E"! ' '. .'-"., ' ifi..t&'J &1 &? . w , vl V j""" t&"i" . """ i -5?ff n "' ' " 1 ' i . . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY JULY 31, 1918' M5 L 1 t vl lGUE FAVORED BERLIN PAPER 'a .. ,t. itt Scouts Hertling's of Attempt to (.TOirnttlp dernianv T..'V OTteS 'WILSON'S PLEDGE J i m v Msition Declared to Have Mftcie Progress Since Vis- , 'ki count Grey's Pamphlet H&fitl Cable to Evening Public Ledger CuHrrlaht. DM. bu Xcw York Tlmts Co. ?.$'&. - The Hume. July 31 Hi'fftneral MontKelas npaln takes up the MMtlon of a leamie of nations in the , TteDiatt of Berlin, polntinjr out mat Me Viscount Orey's pnmphlet on the uhf.r. the. ouoxtlnn hnn made conslder- jf-, .jlfcle'procress. Oeneral MontKelas says: ' nenunK spoko nooui u in wie ..n.-u- tVA s,i.t .... l. Ik. ..- Ihnt eltnh n ylB, CAJJTBBUIfi IIIC Itrni III,.. B".ll " t --uni mfffht throttle Ofrmanv eco. $ jBeicaiiy. Thigideaisnot justinoa. ac-iLe Trunne Austrinclic Con- r reoraingr to me utterances or rerponsnic BRITAIN CIVES DRAFT NOTICE Informs' Americans Abroad of Liability Under Treaty By the Associated Press London, July 31. In pursuance of the British-American convention for draft ing Americans of military age resident In the United Kingdom, notice has been Rlen American citizens desiring to re turn to the I'nlted States for service that they must make their own arrange- ments to leave netore epieniuer . If they fall to leae by that time, they become liable to sen Ice In the British army without right or appeal An American may enlist in me American forces by applying to a British re cruiting oftlce. An order In council will bo made, i about August 30, providing that before , the thirtieth day thereafter, an Ameri can who has not applied to return to the United State, or who has not en listed In the American forces mnv ap ply to a British tilbunal for exemption on any grounds open to British sub jects. On the thirtieth day, those who hac not left for the United Stales or, enlisted In the American army Mill be liable, subject to exemption, to be ' drafted Into the British army i AMERICANS BEAR BRUNT OF GERMAN ATTACKS sr tftfi .politicians of the enemy countries KJ? TJunerlea especially, without whose co GLI ITAL1ANI SEMPRE VITTORIOSI IN ALBANIA - vt - ,lsP0, v 3 Jy .'T'-'Villemontoire l I to i Hk r j, . i ls- p'ed Ju'K?nne -X"W?all j7 L i " 7 ILfci i Sl- -J - , T "-"- "- - -i If ,"""rr: T .!.! iV i n vuv.urtuc. i rlMPOCTANT HICMWVy ruKTHLSr GERMAH ADVANCE -LtSS IMPORTANT MtdMWAYS BATTLE LINP TO-DAV epOin; 6ci.ffjtf a,fo. PAILROAOS 5 lntHrit(nn unv economical war would bt-I -. ; -,- - . . uMT such Intention. fe? !C' Munt weapon, has ofllclally disavowed xn tinuano a Subire dcllc Gravi Sconfitte V' ''"President Wilson's well-known four v: ,f teen!. points of January 9, demanded the ?V -iMtmnval ef 11 Avinrbnl,n1 limit ftt Innq SM .jAkA lt. ,.,ii,nMlaliin,n, nt ,m1l ortlM. . von IC-CClllUIIOIHtlVtU KK HUH WVJin- merclal relations for all and for tlu- Publlniicl r,i l)itrlhi'1-il Vml-r PERMIT No 341 . Authored liv the ct nf (VtoNr a inl,. on file nt thf PoBtofTlco of I'hlla- iWnhlfl Pn Ilv order of th ProKWIit A 8 lll'ni.KSO.V Postmnster (lneral The brittle north of llie. Manic i now being fiercely wieeil in teor.l strategic tectors on the Soissons-Rheims front, ai illustrated on llie above lnap. At (ll the Americans bold the heights beyond Scringe", despite des perate ellort on the part of the Germans to retake thcni. At (2i the Americans on the right bank of the Ourcq have repulsed fierce German attacks. At (3) the French have taken Romigny, which is slightly more llun a mile from Ville-en-Tardcnois. The Americans at Scringei are now only nine miles from the important strategic city of i'imes & -cftialntenance and securltv of the nrace 0 Jf the nations. (Point three). Further, ( unlimited ireeaom or snipping ouisme i Konin, 31 lugllo Halle notlzle glunte dal fronte In Al- (Polnt ''""'ft. confermatc da un cnmunlcatn uffl- legltimately decided clale. si rlleva cho gll nustrlacl, nello gf Kpon, ucr lnierimuonHi inveriiKitiiini, srorzo p,.r reaglre contro Poffenslva ine sea coum no longer be closed unless, i ,., ... , 'If nrt fr demnnrt bort hwn midn hv . f"co.tallana. hanno splegito una con-. Sfl ht other side, tho whole military anil slderevole nttlvlta' durante nuesti ultlml p eonom!cal power of the league on land glornl. ma senza risultato. Kifl!5?. .! h.0.VM -cme lnto aCtlon I Vlvael combattlmentl. con esilo favor- LVMainst me Dreacn 0 me peace. trf i eiole per g)l Itallanl, ono statl rappor- IjF Kepe.t. Austrian Mew , , lun?0 nevo mp g nuHncl sl fc JiFortlgn Affairs declared to tho Viennese . z-onl. &? fSworkmen's council thPt the Dual Mon-' Ierl I'altro gll Itallanl hanno con pleno F'J oesirea mai me oiiao'isnmeni oc i successo mnclato un porieroso nsalto , j iiiiuna ueiween nations snouiu oe contro gll nuMrMul eti annientato un i forked for which would make the lim- energlco colpo del nemlco Con I'asist- i enza del francesl rsl hanno etesr. In ' fe.PCCfeaae the dancer of future wars This mm iiifr ininmn nri mn hi Vnii anii I tff la. however, n iprv tlmlil Attitude! If .. . .. '. . 