Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 06, 1918, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Image 9

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ft Nancy Wynne Goes to Horse Show
Plans for Devonshire Tea Party
TUESDAY It was the Sheppards's lawn
fete, yesterday It was the much-talked-of
and truly delightful "Vanity Fair" and
today it's Horse Show. Little did I think
I'd be raclns out to Devon this year to
IK the tanbark, King Ho.rse. Old Sol and
all the rest of the bunch, nut then, you
tee, there are wiser heads than mine that
ee the necessity for something else to
raise funds for war relief and help tha
Emergency Aid; and goodness knows
verybody loves a horse show, and ro out
I go to see the sights, trusting that i shall
not prove a sight myself.
The show will last the remainder of the
week that is, tomorrow and Saturday
and rain or .shine 'twill go on. (Ah! an
other chance to say 'twill. I told you I
liked that word.)
Besides the cafeteria, which Mrs. Bark
lie has In charge, there's to be afternoon
.tea, don't you know, and it will be served
under the auspices of the luncheon commit
tee and by the Emergency Aid aides, In-
eluding for this afternoon Dorothy Blair,
i Nathalie Davis, Doris Dexter, Betty Elliott,
Emma Oennet Farles, Anna Fristz, Eliza
beth Grlbbel, Virginia Harris, Sarah Han
fln. Josephine Hooper, Edith Hutchinson,
Judith Jennings, Ellse Kiapp, Mary Law,
Frances Leaf, Joan Llpplncott, Lcnore Mc
Call; Jane Maulc, Louise Newlln, Edythe
Simpson, Elizabeth Thomton, Constance
Van Boskirk and Mrs. C. C. Wilson. To
morrow they will be Elizabeth Asbury,
Mary Bennerman, Caroline Barclay, Clyde
Brodhead, Charlotte Cherry, Esther Cherry,
Emley Cook, Henrietta Cox, Marie Dough
rty, Marjorle Edwards, Edith Wilson,
Gladys Fox, Harriet Frazler, Margaret
Hughes, Jean Hancock, Rose Lancastor,
Carol Medlar, Hope McMlchael, Hannah
Randolph, 8usie Stewart, Pansy Scott, Mrs.
William Simpson, Molly Sharpless and Isa
bella Wanamaker.
rpHOSE who offered their services for
Saturday Include Catharine Clark, Doro
thy Cochran, Edith Cochran, Eleanor Davis,
Jeanne de Rousse, Edythe Dawson. Allx
Dolan, Sarah Dolan, Eleanor Cummlngs,
Mrs. Caleb Fox, Jr., Olivia Gazzam, Marie
Doris Garvin, Harriet Geyelin, Catharine
Gilbert, Mrs. Joseph Bailey, Alice Perry,
Ruth Perry, Kitty Smith, Susanno Smith,
Mrs. Louis Sajous, Mrs. John Thayer, Jr.,
Rebecca Thompson, Hannah Wright and
. Edith Walker.
I HAVE Just heard some more things
about the Dovonshlfe Tea to be given
out at the Alba Johnson country home In
Rosemont on Saturday. Would you like
to hear about them? Well, the most im
portant thing is that everything is a con
tinuous 'performance, like a ten-twent'-thirt'
vaudeville show, so If you want to
to 'to the Horse Show or the navy recrea
tion fair at Wynnewood you can go to the
Devonshire Tea afterward and see Just as
many things as the people who have been
there all the afternoon. Then another
event will be a talk by Lieutenant Sutton
tt $:15 o'clock in the Green Court the
Green Court Is fascinating, too. Then
there will be two movie shows. I told
you that last week, but you didn't know
that one will be for grown-ups and the
other will be a smaller-sized one especially
for the youngsters and run by young Ste
phen Greene; son of Mrs. William Houston
Greene, who Is much Interested in the
Catharine Morris, the Harrison Morris's
attractive daughter, will do some dances,
assisted by a number of girls from the
School of Design. She has been doing a lot
of that sort of thing lately and she Is very
clever and graceful at It. The card tables
Will be placed in quiet corners, so that the
people who want to play bridge can bury
themselves away from the crowd and have
a wonderful time. Lemon "squash" not
lemonade, because that's American and
this Is an English tea party and English
tea cakes and Banberry cake will be for
ale. and everything will be delightfully
different And don't forget the strawber
ries and real Devonshire cream.
I fTtHE tea party is being given for the
Jefferson Hospital Social Service Depart
ment and Convalescent Home. The social
ervlce committee includes Mrs. Daniel
Baugh, Mrs. Franklin Baker, .Jr., Mrs.
