fJ-5 ' -C ' v '. ' i. . F ' h r "A. ' , y -V '-7' n " A- I 1 , 4 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 193,8 u V-TWI-1 n r. .' ' , A- fk U i ft WSi w i5.s V i. -"' What do you consider a satisfactory return on your investments? You should be interest ed to know what profits were ' open to those who purchased securi ties of corporations when they were In the development stace. (See page 24 of our new Profit Record Book.) You may also wish to lenrn how Bioderate investments can be made to produce unusually satisfactory returns when care is exercised in the selection of securities. We have published a 30-pago book of data and facts bout the New York Curb and the profit record of its securities. You should have a copy of this Valuable book. It is an important i addition to present day financial literature. It will be sent gratis, upon request. JONES & BAKER snctiHiTir.s Widener BMg.. PhiUdVphia Phsaes Bell, Walnut 1C00. K'stone, Ttre 2TX R Torlt ritlhorb Cblcifn "Direct Priiitte Wtrti Bonto INQUIRY COUPON toil may send me your 'Tront Uccord of the .New lock Cur." frame 'Address .T.U.-074 NEWS OF THE FINANCIAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK PRICEl INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER OF NEW JERSEY ADVANCES ON THE DISSOLUTION DECREE Buying for Important Interests on New York Exchange Sends Price Upward Steel and Some Special ties Advance Near Close High Points in Today's Financial News Impoifant Interests bought International Harvester Company of Xeto Jersey on announcement of Supreme Court's dissolution decree and it made a pood advance. After dullness Steel and some indmrrinh and specialties became acttic and higher near the close. Chcvroltt continued to be the leader on the Curb. Corn and cotton adianccd. foreign ex change was dull. Loans decreased in the Philadelphia U'rcAlj bank statement. Announcement uas made ftom Washington that the Proildent Life and Trust Company, of this city, had been formajly admitted to the Federal llcscric System, liar sllicr u-as unchanged in A'cto York and London. New York Stocks Net Close ehg". ny 44 03 3i M 2t V , 34 Vt "l no V4 00 47 84 100 100 Y 33 33 41 42H 1 10 80V4 18 78 4- 100 100 1 183 131 8 Low 18 44 62 3H 34 80 (10 40 84 V, V D 1 , 7V 4- v 4V4 4- M. NORTH AMERICAN PULP & PAPER New acquisition by subsidiaries. Important interests gain control. Complete report on property and earn ings. Attention Is drawn to till com pany b new Just released lin Inc control In hands "f stronc In terests engaged In tlmt Inditstrv resulting In nio.-l.ct nitlvitv. Complete nnalvtlcnl report will lie mailed without oblifintlnn. Clip this ad or mention XP-iS Now York. Aug E. A strong Incentive for operations on the long side of the Stock mar ket was furnished beforo the beslnnlnp of business today, with the an nouncement of the decrco of the United States Supreme Court arrang ing for the oluntnry dissolution of tho International Harvester Com pany of New Jersey. Thoc who are fully Informed about the affairs and tho assets of the corporation nt once Interpreted this action as being extremely favorable for the shareholders of the corporation and buying bj them put the price of tho stock up nearly 5 points to above 1'JD. Tor a time during the day tho market continued In Us character of midsummer dullness, with listless trading In the standard Issues, but with pronounced activity and strength In many of the closely held special ties. American Sumatra Tobacco was forced up G points to 129, and Gen eral Motors made a gain of 4 points to 150, with many other specialties foiced up with a good deal of vigor. The steel industrials made no response to the Harvester dissolution until long after midday Then United States Steel common, which had been ranging all thiough the morning around 10S, lclleeted accumulation orders and lnd a quick advance to 110. lialdvvin which was heavy until late In the afternoon, moved up moio than 2 points, crossing 92, and other steel Industrials made propor tiomte gains. Tho market in the late trading showed more animation than It has done for manj weeks, nnd the scarcity of stocks, which had been noted so often lecently, became moie pronounced as the market began to show a broadening tendency. Vlitually no nctlvitv was shown In the bond market outside of tho I.ibertv issues and interest In tho trading In those bonds was concentrated to a great extent In the 3s, which were In demand from financial In terests nnd again sold at 100. Tho second -Is were traded In at 33 58 to 93 50, and the 4'4s at 95 2S to 93 20. Members Ton stork tx. nt N. Y. 628 Widencr Bldg., Phila., Pa. rtas.: It'll. Will. 4080s Hare. 1080 X. i. omce 30 Urn id St. 1'HIVATB VvIllKN Bnek tip onr Army unit Navr Buy War Satlnc Mump CHEVROLET ONLY INTERESTING FEATURE IN TRADING ON CURB . . . High Adv Humel.. y 11Y Adv Rumely pr 44 AJax Hubber.. 83i Alaska Old It. 3 Alaska Juneau, sm, Allls Chal Co. 3Y Am Agr Chcm 00 Am neet Sugar oo Am Can 47 H A C & V Co. 84 Am C & P pr...loo Am Ice See... 33 Am Linseed . 45 V4 do pref 80H Am Smelting . 78 Am Smelt'g Pr 100 Am Sum Tob. 131 Am Hum Tob pr 03 !) OSW jm rei ni Cam. 02 00 Am 1Y00'" 8J 88 Am Zinc & Lead 18V4 18 Anaconda .... 60 6 Atchison 83 v S ..doPref Yi 32 All Oif & W I.103W.103 do pref 4 04 V4 Ba dwln Loco. 3 00 Balto & Ohio. S4 lit do pref . . . . 57 S7 'atopnas Jlln. 1 1 Deth Steel II . 81 . 8? Iirook rtap Tr, 41 41 Booth Fisheries SV4 Burns Bros ...141 140 Brunswick ... WYx IH4 Butte. & S Cop. 27 H 2714 Cal Packing Co 42 42 Canadian I'ac 133 132 Cent Leath ... 07V4 7 Cerro de Pas.. 34 31 Chandl Mot , , 80 80 Chesa A Ohio . so 3? Chi M & St P . 43 43 C M &. St P pf 73 74 Chi & Northw 01 01 C It I & Pnc tc 23 21 CRI&P 6 pc pt 03 (m cnup 7pcpr 74n 73 Chlno C Cop . 38 38 Col Fl & Iron 43',!, 4. Col G & Elec. . 33 31 Consol Gas .. 