1 it-. i i .1 . I . -iraua en t;inasan un austr acl at-i J Bot for a league of nations, at east for . W 1, n organization which Is similar Kears mecarono da un punto, vantaggloso a1 , f an economical nature were not e-I nord del Semcnl, ma furono resnlntl con ratraea by Bur:an. ' perciito gravlsslme nil Itallana. Inoltre, , & - "TOrrt fTlirsnn. nn tho nnnrlnc ft.l(lo i paltllrnrntin rqnnnnl n irlerlnnlarl In nn. K ft tonlf thn flttltlldA In fh Wnlln nt TfHa Ttfnr mlnnrl Inltrolnnl n nnr .11 Unpn, -t Uiat discussion of the league could well vpa begun during tho war. .'f 'Me. considered admittance of Cler- GERMANS IN GRAVE PERIL; HURRIED RETREAT LIKELY jyj territorial waters, and not only in peace, sjn, ' as, up to the present, but also in war- B5is .jOfne, except when, after International i fct" artlnn b htnAlfnHn la rlenltirAil arii j; -, ... ..v. ... ......... Sgiftwo), In a war lei ,'17ies Hold Dominating Positions in Aisnc-Marnc Salient and Foe's Hope of Standing iorth of Ourcq Fades By the Associated Press t$ Many to the lergue might meet with oh- ,i', l t'f! S.atacles, especially In the matter of rcgu- Sf't jaunt; cortaln territorial questions His 5P,f pech contained conclusions which, un- f tvtiuu,c,j, 1CC IIUl t(Cll 111 dviiio iiritr- ifrtphed versions. It Is theoretically i ono abbattutl sonra 11 Montcllo a nella ti'i'CSiear uui ll an aumoritative court is o Mclno al mare. Al fronte In Italia continu.uio I duelll dl artlgllerli c le Incurslonl da parte della fantcrla In p.irecchi puntl del fronte e spcclalmente lungo le llnee delle montagne. OH avlatorl austrlaci furono abb; tanza attlva, ma tre loro areoplanl fur In spite of the tremendous efforts put forth by the Germans to check the relentless pressure of the Allies north of the uurcq River, today finds the litrmin positions there in grave danger. Kreneh, British nnd American troops, figh'ing thejr way forward to the east of Kero-en-Tardenois, have drh Hn.n wedge Into the intin's line and seem to be In a pohition to com pel ii hurried retreat fioni Konrheres and St Oenime, at the extreme bottom of the salient between Soissons and Hhelms. The Allied line today runs south from Solssons to (Srand IJozoy and then It begins to turn tn the cast. It passes Just north of Kcre-en-Tarde-nols and Lontinues to the apex of the wedge at the village of Nesles, where It turns that ply south toward Hon cheres. The Allies advance In this region seems to have placed them In a dominating position All around the Fallent there has been n continuous battle during the last two das, with the Hermans launching repeated counter-attacks against the Allied lines The) have all failed and the Allies lue gained lmpoitait ground nt linl points. Immidtattlj south of Solssnns and west of lllivlmH the (lei man lines are strongly held, but enemy efforts to Improve his position In the hitter re gion have broken down. There now seems to be little doubt that the CJermans will letroit to the Vesle Ilher as Foon ns possible, any possibility of making a stand ninth of tho Ourcn being seemingly gone. Against the new lliltlsh positions at Men Is, In the Kys salient, where the Hermans weie driven back by a surprise attack on Tuesday, there has been a heavy bombardment. J AMERICANS HOLD GAINS; ALLIES SMASH NEW GERMAN BLOWS v-i I wished for It must include all the na , tlons. . MTh American President nnnko nt jst: Washington a grave on July 4 fii.y Wilson named four points for the gx -Mna or. permanent peace Khil.l Nt'I,k 'Iv' General Montgelas discusses the four mu ana says; ftT la ma alal, KatVia ,.lh Ka In. fcUiK aThv ,wfc "' n,,,ci mill Hie 1,1- Dlteaaifs Four Polnti Continued from Tnce One 4 place In the plans of General Focli. That the Germans realized tho menace of the American thrust was shown by the determined teslstanee' of the Prussian guards and Bavarians, the picked troops of tho German high ilon of the council warlike settle absolutely abolished, or r l" eould be made. According to Grey's pro- Ss.tfc'oaaIa, however. It Is intended that every ET 9. controversv between States should be In- fcS ,' veatlgated bjf the league, and that the .'