g$"M A--'S?- a'ftV'S " ,f 'I 'w r"An. v .". ' 1P' ." V y 'H f . HR'h CtVtf VA. I V.M' ft XI . 'if - K'lir'w i"?9i Vrff i?Si KlTiVTtl KJ i- V"r".i, KfAAMto' MlS?s K.ft- M "if san5..' irt ..'. J- ... VMV LM . idwrtA FAVORS EXTENSION1 kjk , . , . t,. Iposed Legislation ixcs , T,- I Lgc Limits Between 18 and 45 LCHELORS COME FIRST &. 11 Be Taken in Preference tft YnnniTflp ATnriMwl V " ' B- Men By ROBERT T. SMALL In Today's 1'iihUc Ledger l.jU Washington, .Tunc 19. t -rts . ....... . . rxrtjecreiary oi ar iMner na- usen jil'r . . . M .1A. In 1.A nh1Vrm rn BVTAn. ,4 Wilt Itl ...3 tullltll ... .. k . mdllflw 4rvifrt ilrrtft nt tn nil g 'if KSr j-?f- ;Wn between eighteen and forty-five :Jrs. ;ti.twrhere f no intention of calling all :?L . - !w,'jmgible men between the.e at;e? Immc- H 'iifabei) miu 1.11a uitiiA. imk liiu jiv- . .'TisJ'." . . i . ... ... . ... .... .. .'.BOea leKisiation win nave tiie encoi tjirl . . . .. . .. ... Wi mit trie umciwi wouui can a vVombinir.out orocess" and will clve tfe the Government a firmer control &?than ever over the man-power of wl tie, country. ?f5It will enable the mllltarv authorl - :V-Ii- .- .i . i-.., ..... ..!-... -i... s IWS IU UJAik 11UU Hie HUH) UHir: ..if, .! men without denendents and thu i ';hB antourheil for (he moment the ;&Vt:. roanr married men Itli clilldren now menie Bgaflii the deferreil ilasslfliatlon of the nella i tV-jffawntmml act. ,i. S.lX.fl)T. ,ll ,.. .... 1,... !,. .."""" "" '"vr.'w .Till auiin .lie nuin'vi'mii. 1.1 i Vj.. .. ....mi ..-. - . , ago ed 1 ' .y " Lu many iiiiii.uiis i.i .;irn uuk a.' fc'vw'cted at th' tlm- T1,e army au- ptn inonuei uo nut seen nor uu in e. V'fY'f'1' ilml """i""" "'" 'e Hn-iii mi- vyngnt to say just wliere and at wr.at fefccupatlon a man -ihall work, but a B;a matter of military necessity the rmy feels It must have the power to 5 that If a man of recognized mlU jgtry age and nuallflc-itlon Is not de WSSVOtlny himself to "vork 'onnfete 1 'fiWirtth the war, then he must b caile.l t?-yto seie with tho colore of nls conn. WW4iJ", Baker Announces Approval if" tl Tl- T-. . . ..... k'- X lie i.di uciai liiirui na ii'j. .'ji llMalltr rpmmmA"iln fho new l?!il.i. El.Wi" .- . .... w '. .." nr.iH'T.inn m nn'T-naw iiiit .'..i.tuT un rcn.i i iS,Qncral Crowder has been urg-ir.ij It, 'stv?" rei-y naAer sain iuua f5 -" t',e atncnlImen to -he draft lot fi ('"lJbtween eighteen and forty-five eari tsim suuiilllicu lu uie i aiiau iuiiuauu ' . .that It be pasied lJ .v'rtTliU ,lf.in11,. iat.!da Ilia tnaf'i" fnf iviS'there swmi to be no doubt a: all that S'Vrif Congress la ready to follow the ad-. KsSot'tlie mllltarv authorities. feifet Secretary Baker had hes.tated gSr eotne out flatly for th wider cop ?the selective set-vice act until he co' vXwtnaulre closely Into th? effec ', iice M4fetBecretary Baker had hes.tated to t dalle truppe nemic'.ie forzate In un il K5?irtna out flatlv for th wider scope of isttetto spazio sulla rla destra del flume. p ?the selective set-vice act until he could v4anauire closely Into the, effec the f, J5?lraftlnff of men up to forty-five iars t" Aefjace would have upon the essentia! S'lrmr Industries of tun countrv He till Is studying ."he subject. h old ' At today. 