i'-'r-. E? 5t& vyh ' W7J Rife FfWC m SL? SSlP OF THE STREET LE TO SPECULATE NOW ON EFFECT OF McADOO'S REVENUE BILL, IT IS HELD '3' inancial Meu tliink It Best to Wait Until After Con- jrj gress Threshes Out the W Gossip of e. ' -U" 'PHEIIE is a difference of opinion SI , -whether the revenue bill proposed bv Secretary McAdoo to rnle $" $8,000,000,000 has or has not already f$&) Vm nave any appreciable effect on V through the heavy demands which if$T "le extent of reduclnK their present rate of dividends. pfwVt The consensus of opinion Is that until the whole matter Is threshed pfi. out by Congress it is idle to speculate upon what may happen. If Secre ijSxsijtary McAdoo's announcement of such a revenue bill, accompanied by his Bfjjr" stlmates of an outlay of $14,000,000,000 before June 30, 1919, had any ?A?t effect on stock Quotations vesterdav It v.ni hardly noticeable. Whatever SJKf ' fluctuations took place In what was ,j, i ww iuliiui-u iu uiucr uuuses. Sf," Tliere Is more Interest being shown in the Street and in brokers' W' 'Offices at present over the final contract which Is being drawn up between Mhe railroad representatives and the Government. ; The injection of the activities of the security holders' committee, ? through a letter to T. De Witt Cuyler, chairman of the railroad executives' i ' advisory committee, in the form of a letter of protest from Samuel Unter- tnyer, counsel for the security holders' committee, it not looked upon by f brokers and other financial men here as likely to have much Influence. While the security holders' committee claims to represent a membership ' of owners of $4,000,000,000 railroad securities, a prominent banker In ,' discussing the matter yesterday said he did not see what they could accomplish, as they had already elected the directors to look after their Interests, and this they were undoubtedly doing through the ralhoad secutlves' advisory committee. &! Utility Financing Concern MSt- There has been quite a little discussl exclusively to the newspapers, over York, Boston and Philadelphia who make a specialty of handling public utility securities, having meetings to consider the advisability of organizing a corporation to look after the financing of various gas, electric lighting, traction and power concerns. The idea, which was explained In this column recently, contemplated a plan under which the proposed corporation would finance the require ments of the public utility concerns and in return obtain financial aid from the War Finance Corporation. The working out of the plan, of course, would depend on the attitude of the war corporation, whose ap proval would first be necessary. Some bankers think the plan is not feasible, as the main object which the public utilities which need assist ance have before them at present Is the securing of higher rates from their local State public service commissions, and it Is not believed such an organization bankers would be able to accomplish much with the practical politicians who make up the personnel of a majority of the State commissions. Submarines Create No Fear The attacks of the submarines hae ceased to be a subject of much Interest as affecting security prices. The manager of a large banking and Investment house remarked jesterday that he inquired from a New ToTk banker how they felt over the submarine sinkings in Xcvv York. The reply -was that every man who owned an automobile couldn't wait until the close of business, but at once made for Coney Island In the hope that he might see a submarine sinking a boat, and he added that It the Germans should bomb New York from the sky, instead of hustling for cellars, fllre-escapes and balcony heats would be at a premium. When he was reminded that at least one New York theatre was making preparations in its cellar to accommodate its audience in the vent of a German bombing expedition, he simply said, "Advertising." !4 ,.. .. , rr,. , vm. treau Arucie 1 vneiy Charles S. Wall, secretarv of the pj llshed a very timely article on bank acceptances as tho best credit In SJcr atruments. He expresses his opinion that, after a triD which included xtmJ. xnanv of our nrlnclrjal cities, he Wfcf-' "' 0,"c'als know very little or nothing VUl II1C IlllfJUl VCVIIV.C ML IIICSi; HL )71-C-Il l.Vtlliatl1ll,CIJ IILLlf IIIUVVI1 II1SIIII- ments of exchange, and says that "the history of the financial systems f the world cannot be written without Including a study of the bill of exchange, as it is the bill of exchange which lias made possible the vast overseas trade of the nations." In conclusion he remarks: "The Federal reserve banks are permitted to purchae such aciept- ' Alices when they mature within ninety days, or they may be redltcounted, and these acceptances are referred to as 'eliglhle.' When a member bank desires to dispose of his bank acceptances to his Federal Reserve .Bank he does not rediscount them, he sells them. The open market pur chase rates for bank acceptances are generally considerably under the rediscount rates for paper. The Federal Reserve Hoard and the reserve bank all appreciate tho necessity of developing a dlcount market, ho it is reasonable to assume that a member bank holding prime eligible bank acceptances will not have trouble In selling them to Its reserve bank. Certainly here in New York it neier has had. "When a banker or any one else buys a prime eligible bank accept ance he buys the highest type of credit Instrument wc have. The whole credit of the bank which accepted the bill of exchange is back of It until It is paid. In addition to the accepting bank, however, he has the re sponsibility f the drawer of the bill as well as that ot any Indorsers. He has something better than a certificate of deposit lsucd to him by the same bank, because, if necessary, he can realize on his acceptance before maturity." &? Clears Financing Situation mS&s Tli statement made by Paul fej'sT Federal Reserve Board In Washington, before the national ronfrrenrr. en S$5rJ& war economy, when in placing emphasis on tho matter of direct loans he KlifiW i.a iL.i ilia. Mfnnpaflnn "nvnenfti tn r1r!a1 rtnlv ultli mi. .... .1.... JCv l11' i,,c -w '"" - ..