Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 12, 1918, Night Extra, Image 3

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Major berry says
germans fear os
Boclic Learning Americans
Can Whip Them. Writes
Port Collector's Son
I . i
The Hermans nre IpeKlntrltiR to lenrn
that Anieiluun t.an ulilp them 'n' nro '
time nnd mil plare ' Major Benjamin I
B Benv, Third Tlattnllon Plfth IIpkI-
men!, t'nlted Stiites llnr'nes, In Krance,
declares In a lettn to IiIm father, William '
If Ban, collector of the port of Phlla- ,
The leitei l the rlit word the col
lector has hid fiom Ilia Ron since the
major was wounded In action June 6,
When he was sliucK l Feveral machine
Bun bullets
Two weeks before he m wounded
Majoi Beny i-ieived the Krench war
oroaa for braveiv, making hlpi one of
the first marine officers to be bonoied
by Trance The cro-m was nhei t0 him
for his conduct when be. two officio of
I. his battalion and twelve enlisted men
withstood a German attack In April
Mnior Berrv s letter follows
''I am writing thli In bed, so m pen
manship will tieceiiaill be veiv. pool
This the flrt moment since I whs
wounded on .lune fi (mv bltthilav, hv the
ivaj) that I have been fiee enoUKli
from pain to ittenipt mivtlilnc
"During th' W(el pievlous to Mine fi
1 hart no thance to write We weie
going too fnt and strenuous and I
have not jet connected with am of
HIV baKRace I suppose j ou were quite
startled about .lune R to read In vour
napers that the .Marines had become
headllneis over here, but. of couise, dad,
the' alwais do, and alwais will
"As I said, aflei a veiv strenuous
Meek, we -ucldenlv Kit orders to po
oer and clean up the fjermans, whlili
Me did most thnroiiRhh. as von have
undoubtedly read The bodies had
many machine guns, but out bovs walk
ed right up Into them with magnificent
courage. I bale neni Imagined III nn
life anything so wonderful
'T became .1 casuiHi about hilf an
lioifr after It stalled In following U
ill) battalion I was suddenly enveloped
by the Hie of a couple of enemv machine
' guns on the Hank that had escaped ob
servation, and I got n few in nn left
nrm It is pretu badlv torn up, but 1
will not lose the hand and may have all
of my fingers In good shape I have suf
fered Intense pain for two weeks, and
the other dai an X-Itav showed anothei
bullet In the palm of mi hand It Is .
out now and even thing fegls bettei I
hive the bullet as a souvenir
, "My wound extends from elbow lo
palm, with two compound fractures but
I cannot complain, aa 1 am so much
better oft than otner- Mine oi mv nsi
l friends hae been killed
"f will be laid up for at leiL a cnu
pie of months moie
'One thing, dad we mericans aie
Itone of these das going to bale the
11 Huns on the run, and when that begins
I (they wont stop ler.i long In one place
I 'An American can lick a German at am
time and place, and thej (the Huns) are
'beginning to find it out
"I am tired now "
I'-Mrfc. Monica Rice Tells Storv of
Privation nnd Heartaches
Mrs, Monica Rice, thirty-two ears
old, who last night shot and killed
Frank Lombardl, restaurant proprietor,
A .South "Molo stret, was todai held tor
the Coroner bv Magistrate Pennoek at
Central Station
On the witness stand the woman, who
Is said tn be th estranced wife bf .To-
I&eph Rice, Vine street ncaf Eleventh,
told a storv of prhatlon and heartaches
tBhe nas surrerea miring tne tnree jejrs
ivhlch have, elapsed Blnco she met and
lined with Lombardl
She said she sciubned floors to en
able him to purchase a pushcart, a-1
later puttied the cart in the stieels for
hint while be sold sandwiches The ie-
taurnnt which lie operated was pur
i ned tbrouch hei nevci-tlling toll, she
told the magistrate
While making Lombardl s bed recen
li, nn woman said, she found twoknhC3
tinder his pillow He had been mis
treating her, she said, nnd she feaied
11 would kill her Testerday she pur
chased a revolver, she told .Magistrate
j'ennock, and nhen Lombard! again
Hueatened hep she puisucd and shot
Magistrate T'ennock in holding the
w-rman, toid her he was compelled b
law to do so.
