fe'T TMch c?9 t'i.'rc-.. a reai tUCIGOMPLETA IfMliani Occupano il Tcrri mw aai iviomcuo a. 9 Mare tCNEMICO INSEGUITO tario rli Stntn Tinker ai kCeingratiiln col Ministro ey Italiano della Guerra 5 ;g-bHihcd and Distributed Under rbnmi iiu ait MMiorlrd by the net of October (I. f, en (lie at the Postofflce of Phlla- ma. ni.. orar or the presm-i. . . Postmaster General. fcTf ?& Roma 25 giugno. Bef '2rt MUa. delle armate austrlache ; ; wwtm riv orciueuiaic uci iwn.c .; -. ;'Wniptta. Un comunlcato del dlpirtl- Memo della guerra austriaco ammeue ih'le trunne dell'Imneratore Carlo sono 'jlalA mam A A.n1farn 1'alHnlnnft Hfll R, Mt?titello, sopra cul erano rlposto tutte . CjKj)eperanie per guadagnarp la planura tfisyeneU, ed "alcunl setterl" 'Matenl mantenute la scorsa aene posi- settlmani 5fei?1nT la r'a del flume dall's altlpiano all J; Ailrlatlrn Ifedlt Mlnletero della Guerra In noma PfeHc che Tlmpeto dell'attacco degll s-rn iimuani xu xaie aa loisere in uu hi" i Aiwutro II tpntatho degll austrlacl che j-a- laann Vtlarl'irA 1a srmntfl fll PPT1A Kiile Diaz e forzare gll Italian!, come I . roMl, ad accettare la pace aegu aiieaii tA( t.lltnnl. ?'' ,La valorose truppe dl ne Vlttorlo MBmanuele hanno passato 11 flume ad ora &"hweuono 11 nemlco che In ruga si rltlra BK'lrtiel masslmo dWordlne yr' Dnrin noi- r i-il liraln II Montel O (lagll ES''sustriac!. gll Itallanl stablllrono dVlle .'. teete dl nonte a Falze e Xerxesa La 'tltlrata degll austrlacl al dl la' del 5? Plmve el eftettuo' medlante Punlco ponte $& rtmfcato a nord dl Zenson Tutta l'lntera rttr-ir!one del flume dal llontello a Zenson toT & a .a ....... 4a1 n vtttrA irnnnnn i.n 111 (IUOQCBDU ttttlct- imi'l'v ........... '.K.II..I. w M...milin ti Pr.neffllatin tvS.al-ferrovla dl Oderzo per spazzare quel iL tnitor!o dagll ultlml rlmasugll nemlcl 1C . '11 ivmunlcatn rlel Mlnlstero del a Jtt.. n . ...VklUt. k.I nAma. PS?" III XVUIllU JJUtutlt.lu "el inii".- &Sr!lo dl lerl, dice quanto appresso ffiM'lA glornata dl lerl cl ha dalto rlsul witt'tmtl!; coronatl dalla vlttorla. Premuto It3? eentro la rha del Plave In una striscla dl KW'terreno dUenuta rlstrettlssima, nomDar RStf dato senza pausa dalla nostra artlgllerla E&S' dagll aeroplanl, 11 nemicq, dopo aer tv,-, mantenuto dlsperatamente per cttn mil '--i . i- -i... .-- j.i .. n ...., J iRlorni la riva nnuu uci ituiiit;, .1 iiic..v rvj dtfenorml sacrlflcl, comlncio- nelia notte , dal 22 al 23 giugno a ritararsi suua ma . sinistra, " La traversata dal flume sotto II l- . . j vJk ..HAtf. atln nnilvn irKtfllaH rrr K7 -. mwvu ttiii. iiw" ........" w.. K'ltlnno' durante la glornata dl lerl, pro- KrZ- 't.it. ji. .. ... -.l.nnH.AHK Jl Ml.... r1h WUA U. UI1 1UIIC StJlCSdllltTllLU ttt ltllt.t- 5& Hatril e truppe dl copertura. le quail Aj jilopo una dlsperata reslstenza furono & -t Montello e tutti la rla destra del & Plftvu. con la ieeezionA ill una niccnla IpnljPorzlone a Muslle, oe la lotta contlnua, K'' rltornata nelle nostre manl Plu' dl fc2f 1000 prlglonlerl furono contati Rl!t. "Una grande quantlta' dl arml e dl EH?arlalA A rrnarpq .41 li.tla I. Mn . g JIIMCIiaiD Ufc PVUE1IO. Ul IUIIC IC OllT.ir3 C Wst caduto In nostro nossesso. Un numero iSl ..etraordinarlo dl cidaerl austrlacl rlco- lwe.II terreno oe si siolsero 1 combattl- ggiaentL Clo' prova lo sfortunato valdre Ws;"" .JV ' ""'""''" ""v" u ta. errande dlsfattadel nemlco." VPOt- Waehlnrton, Ue, 24 giugno. Fj-Jyf u Buccesso consegulto dagli Italian! ' crn mvnenr nifo' tin int. lite effetto sulla gltuazlone mllltare , Kconuo j opinione ai umciaii at Ollfa !ll ValnFA mllltoA alln It- f'iL v w...w ..v. ...... ,h.v v,c,,a wi-jB.eeso uu. blui iu,iiiiiii.v mil" liutoiu Sftfcitorl. In questl Clrcoll si e' convlntl challimn n r.n Pere.rhamnenolse. istltuen- gf(Ca vlttoria steasa dara' un colpo italeldo cosl' la sua fortunata "azione di p5SrHBV alleanza teutonica. i JliJnitmantn" nnnlm l'esnerltn Hf vnn fi "U Segretarlo dl Stato Baker ha spedlto w S ! Mlnlstro Italiano della Guerra 11 fjv uente dlspacclo: i-Sj"ECCellenza: II norjolo deerll Rtntl 'A?i .TT I I gla piiarriflniln enn AnhiclqemA 1 KWvliimlrazlone la splendlda prova delle 'eW'Mpiate d'ltalla nei reslstere e nel re fe'!Sr!fnrere le forze nemlche che recente. KLj'njinte lntrapresero una magglore often' jfe lv al fronte italiano. Io con rrar . . piacero vi invio ai cuore le mie congratu - .-.- - . ,- ..n....- Ujflonl e saro molto fellce di sapere che ?.riW messagglo dl augurl e congratu- ,k' ,ffc.l l- . j . y," " Bla"J '""'nesso at generate y-fr juiaz ea ai suot nravt soiaatl." 'OFFENSIVA DEGLI ALLEATI INIZIATA Lv- ... . . .. . KWiA.Vittoria deUIIalia sul Piave Signi- A&tm che l'Esercito Unificato della &$ .. Liberia' ha Assestato il Nun TVIwij PaIhii & Jjrt-..jM .f t. .f..j j-itt , i; i srs c iu iiuuiiciuiic uch mvuTl r-S? 'iii.vi einiunuicj t..D uppurc offyl Xg;B'j5venln'7 J6o Ledger. Ji Jjp'pflenslv a degll Alleatl e' cominclata "iLlv'mlBura della vlttorla sul Plave potra" 'f-W aumentare o le sue proporzionl potranno Cx-SjaMBalnuIre con 11 passagglo della crlsl, ma dl meno st puo' dlconoscere he i.r?"t'rclto della clvllta' ha Inizlato 11 suo ijpMevUrfento dl avanzata ''&.VL'occhlo presente apprezza 1'oggetto i-,'.'iiente." dice 11 saEcio Ullsse shahe- stJltirlano, che era anche plu astuto dl HaeUo dl Omero. Ccncedlamo che la vfclone umana sla cosl" conflnata. con- V Wuerra hanno portato solo fruttl dolo- iST0!- non M msno 11 profondo sosplro dl gj-y-'rolllevo, 1' I'esultante ijrldo dl giola pel r trlonfo dell'ltalla nei Veneto non poxtra' tit- p4 eere tratttenuto. rN-i.," "Ancora: la raglone della nostra sod- l-Ja'.VHsfaxlone e' dl una nature dlfferente da nf axlone e" dl una natura dlfferente da s, iuim mo Mimire bum ac gu ero) ul 'wRe Vlttorlo avessero Rcnnflttn. r-ll nt.lrl. . iT.taas PARCKL POST t VAWNSHOP AX Qrvi VINP Loana II 0OO far 110 S'Miiut'roaT diamonds, watehea and Jewelry e 'ret pawnshop in the nor Id Waktt'i Pawnshop, 904 Vine v," - - -f nu.vutu TO THE CITY jgnlTATIOVAT, Both fitxiM - IKTHANI) ANn RIUIKKTreiNn ahortband, the easy, speedy aystem. m couriM ur or eva acnoois. ssnrou ta. To meet the heavy and inereaslnr id for youna: men and wnnun with and buslneaa training our classts will o roniinuea aay ana erenln thru 4 out eomlog summer months. Call or wrlta for partleulara and catalog. rniLa, oi ni-lisr iuluuis ion Chestnut Street . , Night School S-.. PALMER SCHOOL. 10 S 10th St. LVFR'S Tk Beat Itu!nes School i yurand Enter now Day or night. . BPANI8H Ieanna and roach t cnooi pror r ?i, ia. in. Yaima- Mew and Bay -ESS TELEGjRAPHY i a4 ulcht cIiiml Pre para for serv- tinari.nftrj or nciraii); unae. k iWHUirw true lion v-riui.a VA.. 1411 Aran Htr t WiptMi Wa ti'tmtl Wria ., ,v, y i srs: mm -lN -W ; "5llf,VJ J -""V - ANCHE LE SPOSE DOMANDANO UNA'MARCIA "MADE IN U. S." Lohengrin Perdc Tctrcno tra gli American! "Yankee Doodle" e "Over There" Lo Sostituiranno Le tlmlde itinw non mareeranno nlu' lungo la strnda maestra del matrlmonlo KUldate dail nn. Helm m. ni.