Walter Bryant, Mrs. Joseph Priestley But
ton, Miss Mary E. Converse, Mrs. Howard
A. Davis, Mrs. John Chalmers Da Costa,
Mr. F. X. Dercum, Mrs. J. Leslie Davis,
Mrs. James Forney, Miss Llla Fisher, Mrs.
wEdwin E. Graham, Miss Alice Gilpin, Miss
ETT Gertrude finff. Mrn niilnnt- a nnM
"& M "',7 - VJ111I1U1C,
" r Mrs. Clarence H. Gelst, Miss Anne Hindi
A man, Mrs. Frank G. Kennedy, Jr., Mrs. E.
J. Klopp, Mrs. Horatio Gates iMoyd, Mrs.
David Lewis, Mrs. B. B. Vincent Lvon.
Mrs. Charles M. Lea, Mrs. Walter Lee,
Mrs. Edward J. Lavino, Mrs. Thomas Mc-
1 Crae, Miss Anna J. Magee, Mrs. J. R. sic
Alllster, Mrs. John F. Muckle, Mrs. D. G.
ji t Metheny. Mrs. James W. Oakford, Miss
, Mary Pelrce, Miss Olive Pardie. Mrs. Hol-
,i illeter Sturgis, Mrs, Edward .A. Schmidt.
Mrs. J. Parsons Schaeffer, Mrs. Alba B.
Johnson, chairman, and Mrs. William
Houston Greene, secretary.
WELL, apeaklng of Jumping at conclu
sions, listen to this: A certain pretty
E. A. A. and a- good-looking man their
looks have nothing to do with tho story,
but they were pretty and good-looking
went out to Willow Grove the other day.
It's rather a long drive, vnn imnm i .
Sty car. and your hands are apt to get a bit
ff, dusty, not to say grimy, if you are drlvlne
- 1 and don't wear gloves. So when they got
ri out there the g. m.'e face was a good
$& , deal cleaner than his hands. The- .were
13' f' Utflkfrip nlnncr fYtni hn, ...li. i ..
,v " - "" ""in. m iront or
f-i - -... H.,u ,,,o iioima luernaoa it voa
the dirt on them, but anyhow) felt sort of
nvu.uig aim ne reinarKea Idly, "I'm so
used to driving the car that I don't know
? wnat to oo with my hands when I get out."
The B. A. A. looked down at them. "Tnn
I j bad," she sympathized. "Why don't you
i. f try c 's cold cream?"
Social Activities
Tbe marriage of Miss Sarah Andrew Baker,
Mater or Mrs. louis natter, jr., or ni,
(Illr. John C, Bell, Jr.. which will take
ia'.am BLIUM mv .Tuna 99 In Rt JuMh'i
.TTT-"- .' T .'" " r" " ".T
,iwtn oeiowwea., Mll
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,--c ,K..'i. ' j.."L:if''.:lAi"L ..Vlis-r'
i ii i . . ' " i
at Devon She Tells Eurther
Miss Sophie Baker, sister of the bride, will
be maid of honor.
Mr. arid Mrs. Edward B. Cassatt have ar
ranged an open-air fete at their country
house, Chesterhrook Farm. Berwyn, on the
afternoon of June 19 The affair will be
called Tommy Atkins Pay, and Is to bo given
in aid of an English hospital Lieutenant
Sutton n'nd several other English officers are
assisting Mrs Cassatt. There will be
tableaux, a dog show, movies nnd speeches,
among numerous other enteitalnments
Miss I.uclle Carter, of Isle Field, Roe
mont. will entertain informally at dinner
and' bridge after the Horse Show this cve
'nlng. Mrs. Henry C. du Pont, of Ardmore. en
tertained at dinner last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Filler and their
family, of Rosemont, have taken a cottage
In Cape May for the summer. Tliey will
move there next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alvln Carl, of Brook
llne, Mass., are receiving congratulations on
the birth of a (laughter on June 4 Mrs.
Carl will be remembered as Miss Hue Kings-
ley Bowen, daughter of Mr. Samuel Blspham
Bowen, of Germantown, and a sister of Mrs
Faxson Deeter, of Bryn Mawr.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Borsh of lfiO" North
Thirty-third street, announce the engagement
of their daughter. Miss Dorothy M. Uorsh,
to Mr. Milton D. Schelnberg, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Brady, of this city.
Mr. snd Mrs George Fenno Hoffman, of
3S05 Locust street, and Miss Thoebe White
Hoffman hae taken a cottage at Cape May
for the summer,
Mrs. George Wentworth Carr, of Overbrook,
Is spending sevcrai weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. Howard Fremont Okie. In Wyoming
rrlends of Mr. C. Harold Marston. of Ger
mantown. will be glad to know that he has
received 'Tils cohimlsslon as second lieuten
ant In the British royal air force. Mrs. Mar
ston, with her sister, Mrs. J. n. Coulhournc,
will spepd the summer with her father, Mr.