'but. he a"led. he thought th h'JjKvliIons now existing Ii j "law as to the exemption of i In the draft men needed S "jrar specino war .an'ii ktrte8 would -akc tSHMr.,brought alxmt I labor and sintial liv cari of the sltua by the ir.rrase in SJary service elUlblllty from thirty- iio loriy-uvi? iui: No Hesitancy , xnere lias oeen no nesitancy at ;ne s'KjvWar Department due to any tei.de 'f'.fSi ntws" for the men wlio would "MB" for the men who would come iias5.t1rith.il the military purview of 'hei,,,,,' ,..,, ,.,ist.in.M lentuiono aan- S.yfTt.i. kv rililntinni. for It was te.1H7.Pfl t IRihr'W . .. . .. V.i at ... K'Tritmm the first hat the fixlnz of the I .-. - ., . ... . . , iJ k mt. Iln... r t Titii'An lt.pnl.rj.nn or,l Ry3M '' ....--..s -... Figi'rMWrtv.one years was but the begin- men or nineteen ivrt mciijueu in wis nisi 'i. jii. imv. out iriCongress felt tills would not be neces. i PfMiry, and the ige of iegjl manhood JfSwas agreed upon. t33TK;3lmDels OI wngTtss ii-om nulling i..'XW19lXil.ll' .. r c lllluilliru l..uu. Ul .ifll- ,SWKCrowder's office that there will be hffw-pPreconsiueraiion oi me incision not, K'ffisSW grant defrrred classification to mlnei s ;' 1 - . ..... .. .... .-,.,... . . jyiiu a class. Tills will leave ihe matter of j&htolners' classlllcatlons with the local Kr54Mrd as heretofore, and In some iiuar- J'pjlirs the decision was believed to hae i ?? Influenced partially, at least, by I1 'iljfc 'small number of flghtliitf men left (; Class 1. I SiVDlilTI CTP A MAT TA C.f i.siIVlilAJlliri llul kl IJ TO !5LISH MEETING! J4 '.. itch Social Democratic Lead- Sr er Will Not Be Granted Ki!&5k. t. 11. I'acsnnrr ial Cable to Etening public Ledger kCorerfdfit, JS8. !! .Yew Vorfc Timn Co. IS? Tl" Hague. June 20 E Yah rrtt-firirn((nt lunrna ri- ar 5S5 j.'wSf' 'JM l- Jr&Vft'M ..-.. ..- .- ..., .... ... P vggHklal British source that Peter Troel- ;,Tpe uutcn .social uemocratic leader, ' not receive a uasspott for Kn eland tr'i'2CTrOssIatra was reported to have ie - ecMivta a passpoit to attend a conference :?b Ihe British lubor party June 26. with a M?rntlng- The reason for not granting f".?liMWwllege to him Is that the British .. v IS&tnn.l Seamen's and Klremen's I'nlon "afr10"1 '"ame,l!, ana tremens l nlon lymgBl object to carrying linn, as in-tne . e ijYJft vi. iiii jiaiuviipiu. 11 puum "M;J!utf.nnfdi.red a. regrettable incident to -vi v Troeistra stranded on the beach at Hook of Holland As Is already ',RMwn. the League of Neutral Nations tit, a telegram to iiaveiociv vvii&oq ng Troe.stras visit to lcneunu. here has been considerable flutter at .Hague since the uew was first nnre.l that Troeistra had been in- hv Henderson. Theie were doubt - .- persons who rubbed their bands In .1 ,i,.in:iinn inn ..tbers rere ch concerned at the supposed permls - 'Fi? afaBooner was it announced that the Soulier . lb riiiiuuiivcu .. ... h Social Democrat c leader would nd the meeting than Dotn Herman Austrian Social Democrat leaders. mis' them Sehledemann. were rushed Hie Hague at utmqet possioie speeu 7consult hhn. fa'chiedenmnn has re- nt4 to ueriiu. :Wl ;FXND OLIVE OIL FRAUD teed Product Sold Under Fahej "M Colon F'"v . . .. sj. tA fnfs.nMA "Kid a pure olive oil le the, latest r?raud unearthed by Dairy and Food DlMioner jainea rumi, ui mu - Bl Department of Agriculture, tually all sliipments of pure olive kill .Its'). nu umcr ivisips .. n aoanoootu, uui me tuunps Keen sh'pped