.' whole force of the league should he f, Jr S VWia, anslml file, iHchlrhAPQ rt llif 6. and peace. "The second of the four points men- L tloned advocates that, as well as terrl- . torlal, national and political, all eco- ) nomlcal questions can only be regulated ; In accordance with the free acceptance by'the peoples, which excludes all eco t nomlcal pressure, I 15 "Hertllng, In spite of the twice re- i ' peated assurances-of January and July : cannot disabuse nimseit or the idea .that. States which bound themselves 1 rcglone dl Monte Grappa. II Mlnlstcro della Guerra ha annun zlatp che tuttl gll ufllclale e soldatl. pre sentemente addettl a lavori di ufllclo, do vranno ossere sostltulti da coloro die, per fcrlte rlportate In battaglla, sono incapncl per un servlzio attivo. Un dlspacclo, glunto Ierl da Berna. dice che 11 dlsastro al fronte occldentale ha causato deprcsslone In Germanla, i command come quella In Austrla-Lngherla per' la dlsfatta sul Plave I tedeschl del sud accusano !o stato magglore generale ger- YANKEES CHARGE WITH manlco dl aver dellberatamente sacrlll- i cato le truppe degll statl mcrldionall DRILL-LI KE STEADINESS della Germanla Nell'lnteresse del residenti ebrel in Italia 11 Governo mandera' In Palestlna ' London. July 31 The neuter corre una mlsslone composta dell'avvocato An- ! spondent wltn the American army on the gelo Levi, Blanchinl e del Dottor Gla-1 Alsne-Marne front t-ends the following EH !' como Arton, la quale sara' accompagnata under Tuesday's date i dalla Mlsslone Medlca Zionlsta Ameri- , "Yesterday was a day of ceaseless cana. ' fighting, In which little actual progress I.'arrivo delle truppe amerlcane in ' could be made. The enemy offered a Italia, per entrare in azione al fronte most determined resistance and brought ltnl'ano, h.i dato luogo ha dlmostrazlonl i up fresh troops, but although he delayed lmponentls.sin.ie, speclalmente a Mllano us for a day. my conviction Is unaltered I cd a Torino. I the Germans have no Intention of stand- I - - ! ing this side of the Vesle COUNT WHILE TAKING ETHER 'division had' been 'bitterly chagrined by i the loss of Sergy the previous eienlng. .On- fn.iii- timnu ti.ivlnfr iftnkpn If eternally to us by solemn promise would , Germans Practice New Trick for Therefore. It was no hurprise when. hoon the Yser. Several or our contonnients hMve been bombarded by artillery and nvmtoi-b Our lire has been directed chlwll townrd the enemy's lines of com munication Our leconnolterlng pnrtles lrivt- been successful, notably so In the vicinity of Wleltje, wlure llftcen prls oiihic were caiituicd; also near I.nnke- mnrok and DlMnude. In front or .ieu- liuit we drove off a strong German patioi miring me weew riuii-L.ii:niuii,iii. . wt pens def-tioyed six baloons. time of them nn Julv 22, within Am- minutes, bilng his ucoid to twenty-one In thiee months." ITALIANS REPULSE FOE IN COUNTER-ATTACKS By the United Pres Home, Julv 31 An emeny advanced post in the Daone Valley was surprised Sundrv night nnd ItH garrison captured, It was olllclally nnnnunced todav. "In the Bienta Valley on Monday night, after a violent aitlllerv bombard ment, tho enemv attacked In foico acnliikt t'oronone." the statement added. "We counter-attacked declslve'y and after a brisk hand-to-hand fight repulsed our assailants, forcing them to retire. Machine guns, a flamethrower end pris oners were captured. "Yesteidav our airmen lepeatcdly and effectively bombed enemy military ob iectlves. Klve hostile machines were brought down" Lieut. T E. Wood, War Hero, Slain Teuton Chief Slain by Bomb at Kier Continued from rate One Holshevlkl, according to" dispatches from Moscow. BOLSHEVIK REGIME NEAR END OF TETHER By the Associated Press London. July 31. Information reaching Stockholm, hays the correspondent of the Times there, shows that the Bolshevik re gime has come to the end of Its tether, and that the Russian masses work men and peasants are nbout to rise tn arms against Holshevlkl tyranny. OfIirl.il repietentnttves of tho Social Revolutionary nnd Social Democratic parties In Russia, have arrived In Stockholm, says the correspondent, and have Issued a remarkable appeal to the socialists of Europe. They call upon the socialists to form nn international commission, representing all socialist parties, to visit Russia and ascertain by direct Investigation whether the Russian socialists are not right In de claring that fhe Bolshovlkl have brought widespread evils on Russia, destroyed Industry, caused universal starvation, despotically oppressed the people and are now concerned only In retaining power at all cost The representatives are Rusannoff, for the Social Revolutionaries and Axel-Rod for the Social Democrats. They represented their respective par ties In Stockholm In the summer of 1917, when an abortive attempt was made to organlzo an lnter-soclallst con