-l.ale del "Lohenirrln " Almeno ner ounnto rlfruarda .not amerlr-.inr- Molt .11 quelle che si preparnna correre acll Incertl del matrlmonlo credono che tllfll- cllmente notrehhern rnnsetrnlro In quella che ogRl chlamano for?e pcrche dl moda la battaglla del matrlmonlo, la vlttorla a cul mqlto naturalmento una ' rnoa Edplra. re II lorp panso fosse cr- I nata da una marcla fitta In CJermanla." L'ellmlnazlone dl questa marcla e' I solamente parte dl una ben determlnata I Camnacna ltltp arl altmlnat-A tllltn 1a battute tcdeche dilla memoria degll iuuci ii.nn vueiii cne assisteuero a m.itrlmonl celebratlil durante II mesa oi giugno. cne fl suppone dl essere 11 plu' prolinco In fatto dl Imenel hanno tintfltn IVtA In Unnnlnrlinlni (nnprtli .nn cul niccardo Wagner nea accompag- nato i:isa, che si recava a strlngere 11 nuuu roi t.a.iierp aei iiraai, era siaia udita assal raramente mentre le copple si recaxano a scamnur.il raneno Naturalmente nessuno da' la colpa a Wagner per questo mi o stato fatto notare da moltl riirettorl dl musica, organlstl e pastorl dl Chlei che Wagner dopa essere mes'so In relazlonp con un sl!tema che non c "tinonlnio dl fellclta' e che perclo la sin musica, almeno per quanto rlguarda l'Amerlca dexe andar- sene con tutto II rpto Mendclsoohn, dopo tutto, nalga nelle stcsse acnue ohe non sono quelle In cul nalgia 11 "Clgno gentll" I acl alcunl mesl fa Naturalmente anche allora axremmo gloito per 11 alore Itil- . lano Ma oggl, icbbene l'ltilli sla l'agente Immediate delli lttorla. auello che essa ha compluto e' pleno dl nuoo e plu' largo slgnlflcito Un Solo Terrllo Dal canall delle P'landre alle paludl del Veneto un solo teerclto e' di fronte al barbarl Le nlluajonl ad offenslo Ingle?!, francesl, italiano od americine possono essere compliment!, ma qualsl aM colpo assestalo agll Unnl crunquc e da chlunque sla. dato e' assestato In realta' dal camplonl dello llberta' come un lnsleme contro N mlnaccli comune VI e in ita un perlndo dl -acanzi per alcunl profetl in fatto dl guerra DUeorsi tpeculatll su quindo l'cffensla alleata comlncorrbb- i-ono Improwl! mente dlentitl superflul L'aanzata e' gla' Incomlnoiata I"pr capo II terreno dl questa aanzata e' 1 Italia settentrlo nale e 1 sonft moltp raglonl ppr credere che, sla per prevlgpnza o sla percao, nessun tprreno plu' faoreole potrebbe eserp stato scelto H eramente p possible che un'aan zata al dl la' del Piae debba camblare I'lntero coro della guerra u forse ac corclarla dl moltl mesl. I.a Via Plu' IJreto alln Ta.e Plu' dl un anno fa con la ionquista dl Laibach, un oblettlo ben deflnito della guerra Italian.! al dl U' .11 Gcrlzla, l'eserclto dl Re Vlttorlo Eminuele rlte npa che lo schlacc'.imento dell'Austrla costlulva la la plu' brce alia pace La mancanza dl un coniando unico degll Alleatl ed 1 Fuccessl della campagna dl propaganda degll Unnl sill Carso oscu- rarono queste brlliantl speranze. ma con una nu&Aa unlta. dl comandr, e con la superba rlnascenza della cosciensa mo rale d'ltalla iiueste aperanze rlvKono ancora e rlsplendono dl vlvida luce. I.a iruerra e' un gluoco in cui la scoperta e l'attacco del puntl deboll e' ja plu' importnnte consiuerazionp f ocn I . ... -l..l....nl. nn n.tAB,.. Kluck che minacclava Parigl Xapoleone , gluoco" la stessi carta In tutta la sua carriera, ed e' slgnlflcante che l'Austrla nhhln sentltn In forza .11 alcune delle ,. nlni Krlllnnt! mntinim U'.inrnm jrt i TTlm nnno tpstlmonl sllfllclenti della loro efflcacia Un Impero che Traballa Kd ora ancora una volta Vienna e' la capitale dl un Impero che traballa Forse folate cilUUliluilc uci.o. uuni.u I Monarchla e' stata esagerata Forse le la grave sltuazione uena uupnce i tnrl. ill ao-ltnzlnnl e dl carestla che .1! ' -"'".". .... . sono venute tlall'Austrla-UnEhcrla PO tranno essere parte dl una dellberata campagna dl Ingannt isplrata dalla (Jermanla Nondimeno l sono spgnl autenticl .11 cui non si puo' non tener conto. LVAustria non ha alcuna raglone reale dl contlnuare la guerra oggl. Le raglonl sono soltanto della Germanla ed 11 fatto che una nazlone che e' costretta a contlnuare la guerra per II guadagno dl un'altra e' un ' punto debole" e certamente indlsputahlie L'ltalia ha InBlstlto per lungo tempo M'MVir.lt KKSORTs CAPE MAV. N. J. mi i aTmmwammM wwi i ii i wiw CAPE MAY ON INDEPENDENCE DAY GO TO CAPE MAY And See the Land Parade of 2000 Men of United States Naval Reserve Force. This Parade Takes Place in the Forenoon. Cape May occupies a unique position among summer resorts, for it alone offers every form of country, seashore and inland water sport and pleasure. Located on the mainland, it is not cramped for room, and devotees of golf, tennis, baseball, etc.have ample opportunity to enjoy their favorite pastime. .Roomy, picturesque bays and inlets make boating, fishing, etc., especially enjoyable. while Cape May Harbor is the headquarters for many famous yachtsmen. One of the best known features of Cape May is its unrivaled bathing beach, hard and smooth as a dancing floor, which slopes out to deep water so gently that even the little tots can enjoy surf bathing in perfect safety. bituated down at the very tip ol incvv Jersey, with the ocean washing its entire frontage and the quiet waters of Delaware Bay reaching for miles up its side, the resort is continually fanned by 'cooling invigorating breezes. Mosquitoes, the bane of so many t- eM ,v-- ? f-, i " i "; K,V ., Mentre alcuns fcnosc hanno esltato, nl prlnclplo, a rlnunziaro alle tnarco nuzlall tede'ehc qiianilo intraprendevano II fntate Maggie flnalmcnte hanno rpduto nil? Inslstenze dr-gll sposl I quail fecero notare che la i vvnirnerjana sarebbe stata plu' lunea chc una via dl qualche altra nazlonallta-, asslunKendo, come a conforto della propria tesl teal d'lmnazlrnza che Wflcncr era stato Prollsro In tutlo qticllo che nvevn fatto! ol musica. s intcnrie-e cne quaicne VT. muslrtsta nveva prcso la ocprcl- "inin lacenno arnare rii pposi ill nmre waicno mlnuto prima del Cleno .11 "ajreuin Alcunl mtlilclstl hanno sucgerlto rhe alia marcla dl nisi si Fonlttilsca una marcla svedese. una marcla russt. magarl una marcla sanmarlnese, mi 1 sono altrl. e sono li maggloranza, che illcono che una marcla nuzlale fatta In America debba esspre quelli plu' nditta a condurrp all'ultare una coppla era- motion nn1frlpfin;i VI ennn linn nnintllfl1 .11 glOMnl amcrlcanl anche dl quelli naluralmente cno non conticono u valorn .11 una battuta I quail dlcono che non e affattn necessarln uere airnstero ner ccrUern