fit . '0. ? :- " is fify- l 3C 'eh- -W NEEDS ITS NONESSENTIALS WnEton List of Indus- R'tries May Be Basis v for Raids LF-- WORK DELAYED SCommunity Boards Being Or- M6 inized Througliout Country to Aid in Work V Washington, Aug. 23. Y,f There Is a snortage in war worn ui f 4'4AA AAA v..1tlla Ifihnrnra And thn TO- f$5lrve of skilled workers li exhausted. sSB-These facta were developed hero iffl'tt a conference ol jiuiu uncni-a u w KSTederal service employment. Further iirit9iimnt nf nonessential nrocluc- C4IA I. nnnnai1 n PulnnflA tTlPfl fOr War 1UI1 IS JIclltw kj ,... w - 'A following are the Industries which W!;lBO ivisiriui ui fi""" -- " wf Moor board, me nrst 10 iuna u." -? -.; . hn iuterl ua nonessen- S UUUUbCUlvuii .w ..-. WW tial: . . Iff Automobile Industry accessm :,, KH drivers of passenger nutomomies, E ",":" .ni,inn nrt delivery of l'Sftme. sight-seeing ".autotrucks. && -i. . i ., hmiiiti- fnol or doing rlv..-, .fn.i tntnlnir. other k5 .'. '.-.I . nvn.ltir'ta TOr WOT man ueuveiy ui ,,.-....- .- - ,Y-?- . i!i 'ViA ti.ii, nri hmiwr shnt) attendants; ly bowling, billiard and poolrooms: bot- PL'tlers and bottle supplier ISF 'Candy manufacturers, ciKm '"" &, tobacco, cleaners and dyers, clothing. '(A2 7 . Jllnn.nnDan It.tnh. rsi .......,. i',-o nnii delicatessen estab Ktr llshmenti. P t Builders and contractors not in- f gaged In erection of .structures ror war ' tvork; dancing academies, mercantile fe stores, florists, frultsands, Junk deal ers, livery and sales stables. ; Pawnbrokers, peanut venders, snoci Phlnlng shops, window cleaners, softl tfrlnk establishments and soda foun tain supplies. Community boards are being organ ized throughout the country by the .Department of Labor, and they are to .tv.rk in rinse exoneration with local KS 'draft boards. , A, . Bsl t ine laDur siu l-s "- --- Si,r miotir,,i nf n number of Important war projects for the army and nay 1 Is being dolaved. It was stated "t the I donference. The field agents decided 1 that the only way In which the needed J laborers could be semiren was m ie yiem from nonessential Industry. J NAVAJO BLANKETS DOOMED Tar Industries Board Asks Manu facture Be Stopped By the Associated Press 1ValilnKton, Aug 23 To conero LtS; ool for military needs, all woolen mills k r St h .nnntrv were requested today by lA'. the war Industries board to Rtop tnanu W litcttire ' of Nnvalo or fancy Indian ISi WanketS. Indians themseUes, wnose r , MMit .A..M,tnn la mnrta unnn hand 1 oms. are not affected (ftl Another request or the Doara is inai m-i- he mills divert a portion of their stoek W to the production of clothing material BV r loggers engaged In work for the KV mergencv Fleet Corporation and for ft'. ' e aircraft proouciion. a&.. : WNE PASSENGERS IN AIR TRIP Interior of France to Interior of IP. i j Fnrrlnnil in Half Hour, Rv thnMitrtfintfA Prrtt f'lendon, Aug.'IJ. A Iarg British alr lne, carrying its crew and nLie pas Jengers. has