Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 28, 1918, Postscript, Image 3

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I. ..Cf 1 '" vl
r unman 4uu uunaLa
Southeastern Chapter of Red
Cross Undertakes an Am
bitious Program
The 'Southeastern Chapter of the
American Tied Cross has undertaken an
ambitious campaign to get Its quota of
,400 graduate nurses for the army and
nay nurse corps.
These must be recruited from'hlta
t lelphla, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester
and Eucks Counties, and to get this
number without seriously Incomcnlenc
Jng the hospitals, training schools and
the public. Dr. Charles D. Hart, cam
paign chairman, has asUed the co-operation
of all the medical bodies In Phila
delphia and lolnlty, hospital superin
tendents, women's organizations and the
nurses' alumni association Doctor Hart
Is being assisted In this work by Mrs,
Superb Presentation in Acad
emy Opera Festival Far
From "Costume-Concert"
It would form an Interesting Imcstlga
Hon to ascertain why. In a period of war
Inflated prices with costs or necessary
commodities soaring cent per cent ana
more, what has been considered the mot,t
exclusive and expensive of esthetic en
joyments can be hahed In admission
chaigos and jet remain on a Ieei ot
lofty merit. This Is, not the time cr
place for such a jurviy but th.j fart
runains that the rehnl of "Faust' last
night In the opera festival at tna
Academy of Music surpassed many of
the pretentious produutlons glen at
twice the prices on that historic stage
during the three score ears during
which Gounod s opera has been In the
repertory and the Academy has been the
music center of Philadelphia.
Jntltl W ("!. nt riiaalnul CI I1 1 IfVin
Is Vice chairman! Yesterday Doctor Hart ' ,0TSri?ahn?iBilupYLmCeanrt
f.ri.,i m S,,...i..t... .. ,J? man glen both, In the Academy and
Plta.li' Association at the Pennsylvania
-Hospital and secured the co-operation
f that body.
a aireci appeal is to be made to grad
uate? of women's colleges and high
schools to enroll Immediately as student
nurses In hospitals, and especially In
the army school of nursing recently es
tablished In connection with military
hospitals This school offers women the
opportunity of nursing sick and wounded
men In military hospitals and at the
rime time the opportunity of completing
the course of training and enables them
to become graduate nurses
Part-Time Service
To prevent any serious shortage of
skilled' nurses to care for the civilian
sick, sajs Doctor Hart, "every married
nurse or nurse not now engaged In ac
tive nursing nnd not eligible for army
service will be urged to enroll with the
American fled Cross as home defense
nurses for assignment for a few hours
dally or for weekly nursing of neigh
bors In emergencies and for nursing In
hoipltal dispensaries, baby-saving sta
tions and similar activities Others will
be 'needed to assist In carrying on the
work of 'district visiting or public school
"By such volunteer work these addi
tional nurses will render local service
and at tlio amc time will relieve from
civilian duties many ethers needed sorely
In military and naval establishments.
These nurses, In addition, are asked to
enroll for emergency sorv Ice In local dis
asters which call suddenly for largo
numbers of nurses "
The public Is urged to employ Indi
vidual nurses only In cnie of real neces
sity and to utilize visiting nurses for
hospttal8,wherever accessible.
These measures, together with part
time service of married nurses, It Is be
lieved, will go far to provide adequate
nursing service for the civilian popula
tion. If nurses and the public generally
are willing to make such adjustments
as mav bo necessary. Doctor Hart be
lieves he will be able to recruit sufficient
nurses for military duty without en
dangering the 'health of the communi
ties affected or disturbing the Bupply of
nurses for the future. The Ked Cross
also recognizes that It Is Imperative to
maintain the teaching and executive
staffs of schools for nurses In order
that there may be no Interruption In the
supply of graduate nurses and that.
economical nursing may be available at
the present time for civilian sick. It
realizes also the necessity ot safeguard
ing to the utmost the health of the com
munity through Service Public Health
Ask All Nurses to Knrolt
The lied Cross, nevertheless, Is urging
the enrollment ot all nurses, with the
Understanding that those vitally needed
to maintain tlio local nursing activity
..shall be allowed, with the consent of the
,smllltary authorities, to continue their
present positions as in the line of patri
otic service
Doctor Hart pointed out that an In
teresting book has Just been compiled to
answer every question any nurse may
ask about home or overseas Bervlce It
Is called "The lied Cross Nurse What
She Is and What She Does," and may be
had upon request to the nurses' enroll
ment campaign committee. Southeastern
Pennsylvania Chapter, American Red
Cross, 1615 Chestnut street.
