.T77B?ifF&-f -" -? M,t- jsrv-T v t EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1918 -15 i w it I m. w U if.-r u' . v 3T- V"K7ig. a- ? K. ar mv i Sal c WV1 fn'Aonm mrrn omnnnT jf vi'ji'v! f. r j f .aa-v-,aasJalJa V JS, ,, JaJUaT aaaa .. t.-fr .., ' . ' "MEN IN FINANGIAL CIRCLES ; OPTIMISTIC CONCERNING " TC1vn7T AT TTrAT CTTTTT A TirYW a? '-' ' Some Believe German Offensive Is Broken and Usual Teuton Peace Proposition to Gain Time May Be Looked For Gossip of the Street rTlHE Wall street broker who said i" marine should show Itself at the the market woulcUadv'ance ten pblnts.'gave expression to the general sentl mentjprevalllng among financial men In this city. Some brokers say they believe the German offensive' In the west Is broken and It Is now time for the Prussian military party to Issue one of Its usual bombastic peace Propositions so as to gain some time, perhaps for another offensive on tome other part of the line. If this should prove true, the belief Is - that-the Allies will first make a counterattack; which will be the beginning t eft a-change In the presenUmap of Europe. , " There Is a very Intelligent minority In the financial district here that refuses to be bullish over the present war news, or the course of jeents so far, They point out that J7,' w- " vv,iiih jusacq in mis itusi urivoi nor nave wo nuj wmwm Wntridlctlon of the extravagant "claims of Germany as to the number ' 'of prisoners and war material captured, Those who hold these views are In the minority, while the majority are inclined to believe that the Allies arc saying little, but when the time comes to speak they, will have some thing to say worth while. Some assert that the great strength of the market early yesterday was tue in a great measure to support gtven by wealthy Insiders, who managed jto get an accurate Idea of how matters stand before the public, JSk'Vvho'know that favorable news is coming from operations In Europe. War Finance Corporation Reverses Itself After turning -down the New .Orleans Railway and Light Company when it applied for a loan recently, the War Finance Corporation has reversed itself in the case of United Railways of St. Louis, under condl t tlons which, to "the-man in the street," seem parallel. In taking action In -. the latter case the War Finance Corporation announces that It has found reason to make an exception to the recently announced policy of J declining loans to public utilities corporations, and has decided to tend the United Railways Company of St. Louis' $s,28!,006 for the period of six months at 7 per cent Interest. The United Railways Company satisfied the corporation that its service was directly within" ths principle of contribut ing toward the prosecution of the war, as Its lines are engaged in a heavy traffic connected with the dispatch of both men and material for war purposes. I This .financing of public, utilities Is looked upon by bankers as a very erlqus problem at the present time, and it is said that plans are being developed for a joint conference of bankers representtngPhlladelphla, New York, Chicago and Boston, to discuss ways for financing the public utilities of the country. The first meeting of these bankers was held this week. , Developments indicate that the financing of utilities, Instead of being Handled by thjWar Finance Corporation, will fall to the lot of the banks, and,. In order to strengthen the credit of the utilities and to enable them to finance themselves on the most advantageous terms, It is necessary that their revenues should be In some degree commensurate with their ever Increasing expenditures. It is believed the situation will be laid carefully " before the Public Service Commissions to do their part In upholding the credit of the utilities', so that they may be enabled to continue to serve the Government and the country In supplying light, heat, power and transportation for the workers in the war industries. . There Is this advantage in having these public utilities financed by t thei banks instead of directly by the War Finance Corporation, as was pointed out by a banker