in Urge quantities rib. South; to Xew. oru ami ouier ,SU. This oil .h ben placed In nlLatrt' AAtU. IVtUBll Utf, H! ffTEi - J' "-r iL'ATTACCOAUSTRIACO ARRESTATOOVUNQUE Lc alorosc Irupne Italiane' , ... '. cd Allcate Anmcntuno il IS'einieo Published unci DIMMbuted I'mler 1-nnMIT No. 311 . AtithnrlaM by th net of O.loW (I, Ifl 7. on nie at th Poitefflca of rhlU. delfhla, T'a. Uy order of the President, a a. nunr.na.ov. rostirmsler Uener.l. Iliinin, 20 glugtio Contratlacc.indo Iniehsanteineiite. Rll Italian! ehe dlfcniletio II fronlc del l'lave conttnunno ad Infllggere juguli.05e perdlte atle fnrz Rii'trtaehe die eiano rlusclte nd attraversatc II flume nil inlzlo della grando offetiMvn. (711 ltallanl noil olo hunnu InipciJilo al I nmln.i dl estendete 1 uol guadaKiiI , -.--.' nulla liva destra del Plave. ma i lianno tliiFcrrnto In una llrnltata sltl".cl.i ill teneno oeeupatu daull Invavoit ulla rlvu deatra del basMi eotvo del flume. ove la mansci dl fanterla offro uu faille bersaglio agll uvlatorl Italian! ed alleatl I 1.& I'hii iMita .m imi iloircla ill bombc -"" " a .11 ......to!!!! .11 t.tltni.ltfltfl-l v ... i.. ......... .. .. I '- ''-,0 ,lt'l ocmuiilcalo ulllclale. j imbbllcatn, lerl. dal Mlnisleio dclla ' oucrra In noma : "Nella notte lal 17 al 1S eIusiio. e 1 ncl cono della glornata ill lerl. II neni- I Ini linn ha llnnmnlo 1 Ul1 attai'clll dHlPaltlplano dl AMago al montnio. Le e paislall axlonl furono eimplela- repnlnte Mil Monte ilrappa e eglone del Montello. Kfrcltu 11 aaltl HUll'nltlplano dl Ail dlstaccMiientl alleatl cattura ,ono Parccclil prlelonlerl c due eannonl. i 'con incessante juepsione Hooianiu risupiio ii ironie aperio u.u neiniuu I sud della ferrovl.i ill .Montebclluno. Ui , nostra. artlBllerla con mortnle roncen- . trazlone dl fuoco non dledc tregua ulle . masse nemlvlie ulle stazlonaano lungo II fronte dl battaglla od In nioImento nell aiea letrostante, "teil mnllln.-i i fu e.-ilti'.'l vol flume Plave, ma nel pomerlgglo la battaglla Pilvestro. una de.le plu- note simp.i rldlenne furiosa. NuoM tintatlvl fu- tlche fUura della i Miopia '.tall.iiia dl rono fattl dal neinfcu ,'er raggiungere la rlva destra del flume, da .Sant'Andrea a Camlelu-. ma furono resplntt Presso rariclnamento del flume, tin t'andelu' e Fo."alta, la strenua uitesa ilelle no- - " ... . ......... fu amaramente liroxata dal II suo Impeto fu abbattuto nemico ed dalla nostra fanterla. Ksualmente in tensa fu la lotta die k! nolse nel set tore dl !-)S,ilta, a sud-eit dl Meolo ed j. noid dl Uapa Slle. Ognl ielro dl terreuu fu teatro ill eplca lotta alia quale 1 uostrl avlatori e uuclll alleatl prebero parte, bombardando con 15,000 chlloirrainnil dl bombe, e con II tuoco dl dloclne ill migllala dl nastrl ill mltra sllatrlct. II ulnerablle ber'iagllo offerto "l-a battaglla contlnua vlolenta. II nemico ano scopo in preperv.it e hicuiii II1I7.UIH aniuKm mm iieiiu cuiuu ue.ie limnetib's perdlte subltc nei paisati ' L'iuipie glornl per opera del fuoco del i nettrl fucllleil, del eannonl e del nostil uiatori. 'I ii-lfrlonieri presl dal prlnolplo deba battaglla ammontano a 9011. Parecchl i cannon! ed alcune ccntlnala dl inltra- ' gliatrlcl auattluobe hoiio llmaste nelle noslre maul II nutneio deBll aeioplaul nemicl alibattutl oia ammonta a eln qlianta. Dui inaccliine uoslre ud alleatc suiic andate perdute " Lo ultlme notlzle da. Quartler tlenenle Italiuno recano die pancclii soldiitl urt-seiitano arclie feilte piodolte ua i.rnlpttlll eriiloslil usatl daell austi lacl. i ,." ,.,.,. .ii ii-,.. ni.