!"BS-" Vmm -j" c Vr 1 1- , rVEMNG PTJBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1918 U " 10; f -.J w k ' I Ly ft i VL I7V- (SOSSP OF THE STREET ft PUBLICATION OF U. W WTTT-T TJATTRnATVS, TJAQ TTTTT.F, EFFECT ON PRICES OF STOCKS Quotations of Rail Securities Were Expected to Rise, but Did Not New Turn in Affairs of Mercantile Marine Gossip of Street TT WAS expected early jeaterday that the publication of the contract with the railroads by tho Government would have the effect of sending the prlcei of railroad stocks away up, but the result, except In a few notable Instances, mm rather disappointing. Hock Island, both common and preferred, responded splendidly, There seemed to be one universal opinion In the financial district lecardlnR tho contract. nd that was that the Government had been both fair and liberal In Its treatment of the roads. Some brokers claim it will requlro a day or two before the effect of tho contract will he seen In tho quotations of railroad stocks Some claimed tho burning question of the sesregatlon of allied industries is loft where It was, without any hint or sugKestlon that, should Government control necessarily continue for some jeais, It would 4be insisted upon. The matter of taxation was also said to bo homewhat v.isue and requiring some further explanation. It seems, however, that neither Director General McAdoo nor the railway executives advisory committee has approved the contract as yet. There is to bo a mcetlnc of railroad executives In New York 'on Friday, when the contract, It Is opectcd, will be discussed In detnll. The preva(llp-r Impression In the financial district Is that the provisions of the contract In the main will be accepted and approved and that an ap. tlt1 TWO, tin !.... 4- 1M. . - ..... r ,j i,Cii lu uirecior uenerai International Mercantile Marine Affairs connected with tho International Mercantile Marino have taken a new turn It seems. Theio Is said tri bo a proposition on foot n the form of an offer of Enj-llsh bank certificates of deposit, and while it is not very satlsfactorv, some consideration Is beliiR given to It !v the International Mercantile Marino management. One of tho principal objections to this offer is that It does not provide the cash, which was always considered a mott necessary part of unv settlement which would be made. The fact, however, that this offer is receiving consideration indicates that the subject has not been altogether abandoned, as was rumored re cently. That a. plan is being sought to complete the deal Is worrvlng some .who went short on the stock in anticipation of the deal failing through entirely. It is said the lecent flurry In Marine stocks was occa sioned by these shorts when they found the market going against them This and the buving for inside account sent the quotations up to 104. It Is said Montreal is a heavy pui chaser of tho bonds In anticipa tion of their being called at 110 Doubt German Drive Will Materialize In many broker,1 ofllces the expected German offensive Is held ac countable for the present condition of the stock market, but there aie many opinions about the German offensive. Some go -o far as to say there will be no Geiman offensive; that it will never materialize; that the German military machine has lost Its punch. Others sa it would be foolish for tho armies of the Allies to form such nn opinion of their opponents, as that is Just what Germany would wish, so as to take them off their guard There aie also a variety of opinions as to the effect Which tho Geiman drive will have on the market should it materialise, and those who predict an advance in pi Ices laigely from sentiment nro about equal In number to thoso who epcct to s-ec tho reverse. All are agreed, that in making the drive Germany has but two objectives one to leach and seize the Channel ports and the other to break the line and parch on Paris, and they are of the opinion that both of these plans aie successfully blocked In a way that will hold. Those In the financial district who aro usually well informed expect hostilities to break out at any time, claiming that the pressure behind the German lines from the population Is beoomlng too acute to stand much greater strain. Meantime, the news from the European front con tinues very satisfactory and the stock market remains firm Stocks in r general aro still selling low and It Is said that many shrewd investors are buying quietly and holding. It is said that certain banking interests are also bujing, not for the purpose of strengthening the market, as some suppose, but because they consider stocks cheap. Kansas City Railways' Offering One of the most important of fresh offerings of secutlties jesterday .was $7,7C0.O0O Kansaii City Itnllvvajs Company thiee-jenr 7 per cent s collateral gold notes, series A, secured by $10,141,000 Kansas City Itall- Rays Company first moitgago bonds, due 1944, bearing G per cent interest. The notes are being offered at OS, leldlng 7J4 per cent. The bankers offering this Issue Include Hnlsoj, Stuart S. Co. whose 'local office is in the Land Title Building; the Continental nnd Commer cial Trust and Savings Bank, of Chicago, and the New England National Bank, of Kansas City, SIo The notes are duted May ID, 191S, and ma ture May IE. 1331. Word comes from New York of a conference regarding the proposed loan to China by certain prominent bankets. This is the four-Power loan group which has been frequently spoken of lately in this connec tion, and includes tho United States, Great nrltuln, 1'innce and Japan. It was stated thnt the United States has tentatively approved the plan and that the bankets arc now