Charles T Qulnn. of 2C1 West Walnut lane,
Germantown, who has taken a cottage for
the season on South Marlon street, Ventnor.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J Jacobs, of 1822
X rth Twenty-second street, and their
daughter, Mrs. Jay Rlenhelmer, of Richmond,
Va , w III leave on Monday to open their cot
tage In Atlantic City.
Mrs. Rlenhelmer will be remembered as
Mlrs Ea Jacobs.
Miss Mary Carr entertained at her home,
2036 Race street, last evening In honor of
Miss Kleanor McCarey, w.ho will graduate
from St. Leonard's Academy. Thirty-ninth
and Chestnut streets, next week.
Mr and Mrs. Adolph Hartman announce
the marriage of their daughter. Miss Hattye
Hertha Hartman, to Mr. Harry S. Hntzman,
which took place yesterday In this city.
Mrs. V. Bono, of 1607 South Broad street,
entertained at dinner on Sunday at her home
In honor of her mother, Mrs. Capri. Her
guests were Mrs. Ray Marlnella. Miss Jane
Glangulo, Mrs. Panarclla. of New York; Mr.
Bono and Mr. Charles Panarella. Later In
the afternoon patriotic selections were given
by Mr. Vincent Mlcrl, With Mrs. Ray Marl
nella as accompanist.
The marriage of Miss Marie H. D'Ardenne,
daughter of Mro. W. D'Ardenne, of 3918
North Delhi street, to Mr. James T. Anthony,
Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Anthony,
of 1408 West Tioga street, will take place on
Wednesday evening, June 26. In the Erie
Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Seventh
street and Erie avenue. The bride will be
attended by her sister. Miss Cora D'Ardenne,
an maid of honor; Miss Cora Anthony, the
bridegroom's sister, and Miss May McDonald
as bridesmaids. Ensign B. L Jarvls, of Bos
ton, Mass , will bo the bridegroom's best man,
and' the ushers will be Mr. William Cooper
Anthony, the bridegroom's brother, and Mr.
Herman D'Ardenne, brother of the bride.
Emergency Nurseries to Remain After War
The Emergency Day Nursery Isn't going to
be an emergency nursery at all. ThM Is what
Mrs, Arthur M. Dodge, president of th? Na
tional Federation of Day Nurseries, says:
"They were started originally In England,
I believe, to care for the children while the
mothers were working In the factories. Such
great numbers of children were sent to these
nurseries for care that they must be regarded
as a war measure. Such numbers could not
be handled In times of peace.
"But the' fact is becoming evident that
many of those women are going to have to
keep to the work after the war has stopped.
Men will come back, thousands of them, per
haps, absolutely out of commission. Indus
tries will have to be kept up and women will
have to go on at the tasks that the war has
brought them. There will still be babies,
and those children mean the entire future of
,the nation. Therefore, they cannot run the
chance of HI care. The Emergency Day Nur
Bery must stay."
Mits Marie Ctrrigan and Mrs. Ralph L.
Murray, who are Interested in the County
Fair for navy recreation, which will be
held on Saturday at the Murray home
leid, Linciiter pike, Wynnewood.
Milt Cirri mn' photograph it by Eatt-
Umi and Mri- MiKUit t p)oafa4i i
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Mr. Willism J. Clothier and Mrs. Charles A Alunn are teen "caught in the act"
of jumping. Below, Miss Constance Van Boskirk with the pony Belle Meade
Baron, which the Emergency Aid aides are chancing off
Delightful Outdoor Affair for Canteen Dc-
pnrtment of Red Cross Very
A delightful garden card party was given
at the home of Mrs. Wallace Roberts on
Tuesday afternoon for the benefit of the can
teen department of the Lansdowne Hed
Cross branch, which is most successful and
efficient In Its work. Miss Louise Van Zandt
Ib at the head of the canteen department now,
having been recently elected as successor to
Miss Mabel Phillips. The department has
about fifty members, with a captain for
every ten. In case of an emergency call
these captains are responsible for Informing
the women on their lists as quickly as pos
sible. The captains are Mrs. Allen H. Hoffer,
Mrs. H. F. Hush, Jr., Mrs. Walter Lorlng
Webb, Mrs. Charles H,, Spayd and Mrs. James
Miss Van ZSndt and Mrs. Henry Statzell
had charge of the arrangements for the affair
on Tuesday afternoon. The card tables were
scattered all about the big lawn and made a
most attractive picture. Among those who
attended the card party were Mrs. James
Taylor, Mrs. Henry S. Barker, Mrs. Charles
L. Shurtleff, Mrs. Samuel Irwin. Mrs. Thomas
O. Cooper, Mrs. Rankin, Mrs. Frank If.
Magulre, Mrs. Edward Lynch, Mrs. Frank
Sagendorph, Mrs. Herbert Hays. Mrs. Allen
R. Hoffer. Mrs. Robert Scherr, Mrs. Chat leu
Mercer Ralley, Mrs. Robert Lynne Mlshler,
Mrs Wood, Mrs. Robert L. McLean. Mrs.
