Bright. BreoiT Mnilcal Fareo OTHER ACTS OF 8ABL0SKY and McOUIRK'S STANDARD. CHESTNUT ST. .SIGHTS AT 8.10. OPERA HOUSE CHESTNUT Hf All Ilia VNDIM DIRECTION or mejjci. iHuitT MATS. WEDNESDAY. SATURDAY THE PRICES NEVER CHANGE NIGHTS, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c. MATINEES $1, 75c. SO. (EXCEPT 5ATUBDAYt jUL POPULAR HOLIDAY MATINEE. LABOR DAY, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. BEST SEATS $1.00 OPENING NEXT THURS. NIGHT, AUG. 29 I BOOK 8- LVRKS WQUV BOCTON P.G.WOPtHOWE MUSIC y JEROME KERN F0U1DED ON GEO. APE'S FAMOUS COMeDY TU,r CllEM WlPOW "WILLIflM ElllOlTNv t G F.RAY COASTOCH 7filk fcSSR amo VORQIS GE5T V&M aitrnirii n m m k m ll ytWZ. fashion eLmJSpjEEBBi , . - iiK ygov Innlov lorket St. Ab. IfUh oianiey Fln&1 Day of MAE MARSH 'mon;ad.. Douglas Fairbanks Palnro ' -H Markrt trsvet r tun, in ui "nound In Moroc vi" Arcadia che.tnut st n-i wm Unnl Day of Billie Burke ",n """L1 of Polh ' Repent Markot St nl lTth B ' DOItOTIM IIAI.TON a '(iiti:i;N eyfs H' , ji DiniMauMtaMMM.... ' lilPJ o H STAOEH IIY ItOtBEKT MII.TON AMI KIHV KI HOYCK S MONTHS IN NEM llllth (1 MONTHS IN rlllC.UiO SEATS ON SALE MONDAY L Y'R I C Opening Matinee Labor Day, Sept. 2 A. H. WOODS PRESENTS mm Anew Comedy In three . Acts I'Hi'Jai B -" I. TlK Caw imammmmRF mmmeMeLWLWUt&LWLWWmmMmmmmmmJ With BARNEY BERNARD and ALEXANDER CARR DIHKCT FKOM A YKAB'S MVX AT THE ELTI-VCK SEATS ON SALE THU k f IIII(MI A I()NT(iOMKKV ' , , 1 I.d.Maiin-NlrilliiiKrr.Crn.Mt, 7 (S3 I "lllll It A lli:NKriT' J' J. Ill. V.MATs.. inr. ISr A !0( V r.M:.NiN(i, ; a o of 30, ;Yg llrElnnlns .Monilur .Matlnrr t jft f 1 "LIBERTY AFLAME" " IJl lth OI.IVK oi.ivki: t'it-' I tvV I MKKUITT & HIDKWKI.I. 'fSH 1 lwi j". II.VV.M1IM , 'SH I g? 1 i:i)iivs j !! 8 fTl TJlKlI'Hl!JWlnTIIKRSll '"' I I "4TII-41'-I1-I.Y IN VAKIS" I . ? I 11 "n1 "A 1''cl,t ,or M""on"i 2M TROCADEROliJl Hume of real, rlran. mi'to-datr burleaqua uaB 1UTII i. AKCH .MAT. IHII.V sHaH VtKKK STAKTINC AU(i. S6. THE fH GIRLS rIS2 FOLLIES ' gl llrndnl hr Frl llllidrr, thai. Al. , 'B rott, Harry C. Van. Al. Vatrr roj, ' 41M BmB .line llliriuur. .innit riiiairDna. iuf 4?iaaV V l.aVetta. Hay Wlnthrupa and the .. (,. mH J " Prettied Chorus in Burletque ''' 2?jH T" MYSTERIOUS MARIE ifl I lt' yawl It'll Noifll lt'a runnjl WSH i.!$5 py Montage I , J 'JfM iSlBy8i nd I Ti 7, S SK'lH fflEl JulcS I 'Willow Grove Park4H liPnSl SOUSA BANDJa : ! yv ?. ?.' tIH TUEATXE.VT. V. ? "A"''Sa. ! . Hh:lkm mm ncra my, wiaai ajtari-aaAiUaleaBBB a. tr vaan JjfVAI. ,., ' adJraMMdlammmmmPL, JaatiA.4.M EVaK m CSU