::- -.: ;.a -.- - -V-HT Wf 'X tr -. yry jt 1 ,. 3u-:- tV . T . s. K ' V R T P " x'A . v ;&fcw v- ts ".v: ' h H if Kr'f. A'XEWfc- k-j PHILADELPHIA, "TtESD AY, JUTE 11, ' MB ftwjffw- -a y" - . sivi.- .'.? .i )iM;u. : ' y Av yENxo Public vijfeDfiBR- WVr-i t X tit " 4- V .- k taf- M ! t n n W Jf ' t y V I$. I ' V Pa r, .,.-;-- WANTED-"EMAL- ;"fFOflMj. for typewriting and general clerical -t r Wnl-W Annlv bv lettee nnlv. 1-rtu arcl Harrington. Hnn Jt fn . 17th Jt Callovvhlll sts. J OmiS. in in IS tears of ase. for ntln-r-v, iwnrlt. P HI. Ledger Ortlce. J7.? Mtr.MNEnT wxpf-riknced woman ' rrrn t mnr a. tt SCtl t tw-nt- FVTORK! O.VIJ .rAPAni.K AS ASSISTANT. Tr .rat- ,-itanr-r-. vn..nt a- tartccn-trvv j' to roMpr.TKVT reusoN r t33. btUOliU OFFICE. mim.inf.tit Tttonfnv.m.T expert- . BNCBD HAM.HWOMF.N KOFI RRTAtli MILLINERT STORK- STEADT rOIITTON"': OOOD SALARV. APPLT RT LETTER TO P 082. LEDUER OFFICE. SALESLADY, to sell Ford rara ,ln Phils . delphla on commission haslv immediate delivery of cars: ooportunltv offered aa our former salesmen have enlisted In war work, compensation fullv warrants devoting full time, which la required. Apply agency. 8302 fThestmit. SHOES General operatora and vamnsr.. Apply l.alrd. Sohober A Co., 52d and Mar ket sta . second floor. SOLICITORS Women solicitor! wantedi piano house wants neat and Intelligent women for stralkht canvassing: salarv and commission. Apply before 0 p. m. 302 S STENOGRAPHER POSITION IN CIRCULATION DF.PARTMENT Or LOCAL NEWSPAPER FOR TttOR. ' OUOHLY COMPETENT STENOO. RAPHER' MUST HAVE HAD SF.V. ERA! TEARS' OFFICE EXPERI ENCE AND AT LEAST 2 TEARS' JIK1H SCHOOL) PREVIOUS EX PERIENCE IN NEWSPAPER WORK WOULD WE CONSIDERED AN ASSET. OIVE FULL INFOR MATION AND STATE SALART EXPECTED IN nEPLY TO C 132, LEDGER OFFICE. STRNOORAniER u anted hy larire commer cial house; muni he experienced and Orat cUm In all respect; Kbod salary: write., KhlriK reference and number of ears ex perience. P. O Kox 1004 STENOGRAPHER for an offlcfl in center of city; Rood hour a; unusual opportunity; five are. experience, aalarv desired and telephone number. M 1447, Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER, to use dictaphone part ot time; chance for advancement. Apply ffgn Arch at STENOGRAPHER One with iom kuowl- edge of bookkeeping. Apply 171 W. Lt high ave. WARD MAIDS: -Vi per month and board room out. university Hospital, 34tn Hprucft at nd WOMEN Light assembly work and to learn to onerate machines at heat vvaceat ner- manenu position In new shop, with excellent conaiuons: a rest room provinen: nurse in attendance rciectnc wervico .supplies Co, 17th and Cambria sts WOMEN, kitchen, colored: $2.1 per month and board: room out. University Hospital? 84th and Spruce sts TOt'NO LADT. IN OFFICE OF ELEC TRICAL MANUFACTURING! PLANT WHO UNDERSTANDS MAII.INll LIST: NO HAND ADDRES8INO: HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF ARRANGING AND KEEPING LIST UP TO DATE: HAVE ELEGANT OFFICE FACILITIES: GOOD POSITION FOR RIGHT UIRL. ArrLY IN OWN HANDWIUTINQ ONI.T TO V. V. FITTINGS COMPANY, ADVERTISING DEPT., 1010 N. 0TH ST. TOUNU LADY as file clerk In office, p 034 T.f.-' Offre TOUNO WOMAN, capable, for seluntt adver-tisln- In hlfth--rade monthly manazlne; permanent position; excellent opportunity; rtference rclutred.jF020. Ledger Office. !eneral UUSINES3 SERVICE CO.. 1301 Land Title, capable women for book'crs, stenocr.. cl. HELP WANTEDMALE . ADJUSTERS v . ON Acme. Cleveland or Brown it Sharp auto matle screw machines: highest wages and bonus paid for maximum production. Also additional bonus of 10 per cent for night work. This Is your opportunity If Jou apply at once tu the MIDVALE STEF.L AND ORDNANCE COMPANY EDDTSTONE RIFLE PLANT ! EDDTSTONE. PA. OR I PHILADELPHIA OFFICES Island rod and Woodland aenue. ,ei,U IVU I1U KlfUUIDIIU mUC 03 Market street (Second Floor) n laiu Arcn street. DRINO REFERENCES THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. needs BOILERMAKERS' HELPERS CARPENTERS PIPEFITTERS' HELPERS LAYERS OUT BOILER-SHOP HELPERS TINSMITHS RIGGERS' HELPERS, RIVETERS BOILER SCALERS LABORERS HOD CARRIERS RIGGERS ELECTRICIANS OILERS WHEELWRIGHTS LEAD BURNERS GUARDS ,. 48 hours per vreclk Only experienced men need apply Atlantic Refining Co. mployment Atlantic Gate, 8144 Passyunk ATTENDANTS and pupils In the training achool for male nurses In large private hosoltal for the Insane In Phlladelohla. Apply to Superintendent of hospital. 40th" and Market sts , Between i su ana :.3u or by appointment AUTOMOBILE repairmen nest wages, 8 hour shop: only nrst-class men need ap ply. Foss-Hughes Company, 21st and Mar- ket sts . second floor. BOOKKEEPER Camden manufacturing plant vvanta bookkeeper with knowledge of stenography, typewriting and general office work P 184. Ledger Office. BOLT-HEADER MEN AND RLACKSMITH: Acme machine; shipyard rate, Humphries A Co.. Front and Tusculum sts., squares north of l.ehlah-ave ' BOT. IB YEARS OF AGE. WANTED TOR WORK IN NEWSPAPER OFFICE: GOOD ADVANCEMENT FOR YOUNG MAN WITH INITIATIVE APPLY TO MR. FLYNN. 000 CHESTNUT ST. K - .. I BOT, between in and 17 yra, to work aa I tYi Ti arp In mnrhln ahon: noii rhunt ''1r'4for adancement. Apply 7.30 a. m, Amerl V cn Engineering Co., plant No. , Wheat- . a M a. l a G! ji infai I n aim orpnic. t t f istiiuluiu. BOY wanted In office of large manufacturing concern: opportunities for advancement, Apply Crane Dept,.- Nlles-Bement-Pond Co., Mifflin and Meadow sts UOY, about 1(5 or 17, to start i stock und henning room: good future to right boy: iomi goon sutiiro to rn 1211 Spring Osrden st start ai in 1JOY for oflce work and deliver small paclo ages. Apply after R 30 a. m , Underwood Typewriter Company. 1000 Chestnut st. BOY. over 16, office, prominent Importing house: (ood opportunity: salary. Lawrence Johnson t fo.. y w. no st 5P BOY to learn to maka cushions. Apply 244 , -Bn " . K.l?'iltnT8. snergetle and ambitious, for mtssen. ri3' gar service; excellent oppor. lor aavancs' Ui mimii liberal -wages, bonus and vacation wltt ''ti msnt: liberal wages, bonus and vacation with ..-. rim tisv. jiddiv to Air. Lctniit. ut irflrt full pay. Apply to Mr. Cranage. Delivery ?" A Iept. Western Union. 