yesterday: In each Instance the utilities corpora tion makes provision for good collateral in the form of mortgage bonds, or some other security equally as good. Where the bankB take the securities they can use them as collateral for their own notes to borrow from the War Finance Corporation, and If, they accept bonds of the War Finance Corporation they can use these bonds as collateral for their own notes to borrow from the Federal Reserve Banks. By this method the batiks will show liabilities to the War Finance Corporation, that is, the, War Finance Corporation will hold the lotes qt the banks eecured'-by (Whatever-collateral pie banks may have received, Instead of holding only the notes of the utility, as would be the cue in a direct loan. This phase is one of the Important topics to' be taken up by the bankers. ' Cash Received for French Debt , Bonbrlght & Co, announce that funds have been received from the Frflkch banks participating in the $16,000,000 French Export Acceptance Credit of March 12, 1917, for the payment of the third and final $$,000,000 1 Installment under that credit, which is due on Friday. " t This completes the payment in full of four similar credits amounting , to $60,000,4)00 which were arranged by the Bonbrlght concern for Schneider & Co., the big French munitions' manufacturers, in order to provide ex . change .facilities for the payment of part of-the French purchases for war material In this country. . 'Bonbrlght & Co. and H. M. Byllesby & Co. are offering $360,000 Arkan sas Valley Railway, Light and Power Company secured 7 per cent gold , aotts dated June 1, 191$, and due December 1, 1(20. These are a part of an ,. authorized issue of $1,500,000. 'The price at which they are being put out to investors is. 974 and accrued' interest yielding 8 per cent. The same " bankers are , offering $200,000 Ottumwa Railway and Light Company i' . J . .U ! I 1l l- .V. i ..li,J i 3,rf ecurcu i pev went gum nuics at mo BAJiio yuwv, iiuwui Mis oaiiio yiom.lp $ . the' Investor. These notes are dated the same as the ottjer issue men-J'- tloned and also have the same maturity. They are a part of an authorized :?'' issue of $8(0.000. S;Hcomc and Excess Profit Taxes v i "Arrangement" nave ueen mauo ay me, (secretary oi me .treasury, re marked 'a leading banker yesterday, with the Federal Reserve Banks whereby the Income and excess profits taxes payment to be made on June 5 should cause little If any disturbance in the money market, and, ,lf carried out, should have the effect of increasing the reserve in the banks. The -plan proposed is a simple St customers will be deposited by the ' A, liiid checks drawn on Bank B will be' similarly deposited in Bank B. In consequence of this arrangement, the process resolves itself into a mere M - j,s smiting oi uook. iicuiiB. xiih iiiuiviuuai ubiiks wui not toss any ae g"poili until Buch time as the Government finds It necessary to make with- tHl drawals, and, in the meantime, the transfer or the 'credit from the ln- OlViauai or corpurawuu vv mo uuvcriiuiciji reuoves me paint irum tne ' obligation of maintaining' legal reserves against such deposits. The reduc- ;, '.. tion Ol legal reserve requirements, jenaing capacity ot ira Dpnna, una to taut extent nnouia prove neipiui 'during the tax period, when demands for money are certain to be very , , Government Local PnU : Market Reports t . . r r ?iCs CTi ov mo t.t out o the Bureau oMarxeirnvj mo uniiaa Dcatra 'Department of Agriculture, PMadeU i I, f ,phia branch, with headquarter at ZOO- Klr 'lit Ineurance Exchange Building. '' 1" fWrhnleaal nrlcea on large lots to t. '(jibtWrs based on sales at ths various ilSi railroad depots.) f ;-t. i ntutTS 5fViipi,Ka 'PLSS-t-Par barrel (40 to B0 quarter I)' iTllnols.. Willow Twlsa mpetly. 10; VT'.''iili i aiaa aU hiiaih t Ka irl tulnaiins v. i oar n-Duanri Daaaei, widvi t.M; Ban Davis, I2.S392.S0. ' !.- 7i.vjk'1 ryaKV tv' Lv;akaaiHniB.B-M'iurvn Carolina, per AUIIPeS . California, ner atanilarA C4B laalnna).' lit nonlsa f45 amall !' J"i1T,x, '"' 1 JtAlsia Jersey. Dar nound. SaYBe: par 1K)!!iTArRIES Jersey, par 'quart, 10 LACHES Georgia, par S-baskst , crate. 