Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 05, 1918, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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V-HYI 1 KS gnriHtifi!
Ten Others Reported Dead in
Pershing's Casualty List
Containing 23 Names
oy me united Press
Washington, July 5. -Twenty-three
casualties were re
ported to the War Department by Gen
era Pershing today, divided as fol
lows': Five killed In action J seven deaths
from wounds ; two,deaths. from disease :
io death from accident and other
causes; three woundeoV severely; Ave
missing In action.
, "The list follows: v
1 ' Privates
KEOOir.J J., New York.
ttlARTIN, C , Butte, Mont.
SL'T.N'KER. F , Terry. Mont.
STEEVES, R. F Derby. Conn.
-ZORNES, O I,.. Kehoe. Ky.
HEROLD, J.( J., Jr., New York.
BARIBAULT, 1,. A., Springfield, Mass.
'DI CRESCO, F., Italy.
DTJDAT.A. J., Russia.
(COTIiIN, J.. Cleieland: O.
SCHWEMMER. O , Milwaukee, Wis.
SNYDER, F. S.,' Meadowbrook. W. Va.
RAEZER, J. W , San Antonio, Ter. ,
ZONA, O., Italy.
Private '
BERNSTETTER, I,., Fodora, S. D.
VAN OSTRAND, A. M., Lewlston, Idaho.
LAMBERT, R. E., Roseillle. Cal.
OLSEN, C. A., Hartlngton, Neb.
FAULK, L. B., Monroe. La.
DEITERS. H.. Brooklyn. N. Y
CROIX. M. DE S , Savannah, N. Y.
HALLINAN. M. T.. BrookIn, ,N. Y.
SNOWMAN. W. E.. Blue Hill, Me.
hVHALEN. J. L.. Rtsllndale. 'Boston, Mass.
Note Preilously reported missing, now
reported dlscharsed to depot division for
Trlvate i
NIVER, R. S., Hartford. Conn.
' .-''" A".
Railroad Administration Tells
Governor Edge Congestion
JVIakes Cut Impossible
Trenton, X. J July 3.
It4 Is impossible for the railroad ad
ministration to grant reduced fares to
soldiers and sailors on short leave, the
same as Is charged those on furloughs.
This Information Is conveyed in a letter
to Governor Edge'n reply to a com
munication he sent recently to Director
GeneralMBAdoo urging that the reduc
tion bfe made. The reply was made by
Edward Chambers, of the division of
trafflrln "Washington, to whom Governor
Edge's letter was referred.
Mr. Chambers said that the primary
consideration from the standpoint of
the railroad administration is that of
conservation of equipment and motive
power, and that even at normal fares
there are a number of instances between
army camps and nearby cities, where the
furnishing of equipment and motive
power for week-end leaves of abbence
is a serious problem.' The taking care
of the men who wish to visit their homes
while on furlough Is the main purpose
of the order of the director general of
Le Valorosc Trlippc Italiane
Occupano Altre Tmportanti
Published and Distributed Under
, . PERMIT No S41
Authorized by the act of October (I
aeiDhlanp ' ,he r,,ofn:a ' rnlla
'By order 'of the PrsMnt,
Postmaster General.
Romn, 5 Gugllo.
Dalle notlzle glunte dal fronte dl bat-
taglla, confermate dsl,rappprtl del Quar-
tier Generale Italiano, si rlleva che gll
Itallanl, nel movlmento dl oftenslva,
InUlato fln da martedl', lungo II fronte
del basso Plave, contlnuano a, consej
gulre de gll Importantl guadagnl ed
anche lerl occuparono nuove zone dl tef
reno. Contlnuando le loro operazlonl nlla
reglone delle montagne gll Itallanl hanno
esteso le poslzlonl occupate alia, testa
della Valle San Lorenzo.
Altrl combattlmentl local! si sono verl
flcatl sul fronte ael Plave e gll Itallanl
catturarono 223 prlglonlerl, parecchle
mltragllatrlcl e molto materlale da
guwra. II lavoro dl dlstruzlone delle
mltragllatrlcl nascoste nelle case e dletro
I rlalzl del terreno, contlnua efficacls
slmo, da parte del soldatl Itallanl, nella
zona della costa adrlatlca.
II MInlstero della Uuerra ha pubbll
catb, nel pofhf rlgglo dl lerl, II seguente
comunlcato: ,
"D'ambo le parti del flume Brenta ab
blamo allargata e consolldata la nostra
occupazlone nlla fine della Valle San
Lorenzo ed a Monte Cofno.
Sull'altlplano dl Aslago ripartl lnglesl
e francesl penetrarono nel trineeramentl
nerniya Canoye e Bertlgo e catturarono
"Nel corso degli ultlml due glornl 1
nostrj areoplanl da bombardamento set
tarono circa 18.000 chilojrramml dl
bombenegl importantl centrl e croclvie
del nemico.
"Nel basso Plave truppe e trasportl
austrlacl furono attaccati dal fuoco delle
mltragllatrlcl del nostri avlatorl I quail
volarono a basse altezze.
"Una nostra aereonavc efflcacemente
bombardo' un allacclamento ferrovlario
nemico nella Val Sugana."
.1 corrlspondentl dl guerra presso II
Quartler Generale Italiano segnalano che
lungo II basso corso del Pla,ve 1 com
battlmentl In progresso sono violent!,
come quell! che si verlflcarono In detta
reglone la scorsa settlmana. e si rendono
dimcoltosl a causa delle condition! del
terreno paludoso, della sahbla e del
cespugl. Gll Itallanl attaccarono le
posizioni austrlache In quattro' punti,
In detta reglone, e lungo un fronte dl
Gll attstrlacl rlusclrono a gettaro
dodlcl pont! provvftorl sul Plave, ma
furono Immedlntamente dlstruttl dagll
aviator! Itallanl. Essl gettarono aopra
dettl pontl del barili dl petrollo In
flamme,- completando la distruzlofce. La
fanterla calma asslsteva all 'opera
degli avlatorl e poscla si gettava sopra
gll austrlacl, rtmastl al dl qua del
Piave, annlchlehlendoll.
