i WWtTB&W WPV mws iTBTTV4T? UTTnr.rn. rWSTVM ''' "f sV4 WMiXV twi . i& .AS K'fc"?1 '"" ..M ".lf r"l. Mai A Sfl. "triftr' '$sm uSrstg SA ?;? T WM t wsm$. FJei.., &a .aa- ami- :?, gtriCr rJS aiSS - ''MX WS OF shipyards i ISLAND IGNORES IY ZONE" THREATS ,. frSta KftJ ', . r, . . ration aysiem iriiaramccs , . i . -nrr . c c JLinnKing waicr, oo ipworkcrs Don't Worry y should worry at Hog Islnnd :'b "'dry zone." iV water down there la declared to ktra-pure and cuarantecd to patlsfy fcody. ".Vone like It," pay some of fe'jal j..-.. . !. enrMn nf Inn liRVQ CI CAJC1 IB , "Ul BVlll VI "II .J.-.7" have never culthated the taete for mi ale are waiting to be shown The.aystem employed at Hog Island to ify water Is knoun as the rapid t-anil illKratlon system, which Is a eiy t Hl- i5nt one If Properly operated There K,b.'ii' four phases of treatment The raw B iwtrr of the Delaware Hlver Is pumped 'jfJJrWough a ten-inch pipe lo the eciimen- ifsUtlon tanks, where it Is treated with ',jMM to two grains of alum per gillon &MThi alum acts as a coagulant and me- -,4?,8'bacler,d. organic and inorganic par- jj-;.m:ies. tt&Ath water, after beinc sedlmented. if .PMsos to the filters It having been sttb- Sl lAJ61"1 tc chlorine gas during up irans F 133 mission, which brings about a condition PftyliyUjt Is fatal to about 85 per cent to 95 I ?-&? Per cent of the bacteria r5?i5'- Af"r tne watcr l? filtered It piss.es iKSMJKi'Ojr gravity to tne clear wen, irom viuun i'Hlt IB drawn by the pump and forced kta-tluroiigh the mains As the water leaves A w . . i.. ......... !..... nn ,,,. n,t !" 4 inc e.Yblcni I1H3 muif null J i'-i wt..fc ii K tne Dacien.i remmtu v3 Vha nfnjimt nf flirt flltrntlnn RVStem F Q-tisiLi tm fnntmeA hv tho pi mlnn t inn of the rjWSSwater bv the "laboratory of the sanita- fJ?$Uon department These tests are made Er ?.JM3. ony on mo auierent pnusrs m me unti Pfc plant, faucets and coolers oer the entire fcJS.j; yard, in making tnete tests tne urn ; &.$ 01 safeguaidlng the consumer fiom any rr ; water-borne diseases, B"ch as fljs-cnterv ?lvi tvnhold. etc. Is the nrlme object When adySway sample of water shows pathogenic CjS Organism, or is lnuicame or neing un- wholesome, that source of supply Is con- tg?fij demned tnd posted with a sign request- ftfl&f 'ng employs not to drink the water at LV k that colpt. The utilities onerattnc de- SvjS'l'jpartment and the department of sinlta Kffftlon have emplojed eveo means known iTAVw science to furnish the plant with a Vinrin nntahA u.ilpr. n hrmp nnrltv anil b, . ,, .- . .-..- , .. . excellence have received creat approval. HIKVAKI I, IK I.N K .AW IIIIIINI. :J::1... & Fair Hoc Island Worker. Charter ' Boat For Moonlight hxcuraion x.7.. urAL inuiuav r t riuiib ii i i . 7rLs girl's mind at the Hog Island shlpvanl Pf maa many a re.iow is looking ioiwaru to 'K-ai I, inn tnr- thprp la l, h. n liifr tlfno ftn iiwrl? "Kt,;-' ; ":. ..- -... .... . .- 8eMtet ia on " u l" llk(lv Uw "'" ,"-"- i! bi,fft-stliey are real good In the meantime RVM' The girls have chartered a whole boat 'a9HHfn about 5 30 o'clock, with the da's Kfi&Kv.WorK aone ami lorgotien. tney win em- f .yS'JWtrK at tne t; street wnarr at me isianu iuid go. way dovvn the river for a moon r.VrMPltMA ride. Lots of moon. Mr Weathe' p-SKJin. please Miss S. I) Kerrjs Is r BSS ranging the outing and the girls don't h tfKieaxt wnen they get nacK. just so tne ftfflMther Is fair and the dance music vK&DsThe Hog Island Power Club Is going !VSiiwn the river for a moonlight Tuesda -y - - Y..1.. in 4-WVVMlllft, olj uv. INCREASE SHIPYARD GUARD mPi: York Company's Camden Force JNW 230 Men J'Ei'ixevr t. Liiiti Itafan mnra crit-a rA a Villa littn Oltnrn &$&?& ' tor duty at the New York shipyard. LVa7 rLlinaril, uritmiim llio xuiLe ujf in -im iiXf "Kurther Increases are soon to h made. r. ,-av tii new men are to De iietanen in tne ignew yard. All the 'guards are sporting kz3SF:"" """-" . Si Hosea Miller, of the New York shlp- yara, vvno recently b-ivp up ins miie SviecT wuCK xarm to Clear uie way inr im j4r,,W?y.Pf6vements to the plant, has acquired a K?ifSTot at National Park, wheic he will build M'k''(.,.aAtriii nnmn fnr h u fnmllt I tiwrii Rm w aso be room or a ruck ffarden. t& SHIPYARD NINES CLASH RS Chester learn iMeels Merchants on uns- tol Diamond Br?!? li. ,. -Ub, n.ln..nv l.....!. .11 taqm K-iiCUTW Alio v-UCDirr aui,jm iw"iiii ,t.., BJjRLwhlch heads the Shipyard League, goes F!f-&srvo Bristol toaay ior anoiner urusn wim fcSVJ,;the Merchants shlpjard ball tos3ers. l5sifV The Chester Independent team will IV&b-'ite the nine of the coast artillery bovs K5T, Chester ship plant C.enerat Manager riSfe", U- . Knlsker, or tne l-nester company, Jffl will throw out the first ball This Is JtfSrOgithe first chance the artil'er.vmen have f, t-itf 11 to snow- since iney vveni 10 me Sj-'S? j shipyard. They claim to have a strong PSJJSi- team. ?i5v frATlPF.NTF.R MAKES RECORD &ft "i1tt Onlv Five Davs From Yaril in lS$i Last Two Year, 5''ii. Th first man to turn a hand In ??rK-Atthr of the two Gloucester shlpvarda X-tf&G'F ""- . .. r. r -Z . t yi, Vnaer tne rueey jwiica uiaiiiiKuiiitrMi 3 W"jtn Joe McCleese. carpenter rJrK He started work In the Pennsylvania m-SSjAri March 15. 1D16. hy driving the tKJi."iff flrt nail. He aio me noor in tne rigcer f -S hop and also at the Haggerty Building S?1Hla check Is numbered three and he RitySSffi.fc.t. lost onlv five davs in all this time fet-j;!:". . "" " i- i .. ..:. fcV pV5'fe rJO B nome is ai ovj jci.