formulating the necessary details In con nection with the traiibactlon, which, it is said, will Involve at least "$100,000,000 as nn initial credit to the Tar Eastern countrj. The date on which deposits of tho Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company B per cent notes which fell due July 1 may be made with the Central 'Trust Company expires tomorrow. At the office of the trust company yesterday it was said that about $30,000,000 of the notes had been de posited thus far. One of the houses, In this city doing a large business in public utility securities said jesterday that business latterly had been "spotty" somo ' dajs very good and others not quite so good; but they Were well satisfied with the results and of the outlook. As compared with Mondaj, Anglo Trench bonds were strong jester day, as also were Trench municipals. Speculators Still Favor Reading Among tho stocks perhaps nono lias lent .itself more to speculation than Reading, which still continues to be a favorite among the specula tive fraternity. A very instructive and exhaustive circular on the Reading Companj', whose intricacies have been the despult of the amateur speculator or Investor, has just been Issued by Nevvburger, Henderson S. Loob, 1410 Chestnut street, nnd which, If carefully read and studied, will clear away many things which seem so difficult to the man ln the Street to unravel, las a certain banker temarked when he had read this circular: "As far as (he Reading (holding) Company Is concerned, to borrow the words of the negro preacher, 'It unscrews the unset utable.'" Among other things It says: "The outlook for tho Reading Company and the future of its shares would appear more favorable than that of almost nnj other eastern road, lylth one other exception it Is probably tho only important railroad op eratlng eastern territory that was not urgently ln need of a substantial Increase In freight rates in order tp derive the operating income necessary to properly maintain its loadbed and equipment and afford a fair return iapon Its capital stock. The company, however, will necessarily participate ln whatever Inctease may be allowed bj the Interstate Commerce Com mission, to remain effective under private operation of the 25 per cent Increased freight rates recently otdered by the director general of rail roads. Should any considciable part of this advance be maintained after he return of the railroads by the Government to their private owners, Reading will occupy a paitlcularly advantageous position. The outlook for the common shates therefore, VX rnent contro Cotton ''vv York, trol but thereafter, is of the Buyer! and Sellers July 10. July Mitchell bid; Schley, -Jay, Burnett and Newman offered, October Downs, Newman and Martin bid; aumoens and Kelffer offered. December Clifford. Hountree and Cothrnn bid; Kellar, Burnett, Johnston, aumoens and ltoyce offered, January Mitchell bid i wen-nan ana jFllrln offered March McGhee bid; Hlgel offered. Extra by Pneumatic Tool Company rtilcazo. July 10 Stockholders of the Independent Pneumatic Tool Com- By.Kiormeriy cno Aurora Automatic awia S. CONTRACT AlcAdoo on some minor matters. not only during the period of Govern- most favorable character." Philadelphia Arrivals at Neto York Hotels J S, Ueniamlnt Drr-lln. W. M Ilenrratt, Navarre. J I, 11 rail ley, Walllck. II. llurton. Cumberland, Mrs II. llurton, Cumberland. J Decler, Orand H. UlefTrnbach, tlrand J J Parnham, llretltn If, 11. Ilarner, Park. Avenua K T, llerkne-i. Colllm jw-ood. M. J Ktefer, Continental. (I. X, I-ewls. Cumberland, J K Mltosky. . landers. Jt, J Patterson. Continental. vv, ll, nenneiter. iirasun I t&kS , jlermllaee. uoiun Norwood. uariuoroufi-. I Philadelphia Markets GRAIN AM) FLOUR v tin at ti-i . . . . Fob Flint .."l". jt'overnment. standard Ins IiiiiH.M V..I.V ...... .... .,.,., .--- "I'-lnff, .11, So I, hard winter. I J 3ti. t.o,,1' durum. , I J 3fs .,....- .. "j -I iiitni .whip, . red winter. No i, JsiU: Nn , 'v?o 3. ,K-.3S -"" -sn ' -'3-' R- Bcceltita, noon bushels ofTerlnii. rto, i. nnni wnne, in soft w.ri uXr'P'.L n,m bushels Offerings th. i.t. . ' "e moraer ruifci nrm at ? IVi!?"" ..S.!!",'01" tT local trade No tho" "1flnn. No 3. rllow. II IU .,iATan",l-,,'," .-m bushels Demand J,nJ. iiHwi""' ''"' were well sustained hifl !S n0!?" '"" Quotations No 2, white NattND'scs standard white, 88V4esBr. THc, NSfiMSVic. No. 4, white. 8(14 rl,,l''l,:,c.lP," -1'1 V? lh" I" h' The market ruled nrm with demand absorb- l!!5i-,h ".l "mlted orterlnia The fnl H1"; re the nuotatlonsi To arrive, per ,.s.-.lb" Picked In VN-lli b !CK Vv'lnler rifS'i.1"" "1n w ""' """. 1112-1 Im i inlWW "het. new. 1 no per cent flour. Jii. n"1 IV. ""Mn wheat, old, 100 per cert Hour 111 ,0fr11 7T i,T,n.,'0.l'?:!S'!," oulet and unchanscd to auaHt'" ,ln11 p'r bll- ln cli. a PROVISIONS The market ruled Arm with a fair Johhlnc demind The nuotatlona follow. Cltv beef, i "VI: molted and alr-drled. He. weatern ljnuckh- and tenders, im tke d and alr-drled. ic western beet, knuckles and tenders. JJVJi'i ' b''''' hams, Hi. pork, famllj. IMffVI hums S J' eured loose. 2li?s0r, (' skinned loose. 2nsnr, do, do. smoked jUlccajc, other htma smoked rllt cured, ai nn mi iu Driinu anu average - nniijrair! nams, smoked western cuied. 3nWS-'et do boiled boneless iv, plenle shouldrs P I cured, loose, "Jo, do, smoked. Jle. be.lles, In pickle, aecordlnir to nvence, loose, 3Jc, breakfast V?(on. as to brand and aterace, cltv cured. 0e, breakfASt bacon, western cured 40cl lard western, reflned. 214 WJIlc. lurd. pure cllj, kettle rendered. 