One Thiladelphian Made Captain;
Three Lieutenants
Four more Phlladelphlans have been
commissioned, according to announce
ment today by the Adjutant General's
office In Washington. One becomes a
captain and three are made lieutenants
The Phlladelphlans receiving commis
sions are Harry P. Gant. 1302 Land
Title Building, to be captain of ord
Its sister temple at tho north pole ot
local music. It was Bcenlcally adequate,
developed as authentic opera, orchestrai
ly efficient, artlstlcilly voiced, con
vincingly acted and governed at almost
every point by a nice discrimination that
uuiy proportl
iroportioned every elment and
each to unity ot impression
"Faust" nnsseil from a. set of vocal ex
erclses, into which It has sometimes
fallen, to something approximate
genuine music drama The ' book" Is
based on drama nnd the production
re-created the dramatic intentions of
Marlovvo and Goethe Yet the peren
nially melodious airs of Mounod, varied,
rich and appropriate to text and mood,
weic mver slighted. Those who IIK
skilled singing of old-fashioned melodies
had their desired tunefulness to heart s
content In solos, concerted numbers ana
choruses Those who have been educated
to the exacting demands of lvrlc drains
found "Faust, ' probably much to their
amazement, as cohesive, almost as
modern as "Bohemo ' or ' Cavnllerla."
The wistful, delicate, unsophisticated
Marguerite of Maggie Teyte is famllar
from, tho Hammersteln and ItoblnofT
days and it has lost none of Its charm,
of which simplicity Is the anlmntlng
Wenote She sang the "King of Thule '
ballad as a simple folk song and she
carefully and successfully refrained from
making the Jewel song a "vocalise" In
coloratura Her participation In the
triumphant final trio was vocally lovely,
and dominant In spirit. Henri Scotfs
"Mephlsto" Is also a personation familiar
here from Hammersteln and metro
politan productions It Is usually dra
matic but with a tendency to theatrlclsm,
so at times one felt that too much ot
the obvious mechanics of effective play
acting were visible. Of course, the 'Calt
of Gold," the satiric "Serenade ' and
other numbers were given sonorously
and suavely In the ruch and well
modulated bass which Is Mr. Scott's
greatest nsset.
Forrest Lamont made a comely and
Illusively romantic Faust He has
progressed far In artistic gains since he
sang a crude but promising Manrico at
the Academy a year and a halt ago with
a "scratch" company. His art has
rounded, his voice become refined, his
acting ampler In ease and grace Auguste
Boulliiez, a newcomer, was a gallant
Valentine, nnd another newcomer, Eliza
beth Campbell, sang the "Flower Song"
and the other measures allotted to Slebel
expressively and melodiously.
Mr. Saplo'8 conducting was freer from
certain typical faults than at any of
the previous performances of the fort
night. It supported the singers and It
communicated the poetry of Gounod's
score to the hearers.
a j - dfrf,!.Muuum JksW'HMMW-msmss i$MLtWsWmrmMMMMMfWssssssssssn MMMMMMM
h v m,fy''-'mm'-:WiSmmtB:rmi v
s IHHABTaTaTaV i WWWWmt'MmtmWWWWWtnZsssssssssHsMWWWWM s
n W -y - ";--: - Iwlim1 HH ;-
;.,,...... -iSWi.;, , fi . "5 .iJySA.V-toi'jlS KXi$SX2l?Z?-TJ'ISTT. ."