'M -,,, .HW(. f.f BIH, Arp Bsautr; 12.60 ,v NEAPPLES Porto Rco, percrata (42 L8PERRIEa -Jeraey. per pint. 28 ..r i- ' ' s ' STRAWBERRIES Jersey, per liuart (82- VKt crauaMvvzuoi soma fancy. :ct 1 .. vboetasi.es 'ASPARAOUS Nsarby. par buncb. arssn. aaai. xsc; isncy, uviwitpi bmi. a TV. -L V. 11 t" " . 1J p-oouia v-arounmi par ousnei (14 to IS Quarter pecks), sraen. norroiKi tvs -carrel, nampsrs, iia; worm carry v green. Mgaiiar. wt U "r : know i ta (M' to I v&Lii SU Ml Z3GF ,c ".aCk. iiwi jv IfWfl .tBW. - f Jtmii. r ; . f frfTfiTf f yesterday that If a German sub- foot of Wall street he believed we have had no approximate one: Checks drawn on Bank A by Its' Internal revenue collectors with Bank no rcmariteu, naturany expanas me hamper. 75c 12: South Carolina. I1.253: Norfolk, I2.7BSJS 80. iiuuruini--riorma. per crais. ll.wsi. LETTUCE Pennsylvania, per barrel (50 to so heads), 7.1e 12; Jersey, per crate, (2 doien heads). .ll.2SaDl.7S. MUSHROOMS Nearby, par pound (3 to y pound basket). BOVSSc ' uniuBoKMi tpar ousnei creiei jsi Iowa,. United atatea. No., 2, l.lBl"25; poorer. 50cll: boilers. 40s0e. PEAS ienei. H -bushel basket, amall, BO' jioc. iare, cocyii,iu,- uiue Marvels, PErPEIta piorlda, per crate. I1.284J2, POTATOES Fkwlda. per double bead barrels (40 quarter pecks). 44.7S; No. 2. l2.7Bt8.B0; aacka, fto pounds. No. 1. IS i.78i No. a. ll.7BiM.2J: South; Carolina, cloth top barrala. No. If li5; -No. i, 2.S0SJS.78; Oeorgla: reds. No. 1. ii snaV 4.23; bulk, Michigan add New Tork, United Dwiw. "" Jj .iiiwwuyi rannsyivania, ,i,.WAl.,J'" P'orar traded. 11.10. 2 RADISHES Natrby, par bunch, IV, RHUBARB Nearby, par bunch, Sfjftc - SCAliUONB Naarby.-per 100 bunches. II SPINACH Pennsylvania.., par buafeal basket, 7&CL Jrey,Pr barrel, 11.28 I75. wis,-r ruiAlus-jl. par hampar TOMATOBShji'rlda, par -baskst crata. ancjr vevv llMSI,lll CAOIcaiosat, Ig.aeBB : Misslisippt a. fancy, 'U. to. " WATRJ5E!Prr!4rL'i)TBo each. AUUTIUN BALMS .XSUSTaiPlDAT ORANOBVS Plarla-v,' par box.(I2 to 21( wvj "" s.yM.an., y - GOVEKNMENT BONDS 0.',, AR? i, ..,,...,.,. ai io;A ii ,"ii r, f ,! i wm f. I 1 a.a a -t Jaa ' PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND' FLOUR WHEAT neclpt. 1000 huHH, rirm. rollowins are tho quotitlonn Car Ion In a ?"'.t ivator (QoTrrnment rnmati fattnatjj ItV WctlonV tUiKUrd orlca No. 1 northern prlne. u.a 19 'J7. No. durum. 12.2? no. i nara winter, hard i No. 2, white. 12 271 US I i. No. Inter. No, 1, I2.2T: IZ.241 aoii : lanirdi-.Vmii? d.."ro2 s.ii. n82"''i' maximum prleea only to b, ao ?Llfdi.iwj!n tn 'hr aualltlea In the wheat ti "'.'' ""ouah to warrant It. . , ,,No. 3 whaata Maximum nrlce containing ..Ti1 v,.r etn' molatura to 13.B per centmolj ure, 46 under No. 1 or No. 3 red, J2.2S: iVJ-.i '. red. 12.21, Maximum orica coj !.Vi'Ji;,x.,s. to 14 wr cent mplature. 89 Mti'io" No- a red- ,2'M! N- v. 1 whaa'tt Maxlum rilce So, under I21 "d ,2-3,! - ,0" r r,. i. ! "heata Maximum nrlca eontalnlna not over 14.8 per cent molature "cylinder Maximum nrlca contalnlne not over 14.T E' "".rnoliture. 7c under. No. 1. or No. Srd--',2-20i N- f soft .red. I2.18. Maxl; 2!Jm..BrlC8.con,lnfn not over in per cent moliture. 8o under No. 1. or No. 8 red. 12 li No. S lott red. 12.17. Sample wheata Handled on merlta. but !.nno SK,t. ,h rl be hlaher than 4c uno!T. fl0, K ot ,h aubo'aet reoreaented. Smuttr wheata Value ahitl be determined f F ""xda baala of the claae knd aub- FI.OUR necelpta. 200 bbla. and S 5S2..110 j. '" aacka. The market ruled atrady under llht orrerlnge and a fair demand. Quota tlona: To arrive, per 106 Ibe. packed In lb. "Acl! Winter wheat. 10U per cent flour. Jlo.Tnoil: Kaneaa wheat. 100 per cent nour. i ii 2: eprlns wheat. 100 per cent flour. Il( 7intno.7. RYE FLOUR mile! inrf har.lv len,1v. We Quote, at f&.SOCn per bbl.. In aacka, aa to quality. curiM neceipta. 81.653 buaheia. Trade low and aluea were nominal. Quotation": Car lota for local trade No. 2 yellow, II 68 1.701 No 8 yellow. II 41.0. OATS Receipts, 21,030 bulhela. Trade waa alow, hut prleea were, ateadlly held. Quotations; No 2 white, K114 82ci atandnrd whit, 8l81V4ci No. 8 white, 8080Hc; No. 4 whits, 78470&c. PROVISIONS . . The market ruled steadr, but there waa little tradlnir. Quotatlona follow: Cii- beef. In aeta. emokad and alrlrled. 