ference. DENY ALLIED ENVOYS REFUGE IN ARCHANGEL Bennett in Dark On Party Fights Continued from p One accidentally no I was Jostled by the crowd. "I was the second man to enter the pqolroom. Cohen and another man wero standing on a ladder nt one' side of the store, I ordered them to get down. While I was In the front of the place I heard groans In the next room. Ctihen had been struck by two policemen. I don't know their names. Then Co.hen was taken to a hospital." Bennett named a few of tho police men In the party that raided Cohen's place. Among them were Feldman nnd Uram, two of the defendants. The lieu tenant dubbed newspaper accounts of the Fifth Ward muddle as a "pack of lies." Cohen's Sign In Court The sign displayed rutslde Cohen's poolroom before the raid w-as exhibited In. court. "Owing to tho persecution of the Third district police I am forced to sell my buslnesu," It read. Bennett also ox hlblted to Bennett, professed a desire to become Congresgrnan-at-Lcrge. Stern, he said, claimed credit for creating the Town Mwtlng party. , Assistant District Attorney Taulane 8 first question on cross-examination waa If Bennett had not been a prize fighter. The witness denied, he had ever fought In a boxing ring outsldo of police ath letic carnivals, , Ignorant of Loral Polities "Wero you not transferred from Ihe Seventeenth District to a pollceboat be cause you failed to suppress gambling In that district?" asked Taulane. "I knew nothing of reports about gambling." Bennett' likewise denied he had been transferred from another dis trict for political activity. Bennett claimed an even great greater Ignorance of Philadelphia's politics In 1916 than Isaac Deutsch did yesterday. He had not known there were two po litical faction. In the city, he asserted. He knew that, Charles A, Ambler and Charles Snyder were candidates for the Republican nomination for Auditor Gen eral, but did not know what faction was supporting cither contestant, Bennett believed the "Republican party In Phll- iT:,XV" taken- he Sa'd' frm Mlhl wi. oneT Tnd T had absolutely In May of 1916 Senator Salus Cohen's poolroom The assertions of "Jimmy" Clark werel ,' :,,," i, ",,ift3 .ii.i in in)n .. t....o ir . ,,iJ faction, ho testified around the Fifth Ward in an automobllo with Clark, he asserted. Clark called on him the day he assumed com mand of the Third district and repre- iionted himself as n contractor. Carey no knowlcdgo of any Penrose or Vnro contesting for the leadership of the' Fourth Ward with Robert Moore. Tho election was held on the day Bennett took command of the Third District; and Stern came Into tho station houso Fourth Ward wlthJtobcrt J. Moore. The Continued from I'nBe One July fi and went to France on the l do.lt with the Intention of throttling the i German people. He must at least logically p! (-admit that such a far-reaching plan y$n '8 eoulo be more surely carried out If no inilue CJkiBicu. (tic utviii nuuiu no a- ! peclally great If the powers on the other K3.ir.!de of the water finally united In a per- rrtW'E'Jttanent enemy group. 7'K'tt.ft.A -.na-. nfflnlall., In.-lr.J ,,H... p-j Al H&M.t,W ,,,V,,J ltl.JII(l UUVI- ances ot tne American press nave al Control Under Anesthesia By the Associated Press Willi the American Ann) on the ,Mnr- Mnme Front. July 31 Brought to an American dressing station on the bankB of the Ourcq. a wounded German cap- I tain kept repeating "one two, three" I monotonously, but with an earnestness Ol ino vmericaij preas lime hi- i "''""',' , , i -.- ...-v .... JSXJL1 eorVLd,nSlree, i oTnuVse . IcU.rt this emanation: '"" has up to date opposed all efforts to erect oh al, tnoBe German officers do that. artificial obstacles against free com- , The average person talks when under an meres, and would answer any proposal anesthetic It Is like talking In your for the exclusion of the west from the , sleep The Germans Know this, nnd I ..-.! r-Aan -r,..i?,t hv o onniut er othcei we get goes under the ether I . rVn"V -M.i.v., (- i vy ,. ...... . ,- .,, n-n pacl, le inn U. . rftUidli. about the delivery of raw w-j -ftffi ad giving Information after dawn, tho launched a fresh nt- 1 tack from both sides of the touthern ! most angle of the Nesles forest The attack was backed by field guns and with a ragged barrage on our second line of batteries, the enemy's gun posi tions above Clerges being well placed for a flanking fire, which the holders of Sergy found most trying "They were forced to withdraw from it and fall back across thn rher The enemy was permitted a few unpleasant hours of occupation, during which he did his best to Improve the defenses and daringly brought some field guns toward the brow of the hill above It. But these apparently found the price of their daring much too high and the American gunfire too accurate, for their dis appearance was more rapid than dig nified. "Soon after they lecaptured Sergy the Americans, who forced the passage of . the Ourcq overnight, ndvanced up the narrow valley dividing the hill behind i Sergy, and after n fight In which the bajonet and the ride butt were almost I alone used, took Meurcy farm, about a mile up the valley "This was pielimln,ir to an attack on t, ,, ,,- ,.t.