"Wait Till Youngest Conic? of Ape
Then Join In in Bunch
Tour sons of William A Recklcj, 1403
J South Fifteenth street, hae enlisted 'all
i In a bunch" at the British-Canadian re
f crultlng mission
The boss are Enoch, twenty -eight
j ears old; Stanley, twenty-fnej Charles,
twenty -three, and Harry, eighteen
They are now en route for Canada,
Jrom where they will go overseas to
1 Join the British army
I "I wish I could give moie, or that
1 could go myself," declared the elder
Jleckley, who traveled from Miami. Fla ,
to see his sons off, when Captain W. P.
Latham, In charge of the recruiting mis
sion, praised the loyalty of the four
I pons
The reason tliev had nit tnlislrd be-
fore, they told the leciultlng officers,
-- - - Vi ttini ii 4tilaf1 tn jit titiMt ltliu
A3 VIls- His7 "mmu iu i. uiu mw
fcld" Hrr u as old enough to go
..Chicago Round-Up Finds Many
Without Their Registration
i flv thn Astorlaled Press
Chicago. Julv 12
Up until midnight approximately 3000
younp men of draft age had been sf Ized
tv Government agents and police In a
campaign begun against suspected
The first move was male -u the
Rational League ball pu, whero more
than 500 young me i wer.) taken into
custody At nigh cibaiets. moving
picture theatres, elev itel railway sta
tlcns and the streets wire patullcd and
hundreds more taken to noitlowirg po
lice stations, where datives swarmed
ebout endeavoring to o'Jtaln releuse f
xnany of the nlsoners.
Five Uninviled Occupants of Ph)6ician'
Auto Held for Court
Flve men alleged to have been occu
jianti of a stolen automobile which
struck six-year-old John Orr, of 120S
Olrard avenue, were held In ball for
court this afternoon at a hearing before
MagiBtrate Pennoek In Central station.
The automobile belonged to an up
town physician and was stolen, accord
ing to the police, while standing at Sec
ond and Cumberland streets
The prisoners were Henry Tlooth, of
I.ehlgli avenue and Hancock street, who
visa held In $1000 hall; Cyril Gleason,
Arthur Mackley. Henry Iirrnvn and
Jacob Yorston, all of Thirtieth and Cum
berland streets, each of whom was held
In. S500 ball. The boy, who suffered se
vere bodily Injuries, Is In St. Joseph's
v "Woman Swallows Poison
"TVometlc troubles Influenced Mrs.
Tetta Decker, of 403 Christian street,
to ttnipt suicide by swallowing poison,
rt MgPHrPlinn wan m.v, ouujyt enuugu
y peruHia irw, Mr.u;KEr
V , ' K.j i
Tlice twn I'liilatlclpliin marines
Lieutenant Colonel Logan Fclanil
l above I, and First Lieutenant
Frederic C. Wheeler (below), have
been given lilinr,ui?liecl scrviie
awards for lieroic serviie in fiplil
ing nortliueM of Cbalcau-Tliierrj'
Girl, Ten Years Old. Invites
Both Soon Conic to Grief
THnV weie playmates She had $2
and they both had a desire to see
the world on two dollar". Po thev set
out They were found In Market street,
this city, both crvlng and wanting tn
go heme They were "broke"
This s the toiy nf the mvsterlous
disappearance of ngellna I.ambordl, ten
yeirs old, nnd Tenia ndo Patonl, eight
years old. of Camden, foi whom ftanlle I "' InBsvvood. N .1. where, afte, vvan
pare.nts, police and iclitlveb searched ?"!? faou'' ,h" -m to the rollings
;,. Ln ..i,.. 11..., -. ...j ... farm at dusk J eailnc to stait them on
..run,. .. iiihin "fiiTOWi ami moei m
terday. The pc Ice, in thn belief that
v had wmdered to the Delaware
River and fallen In. were pieparlnr to
d, the channel I """" ". ... ""o lUHieu on a
drag the channel lcar BM(1 started for Camden, but upon
A kind lv po Iceman encountered the arrMnK tMere AngelIna tolld "he sUM
youthful 'pals" they have been play- poessed 7S cents of her ii
mates since both were able tr. walk- -Philadelphia." was her next thought,
with big tears rolling down their cheeks and a ferry accomplished the purpose
They told him their secrct-they wanted Am, ,0Bether the children wandered un
to see the vvoild together 'ul iate afternoon, when tne last pennv
The pollcenliii saw them safely home of the monev was spent for sweets or
then heaid moie (f the story 'movies" Then came the flood of tears
Angelina had been civcn ?.' bv hrr the des're to go home, and ftnallv, the
goomouier mm wiikh 10 purchase a
pair of shoes The girl started out on
Tu-1 nine Tolls FrnnL-fnn Rnei.
