Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 22, 1918, Final, Page 4, Image 4

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v jps.' Vj-P1 " ; -$ wr&rittfiffi
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distant District Attorney
Suspicions at Inquest of
Negro Riot Victim
. i . n
3t r t -. wri 1 TTTI .
iKSemls uascs m wnicn wniic
iV - . .
Men Were islam to the
Grand Jury
"" Hints Hint thi? nollcn ot the Scvcn-
f&ir.'Lv:.:..:' . ..u....,
pg.v ipenin uisirit'c were ujiiik iu ;ui'i
!' 'tacts concerning? the sliiyliiB of Illley
fc Bullock. neKro, of 2032 Annln strcot,
NT V.tte made toilay by Assistant District
,? . .i .-. , .- ... .1... I .. Infn
the ile.itlis of victims of race riots in
F' fotl, TM.IltwInttthln lunt Innnth
M?, "Bullock was shot July -9 in he
RKcenrlcd tne srrm 01 ine Kuiiiun nuu.-,
Twentieth and Federal H'.ri-els. In the1
custody of two policemen who hail
arrested hi in In connection with the .
Hots, lie dkd a short time later In
the Polyclinic Hospital
'Coroner Knight
Truppc Austrinchc Contrattac-
cate si llitirano Subcnilo
Gravi Pcrdilc
Publlhn1 ami niatrlbiitNl Under
. ... . I'EHSIIT No. Sit
.-JuthorliM by the art nf Octobr 0.
i;iIJuionnl8 ' "8 I'oitofllce. tf I'hll
oemhia. Pa,
"v order of th- rrmldent
A, s. mini.rsoN.
Postmaatar Ocneral.
Rmnn, 22 ngosto.
Circa le operazlonl al frontc 11 bat'
taBlla In Italia, II Jllnlstero della Guerra
ha iiiibblieato, ncl pomerlgRlo ill lei, II
seRuento comunlcato:
"ler mattlna truppe nemlche attne
carono da occldontc a nord lc nostre
llnec a Cornone. L.a nostra Buarnlglono
arresto' II nemlco. Pocla con un con
trattneco lc truppc awersarlc fuione non
penz.i aver sublto (jravl perdlte.
"l'H(?lonlerl furono catturatl durante
un tentatlvo nemlco contro IB nostre
llnce n annate "
1 l.nnrl nulltnri austrl.icl a Parenzn
(Mili.i costa Adriatic:! a pud ill Trieste)
flotio statl bombard.itl. con pleno sue
ceso, daKli lUIatorl it.illanl, senz.i pero
rocaro aicun il.tnn alia nonnl.tzlono
Huge Aircraft Waste Alleged
", i , i ij , ,.nntlnue ' " """ ".iniio una popoiaziono
night decided to continue .... ... , ... ' , ' ,, ...
the case two weeka longer, until a num. .. ,,:","."."."" 7."" ."..':.
a.ti:ui i -" hi linpua dellc popolazionl oppretsc
Only Two i:e-ttltnnie" i d.illa dnmlnazlonn uiKtrliici.
Policemen Hobert P.amsey and John Oua Idroplnnl Italian! furono attaccatl
H. Snyder. who arrested Ilullock and cinque areoplanl da caccla nemlcl,
were with him when he whh shot, weie centre toronavano d.i una Incurfilone
the only witnesses to take the stand , miH'alto Adrlatico. fn.i dellc macchlne
Who knew anything of the shooting. Per un kuiuIo al motors fu cotretta a
Police Lieutenant Harry Myers, ofl fermarl, ma Imniedlatamonte rlparo"
th6 Seventeenth District. Incurred the al Ruasto. in tempo utile da potcr sfug
wrath of the Assistant District Attor- ( Rlre alle torpidlniere nemlche cho
Jicy while he was on the stand, JIeis scortavano sll areoplanl da caccla, uno
was Rrllled at length and admitted hat del quail fu abbattuto da una squadro
'ho-saw Ilullock lying on the station f dl macchlno Itnllane da bnmbardamento.