-,iu k.- ti,.. ' v " fc" " " "- -"--..,. ..... .-.pnnKes, and iron me urm u was tios. Flanders front, taken jesterday by the IIlacmnes attacked tin- railway stations i ih,A ", 'lfln.. ,,, Krin ,tf & & material KM they keep right on counting ' I GERMAN GUNS POUND BRITISH i bomb german cities mK t Acuion Artillery nages on run- J- By the Associated Press E& ' , Ionilon, July 31. The German artll- -;t. vt -. . .. .. .... .. Hery displayed consiaeranie activity last . British Aviators Attack Railway Sta I tions and Airdromes I By the Associated Press ' London, July 31 The following com- municatlon nas neen issuea ny tne Air Miniate, P T , . . , .. . ., i . ' .illllir.. Sx ROigTll in me reion ol . .rr.s, u . ,- , l0 (,ht f , :8tn.o3th our pie! wnaers ironi, iaK:n jemeruay uy uie Irlachina attacked the railway fc IAunirallans. and In the Kemtnel sector, at Offenbure. lUstatt and Baden Stutt fit. -.- V, rCnm. HnnnonrtA nl. I n. n n H Unltlm.An fllur. WUra 'lltantrMl ; t It was also active on both sides of the . Three hostile airdromes and numerous i Somme. ground targets weie nombed and sub- ' J . ''Prisoners were tawen in rams ami i jectea to macnine-suii nie. .n our ma- rg r patrol encounters in the uens region ana chines reiurnea, v Afinorinoi jjemune, and approach acent " thein by u less steep "On the morning of the 30th Instant iCV The statement follows' 'our airplanes bombaided the railway Kr-. Wl' cvrl nrlsoners were cantured by station at Offenburg. Good results were WL, 1 t- . ic.f.Bl nrlsnnerH upm i-nntured bv station at Offenburg. j,,-in ilia nlc-hf In Kiirrpssfiil raids nhtalned. In the course of combats. rJ,'aBd patrol encounters In the neighbor- three enemy machines were Bhot down 'S"53a,liood of Lens, north of Bethune and on and another was driven down out of i, ,3 the -northern rector or our rroni a nos- control. r ... "- i.i ,.... ...nn ,li..n AA k, mm "fin. nf mir mnrh HM Is m na ni- " .V'SSaVrai southwest of La Pasnee. , ,svr-rae enemy ariiirry nan ueen w-, TD.TVivr euro cattc? In. nn Knlh afrlrn nf the Somme nnd ll(Alil(, SHIP SAILS -ffifc .ahown considerable activity about ' . ffljjl " , V -- U. S. S. Ailmiral Has 200 Navigation a Sr-NO WORD FROM FRANCIS 5Cfi V'.t .i--LS r, :.. u:. T f-. apJKinX.UII yucnui un alio iitiiieiti FOE TRIES TO DELAY RETREAT TO VESLE Iv ilVf.'.Wif lunjion yi Students Aboard An Atlantic Port, July 31 The United States steamship Admiral, with 20(1 sailors aboard, has sailed, the trio to Moscow being made for the purpose of giving . 1 il inllnvo nci. n lln It V t r cl-itrlir nni-1 e United I'rcss I '.,'. ....'.i ll 1 .' "". ' able effect aKalnst cither the French or exucrilTlcllt lin iiiiwiwhi.hib, rcAidina ,L i " f4SMlon. July 31,-The State De- .and other nautical Instruments. , lnW; GermanCrown Prince has a num. t1 was still without official word Dr. C S. btreet. an instructor for the her of good reasons for trying to hold ,,). - ,rni whother nr not Am. war emergency unit. Is In charge of the un his retirement in the Vesle. First aVtnr Francis had null Vologda as educational campaign and will be as- he may desire to prevent the French -Moor J-ranC'B naa limi VUlUEUa. ".,. . nK,l wtln,.. r,H W If r-o. frnm l!ln h. Rnlsnn.T. P-orA.MIlInn By the Associated Press Pnrl, July 31 Strong German reac tion Tuesday shows. In the opinion of French military expertH, that the enemy Is determ'ned to postpone a retreat to the Vesle as long as possible, notwith standing the wastage In man-power that policy Involves The reaction was brisk but vain Several newspapers expiess the belief that the German line of re sistance has been reached The Germans yesterday, according to Marcel Hutln In the Kcho de Paris, threw In file of their best reserve divisions In a counter-attack between Fere-en-Tar- denols and Roncheres without appreel Ing men from the Middle West nnd eastern States, have pushed their line forward a little more, and now It forms the apex of the long Allied front Their progress, though less than two miles. Is regarded ns a brilliant opera tion tn view- of the determined counter ing by the Germans. On either side the French also moved forwaid, while steady pressure was maintained against the east and weBt flanks The bending of