della buonn .......tMn .1 nl..n.A nU.. 11 nwnrln f4 I lalltudlne e quello dl longltudlno non lnflulcono aftatto sulle facolta lntel- lettuill fleiruomo rtl cenio, p, seennnn loro anche l'lslinda potrehbe produrro Un Palestrlna, un Beethoen o un Was- ner ssP u composltoro Indigeno hi fol- sogno dcll'lsplrazlone, egll puo' cercarli n uu cantucclo anche nrgll Statl Unitl. c la musi gll snra' gentile tanto come fu a Wagner lamena liguna dl Vcnpzli I Paitorl dl numerone rhleso sono d'accordo hpI ritenerp che una marcla nuzlale imericMni sarebbe proprlo quel lo che cl xorrebbe Perche' p-l .11- conoun palo dl spoil pon dosrebbero essere accompagnatl all'altarc dalle note dl "Yankee Doodle" o dl "0er There" su questo nrgomento Oggl la grande Lega dl cul esa fa parte le dV raglone Oltre Ij.ilb.ich' la stradi dl Vienna offre Ustacoll mllitari insuperablll VI e' pernno li probablllta' che un grande pserclto che lnadesse ll Carinzli tro as5p una strada per li redenzlonc dpgll Statl Balcanlcl Le vpoRslhllttV rtl una tale avnnzata 'n grande lono cosl tremende che la mente pslta ad afferrarle 1j' bene stare In guardla contro le Illusion! anche quando si e' sallti sulla all della lttorla. IS'ondlmeno e' .lilllclle non rlmancre convlntl del fatto che la strada della pace non sla stata conslrtereiolmentP accorclata dal grai aenimentl degll ultlmi noe glornl Itnma, che tennp tutto 11 mondo clile in pice per plu' lungo tempo che non lo abbia tenuto nualslasl altra nazlone nei sccoll passatl, celebri oggl la ittoria A dlspetto dl tutto quanto l'awenlre possa aero In serbo per noi, l'augurio e' slgnlflcante La marea e' cambiata u. s."after hidden GERMAN MILLIONS Alien Property Custodian Scents Plot and Has Seized Several Big Concerns ew aTk, June 25. Investigators for the alien property custodian are here todaj on the trail of further enemy millions allegpd to have been concealed under the cloak of Amer ican corporations, as the result of a widespread plot Just uncovered Already $3,600,000 worth of such property has been seized, and the arrest of certain more Germans and German-Americans is expected as an early development The companies already Involved are Dleckerho'f, Itaffloer Company, im porters and manufacturers ; Raffloer, Erbsloh & Co , cordage manufacturers, and the jVmerlcan Storage Company, of Havana It Is charged that the concealment was engineered by En aid C Dieckerhoff, who Is an unnaturalized alien, although be has been In thla country fifteen years, and that he was aided by George Carl ton Comstock, a lawver The names of the "ready-to-wear" corporations accused by the Government are the Knickerbocker Investment Com pany, and the Knickerbocker Building and Finance Corporation. Spanish War Veterans Meet W HUamsport, P.. June 25 Several hundred delegates are attending the fourteenth annual convention of Penn sylvania department, Spanish War Vet erans, which opened esterday. The ladles' auxiliary is also in session. Mayor A M HoiBland welcomed the veterans, who were addressed by Emerson Collins, Deputv Atto-ney General. M'MVIIK RFNOBTS CAPF. M.VY. N. J. coast resorts, are practically un known at Cape May, owing to the scientific campaign of exter mination carried on under Stale supervision. For Information as lo Cottages, Hotels, Etc., Address ' E. J. JERRELL Secy. Board of Trade CAPE MAY, N. J. J IE IDEAL EENIn& PtTBMC' I;EBQERPHimDtLl .' ARMY WILL PROBE FILM SHOWING TANKS Seek Information as to How Hearst Company Got Pictures Washington, .Tune 26 jt the lntance of the committee of public Information, the Acting Chief of Ordnance of the Army and the Office of Mllltnn Intelligence hae ordered an investigation Into the circumstances un der which the Hearst-Pathe Company obtiinert permission to exhibit moving pictures of American tanks in action It wis sild at the office of the com mittee on public Information that the exhibition of the films had not been censored ind sanctioned by the com mittee The committee's action was an out come of the charges made last night by U H Cochrane, Ice president of the t'nUersil rilm Company, that the committee on public Information was under the Influence of William R Hearst, and that through this Influence the Ilearst-Pithc tank pictures were permitted to be exhibited, while the Universal film, entitled "Tile Yanks jrn Coming," wis denied the right to be shown, as idvertlscd, in the Broadway Theatre last night Georgo Creel the chilrman, and other officials of the committee on public ln formatin denied that they had sanc tioned the exhibition of the tank pic tures of the Heaist-Patho Company They "aid tint Inquiries made on the basis of Mr Cochrane's charge devel oped that a ciptin and a second lieu tenant of the nnk corps at Oettvshmg had given permission to thp H irst Pathe Companv to take and exhibit the tank film, contriry to the understand ing with moving picture concerns that no war Alms should be exhibited with out the committee's sanction The In ve"tlgatlon instituted by the War De partment, It wis sild, contemplated fix ing responslblll'v for the permission granted with a view to military action against those In the military service al leged to be concerned spvivii it nrstiRTs ATI.WTir ( ITV. N. J. Coolest and Most Attractive Location OSTEND Whole Block Ocean Front noston to StnenMirn Ae In exclusive Che!- Fti section Open nur foundings Ocean Mew ronnn Sen unter bath private uuu mimic MociTn njnrti nerapeuiic ue pirtment Orchestra of sololMs. nvNciNO ni:itY hvevino Auto bus moets trains I.ooKtet Ownership direction John T Dolphin Msr orKANCITA. N. .1. HOTEL HENRY 7th and Asbury Avenue Rooms vith and without running witrr Moderate rat MR. O, II. HI KV CAPE MAY. N. .1. hECt rtl', YOl'It COTTjVGE AND HOTnt. RESERVATIONS ,T THE HESOllT llllll i ivr,it UAllll.NU JitJjVV. 