made the trip from Krance In .Eneland. It is announced here The whole journeyifrom an airdrome In the iiterlor of Frahce to one In the Interior of r England occupied little more than a lialf hour. IiJThe teat was made under routine con ditions with an ordinary serUce airplane Jfihe largest type. The passengers ear Jjed th: normal amount of baggage as when tiaveling by train or boat. UhAt GERMAN EMPRESS IS ILL mm - -777 , 3j' Kaiser Leaves Mam Headquarters l i-J to Be at llcr Uet,8U,e Lxu hA By the Associated Press i&fii Amaerdum, Aug. 23. impress Au r KUsta Victoria, of Germany. Is 111 at $-. castle wuneimsnone, atesse-t-iiHM'i. inc Kr Tokal Anzelcer of Berlin says, owing to B?joTerstraln from her war relief work. feSThyslclans In attendance promise her pC'folI recovery within a few weeks. p. Emperor William, wno nas neen ai ???innttt iinlnterrnntedlv In the Held since W&J theenrlng oftenshe, has left main head- PvSfouarters for Wilhemshohe especially as M,"th Empress's eons are prcented by Qli 4hlf. Mervlrn nhllcfnttnna rfnm nttpndlnrr SMi at-their mother's bedside." U -4'PAPERS BARRED FROM MAIL flf V,0Btal Privileges Refused for Al- "legeu seaitious utterances &J. Vah ntl.ffail DAlflMMID llttP!llIfll fnilT ? '' newsnanera have been barred from the Jjiv , malls, under the espionage act. the Post- hMomce Department announcea loaay. i The Milwaukee Leader, nuhllshed by -h Social Democrat Publishing Com-ii-pny; the Novy Mir, of New York, pub M t tUbed by the Russian Socialist Publlsh- r fiuC uompany ; me Aioaisa, puuiiHutru uy f. the Lettish Publishing Company, and tho V qronaca Sovversivaof Lynn, Mass. -V SCv-Ternado Casualties 30 Dead, 3 Missing !&"','? n. is. HniiI P &,' . TyUr, Minn.. Aug. 23. Thirty Identl V& fled dead and three missing was the toll $ -&. Ptthe Tyler tornado of Wednesday night. K$ adeordlnf to the coroner's official count eariy ioaay. Kk, rr vV Jn -Irurtlierance of trie twienea jf tne Fuel fca. rA J . A jj muri-auiiiuDirittiuu, vvc mfviiaiis ucgiuoiug nuu iday, vuguet zotn, ?peh at 9.30 A. M. vnd close at 5 P. M. Saturday, August tm $lt: Closing Hour, 1 ?2 noon. "9L k .1106 . dlMtftUt s St. tn .; :t7,-. ssssssssss. "H 1 - .'V ;vr-.Ht:. i hf, German Pi ess Now Admits Truth About V. S. Forces Amsterdam, Aug. 23. At last the Gorman press hns given up struggling ngainst the truth. In a short notice in virtually all the papers, apparently officially in spired, the reluctant admission is made that Secretary Baker's figures on the American forces in France arc about correct. One or two newspapers add the lame explanation that their former figures wore based on the position prior to May and that the really big shipments of men from America began since then. IL NEMICO DE NUOVO BOMBARDA VENEZIA Arcoplani Auslriaci Lanciano Bombc Causando Licvi Danni Publish?"! nncl r)litrlbiitil Under PERMIT No 341 Authorli'd hv the net nf October . 