house floor, but did not know what was Holdatl ruinenl e montenegilnl si sono
,tho'' matter with him. I ra agRluntl alle truppe C"zeco-Slao chc
After ltamsey and Wnyder had glcn ' combattouo al'frontc ltnllano.
testimony w.hlch was not sutllcient to, II Blornale "111 Messaggeio' dl noma
hold either of them. Li. lleniy Dicker- pubbllca die I'Auitriu si sforz.i ill far
eon, negro, who represents the negroes credere agll Alleatl che gral dlssensl
concerned In the riot cases, charged sonn scopplatl nell-lmpero Austrn-Unga-that
fifteen or twenty pei'ons sit-lrlco e che tiuppe anstriache sono state
hesscd the shooting of HullocU. , invlate In Krancla per alutare I tedeschl
Three Npcroen Held
Three negroes were held by the -or-
oner to await the action of the lirand
JTury In connec"on with the Killing of
three white lctims during the riots
Jonas nilc. 2713 Titan street, and Henry
Clo' non r.ipiiresenlercbbe ultin che una
manovra del nerlco per nascondere I
preparatlxl dell Austria tier una nuowi
offensha contro 1'ltalla
11 Comltato N"nale Americano, mm
poslto dl rappreFentantl del 'ongroso
ilegll Statl I nltl, ha llievuto cable acco-
Huff. of 2745 Titan street, wele held to gllenze dallo autorltu' e dal popolo Ita'.
liwalt the (irand Jury's action in the lano, accoglli-nze che pnssoim riassumeisl
in eniusiaucnc c-picssioni i" amicizia
per Kli nmerlcanl t'omllato ha dlchla-
rato che 11 principal!" scopo della vlslta
In Italia r' slato rpipllo dl peisonalmentc
e soletinemento affermare al (ioverno
ltnllano ed alia nazlone che l'Anierlca
dl tutto cuore e' con I'ltaliii o con gll
altri Aleatl slno a la vlttorla finale che
death of Thomas McVey, of 2735 oak
'ford street, a policeman, and Kram is
Donahue, of 1352 South Stanley street.
McVcy and Donnhuo were both shot
" when they entered a house on Titan
Hreet west of Twenty-seenth McVey
died July 28 In the Polyclinic Hospital
, , ..i11' ncai ( niiiu ii t iii"iit
rrom a gunsnot wouna in ine cncsi. .....i d(n.ra. rlgenerare II mon.lo. e che
Donahue died tnree na later irom 'lrealBtn dedicare a quisto sublime
" gunshot wound in the abdomen 1 idealc tutte le sue cnergle, 1 suoi ilgll c
Jesse Dutler, of 48ID Haerford ae-1 e EU( rCCPZ,c,
nue,- was held to await the action of i.e impressionl del la Jllsslonc Soclallsta
' the Grand Jury In connection with the , Americana, dopo la vlslta In Fruncla,
.death of Hugh I.uery, of 1234 South , inB,llterra ed in Italia, possono cosi'
Xwenty-elxth street, who died July 2S' rlassumerel:
In the Polyclinic Hospital
In Francla 11 numero del paclllsti o
del soclallstl contro la guerra e' assal
llmltato Questo numero cslguo non ha
alcuna Influenza intellettuale negll
uomlnl del partlto.
In Inghllterra la sezione soclallstn
contro la guerra ha brlllantl ed ablll
eani. ma e' scarsa dl seguacl.
Ax Three hundred and fifty-seven negro In Itnlin ia gltuazlone e" alquanto
ii 350, Negroes Leave Here for Army
Iff 'Service at Lee
'? draftees from Local Board No 6 nt
$ Twelfth and Tine streets, entrained at
zne iiaiiimore ann unio jiiiuruau .im
tlnn nf Twentv-fourth and Chestnut
?" streets today for Camp Lee, Va
The, men, the largest quota ever sent
r Tlnnrd 'n fi irathprert at the Starr
fiOarden Recreation Center at Scventn
and Lombard streets at an early Hour
this morning. Several thousand of their
friends and relatives, their enthusiasm
dampened not a whit by the rain, gath
ered to bui .mem uoa-speea.