2".',i 20c. REFINKI) PUIjVR.S Demand was fair and the market ruled firm on a basis of JT 10 for fine granulated. DAIRY PRODUCTS IlUTTIJK wna In Rood ilrmiml nn 1 tlrm with supplli s well clcandl up Quotations Solid picked crenmer extra, -fie hlKh cor Injr Knoda 4lliit4Ki, extra llrsts, lilit, flrsts 43ff44(, seenmls -II fff IJ!4c. fancy brtnda of prli ts jobl but ut "IQirili, iholio at ."ut. fair to Burnt at AOIHVr KdllS Tho market was atron? nnd 10c pel lose hlt-her under n Bond demand Quo tations Tree ihbfs niiirtiv llrsts, M- IHI per atnnilird else, iiirVcnt receipts $1-n" p( r case, western extra firsts J1-' nt Per lose, llrsts 1J S01?12 llll pi r case fin seletteil pes were Jobbing at 4'itlc per doren ('Illi:m: The mtrket ruled verv firm with deman 1 readllj ubsorblnit the limited onerlnB Quotations New YorU. whole milk tanc fresh 'Viie spe luls hUher New York whole-milk, fair to good, fresh. .'4-3 ff.'-.c POULTRY MM' fowls ruled firm while spring chickens were moru plentiful nnd lower Quotations 1'owls 3iHt7c, aprlnc chick ens not Leghorn welchlnir l 41- lbs apiece 4J!44c welxhlnx HMVj lbs np'ece, Jsri4110 white I.eRhorns aecordlnir to size S4a.llj( std'rat vounic roosters. 2V-'lo old roosters JJi2Sc ducks. VeUIn JSWaiti . do Imll in ltuuner llljijic. uulneas, per pair II V.Wl 4V rineons old. per pair 4ui 41 do tounir per pilr, -.'HW 'Pic lmiisini) rho market ruled Arm, with ilnnind absfirblnir the limited offerlnRS Quo tations l'resh killed fowls In bbls tann dri-plcked fonct aelected lllc, weighing 4 lis and ottr apiece, .Ti'tv, smaller sires S1V l"c old roosters drv n ied -7c, spring ducks Long Island limine souths per dozen whlti. wtlghlng 11W12 lbs. per doren. I!4j-i, do. t elghing Blll lbs p. r dftren I74i 7 111, do weighing 7 lbs per dozen. 1(1 (Ml "ill do. weighing S lbs per il07cn SI r,u.'. do. weighing tlffTil'i lbs per dozen iaifi4, dirk, 1 5062 50, small and No 2 II 2 111 FRESH TRUITS Demand was fair and values generally ruled stead as follows Apples new per himper lioctffl- I'eaihes lltnrgla per II lusket carrier r.Vlle of (leorgla J2-' 0. IIIIo-. Ilelle l.'J'-!t. KlberU IB !'.! Ml 1 einons per box !7fH "0 Orances Cali fornia, per box IUW7 i0 Orapifrult. per box 14 5 Pineapples Porto Mio per crate u,-i. do Tlorldj per crnte 81(H do ruban. per crate 8J 7"Uf 1 Cherries i allfornla. per box $lr -'-'". do New York per n-lb lns,(et 7"i1f$l Apilrots California, per crate HU3 nil Cantaloupes Cillfornla, per standard irate H7ri(ft4 d i rln t, r lionv crnte tlTl 'ill do do. ner flat i rate ... . . -.. -. ...- , - -. - . -- v ' .- -, . ll J itil i .in uo ueorgi i per sianuaru i rate tl 7' ilo tin Iter pon crate SI "IS! no Cnntalounes cleornla ntnk meat per flat erute ".".(; Kjo V.V Htermelons southern ner 101) niidf lit), do ner carload J.'.'-itii-l.'S -t CGETABLES Potatoes were plentiful unil wetker with demand only moderate Other vegetables were ln moderate request at retlsvd fluuri Quotations VV hlto potitois Norfolk 'and "-.astern Shore, ner bbl No 1, J4 fiOfa S 10, No J 1J21VSTS White potatoes Mouth Carolina nnd North Carolina pt bhl No 1. H4 7i. No S, It ".Off 2 7i White potatoes Jerse, per i -buahil bas- ket no i. iiocrii 1 1. no - r.ne n. bweel potatoes jerse- per uujiipit .-.u 1 - "iimr.l No J 12it7V Kmtplant Florid i, pr box ll-' 111, do Norfolk p. r nu-qt crate, n&l t'uiumli.rs south Carolina, per basket, "Or'tt 11 , do, vlaij. land per bnslwt 11 .'".'Si 1 .Ml do Nor folk, per bbl , IJ i0.1 flu Peppers 1 lor 1 la tier erati iw-l -'"i unions Tevis per crate. It flOUrl do, Jerse per S bushel basket SI (5 1 HI Onlplis J?r,'S. white, per bushel hamper. S-'-liUa Mush rooms, yex lb , 15fi(4UC LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS rlilrutn. July 10 ltOQI Ilecelpts 17 -.".00 head left over I1H74 head tlciod hoKs niostlj 1 ic hlKlier tna.i ."'"-"niir -common kinds sliw llum IliU.Wlja.. butchers heavs. $17il7 0., heavt packlni. sill ",lil tin medium Mil (KiWlttO1, ll;ht M7HM7.IV piss I1U J101H iW. roussli II nil CA'r'rt.I: Receipts 7000 hoed Pest sleers ateadv to atronc: other kinds nnd butchers stendj atronu to hlaher Canes "lV:P-Uec5lPts C00O head Stron to Wither South Omaha. Juh in 1IOOS Iteeeipts IS 1)0(1 head Hlow. 10c to I'm. lower. Houbh Jill lorain.SO . . , CAlTI.li Receipts. 4(100 head Hlli:i.P Itecelpta 11.U0U head tara H8 I-ltUhiirgli. Ta.. Juh 10 op neeelpt, mno head Active Heavies S17 4H17 Ml hint- torkers. Its 40-l M, Htht jorkers, SIN 4018 Ml Plus 118 4nTl8 oil HIII'I"P AND L.AM11S Iterelpts 1(1(1 head Active Top aheep 113 top lambs. 110 CAI.Vl'-t Hecelpta luu head Actho Top, 118 50 Kusl Ituffalo. X. V.. Juu 10 CATTI.n neeelota 171 head Hteailt I'nlvca Ko- celnts 100 head Steady. 7SJlHoU HOOH Ilecelpts urn lieoo oii.ni HeiiM It818";'.. mlied vorkera llaht "orkera and pigs. 118 4II18 Oil, roughs 11.1 roiitPl 7lt stas. 1107 1.' , . ,, . , 8HKKP AND I.AMHH .Itecelpta light Steadi and unchanged LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS Hid Ask (11 I" in ..'O 01 1)7 ,ni on 11 i J 07 ns n7 (is t)8 1 oo ai nn ni m IK .114 01 II.' nt nj ,()' in ,nt .0" nt .us 03 .03 17 .20 7fl .87 .17 .10 1 1 111 nutter MacNamara Midway Jllipnh Ilxtenslon Montana North Htor lleec ue l'ula . . . . W est End .... CiOI.DFIKI.l) STOCKS Atlanta niue Bull , nooth Dlamonfleld II II Daisy Ketvanaa Oro Sandstorm Kendall Sliver Tick MISCELLANEOUS Arizona United J7. Nevnda tvonaer Tecopa Mining Aulo Hit Boy Roller Skater Thirteen-year-old Louis Dl Ttocco. 