rfT-, riff'.oSi'- f"? Mr- I Lfe" fi l ; w 3- . & J,7- I I j K" rjt m iV ICJ i fe-ii S -I G0SSIB OF THE STREET 1' i- 'jnj .MEN -IN FINANCIAL OPTIMISTIC CONCERNING GENERAL WAR SITUATION M ': Some Believe Hprmnn fiftVnftiv T Rrnlcen anil Usual . , ; .ta euton peace Pronnsition Looked For Gossip of the Street fTlHE Wall street broker who said yesterday that if a German itib- 'L marine should show Itnelf nt tha font nf Wall atract h believed tf .' the tnarkat would'advance ien points ' r nt prevailing among financial men In this cliy, Some broker say they I tJlv the German offensive In the west Is broken and It Is now time for r, the Prussian military party to Issue Mr'-iiiujiij bo as io gain some time, t-l -... fi v vt. HiW IIIIQ il 1,11111 B1IUU1U yl UTB II UC 111? i"J"Vk that'the Allies will first make a counterattack; which will be the beginning vJ cnanffe ln tn presenUmap of Europe. i1 There Is a very intelligent minority ln the financial district here that 'refuses to be bullish over the present war news, or the course of events so far. They point out that JIUr'es of the German losses In this lBM.l,lt..l . .,-- . . . . vUi..uli.uuii 04 mo extravagant claims or uermany as 10 me nurawr ef, prisoners and war material captured. Those who hold these views are In the minority, while the majority are Inclined to believe that the Allies 'are saying little, but when the tune comes to speak they; will have some thing to say worth whlle. Some assert that the great strength of the market early yesterday was 4ue In a great measure to support given by wealthy Insiders, who Managed to get an accurate Idea of how matters stand before the public. h ana who know that favorable news is War Finance Corporation Reverses Itself After turning down the New .Orleans Railway and Light Company when It applied for a loan recently, the War Finance C6rporatIon has a reversed itself in the case of United Railways of 8t. Louis, under condU 4 fc tlons which, to "the-man in the street," seem parallel. In taking action in ithe latter case the War Finance Corporation announces that It has ft found reason to make an "exception J declining loans to public utilities corporation, and has decided toxlend the United Railways Company of St. Louis $8,2S5,006 for the period of six months at 7 per cent Interest. The United Railways Company satisfied the corporation that Its service was directly within the principle of contribut ing toward the prosecution of the war, as Its lines are engaged ln a heavy traffic connected with the dispatch of both men and material for war purposes. I ' ' ' This financing of public utilities Is looked upon by bankers as a very erlous problem at .the present time, and It is said that plans are being developed for a Joint conference of bankers representlngPhlladelphla, New' York, Chicago and Boston, to discuss ways for financing the public Utilities of the country. The first meeting of these bankers was held this week. , Developments indicate that the financing of utilities, instead of being ,. Handled by thAVar Finance Corporation, will fall to the lot of the banks, and,, in, order'to strengthen the credit of the utilities and to enable them to finance themselves on the most advantageous terms, It is necessary that their revenues should be in some degree commensurate with their ever Increasing Expenditures. It is believed the situation will be laid carefully " before the, Public Service Commissions to do. their part ln upholding the credit of the utilities, so that they may be enabled to continue to serve the Government and the country ln supplying light, heat, power and , transportation for the workers in the war Industries. There is this advantage in having these public utilities financed by the1 banks Instead of directly by the War Finance Corporation, as waa pointed out by a banker yesterday: In each Instance the utilities corpora tion makis provision for good collateral in the form of mortgage bonds, or some other security equally as good. Where the banks take the securities they can use them as collateral for their own notes to borrow from the War Finance Corporation, and if they accept bonds of the War Finance Corporation they can use these bonds as collateral for their own notes to borrow from the Federal Reserve Banks. By this, method the banks will show liabilities to the War Finance Corporation, that is, the, War Finance Corporation will hold the tpUsqfj the banks secured) by .whatever-collateral pie banks may have received instead of holding only the notes of the utility, as would be ' the fltse in a direct loan- This phase is one of the important topics to be taken up by the bankers. v Cash Received for French Debt . Bonbright & Co, announce that fund haw been received from the -Ertjfch banks participating: ln the 115,000,000 Frenr-h Export Acceptance . Credl of March 12, 1917, for the payment of the third and final "40,006,000 1 Installment under that credit, which Is due on Friday. . This completes the payment in full of four similar credits amounting: to $0,000,ti00 which were arranged by the BonbrighLconcern for Schneider & Co., tlie bis French munitions" manufacturers, ln order to provide ex change facilities ior the payment of part of-the French purchases for war material ln this country. v " Bonbright & Co: and H. M. Byllesby & Co. are offering $360,000 Arkan sas Valley Railway, Light and power Company secured 7 per cent gold notes dated June 11918, and due December 1, 1920. These are a part of an authorized issue of $1,500,000. 