zm k-. in ii S &6 rALU? FOURTH OF JULY" jGrandioso Coinizio Avra' iwrLtloco All'Accarlemia LtLvv. " 5i?.i di Miisica S ESeHtro Invito del Grande Venerabile -Pennajlvnnla per l'Ordlne Flgtl Mtav In America, sic. Giuseppe Dl limtro. lerl sera, phhn luoeo una Im- !- wrtrttl8slma rlunlonc In una sala del wranae Concilia, alia settlm Btrana e hrtotlan Street. Lo scopo delta rlunlone f.trtftio quello dl prendere gll r-pporttinl It e Etablllre le modallta con le .l.ln oasequenza al proclama lancl- ffr -ai President. 'Wilson. I FIbII Italia dovranno solennementc festee- r-Ml 4 IurIo, "Independence Day," A .- . fl .--I... .. .J.... re unaitra proa in ie.uu e uev- , a questa Icro crande ratrla rll atone. "-aJklta. rlunlone lnterennero 1 grand! .WctaU deputatl dell'Ordlne e tuttl I MMrabBL delle LogKe ni I'nuaaeipnia ., lntornlApertasl la seduta, sotto n CVsPresldenia del SJr. Giuseppe Di Stives- frTWecedenti dellberatl dell'Ordlne FIkII K4i Clt-Ola, aveva dovuto rlflutare 1 Invito latere Btablllta dal Slndaco dt questa OBltts.'. Invito che era stato fatto dal Cav JR? CCA. Baldl, nomtnato dal slndaco !Swl"StaBO a "Chairman del comltato per Eta&U. Colonia Italtana II DI Silvestro ' altra esaurlentl informazloni nl Pj-la-uardo e l'assemblea ad unanlmlta' ed e-jituslastlcamente approvo' II suo ope- H&raio. I'iSDopo elaborata dlscusslone e prese le S&lleceiiBarle deliberation! per un romlzlr, CCfle) avra iuoejo au.rtc-cauenua in .iusi(Jii Sjy.4 tuello. onde festeirelare solennemente Srannlversarlo delta proclamazione d'ln- SfrlBndenza decli Stati unm. Ell inter- ,--WI le f-enernll flrcl.Tmajlont an- V rovarono un vibrato ordine del slorno .'11 Drotesta; per la nomlna del Baldl a fcftHiJalrnian" M comltato ltallano. PSSt Iordine del giorno fa mcvare cne kfttm necaiilone della vtslta delta Jlissione Ag'Itallana In Philadelphia 11 Cav Baldl. ""thalrman" del comltato ltallano. nvea '&& creato fort! dlssldl nclK Colonla Italtana iif&Jehe eon un telegramma. dlretto alia Mls IfSwilone stessa, e recante moltlsslme ftrme. il lo aveva denunzlato come ostacotatore del Evtrogresso morale e inaterlale depll ?: lUlianl di Philadelphia Che 11 Circolo j&tltallano e moltlsslme nssoclazionl Ita- E -$ llawA 1. avvvann rvanrella tn. npr lp dett.1 R?. Tmrinn rial runln del memhrl e che, JKtli? .. ... .... .. ,... . a i, nii v.- FpT queiio cne e piu imporwuie, u diui , im'Wolato la dellberaztone sugeerita dall On jy' Giudlce Joseph Bufflngton e da Mr Ed lkj'ard T. Stotesbury, ed unanlmamente KJH approvata dal membrl dell'Itallan Com- ItfTj'i'mitiee per la campagnai pro uei uuciu jfv -ixjan, seconao ia quale iu aeuuruun cur bt" ntiaitinniiA manlfestaztonp di carattere ' ' Mtrlottlm tra ell ltallanl durante i inerra, dovesse essere dlretta dall'Italian Liberty Loan Committee Clo' ha man- Min, II naldl dl far rllevare nl Slndaco SPt ntiaitdn ell ha ofTerrto la nomlna dl 'chairman nella dlvisione Italtana per I fM.errlamentl del 4 Iucllo I'er taie HL. nurlont Tordine del clorno conclude ' Vllcendo che tuttl I enerablll dl Lose" IXV'Tandl deputatl dell'Ordlne Flpll d'lta- ET, Philadelphia In senerale, lnflammati da R?H .Mtliotticl sentimentl dellberano dl Ul- &j-'lnotrare con la loro condotta e con ognl wfHro atto l'amore per le Istituzlonl e sll Meall d America, che sono stall sempre Kgtmal rappresentatl dal detto Cav Baldl jrjre.ene cssl vognono essere in pieno ac- SjXPaecla, dletro relaztone del sigg &., (. . F4feTropa e lnatxa. rciaiivamenie a KtM-.! nvAnim.latA rial nlttnr(k PaSHUale a. le, auall suonano otlesa grais- ial grande venerablle dell'Qrdine all dTtalia ed a tuttl gll affillati KfliirOrjllnef ad unanlmlta" fu votato un fWlbratlssImo ordlne del giorno dl pro- ,V.teta contro ll prencuo. tfi ', ,. ultimo fu annrovato. su proposta it.i .- XvAnV T..,ocln ,m t ntn ,11 Iiiauso at Cav. Uff Gaetano Poccardl, .vi.t.nn a.. -i,i .imv.u, u .ww ... j. -" m ni nniirii.iitiiiit-iin. i'ri Mintini vi vimoltlsslml llbrl rlguardantl la guerrai 5.yJ -.- i Si, a Jia.ia. KntTATIOVAT. Roth Sexes .. RHORTIIAND AND POOKKEKI'INr. rtc SHren snortnana. ma easv. sneenv .v,i.m i-t nuaineia course my or eE.achonia Knrnit ? Bualnei f f'any time. To meet the heavy an4 Increasing f.wiiina xor vounc mn ana women with s- tnco ana businesa trainine our classes will oe ronxinuea aay ana ,"nlns thru out comins summer months Call or write for particular!: and ratalnir pnn.A. nrsiNEss college 1017 ChfMnut treet f$4 Night School s, fs-i snonnann, Knruen, lenmanshlp. if S nontn AWicn dv.ivuvji.. too luin -v TRAYFR"! Tbe Rest Business School :91IWIEJV 801.807 Chestnut .Street ritlons amaran'd Enter now Day or night Yonnr Women nnd Girl TAKRATOWNjN. V. Vi-. j hncsz Mason' Summer School of Patriotic Tor iiri. rarrvTown-on-innnon w T Yonnr Men and Both P?M WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY ti . . T Day i 'Hih p Day and nltht classes. Prepare for perv- Army. wavy or niercnani Marine. nay. Inauire Instruction Ofllce. &, Y. SI. C. A.. 1421 Arch Street SUMMKR RESORTS GREAT S,t Inland asrv ''Wit Waterway Route off, the Continent 80 Gives coot comlort and the diversion ol steamship travel kQN YOUR TRIP TO THE f'f rANAniAN par.iPir "r Dayand-ahalf sail from Port McNicoll, via Toronto, on Georgian Bay, through Lake Huron and Sault Ste. Marie to r. rori winiam on taxe As :., Canadian Pacific GREAT LAKES Steamship Service it?