1017 on fllo at the Poatofflca of Phlln delphla Pa. Uy order of the Treeldent a s nunt.nsoK. Postmaster General. Honin, 2.1 ngosto. II Minlstero delta Ouerra, nel pom erlgglo dl lerl. In base al rapport! penenutl dal Quartler (lencrnle Itallano, ha puhbllcato 11 ieguente comunlcato: "L'artlgllerla nemloa fu p.irtlcolar mente attia, nelle prime ore della scorsa notte. nel settore I'oslna-Astlco. nel ecchlo sallente dl Col del Rosso ed nll'alba tra Fagare e Musile "Lo hatterio nemlchc furono pero' Immedlatnmente rlilotto al sllcnzlo dall'azlone della nostra artlgllcrla, la finale effieaccmente concentro' II stio fuoco contio le po.zlonl deH'avvcr.sarla. "I notrl rlpartl In esplornzlone lungo la rlvn, sinistra del Plae furono attl lsslmi nella rona dello pendlcl occiden tal! del Montello "Pattuglle nemlche nella Valle Rlo fretldo e nella zona del Montello furono disperse. "Durante la notte aeroplanl nemlcl gettarono bnmbe sul Lido a Vcnczla ed In parecchlo delle loc.illla' retrostantl, causando Uel dannl e ferendo alcune personc " II Generale Treat, della Missions Spe clale Americana, e' stato riceuto in ud'nza dal Re Vlttorlo i:manuee, sec- ondo un dlspacclo glunto dal fronte, ed e' stato poscla trattenuto a colazlone dal Sorano. Plu' tardt la mlsslone fu rlcevuta dal Duca d'Aosta. Francis J Sayre, genero del Presidento Wilson, splego" 11 lavoro della Mlsblone tra lo truppe Americane In tuttl 1 frontl. Mandano da Torino che una fabbrlca dl munlzlonl ha aequlstato una copla autografa dl uno del mnnlfesti usatl dal Magglore Gabriele D'AnnunzIo, quado con uno squadrone ncreo compl' l'lncur slone sopra la cltta' dl Vienna. La copla del manlfe&to fu pagata clnquemlla live, che sono stato donate alia Croce Rossa. II Slndaco dl Roma, Principe, Colonna, ha ogsi acrompagnato 11 Slndaco dl Ijon dra In una islta agll storcl monumentl della Cltta' Kterna. Domani in onor deH'illustre osplte vcrra dato un ban chetto nella Sala dgll Orazl e Curlazl, presso II Campldoglio. Per l'occaslone I Vallettl municlpall.indosseranno I'unl forme mediovale.r 'J!aCSEit.t , La Croce Hoksa Americana ha aperto otto asill per bambini nella zona dl guerra, hecondo un annunzlo ulllciale oggi dato W stato dichlarato che altri cinque asill saranno apertl, quanto prima. In Trcvlso. L'opera della Croce Rossa Americana e' mcrlteole del plu' alto elogio. I glornall contlnuano un' aspra contro ersla RUlla polltlca estera dell' Italia. II "Corriere della Sera," 11 principal glornale dl Mllano, ed una porzione della stampa attaccano 11 Barone Sonnlno Mlnlstro per gll Affarl Katerl, asserendo che egll non e' Budlcientemento llberale ed aperto nel rlconocere lo asplrazloni del Jugo-Slavl sull'Adrlatlco orientate. II gruppo cho si oppone al predetto, e' capltanato dal "Glornale d'lUlia" dl Roma, che dlchiara che 11 Barone Sonnino bisogn.i che aderlsc.i al pattl stabilitl In Londra nel settembre 1914, secondo I quail dere intendersl che, non appena battuta