Charles J. Pilling, Mrs. Emlen C. Paul. Mrs.
Edwin J. Decker, Mrs. Frank J. McNelve,
tr- Alhprt Hooven. Mrs. William Hubbard.
Mrs Russell Berger, Mrs. William Turner,
Mrs Frederick Seibrecht, Mrs. William Stoll,
Mrs' Robert W. Dick, Mrs. John J. H. Phil
lips.' Mrs. AVIlllam Mayer, Mrs. Robert Down
ing Taj lor. Mrs. Harry I Henry, Mrs. Rob
ert Hall Anderson, Mrs. William O. Hemp
stead, Jr.. Mrs. Guy Fackler, Mrs. Edwin
Orauley, Mrs. Charles Le Fevre, Mrs. Edward
J. Ryan, Mrs. Thomas A. Bradley, Mrs. E.
S. Thompson, Mrs. Frank C. Nleweg, Mrs.
Walter Lprlng Webb, Mrs. Andrew S. M.
Young. Mrs. H. F. BuSh. Jr., Mrs. William
Mickey, Mrs. Frank M. Camp. Mrs. Reynler,
Mrs. Julian J. Keenah. Jr., Mrs Scott, Mrs.
Charles Le Maistre, Mrs. G. W. Atherholt,
Mrs. William Davis. Mrs Hlnckson. Mrs.
Richardson Shoemaker. Mrs. W. Vernon
Phillips, Miss Mabel Phillips, Miss Roberta
Brewster, Miss Harriet Greiner. Miss Jose
phine Pilling. Miss Marian Mlshler, Miss
Dorothy McEwen, Miss Margaret Willis,
Miss Irene Morrison, Miss Dorothy Lopgcope,
Miss Ruth Decker and Miss Pauline Heyde.
Married Yesterday in New York
A pretty wedding took place In the
Roman Catholic Church of St. Charles Bor
romeo, Oakvlew, at 4:30 o'clock yesterday,
when Miss Catherine Agnes Daly, of Clifton
HelghtB, Pa., became the bride of Sergeant
Kenneth Caldwell Given, of the United States
medical supply .depot. 1210 Arch street. Miss
Daly was attended V Miss Esther Josephine
Daly, a sister of the bride, and Mr, Barnard
Francis Cavanaugh was best' man. The Rev.
Father Moran performed the ceremony.
The bride and bridegroom left on a honey
moon fer New.York Immediately after the cere
mony. Sergeant" Given expects soon to Join
the American fighting forces In France. Ser
geant and Mrs. Given will be at home after
July 1 at the Chaltonte -Apartments, West
Will Wed in California
Miss Dorothy AV, Schwalbe, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schwalbe, of 5116 AVal
ton avenue, will shortly go across the conti
nent to San Diego, Cal t where on Monday.
June 17. she will be married to Lieutenant
Raymond Connell, United States army. Miss
Schwalbe and Lieutenant Connell announced
their engagement several weeks ago, the wed
ding to take place later In the year. But war,
hdnr no respecter of plans, interfered. Lieu
tenant Connell was unable to obtain leave
to come to this city, fo Mlsi Schwalbe will
nibi tha lonr trial for the waddlnar: etartlnc
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Annual Benefit Being Held This Afternoon
on Grounds of Hospital
The annual garden fete in aid of St Luke's
Homeopathic Hospital Is being held this after
noon on tho grounds adjoining the hospital.
There were sales of fancy articles, fine
lingerie garments, flowers and, of course,
all kinds of things to eat. A special feature
of tho affair was a baby show, where
prizes were offered for the healthiest, fattest,
prettiest, youngest, cutest and best-dressed
babies. This was managed by Mrs. Wil
liam J. Lloyd
Supper will be served from 6:30 to 7.30
under the direction of Mrs. Harry K. Mans
field. Others who are taking an active In
terest In the fete are:
Mrs. William H. Crans, Mrs. J. Frederick
Leltenberger, Mrs. A. W. Grlgg. Mrs. D Ro
rr.aln. Mrs. J. M. Reppller. Mrs. Charles
Bocklus, MrB. C. T. Jeffries, Mrs. H. K. Roess
ler, Mrs M. K. Scott, Mrs J. L. Palste. Mrs.