- Irar solvent and able to provide a banker &fc r the public Interest absolutely requires the corporation will not consider EraWS, Itself warranted in making advances to companies on the brink of Intso- etfw. '.," wt. limit Hiioh cuarantep. will ff! iHWJ ..i.iww.w .r - J" the terms and conditions iinucr which tne corporHtioii, will make direct assistance to public utility companies seeking Us assistance. There '1X never has existed any good or sufilclcnt reason why the War Finance Corporation should provide funds for concerns which, if not already bankrupt, are headed tha.t way. But as one banker pointed out jesterday, there is another side to the matter. Since the beginning of the war, he said, therexhave been a number of such companies which have been placed In critical financial positions, through no fault of their own, through the enormously increased cost In labor, fuel and replacements and betterments. tIipkpi rnmnanles. he remarked, with steadily Increasing oDeratlnir nmi t, RiwtV ether expenses. If they are compelled bcannot expect to procure such services except at a price which only iN""S places them In a much worse position than they were. Their only liopo P-"y','l ia for an Increase In present rates, which may or may not be granted by - vwjrthe State public service commissions, ine general impression among lead rj''$j?lnK bankers is that very many cases will corns up where the war finance Jffiboard will find that direct loans must l (Marine Bonds Nervous and S International Mercantile Marine 6s were active jesterday ami j,ub Sect to considerable fluctuation on reports that the deal culling for the JUvfale of the company's British tonnage had experienced a hitch. President Franklin, alter a meeting i "" uncvivra mie iiiurnuay anernoon, stated at the plan was proceeding, out e details" are Involved there must necessarily be experienced a mul mt teity of detail that requires time Foreign Government bonds were fF ra aulet, with little business awn only fractional changes from jgrieus companies have changed hands. The fact that quotations have t.u ,m woa recanted with considerable satisfaction In tho tnni- rBondmen yesterday In discussing the situation said they were in. Hfied to believe that the market will I .. .. . .....-. t....A,l.,A ghort-ierm noun vne nmuiivo mv luciiuuru wun tne trade ,. t i.nia iranKnellnns wrm rerfirileil. HUa oniy hiwh"v ...- Attention was called to the attractiveness of the United Kingdom of '-. nrituin ami Ireland 6s and 5V4b. which mature on Sentemi,.H 28- jrebruary 1,919. and November i, 1919. which are now available ' quotations showing a return of from G to 7.65 per cent. The 6J4s of laMl'at 0414 "how a return or 7.35 per cent. 'Thsi French Republic 6J4 of April 1, 4919, at 98U show a return of pimt, and mere, is saia 10 tkclaat couple of rTv'- dS( $8,000,000,000 Measure. the Street In financial circle.-' In this city ns to hecn discounted, and whether It the prices of stocks In the future this tax will Impose on corporations an eventless market could easily ssion recently, which t-eems confined a combination of bankers in New National Cltv Cnmrmiv. has null. finds that a ast mniorltv nf hank about hank acceptances. He points M. Warburc. vice cnumnr nt it,. w ...... w...j ...., Luintiii.'i IIIUI HI O s guarantee," and that "except where clear un the Mtiiutlrin unrmtuiii..re .... -us.ri( tilling to seek the aid of banking houses ue maoe in tne interest of the public. Active 111 transactions where so many Intri- to overcome. active and ntrong. Railroad bonds doing In this department. Prices have day to day and only a few bonds of be a quiet affair for some time. ...1,1 iVlAUA t,l...,IM-M 1... .. nava ueen bmiiw uemann for this days than at ny time since the great t.w Jtaraa mitg.twwma worn. "taiw "a j. W12NH& public LEDqR--,rHiLADKgBaikr -msJsKYssxXl 'JMr , J5 " '"" " ' a' "' "' I " eta. . i - - t.n ... i ii r i- i ! mmm0m, r '" t ",''. . ,1 - i i ' ft- tTmT ' FOCH LIKE CLEVER BOXER Edison Saj-8 He Parries to Strike Final Blow New York, June 8. Thomas A 1'dlson, in a letter to William Maxwell, vlco president of Thomas A Ivdlfon, Inc. rend at a convention of IMIs-m phono graph dealers. In the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, spoke of the war, saying thnt "the world Is safer today than It was last July," and that (lormany. though like a pugilist trained for "a champion ship fight," will Inst "hut a few more rounds." lie explained "Koch, like n, clevrr boxer, now par ries and gives ground : hut the time will come when he will strike. And there will lie behind his blow the greatest moral and military force that has ccr been lmoked on the field of battle." Bujs Skeleton liy Mistake Norrlstnwn, Pn June 8. A member of the Norrlilown pollen force, at a sale of pckaitCF left with tin- Adnms Express Company held in Norrlstovvn, bought a large package which he was sure contained a stilt of clothes. When the box was opened It contained a skel eton and he will have to bury the hones. i&zat)8 Allen. nthM nalzley, llurlrtlph H. Hnuor, John D. If")lac Mary II J Ilicklnfr, John HlAlr Mnr H nioxiom. Itr.bert IT HufhRnu Ir J H lnrv. Elizabeth H Carpnter, Hannah K ( ilenkfy Ohrlpt t'hnln Wllllrim IT Ctnr Aniircw foon' Thomw H. I)nne Atctilf Dowit-j llher Duswjtld, Samuel C. Otmin Hohert I. Karnrr, John J. Krwonil, ltlnncho D. T'alrchlld Irtula :. Taron Kilrtard TX. IVnton. Amanda R. ! mil n OorBQ Oehrlriff. Anna Uyrr. Albert llanllnir, NV1II C. Hnrmld, Jno K. Hanttnc 'homan Haup Jams A. Herrlck, Anna ItXiltne, Mary U MUMKU KKKORTO IIKI.AUAIIK M'ATKR tlAP. PA. THE GlenwooD Delawitre Water Gap, Pa. Tho (Il"non H a ifnuttfulh loratnl. modern brhk liotpl, wUh a rapacity of 4(xl KUostJ H hai sun imrlors. ball room, orrhmtra, tennis courts, baseball diamond Coir. Hon! Inc. HjIIiImc, I'Uhlnr Oood roads for drhlntr or nutolne: new (ruriiKr, pool billiard1. ahufTlp Viotrd md all ainuem?ilp. It H less than half a milt from depot and near nil polntF of Interest. Thin hotfl in noted for Us nuperlor table, lionio i omforts and moderate rates. For booklet and rals address V, K. fnhnMn. Prop. II, . Albert Mcr. KnrrTio'i. P Retn'ster Now! li i our aim to mnhP riur primui ao murh hottpr than all uthpr pchoola that ppry imp who wanta a bunlnpa pilucatlon will want to i om to our Re hool Why not tart at onfp" B07 Cliptnt St.. I'hllndrlphln AT Young Women nnd Girls The Gordon-Roney School For Girls. 4112 Spruce Slreet Gpnpral and CoIIpcp Prpparatory Courses Roof garden and Oj m. Miss RONEY, Prln Sl'M.MKR CAMPS l Pine Tree Camp for Girl. Nw Tork. M!bp nUnch D Prlc. n W. PchAol T.n. nrmnfown PhUarlAlohla. xfMVIKK HKSOKTH ATI.WTII' CITV. N. J. Coolest and Most Attractive Location OSTEND . Whole Block Ocean Front Itoston to Sovereign ave.. In exclusive Chelsea settlon Open surroundings Ocean-view rooms sa-water baths. Private and publle Modern hjilro-therapeutlc department Orchestra of soloist Auto bus meets trains, Itookler Ownership, direction, JOHN T DOLPHIN. Manayr Wtminster Kj- Ave ,"'ar Bfach I5iv. vresuninsicr tl) Btr(1(,t Prlv batn, run. nlntf water. !(( up wk., 2 up dly. C Iluhre. CAPK MAY, N. 4. I 6ECITRK TOIJP COTTAGE AND HOTEL RESERVATIONS AT THE RESORT WITH FINEST BATHINO OEACU IN WORLD WRITE BOARD OF TRADE U 11,11 WOOD, N. J. FfinFTONINN Near "each; modern LUULlUn 11111 H,1K)inttIntll j,us room, orchestra. Noted for excellent table, white a rvae Cap 2.1(1. Auto at trains. Ilooklet .1 ALI1ERT HARRIS. Prop. ' I'lU OMI MOl'NTAINS 1 F.aales Mare. I'a. THE CRESTMONT INN .. ' Tlie hotel with the Incomparable Ituatfon. i 2200 ft. above the eea, on the aummlt of tho AltechtitilcB, Oolf, tennis, boa tine and th finest of frf rh. water bathing. Modern Ira I oroement8. For booklet and terms aqdresi I WII.WAM WOODS. Manarer. VAM,Ey rORGB WASHINGTON INN CHICKEN L WAFFLB DINNER. IIKII F( mi l'KINi. Sj V lYlEDFORD SPRINGS 9 iPA.l IIOTKL AND HATHS SaasSp faluuUH muuiitain rcaurl In aulf course telinia awltnmlna. Noted mineral waters, ooatiiius noiei, wun splendid cuisine. Fine motor roada Opens June 8. II. K. Ilemls. Mcr. iiiiiiiiium LAKE HDNAPKE. N. H. BEN MERE INN In the foothills of the White Mts. tesutlful Laka Sunapee. Open Mar 2t. Booklet. 