80 00 Corn Products 44 43V4 do pref 100 100 Crucible Steel.. 07 (15V1 Cuba Cane Sug 30 J0V4 do pref 81 11 Del Lack . '.183 101 Den & n G pf. 0 6 Dome Mines... 8 8 Distillers Secur 58 57 Erie 15 14 Erie 1st pr ... 31 31 Fisher Body .. 39 .48 do pref 00 00 Gen Motors . ..130 1 in Goodrich B F . 43 43 Granbv Mining 80 30 Gnat North P. 90 00 Ot Nor Ore subs 31 31 Haskell S. llrker 47 47 Green-Can Cop. 44 41 Insnlra Conner. 31 52Vi Int Harv of N'J.120 125 120 mi narv L.orp. 00 V4 -r jnt .vier .viar . . 20 Int Mer Mar pr 08 ntern 1 Paper. 30 30 33'fc 81 37 151 CORN PRICES JUMP UNDER RUSH TO BUY Market Influenced by Most Se vere Hot Wave Throughout Central Plains States '02 58 "A 18 85 82 101 .. 04 02Tf. 2 54 57 1 .. 84 1 41 2 141 1 11 1 27 2 42 -fl 152 07 1 31 80 30 43 .. 75 01 1 23 .. 03 74 38 45 1 33 00 4-5 44 ' 100 07 1 30 .. 81 .. 103 1 0 8 58 15 31 30 1 00 1 ISO 3 41 4- Ml 4- 00 4- 31 4 4- 47 1. 14 31 4- Philadelphia Stocks inch i.ow Sins CNA 20 20 430 Lk Sup C 20 10 84Penn UP. 44 43 20 in:ia Co cum pt. 33 2.101 rhlln iJieo 24 15P Il.T t c 25 12 U G T .. (1114 2000 tJ S Ktpol.ltnlt 108 110 3 West Coal 71 73 73 Net Clone. chKe. 20 .. 10 4- 43 33 24 23 05 S3 24 23 1 03 4-1 25 iiflVfc 3V 20 31 8i 57" 0 08 4- 30 30 31T 4- 83 57 4- THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY Eery younir man should Imrstlcitn this Wb. broad field which holds unlimited oppor tunity for those trained In nnv one of Its many branches Irsfe satnrlpn fire at th command of specialist! in textiles, and th PHILADELPHIA TEXTILE SCHOOL of The Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art prepares younc men ho ar at lait IS I years of ag for present and afterwar I conditions. The demand for our RraduatPs always exceeds the supply. Write today for illustrated Circular The Day term npena Mon , Sept. 21 I Entrance examination Thurs Sept ' ' Special Kienln? Courses besfn'Mon ,Sepr 30 I E. W. FRANCE, Director i Broad and Pine Streets, Philadelphia ' America's Leading Textile School in the Greatest Textile Center Prospective Completion of Arrangements for Absorption by General Motors Reflected in Strong Tone Oils Quiet Bonds Dull New Yorlt, Aug. 5. Tho propectlvc completion of tho nrrapKements for tho absorption of Chevrolet by General Motors was reflected In a strong tone for Che rolot stock on the Curb, that Hsue moWnp up 2 points, to 140. and pre sented the only Interesting feature of tradlnc In the outside market. United Motors uas In demand In the Initial trading, selling at 33. but j leldcd to 32 under a few transactions. Aetna IXplosUes was trnded In on a fairly large scale, but without change In price, dealings ranging from 13", to 13H. Wright Martin was neglected, only n few transactions being recorded at 9 and 9S&. Houston Oil was neglected, only one sale being made in the first half of the day at 75. Independent oil stocks generally were quiet and without special featuie Pierce Oil sold nt 16, Cosden at G8 nnd 6it and Stanton Oil at l' to 2. Mining stocks showed no change In their trading position, Big Ledge again selling at 11-16 and 1. and Pacific Tungsten was fairly acthe at l3 to l7s. 150 no s 12 l. 27 27 , 55 55 . 20 10 .101 100 32 51 88 23 55 51 20 71 30 103 87 38 0 32 43Ti, 40 28 78 50 70 100 112 01 23 87 01 70 130 10 31 84 23 02 44 10 .103 ..88 . 38 . 9 . 32 . 44 . 47 12 1 27 ni .. 20 2 101 4- : 4- 88 .. 23 55 2 52 4- 20 71 .. 30 101 88 4- Vt 38 4- 0 32 43 .. 48 1 28 78 1 50 4- 7 100 2 112 1 flt 4- 2.1 87 4- 01 4- T 71 2 130 4- 16 32 4-1 84 4- 23 02 .. 44 10 l Barnett OilGas BOCGT DULU VP &Ji LAKICn QUOTES INC. Morton It. Alexander Phila. StocV'Exchanse Bids. 27 William St.. N. I. Cltr INDUSTKI W.S EJlMWV! ftECKEi&IHII .Aetna T2xrlosles ., 1 Am Brit Mfg .. . . Am Marconi Am Writing Paper Air Reduction I Canadian Car Co Con Car & Kdy pf Charcoal Iron .. Chcrolet Motors . Cramp Curtlss Aeroplane I Caruen Tool Caibon Steel . lmerson F'hunoRraph , JVderal De Hemlee Mfg . Lake Torp Hoit .... Lehigh Coal Sales... Lima Loco Maxim Munitions.... Marlln Arms . N Y Shipbuilding... X or Am P P Otis nieator Peerless Motor JOHN K. MMNLsJi'00,1? ullS , tcitamentar. - I "euuen iiutu th. abnve estate hallnfr been crnnta . Set iDPS-BOOtll THE PROVIDENT Lll'tl WD THL'ST i Standard Motors ... COMPANY OF rillt.ADKf.PHIA all per-1 Steel Alloys oni Indebted to said estate are requested dnVnmrlne to make raiment and thom haMnir cllm i g, 1??" t ,ri to present same, without delay at the oth Sl Joseph Lead . .. of the said Company, lull ( h's'nut st Phlta Todd Shipbuilding . . AS V w ivo Triangle Film . . . . PresM.nt Unit ProHt Sharing , r -' tT S Steamship ... I United Motors rRorns m.h I United Sugar OFFICE QUARTKKMtTK!t (iKMKAT.. , W",rtIh,S'imn ' Air' ' ew lork tlty. Mealed proposals tor ! 5,r'telJrMaJL, A ' xnanufacturlne from materials furnished by .Inl Concent . . this Corps, overcoats cotton coats, cotton hreerhes. WOOl COatB. OOl ltre(.fhe unA wool trousers will be received until 2 u'ciork ' ..linn PmelnneH conlalnlnir rrnnnu t. in i Unto be Indorsed "Proposals for Clothlnc and Prairie Pipe addressed to the Manufactures tlranch. stand Oil Cal Clothing and Fnulpaee DIMslon. 100 Hast I stand Oil N .1 intn sir . rvnw rnrif a. iit i - .. . Bid 13 3 Sit rinse AsU (sa.'e) Tlt t CHKSTMIT STS.. . K. Members nt Philadelphia and New lorK diock l.scnanges. rtpjif'inVii. TXr.AT, ADVFRTISEMKNTS ?5 ESTATK l' deceUMHl Letters OF . 2 . 05 . 38 . 80 7 ..138 . 78 . 30 ,. 0 .118 1 io 3 81 44 ft 75 41 3 47 14 50 20 13 5 10 14 88 5 32 30 0 1 1.1 0 3 3 71 43 00 8 110 83 37 8 121) 12 '3 133 20 5 87 40 81 42 4 52 10 70 12 28 13 0 17 13 00 8 31 35 0 IMII Inter Petrol Houston Oil Merritt Oil . . Midwest Refining Met Petrol Ohio Fuel Oklahoma rtef . Sapulpa Ref Sequojah , Sinclair PKM1EXT OIL STOCKS rONT. Sat close Hid Ask (sale) 13 14 .. 78 7 77 21 2 111 115 1 1 12 17 7 01i 7 8 V4 17 10 .. 