80c: western OKI. Ill BriBi HlllDKeU. OVC. VIJ "mi knuckles, and tendera, smoked and air-dried. 40C: western beef, knucklea and tenders, moked, 4oo. Tleaf hams. 148. Pork, fsm 02V03. Hams. S. P. cured, loose, 28U do. skinned, loose. 28U 029Ho: do, do. ami smoked xH tragic; other hams. smoki city cured. BHttsoWc, 4 OSlUc, di as to brand and aver do. smoked, western .. .?? cured.: do. holled. lionelesa.iaVic: Slcnlc shoulders, s, imoksd. 22He 8. P. cured, loose, 21Hc: Bellies. In nlcku. accord Ins to average, loose. 82c. Breakfast bacon, a a to brand and average, city cured. 40c: do. western cured. 40c. Lard, western, raflned. 28M 927c; do, pure city, kettle rendered. 264 827c. REFINED SUGARS Demand was fair and the market ruled steady on a basis of 7.45c for line granu lated. DAIRY PRODUCTS CHEESE Old goqds were quiet but steady. Zftw of fine quality ruled firm under scarcity, The quotations were as fol lows: New York, whole-milk choice, old, 24.H 25c: specials, higher. New Tork. whole-milk, fair to good. old. :2024c: do. do. choice fresh. 23tt 021c: do. do. fair. 28c. BUTTER The market ruled Arm under a fair demand. The quotations ranged aa fol lows: Roltd-packed creamery, extra, 44ct high-scoring lota, 48948;; extra flrsta. 43c: firsts, 41042c: seconds. .IStrlOc: nearby prints, fancy, extra. 4Rci fancy branda Job. blnr at 40051c; fair to good. 41V46C; gar licky. 35 88c. REQS Supplies were wel under control The market advanced 16c per case under a good demand Quotations: Free .cam nearhv nrsts. 811.40 per standard case: cur- rent receipts, . -- :.z:- li. - r.i . . - . , fiu.vo per L'-BCi weetern cir ,- aaaaassa saagjss.asB.asgjgagagsjsigaisasaaasaaaassas i i i i saaaaa. aa aaas a i a a -s i i i s mmmmmmmm- sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssV IFasssssssssI saaaaakiH tf m WslS' v saaaaaaaaaaaaiaaasisilassBSB Je)' af i! BslBllllBIasaiaJ'v ''' "i,V ""'"''it. I Pioneer Days and Today " Since our forefathers blazed the trail for civilization on this great continent, we have invented and accom plished many seemingly impossible things which have marked the milestones of our progress. And as steam, electricity, the wireless, telegraph and telephone, together with the hundred and one other essentials which have revolutionized our methods of business and means of communication, perform their "short-cut" functions for us, so have , -v. , t displaced, in a great measure, that relic of pioneer days, the horse-drawn delivery vehicle, to which the modern business man clings only until he is shown its costly in efficiency as compared to truck and trailer service. If the delivery department of your business has not yet gotten away from pioneer-era horse-drawn equipment we dealers believe you owe it to, yourself tio let us analyze your delivery problem at, no cost to' yourself. TRUXTUN If' it's economy you're after, Trktun will Intmrt you. For fruxtuB means a wmn itweyTtlme-and upkeep. It costs iSut the' same as om good gublo team and does the work thre: Truxtunland2ton. WrHetw our .Iterator. trtUXTWI sum: CO. V" .; H.'aIss,V J. M., YHV '" - firsts. ,111.40 per caset flrsta, lions per "J!.fncr "elected egga were Jobblni at 44946c per dozen, POULTRY LIVE rotlt.Tnr Kowls were more freely pnered and 1c lower, but choice slocks wero In fair request at revlseri.prlces, Other kinds of poultrr showed llltlo change. Quotatlona! Fowls, n.Kr.llr. Pprinc chickens? nit l'"i horns WelKhJnir Ji'2 lbs, apiece, r,nb ISei welghlns IffllH lbs. arlece. nnanjci ehlto IrRhornn. acordlna to alxe. 42tc48c S!X!F.X "ou.n roostera, iSfiS-'nc. old roosters'. ?,?&& !i'iKr."' rtt'V' -"W'. do. Indian IViTf'1 5 "2,c. Oulneua. per pair. It si JP1.1.V riBcons. old, per pair, 4u&4Sci do. " . V . t I'rtttl .OWOI'l. DltKHSi:t The market t-uteri flrm ...,.. :in.l acarclty, with demand equal to the on"erlns. Quotations) Fresh-killed owls. In hi,". "'. t'. iyl'itru, mncy aeicciea. AOcl welnin I lbs. and over apiece, ancs smaller sires, 8,1035c. Old roosters, drj.plcked. -JJ-'. Koastlnit chickens, western, welghlns 4'4 lb. and oer apiece. 