1, n nunt.BT Pr RRETTON HOIlllX Bretton Woods White Mountains, N. H. OOLF .MOTOT..NO HORSEBACK I In the through the RIDING very Alns tv i.rM,.n.i shadow of of Trail, and Mount New Woodland Washington. England, Paths. The Mt. Pleasant Ju"'.2a!: uioaea uct. 1 C. J. DUNPHY. Manager. The Mount Washington opens July i. iu.ea uci, i-l D. J. TRUDEAU. Manager. RAILIIOADS: Through serylc. via N. T.. N It II R, R, and B, A M. R. R. Booking Ome 343 Flftl) At... New York COTITIT. MH. COTL'IT INN AND COTTAOKH Open April 15 to Oct. 1. Booklet, CHARLES I, GIFFORD. Prop.. Cutult, Mass., or 73 Tremont st,, Boston. KIVKR WTKMHOT1 WILSON'S SELECT EVENING TRIPS '- UP THE BEAUTirCL DEL A WARE Every Friday and Saturday Evening N.w Dolphin Line Palace Steamtis TBKNTON AND OOLPHIN Oood tluslq i . .No Usjswr ot leaves Arvh , Vmuutjjlt ?,M. ,' k.,ATl,. A U-m'VS. ll.iJ n SHORTHAN.,ir,,.T,7KlviE7E7cT ' nAZ& 'A'S" .SllRS ,SC,?I.V. 31" "' ' " Ha'vTnc'tS.F InWiTtIV'D T?B,I?,TY GrefB Shorthand the easy, speedy system nrral, .Mon.. 8 3(1 a. m . .1.11 s. r,7th at W MAnvTAl eilune n TOHVt .hind! -THIS POSITION OFFERS A SPLENDID Business Courses. Day or Evenlne Schools phiio. High mass uf requiem Church of .' rThrin i rl?rvfni (ne i ,, -:;,,,?;,"' i HILL CLERK, by wholesale furniture manu- OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. Enroll any time To mept the heavy and Tran-fleuratmn in a. m. Int. Holv Cross fi.ji'vSS friends Charles T Ca'rroi I i 'nimrn" ' 'acturer: advancement aaaured. Apply 244 SEE MR. WE.'COTT. ADVERTISING DD- Increaslne dvmand for soune men and vvomen ' Cem Aii'n funeral Jl o ""d WlMJ;- ,0 nneral Xs.em- " "" " PARTMENT. PUBLIC LEDGER. CTH AND with office and business tra nine our classes , COONEY --Suddenly. June 7 THOMAS II. j; W' .;A rJ3f!!ll pt- 5r . it 7S v i i.u iw ,., lm.i- T. TTT ; : r" 1 CHESTNUT STS. will bo continued day and ovenlns throujh- ' rooVKY Kelatlvrs and friends Invited to b,,,r;r'U,,r,ha "T".-'. n5 lHiv."'mR,a' UVi hlH'Jt V ?"tnat;..'.or "'"""' out thp coming summer months Call or funeral services. Mon.. 2 p m.. residence ot ?'p's v':, AV,0",T',nl" .i1'nr,hn"cltLalr?rr,d . L'i" Ui'f "..Stl.? D,.ai1ordtiri,i "!'i.'.V write for partlPMlars and Catalog aon-lli-Uw. Frank W. Henry. 3317 .V. 2d st. Ir.on.W,;.rl'"nC,.l't ,A"?, ri,i''!t 'rl5'. No. nerlenre neceasary; salarv 113. P 0J0. STENOGRAPHER Superlntenilenfa office PHILADELPHIA iuINFS COLLEGE Hit .v.Mev Cem. V,'"u. ' .. i.S..".L.'..., ?" 2?';, ' ." ... '"'"... .. : : in large manufacturing plant, 12 inlUa m a.eak HEATHS Hogg, Catharine I Hughes, Garfield T. Hutchinson, Mntllil.i Hiier. William C. Jenr'e-,. Caroline L. Johnson. Mary K Jjncs, Thomas II. Kase, Matthew, Kcppler William C. Krllv. Thomas F. Kraft, Catharine Krete. Charles F Ladder. Christian l.nhgenherger, J. M Lelh, Lerov Lolt, Harry P. I.vnns, Katharine M, McCann. Esther MrConnell Andrew MrCc-rrlstln Al. Mrfrjatal. John J. ira. WHIUm Mpycra. Jorpn W. Mononpy, .Tnipph Mup!ir Hpnnan O Nolan. John J. Oclhnf. Francis X. I'aiann. Kmma E. Plntt, Oeorw !nll. Hatmifl Pratt. T, Altrta Itamiry, Harry V. Ilrnnard, HenJ. F. Itoaamaaalpr. Hlchnrn IlpimmaaFlpr, Kilwaril nuinor. Milton K. SafTrnn, llnnnn M, Schrarrn Wllllnm ScnuUe. Emma K. Smllh, Jainpa T HmnUr r. Annie Snyder. laaish S. Holt. Clara Spitz Julia Htandbrldup. If w. (JtP'InaiTpn, Tho atllea. ItPhorca S. stranif l'ptrr I) Pwlft. Jnpphln C. Wnartenby. Albprt u. Whlt. I-lil'i 8 Williams. Kmllv M. Wun1pr. rharlfc W Zpntmpjpr, Charlca J. AMJIX-June n nninr. AM.KN (np Clvmpr). wlfp of William Allpn. acpd St. HplatUpa and frlrnda lnvlt'd to funpral perlrpa, Mnn , " p m.f 102T Karl at Int. prlvatp. Kcrnood Com. rrlemls may call Sun. pp. HAlZI.Kr. At Sit. ClPtnpn. Mkh , Junn 4. UUIHU.I'll It., huahand ivf Matilda nalrlpy and oon of latp John and KllzabPth Malzlp. Ilplntupa and frlcnda, KiiMern Star LoiIrp Nr t"-n r and A M,: riilln, Chap tpr. No. 1H1 II A M. : Phlla Cnmmandprv. No. 2. K T t.u I.u Tpmpl. A. A O. N, M H mpmhpra Enulnepra' Club of Phlla.. pmplopa of Thp llaltlpy Iron Workp, InvltPi to pprh'Pa, Snt., 3 p. m., 2247 N. Proad at., Phlln Int. South I-aurpl Hill Cpm tl.Vttnn -Junp fl. JOHN nnKt.t.. huhand of Sadie Jlaurr and aon of Tarollnp and lata fharlpa J. Ttaupr. nelntlve and frlenda, Vt Morlah Ixdirp. No. 1SS, F. 'and A M i Harmonv n. A. f'haplpr. No. r,2; Marv Com mandppv. No 3fl. K. T. ; I.u I.u Temnlp A. A o. N, M. S . pmplopa of John C. Wlnalnn Pub. Co : .loumpvnipn Ponkblndpra; Krlpndlv nr of Thlta. anil Loral No. 2, llookhhllprs' I'nlon. lnltpd tn funpral. Mon , 1 p m.. .-,31 W. Ilprk at Int. Wpst I.aurpl Hill tm. Rpmalna may he vlowed Sun, pp. nKl,t.AS. Juno 7. MAUT nKIlErVA .TAMKS. widow Taptaln llpnry Hnbart Ilel. laa. U. S. A. Punpral aprlcea. ton.. 10 30 u m.. Olltpr II. Hair Hide., 182(1 riicntout at Int. prlvatp. llfKINO lunp .'. JOHN, husband of Catharlnp lUcklnc (ns Wood) and aon of WPFlcy and rjllsabnth llltklnff. ItelatKpa nnd Irlinda, Court Waahlncton, No. tin. K. of A. lrltPd to funpral, Mnn., R a tn . .11 1 Mlddleppx at. Ulnuopatpr City. N. J lllnh mast. St. Mnry'a Church 0 a, m, Int. St. Man' Cpm IMAIR Junp fi. MAIty II . widow of ItobPrt M Hlatr nnd dauchtor of tatP CharlPa F and Sarah M. Jonpi. IlPlatlxPi and frlpnda lnltpd to funpral aprvltPh at . 2 r m ii-ii Snrlnun'eld pp Int nrl'Mtp nl.OXSO.M. -Junp ,1 In Port Norrl. N. J.. IlOHKnT II HI.OXSOM aCPd tin. npatlp and fripnds lnltpil to funpral, lato rcaldencp. Sun. 1 p. m Sprlcea ut residence Int, Poit Nurrla im. Itl'CIIANAN At Plalnfleld N J Juni 7 I)r JOSEPH II . hiiauam! of I.Idlp Collom Huchanan and pon of lito IJr nnd Mra J C Iluchanan. airpil 47 Kunernl aprlcp KlrM llaptlat Church. IMalnfleld, N J., Sun . Juno It. at n n. m. sprlce lpaldence of Mrs. Annie Collom IVmhPrton, N. J , 3 p m , Jlim '"t III Iip hPld. C.nKT. June 7. ni.IZAPr.TH H CARI3Y ascd 87 tlPlatlvm and friends In ltpd to funeral aprlcpa. Tupp., 1 p m, Wrlshtatnwn KrlPtuN' Mpptlnu House. Iiurl;i County. Pa Krlendi may call Mon . a to 10 p in , reVdencp of aon. J, I. Johnson. 171(1 W Huntingdon at. Int prUatP. CAHPENTKIt. lunp .1. HANNAH HKN UIHTTA, widow of !lron Hurna Carppntpr Itelatlvpa nnd friends Incited to serxlees. Sat., 2 p. m . residence of snnln-Iav, Dr. Roy K.irley, 1440 S r,2d at Int. I"ern-nod Cem l'rlends may call Trl ee. Cr.I.KSKHT. June 1 CIIARLHS, hu band of late Matilda Celeskev r.el.itUes and friends. Painters and Iecorators' tTnlon Local in iiiN. nnucii to inupral sun P. m funeral parlors or vv m. II i h"W. S W or .illth and Knruce nt Int Mt. Morlah Cem. Rprnaln" mav lie view d Sat., s Jn,i,.0T,Pv-m'T Au'- Ri'iTiVai. ii i , CIIAI'I.V June .. v Il.l.IAM H husband of Catherine thanln (nee liaiii-roril aged , 72 Relatives and 'fiend. William It ' Schneider, Lodcp. No 41!i I and AM virt ruiiiiv iriciiui'i vnmu'i n .nnjj i uri No .Vt O A It.. In!twl to funeral n ;..