AjFXtMtKljf .J "-V
Ncu Jcrtcy Pupils to Gel Di
plomas at Annual Exer
cises at Plcasantville
Terrific Explosion When Slain
Man 8 Lot Is Burned
rennmrrnre, N. J.. June 28. The mis
tery surrounding the death of Comedo
Domenlco, who was shot In the head and
Instantly killed Saturday night while
lying In bed, was Intensified by a curi
ous occurrence While Fortunato Pep
pers and his wife, who run the house,
Jnd Domlnlck Arlcrl, the dead man's
roommate, were still In the Salem Jail
awaiting the Coroner's Inquest, several
of the boarders took all the dead man's
snoes, tne
S. Into the
xplosion fol-
ft ?choo'fs ;Vl!r,n,eCheCidOU,no,nlgr,,R,.,n,,,heB .Ig", , lVrBele;dUsPetnflrVcl,iCoht.!Vrn,a
1 schoo at PleaBntllle. .V .t slur -i ' street and set nrc totiifm
n iB-raHnatu. ,. in ,.;i, . Ait-. it '.. niimeaiaieiv- a icrriiic capiosioii o.-
nf h. .nhnAi. it, , iVL Mii,,. ..iii r.fiii lowed which shook buildings and startled
pVtn tl e exe?clses y L ' C I'wPle for "l"rcs. manj fearing a
HenVy'rcr'e's's'man. county Pcrln- I Sl,"1 LCUrre" al ""
dosing ,.daJirtoetI.- m'l'JfiiS"! nrftS ' nilUKJltoii b, the police disclosed
closing address tp thgraduates vvlll be . ,h ,., ,. . hnlni, ha,i ,, .CPreted
In the man s bed and had probtbly been
there for some time
given bv Miss Harriet Mitchell. Ocean
llle. The following are the graduates.
I'.SB lljirhnr tntttttthln 1--nt,tr tl----
Pnrl Dearon VMIIInm riarwood .MnrRHret i
"r?.onAre5!5iles,rh. w'i'i, ssfth l"iViT: harbkrless bakbisr shops
rwWick Hile Vrrnervea line. Marearf t Shne-Sclf Plan at Wilminelon Results
Ullown (ornhlp Thornton UlarKmiin,
iu .- Min,.
f (p) Hnrrtfi ami Twine
"Major nilK" Wellborn, credited s greater knouleilgc of tlic ilelnil- of tlio draft tMctu than an other per-
con, ilrcu all but a cr feu of the 1200 capulc ncd in the ?oroiul draft. Hie U in rliarpe of the information
bureau in the prool marehal peneralV oflire. She knnwp. as "IMIIipM b her friend, nnd (eueral Crowder
nicknamed ber Major Billic Just back of her is General Tcjlon (. Marrli, rhicf of ?taff, and Sccretarj linker
v , -
Ulltan Ilolw John Ctbulla. -Mildred Con
nellan, t,fonn onnver, Orvllle Conoer
nlph ronoer. WtlhMmlna tirrer Thw
dore fllllnir Herbert Hollo way, Mildred
Hlnr Mura-arct Langmeyer, Iceland Teds.
Harriet Mitchell Julia runner. Minnie
Rlchter, Henry Pohn
Hamilton tow nhln Florence Damlnetr,
Florence Hannum Mar lUnnum
Mnwood Waller Adelutte. Monroe Male
Incent Male
Margate LMt John A Ingersotl Mary
Mulllca tounshlp Earl Johnson Kelyn
Peterson, Philip Hirlllaiio Jnsephlno eber,
OIHer Ueek llotand "tterlund
Xorthtleld Morn H Vdnmv Kathryn Ho
rirth Man llannlnir Elizabeth Price Stan
It Price Effn M Itaes Anna Tuder
Port Ileniihllc Heglnald Routn, Bru
"i , soniers Point John B AMIser I ewl
JtJ I Atkinson Adi 1, Inont Florence cull '
1 Allen Tnllman Touln II Taltmnn
Aemouth tovsnuhlnEUa Heebe Ralph
riinagan. Mars Hmlth I.llllnn AMIklnson
From War
Wilmington, Mel.. June 28 Handi
capped b.v the Journesmen barbers drop
ping the scissors and razors for riets
and sledges In the local shlpvards at
larger pay. the master barbers here are
renting razors and necessary materials
to pitrons, who are supposed to shave
Sliiptvorkcrg Anticipate Plenty of
Action at Exhibition Tomorrow
Chester shlpvvorkers will be treated
to a big boxing nnd wrestling exhibition
In the Chester armory tomoriovr even
ing. The best talent among tho boxeis
In the jard nnd a few outsiders will
entertain them, but thcio are to be no
decisions, according to an announcement
by Clarke V. Sanford, hocial and athletic
"Happy" Divls, of Philadelphia, has
luntecrcd to imet ".llnimle" Tavlor in
Two Atlantic Cit Companies Turned"
Down al Trenton
Trenton, lune 28 '1 he '.tat" Public
Utility Commission todav dismipHptl nn
Worker at Bristol Yard to Get: Throe Railroads and Merchants SSSlJSnS? Vapprovai oranVcreUn
the wind-up This match Is promising noum.pil tli.it the najniastci will be
Dals nnd Talor. both lightweights, down their wnv, loo, cither tomoriow
have met before In the ring, wltli honnis in carl nct week
about even, It Is said L'avls nst.erts he
has never been over the knockout route.