l'Austrla, l'ltalia dovra' essere generosa erso 1 suol -Wclnl dell'orlente. Un dlspacclo glunto da Londra an nunzla che, secondo informazlonl cola' pervenute, l'Austrla al fronte lnglese In Italia ha perduto 20,000 uominl tra 11 15 giugno ed 11 15 agosto corrente. Le perdlto sublte dalle truppe Inglesl In detto fronte e nello steeso perlodo dl tempo, ammonterebbero a 2500 uominl. II Congressman Louis C. Cramton del Michigan, che fu in Roma con la Dele gazione del Congrcsso degll Statl Unltl, e' partlto oggl dlretto al fronte In Albania Front St. Cor.Dauphl SPECIAL OFFER Rose Corduroy $0 QO Jackets au70 Just the jacket t o slip on these cool Sum mer days or in sarly Fall. New sleeve less and belted mod el, with deep patch pockets, neatly set off with white pearl suttons and white satin collar. S2.98 hard 1 y repre sents the origi nal cost of the mate rial. $2.98 EOSE CORDUHOY (We are calculating that this ex traordinary offer will secure for us new customers.) Rose color only. , Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenings FRONT & DAUPHIN STS. '.PHILADELPHIA . . a 1 JraU iUtnfwtru x .FiiMir "V ' EVENING PUBLIO 204 NAMES IN CASUALTY War Department Reports Marines Thirty in All Killed in Action, 22 Dead of Wounds 'Waahlnnton, Aug 23. Two hundred and fouf- names are con tained In two lists Issued by tho War Department for today, 132 In the army and seventy-two In the marines. Tho army list Is divided as follows: Killed In action 27 MlnsInK In action 33 Wounded severely 30 Pled of uoundfl 18 Died from accidental and other causei. 1 Died of disease It Wounded, degreo undetermined 1 Totals 132 T1IK AIIMY LIST KII.I.KO IN ACTION HerKfiintn LAOASSE. OLIVER, Claremont, N. It WEHCOTT. I2I.1S1IA , South Penobscot, Me. KII.JiriR. JOVCrj, I.archmont Manor, N. Y. LANDUHS, TIIO.MA3 K., Natlck. Mass. Corporals I.EONAHt). MICHAEL J Staten Island, N. Y MclVEIt GAVIN n . Mattapan. Mass. srill'I.TZ, 1TTK. nttsburieli. I'a. W1UTCOMU, MYRON L., Hampden. Me Mechanic McQULLAN. CLUTIS E.. rlttsbureh, Ta. PrlTntes IIF.I'I'.RRO, AMdl, Sikestlllr, Ta. HIM.SON IIYMAN, Itoxbury. Mass. JOHNSON. SIDNEY M Osco, III. KAPANKE PRED, Shawano. Wis KINO PnnDERICK P., Rutland. Vt KI.HIV. rilARI.HS ,1., Lenlslon, ra. KIlllXC JOSEPH. Lackawanna. N Y. si nnxroRi). Walter. 132 houth orange street, Media, I'a. MAXWELL. OEORC1E T. Newton Center, Mas MIIKEIVIC7. JOSEPH. .Terser Clt. N. J. SMITH I11ERT C. Danburv. Conn STOWC ETHAN A . Snder. Okla TONKOWtTZ IIYMAN. New York city Dl NITTO. PRAHMO Doston. Mass roWt.EIt IRA. Nevada, O. McCl'NB WALTER ISYnON. MIchlKin Cltv Ind 1111(1!, KP.NNETII ECKMAN. RiirllnBton, N. .1. SULLIVAN CHARLES J . Worcester. Mass PIEI OF ttOUNDS Corporal TALLMVN ANDREW O. Jollct, 111 Wnconer -CONANT JOHN LOYAL, R. F D No. fi Coldwater. Mich Privates rnns! rilARLFS OSCAR, rnrlhault. Minn HERMAN HENRY F Brooklyn JAHSTFOR, LEONARD K., Carsnn City Mich LEWIN SAMl'EL J . New York city. TAGOART MAYO E , Snsder. Mo MILLER RRYVN Detroit. Mich MORTORFF ERL M Ashley. Ind ORR JOHN LAOAN Chicago. PETERSON JOHN AJtTHUR, Lombard 111 POOI'POLMIER REINHARD F., Gerald. Mo ItnilR, I.YMXN. Anililer, Pa. nrciITI, ALFRED Monroe, Wis SANDERSON, WALTER C, Shawneetown, III SCHULOnN ERNEST, T.odl. Wis SCHOLTZ EDWARD Spencer, Wis SPONAOLE, WOODITN II , Horton. W. Va. DIED Or DISEASE Sersennts NEILSON JOHN H . Peoria. 