- un -"."... rpsjflomr of Fon-ln-laR. tt-iiig.e- s. ',n ''- v,"u-'" M1 I ( Iinimu veil PARKER CRITTENDEN. neral anil mi, private . , DEN.NEY Suddenly. June 15, ARCHIE, aon late William und saran Denney. Rela' Laurel Hill Cem ousvvAi.u June n. sajiuel c. DUS- i 1 WALU. Kelatlve, and friends. Orlantal Lodse. No. 3H3. I and A. St.: Oriental IX. I i A. Chanter. No 13: St. John Commanderv. No. 4. K. T.: emo!oes of U S. Mint: Post rso. .. u a. it.: in oiner societies or vvnicn he was a member. Invited to funeral serv ices. Sier. 2 p. Ill 1073 N. 34th St. Int. Mt Peace Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl eve Auln funeral. DVSON. June II ItOllEItT PATTISON. husband of llerlha it Dvson. Relatives and frlejids. Intecrltv Lodce. No. 4H K of I , WashlnstonNCainn. No. 31." P. O. S. ot A., Conuuanock Lodce No. 4(13 I. O (I r. Invited to funeral services. Mon.. 11a m . resilience of brolh, r-ln-la w, Samuel Watson. 317 N fitst st Int Arllnuton Cem He. mains may ba viewed Sun. eve. Auto fu neral EARNER Suddenly, June 4 at Elling ton Field. Houston. Tex . JOHN J son of late Peter and Marv Earner, aired 3(1. Rela tives and friends llrownson L'hrary Assn.. nf Wilmington. Del . of c : L. ti. o M , No .14. Invited to funeral, Tues., 8:30 a m.. 1I!'I n TulpehoeUen st Oermantown Sol emu reiiulem mass St Vincent cle Paul's ' Church 1(1 a m Int New Cathedral Cem . Wllmlnalnn Auto servke. 1 ERWOOD. June . III.AXCMti: D., wife nf Rev Will J Ervvood, aged 3. Relatives I and friends Invited to funeral. Mon.. 1 p m.. 742 N. 2uth Bt. Services at Temple of First Miccciaiion oi npimuausis. l.tn ana inomp- siin sts.. 2 n. m. Int. private FAIKI'IIILD, June .1. LOUIS C. hus band of Tallin F Kalrchlld and son of lite late William L. nnd Rosalie r'nlrchlld, aued ft" Relatives and friends, also members of fraternal oraanlratlntis with vvhieh he was conneptetl. are ln Iteil lo services. tl, 2.3U p m., 10.1 Summit ave., Jenklntoun. P.i Int private. Trains leave Heading Terminal 1:111 and 2 p. m. Remains may be viewed Kr evenlnc FARSON. On June (1. 101. KDWAIHl R rARSUN. aaed 37 ears. Relatives and friends, also Union Lodire. No H, K. of P.! Washington Camp, No. 54(1. p, O- S. A.. Premier One-Year Renellt Association. Vare Republican Association 24th Ward, Park side Republican Club, emploves of N. W. Aver (. Co. Invited to funeral services Mon 2 p m, at apartment of Delmer J t'olHesh 7.'.". N loth st. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem Prlends may call Hun. eve I I'KNTON June Ii. AMANDA R.. wife of John T Fenton. aged 87. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Mon., 2:.10 p m , I'liurchville. I'n. Int William Penn Cem Trains for Churchvlll leave Newtown 12:31 ami Reading Terminal 1:23 p. m. Omit flow. rt'HHKI.M vN June 0 GKOItdi: hus band of Isle Margaret Fusselman (nee .Sul livan aired d'i Relatives and friend In , vlled In funeral Mnn. n a in., resident a I of htm William J Fusselmall. 2KK1 W .lef , ferenn st X.ilemn reuulem mass Ht Kliza l uelh'a Churth 1(1 a. m. Int. Hull Cross I i 4, .to funeral OKliniNfl June n. at Moorestovvn. N.J . ANNA A . widow of John O Oehrlng. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Mon , 7:3(1 a. m 111 W. Main st Rolemn re quiem mass Church of Our Ladv of Good rVmnMel n a tn Tnt ft i"..rn..i f-n. I Friends may call Hun.. 7 to 0 p. m. Trolley ' leaves uamden every half hour for Moores- I town. (illYF.R. June 1 ALRKRT GRTKH. son I nf Fredrick and Ulsle Gejer (nee Wheat- 'land), aced 7. Relatives and friends In - I vlted tn funeral services. Mon, 2 n. m.. Phnnts' residence. 2101 K. Alleirbeny ave. ini. tt imw uu'i vein, .vuio luneral, 1IARI1INO. June ft. NELLIE C. HARD ING, daughter of John K. and Katherlne Ilardlnir, aged 22 Jlelatlves and friends. eniplqes of Packard Motor Co.. Invited to funeral. Mon., R.30 a. m , parents' resi dence. 1928 S. Bonsai! at. Solemn requiem masa at St. Edmond's Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem Auto service. ..viuiui.D. june , job E.. dai'ghter rf 1le Michael and Mary Harrnld. Relatives and frlentls, B. V M. Sodality Church nf Our Lady of Victory, invited to funeral, ,Mon.. s a m., residence, .1410 Thompson st.. West Phlla. Solemn requiem mass Church of St. Gregory P.3U a. m. Int. St. Denis's cem. HASTINGS. Suddenly, Juno B. THOMAS, son of Mary and late Michael Hastings, aged 18. Relatives and friends. Holy Name Society of Cathedral: clerical force-of the, Naval Aircraft Bureau. League Island, In vited to funaral. Mon.. 8:30 a. m. -uncle's residence, Mrlhael Corbett. 141 Snjder ave. Solemn requiem mass Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 10 a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. HAUHE. Suddenly. June . late resi dence, 1430 Indiana ave,, JAMES A,, hus band late Had. lie Hauae. aged 62. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 p. m.. parlors John S. nerkelhaeh, 3730 Oermantown ave. (cor. Broad at.). Int. Fernwood Cem. Auto funeral. HERRICK. June 7? ANNA HERRICK inn- jvrttiirtivniieri, wile ot Aioen pierr.ca. Auto funeral. HOGO. In Atlantic City. N. J June B. CATHARINE I. widow of William Hogg. Jr., aged 87. Relatives and friends Invited to services. Sat., S p. m.i Oliver II, Pair Bldg., 1820 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Int. private uffsiupa i.. a ninvitfrn. f ... lilt reriivvnna eill AUIO lUnerHl I li.l.nn eennlem m. Kt Unl-v Mav.lslen.-t Bril.VIUBarnMl-lvruillMU.I) . I nft ' r LEAHY. June .1 ANDREW hushnnd of r-V7..;.. Vn'in , ini. si MiViT M.j: WHO IS FAMILIAR VVITH OPERATION , IMe Julia C parv Relatives and frl-nrl. , V""i"V,;"' , n.'Vn. i" V" B3'.'.i ..""'"" OF DICTATING MACHINE PREFERRED: tlvps ami rrienas invited to runrral servin-s nelatlves and friends. Ivy Council. 'No Is. canabla youmr lady; stntaj a-t xn-rirnra Vlty' Eond houra: unusual opoortiinity-clve anrtTliomDson ala --- -". Mon. i p. m . residence. Un Wharton ut. T. P. A. I. nf C . Imnrovil Order of H-ota- and salary dealred J (142. Ledtffr Central. .e ..nerlence salarv rtaalr'A anil telennm : : ; Int. private. Friend, may call Sua.. 8 to 10 sophs. Option No. 1. Invited to funeral HOOKKi:i:pnri nn.l tenoBr..pnr vvnte,i hy nnirr M 1417 I.edger-ipSl?"' ' ' ""..rlVJi.."."...!.'.'. p. m Auto service. aervlres. Mon.. a n. m.. 2437 W. Sergeant auto concern! must be experienced; state. .,u,J,i,.,,urp i.i-i. ..i,..i ,... .. ' 1 P.P.Ly a,lnn!l Umbrella Frame Co.. snth DOWNKV June .1. HSTIinn DOWNKT. at. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. nemalns may be aKe. salary doslre.l and previous justness ".."'hv of 772. lUrshavv st . widow of villlnm viev;.l Sun. eve Auto funeral ronntlon. M ifun I.erta.r Central. take nictation and do clsrlcal ---rlt. -M- BLACKSMITH and helpers: steady wora Downey, aged 70. Helatlves and friends MUYKPS. Suddenly, at Tnekertnn. N .1 , ,,nni,-i,-i-i,'pi-p 7Z 1,.,.,.. i . , - plv n- Arcn si. f first-class men. Apply Tlndef-Morrls Invited to service,. Mon.. 10:30 a. m.. Oliver, -June 7 JOJKPH W. MKTi:nS. need S.",. ,,0.iVBn '. i.'S1' nc.n..f,ou1,; r.T-..7 STENOORAPlinn On. with soma k..owl- ro . Rd" stone. Pa. P V j ii nir md. i"ii chestnut .i i.i I Du not ee of funeral. 1313 louden st. . ??." . ,Tl"ninBt.".omc "mail business . bookkeeplnc. AddIv 171 W. Ls- : 1 u d,i n. itiiv finria nr iiinrni win iui , ,r,.PlHlWHIT 2J'l "aURV I wife !.. - "T ..TBn.ff.h of " Joseph1- He7..JeUnand dluiht.'.'f 7.ft K's'.hVu W' "' nd"""- "i ""'' fVV-".""? ""b'rt "'arden. Relative, and SMOKER. June ft. st 1022 N, fl?d St.. friends League of Sacred Heart of Visits- ANNIE, wife of William H Smoker. Funeral tloChurch. Invited to funeral. Mon 8:80 services and Ipt, Mon.. at Columbia.- Pa. a. m.. residence, 2900 N. Water oo at S,vl. F,,nds may call Tues.. 7 to 8 p. m. emn requiem mass Church of Visitation. B. SNYDER. June 7. ISAIAH 8.. husband V. 7u.. 10 a. m Int. New Cathedral Cem. f f-v,rinnu unA-m rnA. ..in .n. n DKATHfl n15 Catharine at., Wet Thlla. Int. Arllmr ton Cem. Vriendi mar call Sun., after 7 'HUTCHINSON. suddpnly. June 7. MA TILDA C. HUTCHINSON, dauuhter of late William and Matilda Hutchinson, of 1(100 S. "ifilh at.. Apt A. Relatives and friends In vited io services, Tues., 3 p. m. Oliver II. Pair Hide., 1S20 Chestnut at. Int, private. IITZKR. June , WILLIAM C. IIT.RR. husband of Halite Jlvzer. nirpd Bfl. Rela tlvea nnd friends. Kpnalnvton Lodirp. No. 211. F. and A. M t Kensinaton R. A. C. No. 213; St John's CommandPry. No. 4, K, T.! Phlla. Ixde of Terfeetlon. No. 14, A. A. S. iCl Lu I.u Temple. A. A. O. N. O. M. 8.; Master Hrlrklayprs' Asso.. Mason Rultdera' Asso., dlrectora of KenslnRton Soup Hoc. and Ilrambl Club, Invited to funeral prvlce, Mon., 2 p. m,, 1337 Marlborough at. Int. Cedar Hill Cem. JKFrRirjS. Suddenly, at Carnpya Tnlnt. N. J., Juna B. CAROLINE LEWIS JEF FRIES, wife of Capt. Oeorite Jeffries. Rela tives nnd friends Invited to funeral services. Sat.. B p. m., Salem M I'.. Church, Pleasant Mile, N. J. Int. Salem Cem. JOHNSON. June 0. MARY H. JOHNSON, aised R2i Relntlves and friends Invited to funeral services, Sun., 2 p. m , 230 N. 15th at. Int. private. JONES. June n. THOMAS R. JONES', sued 8ft. Relatives and friends. Wane I.ode. No. 5S1. F. and A. M. : Montirnmerv R. A. Chanter. No. 2B2. Inijted to funeral servlcea. Hat.. 3 n. m.. W, Lancaster ave.. Wayne. Delaware County. Pa. Int. Great Vallev Ractlst Cem. KASE. June 4, residence. 2(117 N. Tark ve., MATTHEW WHEKLF.R KASE. aeed 73. Int. Mon. -p. m., Danville. Ta, KELLT. June 0. THOMAS F.. husband of lata Mary T KPlly (pe Duffy). Rela tlps and friends. St. Charles's Holv Name Society. Invited to funeral. Mon., 8:30 a. m., 2046 Federal at. Solemn mass of requiem Church of St. Charles's Borromeo 10 a, m. Int. Holy Crosa Cem. KEITI.nn. June 1. WILLIAM C. husbnnd of Rose Keppler (nee Rauerle). ared r,2. Relnthes anil friends. William Penn Lodee, No. 3!. K. of P.: Foresters of Amer ica, Court Excelsior. No. U2: Ocneral John A. Koltes Camp. No 22R. Invited to ser. Ices. Sun., 2 p. m., 8100 Webster st. Int. nrlua (e. KRAFT June. 7. CATHARINE KRAFT (nee Newell), wire or into itrart. Funeml ll McKeesport, Ta., Tues., 11 a. m. Remains may be Uewed'Sat., 0 to 8 p. m., 41 H. B4th st.. W. P. McKeesport and nttsburch papers copy. KH1KO. June 3. CHARLES F.. husband of Rosa Krlea- (nee Schmidt), formerly of STiln Haverford ave. Relatives and friends lnlted to funeral aervlcea. Sal.. 2 o. m.. Oliver II. Hair lllda. 1K20 Chestnut st. Int. private. West Laurel Hill !m. Remains may be viewed at 1820 Chestnut at.. Frl.. 7 to n n m LADDET lunn T.. CHRISTIAN LAD DET. husband of Catherine Laddey. aged 72. Relatlea and friends invited to funeral services. Sun.. 2 p. m . 2.101 Ingersoll st. Int. Hillside Cem . via runerai car. LANUBNHEROER. June H. JOHN M., Jr.. Infant son of John M. and Helen Frank lin LamjenberKer, ri72U Thomas ave. Int LElli. June B. I.EROT, son of Frank E. and Marsaret I!. Lelb, aned 4 sears C months. Relatives and friends Imltcri to runerai services. Hat., 2:30 p. m parents' residence. 4323 FlemlnB at.. Roiborourh. Int private. Westminster Cem. I.OTT. June .1. HARRY T . husband or Nellie I.ott (nee Owens). Relatives and friends. I'ontlHC itidp. no. 134, j. u. R M , United Castle. No 248. K. Q. E., Invltpd to funpral servlcps. Mon.. 2:3(1 n in.. 4211 1 Paul st.. Frankford, Int. private. East Cedar Hill Cem. LYONS. June 0. KATHARINE M . I daughter of James D. and Mary A. Lvons, pranddauffhter of late Nicholas and Katha rine Curl")', Relatives anil friends Invited In funeral Mon.. H'30 a. m , parpnts' rel- t deme. 227 N. Orosa st. Solemn hlsh mas l of rpqulpm. Our Lady of Rosary Church in a m. Int Old Cathedral Cem. Auto , funeral ' McCANN June (1. ESTHER, widow of (leorpp MtCatin. aced Sft Relatives and i friends Invited to funeral Eervlce. Sat,. ' 2 30 p m . residence of Charles P. Andrews. 1 MBur SI, klervlllp. N J. Int. Wllllnmtni.ti I M. E Cem. Autos will meet train arriving I ,,t Andrews Station 1:30 p. in. MiCONNEI.L. June 7 ANDREW bus- band of Cathprlnp McConnplr (nep McKav)! and son of late John and Mary MrConnell. I i;,nUvps and fripnds. St. Edmond's Holv sam- Societv. InvltPd to funpral. Wed.. 8:30 , m "ain S. Croskev st Solemn requl-m ma,s St. Edmond's (.hurch 10 a m. Int. ' ilrl rnt ! ln MrrORRISTIN.lunts n. in Mlllvlllo. N. j t ALKXANDKU McCORRISTIN. atred .18. Kunrai aion.. in a m.. n w. .Mcrvteai at SIOIIONKT Hiirtd-niv. June .. josnpH, '"""i '' ' "1 ', .," j i V T ' R'a, R mon'". latlves and friends In- M'',' to funeral Mon.. 2 n m parents residence. 3b.u P.eno at Int Holy Cross Cem JII'ELLl'.It On June 7. mix HERMAN O MUELLER, husband nf Elizabeth L. Mueller. Relatives nnd friends, also Cres cent Lodge. No 411.1 F. and A M. ; Pales tine Chapter, No 240. R A. M : Phlla. Con sistory. A anil A S R. ; Lu Lu Temple. A. A. O. N M. S.: Penn Township 1-odge. No. 31t. I o O r : Penn Townshln Kn enmpment. No. 23, I O. O V : Mlquon Tribe. No .10. I O It M ; Penn Township Council, No it.1, A M ; Win McKlnlev Council. No. 32(1. O. I A. and all other or ganizations of which he was a member, nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Mon at 1-30 n. m.. from his late residence. No. 2124 Rldse ave. Funeral services will be held In JoKnli irino invuen io iuneri, Mon , w;ju a. m UJ2 N'. KraRlT fit Wpst I'hil. Solemn i requiem mass Church nf Our I.adv of Vic tory 10 a. m. Int w Cathedral Cem , Auto service, . OKMIAr. June 6. FRANCIS X. OHI.. ' HAK. husband nf Anna l, Oolhaf, ajrd S , ; IteUttes and friends, emplojes of Market I St Xat. Hank and niemberH Northern Mner- t ' XUa Ixd(re. No. 17. I. O. nf O. F and Me.' mnrlal Yearly Ilenf. Soc,, lnlted to funeral I iMcea. .Mon.. i p. m., i.i-iif ,, .'an: ae, Int. nrlvnfp. Mt. Vrrnnn Pm. Ttomatn. mnv IV h M-'eit Sun 8 to 10 n m Auto service. PAXSON. June .". EMMA H. wife ot 'liinUalun 1 Kaiuii, ntirtl itt IiCIHtlf rs HIIU friends Invited to funeral, without further notice, near Newtown. Pa.. Rat.. 2 p. m i Int. Churchllle, Pa. Coneances will meet t train at fit. Leonard's at a Ion kalnr Read i In? Terminal 0:23 a. ni. and trolleys at Hrl rice ton leuvlns Lanshorne at 11-20 an& I Newtown t 11:40 a. m. njii -. junc i, (it-.um... nusoana or i Wllhelmlna Piatt (nee Steldel). aged 7. iieiatives and friends. KteruiiK Castle, No. U.I, K. G. E., Invited to funeral servlcea, , Tues , 2 p. m.. 12.13 Marlborough st Int North Cedar Hill Cem. rOl.IH. June .I. SAMUEL, husband of Jennie Polls. Relatives and friends. Schnel. d,r Lodge, O H. A,: Uoldenburs" Irfidne. J. o. II. H., Invited to funeral. sUn . 