873sc: welghlna, 4 lbs. aplere. anci i welshln- H Ilia aphce 85c. welahlnir "H 03 lbs. apiece, 3lr, Tut. keja, nearhj, rtryplrKed, best, 33fJS4c: fair lo cood. 28W30cl do. western, drj.pltked. best. 3Jatc: fair to eood. 263(lc; do. old toms, 34cr do. common. 250JHc. Hprlna ducks, l.ons Island. 3530c. Sauabs. n.r FRESH FRUITS Demand waa alr Jind aluea generally were well suetst-Wri on iholro stork. Oun. tatlone: Applen.Per Mil. Wlnesap, I50: Albemarlo Pippin. 83011; Baldwin, tlOB: Hen DaMa. IS 506; Willow Twin. JHtt 10.50. Applen. western, per box Wlneeap. I2BOS4.50; Hen Davis, 12.5003 50; New town Pippin. I2fr4. Apnlea, nesrb. ner hamper, ntk-ffll Ml; do, do. per -buhel basket, 25cB"$l.:5. Peaches, Oeorgla, per 0-basket carrier. ll.23r.1.S0. Lemons, per box. IStflo, Ornngei, Florida, per box 14 7.50; do, California, per box, JB08. Urapefrult. Florida, per box. I...S1M, Pine apples. Porto Itlro, per crate. 183 Hlsrk berries, North Carolina, per qt., OWlRc. Cherries. California, per box. 2tf3. Can taloupes, Callfornln, per standard crate t6 CT7; do, do. per pony irite. 15. Watermel one. Florida, per 100, 135075; do, do, per car load. 350?500 VEGETABLES potaloeswere freely ottered and easier. Other vegetables were In fair supply and demand at revised figures. Quotations. White potatoes, per loo lbs PenneWianla, tt.8nQl.70t New York, 11.3001.70: do. South Ctrollna, per bhl. No, 1, f4.50O3, No. 2. fit SHCrS SO. do. Florida, per bhl No. 1. I4.T50V3: No 2. I33 50; do. do, per 150-lh bag No. 1. I3W3 30; No. 2. li H?2,30 aueet potatoes. Jureej, per ham perNo. 1. 12 5008; No. 'J. II 2591.73. Celery. Florida, per rrute, ISWr.. l-.Bg. plant. Florida, per box, !22.73; do, Cuban, per box, II W2. Cucumbers, Florida, per basket, SOrfflJ: do. fouth Carolina, per basket. 1193 Itenns. South Carolina, per namper. niicio i. ao. iicargin. pr nam-, per. 50c4Cll: dn. North Carolina, per hanW per. 1 5ur2.'J5; dn. do. per H-hbl. basket. II 50(82.73; do. Virginia. per.H.bbl. has. ket, tS.SoOS lleets, Norfolk, per 100 bunches. 2&5 Peas. Norfolk, per ham per, 75cl2. Corn, Florida, per crate, Mfp 4. Peppers, Florida, per irate. l 50f2.25; do. rubnn. per box, IIW2j;'i. . Tomatoes, Florida, pen crate, IJ.25tJ8. Cahhage. Nor folk, per bbl crate. I3SS3 30: do. K.aatern Rhn... tr lihl. rratn. I3(l'3 50. Onions. 'exas new, per crate No. 1, i.c!! 23: No. 2. 50 75c. Watercress. per 1110 bunches. 20 S 30c. Iiw: Mushrooms, per lb Refined Sugar Shows No Change New York, Juno 6 The refined sugar market shows no change, local refiners quoting on tho basis of 7.t5c for fine granulated. The Federal and National Companies aro withdrawn Cuban raws are unchanged at 6.005c, duty paid. The International sugar committee has purchased D21.00Q bags nf Cuban sugar for June shipment at 4,985c rM . U'rtlta U'.l.hlfl. 11 h III II,. -- . ' 17 JTj2.1 Vo. wwshinc li tS 10 ib: ,,r Zl ' !L"d,,?eJ:?.rnVr? Jni-lWn7.-,: jo. welghlna 8 lbs. per do ; mark was, "Pi iA4jr,l.7S: do. nelKhina 7 lbs. per dox Si(e peal to'mc? ! Tm?.y "S: dnrlt 18Jl small and No, 2, ,, ,.,, 7SeOl2. ' ' I arlez-voua Motor Trucks Trailers DUPLEX - Fonr-Wkccl Drive will do twice as much work as any two-wheel driye truck of equal capacity at a saving; of 33 1-3 on tires and gasoline. Let us prove it. i B.f LP; MOT OR CO Jnc. BUSINESS' CAREER OF PETER FLINT A Shry of Salesmanship by Harold Whitehead (Copyright, lllfl questions on DMllitp, sefffni;, adicrltelna nitrf emploiniriif. Atk vaur ouesflons rleaflv nnrf voi Dive nil the Jactlt, Your correct name nnrf full nffilrcss .ins( be stoned to all fiiqutrlrs. Thoic tcifci arc nnoniinoHS irtusf be ignored. Answers to technical qncstfons telt be sent hu wirtl. Other qucstioni ictll be ansitcrrrf in thta column Th moxt intcrestinp prob lems of inquirers u fl be tootrn into the ttorv 0 Peter Flint. x CVnI MY HOW Graham laughed at me when 1 told him my experience this morning; with a Frenchman 1 I remem bered what he said about trying to speak