Kddle Burkhead, negro welterweight
KneL I'.iv Siiiko nimii nr ...! m:... !.. f., rates which was filed on March T last
.., ... i.,..... ,,,, ,lum.ii iiiiu "in The compnn v d not less than Jl 30
Shipuoikeis nttlie Kiistol jaid vvlll I Siparntc Itv ticket ofllccs or the three ' per 1000 cubic feet.
.ill lie -rich" tomo. row Thcj have been blg railroads "running Into and out or, R? Voanl'Kadds 'however 'that the
notified tint the long-expected b-uk pnj I I'hlHdelphla and of the Meiilunts and rompanv mav file 'a schedule of ratei.
cUeli in t'heni tj0Ncrn,ncnt l8 lo b : Miners' Transportation Compans will bo adding as a war surcharge to existing
Men i uiciii ' , rntM tlilrtv-flp cents tier 1000 rublr ft
Oonald H Smltli, general managei of discontinued tomorrow at 1 o'clock In ' "lr'y n'f cen'8 M1'1
the Merchants' ContliallV. infoimed tllO II,a nflnrnrrin mill will he lnlHped nt .nltllnn nf 111 Afln.tlnr-ff;
shlpbulldeis that their moiKy was lend) 0pnnir of business Momlav morn- Suburban Oas and Fuel Companv for
foi them About the same time, cieorge I j"e l,P11ln- ot ,,.,.'.,,,,." an Im reuse In rates also was dismissed
niB uv h uuiiijuiiuiiivu u.. ' V. I"' "e .state Hoard ot Public utility
under direction of tho United States commissioners The rate now chargen
Tl-illroid Administration The consoll-lj, $1.40 per 1000 feet. The proposed
dated olllcc will be at IB'!'' hestnut new rate was 1 30
street wnere 11 j eniij iv.iiwa " "
H Hall, office nnnager for thp I'u'-ry
iv. Jones lotnpanv, at liloutevIPf. an
nj iiVbH f Tlitf ' a
Hi Whitman's Is the Happy I
jR Meeting Place for luncheon.
If for Ice cream, for r.ndlei.
HI Oven in tht nenlna tilt flrtfpi-
181 thirty for sorfa, Iro cream
in find candies
1 D16 Chestnut t.
List Kebruaiv the (JiiMinment nut rli tlpkpt ollke now Is
Into effect an Incieisp in p iv In all, This lb 111 line with the lailroad ad
shlpvaids, and d ited thp new unite c.ili ministration's pollc of cloiioiiiv and
will fight fjeorce Chrlstman. of Phlla- back to last November. In this was main fllilency Heparatp otitoes win dp sue-
tllO W OltPf ' ""illiJilM H timiiii-s .iii id 1 it ji.iiu mil ( epueil lJ LUUOUliuaicu wiiiv.1. iii uiim
.1. Mc-I l i'us wi iim ruiiwiK in iiiit'iKt'iu) lines uiho
delnhlH The former claims
weight championship of Ohio
and rharlPv llndire lnldtlle- nect wnrk lh fm. ht men at
vflli I setlle th'elr . irguinent with I : Vork ja.d. Sou.h ramdeii ar.