Nel successivl assalti n, nord dl Monte
Grappa, tra 11 Brento(ed 11 Plave, Marte
dl' gll itallanl guidagnarono jiuove posi
zioni che gll austrlacl mantenevano fin
dal decembre scorso. Oltre a moltlssiml
priglonierl austrlacl ssi Uberarono
soldatl Itallanl che eranp statl catluratl
dal nemico In asiato e costrettl poscla
a lavorare nolle llnee nuotrlache, sotto
II fuoco del cannon! itallanl. Le nuove
posizioni conqulntate dncll itallanl do-
mlnano 11 flume Btfhta c Vnlstagna, la
quale da' aclito alia valle del basso
Brenta. Ad occidente del flume' la Valle
Frenzela offro. un approccio per gll
austrlacl, ma non puo' essere plu' "usata
poiche' gll Itallanl hanno oociipata la
domlnante poslzlone dl Colic Rosso.
"Nella zona costale contlnua la nostra
metodlca dlstruzlone dl numerose mltra
gllatrlcl nascoste nelle case e dletro I
rlalzl dl terreno. A Nord dl Cavazuc
cherlna guadagnammo terreno o cat
turammo 223 prlglonlerl, compresl uffl
clall, nonche" parecchle mltragllatrlcl ed
ura grande quantlta' dl materlale.
k J
99 Ato r
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2&&m:ur?tiJW tr.
and polarine a
AS the Army truck-trains roll across the Keystone State, they are
Jr met by representatives of The Atlantic Refining Company who
see that the trains are supplied with reliable old Atlantic Motor Oils
and Atlantic Gasoline. Sometimes the Atlantic tank-wagons meet
the Army-trains on the high-roads and sometimes the trains stop at
filling stations along the wayside. Either way, they are sure of getting
the motor oils that Keep Upkeep Down. It is highly important that
YOU, too, use these same oils in your trucks and business-cars. It is
in keeping with the thrift policy of the times. Ask any of these
dealers which particular Atlantic Motor Oil you should use.
188 North 22d St., Phila., Ts.
203z Snnvom St., Phlln.. Ta.
221 Arch St., Fhlla., Pa.
....23d nnil Market St., I'lilla., Pa.
....23 South 23d St., Fhlla., Pa.
1407 I.oeuat St.. Phila. Pa.
701 .SprliiK Garden St., Phila., Pa.
223 X. Juniper St . Fhlla., Pa.
61 North 20th St.. Phila.. Ta.
2330 Market St., Fhlla.. Ta.
1035 Vine St., riilla.. Pa.
331 North Broad St., Fhlla., Fa.
1430 Manning Ht.. Fhlla.. Fa.
Firestone Tire Rubber Co., Inc. 312-14 North Itroad St., rhila.. Pa.
Glrard Auto Co jmn chestnut St.. Fhlln.. l'u.
uorawy-Srlmarti Motor Cor Co.,Inc.N.W. Cor. Brand Cherry Sts..FhHa.,rn.
.300 North Itroml St.. Fhlla.. Pa.
.235 North Itroad St.. Fhlln., Fa.
.2d and Rare Ht., Flilla, Fa.
.241 North Broad St., Fhlla,, Pa.
.231 North Brond St.. Fhlla., Fa.
.1510 I.atlmer St., I'lilla., I'll.
.1411 I.miiHt St., Fhlla.. Fa.
.103 North 22d St., Fhlln., Fa.
.1231 Wood St., Fhlln,. Fa.
.2.10 North Brood St.. riilla.. Pa.
.250 South Conine St., Fhlln.. Fn.
131 North Juniper St., rhlln.. Fa.
S. E. Cor. Broad & Wood Sti., Fhlla., Pa
S. E. Cor.Broad FarrlMi St.,Flillo.,Fo.
.320.35 South Broad St., Fhlla., Fa.
.510-12 North Broad St., I'lilla., Fa.
.S K. Pnf. ?lf1 A f'lenMt Slw. Plilln I
Studelmker Corp. of America, Tlie..S. W. Cor. Brood nnd fallow hilt sts.
.1315 Wood St.. Fhlla., Fa.
320 North Broad St., rhlla., Fn.
.231 North Juniper St., Fhlla.. Fa.
.210 North Broad St.. Fhlla., Pa.
2 South 21st St., Fhlla., To.
Aleo Sen Ice Co.
Aldlne Garage
Arch Street GoraKe
Autocar Hales A- Hcrrlr Co..
Automobile Club of Phila
BelleTiie-Stratford Auto Supplies.
nercer's GoraKe
Best Auto, Co
Brandj wine Oarage
Broekwaj- Motor Truck Co
Cm annueh Gaiace
Chevrolet Motor Co. of rhlla
Ellis Garage
Oriel) & Thotnai
Hoffman, B. F.
Hudforil Fhlla. Sales Co.
Ilupnioblle Sales Corp
Larson Oldsmoblle Co., Ine
T.ntlmer Garnge
Locust Auto Supply Co
Lloyd. K. It
Markwell Wllkle
Mitchell Motor Car Co
New Cnmae Garage
New Lyric Garage
Fncknrd Motor Car Co. of Fhlla,
Pauls' Auto Supplies
Pennn. Garage &. Serlre Co...
Fhlla, Speedometer KcmUc Co.
Studebaker Corp. of America, The
Leverlngton Garage
Manayung Auto Garage. .
Manayunk Garage . . . .
Manor Garage
Manlielm Garage
MrCallum Garage . . . .
McClenaghan, George . . .
Pulaski Garage ...