John Pemberton, Mrs Edward T. Long
streth, Mrs. Esther Bocklus. Mrs I. W. Davis,
Mrs A. J Rudolph, Mrs. Joseph B. Jackson,
Mrs. Harrison I. Potts. Mrs. John W Dories,
Mrs. Robert SteVenson, Jr.. Mrs. J. S Clark.
Mrs. K tilnton Rhoads, Mrs. O. C Kuem
merle. Mrs II Black, Mrs. J. A Harrison.
Mrs S P. Wilcox and the following members
of the young women's auxiliary of the Institution-
Mrs. Lewis Hopper, president; Miss
Helen Slerrett, Mrs. William Rltzlous, Miss
Heatrlco Farrell. Miss Irene Pyle, Miss Mar
garet Wilson, Mrs. E. B. Schober, Miss Hor
Tense Beck, Mrs. Samuel Thompson, Miss
Mamie Delk, Miss Alice McLaughlin. Miss
May Ouckes, Miss Beulah Horter and Miss
Elizabeth Hart. '
Boys of St. Timothy's Choir Have Happy
Day in Roxborough
Mr. Ernest J. Thomas, choirmaster, and
the choir boys of St. Timothy's ProteBtant
Episcopal Church, Roxborough, are holding a
garden fete this afternoon and evening on
the grounds opposite the rectory, Exquisite
needlework, fancy goods of all kinds, useful
household articles, candy and refreshments
are for sale at the various rustic booths.
For amusements not one of the usual out
door festivities has been omitted A dancing
floor, with good music, has been provided,
and the mothers qt the boys are helping to
make things successful. These mothers, who
have organized the Mothers' Guild, of which
Mrs. G. A. Bostwlck Is president, have made
a beautiful eiderdown silk quilt, in addition
to the many fancy articles donated for the
Tha boys who are being aslsted by the
Men's Bible Class, the Rev Perry Austin an
the Rev. S. B. HalAy, l.iclude Harry
Jtunacres, Harold Dennlson, Roy Hoffman.
Vaughan Grundy, Francis Halsey, Clifford
Mllner, Martin Lare, Taylor Wobensmlth, Ed
ward Clifford, Allan Clifford. Walter Lord,
Norman Brown, Norman Courier, Frank
Beswlck. Walter Stafford. Ernest Watson,
Charles Land, Andrew Cantley, George Bow.
ker. Warren Holland, Horace Francis, Guy
Sowden, Allan Lebengood, Charles Price, Ar
thur Mllner and Arthur Batley,
The entertainment is given In aid of the
camp fund of the boys, who spend July and
Auiuit each year at their bungalow and tenta
at kaaacquan, where .they are the charges
- &.'
"!vi?M. . "J t
A. J. Antclo Dcvcrcux and Clem
ent C. Berry Write Home
From France
John Atkinson Bates, a partner in the firm
of Cnssatt & Co, bankers, this city, has re
ceived two letters from France of more than
passing Interest,
Both writers were formerly connected with
Cassatt & Co. and are' well known socially In
this city. A J Antelo Pevereux Is prominent
as a polo pla.ver. Clement C. Berry is an
Englishman of Independent means He Is
now- with the heavy artillery In France.
Mr. Devcreux writes
"Just a line to let jou know that I am
still In the land of the llvlnr It Is hell over
here, but we'll not be long before we lick
these (deleted by the tensor) I cannot tell
you much, as we are not allowed to. I am
not far from tho big noise Have seen
things from the air ind under the ground.
Remember me to all the boys Yours.
"A. D "
Mr Berry w rites:
"I mailed jo'u a small souvenir jesterday,
which was made by a wounded French sol
dier who Is a brass finisher by trade The
cartridge Is German and was picked up In a
capsized truck. I hope It will do duty on
jour oHlce desk and help to remind you of a
fcoori friend.
"After four months of active work and
good conduct we arc allow eel r week's fur
lough back In a large cltv. If I am fortunate
enough to get there I will try to send you and
Mrs. Bates something appropriate for your
nice home. If clothes and uppearances count
for anything our friend, the enemy. Is cer
tainly on his last legs. A batch of prisoners
brought In recently were wearing trousers,
leggings and shoes taken from dead French
men, and they had sewed a piece of cloth
to the bottoms of their socks. Filthy, weary
and dejected, they certainly present a miser
able contrast to their Emperor, who Is strut
ting about like a grand opera tenor, scream
ing 'Victory.' Still no let-up In the censor
ship, so can't tell jou anything of Interest
In the fighting line
"The Guaranty Trust and the Equitable
Trust have each a large branch office in
Parla and Iindon, and I've been In touch
with them with a view to being kept In
formed ns to the bond market and thlrc In
general. Their opinion Is that Europe will be
a heavy buyer of American securities after
the war. and this should be the making of a
bull move of tremendous proportions, as at
present French Investors and speculators are
not allowed to purchase foreign securities.