..-..... .. ........ . v. J...
ncss Men Priority Orders
Arc Necessary
Inability, to find any contractor who 1
will take a contract In the face of pres-
enl labor conditions 'and srarcltv nM
materials is holding up construction of
' " "
the Frankford "L, ' according to Tran
sit Director Twining. When the city
can persuade the War Department to
release materials, he said, the line will
be completed within a year
Director Twining thus explained the
situation at a meeting of Frankford busi
ness men last night ' We have obtained
the consent of the capital Issues com
mission of the war finance board at
Washington to negotiate $4,100,000 in
bonds for the work, which will require a
minimum expenditure of $2,62G,000The
next tiling is to get the priority certifi
cates for steel, cement and other mate
rials of construction "
The meeting nearly ended In a row
when one of the business mjjn objected
to a set of resolutions, because, he
charged, the meeting wa6 being ruu-from
outside districts K. B. Martin, of Over
brook', chairman, ordered lilm to sit
down, but the objector declared the meet
ing was packed and Fald the chairman
was a candidate for the Public Service
Commlsslpn. The meeting ended In con
Police Superintendent Wants the
State to Help Pay Them
Altoona, Tn.. July, 121 am In
favor of having pensions provided for
all municipal employes who are com
pelled, owing to old age, to give up
their positions, provided they serve at
least twenty years, but funds to pro
vide for the payment of such pensions
would have to be appropriated, In part,
by the State," aald Superintendent of
Police rtoblnson of Philadelphia, ad
dressing the State convention of chiefs
of police here.
"I would suggest our committee on
law arranges to draw up a bill for
presentation at the next session of the
Legislature, providing that about 5 per
cent of all license fees received from
the operation of motor vehicles In Penn
sylvania be appropriated annually to
assist In the creation and maintenance
of police pension fund associations In
all cities, towns and boroughs where
organised police departments are In
operation, the money to be apportioned
according to the numerical strength of
the police force." "
Major Richard Sylvester, head of the
duPont Powder Company's police;
Thorns J. Tunney. head of the Intelli
gence Bureau of the War Department;
Milton Q. Turney, Inspector of Penn
sylvania Railroad police; I.ona B Day.
superuiieiweni 01 nurmuon since, and
Emperor 'Best Man in World,
Says Mun Believer!
Maicus Mund, fifty years old, a Ger
t man, was sent to the Municipal Hos
pital today for examination as to his
sanl,y Completing the first gi .up of ship
i lie was arrested neat the wharf at 'ways at Hog island from No 1 to No
Delaware aienue and Spruce street, ' Inclusive the Pnaie A Trlest Con
after he bad slated he wanted to send hX n?., -I,??", "" "'n!,
being the first sub-cnntrai tors to fulfill
a 'wireless mesge" tn Ciermanv He their contract
refused tn tell his addrcs I They drove 12,000 pie tied 1 000 oon
rnttolman MctJoldilck, of the Thlid c" , f'" of .""hf ex.avated jo.ooo
. . ' , itlblc vard of earth and el S500 cublr
and DeLnncev streets police station, ai- ,arns nf cnm-e e foundations -Inre Nn.
lested Mund after he had loitered about
the dock for several horns He made
no secret of his pro-dermaii sympathies
and declared the Kalsei the 'best man
In the world
'He is going tn a.ve the world,'
Mund said, 'and I wgnt to get hack to
Germany to help him"
Mund said he came to this ountiy
when sixteen veals old and hail taken
..... li. ,1 . . .. ir. ..-I.i i... 1....1 I
mil IliD nisi ijaiiri- lie " i II ill- nnii i
.o,n them up since the I'nlted States ,
I tillered the war!