-c- uveuue itm.?,OUCeS,er OPEN-AIR CHORAL SERVICES Under the Direction of 'Bishop Rhinelander ON THE SITE OP THE j PROPOSED CATHEDRAL On the Parkway , at Twenty-third Stret i Sunday Afternoon, July 21t. 1918 , at 5 o'Clock Kev. R. Bakewell Green L Sunday, July 28th U Bev Curtis II. Dlrklnt, Chaplain U, S. N. rHOTOrLAYS H E A fafiH OVVWEIJ AU SiAnAULU HI NWlJJtUS UV 'HE UNITfcU tAMIJJUUKa- AS5UCIATIQN S2D ABOVE MARKET .tVIUlN 1 TnnAV -w-- - Ti-.vvr Reubens " T. A D 80TH Jt CEDAR AVENUE JAt TODAT D.v In "HIB OWN y HOME TOWN" iEUM "" Bt- 5T9ODAY8Hh in. v.onn TRAnj hollidat' JIAI Ox- Mapl.wood Av. Mrt- 3 15 and 1 P M. I T QrtOODp OLL nTTiNqp "?VT 'EM KEILLV "Scud for 'Doc' Rcilly." Whether it's a sirk liipworkcr or a lot of (lies or iiintqiiitnes, thi i imariahly the cr at the ling I-lanil hipvarl. The hoys jfTcclionnlely rail llieir iliirf surgeon and iill-arouncl health ihantpinn "Swat "Em Rcill," htit his right nunc is J. J, Koilh, M. 1)., ami what he fas gnrs it the Hop Ilantl liipanl GmiPROVEADT AT RESOURCEFULNESS I r-. Ilic. 1 iT,,1 ! Disabled Steamboat Fails to Prevent Outing of Puscy & Jones Workers Resourcefulness Ii a clnrarterlstlc of mnnv of the girls in the olllee of the I'usev & Tones shipbuilding Company, Wilmington l'or instance, recently a lot of them planned to take the com pany s cruiser randjeo down to Hlver vlew tJe.uli Tor nn outing, but all of a Midden the liott's enirlne went on strike The clutih, or something, refused to woik llverjhodv In the partv was "dolled up" for the excursion nnd the clock was striking the houi I.unch boxes were fillul with goodies and the weather mm was In exieptlnnallv fine humor Hut not the mrls Still they would not give tip Thrre was no other boat nnd the water was too deep for wading, but not too told for swimming. Several heads got together and In a few mlnutis there was something stir ring Several b'g autotrucks owned by the company wire chugged out of their week-end testing place The girls climbed aboard nnd were soon on their way Not alone either ' It was no "hen party," but it might have been hut for the resourcefulness again displayed, which leads on to Instance No 2 The men In the olllee apparently would not do for this trip The glr see enough of them six davs In the week, any way. So it mut be outside, game or none, "What shall we do J Whom shall we get-"' and such like questions were quickly disposed of In bright manner The girls' thoughts turned with the popular trend toward a lot of sailors In the i.flico of Assistant Paymaster Swan. I S. N "Cojne on, boys." said the girls, and the sailors weie on In a minute. The tilp to the resort was a pleasant one. The girls shared their lunches with their sailor boys between dances, and every body returned to the city happy. Miss Oeorgla C Knos, HUrarlan, was in thatge of the party. You can't stop, these girls with a ' busted" clutch. RKI.IC.IOI'S J.OTICKS llaptNt THE TKMI'l.ll. Rroail and Berks sts (11)00 N 1. Sundas. July 21. 7 4.1 p m. I A Stupendous Patriotic Demonstration, by t naitlal ..., . .l.n 11'.. r. ... I .,-... ui-iri ,,i liiu ,,,! ui-iidiiiiirnii i Under aiistilren I'nmrnlll.n nn Tnhlle Tn.. rormatlon. T.I Toil TAIDFAn.. nA Ul. ll. C..nJ 1 ... ......i. m rT-.r-ilIH IIIHI ,11 rtllll plU I'll Liberty Sing with Nevln Wlest solo Qprnetlst, preteiles exhibition Doors open , 'L. All seit free. Assoi late Pastor Wil liam Djre McCurdy preaches 10 30 a m Mr Hovle ii n.l his Liberty Chorus Sun dav night Julv 28. l'reluterlan AKPII STREET, tsih Bnd Arch C E MVCARTNEY. D D. Minister. 10:15 HON' C K hlVIpr. D D Super intendent Antl-Saloqn League of Pa. 8 no p m Itev. E Plgott falmkln D. D.. "The Coming Cltv." 7.30 Recllal on Turner Memorial Organ. RETHI.EIIKM rltlITKRI.N CHURCH Broad and Dlimond sts. Dr JOHN It DAVIES Pastor. Rev E C llllishman, 11 A . Asst Pastor. 10 111, i m Vlorning Wrrshlp Sermon Rev E C Hlbshman. 7 30 p. m Popular Eenlns Service in the church Mr Samuel R Ragga will speak Wednesday Evening Midweek Prajer Serv ice continued aa usual during the tummer menths Eiervbody ahvas welcome. liUBfcV till. I., (llrard ave ab lllth Itev ('has 11 Whltdker II 1) . 10 30 theme "Why Thev Won " Come worship with us Miscellaneous iNxsMtru tent (loth and Locust sts. Ninth AnnUersarv of Oeorge Ivng BISHOP THOMAS J GARLAND, tonight. 7 30 Sundae 10 30 Mrs Long. .1 HI- "MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF OKOKOi: LO.VO " Mrs Edna Long 7 311- THE STORY OF MY LIKE." BIMI'MIV (.ROVE CAMP - .MEKT1VO AT TBKHISK, PA.. Saturday. July 21) to 2t. Rev John G Wilson. D D.. Spiritual Di rector hpeakera Revs O H lllcklev A. O Knett C M Roswell, Clvrence Trua Wilson E. F Randolph. Judge John M. Patterson nnd others Bible Conference from Aug 3 to lo conduct! d by Mr Wm. H Oliver, of the World's Morning Watcn. PHOTOI'LWS EUREKA ic,ru JIAKKET STS NORMA TALMADGE In "DE LU.E ANNIE" STRAND Uln Av 8t vnanE0' E-of Broad CHARLES RAY in "TUB CLAWS OF THE HUN" STRAND 12T" AND GmA,AVENUE JEWEL CARMEN E In "CONFESSION" T R E S FRANKFORD 4715 FraT0'SAdYAve- Wallace Reid -a q'f'france- II IMRf) FRONT ST. t OIRARD AVE. Xjii i "Vl.J?jrol" J""ct," n Frankford "L" WM. RUSSELL ln "vSw ROAD I Ofl IQT S20 AND LOCUST STREET8 1AA.IU1 Mats. I JO, 3 10 Evas 8 30 to 11 T.li-,- R-iJ ln VKIREFLY """. OF FRANCE MJ YQN 520 BELOW 11ARKET ST. RED CROSS NURSES . HEROINES IN DANGER Brave Air Raiders in Going to Aid of Wounded in Dark Wn1ilnclnn, July 20. How during an nlr raid twenty Ameri can lied Cross nurses weio calleif to n new hospital near the front, where In pitch dark wards night of the number assisted In caring for 2000 wounded American soldiers throughout the night, is told In n communication fiom Miss Julia Kllmson, chief nurse of the Ameri can Hcd Ctoss In Prance, received tit Ited Cross headquarters here. "Summoned In nn emergency to take care of Amcilcan soldlns In n hospital near the front," MWs Stlmon writes, "twenty Ited Oro'-s nurses were packed In a large motor omnibus with nn army nurse who was going up with her surgi cal team. Whin the town was leached nt 10 o'clock the place ujs In absolute darkntss. Two American police tjtopped the truck and guided it to lied Cross headquarters, wheic Captain Jackson came to direct us to the 1 ospltal "Hy means of occasional Hashes fiom a hand torch. It was poss'ble to follow the guide In the Kcolc Professlonale, which had Just that day become an American lttd Cross hopltnI "The siren was sounding the warning of the nlr raid and guns were booming The muses hurried in arioss a clolstei llke torrldm Into u pitch-black loom "There were alwiit "J"0 Amcrlcnn pa tients In the building, alo a few Kiench soldiers The severe lalds of the ilu'y before had lomplctell tlommnllzed the civilian emplovcs, who had left A large number of patients weie still