the German line b the American "spearhead anil flank attacks by the French and British threaten to force a new Teuton with drawal or em elop the Crown Pilnce's forces. ALLIED GAINS SMALL, BUT ARE SIGNIFICANT By the Associated Press London, Jul.v 31 Although the Allied gains during the last twenty-four hours nmj seem small, some nf them had bten exceedingly significant, telegraphs Rculer'h corre spondent nt the American ft nut In .lance The chief feature of the it cent lighting, lie sas is the French advance from Oulchy-le-l'hate.iu. which carried the villages of Gland Rozoy and Cugny and swept the Germans off of the Butte cf I'halninnt This hill was a center of enemy resistance along the western sldo of the salient German guns situated on the Butte of Chalmont had been able to rake the Kolssons-Chateau-Thierry rond almost as far as Vlllemontolre and hurl a cro.a rlre upon the advancing French and American troops In the valley of the Ourcn, The French now are able to harass from this hill the enemy s retire ment nnd should be able to clear the angle .between the Solssons-Chateau-Thleny rond and the railroad between Oulehy-le-Chate.iu and Flames and bring much needed assistance to the Amer icans In the village of Serlnges. It will be a costlv task to take the Nesles Forest, but ther are alternative possibilities In the comparatively open giound to the westwaid The railroad, which is the kev to the Ourcq Valley, Is in Allied hands. The correspondent writes: "The enemy may certainly plume him self nn his retirement according to plan, but it can .caieely be according to plan that he left hundreds of tons of ammuni tion behind him There is ns et no con ception of the enormous figures to which tbe.e losses In materials of war will run When the vast numbers of shells actual ly captured are added to til" millions of shells exnlnded cither by himself or bv the AMiert tire, some Idea of his loss may be gained Tho enemy has moved his gunB wonderfull. well, but his gunners have been warned to be snarln" of am munition and to file only when necessary to support his Infantry " BELGIANS' ACTIVE ON YSER FRONT By the Associated Press M'akblnTton, July 31. Activity on the Ticlplan front south of the Yser and ht. destruction of six balloons by Sub I.leutei.ant Soppens were reported In the weekly ivvlew of Belgian operations re ceived today by the Belgian legation neii it sas- "The ususl artillery activity contin ued along the entire line, the greates-t Intensity being In the district south of same transport In May. Both. In letters written home recently, confirm the stntcment of Corporal "Jlmmle" Cochran. B423 Master street, who was reported killed In action a week ago, that the transport carrying the 111 til Infantry was attacked three times by submarines off the coast of France. Neither Bradley nor Campbell, however, mentioned that the submarines had been sunk, as CorporSil Cochran wrote. rrlvatc Bradley w.13 nineteen years old, the son of Daniel A. Bradby- He was a member nf Our Mother of Sorrows Church and has two in others In the service, t'orpornl .Innies D. Bradley, twenty-two years old, now on the way to France, and Private Paul Bradley, at Camp Wadsworth, S C. He was wounded July 13, according to a mes sage ;rom tho War Department. Private Campbell was twenty-three years old and was married a few months before enlisting. His bride, Catherine W. Campbell, and his nether, Mrs. Matilda Campbell, who Is a widow, both reside nt B21B Warren street. He, also, was wounded July 13, according to the War Depaitmenfs message. Indicating, his wife believes, that Company M was heavily engaged on that day By the Associated Press Kmirialasha, Russian Iaplanil, July 31. The Allied embassies, which re cently left Vologda for Archangel, were 'not permitted to remain In Arch angel and have arrived In Kandalaskn. Tho embassies left Vologda July 25 In response to a message of Tchltch erln, tho Bolshevik Foreign Minister, declaring they were in great danger and a bombardment of Vologda was threatened for the next day. He urged the embassies to come to Moscow, but the ambassadors decided to proceed to Archangel, where they expected to communicate with - their Govern ments. At Archangel the Soviet, acting tinder orders from Moscow, refused to permit the foreign representatives to remain, but plnced two small Russian Bhips at their disposal, and aboard these thev left July 28. escorted by o Russian trawler, on an uneventful voy age across the White Sea. On the night they were leaving Archangel It was reported the Moscow Government had ordered that the sail ing of the ambassadors be prevented. I-ondou, July 31. A Russian wire less communication received here Rays thnt