to people In their own language. I used to speak French fairly well, fo when I called at the Frenchman's house the door, nnn his first re- ardon, Hlr.; you wecsh to 1 answered, "Qui, Mon- Francals?" ho asked, eagerly, his face lighting up. "un peu, l repnea. He Bald something In French, but so quickly I did not catch It. "Kxcuser mol," 1 began, "docs nous read la Moon 7" "Comment?" he said, looking puxiled. t Iihuiii T lsnt,M(- (West fiillfA l11f so I tried again:' "So dVslrezTous 'SSZ scribe d la llvre la Moon?" Book? Hook? You sen booksr Non. non. Monsieur tho newB na- pier," said I hurriedly, "KcrUez votre nom sur 1 contract blank." The man looked at mo for a minute, then burst out laughing. "Perhaps my Kngllsh may Do a little more intelligible to you than jour French Is to me.'1 He gae me an order and a cigarette after I hnd explained the proposition, and bade hid good-day, and an I went down the atepi ho called after me. "Allow me to compliment you on your Parisian accent I" Oraham told me that ha was quietly looking around for another opening In New York, and he was good enough to say that If he heard of nnMhlng that would suit me ho would let mc know. 1 demurred somewhat and said 1 thought I ought to stay, where I was for u few months at any rate, as I had been Jumping around from one thing to another for so long that I didn't seem to get ahead at all. "Y'our determination to secure a per manent, progressive opportunity Is ex cellent." said Oraham to me. "but If ybu are In a position which Is not per manent nor progressive Is It wise to continue; In It Just for the sake of a shibboleth?" "What's that mean?" I asked Look It up In your dictionary wnen vnu iret lo vour room. "I haven't got one there." "No?" And he raised his ejebrows In surprise. "I think It would be an excellent Investment on your part. I cannot understand anybody being with out a dictionary." Well, we left It that If he could find a Job with a good future for me 1 would bo tickled to pieces to take It. I felt the last few days that, although It may be dandy to work for a good inner. It was a bit of a Joke to work for the Moon, which was unquestionably a punk Bhect. One of tho craw managers and his gang were fired today. They hadn't been doing very well. It seems, so Perry and Power at theRim Is greater than at the hub. like ordi nary axles. That's why x DENBY TRUCKS with Deriby inter nal gear, do more work one to five tons.- a . m. f -.. DIAMOND T. STANDARD CHASSIS lgglgtSggSgg had sent a fellow to see what they did, and it turned out they would work 'for about three hours In the morning, and then they would go boozing tor the rest ot the day and the lies they told the people 1 It was quite common for them to say that tho x whole ear's mibscrlpi Hon was only fifty cents and that wn tho only payment tho people had lo make. Oraham and 1 saw tho gang standing nt the corner yesterday, holding an ln dlgnatlon meeting. It seems they tried to get some of tlin other fellows to threaten to, leae If they were fired. One fellow belong. Ing to nnother crew told Perry ho would lcae If he fired theo thers. Quick as a flash Perry said, ''t won't wait for you to leave. You'ro fired. Do you get that?" He put his hand In hit) pocket and pulled out some hills and paid the man off. And say! the fellow wat surprised. He changed his tone In a minute. "Aw, don't take It like that, Mr. Terry ; I was only Joking." Perry ailed up, all together, and told Us what the dismissed gang had been up to. "Listen, you, fellows, we're some times working on a second-rate paper such as this. Sometimes we're on pretty good papers. We can't always choose the kind uf papers we work for. We hae to lake tha Jobs when they come along. Uut there's ono thing you can take from me. That" Is. whatever paper we work for, we work on the leel. It's Just such bumB as that gang I'o fired which get nil solicitors as a body In bad The malorlty of solicitors are mighty decent fillows. I beliee all you fellows Hre on the level; but If you're not, ou had better get out of our , ?. ."""'