T .1.BW J"WfTV"l ',r -' l' rt t Iff y , Kfe t: w i? if i- r $ I- l B kMi a? J 4' 'EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER -PHiATJELMl A, ' WEDNESDAY, JUIY 10, 1918 -.-:,,,, ;i $ uj '9 j S WHEN A r.J fel ' man in a Ford 4I j$ STAU5HIS FOR.D IN A c fy , M FOR0 HE'S XJOTTA GET ) $ OUT OF THE FORD RIGHT I 1 Pi 1KT0 THE FORD TO CRANKy tgjgr S tflf VT HIS FO . 'M A PAGE OF FtiV FOK FOfATG AND OLD TO REMIND ONE THAT LIFE IS NOT ALL SHADOW, (this page is ruixY moTKOTitD nv corynionT) " SCHOOL DAYS BU DW1G) ; futtirnm it,"? ) UVrx .-Jrt -tte J,r?,At, 1 1H1vt I VWt "" .,-. --. fead a clove sotuc tomtefe- X "" "" I fcw, COM 0. Scnt a If. K , T l I M i r xJt " T5r A' il r ' V M$l& , ,. N ...1 i j ft cliAvrr-g'- Wir 1 iii illlm J fflBMIW lijpiltt. fc. OT? BROAD AND CHESTNUT By BUNNY Poel:jHKUY at- MpTlr ItoolS 1.' UbbV'A :-:-JiBvA lTy "mail " I orderecL M.e tliii aui-ir TKe, Very latest sly1 iJu.-toKl Look ncr Jcc what they aen-tr No woricler Tka-b Votu 5m.lie ( Ura.ndtna) Le VX y e a-J Z) mxS IF HE KEEPS ON SOMEBODY IS GOING TO MURDER VERNON McNUTT SURE AS FATE ' $& BU rUtWAWf' tLta. We AjYou If you don't rfi'just right. If you can't sleep at night, If you moan and sigh. If your throat Is dry, If you can't smoke or drink. If your grub tastes like ink, If your heart doesn't beat. If you've sot cold feet. If your head's in a whirl "WHY DON'T YOU MARRY THE GIRL?---Princeton Tiger. BUNNY'S ALPHABET ; Lvtia.-te You. better leave it lone Tot L it. ia-"t o r & Often fitxd. THey TYieTely 3G tKc none The Maid's Sacrifice "But, my dear," said his wife, after he had complained about the food the now cook had brought in, "you know during these terrible times it 13 absolutely necessary that we make great sacrifices." "OJi, of course, but what I ob ject to is that cook's making hers in the form of a burnt offering." Star. Misguided Information Father I understood you were severely punished by the teacher today? Young Son Yes, and it was your fault. Father How's that? Son Well, yesterday, when I asked how much a million was you said It was a helluvalot, and that wasn't the answer at all: Judge. QUIETNESS DESIRED 'ilecesv k rkak r w Lease Mm.Ka.-tt PpsM -it 1 igl' WSacAVr XSt0 wkt docs Eie-yy I s- ' ? cJ "HI li ' IP Thf Tasslns Show. "Go easy with that eoup. Bill. D on't forget we're the Silent Navy. CANT RESIST KHAKI The Purple Cow. "I met a nice captain nnd a college man at the dance last night," "Did the college man kiss you, too?" THE LUXURY TAX She Expensive? Well, It mny have cost t would think It real patriotic of me to buy it. Tho liystander. lot, but I thought you Knew the Amount Ring the Dell, Watchman! "Know why they don't put a whistle on a telephone?" "Xo. Why?" "Because he Isn't the man who Invented It." Penn State Froth. .i Reasons He I love you because you are the sweetest clrl in the world. She And I love you, dear, be-,p W cause you are so frank and trutji-w. vf ' ful. Jack o Lantern. SERVICE STRIPES London Opinion. Customer Send up a shilling's worth of boiled ham. Assistant All right, sir ; anything else? Customer Yes; If my wife Isn't at home fell the boy to put It through the keyhole. ? mm Tondon Opinion. ' The Pessimist The bloke wot sees this war through will want-all j, them stripes. 3'' THE GUMPS Andy Makes Good at Last Copyright. 1018, by The Tribune Co. By SIDNEY SMITH POOR MIM - I'fA SORRY FOR HER, NEVER FORQNE Mfc YNAT tllrVE CRAC I PENY.4&.0 ALU POFLUTTUr JAIN V WIUL.S i - j( y-i h. 1 vj ANFUV.kY Kfe TONT. OR TWS- MAN & IT QOARE- IT. I. KNOVA 5.WE', fcA: rofeOME k Jltpl I OH AIN; ( 1 J "- A : f- w i N C DON'T COrAEAROUNb HEREN S k ftl&WlY ( VHV ? " " " s. I2 1 TWAT WOULD SHOOT HIS WIFE TMfcM- IFYOURe WJWAT.OID J rs. I Vjrt 1 -SXiirrYw&N 'lOKf L'aVIT Sk M NV . .39 . T-. r-i - ik. i--.:'.- vi "r i I Kxr r vk - . : . . ri 'p-visw - iiii in x kiwcut. ic-,r-r iv iwmati ... wsw. zr v . k r A,NI -v- T- V -rr ARQUYT fs.nl Wi'Vd . "-SiVA -? Xu- "- L 7 fl PIT DINK If She Had Been Skinny, Pete Would Have Been in Bad By C. A. VOIGHT (V J HELP- r Hetp' Hei-p'- 7 LOx OH i .. f nc.r ( CAYCH y TIS1. J u 'OM' sans. y me' vi m, j . SlaOiuSg0 HoW PUT T OH ove Noun. HEAO AvMO UMOtte N0UFL ARMS . ) Nou 1LATTEIJ- ) I Me. MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES r . C(VU6HTAHTTH jfcu' Hh tSM Cut out the picture on ul tjff'4 sides. Then carefully fold &Mft ,3 line 1 into entire lengui. TMp , dotted line S, anl so on. Fold section underneath, accurately, 1 iv& l&mM completed turn over twtfi ' j ..VS. ,(4 .d tiWM- . t 4 iv 'n i J tf' .. s , ItUyj