Rlnker's Garage
Rlttenhnuse Gnrage
Roxborough Gnrage
Shawmont Hardware Co
Vernon Garage
Wayne Avenue Garage .
Wayne Motor Co
Whlnp, Frank
White Snan Garage.
. Leierington and Ridge Are., Fhlla., Fo.
.Main and Ilupont St.. Phila., Fa.
.4330 Main St., Manajunk, Fhlla., Ta.
.447 Oneen Lane, Fhlla., Pa.
. Mnnhelm and Kejser St., rhlla., Ta.
..'.10 Sedgwick St., rhlla.. Pa.
. Ridge Ave. ond Leierlngton St.,
.3710 Pulaski Ave, Fhlla., Pa.
410 W. Coulter St., Fhlla., To.
210 W. Rlttenhnuse Lone, Fhlla.,
.4417 -Mitchell St., Fhlla., To.
.700 Ridge Ate., Fhlla., rn.
. T)oret and Sprague St., Fhlla.,
.5130 Wnjne ve., riilla.. Fa.
.4021 Wnjne Ave., Phila., Fa.
.0151 Ridge Aie., Fhlla.. Fa.
Gcrmantonn Mt. Airy Aves, Fhlla.
WIahlekon Garage Repair Shop.Rldge Ave. ad Cresson St., Fhlla., Fa.
hweenrj. Jollies J
United States Tire Co.
Whitehead & Hughes
White Co, The
Waldrcn, Fotrlt k ....
Angora Garage
Amerhan Motor Club
Atlas Garage
Atlas Storage Warehouse
nnd service Station
Baltimore Gnrage Co
Rnrtram Garage
llelmar Garage
Belmont Garage
BUtmore Gnrage
Bin's Garage
Bobb. Joseph
Bradley Garage
Itiipkninn Tllllnnrfli .Tr
f Burns' Garage
ui mo uruer ui mc uiiuuiur general oi on AAA O, C? Tl xrf.1l' riiKr.
railroads, Mr. Chambers said, and he OU,UUU-5tar Service tflag Will CheMnut Street Onrage.
adds that the reduced fare rate was i t i-i i i I foluinhlii Garage
re Larneu in iiiannc
granted on short-term passes only after
thorough consideration by the War and
Navy Department and the. railroad ad
ministration. In reply to the contention
raised by Governor Edgo that the ques
tion of to what degree" the furlough or
pass privilege was extended would still
be up to the military authorities and
that he felt that they could bo trusted
not fo expand the privilege in such a
vay that would be a. burden on the
transportation UnA, Mr. Chambers said
that the military authorities would In
many Instances not have direct knowl
edge in regard to railroad congestion or
lack of equipment nor could they ejy
well anttclpat'e what disposition men on
short leave of absence would make of
their time as to whether or not they
would make railroad trips. ,
In concluding his letter, Ir Cham
brs said that the director general, being
so Vvhole-heariedly In sympathy with
the purposes and views which have
prompted the request, it Is with much
reluctance that this rather unfavorable
response must be made.
City Parade
'Hurry Up" Action Necessary
to Complete Work by
Tomorrow Night
, ' By the United Press
' WailUngton, July 5.
Whether Congress is to take a six
weeks' recess to allow members to rer
buit political fences will In all proba
bility be determined within the next forty-eight
hours. ,
Backers of wire control legislation
-ware planning to get the Sanders reso
lution up today and rush It through the
House- .Chairman 81ms of the House
Interstate Commerce Committee, today
maintained thaChe had the backing of
President Wilson tn thlsplan. and that
Congress might hear from the White
House' unless It Is carried through.
fin the other hand. House Majority
Leader Kitchln and others were still firm
lflthelr determination to reach recess
by tomorrow night,
f his plan would necessitate the most
',"hurry-up". kind, of action In, the army
bill- and' other supply measures upon
Which both branches have shown a die
ppjltion to take their time and go Into
y,$peaker Clark, Is one who Is still hold-
-!M'0Ut',agalnst a recess, and with his
bliklng there Is a chance that the
r jKiwer oiii may no lorcca up ai
,-.,VA pecmi ruie, loriimmeaiate con-'
wn 9i inn measure naa aireaay
Atlantic City, July 6.
A firm determination' on the part of
half a million members of the Benevo
lent -and Protective Order of Elks In
North America to stand solidly behind
the Government In Its crusade for peace
and order In the world will be the key
note of the war" reunion here next week.
Thousands -of Elks from all partsf
the country already have arrived. At
lantic City Is being transformed into
one gigantic) American flag through the
Use 6f masses' of red. white and blue
bunting. The most spectacular feature
of convention week, which begins on
Monday with the official welcome to
the Grand Lodge on the Million Dollar
Pier by Governor Edgo and Mayor
Bacharach, both of whom are Eiks,
will be the parade next Thursday.
President Wilson set his stamp of
approval upon .this demonstration when
he said in a letter to Fred . Harper,
grand exalted ruler:
"The parade might naturally be the
outcome of such counsels, and suggest
to the eyes of the people who witness it
the very serious purpose and the united
Itsentlment of the order."
TJ...H.. on nnn .A.-nii,.-. a ,1... tii. .ii.
- MMy fvtvvv uiciiiucid VA llio C1KS Will
participate In the parade. On the re
viewing stand Tvlth Grand Exalted Ruler
Fred Harper will be Secretary of the
Navy Josephus Daniels, who will repre
sent Presldent'Wilson and deliver an Im
portant message from the nation's Chief
Executive. A gigantic, service (lag con
taining 30,000 blue, silver and gold sears,
the latter for those wounded or killed on
the battlefields of France, will be carried
In the parade, it is the largest service
flag In the country. Ope of the tiny blue
stars will be for General John Pershing,
who is an, Elk.