on streicn ers The sl American nurt.es, who had been working dav and night, were still game, ,ib weie the American olliccis In charge "It was stated that at lenst eight or the new nur'-e would he needed that Xht. nnd ,nUinUtr, wcre asktd fr. i:ery one of the twenty oiumeerLii Hi., ilrst elcht ttniiien who count lie touched in the dniktiess. much ns chil dren picked leaders in n game, were put over nn one side, while the rest were conducted to an empty ward which con tained absolutely nothing but bed frames with metal vlnf-prlngs The eight night. nurses, iliscirdlug their hats and coats, were taken to pitchblack watds full of wounded men They had to go to work In their blue t-eige dresses. "When the ihief nurse saw tlm the next morning, with their hair disheveled, their faces nnd dresses cnveied with lust from their trip, with towels pinned across the front r-f their cloth dresses, site could not help thinking that some nf the illustrators of modern mngazlntn might change their opinions of war nurses if they lould see this group As the ijther truck had arrived, the dav group of nurses was nble to appear In fresh gray uniforms." , Sliipvanl Markmen Open Crotinils The Chester Shipyard flun Club has Its opening shoot this afternoon on Its gioitnds at Kleventh nnd Hronmall streits. Chester The Idea of uniting with the Hlue Uock flun Club, of Ches ter, has been abandoned The Chester club has annexed an entirely new equip, ment and Its members are manifesting deep Interest nioTiiPi.Ms The Stanley BookinCorporatibn, ' THE following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Booking Corooratlon. which Is a guarantee of early showing of the finest produc tions All pictures reviewed before exhibition Ask for the theatre In your locality obtaining pictures through the STANLEY Booking Corporation. All U. 1-th. Morris i Passjunk Ave. AlnamOra j,t Dallynti.EvBa. UIS&V. ALL-STAR CVST In "THE UL1.SD.SESS OF DIVORCE" A DOl I O ''-O AND THOMPSON ST3 ArULLVj MAllNEE DAILY 1HEDA RARA tn "THE HOIE OK HLOOD' ADrATilA tllEftTNUT REL lUTH AlXVAVL'lrt in A. M to 11.15 V. 11 MAHUPERITIJ CLARK In "INCLK TOM'S CAH1N" DCMM 01T1I AND WOODLAND tJLlMN MATINEE DAILY Arthur Guy Empey (Himself) 'Over the Top.) ' Houae of Hate." No 18 Dl I ICniDr PRO AD STREET AND LL.UiliDlrL SI'SQIIEHANNA AVE. SESSrn HAYAKAWA In THE BRAVEST WAY" ,. ar.r,ne tllV GT 17 IV I D tJ U W Vi JMAI. M MANAYUNK M VTINEE DAILY HAROLD LOCKWOOt) n "LEND ME YOfR NAME" FAIRMOUNTaa,hit,0nrr!iv J WE and KATHERINE LEE In "u'E SHOULD WORRY" IT A AIll V THEATRE 1311 Market St IVaIVIIL.1 i ,v m to Midnight. DOPC.LAS FAIRBANKS In THE AMERICANO" ATLJ CT THEATRE Below Snruee JO 1 Pi O 1 . MVTIVEE DVILY CVRLY1E RLACKWELL MVIIOE tva.ns in 'the noi.nr.N wall' GREAT NORTHERN "randnV. M RY PICKFORD In "HOW.COPLD YOU, JEAN" IMPERIAL Ts1.1. WSS7 F?o NORMA TAI.MAD1E In "DE LUXE ANNIE" LEADER 1,ST ,5SF AVE walt ace nnm M .trr pippnv VI., pntVTP" HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE rr.NNsii.i, m M'm'iinw MAMMaVMMtl1 i UsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTg lBI'ia'''BiB3HtsVBB g&.-1M KZy&JUT 1 m Kfc,MflttMMlfl"""""M"""""MiMKssTA?EuaT""!KMfWteiiaJ(C 2 You Can Afford This Home! Little Cash $40 a Month Carrying Charges Opposite 69th Street Terminal of Market' Street Elevated One 5c fare No change of cars 16 minutes to City Hall Trains every 2 minutes in rush hours Every Jf minutes during day and night Just belnp completed, single, detached homes, with room for garage, Open on all sidear bright, airy rooms the very house you have been wanting. Living room, with stono fireplace Electric outlets for floor lamps, table lamps, fan and vacuum cleaner. The large main bedroom has windows on thre sides. Tiled bathroom, with built-in tub and shower. Parquetry Hoots, hot-water heat, etc. No better or more convenient location. Come out today, JOHN H. McCLATCHY, VSfEZ'iS . - a nFilH t -t . rir u.T FKENCH PRISON CAMP TO GERMANS' LIKING One Escapes and Returns With Eight Companions, Writes Detective's Nephew The story of how a Ocrman ecand from n. French prison camp one night, only to return twelve" nights later with eight more Hermans who wished to he jnade prisoner, wns told In a letter re-1 eelved todav bv Detective Thomas Qulg ley, filial Kltigsesslng nventie, from his nephew, Joseph Qulgley, of Palerson, X. J. Joseph Qulgley Is a member of the 316th Infnntry, which Is composed of Philadelphia!!" Tho letter stated Qulcley wns on guard duty nt the prison camp the night the t.ernwn escaped, but though miles ot the surrounding country was searched, the Cicnnan could not be found "Several dav s later I was surprised when tho escaped prisoner. In company with right othets who said tin v wanted to he made, prisoner, returned to tho camp," Qulgley's h tti r said, "Of course they were accommodated," he concluded , BAD-TEMPER INSULATORS Swcrl-Voircil Hello Girls Get Your Sliipyartl Numlicrs liver call up the Chester shipyard on the phone? No? Try It A rweet voice will answer There are three of them tin re sweet voices, to bo . ..., 1. i I, ilnnc, I tttittn, ulilpn nun comes in on the wlte. for thev nil have ' freipientlv met with on the telephone wire- when the wires nie not crnssni. The operators are JIIss 1ora ltum ford. Mi"s ninmn ilreen and Mrs Helen Dlgglns, nnd thev live In Chester. Theso oper ltois ate veiv busy most of the time Sn be very brief 1 Shipworkcr Invents Lnlior Saver .Tames C Carr of the Pusev ei Jones boiler anil light plate shop. C,ou ester, Is leeching tile congratulations nf his friends upon .1 device developed bv him by which lie can milk out ten bars nt once 'I he deviie multiplies this one man's capacity tenfold, making it a valuable labor saver. entljs Arrhllnld Robert K Ratten, Thorms K Ha lit r l.lilbHlh Rent Waller!: Itoston Vniellv llrni'i nell lobn T Tlroun Kllabeth N Ruebler lohn II Rvrne" Thorn i lilor Sus in V. 