11 IN won i r W UITIj HOARD OF TR VDE mi.minnn, N. .1 EDGETON INN N'ear beach- cap 250. T J Albert Harris Trop I'llCONO MOUNTAINS. ' Fngles Mere. 1'a. THF PRFSTMONT IN1M Eagl-s IflLUriLOimUlll "'"Mere. Pa The hotel with the Incomparable situation "200 ft above the sea. on the summit of th Alleghanles Golf, tennis boating nnd the finest or rresn-water uaming. .viodern Im provements Kor booklet nnd terms address WILLIAM WOODS Manager. VALLEY FORGE WASHINGTON INN CHICKEN . WArFLE DINNERS WKItNFRSVILLE, Sunset Hall 0Pen "" th0 ear- Not ounsei nail nitarlUm Write Geo. s. Gaul. Pres. &. Mgr., or Ledger Central. NF.vV lORK CIT HOTEL WEBSTER 40 We. t 45th St. New York. just off 5th Ave on one of cit s quietest streets Much favored by womeutrnielUui; without escort. Within four min- I utes walk of forty I theatres Center of shop- j plni; district. Special Summtf Riles largt Rocm, usi of bilh.fiom $2 00 lifts Rccm. prints bath. Irons S2 SO Sulles, from $5 03 Vf Jshr.ton Qu'nn CAPE MAV. N. J. t y& 7?S RESORT I wWwIrasfei $S8ifflM Ri 4 ; a us- IS 1 E ii la- EQ 7J tAVZ- m y n Eg! SrflV'.Ml JaJLls h',v..JSWW. " W&M Rlrong point under heaVy machine gun flro. jV dashing example of bravery. "Lieutenant Lee S Dillon, engineers Exposed to hevay gun fire and unshel tered, he ncccssfully conducted working parties for flo days" Nurje Reported Killed U Alivo ItatMon, Ta., June 25 Reported re cently to have been killed on the French battlefront, where she, Is serving as a Red Cross nurse with Hie first contin gent fitted out by the University of Pennsjlvanla, Miss Mao Smith, daugh ter of n H, Smith, a Hazleton business man, sent word home that she Is allvo and well Recently she was on an ambu lance, the doctor In charge of which was' struck dead by a shell Mvrtmrn Mcrt.fnn KEBFE In P.ltlmore hv P.yAr,h,lr Klnnnlvlntr YVONNE TUOUET ',vK,EI,K. dRinehter of Mr And Mm Charli-i IV MKMoniW! The Hoard of Dlrrclnrs of the Northern Natlonnl Hank of Philadelphia havlne learned, with sincere resret of the death of their fellow memher. WIIjMAM KUM MEIUjE Sr , drlr to ray thla tribute to nle memorv . t rr0?;..!!!8 "m'" of thK organization of the hank William-Kummerln hes been unfalllne In hie efforts and earnest In his endeavors tonnrd the eureese of that Institution ii"i'-il uimn'.iiiiiiiiK una painstaking, he w..s ever iiieotlve to his duty, and In his assochtlon with the members of the board these virtue, endeirml him to them nil '! 1 ? ;".?..TO" ?! .!'. "d the iioneei unassuming; and ralnetaklnc. he fullness thereof waa bucIi that h nt , sorely missed " pjifnu io nis sorrowing ramily our sincere and earnest regrets Resolved Thit this resolution he placed upon the mlnu'r- of the association pub llshed In the new"pap"rs of Phllartelnh'v and a copy therenf he sent to his famllj eatfjs; Alln erfn Pelttenmltler Louise Hrnm!f To n II Ttron Mirpar3t A Ttrown Itlriirfl Huek arih Puntlnp Tane Hums .loreph m Butz T.el r Carney, Mary Carbon, Tlacbel Crtrter. Kntle Clark Joseph W 'viitehner rrink I ' "PDln, MMtnn A Ijivelle, William n jenahin. Jo-n J Ijoril Joseph A Ir I-owrv Tames MarJfahb, Alexander McCadden, Iteherea McCauley Marv.n Mef-uen. Marie C Mcponanh Anthony vfeMnomav. Annlo ?.??,"" Samuel C Miller. Jiarv A Murray William Nelll Kllzahelh Q'Velll, Mary M Ormsby. John M Taterson Mitlldi f Patrick Margaret M Pavne, Philip s Phelan, Magdalena rross John Pusov lemes W Ilex C. Florence HoKcrs nbh J, Ilose, Mary Anna Host, Hrnest taville lohp Iloss Schwartz, Martin 'ervoks lohn C. Slble CIdeon Snnllrel lohn H Fnurrler William V vlvest.r KrHlerlck Van Djlte Thos K Walker ftobert v arner Louise Warren faille A " nlt ril7abeth Wilder James W Mints Chirlcs M i Vmr:n 'lf,pn -1 liirillin y.viin i - j. Donov in N'elUe L Pouchertv Adelaide nastnood Walter Sr Plklnton Ahbv W Kdvvards n J Hvre, Oenrpe 51 , Jr. Fltzaerald James J. rrarler Sirah C Friel. William l"urlone William V. Han? William Oentel, Catherine A. rioldev Charles II Ooodman Rachel CIrumm, Cathirlno Handschumacher, jVitRiist H Jr Hart John r Hirttinir lo'inJ Hay. ThomaH llaes, nilzaheth Heron. Charlts H Hlnkle. Il V . Jr Hohluep ( h.rloj r. Ilornor Unltl JI Koln John Kerns, James J Kejburn, Anna n ALLEN Jun .'1. AjVHUN ALLEN, aged (10 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Thurs 2 10 p m , at 4720 King- sessln ave Int Fernwood Cem Newa ,irk N I papers nlense codj . nr-.ITTKVMILI.ER June 23 I.ni'lsr: w dow or .lonn jieutenmiiier iteiatlves and . - . - ... . . TT - - friends Invited to-servlos Wed. 1pm, ervlos Wed. 1 n m. diughter s resinvnre -on e 2010 E Arizona st . Dvurhln Int. priiate 1 neir 1 merall ana .1.JJ T-.ll.,, .' A... HtttiMLilY-June 21 JOHN If son of lite John and Lucinda Hromley aged 74, l!.1nlli,.u nml friends Invili-d to fnnoral services Wed. 11 a m. 137 W Susnue. hanni nve lnt private Laurel Hill Cem BROWN June .'I, at Municipal Hospital, MARGARET ANNA, daughter of Thomas I and Delia Brown (nee O'Hern) 1711 Mt Vernon st . aged 1 vevrs 10, months int, llnlv Cross Cem Wert morning Vo funeral BROWN June 22 RICHARD, husband of Catharine Hrown and son of late James IT and Man Brown, aged Til Relatlies i and friends Ilrlcklavers' Local Union, No I nf Phlh! Washington C-imn Vn 19. P. O. S of A . Invited to funeral. Wed , 2 P m. 2320 S Rosewood st Int Tern- wood Cem l rienas may can 'lues eve. ' Aulo service SARAH, wife of John i BUCK June 21 Buck and daughter of Mary Spites and late I S Channel!, 3833 N 7th st go'"nn re jVndrew Bergman nnd granddaughter of qulcm mnBs M veronica s Church 10 a. m. Mrs Kato and late Thomas Jlaggl. aged 23 Int private Old Cathedral Cem. , Relatives and friends Invited to funeral LIMiBN'LAUl ' Juno 21 WII.LIAXI. Wed , 2 p m . 017 Wolf st lnt Ternwood I husband of Edna V. Llndenlauf Inee i W Ickes). Cem Prlends may call Tues eve aged 27. Relatives and friends invited to fu- Hu-Nllli June -4, jAiMU widow or nerai BerviicB, i.eu , , .n . . ., mi 1 Thomas Hunting Relatives and friends In-! Vogdes and Mne sts Remains may be vlted to funeral services. Thurs. 3 p m.vlewed Tues, S to 10 p m. Int. Fernwood 1 2141 N I'alethorn st Remains may bs.Cem ,-. . .viewed Wed. -ve. Int Hillside Cem I LORD Suddenly. June 22. JOSEPH A . miRNS June 23. JOSFPIf. husband nf Jr . son of loseph A and Jennie .Lord (nee late Ellen M Burns (nee Murnhv) and son of late John and Mary Burns Relatives and frli-nds St Incent de Paul Society of St Michael's Church: A O IL, No 1, Invited to funeral, Thurs , S 30 a. m ,N E cor. Front and Thompson sts Solemn requiem mass St Michael's Church 10 a m lnt New Cathedral Cem Auto funeral BUTZ At Wlldwood, N J . June 23. LEVI son of late Levi and Louisa Butz Relatives and friends, Mnlafka Council No 4, jr o u a1 in oi i-niiupsnurg, N J and Unltv Idge, No in I O O r of Mt Holly milled to runera services, 4114 Pa- rltlc ave Wlldwood. N J Wert Opm. Int Eastern Heights Cem Remains may be viewed Easton Ileitis Cem. Thur, . 3 CARSON June 23 RACHEL widow of Alexander Carfin Relatives and friends Invited to runerni, Weil 1 30 p m , 703 E Clearfield st Services Trinity Re formed Episcoml Church F st and Alle Ehenv ave 2 111 p m lnt private CARTER June 21, ICA riE. wife of Charles M Carter Inee Rltter) Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Thurs , 2 30 p m . hushjnd a residence noj Newton ave Oaklvn. N J Int Harleleh Cem Trlends mav tall Wed . after 7pm CLARK Suldenlj. June 21, JOSEPH W . husband'of Alice E Clark Further notice will be given from 831 N 43d st CI.FMFNS June 31. Readme. Pa, HELEN L widow of John P Clemens and daushter of the late Georse and Mary CaVn'ev RMativeV-and'frl'endV" ?w ,?i,"& i'nv Ue.i-tn fu"., .ervlce- Thurs pr m" funeral Wed. 2 n m 2041 s WArnnck it ion s residence. Robert II McCadden. 