2 8 0 32 10 1 1 10 3 A 4 STANDARD OIL STOCKS ' Illinois 157 , 320 . .230 St.. New York City DIRECTORY OF ACCOUNTANTS Certified TabHc Afrountnnts LAWRENCE E. BROWN & CQ. 1015 BCAL ESTATK TRUST nl.DO INVESTIGATE & ADJUST PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION & DISPUTED ACCOUNTS .... Financial Briefs 522 .271 Stand Oil X "V imiepemiknt: OIL narnett Oil &. Gas. . Cosden & Co .... Klk Basin Federal OH 103 321 258 224 528 275 STOCKS 0 0 . 6 3 2 2 MINING STOCKS Atlanta 4 Ulg Ledge 1 Butte Xeiv York con Ariz C F S & Jerome . First National . . . Goldfleld Merger . Goldfleld'Cons ... Ooldfield Florence Goldfleld Kewanas Green Monster . . . Hecla Mining .... Howe Sound Independ -Lead . 4 Jerome Verde ,T, Jim Butler 08 Jumbo Ext 11 McK Darragh 38 Magma Copper .... 32 Mother Lode 31 Mines Co of Am ... 1 "pada Hills 2 N'pada Wonder .... 1 N'lplsslng 8 Ohio Copper 1 Ray Hurcules 4 San Toy 8 Tonopan 1 tension . 1 United Verde 30 West End Con 1 White Caps 28 Yerlngton 5 noNDs Bethlehem 5s . . . 00 Cosden Oil 6s . ... 70 Cosden & Co 6s 70 Cudahy 6s .... 07 Russian Gov G'.zB.... 55 do C . .. 67 Southern Rallas 6s 08 6 I Sinclair OH 6s . . .. 70 2 Todd Shipbuilding 6s 00 3 1 1 1 2 3 ft 12 5 ,4 5 4 5 Yt l 11 42 31 37 1 4 1 8 1 4 10 1 37 1 30 0 00 81 81 07 50 50 08 81 OS Int Xlckel Kennetott Cop Lack Steel Lehigh Valley. Lorlllartl V . . do rights . . Max Motor. . , do 1st pref. do 2d pref. Mex Petrol . . . Mldaln Steel. MSP&SStM. 88 Mo Pae u I ... 23 do pr w 1 ... 55 Nat Enam & St 52 Xenda Con Cop 20 X Y Central... 71 X' Y X It & H. 30 Xorf . west. Xorth Pac . . Ohio Gas . . Ontario Sller Pacific Mall . Penna R R . . Peo Gas & C. Phila Co ... 28 Pitts &. W pf.. 78 Pitts Coar ... 51 Pressed Stl Car 70 do pref ... 100 Pullman P Car.112 Ry Stl Sprs. 01 Ray C Copper. 23 Reading ..... 88 Rep Ir & Steel 02 Saage Arms . 71 Sears Roebk ..137 Shattuck Ariz.. 10 Sinclair Oil ... 32 Southern Pac . ri'A Southern R R. 23 do pref .... 0J Studebaker . .. 41 T.nn I'iCwl 10 li Texas Co . ..151 131 151 Tnh Prnrl.. 00 08 08 Un Bag &. paper 70 iu u -n, Un Pacilic 121 120 121 4- Un Cig Stores. 101 00 101 4-2 U S lnd Alco'l 128 128 128 4- U S Rubber... 62 01 02 U S Steel 110 108 110 4-19S U S Steel pf...H0 100 110 U S Sin & R. 42 42 42 Utah Copper.. 82 81 82 4- Ti Wabash 0 do pref A. . 38 West Un Tel . . 70 Westnghse Mfg 41 Wor Pump & M 01 Wilson Co 01 Wlllys-0erland 10 Total sales, 208,100 shnres.'rompured ulth 67, G0H shares on siiturdas. OKIV nr.LT WEATHER FORECAST Chhano. AtlB. . Illinois. Iowa onil jinnti .inir tind continued warm to nliht unci Tuesday. ttlvnnsln I'nrtlj rlniulr south show ers nnrth tonltclit nnrl Ttirsilart cooler norlli tonlrht nnd In nortlienM Tiieiilav. Minnesota Sliourrs tonlslit uml Tues la. cooler fst nnd south tnnlelit. North Dakota I'nnettlrd tonlelit anil Tiiesdiivi iirnhahly Mioners. South Dakota Showers tonUht ami nrotmhlv TiicmIih 1 cooler -,ii inltit Nfhrnskn Partly cloudy lonlitht nntl Turvbni prol.nlily sliaurr north luml vcMl continued nrm soutlicnst. Montnnn Pnrllt. eloudj lonleht and Tueodnvi nrolinhly shonrrn south. Ujoinliic rrohnhl local thunilcr show ers tonlcht and Tuesday. Chicago, Aug 6. Sensational advances wero made In the corn market hero today under a wild rush to buy. Tho Influenco was a most soere hot wae, with an absence of rain, In the central Mississippi alley nnd the Cen tral Plains States. Temperatures above 100 degrees were reported from Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas. Xebraska, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas Thero was a good deal of excitement In the pit. Selling was unimportant nnd confined largely to pnflt-taklng by longs on extreme bulges. Receipts wero light. The islble supply In the United States Is 1,406,000 bushels, a decrease of 626, 000 bushels for the week STilnments from Xorth America for tho week wero 248,000 bushels. riml prices were nt or around the top. August ended nt $1.B8 fff 1 50. with the bottom $1 57Vs. against J1.65U ut tho end Saturday September closed nt $1 03 to $1 624, with the bottom $1.B'J. October finished nt $1.03, against $1.56rs, Satutday's last price, with tho low $1.59 In sympathy with corn nnd on a large export business, oats wero stronger. Cah houses wero good sellers against cash oats Longs took profits at times. Receipts continued liberal. The islble supply in tho "United States deenased 1,681,000 bushels and is now 7,S7C,000 busnels. Shipments from Xorth America for the week were 2,143,000 bushels the bcfcL on August was 09c; the bot tom 07 "ic and the close 683ic to 68 'Jc, against 6GTc at the end Saturday. September -tided . around the top nt G8Hc to GSc, with tho low Saturday's last price of u"c The best on October was 69c and the bottom 68c, against 67c at the clc-e Saturday, Total sates, 6050 shares, 1528 shares on Sat"riis. compared with 07 tlOMII HUh Ixw 91000 City 4s '41 07 5000 Leh Val ken 4Hs 88 530 Lib Bonds 1st 4s . 03.80 2400 do 2d 4s 03.34 lOO do4Ms. 03.34 500 Phila Elcc lit 6s . 05 6000 Reading gen 4s. 83 Net Close chire. 07 tt 88 88 03.80 03.10 03 05 83 03.80 .10 03.10 .80 03 .80 05 4-2 83 Total sales. 817,530, compared with $15, 750 on Saturdai. Local Bid and Asked Today Saturday Bid Ask Did Ask Amer Stores 2H 1" "" " Brill JO .' 2 21 '-'0 l.'uff & bus t c .. IV tin -, Baldwin U tll'i 00 H04 Hlectrlc Storane ... '.IVs r.1 ''IK .'1 Oencral Asphalt . . tJ .11 ?.! 84 do preferred . rn b8 Ort S Kulstone Telephone 7 8 7 8 . , do preferred 47 50 47 50 Loko Superior Corn 10'i 20 ll'H 1JS LehlKh NilKatlon lis in tlV5 0H LehlRh Valley . . 57H 8 57U 57 PennslanH .. . 41Ts 44 41 44 Phila Hlectrlc -.'4 24H 244 24H Philadelphia Co . -'7 JN'i I'SH 2!lMi do I) u c pref .!J . 31 .tl 3"i Phila It T t c. .. 2V 2m 1"U 2'H Readlnit . . . 87's 8R'. b'tj 87 Tonopah Belmont .. 2's 2I 2's 3 Tonopoh .Mining ... 2S -'? 2s '- Union Traction ... 