- A DELIGHTFUL CRUISE ON INLAND. WATERS vP fir-f SUCCESSI ITALIAN! PRESSO CAPO SILE Tutti I Cannoni e Materiali da. Gucrra Sono Stati Ricupcrati ruMUhed unci nintrlMit'd undr PEnjItT No 3 It AlhorlTi bv the nrt nf Oftobr a. 1D1T. on nle at the Postofnce of Phila delphia Pa Hy ordr of lh Preuld""' A s ni'nt.K?ON. Poslmi'iter Oenral nomn, 27 glugno Le truppe Italian" operantl nella re gion meridional? del fronte del rlae non soltanto hanno rloccupito 1'lmpor tapte testa dl ponte a Capo Slle. ma hanno eteso o mantenuto I lorn gua dagnl contro dlsperatl contrattacchl ef fettintl dagll autr!acl L'etenlone fu effettuata lerl 1'aliro Sill rtmanente del fronte dl bittaglli 1'atthltn' cnmhittlva fu llmltata a duelll dl nrtlgllerla e ad arlnnl dl pat tuglle II Mlnlstero delli Guerra ln pubhllcato, lerl, II seguente comunlcato ' Duranto la glnrnata dl lerl le nostre trupp lnnno complotamente rloccupato la testa dl ponte .1 Capo Sile, etcmlen dola, proocando e sostenendo con fer- I mezza rtsolutl contrattacchl per open were at dinner She was 1211 gross ton dl numerose forze nemlcho Otti rap-e 1S1 fret long, and 43 fort S Inches ufllclall e 371 unmlnl dl truppa furono cattuntl "Sill rlmanontp del fronte 1 sono autl duelll dl nrgtlgliprla dl non mol ta grando intenslti- cd attivlta per opera dl plccoli ripartl 'Tra Iorl e Lopplo unn del nortrl rlpartl d'asilto sorprpsp r tllstnis'e un posto avanzato nemlco, catturandT i iiperstlti "1 nostrl arlatori gettarono parecchl tonnellate dl bombe sul doposltl di munti zloni del nemlco. nella planura venetn e sopra gll Implantl ferrolarM dl Mattarelto Petto aeroptanl nemtel furono abbattutl II tenente Flalo Baraechlnl ottenn" Ia sua trentuneslma vlttorta "Perlustrando te locallta' ove awen nero 1 recentl combattlmentl. un altro centtnalo dl prlglonierl furono aggluntl a quelll gia' catturatl "La completa rtnttura dl tutta la no stra artlgtierla arml. e material e' stata accertata Solo lungo laoro dl statl stlca sara poslblle stiblllre l'enorme ouantlta' dl arml n materlale austrlaco rinnto nelle nostre manl " Da tutte le Informazlonl " pnrrl- , spondenze clip glungono dal fronte dl I-attaglla si rllpa che innumerpoll sono stati gll attl di alore comptut! da ufflciall p soldatl ltallanl durante la re- cento eontrolTpnsha cii cauro 11 dlsastro delle armate aurtrlache Tuffollno, che otto mesi or 11 tPnentc ono aveva perduto ta sua mano destra in un combattlmento sul Carso, dletro vivo lnslstenze fu arsegnato ad una sezlone dl mltraglierl ed a Capo Site fulmlno' II nemlco, fino a che, colplto da un prol ettlle, cadde gridando- "Viva l'ltalla'" Un artlgllere, ferlto a mortc, fu lsltato dal comandante della sua batterla cho TKMIH1T! WILSON'S SELECT EVENING TRIPS Tip TIIF. REAfTiri'L DErMVXRE Kvery Friday nnd Saturday Evening New Dolphin Line Talace Steamers TRENTON AND HOI.rHIN Good Music No Liquor Boat leaves Arch St. Wharf 8 13 P. M. Fare 25c each way Sl'MMER HESflliTS ATINTIT CITY. N. J. Coolest and Most Attractive Location OSTEND Whole Block Ocean Front ' Boston to Foerelen Ae in exrlmive Chel- sei section Open surroundings Fresh and .i watr baths, private and publir Modern tndro therapeutic de- pirtmnt OrrhetrH of snlnttts DANCING EVKUY nVKNINO Auto bus meets trains Bnomet Ownership direction John T Dolphin Mur nii.nnoon. ,v. .1 EDGETON INN Near beBCh- cap.250. LUUE.1VJI- ii-ajsj j Mhnt Harrla. Prop NK1V KIRK CITY HOTEL WEBSTER 40 West 45th St. New York. Just off 5th Ave. on one of city's quietest streets Much favored by womentinvelHiic without escort Wllhinfourmin- utesuniUof forty theatres Center of shop- ptnuui&tnct. tO'dal Simrntf Halet ll'ti f r-a-n. u;s ot ball) trorn 52 00 llrfi Btom. prints bi'ti. Iron S2 50 Suites, trom S5 00 W IcH'son Oulnn M'MMr.B RK0RTS rvn LAKES COAST THROUGH nnr.u ire superior. 