'rollus liiihel Iioushirtx Satnuel P. Ellis. VMIhnm P (lath Anne A (laUBban Callnrlno (tllisnn Mnrv P Ollmore Marv J l.oini nt llurnthm Outirlde James Hi-leliurat II VcK lllltlarcl VV II I Hofhauer. Anna Ilii.' Saiah Johnstone l,eona IvilU. .VI iry Kennedv William 11. Ki ohino lohn O Kr un. r Vllnn'v D. Kuhn lophli l.ueb Solomon I n, toienh M I'llsler Miry E. Muhlir Hirrv J violll r Huzeiu A Mueller"! linen, Oott'b Mulllirin Alines inerhiillrer II W. Reeve. Aucllfltua Rlie Inlin H. Robinson Then S. Itot.111 Peter M s, heifeie (leorRSj. side i.mra M Smith. Charles A. Trust Clnri c. Trultt, J. Wesley Wf rner John r' Wltman, I-oliis v J. Yoast Millard P. Ynuni;. K.ito n. ARCHIRALD. Julv 17. ROBERT K.. hua. bind of Lena nnd son of late Robert nnd J.sther ArelilSlld iigeil 3S Relatives and .frJ.'U1,I.1 ''"ed to film ral. Mon . 3 p. ju.. 2.'..0 Runner st liu .orthwnod Cem. mains 111. ij be viewed Sun., S to 10 p. m, Auto itinera 1 PIIOTOIXWS 333 MARrvFT STREET THEATRE fJJ HlrtlVrtLi 1 J . 11 to 11 .IS . u. . ........ . .....--.-- i MRUIN1A PEARSON in HER PRICE' MODFF '- T0l7" ST. Orchestra. lVlVyiyL-l, Contlimnus 1 to II. MR. nnd MRS. SIDNEY DREW In "PAY D VY" PAI APP V-U -MARKET STREET I -l-VwEf m V. M to II 15 p. jf MARION DAVIES ' '' "In 'CECELIA OK THE PINK ROSES" PRINCFSS '"LI, MARKET STREET 1 IVIHLJJ 8. 10 A M to 11:15 P. M ALMA REUBENS ' In "THE PAINTED LILY" RFP.FNT 1IAIIKET ST llelow 17T1 lXL',JC'',, 11AM to 11 P. M. CHARLES RAY in "THE CLAWS OK THE HUN" RIAF TO OWLMANTOWN AVENUE KIAL l V.ina cTA't:,Wr,iOCK,:N ST" In "LOVE'S CONQUEST" RIVOI I !'- AND SANSOM STS WV ivn,,,UMSAurMD'llJ In "THE GUN TIGHTER" RI IRY MARKET ST BELOW 7TH rliDI m a m to 11:15 p m MADGE KENNEDY ' ' In "THE PAIR PRETENDER" SAVOY 12tl MARKET STREET Jnvu ' s M to Mldni MVRYPICKFORD Icht In "HOW COULD YOP, JEAN?" STANI FY MXRKET ABOVE IrtTlT O 1 rtHLC I ti i-, a r t it 15 p Vf CONSTANCE TVL.MAOGE In "GOOD NIGHT. PAUL" VICTOR FA MARKET ST. "XS. IiTII VIV 1 VjrUA ha M. to 11 :13P.M. WILLIAM S HART In "SHARK MONROE" THIS PROGRAM APPEARS IN MORNING AND EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I'ENN-.M.V M V SIlllI'KIl N ''' WmSKZMMMSm&SemMBm SliEil , . ftRATIW TPVA,7'7Ju!X ". THOMAS F. BAT- Auto" SitT &$ nSrvin?Or?und t 'f.r.S'I'. ff.lt.'-lH.'ra'n from Market wfKimnrrinnri t tt - ... ":'-", ' ! dm'r'?,i.',i'dlJ,0 'uneral. Mon , 7:30 2( mJ,llTnt realdence, iio8 ItrandTwIni- Xavler Church I) a. m. InU llolr Cross .i!lViI0if;7r',ul5',?-..AXIE'''A. widow ot ii?i'i" r,.2,lnn' n "lives and friends In. vltci! to funeral services, Mon , .1 p. m , fil'ii ihi.V?i.mJ'.!i.nt,'rK,,i 1'lneklev Hantlst .,,, p 5ro",n,d' .""nalns may lie viewed Sun in in p". m. liUAZK.vni.I. July --..-..". nuiy in. i(Jii.t 1. IS. JOHN T son ?n ,ai?.iw.li"1"ln nnd Martha Itraaenell. aited nv.i. i , .na lrinns, ream Drivers-ii-'T1, lSrai N 47- Invited to funeral services, Tuea.. 3 n m.. reldiice of brother-In-law. AVIIHam Qulnn, ,in3"i H at. Int. irelyue tem. Auto service. Remains may nilOWN (n Ooodman) wife of Ueutrnant ". a ,V'7Mmln. "rown. IT. S A. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sun.. 11 n. m., brother's residence, David Ooodman. 131 N"1'.!''J?J Jinulevanl. Int. Iter Nh0 fern t tIU'E.!,f'?.n July. is. Joiin 11. nuEit- I.I.R. Itelattves nnd friends. Col. Jamen Aah worth Post. Nn 134. 11. A, It , Invlled to funeral. Mon . 8 30 n. m , 4817 Darrah at., Jrankford. Solemn requiem mass St. Joa chim's Chufch 10 a. m. Int. fat. Dominic's Cem. Auto funeral. WVRNE.S. July IS. THOMAS IIVRNKM. formerly of Port Carbon Pa Helntlves nnd friends Invited to funeral. .Men S .to a m residence of lter.ln law. .Mrs Mary A Hvrtiea, 10.14 s Wornork at. (near 11th anil MeKean) Solemn high maM of renulem Ihurch of Knlphany, 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. . CASTOR. July 18. SUSAN Y.. wlfo of Charles) W. Castor, aced 74. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral aervliea, Mon, T 'J0 vP' .m-: ,.1,s,.,.,.?rJr.'on ' Frankford. Int. North Cedar.lllll Cem. IROI.IL'K. July IK. RACHEI,. widow of Clarkson Crollua. Servlrcs and hit prl vnle. Mon., realdrlico nf son William K ("rollus MJn B. Norrls at. Friends may call Sun . to 10 p. m DOUGHERTY. July 10. SAMUEL P, son of late Samuel and Mary Dougherty (nif Duffy). Relatlvea nnd friends nil aocletlea or which ho wna a member. Invited to fu neral, Tuea . 8 30 n in . l!17n Richmond St. Solemn requiem mass ht. Ann's Church 10 n m Int. St Ann's Cem i:i.i.ih July 17, WIl.t.lAM P.. huahaml of "eheccv rilla tnre McCloskejj 'nclntliei Church. Dlv. No. an. A 11 H.. all other societies of which he uhh k member. lnlleH to funcrnl. Mon . N 3n a. m , 151.1 Point Rreeze ave. Solemn hiKh mass of requiem St. Edmund's Church HI a m. Int Holy iron. Cem Omit floners. Auto funeral FREEMAN Suddenlj. July fil at Mm Market Bt WII.I.IAM S huslnnd of Helle II Freeman, oucd ,"i7. Notice ot funeral latir. (JAT1I Julv 18 ANNE A, widow, of Oeoico (lath, formerly of 772 S. Clinton st Relatives and friends Invited League of the tiered HearU United to funeral, Tues,, 8 30 a m.. residence of son In-law. Edward J DufT. 11)011 S 18th at. Solemn requiem masa St. Paul's Church 10 n. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem Auto servlo- n(lAUOIIAN July 111, at Mnhanoy Dane. Pi. CATHARINE, widow X William .1. daughan anil mother of tho ReT. WIlMnm P. i.nuahan, of our I.ady of, Mercv Churrh, Phil 1, need 81). Relatives and friends In vited to funeral, Tues , Holy Rosiry Church. Mahanov Plane. SchUlklll Co , Pa. Solemn requiem muss 10 a. m. Int. Holy Rosiry Cent Fraikvllle, Pi, C.IHSON July 18. MARY F. wlfo of Charles Clbaon Relatives nnd friends In. vlted to sen ires. Sun . 2 p m . 4330 Market at Int Arlington Cem. Friends m ly view remilns Kit. eve. (HIAIORE (neo Durkln) Julv in, MARY T widow nf Samuel (1 Ollmore, nged nt. Relatives nnd friends Invited to attend fu neial. 41)08 N 1.1th st . Tues. 830 a m. High mass of requiem In Church of the Holy Child Logan, in a. m. Int Ambler. Pa OdtlMAN JulJ II). DOROTHEA, twin daughter of Charles J. and Margaret M (lormall, nged 7 months Puneral Mon . 'J ri in . parents' residence. Clearfield and hlgrnde jb int. private, Holv Cros Cem OPTTRinnn July 17. JAMES, husband of Annln Outtrldge. Relatives nnd friends, Amnlgnmited I ace Operators of America: Phlll Lpdge. No .11 L. O O M invited to funeral service. Mon . 