37 88 37 37 Unl Gas imp ... (17 3'i 01 00 U S Steel 11(1 llu'S lOS5.' 108J4 York Rwj .. 7n 0t Vh t' do preferred 3(i 12 304 1J Wm Cramp Sons Hi) 82 81 82 PHILADELPHIA INACTIVE STOCKS Following are quotations for lnnctle stocks 'Isied In the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and In which there were no transactions todiy The price glen is the last prclous close: Amer Gas... CO . Miami Copper 21 A O war ... liJMlnehlll 60", Amer T & T C 95 "V X J S. S . . 89 H tUllnnce Ins . 11 U Northern Cent 71 VOLUME OF STOCK TRADIN& ON PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE , SHOWS EXTREME DULLNE! Lake Superior Corporation and Philadelphia Elect Are Onlv Home Issues Develooine Activity of tj Tui.u..i Ci-.l A J... TVT.U P1hh l L iiiiurcbi oieci ziuvaiices liear vjiuoc th .. .. ..... jy xraatng on tne Philadelphia stock Exchange today was extremely and transactions In the small volume of business recorded were general uninteresting. During the first hour only four stocks changed hands,, up to mldafternoon sales were registered for but seven Issues, and the tn actions totaled only around 1000 shares. itt Philadelphia Electric alone showed activity of consequence prevlouaw midday, nnd In the afternoon Lake Superior attracted some attention former was slightly above Saturday's closing price at one one time durjn the forenoon, nnd, following a reaction for a smalt decline, It again tul upward, but closed off . Lake Superior Corporation was In fair demarV and scored an adance of . The dullness on the big board, which was more pronounced up to day than It has been in any full session this summer, had a great to do with the limited amount of business done on the local exchange many traders were waiting for some definite trend In New York before m Ing commitments. But, then, too, there was a very small attendance,', theftnancial district, owing to the slowness of the market on Saturta: which made many persons In no hurry to return from the shore and colli try with the return of tho high mercury, and manv traders went to Island to see the first steel craft leave the ways to help defeat Germany1',' Insurance Company of North America and Philadelphia Company cuigU' latlve preferred wero unchanged, while Westmoreland Coal advanced o: a trifling transaction. Pennsylvania Railroad ended slightly down. jmV ' United States Steel was slow nnd lower vlrtuallv throughout tha fteshlrin & but turned upward for a good gain In the later afternoon, when it shiwjrt i more momentum In line with the course In New York. j0 ; Lehigh Valley general 4's were nctle In the bond market, and yleMN j of 1 ner cent to 88. and Reading cencral 4s lost the same amount to slU ' Liberty Loan second 4s and third 4Us were lower, the former decllhlnli 1 . A Ml -I ' aa low as SM.iu. -.- ? tHi Provident Life in Reserve System ,1?,'! The Provident Life and Trust Company has been admitted formallytl the Federal Itesene sjstcm, the reserve board announced In Washlnkfol today. This company, with a capital of 12,000,000, a surplus of more ?r!ai $5,000,000, and total resources of $115,749,000, Is one of the largest StaUj institutions to take membership In the sjstem. vj.t all Leading futures ranged as follows. Corn (neu de!Ipr npfii li. Eh 1 VI 1 Ml Sept. ... Oct . . . Oats Sept. . . . Oct Lard Sept . . nibs Sept . . Sept. . . . 1 1.1 1 03 07 fiS'4 0'1's 20 73 21 05 Low l.'ill 1.51 07 US 20.70 24 83 Sat'day's Close close I 112 K 1 03 1 BUS 1.37 74 07r 21 R7 44 SI 24 03 NEW YORK INACTIVE STOCKS Following are quotations for Inactive New York stocks and In which there were no transactions toda The price gien is the last ptexious silo: Adams F.xp . hH Loosc-Vv Ills All s-Chnl Pf. o-' " I'' Hi 2 20c 10c 3V4 it 0V4 0V4 Yt 377a 38 'ft 70 70 lKi 41 41 Yt 04-S 04 oi m l 19 io y Ex dividend Illinois Central, 1 : Steel pref. lh . V. S. Mi 4 10 00T4 The New York Subtrcasury lost 2, 113.000 to the banks on Saturday, re ducing the cash net gain since Friday to 14, 025,000. Howard Field, Ttoyal Bell and John Blade have posted their Chicago Board of Trade memberships for transfer. Charles S. Calwell. president of the Corn Exchange National Bank, is on a motor trip through New England. Qeorge Vf. Kendrlck. 3d. of K. W mark & Co.. has returned from Detroit ' '-where ha attended a meeting ot the C board of governers of the Investment Bankers' Association. i 'fha Philadelphia Stock Exchance has "Mated $8300 additional stock of the new iweatmoretana uoai company, issueu in , xohange lor capital siuck ui uie lorratr t jtAmBmy: The Btock ot the former Wtmoreland Coal Company having all ' ken exchanged for stock of the new npany, me oiu biwh wa oiiiunen i me list w juiy v, lain. ju mo tA rienartment there has been added 76 Btock Philadelphia Electric Com- amount of stock of the New Jersey flrst nreferred was reduced filflO.OOO to 12,300,000, as $350,000 J1S17. There was struck IHtHn x niiB4tJiwt, LOCAL LOANS DECREASE Bank and Individual Deposits Higher Than Last Week .,.- . nrra nnHitlnn nf members of the Philadelphia Clearing House Assocla- tlon for tne ween pretum .", . shown In the weekly statement, with comparisons, as follows- ALL JIEMIiEUS Exchanges Clearing House Due from bsnks Hank deposits . Individual deposits . Time deposits Reserve with Federal Ileserva banks and legal depositaries . rash In vaults . Total reserve held Reserve required nxcess reserve... . Aug fi 101R Increase luu'j.ovvfuu l,Otil,UUU 23,."12R 000 127 4 000 117 701 000 43" 024 000 3,810.000 6l,4il,nnn 17.23R ooo B3.13S 000 46 114,000 7.010,000 LOPI.OOO 83 nOO 2.172 000 2 811.1100 242,000 3 210.000 434 000 3.1K4 000 2S4.0I1O 2.UO0.0OO MEMBERS RESERVE SYSTEM Ti.s.rve held ... . 146 670,000 3 80S.UIW Reserve nrm ... . -jniinon Excess rescrw . -,.