-m.i .. ... ., . . i...iin n n Zare lllUH2anull UIIUUIIIII nununi. ill a .. ... , .,.. ..a ii ..i.i..r. in MJurriuKiu in wui'wiv . .. ......- . - ... .. ..... ... . . t .. .1 an-iientato raieccuie tpie. vimc ua t0tndmi ltallanl. furono fucllate. , l.onilra, 20 glugno L'offenslva austrlaca contro I'ftalla. I Inizlata al mattino dl sabato scurso, fu I lanclata per raglonl Interne c polltlche I come da document! catturati, secondo Un I dlspacclo glunto da Itoina. 1 priglnnlerl chlamano la nuova of- fenslva una "offensl.a dl fame." .. . ......... .... ii nemico laneio i suui Kraucu aiiacciu; prlmo per necesslta' polltlche ed ot- ' tenere un successo mllltare, dovuto alia .sltuazlone Interna leir.us.ria-L"nghei la , ' secondo per la, necesslta' dl utteneie vettovaglle e materlule per far fronte alle necesslta" della pupolazlone e dellVterclto I n Ulspacuo da Amteruam iiecrue D 17 DART 1X7IT T I?A VAP iilJl VfAil TTluLil l f XJll BONE DRY AMENDMENT Senate Committee Plans Ac tion Despite Shipping Board's Protest n mtMnttot June iv T.e Senate sot reartv mdnv fir n shown down next week on one of Its . a t .1 . . . . . . ujuat irouuithumt issut., uroiuiJiiion A bitter floor nSht wab regarded as ' Inevitable. i)epnit the shinmner im.. riw .nn'(-Mi , ii-otefat. the Senate Agriculture f'ommU- rc h-hcu iuua iu mitue h, iu.urau.e SJZ.':""?.-"."" """" "" .Anr.1.1 ,.n . Tn-.,.. ..oiln. ,..t-l ft Ull UllliTI U IirilL, I When the amendment Is brought up in , the Senate next week, the "wets" ex- ' pect to ma'"' a I10"" of cr1''r aBanst , u Qn tu Bround that jt consttutes gen- , eri UKslat!on on an appiopriatlou b'll. mewy xioiaiiug ine senate rules u tl, Io lirmMpnt uiiaalnD thu r..li ,. order, the "drys" plan to strike back . by appealing from the ruling of the chair. a vote win men oe taaen on me iiues- lion oi sustaining ine cnair, forcing a ( prompt decision on the question. If thu , cnair is upneiu me amenument win ne . sidetracked. i .. . ..... , fresiueni wraon was still adhering i today to hla policy of "hand off" with , regard to the Jontw amendment Al- i . ' though he prefers that the amendment 1a 1. . ttff an unrtrAnrlutftn hill Iia iltk- ( UC lVJb W. ll (y4.... H fc.Wt. " i .- cllnea lo op"iy oppose u unless u .j,,..-. ..... 1n v, n,.i. iiA.p,arv un.. lptrlu. ""." ' ' """ t latlon. Seashore Excursions TO ATLANTIC CITY Ocean City, Wildwood, Cape May Sunday, June 23 1iS0 A. XI.. rrnnt rHF.aTNCT or SOl'TII HT. TKRRV RKTfBMNO LfLVE srasHORK roi.NTH o p. y EVENING PUBLIC lyman school pupils in outdoor play Ar ardmorf iHjHHf 'ri 1 1 b nam r i v jht mpih minute plu I'lltiia a oomllzlniic luttina del.'Au"trla.l nglii'i m I leil xono cor i . i mr I nn. in) c i-atn i'otielto a I'liovninenti liduiit' la inzlone ill pane s;z.i elie iU.ilsl.il intra spei'le dl nulilnieiitn pnyMi ilmplnzzaii. la rldit Kli.ne. 1 bambini si lei'imn ulla Fi'Uol.i nnain.it I I'areivlile itimuiiltn' lion lianno pntatp da iiialtu inel. e ne' grafsl no' f.irln.i KPiin ;.titt I illrtilbtiitl II ronslcllo ililndl'io .11 Vienna lia otuto mi onllni' ill ion 'la oiintru la rlilnxtoni! dell.i Iii7.lcnn ill pine, im! II