1U.S0 a. ni 1.132 N, 10th st. Int. Mt. Carmel Cem PRATT.- SudtlenlJ. June .1. T AI.11ERTA PRATT, daughter of lafe John M and Kt'ia beth Ptrlder. 5341 Thomas ave. Relatives and friends Invited to services. Sat., 2:30 p. m . Oliver II. Hair Hldg., lX'.'O Chestnut st. ' Int Arltnvton Cem. ' RAMSEY. June 5. HARRY V. husband of Kmma R. Ramsev (nee Benson) Rela tives and friends, emploves of Garrett A Buchanan Paper Co . Invited to funeral services. Sat.. 2 P. m.. 2313 N ITlh at Int private. Mt. Peace Cem. Remains may , be viewed Frl,, fi to 10 p in ntn funeral. llh..N.N.VHl. June h. uu.NJAMIN r, hus band uf F.mllv S. Rennard (nee Younel. Ret allies and friends. Edwin A. Shubert Coun- ciL N". 728, O. of I. A.; Wilton l.odg-e. No ". ' vj. .vv,; nose l.ooae wo. si, u. a. or u.; i members of West Colllngswood Fire Co., , Invited to funeral services. Mnn . 2:30 p m.. I !l,n7 Kldrldsre ave.. West Colllnaswood, N. J. 1 Int: tirlvate Harlelsh Cem. Friends may V?," ,Hun- ' to P. m. unesier county (Pa ) paoera cony. i HONSMASSLEH. Suddenly. June s, RICHAItll and RnWAiin c nnsK. MAKSLER. Jr.. sons of Edward C. and Mar- , jui t i iiuniiiiNaitrr. trrvivtrs nnu inter- merit Chadd'a Ford, Pa., haturda June 8. iri'MER. June 7, MILTON FRANCIS, son , of late John F.. Jr.. und Mary Rumer. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Mon.. I 7'30 n. m.. 5(121 Morton it.. Oermantown Solemn high mass St, Vincent de Paul's Church 0 a. m. Int. private. . (HFFRAN. June .. IIANNA MAY, dausrhter of Georice and Marnaret Saffran. Kelathes and friends Invited to funeral erv- ievm. .Mon.. ":!( n. m . Aloha Hantlat Church. Hancock and York l. Int. prl- vate, Nnrthwood Cem. Remains may tie viewed Sun, eve,, parents' residence, 2633 w. Mascher st. Auto funeral. Sf'HRAGEN. June (I. WILLIAM, hus band of Elizabeth Schragen (nee Sthwarzl. aged nl. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral. Mou.. H a. m.. H. W. cor. 8th and Venango sts. Solemn requiem mils St. Bonaventura'a Church 0:30 a. m. Int. Holy Sentllt'hre Cem. Auto funeral. SCHULZE. June 0. EMMA K.. wife of Albert W. Schulze, aged 51. Relatives and friends, members of St. John's Reformed Church. Frankford ave and Ontario St.. Invited to funeral services, Sun., 2:30 p. m , husband's residence, 4704 Large at., Frank ford Int. Oakland Cem SMITH. June 7. JAMES T. SMITH, aged SO. Relatives and friends. Post No. 2. a A. R.; John McCray Post". Veteran Flre mens' Asso., ot Cape May City. Invited to luiierat ivrtucs. .nun., i u. lit., uhi'd jiny i Relatives and friends Jefferson Circle. No. 12; emploves or win. Wenkenbach Son, In vited to funeral services, Mon.. 1-30 p. m.. 2'i4 -N. Jessup st. Int. private. Northwood Cem. Remains may ba vievved Sun., 7 to 9 p. m. SPIT7 June 5. crARA, wife of Augus. tus Rpltg, aged 82.- Relatives and; friends tavltetf to fin.ralaervlces; ua.r 19 ,:, ga..' m jsassaniaagagLri.' iMi ,:,; r r'.. a ni.. inrm oionwond a. HlKh mfts ' it u ( v. li ut -, i a vTViuuo iiuuu " n 411 iiii noiv rtin vwfiiis -----' -. l MeCWCN. Jur.. ., WTi.T-IAM. son of liVUKlliA4l'h.H. Ansistant in orricp or man- I M21, i-fdcpr onicp. - tfiin . . la- ah iifivnliislhir ahliAasni Hapinvaii a hAbl tl.X. n ' ' ' us - "i 1 I nn c un 11 ut ir- tv 1 11 in 111 .111 iitvni uuru ) ------ - - 1 s-. -- 1 ...w,. aUi btii'vi 111111 I'm if Trtt nn rvrr 11 in rani tt .r . a .lx nv'-. ijn 1 iTikan x.a awtak a vain tne nemany i.utneran v. nurcn. -oiti nnu "', 'l",.i(-;..:.i ......: I.i; :-:"''; '""' Montgomery ave.. at 230 n. m. Int lu ri''1f.ri,..,iJ,MIl,xiLti..:,lo',I ."''."- westm nsler tern Frlcnda may ra 1 on I ",7 V. i n. i.V, . i uJj,. ? ... Sun eve t nil 2JI3 De Lancey St.. Mnndav. June 111 ' NOLAN June 0 JOHN 3. hush-md of .nl'v between 12 noon and 2 o'clock- no lne Man- Nolan rtilatlves and "ermans '- "' i.eoaer .irnce DEATH nrral services. Run., 3 p. m.i 22S3 If. Van Pelt t. Int. Mt. Carmel Cem. STANDnniDOE. At realdenre of parents. MOO Haverford ave., June (1. IIARRT WIL DER, eldest son nf Henry K. and Maria T. Htamlhrldire.i Services and Int. private. STEI.LWAOEN. At 31 R rideem-m at.. Media. Pa.. June 7, THOMAS C. KTnLL WAOEN, Sr., A, M.i M. D , D. D, 8,, acpd 7(1. Funeral services residence, Mn.. 1:30 Pm. Int. S n m North Laurel Hill Cem.. hlla.i to which Union Lodtre. No, 121 F. and A. Mi. and Oenrire 11. Meade Tost, No. 1, O A. R., are Invited. STILES. June 7. RE11ECCA P. STILES (nen Pedlaree). wife of Isaac Stiles. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral aervlcea, Mon . 2 p. m., residence of famllv. 11S.1 Kenwood ave., Camden. N. J. Friends may call Sun eve. Int. Colpstown Cpm. STRANO June 7. PETER l. HTRANC1. aicpd R2. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral services, Mon.. 2 n m . residence of son. William M. Strana. 32. i Waahlnrton ter- race, Audubon. N. J. mi. nrivate. iiarieum uem SWIFT. Suddenly. June r,. at dntri Ram. ton st. Oermantnwn. JOSEPHINE. C. widow of Wllllnm Swift. Funeral services and Int. at' convenience of family. WHARTF.NIIY. June 7. ALnERT R., husband of Anna K Whart-nbv and son of Edward and late I.ouUa Whartenhv, aged 33. Relatives and friends, membera ot Nleetown Ilnntlst Ch'irch. Invited to fu neral. Mon.. 2 n. m ,1(11(1 Bristol st., Nice tow. Int. Hillside Cem.. via funeral car. Frlenn's may call Sun. eve. WHITE. Suddenly. June (1. LOUISA 8., dauuhter of Louisa S. and Mathevv- White, aued 3 yeara 8 months. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral vrvlees. Sun., 2 p. m., parcnta' rpsldence. 23.,0 N, Hops at. Int. Ilelvuf Cem. Auto funeral. WILLIAMS Junp S. EMILY M., widow of William L. Williams. Relatives and friends invited to funeral. Sat., 2 p. m residence of her son, Harry W. 