15th and Chestnut ats . i.A . ' J(Kf Apply National Umbrella Frame Co., 30th JiK i. itiiinv wintru. iiriui rsji ., auuu . JffJ T HU IIUIIIKavn -' . V ana ti '.r;i3ANVA8SERb wanted for, pianos: salary iilhi land c4mmlnlon for good men. Apply SW 892 S Md before p m. V, . CONCTtETE STEEL COMrANY TEARL AND DETAWARE AVE., CAMDEN. .H.t UpltUUa WANTS MACHINE OPERATORS HELPERS CLASSIFIED, LABORERS FOR CONCRETE BAR WORK ; GOOD TAT STEADY WORK '"A KANT CONVENIENT TO FERRIES , DAY AND NIGHT WORK tjtylWV V WORK. APPLY T A. M. HELP WANTED MALS irAnrENTF.ns Apply to 8. releert. foreman (Braun . Stuart Co.). at rullman Storehouse. 20th and Market. CLERKS Toung mm with bank experience wanted: those with a knowledge ot the bookkeeping and auditing department pre ferred: state age, experience and salary ex pecten i wis, ijnrer ccince, CLERKS Younrt Inen for clerical work: those with adding machine experience preferred; etate nee. experience and salary expected. P P.,... Ledger Office. COMPOSITORS, atone hands, monntjpe cost er runners. N. B cor Arch and Iflih sts COMMfSSART EMPI.OTJIENT DEPART MENT OF GOVERNMENT SHIPTARD AT HOG ISLAND REQUIRES SERVICES OF EXPERIENCED WHITE COOKS EXPERI F.NCED WHITE BUS MEN AND WHITE MISCELLANEOUS KITCHEN HELP: HIGH WAGES AND TLEASANT LIVING SUR ROUNDINGS. APPLT UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 8. W. COR. D AND WALNUT STS. SEE MR. SCULL. DO NOT APPLY AT HOG ISLAND. CRANE RUNNERS Four wanted Tlora Steel and Iron Co, Gun Plant. S2d and Oras ave. . DESIGNERS Ten Aret-claes deslrners and draftsmen on tool, gauge and fixture work. Apply at once to the MIDVALE STEEL AND ORDNANCE COMPANY EDDTSTONE RIFLE TLANT EDDYSTONE. PA. OR PHILADELPHIA OFFICES Tsland road and Woodland avenue, 6203 Market street (Second Floor) lSltl Arch street. BRING. REFERENCES DIEMAKERS wanted In new shop, worklnc conditions the best' permanent positions, good pay Electric Service Supplies Co. 17th and Cambria sts DRAFTSMAN The Atlantic Rcflnin- Com pany has an open.njr for a draftsman who h a thorouich knowledge of bultdin-r con structions (factory tpe) heating nlumblnir and electric work. Apply In person at the Sales Department, .1144 Passjunk aenue, Philadelphia. DRAFTSMAN, experienced on comevln ma chine. Hrstclasa man wanted ApnW SDeclaltv Enittneerln- Co.. Alleehenv and Triir.n M.ri DRAFTSMAN First class, having- either tnechnnlrnl or trtrlrt MWrlpTiri. Kltr. trie SerMco Supplies Co., 17th and Cam-M nna sts. DRIVERS ind truckers; must be stronsr and dependable; only those seeklna stesdv em ployment need nplv. American Express Company 1127 Chestnut st ELECTRICAL Wanted, first-clssa line fore man, experienced on 2 and 3 pnse and series arclhtln system, Apply William Foster 12n N. Slat ENGINEER Mechanical engineer vvsnted for construction work In Philadelphia Must have ability and Initiative State age and experience In complete detail Also salary expected R 3d. P. O. BOX 3170 ELEVATOR OPERATORS. LICENSED White American citizens Between the acs of SI and i& Oood salary SEE MR. KROUSE 1230 Arch, sixth floor FLOORMEN. SIC PER HOUR. 10 HOURS PER DAY: CHANCE FOR ADVANCE MENT AN J OVERTIME WHITE ft BRO COPPER REFINERY. HEDLEY ST. EAST OF RICHMOND 8T. WORK OR FIGHT If ou are not working on Government work we will place ou to your advantage. Our new rates are ery attractive to the men who want to work. INEXPERIENCED HELP FIVE HUNDRED Learners on arlous maehlnea, 2l per v.eek to start. Piecework after first week. Your earnings then should aeraie from 14 to IS per day, LABORERS TWO HUNDRED Laborers (colored), rood wages and bonus for attendance. STEEL HANDLERS TWENTY-FIVE- Steel Handlers (colored), 87 H centa per hour and bonus. EXPERIENCED HELP Die Sipkers Gsuge Makers Machinists (Maintenance Work) Tool Room Milling Mschlne Hands Tool Room Lathe Hands Tool Makers Tool orlnders Tool Hardeners Men for night work on the above positions are paid a bonus of IS and 10 per cent. MIDVALE STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO , EDDYSTONE RIFLE PLANT, EDDYSTONE, PA. OR PHILADELPHIA OFFICES: , Woodland avenue and Island road SS03 Market atreet 1319 Arch street Hours ft a m. to 8 p. m. dally. Sunday 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. V BRING REFERENCES FIREMAN for power plant wanted: easy work Apply 414 N. 3d st. FURNACE MEN. 45C PER HOUR HOUR SHIFT. WHITE A BRO. COPPER RE FINERY HEDLEY ST. EAST OF RICH MOND ST. HELPERS-Machlna shop, foundry helpers and chlppera. Chambers Bros., S2d and Media HELPERS for work on, furniture. ,-van. Apply, with references. 1811 Market at. JANITORS imerCe.n citizens, white, of rood character. .......----...--..-. -v- - --.-... .. i "', Jla.V of work 01 ay roJ51,MS 'Iv-BrittTiE t l"1 Arch sixth flejor 1-3U ArcB' ,Utn n00r LABORERS WANTE ROAD WORK.' 85C TO 40C TER HOUR, 11 HOURS PER DAY. 118.50 PER WEEK, TIME AND HALF FOR SUNDAY. APPLY, TJV JOHN W, FERGUSON CO. CAMP DIX.. .NEW JERSEY ', LABORERS LABORERS 100 LABORERS 40 CENTS FER HOUR LODGING AND TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED GOOD CAMP T. W. MARKS CONSTRUCTION CO. BYBERRY JOB j MEET TRUCK .AT BROAD i FILBERT DID, S)v TNS.a scusutuvvi HEIiP WANTED MALE LABORERS PATRIOTIC MEN WHO WILL WORK AT GOOD WAOES IN THE FIRST LINE OF ATTACK THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WANTS STRONG. ABLE-BODIED MEN TOR SJIIPYARD WORK NEAR PHILADEL PHIA. FREE TRANSPORTATION TO YOUR WORK ONE WAY DAILY. YOU CAN GET OOOD HOARD AND LODG ING AT THE YARD AT RATE OF J7.70 PER WEEK. 35c rER HOUR 13 S5 FOR 10-HOUR DAY fl-DAY WEEK FOR FULL PARTICULARS CALL AT UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT , OFFICE S. W. COR 3D A. WALNUT STS. SEE MR. SHATTUCK BRANCH OFFICE 731 CHRISTIAN ST. SEE MR ACORD STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 1521 ARCH ST. SEE MR SWARTZ LABORERS S3-39C TER HOUR. ATLANTIC REFINING CO. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT ATLANTIC GATE 3144 PASSTUNK AVE. LABORERS ,'00 WANTED United States Government work. Washing ton Park, near Wrstvllle, N J on Pennsvl vanla R. R West .lersev and Seashore dlv.), also by trolley from Camden 3SC TO 40C TER HOUR Time and half time for sll overtime over 8 hours and for all Sunday work FREE RAILROAD FARE BOTH WATS APPLT JIsrARTHUR BROS CO, WASHINGTON PARK WESTVILLE, N. J, LABORERS AND MECHANICS WANTED AT ONCE F. McOOVERN 138 S. 3D ST. LABORER3 WORK IN PHILADELPHIA APPLT TO F. COOKE 1S2I ARCH LABORERS Wanted, good reliable men for outside electrical construction: steady work all sear round: good opportunity fnr sdvsncement. Apply William foster. 1208 N mat st , LABORERS wanted, colored men. for out- i. 4b. i ns-lr e tflS ttiArtr 11 K' jar round. Apply William Foster, 1208 fllli n. LABORERS wanted: steady Inside Job: good pay. Apply India Refining- Co., Swanson and McKean ats LABORERS for forge work: steady work, good vvages. Tlndel-Morrls Co., Eddv- atone. Pa. LABORERS for forge work: steady work, good wages. Tlndel-Morrla Co., Eddy stone. Pa. , LATHE HAND, first class, on accurate work Apply Wallace Manufacturing Company. 31st snd Clearfield sts LINEMEN wanted: experienced nonunion electrlc-llsht men- steadv .work good wages Annlv Wm Foster 120 N 1st st MACHINISTS' HELPERS About a doisn men to assist In erecting new machlnerv etc : clean Job. with steady work and good pay Call any morning, between 10 and 11 o'clock, and ask for the superintendent, the George W Blabon Company. 21st st above Hunting Park ave . Phllsdelphla MACHINISTS Wanted, several first-class all-around lathe hands for enetna repairs: good wages. Wm. F Ruwell, 710 Noble. MACHINISTS, first class, highest wsges Apply Wallace Manufacturing Company, 31st and Clearfield. sts MAN wanted, capable of weighing and rout ing teams In coal office located In north western section ot Philadelphia, Reply In own handwriting, stating age, experience and salary. . . M 1414. Ledger Central, M1V tn unlnart lumber ar, cents tver hour steadv Government work Woolford Wood Tank Co.. near usrny. t-. n k uaii road nr 1-c.-fl Chestnut st t. Philadelphia. MAN wanted to match rugs. Bush 4t Dla mond. Jssper snd Ontario sts MEN WANTED Are ou looking for a position with a chanea to make good? -That Is up to vour.elf If so here is vour ehanea , We have positions oren for MACHINISTS MACHINISTS' HKLPER3 BENCH HANDS CHUCK AND ENGINE LATHE HANPM PLANER HANDS APPLY, ; between 7.30 and 8 10 a m. AMEWCENWNEERINO CO. VWheatshesf lane' and Sepvlva it, Frankford MT ;v IF TOU ARE NOT ArTtAlD OP OIIITT WORK. DAT AND-NIOHT KHirTB. HELP WANTED MALE . MEN (41 GENERAL WORK EXCELLENT CHANCE TO LEARN TRADE TOOL AND DIE MAKERS "DRAFTSMEN WITH MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL EXPERIENCE POLISHERS ELECTRIC SERVICE SUPPLIES CO. 17TH AND CAMBRIA STS. SIRS WANTED FOR orFtCE-IH.ttt.DtNG WINDOW CLEANING. WHITE STEADY EMPLOYMENT APPLY ROOM 411 WIDENER HLDG. MEN winted for outside electrlcHl construe tlon work must b stronir able-bodied and not sublect to draft, excellent opportunity will be Chen to learn to bcoms llnmen A rnl William Kostr I"I11 V tlst st MEN to work compounding department, stesdy work, good wages Apply O. F Zurn Co . 27311 N Hroadsl ilEN wanted for laboring work. tlonal Umbrella Frame Co., Thompson sts Avply Na- auin and MEN" Four wanted for ceneral work a splendid chanr to larn i trade fnr thn man who will apph himself Electric Per lr Sunnlls (n 17th and I'amhili sts MEN wanted white t trurk irond-i In ware house, nlaht or d o Appl to Mr Ilecslnn. 211 rallowhlll st . MEM. brlcht fJrn Park Inqutrn Mi. narnet. Willow TORTERS colored (rood pay and Rood hours. (100 Chestnut st , Mr Drake PORTERS, colored $t0 per month and hoard; room out. University Hospital, n.th and Pprw st. PRESS HANDS and helpers, steady work, good wages Tlndel-Morrls Co, llddv- stone. Pa REPRESENTATIVES Kystone Telephone commercial dept has vacancies In Its West Phlln , Camden. N. J., and uptown office forces for outside representatives; we offer a permanent position and a chance to crow Inn per month to start. Apply 1713 N. 12th st. SALESMAN If sou have selling shlllty and car prove ii ny nrcccai uernonscration vou rsn sell vour services to a sales-manager who needs real man power If vou cannot entnuse or have in nave a drawing account ,.. .. a,. ,,-. p...i.iIh ti.nb m n In ""' .-. . .oe.. .e.,n ,'iuh , '', a m to 1 n ro. .,..,, .iv, .-,ii.i r. i..i,. , i M-MK PLT, Amerlrnn Abtj lleln sun b'aSkln'g ow "?T.VnVvlit ! nlled w cntcd. 801 S Uth Ph WallK SALESMAN Youmr man to learn hlch crade salesmanship and estah perm hml- psi). wnlart' or rornTilS'n .1 7."ifl ltrt f'ent SALESMEN' We uant an experienced man with onrt rfrnr. nound lommon eense land stron- personality tn work In Phlla- delphla. large Income snd oulck promotion for one who can nua lirs . mis is a real op- portunltv for a man of refinement (married preferred) with an eye for the future, v.ork nianiv oicnmefi nnn conceniai, u now em plojed It will pav ou to chanae; our men are eirnlnp $rt to J30n pr week Call men are eirnlng InO lo J.inn per week Call S30 Land Tttle R dg.. between 10 a m. and 4 n m. " : SALESMEN (two), to sell 1-ord cara In l'niiaae nnia on n commission imsis. m p.Pl..T.n ,n1T T nn..e.A- ...iH rr. medlalo delivery of cars: oonortunltv of- ATIaARIJ 1017 7-passenger touring. wlr fered as our former sslesmen have enlisted In service Apply rord Agency. 