nsi p- -:tv, t: Kn&riklkfc'wJj' v:r '& ' ;,,, ' ' '' V-afirrT ' ' - "v ' (J-.I? ' .' ? v. . :' ', ,s ' .:::..' tyj im&'nkV;.: ". -?. '. 7rte&vtfTTtof'ti I'tar 'rw- ER TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1918 ."'J-J . "'. - . " ' . .1 l i i i V i , , i ' 0.1 -!5 rBirfyi'.r.nnwTK --. -t lli A PAGE OF FUN FOR YOUNG AND OLD TO REMIND ONE THAT LIFE IS NOT ALL SHADOm (THIS rAfJK IS FULLY TROTECTiO BY COPTBIOnT) SCHOOL DAYS Bu DW1G Worth His Best A young couplo went to a minis ter's house to get married. After the ceremony the brldejp-oom drew the clergyman aside and said In a whisper: "I'm sorry I have no money to pay your fee, but it you'll take me down into the cellar I'll show you how to fix your sas meter so that it won't register." San Francisco Argonaut. FOR THE "DURATION'' BUNNY'S ALPHABET K ddie& We love To n.ca.ir them. ?io tit TKeyVe always Welcome iVfc oixr rxou.se XKey 11 tiever bind. jl Ox.-b! ottxcl Yfy-ifftiJ? if!W V S 4rl t myEtSfSmtsSmM?MSSEEEEii.tmu- it i ' -. K mtBEEEEEEEmEEEW&m- &B Jack What you got there. Tommy? Tommy A bllnkln' politician. Jack What you goln' to do with 'im? Tommy rut Mm in Ms proper place. -The llystander. A GOOD BLOWING W TOMBOY TAYLOR STARTED THE RACE WITH HER LOADED AIRGUN IN SUCH A MANNER Ti HER LITTLE BROTHER GOT THE JUMP ON HIS OPPONENT -:- Bff FONTAINE?, n 5snf& Thf Pa&tnr Sho Indignant Owner of Gas-Driven Motor Tou blithering idiot ! I told you not to smoke. Take a month's notice. THE MENTALITY OF MANNHEIM 1 . f yrj6. itfWtt !-"& I'lS' hi ,i 'i ,r . (t"t' A MArtKS-GlT ( KEADY -S !3 11871 JL a iff &r ii" XRki. $gi 'AT DONT ) nT SESM Q PAIR IT .1" M Jmr iiV IT A1 .fea1 m ' foi 'A' .-. "Si'-wa t ?' A.- (tiV Hu. 'fig Ain't He the Funny Guy? Tha IlrstRndcr. Herr Dummkopf (enjo)liiR the doings of the Cntlias) l:o' ho! Zeye schwi'in-doRS of Ensllsch, und zelr vlfea und chlltren plown all to pieces! Ya, ya, Id Irs untenlably a oharacterUlic Cherman-humor-plece. The Same (When the Royal A ir Force Is overhead) Oott in Hlm mel ! Zese efll-mlnded prultes to so drobblng bombs on Innocent beoplcs! Id iss apsolute murder. Vat Ifk ic goot of ze "Cheneva Con entlon" If such adrocitles are bermltted? llvlW Uv s What using: in gcrnon?" "Draft tine." The Purple Caw. kind of horses are they the National Army, Al- horses, I beliexe, Celes- BROAD AND CHESTNUT By BUNNY M mmmmmm i mmmm i Ttixtr) irA I ini l is . x dv?Jr$ 3 fsrVlJP-SsSs, f2 ( he i ti tifc I 4299 Vl V'M VJW L he cirned x.ti V?' X. l ainly loolod. Lunny av Yi Wly Ke hefcL i-t o M '' 'ufi. ?-f tt titnfeero K cert 1 a.Ied hitn He ow !X! Wh Nor- Whcn I owe a bill or "two I tind it always .-pay uix. to promcnaa T"! .vx' H Aioinb To pick otti. alley ways 5TiVfiC '' i IVJ Beyond the Pale "What did he do when he got the gate?" "Why he took offense." The Purple Cow. Once Is Enough '31 Do you always celebrate your iit birthday? Naw. Just once a year. The Purple Cow. .-Ti, THE GUMPS Andy Can't See the Seriousness of It Yet Copyright. 1918, by The Tribune Co. Bff SIDNEY SMITH W o V jH w - lANVBoDy THAT WOOL Ji I HAvJE KUINEO I CAN'T KEE-P FROrAl OOC NE WAb SHO or A P-,R& CftAvCKER I Nt POfe V LAytrNIK)'- 1'l.L V Q Kl H Eli FACE ( OF RVCWT UNDEfc Hl I I L,pf NVB PORCET N vxWPN VWAVPIDt ) i - j r. w . r at. ii - i i i mm r iw . iv iz wa v n TK WF. A J Vlfafty V . I IWTE - J ' JL " 1-. J afr I v; P-a 3 EEEEEEEEEi y"' ' i' BpA EEEEmMyjw i EEEmMrltB '' EEEEEEE .r J& EEEEEmmr .r J& " . EEmrrJ pt vyvyvfis I i. r-o' "" l 4' 'I H - v ' "1 PETEYNext Time Pete Will Ask the Victim's Name Early By C. A. VOIGHT -i-r-t -ARE Voo "N reALlV AKIOA TkOLV TUE HFE-5AVER? HHrjnrTrfS "Sep Like, everv- "TVmwt? -ELse.n-iis NeAe-TkeN come. SMORTTfeR. 7lfs DO Nou CIVE. SM1MMIHC LfeS-5QM&?J : k r Vo ! LACN.NoO iAID VT Could NOO STAUT i-k- -. .- . . - MfcVl IM.'l jfi ( Pleasure 'ss oh .That's Mt. m CAtc Father ftuviT Awam Hs's ALmW5 VuViTeo Tb LCAtSM OS) ss v MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES f K (& F 9f rr s-sai I .'LETS f fUMPKCH "VKttKM V tTH THtx PHNY HWR, TH'-Dft(rV' . "? uA RUlu.a nn all ..rr tUL UUI llic lisi.Mt'. .. fw.Jvi sides. Then carefully fold dotfe-Sl line 1 into tntlre length. Thej dotted line S, and so on. Fold erne section underneath, accurately. 1 a .. ja " v s JJ J isir 3 l II Vl-'S SMI W& : ;vi ' II vx m .a -jty ??M1 A-Jrt, i5 A wyxm .v. 1 0n k- When completed turp over,' i you'll find a surprUlncre$uIL" tM OlJ the plcturwfc" , - - .J)fl "' j-!-) t : '' J-4.&-.-i.". irffetajfS ?! '-'-',",' a i .. ,x.. . '''"'". ".t:.T:irNH.li .V . a. V" j . i, ' tvji-"-- .n . ' .- . 4,lLC.',WiiSi - -i? .. :.-.; k i,.. .4'. &; .. 'kl.T. JJrAM4.t.l " "r