-. -. . TRUST COMPANIES NOT MEMBERS RE- scrtvrj Bxatr.ji y.ei 10.463,000 1179,000 piriki reserve ... . -J.imi.uuu ii,uuu In addition to the deposits above, thero wer" this wk 38 881.000 Government de- posits, against which no reserve la required. xecrc BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with cor responding ds; I..t ,w, vrs; j9i6 Phll.....l34.030.7? 9.o.; a0.4M.! IBrua.;. .a njia tiiitiiB ta MAi.nat MONEY-LENDING RATES NEW YORK.-Money on call, mixed collateral, opened nt 5 per cent; high, 6; low, 4U ; last. 6 per cent. Industrials opened at 5 V4 , high, 6V4 : low, 5 ; last, 6 ',4 ; ruling rate, 5 per cent. Ruling on mixed collateral 5 per cent. The market for time money Is oulet and otherwise shows no change from the conditions that have ruled for a number of week? past There are bids of 5 per cent for all periods up to six months, and occasionally a transaction takes place at G per cent. Irrespective of collateral. Prime bank acceptances are In good demand, but moderate supply, running for slvty to ninety days Quotations for eligible members are iliiiWl ; eli gible nonmemberv, 44H, and Inell glbles, 6H01 per cent. PHILADELPHIA Call, 6 per cent; time, 56 per cent. Commercial pa per, three to bIx months, 506 per cent; six months, 6 per cent. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chicago. Aug 0 HODS Jtecelpts. 33 S00 head. Market strong, with Saturday's best time on good hogs, very slow on others, bidding generallj lower. Few packing, about steady, Saturday's close Top. $19 80; bulk, 118 10010 05, butcher heavy, fl0 1019 43. medium light. tlV 4"j1D 70; packing heav. JlStf 1 no medium mixed i -jowin u., pigs. xi7.73(cci so, rougn. jii ouib'it.uu CJA1H.C.--iteceipis, u.iiuu neaa unme grading good or better, steady: others slow and lower, calves steady to 25c lower. faHEEP Receipts 17.000 head Native lambs weak, western lambs held hUher, bidding steady, sheep steady, Pittsburgh, Aug 5 CATTLE Receipts, 20OO head Market higher Steers. J17018, heifers 1113 50, cows, 19012. HOaS Receipts 3000 head Market higher. Heavies 120020 50; heavy sorkers and light sorters. 1'0.7521.05, pigs, 120 25 20 50 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2100 head Market higher. Top sheep, 12.50. top lambs $17 50 CALVES Receipts, 1000 head. Market steady Top. $18 Kansas City, Aug. 6 CATTLE Receipts, ort inn hai Market weak to lower. " HOQS Receipts 8000 head Market SHEEP Receipts. 6000 head. Market strong. South Omaha. Aug. 5 HOGS Receipts, 0000 heed Market steady, 10c higher. CATTLE Receipts. 10 500 head Market steadv. 1523c lower. SHEEP Receipts, 7000 head. Market steady to higher Am Ac Ch nf 9 I 'A Am nk Note 34 Am Bk N Pf.lgl Am Can pf . 4Ts A C C & St L 32 Am Co il ... 52 Am Cotton Oil 42 Am Kp ... 00,. Am Loco pf 2Hf Am H & L Pf 7J i Am Ice pt ... BO'; Am Loco .... ori Am Malt .. B, Am Malt pf W.i Am Uwvs pf Jjj Am Shpbld Co 30 U G, r.f Tt sn V " 'afr f 1inv, Nat I' & K pf a km.ff ' . . 07 Nat Clk S. St Am Stl Tdy. 71H Am Sugar -I'"' Am Tel & C r.O Am Tobacco IBS Am Wool.. BO 4 Am Wool pf Jl'i Am Wrl Tapf 27 Am 'li ' ni ""7s Asso T Goods 12 Asso Oil . . DO Atl Blr & Atl V& Bald Loco pf 100 Barrett Co J4 BarretUCo pf 102 Brown Shoe C G Brown S pf.. ?7 B Cop & Z . 12 Butteilck Co. J2 Cal retro! .. 19 Cal Pet pf... 0H Can Pacinc ..IBlJi Cent Fdy . .. 34 J? Cent L-Pf 1S? Certalnteed P 33 Certeed 1st pf 87 Chi S. Alton. 9', 4 Chi Gt West. 8 Chi G W pf. 2414 Chi G N I1''1,, r-hlle Copper, lb? "- .;. r oo rr-f- A ?.r i.. ... Cluett Peabdy B2 Col S. Ariz... oj rni & South.. 21 SG'4 Loose-W Bis 2d pref... 20 Mackav Co pf 74 Manhai Shirt. Gr Man ni.SupCo 43 Ulev. 05 May D S pC.lOJ Mex Tet pf.. 90 Mln&StL new 11 Mont Power 0(5 Mont Pow pt 101 Mor & L'se 30 M K & T t8 M K &. T pf . 9 M S 1LSSM 83 Xat Biscuit !U4 Nat Con C.ihln IS J, CO Nat Lend . . filJ Nat Lead pflOOU n n n of m 2d Pf .. .. B4 N O T & Mo 18 N V C & StL IB N Y Pock.. . 24 N Y Dock pf 40 N Y Air Bke.127 Norf H So... 21,4 Norf & W pf 70 North Amer . 4 2 Ohio Gas tots 01 Ohio Fuel Sup 41 P C C Kt I. KOU Pan-AmPet pf 94 H Peoria & Kast 4 Pere Slnrq .. 14 s Plerce-Arrow . 3014 Plerce-Ar pf. 97 Pitts & West. 32 4 Pond Ck C Co 19 H Public Serv.,100 neadg 1st pf. 9914 Head 2d pf . 39 Hep Ir & Stl 100U Ry Stl Spr pf 984 Hoyal Dutch. 1 08 li Stand Mill.. 118 Sixon Motors., 714 St L&San Fr. 12 St L & S F pf 27 St L & S W pf 21 !Seal)o.iril A L 7 Amer Mill . . 11 Amer Stoics. . 20 Amir Sirs pf 02 Brill J G ... 25 Camh Iron . 31 Cam Steel .. 131 Catawls 1st pf 52 Catawls 2d pf 61 Con Traq X J 6614 Crucible .... 6714 i:iec Stor ... 54 H .. . . 15 Gen Asplnlt.. 33". lit A: H T. . 10 Ht 4 D T pf. 17 Kej stone T C. Key Tel pf . . Lehigh Nav. . Lehigh Val... Leh Val Tr.. Leh Val T pf. i.i i uros Xor Penna . 86 Penn Salt "Hig , Penn Tramtllc 21 Phila Co .. . 20 'A l'h Co 5 p c pf 25 Phila & West 6 Pitts S West. 3314 Ph X Bk war.125 Thlla Trac... 60 Rav Cons ... 24 Rep Ir & Stl 8'5 Saxon Motor.. 7 '4 Ton Bel 2U Tono Mining 2 U S Steel nfllO 714 Un Co of X J.185 48 Union .Trac. 37 63 W Cramp & S 82 57 'i Warwk 1 & Stl 814 20 W J & Sea.. 39H 27 Westlnghouse.v41'4 251j York Kwys Philadelphia Markets Little Schuvl. 48 York Rys pf. 31ft New York Bonds High 116000 Ang-French 5s 94 21000 Am For Sec 5s 9714 5000 Am Smelt 5s . 88 H 1000 Am Ttl clt 4s. 77s', 1000 do 5s 86 22000 Atrhlson 4s... 81 2000 B-ilt &. Ohio 5s 78 2000 ilc 4s 744 2000 do cv 4Hs . . 77 2000 B It T 5s 1918 96i 45000 Bordo 6s .... 04 3000 Cen RTt XI Ds.lOl'i liOOd (.-hi Clt W 4s. . 58 .1000 Chi & X Tjs. ?9 8000 Chi B & Q Is 1000 C B & Q gn 4s 2000 Chi B & Q 111 414s 1000 Chi M & St P cv 4'4s 7000 C II I . P rfd 4r 1000 Chinese 5s .. 3000 Col A So i'As 00000 City of Par fis 92 1000 Con Gss cv Cs 9014 10000 Corn P 5s '34. 991, 9000 Chile Cpp 6s.. 905 1000 do 7s I0S4 3000 Den fi. R O 4s 67 's 3000 Dom Can 1031 9274 8UU0 do ll'-i . . . Do 1000 do 1926 ... 92?i 1000 L"rio conv 4s ser D 5214 5000 Erie gen 4s .. 631J 1000 Gen i:iec 5s . 