IniM. nnil Anvi. W.htr Mid rlarrnra ."' iinei ill uu- ...i.inn- iji.i
ES!? lSL Ci lievlP ftHooT:
mere win aiso 11c a vaiuicMiie ,,,,,.,, ,,, m,.--
Since rcbruarj
nipii at the
.is dls-
Chester Man Elected President
at Bedford Springs
nedforil Springs. r., June 28 Itec
ommendlng a more liberal corporation
law, burying the anti-loafer bill and
listening to an argument against the
legality of tho proposed good roads loan,
memners ot tne Pennsylvania liar ah
soclation closed the annual convention I'lneoa"" hunt fcir them has
here. The election of officers late -in the B'f,rte,d:1 ,e,r,nia,",,b"oKs nnU paper3 wl"
afternoon ended the regular business , ad '"' i0win''Ia"v ..f ,i .. ,., v
session and a banquet this evening put u PtcarkBnr, Broad T street ami Orelnn
the finishing touches to the meeting. aVnue! Oregon
William I. Schaffer. of Chester, was '
chosen president and the other pew otll
cers are: Secretary, Harold B Beltler,
Philadelphia: treasurer, Samuel II Bas-i
shore, Mechanlcsburg ; lce presidents,
George Henderson. Philadelphia; A. Dauchter Toils Atleinnt of III l'atlipr
McC Holding. AVest Chester: Alexander uauE'"er ions Aiiempi 01 ill lather
Giinilan. Pittsburgh: VVllllam W. Ityon, . to Enil Life
Shamokln ; James H. Craig, Altpona. , ,
j c-.i, Thiiaa.ir.kra n William Graham flftv-two veai-s old.
Judge Staake of Philadelphia retlr- ttemptert to en( ns fe , , t
ln P"81',. 1. &- nff,aC,al10 P";'lAt evening, in the kltthlh of his home.
Biucii i . "iy ,V .; ...?. 1 1315 Jit Vernon street. lie was rushed
Snyder responded to the toast. Our t0 the Hahnemann Hospital, where vnll-
r'n.infv" nnlprnnr nrllmhalll?n "Thu I . -. -- .l. .'.-. . . .
Kaiser's Pictures, Too, Will Be
Fuel for Fourth Bonfire
Fourth of July will he celebrated In
South Philadelphia by the burning of all
German flags and pictures of the Kaiser
that can be found In the community.
This method of .celebration Is tho sug
gestion of the South Philadelphia, Itusi-
ness men s Association, wmen lias been '"." ... c..,. m lint.inn r,r in..
In the habit of celebrating Fourth ot ' Th0 ' ",s , ' 1. MnI m, lllh I
July with a big fireworks display. This ' Kpcopal hur.l . Is n offli "Uv "
year the usual celebration has been ' member of 'p ''c(e1' '"' "'"L.,! IV
abandoned as the result of the move to- ne-i. A V, . Amleison. of the JJ'f
ward conservation of explosives and tne t'hurch, has tackled flgurea in the audit
burning of the German fHgs and pictures '"R deinrtment.
Manv of the flags and nlctures wfire . '
distributed Dy German newspapers some
Government expel tH
linve belli ligurlng out the amounts due
at ench j nil and to tacli Individual II
lias been a huge tisk and that ainnp
Is given as the lause ir thp delis Hut
It will not be much longpi, It was statpil
loclnj. before eveijbods coiiLerned will
be paid
Two Preachers Work in Ship aril '
Two Bristol pistors have takpn on
work nt the Merchants' Sbipjnid, at
Bristol, In addition to theli iigul-ii
Tho separate olllces 1 losed nrp the
Baltimore and Oliio 1341 Chestnut
street, tho Peiinsjnnnla. 838 Chestnut
street and 1530 Chestnut street: the'
Philadelphia and Heading, 1311 Chest
nut striet, and the Merchants nnd
Miners' Transportation Company, 105
South Ninth street. I
II1IMM T mill II V It K II It l VV N
UADI.s In my llriinii proiens,
U.S.&Service Flags
Reduced Buy Direct
mm 4 m lnnnfasinpr
I Flao and Badyes of A tl
kbtit tnr Ltk nt Jufu.
.Iunt below the
nUr Kosh Ifoune
Thone Market Oil
217 Arch St.
PHf-Kxpreanlon Slf -Confidence. Elo
cution nnd Hll-nround Self-Deplopment.
.loin th summer class now forming
Four weeks commencing- July 1st,
Moii. Tuen and Thurs 1Zeb or Mon .