I suppose Hog Island Is giving old Phllly a
boom. Wish 1 was there to participate,"
Concert of the Symphony Society of Frank-
ford. Frankford High School auditorium,
8:15 o'clock. v
Muulclpal Hand Concert, Longshore and
Glenloch streets,
Conmenremcnt Herein Industrial ScheeL
Bercan' Presbyterian Church. o'clock.
,j Atfitti by nuke . Meadereea. . qJrer
M;Sk Mmmm
rf'VA 'W
i L.
Miss Teresa Junker Bride of
Philip Nowlan Today at St.
John's Church
AS' ATTRACTIVE wedding took place this
iinornlng, when Miss Teresa Junker,
daughter of Mr nnd Mrs Jules Junker, of
2P5 South Thirteenth stifet. became the bride
of Mr Philip Francis Nowlan, of this city.
The ceremony, which was performed by
tho Rev FranelH p Siegfried, took placo at
St John's Church Thirteenth street above
Chestnut, at II o'clock this morning
Mr Nowlan had Mr Louis Mohr as his
btst man, nnd .Miss Itlta Junker was her
sistr'a only nttpndnnt The bride wore a
white Bergo suit and large white feather hat,
and tha maid of honor wore a frock of white
trlcntlne and a pink georgette crepe hat.
Aftei the ceremony Mr and Mrs Nowlan
left for New York, where they will spend
their honeymoon
An Interesting wedding took place ester
day afternoon at 4 o'clock In the Church of
Our Lady of Mercv, Broad street and Sus
quehanna avenue, when Miss Helen Bennett,
the daughter of Mrs Mary Bennett, became
the bride of Lieutenant Warren O'Hnra, U.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev
Wnlter O'Hara, a brother of the bridegroom
snd the lirlilo was given In marriage by her
brother, Mr Anthony Bennett Lieutenant
O'Hara had as his bet man Mr John A.
Dwjei, of Chestnut mil
Miss Bennett wore a gown of white sstln
with crystal beads and i. court train Her
tulle veil was held In plsce with a bnnd of
seed pearls and orange blossoms, and she
tarried a bouquet of white ros-s nnd sweet
Miss Catherine Bennett, a sister of the
bride, was maid of honor, and wore a charm
ing frock of cornflower blue georgette, beaded
In white Her hat wns pink, veiled with corn
flower blue tulle, and she carried an arm
bouquet of vellow roses and cornflowers
The bridesmaids were Miss Ann McManus,
of this city, and Miss Clara lierson, of Wil
mington. They wore dainty dresses of pink
organdie, trimmed with French blue, and pink
crepe hats with blue rtreaniers. and carried
nrm bouquets of pink roses and sweet peas
A smill reception followed the ceremony
at the home of the bride's mother, 1700 West
Lehigh avenue
A very pretty wedding will take place this
evening In the Mercantile cluhhouse. Broad
and Master streets, when Miss May Newman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac L Newman,
of 1303 North Thirteenth street, will be mar
ried to Mr. Alexander M. Gusdorff. of North
Broad street. The ceremony will be per
formed at S o'clock by the Rev. Ell Mayer,
of the Rodeph Shalom congregation, nnd will
be followed by a dinner for the two families
and close friends Mr Newman will give
his daughter in marriage. She will wear a
gown of white satin and tulle trimmed with
princess lace, a veil of tulle caught with
orange blossom spravs nnd will carry an
Ivory-bound Bible with a marker of llllea of
the valley, the Bible being the one carried
by the bride's mother at her wedding.
Miss Margaret Mnver will be the maid of
honor. Her frock of peach-colored organdie
will be finished with a turquoise blue sash
and she will carry pink and blue flowers
Miss Jean Louise Newman, the joung sister
of the bride, will be flower girl. She will
wear a flesh-colored georgette crepe frock
rhotci b Muri-taii.
Of WallinRford, who is president of the
Woman's Club of Media
and will carry a basket of sweetheart roses.
Mr. Lester Goldsmith will be the best man.
Mr.' Gusdorff and his bride will leave on an
extended trip and upon their return will be
at home at the Royal Apartments, Broad
street and Girard avenue.
A wedding of interest In this city and In
Brooklyn, N A", was that of Miss Ruth G.
Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Norville C.
Baker, of 4809 North Camac street, and Mr.
Frank A'. Bowling, of Brooklyn, who Is serv
ing In the United States navy. The ceremony
was performed on Sunday afternoon at the
rectory of the Church of the Holy Child,
Broad street and Duncannon avenue, by the
Rev. L. H. Lamb. The bride was given In
marriage by her father and was attended by
Miss Emily Auhel. Mr. Cannon Clifford was
tbe bridegroom's beBt man. Mr. and Mrs.