!' !'I J Deroro l. clear jou out. '" '-""" "' """ TODAY'S IIU.SINI'.SS KPIdrtAM It's paradoxical, but true, that In order to climb ou mult Keep on the litiel. AMi at dors this mean lo YOU? Business QueMions Answered Will sou please send me a list of the best trade papers catering to the food product In- austrj. an I am Interested tha same aa I.. M. Those with the most dlsplsy adtertls. ing should appeal to me. 8PECIALTY SLAESMAN. Under separate cover you will receive a list or the trade publications you ask ro r. I run a shoe store and do a business of 120.000 a sear. What had my rent ought to be? I ask because the landlord wanta to raise It I pay 1550 now and he wants to make It f7oo. 8IIOBMAN. You are paying all you should now. Rent should be about 3 per cent, of your sales, or on 120,000 you should pay not more than IpBO. (CONTINUED TOMORROW) Decrease in Wheat Flour Onlput Sllnnrapalla, June 6 The Northwest ern Miller says: "Tho Minneapolis wheat flour output last week decreased 11,820 barrels. The mills made, week ended June 1st, 199,060 barrels, against 210. 425 barrels In 1917. Todny sixteen mills aro In operation. Demand for wheal flour Is of a routine nature. Government Orders Steel for Cars New York, June 6. The Government has distributed order for 922,110 tons of plates, shapes and bam with the Btrel makers, to be used for the 100,000 cars which the Government recently ordered from the equipment makers of the coun try. DIAMOND T TRUCKS Built in five sizes ta fit the require ments of every user. After more than five years of service no DIAMOND T TRUCK has ever worn out; they are good Invest ments for Ions service. Standardised units plus our plan of care of trucks in service ive a maximum of hauling; efficiency. Ask sny user. Ebert Motor Truck Co. Inc. DISTRIBUTORS 242529 N. Broad St. MOTORTRUCKS are backed by a 170.000,000 00 Corpora tion with 76 yeara of manufacturing experience, a aervlc organisation with 00 direct Company Branchea and tbou aanda ot local distributors. Think what this means to an owner. 1800. 2000, S000. 4000 t . Pounds Capacity Factory Branch and Service Rtatlon 211-13 North 22d Streat You'll find in the Master Truck; those same units of construction that are Included In the highest priced trucks In America but at a, moderate price. Add to this tha many exclusive Master features and you have the best truck value ob tainable, regardless of price. 2, 3 U2, S Ton Immtdiat Dtllotry Larson Oldsmdbile Co. 231-33 NORTH BROAD STREET TROY TRAILERS Ju, - 1T?ciSWl INCREASE - iK MOTOPfRypc ,twm 5 . 'aaKamaaWflsav ..ssaaEacaaaHvsar --.' sal . M aajsasauasanjaaaanssaai Philadelphia Arrivals at Netv York Hotels The following residents of Philadelphia are registered at New York hotela: Mrs. A. Arnold, Ureslln T, lishan, Jr., Continental. (I II. Colestork. Grand. J. Denier. Grand. J, Irwin. Navarre. J. II. Kelley, Ilreslln. II. A. McFarlan. Continental. C. 8, MtNally, Latham. M, J, O. Patterson. Continental C. A. Htokea, Navarre. F. J, Swltiel. Van Cortland Mrs. F. J. Swlttel, Van Cortland. W. If. Thorne. Ureslln J. II. Anderson, Park Avenue, C, K. Duryea. Longacre F. C. Hatch. 81. Louis Mrs F. f. Hatch. St. Louis. C. If, Kltnberly, Park Avenue. N, U. Klelnrlb, Latham. J. L. Llpshutx. Longacre. O. O'ttrlen, Park Avenue. J, F. Watklns, Ilreslln. N. D, Yamal, Park Avenue, Trade Representatives niauners Miss Lustlg, dresses, 15 East Twenty-sixth street. Itoom 1814. Dannenbsum Millinery Company L. Loeb, lacea and ornaments, Hotel Aberdeen. Frank A 8eder H. L. ltembaum. coats, nulls, furs and dresses, 884 Fifth avenue, care Abel Olmbel Hrothera E. Deal, representing; H Itohn, trunks and leather goods; Mis A, 13. Lerner. women's wesr tbaaemenl); Miss A Guggenheim, umbrellas; X? 8. Scntt. men's furnishing roods, Rroadnsy and Thlrt -second street. Lsrcman Brothers J. ltrgman. manufac turers men's neckwear. 200 Fifth avenue Lit nrothere Mr, Feldtnan. Jobs cotton dresses. 