1 i ill u E 1 1; U Pi' f i SaSaJiSiai aa saBBjpajIBBti Write, call or phone for data on Resort Tour No. S. ISO A. Tickets nnd Reservations Secured from B. C. CLAYTON, City Passenger Aent CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY eZO Chestnut fWreet Philadelphia F. B PEIIRT, General Agent. Passenger Department ltJl Ilroadn-ai ew York Cltf X f .i-V Xtri ell domando' come el sentlva, e 1'artlgll ere nnzlclie' rlspondere alia domanda rivoltapll dlsse nl suo superlprct "I nostrl cannoni fanmf tuttora fuoco?" Suite nlte Alpl, seenndo notlzle lerl glunte, e' eldenzn dl rlnnovata at tlUta Oil Alplnl ltallanl snrpresero II nemlco sulla sommltV dl Monte Cavallo, ad tm'altprza dl oltre dieclmlta pledl, nelta reglone del Tonale, e catturarnoo sesinta prlglonierl e parecchle mliru gllntricl A nord dl Monte Grappa dlstacca menll della Quarta Armata. dopo una vlolenta prcparazlone da parte dell'aitl gllerla e dplle mllraEllatriel, si gettn rono siigll nustrlcl ottenendo Imponantl antassl, nnnostante la dlsperata resl stenza ilcl nemlco TWO CANADIANSHIPS SUNK IScw nronpli by Captain of In rominp Vr"rl An Atlantic Tort, June 27 The sink ing bv German submarines of th Pom eranlin and the Medora. both owned by the Canadian Pacific Steamship Kerlcc of Montreal, was told of by the cap tain of a Canadian "teamshlp, nhlch ar rlod from Kngland The romeranlan nan formerly the Grecian Monarch, hullt of Iron ln 18S2 for the passenger and freight trade be tweer London and New York After her purchase bv the Allan Line ln 1888 her name was changed to the romeranlan. The pel went through a terrific storm ir mid tlmtle and the dining saloon, which wa on deck amidships, slid off taking the captain, two ofllcers. and scv- prat passengers oer the side while they beam The Medora was built In 1112 as the Frankmnunt and later was purchased by the Canadian Ticlflc Steamship Serv Ice for the Atlantic trade She was 41" fpet long r? feet 1 Inch beam, and 28 feet C tnc'ies depth of hold VICTORY FOR CHILD LABOR Motion lo Refer Bill to Unfriend Ij Senate Committee Defeated AVnlilngton. June 27 A lctory for child tabor legislation was won In the Senate today when an effort to refer a bill bv Senator Pomprene to regulate the pmployment of children ln mills, mines and quirrle", to the Finance Com mlttfp. was defeated by a lote of 41 to 42 The bill was designed to meet the obiccttons of the Supreme Court to child labor legislation Senator Simmon's moed to refer the bill to the Finance Committee, regarded as unfriendly to rhilrt tabor legislation nn,i it Wis on this the tet came It then wnit nutnmati"all to th Inter itnt Commerce Committee ; si'MMPK KFnins frr. I. N. .1. VII I iNOVfl N"nr v H Fta Ref fimllv hotel F-vrm rjjji. ....... ..... ..K1 r,eo Ilutherrord VM.LEY rORGF. WASHINGTON INN PHtrkTV WAFFLE DtNNERS I'OCONO MOl NTAINS Kncle Mere, Pa. THE CRESTMONT INN ,?;'?.,. Th hotfl with the Ineompirable situation! 2200 ft nboc th sea on th summit of the Golf tennis boatinc ami tha finest of freah-witer bithlnp. Modern Im rrocments For booklet nd terms address WIF.LIAM WOODS. Manacer. II'MMPR REPORTS For a Vacation I I The World's Greatesjjgummcr Playground with a cool, bright, sunnyinigorating climate & Write for free illustrated booklet to any Chamber of Commerce, Board of Trade, or Commercial Club in the Pacific Northwest, or the Tourist Department, Parliament Buildings, Victoria; B.C.; Capitol Buildings, Salem, Oregon, or Olympta, Wash., or the office of the Executive Secretary, Herbert Cuthbert, Pacific Northwest Torot Assecwtias7l017-1018 L. C Smith BuiUng, Seattle, Washington. TOBACCO NECESSARY, MANUFACTURERS SAY Delegates to Convention Want Government So to Classify Product Atlantic city, June 27. The fuel administration will be nr-ked to chance the classification of tobacco aa an essential by the Tobacco Aso' elation of the United State, which in cludes in ii. membership mantifactur ers or cigarettes, smoking nnri r,i tobacco, and rcprcfentatles nf th at. .iieo. imereis Delegates ln comentlon here sa that tobacco Is not only an essential but a necessity A committee will lie appointed to seek thp restor ing, so lira mere mav be no possibility of a curtailment of fuel for the Indus try "The !-ldler relishes the recelnt of a package of cigarettes na much as a' letter from home," G n Weils, secretarv of a tobacco association, declared The Y M C A recently placed an order with the Durham factory for 80.000,000 cigar ettes The gigantic total of tobacco prod ucts shipped across could not sanely be estimated "Tobacco l taking a erv Important part In the war business, those engaged ln the Industry are shaving prices ory closely and there has been no eldence of profiteering We are meeting .all V.a .. .... nA nnJ 1 A..I ..I-. I .-t- ...c .,. ., .. ,:S ,,,., ,)alo- M'MMHB RI-.SORTS rrr. may, y. A CAPE MAT 5 FOURTH OF JULY AT CAPE MAY 10 n. m. Monter piride. 