Bowling left on a short wedding Journey.
The bride will live with her parents until
the close of the war.
The marriage of Miss Nell A'lrglnla Mc
Ginty, daughter of Mr. John F. McGlnty, of
2010 North Broad street, to Lieutenant Harry
B. J, Huft. of AVIIlow Grove, at present
serving at Camp Lee, took place on Monday
evening at 6 o'clock In the Church of Our
Lady of Mercy, Broad street and Sus
quehanna avenue, with Monslgnor Gerald P.
Coghlan officiating. The bride was given In
marriage by her father and was attended by
her sister. Miss A'era McGlnty, Mr. George
Huft was his brother's best man. After
a short .trip Lieutenant Huft and his bride
will be at home In Petersburg. A'n. The bride
Is a graduate of Notre Dame College, this
city, and of the National Park Seminary,
AVashlngton. D. C.
Among the Interesting weddings of the
week was thatDf Mtss A'etta Leblang, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Leblang. of
Pottsiown. Pa., and Mr. Morris Lebovltx, of
Pittsburgh, both well known in Jewish circles
In this city. The ceremony took place on
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock In Moose
Hall. Pottsiown. and was performed by Rabbi
Englander. of Philadelphia.
Eicluilva Vauijivllls Eueoment
From "The Land of Joy"
A War Tims Novelty,
Santos & Kays: Doolcr & Bales. Others.
tf.rr- -77- z-z-r.i.
Hlianoui jr runny. .mn -fUffnu J
Phtlopatrlmn PIyrt.JPBrTT 0(
Or 0000 ntusrnt.Kv, M.gttmi .
n4 sue mrtctUa etUA)MW 1
KrX i.. tT -
i.' t )& I
it-trrsv'.. ,.'Vl
- -,:m?
Ten Days' Affnir Will
Soldiers and Sailors From M
licrs and Sailors 1
Schuylkill Section
A most elaborate summer carnival op
this afternoon In Dobson's Athletic
Falls of Schuylkill. It Is being given by
patriotic committee of that section of the i
and the nmreedn will he used In aid the'weril
for the 465 soldiers and sailors of the FaMa
The festivities will continue each af tefSOOJl r '"
and evening for ten days. There are Frenefc, &jjj,0
Belgian, Italian. British soldiers and Ballork'WW
. . . ..... t ' .HijKi j
Dooms, each decorated appropriately Dy MAf.:,i
expert The amusements1 Include hobby tvj
horses, razzle-dazzle. Kelly slides. palmlstryiWir.'V
dancing and automobile rides, directed bJC$j&i
-ir. .mines iaw'son and i. w. omewoo.'?fvtf,
Mrs Alfred R Byrne has charge of the lcJj7
cream Doom, wnere tall Dalms ana vines !!
trellises add to the cooling effect of the froie'wg
custard Assisting Mrs. Byrne are Mrs. WU-' VoLtfJ
nam Cnrrinn. Mw. Annie Swartx nnil MlulVWd
nrnre lvlli- Jtftf
Sandwiches, coffee and the picnic extlM'.&feSfl
a .11 .....-,..4 ... .i.. 1 .U l ..1 - - -.rf HiTyJ'.iti
James Law son and Mrs AVIlllam T. Gray ?S
-urn. v. nHnes est, assisted Dy Miss Marjr45.s-.v. V
Stehle and Miss Mary Kyle, presided at UmjSSM
n..na.. 1. .!. ..1.11. .u. 1 i. , .a. Vffrf
'"""i v.,ui, nunc ine irinuiiuuc, cajiea niwJ3B
crackers are found at the "ov er-the-topJ&' J
tinntll In lh.r.. nf 1r. Alk.. Uanrlib .''V. !iA
Hnnd-embroldered ecnrfR nnrt alt Korta n-4C.2jvi
dainty fancy articles have been donated fori y
Beaumont and Mrs. Oeoree AVeer are her aV -j? J
slstants. Miss Alice Schwenck, an expertffJ
palmist, tells fortunes, and Miss Mary Bono- t, 3Aj
ma directs the Ashing in the fish pond. "& j 'tSftfia
The Falls Voung Men's Improvement A- &v"isi
soclntlon sells cooling soft drinks, and tlMi ', ftM
young men of the Literary Institute haye,5for"Jj
charge of the dancing. Mr. John Porter,"'f4SvJ
HarkneRfi In Hlreetintr the unfffrfnlnmaatjiSlrn, I
which Include moving pictures, slnglng"vyS!fI.;3
the Falls male chorus, and on Saturday ereiGH,Cll
nlng a show by a number of talented soldieraMW
Among those taking an active part In thaKWj
entertaining and patriotic event are Mrs.; Nffil
Elizabeth Dobson Altemus, honorary Prel35ftf
dore MacKenzle. president; Mr. John Kyle, --&?
vice president. Mr. Charles Bathwell. seera-iftafe
tHry; Mr John Wjatt, assistant secretary jiSfw.'