Mund is the third German to be 'ir-
I ........ j i ... .. I. ... ... i. .i,.,
rested here within the lasl thieel,
months who has displavcd tiaccs of in
sanity ni " nas escape.! nom h c am-
WII, IIIOIII Ulli'll tin IMC iu-filir nn- .
first arrested He wa- sent ba.k l
c amaen
The second man was a Geiman phis-,e
clan, who had a college diploma Hl
case was handled bv the Depaitment of
Justice and he was found Insane All
' the men were abou. the same age.
Girl Airecteil for Lnrcein He-
comes ernser When Discharged
. , - ,. , , .
I The lole of accuse) was switched tji
that of defendant todav foi lo-eph
I Benjamin, of 1 ork and Thlrteeiilli
stieets who hd caused the arrest, foi
(alleged larceni. of his former fiancee,
1 Beatrice T.abell
i The young woman was discharged to-T
day at a hearing in Central Ptatlon
where Benjamin testified that she had
taken $200 In Jewelry and $100 In cash I
from him before disappearing on the
eve of their wedding i
Henjsniln was arrested hi an agent
of the Department of Justice on a charge .
of violation of the .Mann act.
Boy, Eight, to bee Sights. But
When Monev Gives Out '
purchase bent, but she had not gone far,
when a brilliant thought struck her
"I'll get Fernando and we II go see the
world I won't buv any shoes with this
money," she thought. i
And stralghtawav she succumbed to
the temptation and hunted hei hov
friend" Fernando was struck with the
idea, too, and together they started on
their journey
They boarded a trolley and went lo
,h ni li., . .1..1. u-' ..."
!". .. e 11 .... , n
I l,!!1"",fi.Col".nK.K H 'ar"1 K'Pl ' ".'"
I l,hZ?&-?i ?'" the
kindlv policeman And here ended the
' childish romance
I ,.! M.m,... f Cti f
i,u,, mcuiuci a ul oiim; ui;iui'
ization Off to Mount
Hundreds of local members of the'
Tennsvlvanla reserve militia left this I
d'' today for Mount Oirtna. for the1
nc"' rffa" lzatln's "rst "'"'""' '
The camp, which opens tomorrow, was
named in honor of the late Thomas
.1. Stewart, long adjutant general of
the National Guard of Pennsvlvanla
which Is now merged In Tershlng
forces In France
The reserve militia has nearly 3200
members In its ranks The force Is di
vided into thirty -six lnfantri companies,
four troops of cavalry, foui nnchlne
gun detachments and four satiilary de
tachments, with a brigade headquarters
A Fhlladelphiaii, Brigadier Gcneial
Cieswell. will command the
ment General Preswell. who heads the
reserve militia. Is already at Mount
Gretna He motored there from his
home In this city.
Long lines of canvas are up In readi
ness for the men. Brigade headquar
teis have been established on Reservoir
Hill, overlooking the big parade grounds
The new force as yet knows little of
things military. Attention will be cen
tered on tho rudiments of military in
struction, being gradually evtended to
company and battalion drlllst and ex
tended order formations. ,
George Tuck Struck Iiv Auto Driver
Gives Himself Up
George luck, a jiatrolman of the
Fifteenth and Locust streetB station, I
was seriously Injured today, when ho
was struck while attempting to cross.
eleventh street at Walnut, by an auto
mobile driven by Ernest Norton, 1208
Arch street,
Norton took Tuck In his car to the
Jefferson Hospital, where he was found
(o have suffered lacerations of the head
shoulder and left arm. Norton then
gave himself up to the police, but was
released on his own recognizance to
await the outcome of Tuck's Injuries
Off for Vacation?