76 27000 Gov Fr R 53s 983, 4000 Hud S. M 111 63 10 4000 do rfd 5s . . 59 8000 Interb Met 4'4s 51 9000 Inter R T rpfos 7S14 19000 Jap n G S 4V.s 80 3000 Laclede Gas 5s. 98 1000 Like Sli 3 los. lihi f?i , 77 i BH 86H Ots v81 91 ' 79 ai 76 i 67 "t Low Close 93i 93i 971, 97 88H 8814 77?4 , 7 86 80 7S 78 741 74 H 90H 96 li 93 94 10114 101 'i 58 58 30 39 91s 91 "97 79-4 TG7i 67i G871 8911 90 991? 99'4 991a 99 'I 90W 904 . .I0S4 1061, 1064 tJis 67 '4 92?! 92 i 95 95 92 92 5214 5214 63 63 76 76 984 98 19 19 58 58 50 50 7814 "814 801. 80H 97 97 Zi 72 V- 107100 Lib Hond314s 100.00 00.08 00.08 V. t S ,s nf 49 eM A L pf. 19 S n-oK hi 27 rears-nno pr.110 Com Tab Rec 27 Rout, nal) Cons Int C M 11 s Por nic Sll.X60 Cont Canpt.. 9J S P F S nf.,107 Contains Co.. SOU sioWsheff C3 5;ru.CIDJ TqT.155 StdMlllpf... 8014 Cuba Am SU.15B stuaebaijpr pf 84,4 , . uT.j ihiti niuiz aiotor. . 40i Del &. udV10!j; Sup Steel ... 43U J?enn ai5W s Stl 1st pf It II S S S. At Pf S Thlrrt Iia 10Ki FU 25 -i k "j ; ;:ts NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York, Aug. 5 The market for coffee contracts opened without special feature and first prices were 2 points helow Friday's closing figures, with a little liquidation in the September posi tion. Sat Dnin Hurh Low Close close R 01 R 0(1 .... 8 23 8.25 Vlb- Tfnrrt Krle 2d pf . . 23 F M & sm pi. ;; Onston Wms. 30 H r.en C!car3 .. 48 Gen Clg pf Gen Klectnc-iso Tob Prod pf . . 93 Tol StLK.1V ct 6 T St L&W pf 15 Transue-IVmo aoii it Twin Cv Rap 40 '4 73 Under Tv no in"; Ull T2 Tfn.laH n.. .. - ,i 1Qft w.tuc. ij te,.lU3 180 TT o a.P r,,in 145 IT. r.. o., 'l'.JS.. Gen Motors pf 81H i.nltP(t Fruit. 127 Gulf St 111.- 1 V4 un Rwy Inv. 8 Gulf & STRR 55 Vn Ry Inv pf 17 Hav Klec ...101 Un Alloy Stl 26V4 Hartman Co. 41 7 Union Pac pf. 71 Homestake M. Tl u R c , p ,, Tiiinn( font 70S! n o m. t. .. . . ' llll, iwo v.... . .- . .t ir j- tjC aa Int Agr Cn pt j s lnd Al pf 94 Inter Salt ... 55 j TT S nity Imp 15 it Iowa Cent ... 28 u S Rlty Imn naOOOO do 4s 1)3.38 65000 do 1st 4s.. 04. SO 1680000 do 4 lis ... 03.30 594000 do 2d 4Hs. 03.00 17000 Marseilles 6s.. 91 62000 Lyons 6s 94 1000 Mo Pac IV L 6s 1926 87 14000 Mo Pac gen 4s 68 1000 Mont Power 5s 89 1000 XYC & H 3V4s 75 9000 do con 4s... 69 V28000 do 6s 94 loou :s 1 u is a;). uii 6000 do 4s '66... 941 1000 X O T & M 5s 45 11000 Xorf & IV 4s. 80H 7000 Or Short L 4s. 8-si 13000 Pena gen ct 4s 86si 32000 Pub Ser XJ 6s 77?I 12000 Reading 4s .. 83A 2000 Rep Ir & S 5s 92 ji 10000 Sin OH 7s .... 90 7i snnn SLIM & So 4s 76 2000S L&SF In w I 48. 12000 So I'ac cv os. au Knno So Pac cv 4s. 79 8000 So I'ac ss .... u 6000 So Rwy 4s , . . 634 1000 Third Ave 4s . 68 2000 Toklo 5s 81 1000 T S L & IV 4s 46 $4 18000 U S R ub 6s. 8014 18000 U S Stl s f 6s 981? 6000 Un Pac 4s ... 85 2000 do rfd 4s ..79 49000 U K of G B & I 614s 1919 . 98 64000 do 514s new '19 99 47000 do 614s 1921 95i 1000 West' Klec 6s. 96 03.48 04.40 05.00 03.30 93 4 93 87 57 89 76 69 93 90 94 4 45 80 81 74 8614 77 li 92 I 90 do pref .... 97 1st prer ... 50 August September October . November December January . February March ... May 8 50 .... B70 '.'.'.'. 8 80 8.91 8 91 8 2 31 8 41 8 .15 8 61 8 09 8 77 8.91 S 20 8 31 H 44 8.14 a 02 8 70 8.78 Inter Con ... 5 Int Con nf.... 38 . : ... . - . unl .. int jsickci pi. 74 u a s & n pf 41 lewel Tea pf. 91 va Car Chem 60l Kansas Cy S. 17H va Car Ch pf.107 K ellv-Snrlng. . 5071 Vulcan T)etln 7li FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York. Aug 6. The market for foreign exchange opened quiet and without change In rates .from the clos ing figures of last week. The tone was steady, with French and Swiss well held. Quotations were: - Demand sterling 4.75 6-16, cables 4.76 7-16. Sixty-day bills nominally 4.73; nlnety-day bills 4.71. Franc cable 5 69, checks 5,71. lire cables 7 90. checks 7.91. Guilders cables 62, checks, 6 114. "eaetaa caeies zs to, cneg zs 5 50. J6..5. K q F S&M pf 59 Wabash pf B, 23 ivress a 11,,. vvesi aiarvia . 14s. Lake P. & IV 9 livst Md 2d pf 32 Lee Rub & T. 21s. wfegt Pacific. 22 Lk P. & IV nf 19 IVestPacpf.. 63 Llg & My T 165 Wheel & L E. 9 llg o- .uy in iu- IyjrlllardPr'102 Loose-I)ose. Ixiose-WllesB Mackay Co 0U74 761? 48 79 89 66 81 467t 80 98 l& 79 98 99 95 96 83, 92 &i 90 & 76 48 301? 79 9 iiH 81 46 80 98 79 98 y4 99A 95H 96 Total sales. S5.623.000. $2, 81 J. 0Kl$ on Saturday. compared wits LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS Did Jim Butler MacNamara Midway Mlzpah Extension Aiontana .59 .30 .01 .01 .11 My pf 104 White 40 rdPr'102 IVlllys Ov pf 82V 1VU J,J 30 Wooiworth .'MllU -Wiles 25 4 Worth P & M -WIlesB 26 pf B ...... 70 Local Meat Market (Th following report of the wholesale fresh meat trade In Philadelphia Is furnished by the local livestock and meats office of the liureau of Markets. Department of "frESH REEF Receipts moderate, bulk common and medium grades; market slow at prices ranging $14027. demand only fair. STEERS Receipts moderate; market on better grades flrn at $24027. other kinds slow at $14020: demand lust fair. COWS lieceipis normal inainct siuw bi $13018; demand light. BIJLLS Receipts light: market dull at I11A1D ritmind llffht. VEAL Receipts moderata and mostly heavy calves sell at iistim: mantel arag glng on all but choice light veal at $20 24- demand slow. rORK Receipts light, t roxen juppll" mod. erate. market stronger at $28083 80; de- Tn.nd fairly active. r ... .1 v IMB Bc;lPt" no4srtet wiity oodil P.ri,. Aug. r- Trading was active !"re."Vl'iVl,i .T3Siei V- on ne 6our tfW. itemea-ei vrr choice, DIVIDENDS DECLARED May Department Stores, regular quarterlv of la4 per cent on common navble August HO to stock of record August II Msnatl Sugar Company, regular quarterly of 2H per cent on common. paable Septem ber IO I(K'K VI ,r.u.u .wu". Fabat Brewing Coipany. regular auar terly of 1 per cent on preferred payable September 14 Hooks clgse September 0 and reopen September 10. Orescent Pips Line Company regular quar terly of 75c a share, pajable September 14 to holders of record August 23. International Nickel Company, usual qusr. terly of $1 per shsro on common, payable September 3 to stock of record August 15. Paris Bourse, Active Atlanta Blue Bull Booth .:!. Dlamondfteld B B . Daisy Kewanas .,.,., Oro Sandstorm Kendall Northern Star 08 Rescue Eula 09 West End lr OOLDFIELD STOCKS 03 01 04 02 01 04 01 ,t Slher Pick 04 MISCELLANEOUS Arizona United 1.. .15 Nevada Wonder jl, Tecopa 3iinin . ..., Price of Refined Sugar Unchanged New York. Aug. 6. All grades of re. flnori suirara remained unchanged with local refiners quoting on the bails 01! 