111. POALO. VAN HORN, New York city. Corporal WILLIAM SCHOENPELD, Cincinnati, Ohio. Privates DAHLEN. OSCAR A.. Kindred, Jf D. DUKO. NOAH. Tlshomlnso. Miss. EVANS JOHN. Newbern. N. C. COY. WILL. Emollo. Ala. GARLAND, RAYMOND It . Oermantown. Neb. GRIER. HENRY. Charlotte, N. C. MOORO. HAROLD J , Live Oik. Cal. ROJCKI, HENJAM1N. Now Hrltain, Conn. DIED PROM ACC1I1ENT AND OTHER CAUSES Corporal WELSH, HART L, Wellsvllle, O. WOUNDED .SEVERELY Serseants DUOLL. 1IOLI.1S P., McCords, Mich SPROTT. CHOVINO. JR . Manning. S. C. WINNIKI. WILLIAM, Walllrgford, Conn. Corporals DUNNO. TERRENCE FRANCIS. Brooklyn bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbIBv 'iGSbbVV jlewcun Oxfords Every Pair of LOW CUTS In The House $2.45 THIS is a fair and friendly warning. .If you want a pair of these elegant NEWARK Low Cuts at $2.45 before the last of them vanish-COME TOMORROW. Think of it genuine Goodyear Welt sewed NEWARK Low Cuts duplicating in style the smartest $7 to $10 models seen in this city this season for $2.45 I But you must be quick COME TOMORROW. THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF THIS REMARKABLE SALE and probably the last time for a long, long while that you'll be able to buy such elegant Oxfords for $2.45. Take our advice-COME TOMORROW. jlewar& Sfioe Stores Ca f LARGEST CHAIN STORE SHOE COMPANY IN THE WORLD. TWELVE WO.MK.VS AND JIEN'H HTOltKS IN PlIILADELPHLV 1S1 Msrkft St.. bt. i:th & 13th Sts. 2413 Krnslnrton Ate., bet. York and Cumberland 8ts. . . . . L tISl Crrmuntown Av... bet. Irfblfb Ave. and Homerset St. 1ST North to St.. ner Cbwry. IEDGERPgmADELPglAt ffBIDAY, DOUBLE LIST TODAY 132 for Army and 72 for McCANDLESS. WILLIAM R.. Muncle, Ind. SHILLADY, STEPHEN, Everett, Mass. Cook AI.DO, FALONTT, Detroit, Mich. Privates HEWITT. FRED W . SVmlh Spencer, Mass llMlliH. HENRY, S , Hastlnus. Neb. OANHEMI, ANTONIO. Runiford. Me. OENOVA, SAM. Osvveno, N. Y. LANPHOAR, JERRY M . Dickenson, N. V. U'LLIVAN. OEOROB A.. Carthaice. O. W1LLIO. HARVEY, Callne Cltv. Ind. ULANCHETTO. LEO II.. Northampton. Mass. IIODETTE. F , Prlstol, Conn. DlNHorER. SAM. New York city. EPOE1T, HERHERT, AUKUSta. Mich. JENSEN. JOHN M., St. Paul. Minn. JOHNSON. OUY IS.. East Peru. Me. KURTZ. OSCAR O , Rossvllle, Ind. O'SHEA. JOHN, Chicago. PLATKIN, EDWARD A . Brooklyn. SCOTT, ELRERT, Eureka. Ala SMITH, ADAM EKendalla. Tex. MKINKR. JACnil, 1311 West Market street. rotlsilllr. Pa. WII.CHER. ERNEST E., Durint. Okla. WYATT, CLARK W.. Rlchardsvllle, W, Va. YOl'NO, ORIE. Charleston. W. Va, 70NII7.IAN. JOSEPH, West