Mr Joseph I.allv. treasurer; Mrs. Rachel ftf&i
oray. atb. William l.nrnnn. Mm. UTai-ie ijTtvjj
Cleary, Mrs W, Bonoma. Miss Ellzabetkv "fiWj
Kelly, Mrs. Hannah Hardwlck. Miss Mary 1S)
Flynn. Miss Eleanor Byrne, Miss Alice Fox.s,tisM5
Mrs Charles Schradel. Mls Sara Hampshire.' Vtif
Miss Jennie Gallagher. Miss Marian Byme.J1tsf
Miss Mary MeCarty, Miss Annie Flynn, MlM sBR?
f.eraldlne Gordon, Miss Alice Burlow, Mrs;-gS)i
Marian Cole,. Miss Anna Lawson. Miss RutlUtSKA
Carwardlne. Miss Marian Gray. Miss Isabel W&fo
Cray. Miss Helen Mahoney. Mrs. Geord'''V?
Hamilton. Mrs. Chnrles Mcltvalne. Mrs. An-iU
nle Flanagan, Miss Mary Ryan, Mrs. Jarne -
MDiriilr riua Hannah tTnr Sffaa Wmu
Burk, Miss Annie Foyle, Mrs. F. Casey, Mntpi
. Bcmimom, aiiss uisie .viacKenzie, illsaij
Grace A'alker, Mrs. Harry Blnkin. Hra.
James Cunningham, Miss Katharine Jonee,' A,
....o ............ ,,...., ...,CT. , iivuwa MUlft, 4.vw.jfl
AVIlllam Tawl, Miss May Ryan. Mr. John J.
Bergln, Jr.. Mr. George Markey, Mr. AVIHie.ee
Buckland, Mr. M J. Rowley, Mr. John Grove i
Mr. William Jones. Mr. Jesse Rlggall. .JlflTl
nnrt Atrn. John Sttnfton. Mr. FHwnrrf .TAaaal
Mr. John AVhltaker. Mr. AVIlllam FergiaJE
Mr. Joshua AVhltaker. Mr. BenJuMHi
Mitchell. Mr. AVIlllam J. Benham. Mr. RotMel
Boardman. Mr. Herbert Russell, Mr. TheMaKfr'
Wilcox, Mr. II. B. Cole and Mr., HtrbStB '
.... a
r7 &
16TH 1 V,-vHi.
il.r. this week T Hilar.
1U A B b U it 1U A WVt-Zfi
T" A T A I? -t MARKI
PALACE io a m
In 11 1S P. M.H.
chestnut nF.ijrw larrf
ID-IS A. M 15 S-4S S.IK T'JS. 0:0 .
trT em TrEit-'TTC5-vvr yt
I'll i I 111 VI I'lllltl I SiB sa ;rf j t r
In Artcraft Picture. "A DOLL'S HOUBt( J
"- rAttJtai
WAT.T.Ar!Ti,. PP.IIA "B:
I EVE, ;
11 A. M. to 11 F. 1
CHII.1 oaiiliuft m ,u, JU9ZW &iv
unuuu " Dally Twin 1
TOM BROWN and His Minst
tt- ATAU7 AV Brosd and 8rtydtr A'
Added Charlie ChaDlin
l f AX ..- r- & LAST-
TWICE DAILT .0 end :M v
Authorlzxl pnotopuy version or 0
MATINEES (Except Bt.). 8o sneTJ
Tin prolonl nd rtpetd clMora ej
Budinca sr a pplenald teitlmontal te
re of Mr. arlffltn In eenievinc
rnuia th American peoDle hy i
master iraftmnhlp " PRESS, - "fe i"
D. w. urimuvs Bupremti
Tbe Sweeteet Love Story
A Romance, of th'Gx
Evgs. & Sat Mat., 860
trv ij lwb ''.
MiUAk a o.r
iUU nari"
mmWWJ'i '
Followlne the
Pricrt SRjfeiti
w ... r,v.
-ran. ana. iib.
Fleer se VsaaeB
a.-Ti iieeiiw
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,.'jnmimmmvm3! . -in
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TBPHMU- f-ij W S K VtJKT1 :v
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VjII -f KTit1 "fc, .. - t c sv,i mrfmttmj. rf.
iH8fiOHBHV.tt.. i iTmnrstaanw tt ?
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