Accompanied by two bnnds, a detail
S of mounted police- and Home Defense
Heservc.9, the draftees paraded out' South
V - street to Twenty-first street, thenco to
g , CQesinui ujiu io me luiuuau oiaiiuu
Gll attacchl del glornall contro II
Mlnlstro per gll Affarl Ksterl, Daroiie
Sonnlno, rlguardantl la sua nttitudine
nella questlone rlllettento gll Czech!,
sono conslderatl parzlalmenfe come
manovra dl nemlcl polltlcl per co
strlngerlo a rassegnare le sue dtmlshlotn
Contlniieil from re One
(rent nuiomoblte ind other manu
facturer tfho were Irnorant of aero
nautical prnblemn.
"2. Thme manufacturern under
took the Imponnlbl tank of creating
a motor which could be adapted to
alt rlamtea of flying rraft. it la not too
murh to nay that nur airplane pro
crnnt linn been largely subordinate' to
the Liberty motor."
".1. M'r failed at the beginning
of the war to adopt the rommnn-ne n
rnnrne of rrprndurlng the mont ap
proied tpfn ot Kuropean mncblnen
In ai grent numbera an ponnlble. Thin
nliould hate been carried nn eolnel
dent with the production of the Lib
erty motor. ThU nound policy hnfl
tery rrrently, but after n Inmentnble
bipne of time, been adopted."
Ijrrorn Could Have Ileen Avoided
The mistakes and errors ct.uld prob
nbly havo been avoided, the committee
said, If the program had been under
the control of one man, assisted by skill,
fill aeronautical engineers and practical
"This brief summnry Is not a whole
snip condemnation of our nlrcraft pro
gram," the report added. "Much hus
been accomplished. The committee Is
glad to report that, while It bellees
there are ct many things to lw rem
edied, , nevertheless wo are uppronchlng
a period when quantity production may
be hoped for "
No charges of graft In aircraft pro
duction were Investigated. That phaso
of the situation was left entirely to
Charles W, Hughes and the Department
of Justice.
"Our Inquiry has been so Impersonal
as conditions hae permitted," the re
port added
The committee formally recommended
tho establishment C;f a department of
aeronautics with a cabinet member at
Its head to produre aircraft for both the
armv and the navy.
"We would thus place power and
responsibility in the hands of a single
man, organize a service not alone for
thin war, but for all time," tho report
continued, and establish for the forces
of the nlr tho same policy of adminis
tration that has so long governed those
of tho land and seas."
Prime Need In Slacblneii
A commission of engineers and pilots
to visit tho battlefronts In relays, re
turning i"ltli first-hand Information, Is
also "Imperatively demanded" by the
"But your committee feels that the
prime need of the hour is machines In
continuing quantity, nnd the production
of them should be accelerated by enlist
ing tho const motive activities of all re
sponsible conci rns engaged or which can
bo tngagid in the business to full ca
pacity." Original Organization Condemned
Tho original organization of the air
craft board was condemned because It
was made up of auto men, presumably
duo to the theory that aircraft engine
nnd plane production were analogous
pursuits nut the analogy between the
two virtually begins and ends with the
fact 4 hat automobiles and airplanes both
uso a gas-oploslve motor.
Organization under tho hoard was un
s.vstematlc and Ineffective, the report de
clares The work of various bureaus
under the board overlapped and con
flicted. "This condition of red tape, confusion
and delay seems to be Inseparable from
olllcl.il business routine In Washington,"
tho ri.nnrt heto points nut
In fairness to thoso concerned, the
commit in. dictates Conertss made a
mistake when It provided that the sig
nal corps of the army should have
charge of alrciaft production nnd ad
ministration. Opponeil l'oreigii Motors
The reimrt scores the "Imaginary ob
jections" made by the aircraft board to
adoption of tho policy of manufacturing
approved types of' foreign motors coinci
dent with development of the Liberty
Ultimately In the autumn ot 1917 tho
board ndoptcd one French and two Eng
lish types of flgh(lng planes to carry
tho Liberty engine. These were the
Hpad, the Urlstol and tho Ds Itavlland
Colonel Clarke was Instructed to re
design tho Bristol upon tho English
model, retaining Us wing load of about
7.1 pounds In a total weight ot 2037
"Hundreds of changes afterwards
mado In this design by signal corps and
ptoductlon engineers without consulting
Colonel Clarke, the corps expert, In
creased tho wing load to about 0.2
pounds per foot, with an approximate
weight of 3700 pounds. Some of these
changes were, required by the incrcaseu
strain ot tho heavier and stronger mo
tor upon the structure.