3 10 p. m.. 32J0 Philip st. Hit Mt. Pence Cem. Remains mtv be vleued Sun. eve. HARTLEY. Tilly 17. In Rrnoklvn. N. Y.. HERBERT REED son of Louisa M. nnd the late Harry IT. Hartley. Relatives anil friends invited to funeral services Sat., nt the-Oliver II. Hair' Illdg.. 162U Chestnut St.. Phlla. Int private 1 HA.LEHPRST At Cape Mav. N. J., July 18 HENRY MrKKAN. son of late Re-ljnmes VV and Sarah MeKean Harlehurst. Int nrivate 1IILI.1ARD At Rordentown. N J. sud. denly. Julv II). WILLIAM II I. MILLIARD llcidtlvca ami trlenns invited to runeral, Fnrnsworth ave. Rordentown, Mon.. 2 p. m. Int Mt Hollv Cem HOPHAUER (nee Thumnnn) July 10, ANNA, wife of Michael Hothauer. Rela tives nnd friends Altnr Society or Ml. llinrv'H Church and Orpheus Sli sins So ciety invited to funeral. Tues., 8 30 a. in. .1J0 W Erin ave. Solemn miss of requiem St Henri's Church 10 a. m Int. Holv Sepulchre Cem Aulo service. HUSSEY July 111, SARAH, wife of I Thomas Hussev. Relatives nnd friends In '21112 E Thompson st Int. "private. G wnml IK" nt I 1 Cem vited to runernl sere lies Mon., 1 p reen ......-. --. .:." r .--- .- . .. HIII-V.S Itl.MJ July 11) I.LO.NA. Wile OI Kirke Johnstone (nee Wnrd). need .1", Rein tlvin and friends tniltcd to funeral services Mon 2 n m , 027 11. Rerks st. Int. West Liurel Hill Cem KELLY Suddenly. Julv IS. MARY. daushti-r of Thomas nnd late Marv Ktllv (nee Snce) ased 12 Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral. Moil.. H 30 a. in . fnthr's resident e, 2.124 Lombard st Solemn hlsh mass of reiuieni St Pntrltk's Church 10 a m Int lloly Cioss Cem. KENNEDY lulv IS WILLIAM II.. l-on nf Robert and Emllv Kennedv. aned 1 ver 7 months Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral. Mon , 1 p m . residence of par ents. 20211 E. Venintco st. Int. St. Teter's Corns Riverside N. J. Remains may be vleiMSl Sun eve KEOHANE Julv IS. JOHN O. son of late Michael D. nnd Kathrvn Keohane n(ee Costluan) nued 0. Relatives and friends Invited lo funeral. Mon, 10 a m. aunt's resldeme, Mrs. Jnmvi (Irecn, 33J N. 17th st Int Ho -J Cross Cem ... IfRUlUll July IS. MINNA DOROTHY, widow- of Herman Kramer, sped 03. Rela tives and friends Invlnd to funeral serv ices Mon . 2 n m , 3007 N Marshall st. Int North Cedar Hill Cim. nuffalo papers 'Kl'HN. Uly 18. SOPHIA KUHN (nee Mahler), w.'-e nf AlbC'l Kuhn. aBed 2(1. Relatives and friends Invited lo funeral serv ices. Mon . J p. m . 31P1 N. HHinbrvy st I nil .orinwoou v era. t- nenui hmj ,... 1 Sun . H to 10 p m. . LOEll July 111. SOLOMON I.OER ait-d ., , Itelallves and Irlenos inviien lo iuiieri. Sun . 2 30 p. m. resident fl of sister. Mrs. lacob C.reenewald. 3721 N Oratz st. Int. LOVE At Philadelphia. July 1!) JO SEPH husband of Dorothv A. Lo.e and hus. hand of late Elizabeth Love ciee Klrkpat rlik) Relatives jnd friends Conshohocken uidse. Nn f,-'-i. I O O. F. of Consho hi.eken Pa , KnlKhls of Oolden Easle I. b ert Castle No. 14: emplojes nt Phlla. Rajd.l Transit Co . any other lodse o- soci ety tu whiih he belonsed. Invited to funeral servlcei Mon . 1 p m . 3J11 N lloudlnot st Phlla Further services 2 JO P m . C.ulph Chjrrh. C.ulnh Mill. Pa. Int. Otilph (em Itenvttns mav lie viewen buii,, w " p m. Aulo funeral . .,,,. .(.(iiicirn I.. I.. in MiltV Tt.lZA- 1ETH ' wife 'of Frederick' M MeCllster. daushter or Katnrsn 1. ana i.oui J mine. Relatives and friends Invlled to funeral. Wed 8 30 a m. 1117 E. Mosnmenslns nve Solemn requiem hlRh mass at l St. Phllln Ntrl's Church in a. m. Int Holy Cross I em rtiun aervn e. ,.., . -,rtr Villi. l.lriH.IUlV In, I.UJCM . .m-FL.- L1ER. ace.i (17. Relatlvea and frlcnos In vited to funeral. Mon . 2 p m . residence of son. (-rl C Molller. 2731 Diamond Bt. Remains mav lie view-en nun . n 10 iu p. in. MPELLERSCHOEN. Suddenly. Julv II), nn. in. law's residence ftl Hnnkins St.. W6od bury. N. J , and formerly from mi N American t Phlla (iOTTLEIR husband of Annlo M Muellers',hoen (neo Wldmannl need 02 Relatives and friends, members of Tanners' I'nl Ver (llrard Ave ,Unt Ver.. trrvtted to funeral Mon 2 p m . residence of son In-law William Mhhet, 417 E Vo rnlni: ave., Phlla Int Alt Vernon Cem. Remains mav t viewed Sun eve MPIILER July IS. HARRY J husband of Mary E Murder ased 31 Relatives nnd friends Invited tn funeral Mon.. 8 30 a m , resilience of father-in-law-. Thomas White, av) N l.iemBow st nisii mass ci Ed. ward's Church 10 a in. Int lloly Cross Cem auio lunerai MULLIGAN At residence of aunt. Mrs. Harrv Mitchell 24 Cedar ae.. Newerk, N. .1. July IS AONES dsnahter of lata George and Margaret Mulll?an and grand dauchter of lato John and Marv Reade. aged 20 Relatlies nnd friends Invited to funeral Mon R 30 a m OlUer II Balr Bldg.. 1R20 Chestnut st . Phlla Solemn re nulem mass St Denis's Church Ardmore. Pa.. 10 a. m Int. St. Denis s Cem Friends mav call 1RJ0 Chestnut at.. Phlla . Sun. 7 lo 10 p in, Remains may also be viewed at Newark Sun 11 lo 2 OVERHOLTZER Juno 10. HENRY W.. husba-nd of Catharine Overholtzer (nee Haughey). aged 70 Relatives and friends, members of P. O. 8 of A. Camp No nsa, Invited to services. Mon 2 p. in.. 427 W, Berks st. Int, private, fllenuoo.t Cem Re mains may ba viewed Sun., 8 to 10 p. m. Auto fjneral REEVE. Julv ID AUGUSTUS REEVE, aged Kl, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral service" Mon 11 a m... 301 statu st,. Camden, N. J. Int private., Harlelgh C,RICP. luly 18. JOHN R. husband of Sarah J Rice (nee Hraton) Relatives and friends, Thomns Clements N Y Asso . em nlojrs of E. II. Vare Invited to fnneral. Tues. 8.30 a. m. 1114 Snider ave. Solemn requiem mass i nurcn oi me r.pipnany iu a. m Anin service. RIEVEL July 10. HETTY F wife of Lewis C, Illevel. Relatives and friends In vlted to funeral. Tues.. 1 p m. from 418 Krams ave., Roxborough, Services will be held In 'he Mt. Vernon Baptist Church at 2 n. m Int. private. ROBINSON July 18. THEODORE S.. son of George W. and Mary II. Robinson, aged 4n Rrlstliea and frtenda. Prospect Lodge. No MS F, and A, M.t Orphans' Heat Lodge. No- IS2. I. O. O Y,. Invited to fu neral services Pun . 2 R0 p. m . parents' resldence.