W?WV5f?W ?v v ':h a. :.'-k3Rii. l f?TT!p3j? ih F r - EVENING ' PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA,.. MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 19i8 x-7 ; -. i i. Great Organ Plays it 8.30, 9 and 4.50 Trinity Chimes at Noon ntnm.n XI' WANAMAKER'S Store Opens at 8.30 WANAMAKER'S Store Closes at 5 WANAMAKER'S nrjAincn vi Fair 1 m It Is Just Common Sense to Come to the Furniture Sale in y. ,x 4" W m k w I i- Lv r ' & to- . & The Builders of Big Ships Along the Delaware tell us that the big-linked anchor chains have to be, tested by "power machines" to discover if any flaws or weak places are in the making before they are finally ac cepted for actual use. It is a crowning fact of this business that its merchandise is tested to the utmost before accepted and presented to 'the public. , For nearly sixty years the people of Philadelphia have proven by actual tests the reliability of what we say and sell. Signed August 5, 1918. fkima The Lustrous Pearl Is So . Well Imitated which is, perhaps, one reason why so many wo'racn enjoy wearing the imitation pearl bead necklaces. The lustious sheen of the pearls and their soft, becoming glow have been well copied in these neck laces, all of which aie quite moderately priced. Pearl bead necklaces with graduated or uniform beads, but all with gold snaps (10 kt.) 75c to $25 a string. Extra length pearl bead necklaces, with gold snaps, $1.25, $2.25, $2.75 and up to $15 a string. Seed pearl necklaces, dainty and pretty, $6. (Jewelry Store. Chestnut nnd 13th) Paris Sends New and Unusual Trimmings for Summer Gowns To adorn the thin summer frocks and pietty cotton dresses, Paris has designed special, trimmings for the puiposc, and some of them (many of which you will see nowheic else in Philadelphia) are here for your choosing. They are in white and that deep, rich cream color of old lace. Quite often net is the foundation, and there arc embroideries in cotton or hand-made flowers in delicate colorings nnd of fine cottons. There are bands and ornaments, as well as garnitures and ornaments, that may be used separately with unusually good effect. They are quite handsome and unusual enough to please any woman who wishes to add to her Summer gowns a touch of distinction. (Main Floor, Centrnl) Every Day Fall Arrivals Among the Women's Coats An especially smart coat is of serge, half lined, with a wide belt, deep collar and self-covered buttons. It comes In black and navy blue, at $30. Another new one is of tricotine, fully lined, with a deep collar, double belt and self-covered buttons. It comes in black, navy blue and taupe, at $47.50. (First Floor, Central) Filet Sets to Enhance the Dark Dress Fortunately the ill wind of war has not blown filet laces away. They are such an addition to a dark suit or dress. And are such charming trimming for a waist or dress of sheer white material. Collars are rolled, shawl shape and sailors. Sets are from $8.50 to $16.50. Collars from $4.50 to $11. (Main Floor, Central) Women's New "Nighties" From the Philippines What dainty, pretty needlework the Island workers do you may see for yourself on these snowy nightgowns'that have just come over the Pacific. They are of soft, fine whitestuffs, and hand made, from the good deep hems to the delicate, attractive embroidery. There fs one style at $2, another with more elaborate embroidery at $2.85 and three charming styles at $3.50 each. Women who like hand-made and hand-embroidered things will appreciate them. (Third Floor, Central) New Waists of Simplicity and Distinction Of crepe de chine in white or flesh color, these smart little waists are tucked and buttoned, thus dispelling the idea that trim mings are necessary to beauty. One model has a tucked vest effect with a collar that Is square in the back with pointed ends in the front. Price $5.75. Another is made with side pleats, and the collar can be worn either high or low in the neck. Price $6. , (Third Floor, Central) Two Special Lots of Handkerchiefs for Women are inexpensive, good kinds that women will surely appreciate these days. $2 a dozen for one corner embroidered handkerchiefs, with dainty pink or blue edge in whipstitch, effect. $2.20 a dozen or $1.10 for six women's initial handkerchiefs ; this is an incomplete lot of initials, and though there are not uU JflPPWIi Wf" "" "" r ,. k "-r'T- m. "'. ., M AWML - "---. ,? .- .., , ..,.;&... - rji. .'.S.. ft jt JL.