1281 Ilroadway M Silverman Son A. Silverman, ready- SiafSEBBJSTSfSJSJs frtePAJiLlSit5 - SHOPS GENTLEMEN The Largest Distributors of MANHATTAN SKIBTS la rhlledelpbJa Unusual Values in Cool Underwear For These Warm Da$s Mansco Two-Piece Suits $1.00 to $4.00 Garment Mansco Union Suits $1.25 to $6.50 Delpark Skirts and Drawers, 5 5c eacK Our Feature Garment This rVeek LIGHT MKRCEKIZF.n MSLK THREAD SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, VERY SILKY. A LIGHT BLUE SHADE, MADE IN rillLADKLriUA II V THE ROXrORD MILLS AND ALWAYS BOLD fOR S1.S0. Now $1.00 a Garment ALL SIZES SB TO 150 INCHES 1018 CHESTNUT STREET 113 S. 13TH STREET MOTOR TRUCK EXPRESS Hauling Miscellaneous Freight Daily Between " New York Philadelphia Baltimore RemAmgK Otir Own Tri-Weekly Service Direct to 5 Washington. Easton, Pa. AUentown, Pa. Bethlchen, Pit.''' SHIPMENTS TRANSFERRED - 'J. At Nw York for Brooklyn, hobokkn. jersey crrtr, 'MhriJ' i nerw lonior ARK points ik Connecticut, KAHAci.t SETTS, rtHODE ISLAND. RECEIVING STATIONS NEW YORK Cor. Dey and Washington Street! PHILADELPHIA 525 Market Street BALTIMORE 20 East Pratt Street READING 12 North 6th Street EASTON Ferry and Sltgreaves Streets BEAM-FLETCHER CORPORATION NEW RATE CARDS lirON REQUEST n.. .j m Li uAiHH r :-Li. c.j - 1 u&y ami nigui muiui ncigui servicer NEW YORK and Efficient Raft Mm Overnight iotu MM aervic ae w A New Departure OBERHOLTZER PH1LA A MAIN OFFICE. 2611-29 N. REESE ST PrfILADKMHTA;JPA ' ntlLA. FREIGHT STATION NEW YORK FREIGHT STATI4X' I SSU-S9 K. Rea. St. ,M" ". IStt S3IA,u 'rW rhanrat Kens. USS. fark Ul. "ASK FOR MR. SMOLENSK For prompt and efficient scrrlc NEW YORK and Daily Service Beth Ways PHILADELPHIA S4 North Front St. Market 2360. Main 411 New York and Philadelphia Airto Trickin b Utmbfra Phlla. Cliambor of Commerco. TM Phils. Phone: Market 201 M0T0RB)FREI6hT . f 'n TIO ARCH STRBHP treiant rorumraert a au nam MOTOR FREIGHT, mt (NEW YORK aid sEiviPHMDELPBIA HINSDALE SoSr- RtCEIVING' STATIONS. V 41 MfctSw4 -,'1' ""9 -- 'a'assssssssa ?" (tb mmtwm ALL ABOARD FOl NEW YORK emmmskmkmwmmm I ' as t .T- M i.i to-wsar., 18 W4wt,..-Twtlr-TwJ Hotel iNitin. - '-'..-' K Rnellennura1 Ji Co. Mrs. "MMnfc maawist m.mlmtm, Ua C - XHlAU. 'H!tllra fants' wears 1381 Broadway, Mrtnts mmm nrathera R If. tlttnan. sal lurers- sains, ing sreum JKs.il. j m? CLOSING LIVESTOCK PWOtH . lllDgl A 14000 R(Vf fttg. t 2 000 head. Unevenly Ida to 20e fowtf r loo to 2oo lowar osssr Heavf- butelieti-- lliH rmmt & aa ! as) . Iwhf hntrhera IIS.TnBlS.IBf SSHT nark'ers. lis AOtllff US: rough heavy, 11 m rh heavy. rfBIR RO- Alrrtflsrl l.Kht. I1T0 and JUlit mixed, lis.fto iin.4norio.sa I'Ai i hh, Jirceipia, ii nw a . W 4 . A AAA V. J tittle tradlnir on a count or delar in nattU tn i-tstna gin lfnlini nf Btrtltt. generally steady with, yesterday's el. X Heet pulp atecra averaglnar 1800 pounds sel4 lii,n. . 2 t SHP.EP. HEEP Receipts, sooo. Btronr. .-"gafia mg-welght shorn Iambs higher t I17.7fi ng lambs. ISO R0. 8Beep steady; Mtt strong handy fat ewes. Kansas Cltf , June fl CATTLE Reit, HOGS Itecelpta. 7000 beads Be to 10c hlBllEP Receipts. 200 head. Slron. 2Bo higher. Pontn Omaha. June n. HOGS Receipts, 11.700 head; Be to 10c lower. CATTLE Recelpta, B200 headl 10 to S0 SHEEP Kecelptg. 1700 bead. Strong". Kretge Co. Increates Dividend Detroit, Midi., June 6. Tho 3. & Kresge Company declared a semi-annual dividend of 24 per cent on ths common stock, an Increase of H of 1 per ctnt, placing the stock upon, a B par ,cnt annum baols. p , B.V. D. , Union Suits $1.25 Single Garments 65c M 7 -rr-i& a. i &P .S aiiiu FOPLAB tf,'' PHILADELPHIA tv per ReeeMnr StmHmm; " 100 '- .-51 m a toe. neeetnng atmim in Motor Truck Delivery vr . -A NEW YORK EXPRESS CO fri: Fhenca: FABBAOOT t v t iQl 1 sa yonr ghlpsasats ufwmeeei'fS', '' : ?m i ifjgp '1 -.;' " ii s-MXAZii. '1 Sfciifer ! nssaMi 1 w. . w, . Merchanta' AWi MJtWr' ruujujj&Yjm 0is).rfii,1 '' jn MMt sigggm Lf fr'! tv SL . tAi -mm: J h. v4- . c , j j isria .-, m, v, .' j "j ii a , .vBl . ...' .ssnu m J&' I3.ts'-. 3t tS$ vT jTV ' . I ir' 1 r- -J,.'J sv ft ,ea- '' a i.-.i m OT? mi 1 "J-1! titm:; Siusasfa. SShj I iy.lisa! '. . ttr- -C-lu . ZZ11111J1j T'vBggsgsgfaasaaaBsBBBaewagaepeje--- . v " -"a v.w u ? - " i- ', - " ' SS Uswtma. ,,v n:-M'i - y y wmmmi ?- m WemMtmBWmLmmm ? if , V $ V1 T 4t s tlil . .J"" ' 5 i.A4s-i,i