330J Chestnut SCALER wsnled In meat department, satis factory wages, permanent position Apply Swift Co. IWn Noble st SODA DISPENSER: salarv 22 per week. Tnoulre Mr. Burnet. Willow drove Park SOLICITORS Kevstone Telephone Co 'a commercial dent has vscancles in their West Phlln , Camden N J , snd uptown ,,n0ern?UpJ.1riornP,rr,:ra",c,nrnVe X r month to start Apply 1713 Ull I, C IUI IT, J offer a perma prow , inn pe N. Ulh STEAM FITTERS AND HELPER WAs'T- ED, STEADY JOB APPLY TO FlIKE- MAN. CAMDEN HEATING CO.. CARE BADENHAUSEN CO CORNW ELLS PA . OR OFFICE, R MARKET ST . CAMDEN. STENOGRAPHER TOSITION JN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL NEWSPAPER FOR THOR. OUGHLY COMPETENT STENOO. RAPHER: MUST HAVE HAD SEV ERAL YEARS' OFFICE EXPERI ENCE AND AT LEAST 2 YEARS' HIGH SCHOOL: PREVIOUS EX PERIENCE IN NEWSPAPER WORK WOULD BE CONSIDKRED AN ASSET. GIVE FULL INFOR MATION AND STATE SALARY EXPECTED IN REPLY TO C 132, LEDQER OFFICE, SUPERINTENDENT apartment building: central location: excellent position for ex perlenced insn. M 14R2. Ledger Central. SURVEYORS (2) havlhg had exrs In bldg. construction: excellent opportunity for ad. v s ncement M 14.18. Ledger Central TOOLMAKER8 wanted, new shop. Includ ing pest or wonting conditions periginent, positions and good pav Ktertrb S-ervlce Supplies Co 17th and Csmtw-la sts IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY HERE IT IS. TOOLMAKERS GAUGEMAKERS BENCH LATHE HANDS BROWN & SHARrE OPERATORS BROWN t. SHARrE ADJUSTERS " INSPECTORS MILLWRIGHTS AND HELPERS RIGGERS CHECKERS , GUARDS LABORERS LATHE HANDS HERE'S TOUR CHANCE TO DO YOUR BIT EACH SHELL IS SURE TO SCORE A HIT SHOW THE BOYS THAT YOU'JIE TRUE BLUE COME DOWN AND TALK IT OVER. BOYS, I'M HERE EVERY DAY FROM 7. A. M. TO 5 P. M. R. LUCKENBACH " EDDYSIONE MUNITIONS COMPANY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT EDDYSTONE. PA. WANTED FREIGHT H'A N'DLEH! Can earn 14 per daj and upward and can board with companv at 73c per da Apply Mantua Transter. Penna. II. R Entrance 81st and Columbia ave. WHEEMVRIflllT. blarktmlth wanted l, A. Mc Clemen t Hro.. 11-th and Shunk r.-ce.n.T ,-.,-. T-a.-a-.-a-. VVII'viw oncc-nr.n uir. r IVA r r.it 3IlL,l.l7r.'V I niivcr cvr.ucjlivr.s .a. vi-a-DOW DRESSF.Rl YOUNG MAN WITH MILLINERY EXPERIENCE WILL KIND EVERY ADVANTAGE TO ADVANCE HtM- BELr'FRANKEL MILLINERY SHOP COR. FRONT A.ND. DAUPHIN STS. TOUNO MAN. about IS yeara of ace. for BTen.r.i clerical worki offlca of large manu facturing concern; rood opportunity for ad vancemem salary, fia par to scare. Apply own handwriting, stating age andei. rtence. r jc. ..rciaer -va. HELP WANTEDMALE YOUNO MAN IB to 2n eare, In home of flee Of Are Insurance ocmpanj Rood chsnee for mlxsncement Apply In person or by letter. 3ns Walnut YOUNG MAN colored to operate passenser elevator, steadv position for reliable per son Apply J R Van Solver, Camden. N J YOUNG MEN wanted to work on automatic wire machlns Apply National Umbrella friinf roniTuny. iiuin nn inompaon.su TOnlarnetMWMnTorJ!re,,K;rrk" ,nqu,re Mr ' ""rnrl "mow lirove I sfK T have an opening for a man with brains and ambition one who aspires to better his condition In life and Is wllllmr to report for work at A 30 and work at least 7 hours a day. Must qualify as to ability and char acter. Tir personal Interview call nt 15Z2 WIDENER BLDO. 10 TO 12 AND 2 TO 4 pur I L'ny m'w -1&&.I...1 r... .. .. Hn.ka must be teachable and willing, psy so-' cordlnc to amount of wofk done P 020 I Ledger Office. (Jenerel IIUSI.NESM SEIt ll'K CO 1301 Lard Title I Bookkeepers, $20-V.; hotel. 130; bank. un. capable men fcr sales, office production AGENTS HOT. S IlICYCLC WITHOUT COST ' A genuine Meade "Pathfinder," r-ioipletelv equipped and guaranteed for 2 vsrs Just the kind to cirry vou out to the "olesw Immln' noie tins summer, come down tn.inv and learn haw vou cun get vours Ann i in i; VI I.C1V KI.ANIl THE CURTIS PUIll.ISItlNG COMPANY 7th and Panaom sts entrance ' ' - ot Tie. T-., ... . ..- --,,t- all"""" vvvx-- riu. STENOGRAPHER riperlenced In bond host ness, desires pos , sal 121) A I. Leds Off SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, age .14 thoroughly einerl- , enced In foundry and metal stsmnlng costs, t . desires position as office or factory man ager with essential Industrj. JI000. J 840, ledger Central. i . EXECtn IVi:, ,1,"i, with ssles. cost and In dustrial engineering experience, desire, connection with a manufacturer of metal speclaitlea. unaffected by the war. thor oughly experienced In metal stamping And foundry work ran show clean record I3Q00 J 7411. Ledger Central EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES - - i . i EDUCATIONAL and Domestic Emnlovment Club. 22.-. S. Ssdenham (11th Walnut)- ivoqks ennm .wait .nurses goverses suppne- ' .TTTm r ... ! - .VI 1 PC tc KC l K UUUUHKIITY. 1313 CJIrsrd rtve Cooks. rhamliermalcls laundresses. I pmisewnrK ciris wnnl oosntons USED AUTOMOBILES imoCKUAY trunk power dump ulll IiuhI t tons In first-lass rond Phone ntn Winn V(.)Ill touriiiKs. runabuts mid touptri.. lt.lS.17-K.; cond. cuar. 1M N Carllste !'- IIUPMOniLK .12. electrically equipped, top i vvlnd shield, demnunlable rims, good paint i "" itvci inornusnij- overnauien wnnin cne n, ...i..,,., , , ,, liriiri IIHILn MAIIMllM MiiTfltlH 4 1J .,- u..l -vn ,.. I '!' irfii'c' ciiuiviM.iii iui nni- vmiiimiiII1- cate with or see P O Magulre 1037 N rvelni.nre n , TCahk cu.t.., nnnn ' "' -U. rl - OVERLAND, loll. Sedan, with extra tour, . Ing top. good condition, run nnlv 11.000 miles Apply 3813 Walnut Thona rres- ton .1731 --I"1""' " .nrvv c"ra "T "" Paint: par. pain for quick sale, private owner. J 046, linger central PAIQE IIIKI touring 0-40. 7 Passenger. In excellent condition throughout, speclnllj' priced. R7". ' Sold under our 7 davs' trial nlan nicelocv-Wlllev Motor Co 304 N Broad PAIOi: IHin touring, .1 passenger. 0-.1R. fu" equipped, paint and general condition very fine: is-.n renin unner our 7 cinvs trial nlan i Bleelnw-Wlllev Motor Co 101 N Broad . PAIGE W,nur.r.. n.40" h.'ull and In' M So"d V.nd?r our 7 .lavs' trial plan Hlgelnw-Wlllev Motor Co .104 V Broad rAI-""fl,ir,Vr'" "k Sold'cmrt'eV 5ur 7 davHaf Plan niseloi-WMlev Motor Co 30 1 s" Broad .'.''".'...., , "..'. - rIn.Rn-SSA0WVJ)Hinn-?1i,Ii.-rnlilnil?,n? painted, fine condition. Call KenslnstOT STUDKUVKER ROADSTER. 3 Pass A-l con. 1110 Cavanaugh'a Gar 17th ft Vine TRUCKS DId Urnwn, Tlmken Worm Drive 2'i. .14. ' tons. Immediate deliver) Cash or terms. r nowi:ni ro, flrtS-72 N. Brnad (See Mr. Howard) FRANKLIN Chummv Roadster, late model nriven less man uu,i iiuies wire wnt-eje. extra tires owner detained In England cause nf eate 111 TTtnanee TtnlMlnP nriven less man -jucui miles wire vvneejs. AUTO INSURANCE New. Klc per Jlll'c Freeston t. Freeston. 3.11 Wal Lnmh 882 WILL BUY all makes of cars for export, See Mr Gemehl, 1411 Locust st AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE HAttr.l.Vn Autotrucks to Hre. 4 lo K ton: hour dav or week James J Roorey ft Co 1022 Sanaotn. Spruce 101.1. Race 1.171. Tf litlrC f li-iait.lna Iniielp" part nnd tn-rl. cans antoa ror weddincs, innenis Amer Taxlcab. 