g annuo
$1.50 bach
wilt fill iry requlre-
a (n. tTl mnt quality nd style
M iui p guarsnteeu
A. R. Underdown's Sons
CutTs Attached or Detached
Itulibtr Gsodi and ilea's Fiirnlihlars
- 202-204 Market St. I
r"KUbllhrd pint !"" "'i
' 1 .rs , ... . 'V
Contractors Fulfill Big Con
tract After Encountering
Many Difficulties
v ember " I'l"
The flrt ret of keel blocks -mil the
first keel at Hog Island were laid bi
woikmen of the nnre & Trlest Cmn
pani, v ho constructed the first gioup of
shlpwavs to have Its warn filled and
from which the first ship probably will
be launched "earlv In August
This company sent Its flrt group of I
workmen to the Island on September '
21, 1.11 1. and these men besides meet-
,,,, ., ...., . . i . .. ,
" ' h ' " TJ T' J " S
held, had to combat the ilgors of the
...-,. . , .--. i. iMlilit.l II- I ll'll LUIII Mill
most severe winter weathi experienced
here in n hundred if
Often It was necessarv to thaw out
I the ground with steam before doing ex
ra,atlnK Wlth the earth itself frozen
tn a Hpnth tf fnrt -tt n lnrhn nllna
,rqMlr rozt. ,n Broli ll
these dlfriculties were meicome how-
an(J th nr.f k(lp wn5, llf nn
jhlpway Vo. 1 on Tebiuarv 12
other of si.iParci, ,i
n-ipid pigrss is iir ng made on ih I
Ibilck bulidlng foi tl'e new power hnue I
of le penn,,xan!a and Vev lerev
Ut,ip,Br(j9, htn belnis mlllt on ,nP
nId o,iceter baseball grounds The
nn, PXe(,ed lo be reidv foi p.e I
I ,, Itnn ,. ..... ..,,, mr),,i ,
I'egular vacations having b.en binned ,
on account of the wai. mam of Ihe
rompan, np arranging fishing and
eek-end trips to the seashor. points
Th, -000. ,.. .,. Kiaiidiwliw will .
nP readv for launi hlng it the IViin"il
vanla shlpvaid during the next in d ns
It. will be onlv shmi lime before an-
i other mine sweeiier is launched
Mnnk Stewart, the manage! of the
baseball team of the miln ofilce Is tiv-
Ing to rejuvenate his team In the last
scheduled game the pltveis all failed
to appear and the game had to he for-
felted to the Burners it 1 llk'h new
players will Appear tommmw
, 'Beif.J" ?!XU ,,1"1" F,ZXS i
T a r r m t ivl Ant 4Arvi nn J fhtaMtt ttiif 4va1
meet there Is much money hei In the
last two gimes Hif Hull players have
led until the ninth iniilnc, when thev
v-eie nosed out
.,-. . . ..,.,. ...r, ....... n
"No Ceremony a First Fnrcl
Chnser Enters Water
By the Uniletl f'ren
Detroit. Mlrh , Tulv 12 - Kagle-l, Ihe
first of the latest typ of submailne
chasers to he built nestled proudly on
tho waters of the Itlver Kouge near th(
Kord plant todav
A new mode In launching was inlrn.
duced when It was put Into the waler
at " o'clock last night Instead of slip
ping down tho wiys as the larger lake
and ocean vessels, are launched the
j Kagle was carried out above the watei
on a nuKe imue nnu men luwpren
No cercmonv was held V few Invit
ed guests, newspapermen, md a cinwd
of workmen watched (he making nf an
epoch In history Henry Ford
"New Convenience to Be Elected'
for Gloucester Yards
Announcement Is made bv an official
of the welfare department of the Neiv 1
lersev and Pennsvlvanla shlnvatds.