The parade will be made up of twenty
divisions. A past grand exalted ruler
of the Elks will lead each of the twenty
divisions. No. 1 A'lll be lead by Joseph
T Fanning, of New York ; No. 2, Mayor
John Galvln, of Cincinnati ; No. 3
William J. O'Brien; No 7. 'Robert W
Brown! No. 8, Henry A. Melvln; No,
9, former- Governor John K. Tener, of
Pennsylvania; No. 10, Rush L. Holland ;
No. 11, J. U. Sammls; No. 12. August
Herrmann; No. 13, Thomas B. Mills;
No. 14, Edward Leach'; No. 15, Ray
mond Benjamin; No. " 16, James R
Nicholson, of Boston; No. 17, Edward J
Rlghter; no. iB,.ASieny Apperly; No
19,- Hertry S. Sanderson; No. 20, Wil
liam E. English.
Eachlbdga. and thers will be hundreds
from the North," South. East and West,
wli; carry Its service flag, showing the
number of members In the '"service of
Uncle Sam.
The Orand Marshal will be Colonel
John P. Sullivan, of New Orleans, for-
Yner grand exojted ruler, who Is pres
ent grana esquire oi ins oruer.
Cosmopolitan Garage
B2 St. Giirage . . .
Edgewood Garage
Eans' Garage
Fernmood Garage
BStll St. Garage..
Fischer's Garage .
Fling's Garage . . .
Furnwal's Garqge
. . . .S7tli, below Baltimore Ave., rhlla., Fa.
. . ..2B1 S. 52d St., I'lilla.. Fa.
267 Glrnrd Aic. I'lilla., Fa.
.1038 Glrard Aie., Phllo., Fa.
. .. . Afitli and Baltimore A-e Phila.. Fa.
55th and Chester Aie.. Fhlla., Fa.
Cist iiml Vine Ms., rhlla.. Fo.
IS 10 Belmont Ate., Fhlla., l'u.
4!tlt nnil Chestnut Sts., Fhlla., Fa. .
1542 V. Rt-dliclil St.. l'hilii.. Ta.
COtli and I.urclinond Sts., Fhlla., Fa.
...4527 Lancaster Ae.. Fhlln., Fa.
R41 X. Holly St., Fhlla., Fa.
fiftlO Market St., I'lilla., Fa.
484s Chestnut St.. l'hll.i.. Fu.
421 N. rflst St., Fhlln.. Fn.
, 44 .South 57th St., Fhlla., Fa.
.V-'d und Wynlusln.T Ate.. Fhlla.,
lSil North (list St.. Phllo., Fn.
43TO Brown St.. Fhlla., Fo.
, COth anil Baltimore Ae., Fhlla.,
115 Noith' 58th St., Fhlla., Fa.
, 1047 Falrmount Aie., Fhlla., Pa,
, C2d and Cedar Ave., Fhlla,, Fa,
6153 Glrard Ave.. Fhlla., Fa,
Acorn Garage. . .
Almond, Garage
American Motor Club, Inc.
Atlantic Garage
Brighton Garage J. .
Branagan's Garage
Ilnln Betz Gnrage
Beildow. Harry
Bell Motor Co
Black & White Co
Itrinkman Bros
Brown's Auto Service Co...
Burger, A. G
Bolln's Garage
Croicn Garage . . .
Carllle & Bouglity
Carroll,. Geo. I,. Co., Inc..
Cnlincksink Garage
Connor Garage
Crow n Girage
Jlnupliln Garage
Kmerald Gurage
Kast Glrard Ave. Gnrage. . .
Kliert's Broad St. Garage..
Kurekn Garage
. . Carlisle and Oxford Sts., Fhlla., Fa.
..3300 Almond St., rhlln., Fo.
S80II X, Broad St., Fhlla., Fo.
. ..20lh and Atlantic Sts.. rhlla., Fa.
. . 1021 Sejhert St.. riilla.. Fb.
. . .3M Flser St., Phllo., Fa.
. ..2020 n St., Fhlla., Fo.
...1540 Oxford Flke, riilla., Fo.
...BIS X. Broad St., Fhlla., Ta.
...1742 Jf. Broad St., Phllo., Pa.
...2017 Fronkford Ave., riillo.. Fa.
...1537 Thompson St., Fhlla., Ta.
...1510 N. 25th St., riilla.. To.
. . 3510 Longshore St., Phila., Ta.
. . 3207 Kensington Ave.. Fhlla., Pa.
. . . 2530 N. Broad St., Fhlln.. Fo.
. . 10 ". Broad St.. Phllo., Pa.
...1020 V. Franklin St, Phllo.. Ta.
...1550 T.. Montgomery Aie.. Fhlla., Fa.
...3420 Bench St.. Phila., To.
..1131 . Dauphin St., Fhlla., To.
..3017 Hmeralil St., rhlla.. Pa.
..709 n. Glrard Ae., Phllo., To.
..2420 N. Broad St., Fhila., Fn.
..1520 N. Marston St., Fhlln., Fa.
Franklin Garogo 1020 Spring St., riilla.. Po.
Frledrlch. .lolin.
Feltnn, Jacob & Co
J'oehl's Garage
I'runkford Auto Supply Co
Vront St. Garage
Garner, Samuel
Gllihs, Morris
Gilkes' Garage
Glrnrd Garuge
Globe Rubber & Tire Mfg. Co. ... ,
l.lrnrd Garage & Motor Car Co. .
t, ussier, Bo ston J ,
titllibllis, Joseph ,
Groienstlne, George
Guarantee uto KXcliange, Iric. . ,
Ilelnel (iarage
Hannah, oriuun II
Hummel, .1. F,
151 Itlslng Sun I.nne. riilla.. To.
.5307 Itlslng ISun I.nne, Fhlla., Pa.
.2233 N 10th St.,. Fhlla.. Fa.
.1005 Sellers St., Flilla.. Fn.