762 South Tenth street, was roller skating at nieventh and Kimball streets today, when ho was struck by an automobile owned by Dominic Mattlneo, of 8.'6 League street. Magistrate Coward held Mattlneo In 1500 ball to await the result of the boy's Injuries rnoTorLAs THEATRES OWNED AND MANAOED BV JIEMDEns OF THE UNITED EXHIBITORS' ASSOCIATION HFI MONT BSD ABOVE MAKKET T U I- A 1 WALLACE REID - l5a3 CEDAR H cb?a-J'dfvnui: WALLACE REID '" "n5ffip- COLISEUM w"ktt Wr" VIVIAN MARTIN in "Vivette" Qtn. k Maplewood Ave.. rOLUINlL. " "2 1.1 and 8 IS P. M. -. i a c-r Lirvl MCC In "A PAIR 3 1 Jtl 1 lui-iili-- oh' SIXES ' FUREKA 40T" -AUI--'r BTS' BUSINESS CAREER OF PETER FLINT A Story of Salesmanship by Harold Whitehead iCopirfoTif) frorirlodi) iimie hlMlneSS oiimIIoim on buutiw. sclllnij. nrfteriltliiii nnd "men tncy can pay in Installments; tlint empoimeif. Auk jotir oursflons cleorln nvit Is, If your finances will stand It I oh e all Ihc nefs lour innccl imme nml 'would suggeft that ou get ptojile vvh I'tll nrirlreas niuif lie slonrd lo nil fiiatilrl-s. iliave had little or no experience In selling rinr iiilrh nre niiniiiiiiaiM muaf lie lonorrit magazines tho "old timer" In Inst left b .nnil ' Ofermine,i7,ir.'' ?'m hJ'L ',',',. e'fe, "lone you know- the kind I mean the W fiintd xitncr nviionit Kill op nun trrti ,i-,. u.,o.tt ..t.i.ii .... i .... . t. f.i fils relnniii. Thr lost Infrrctlleo fro ",,h(. bo'-xt'1-! tnlddle-iigi il man who Irmi o (nniilrrrs ,r bo koicii fnlo flic offers to run jour business for Mm and iloru o t'rfrr flint i Is ever telling of the big things he illil - for some concern when 'loose. fit was ,-vyvv- i President. A printed folder outlining caaav 1 Iseveral comblnntlon offers would be a I HAD a bunch of good stuff given me good things to mall to friends of nun In .,.,,,,,, ., , , 'training ciinps It would bo preferable today by Mr. Oolilmin, the agents',,,, n le,tpr. ror ,.. ,,-.. contnin. manager of the Magnitude I-lfc Insur- , , ance Company. In giving us a talk on "Rome Things to Ilemember" nnd 'Some Things Not to Snv." he handed all of us raw recruits a couple of tvpowrltlen sheets, which contained "A Few Don'ts nnd Remembers " He ndvlsed us to resd ., . ,, . .i . them over cnrefullv n number of times saving, "If ou oung men will rend over those suggestions nu will get some,"'"" " " """ess i run practical horse sense Ideas of what to ilo and what not to do when Felling ''-" member, these are onlv ginernl sugg.s. tlons nnd npplv to any oilier line of t...t nH .. ...11 n li.o.imn.n Mnnrl huslnese as will as Insurance tlood j luck to oU'" ho finished abruptlv and left us Somehow the more t see of Mr Gold man the more I like him He Is ns ki m as a raror, but he certainly does give every fellow a. square deal 1 nm get ting retlly Interested In the life Insur ance business The following Is the dope on his sheets- DON TS Don't lost ".our tempir, or 5ou will lose money. Don't look for a soft snap "there ain't no slch animal rton'l ovnert n mm In turn VOU down unless ou want him to Don't go to bed at night without neemrinir rnnr npvt ilnv s work preparing ournetiinvs won. Don't to to get results bS haphazard TtAllinild methods Don't talk of competing eompinlos leave tint to the other fellow's sales men Don't nllow a prospect to think he Is doing ou a favor. Don't ask tlmldlv for a signature Don't get discouraged because sou loso some prospects; ou cant sell to cv erybody linn't tr tn lie i n lennmenon misi- continuous producers Dont tr to cam all vniu appoint- mints 'In jour head", a notebook Is verv cheap and absolutelv reliable Dont wiste time waiting for a busy man; make another can anu wieii iiin.- Dont Judge results bj tho number of I ctlls jou iiinlte, hut bj the numbei of prospects ou write up IlKMI'MHl'K-? Ilemember that a business man is I teady to talk business ns soon as he Ih at bis olllce Ilemember to call on him early ami talk business Ilemember others are doing big busi ness ln jour line so cm sou llArtiiMnlier thnt VOUr talking and JOlll walking should be done with an object Vou never get iinjvtlure b talking or "li'.'lL,!L,w1om,,'.Biien are cut out for' Ilemember some men are cue uui .... work oth?rs cut It out. 1 Ilemember vou are out to sell Insur- ance-so keep our pusonal affairs to I jourself I Ilemember that enthusiasm Is the Hie ,t .m- ,,reenlnllnn i of sour presentation interviews ' Ilemember tluit pleasant IntcrMevvB and good times are only worth while when the climax Is the signature on the dotted line , Ilemember that ablllts Is not much use without staj -ability. Ilemember that the mun who loses tits , liluek loses his Job I ,.. ,i,er Hint vou are vlrtmllv In Ilemcinlier lnal )ou ;" Invest- business for jourself and joui invest- nient is time. Use It Jtidlclouslj Ilemember the onlj kind of good luck a fellow pets Is what ho works for. Good luck to ou' topavs iusim:ss i:i-uHAn Jhctc oic mote ftlca on a xiindow tmnc than on a windshield Moial hcep uiatlno What does this mean to OU? Uusinfcss Questions Answered uain- -.- i innrtv InlrMtnl In lour article ii-i tit., niit. r ium tikklnir the Ilbertl of asklntr sour adlce rftardlnff the ecluoutlon of our bo of fourteen who finished th i Uhtu Krnue or ntnooi in ium ma num-i,. lieliis blind reall neeJ-i tho bo a help as I ilzhth urade of sthool In Tune His father, soon as he Is able to worK so we nie i about decllcd to Ut him tnlo h two-jenr . lommerrlil course Now tho nueatlon It would like answered Is thl Voutd It bo wise for William to contlnu worKlnu for the butcher where ho has b- n for tho last ne Mars delUerlnc and t-et- tlnff ordtrs, waUlug on trud. etc.. all the time durlne icatlon and after blIiooI and f on Saturday the rest of th eir? While , tie likes the uuiintr anu Henins ne ucea noi like the meat dui uPtnesi wetl enough to i are , tit lirnrn thr. trudp Wnilttl It tn lHltt(r tfl got Into somothlnir nisi- where he woulil cct morn rractkal