Lonn of Money and Liven
"The machine was finally put Into
production nnd then abandoned after
tho test of July last nnd after an expen
diture of more than J6, 600,000 and tho
loss of scvcrul valuable lives
"In September. 1017. the signal corps
contracted with tho Curtlss Company
for 3000 one-seated Snnd planes, in
October 8 the contract was canceled, the
reason given therefore being that It was
done nt direction of General Pershing.
Inasmuch, however, ns General Per
shing's cablegram concerning the sub
ject bears the date of December 14 fol
lowing, we must nccept the statement
ot the Curtlss Company oniclals that the
board canceled the contract because It
desired to equip the plane only with tho
Liberty eight-cylinder motor, which was
found Impracticable. Tho Liberty eight
was about that tlmo discarded
"Tho plane was too light for the Lib
erty engine, so Its production was .sus
pended. The Curtlss people assure us
that their contract would long ago have
been completed nnd the planes In tho
service at tho front had tho manufac
turers been permitted to proceed with
Twenty Hnndley-Page machines have
been embarked, tho report sujs, and
they will continue to go In constantly
Increasing quantity, reaching 140 for the
month of February, 1910. "But," the re
port adds, "all the Handley-Pago ma
chines now contracted for could have
boon delivered by July 1 this year had
uso been made earlier ot the plans which
were given to the signal corps In the
summer of 1917, with full permission to
use them."
Trailing rlnnes Dlnrnrded
Production of training planes hns been
"fairly adequate," says the report, and
there 1 no reason to apprehend that It
will fall below rcqultcmcnts. Twelve
hundred " training planes, made nt a
cost of about 6,000,000, had to be dis
carded, however, because of their mo
tors. In the development of tho Llheity
motor, tho report sajs, the nlrcraft
board "has performed an Important task
for which due credit should be given.
The motor Is not yet perfect, the re
port stutes, but Is Improving.
High rrofltn Srored
Regarding high profits tho teport
points out that one concern building
liberty inotois makes 33 G per cent prof.
Its, one making jilstons makes 285 per
i nt in. the Lerhnne motor 92.8 per
cent and on the Do Havlland four about
V pi 1 ICIll
Training Fleldn Crltlrlncd
Criticism Is voiced of the virtunl aban
donment of Lahgley F'ield, Newport
News, In favor of McCook Field, Dayton,
O , as a training nnd cxpcilmcntnl Mid.
McCook field Is too small and Is enclosed
by trees and telephone wires, the re
port states.
The selection of Wilbur Wright Field
at-Dayton also wns criticised This field,
the report states, Is low and marshy
and was virtually submerged by a heavy
rain recently. Within four miles a
suitable tract of high ground was avail
able when Wilbur Wright Field was
selected, the report states.
The report points out that Colonel E.
A, Deeds, of the signal corps, was tho
owned of McCook field nnd part owner
In a second field at Dayton, O., nego
tiations for the transfer of which to
the Government arc still under way.
Tlnpda IrntiBfnrrnrl Itila Innrl tn lntOrCStS
with which ho had been Identified, the
report said. Deeds formerly was general
manager of the National Cash Register
Pnmnnnv nt tlnvtnn.
Phfl pniinrt in cllbmltted to tho full
Military Committee nnd later to the
.Semite. Only minor changes were made
bv the full committee. The report was
adopted unanimously by the nub-committee
after three months of hearings
and Inspection of plants.