! Gloucester, that Captain Frnellch Han-I
1 en, the managing dlrectoi of the Puev ,
-'P Com.panv. has authorled a lib
wal appropri
atlon for the construction
". . ; . -.-!- o, ,ka. ..p.
of anew, cafeterii at the yards
here is now a restaurant in the base-
,bsfSe lo'" .neiiel ,'
0?,B.rndrl'1 ",e me" '" h -''Ma like numbV, will begums at ano.'vr
at co t price 1 party theie on lun in, while accomm
Central Labor Union Will Hold Mass
Mecling for Convicted Man
Ihe Central Labor Union of Ph'ladel
phli will join with labor organizations
throughout' the coun'ry in observing
'Mooney Day" on July 28, when mii-s
meetings will bo held In all big cities
prepaiatory to sending a delegation to
President Wilson in anothei effort to
save the life of Tom Moonevv
Ldwaid Keenan, president of the or-
ganliatlon, has been selected as the rep-
reseniacive, ul t'liiwueipniH unions
Mooney Is now under sentence of death
in California for throwing a bomb Into
a "preparedness parade," which resulted
In the death of several persons
Two and Four Wheel Types
'l Ton to 7 Tons Capacity
JOHN W. ADAMS. Distributor
1427 Melon Street
1112 Cheitnut St
30 N Third St
CIS Guarantee
Truit Bldr.
"VIS $ggBLE"
lou ran And anything yon rnn
murh mora quickly than If It were
out of iilchtt l only one of the rea
nom why
Applied to ronr card record would
greatly Inrreate their rfflcleiirj.
Credit Rftords
Ledger Hrrnrdi .
Production llerards
Kmpleiern' lUcordi
Mall Order
Mork InrentorT
rurdia.lnr liepr.
Customer' I lata
'Coat K)atein
Indrtlnr. etc., etc.
These and many other uses can
be handled by our systems.
Acme Visible Methods
(08 Chestnut
rhaaa inker M,
1 uiplovt ol llic -nn Miiilimlilinp
in Gloucester Store
Goods TTnlil New Homes
Arc Built
nunibei of sbipv lrd wmker In
fi'icester Citv hole been foi ceil nut of
het homes which vine -.old hi the
. ...... , ., ... , ...
",iic'' ". . nn. -.mm,-,, ui.?i kini.
snd ire boarding In hotels mil pinile
homes until the new homes b'tnc butli
f"" ""'" "" finished
Vacant houses ire -caice In (".linden
I Gloucester, ('o'llngswood. AVesivllle and
tVoodbuiv on account of th. shlpvaid
,and ,e P ar Industries ,nd mini
families that have o cnpled prnpertle-
for a" a"ri "-ifl "" h-- b" ror""
J 4
to vacate
( , M'',,n f""''1'"' havo beer, foi.ed to by
I the dwellings to remain In them wlilh
otheis have hid their homes sold hit
theli heads henue they weie not in a
.position lo bin them
,,,,n tnr empiovei or the rennsvi
-'i -hi,M forced n,, . nw
Verkes. 1 fotenian ll lived In South
Klfth street for th Iicl ten vens and
this week was compelled lo store his
household goods beciue be could (Ind
no other house vacant and go tn 1-
'tlonal Park, wlieie In lias obtained
I board
Force Larger Than at Am Time
Since Shipbuilding Sim led
Hog Island has now a Iirger work
ing force than at anv time sin e tin
bltr bhlpyaid started actuil f-hip con
stu.ctlon Vt prerenl theie lie 28 Ban n 11 nn!
women cm the pavtoll h ' 1 work
read es capicitv Willi fifli hlp.nvs
1.1 rtttatlon, scleral Ihuimnd more will
he added
Ketls have been hid o far foi hliti
five 7500-ton cargo carriers I In
for the Shandaken was hid vet
1 1
First for Girls at Hop Hand lo
Held Tomotrow
The Hist of a rile" of week-end "i '
'?'''" "".." ".V"" ,'"" ,h... '.'",' ..'
Miioveci ac Hie iiok iif.u'i -n. , .111 "'"
I i ,.. ,A,,,r,,.. , ,iie v M 1 V
;.,r;: ',,' ,,. , ,. ,.. .