1411 toeust. Spruce flr Rare 'J4. TO HIRP l'i-ton trucks, hy daj, trip or hour p.nni Fnnkfordl iorre CBN'TRAI.KT I-OCATKP (lARAOKS American Garaue. 1411 I,or,nt Racouet Club Garage. IfiOJ Chancellor Short rtorate. rnc per day: each Kara Be pro 1ded with comfortable chauffeur rooms .AUTO SUPPLIES REPAIRING PABTS PARTS PART1 FOR AI.l, CARS AT RRASOVABI.t: ritlPES HKvw.vAtii.B auiu i-Aiun w. 2P31-37 W Susquehanna ave TT Pluromer. Mgr. ; Diamond 471 PH1I.A '8 I.ABOHST At'TO RKPAITt SHOP AMERICAN GARAGE S. MACHINE SHOP Spruce 61 1411 Locust Race 21.1 VttLOANIZISO AND USED TIRES PIERCE 1427 FAIRMOUNT AVE AUTO TIRES TIRES Sole agent Marathon and Faure tires; service sts'lon for all standard makes of tires, sccssorles of every descrip tion on hand, lucjubj acjic-c sui'txi uu, 1411 Locust, Spruca 63, Race 249. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES I NEW and second-hand Modes: tires SI up. I ANDREW T. 11IRCHETT. B03 S 2.'d If BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAPITAL WANTED Established msnufac fiipar tiill Anlllnnfirl crnutnir l,nal-i. I mechanical specialties used by Government railroads. Industrial and manufacturing Plants, limited by capital. nrcessar to pur- I p R j For particulars phone German chase quantity raw- material duf to trade town -41- J. i COIlMIUUIie. 'a,,,,ca h ,, arLUtc riua ur I OC1" I trnlltng interest, active In management, sat. factory reference given, particulars to tt rlnclpais .vnurt-ss -jiianuiaciurer ' J U3.1, ilger Central l-lKhl'-UI-AbS HRlCK. PROPERTY, new, ..u.l.l.l. mtCnnait l......l.ls,l.l.., , CUll"cv' aM.fr-.., .viife-.viauiitticu i v' -...... hnlnru at rietbtehem ra . .....li. cream factory at Rethlehem. Pa.: capacity 6000 gallons dally; price J2B.O0U, opportunity tV knocking' heed It PARIS & SHIMER. Rethlehem ra. ""iu ---'-'I ---'.-;.:'.--- v-i.-v,, HOTEL, stock and fixtures, near nethlehem Steel and tOKO Works. Bethlehem. Pa.. doing an Immensely profitable business, fof sale on account of serious sickness, r.r. ooportunltv. price 424 000 M 2(11. Led Oft. CAPABLE business man will Invest 1.1000 to ti 000 with services In established paslPB nusiness since iiur. a I to, urdifr crnirsi BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS WANTED We must have 60 more to fill an order, any slle up to 5 carats; price no object Cell or phone Wal. 7111. suite 21 and 22. V.' Chestnut st H KKLLT H CO (over cniios' rtestaurancc. OEORGEB COCK Stenographer. Liberty Building Est isnn Kxnerienre .u years meillcal 11 IS YOUR HAIR BEAUTIFUL? If not ex- pert attention and skillful treatment will Mnsko It so. excellent remedies, recommended j blghlv. J. A filoan iiin c nescnilt St. ELECTRIC TREATMENT Maplcurl'g. Rm. 103 Heed Bldg., 1215 Flbert. Ph. Fll 3062, FOR SALE BILLIARD AND TOCKET TABLES, net? and :d-hand bowling alleys and auoollsa; phonoarsohs snd automobile tires Bruns wIck.Balka-coilengee i-o . itio3 Arch st BILLIARD, pool, comb't'n, 2d-hand, bought. aoiq. renceq. e-cii. nwicr, m. vjirata av. OFFICE FURNITURE Largs line desks, safes, (lies, cabinet and general oince i-im ";. iwurts atA U.aw Qalt ilul Baakaaaa n .PATTEN FUevJ"! UUi A t FOB SALE STANDS, cahlnets, etc.. blc bargains. Thlla- delphla Printers' Supply. H . nth LARGE ROLLER COASTER and lane pa. tllon. about no nnn feet of lumbr used price nnn, also lane enslne. holler and slsck 1400. M SIR, Ledser Office. HEATING MAK1N-KEI I.SEY HEALTH 1 1 SaT! cheaper than hot water or slnm pure fresh air with normal humldlt) H27 Filbert MACHINERY AND TOOLS 1 POWER PLANT MACHINIST In .i,l, . Immediate delivery power plants designed i ' nnin'n ratm.viPVT en pvntvi.---a , 1 UVM.lt t.Q 'II'VEM CO E.SGINLERS 12n Chestnut st. , Power-plant equipment njnamos motors, boilers stesm and oil engmes niimns sir compressors 1 FRANk TOOMEY. INC. 127 N 3d st. I 1IMI: SYSTEMS .Monarch elctrlc clock' """ 'in.'" "camps iriniers .iisrh nerv Co Machinery bought and sold, hsrirnln In si. 'k ftO'l f'orn-eere l ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS , POWER EQUIPMENT O 11RIEN MACHINERY CO. HON 3D ST. OLD OOLD OLD cold sller, platinum plated ware old fttVIn t-Uctlr. teth tilai. Ivminhl f- h i Est 1M7 J 'l. Clark refiner SOT Ransom CAMH I'AID for old -old sUer antique -lolf Tt-". J", M ITth of T 0".' i"Mf I r,LHi; ikbiii. old Rold, slher. platinum hm'.eat prices paid 120S Ktthert Open c i PT ANOS PTjAVETl"? TTTMTWO PTf1 f fy Lla' rL,a- x L"!i' 1 UKXJMO. 1U VIC1ROLA IX HB 10 m.llnnl.h.. In l rinHinr sU in.ineh ti c- .....j. i"t .... .1 , .. . ..... - . - -:.. . 1. tu-., inis is h nnnnsnme mac nine wltn Stf'rJ? "."; .J,r!!'I..B H To,li '".'8 Market st and nun Arch st 7 CASH $h" $1 week!) for magnificent mahnganv J.v.0 nlsno been used n mn dei Idert bargain B Tl TODD. ISIIcl Arch st ima.no iiipsteinav iinrTrht."r7r.iTt.-.ii Eunrantecd sntemlld VoSditlon II n TODD 1.100 Arch street STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS AI.ni'MS AND SITPLIES .,.. For stamp collectors TH1LA STAMP CO 21 S 1TTH ST STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES ioii-ioiu .vlAUKftl HI, rrown htoraoi 5 Special rates, city or country New York, Raltlmore and Washington. 3X14 Ml N ith st Tioga 4tfld- Tark 41112 D OCVIIA.NTEB STORAfiK CO OF PII1LA , ,, ., , ., --W 'J.' ,'.,v..,.- n. ' I,,r,v,.n"r..?TORAGK IN SEP ROOMS ' Ol SURD IN 1872 HELL. POP 21.14 c i;cc,.ll IC!U1V."V MT j MILI.IOV.jollar concrete nren'of wsrehnu Phils Stnr. Co 2031 Lehigh Tils 711 71(10 V.'l free GIltARD .storaA- Co IMS Olrard nv mov'r Packing storage. Ph. Ton. .12(14 Park 421 WANTED IlllOKEV Irwelrv antlnues nljttol coin I t.L- fn Kolf .lt.DrlC LtSRX ""H.pd 1 llr .in t-" """, nw "Irt - nth Wal 44-ft. fSTOKP (MjOUU.NU of all desnlPtlon un all vour old clothes dresses unnirni iook nrounn our Iioi e and gather rhors etc clrnn us a nostal or phone ind vou nre as ";irert to get the right nrleos oicrn 17 .