liu-lncss experience' ut course, It ma) not bo ens to find work after school, anil as he Is now earning W n wK wo do not like to ndvlse him to make a ihango unless It tve.o for the beat. M.v husband aas that each Indltlduil must vtork out his own destlnj. jet I cannot help but feel that tho right start In Ufa Is half tho battle won MltS It. V. I wouldn't let the boy leave the butcher until he sets something equally Rood elBovv here It lie doesn t like tne IIIC-Ul IIUBHItn, .11' OIIUU.U tl ..Ml Wl .1 o goon as tiouslble, but "don't let him throw lll?U' UUB.tlCPT, UW HIIUUIU RFl ..Ul Ul ll awav uirty water until ne nas cican, for the experience la rood for him Many Krocers can use bojs for part time. The business. college would doubtless be able to help him secure cmploiment that would pleaso him All li.i'lness colleges hive nn employment department, and mtny business houses wanting help ap ply to the business college first, for Iiuhi ness men prefet to hl-'i bovs thn have the earnestness and purpose to iq'end their time and money In fretting a bii3l. ness education I am afraid J cuniut agree with jour husband It is hardly fair to expect n boy of fourteen years to work out hla own destiny, lie won't even know the meaning -f the word at his age. We grotvn-ups should help boys to find themselves, as It were We should not force a boy to do something agtlnst his will but Bhould explain to him the reasons for or agalnBt his fol lowing any particular line of work ho that he can come to a decision with the aid of our experience. I am glad that jou are sending William to a business college, for the boy who lacks a prac tical business training these (laja Is go ing to be seriously handicapped In the near future. I am a constant reader of jour story of P.ter KUnt and I enjoy It Immensely. 1 have acquired the agency of a number of magazines for work during my spare time. Would vou suaaest a house to-house cam- I'HOTOPLAIS FRANK-hOKD u "&'&" Sessue Hayakawa EST WAT Tl 1MRO FKONT ST. & OIRATtD AVE. Junius jumbo Junction en Frankford "L" "THE QABARET" I fifl 15T B-'D XNn LOCUST STREETS Douglas Fairbanks -I-ounqVellow" 52D BELOW MAHKET ST, :! -' .. . , " t ana v Al Mli .------. . 'J in Taylor Holmes "uuulfED qap" THIS PROGRAM APPEARS IN MORNING AND EVENING . in i Wit Inc for cood steadv. i ""illj lie"ome the leading Amerlcnn ace ness men are looking ior goim n..u..', c11,cai rt t to, ,,.,.,-, ., r--....i. t, ... Palan. -uch as Peter Is doing with the Moon? 1 am thlnklnr or KMiiiin- it nn ' to thft persons who hava brothers friends Or A inS ln the tralnlnv finmrta nlmiif allK scribing to your paper and having It sent to them. Would jou suggest a letter? TAT Yes, an Intensive, canvass should be Well Worth While, but don I elnti ,,l IIih houses, work the business ollkes ns well I Get men or women to work for ou on a commission baslH, but Klve them a nominal salary, say G a week, to lover their carfares anil lunchis YOU Would lirolinlilv uel belloe reslllln at first by oirerlng a combination of "V . r. .. "- n....(lo i ,v ... w (,.., inrfA nr rniir tinnDini a ..t n nv. .1 ..-inA 'doflnltc plan and all the render would i have to do would lie to saj "es When )0u have workul out inur Ideas It would be worth while to have an nihmlslnR agency put them Into shape I Do ou think thnt t toung woman with I n,nbltll"n ""!' "lv-nlt'' would succeed as a trawling saleswoman? 1 am now taking a correspondence course In salesmanship but would like, to know from i practlctl man . P,P,.,nlv .ir..., ,! 'i' ",r t,. enltuj ernnila n lilrtlt i nmnM n nA ... 1 ,n knott most t)0Ut The corn spohllenc" Bchool with which ou are stiiillng unln.--nni.V.I.- .. Ill .lni.1.11... 1.. .,., . ... salesmanship will doubtless be able to rerer ou to several concerns desir ing a saleswoman (with ambition and 'spunk"). Good luck to ou' SCHOONER'S CREW SAVED American Vessel Aflclia T. Carlcton Aground Oft Paloma, Uruguay By the Auociatcd 'rcn I Montevideo, Vrugimj. July 10 Part 'n' the crew of the American three- mnlail B.il.nnnnH tilj.ll. O- Mn.l.l.- j in ii, nLiiiiu. I liurii i , v i iflllll Pnlnnif, una landed tnrl.nt- yv n r-., , 'eminent tug Tho captain of the tug re- nwieu tnere were no ueatns among the erevv , nut tnat several men nail men cfl m Kloies, III from ex. ))0HUro ln open llfebonts on the lllt(,r . The AdelK T t'arleton nnn huilt at flockport, Me, In 1802 hhe Is 217 feet In length PUTNAM LEADS U. S. ACES By the Associated Pre Paris, July 10 Lieutenant David T Putn im. of Brookllne Mam . has fnr- n,s wll )lns i)Pon missinfr since Juno Putnam s tenth victor- on Juno 30 now ,, )P(, erlfied offlclallt. I In the month of June Putnam brought 'down sevin Orman machines, equaling himiu) .....unm mmn- u mo i.nu iap tain Ouvneincr. Government Local Market Reports Tito dolly tr;jorf (i sent ouf pj the lluienu of Markrts of the United S(ofe Urparfmeiit of Apr.culturc. I'ltilailel. jihla bmni.li, with headquat tera nt J00 31S Insurance Vxchange nulidlnn (Wholesale prices on largo lots to i lol.herK li.iaeil mi Milieu of tho vnrioiw iallroud depo'.s) rilUlTS APPI.Ki Man land, per bushel lumper (M n j. (iu,irr pprki) tl r,n,fJ - )Mirl,rt niertfll si New Jersej pu 'a-busiul bus ket 7"ci St. 7." MIjW-KIil.llKIK-i-V.-, Jer.e,. per nuirt. i ANIAI.Ot li:s CnllfirnH, per standard crato (11 lopesl 1 1 1.0 ti 4 ponts (41 and 14 lopesi 131113.10, Hats (12 and IS lopisl -"'' "u ""'mla ler standard erale (II ,opp)l, ,,,,,, pon)!1 (4r, unJ -t , , ,i vi CHnnmi-Vewlork. per nib basl ct CPrtllAN I h New Jersej and Nw Vork per nuari I7ffltic ouVrVliiff ir"1,,l:rt NVw Jpr""5, ""' ,.KArls oeorula per ll b.sket .rate llelles of Oeorala unU Hlbertas JO.' 01, per bush.l best s.t llAsiMii.itrtll.S New J.rsej. per Pint, uwn, a 1 1'llMI'r.ON' Florida ami (leorela. per .urlo.id jiii-40(i 40Sf 71c each VI OCTAIIf.KS APAItACIl'K Suirb grer-n vr bunch. Cnlosi.il j'ljht fatuj, l-llf-llic primftt. 