Wed and Frl. mornings lioth sexes
Open lecture free to the public, July
1st 1" A. M. nnd H P. M n
Heiul for lnstructle literature. Cs.ll,
nrlte nr phone Spruce 3JI8
neff college ,,3v;r';;t,nut
In a pleasing variety
of Shapes. , Sizes 2 and Settings
All Diamonds used are
of the Finest Quality
Country"; Governor BrumbaURh, "The
Commonwealth ot Pennsjlvanla"; Judge
Patterson, ct I'miaaeipnia, me "judi
ciary." and Benjamin II. Ludlow, the
ant efforts of the nhyslclans saved his
life. I
According to his daughter, Graham
has been despondent for several months
He Is 111 and oui of work, she sis
She told the police that 'wn pp'e''nK
SCHOOL FOR GAS SERVICE 'a gas hose between his teeth and the
other end on the socket with the k:is ,
freely flowing. I
AUn platen, film.
eliemlmlH und Mtndrle.
h xpert detflopinc, print
ing. enUrrlnic mi online
to the UoeheNter Irthod.
Ktniiin Kodak I'o.
Bia I llhSTMIT
Atlantic Citr More, 103? llro.idivalk.
War Department Takes Control of
American Universit, Washington
Wanhlnxtnn, June 28. The experiment
station at American University. Wash
ington, was placed under control of the
War Department for operation under
Buy Your Flags
quarters AND
Save Money
Manufacturing Co.
312 Market St., Phila.
Lombard All Main 0(1
Contractor, to the Government
nance; Samuel H Sillier, 1014 Spruce 1 the director of gas service of the army,
by executive order or tne President to
day. The station formerly was under
the supervision of the Bureau of Mines,
Department of tly? Interior.
street, to be first lieutenant, medical
corps; Harold D. Johnson, 216 East
WomiiiK acnue, to be second lieuten
ant. Quartermaster reserve corps; Frank
E. Klrkpatrlck, 23G Gates street, Box
borough, to be second lieutenant of en
gineers. 0
Must Keep License Plates Clean
)lrrlburir. June 28 Highway Com-,
missloner O'.Vcll has given notice that
automobile or motorcycle license plates
discolored with oil, grease or dirt so
that the numbers cannot be readily dis
cerned and plates bent or cuned so that
figures cannot be seen, vvlll not be tol
erated. State policemen who hae been
to-cperatlng In the effort to break up
reckless riding will assist In carrying'
nut reguuLiiuus icsaiuing, me tags.
1112 Chestnut St.
SO N. Third St.
BIB OuarintM
Trust Bids.
Your Man?
I've had over SO year,
experience In pstes nnd mcr
thandlslng. 15 year, as
aalea manager for the lara.
Fit hou vl It, kind In tha
country. r
Am wllllnc to undertake
any position where my
ability In handling meaw can
be moat -valuable. Aiu I
your man7
Idirr Pot
.No. B St.
"VIS gg BLE"
You CAN every card or
name, when uelng
For your card records.
Clerical help la one of the very
troublesome questions of the
day. He can help solve It.
No lost cards
No lost information
No lost time
iXot to use the latest and best in
anything is, in that particular, to
be inefficient, ichich today is un
patriotic. Acme Visible Methods
' S08 Chestnut
Phone Filbert SS7S
Two and Four Wheel Types
Yt Ton to 7 Tons Capacity
JOHN VV. ADAMS, Distributor
1427 Melon Street
All kinds and
p1zb In stock
Bull Doc our
P e c 1 a lty.
Ner order
flaits before
xettlnir our
prlcpi, mailed
on request.
L. Fink & Sons
56 X. 7th St.
Fr Kant r Sal
far InvathU
We aura CI
Arch BoppeHera.
1 Kiss tip Hesterr.
AWemlna! Beta.
It rfct-alrlaaV iwplv Ce. at FMU.
V. W, Cot.' ltk ajaasaa .
Cen. phone or writ for eaalef.
4 aleauar1rm far lavall ae4
wicffveaB ai4iuee.
Are You Hungry?
We make delicacies that
are good look into our
window; it will make you
hungry to look inside. .
'.Salted Peanuts . . .". 40 lb.
Boiled Tongue ....60c lb.
Club Potato Salad. .18c lb.
Sticky Cin. Bun ...35c lb.