-087 Main St.. Darby, Pa, Int. Mt. 2lon Cem. Auto service ROTAN lulv IS PETER M. ROTAN. husband of Marlttta, Rotan, ared 37. Rela tives Nnd cenda. Comma.nch Tribe. No A3 1. O' R. K?T John a. Zoller Yearly Beneficial ItAUKR, July 10.' tel'.ls'AriFTir tiAtiu'n TR'e'ffl'vJ.'R!) ? 'S' JteSJTMnS ed IM.nrs.te.'B ,'rleni1'' Ladles' Ad yn f rnte,rl' .'!J?i,iA.nfe!"ed f.'""1 'nYled.lo snA' W Jn X tees, m.. 1018 Marlborouah Int. private North Cedar HIM Cm. Friends . . -j. ti. tti. i linn miiiuviuua,ii May view remains ion . s to iu p. m. SCHBIFEI.E July 18. OEOROB J., hus band of Lena Pchelfele, aged B,1. (Relative; nnd friends Invited to funeral. Tiles., S.30 i m., Oliver If. Balr DldB.. 1820 Chestnut st, Int, private. . .. . .. H.M M SIOLE. Julv 11). LAURA M. SIOLE. Relatives nnd friends- Invite! tn services. Mon., 2 p, m., chapel of Harlelgh Cem.. Cnmden N J. Int. Hnrlelgh Cem. SMITH. Julv 17. CHARLES A., son of Martin J, nnd Margaret Smith (nen Daley), aaed 21, Relatives nnd friends, Court Oeorge Washington, No 121, P. of A,. Invited Jo fu neral, Mon., 8 30 a. m.. parents' residence, 1417 N (llii st. Solemn renulem mass St. Michael's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. TROST. July Hi. CLARA C daughter of christian and Into Christina Trosl (neo Seeger). Relatives and fclend nlso Pride of Court Olenwood. No 2!)!). C. of the K. of II . Invlled to funeral services Tues.. 2 F. m . residence nf father. 2.11.1 Jasper st. nt. private. Oreenmount Cem Friends may cnll Mon eve TRUITT On Jul If). 1018 J. 1VESLRY TRUITT. nged 81 sears. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, on Mon., at 2:30 p m., at the residence of his son, John C. Trultt. MM Catharine st, Int. Mt. Morlih Cem. Remains may be vtewed Sun. eve WERNER. July 18. JOHN F. WERNER, husband of Mary Werner, nged .11. Rela tives and friends Invlled to funeral servlc". Sun , 2 p. m , Conrad Werner. 1010 W. Stella st. Int. Northwood Cem. Auto fu neral WHITMAN Julv 18. LOUISA .1 . wife of Warren E. Whitman nnd daughter of Elea nor J and late John A. Russell. Relatives ard friends Invited to services. Sunday!jffN30 n m., residence of husband, 7531 nidge nve , Roxborough, Int. private. Mon., 3 p. in , l.everlnglon Cem , YOAST Julv ID. MILLARD P.. husband of Mary Yoast. Relatives and friends, Wash ington Camp Nn 3. P (). S of A,' Camn No 108. P. O of A : might Stir. No. 311 O. S of H. . Marine Local, No, 70S. Invited In funeral services Tues. 2pm 4843 Pnletborp st Int. Hillside Cem. Friends may call Mon after 8 p. m TOUNO Julv It). KATE E . wife of John P, Young aged 57, Relatives and friends, members Good Shepherd P. E Church; Grand Hoftie of Penna . B of A.: Rebeca Home No 44. H nf A : Aunlllnry No 17. Red Cross Invited to funeral. Tues,, 1:30 p. m , from 2220 Trenton nve. Services nt nbnve mmed churih nt 230 p. m. sharp. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may be viewed 222(1 Trenton ave.. until 2 p. m. SITMMTIR RESORTS ATI, XTIC. CITY. N. .!. Cootot and Most Attractive LocatlM OSTETSTD Whole Block. Ocean Front Directly on the Boardwalk. Boston to Sov ereign Ave , In exclusive Chelsea section. Fresh and sea water baths, private and public. Modern hjdro-therapeutlo depart ment. Orchestra. Dancing every evenrns SPECIAL JULY RATES. Auto bus meets trains Booklet. Ownership dlrcc. JOHN T. DOLPHIN. Mg Westminster av- nenr Deach. Elev. wesunuuier t0 Ft PrVatB bathl,. run. water. 110 up wkly. ; 12 up dly. Chas Huh re. BlACliTONE HOTEL ATLANTIC ' CITV Capacit600. Strictly European Plan PITNFY New York Ave, near Heach. M"1L'1 First-class table, noted for Its wholesome, well-cooked food. Cap. 210. Large, airy rms., open surround.; bathing from houee; free shower hotha? $lo up wk,; J2 up dly. M C. SWEENEY. HOTEL B0SC0BEL !ie"tu. ", r lien, Alw-avs open, Amer. fi Euro ptnns. Rklt. A. E MARIO OCBAN CITY. N. J. HOTEL HENRY 7th and Asbury Avenue Rooms with and without runnlnv watsr. Moderate rate MRS. O. n. HFXRV wimwoon. N. J. EDGETON INN "'1" mSlf.u appointments, Muslo room, orchestra. .Noted for. excellent tablet white service. Cap 0fin. Auto at trains. Booklet. T, Al.HERT HARRIS Trnp. I.AKK SIINAPKE. N. II. BEN MERE INN In the. foothills at the White Mt. beautiful Laka Sunapea. Now open. Booklet. ,L. R. DUDLEY. Pro. RIVER STEMllOATS WILSON'S SELECT EVENING TRIPS TP THK HEAKTIFOL DELAWARE ETery Friday nnd Saturday Evening New Dolphin Line Palace Steamers TRENTON AND DOLntlN Good Music No Liquor' lloat leaves Arch St. Wharf 8:13 P. M. Far 26c each way ED1TATI0NAI. lloth Sexes 9 CIVemistry in all its branches with relation to manufacturing and pharma ceutical lines. Good positions waiting for graduates. Degree of B. S. in Chem. Ask for Catalog M-26 ' Phone, Diamond 031 rEMPLE UNIVERSITY 1. Broad Ht below Berks I Philadelphia T KIlnRTIIAND AND nOOlvKKFIMNd flregg shorthand, the easy, speedy system. Business courses. Dav or evg. schools Enroll any time. To meet the heavy and Increasing demand for voung men and women wttb Onlce inn ousinrsa iraiiium our classes will out coming summer months. Call or p comiiiueu unv auu evminf inru- stub ior pnriicuiHrs ann raiaiog rniLA. nrmxF.is coi.leob Strayer's Business College Philadelphia's Greatest Business School Expert teachers. Modern enulpment. Indi vidual advancement. Charges moderate. Po sitions guaranteed. Day and Night Classes. 700 students, now attending. Enroll now. 07 Chestnut Ktreet. , Phone. Walnut 381 Young Men nnd Boys SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. LEHIGH UNIVERSITY SOUTH BETHLEIIEM. PA. THBEE-YEAR COCB8E8" Enginee'ring and Arts and Science SHIP CONSTRUCTION and MARINE TRANSPORTATION MILITARY TRAINING rllESTNDT lUI.T.. TAT CHESTNUT MUX ACADEMY A rnttntrv IkA-trHlntr antf dm arhtMil far Bava Thorough preparation for college, clenttflc nchool or businesi. All athlttlci. Golf llnki. Tne cymnailum with iwlmmln pool. Pay pupils received. Separate irnwer School for Dos irrnn aeen upwaraa aiaio. 