- -,., i c,en vistk -.'44cvv kcv fie cci t'Asr.OFK CLOTIILSO Highest Prices paid " i !r, J,,"," tnn.'' eentlenien's . lothlng.pf all I , "'! " iiiki hruiirui'ii a tiuiiiiii ni km Jcrlptlons. hats, shoes furs etc . will call. I clav or CVeplnr. cltv nr S'lhiirbs cell vcrlte or phone Bell Ponlsr .1771 Open evenings ni.ipgt.tn c"c niii.J'i.' p evenings. ...ct r,...; .,! ...... rr: ; rrr r c c ABT-OI-K t I.OTHINO Po-lllvelv highest ' rrires paid; ladles' gentlemen's shoes, hats, call cUv. eve . cltv country. Th Dlck- """i "i-'i rrienman Mros 1444 South st. I'AST-OKF CLOTHIMI shoes and hats I hon-fht Sen nnstal --ineldmsn 0T2 Ponlsr OLD tllll.n sllier platinum fas. teeth' bought also hlcrhost priees nald fnr telk I HCh's ft ree'ds 41 N 10th. Ph. Wal .'.77 I ROOMS FOR KENT i nir-lTVUT nnon ' I nnOMI AND PROPBt OVAL OFPICFO I C.VLI.OWIIILL. 0123 Unfurnished large crnnt room CIlhxTNUT INim Rooms with or without bath, suitable for gentlemen CHESTNUT. 1027 Rooms, with or without bath- electric llchts hot water CHESTNUT 2012 Superior accnmmodn tlons. furnished and unfurnished, up-to- date npartmept bouse CHESTNUT 1 K09 Artract I v o rips with lath 1 single or e" suite elec llchtn and elevator lir.r-1 ,-s u r 20.1., leRrse. well furnished fnirn wnii Trtrlc Ilcht reference. i i - mi t .incie room nexi 10 me hath elrotrlrltv. nam floorn MT VERNON 2004 Exceptionally deslr- nl!; f'lrdstorj back, baj: southern ex- NICELY fcirn room, next bath In prlv fani Near Wayne Junction Wyoming .1720 W SPRUCE 2il.'2 Desirable furnished rooms gentlemen: southern exnosure SPRUCE, 1013 Third and fourth floor mnpis ennm exposure in. tnxir t 1 '''!, ,',.' I vein iwin 3.11 Rooms vvltt or without prl- resennaDie nil 11 rv i-ciic 4 rooms, onrtlv turn light Tr for light janitor services. Apph 1401 inch I8fll N I4MI Two rooms housekeeping furnished t( nn- single rooms 12 itTir o o,in -r.n .....i..ti.. . . gentlemen nnlv. references exchsnged ,SJ'' S';flJ,."i,.",lv 'urV. ""'." 2 ......... -.m. - --!.-, urn imiii - ' HKAi'Ti1' 1.11 nirn arle . at true, jr- rent LT.... . ". . ' ' ' iM.T.r fnrn arts . attr.p. rent i""- Sh rn ,7:M """ n h' ET rillf.AnKT.riTIA , wihpi i'ni Topa n-o- rooms weji rur- nlshd rontenUntto and surface. , WONPERFLM.' V attrrlhe mini mnm i slnle en ite -xr home Treaton ,".S(7W , - -GRAT7 N BOARDING 214- Flrst'Clasa room., anrt board, nruate nome, also meals served. Plamnd S4nt Y -.I'Hrnnw rniVATK KA.MU.T will hoard 2 gentlemen: ...i, ,i..t.hi.. ennl hi.l,lneciA. .;ri,' large, alrv tront room, generous table.! , .nt to trollev and trains. IS mln to needing Termittsi. 1 1 ii per vv k j ni4 t.eciger Central UUm ssua.au WAJ4XU BOARD ON FARM near Philadelphia oT c or two weeks In Jull. bv cnunle with 3 vear-oia nov ana nanv tinner t vear state terms, il nn7 Ledger Qfflce SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location sneclal scientific care nervous elnerlv. every comfort nur.es booklet Dr Randal Cltv Line Chest Til! APARTMENTS j AP4RTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a specialty Sherwood Co 1721 Walnut st Pome very attractive I and 2 room furnished spts . some hskpg-. 2UTII 8 11.1 Exclusive ansrtmrnts. IT rnnms and bath; furn or unfurn central OERMXNTOWN COSIPLETELT FURNISHED, from June 20 I. to i-epieniner i. i rooms oatn and porch, minutes' walk from Queen Lane Station - - t i -a--aTa-H-aa- a -a a -a-- . - U A iajtl- ! .1 jq-JMTS DIAMOND AND tST STS. Completely furnished hntlselceeliinr anartment a 1.... rooms and bath, line yard large 2d floor covered private porch; rent 17,1. monthly I l u v VI ci. i-it'oiB ,....i. ibh, ,, 1UUI1 vnty ' lea aa InclllOlntr electric lleht Vs. tn. enr.tr lease. Including electric light gas for cook , Ine and hot water, possession June ill. ' open for insnectlon. Diamond .11.43 W ""''-' N al,t " ;---- .-.:--. ..-.- "rii..zr- ;r ".. .!4 .SPRUCE Two rooms. -tVith private ,"'" "-u-iiui icuiu, vompiririy tur- nlshed Full particulars see janllress on premises or phone Locust itbb CHESTNUT. 2018 Elegantly furn apts 2 or A rooms ana raven: eievacor FIVE-ROOM furnlsheo apartment: all mod ern convc niences Phcn.. Itsrlnr T.122 W. FL'IINISHKD apt Boxne hakpt : rent loca bv vvk If des Sherwood Co . 1781 Walnut NEW JF.R3KV SEASnOKE WILDWOOD Crest Furn apts . all convs Booklet A M Tongue,SI2! Comlv St.. Phlla. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS MT. VERNON 1007 2 rooms, private bath; kitchenette mall boxes phone; ressonsble. 1DT1I. N, 111)12 rooms, kitchenette, 18 3u; 1 room, Trlvate bath, $.1.30 up. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Han CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST, GERMANTOWN 20 MINUTES TO BROAD ST. 8TATION Furn and unfurn. aultea and hpkgapti. THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND TISM BT8. ' ABSOLUTaY RREPROOF APARTMENT HOTELS THE LINCOLN bVoWt1 Transient and permanent guests. THE LITTLE HOTEL. I'.'.l 8 Hrnad st A Rood place lo live while In Philadelphia, REAL ESTATE TOR BALE CITY ISM CLEARFIELD ST To story, rooms and bsth. flrst-class condition, prbe I'jsfio for aukk sale l'J2n Sedulcy ave Two story, 8 rooms and bath, lane lot. price U'ihi, 3012 8denham et Two atorv. porch, 7 rooms, all conveniences, price 1J2.V). All above properties near Itroad at A snan for hom hovers easv terms. Robert Patrick ill', ileal i-;ei itust mo FIVE .1 story houses (.1 to H rtn ants and halhsl. Ine erneerv stnre est 311 vesrs 17(i3-17ii-17ii7-17iit) Pine at., 172 Panama st repeals $sino win be sold at bnrgaln R TAYLOR MIDDI.ETON. 703 Walnut st 12110-11.13 s iitii st and 1021 i.atonii st Good condition, one a corner, etcel- lent business location, home buver or In- vestment prices right Robert Patrick 013 H-al Estate Trust nidg. l.lll and 1313 8. 18TH ST Two slorv. all moiiern improvemenis. exceneni conni lion low price for nuilck ssle Robert I'elrlck cllr. Real Estsle Trust ltldg 1121 JACKSON 8T Three storv. to rooms; terms Robert Patrick, 01S Heal Estate Trut Bid ri:AIt an.1 AlleEheny ae. n rooms, bath nil lAnnrlrA . all lmnrnvmnlp. alorup porches, renting 1 a mo , $3(to cash needed i i CAMERON 2JU Kenslnitton ave I'At 1FIC .T Sola E (Krankford nml Erie i aes ) f rooms and hath, porch front modem home to settle estate J M8 ' o 77.1,, -,. ,cfter --T.t." Mh r hot niter h.V eiec "iliht." mSM)" ' COLLIN" 1012 Lehigh Building lits. Fartnry Sites. Etc. 0s8rTrsseri''aigraaMie TTtmtfl'ti ?' f v ' il TT T 1 i -l 1 JS I Ledser Central I I LOCUN 4n3 Warnock 8 rooms slid bath I ,.er Inn acres. In Phlla Harbor, oivjEri , modem IMMETilATE POSSESSION , I 3 channel. Three Trunk Line XI. H,! 