2000 mvnl reerve men and soldiers from France. 2 p. m. meet, enllted men anil rlvlllant. Trlres offered. 3 p. m. Knee nf hnat. Iietween sulimnrlne patrol nml cutters. Rowing matches. p. m. Ilnll game between 11 l-nlilrknn and Sewell's Tolnt te.ims ot Columbia Park, :-, --.- V fvlHie- '' IDI l -vt. Jf tlcally and believe that thechange will ne madf when facts are placed before the admlnlfrtratorn." Members of the convention say tobacco In due for another advance ment Last year It sold for thirty cents a pound, the highest eer paid. There Is a war lax of sixteen cents a pound The United States produces one billion pounds annually, which ia a third the production of the world. BENSON QUITS J50CIALISTS Former Presidential Candidate Censures PartyV Control and Methods New York, June 27 Allnn L Ben son, writer. Socialist candidate tor President in 1916, has withdrawn from the Socialist party, he announced today. 11a xKirirOB tltnt tt.A tinrlv Vim. inrjs4 a . i-noifin iiini uir iu ij nai 'ou-ti ii Into the control of forelgn-boni lcadeersn wno are nevoid or Americanism and of "an anarchistic, Mtfdlcajlstlc minority" Benson said that the leaders he referred to were not pro-German, hut vere In capable bv reason of their birth of see ing the difference between n covetous and Imperialistic nation like Germany, fighting for conquest, and n nation like the United States, fighting- for the prin ciples oi ireenom JBeatfjg Allen Aarnn Herrv. Aoliio M Bishop Stewart Horts. heller Mirei t Hrett Mehltlble T Tlrooks, Mbert Brown. William llurk Pnrtle Ilueklev. Marsaret E. P-uehler. MarKaret Kearney, Johannah J. Kearns, Jamea .1. Kellv, Chnrles R, Lancaster, Mary A. I Irt.leii. liarrv il MarCorkle, KHz n MrCurry. John Mrronou?h Kit? Mrllucli William B. Mroinn Iirldeet Mills Ulrhnrd Moore, f'hrlotte n Moore Robert n cnrK .ioern w C PmPllS. HM.I1 t. Cream(.r- Matthias SI'MMHR RF.SORTS CM'F, MAY, N. 1 In A ,i n. Tl ....... n r .1-.. Hull Pier. iiinii-minii 8 to 10 evening novlng matches be tween best men In lourlli Nnvjl Dis trict, on Convention Hall Pier. in to 12 evening Dinre In-line plicc. Golf matches nt links In afternoon. iances nt liotelo In Hie evening. For Information as to Cottages, uKKi.-i, me, staarcs.t E. J. JERRELL Secy. Board of Trade CAPE HE IDEAL ?w -" PEAtHH Daniels, Hannah C Muldoon, Maritaret Diekel, Frederick Norman. Marv B. Doimhertr. Murle D, O'Neill. Helen rilLtnton. ihh. w Paul. El zaheth R. i:merson. Elmer Tolhemus. Mary M. t ain. Catherine M. Fretz, John Stnr m. i. r hari.ll L. Tullmer. Frank W (lerhird, Anna 1,, Oladjney, Dalil Glenn, Masale &, Oreth Lonla Orumm, Cathnrtns Hansen. Marie A. Hart. John P. Hnsdock, Georite Q. Henderson, Susan Henneasv, John Heron, Charles B Hllborn, Dild R Oulnn. Anflstasla neee. Ceeella A. Ilex, Amelia I, Homnsnn Catharine Hummel, Llzetta Sampson Hnlph Fchott, Julius J, Hmlth. Dorothv C. Rnarkman..Ella M F. Steel, Elizabeth B. Tharher. Simon 1". F. Wallace. Mary A Wlesand. Ioulsa Williams Fred'k W. Younn, Kucenla Younff. Samuel ALLEN June 2S, AAP.ON ALLEN, aged Bfl. Itelatlves and friends InMted to funeral services. Thurs Jl p n at 472n Kin--sessInK ave. Int. Ternwood Ccm. Newark. N J . paperr rlease cony BEHttT June 24. ADELAIDE M BERHY. widow of John Berry. Relatives ana friends Invited to funeral. Frl . 8 3n a m . TA3 Recent st (.16th and Chester ae ). West Phlla Hlsh requiem mass Church of the Blessed Sacrament in a. m. Int Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral BISHOP At Moorestown. N J.. June 24. STEWART BISHOP, aited 72, Relatives and friend" Pocahontas Lodge No 107, I OOF: Powhatan Encampment No 30, Invited to funeril,,Frl . 2 p. m , First Bap tist Church, Moorestown Int. private. Friends may rail Thurs B If i" r m BORTSCHELLER June 2",. MARGARET, wife of Henry Bortscheller and daughter of late George and Marv Phv, aged ft Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral Sat.. 2 p m . 4474 Richmond st "Brlrteshurs Int private, w. Laurel Hill Cem Remains may be viewed Frl 8 to 10 p m BRETT. June 25 MEHITABEL PACK ARD widow of Charles S Brett, aged 93, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, rrl.. 1 30 n. m residence of son-in-law John T Ash. 121 W Summltt ave., Haddonfleld N, J. Int. Greenmount Cem., Hammonton. N J BROOKS June IS ALBERT, eon of Harrv and Florence Brooke aped ? vears 4 months Relatives nnd friends invited to fu neral services rrl , 2 p. m parents' resi dence. 2210 St Albmp st Int Mt. Morlah Cem, Sl'MMF.R BESORTH CAPK MAY. y. .1. -MAY. N. J. RESORT IHEATIW BROWN. June 25,. WILLIAM BROWN. Jired 71. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Frl . 2 0 p. m . 