8perlatlj low rates far flTe-tar boardari. JAMES LAWSON rATTEBSON, HeadmasUr St, Martins. Chestnut HIH, P. Yonn, W.mrn and Clrla The Gordon-Roney School . g yi" 5VK- WHtTK MOtmTAtKfi; N. B: Brettor Woods While. Moinliins, H. H. OOLP MOTOR1NO HORSEBACK In the throuth tha R1DINO very Alps over Mountain shadow of of Trails and , Mount New .Woodland Washington. England. ' Taths. The Mt. Pleasant f'n'ds ,22' C. J. DUNPIIY F. B. HANSON Manacer Resident Mrr. The Mount Washington gjn,,erJc't.8i4 D. J, TRUDEAU, Manager. RAILROADH' Through service via N. T.. N. It. A H. n. n. and XI. ,M. n. R. For Information, rites, etc.. address hotels. OCKAX CITY. N. 3. Normandie-by-the-Sea OCF.AN CITY. N. J. 1100 roams. 100 suites with private baths: ewn artesian well water: Ice plant: electric light plant.- Elevators from ground floor. Directly facing tho ocean. Cuisine the bes. For rates, full Information and booklet ad dress v. H, h. CAKE. Manager. LOST AND FOUND BRACELET Lost. a. gold bracelet. In loth st. car or around Hroad St. station: a reward If returned. Mrs J. McCaffrey, 1423 N. 1 L'l h st. COAT Lost.gray coat, with black stripe on boulevard: reward If returned. 0723 Tark sve DOO -Ixist. Boston Bull, evenlhg, July 1.',, white breast, white striped face: lost vlcln Itv of Fot and Mldvale nve : licensed dog: !.-.,".'..rew',', Oall Oermantown 1850 or a. .12 W. Coulter st . PIN Lost. Phf Delta Sororlety nln. st with 3 pearls, owner's name on back; reward. Call Preston 3101. WASH Will the colored lady who took tho wash from 1123 N. 12th st. plense return It at once: nothing will bo said for the oelav. unlet. n ml .!.., n Kn.. !1S B VVIshart st. nnd A st. nnd Allegheny ive Liberal reward. 21." E. W'Ishart st. HELP WANTED FEMALE (Other Claaslned Ails on Page 2) A PATRIOTIC OPPORTUNITY .TELEPHONE SERVICE IS VITALLY IMPORTANT IN CARRYING ON THE tl-Wl. t 3000 YOUNO WOMEN TELEPHONE OP ERATORS IN PHILADELPHIA AND VI. C'-iJX' T"E WORLD'S WORKSHOP. ARE l-AlJllUllCAIjLr 1IL 1ELP1NO TO WIN THE WAR. . YOUNO WOVIEN. 17 TO 31 YEARS OP "a. lH UNTEll THIS GREAT WORK AT ONCE. PER WEEIC II PAID DURINO THE FIRST POUR WnrK. WITH RAPID AD VANCEMENT THEREAFTER. PERMANENT POSITIONS: EXPERIENCE r" the worn: in ri.ni .wn rAsnT. IN(L THE SURROUNBINOS ARE PLEAS- Al 1 . . MEALS inRVED AT COIT. AN'NIVER SARY PAYMES'rS. SICK REVEKITS. VA' CATIONS WITH PAY NOT OVER S HOURS' WORIt I'ER DAY. TVOK INTO TIIIQ PATntOTIC OPPOR TltNITY. TA1K IT OVER ANY WEEKDAY ULinUL.N S AND (I WITH MI1S M D. RYAN . AT 400 MARKET ST . PHILA. Oil Mtsq v. it ni'.ti.t.Y 20 E. STH ST , CHESTER, IA. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA ACCOUNTINO DEPARTMENT OP THE PUBLIC LEDOER CO DESIRES THE SFRV'tl'RS OI-- AN IIVPERIIINCPD HOOK- KEEPPR' COOD OPPORTPXITV POR COMPETENT PERSON' TO SECURE PLEASANT AND PERM WENT POSITION. PUBLIC LEDOER CO 0TH AND CHEbTNUT STS. mt t ' nt put- .m...- A .. 'T.'it. BILL CLERK. COmPtometer and tVPewrlter operator preferred: opportunity for ad. vancemeni. jvpmy .neiniiiti aica iiurrisou Wrh? S5th and Gray. , rerry. ifiiui.-u..AsViii.t' urfiiiAiuH pxpcri pin eil iMHott Klshnr iintt miixt l rurate at flcures. Apply atatlntr nuallnVa JdBPr nrr f Kr i ' tnnity rpr nurrnuRhi mill lnBl- tlons ana aalnry desirpfl. F J3. icdse BOOKKUIUMJHM Excellent opport pxtieripnceri tioo KKeepera nnstfnir Trtarhlnes in a lnrcp flnanUI lnntl tutlon; stnt affp. pxperlptiro and salary exv pprtPd T 110. Tedgpr Office Cl.KRK. pperlpncrd ln bnoUkpcplntr anil tvpewrlllruTt for pfllro ft larjro TrmnuTnr turlnK company -n nuburlia Adrtrpa, with full nrtlpularp V 41.r T,Pdjpr O ( fct CLERIC, competent, to post and balance sales ledgera of a largo manufacturing companv: state experience nnd salary de Blred P 033. Ledger Office. CLERKS, exnerienoed operators on Bur roughs posting machine: excellent oppor tunity for those showing ability: state, nae, experience nnd "alary crpectcd. P 927. T.edcer Office. ELEVATOR OPERATOR STEWART'S REQUIRES THE SERVICES OP AN EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR OPER ATOR: GOOD SALARY; PERMANENT PO. S1TION APPLY Sl'PERINTENDENT'S OFFICE FIFTH FLOOR. HErORB 10 A. M. STEWART'S, 1027 MARKET ST. GIRLS TO WORK IN WALLPAPER FAC TORY: OOOD WAOPS; CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. BECKER. SMITH t PAOB WATER AND SNYDER AVE. GIRLS for light factory work: good pay, vvith advancement according to ability on bonus plan: good working conditions. Apply Poolev Furniture Co loth and Indiana ve. KNITTERS Plrst-class wages to flrst-class knitters. Apply Crosslngham Knitting Mills 2l.i- Ashmfad st . Oermantown MDLTIGRAPH OPERATORS Several ex- nerlenced multlgranh. oneratora wanted J state age. experience and salary expected. i- nil, 1-eoEcr ifllice, Nl'RSERY GOVERNESS, white, competent' takn care of 2 children. Address C601 Wsvne nve. (lermantown. OPKUATORH. serlee Htatlon The Atlan. tic Kenninff t ompany nin several .ntr nnmpn llvlnr nreffahlv In 1at Philadelphia, to sell oil nnd easollne. and i pprK siHtinn " "n "no watnu si Apply In person Mr. H. K. Bercy. fourth floor H W "r. l-fh and hansom sts,, le tween 0 and 11 a m. . OPKRATOP.S. experienced on power sewlnic machines: light worK, irona wanes to startl in per cent. bonu: 48-hour schedule; also Ktrl to learn Cook Company, 211 S. i st . camnen .. J. 8IMC SPREADKU1 Experle'nced and learners: paid whll learn Ina-: trood wages and "teady work. Grliwold Worsted Co., Darby, Pa. STKNortRAriTlR nnd experienced operator on Edison phonoaranh machine' .nnd sal ary to start and eood onnortunltv for ad. ancmenf state experience, II 31j, Led eer Central, STENOORAPHER. quick and accurate; ono ho ran answer mall In emercency: op- portunll" for advancement. Apply rhemlcal Sales JIarrlaon Works. 35th and Qraj Ferry 'ra. ETi'vnnnAPiiEU Un manufacturlm .company wants exp. ynune lady atenoBra- ... .. .-.hb -..III, nnnnr fnr mnv t' StSTA ge. exn &'al. desired A H. V. O. BOx 8500. STNOORArilFJT. T.arire concern haa posi tion for enerlenred 8tenn.rar.her. who will oper"lo rtlrtsnhone. Apply 1421 Cheat nut at.. Room 701. STENOORAPHER Toune ladv. with ex- perlence: ona who can tax cnartra ot office: slalo aalsrv.