1 tjivwi COLLINS llllg l.ehlrh I . Jjri I31J1 ROUKIl HT Oood home, verj little I """r fronts, Fartorle. i Factory SUs.- 'AVIKnflV tll Ken.loclno sv. "-l-vii;HCIAL TRUST IlUILDIN0rf'4 I Hog Island Shipyard f,!:.TZ li tl. Ar- ci c .:lr5r9' i m. iTian- uuui iwi ; ' Work W !.( rtuj vour lot. SOtP.Sj, rrce ;;s to 10 essv terms between nnth and p.'d and Tlnlc-um ave , 40th ward. '! Locate Your Horn? Here la nthT churches and schools, with city m vrater gas electric lights phone. W, etc. Free ride or short 10 minutes' f. li c ecc. rree rina or snort iu minutes- ,t, k walk to srd Ho fare to and from fj ; clt and all big works on Delaware. i"i J Can sou beat It? NO! Agent on prcm- r lses eer dav. -... -. 9 UC V LLUr- I J irniKl TRUST ni.DO. ft THE THRIFTY MENT COMPANY I l.lin REAL ESTATE TRUST T1LDO. m rsaaaM-ea3asCi LOT OK nnoi'.N'D on Tork st , 4 fronts, with dvritincK and stable on lot railroad ' frnrlei- on Vnr at TUB LAND Tl ri.E S'D TRUST COMPANT llrond and Chestnut ss Itcislnes. rrnnertles mid stores 13,11.3" S INTH cor Earn st . lot 87sSt I ft with storx hulldlnir, aultahle fori storage or cameo low price and ess terms for nulcU sale RORKRT PATRICK. 01.1 Real K.late Trust Hldg . I III ilk li vgt ttnit snui tint. ,.i.-i ,-,.,., YEWDVI.L ST , S . 017. 1110 021. 0.'3 Small fam homes, porch front, best sec- tlon W Phlla near .'.2d st : lunriy to cara: 1.1 mill to Cltv Hsll Bogsh A Klutsc-h. rjiil c-neemut vv rile or pnone vvainut am KKMNTOgN riiiriinriiiminininH.inmmiiimTTimniimiminTniTnniiniinriTiiiniUiE.u'ni'iiTH.iininTit: i $2800 OSUV ln0 CASH RKQU1RKD Why Pay Rejit? PRICE ST. (1300 Block) Facing Propose Clt Park LARGE 3 STORY 10 ROOMS, PORCHES. BACK STAIRWAY,- LAUNDRY TUBS, ETC. "A BLIND MAN WOULD SEE THE VALUE OFFERED HERB" Inspect Sample House Excellent transit facilities to any point. Take Chelten Ave. Car to Sten ton Ave. (Only 1 block from these houses) DONALD V. REDDING a f g 12.1 E. Chelten av. Pll Oak Lane 1108 rf Kit. Chester av. ' Ph Woodland 381 ft uillliiiniiiillllllllllllllllllilillliriilllllllUIIII'lllllllllllllllilfllllllllllllllll o QUEEN LANE SECTION New 2-stnry homes, high location, greatest bargain In city . all latest convenience large porch: near P and R station: 1c trol ley to anv part of cl v. .Take Mldvale av tln....n'.l Aeent l".m V Alfh et. np i 7. ...i. ., ih. tr.i.,i win ,,.,t. or,ov uicc-.vinr, niv-it.ivn liiivi.r,.i..ui. .-,,vw-. ...... .. ., .,...,,,. v.. - iv iTn.ui ai a h,t ih,mhri i,r,iTiR RENT, furnished Beautiful garden, only Vhi cash renuired. balance' .me aa rent nf 187 monthly: high-class i . ,..t, , Ha. ,..11. n taaina cirvc. mtnTfiv ESTATES. Harrison Bldg. 15lh "" ""h" " t i i ii:mia.muwi-n wfi iti-.siou neni it-nn -.- . . 1U.....1;. .kit. elec. hardwood floora throuahout: white . ;53.igy.r"wfl"..8 D0.n.TiiI.i: ft'RussJg eiec.. narowuou ni-uiw ,"-,'. "'"" , I nniai a 'TnVXFlni ola Colonial In beau tifui rounis verv cheap $1",rtnn. OKO rt RAxnr.n at s 12th OuU .ane OAK LANK PARIC Cor. fith and (lMhl3 rm , " baths, modern In eerv detail: lot 117x124. old shade, irnrage 8"Ulntr to settle estate. "- JOH.V Hf SHIF.I.DS. York road and i.ftth e. ,.l- i ivi.- cctth Hie. A 13th at. New bun. gslov.. 11 r , detached. .1 r and J hatha on M fir John H Whlelds. York rd it th av KNNr.VI.VAMA StTlt'RIlW TTOrtT WASHINGTON- Country mansion. - 3.story frame, all rnr."nlenceai 2J acres K.rou";I'.J, u iiM atcini'tv :X,X7Z.VS. '. v- -ntro- mmv thi: IVN, :d title and trust company Urnad and Chestnut sts ri t-.v-wtnT Slrtltinclv handsomo modern VI,,,,.-. -- n ,,... 11,1. vmkh. M. nungainvv. . niur. imr , '-'"e iuuhi, i OLEN81DE Charmingly cozy, bungalow ro mj; nw f comoact ou would . .... .... n hAMi tu.tefnllv deenrstedr gas I . ,i i , lupin- ,-....-... ...... . 1 l-ttchen double floors, gss, and electricity; well placed In high-class surroundings on i.V.e ,.,.., mt in feel front. I.liinn. WM. T B TlOllERTS t SON, Olenslde. Pa. Open everv clav OLENS1DE Distinctive, modern, compact cottage, large norch across front, lare living room extending entire depth of house, n windows: 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hot-wster heat, gaa and electric fight, lot 41x120. alate roof. JI530 WM T, n. ROBERTS 4- SON, Glenslde, P,, Open everv dav HEAUTIKUI. HOMK. within 23 mllea of Philadelphia, convenient for train and trol. ley, about 1 acre of ground: Ilea high! 1th all conveniences; brick bam and room-for 4 automobiles; poultry bousa and nthar out buildings; in refined neighborhood: price to close an estste. 13800. Take our word far It It Is worth more. 1-1AR19 SHIMER Bethlehem. Pa. t.-nit SALE A 12. room Btnsle brick house. with hath and laundrv: large lawn; flno J shade, on West Lincoln Hlshway. Dnwnlng- 'town Pa. ' aouare from p. R. along West Chester trolley line. 'nor no Dnwnloetown Pat BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN LOT NI . run .- ,., '.-.- -.---'1-. -"-r-a. . .. llllim P. . ' SOUSTe frAttl P. R. R. MtatlOn r.. ....---.-- ,.ii. n-- laa-. EAR CITT. nn120 feeti some fruit trees: only S33 S3 down and J2 monthly: title Insuredi anci. re. , .nrihi- not In Jersey II S4T ledger Cent member, not In Jersey, tt -ist. ..eager cent, MAIN' LINK P.R. R. MERI0N Vaw Iii-iii tin. nn nrl tin An frlnn nnd ; -Valley roads; north aid- of Merlon; rlht t ine aiaiion. pnee- win cm raiara iuu pr Iiinrt" un iut i. mvij uj. FRANK H, MAHAK. phone Ardmore S. JAMES R, 8CQTT. phona Merlon 300. NARBFRTH New houses, from M200 to 140.000. AppW Har-ts Ileal Estate, ep. resits station. Tfarberth. Pa. X f JF.RBKV BrBI'RBy CAMDFN BUILDINO LOTS, convenient to shipbuild ing plant, ? rash, (10 a month, AT FREESTON. 883 Walnut st,. Phlla. HAPDONFiELD No 1 Summit avs.i7 rma . 