. Front and Richmond Sts., Phllo., Pa
.2325 Pennsylvania Aie., rhlla.. Fa.
.4807 X. Brood St.. Fhlla., Fa.
.Watts ond Allegheny Aim,, Fhlla.,
.1104 V. 4th St.. Fhila., Fa.
.804 X. Broad St., riilla.. Fo.
.!3nR w. Glrnrd Aie., Phllo. , Po.
.1B3S i:. Allegheny Aie.. Fhlln., Fa.
.2120 i:. Somerset St.. Flilla., To.
.3330 Brood St., Fhlla., Fa.
.020 X. Broad St.. Fhila., Fo.
.4354 X. 7lh St., Fhlla., Fa.
.2002 Kensington Aie., Flilla., Fa.
3030 Glrard Aie., Fhila., F
Robinson & Kreiraon Auto Co,
loruan, .1. J
Bails, Anna C
Kej stone Garage
Mnhan Garage
Oualltj Tire Shop
Ashbourne Garage
Brookslde Service Station
Bala Garage
Benvyn Garage
MoDowell Si Bath
Boerlng, II
Ilannum, F.. F
Winters, Clarence
T rol, John J
Clark Garage
Christie Garage
Grleb Si Thomas (Motor Shop)
Lengle, R. II
Madden Garage
Moore, John I.
Wornr, J. Morton
I.en Zengle'a Garage
Boores, A. I,
Bustleton Garage
Yellond. Geo. J
Wiley, Fred n
Bishop Auto Shop
I.arkln & Bloom
Marvel, Charles
Xelson, Win. II
Schlosbon, Jos. J
Roscnblum, B
Thompson, John
Ward. C. B
White, E. F.
Baj lln. Harry
Benjamin, Edward II
Beaumont, James C, Garage. .
Collins, Hugh
Gnley Hardware Co
Fenia, G
Fryer, James & Son
Hornby, Geo. If
Highland Garage
Layman. A. M
Lemke, II
MacDanald, Charles
Truax Bros
Palace Garage
Clifton Heights Garage....
Xelson, Crawford
Perkln-, .?. G
Collliigdnle Garage
Rhodes, Thomas 11
Rambo, Theo. II
Flzzano's. Thomas & Bros..
Cy nwj d Garage
Main Street Garage Darby, Fa
The Service Station C. E. Purdy) Darby, Fo
. . Ablncton, Fa.
. . An Bora, Pa.
. . . Ardtnore, Pa.
. . . . Ardmor, Pa.
. . . .Anlmorf, Pa.
. Ardmor. Pa.
. .Ashbourne, Pa.
. . Unltlmnre At.(( Antora, Pa,
. . . Hula, Pa.
Kemjn, Pa.
.... Ilfrwyn, Pa.
. Betliayrp, Pa.
.... Hrand w Ine Summit, Fa.
.. . IlrKtol. Pa.
....234 Slulberry St., nrlstol, Pa.
. . Itryn Mawr, Pa.
. l.ryn 3lavr. Ia,
.Ilryn 3IaTr Pn.
. Itrjn Mawr, To.
.Hrn Mawr, Pa.
. Itrjn Mawr, Pa.
.Ilryn Mawr, Fa,
.Hrn lanr, Pa.
.nuntleton. Pa,
.HiiAtleton, Pa.
r,a.A. i nn.ii.iH, -on,. u.ia a.1. ?,
X-.I,& ., U. .UU.,,r,UU Ai.,W MnfS',
.Biers. Fa.
.Cheltenham, Pn.
.Chester, Fn.
.Chester, Fn.
.Chester, Fa.
.Chester, rn.
.Chester. Fa.
.Chester. Fa.
Chester, Po.
.Chester, Po.
.143 West 3d St., Chester, Pa.
.1205 West 3d St., Chester, Pa.
204 East 3d St., Chester, Pa.
.7th and IJoyd Sts,. Chester. Fo.
. 13 West 3d St., Chester, Fa.
.227 Broomall Ave,, Chester. Fa.
.146 West 3d St.. Chester. Fa.
8th and Crosby Sts.. 'Chester. Fa.
2830 West 3d St., Chester, Fa,
122 Penn St., Chester, Pa.
603 East 7th St., Chester, Fa.
C 507 Madison St.. Chester, Fa.
7th & X'orth Sts., Chester, Pa.
..Olli 4- Crosby sts., Chester, Fa.
..Clifton Heights, Fa.
..Clifton Heights, Fa.
..Clifton Heights, To.
. .Colllngdale, Pa.
. . Colllngdale, Pa.
. .Concord vlUe, Pa.
. . Crum X.yne. Po.
. .Cynwyd, Fa,
II. X'. A. Automobile Supply House. 2822 X..Bronil St., Fhila., Fa.
Groawlth Electrio Co 1407 Xorth S2d St., Fhila., Fa.
Hamilton Garage Co....
Herbert's Garage
Kerr, Fronk, Garage ..
Klngsesslng Garage . . .
Kreltzrr Garage ......
Keorns' Garage
La Roche Motor Co
Llncolnway Gnrage
Morion Garngc
Michigan Garage
Mount Vernon Garage..
New Bartrom Garage.
Northwestern Garage . .
4040 Locust St., Fhlla., Fa.
5445 Pearl St., Pblla., Fa.
6110 Glrard Air., Fhlla.. Pa.
6226-28 Broomall Aie., Fhlln., Fa.
...... .4237 Lancaster Ave., Phllo., Pa.
5117 Chancellor St., Phila.. Po.
6212 Filbert St.. Fhlla.. Fa.
413-15 Xorth 03d St.. Fhlla.. Pa.
6020 Ludlow St.. Phila., Po.
4220 Belmont Aie., Phllo., Po.
3504 Mt. Vernon St., Phlln,, Fa,
42d and Chestnut Sts., I'lilla.. Pa.