7.50c. less 2 per cent for cash for fine granulated. Raws are unchanged at 6,055c for 96 centrifugal. CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS CUcage. Aiw. 5. BUTTKg RJets. Ask .01 .31 .07 .07 .13 .10 iW .04 ,03 .00 .03 .03 .05 .02 .01 .05 .17 .11 GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. SB.161 bushels. Market firm. The quotations: Car lots, in ex port elevator. Government standard inspec V,?n.' s'?ndard prices No. I, red winter,, No 1, northern spring, $2.3(1: No 1. hard winter, fj 3'i; No 1. red ulnler gor Ilckv, $2.37. No 2 red winter. $2 30. No. 2 VS'i'i'X! spring $2 30: No 2, hard winter. $!! 3U, No 2. red winter, garlkkj $.' 34: No ?!." K'nti'r. $2 32: No 3. northern spring $2 32: No 3 hard winter. $2 32: No 3. red winter, garlicky, $2 30 CORN Re'celntit. 1103 huhelB Th mar. ket ruled a shade firmer under light offerings. uut iruuo was quiei. wuotaiions: car lois for local trade No 2 ellow, $1.8701.88. i-o a venow. )l,nillfl S7 O VTS Receipts. 38.202 bushels The mar ket was quiet but steadv under light offer ings Quotations. No 2 white. B1 fl8tlc; standlrd white, 8.185l4c. No. 3 white. 84,4j81c; No. 4 white R38lc. FLOUR tRccelpts. 000,307 lbs In sacks The mnrkct was quiet, with ample offerings at former rates Quotations follow: To ar rive, per 10(1 lbs packed In HS-lb sacks Wlntoi wheat, new. 100 per cent flour. $10 7.111; Knnsan wheat, new. 100 per cent Dour, $11 2ill 50 spring wheat, old, 100 per cnt flour $11 21011.7.1. RYE FLOUR was dull and unchanged We quote at $9.75010.73 per bbl , In sacks, as to quality, PROVISIONS The market ruled firm, with a fair Jobbing demand. Quotations ranned as follows: fit beef. In nefn. nnd iilr.rirlerl. 47c. western beef, tn sets, smoked 47l; city beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked and air-dried. 48c- western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. 4Sc. beef bams 00c: pork, famllv. UOSSc hams, S P cured, loose. 3132c. do, skinned loose 3112c: do do. smoked 33031c. other hams, smoked cltv cured, as to brand and average. 3234c- hams smoked, western cured. 323tc. do boiled, boneless. 40c, picnic shoulders S. P cured. loose, 2SV4C. do. smoked, -lie: neinr in pickle, according to averopo. loose. 34c: breakfast bacon, as tn brand and average, city cured. 41c: breakfast bacon western cured, 41c: lard western, reined 2727'4c: lard, pure city, kettle rendered. JidJiVjc. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but firm on a basis of 7.00o for fine granulated. DAIRY PRODUCTS CHEESE Offerings were light and the market ruled firm, with demand fairly active, Following wero the quotations: Now York, whole-milk, fancy, fresh. 8 0204c. 'Pe dals higher: do. do, fair to good, fresh, 234 020c Wisconsin whole-milk fancy. J0V.W2O4C! do. do fair to good. 25426o. BUTTER Offerings were light and the market ruled firm with demand fairly ac tive Quotations, bolld packed cresmer, ex tra. 45c. higher-scoring sonds 40048c, extra firsts, 444 c. firsts 434 44c: seconds, 42 (fi)ja, . fnnrv brands of nrlnts jobbing at r.111c: choice at 50c: fair to good at 40049c EOOS The market ruled strong on nne stock, demand for which readllv absorbed the very limited offerings Quotations: Free cases, nearby firsts $13 20013 50 per stan AarA rn,. current receiDts $12 00 per case n.t,rn eTtra firsts $13 no per case: firsts. $12.90013 20 per case; fancy selected eggs were Jobbing at 50052c per dozen. POULTRY LIVE Fowls were quiet and unchanged Spring chickens were In good request and firm The quotations follow: Fowls 340 85c. Spring chickens not Leghorns Weigh ing 1 02 lbs apiece 40042c: weighing IO 14 lbs apiece. 303c White Leghorns, according to size 34037c. .Hoosters 250 28c. Ducks. Pekin spring 83035c: do do. old 28030c: do, Indian Runner. 267c Oulneas. per pair. $1 3301.40 rieeons. old per pair. 40045c: do, joung, per pair. 230 30c. DRESSED rine deslrable-slzed stock was pretty well cleanol up and nrm. The quota- lations ransvu ''"", -.v. ...... fowls In bbls , fawy. Iry-plcked, tancy se lected. 374c; weighing 4 lbs and over aniece. 37c. smaller sizes. 33 30c: old roosters, dry-picked 28c: broiling chickens, western, fancy, weighing 2 lbs and over apiece, nistc; .niAiicr "" .y-. fpring aucKs, uuus i.i.uu u r..,.-. .-...-, 14 O304c, squabs, per dozen, white, weigh. in? 11(S1' Iba per dozen. $008 23: do, weighing 0O10 lbs per dozen. $70750; do, weighing R lbs. per dozen, $00050; do, weighing 7 lbs. per dozen. $4 5005: do. Welgning owv.7i iub. ir uu.rn "..J-S. dark. $1.5002 50. do. small and No. 2. $10 it0' FRESH FRUITS Choice stock met with fair sale and values generally were we'l sustained, as follows: Apples Virginia, per bbl $2 60(30: do. per ..bush bskf, 5OC0115O; do, per bush -bskt.. $1W2 25. Peaches Oeorgla, per 0-bskt carrier. Elberta. $S8.76. do. Georgia . per bush -bskt , $303.50; do. North Carolina r B-bskt. carrier. Relle and Elberta. $2 50 01 7,1 do. Texas. Elberta. per bush -bskt , 12 50O8. Lemons- per box, $4 5000. Oranges. California, per box. $8 3009. Orapefrult. per box. $4 S3 Orapes, Cali fornia, per 4-bskt. crate $201.10 Pears. California. P'r box. $304 Plums. Call fornlal per 4-bskt. crate $1 BIOS Apricots. California, per crate, 23 50 Cantaloupes North Carolina, per standard crate $1 1 50- do do. per ponv crate, 75c0$l: do, do, per flat crate, 00075c, do do, Rldgwajs, Sir standard crate $i2 50; do. do. do. per nony crate. $1 2301 50t do Delawara ?'r, VYi'i.lind ner stsndsrd. $10150; do. do per pony crate. 