Vr s,V 2W .0 -U w;' . r-" fv 1F5 '0 ..V ' V lyi-i i s ,(" Vj -f . Cn - A m -i v -I f-'Z.fJfy' !' . ZJlUi V SCHOOL DAYS BUNNY'S ALPHABET Ctmas J: or tor ria.ppine&i -tKe LVirxcL We seldom. ti.ri.cL Appa.ren.-tlv' 'Are TuntiinfeTou.iil "i',i,',C ,'?' .si."-, ?,-'.'' .f'Utf! 1 w,y, ,:t it Mj J""1 Wished to Know Where He Stood Lawyer I can't tell Just now whether you should plead guilty or not.' Prisoner Why not? Lawyer Well, It depends upon circumstances. Prisoner Well, what I would like to know. Just for my own curiosity, Is whether I committed the crime or not. Life. PETEYPete Will Have NN 3EAR. Slfe, CAW i Oit?e7 ME To TOE "POST OFFICC? tf 5fer ""yuVTf - v'&rr:m .Bn. V,'yaJ v- j, jrfy X. V"""', V'f-. yJiLM. ENr' y'l" l .t',' TvJmKsSbI jRwLlcdn1!!' ISS7 x've,ot J r rrr i jh Sksy . .V-rmr .-x rf'V HI IhT A V-O.T A VII Flying It never hurts to fall, you know It's just the sudden stop that counts. Remember as you downward bo If your descent be fast or slow It never matters 'till you bounce. It never hurts to fall, you know. It's Just the sudden stop that counts! The Purple Cow. THE GUMPS The Fourth Was Always a Big Day NON CMESVEfci - BOUGHT AU-THES5 JUPOfc-Ol). BUY YOU'LL WAVE TO B REAL CAREFUL LlYYLE &OYS SNOUL& NOV P.L.AY WYN fIR& YOU KNOW- THE BREAKING POINT UttffifEI 111 The raiting Know. Mr. Pawklns (who has Just calculated his liability) Maria, when I ask you "Will you have coftee?" say, "No." or we shall have to walk hove. to Be Introduced to Himself Next I -M SoRfeV, I -IM A STRAV4GEfe Mee J MwSnLt- i EVENING PUBLIC LEmERHILADELPHfA FRIDAY, i- - -ri - T-v ViiiWl' ZlVfJ ZVyXTW jCAXjI-' B DH'IG Smith Girl All Right When a man in mention. The Bryn Mawr girls asks "How much does he know?" The Vassar girl "How much has he got?" The Wellesley girl "Who Is ho?" The Smith girl "Where Is he?" Talc Record. DAtlY PlfcfcWOfcKS Gfe 1 f1 Y0UCH EAN'. I ( -pteAS t- CAM NOO Tfetu mis MHeRE"7Vei I j VjjoTgU "CAHMUPTOOO' 15 i) 11 x -v m nr III II ll UH'IVll flll I ly' V7JUZ XV- IW - (THIS TAUE IS FULLY rnoTECTED B COfYRIOnT) BROAD AN' CHESTNUT X"& noido muck from wkere you. come It -mea-rift more Wk ere vou, b J-U.it aslJtKe Ones WKovc G ottcn. lCTC! A Hard Job, Mato Willie Willis Ma, what Is the "Lord High Chamberlain"? Mamma Willis He Is the man who helps put the king to bed. Willie Willis And does he have to think up the excuses to tell the king's wife? Judse. HARD TIME AT Walter Your pat of margarln e to learn that our meosenger Is only from the stores counter. for Chester STA.KJ5 BACK NO W KEEP AWA AN& - T RBAOX TO RUN. LOOK OUTi I - ' "J 3 : u-?sa! j-cv one eeria.in.ly J jjf J TKcyll SW CJl (Ofttkft Wdv Jill -V W piy 1 ell your I W 1 Kit is 5o Cv m&j nftiiil'ifc- JKlgt ..:.i.:!.; . '.,., Xlii3:;!di's3a0 $)mxwmm;mtev;" -rr MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES ui uui i.,v p.t.iH.b uii a,, luur