Secretary Baker mado the following
comment on tho report:
"I have tend only tho press copy or
the sub-committee's report. This teport
points nut many errors of Judgntent and
organization, which have now bien cor
rected, and comes to tho rcariurlng Con
clusion that substantial progress now Is
being made, which certainly will he
gratifying Information for the country
at large."
Raiders Destroy
Schooner Fleet
Contlnurd Irom I'nse fine
banks bv a submarine. One of the men
Is Injured. A dory containing three of
the crew li missing.
The Sylvnnla was built In 1910 at
Gloucester, Mass , and wns registered
at 136 tons gross.
The schooner Sylvanln, sunk by nn
aimed trawler yesterday, left hero Au
gust 16 with a crew of twenty-two, The
owners said today she probably had a
big catch aboard, nnd was about ready
to return home. Tho catgo was roughly
estimated at $5000. Tho ichooncr wns
worth $35,000.
Tho rescued crew of tho fishing
schooner Lucille Schnnro, which reached
port last night, reported that the Pasa
dena was nearby when thejr craft was
destroyed by gunfire and bombs When
they left the vicinity In small boats,
they said, no attack had been mado on
the Pasadena.
WanhltiiRnn, Aug. 22. Navy Do
tiartment officials confidently expect
tno capture or ucsiiucium m uiu
trnvvicr Triumph, which was seized
by a German submarine Tuesday, a
German crew put aboard and the vessel
armed and started on a raiding expedi
tion against tho defenseless fleet of
fishlns smacks operating on the Grand
Hanks. Every precaution lias boon
taken, it was said, to prevent tho
raider slipping thioligh the line
strotclicd mound tho fishing icglon.
liy the Associated Press
An Atlnntle Port, Aug 22. A British
freight steamship, which arrived here
today from Eurrtpenn waters, was at
tacked by a submarine yesterday after
noon when near Nantucket. Ono tor
pedo was fired by the. U-boat, which
missed the freighter by about twenty
yards, members of the crew said
Man Sought for Months Had
Been Working in Shipyard
Hunted bv agents of the Depnitment
of Justice for months as a draft de
linquent, Elmer A Willis, of New, Haven,
Conn., walked boldly Into the Fedeinl
Building tndav to make a complaint
about his draft classification. Ho had
been working at Hog Island.
Willis outlined his grievances to n. D
Clarke, head of the department's con
scription squad .
Clarke In reply announced Willis was
unacr arrest
According to ngents of the Depart
ment of Justice, Willis registered In
New Haven, but failed to 1111 out his
questionnaire He was notified tn ap
pear for physical examination April 19
and when he failed to do so, was listed
as a delinquent.
Russia Betrayed,
Declares Harden
Continued from Tnge One
tlw unredeemable sin of Austro Gcr
"'in illplonmcy ns rcptescntcil by
s?zcrnln and Kticlilmann. If, ns Czcr
n'n frllbly suggested, the two belllg
Cront sroupg wore to submit their re
spcctlvo demands to arbitration by a
f'Ptitral state, tho first demand of tho
tvestern Powers would be the annul
ment of all eastern treaties, since tlvelr
survival vyould amount to the creation
of supremacy ,,kln to vvoild hegemony
tint! Rlnnn flin, n. ,.. ., ..,. .
i, ., "'"j mo iniiignnniiy rcjccicu
o, V. 80ntmont of the lUlssl.ins. of
nl, i ,"n?,nnlnn"' "io I'CttH, Lltlumnlanrt
? """I'nns and most Poles und
of tho Finnish piolotatlat "
" jv;iiics or the in est ana nttKn
rest trcn,tles have exhibited no trace
of serious political morality.
AntVIIAfn I.h .( f..,-.l
in inivu iney iiiuiiucsLoii
either a spark of intelligence for tho
sacred Value of tho personality of
peoples or any sense of the unparilon
able vyantonness of gnmhllng with na.
tions in order to meet tho interest on a
tempornry bill. Nothing hut rhetorical
tricks fit enough to quality their nti
IhotB tp bo the devil's advocates.