M. Tchltcherln, the Bol shevik Foreign Minister, has sent the following message to M. .Toffe, Bol shevik ambassador to Germany: "The American consul general, Mr. Poole, who Is charged with the mis sion of maintaining diplomatic rela tions with tho councils' government at Moscow, visited tho Commissary of Foreign Affairs and declared In the name of the British diplomatic repre sentative and the council generals of Fiance, Italy and Japan that they approved the declaration previously made bj' Mr. Poole to the commissary, which essentially follows: In conformity with' the personal opinion of the Allied consuls there is no reuson to believe the situation in general outlines Is changed by the departuio of the ambassadors from Vologda. Tho representatives of the afoiesaltl Powers expect to re main In Moscow ns long as cir cumstances permit them to do &o and they are permitted to use tho privileges attached to their func tions, especially direct communica tion with their respective Govern ments, unless they receive other In while Clark was there and complained nbout Clark "making the station house a political headquarters." The lieuten ant said he had no knowledge at that time of any political nnlmosltles In the ward. Met Stern Ii) Arrldrnt Bennett's meeting with Isadore Stern In AbramsoVs drug store last May was accidental, so far as he was concerned, the lieutenant said. Stern jesterday told of Bennett's supposed deslro to witness said on that day he was entirely, unaware of the Salus-Moore contest. Bennett has heard Sam Salus Is leader of the Fourth Ward, but does not know positively such .s tho fact. The wit ness" testified he never had a conversa tion with Lieutenant Duffy, of the Nine teenth District. In which he (Bennett) declareJ he "waa going to put Cary out of business." Admits Holding Hack Warrnnls Taulane shifted 'his attack to the batch of warrants served on Carey elec- mako a confession. Stern first told him tlon 0ncers 'on primary electljn day. ne wanieu mm 10 i-wuens aim wicn Oennctt received the warrants Horn expressed a desire to Involve Mayor iu. Levis, an attorney and candidate Smith, Bennett replied that he knew nothing about tho Mayor and never bad any conversation with him. During the Interview Stern, according for the Legislature. Pressed hard by Taulane, the lieutenant said he be lieved Levis was affiliated with "Ike" l)eut"c'.'.. Mann & dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET Our One Sale Each Year Keeps Our Stock New. Spring, Summer, Fall and IV inter Goods About V2 Price 5.00, 6.00 Silk Shirts 3.75 5.00 Fiber Silk Shirts 3.25 7.00, 8.00 Best Silk Shirts 5.75 7.00 White Flannel Pan 5.85 10.00 White (English Cricket) Flannel Pants 7.85 2.00, 2.25 Silk Hose.... 1.25 2.00 Union Suits 1.00 2.50, 3.00 Bathing Pants, 1.85 5.00. 6.00 Bathing Suits. 2.85 1.00, 1.50 Neckwear.... 50c 2.00 Knit Neckwear 1.00 2.50, 3.00 Silk Stripe Shirts 1.85 6.00 Golf Vests 3.50 18.00, 20.00 Raincocats 10.75 1 5.00, 1 6.50 Raincoats 7.75 10.00 Golf Coats 6.75 25.00 Tyrol Wool Overcoats 18.75 I Bath Gowns, Office Coals, Heavy Overcoats, Motor Coals, Golf Coats, Sweater Coats, etc. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET Praise Wihon Stand on Mobs Niislitllle, Tenn., July 31. The execu tive committee of the 'lennessee Law and Order League, organized this year to combat inob violence In Tenessee, has sent n telegram to President WlUon say ing the league "rejoiced In your noble and stirring address to the American people on this monstrous evil." Support of the league In all the President "may do to make democracy what It claims to be" also was pledged. i In Russian cables. r.l ha It Is assumed that Bolshe- Wt pressure had become too serious. I,aml otlur diplomats at Vologda had M(t IO K" o aiubcuw, u iiic xui-i-lki wished and this may have In- imi-fta" their wrath. TRc ttovement to get the diplomats to w it generally consinerca mspireu Germans, because mere tne uoi unrt their German associates have better control of cable and i-emmunlcatlons. a, derI,,ne"- naa caoiea Moscow full Information about Francis. unlcation wtp mm naa oeen ex- ' irregular tor some lime, inougn to the Moscow consul general uirougnvitn rair promptness. ytn Ends Life by Gas l Wolbert, fifty-seven years old. aw street, committed suicide ' UMay by.lnfealtfur lllumlnai- wm. mhm ' reem slsted by Robert Wlmsy and W. H, Car. roll, of St. Louis. The war emergency unit, with head quarters In the Wldener Building, has established additional schools of naviga tion and seamanship at the Philadelphia Navy Yard and at other Philadelphia points. BRITISH CAPTURE 14,500 Cermans Taken Prisoner on 7eslern Front Since March 31 By the United Press London, July 31. J, J. McPherson, Under Secretary to the Admiralty, an nounced today tn the House of Commons that since March 31 German prisoners tako.n on the western front totaled about H,SD0, .