1(1 i, He ullf tl tti Hi t UliAN Nph Jtrm vr -i bushel banket Blfifii J'.I'iUp wax 811'iOr IiniHh NeurM. per bumh 4-tT"f- OAHIJAUi: .New Jernx it ftt -buh-l baki t JVrUUi , .erwiMihiinlu per bbl , $1,7.1 4j J 1 (AltIlors NVnti PT hunch 2 ft 3c i C'OllN New Jtrnej. ier -Si -bushel bUHkot, 7"m ! 1J CLVUMIu:ilS Ctfrollnua P' r lunhel ham per 91V 1 -'a MHOiinu Jlui j., .NnrfolK I ner bbl Z-V i, -Nf Jtrsej per S-bunhcl I banket. K0t 'if SI KlHil-I.ANT.M riorldu per irate $1 "-01? i J 5l New Jerne per buhel liHmper, . $1 7.". i .ii- l.Liil'CI! Now orl-. utul Nw Jersey, per truti (.' dozen H6.idsi i-uctt-ji MrRllKOOMS Nenrb iitr lb (-' to, I lb bnnketH) J0 4j"4U( OVIOSS lexnir per bushel crate ellows, l 004i 2. California per Uw lb ak e1 lows (3 10, Kentuck). 13 3(1, New Jere, per S-buahel bisket, jellon- lffl 10, per bush 1 humper v,hlte, $-' JTI lKAS New Jerne p r H -bushel banket, jj j-.tjf in, New York, per basket (J7 i nuartH) J, I-RI-IMIUS riorlda, per crate. 7'tftS! 23, V...i tnr.. , V. .I.i.ahnl lnaLnt r".ll Qt it"., l'tnATOHH Por bbl (approxlmati l 10". I n,, ) south Carolina and North Carolina, 0 j iit',. No J IJ l!'(l J 11 l:astirn shore No 1, M Sttf ."V No J, I.1 .,ii)i ; tt, machine graded, l.tW.t .'"., Norfolk ,0 j S4f-17t New Jersej, per -bushel I JaBK xo 1 noeWtl in No J ."ilKilOi IlAlH.slin'i Nenrbj, per bunch 2V tf , mit'llAim Nearbj, per bunch -",41b SOAI.I.IONH Nearbj, per 100 bunches I 1 JSfl .o ' . "-",?&-' ""e p" bu'h'' ,m" r.' ovtA-rbi:'' v 1 erset per busnei basket U08 00c, culls .lOUI-.O" AITCTIOV SAI.1'1 YI'STKIIDAY ORANOES California per box (tin to Son l in box) n lWEM I., (Jill to JSH in ooxi. 1 V'tUt 4". I.BMON8 California, per box (210 to 4110 In box) ta 31 EJ 0 . , ,, CHKRItlPS Callfornli per box (S lbs net) 11 82 30 l-IIOTOI'UWS The Stanley Booking Corporation THE fcllovvlnc theatres obtain their Corporation which Is a cunrantee or early snowint; of the finest produc tions All pictures reviewed before exhibition sk for the theatre in vcur locality obtnlnlnpr pictures through the STANLEY Booking- Corporation. All,mk 2". Morris t Passiunlc Ave. 1 AlnamDra Mat uuiiy at 2, ki. u atv. I'Ain.iir. x iir,L.i.jui:it In UEK K1NA1. IlECKOMNQ A Dill I O "-D AM) THOVIPSON STS frKJL4LAJ MATINEE 1-AII.r LOUISE HUFF anl THCOriOllE ItOUEllTS In VVil.I) YOUTH" ADPAniA CHESTNUT BEL 10TH AKLAUlrt 10 A. M to 11 15 P. M VVIM.tAM S HART ln ' SHARK MONROE" Ttl T lCDlDr BROAD STREET AND DLAJC'OltKU SUSQUEHANNA AVE. KI.SIB FEItaUSOV In "A DOI.1,'8 HOUSE ' rUDDCCQ MAIN ST.. MANAYUNK ElVlrKt-3J MATINEE DAJLT MABEL NORMAND ln "DODOINO A MILLION" FAIRMOUNT89,,0.!- BUSHMAN and HAYNE In ' SOCIAL QUICKSANDS" f-A NIII V THEATRE 1SU Market St I AIV11L.1 11 A M to Mldnlsht, FRANKLIN FARNUM In "THE EMPTY CAU" eTLJ CT THEATRE Belovr Spruce 56 1 H 51- MATINEE DAILY VVVI f HART In "THE UhSEKT. MAN" BILLf WEST In 'THE HOBO" GREAT NORTHERN WJSStfa: CHARIXyTTE WALKER In "JUST A WOMAN" IIDI7RIAI 60TH ft WALNUT STS. IMrt-I---- Mat. 2 sn. Kvbs. 70. AiiNOi.n malV (n "MY QWN UNITED STATES" 1 PAnCD 8T LANCASTER AVE, ---Mia-b aiaiinea uaur llMIIS VV. (IKHiHn'H WEATHER HALTS CROPS Too Cool for Bet Growth Corn in Many Scrtions Nectli Rain nslilngton, July 10 The Govern ment weekly weather report sas corn needs rain In many sections A fairly good week for cotton Weather has been favornble for harvesting winter wheat Ilnln Is bndl needed for spring wheat from Dakota westward. It was too cool In much of the east and northeast for best grovytl; of rrianv crops, nnd there Is n decided lnck of innlsllirn In nionc neptlnnn of the COUP try In regions from eastern South Diknta southeastward ncross lown and centr.it Illinois In rpntrnl KentllCK where abundant '" c " r" ,i,e former Miss Nancy l.anghorne. of made good progress during the vvnK ... ., ,.V , It Is niostlj In goo deondltlon In Ml- Mrglnla Ho became n Ilrltlsh citizen sourl and eastern Kansas from rains of nt nbodt the same time as his father. In preceed'ng week .,, Im Ho was elected to Parliament In nf"l all other sections of countrv -j1110U,h n December. 1110. ns a however, rain Is needed for bes K"1"" ' Unionist and has sat for that con.tltu of crop and In some P'nB the mil Is , , January, 117. Major much too dry for prober dr"lop nynt of , J ,came onp of the sreretarhs of corn It Is suffering In ,l'r"pil,l .." Prime Minister Mojd Oeorgc. sections of Oklahoma nnd as a whole is bndlv dtmaged especially on the. up- . lanus r.n I. .1Ih mIh bnitlv In IlinilV v 'II ll IP. nrvn Ills ,...i. ........ ... '---, . parts of Kansas but Is not vet "erlouslv I damaged except In a few localities It grew well generally In Nebraska but neerla rnln nnrt In some sections of the southern portion of that State It Is be ginning to tasel short Torn Is beginning to tassel ns far north as Iowa and southern Ohio , Week was too cool for best growth of corn from Like region eastward This emit made satlsfactorv development In Indltna where muc i tint was damaged b fiot on the night of June 22 Is now recovering nlctlv. l'arlv corn Is miturlng In TexaR with condition good to excellent depending on moisture received during the past few weiks Broom corn Is holding up well In Qklihoma i Tunpernture averaged about normil throughout the cotton belt hu nights were too cool for best growth In eastern I portion l.xcept for good showers In (leorgla and the fnrollnas at the close i of the week nnd some rainfall In east