ioih-IrIIo dil Kiviiii.toi i ill delta rltta" ha npp-iiMiio unn i l-L.07ii)iie diunand.imlii una tolleilia per.' Kt'iieiale. imnoslaiitf I Kianili ovtueoil olio si iiiient.inii per it ti t.ni.i- thO dl IICKOZlllll dl pllie Mcriiuta Lauren ad Un Oltimo Italiuno , j lerl. nel .Metropolitan Opera Mouse eiiDe luogo I aunuaie ieiiinuiiia ji.m- hi consecna del dlnlonil e ilelle I.uiree a , r,,,i, ,-,., i coIoro ch' l' '' riei,uent.nono I torsi presj 1 fnlverslta dl I'ennp.vl- anla. e tra I prlml laureatl In Riuri- j sprmiLnza nbblamo con xeio compi.ii.l- niento notato Id nome di tilowmnl dl i-iimu -iun.t. i Taento dl alia professlnne lovauiil Dl Sllvestro legale lo-tltulfce 'a mlcllor nrov i della feimezza ill caiat- teie e deba feiiea volonta' dl lui. se si pens! die nonostante le inollipllii occu pazloni. le attenzioiil die ilch'edono la fua nuineiosa famlglla e gll affaii della Banca Statale del V gll d'ltnlla. della quale e' prlmo xke presldente, egll ha potuto trovare II tempo. In nuestl iiltlml tre annl, sacrlflcandn parecchlc oie della notte, dl ded'eand ad arilui studl e iag glungere un successo degno della mag clore amtnlrazlone Giovanni Dl Sllvestm e' uno del niegllo conosclutl clttadlnl Italo-ameiicinl di questa cltta' e fu seinpre alia testa del movimentl intesi a mlgllor.ne W con dlzioui del nostri immlgiantl Italian! die lo ainano e lonsldeiano un lmo u elttlmo camnione. t.i nn,i 1,,r.,,-., I ..In. nil i mill. ! niuiiiu own ...w. ....... ..- - ...... . oAri., iihi- iirfphull un b.iucbetto l.V, r f-VL'J I'.- .-..-n - -- In occasion'; del consegulm-nto della I tlunugh an enemy pii-oner today lamea In glurlsprudenza, in.i igll ha I The bodies were Just starting to In nobilmente rlflutato dl accettaie. pie-'vade the American lines when the gas gando I connazlonall a dare II danaro contalneis fell In their midst, killing a a beneibio del "War Chest." Rie.it number and sending ulheis tli e- lr dllllLlIe cuiuneiare lc arle atllvlia dl (llovannl DI Sllvestm. Ilanimentlamo, soltanto, die egll fu delegato degll Itnl lani "11 Pill adelphl.i al Prlmo Congresso degli ltallanl all'cstero, tenutosl lu noma varil annl or bono; e' presldente della. Sezlone di Philadelphia dell'lstltuto IV lonlale Itallano: fu fondatoiee brl'llante redattore de "La Voce nel Pci.ilo' ; pru motoie ed urganlzzatore del Piinio Con gies"o degll ltallanl nei;ll State L'nltl e vlce-presidente del Cmnitato Itallano per II Terzo Pieslitu della Libel ta'. Presentemente e' vice piesidente del Clreolo Itallano. prlmo vlie piesidente e tesorlere della Banca s!tatale Kigll d'ltalla, asslslente C.raucle Venerablle dell'Ordlne Klg le d'ltalla lu America ed uno del plu' valoiosi eneigici ed elo quenll oiaton .inrlie tia I cobidettl "foui -minute men ' m MICH8UN how it can be possible to sell Michelins at such low prices in view of the unsur passed quality which is built into these tires. The answer lies in Ac Michelin Watchword: y Economical Efficiency. Ever since Michelin in vented the pneumatic auto mobile tire 23 years ago, Michelin engineers and efficiency experts have ECONOMICAL EFFICIENCY' 7A MICHSL1N Watchword - Michelin Tires and Tubes are sold by Good D'ealers Everywhere Factory Branch, 802 N. Broad St. Wholesale Only Telephone I'oplar l!)Cl-fJ LEDGER- -PHtL FIRST U. S. GAS ATTACK INFLICTS HEAVY