-experience and reference. V POH I. eager uinre, STENOaRAPHER for permanent poaltlon, Manayunk manufarturer- atata exper,, aal- arv etc ' iji. irfnupr llo. BTENOaRAPHERS peral pood oppor tunlllea for experienced atenorraphera In a lane corporation; .excellent chwicea for advancement: stale "e. experlenjo and salasrv expected P J0.S. trfdaer Office. TEl.UaflAPII OPEUATOR TounK lady, cot ton merchant's office; muat be exnerlencedi neat appea-ance: references .renulred Ap ply In person Immediately. McFadden. Bands & in . lit i-nesin'ii mi TYP18TToun lady wanted In office of laree manufariurlna concern. located In South PhlladelpH". .Per'",' sta'InT "'ary ana experience, -u-itir i. w- . -.- TYPISTS, n. mature, well .educs'ed thor outhb experienced, to start work at J""! nrefer those Uvln. In Southwest or West Philadelphia for this particular worK: also hlah-arade lllott-Flahermachln operator, capable ot ikln supervision of larao d partment, Ap'l:' W"tnrn' Emntavinent De tiartmenr A. I K r.. Hm Island. Pa W OMAN Want.d. a. whUe,'antry -wrtinj WBO II WlltMV W (OnVf' noasMMI 'A mi A ' v., sluspft' y rr-rwtwj wrm Krntinntvri AND CLtMJ.' J INO: SHORT HOURS AND OOOD PAT. fr1j J. S DRAKE I if"ia 08 CHESTNUT ST. j1 WOMAN AptThotal want woman to cheek orders and take care ot storeroom. M - Ledger Central. 80 WOMEN NEEDED from" 18 to 35 yetri for our new Industrial training department Will teach you In a short time to become skilled tn light mechanical work Where you can make good wtgei Apnlv from 7 a m to S n m. HENRY D1S8TON SONS Emploiment Department Tacony, Philadelphia or 2420 N. Front st. 8 to 12 a. m. HELP WANTED MALE (Other rlnsslfled Ails nn Pasei) BELT KANnRPR. nittt. iiwwn yers. composition gluer. wood: hand xAmie ers caoineimaKers: gooa wages ana idi s working conditions: steady work for reliable V I men. Pooley Furniture Co , 10th and ID oinna ave. e -I m.ACKSMlTHS. 132 for wagon and truck body work: fast mechanics: chance for" advancement. P 023. Ledger Office. t BOOKKEEPER ACCOtTNTINfl DEPART MENT OF THE rtlBLK' LEDOER COM PANY DESIRES THE SERVICES OF Alf EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER NOT SUB JECT TO THE DRAFT. . v PUBLIC LEDOER COMPANY OTII AND CHESTNUT STS. - . BOOKKEEPER Encellent .'nportunlty tor Sl experienced booKKeeper onjitrrougns posi s Ing machine In a large financial Institution! l P IQff. Lpdyer Office. . . 1 BOVS Wanted, boH past IB. to aaiiit la $! Bhlpplnff ana fitncK room 01 mates' wain f( IHCOiy i tSUU'l tun lit C iji nuviii.ciucilW I Wplttylmor t Co . Broad tfn Wallace. i BOYS Steamship company wants two bright boys; must be 1(1 ears old: good oppor tunity for advancement: state education and experience ll any, f tip, i.-agcr uiiicb BOYS, over 10 versr for light manufao turing work. Olotie Automatic Sprlnklef Co . glim vvasningion sve. Atkins 4th and Washington ave. Ul.l-nc." uIT"iiii"i uiJt-itti,', a un oui- -sr roushs posting machine: excellent oooortu- rJ' nltv fnr those showing ahtlltv! etato Rti. h. n.rianA nn,l .aliirv wvneclerf P Onfi TnU 'AM ger Office iwl CHAUFKEURS AND HELPERS Steady iinrt,. irt.nA ..Inrv anA nrlvnncement fn competent men. references required from for- JA mer emplovers American Railway Express. 71 lHth nnd MarKot x COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT OF GOVERN MENT SHIPYARD, 1100 ISLAND, RE QUIRES EXPERIENCED WlIlTB COOKS, EXPERIENCED PIE MAKERS, WHITES 'j! WHITE KITCHEN MEN, WHITE BUS MEN FOR CAFETERIAS; GOOD WAOES, ROOM AND BOARD! PLEASANT, SUH- POUNDINGS. APPLY U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ' 300 WALNUT BT. SEE MR. SCULL OR MR. SWARTZ 1521 ARCH (Do not apply at Hog Island) COMPOSITOR, experienced, to work In prl-" I vaiu prinuns piani; mniiprn woi King con- :i dltlona Apply Houghton Press, Mascher anel Somerset sts COhT CLERK renulrrd bvl manufacturer U railroad specialties; good opportunity for ij rigni man; siaie nge. experience ana saiaryj expected. H '-'.'3. Ledger Central. v COST CLERK, ono experienced on detail J? nat narA ...t.mi wnnA .hnn,. a. .A.-J nilrement: stote referenie and salary de-'ttl slrad P 115 Ledger Office iI , c-riy, .,, - -xp7 n, , M i una inttmi n wlr.. n so arnrr. t f-nrad- rim er -nninipr r in nman 'vaiiace. I DnAITHMAN. Uh mechanical a tural experience; man with ablllt cellent c haiu p, Hlate app, expert U'arv P 413. T.rijrr Office. 1 e - ' . , i nd itrnp. .i hilltv has it. i experience and DRAlvrSMUV. mechanical. structural, Si art iiterturai. essential war work: stata a experience and salary ou have beei earn iiiff, we nae npninn ror men eperiencea ln all lines. H R8, P. O. Box 3484. DRAFTSMEN, experienced, architectural, 1 waiiiru. licttiiiiKcr rirut, ptt Y. C. 1 7 1 n ana Arm bis. bRIVERS AND HELPERS Men over draft $J ace: permanent work, irood salary rapid i ntuanccment ior competeni tr.en Appl ' Amrioin Railway KxpreiM Co.. I8tb and jr Market Htw. . FIREMEN steady woi rirat-rlnns men, steady work, R hAurs PWSl day, $26 HO per week free tranaportatli r wmk' ire iranaporiaiion aim on our cars. Appiy r. n. a, House, 2d and wsomlnc ave. FINISHERS, helpers, drill press hamtv men on Government work handa, Appn IIUlll'III,D bUIUIIIII ,'IUIK n,,U .U.kUtUSi sts Ktion entranro."" Indian ae 'f- iuifbMAn ror nicKei.piatinv aepi. : it.aiw position for flrst-class man: applications - on our cars. Apply V. K. T. Lo. Pow.r Si ireaiea connaeniiauy. Appiy in person, wa fa ler Lock Co , Orthodox and Tacony ata. ., A SYinn iremiNICS flood srim tn start!.-! light. well-entllated shop. Apply C. R. $$ Ely. Ford Airent, Uroadway and Carman. i Camden N. J. 3Jf,m FREIGHT HANDLERS WANTED CAN MAKE 14 PER DAT ' AND UPWARD APPLT P. R, R. ' MANTUA TRANSFER ENTRANCE S1ST AND COLUMBIA AVE. j FREIGHT HANDLERS Men over draft arajfjl ...viun Rnilunv Exnress. lnth And IffisvS nmcMvHii -.....- . . T- TI t I 1'?M HAMMERMAN to run small trlphammjrt:j 85o per hour: permanent poaltlon. H l.8 rdaer Office. , LABORERS AND MECHANICS WANTED FOR ATLANTIC REFININO CO. . U. 8. DEPT. OF LABOR EUPLOIMENT SERVICE D AND WALNUT KfMcQOVERN , LABORERS General laborer.! a tiumbor of ,l A man o,ttntait fnr 1nl,t l.lu.-, JT aood pav for tho rifht men, Phlladelphli- tttoaao h.ti -, uniiu mu v aia. I i. . 3 LPORERS STFinT WORK AND OOOU WAO Jffl i f M a I g .?! XI 41 31 H m m iSsiu flf 'sTiih 'lm."VTll, TIH5X Wm. S. Hart in "Shark MoBroe i v -AKKA&AA. .... . . - .. : - VL .2 z ' 0y9999999mmm9mwwwywwrrfinnmnmrf Tri jpggrj'-' tt" A'n M&SSk --3 I. -Uii" A