410 Col ' ,ve., Colllngswood, N. J. Int. private. Hartelgh Cem. BUCK. Mrs. SADIE BUCK, formerly of Philadelphia, at the .home of her daughter. J'.r.Ii.w- Bowman. Swlftwater. Pr. June 21. 1918. Interment at Swlftwater. BUCKLEY. June 20, MARGARET E.. daughter of Joseph W. and Anna C. (nee Duffy), aged 10, Due notice or funeral will by given, parents' residence, 2327 Christian street. BUEHLER June 20 MARGARET, wife of John Buehler (nee Miller). Relatives and friends- InMted to funeral services. Sun , 2 P m.r 3M0 N. 7th at, Int. private Ivy Hill CeJT.-. Ji.t0 funeral. , CLARK Suddenly, June 24, JOSEPH W.. husband of Alice E. Clark Relatives and friends, also Dru-nore Ledge, No. soft. I. o. p. F.. and Temple Encampment. No inn. Ii 2i F-! Uhertv Bell Lodge. No. .187. B. R.JT., and Penna R. R Relief Asso . Invited to service. Frl . 2 P. m,. 831 N. 43d. St. Int. private at Arlington Cem. Friends mav call Thurs. eve CLEMENS- June 24. Rending. Pa. HELEN L . widow of John P. Clemens and daughter of the late George and Mary Lckert. aged 80 ears Relatives and friends invited to funeral services, at the residence of her daughter. Mrs W Annie Harris, 404 vv indsor st , Frl , 1 p. m , nt house. Int; Charlen Evans Cem ..creamer June 20. at St. Davldsj MATTHIAS, husband of late Clnra Helding4) v-reamer- agea on services vri . p. m . son's residence, Then B Creamer. Cambria Cort. Bt. Davids, Fa Int Dover Plains, N. Y . Sat. DANIELS June 20. HANNAH C . widow of William II. Daniels Relative and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat. 2 p. m , 5002 N llttf at , Logan Int private DICKEL. Suddenly. June 24, FREDER ICK, son of Relnhardt and Anna Dlckei., sed 18 Relatives and friends invited to funeral services Frl . 2 30 p. m . parents' residence, 178 W Olney ave.. Olney. Re mains miy be levved Thurs. eve. Int. strlctlv private DOUOHERTT Suddenlv. June 25. MARIE DOROTHY, daughter of William and Anna Dougherty (nee Dennenv). aged 4 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl.. 2pm, parents' residence, 1030 Dennis st , Nlce- tovvn int noiy sepulchre cem Auto service Remains may be viewed Thura . after 8 p m . ELKINTON Sixth Month 20th at Berke. lev. Cal . ABBV W.. wife of Alfred rv Elklnlon aged 4 Relatives and frlenda Invited tn attend funeral, Fifth day. Sixth .Month, 27th, at 3 n. m . Friends Meeting jinuee. im ana Arcn sis, nuia. interment pru air. EMERSON JERSON Tune 20 Et.JKR son of 1st. than and Jane Kmerson. aged 83. Due e of funeral will be g ven lOAN June 2.1. CATHERINE M.. wire jonatt notice FAOA of Joseph W Fasan (nee Sutlers) Rela tives ana mends Invited to funeral ser ces. Sat . 2 p. m , husband's residence. 2301 N LelthRovv st Int strictly private at Bel vue Cem FOWLER June 23, SARAH LOUISE FOWLER (nee Roberts) wire of Joseph C. Fowler, aged 00 Relatives nnd frlsnds in vited to funeral Frl.. 2 p. m . from the parlors of Wardner J, Phillips. 609 N. 10th st Int Northwood Cem. Auto funeral FRETZ. In Doylestown twp . Bucks Co , ra.. June 23. JOHN STOVER FRETZ. aged 07 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl.. 3pm Int. private, Dovlestown Cem FULLMER June 25, FRANK WOL BERT, husband of Freda Fullmer (nee Kurtz) and son of Annie and late Frank Fullmer, aged 82. Due notice of funeral will be given from 258 S. 4th st. GERHARD June 25. ANNA L . wife of William L. Gerhard and late Michael and .Marv .-uorrise iey. Relatives and friends Invited to funernl Sat.. 8.30 a m.. 2044 N Orat? St.. Mt. Airy inL.r"TAH , st High mass St Ellraheth's 'Church In .XUf" 'une "a,, sV.a..IA,f 'wfii.i'i a m Int. New Cathedral Ccm Anto fnnennt William It. Youns nd daughter orwilhel OLADEY June 20 DAVID GLADNEY, mlnaand late Lewis Bohm Relatives and husband or Fanny A Gladnev (nee Holstonl i friends Invited tn funeral; .Frl.. 1 r m . nnd son or George J, j and late Marv c 'apartments of W E Rttersby N. nindnev aged 45 Relatives and friends Broad st Int. private. Forest Hill Cem Re Court Main. No 04 F. ot A.. Invited to mains mav he viewed Thurs.. 8 to 10 p m. funeral. Sun, 1 p m. 110 N. 3d st . Ai-'c fimerat Omit flovv--s ,,.,..,.,. Camden. N J Int. Harleleh Cem. -Remains , VOUNG-)n June 20 1018 .SAMUEL mav be viewed fat eve I TOl'NO. husband oT Elizabeth R : Totinsj GLENN June -.',1 MAOGIB B. wife, of Albert S.Glenn. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Krl .IP m , 0533 lllrard nve Int. West Laurel Hill Tern. BRKTH June Z3 I.C1UIS GRET1I. nt Philadelphia General Hospital, aged 70 Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral Thurs , 3 p. m., from parlors of Wardner J. Phlllpps, 600 N 10th st. Int. Northwood Cem. ORUMM. June 24. CATHARINE, vvlaow of James F. Grumm. Funeral vrlll take place Frl.. 8 SO a. m , 1533 N. 00th at. Solemn mass of requiem Church or Our Ladv or the Rosary 10 a. m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Int. St. Denis's . fern Auto funeral !'