ern nnd northern Tpxts nr.ictlcnllv no , nri i in tntio i nccurreu in ine comm m-u ltilnfnll was he.ivv nt few points In T-,,. n Is hernmlnc drv In much of cotton growing arear but lack of mois ture lias not jet proven (ittrimeniai in cnttnn excipt 111 )kii lions of Texas Weather was favorable for cultivation and Holds aie genenillv fieo of grnss The ttedt was favor.ible In northern eastern and coist sections of Texas hut . vtrj unfavorable In the western portion I of thnt Mate where late planted cotton Is living for Inilt of moisture Cotton made good growth and Is' blooming freelv In Oklahoma and Is fruiting well nnd Is ln good to excellent condition In Arkansas and Louisiana i Plnnts nro crowing satlsfactorv In Ala bama .and Mississippi nnd bolls are de V. loping noriunllt In (Inorgla but the eron Is nm nuking rapid growth In the latter !tnte It waii too drv for tho best results in the snu'luin portion of South Carolln i until mar the c!oe of the week but the r.iln of the Rth will lio vert bem -Hi 111 in thnt section The cron Is making sitisfaitnrv progress and Is fruiting well In tennepie and Nor'h Carolina i Holl weevil lire doing 'tome damnee In the central and southern portions of Alali unit but are lomewhat less active In Missis' Ippl while onlv n f i w rotn pl lints of this pest were received from Alkansni Vv Intel wheat Is ripening slowly In New York Mute, but the crop Is heading nt high eliv.itlons In the upper Ilockj Mountain legion. Drv wentfiei has un fiivorablj .iffpctcd this crop In the ex treme northwest. Harvest begun during the week Just rinsed as far north ns cen tral PennsvlvanH, the extreme northern portion of Ohio, south of Michigan mm northern low a I IU .' -i "DOVS entering (.crman'otvn Acailemj meet with a two fold ndtnntiige the umisu il op portunities of excellent pchool training plus the Inspiration of nil tho venrs since 17C0 These vears poem calling to the bojs as never before to work and vvln Their eager response is seen in reports and records, academic and athletic I.it jour boj know school life at Germantown Academy Regular gtmnastum work Includes mlll . . . , . tarj training Army Kindrrgartril setting up exercises for bn una nnd mllltnrj drill girls 4 lind 5 keep bojs fit for pos eors old. slble future call All da r- l.Rth jear opens In sloii for 1st September Write I'rlmarr. Otli the Ileail Vaster, and I pper Mr Samuel B Os 6th rornis. bourn, AI A for catalog He will ar range a personal In terview, Germantown, Philadelphia l'HOTOI'I.AI -1 STRAND tin' Av' a" ',enanSi E. of IJroad Douglas Fairbanks In SAT. iOl'Ml fi:liow pictures through the TANLKY DooklnK 333 MARKETo"!11-1, SK'if , CARMEL MEYERS In ' THE CITY OF TEARS MnDFI 425 SOUTH ST Orchertra, lVlvyLlL, Continuous 1 to 11 IRENE CA81LE In "THE HILLCREST MYSTERY PAI APF liU MARKET STREET r-Yl.rtVE. in A. M to 11 15 P ' M. i 1 li lTIrIiarlVlAlN PRINPF?'-; -0L MARKET STREET In "THE ONLY ROAD" RFP.FNT MARKET ST. Below HTH lxt-,-I-I,l 1 HAM to 11 v i EMMY WEHLE.N --. ln "HOUSE OF HOLD" RIAI TA OERMAVTOWN AVENUE tIi"-L. IU AT TULPKHOCKEN ST NORMA TALMADOE f" in "BY RIOHT OF PURCHASE" RIVOI I a"D AND SANSOM STS rvi V V--ll Matlne. i tlnee Dally OEOROE WALSH In "THE KID IS CLEVER" RI IRY MARKET ST BELOW TTH IUD I jo a M. to 11.15 p , HARRY MORkY ' ' In ' TANQLED LIVES" C1AVHY -211 MARKET STREET iJVVI 8 A M. to Midnight MME NAZ1MOVA u'am't In "TOYS OF FATE" STANLEY -.VflTT, ASTTS.1-? MAE MARSH r "' In "ALL WOMEN" ESa '3XW iaiJai zm ii 'A i in ni ni gsi.T i wimim aJllwU.111 SBMllfti IZSMPI VICTORIA ilAEl .BoTht.B6F,;Tai, DOUnrAS FAlrtllAKKH '' ASTOR IN FOOD MINISTRY Son of Viscount Becomes Parlia mentary Secretary ) the Anociated Press lomlon, .tuly 10 Major the Honor able Waldorf Astor, son of Viscount Astor, of Hever Castlo (William Waldorf Astor), the morning newspapers fore cast will succeed J It Clj nes ns parlia mentary secretnry to the food ministry t'lj nes has been appointed food con ron,r to gucpppj le la(e viscount ... . , Major Waldorf Astor was born In the I'nlted Slates In 1879. and his wife was ipvivit ft HJ'SnKT-t WII I)VVO(ll), . .1. Wtt-DWOOD VV BY-THE-SEA ! M &LJ ggzsr There is no better place for joyment. Splendid, up-to-date i x faction nt very reasonable rates. Apartments, cotta-res bungalows at moderate rentals. Lots of Entertainment! Finest bathinp; beach on the coast. Splendid fishinir, bontinc. motorintr and aniline. Mnimificnnr boardwalk and piers. Up-to-date amusements. Concerts daily by famous Philadelphia Orchestra. further information address DAYTON J"ow "r"ri -nr "ason of 1018. The s ime courteous treatment will lie tvlerile.l li our lialr.ms Cap Jul) V vnviJMirttv ontr k Proprietor. NEW SHELDON JK,.-' 850 Elet.j prltate baths, rooms en sulta, halt. Auto D J Woods Own management FDfiFTfJlM INN -var Ileach. modern room onhestra Noted for excellent table, white service Cap 'IIO Auto at trains llook'et 1 AI.III1IIT MAHllW Tror. ATLNTlTriT N. J. ziAtusimti mini ATLANTIC CITY CapityGOQ Strictly European Plan J I KAYNOF4.ATLANnccini V0W1S GREATEST H0TELSU0CESS I Wetfminiter K. ait. n.ar Leach Hltt "" "" tost 1 rli i te baths run I wsi. r fill tip wklv, I. uiMillv Clins lluhrs I HOTEL B0SC0BEL ,&h,,ucA ' "V Hch Alwajsopen Vrner. . Turo plnns llilt A. I" MARIOV Pnnjfiplrl Vlrglnlt Ave. 2 minutes' wlk v,anuieia from Mvk & Pl t,1(r perdat Ar tip I'iro plan Mrs l Huberman cn: may, n. j. Cnlnnial Hofpl Menotated throughout, V-O-OrtlcU "Oie1 Rooms with prltate bath, eletntor Ooens for JPth season June t'th w ir cui'nrir o--r . t'roorietor OfJMN I IT1. N. J Normandie-by-the-Sea n:N nn. n. i. 100 room 1 00 wultem w th prlite hath own nMenltn n-ll w iter Ire plant electric