Paterson. N. J. OPM)EI. DEORKE UNDETERMINED Serceants MAYER. HAROLD F., Bartlett, III, rY, JOHN F.. Albany. N. Y. Corporals nROWN, rr.ED W., Columbus, O Trlvntes PITSCA. JOSEPH. Tulsa. Okla KINO. ALEXANDER J., Albinv. N Y. LOHMKUHL.. HERNARD H , CovlnBtnn. Ky. Mcdl'ISTON. JOHN, lfll.1 South Twenty fourth street. Philadelphia. I'll. NO! AN. OEOROE. Seranton, Pa. , PASTt'lA, STAM.Ki J.. Sheniiuiloiin. Pa. PATIENCE. WILLIAM E , Imogene. la. MISSINO IN ACTION Lieutenants CHESTON. OM.I.OWAY O.. Annapolis, .iiu. iiitvt .iason s Wnodsvllle. N 11 McELVAIN. CLIFFORD A . Albam, Mo. MARTIN RICHARD C. MechanlcsburB. O MONTAOUE. PAUL N.. Winston-Salem, N. C SANDS, OEOROE H . Richmond, a VANN, OROVER C Montgomery, All. WHITEN, ARTHUR L NorthvlIIe, N D. Privates AMADOR, CHARLIE, Goliad. Tex. 11AMLE. TONEY. New Castle, I'a. HANLEY. CHARLIE R . Ozan. Ark. HOOKER. JULIUS Sturgls. Mich CASSIDA NEIL. PortHnd, Fla DOCORDOVA. STERLING G . Tlshomlnso OMa. FLAHERTY JOHN J., Waltham, Mass. GALLAGHER FRANK A . Waltham Mass C.l'MIIERT. JOHN I... Dravosburg. Fa. HAYDON, JOSFl'H, Seattle. Wash. VII. AVIV. FRANK. Chicago. KNIPO. RAYMOND II . Worcester. Mass LIVINGSTONE. GUY, Boston. Mass. LOVULLO, JOSEPH. Sorradlfalzo. ltalv MrtlURK, JAMF.S II.. Muddy Creek Forks. York Counts, Pa. MADDOX. MARTIN E . Lakeland. Ky. MAINO, CATALDO Corata, llarl. Italy MARCHART. GEORGE. Cadott, Wis MATULOVICZ, PETER P. J., Worcester Mass MOORE. SCOTT B.. Woodland. Tex. MURPHY', JAMES II . Woburn, Mass. O'liURN, CHARLES. New Yo-k city PRATT. EI MER. Mount Pleasant. Tex. RADICAN. CLAL'DO R . Cumby. Tex. ROLLINSON. ARTHUR J., Waltham. Mass nOSOR. EDWIN. Milwaukee, Wis. RUBIN, HARRY, Brooklyn. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED DIED OF WOUNDS. NOiV REPORTED WOUNDED IN ACTION FARRELL. LOUIS. Fort Snelllng. Minn Tho marine list Is divided as follows Killed In action, three, died of wounds, four, died of disease, one; wounded severely, ten, wounded, degreo undetermined, fort-nlne, mlssfng In action, 'five. KILLED IN ACTION Captain WASS. LESTER S.. Gloucester, Mass. Privates liLaEHEISER. WILLIAM, BrookUn, N Y KlbllLER, EDWIN P.. Chicago. DIED OF WOUNDS Lieutenant TIGAN. WALTER J.. Rochelle, III. NtworNever! (HslslH ilslsrV 14 llslllll, 'EmOut V HHHhmHIIIB .row HwisHivnniV Its Kr EEB&Br Your 4JJ South ht.. nesr 4th St. 44 Market Ht, bet. 4th t 0th Sts. 4523 Frankfard Are. Kldse Columbia Ae. bits Oermantown Ave., near Chelten Ave, Privates CROSS, WILLIAM McK., Havre, Mont. HEIN7.. EDWARD L.. Louisville, Kr. TURNQREN, GUST A Chicago. WOUNDED SEVERELY Sergeant YOUNG, HOWARD It., ICewanee, III. Corporals AMOS, DANIEL. Nevada, Mo. GREENING, WILLIAM, J Peru, HI. Privates CHAFEY, GEORGE, Hebron, Neb. DEELEY. MARTIN A,, North Tarrytown. N Y. FAULKNER, LYLE If., Newport, Ky. JONES, HAROLD R., Utlca, N. Y. KIRK, CLIFFORD, Vandalla, 111. HAUOHER, ROBERT L.. Chase. Ala. SECHKUS, JOHN. Cleveland, O. WOUNDED. DEGREE UNDETERMINED