Lenlne'H successful roup nccructl
to tho quadruple Allies after the ut
most mllltury exertion on their part,
like tho grand pilzc in a lottery Had
they honestly conceded all tho Idealist
demands of Leninites, had they con
cluded a largelihiidcd pence, then
i?mi La!0 J'01!"1 to thr lllnck Sea
nil the troops (not an now, merely n
majoilty of them) would have been
made available for service elsewhere.
Then, Indeed, nil the invv tn.ttctlals and
roodstuffs, so in gently needed, could
have been hail for tho purchasing,
and the peasants, workmen and trnd
ei s spared and treated with consld
oration by the invader, would have
becomo firmly reconciled to tho Ger
man spirit of such a peace.
"Such a peace, at the same time,
would have opened the door to the
west, and might, after n brief in
terval, pel haiis. have borne back tn
".s either from the White Housu or
n pm tho c.mip of the Allied Social
ists somo echo such as this: 'Since
the Germans are so manifestly io
solved tn restilct themselves within
tne bonndu nr ,.,.,,,1 ..,..,. , ,
.. .: ".' r""n "vnni; unu numer
ation t would be tiniiaruotiublo follv
nr i nB"lnst ;l neneial discussion
or peace questions.'
slnNnf"U)S ?f .eills rnn rpleem the
von Sri, ,,"nt C?e"li "'"I of Heir
this i,n '''""'"i ln tllat tllpy ""owed
blood r,St of lnc,cy' '"' fr 1"
mood, to be swept away at tho very
door of Ul0 ,,., that by
t bS r 'IP', f,,r tllp 1'1-nitlltH of a d y
tliey dissipated the mollis of tl is
fhiasm!v W!! T" f""t "
t it. l '' Jj'KS'eiy. the outcome ot
a n.n.T'0"1'1," "tl, Ka,"' "- will
1 pintnlse of f,et. dcmocricv ..,,,
now With a tlneat of brute fo,cJ Is
that without tho .slightest ,,ee !
ffwVrnr,W,10rP- frnm Ko1" ' o
morrow this voice Is not heeded the
opportunity vill never return."
Had ns ho ndmlta tho treaties to bo,
Harden can see no nltcfnatlvo for Gcr.
many but to refuso them In concert
with tho Ifolshovlki, since, though
their hands are steeped In blood they
are the only party In llussla that does
not openly dls-nssoclato Itself from the
Brest peace. This policy, apart from
tho motivo at self-lntcrcst, ho com
mends on tire following grounds:
111 nevv'H from Moscow nnd Kleff,
bombs thrown at n yoilng dlplomntlst
and at a veteran llleld marshal, havo
a more ominous sound than the bell
which four years ago proclaimed that
tho heir apparent of Austtia-Hungary
had been murdered on Austrian soil
by Eosnlan youths, subjects of Aus
tria. Today nobody dreams of making
a whole, nation tho scapegoat of Atich '
a deed. Thoso who know their world
history remember that tho threshold
of every new hgo was draped 'In tho
scarlet of somo such breach of law and
"Germany," Hcrr Harden vehement
ly concludes, "wants to live; sho does
not aspire to becomo tho heir of tho
Czar or to see her Imperial eaglo 'be
como like other eagles of emplro, a
target for the mortal enemies of Czar-dom.'.
Crolon Dam Huildcr Dead .
White lialnn, N. Y'Aug. 22. Major
Frederick William Watklns, who hullt
tho great Crolon dam, of the New York
city water Bystem, died hero yesterday.
Ho wns seventy-five years old and a
veteran ot the Civil War.
good SHOES -
Sat. Etu
Women's Pumps
Of white "buck" or custom canvas, I
white Egyptian cloth.
Formerly $4.50 to $7.50
Women's Pumps and Oxfords
Of white buck or canvas, koko-calf,
mahogany, gun-metal, patent leath
er and colored kid.
Formerly $5.50 to $8.50
Men s Oxfords
In tans, black and white.
Formerly $4.50 to $7.00
Men's Oxfords
White buck, mahogany, gun-met)",
black kid, black calf, koko anf
cherry tan.