1705 North 50th St., rhlla., Fo.
Old Post Office Garage 3800 Market St., Phllo., To,
Regent Street Garage 1618 Regent St., Fhlla., Fa.
Reliable Garage 210 South 40th St., Fhlla.. Pa.
Richards-Kelly Co 340 X. 57th St., Fhlla., Pa.
Sloan's Garage 6208 Broomall Ai e., Phllo., Pa.
Smith's, Garage 40th ond Arch Sts., Phllo., Fa.
Springfield Avenue Garage 6015 Sfirlpgfleld Aie.. Fhila.. Fa.
Stnrllier. W. L. 5180 DrLanrey St., Phllo.. Po.
Westford Garage 3701-5 Brondyu Ine St.. I'lilla., Fo.
W. Fhlla. Garage Mocli. Works. .610 Xorth 35 Hi St., Fhlla.. Fa.
West Fhlla, Garage 6123 Sansom St.. Phila., Fo.
West Phila. Model Garage 4535 Chestnut Si., Phila.. Fo,
Williamson Garage 57th ami Willows Ale., I'lilla., Pa.
Wilson Garage 56th and Greenwoj' Aie., Phila,, Fa.
Wlndolph Oarage 5546 Chestnut St.. Fhlla., Pa.
Woodland Garage 61st and Woodland Ale., Fhlla., Pa.
Alvln Garag 1208 South 23d St, rhlla.. Fa.
Alexander Auto Service 1816 South 23d St., Phllo., Fa.
Alexander Auto Service 24ZK .iiinun St.. I'lilla., n
Hanoier Oarage..
Halnlen Co., The
Herman's Garoge
Hinsdale Garage
Howard Garage
Ilolden Bro
Home Sen Ice Garage.
Ibortt & Gilliam
.lower, A. E
Inner, A. E
Johnson, Bruce
,.1247 E. Columbia Ave., Fhlla., Fa.
..831 X. Broad St., Fhlla., Fo.
..2731 X. Cabot St., Fhlla., Fo.
..206 X. E. Boulemrd, Fhlla., Fa.
..2310 X. Howard St., Fhlla., Fa.
..4325 Fronkford Ave., rhlla., Fa.
..4011 X. Broad St., Fhila., Pa.
..2031 X. 34th St.. rhlla.. To.
..004 X. Brood St., Fhlla,, Fa.
..2725 X. Broad St., Fhlla., Pa.
..1433 X. Park Aie., Phllo., r.
Messl. A. R Co.
Slpler, F. II. . .
suope's Garage
Dei on Garage
Williams, J. F. .
MrCaughey, J, E.
Husband's, John
Sleberlln. n. ...
Meller, Walter ..
Sturgls, Charles .
Dean. If
. 10th and Cedar Ave.. Darbr. Fa.
..Main St., Darby, Pa,
.6th ond Walnut 8t., Darby, To,
. Dei on. Fa.
Kensington Garage 3010 Amber St., Fhila., Fa,
K ine. Thomas B
Katz, Harry
Kendrkk. A C
Kelfer . Ross
Ke.istone W agon Works.
K. B. Garage
Kennord, W. A
Lafujette Garoge
Lafayette Garage
Lial Garage
Lotz Garage
I.orch, Louis
f.llhse Bros.' Garage
Louderharh, Louis
Murkee Garuge 10th and Broun Sts., Fhlla., Fa.
..2533 Emery St.. Flilla., Fa.
..1300 Germantown .Vic, rhlla.. Fa.
..188 East Sharpnnrk St., Flilla., Fa.
..2514-16 E Cumberland St., I'lilla. ,,1'a.
..2d and Xorris Sts., I'lilla.. Fn.
..2908 1'letrher St., Pliilu., Fa.
..City Line ond Oak Lane.
..4730 Xorth Broad St.. I'lilla., Fa.
..310-42 East Somerset St., I'lilla., Ta.
..2844 Bolldlnut St., Fhlla., Fa.
..4131 l'rimkforrt Aie., 1'llila., Fo,
. .Scilgley Aie. .v Diamond St., Flilla,, To.
..280, North 6th St. I'lilla.. Fa.
.50(10 Torresdale Aie., Fhlla., Fa.
Merkel. Thomas
.Marlborough Gurage
Metropolitan uto supply Co
Marcury Machine Co
Mrllrlile, BenJ
Mt. Vernon Garage
Mutual Garage
Mjers Garage
McClay, h. Armour.
2d St. Flke X. E. Boiileiord, Fhlla,, Fa.
in uaivut, oi iiiiuiiiiiuii , o, j,
Ige Jerome B, Fisher, of Jamestown,
Y. ; No. 4. B. M. Allen : 'ifo 6,
igressman Charles E. Pickett: No. ",
Augustine Garage
Auto Service & Garage Corp....
Aion Garags
Bankers '&' Merchants' Garage.
Broadway Auto Supply Co
Broadway Garage
Carlisle Garage
Carpenter Garage
Edwards, E. A ,
Edwards, E. 8.
Glrard Fslale Garage ,
lGlbbons Sen Ice Co
Klock's Garage
Manning Garage ,,.!
Moyamenslng Garage
Oles Garage
Olympla Garage
I'atton. I, G
Fenn Garage
ltrllly Garage
Reed, Wm
South Front St. Garage
Southwark Garago
Southern Garage
ITnttr.1 Auto Stores
'Walton Auto Supplies
Wharton Garage
140 Moore St.. Phllo.. Pa.
.,250 Queen St., Phllo., Pa.
. 1925 Fine St., Phila., Fa.
..314 South 4th St.. rhlla.. Fa.
..S. XV. Broad & Fassyunk A v., Phila., Pa.
..1328 McKean. St., Phllo., Fa.
..1203 South Carlisle St., Fhlla., Fa.