-'--.-.-. . '- ..n.n . ...i.e.- I HANSEN. June 2.1. MARIE A. HANSEN! (nee Otterbach). wife nf Ocorse Hansen, need .... 1342 Arch. r,1 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. , gf' ','.. , , A ,. Mat., 2 p. m.. 1523 Stiles st. Int. Mt. Tcace ' PIN Lost. Thursday. Juna 20. ladv'a pan Cem chased cold lover's knot breastptn. with C HART. June 23. JOHN P.. son of Mar- ' .llntnnnd, snlne from aiinhala'a elorj on Mar earet and late Jnmes Hart. Relatives and W it. to Chllds rest-turant, 12th and friends. Tvcoon Social Club Invited tn fn- Mar'set Bts , to Wanamaker'a. to Stanley . neral. from mother's residence. 2324 N Theatre. Reward to finder. Address M 819, ItcesB st,. Frl R 30 n. m. High mass or Ledger Central, requiem St Edward's Church 10 a. m wallet Lost, black wallet on Cheater in' ""Jr. 'ros" '.."". .. AUin aervice. - irATi)OCK. Klllen In nrflon. FrnncA. jtv 2S mis HEOnan OIinST HATDOCK. 1st l.lcul u. . ii.. witn u. f. inianirv. non ot , Robert Roger and Annlo Heywond Havdock, I of Milton. Mass. formerly of Philadelphia, I ln the 24th year of hla ase. after a brief lllnepa. FRANCIS com. aon of the late John R. and Mary D. Italnes. need 01. Funeral aervlre on Rrenth-da, 20th. at 2 p. m , at hi 1-tte residence. Haines st .east of Chew. Qermantown. Iir;UrliBJii j unn .n. nuat, wianw nf Dp .lAmes Tienrtersnn. aaed 70. Itela. lives nnd friends Invited to funeral services, Frl.. 8 n m.. residence of son-ln-lavv W. R. Emerlck 1BM1 N. nist at. Int. Hum. m.l.tnun Pa . Sat., noon lit;?irl.o 1. J'ine -. jvjjifN, ann oi laic vvaiv. John and Mary llennessv (nee MeNulty). I .. ,,.,. . Relatives and friend, invited to funeral. 300O YOUNO WOMEN TgtjCPHONE OP- Tri. 7 80 a. m.. residence of stenfather. ERATORS IV PHII.AUEt.PHIA AND VI. James MrCann. 1410 S Carlisle st. Mass nf CINITY. THB VimLD'S WOUKSHOP. .reciulem St. Rita's Church 8.15 a..m. Int AUK PATRIOTICALLY HELPING TO WIN Holv Cross Cem. .THE WAR. CnWft-Mr'y S"rSS(& Dovl,1)! , A Y?UNO WOTIEN IT TO "YEARS OP , Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. 1 AOE CAN ENTER THIS GREAT WORK Frl . 8 30 a. m . uncle's residence Patrick AT ONCE. 1 Donnelly, 1421 E. Ileweon at. High .mass . . . .. .. 'church of Holy Name, in a m.. then to1 n PER WEEK IS PAID DURINO THE meet 12-37 tralr. mh and Columbia ave.. for FIRST FOUR WEEKS. WITH RAPID AD I South llelhlehem. Pa. VANCCMENT THEREAFTER. I HILDOnN. .June SO, DAVID S,, husband I of Josephine Hllborn. aced 7. Relatives PERMANENT POSITIONS; EXPERIENCE land friends Invited tn funeral services Fri.. UNNECESSARY. 1 2 P. m. 103(1 W. Erlo ave. Int. rfivate, Mt !lnt Cem. ' THE WORK IS CLEAN AND FASCINAT- -. .:'nn. .. ... A... ..- KtSAKiMui. june ;.-, juiiAriNAii j. (nee Donogrue) beloved wife of Michael T.. Kearney Relatives and friends. It V. M. Sodality, invited to funeral. Fri.. R 30 a. m.. residence. 1304 Albanus St.. Locan, Sol- emn hlah mass of requiem Church of Holy Child. 10 a. m Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto service. Kindly omit flowers. KKARNK. June ;.- j,, nusbana nt Marv A. Kearns. Funeral Frl.. 0 a. m.. residence. SSSfl Fnlsom at. Solemn requiem i masa St. Acathn, Church. 10.30 a. m. Int JWOSl xioiy jicueiiivi .-rm nemiivrn .nq friends, St. Atatha'i Holy Name Society. St. Arathn'a Altar Sodlety and Phlla. Lodee. :-.--rr -w ?i t i..i. i -. ..j ..- - 'Cl No. B4. I. O. O. I. O. O. M ..I.. ..tviiru IU MlllTIIU. AUIU aervice. rvlce. KELLY. Suddenly June 27 CARO. LINE ANSPACH, wife of Joseph M Kellv and sister of Clara A Wofflnaton and Anna A. Woerhelde. Relatkea anil friends lnviiea to inr pervire an, at 2 ?. m.. at. me resiaence ni ner iaie aunt. .iary A. Ishmead. 1022 N. Broad st. Int priv. V KELLY. June 24. CHARLES Sv son of lata rhsrleifand Martha W. Kelly. Relatives and friends. Gen. W. Chllds Circle. No. 31. Typographical Union, No. 2s employea fit Public Ledger, Columbian, Diamond and Northern Yearly Bene. Societies. Invited to runerni fri.. D. in., vol in. inn bi. ini. MnpthwoAd Cem. Remains may be viewed L Thura.. 8 to 10 p. m. Auto iunerai. T.itjnASTER. June 2fl. MARY A., widow of George Lancaster. Relatives and friends Invltea to tuneri ki tiv, ob.. ..du p. m , inn Kaloa st . Wissahlckon. Int. private. West Laurel Hill i.tnriELL. June 25. HARRY M.. hus band. of Hatel E. I.lddell. aced S3. Relatives ana irienae. iwnui wuiiiii. ..u. u, jr. j. u. A. ii.. In-Vllc',r.u "'.. ?-. " -. '" resiaence ui iiiuvmjt.. e w"n' en cavernson j.. ... ..... e... ..uj, .a. riw Icea Rethel M. E Church. Thornton. Del Co.. Pa . 