Originally $6.50 to $10.00
Children's Low Shoes, oxfords and O A q,,OM
pumps, in white, black and tanU0jlsed
TiOtlt and Chestnut Sts.
K)'!8-;Jl) Lancaster Ave.
2746-48 Gcrmantown Ave.
.r)bui-ub tiermantown Avi?.
r j m -,.. .....
vHold Operators Can Afford It ns
Ify the Associated Press
Waahliuetpn, Aug 22. President
rZ; 'TTnvb. .f Ihi TInlteH Mine Workers.
l(jrr- .-', m- . -- ..-. .,
jfc, pentatlves from each mining district mst
r. ouay at inc American v euerauun iu
riiLnbor headquarters to fotmulate de-
KjjBiands, It Is understood, for a flat wage
r - wicreafco lur coai miners
(& .J-iTuet "AdmlhiMrarnr Carflplil recently
Tin' . . .. ....... ... .----....
V: orderea uisconitnuance ot tne practico
of operators competing for mine workers
k DV ine DilYIlll'IlL . Ul UUIlUCtf 1 UU II11UU
R?Vl workers. It is said, now propose to ask
fo' t irai! lncrense on the theory that If
"'Uj'-tho operators could afford to pay bonuses
fr '(, they wn pay higher wages.
IS. -
f Xj
ac'r French Planes Chase Germans
TT-lI.....r,l Willi VlnL.nl Riit-i-n.,,. '
lit Wil.it ...... , .'.. a.....
;iW" u By the United t'ress I
I5 Parl, Aug, 22. An attempted air ,
,u ram On L ill m una im'tum nun nun-
$ trated by French planes nnd anti-air
Ei' . craft; batteries. It was olllclally an-
rf3? The German planes flew over tho out-
I tT .l.u !. nll.r n ,. I.fi.1. nlllln.ln
01UrUS Ul lilt .J l ..,&,, aiuillili..
i'Akckl tost
NURSK BlltlB fur ten
der feet. Viol kid. lari
with or without tip.
cu'hlon ole. rubier
hael: uictl arch nunuort
Ptgular JS.00 S3.U3.
Parcel Post 15c Eitr. 2.)a
n's Scout and Work Shoo
axa Three Sneclala That Ara Your
Mono'. VVurtb
Villi's M.IIIjI
Hrrf'a lUft lh hoe for
you. It's Inril'trilv nil
comforinlile. OnM. tron.
Iniile Elk ol. Tn nr
hiaek cruln leatn-
er. bliowa tontnia
tltrbrd tn the top.
will nurwr two
(2) ordinary Pall
nf ahnaa.
-aiue .w
th pnlr
t "V 5cTN $2
t-' Ss r Eitr
fc, i t Reg. U. S. Army Shoes
HSHSfiHPVaV0 i p v fv
au.-.-mrM jm i y . s
K. 'hm 7k vSfirLf
.w-J. i MarTn-"-""""'
UWall aWrtMsl
mso. Atttvy liasi'.
3Nfet Army bo i now to UMr
VV, A. OoTeromBr.
Thm FULTON radiator of
th moat mpprovd honmycomb
7P. It rfiVos 362 cubic incAe
of cooling turfacmauffieimnt tor
mny chmite.
j( raanniiiiiiM riii'iiiKiiwiwii BBPillBinnHiHil riiimmiuiuiiitttt ijiijijiiiiiB S!S m&S'i-
i H rMi iiHJ 111 1111 lliiH lBf wm&sssssttwS aSita
il1! tl iiirtWIKT Tinp IfiliS iSill ffr"" WmvnatkmMlV i ,.? Hca
The man who pays the bills,
appreciates "Triple-heated" gas
Because it immediately cuts down the cost of
gasoline because it means more miles per
By receiving three separate heatings an
exclusive Fulton feature the gas gets to the
cylinders at exactly the right heat to deliver its
maximum power. Not an ounce is lost, with
the result that in more than 300 different lines of
business Fulton one-and-a-half-ton trucks are
averaging from 12 to 14 miles per gallon of
This economy of operation, together with the down
right dependability of the Fulton Truck, is the reason
why such firms as 'John Wanamaker, The Standard Oil
Company, The Texas Oil Company, The Pittsburgh Plate
Glass Company and other fleet owners are now pur
chasing large numbers of Fultons.