..932 Carpenter St., Fhlla., Fa.
..Broad and Fitzwater Sts.. Fhlla., Fa,
..701 South Broad St., Phila., Pn.
..2622 South 18th St., rhlla., Pa.
..416 Locust St., Fhlla., Pa.
..1725 South 21st St., rhtlo.. Fa.
..Rear 1170 South Broad St., Fhlla., Fa.
. .310 Reed St.. Fhlla., Fa.
..2017 South 12th St., Fhlla., Fa.
..1410 Bolnbrldge St.. Fhlla., Fa.
,.763 S. 17th St., Phila., Fa.
..2010-21 South Juniper St.. Fhlla., Ta.
, ,23d and Moore Sis,. Fhlla., Fa.
,.1227 Catharine St., Fhlla., Fa.
..624 South Front St., Fhlla., Pa.
..840 Carpenter St., rhlla., Fo.
..1408.10 South Broad St., Fhlla.. Pa.
. .DeLoncey St. E. of 16th St.. Phila.. Pa.
,.754 S. Broad St., Fhlla., Fa.
. ,S7th nnd Whorton Sts., Fhlla., Ta.
MarllMiioiigh and llen sts.. Phila. Fa.
..710 North Broad St., Phila., Fn.
..2117 North Broad St.. Fhlla., Pa.
. .11,3(1 Margaret St., Fhlla., Fa.
.1316 Mt. Vernon St.. I'lilla. Fa.
1.2017 Kdgemont St., Phila.. Pa.
..1840 North 20th St., Fhlla.. Fa,
. .G St. und Xlcetown Lone. Phila.. Fa.
Northern Bouletard Garage 400K North Buiad St., I'lilla., Pa,
011 X. Broad Garage Co 011 Xorth Broad St., I'lilla., Fa.
N'ettrr. Selig. 84H North Broad St., Fhlla., Fa.
Xew Diamond Garage 2027 North 29th St.. Phila.. Fa.
New Luzerne Garage 4008 North 13th St., Fhlla., Pa.
Serf, Jacob, Jr 3224 North 21st St., Fhlla., Pa.
14 Norm z,tii
.Edge Hill, Fa,
.Edge Hill, Fa.
.Elam, Fa.
.Esslngton, Fa.
.Esslngton, Fa,
.EvAon, Pa.
Ex ton. Fa.
Servls, Abraham Fallslngton, Fa.
Kelly, W. S Fernwood. Pa.
Grelslng, L ..Folcroft, Fa,
Lafferty, Wm. E Folcroft, Fa.
Kaddls, C Font, Pa.
Clayiinol Garage Gladwyn, Fa,
III,-1 1 (.iirnge ..Glenslde, Pa.
Bii!. . Ic.se R Glen Mills, Pa.
Will'rd. Charles , . Hallowell, Ta.
Ilnttmro Garoge Hatboro, Pa,
Wllgus, W. XV Hatboro, Fo.
Oierland Garage Hatboro, Pa.
Ilaierford Court Garage Haierford. Pa.
Freas, J. W Horsham, Fa,
Huntingdon Valley Garage Huntingdon Valley, Fa
Corr, XV. XV Iiyland, Fo.
Ii.ilnnd Garage (I. L. Corr) . . .. Ivyland, Pa, ;,
Jenklnlown Auto Repair Co Jenklntown, Fa.
Jenklntonn Garage Jenklntown, Fa.
suburban Auto Repair Co Lansdowne, Pa.
Central Garage Lansdowne, Fa.
Gertslauer, C. P Loundale, Fa,
Gimbel Bros Low ndale. Pa,
Scott, B. E Lennl, Pa.
Simpson, James Llonvlile, Fa,
Taylor. Edgar II Llontllle, Pa,
Lima Garage Lima, Pa.
skelly, James J LIpio, Fa.
Llanerrh Garage Llanerch, Fa.
Dr. Francis , Llanerrh, Fa.
Moliern Garage Maliero, Fa.
John, C. B S: Bros Malvern, Fa.
Palmer. George E Marcus, Hook. Pa.
Wood Bros Marcus Hook. Fa,
- 4
x la
''?'! -Ik
11. J.. Garage 4th and Market Sts.,' Marcos Hoot. Fa.
Win Media. Pa.
North Fenn Garage
North Franklin Garage
Xorris Gnrage
Northeast Bouleiard supply Co
Oakland Garuge
Olney Gnrage
Pauls. Geo. W
l'arki lew Garage
Fierce-Arrow tiarage
Pauls' Auto Supplies
Parkway Garage
Fhlla. Rubber Tire Co., Inc..
Ffelfer, Louis P., Garage
Pullman Garage
Palace Garage
Red Lion Garuge .-. .
Kosehlll Garage
Mijder'. Garage
Strum's Garage
Strand Garage. . . .
Slner. II. M. C. B.
Steelman Garage
Ablngton .Garage ,
Allen Lane Garage
American Motor Club
Branehtown Garage , ...
Chelten Garage
City. Line Garage ..,
.Dooln. Garage
Felln's Garage
Fleming Bros.' Garage,,.,
Hasslnger'e Garage.,...
Jacob's Garage.
Koelle Motor Co,.....,,.,
8100 (lermaiitnnn Ale.. Fhlla., Fa.
20 Allen Lane, riilla.. Pa.
,.,5661 Chew St., Phila., Pa.
Old York Rd. S. Spencer St, Fhlla., Fa.
646 Kast Chelten Aie., Fhlla., Fa,
j,. City Line and Old York Rd., Phllo., Ta..
T.69th and York Road, Fhlla.. Fa.
4008 Germantown. Ave., Flilla., Fa.
,..3024 Terrace St.. Fhlla., Fa.
68th Are. and York R6ad. Fhlla., Pa.
Morris and Winona Sts., Fhlla.. Fa.