12 noon. Friends may call Frl .r... T . m Int Thornton. Ph. ---" -i:-.;v-vv -.:. " ...B.nnw.. MacCORKLE lllltvl.r. June -o j.i, HIP' wife of 1 wife of Thomas MacCorkle. Relatives and trienas invueu iu lunrni errvicrs, oil,, 2 p. m., DOR Greenwood ave.. Jenklntown, Pa. Int. private, Davisvtlle Baptist Church C'mcCURRY. June 20. JOHN McCURRY. aged 63 Relatives and friends. 40th Ward Republican1 Club and employes of Court No 076 Invited to funeral. Sat., 2 d m.. 1240 8. 46th at. Int. private. Friends may call Frl after 7 pm. Auto aervice Mcdonough. June 25. Elizabeth. daughter ot late Patrick and Margaret Mc Donough (nee Mullery). Relatives and friends. II. V. JI. Sodality of St. Monlca'a Church. Invited to funeral1. Frl.. 8-30 a. m., 2427 S 18th st. Solemn mass ot requiem Church of St. Monica 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. JtcOINN June 2". BRIDGET, wife of Arthur McGinn. . Relatlvea and friends. League of the Sacred Heart, invited to fu neral, Mon.. 8.30 a, m , husband'c residence. 1510 Catharine at. Solemn requiem mass St. Tereaa'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral. McllUGH June 20. WILLIAM B Jte HUGH. aged 03. Relatives and friends in vited to funeral. Sat.. 8 10 a, m... residence of daughter. Jlrs. Anna McIIuah Lees, 0041 Osage ave , W. Phlla. High mass at Church or St. .Carthage 10 a, m. Int. Holy JIILl.ER June 26. HENRY MILLER, aged 8T. Funeral private at convenience of M1I.T.S Junto 20. RICHARD, husband of Anna Mills (nes Puff), aged 74. Relatives and frlenaa inviiea to tunerai services, rri.. 8 p. m r 2M N, Taylor at. Int. Hatboro Cem , Sat., 10.30 a m Auto funeral. MOORE June 23, CHARLOTTE R wife of Henry W, Moore, aged BV Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral services. Frl.. 2 p. m 812ft Walnut st Int. private. MOORE June 2.V ROBERT B . aon of Isabella H. (nee Robb) and late Robert B. Moore, aged 10. Relatlvea and frlenda In vited to funeral servlres Sat,. 2 P. m , mother's residence, IS34 McCleilan st. Int. Jtt. Jlorlah Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl . between 8 and 10 p. m Auto service, MULDOON June 2f MAROARET wife mt John Muldoon. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat., 8 10 a. m , 1738 Manton at. (near 17th and Federal ata ). Solemn, mass of rennlem St. Charles's Church-10 a. m, Int, Holy Cross Cein. Auto funeral - . NORMAN. June 2.1. MARY ELIZABETH wife of Robert C. Norman and daughter of Frank nnd Anaslasla Heigh, aged 20. Rela tives and friends-Invited to funeral, Frl.. 2 p m., 2-112 Sharsvvood at. Int. Fernwood Cem Friends may call Thura eve. O'NEILL June "M. HELEN, daughter of Josenh F. and late Nellie V. O'Neill, ared ft yeara and 7 months Relatives and friends lnviiea to sunera) services, Pel. r. !,Bl4.ftIchL !nt r;ivn.'"... .... .J. f1 'y'-j-? !a 'f ' yer -..., .. .. ..... me! VtoTmnyw'M ,-ti her at. ELIZABETH STADLBaUN PAUL,: widow of the late Henry N. Fan!. ' Funeral ervrce at her residence. Gravers lane. Chestnut Hill, on Thurs. aft., at 4 o'clock. . POLHKMUS, At Zl'lentown." N. J,. MARY MOORE, widow of Thomas C. Pol hemus, aged 75. Relatives and frlenda In Mted to funeral. Sat,, 1 p. m.. Ztttentown, N. J. Plervlces M. PI. nhurch 9 n. m. Int. Baptist Cem, without further notice. ,. . QUINN June 23. ANASTASIA. wife of John J. Qulnn and dauthter ot late Patrick ana jiessie Aianer. nt Aiuimanoon, vjoumv Tippers ry, Ireland. Relatives and friends, B. V. M. SedSllty of the Cathedral Invited to funeral. Mon., 8-10 a.'m , 1721 Wood at. Solemn requiem mass Cathedral 10 a. m. Int Holv Cross Cem Auto funeral. . REEVEP. June 24. CECELIA A., widow of Charlts Reeves and daughter of tit" James and Sarah Farrady, aged 73. Rela tives and frlenda Invited to funeral services. Frl., 2 30 p m , residence of son-in-law, Howard B Hess, 2040 8, Hemberrer st. (22d and Snyder ave.). Int. private. Frlenda mav call Thurs. eve. Auto service. REX June 20. at Rlchboro. Pa.. Amelia I . daughter of late William and Amanda M. Rex. Relatives and Invited to runerai aervices. eat., ji a. m.. at ivr Hill Cem Chapel. Int. Ivy Hill Cem. ROBINSON. June 23, CATHARINE. wlf of 11 James Robinson, aged 74. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral services Frl.. 2 p. m.. 4310 Waluslni ave. Int. Monu ment rem. Automobile. . RUMMEL June 21. LIZETTA (nee Mem mincer), widow of Thnmis Rummel. aged 83 Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral services. Frl.. 2 p. m . 