CASUALTIES ON GERMANS Area of More Than Six Miles Drenched, Artillery Forcing Enemy to Stay and Take Severe Dose Itli the Ameriiaii Arin.v In l.nrriiliie June 2n. The (leimaus sulfeied heavy c.immI- I ties in jesteiday miunlng's combined first sill-American gas atr.ick and artll- .. ' leIJ bombaidment. It was established , ing After the deluge of gas subsided and the hariage died down the (leimaus at tempted to stait their i.ild again, but weie sto.opcd lu their Hacks by Amei lcan aitllleiy, machine-gun and llfle the. Llvuy dnughho.v Impatieiit.y awaited the "zero hour," which had been set at 2:30 Promptb on the vecoiid, silence was broken by a terrific explosion from the Ann lli. in tienehes as several bat teries uf piojectors. flred sluuiltaueously b.i dei'iilcity. sent moie than it thou sand bus containers screaming toward the Herman tienehes In the Pols de .Moulin. ne. I.Montmate wood 1.- oppouiti- I-'l lev in the Toul sectoi and three miles noith- east of Seleheprej ) fter the flash the wails of the de- B !lyelve tire Vests, -, . . Thu tints of tuttvt ttits it dtsignei lo take Iht unctrtmnly out of ttrt tuning. Organization users have studied means of produc sometimes wondered ing and setting tires more efficiently. Every expenditure that will result in better tires or ser vice has been cheerfully made; but every expense that would not stand this test is scrupulously avoided. Economical Efficiency has enabled Michelin to supply the motoring world with "better tires for less money." S Barrage patting projectiles died awa.v, and it seemed almost a minute define a vei loud explosion was braid In the enem tienehes. Then we knew that certain , specllled (lei man positions had been dieuchtd with ti.tr llreni'lieil Iliieiu.v Trent ties i Kor several minutes an unennn.v silence ensued. After this interval star shell signals were sent Up and the American nitillery cut loose. This i teriiflc b.ui.ige of gas shells and high explosives died down ami again then1 1 was comparative quiet. 1 Tho bodies were app.ueutlv still loo astonished to icply. , The American nitlllerj laid down nil- I other bat rage, and this time the del- i i minis answered. The whole aiea became mi Infeino. Lvery village behind the I I Amerknn lines was subjected t" heav.v flie. mostly gas shells, but theie was noi , a single American casualty When the boinb.iidment finally ceased 1 When the bombardment tinallj erased a comparative!) few Huns emciged fiom their tirnches. but were swept back b , a pei foot deluge of shiapnel and bul-' lets. This, we le.iined fiom a prison, i toda) was to have been a (leiinan n- tullatiiry laid. The piojector attail timed for il tavniabli of course, was wind. The ller- LIN I mans were so cxrlleil llil-y failed ialB Ibis Into consideration. AH n suit much of the kun loosed agaliisl i the American front lines was blown back Into their own trenches, evidently add Inp to their casualties. The barrage laid down h our nrtll Ipij boxed lu the comparatively small i area deluged by cas preventing the Huns fiom fleeing to other parts of the lints and foiclng them to stay and tal.n It. i American aviators itiiorted later In' the day that gas clouds extended tell Ki.ometeis (moie than six inllca) behind! the ("ennaii forward lines Klc Ameilcan liomblng planes, which iliopped tlilrty-elglit bombs on the rail wny stutliin, llrdM and fraclfs at Oon flans, (twenty miles east of Verdun) do ing lu:iy damage, letumid safely 7uey. da.v night, despite an ineoliuter with sexeral enemy planes, TELL OF UNCLE SAM'S ANGER German Press Speculates on U. S.