I IwSZZ' " F.2 Ji "" "
dntions for fif'v will be nnrie foi luh
I "7 Kach parlv will be chaperoned
Burglars Loot Camden Home
Burglars entered thiee residences In
Camden todav At the home of I S
Hack. I2S North Thlid street siei
ware and other aitlcles were taken i
the home of William Hanbrecht 421
North Third street, $2" was taken and
at the residence of Lama Matthews
61R St John street, a watch, ilothiug
and $15 in cash were stolen
Iront St. Cor. Duuphl
Here Is a Pretty
Organdie Frock
Cool, effective
and dunning
f o r joung
folks and at
a price tli.it
villi viartaut
vour ptra ef
fort in com
.ing $5:98
They arc
m a d 1 n
dalntv shades
of pink white,
flesh, rose and
blue, of a
tiualitv for
which others
charge almost
twice as much
as we
Send For It Now
and etamlne It In jour onn home In.
rlo.e mnne order or rlierk. or vie
will aeml It C. O. II,, parrel poal,
sinnv nroniutlr re-
'u"dd...flisu v: 5
aure to atate aue
when ordrrlna.
Send tor a Jaahlon atiett of other
sftlea tn Oipanrfle, VolJe, Sotln,
7repe de Chine, Foulard and Gcor
oefte Dresica.
k .y-i :i ? rtr 'mtS'-,&,aim.to ?isMsa . i-i&.?j , r msmmmtmi s.t
e 'Jl
( nnipain. at ( lie- 1 1
- iil In ( inl.tiu I Deiini, of the ii
ARE BRANCHING 0UTishipkr Wo,',,, p- r,,r M-
Icrial Nov. Btmird
Chester Ship Gunning and
Fishing Cluh Ohtains Pcr-
nuuient Location
if the riiesln Milp t.un-
n ng itirl vl isbing I'lufi foiinerly the
t liestri Ship Inp-hnoKis Club, hive
,.,.,. . ,...,.. ,.. .,.i..
-., ,i , n.-,, rt (n i m lunn i,,i humi im ,nv,.
"iginliiinn it Kiev r nib and Hi ooinall
stieets ''hrsier mid woik Ins alreidv
been stmtrd on the m.-tion of the trip
, , . ,., . , ., .. ... .
, ,rhe ' '"" wil "'n"r',! il i"-'"'"'"'
,"'h "" fro".' ho "'""ni'irv location it
-t-flllll dllU I JlbJIM tut I'M ttllflt IHC
Iii.t match will hr IipW Satmday A
snnll i Itiblmtisf will bo rrectpd latoi
1 be new traps will lie of permanent
construction Willi concrete foundations
Weeklv trspshootlng matches will be
airatiKcd with othei club as soon is
pi sslble The Chevier Club now his
fiftv memhers ill emploved at the virds
of the Chester Merchants Shipbuilding
( empanv. wbeie imn h attention is
given to alhliticH during leeiealioml
bonis and 011 holidavs
notber holng and wievllinc totirna
inent simllai 10 that lu Id undei be
auspices of the atliMit boai d it th ,
vard lecently will be given ibout the
lust of tliH mnntli The date will be I
dellnllelv lived is snon as a tlieattc lias I
been secured foi the event The ath-j
letic boaul ilso Is arranging an enter-1
talnnient nnd dance foi some date earlv
In ugust for t,he benefit of the Chester
''hip baseball team
Wn J'eiilciiK d lo Worklimifo for j
Spreading Butli ("nnliol I'ropipanda 1
ffi thr Av-ncuitril Prrn
1 l.r.l.ml Itil. 1 ' rr Tlor. Pell. .-.in
"f ' hliagn serving a si months ven
trine In the Wirrensv Ille vvorkhoii'e foi
spieadlng birth-control propaganda was
to be leleased todav according to
Superintendent Ruins, of Warrensville :
farms 1
-even hundred dollars of the $1000
fin attached to the sentence has been
pild bv l blcago friends. Burns said
anil two months hive been taken off
the sentem foi snd behaviot Itelt
man kivh lie wi'l ittuiii to Chicago
'XM EDI ATE Deliver:
phone: walnut 6677
ill Ij'llt,ll hl WPAl,lltlL1 j
Special Friday
and Saturday
Your boy needs a pair of dura
ble Play Shoes, and here is an
opportunity to purchase Dal
feimer Quality.
Scout Shoes
as Low as
Patm Beach Scout Shoe
Hull'. Cool and comfott- j
able Textnn fiber sole '
and heel Can be resoled.
.ize u lo 13".