114 ,. .. . i- tn win .. . m . , nt nni.nrt Mninnnpn tip utikr nnn ir nnm int Mt Morlah Cem Remains may be , Barker ave.. Hharon Hill. lel Co . I'a Int. i 'P' -2,ln...:. -S" !T. ....Vi,ns may De nrliale Friends may ca Wed nfier7n.nl. iirwrii i-t s- c !-- -s-tii- i licKert. agen m jieiaiives ano trlends in nii-TltlCK June 21 AVON I.E ROT lr son of Aon Le Roy and Mary Matson Dletrlck and grandson of Elwond and late Catherine Matson. aaed months 0 dais Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services wed - p m residence or great Branumotner. tun naco si int Cem Auto funeral F.rnunnrl ernvood DONOVAN June SI NELLIE L daugh ter of Daniel and late 'Catharine M Dono van Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral, residence of sister Mm. Anthony Vlr Hale KM"' Haverford ave W Phlla Sol emn requiem mass Church of Our Ladv of the Rosary 10 a m Int Holy Cross Cem juto service DOUQIIERTY June 2) ADELAIDE, widow or unaries ii Dougnerti aged ki Services Wed 1 p m . apartments of William II Battersby. 3310 N Broad st Int private ELK1NTOV lixlh Month 20th. at Berke. ley. Cal ABBT W wife of Alfred C Kfklnton aged fit. Duo notice of funeral win h given J-YRE June 21. GEORGE FAUNCE Ki(t-;. jr . son or ueorge o and Florence -., - o citi.A. . ji .. vted'to fSneral servTceT W ed. "iT 'IK parents' residence. HlJI Svcamore terrace Haddon Heights, N J, Int West Laurel mil uwn KIT j:iJER.LD lune 23 JAMES J. hus I band of Margaret I'ltn'erald Inee Riley) and I son of late Patrick and Mary J Mtzaeratd Relatlvea and friends. I. CO M , No M; 1-; rvu i ami iiavtnorne Club in vlted Jo funeral Thura. 8 30 am 805 N I .Villi it V est Philadelphia SoUmn requiem mass Our Mother of Sorrows' Church 10 a m Int Cathedral Cem Car lage runeral. FRAZ1ER - Fotmerlv of Cedar Brook, .t t iin a cin.ii I .. i..e iru liam Frasier. aced .r7 ReUtlea and friends invnea io service ivea . - p in , uitr 11 , Hair Uldg . 1820 Chestnut st t lnt lit !'. lnt Mt. Ver- i nnn r.ni FHIEu June 22 WILLIAM, husliand of May Frlel tnee Frosch) and son of late William and Fanny Frlel, formerly or Con- I shohocken Pa Relatlvea and friends. Bar. tenders' union i ocai no. iii invited rn funeral Wed, S 30 a m. 2344 S Alder st High requiem mass Church of the Eplpo. any 10 a m lnt, St Matthew's New Cm.. Conshohocken, Pa Auto 1 uners 1. FURLONG June 23 WILLIAM V . tans band of Elizabeth Turlong and son of Harry and Maggie Ftirlong (nee McCarty'v Bel atlvea and friends, f O O M No. 54: Phlla, Reading Relief Association. In vited to funeral Thura 8am parents' residence JU45 N S5th st.. Falls of Schuyl kill High masa at St Bridget's Church li 30 a m , Int St Mary's Cem . Rox Iioroueh ,ulo funeral CAN- June JJ WILLIAM, hutband of Amelia Ganz Inee Ehmannl. ag.d 57, Rela tives and friends St, Joseph's an J fit. Honlfartus'a Societies. Court Mt. Vernon No. 117,'. F. of A employes of Frankford Arsenal' invited to funeral, Thurs., 8 a. m , 45J7 Edgeinont l . Requiem hl.h mass All Haints' inurcn. uriaesDurg. v Int Holy Redeemer Cem GSNTELJune 23. CATHERINE A.. widow of William D. Oentel and daughter of lata Charles and Mary McDevllt. r.elatives and menus invitea to sunerai, al w,4 a ail 1003 Monmouth at. High mass bl. Ilonaventura'a Church 10 a. in. Int, Holy Sepulchre Ctm GOI.D1IV -June 23 . CHAIILEH HENRY. husband of Lillian Uoldty tnee WbetMiMel. vlted to funeral services, at the residence of .and Mary McDonaah (nee Walshl. of Gur her daughter. Mrs W Annie Harris, 401 fn!,,,,l',?ril'.h' WliZtti.? IHTPf...0' V.'. Windsor at. 'int. Charlea Evan, Cem ' ,?,. '"J," n',?lv?? 5d,.'ri." -V-1- Services Wed '2 30 p m residence "of' ?ue,.,? , " son's, residence. Harry Mil-1 01RLb antfd t0 ork on toldln. paVr nleceeMrs Frank r Emrei. 4011 Penn v"3 ,'m, "V "xr?.Uml, PoVt.SuS I &.. h""" P "k- t"" hollda.y st Trankford Int private v morn . ralcoirfer Swamp Cam .Pot i Blown Saturdav ,n thB year round. J9 to start EASTWOOD June J4 1020 E Columbia la Traln leaves East Manayunk t j7 rii-own L Ballev Co. 410 N Franklin st wVod Vn'MInler)r Duo,?. of'fune'rM " MURRAY -June 23 WILLIAM, husband GIRL wanted with some knowledge of com- will h. civ en ' junerai of j, Murray and BOn ot rhomas and merclal photography. Apply William Foo- ElJW'AIDs Suddenlv June 23 ELIZA- late Martha Murray Relatives and friends ter 120S N list st nJi.ii ' i j. j i.,,.r o"11 -V ...j. inv ted tn funeral services Thurs . p In ;,.. .- .. ..... !.. 011 a snaA ; J,iX.j mm ' -! nr,ATi! No- 2M. T. O 0 V.. National Paleatlne En ramrment. No .Tl, Quiker City Hoque ana Straw berrv Quclt"- Club, Invited to funeral service Wed 2 n in lint Harold at. Int. prhate. I rlfnds may call Tuea. eve. OOODMAV June 21 H VCHEL OOOD MAN Inee Hilt) widow of Morrla Goodman Helatlvea and friends Invited to eervKea, Weil, Ha m , 1020 Dlttman tt frank ford lnt private Cedar Hill Cem Remains mav be viewed Tues , 7 to l n m QRUMM June 24, CATHAIUNR, widow of James F Grumm Funeral vrlll take Plaee Frl , 8 30 a m , till ,V noth t Solemn mass of requiem Church of Uur Ladv of the rtosary 10 a m tlelathes and friends Invited to attend Jnt. (ft Denls'a 'HANDSCHUMACltnn Suddenly, at Shel by, Tex, 'June IB, Corporal AUGUST H, Jr., son of Julia P. Handschumacher (ne Knab) and late Aumist C. Handschumacher, aged 21 Relatives and friends, Washing ton Camp No 489. P O S. of A., Stone men'a Fellowship, 43d Wardi Stonemtn'a Orchestra, Hitters D SOIh Tleld Artillery; employes of I'l!y Fabric Co . Invited to fu neral services Wed , 'J p m residence of mother 71H W Venango el Int. private, Chelim Hills Cem. HART June 23 JOHN P son of Mar garet and latH Jims Hart nelstlves and friends Tvcoon Social Club invited fn fu neral from mother's residence 2324 N. Reese st Frl 8 30 a m Hlsh mass of mnttiem St. Edward a Church 10 a m. Int Hot Cross Cem. Auto service ItAIlTUXCl June June. 23 JOHN. J HAn- ITU.NO husband of Alwlne Hartunc, r,.,-.i. -. r.i..i. n .HMitta nr niTn w'hlch he was a member Invited to funeral I services, Thurs. 1pm 030 W.TIoca t. 73 Int. private. Aorinwoou vcm rrienn1. may t. nriRlp. rorthwi i.nli VV'H R In in n m .vtif nervlre HAT At 1717 N 29th st , Juno 24. THOMAS CRAWFORD HAYi husband of Isabella Hay. Xothe of funeril later 1 rtll.i June .1 'j'.i iwii, i n ihiujilt i of Mary Haves (nee f,insJm) and late Ellas ! Hajes. Relatives and, frients. Circle No I I 20. L F of A In I d to funeral serv ces , I Mon . 2 10 P , ra , mother a residence 307 HAIIJ June ji ',MiMijiii .iiiu'it-r i Porter, st lnl Hebrew Mutual Burial IGrounds Auto service v4i.'ui-it inna oi rvtAnT.T!a Tt. Hntl of Charles II and Mary jV.. Heron (nee Doyle j. Relatives and frl"nds Invited to funeral, Krl 8 30 a m uncl-'s residence Patrick DonnelU H21 E H-son st Illuh mass . hurcn of Hoiv Nam l'l a m . then to meet is 17 trilr 1Mb and Columbia ave , for houlh Hethleheii IM . . HIVKIjI: June 24 RICHARD A HINKLK Jr., son of Richard and late Lit llan Hlnkle Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services Wed . 