76cO$l: do California Turlbck. per stanaarn crate hoii: ao, rfnrS' flit crate. $1 5001 71; do. Arizona, per standard crate $1 752: do, do, per jumbo crate. $1.6001.75 do, do. per pony l.-i. ti n. An. do. per flat crate. 73cOIl: do? Arka'nsas. per standard te..,23. watermelons. uui."-."ii , i do. per carload $1500876. COTTON PRICES DR0& AS DROUGHT BREAS tOtt Rain in Texas Puts End to Big trains scored in iiarly Trading -?' " 1l. COTTON BELT WEATHnil CONDITlftSa New York. Aug. B. Tho follnwlnr lem. peraturw were recorded In the cotton belt, thl morning: ' Vickshnrg. 70, rhniMnnntfl nntl RnM. . Title. 72i San Antonio. Mnrnn. Montgomery, i. in. .at, i, in .at .-.- -.ririinn. a-ig"nin4 Harnnnah. Wilmington. Tampa, nnd Jack- snnrllle. ?flt Ahllene. htirvenApt. Cnmnm Thrlstl. Fort Smith Memphis. lnanrt!tv( -tiiu ..aMiiiiii, .nt i.ii.ic natH una bnarici- Ion. 80 1 (inhesion. 84. -ii New Tork, AuB.rBi, After pcorlqs further ble gains In thai early trading- today on great heat aria drought in the southwest, the cotfnn market weakened In the afternoon on reA nnrtn of rnln In nnrtai f Tirnfl j L Seldom. If ever, were there such wliW fluctuations an occurred on the call. Business was extremely 1nct1lve,4!)roilil.aj oui ine nrsi nour, out. ll decreased con' slderably, Tho more urgent or excited demam appeared to have been supplied on"Jfhi rise, and there was southern selling ta well as realizing on scattering presqur later. im ' There was no great excitement on'th ranaaalnn !AV. The early buying movement sentTa'S-'' tlvo months 102 to 138 points abpye Saturday's closing figures. The fore cast for continued fair weather Initha southwest served to stimulate the Jle mand. , At 28.30 for January contracts, ahpVj ever, the market showed an advaricojof 420 points from the price prevailing. iMt before the publication of the Govwrn ment's crop report last Thursday, chat the advance evidently attracted rearla- lne' . , , aavuruay a - ry ciush upen iiign hov uiom 20 .10 27.75 28 24 26 63 27.M 20 70 27.411 28 .10 27.48 2T.BT 2 i 00 27.80 28 30 27.25-27, 25 92 27 85 28 00 27.25 27 30 28 Ull 2N Oil 27. 33 ZT August . . October . tnnuary . March ... .vuv December ...25 08 2?. .15 27 07 27.23 21,! "ji WILL AID CROP MOVEMEr Government to Assist Farmers Merchants Wkh Wheat Marketing SJ vt asningmn, Aug. d ro neip nnano nra anvAmnntn fh War V'tnanaa I'Aa poratlon announced today It would wtl.'l come applications irom nanKB xor 10a io coveraavances Dy ine DanKs io tar ers and mercnants for harvesting marketing wneat and other croos. . y-c Loans will be limited to four month, and will carry Interest at 6 per cent'Mr annum. t . . . J7? Liverpool LoTton bxchange Close ! r.lvernool. Ault. & Ths trntton change remained closed today, a 61 Vtnllrtnv. a 'J - MjV Government Local - iriuritei ixepons VEGETABLES Potatoes were well cleaned up and firm. n.t-.l ...MtatVea were in mnderste nnnnlv and demand at revised figures, Quotation. .3n50O6TNor 2. $1.2502 ffi" HvhlTe" potl: toes Eastern Shore per bbl No. 1. $4 250 6 No 3 $1.2502 60 White potatoe. Jer sev per 4-bU.h. bskt. No 1, 8001.1(11 v'2 40060c. Sweet potatoes, Jersey old, Mr bbl No 1. $2 60OS: No 2,v$l 211.75: slteet notatoes Nnrth Carolina, new per bbl No 1 $008- No. 2. $.1 6004 60. Sweet Rntntnea Eastern Shore new, per hamper "c 1 $7O0: No2 $3 10O4 10 Lettuce. n2w York, per "' 30cO$123 Peas. N. York, per bush -bskt., $1.5003 21 OMons7 Jersey. Pr H -bush. bskt.. $1 SIO 1 60. db do white, per hush -hamper. $394! do per 100-lb. bag, $8.1003 73. BAR SILVER N. Y. (cent), H Satur- Today day Last 101 linn. High Ixiw BOH (0K 854' TEORKBUTTEIi; AND EGqS This daily report h sent out by'H Bureau of Markets of the Unit states Department of Asrlqultur rnuaaeipnia orancn, utm l Quarters at sou-sis insurance change Building. ' ?fl (Wholesale prices on large iota'-V jobbers based on sales at the varlo rauroaa ueyoinj ift FRUITS Ijfl (BBTPa X.... Y. . k. . l L.!C ruua c ..l.c), JJCT 7B -DUSn PSH lanry, i; primes, TOC-TIl: Ci 20050c: Maryland bush bskt ,50c S UI.ACKUERKIES New 'Jersey. Per 20022c " v 2 CANTAI3UPES North Carolina at arua, niuicwars, li (jiij'z; irregular. V 75cO$1.50 pontes $1 23: unbranded ttj ards. $101.25! ponies 30075c; Mary1 standards. $1 2101.73! pontes. 85o Delaware standards. $1 in?'; ponle '.J iu: varisuna sianaaros. Sltiovy umbos $1 S0O2.25. flats. 75cO$ll New . sey. -bush. bskt , best, $1.251 M";'J. """" ,, -t 1-iuun.isicofciiniti.a rsew jeney. per Wi PEACHE53 0orsIa. B-bikt. erats ! K.rta. ? KnflllTo KT-- J .---- UCIIHR I t .If" SJITIWTf 4U-Vti; K-busn. pskts., best, 7BCO$1.10; poor 23c up fi RASPBERRIES New Jersey, per t .'J WATERMELONS Oeorgla and Carolk car tots. iouoou. VEQETABLES DEANS New Jerse), H-bush, blj 5rren ana wax, rancy, .1075c ' HERTS Nearby, per bunch, 587e. " CARMAOE New Jersey, H-buih, b 70085c - 1.7 UAimuiD nearoy. per ouncn. xvatv" vj.L.r-a-a .vew jersey, per DUDCS, CORN New Jersey, H-bush. bkt,fj CUCUMBERS New Jersey, -tf- bskts 46C0S1 25. ' l-.I cjvjvja ,ia . .. ,c H.I.,,, Tm" hakta 1101.21 LETTUCE New Jersey, per crt (1 hcadsi iivi.Tn i-u LIMA BEANS New Jry. H-l DSKIB . ! .MW1.BU V ' o!ritjrritiiiew jersev. dsin.ri yellow fancy. $140Oj,50: wMta.'l hampers, stewers 1204: other. $1 nj PEAS -New xorx, ousn.-nmmper. PEPPER8 New Jerey, ,-ia aKAlflp. , r Btrn Shore. Vlrglnln.T brDU. . urVhranded $4 B04,TM TH'TTiI r15Brji CaUM.Is.T6, OKiriUK 1BUIH.W ...m. "- - vJ.lS I' X'3 t. EZd nrrm M i.ii.i.igyfttfifiri 1 ..OMI.I4.rWV eW.!TInT T"L".T t w;l"w" 'i-- . - r'sffMsffl-l - 1 .m-Tr1sr.lfsil t