1 bath hot.water heat, gaa: to cloaa as estate. Fidelity Trust, 82S Chestnut. STRATFORD. N J. . BARGAIN to aettla estate: 8-room retti new, pungsiow aiyie. t aq. irom irene rt R. at. h.vv. heat, aaneelalty deal lalan! open flreplacar all mod. coovs. : S3. mln. trMI Laitutn terriea wnit or ssoiit, . j. n. KWUI.K. .la itraaai i4eT.. ynna. in BEAUTIFUL suburban' reaUanc. all , imp.: also srsge; rtat. ,iimi , is rrom Marast. sw. ei place. Dig ncnina ro"iit. e" "'. " . " Mw". I svivanis. lasiii st cut cai rooms and nam on nrsi noor, .. injrr ana ... ... mortoaQEM nlsced.. r.onr;?mfl"ne crnU.V,.Uo,t. "iTJt, VSi": SlVfSSA, L?v Sa0yBEnTS SN 'Glen'""- ra- B'n ! M?oYntVryTBTMla5.,T.Dn.M7Tog,5wil REAXrSSTATB'MA ritN?fHTt.TAKtA attenhon.busi MEN. BROAD STOI BETHLEHEM; BUSH (101(10: nrlee inT 000! bargain If know anvthlnr about values invest PROPERTY (C0RNEF Can's & Shimer, Bethlehem, TKVNRVI.VANM FARM 5-ACRE FRUIT FAnM In Monti County. Pa.: tine stone house, old apples. Ttesrs nltinvs. nnlnees. Ma-lui tarlnes: a high-grade, farm: nrles 114.1 very reasonable. f;7 OARS ft SHIMER. Rethlehem, Vn.'A 3-AfllB village prnnert. practically ClIV Mm at l-I.I.H. ..!. .k-. Ini frultsi Chestnut Hill trollev on sou 1..nn or ItnOn below actual cost. Parth ir" ";ro,l.Th H r- RinsE son.' iJ ...' ! .Mirnsiown NF.W JF.IfiF.V FARMS --, SPLENDID LITTLE TARM of H acres.,,! -innn n-flr Aiiancic cjitv; nenutitui n-ri bungalow heater, lots of fruit, cblei .u-r0, uuinui niogs nure water. nn m,lr ?!? rr'u - bnrraln: M . J-'.. ,f cwiib OfI.nr.RT & O'CAi v mnut at. PhlL, U. WAT r- -. -.-.-. . ...dL -. ua -,--j, , i..-. , .n . . m it: 1 tlo"s r."r'"nes. wnrenniises. llfg. rioor 3J .actorles. Warehnnses. Mfg. Floor n4f ffi URGE WATER FRONTjw 'l i - ' ' iasBBia KEAL ESTATF. t-a-Kr-TSTI " " .nrt'hi'i'i.?. ''".'. JX. '-modern cl root rooRm, "IV i"frni;hie.1.p,r,m;n S WB , "" '.'.. . " l '; ""jCi'lS" "." ""'..over 15 mice. ti ,TjW .'VSS' .l"r. "man lamuy: ivtwo. nr mnplfM rhestnut fcAgil l C1.T.T Properties bought nulcklr for ; vvK-cr.KT ROCKETT. Inth nj Pieelii'-" UMP l'F.I.IIAM or Mt Alrv. bouse, snrn. -eElU i ST'tOCl In ttl nnrt T-.n JjITI "I".' ' .v i - " "' iiim-c vncrcic.ij sr i-ST! wkst nirr.An f.rniA RARE opoortunltv to sell vour,mod. hom ..":.K,Tri "."?.." I''". rg... .cal i ..- n .ncKison .ii JsanimoroiAT REAL ESTATE FOR REHV."4 riTY 3-STORV HOUSE. 142(1 Master, 13 roomll fc OJ iiaths. good condition: tan he-uedfcllWv.Kl apartment house, h. w. het vc.c b,,jBfv"J ffr'ment house, h. w. heat. Must bS'tfSV , ' t itnnm 3i7 r.hony; Kllbert 4nn. ' yMSK i,.,h,,?''ll ,,.,ln5dl'l,". h R bedroo?TV !;"lPi"'n'"'. ''Ill L Pr month. WHrrUdv oinp v Vt.r.;. ,..';v .'""". "m .--..-. ., ..,-. s.-vri.-y -t- ann I'tne . 1'irtorles. Warehouses. lfg. Floora' ' ,,7n,;,SJT:.!.,"ilLN,KT'-JV:tr'u!H ,.?. n""'"n""- tc iraincr nnisning or Otn , slon ROBERT PATRICK I 013 Real Eu3 I Trust BHe, "iv-iv. uiu rai IVar ..in.iuin.-jiiriiiK onsiness- immeoiate poa C0H0CKSINK MILLS fePT M olbAM AND D. C. ELECTRIGwJtf Large and small floors - 1732 Rand-ttfc,,- i LAROE dajllsht building- snrlnkled lnwl ' surance. s"l?ndd light: Broad ind iJ- ecs ; sciitanie ror mrg. or warah .-tjv- . ... "Z-W'.. "".rs" .w,.. n. ,rvr.r..xtci'.iij ;iir morris ' ,lAJ.E J1A1J ,,vno .."HI erect- building. , . ral nWic-'nrte""??, '!,'. ',i,!tP0TJ I ntPTFRTCH 7T Walnut st -1 OFF1CE1. BraiXKSI ROOMS. Hf" L--,r,- en.- ... i-. . .A -V i it, n -Tim r l uui IQU1TF INI , e-. office bunding: . center of city-T rental, will divide. Apply Kahn i perg. juv .viorris iiiag. PEXSWVI.V sXI -PBP8W'i).1 I MEDIA Beautiful stone, colonial host ' rooms. all conveniences, nnen flrenll garage. U mile tn stations and good tn Philadelphia. Cheater nnd Una- ral June 1.1 to Sept IBi at moderate price. Plv Benl Levis. 21 South ave . Media... I ' T31 NF.W JKRSKV SEASHORE tfVja CAPE .MAY Coltnges for rent Hit from beach and Convention Han. Aa to J V. Ellison. Commonwealth Trust, ti 9 FOB. SENT FnRNTBH " .j, WKST PIIII.AnRT.PHIA V FOR RENT Walnut st.. 31122, near . room nouse. very attractively rurn shower bath, electric vacuum cleaner.' J irarclen. young married couple preferrcc l-onne iveimnnc aii. re. -a KKlllT-ltUOM slde-vard house, fully . 1 nlshed: all conveniences. nri24 Olrartl 1 PENNSYLVANIA MIIIUstBAWV' CHESTNUT HILL SECTION Attractive furnished 0 rooms: 4 minutes from 3T 1 roads, JT3. per month. Phono Gen ' ' OVERHROOK Semi-detached house ' rent: exc. funv 8 rooms, s- balhatvi " porcti: year .iaa .j asp. l-eciser. i home on the outaklrta of Wyncotav' train ana jrqijeyi n-room colonial i eflt. wltn man a Quarters: a is ground, will .leave man i to take cara of j 1 SSfv Ynd -Au"g."rwM. T? RRdBi RnM. niniin. i'i oronti kkl". '"' " ' ' - nrvT small Colonial hoit,ait 1 ILK pfrTec'l Sffi! V,SirS 4VV...V. .--, w..aa j vhiit as H center of Daylestowm Bucks Co.. Paul 1 room. - touets. eic.i eiectne usaii Mrenl.eei In llvlns ronmt hot-air I Address 'Mrs, P. Cabeen. Doyleatosr" Kim.MSIIEI) IltlUBE. most select Germantown: 10 rooina. romplftti nlshed: mi ner montnr or .vvouia , 6.02. ledger OfIce. NKW jr.HWF.v nvnvwmiut" KOB RKNT Kurnlshed house, 10 Wenonah N. 3. Address 1 O.il or phone Wenonah 23 J. MORTOAOIS ISO NOT- OR'ORTOAO . Immedtata Mtt)tmrtr I Au unsettled Estate) jue Building Association . 11000 luuu DBMPSET co.-. 27 8. lth at." i lotunq tn- let nnrt d mnrfit.t. 1 .. l. a k &,. a.T.. al ' neipnia inn nearov nee JtrtcT wr-3 " MONEY. TO LOANr-V BENEFICIAL. LOi You ran obtain a. loan"of $25 to curea ny noni lurni.un or tp h. onr notA ffuirantsM . br r ra party. T.aiy monthly .rwyicnt jj lesat rnamea. .. bu-vie- i i hy local buiineia ana oroieationai wai nov DrKtuitru wifiy iw mm j'rompl. couriroui. ronnavntfi i surrd. Call, writs or tmone yo 0r -. 4 . . - BblNbULiAL LUAN w.inut Liberty Building t n" K. COR BROAD -D"CHg.T " Hobson uuuainr 3IT OKRMANTQWN.AY "-. Fletcher Build -.nii-I CU!SUlKTnKl.j Member Phlla. Boar of J Merrber Phils. Chj(mbr.f T.ieensed bv P Wsnajlna ty LOANS $1qT0,I TQ llouaajlaSaSsi-aiiv -lbi Arranged in small montkly 1 prlVtiee OT.parinst tawarrm-a it any 41ms. r4clr coatja par.y la lleenat and band4 conveniently UK-awes iw eitv. ivir aervie aat.a LOANS MADB in ALTllTt , M.00 per' moEUi;- oos '-''nt"j nua r ,pr . Tbona r call fVJtW'.a Grt sfli - iijfi?im,mamfl Tloi. ?. f,fl VM Belmont i ' eeaL- '.4f '"., .,.- VM f W-UC. S . U. . KT -srvid 'VZ, r ,PK'ir, v r. '! eaernlly fj s "e- i-. v .- mnvtlLeea 'AS iwm! SSI