2 p m , 25i4 Rllae nv Int ureenmouni t em wnltf.vvrri At Atltntle t'llv. June il". CHAU1.KK F husbsn 1 of Caroline Hohlw en (nee Vnlt7) of I'aulstoro N J. aKd '''I iRelitlves and frl"nd, Humboldt-Lodrse No i-.n ! nod A M . Phlla lil.le Club: Wood burj Loilae, No 's.ii. I. ) O M , Invited lo funeril servl ea Wed , 2 0. funeral home John c KimmT'e & Sons 21J7 N Broad st . above Diamond st Phlll Int private. Fernwood Cem Vuto service Friends mav view r-nalns Tu a, " to 8 P m Psulsboro Hot-1 Piul'boro. N J Jlllll.ll'l. rtl .'ll Hum ;- JiiJ'c -t t-i m 1. ritirwi 1 .. l. .i.ii. i.mn ) iritrvr u, a K A I a-JUUiiriu xwii" --i nuiui nun- b nl " 'nte n" Kpln (ne Seene) and I Vuto funeral Near I3a'Trad and Talmer ' streets KEARNET. Juno 24 JOHANNAII J ! KEARNEY nee Donoghue wife of Michael IKearnej. Relitives and friends R V M Sod-illt, Invited to funral 1 rl S 10 n m from resioence loin jiiinnua si i.ngan solemn high mass of requiem at Church of Holy Child 10 a m Int. New Cathedral 1 -" . .Vi' "rvk'e Ojn't nowers Kl.ll c- June -,. .,.-ico , iiu-iiii'u in ,':. i l.-A.. nn nMlpj nf Innnnl l-nm inifPoliomil 'f,ni iS-June 22. ANNA nnt.LA k. a trriMa VT iia natlSA a riihrit il feu-im if i-'.'v iicrv aged J daughter of John il ind Relatives Mars (I Kcjnurn nee .iicueviri; land frl.ndB Invited to funeral Tues J p m residence of parents (1.'4 N 2.1th st .Int lloiv cross i em auio lunerai . I KU TCIINEH suddenly, on . sixtn-aiontn 22d 1I1K t HANK J KUrLHNI.lt lle UTL'HNI.lt lleloied nuso-uiu in -7 "i-- o-uli.",,t' "-r" - ji-ni- .. . U.J !.'-iia H iTA.l IT liel Hives onu irienoa i,rium i raierinu Itel itlves and friends Ornnd rraternltj nlso . I all other societies of which be was n memfier are Invited to funeral services onruesday at S V m sharp at his late residence, ifls. H. (.nth st lnt liar Nebo Cometerj Auto i fimnrat i LAITl.v . June. . "iii.iue iiiui.iii.iiu I of Mottle I.aprln , tn-e ualt). "J''' 1'' , VJiV I tlvja and friends iKtOTe Beneficial Asso 'and pll other orders of which he was a mem , her. Invited to funeral services Thurs. 2 j, in , 1, , i ,',,t",..t .,t- , ...W..J. .,., private Auto funeral l.AVELLE June 23 WILLIAM ED WARD Jr . son nf William Edward and Kthel Lavelle. agvd 12 Relatives and friends. Belmont Hojs' Grammar School, 41st and Brown sts , Invited to service, Tlulrs , 2 p m . 40J3 Haverford ave Int. private Friends ma call Wed eve. l,l,.,VHAi Juno o juii.. .j iiuKuHiiu of late Rose Lenaban (neo Nugent) Rela- lilies ana irienus iiiviici iu miriai, nm . ' 8 30 a m residence of son-ln law. Powell Oral), aged 24 . Relatives .and rrlend r-nftmnnrtlitan Lodge, No, 233, of P.: Camp No 48T P O S of A ; doth Baptist Sunday School and Church, of which be was a member, invitea tc runerni services, Wed ,2pm, 2S32 N 7th st Int. North viewed vicwea wood Cem Remains may bo Tues , after 7 p. m LOWIIY June 23 JAMES, son of Martha and late Samuel Lowrv, aged 21 Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Wed 2 p in . 2fi0J W" Dauphin at Int Greenmount Cem I Remains may bo viewed Tues , s to 10 p m auio iuneri cXAMl-June Si In Alia ntlc City. N J. ALEXANDER Mac.NAUB. Jr Due "DDEN-Juno 24 EREBECCA. widow Auto service McCAULET June 22, MARY E wife of John McCatley and dauRhter of Gecrae and Susnnna W'ho-ler Relatives and friends,, bacred Heart S'nclety of Holy Family Church invited to funeral. Wed 8 30 a m . 471S Mansion ave., Manaunk Requiem mass Hol Family Church 10 a. m. Int. ll'.,imlntpr ("Vm Auto service. McCUKV. lune 22. MARIE C. wife of) Charles .vi .Mcuuen ana aaugmer or unrls and Hrldset Murtha (nea Coyne) aued 20. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Wed , S 30 a m , 4707 Worth st Frank ford Solemn requiem .mass St Joachim's Chu-ch iu a. m. Int. St. Demlnlc'a Cem. .Vuto service McDONAGH. Suddenly, at Baltimore. Mil . lune 2J ANTHONY, son of Anthony Morlah Lodge. No 110. R of L P and E Invited to funeral Wed . 8 10 a m , cousin's residence. Mrs O iirten. 1808 Insersoll st Mats of solemn requiem Church of the Gesu 10 a m Int Holy Crosa Cem Auto fu neral MC.MrjiUJl,rt 1 J UOO -J, Jj-i-lllj. WHO Ol Edwar,, , McMenomay and daughter "' vicviRNUMAY June zi, a-miniu. wile or late Martin and Ann mnjiwrv Relatives and friends invited to,funeral. Wed ,2pm, eon. In. law's residence. Peter IjOtter. 6322 Palmetto st , Lawndale, Phlla Int j)M ll. r.nlrnil.u rm K,mn III maV Remains may'be viewed Tues eve MEANS June 24. SAMUEL C MEANS Service Wed , 7 JO p. m . 12d N 51st st MILLER June 2J. MARY A MILLER, widow of .Inlin.H Miller, aged 78 Rela. Uvea and friends Invited to funeral services. 223d Cross st. Int Fernwood Cem ne , miUn,"..m'"r P" "".'a-in.i.?tv!;& .yi" of James Nlil Due notice of funeral from ...Oil Ianton et I uNi:iL,l. June 24. MARY M U of Hush r, O'Neill and daughter of Thomas I and late Annia Dames RilativeB and 1 friends invited -to funeral. Thurs . 8 30 . in . -ti.: Yvainui ianf. Hniwiuuiu nm- 47J wa nut lane. itoXDornugn noi - .l I f,m" IW tf . John the Ran.-ft . sin, lVhr rim ' iiiin innml. . ' "Eu'rM" cm. auio lunerai. , . UK11MJ1. Al 101O t uroan Bl .June t, IOIIN M., son of late Thomas and Margaret I Ormsby Notice of funeral will be given i MVlJLne CALVRU PATERSON, aed 07. Relatives. na inenas invited to innerai vertices, I Wed . Ham. chapel of Andrew J Hair ($ Arch and 18th sts Int private PATRICK. June 24 MARGARET M I Mnu, .tmanro n Pafrii-L fnee Uluthnl. I land) Relatives and frlendn invited to fu '-i -; i.-nf .1.... Mrs James F GUI. 142 W. Glrard ae ' boiemn requiem mass t ruacny s -.nurrn I In . 1 IIj.Ii, C-ulehe I -0m lllliv lu a m Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem Auto funeral ' PAYNE Juno 22. rillLlP 8. son of Philip and Annie Fame (nee McLaughlin). Relatlvea and friends Altar and Ros.ry Society, P. R R Relief Asso , invited to attend funeral, Wed, 8 3u a m , JSVj Meredith st Solemn requiem mass St. Fran. cis xavier a inurcn iu a. m uv. noiy i r-rn.B rVnm ' PHELAN Suddenly. June 20, JIAOPA LEVA FHEI.AN. widow of John Theslng and late Edward Phelan Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral Wed . 8 SO a m . son-in-law's residence William It. oted. man. 1014 E. Mojamenslng ave, Soltrnn re. nulem high mass St. Philip de Nerl's Church in a m Int. private Auto service PROSS June 23. JOHN PROSS. husband of late Barbara Pross. In the German Prpt estant Home, Lansdowne. aged 83, Rela tives and friends Invited to services, Thurs , 1 P m , 331 Falrmount ave. Int. private NpUSVEYd' June 22. JAMES WILLIAMS PUSEY Relatives and friends Invited to fu ncral services. Wed . 