Captain MURRAY, JOSEPH D., Concord, Mass. Lieutenants NICHOLS, JOHN IL. New Orleans, La. BROOKS, CHARLES W.. Wheaton, 111. JUDD. RALPH C, De Kalb, III. Quartermaster Sergeant K1NDEILY, JOHN S., Buenos Aires, S. A. Sergeants DELANEY. WILLIAM J.. Spokano, Wash. PALMER. I.EROY E.. Utlca, N. Y. RHODES, WILLIE. Ashby. Ala. 8EARCEY, WILLIAM A., Pendleton, Ore. SEIRERT, WILLIAM R., Chicago. THRESHER, ALVIN W Boyd. Ind. TRUPPNER, HERBERT G.i Now Brighton, v. v. WOLAVER, WILLIAM W., Alberta. Can. Corporals KELLY, WILLIAM A.. Oklahoma City, Okla KINO. LOUIS A.. Plalnfleld. Wis. SKI.AR, REUnEN, Detroit. Mich , YOUNG, VEARN W.. Golfax, Wash. Privates ADAMICK. ALBERT. Olen Carbon. III. HARNETT. EARL K . Indlanola. 111. CASE. HAROLD. Coldwater, Mich. CURRIE. ROSSE B.. Talladega, Ala. EGOERT. ERWIN II , Milwaukee. Wis FELDHl'S. JOHN F , St. Louis. Mo GORDON. CHARLES A . Springfield, 111. OUNN. JOHN L , Cordele, Ga. KINO. ARTHUR J., no address given OLSON. MELVIN O . Hatton. N. D REYNOLDS. ROBERT J.. Harrlsburg. III. RIGO. HARVE, Potlach. Idaho RILEY OEOROE H . Roxbury. Mass. SCHNARR. OEOROE H. II. , Newark. N. J. SEEWERKER. JOSEPH F Connellsvllle, Pn. SEIRERT, GEORGE. New Orleans. La. SHERIDAN, VINCENT A., Richmond Hill, N Y SINGER, SAMl'EL A , Chicago . SKOIJUA, UNION C Minneapolis, Minn. SMITH, CLYDE J.. Knnxvllle. Tenn SMITH. EDWARD S , Mlllersburg, Mo. STICKNEY, OUY C. Bolhell, Wnsh STRINOFELLOW, JOSEril O , Robin son, HI. TIPPS, OEOP.GE T , Henderson, Tex. UTZ LEE N Burlington, Ky VANSICK'I.i: RAYMOND II . S.ivnnnah. Oa COMMGRCIfliOW STadTl4C.NPnvVrvJ ANN'S Loose Leaf Forms We enrrv n large stock of nil (lie. standard Loose Leaf Tonus. A partial list: Inventory, Combined Cash and Journal. Perpet ual Stock Record, Dally Huslness Statement, Month ly Expense Record, Pnv Roll, Cost Sjstem, Snles Record, etc. The loose-leaf Idea will save time, labor and ex pense In your bookkeeping work. We will be g-lad to explain the practical uses for our.I.nnsa Leaf tPorms, consult us. mUAMMANNCOMPA?! ninnk Rooks Loose Leaf Stotlonerv, Printing Engraving, Lithographing 529 Hlarket Si. ! fim BsX I M Last Call- EXTRA SPECUU 25c Silk Ucts, reduced to ,19c 10c Corn Cure, reduced to,,. 7c 75c Bath Slippers, reduced to ,...490 10c Summer Cushion Felt Insoles, reduced to 7c !222 & Jr?nt st" near Dauphin St. ?5 fr Ml ? ner Market. ' ??i? K'nslnitoo Ave., nr. Hart Lane. l"! Kouth bt., bet. Broad & 18th. SIS N. 8th hi.. Iet. It ace Vine. S37 STOBES IN 87 CITIES AJJQmm' jtf icf W ' VREIN, ALFRED C?.. Wllmot, 8. t. WALTERS. CHARLES C. Rock Island. 