Pecan Nut Patties.,. . ,15c
Black, also White $1
'id' '"' ' ' ""'"ii
ii n
$2.00 Quality
Cor. 11th and 'Chestnut St "
t,try business place,
ex ery home, every
Americant should
Au a Jlag now.
Honor our country
rind our brav hoya
ttow i& thft tlm to
show our colors.
Every true American
will this year.
I When buylnir flac
I get the bt.
I "uara ttuntmo no
ithousanda of friends'
' hv? Berause It la
alwuvs riant.
Sewed Stars and Strijtea
f (TaTaTaTVWaTBaatasTalfaSWWt VVUOT(TMainMMp I ir--"' '- -
3x5 .
. 3.75
. 5.50
. 750
10x18 $18.50
12x18 2350
12x20 2650
15x25 .....3650
20x30 .... 50.00
20x36 60.00
U. 8. totton rjtlck Mai., all slice
Open HatureW afternoon until a o'clock
Mon.iTJee. e. -. wm.. a.uu w ,
,&"' F, E. GARDNER ?
404 Parkway Building
' Broad and herrr. Philadelphia. I".
Ilrancli Store ll.'U Chtatnut at. Uuen Ms.
White Oxfords
White is right for Summer! Dalsimer has the
largest variety and the biggest values for men.
White Nubuck, with white Neoliu
soles and rubber heels
White Sea Island Duck, with leather
solc5 -and rubber heels
Wliite Canvas, with white Neohn
soles and rubber heels
Sports Oxford of white Duck, with
white Neolin soles, beveled rubber heels
Blucher Yachtinp Oxford of Sea
Island Duck, with fibre soles
A conservative Oxford of Sea Island
Duck, with leather soles and heels...
KEDS The National Outing Oxford
White Canvas With Rubber Sole
Tennis Oxfords. $2 Tan-trimmed Outing. $2.25
Dress Ked, $3 Dress Ked with heel, $3.50
'Tis ,a Feat to Fit Feeta
jU4Jl6inv :st.
A Clearance Sale of
Misses' Summer Apparel
At Greatly Reduced Prices
Summer Frocks
Developed in chintz, printed, dotted
and figured voiles; embroidered crepes,
linens, Anderson's ginghams and organdies.
All colors.
10.50, 15.00, 18.50 up to 25.00
Misses' Summer Frocks
26 Taffeta Frocks
Formerly to 45.00 28. 00
34 Serge and Jersey Frocks
One or two of a kind.
Were up to 69.50
36 Crepe de Chine Frocks
White and colors.
Formerly to 75.00
20 Evening and. Afternoon Dresses
One or two of a kind.
Were 75.00 to 95.00 OO.OO
Misses' Tailored Suits
19 Jersey Suits
With and without sleeves.
Values to 49.50
32 Poiret Twill and Tficotine Suit, w
Were up to 65.00 flj&Aft
i ,. a-
T HI. f
Bull's Eyes
for Busy
who want
to be sure
of solid
and Sound
I Gentlemen -eVe
been in Business
"Since the Battle of
Gettysburg" r i g h t
here in Philadelphia,
and in one line only
Men's Clothes so
there you are ! '
I A good record
that we better every
season and better
this year than ever in
point of clothing
value for every cent
in every dollar that
you spend here!
j ror ;u aummer
Suits that we can sell ii
...... t
at tnat price Because-k
we own them at
away below current js
oeM m 1am4 inllo4tMf I rj
CI At S25 Summer
.Quite in urirlo e 1 . fl
: r i:u. . r-u,
fabrics in plainly
cViar1fc nnH nrx1fv rti'
.. w '"-J.
patterns. p
CjAt $30, $35 and'
$40 Suits elegantl
tailored and trimmed
. tropical fabric!
that are porous at
, sieve and light as'i
much gossamer! y
tj AT .9U SUltS
Genuine Palm Bea
tnat wc are aDjcii
.sell at $7.50 vtl
thev last, and the
aood night! J
fKAt $10 & 513
Z . , . -'Wi
suits ot i$reez
fabric s finepi
a, tttS
tj Monair aum
' $i5to$2s: t
V V.
i ?S,
r p c p
- 4H&-,
q Coat and'
Suits of"'
w,a. . a j-t l
values at i
. t.
; 'yf?f
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--rr &
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