2 p. m.. 40J0 Aspen st Int. Fernwood Cem , . BEX. June 24. C FLORENCE, daushter of late Enoch and Barbara, S R;xi Rela. tlves and friends invited ta funeral services. 37 W. Graver's lane Chestnut Hill, Thurs. t n n. Int 1 W Villi P.em iinrii,-nn .lune -J3. E HOUEKli June IU. r-uii, J . pun vi laie Ebrneter J nnd Sarah J Rollers. Rela Ulvcr and friend. Invited to funrr.il aeplces, Ti-es.Sp m klst er a residence Jirs j y Warden 2013 JT, 17b fct, laX, Oxford, Pa., Ved, ' . ..., .-.i . ttviTV il ivldoiv of Charles H Hornor. I ELI-5AHETH, widow of Joseph John Watts. i ae lTlo " ' RelatlvS. andC friends Invited to n'"''1,7-1nc'a,,')Vd',n".nd lrd'Jm'LJ'i.- fiinVai rpulrtenrp of son Harold Hornor. n-ral late residence. Tenn at , Newtown, ! r i ! rtn i Jit Ho 1 N J ThurS 2 Pa.. Tues 3 p. m Int Newtown Cem i mnv ran pn niir n m i - v f ni.n i.-c v.sj.taa . nr!e" "-1 and ?' ImV Si! bend's im llW ta" f un.ri. .ev-Thur. . to.'Asro .McMnit IWner. N No 7TB of ?VlSi:iTTiSr,BrnS,tnvl?at SF J ' June i,1um,',, iW ..' Th5 r Si J m 51 CHARLES M. WILLITTS. aged n8 Club invited to, funeral Thuis.s t( a m ,, an,i frirnda Invited to funeral, brother In aw '' ft,' "JU w ed . 2 p m . Smlthvllle. N. J. Int. I. O. limerick st Hrsh mas; of renulem Church Q j,-'Cpm rfmberton nf llnlv Name 1 a. m Int Holj Cross I'em I" " v-cm J """"'" r s !a.V. nu&wiww Jj? ""jukatwh' j Edwin Ri' ttose, ased 7f Relatlvea" and friends Invited to funeral. Wed . 2 30 p m . Ilelhavrea, Pa. Int. private Hatboro Cem. ROST. June 24. ERNF.ST. son- of late Benedict and Henrlettn Rost. Rrlatlves and friends Invited to eervl- Wed, 3 p. m Ollvrr H. Hair Bldg , 1820 Chestnut si Int Mt Peace Cem RjVVIM.R inn 24. JOHN ROtS, hus hand of late Mary Ravllle. need ftt Rela- lives end fpjn.4 vtMlan Run T.odre. No l.T. r and A. M. Invited to funeral serv. lees, Thurs . 2 n m. 1142 N. Alden at. 4 Int Fernwood Cem Renins may bo viewed Wed , R to 111 p m .8CHWARTi June it MARTIN, husband of the late Mary Schwarts (nee Baumann). aeed 62 Relatives and friends, members of St Alhertus Counel No 410. V, If 1j . Rergner & Enirel Arbeiter Peneflclali F. A, Poth Ar Rnnv r.jnnlnl Korlttles Tlrevrers' Union. No S, and employes of Berfrner Knirei Drawing Co Invited to lunerai. inurs a a. m . 1214 Nj utith st Requiem mass St m Int. nrlvate. I.udwla's Church 10 ji Auto funeral .. . snilVOKV June 21 JOHN C, son of John and Elizabeth Senoky (nee Barrett) and grandson of Elizabeth and late John Barrett and John and Theresa Servoky, aged 7 months 1 we:ks Hlatlvcs and rf-lnils In vited to funeral, Wed ,2pm, pirents resi dence, inio Oakford st. Int Holy Cross Cem Remains ma) be viewed Tues , after 8 ti m SIBLET June 21, GIDEON SIBLEY. Relatives and friends Solomon Lodge. No 114. r. and A M Columbia ha v-nso- lT. iU IU IXttuun uiiiiimimtwi iw .-, K r . nndrxiniionlc Veterins and Masonlc .U 111. lHUO-ll . uiiiiiiaimiili -w ' Ancients. Invited to services. Wcd. a P. m residence of son, Pr.jVmos HsibleyB033 Springfield ave Int private Auto funeral. SMALLZbL June -'2 JOHN H.. husband of Josephine A Smallzel Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Wed. 2 p m . First Presbyterian Church Haddon- .... ., rr.; t o , 11 Friends may cjll Tues 7 to 0 p. m, 11 Cbtmi st Haddonn.ld. N J SPURRIEII ; J",p tsewtSw'l1;, !"" WILLIAM A SPURRIER, husband of nelo :m j iiii. privm, ji,iinb e." JIHIK'll " iii'" n, J syLVrJ i r;iv vionaar -.tune :!. rjvtjiJ ERICK !5YIjVESTER. Funeral service at his late residence, Haverford, Pa . on Wed nesday afternoon nt .1 10 o'clock. Interment VAN' DVKI. '.vt ltnrrlsburg Pa., June 23 THOMAH KITTARA 1 AN 1)VKE son of lat" James C. van Dvke, U S District Attorney of Penna , and Elizabeth Maron van Dke Int private. Woodlands Cem Phlla Tues. AVAIjKt.lv nine - nuuuai waijIvuk Relatives and friends Lodse No. 0. F and A M . Kev stone Chanter. H, A M . Ad mtral Colllni-swood Sons of at George Sloan Soelil Invited to funeral Thuf s , 2 Pm, 2tl Roiborough ave. Roxborough Services bt Stephen's P E Church 3pm lnt Leverlngton Cem WARNER June 24, LOUISE A . wife of John 8 Warner. Due notice of funeral will be alien WARREN Suddenly, on June 21 lfllR, at Haverhill. Mass SALLIE A WARREN. wife of William E Warren Due notice of i iiirerai WAITS Juno 22 at Newtown Pa., ai 1 21 il m WILDER June 4. JAMES? husband of Wilder. BRea yh i(eiaiie LOST AND FOUND DOG Boston terrier, bflndle and white, left foreleg and foot white. ,7 months old- nn swers to mmo of Governor Reward If re turned to J. U Rut, 7J0 Westvlew St.. Oer- m.nloivn m KETS Lost, bunch keys, between' Camn 1)lx nml Philadelphia Return Rartholo- nif-u- 1T4 ' Arch niPWj I H- Jin PIN Lost, Thursaaj. June 20 ladv a part- i chased sold lover sknot. breastpin, with lUmond Koln-from Gtmhols s stor'-'on Mar , ket st to Childs's restaurant, 12th and vi ri aei ''". '.'"Hnder Artdr... Vt sio ThSaLcviifiV! nnder. Address M 310. . .annhlr, ami nnrl rrerent ln vu- a --a at, HELP WANTED FEMALE (Other Clqssllleil Ads on. Page 2) A PATRIOTIC OPPORTUNITY TELEPHONE SERVICE IS VITALLY IMPORTANT IN. CARRYINO ON THE WAR. 3000 YOUNG WOMEN TFUeVhoNE OP ERATORS IN PHILADELPHIA AND M CINITY, THE WORLD S WORKSHOP ARE PATRIOTICALLY HELPING TO WIN THE WAR. YOUNG WOMEN 17 TO 30. YFARS OF AGE CAN ENTLR THIS GREAT WORK AT ONCE. 9 TER WEEK IS PAID DURING THE FIRST FOUR WEEKS. WITH RAPID AD VANCEMENT THEREAFTER. PERMANENT POSITIONS; EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. THE WORK IS CLEAN AND FASCINAT INO THE SURROU.NDINGS jV.RE PLEAS ANT. MEALS SERVED AT COST: ANNIVER S.RY PAYMENTS, SICK BENEFITS. VACATIONS WITH TAY: NOT ovnrt N , HOURS' WORK PER DAY. tjf)OK INTO THIS PATRIOTIC OPPOn. TUNITY TALK IT OVER ANY WEEK DAY BETWEEN R AND 0 WITH MISS M II. RYAN jT 408 MARKET ST , PHILADELPHIA ' on MISS V M. ELLIOTT 20 E 5TII ST.. CHEbTER, PA. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA BILL CLERK. Elllott-Flsher: pleasant office surroundings; state age, experience, salary expected P 436 Ledger Office. BINDERY GIRLS wanted, experienced fold ers, wire etitchers- and gatherers. N. E. corner Arch and lllth sts BOOKKEEPER in accounting department; joung lady with knowledge of double-entry. Public ledger Company, Bth and Chestnut streets. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, exp In ladies' waist factory nref with highest recom'ndatlon Mllarlm Mfg Co 1214 Arrh BOOKKEEPER, nung lady: must be orderly and good penwoman, experience in corpora tion accounting preferred Address, In own handwriting, statins age, experience, date could commence and salary wanted, F 1147, ,. ml- ilf,- ' Ledger Central CAP SPINNERS AND TWISTERS WANTED. EXPERIENCED AND LEARN'ERS OOOD WAGES AND STEADY WORK. PRINCIPALLY KOR GOVERNMENT WORK AP PLY GRISWOLD WORSTED CO , DARBY, PA. 4.j,..,-...A.Jo ...i . ......... e- larse hotel In Philadelphia, salary 30 per month, with board and aerommodatlona: It is a good reliable position for a sjatematlc. competent, experienced woman over 30 jears of age. Answer in handwriting- of appll- cant. irMns as experience, nuallflcations Office iHivi reierencea, i- o-.. wunrr , h ..