111. WARD. MICHAEL J,. Cincinnati, O. WEBB, POSEY L Cnllway, Va. WILSON, JAMES C., Haywood, Va. 2WILLICH, CHARLES H , New York city. MISSING IN ACTION Corporal STANSBERRY, LUKE. Coal Creek, Tenn. Privates DELUGE, HENRY, Detroit. Mich EASTER JAMES V Cincinnati, O. GILES. CHARLIE W., Gainesville, Ga. PENCE, FRED I, Eric. Pa. DIED OP DISEASE Sergeant nownoTTOM, aEonai: shire, England. Gloucester- HEROES FROM NEARBY IN THE MORNING LIST Wnslilngton, Aug. 23. Tho army cas ualty list Issued last night contained 12S names, nmong them tho following from nearby polntB: KILLED IN ACTION Privates JOYCE. JOHN .1.. Clreenork. Va. KALINSKI, JOHN, Baltimore. DIED OP MOUNDS Cnpluln MILLS, PHILIP, St. Divlds. Pn. Sergeant WILLIAMS, AL11LRT J., 033 Ilovera stTfet, Furyra, Po. I'rlvates ' RREITIOAN. ABRM1AM IL. I.llltr. Pn. WISOM'ATY', FELIX, 1330 Markcllo avenue, Pittsburgh. MOUNDED SEVERELY Privates , C.RAEFF. M'ALTER. SIS East Market I vS b, . yfW 'i ' a Msx. s im m i ' i x r.x v x uoa i i Sk'V - t wimmjBmmim Pkm sLiamsmimas m m us fK"w,mQmmmmmm. m "Mc street. Pottsvllle, Pn. MURRAY, M'ILLL3I. IS Duke street, Kearny. N. J, VANCHURE, CHARLES, Avella, Pn. W'ATKINS, SAMUEL A., 311 Nesliannock avenue, New Castle, P. MISSING IN ACTION Corporals rORESTI, CARL. 6335 Apple avenue, East Llbtrly, Pn. Privates ERERIIARDT, I'RED A., Monesson, Pa. HARE. HARRY W.. Indiana, Pa. MCCAFFREY, PRANK II., OH Front street. Mlllon. Pn. RYAN. PAUL R., 00 Cocoro street, ritts- Imrgli, Pn, " VICCHIO. HAt.VATOIHT S . Baltimore. Md WETZEL. ROBERT 11.. 10 South Brook street. Allrntnwn, Pn. EOO, JOSEPH ANTHONY, 101 Dewey street, Neivark, N, J. SCHILLING, AUGUST F 237 Thlrty-lhlb street. Pltlsliiirgli. Pn. SPISAK, FRANK, l'assalc, N. J. Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 23. Tho follow ing American names appear In today's casualty list: KIteLED -IN ACTION Lieutenant D. U. Wright, Oklahoma City, Okla.! N. J. Noel, address given as Claire, Wis.; II. V. Buhner, Lake Hay, Wash J J, J. Gray, Santa Ana, Cul. ; V. L. Mason, Phoenix, Ariz ; R. V. Kiancls, Cldcago; W. 13. Fklnner, De tiolt; W, PrlesMcy, Spokane, Wash.: AV. J. Bruce, OlOllesple, 111.; C. Brink ley, Des Moines, la. DIED OP WOUNDS W. n. Hryce. Plnconnlng, Mich. ; C. 13 .Stout, Roundup, Mont. WOUNDED II. W. Brown, Red Lodge, Mont.; -W. A. Chase, address given as Beau dctlc, Minn. and my Admiral smoke Hcimar." ' 1' V !. ' ' ' V-f ' Hospital Attendants ' Cenwrev! ' Wilmington, DL, Aur.. 2S. HftVlngf returned a verdict of accidental death! In the case of Charles 11. Smith, of 5131 Carpenter etreet, Philadelphia, In an auto crash Saturday last at ML Fleas nnt. the 1tirv censured tho attendants at tho Delaware Hospital for not reporting tho case to me loeni ponce, ine cor oner was Instructed to consult with the Attorney Qencral. Commencing Julr 1st Oar Store Will Close at S P. M. Saturdays, 12 Noon Cash or Credit Price the Same The Beit Kind of Charge Account $1.00 DOWN ON A BILL OF $20 PAY $1.00 WEEKLY We Furnish Everything ' for House and Person Fashionable Clothe for Men, Women & Children Furniture, Rugs, Houiefur- nithings,, Refrigerators, Go- Carts, Jewelry, Trunks, etc. Makers of the Hgnsst GcodsTurhldt and Egyptan Cigarettes in the ibid -'l i ''1 1 "?, ,5 Yi A, L , ! ' SW73 5r ;, - " - !?Sr:V . -Jj- - T ' WVMS ;F &jr-rO " . lV&'i