llitht nlant Kl atirs from irrnund floor l)lrcth fai inn: tbe ocean ( uUln. tho I er 1 or Tftten full Informitlnn nnd booklet ad drpflH I II. H. CM. lnner. i HOTEL BRIGHTON Sow open for 3"th sear unci r coniecu tl inanHgem nt Thn pi tint of retil -a- i whom life fool uirj ' home eschnnRfu j nnn miironm i u kjki i -SI'KINO litKE UK veil. -. J. The Shoreham '"'"JSJy1""- Located on the lake two blocks from ocean tslhlnir bench 1 R PPANnlUI Prop SKVSII11- I'.VIIK. N. J. THE MANHASSET Plrertly on th ocean front fapscItT 100 nneH.t It nos Tl'nNTR Prop til WNKK-ON.HKI.H AKK. P. BUCKW00D InlWFiraprooi "--haw nee-oii-Deliwnrf renrmyirjnm few rnttntse. t rent for th rnn nd n hnntnlow for Julr and Aueuit. Home of the Fimniii Shawnee (o!f ion me A. J. & C. V. Murphy, M&rs. pffS The Ontwood Open Mar 1st to November 1st Altitude 20(10 ft. Wonderful climate Beautiful scenerj All modern conen iencea Uood roads for motoring or waiklntc All churches within easy reaih Outdoor sports Select patronage Slncte rooms and en suite, with and without bath Ltv ery attached Rates reasonable. Booklet. K. I., and 11. V. AKT.VIVN. 31 irs. KK-IOIXITII 1IKVCI I. 1)KL. 1-on ItKNT. FIHM-IIFJ Three hundred dollars for rooml. situated full view of i IFJ) COTTAOE season, nrteen ' ocean. "Q ards from beach. Boi O 740 Ledger Central. IIFTTKBTOV. Ml Owens CoHao-fi Excel, table, rea. rat.s, UWe1 V-OWBgO , , oM ,h,d. print water; aanltarr; impta Vegetables tiom own garden. MRS. IDA OVVEB Prop. I4n1 DistsHsaks Directly on the Bch. ""-" Our table supplied with fresh vega & sea food from farm. & nay dose uy. uiu. ijkh. Mrs L M Owens, Hotel lletterton High location; magnificent levv of Chesapeake Hay; ona aouare from beach. Large veranda, lawn, shade; vegeta bles from garden Open all ear Booklet. TAS T. CRF.VV Pronrletor. Jill- IIP.-TKKTOV 'SI0 AMI AVIUSE SI FAT l'lrlt Movlna Picture.. Dancing. Ilowllnr. Bathine Roatlna The Kmeraon lilgh rlevatloni new sanitary improvements; auto meeta all boat, and tr-vlns on request l coolest house In Better ton. Write for rates VeeeishUs from own r -t A. EVtFRPOV Prop Hotel Wlable A r-.dern botel rom-ns-tdlna n fine view of rhesaneake TVav. nathlM. ....rt... ..m-r.u. t-rop, fshine and all resort amos-oienia. Can-IM 1 I V'liUil I'A'tK. V-J &H0TELsNc7il tifjrm -Juawt jf 11 Yl-(,i II I ",-"---,----'-'-'-M,-''--'--w" 1 mt. rornNO. r VY.-' v.'V"- '' ' C - - - J HriiflHrHKnlatllilMKy- "- a"""isss -" MMtfWMMNlM? is I TWENTY AIRR ONP 30 Bombs ami iig onus Kilkm 141 to June 30 s :i By the Associated Press ? : Paris, July 10 Tho Temps, In a sunlil' ft,'' mary of the aerial nnd long-range boil ? 1 bardments carried out by the CJcrmimB on Paris and suburbs, says that the flnrtl DtlAelAtlfllltl al.1 r0 wv A4hMjM litrnff saTJI AA 1 on the night of January 30-31 last, wh' Vft M fifty-five persons were killed and 203.i5Sv9 vvero wounded. Up to Juno 30, 191l,Q,$fM iiicib wfio lwuiilj' miua vy uuinnn, aiii. mv mI ttj- 1....V.I-A K.t.w. n- I-.- Ilia 1 -a ...X iS !, iiuiiiuuiuiiicih uy iiiu iuii&-luiS ;ij,tWt)vJg guns comprised thirty-nine days. ,r -lfiiB In the period from January 1 to JuiUH-JiSa 30 the killed numbered 141 and tho'ji !.a wounded 432, according to the official' statements. These totals, however, did not Include persons who subsequently died from wounds ner the sixty-six per iw sons who iv ere crushed to death in a ,"f1 -.--I.. Jll.t-S n ml. tfn.Al. 11 S T ;ld J (IIIU UU.illFj l- 1IMU KIUIWI A. J., rtuvnirn nr.iQBTg VVIIOWOOll health, rest, pleasure and en hotels give you complete satis shops. Hlf-h-grade a portion of the For folder and -L i 1$ 'Dm i U xafi m rVSkW vfl -X.-;? $& fWmM ill i W. Courlright Smith, Managing Secretary, Board op Trade, Wildwood, N. J. (J .-, UIItInrtoli Forfraot XmrmiUm rfi-- Hpeelal Juno rates, jiyw-"- itnifi imw a com, irir. iwmr Znr. Near baek. " aooa tat: J, K. YVHITEARLUi Ju-.tfr Nfitr Heath and Amusement. Y , BONGIOVANNFS holly Arms The lumous Inn on Kofknwiir Road nt lleitlttt, I,. I. Illchest cIifi cuisine Dinelnc. eicel lent mimic nnd entertainment- Prices I'unlthet-, moderate Mr. Uongioannl It J aiac tn proprietor. 1 1H.IT, POINT. IONO imAsn WAYSIDE INN Tearoom and Boarding Hon' Blue Point, Long- Island Special Attention to Autoittt Dinners Served All Hour '.o.-.'t nm.vtts o.vi,y A. MISSING, Proprietor. t I i 1 "" " "" ir Ir FVNT l'T(ll(OUK. T,l.. y. Y. f j ltHi xElivWW&mWew&U Jm t sj5t mHt -Mill EAST LAKE INN East I-alclioRiic, 1 I. Music and danclnc nfternoon and ev. nlna Meals at alt hours European DUCK DINNERS JOHN VVMMX.KI,. Proprietor, SM1I I.K. I,. 1 N. V. ?fi rtj -i IsKLHikltL HOTEL KENSINGTON 1WMII.K. I.ONCI I-.LIMI (In the Merrlrk Road Amerlian and Kiironean Plan. DltK DINNr.KS l. . KLNNtDY. Prop. SWMU.K. l,ON(i ISUMi ? Tidewater Inn Sayville, Long Island L'wellent BoatlnK. Batlilnsr, Klshlne ind Sailing Lobster; Crab, Fith and Shore Dinner Alfred Sykes, Proprietor Telephone 8D Sayvlllc HALLETT HOUSE Blue Point, Long Island. A minute's walk to the "QRUAT SOUTH BAY" Excellent accom. modatlon Write , J II. SNCUECOR, Proprietor. I'VTCiintniK. i.. i y. y. OCEAN AVE. HOUSE Overlooking Great South Bay An ideal place to- spend the Bum-" ! Mvvitv;iv VVfMI.Illg-,, Uftin-i L Inir, flshlnff, etc Heasonablt T Captain H. 0. Hicki, Praf . l-atcnogue, iong Island LAKH SI'NAI'KK. N. a. BEN MERE,! ! I J Hl.l'K PIIINT. I (ISO ISfNlT" S5tp 3 5 :ia . . w J f w 1 VI a . !$ .AjA "tl 1 "KrCi ul, 7i r l VClfL-vOM-BiKiewpa. u, o.j JJY FOUR YKAR8 IN .GBRMANy n ' SAYI YOUNQ FELLOW" Vi ji. ti.r. "?, i a, pi,.aJ-- 1-swp-s-r -(eVWs-qg-sltpgfM PMp -J - v-- - t'f"' V -j 3 . . .! '-. Vi .i(i r i.. ' k V 7 .'v' ''L w, .( v .jf, V t . .j3P , -. Vf PUBLIC UDGER