-,. T KOI T aAtwmtt i hii r-.ridi---t - "--. ntri MTJi.T,GAP OPERATOR, permanent po.l I . tlon. eood salary and congenial surround , -'ipniv 4. Arch st i : -; , . .. . OPERATORS FINE SHIRTS. IN THE-BUILDING. c ,T -.frnrR- ,,. v-rn j a- o- -. ,....,. .... STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER bHOES General operators and ampera a ! I l-4 ClJiVinliaii Jt rrt A anrl Mar. i. f' ' . Vi 'v"" " -- - - i- SILK PICKERS AND SPREADITOS Splen did waees for particular, workers. Iiala while learning Apply Grlsnold Worsted Companv, Darby, i'a STENOGRAPHEIl and tpewrller. comn t.nt- ..narlpnr nut an necessarv a. ll impo tent: experience not so necessary as In- telllgence: pupil of high school or other Ulgence: pupil of high Vinnl ai-rentanle If an efr an efficient worker: : per. ' 300. manent position and good salary. W Ledger Branch 2d and 'Tioga sts fcTMKnnnAPllHIl Well Knuwn financial stitutlon has vacancy for stenographer., who will operate dictaphone. Call atM421 rnestnut st . itnom nn STENOORAPHLH, one with some knowledge V bookkeeping. Apply 171 W. Lehigh ave. TEACHERS Those desiring for patriotic reasons to return to teaching next fart are offered vacation work at same salary. 1- .un ijeuger ui" TELEPHONE OPERATOR for small private branch exchange; pleasant addreas essen tial; state age. experience and salary de sired F Ol1! Ledger Central TYPIST Young lady for clerical work In billing department r accurate at figure: stenography not necetaary. P 501. Ledger oinre. TJ PIST Young ljdy for billing department! rflulcK una jiecrra-e ai iirr. nno un iyp" vrrier r ." t. "jt "t '. r itPJ8T for billing and general office, work;, aUU age, reference, -alary, anilf expert- uinixi iu mane ubiiiwi.o j..j Kth B ''. 'ffcf V.' V 1,V v -m """Si VwirW-.wa-wmsm' 'tnn.a'" lV juMj-t vv ja jl jaajjjj JBusaja.A)jB r jjiJyJ (Other Classified Ada en Pag S) I -M . WAITftEPRE1 wanted for the Engltstdk Hotel Beach Haven, N, J, Apply R. T. Enelo, Mcr. WlNOKltH'on cotton nrr, Apply Wright Textile fo Tasper and Orleans sts V WOMEN wanted for office building cleaning 6 hour per day, 0 a m to n a. m. and 5 p m. ti Sp. mi good wages: steady work. Apply 481 UAitJ-l J.1J.U& UUILUlflU yf - lOU.NO LADT as assistant Intoal office lo cated In the northwestern "part of city: stata experience and salary. V 627, Ledger Office YOUNO LADY to tend college cloakroom In erehange for -business college training. P R22. Ledger Office SUMMER WORK to supplement salary from teaching, employment even' aummer if satisfactory P-407. Ledger Ofllee fleneral BUSINESS SERVICEtO , 1101 Land Titla. BKPRS , 120-130. t4)TENOa'ERS. $15-120. HELP WANTED MALE (Other 'Classified Ads on rate 2) AMBITIOUS MEN WANTED TO LEARN NEW TRADE CHEMICAL OFERATonS EARN GOOD PAY AND BONUB EIGHT-HOUR DAT RAPID ADVANCEMENT BOARDING HOUSES AND BARRACKS TROVIDE MEALS AND LODGING APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE NATIONAL ANILINE CHEMICAL CO. .MARCUS HOOK. TA. ACETYLENE WELDERS BOILERMAKERS BOILER FIREMEN , MACHINISTS LABORERS First-class men wanted Apply Superintendent's Office POINT BREEZE GAS WORKS TASSYUNK AND SCHUYLKILL AVE8. PHILADELPHIA ACETYLENE WELDERS. 25. wanted. J. S Thorn. Co , 20th and Allegheny ave BILL CLERK, Elllott-Flsher; pleasant offlca surroundings: state, age experience, sal ary expe cted P 431. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER. Camden manufacturing plant wants bookkeeper, with knowledge of stenography, typewriting and canaral office work P 413 Ledger Office BAKERS Cracker and biscuit bakers wanted peelers, rollers and general help 8 hours -dally except Saturday, B hours working conditions the best e Opportunity for advancement NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. 13th st. and Glenwood ave. BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCED DOUBLE. ENTRY BOOKKEEPER IN ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. 1'UHL.li; jjE-UUfjll VJWVlI-Ar 0TII AND CHESTNUT STfa. BOOKKEEPER, thorough knowledge stenog raphy: excellent future for energetic young man, state age, exp.. ref, M 288. Led. Off. BOYS WANTED 10 TEARS OR OVER- M AND S10 PER WEEK: GOOD OPPORTUNITY AND CUANUzjo run AuvA.ijiJivi, ja-c-xj). BECKER, SMITH & PAGE WATER AND SNYDER AVE. CLERKS Railroad jard clerks: good -am. Apply H. ana V. JV. JV., nvill auu j-cn. son sts. , COMMISSARY EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT OF GOVERNMENT SHIPYARD AT HOG ISLAND RF.QUIREB SERVICFS OF EXPERIENCED WHITE COOKS EXPERI ENCED WHITE BUS MEN AND WHITE MISCELLANEOUS KITCHEN HELP. HIGH WAOES AND PLEASANT LIVING SUR ROIINDINOS APPLY UNITED STATES EMPLOYMFNT SERVICE 8 W COR 3D AND WALNUT STS. SEE MR SCULL, DO NOT APPLY AT HCJJI ISLAND. CUSHION MAKERS wanted. Bill at Apply 244 S. I DE8IQNEBS 10 first-class designer and draftsmen oa tool, gauge and fixture work. Apply at one to th , MIDVALE STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO. EDDYSTONB RIFLE PLANT EDDYSTONE. PA. Plant Employment Hours Dally. 7 a. m. to 5 p. m . except Sunday; Saturday. 7 a. m. to 11 a. ra. OR PHILADELPHIA OFFICES Woodland ave and Island rd 6203 Market at. 1510 Arch at. Office Hours B a. m. to 8 p m. dally.t Sunday, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. BRING REFERENCES CRANE OPERATOR, for ten-ton electrln box erase Apply foundry department. Bern. stein Mfa Co 3d and Allegheny ave DRAFTSMAN WANTED APPLY ANY EVENING. 7 TO 9 , EXCEPT SATURDAY NELSON VALVE EMPI.OYMENT OFFICE RAYMOND PUILDINO ROOM 21S BCOa OERMANTOWN AVE "" DRAFThMEN - Construction, architectural, heating and nininv draftsmen wanted for heavy coneret and steel construction, work for the Governs ment in virinity oi t-niiaaemnia. Call on Flske rr Jonsson, 182vWylh at., Phlladel- p-ua. wunaay.' juw . or later. DRIVERS wanted; best of wages i at.ady work: no time lost. Apply 1204 . Montgomery ave ELEVATOR OPERATORS, LICENSED Whit" American eltUens between the agea of 31 and 45 Good salary SEE MR. KROUSE 12S0 Arch, sixth floor x : a d ELEVATOR OPERATOR8 for office building service, white; steady , ;iJ rillflV ll,E(,.r nf., ..www. .. . .,,HM.f M . 1 . -A I VtllTllll OnPniTOrO nm .... K,.na' ,.r,,t...,. v.- -,--w.. .... v.t.vw -...-- - ing p-rvice --Tnre: aieanv empieymen-. ,,a jpiy Ilnnm 414. yuiemr Hut iIrjt. 'S? Apply Il M . L. (I PP"SpBBipBBa, U-tw4rM-7-Tta-t.-t JHh-mW nl (i-Uh .vVjj ..ei. I ti m :-' v -eflV VM&" " .