JW" 13 " T ( .11 r 1.Vy.ti .rf'V"- VUJ' ' ' '" ' ("'" 'v';- t.-U-,',t.,I wrfjj - i -j - ..& ,', ' " at tffl&tomi- Hfi'iW", ' -J. mmv . ' ( r ,r v.. AVbin 1?' -v. THE EVENING TELEGRAPrf J "V sn N Philadelphia, Friday, July 5, 1918 Hk 1 gIN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY I CHRISTEN THEE SCANLON," THEN ANOTHER SHIP LEAVES ITS WAYS Hv.- s - 1 COMMANDEERED BY .ways at tho plant of the UNCLE SAM, the 8500-ton freighter Scanlon, originally intended for tho lumber trade, had the good fortune to receive the Fourth of July as it natal day. The upper photograph shows the Scanlon just'before it dashed down the New York Shipbuilding Corporation, in Camden. In the circle is Miss Helen M. Scanlon, who christened the freighter. Below is the assemblage that witnessed the vessel's first plunge, including.manyof tho Bhipbuilders.who Ja&l&Jfc "worsea-on inwBniyRnanneir'wiYesr w"Vw,Cvs 1. r$r '.-' j v .j&Lr jmI. i?, ,$j 1 -9iTt-i jM$mmtMi 9K&ftfc&