'Wil liams, Gravel pike, near Torresdala. Philadelphia, Int. private. Northnood Cem. Autos will meet trolleys at Torreadale I to 1:30 p. m. WUNDER. June 8. CHARLES W.. hus. band of Anna Wunder, aued TI. Relatives and friends. Weslcian Beneficial Society. Invited to funeral services. Sat., a p. m., residence, RR Herman at., Oermantown. Int. private. Remnlna may be viewed Frl eve. ZENTMEYER. June 8, CHARLES J. ZKXTiUKYKii. ueiauvps ana mend, em- ploses oi .onn aiiutiuwii v.omposin(; Itoomi members Typographical Union No. 2, in vited to services. Sun.. 7 p. m., 172S Mt. Vernon st. Int. Levvlsbure. Pa.. Mnn. Re mains may be viewed after 4 p. m. Sun. LOST AND FQTTND WALLET Lost, black, single-fold Mark Cross wallet In Oarrlck The. night of June 7: cards of Idem. N. Y. State registration, Md drivers' license and Com. Trav. Aio. Finder ret. tn lint Office, Harrlek Theatre. HELP WANTED FEMALE (Other Classified Ada on Pace 2) I AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG WOMEN: EXPERI I'.NCE UNNECESSARY: SALARY PAID WHILE LEAltNINO. 19 .10 PER WEEK Al TER TIRST 4 WEEKS OF INSTRU. 'TION AND THE.RAPID ADVANCEMENT. P V. R 51 A N ENT EMPI1YMENT: WORK NEAR TOUR HOME: 7 HOURS TO 8 HOURS TER DAY: MEALS SERVED AT COiT. ANNIVERSARY PAYMENTS; SICK BENEFITS: VACATIONS WITH PAY. APPLY 8 A. M. TO 0 P. M. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF TA. 400 MARKET ST. hand folding, wire stitchers and catherlni- N E cor Arch and Kith. UOOKKnEPER Assistant D. B.. eeneral office work: state salary and references, pnns. Ledger Offle-. HOOKKEEPEIt for manufacturing business, i center of cltv: state experience nn'l salirv expected. M 1 142. Ledger Central. ' CAP SPINNER"" AND TWLSTEni WANTED: EXPEP.IENCED AND LEARNERS' OOOD WAOEH AND STEADY WORK; PRINCIPALLY FOR OOVERN'SIENT WORK. AP PLY OIIISWOLD WORSTED CO. DARBY I'A ' r.,,,1 --iTinrg r ut. : CHILD S NURSr.. white, for boy two ears . "' aunurin: inmiiv going to seashore) cli:rks ilxpkriknckd cost ci.krks wanted by a larae local manu facturtna comnanv : lucrative and permanent positions for those who quality. . nrattrtn near Kenslnaton and 'Location, near Kenstnaion and Allesheny T-1'0. P. O. Box 3413 CLERIC FOR NEWSPAPER STA TISTICAI. WORK. ADVFrtTlPlVfJ DEPARTMENT:,FAt RSALARY TO START: RAPID PROMOTION: UN. USUALLY GOOD OPPORTUNITY API.1CANT MUST BE ACCURATE AND QUICK WITH FIGURES AND POSSESS HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: GRADUATE PRE FURRED. APPLY TO MR WES. COTT. ADVERTISING DEPART MENT. PUBLIC LEDGER. CTH AND CHESTNUT. CLERK ONE CAPABLE OF HANDLING STOCK BOOKS AND TYPEWRITER IN I.AROB MANUFACTURING PLANT: STATE QUALIFICATIONS. I' 83B. LEDGER OFF CLERK Young lady In office of large man ufacturing corporation: must be neat, ac curate and write n good hand: one having experience preferred: state salary expeded. P 80H Ledger Office. , CLERK jouiiff lady, for general office work i with knowledge of typevvrltlnc: state age. t salary and experience Apiv hv letter onlv, Edwin Harrington Son Co.. 17th nnd Cal. lowhiii sts. CLERK, familiar checking Incoming In voices; must be quick at figures and ac curate: good chance, for advancement: state age, experience and salary. I 024, Ledger Office, t'LEUK, knowledge, of bookkeeping, to assist with general clerical worn; ijpisi pt. ferred; state ao-e. experience and salary. P 02.1 Ledger Office. CLERKS Several good opportunities for voung women between 1H and 2.1 in differ ent departments of a larae financial Instl tutlnn. those with adding machine experience preferred; Male ace. Mpfpiu-a and salary exnected p sai. ldcer Office. I ri l-dl-u v ....... - auinr.i . ... ' ci,an ,rrntin,11nr. and excellent ononrtii. nlties for advancement for those showing aniiuv: slate age, experience ana salary ex. peeled P 812 Ledger Office CLERKS Young woman for clerical work In manufacturing concern: excellent oppor tunity for those showing ability; state age. experience. If any, and salary expected r wia. imager urnce, COMB HANDS. 1141 twisters. 112.43; spin ners. 111. 88: doffers. 110.2" Apotr Abecco Mill, Inc., Emerald and Adams its., 4th floor. . COOKING and housework. 0-roora anart ment at seashore; no washing. Phone Oermantown 3(170 J. OIRLS WANTED 800 . to learn tn operate vsrlous machines! no ex perience necessarv; only girls between (hs sges of 21 and 45 years need spply to the MIDVALE STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO. EDDYSTONH RIFLE PLANT EDDYSTONE. PA. on PHILADELPHIA OFFICES 13.1 S. Hllh st. 8203 Market St. t Uland road.spd l yyoodl" v. BR1N3 RWTIWItNCJMI . , mn&'wAwxitonHAix (Other CUaalflrst Ada on Tan S) OIRL. brlsht. active, over 10, with at least arammar school education, to act as office Blrl. file letters, assist In Rettln out mall. vppiy in person, nio widener mas". GIRLS wanted: steadv work, cood pav. Ap ply National Umbrella Frame Co.. 30th and Thomnson sts. GIRLS WANTED! EXCELLENT WORK- INO CONDITIONS: PERMANENT POSt- TIONS! OOOD HOURS AND GOOD PAT! MUST RB B FT. 7 INS. On OVER IN ilBIGHT, WEIGH 120 LRS. OR MORE, AND BE FROM 18 TO SO TEARS OF AOB AMI FURNISH REFERENCES. ELECTRIC HERVICE SUPPLIES CO. 17TII CAMBRIA STS. MULTIORAI'H OPERATOR A permanent position: excellent chance for advance ment: lame manufacturing concern: em ployes dlnlnsT room on premises. Call after 10 a. m., Keyatone Lubricating Co.. 2lat and Clearfield ata. SALESGIRLS, familiar with Ice cream nnd cake., Ilvlne at South Philadelphia, Ap- Ply Wagner's Bakery. 13th and Jackson SALESLADY, to sell Ford cars In Phils dplphla on commission hasisj Immediate delivery of csra: opportunity offered as our former salesmen have enllstpd In war work: compensation fully warrants devoting full time, which Is required. Apply agency. 330J Chpetnut. SALESWOMEN IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT, FLOOR 4H, FILBERT ST. STRAWBRIDOE & CLOTHIER SALESWOMAN wanted, experienced: ateady position: good wages. Apply Schwartz man's. Department Htore. 1210 N. R2d. SHOES General operators and vampera. Apply Laird. Schnber & Co., 22d and Mar ket sts , second floor. SILK PICKERS AND SPREADERS Splen. did wages for particular workers: paid while learning. Apply Grlswold Worsted Company. Darby. V&, STENOGRAPHER RLAUNER'S REQUIRES THE SERVICES OF AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER WITH SECRETARIAL ABILITY: TO THE PARTY HAVING INITIATIVE. BPV.ED AND GOOD ENGLISH A PERMANENT POSI TION WITH GOOD SALARY. APPLY TO THE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, FOURTH 1 FLOOR. 