-TTTW,ik.i TtW. A T Tomorrow a Sale of 1 200 Women's Suits and Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices Though for the women who wear these pretty Summer clothes the season is not half over, for us it is advancing, and we are anxious to have the space they take up for new Fall and Winter garments soon to come. Down to one of a size or a style, assortments broken these, too, are the reasons why prices are so substantially lowered. Most of the garments have been kept in dustproof cases and are perfectly fresh ; others need a pressing or a stitch here or there. 200 Summer Suits, $15 to $45 Linen suits in Summer colors and sports and novelty styles. Pongee suits in natural color and at tractively made. Blue and black taffeta suits ; also fiber silks in blue or black, as well as gay colors. Also wool jersey suits in light and dark colors. There is a great variety of styles many of the suits may be worn till quite late in the season. 200 Serge and Jersey Dresses, $15 to $50 Blue or black serge dresses; also a few tan serges; good styles; some with foulard girdles, others trimmed with braid or wool embroidery. The jersey dresses are smart models in navy blue, black, tan, gray or Copen hagen blue. These are useful for travel ing or motoring and are most practical dresses. 300 Silk Dresses, $11.50 to $30 These are dresses in flesh, white, salmon pink, maize, orchid shades, light blue, coral and darker colors. The styles are most attractive and the prices were very much higher. 500 Wash Dresses, $3.75 to $37.50 Voile, gingham, linene, net, chambray, calico, organdie, handkerchief and heavy linen, dotted Swiss and novelty cottons make the dresses in this collection. The simpler frocks are $3.75 to $10; the finer dresses are from $15 to $37.50, and include some distinctive, handsome dresses. There are all colors, as well as white dresses, and the assortment of styles in this group is most remarkable. (First Floor, Central) White Silk Handbags Reduced We have assembled a lot of these bags in various shapes and sizes and reduced them to a lit tle above half their former prices. These are all fresh, clean, beautiful goods. The new prices are $3 to $6.50. (Main Floor. Chestnut) There Are American Lady Corsets For All Figures and women of slender( average or medium figures will find a goodly choice of corsets between $1.50 and $5. $1.50 short model of coutil for slender figures, low bust. $2.50 American Lady, with girdle top, fancy flesh-colored broche, light weight. $3 model for full figures, low bust, broad clasp. $3 topless model, with elas tic at waist; flesh or white cou til. $3 for tall figures; medium bust, r$3 model with medium bust and long hip, elastic hip gore. $3.50 .American Lady in flesh color, for tall figures; me dium bust. $3.50 American Lady, of pink-striped material; very low bust. $5 model for full figures; low bust, long skirt; made of pink broche. , (Third Floor, Cheitnnt) Japanese Crepe in , Many Shades, 65c a Yard Blue, pink, lavender and pur ple. For dresses, garden smocks and draperies. An excellent) showing in the Japanese Goods Store, at 65c a yard; 30 inches wide. (Fourth Floor, Cheitnnt) " ON THE AISLE TOMORROW. Men's black silk half hose "seconds," at 85c 1440 pair, made of thread silk and full fashioned. If first grade, they would be a.halt.more io-twice as much. (West Aisle) A Whittall Rug Sale in August! Surprising to those who know how rigidly prices are maintained on these finest of domestic rugrs. But the ex planation is that we have just received a delayed shipment of discontinued designs that were meant for last month. The following prices are all much below regular: . 9x12 ft., $92.50 10.6x12 ft., $125 9x12 ft., $78.50 9x12 ft., $68.50 9x15 ft., $80 Anglo-Persians 8.3x10.6 ft., $83.50 10.6x13.6 ft., $142.50 Anglo-Indians 8.3x10.6 ft., $72.50 Royal Worcesters 9x15 ft., $97.50 Teprac Wiltons 11.3x15 ffc, 00 (Seventh Floor. Cheitnnt) 1675 Yards of Linen Tea Toweling t Unequaled at 32c a Yard This is. part of a purchase of pure linen tea toweling from the most expert maker of this class of goods in the world. He made these goods specially for this store. The yarn in them is cleaner than will be found in any toweling at the price. The weave is wonderfully uniform and free from the irregulari ties and broken and "hubby" threads seen in so many crashes. In fact, these are the standard goods of the world for china and glass. Today they could not be landed for the price at which we offer them 32c a yard. The width is 17 inches and borders are in red and blue. (Fir at Floor, Cheitnnt) Full Choice of All Our Mattresses, at August Sale Prices During this sale you can buy hair mattresses made to your own order in any desired size and covered in your own choice of ticking at reduced prices. . Felted cotton mattresses are also offered in full variety at similar reductions, and feather pillows, bolsters, as well as