sides. Then carefully fold dotted line 1 Into entire length. Then dotted line 2, uni so on. Fold each section underneath, accurately. When completed turn over and you'll find a surprising result. Save the pictures. I When i he )4r-V : MnEkphant iLVlhl ft x M II s -. . -r- -v -m irIJl - lTi S1.1JLJ By BUNNt j J Feminine Language First Co-ed (after hearing a "passionate poet" In the Houston Club)-Oh, I think he's all too marvelous. Second of Species Yes, I was so excited that even my gloes were suede with emotion. Punch Bowl. THE HOTEL RICHE won't be long now, sir. I'm slad about three yards of queue away UBT AAE LICiHY OVE ONCE v".tv't'';'".,yM'' .': '.' ' WORK OR FIGHT a Brooklyn E&ile "Take one." Scanty Accommodations A walrus In an Arctic sea Can rind abundant space, But In a Pullman washroom he Is greatly out of pla - ' Ise. mn '542&A ?h 1 mIiii - r rrcrv-vS7r fTAu "ou Teu. me. JL VHtCH WAVSTHEt. ) x2iv station v s ( si. -4v' B u rz. WlT W - i,A 'w A T1 JS alWMtER. JULY ' 5, 1918 r.-ji -t-i-i 'I'HA'i' I I H'H JL M. 1Z A X JLSXAX-S IT IIM VKIfY RASY FOR THK rr nu rwa aja - " - ..... ....----- .............. . ..... .u4aaUUUv rvuua.au Ma9 V Mr , if i ilW. to M m 4 BEAT IT ( J . THE REASON, London Opinion. First Tommy I wonder why tho papers call this the Western Theater of War, Second Tommy Perhapo to give the War Office a chance of stop ping tuppence a day out of our pay for amusement tax. OH MR. DIWK , iT That Your vipe. Tn ' r m mrr f.N VI J I k I I X k- X T V- X IJUU .- POWERFUL KATRINKA TO FIX TI1F. It SLANTS SO MUCH THERE -WE BETTER PUT IT DOWN 'opjrleht, I01S. by The Tribune DOUBTLESS By C. A. VOIGHT owwYRERe: r. . r-r v I ANOY-DIU X r HfcU TAKE- AUU ) ( LOOK 6,ur.' ' i' ' . "i.l't. ... .i ;.;';'":,!::''.f?:l I DOki'T ,;.-.. .;. l n i"UW- im A OIKAHSER.; 21 4a Steffi -, - m w. v 'ittiJ Vf-ZI If I .MFCTV' kJ IX 1 jy V r T. 4"KJi ? TATII.F! Sn IT WntlT.n JJJ? t.KVt By FONTAINE ,FOipg; & THE HllfU FURTHER.. i t By SIDNEY SMITH) Co The Young Lady Across the Way The young lady across the way j says It may be true that her frlendj , in me uuii in t piner, an ine oilier.1 boys say, but she supposes roa.d-2 building Is Just as Important as any-4 thing else In modern warfare. ; 4 , t M Just Now and Then met her, you know no matter? iiu', u 1 And kissed her, I think no matij, 1 ter when. Tou see It doesn't matter now! r l ' In fact, it didn't matter then. At a dance or dinner or some such thing I We met and 1 guess I cave her ring, ;H And kissed her, I think or mqdivt a bow,- Ml And there I was "enga;8r again!" Oh, well, It doesn't matter now; ' . In fact, It didn't matter then. -. T3i u JIUK)' - i-r .- wlK) ! 'Sv i V.f . .?,:& Z:m W M '?r.c 3 .". Sfft-. I ,iy , CAViMrrfg 1 glVl-' s .. wP ISV"' -. 1; .. . t 7 JS .. ':V,riV i ' - . , sr .vr -. -it. 1JTJ L:d&$M M. "U ' li ' '""l" Si' m. L. 1 &jswm .lyv wzBEa