Users of Fulton Trucks find that every part of -the
Fulton stands up under the most exacting conditions of
service. There isn't a
weak spot in its whole
make-up. Simply be
cause the utmost pains have been taken to make the
Fulton a truck which will deliver real service, any time,
anywhere, under any conditions of road or load.
Tire economy is secured in the Fulton by a scientific
distribution of weight; long, extra heavy springs and the
adoption of the internal gear drive axle.
The Fulton factory is the largest in the country de
voted exclusively to the manufacture of a ton-and-a-half
truck. All the efforts of the entirp organization are con
centrated on this one model.
The economies of ouch large scale production are re
flected in the low price of the Fulton $1620, f, o. b.
Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y.
Write us for booklet "Triple-Heated" Gas
The Fulton Motor Truck Company, Farmingdale, Long Island
"At the Port of New York"
Distributors in all principal cities
Fulton Truck Company, of Philadelphia
2330 Market Street
Pkoneat Sprues 5S3C Rtvca 2214
tri i- .
.j'.?v !'; v ..;-!. jjjti- -
1 &m
SSkST" .i' .' ii.:iJi.siwiJi!!i NMwniiiiiraiftii riHiiviiinui nniiiiiiiBMiM
"" " J " - i . iiwiiii uiu i!,mi, ni i , , , iiiniiHiihiiiiiiaiiiiimiiiiwiiniiwiiriiiii iMEfi'iiii bm n i r m mmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmm
Every Member of the Family 1
. Can Benefit at Oak Hall Tomorrow in an g
Unusual Sale of Fine Clothing g
N THE last-named group there are between three and four hundred ,
suits, nine-tenths of which are worsteds, the remainder homespuns,
tweeds and a few woolens. They have been brought into two groups
and repriced as follows:
! B
The $40 Qualities are Marked $3 1 .50
The $30 Qualities are Marked 2 1.50
More than one thousand fine tropical suits in genuine Palm Beaches
of every kind and description, as well as mohairs of superior quality.
Hundreds of $8.50 & $12 Palm Beaches at $7.50 I!
ft Hundreds of $16.50 & $18.50 Mohairs at $10.00
1 All sizes in both these groups clear up to fifty-inch chest measure and
in styles that are as handsome as the suits are comfortable.
Great New Offer "of
Jersey Wool Suits for Women
New lpt in fine dark effects in weights that will do for Fall and
Winter use have just been received and placed into stock for today's '
and tomorrow's buyers along with the great variety of these wonder
fully popular suits.
Their Quality is $29.75-Their Price $22.75
Saving $7.00 on each suit purchased. In this same group will be
found some fine serge and poplin suits in stylish effects.
Women's New Coats
$19.75 to $29.75
(Values range from $25 to $35)
$19.75 to $75.00
For Georgette Crepe Frocks
Graceful models, in navy, flesh, tan. brown,
gray, blue and cornflower. Very hundeomc in
their trimmings and beautifully harmonized
in shades.
$22.50 Dresses for $13.75
Satin mcssali'ncs, crepes do, chine, in navy,
Copenhagen, flesh and mu7.
BLOUSES AT $2.95 TO $4.95
Lawns, batiste, voiles, Georgttte crepes,
crepes do chine and habutai silks.
$1.50 TO $1.95
4'Hii cloths, burellas, taffeta and serge
combinations, wool veldurs, serges, gabar
dines and boliviap. Coats that are ideal for
present wear with many that will be in cor
rect styles and weight for Fall and Winter
$19.75 FOR SMART $27.50 SUITS
$25.00 FOR SMART $32.50 SUITS
$29.75 FOR SMART $37.50 SUPTS
All of them are fine qualities, with many
styles in advance of the season, with virtually
every desirable cloth represented in the three
Wanamaker & Brown MKh
Lft&JiL ' ?v2
JfHfefwrifi 'rt-i,t,iir,&aSMfSmmiiki'' a