several grades of bedsprings, are also reduced. Hair mattresses are now $13.75 to $29.35 in the single-bed size, 36x76, -and $22 to $48.50 in the double-bed size, 54x76 inches. Felted cotton mattresses are now $12 to $30 in the single-bed Bize, 36x76 inches, and $16.50 to $36 in the double-bed size, 54x76 inches. Cot size 30x74 inches and 80x76 inches in proportion. t BJith Floor, ChMtnvt -fM i m Si V 1 Which You Are Surest of Getting the Furniture You Desire THE more you look into the problem of selecting fur rritiirp. t.hp tnnrp. von will obsprvp. that, it is larorelv a question of Weighing and considering advantages. And the more thoroughly you consider it in the light of provable facts and figures, the more readily will you see that the advantages are very much on the side of the Wanamaker Sale. There is no denying that it presents the widest field of choice ever known in Philadelphia. Napoleon is supposed to have said that no eloquence can equal constant repetition. We would like to repeat that in this extraordinary variety the advantage for you is clear and real. For there is surely a big advantage in the fact that you are so much more certain of finding your kind of fur niture where all the good kinds are shown so plentifully than you can be of finding it where the variety is not nearly so large. That is as simple as that two and two make four and it is as true. In fact, the furniture situation is no longer a matter of argument or opinion if it ever was one. Anybody with eyes can see that there is no stock of furniture in this vicinity that comuares with this stock in extent, in diversity, in beauty and in charm. Anvbodv of $1 -judgment can see that there is no stock of furniture that'? compares with this in desirableness and dependableness and genuineness of character. Character is a wonderful thing in holding a sale. This sale of ours is based upon the belief that people are look ing for furniture of character, no matter how inexpensive-it tne iurniture may be. AlLJhe economies in the sale have a background of character in the furniture. All the beauties of it are based on good quality in woods and workmanship. All the helpfulness of it is real and it is natural. For the fact is, we have the furniture that peoole ant andf VT7 rmf1fT l4- 1V3 nft 4-V rcnl j-Mr-t .m. nUnn1 -. r . 1 1 f 'TJ 1iic.y miuw il, cuiu ou uie sctic guet cuieau as umy a sale OI that kind always does. ' b V t i Of it lA. r It' tti T 1 a A (Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Floora) Incense five different kinds, 12c up to $1 a box, according to kind. Mosquitoes re gard it as a Hunnish gas attack they can't stand it. U (Fonrth Floor, Cheatnnt) Ifv: "i ' .:m& Summer Sheets and Pillow Cases Of good quality and well made. Kinds that undoubtedly will cost more when we get others like them. Sheets 54x90 inches, $1.45 63x90 inches, 1.55 63x99 inches, 1.70 72x99 inches, 1.75 81x90 inches, 1.70 Pillow Cases 45x36 inches, 28c (Flrat Floor, Chestnut) Men's Cool Summer Suits of a Different Sort (In the London Shop) They are two-piece suits of a loosely woven, light weight fabric that is best described as domestic home spun. There is no lining whatever, as the wiry cloth holds its shape without. The feature of these suits is their workmanship. They are tailored as carefully as fine woolen suits. Prices $15 and $16.50. We also have some handsome plain linen suits in natural color and white, at $12 and $15. (The Caller j, Chestnut) A Wagonload of Men's Soiled Straw Hats was thrown away in this Hat Store today by men who had become ashmed of them and boughi fresh, new hats at $2. These $2 hats were all our higher-priced straw hats. (Main Floor. Market) f' Kv ! i i T?Ttrk I Vir Trf r-nrf --if I o 2 AVJ. XX J WVXgWUgUttll xxxcoi jtf4 We guarantee them for a minimum of 5000 miles, but customers report mileage ia-' excess of 8000 or 9000 miles. Some of these customers nre lavintr in a nfnnlf nf .- . . : " "s 2-ei cnncmnnn n en in of the time wnen nil mnlress nt tires will ho hirrh in nnpo ami har1 i-n ..: 0-0.. .w D...V . ..- ....... w. ..wU - v- ..... Mw ...0.. ... f..w UUU IIUIU AJ J,'. 30x3 30x3 V, 82x3 VI 81x4 ' 32x4 83x4 34x4 Plain 117.29 21.90 25.37 29.93 81,78 84.01 35.91 Xon-kd 19 24.90 27.89 32.92 34.96 37.43 39.52 35x4 36x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 35x4 36x4 Plain $36.82 38.72 44.99 46.03 48.64 49.26 49.84 Xon-thUl $40.47 42.61 40.50 50,69 63.64 54.20 5,4.77 f. t KWr:rf! if J '. i. ... j v ... . . 'M3ST -" V"v- ")M r--ys' .rtaHMSK - j" flTSsKS. mBx i3 HES '3 . Hii 37x4 33x5 35x5 36x5 37x5 37x5 38x5 Plain $51.30 55.39 67.48 58.67 " 60.33 77.67 W.42- ,iff J.'on-W4 158.4' . - J l.x W ji