- Alexiean Helalions Siircial Cubic to V.iening t'ublic Ledger i oiiumjht. 'its. bi in Yitrk 7Iihit Oi. Hie llngiie, .lune 20 Wliat Is telined "I'licle Sam's .nicer with Mexico" Is the Mililect of an article In the llerlln Vos lche Xeltung, which alleges that it has darned li way of llerui' that the Amu lean press Is uttering threats agahPit .Mexico for the pro-Otrman at titude of Its pi ess. The Kcltuug asserts that American new "papers, especially the .New York livening IM't and those controlled bv William Randolph Hiaist, are cariylng on a campaign agnlnst Ptesldetil' I'ar ranza and that even South Ameilcan States, siuh as Chile and Peru, arc at tacked fin their so-called fjerinau at- I ...!,. Tho' UciPn paper ms that IMvIdnit v iiMin iiiHiumiin hi- -ti. "" , !""!.,.' i,Kl.JiSa...,,''.f.V.'!,ll:.,t.....l.,f' ".';, . i. i .n , v.! pVimii tini. ii h V..:.,nV.,,.;1.L,rubleCan,l.ihn,s s a si fled s Colnmblii. which has iiciiulied 'nieill bv dlscoutaglng (..cini.in asentr , and plots. STKAK ON MENU TODAY llowcil ill One iNtcal Iij Food Vil ininitralinu This is "steak day," Arcoullng to tho beef ration schedule fled by the food administration, ieMau innts, holds, dubs and other public tat Ing places may servo steaks only at the noon meal today. Steaks an- taboo, then, until the noon meal next Thursday and all succc-slve Thursday!, until September 15 HBiB HI iA.o.rvf.Hl d'' "-----. WffI I? HTvk sVfll bH Hi M btfl aft '' ' Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Makes Records Exclusively for Columbia The enlistment of this historic organ ization under the Columbia standard is the best proof of how high that standard is held. And this first glorious record of Pause's famous Ballet Music is only a promise of what is to come. A6041 $1.50 Amparito Farrar Joins ihe Columbia This brilliant young American soprano makes a particularly happy debut with a record including "Sweet and Low" and "Mighty Lais' a Rose." Rarely beautiful songs both, enriched by a voice of ra diant loveliness. A2535$1.00 psUflwM- tl MASsHKVM'ifwVvilIB ANOTHER BILLION AIM ) OF NEW TAX SCHEME Accountant Tells House Com mittee How Levy May He Assessed Vt anlilnKtmi, .lune u scheme that, II Is estimated, will raise more than a billion dollars In war luxes from new sources and Increased levies on present souicts has been sug gested tn the Hiiusc Ways and Means Committee by Joseph .1. Klein, a public accountant of New Yolk city, who has been associated with the Council of N'a tloal Defense The committee Is hold ing healings on the new war revenue bill. Proposals made by Mr. Klein Included: A tax of one cent per call on all 'oil telephone messages below fifteen runs which ale not now subject to tax. esti mated In raise an additional 150.uo'o,oOU. A flat ten-cent documentary tax on all legal documents not otherwise taxed llevcnuc unestlntated. A stamp tax on each mercantile In voice on transactions of $1 or more, estimated to rah-e $50,000,000, A flat two or tluec cent tax on bank checks, estimated to leld from $30,000, 000 to $15,000,000; or