2431 N. 32d St. Int. German Lutheran Cem. , SAJIPSON June 2.1 RALPH, husband of Margaret Sampson Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services, Frl .2 r m., ID BishoD ave.. Addlngham, Del Co . Pa. Int. "'sCHOTT June 21 JULIUS J .husband of Augusta Schott. aged 81. Relatives and friends. Livingston Lodge. No 057. F. and A. M Musical Mutual Protective Union, of New York: Phlla Musical Assot. all other organizations of which he was a member. Invited tn funeral services Frl ,11 a. m.. 2847 N. 7th st. Int. private. Friends may Cas.lIlTH"-June 25 DfiROTHY C. SMITH (nee Martin), widow of Charles Smith. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl., 8:30 a m . 2749 Earp st. (28th and Reed sts ). Solemn requiem mass St. Gabriel' Church 10 a. m. Int St Matthew's Cem.. Conshohocken Auto funeral. New York city papers please copy. SPACKMAN. June 20 ELLA M F.. widow of Walter S Smckman. Funeral services, Frl.. 1 45 p. m . 201 Llpplncovt ave.. Rlverton. N. J Int , private. Train leaves Market st ferry. Philadelphia, 1 n m. KUZABETH E . vv Idow of Francis' P. Steel, Funeral services 22 S Connecticut ave., I Atlantic. Citv FVI . 1 n m. Int. private. At?"r HER. June 2(1. 8IM0N V h hue. Wl fir.l. AT Aiiani r iiiv n .j . ,ui- -.. band or Bennetta Th-icher (nee Harvevi. Relitlves and friends. Wlnfleld Scott Cnmp. No 114, M. 01 V , inviien in iunerai Fcrtn-T". Frl . 3 P m , 1042 Carey st. (10th and Erie ave.) Int. Adath Teshnriin Cem ,. WALLACE June 21 MARY A WAL LACE, wife of George W. Wallace (nee Mc Laughlin) Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Frl.. 8-30 a. m . residence of Thorn, as P. Cahlll. 200 S 20th st. Solemn high mass of requiem St. Patrick's Church. 10 a. m Int. Cathedral Cem Auto funeral. WIEOAND. June 21. LOUISA, widow of Bruno Wieaand. aged 82. Relatives and friends invited to funeral services. Frl.. 2 p m.. 213 E Eleanor st. (Front and Wyo ming ave ) Int. private. Friends may call Thnrs . 8 to lO p m. WILLIAMS. June 25. FREDERICK W., husband of Florence Lewis Williams aged 81 Relatives and friends invited to funeral , Frl ?Sfl n. m . residence of fa- .ther-ln-law, W. 11. Lewis. 233 loo Ei. uuumiti men ',""""'',''"'' ' :'?,'" '!;'""' Hnn iririini iuyiicu ,u .unci, p... .'.. Sun., at 2 p m . at late residence, is.17 S 4th Bt. Int. Trinity Lutheran Cem. Re mains may be viewed Sat, eve. LOST AND FOUND (Other Classified Ads on Page 2) DOG Boston terrier, brlndle and white, left rorelre and foot white. T months old- an isvvers to name of Governor. Reward If ra Iturned to J. R. Rue. 720 Westvlew St.. Qer mantown M IS 1.0SI. Duncn Keys, Deiween wamp ri ,i Phllndelnhiae neturn BertKnln. . , car betKe(.n 4nth ond 04, .,. T,Iwai runrrl no nuostlons askd P pit Rliomce Qucsuons asKea. P 03. HELP WANTEDFEMALE (Other Classllled AJa nn Pace t) A PATRIOTIC OPPORTUNITY TELEPHONE SERVICE IS VITAI.T.T IMPORTANT IN CARRYING ON TUB .... IN(1: Tilti QUltnUUflUJUS Attu l'LKAS. ANT. MEALS SERVED AT COST; ANNIVER- SARY PAYMENTS; SICK BENEFITS: VACATIONS WITH PAY: NOT OVER 8 HOURS' WORK PER DAY. LOOK INTO THIS PATRIOTIC OPPOR. j TUn tai.iv u utwi aix vvbisk. DAY BETWEEN 8 AND 6 WITH AT 406 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA OR . MISS V. M. ELLIOTT 20 E. 5TH ST.. CHESTER. PA. THE BELL "SCOMPANY OF IJOOKlilNDKRS Girls wanted: mutt be ex. per,, all-around hands; rood pay to tha right alrls Zabel Columbia ave BOOKKEEPER, In accounting department; voung lady with-knowledge of double-entry. Public ledger Company, eth and Chestnut streets. BOOKKEEPER wanted to assist: experienced I preierrea: very uesiraute poBivion. Answer. wun ail, BHiuir. cAiicrience. etc, P GUI, -.eager wince. BOOKKEEPER, young lady: must be orderly and good penwoman; experience ln corpora tlnn HceoiintlnK preferred. Address, ln own handwriting, atatlng age, experience, date could commence ana salary wamea, r vil. Ledger Central. BUSS WOJ1EN XYOitEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 25 AND 45 YEARS. OF NEAT APPEARANCE WANTED FOR BUSS TVORK IN TUB LARGE CAFETERIA OF GOVERNMENT SHIPYARD AT HOO ISLAND GOOD WAGES. JIEALS AND PLEASANT SURR0UNDIN03 EXCELLENT TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES APPLY WOMEN'S DEPARTJIENT UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICB1 134 S. SD ST., PHILA. DO NOT APPLY AT HOO ISLAND CAP SPINNERS AND TWISTERS WANTED: EXPERIENCED AND LEARNERS: GOOD WAGES AND fcTKADY VvORK: PRINCIPALLY FOR GOVERNMENT WORK. AP. PLY ORI8W0LD WORSTED CO., DARBY. PA. CLERK Good opportunity Inr automobile cor- nnratlnn for vnnrifr la.1v urltv. Irn.lul.. . .....;;.-- .-. r- !. - -.- .-"- r"".v"f. x . rJvlna uce, experience, retereneea'and aalar j? of M J3Jj ledger Central. , ' " 'M . ...ui iicf hiiu .iev )Birmi rrpiy in detail. 1 fl S ", Ml M Kt tAV.-- r-. ir , rT1'-" i v li" !! i "r w -1 . -. Jfc" .. , ' " -- , Mv44.;" r J l-fftrfy v&