v&rx-i. -..' i . u.. v- - ' s';2A--ii xa' Ajr'xr a." . T j t, ? " rz i m: 'v1- ' ' . ,, . - -fv - ." - ' " If wry J -P' w; : v; , evening public ledgers-Philadelphia, Thursday, juste 27, ioi8 :M . , ;, i. i?wi 'ft fc' 4 PAGE OF FUN FOR YOUNG AtiD OLD TO REMIND ONE THAT LIFE IS NOT ALL SHADO (TIIlS rAGE 1ft FCLIT rROTECTTD BT COITltlGHT) y? , SCHOOL DAYS luv i .r . MlJmWff, iiMifffflrwm r atwbc I iff HPIIDRL J 'HJSHflWKKa 4LU1 Mlllfl By DWIG tnttnttfy iC Ti.'s , tt n- 1 SteS' turn down. 1 tu.Vbes "mff ftanfa !!. 1 Owns fen ftt tha Itsemnf Vo$f 7 ' jw befeirtf going ewe "Cke -faf ( BROAD AN' CHESTNUT By BVNN1 JKetolcl mci.Ui&! (3c told me tU.-fc ! I Kea.tcL P At .1 t-i I padded. Dv any 5 JSSro ME1 Tfy, BwwvM twmk m. Sfttt - m EM Ol J x SiSB r Cry Tfeu HlS Pit KyelonttKyyv nr I f . iwo hour la.-ter L neardl The sa.iTic Old HIS GENTLE PLEA Another Trial Desired "Yos, she rejected me, but she did It In a most encouraging way." "How was that?" "As I went away she pointed to the footprints that I had made on the carpet and said, 'The next time you come to propose to me I want you to wlpo your shoe clean.' " Pearson's Weekly. BUNNY'S ALPHABET k 3ta.nA: tor J3u.m.9 and, J3ooz. A very aKady WKen you- see one ivuli tint. TKe o-LKcr "tnere Wnere dowc-4o v I worn kere oojy A Rude Awakening '1 ne l'slnr Show. ooldler Boxer (comlns round after being knocked ott) Wot Is It revally? The Second No, mate ; It was lights out. Unintentional "Stonewall'' Jackson was not a man to speak 111 of another man without reason. At a council of generals early in the war, one of them remarked that Major Smith was wounded and would be unable to perform a certain duty. "Wounded!" said Jackson. "If that is so, It must have been by an accidental discharge of his duty!" The Southern Bivouac. The Young Lady Across the Way Wm4 PC The young lady across the way saja the railroad service Is so con gested that she's sending everything she can by parcel post and she sup poses every bit of relief helps soAe. Cirtooni Macizlne. "My dear er could you er hae time to mend this sock? WOMANHOOD, AS DEPICTED BY NELIj brinkley THE MOVIES Princeton Tlstr. VOQUE THE FACT THAT TOMBOY TAYLOR HAD SHOT SEVERAL BALLS OF GUTTER. MUD AGAINST M FRONT LENS UNDOUBTEDLY HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT. Bg FONTAINE fC Annette Is Real Diver PEACEFUL PERSUASION ! rennlanla Tunch Bowl. "I see by the paper that Mary Garden Is the greatest diva In America." "That can't be bo Annette Kel. lcrmann muht hae her beat." Heavy Eaters Concrsatlon overheard In a mu nition canteen after a serving of some heay and half-cooked pud ding: Alf This 'ere puddln' ain't half 'cay stuff. Bill That's nothing. My mlssui made some one day that we could not eat, so she gave It to our ducks. A few minutes later a little boy knocked at the door and said: "Missus Jones, yer ducks hae sunk!" Pearson's Weekly. Mr. Mlgcs Tou know, to put It to chuck all the rubbish from your The ratlins- Show-itKJ," mlldlv It's tint milft Ihn thine fop vmV garden on to mine, tSsS Capable of Speed "I want you to help me to spend my fortune." "Am I not doing so?" "No; I mean for ever and ever." "Oh! It won't take me as long as that." Snark's Annual (London). Why ' m ..... .W .W.., JLbUJ. ..WU.U "Vt3 me nothing"? lii Patsy Tes'm. $JM Teacher Why? V& Patsy 'Cause you can't, Mln.fj llCflJJUlID AilUUIlC. WC; THE GUMPS Mitt Reserves the Right to Knock Her Own Husband Copyrlcht. 1918. by the Tribune Co. Bu SIDNEY SMITl .? i r?& ' WHERE 'WUS TO NlGtWT OW HE'S our ACrAlM AT THAT UODGE OP HVS CALLED rVvE UPHE JlASTTHINGt AfTEfe' HV DIHNER 5' ALL REAM, AVNGr HE MAD A SPECIAL MEETING AT THE UObGrt I SUPRO&E HE DIDN'T k. W OW ANVTHINC ABOUT rfVAT T-Ni. APTgNOON. HE COULD HAVE SAVED hAE A kor ofs vAOfK. CHESTER l AND KCOU1.D MAVfe TAWrrf A UTTue COLD BITC . DON'T S5E WHY I E5R AsNARRIED HIM.. I COULD GET A JOB A A MAID. ANYPlACS, I'D GET A' Nl6rMT OPP AT LEASr ONC5 a. w e&s 7 HE NEVEIi TAK?SrNE ANY VNNERt V& TRUE ,fRS GrO)AF-l NEVFfe EC- HIIA TAKE YOU, ANY PLALfc THE NElfaNBOR AReTAUCN(ABOOTJ A!RSYOU&Ue. HE'& ATLDDOjE.' Uv J ILL ITS SAY,1! I NOTICE YftU AROOND THE HOUSE A LOT YOURSELF . I SEE SOU SITTING ON YOUR. FRONT PORCH MANX AN EVENINCr 'ALONE -I'D ST INSIDE OCCASIONALLY AND PULL THE SHADES AND MAKE THENV THINK I WAS .OUT IP I VIERE YOU sv? '3& :i I KNGW ANDY SN't NVVJCVl-auV THERE ARC-A LOT OF AAtW AR.OUND THIS NEIC7HBORHOOD xMOULDN'T TRADE i H,S LITTLE FINCaERIW AIM IS VflttD MIR&Mn Jti .. -i . fT S I ONE OF THErA M i .m r. it J'j m . 5rt 2 S s l? n PETEYYou Can't Blame Pete He Couldn't Take a Chance : -:- fif C. . VOIGHT & j, S Mow SToP ?Cease I VtMOW PERFECTLV SyetCTWA" 'Yooce Married I l'n n i AZZ5?&&. 1 ISI3r -mwmmmm ,L iar.v 1'' tMi -. f)i i. ir . .' J, 1 a y ?" ?rtftAsft. v; ? P MfBflp-s-- ..Bt'.fM :HJ ,UfeflVi;, ISrll OH-MOST 'Yoo 60 ? o ' -- I ficrr.A ) .e-JSATF J-7V) FORCtfT J I L -s i s m r.xf.s,'(L roi Woom'A HER POIJST OF; K " "f f J-J. ,m iv-sm ' Jzr$5&ft& ,p?i L Z?J3&. no &vwii&3 SU."4 ' , -.1 . " '.; ". J & . m&ss