a graduated tax beginning with two cents per SJOii, ettl lituttd at J7O,O(Ki.O00. A one-cent t.ix on everv canal e mi -titet railways or lntriutbati lines, estl- uiaiea niiiuinum reenuo oi 5i-t'.""jy,'n'v. A tiw of 10 per cent to "25 per cent on tuition fees fci private schools, not IncludlnB colleges and universities; rev- enue yield not et'tlmatcd , A tax on State or city olIkiaK lu eluding high-salaried Judges and the gieat conn of public school tenchet, expected to leld fiom J25,Oijo,000 to f30.000.000. I Collection "at the sum re" of a grail I uateil tax on all salaries and wages In 1 eces of $20 per week, with an esti- mated revenue of $l,000.oon.000. A 2 per cent tax on all gloss sales. llevenue not estimated. Many other witnesses nppeared before the committee. John Qulnn, of New Yolk city, speaking for the Association of American Paluteis mid Sculptors and the Society of Independent Artists, urged the cumin. ttec not to lax nitlsts. must of whom, he said, air baiely New July Numbers of Lonstellatio: Newbrk Philharmonic Plavis 1 1SA TT .1 j. 'A viciur nei'Dercs American war songs in a thrilling medley that fairly flames with patriotism. A record that ex plains why this great symphony orchestra won such thunderous applause in its cantonment ' concerts. A6040 $1.50 . 39 other Splendid Selections in July List Send some records to your soldier. There's Graionola in his Y. M. C A. or Knights of Columbus hut. v New Columbia Records on aah tho 10th and 30th CalaatU Cnltask ot every month ' ' ,. ' rric. lli . COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, NEWTORK Ui,' WMW' ' ' i.iV.'Ii' lie sain innish ivorks of nrt should not be classed with jewclf.v, diamonds,, pleasuie ) adits', pas senger automobiles and the like, al of which, he said, slmuld be taxed. . I'lanl: A Iltalri of Chicago, president "f a national organization of proprietary me'dlelnc inftiufacturers. slid the In dustry ought not to be taxed at all. ACCIDENTS KILL 5 AIRMEN 1 Three Army Men mul Two Naval Aviator Meet Death -, I Mirlngflflil. O., Juno 20. Whet! their airplane collapsed In midair after a fall f i om a height of 10,000 feet. Lieutenant Kiank Stewart Petterson of Dayton, O., and Lieutenant Leroy Swan, of Norwich, Conn,, were killed at the Wilbur Wright' aviation Add. Lieutenant Petterson lost control of the machine after going Into a nose dlvo at lo.ooo feet. j Prns.ii tn, lis., June 20. When their airplane fell, H. IV Sylvester and A. 15. Blair, naval reserve uv labors, were killed near the navy air station, ltoth men came fiom the Boston School of Tech nology. T There ought to be more tea advertising. The million! Delineator f UlTlillCS UlOilCUSC 13,192 pounds daily, 2,407 .,,. nU' tOUS YCarl . Manufacturers of certain other articles also could capture this enormous market by branding and ad vertising their products in tx i The Delineator The Maqazine In ., One1 Million tiomzs ,T? !. mericaa raniasie fn.iWliig a living (odny W's3m STrng v; , , I ill II I m t0ssRH bB1 m BsECasB Imam ' ! ., r ffTTTsV & WW I H x 1 8 " ' & .i-i ' 1 I i V .11 4 - ,s .4 7 i t t i j ,1 V S1.7S Round Trio k T.,.JT"j,;i. ...r-vr.--,,.'... 'fniiMnp.m?rn v 'i. - - --3 n y- . .. J -,"... v. iiSZlSi fevVjjTi,-, ,.', .':w,Ji-iir-''&- - -. ' W if IM ;?'- riXl' AJ- wmtssFsa&ma E2i2l J?xJ t- . - . , , -.- 'd"-f- -