The Big Shoe Store
1204-06-08 Market Street
TIH A retTinyiT FI- KT
. uuxthxk ywioracwvw 8AAMttVL uJh
ill ii inl i iioomlav lucelinp vi'leilait when lliej
- trnli;in arniv
Man shipvard nrn who live m thr
lower pirt of I'Hindn and louceter
CMt hi bcpn trltiR"io lu wiintr wind
at the hulldlnir operations w hi rt iiph
hlpards and tu w lioin1 ai helnc ton
The wood f; pilrd up rach da tnd
burned under an nrdpr of th1 1oprn
ment and tho (.cintraetor1 lefue to M
An nrf haf it The ship ud men find
it hard to en dMlep- to upp ik1t
for winirr ot! and thf. sa that if
the 1 niihl CPt th" vxa'-tr w on I they
would bf wtllinc In pa j fot it Tnd h iu
it aw aj
Thr matter will be tal.cn up w nil the
proper authoritlF
Articles of Utility
for the
Summer Home
English Earthenware
Lenox Table China
Gold Decorated Glass
Silver Plated Ware
Inexpensive Lamps and
Mahogany Furniture
How to Compute
Super-Strength and
Power that is truly Master
Motor Truck Economy
As the result of MASTER engineering and
MASTER construction, the MASTER TRUCK
is balanced with such precision that extra size
of engine extra width of frame channel
extra thickness of frame extra spring and
extra axle strength combine to render the super-power
and the super-strength in which lies
your assurance of long life of service and eco
nomical efficiency.
THE MASTER TRUCK is built to stand
ordinary wear to a far better degree than any
truck built. Back of this is a service that we
guarantee will keep your truck in constant op
eration the very thing that makes a truck
pay for itself quickly.
Prompt Deliveries
Larson Oldsmobile Company
231-33 North
I oiu.t 1181
vVvTTl ISiltf-iiT'
3llfjSrf7r 1125 Haddon Avenue &
SHI Wi ffl Camden. N.J. '
, &CaT-V III iJ a3BEiB.LLLLn.LLL--rrLLLLv H aa
t t
Can't Unload Cars at Smaller 4
Yard. While Biggest Plant .
1 Hold TTn .H
: .v
As none q.f the plants with which tte
Emergency Tleet orporatlon has placed ,-, i
tontracts for nddlllnnal steel for Mogj,ji
tsland l.as tt becrlin sbtnmentjl- that'll .,
'vard Is still suffering dtlay caused $3V
. hick 01 maieriai
In spite of the effort being made lrrUi
the fleet iftrnnr.iiion tn nool sunniles ind-o:?
II..I. .Ul.ln ....! .tt.l.lktlll.M !..! Kj
iiui uu.iii hii rijurti innii iiiu 11111, miwi 2r v
shipments tn the other fabricating hJpf3:
nrds In this sen Ion ate In excess of jjjy
'lie nemanas & k jrtfx
Xo heaiv have been the recent hfDV4iL1U
ments of steel to Bristol that workmen! '&S
have been unable to unload a number Of
cars Thev have remained loaded at
he shipyard several days over the tlmrf K
allowed foi unloading and the PennsyJ-v JeJ
vanla flallioad Comiianv is threatening
demurrage charges
When the plains supplying Hog Island,
with steel aie In a position to make ship-,,
ments tenulteil In the contracts, 70,000
tons of fabricated parts will be sent fo
the vard each inoith This is the amount
required for lapatllv operation. Th
first of these shipments however, wlli
not begin for several wpeks
Broad Street
Usee SltO
ParksirJe Motor Car C.
It R - h n ivyyl
I In I'llllndelplitn's dl- H P
II. n rrlmlnatlng b u r r r Hi "41
It Uhllman's lias alemyj fectf
lit meant "Th. Bent Quality -5j
OhtHlnable." H ,l
lj Candles l.nniheon ffli i-s'J
It Up Cream 9j! m
I If Ope Ih ei enlno If1 ffettrit- 9 ?
i It (hirij for mdp, ice cream m ' ;
I j and candies Mt,
1 1 91G CftestDUt 51. 1 I
1 A lJ
KaaaH I fltBUtKa' U 3. trJSBBM
.!?. iiice-.