6045 Uermaulown Aie., Fklla.. Fa.
SrhaefOr Garage
Mitch Autn Co
Superior Motor Car Co....
Tenth-Erie Garage
Tlroll Garage
Twentieth Century Harare-
Tull, Isaac F.
Tioga Garage ,
Tarony Garage
Unique Auto ,,,
Vienna Garage .,
Mills Garage ,
Wyoming Garage
Wllkle Motor Supply Co...
Weber, John II . . I
West End Garage
Walters, Geo, A Bros
Walker, J. II
West Allegheny Oarage. .. .
Wlsslnomlng Garag., .,,
St.. Phllo.. Fa.
.1301 North 7th St., Phllo., Pa.
..Huward and N'orrls Sts., Fhlla., Fa.
.N. i;. Bouleiard & Whltakrr St., Fhlla.
. Foulkrod nnd OAkland Sts., I'lilla., Fa.
553.1 North 2d St., Flilla., Po.
.548-2 lilting Sun ie l'hlla , Pa.
.33d and JefTertoii sts.. Phila., Pa.
.2210 North 26th St., Phila., Fo.
1112-20 I'alrnuiunt Aie., Phllo., Pa,
26th and Poplar Sts., Fhlla.. Fa
68(1 North Broad St , Fhlla., Pa.
Blair and Parker Ms., Phila., Fa.
,1608 North Park Aie.. Fhlla., Po.
.625 Xorth 18th St., Phila, Fa.
.2026 North 16th St., Flilla.. Po.
325 East Allegheny Aie.. Phllo., Po,
,1813 sedgley Aie., Phllo., Pa.
.2301, North 28th St.. Phila., Pa.
,8th St. and Columbia Aie., Phila., Fa.
.Ulli and Poplar Sis.. Phllo., Pa.
Church and Tacony Sts., Phllo. Pa.
.in,, .jasper m.. I'liua.. i'a.
Blair and N'orrls sts., Phila., Fa,
2133 Mt. Vernon St., Fhlla., Fa.
1510 Xorth Manlne St., Fhlla., Ta.
10th St. below Erie Aie., Fhlla., Fa.
1138 Ollie St.. Fhlla., Fo.
4223 Xorth Broad St.. Phila., Pa.
2607 Xorth 6th St., Fhlla.. Po.
3431-33 North Broad St., Fhlla,, Fa.
Torresdale Aie, and Longshore St.
(116 Broun St.. Fhlla., Pa.
1028 Atlantic St., Flilla,, Fa.
Blair and Palmer Sts., Fhlla, Pa,
4745 Xorth Broad St., Phllo., Pa.
855 Xorth Broad St., Fhlla., Pa.
2057 Xorth 29th St.. Phila., Pa.
2d ond Somerset Sts.. Fhlla., Pa.
2427 West York St.. Phila., Pa.
.A. ..2331 Xorth Sydenham St., rhlla,, Pa.
2312 West Allegheny Ave., riilla.. Fa.
, ..i.ouuj unman pc, s'liiia., tn.
Y Til. Garage . ...... .fSOlt Xorth Carlisle St., Fhlla., Ta.
M- ( ii'lnugh, C. E
Iiiiliilg. Clarence
Siirene). James II
West End Garage
Wnrrllow, Charles A
Meredith S. Wildman
White, Percy .,
Thompson, Wm. M
Narberth Garoge
Wolton Garage
Lewi,. II. M. Bro
Brighton, Ed
Norwood Service Station ..,
Jones Garage
Mitchell, James J., Garage
Oierbrook Garage
Otrrhraok Taxlrab Service
Katnsden, John V
Paoll Motor Co
Weaier, Adam E t.
Drakyne, Charles 4 Son ...
Lukens. XV. E ,
J.lpplnrott Eadle
Thompson, Wm, M
Brooks, George
White, A. D
Stokes Smith
Durnall, J. D
Green, Howard II
Seal, Joseph S
Crosley, Mr. S. Y
Harper, James .,.,,......
Telehan. C. R J.
Weiss. Geo. A
Hale .Motor Co ,
Xew Stratford Garage ...,,
Boyd, Miller M ,
Gibson Anto Works ,
Few, Abner W. ,,.,
Moses, II. K ,
Simon, J. B., & Bro. . , ,
i-enna. liarage ,,,,,
Mineral Spring Garage
uampDeu. u. ,.,,.
WyuneHeld Garag.
Media. I'a
Media, Pa.
Medio, Po.
Medio, Po.
Media, Pa.
.....MorrlsvlUe, Fa.
Morrlsvllle, Fa.
, ... ..Morton, Fa.
Narberth, Fa.
Narberth, Pa.
Xew town Square, Pa,
Xorwood. Fa.
, . . . . Xonrood Fa.
Overbrook, Fa.
.... .Oierbrook, Pa.
.....Overbrook, Fa.
Oierbrook, Fa.
Oierbrook, Pa. '
Paoll, Fa, i
, ....Penn Park, Fa.
Ridley Park. Fa.
, . ...Rlchboro, Fa,
, . . .Rosemont, Pa.
, . ...Rutledge. Pa.
, ....Somerton, Pa,
, . . .Somerton, Fa.
, . . . Summf rdel., Pa.
Swarthmore, Fa,
Swarthmore, Fa.
, ... SHarthraore, Fa,
.... .Tacoay, Fa.
Milage, Green. iPa.t
Walllngford. Pa.
. .. Warminster, Fa.
.'.V. Wayne, Fa.!
. , . , Wa j ne, Ja.
i, ...Wetttown, a.
....West Chester, Fa.
....West Chester, 'Fa.
....West Chester, Fa.
....West Chester, Pat.
....West Chester. I'a.'
.Willow Grove, Fa
,.,..,.,.. mutiord, Fa.
..,..., i. ttroont raw
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