- This obviously mentis- Oermaij' wP- By the Associated Press With the American Army on t lie AUne-Marne Front. July 81.- Through a barrage as deadly as any the, Ger mans nav iaia aown on any leeti from using the Solssons-La Fere-Mlllon railway: second, he may want to keep the main Paris-Nancy railroad, which parallels the Marne, within range of his heavies, and, third, he may want to re move his material without too much damage to the Vesle line. Furthermore, the Germans would be unable to use the Rheitns-Solssons road If they retired to the Vesle. Also they would have their backs against the Alsne, which would not simplify the means of communication In the rear. U. Si TROOPS PLUNGE ON THROUGH BARRAGE DEMOUNTABLE Wheels for Ford Cars When you blow a tire you can put on the estra wheel and be on your way la less than five minutes if you have E-Z-Way Demountable Wheels K Z-Wny Demountable Wheels are -Irapler, better and cheaper than demountable rims. You use your old Ford wheels and none of the Ford parts are changed. Out fit Includes 4 wheel changes with Inside flanges, extra spare Ford wheel, spare wheel carrier and speed wrench. Complete $12.50 Your deater ttoekt E-Z Way Wheats or can get them tor you Write for ltteraturt. GAUL, DERR & SHEARER CO., Distributors 217N.Bro-dSt.,Pi!i.,Pi. ne U f8orCUt 31 Buy for Quality Alone Today Curtailment in Production Makes Quality the Only Economy at Present 3C3C Today war-time conditions make de pendability the first essential in your automobile. It is not a question of convenience but necessity. The business man speeding up pro duction of war materials the farmer trying to make two. bushels grow where Dne grew before the women giving their time day in and out to war activities would find their efforts suddenly cut in two without their automobiles. And yet who knows where curtailment in automobile production is going to 6top? Who knows how long the steady drain of expert mechanics to govern ment service must continue? One thing is sure. You mustf use your automobile for a greater number of years. You must exact harder service , from it. So you must have quality. You can no longer rely on the pleasant prac tice of driving your car a short time and then exchanging it for a new one. Here tlien is the big reason for order ing your Super-Six and ordering it now. It almost seems as if Hudson engi neers built three years ago with the present situation in mind. In the wonderful Super-Six motor they put power and endurance beyond anything previously attained. Then they proved the Super-Six by the most grinding series of tests to which 'an automobile had ever been subjected race track mountain climbs cross continent tours the daily experience of thousands of motorists. The Super-Six is the car which will "carry on" no matter how long you must drive it. It makes you more independent as far as the scarcity of service median-' ics is concerned. If you want a Super-Six, make sure of it. Order it now. The demand at pres ent and for some time past has been so insistent that, even with exceptionally high prices offered for used Super-Sixes, there are not enough Hudsoris to go around. It is only the part of wisdom to anticipate your needs even a year distant. C OMFORT Cloth suits in browns and greens, very wonderful in their style lines and just as cool as their name implies are selling rapidly at $25.00 William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut St. ' - , .tV jm ri" 'fit There are ten different Hud son models in the 1918 series all on the Super-Six chassis. From the four-passenger phae ton, to the touring; limousine the season's only new car you can find the type of car you wish. We will appreciste .an opportunity to show you the Hudson Une. VHUDSONvSf' jjsi super m w six m ve reo. u.s.yy TOPTErnrVWf In every appointment, Hud son bodies are worthy of the Super-Six chassis. It is impos sible to even enumerate some of the detailed refinements here. To really appreciate them you must examine them per sonally. We invite you to call at your earliest convenience. u GOMERY-SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. 128-40 NORTH BROAD STREET Bell riioD. Sprue. 1060, Keystone, Kac. ZSSS rfs.f M 3. .. fi .y uA-Jtt,-:,$L, Jtf JK . .- .. WM'- '". 1 f i '., ! rW W' the rKlh, ' ' monuis. tno American bowier,!i ftHwiwi. :t-t iigjr" ryf " , , j-v.ijm''v '""'( S; fiw 1-,BV,Sn!HP f T .. "i nf. , ... , - -v !).-. . -T Vi-wVW-,, "3? . i ". r'lvv. , fflsfcaws . -' ' Jl Si..i , ...'" -v- xJHsr. i -: ar ,y,-.j .jaaBaBBa