833 MARKET STREET. RLAUNER'S STENOGRAPHER POSITION IN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL NEWSPAPER FOR THOR OUGHLY COMPETENT STENOG RAPHER: MUST HAVE HAD SEV F.RA1. YEARS' OFFICE EXPERI ENCE AND AT LEAST 2 YEARS' HIGH SCHOOL: PREVIOUS EX PERIENCE IN N E W S P A P E II WORK WOULD "BE CONSIDERED AN ASSET. GIVE FULL INFOR MATION AND STATE SALARY EXPECTED IN REPLY TO C 132, LEDGER OFFICE. from city but very convenient to one living In West Philadelphia: far, very reasonahh : excellent working conditions and good salary I' 1121. Ledger Office. hlah ave. HTKNOOHAPIIEIl tor Trl. affna and Sat. mor'cB! state sal, eip'ted. I" 230. Led. Off. STENOORAPHIIRS ANll TVPIST3 TOU CAN HKI.P WIN THE WAR OVER 19 YEARS OF AdF. ARK WANTED AT ONCE PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS AL&TJ MOON-HOPKINS. POWERS AND I10L- LERTII TABULATING MACHINE OPERATORS APPLY WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU HOG ISLAND, PA. ASK FOR MRS. NORRELL. STENOGRAPHERS In home office. Are In , surance company; permanent position: good ' opportunity: state age, experience and sal arv expected. P fio.1. Ledger Office. l CACHING Those desiring for patriotic reasons to continue teacning are onerea employment during vacation at same salary 1J8. Ledger Of nee. 1 TYPIST In home office of fire Insurance com pany: quick and accurate at figures: good opportunity: state aje. experience and salary expected. P 023. Ledger Office. WOMEN who are bright and tactful are of fered rel opportunity to make good In come by giving whole or part time. C 217. Ledger Office. WOMEN 8OL1CIT0RS wanted Piano house wants neat and Intelligent women for door-to-door work. Apply today, 302 H. 52d. YOUNG LADIES for clerical work In homo ornce or nru insurance company: nccurate at flgurca. experience on Upewrlter neces sar: great opportunity for- advancement: state age, experience and salary expected, P 022. Ledger Office. YOUNG LADY to work In shipping room. Apply Nelson Valve Employment Office any evening between 7:30 and f P. M.. at the Raymond Building. Room 218. 5809 Oer mantown avenue. YOUNG LADY In office nf manufacturer; I one with experience preferred. Address, with reference. I'. O. Box 1.140. YOHNU WOMAN, capahle. for mtlllnir adver tising in hlah'Braiie monthly majrazlne; permanent poltlon; evrellent opportunity; reference required. F OJrt, le,dser Office. 'HELP WANTED MAI.E (Other Classified Ads on Page 21 i . I ACETYLENE WELDERS BOILERMAKERS BOILER FIREMEN MACHINISTS, LABORERS First-class men. wanted Applyi Superintendent's Of flee POINT BREEZE GAS WORKS PASSYUNK. AND SCHUYLKILL AVES. PHILADELPHIA ACCOUNTANT Opportunity for permanent connection vlth first-class- comuanv; good field for ad'sneement! prefer man aged 30 to 85: replies treated ronfld-ntjallv; state sge. salary and ref. Address Box. InOL city. ASSISTANT MIIIPPKR Must be good at figures and draft exempt: good psy to right party give reference, P B00, Ledger Office. BAKEKl apDly tn person. Dltal. 34QO Bnruce St. Unlversl'y II os- BOOKKKEPfj i-One'-sHo ha sorae knawl- oi I JrvM'f W 3iaW. ! I nxir wAKCTP-iitaixa . (Other aaasl(le4 Ads Par ) TTj "--,, iJ LU &il WORK OR nOllT m TO WIN OUR WATt wn rmry WORK OR FIGHT! HERE Iff TOUn CHANCE .TO SECURE WORK AT ONCE ON GOVERNMENT WORK COVERING THE FOLLOWINO POSITIONS! ' Adjusters on automatic screw machine Automatic erewmachlne operators Brownert. no experience, 119.50 weektf Bellmen . Cabinetmaker! Carpenters Cutter rrlnders Die slnkera Electricians Oauaemakera Ouarda . .... Laborers, bonus for attendance Machinists, maintenance work Millwrights Toolroom mtlllnr-machlne hanli Toolroom lathe hand! Toolmakers Tool grinders Tool hardeners Woodworkers on machines nOO learners on varloua machines. HSo vtf hour and piecework. Tour piecework ea.ree fnra should average from 14 to S6 tier dar This Is your opportunity. ., Apply 13th st. gate, with referencef. MIDVAI.E STEEL AND ORDNANCH t50. EDDY8TONE RIFLE PLANT ' ' EDDITSTONE. PA. OR PHILADELPHIA OFFICES talsnd roid and Woodland ave. K203 Market st. 1M(I Arch st. . Hours 8 a. m. to 8 n. m. " Sundays 10 a. m to 4 d. m. ADJUSTERS I ON I Acme. Cleveland or Brown Sharps auto matic acrew machines: highest wages and bonua paid for maximum production. Thla Is your opportunity It you apply at once to MIDVALE STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO. EDDYSTONE RIFLE PLANT EDDYSTONE. PA. . OR PHILADELPHIA OFFICES Island road and Woodland avenue R203 Market street (aecpnd Boor) 1310 Arch street i BRING REFERENCE BOOKBINDERS, FIRST CLASS. WANTED FOR SAMPLE BOOK WORK FOR "WALL PAPER books: oood wages, apply AT ONCE. BECKER. 8MITH PAOB Water and Snyder ave. i BOOKKEEPER, experienced If. E. account- 1 ant. for contractor's office. J 340, Ledger Central BOY. 11 TEARS OF AGE. WANTED FOR WORK IN NEWSPAPER OFFICE: GOOD ADVANCEMENT FOR YOUNG MAN WITH INITIATIVE. APPLY TO MR. FLYNN. 600 CHESTNUT ST. BOY to learn to make cushions. Apply 344 . iHnsi. BOYS WANTED tn and J10 per week: good opportunity and chances for advancement: must ba 10 yeara or over. Apply at once BECKER. SMITH A PAGE Water and Snyder ave. BOTS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK: MUST BE OVER 18: CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY AFTER e) P. M.. LEDGER OFFICE, FIFTH TLOOR. BOYS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK: N MI'HT HE OVER lfl: CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY AFTER A P. M LEDGER OFFICE. FIFTH FLOOR. BOYS, energetic and ambltloua, for messen ger servltp: excellent oppor. for advance ment: liberal wages. hnua and vacation with full pay. Apply to Mr. Cranago. Delivery Di-pt. Western Union, 1.1th and Chestnut ata. UOYS wanted: ateadv, work: good wagee. RRAKEMEN FOR PENNSYLVANIA 11. R. FOR ROAD AND YARD SERVICE APPLY ROOM NO. 2 32D ST. AND rOWELTON AVE. BRICKLAYERS WANTED FIFTY UNION BRICK LAYERS: LONG . JOB. F. W. MARKS CONSTRUCTION CO.. BYI1IJRRY JOB. MEET TRUCK AT BROAD AND FILBERT STS.. :30 A. M.. EVERY MORNING. CLERKS EXPERIENCED COST CLERKS wanted by a Urge local manu facturing company: lucrative and permanent positions for those who qualify. location ner Kensington ft Allegheny aTSaV, "R-28," P. O. BOX 3500. CARPENTERS: easy work: good par. AOD1 414 N'i 3d , CHAUFFEUR for tludford and Autocar to deliver provisions; must be able to look after engine and make minor adjustments; good chance for advancement: steady work; salarv t22 P oil, ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, white, single, about forts' ears of age; experienced: must be willing and havo best of references; opportunity for permanent place In country with seashore In summer, i; jiu. inatr uukt. CIIAUFKISUR, one exempt from draft, to drue trucK. appiv jwii .. aimrncr ii. . CHAUFFEUR White, to drive and care for business car, passenger; no repairing Oood position for . . gentlemanly appearing Protestant, S4lari'. ,20 per week State age. experience and reference C- 42. Postofflco Box 3500 CLERKS Young men with hank Mperlena M.ni.rf, ihnia with m knowledge of tal' bookkeeping sml-auditing department ""-fti lerretiusiHie ase, ejiiirrii,--w t,v . --,-jt n-t.l r fiai ledger Office. . " - CI.KRKS Young men for clerical wergj.Ji those with adding machine, eipetlencg, is preferr'd: stnte are. experience and salsrr.1 itvc ten f a u i.enKer ninr-, :ii COMPOSITORS ttene hands, ninnntviw castr ,6 r. runners N. E cor. Arch and Hllh sts. $ f-iuiK: Nrctmtt. Annly In nerson. Un!verslfvT',, ft-t-t -HOP SnnW, st .ff nn A cruvlh-.V wanlvili f-pnernl ronstrticllnn LJ I or marlne'experlence, Call 430 Wldentf-Jfi-, miliums. El.KCTltlCAl, Wxnted. flrsi-clsss lln rore. men. experienced on 2 and 8 phase an4 series are-ilghtln- system. Apply Tllllass,.' Foster. 120g N. 81st. -' ..' ELECTRICIAN for factory; first-class , used to A. (L work: must be stale tn rnarss-or new wsnt anti pptmh in &nzti w.'i- 'jme" ?v tSS asjg-iiagaiaiarag tv- V'iiJ-Ji A ii mmm fe:. K V &.- ml &-sr w