'The price at which they are being put out , to investors is 974 and accrued' Interest yielding 8 per cent. The same bankers, are, offering $200,000 Ottumwa Railway and Light u Company secured? per cent-gold notes at the same price, showing the 'JrgSvhMd1 to the,' investor. These notes are dated the same as the otlefsai men tioned and also have the same 'maturity. They are a part of an authorised issue of $850,000. 'kfjiiame and Excess Profit Tcutes yj$g$ VArrangements have been made by the Secretary of tlie Treasury, re-yp- marked 'a leading banker yesterday, with the Federal Reserve Banks i wkereby the income and excess profits 15 should cause little if any disturbance in the money market, and, .if ' r a frier? out. should have the effect of :- , The"' plan proposed is a simple r . . . , ., ,T . ,-- I'j'-T. . ...alMn... ..,111 a enA.llAil , lha r.vt tUBIfr W .T,. w ubvai.vu WJ ...w ' . A .f.i, A t..u1.n nM.nn .... Tla.,1. 13 Ja, V4-IU V.41V;V.fVB U.fn, Ult Wl 4- Tf. MB PUJIIUHI WJJUSllOU 1U ftfailSW O. "Jn-.coneequence of this arrangement, the process resolves itself into a mere y shifting? of book credits. The individual banks will not lose any de posits Until such time as the Government finds it necessary to make with drawals, and, in the meantime, the transfer or the 'credit from the In dividual or corporation to the 'Government-relieves the bank from the i i!i' obligation of maintaining legal reserves against such deposits. The reduc IvLfi Ition of legal reserve requirements, he remarked, naturally expands the IS"l"sT. '- -. .1. m. . . j, r,i.naing, capacity pi ine Djiniis, ana to mat extent snouid prove neiptui llJt, 'during the tax period, when demands for money are certain to be very Government Local ."Si Market Reports i nil. ' , i ' " pfft fi. T 'a"V rporf it tent out ei the .Bureau o MarKtie oj ine unuta mates Department of Agriculture, PhlladeU fkia branch, uHth headquarter at St? , tlf Insurance Exchange BuUding, i $ -fi (Wholesale prices on large lots to jaeners oaseo on saies at me various t1?" railroad depots.) 1. FRUITS , S8-Lpr barrel (40 to 80 quarter Inols. .Willow Twin mostly. 10; par st -Dusncl oajKet. winessps. IjqfBRRjES North' Carolina, per ' KLkTALOUPES California. pr raw (48 . melons).' 47: pontes ( standard (48 small MUfts;, so; in Texas, per flat l to 12 cfsay, per pound, temper codasncRR RRIE8 Jersey, per quart, ,19 we rrACHES Georgia, par 6-baaket crate. various varlatlfs, smau Arp usauiy, iz.eo JlNEAPPLEa Porto RIcoa per crat (42 lajes). ISVB. Sl.DDVDOtVa T..mr ... .1., MA KA, fMtfllca,,,..,, fVV ytMl, mVW i'TRAWBBRRTBa Jrsrj pr hurt (82.' MUAr, fraUill! i 3?rjr --mX-..T"zz- some fancy, iicj . -' r VIKJETABLEB AsrXRAaUB Nearby, per bunch, gresn. uwimi, zoci isncy, isvzvc: prime. lC? CUllS., 6C. ,t" -! spuia Carolina, - par ouaosi (14 to ,18 quartsr Pecks), grssn. )( Norfolk; ttt-barreVu.bmpr, iw -o; eria carA gresn. a bavspsra. wajfa-V' 2. IViBn'TS. M Jisarer. per wta en ... -jir. . wm. ml a sHi.n -. ? nt " I T il' ..nHW !!! CIRCLES ST to Gain Time Mav Be - rava expression to the general sent!- one of lis usual bombastic peace pernaps lor anoiner onensiv on we hav had no approximate last drlv nor have we any official - . .. - w- coming from operations ln Europe. to the recently announced policy of taxes payments to be made on June Increasing: the reservo ln the hanks. one: Checks drawn on Bank A by its w , . . .. Inlefn.l FAW.nn. nnlll..w m.lll T3n..t. ... a. U. .VTVIIUU MIUBblVIO VT,.. UltV ...111 V. .Ih.II..I J.hk.II.J 1.. D..I, . .a . . . . . .-- hamper, 75c 1 5; goutb Carolina, tt,SS93l Norfolk. .78eJ8 80.. ' w cuoi-LpaiM r norma, per crate. i.oog. LETTUCE Pennsylvania, per barrel (SO to 80 hsads), 75c 12: Jersey, per crate. (2 dozen heads). il.2Bsjl.7S. MU8HROOM8 Nsarby. per pound (3 to 4 pound baskst). 808e. . ONIONB -Tsgaa pr buahst crate), yel lows.. Unltsd atata. No., 3. 11. 181. 23: poorer. 50c fl: bailer. 40Otoc. PEAS Jsrasy, K -bushel basket, small. 80 078c; large, 73c,l,10: Little Marvels, PEPPERS Florida, per crat. I1.252, rOTATOEH Fkwlda, per double head barrels (40 quarter pecks), M4.75, No. 2. 12.78 0S.59; ueks. no pounds. No. I, IS i.78: No. J. jl.78lf2.I5: South Carolina. cloth top barrsle. i No. -' lJstSi No 1 2.50f3.78: Oeorgla. -rsds, No. 1, S.80 4.23: bulk. Mlchlgsn and New Tork. United wI'.KfA,.,1o,Sj61 PH,r,r rld. 11.80, RAD18HE8 Ntrcy,. per bunch. 1H RHURARR Nearby, per buneb, SSSe. 8CALLI0NS Nrby. psr 100 buach7ll uj-lMAUH rsnnsyivajiia., par h,tk! SS&i.J50LiirHgiJfr hrrsl. I1.2805 hweiet -irrATUaw jeessy. par hamper "'if. -i-Stl."K.V"X- TOMA'TObW ritfrld'a fancy bsst. 44.2SV4.78: choice ibsst, , wvjszssj'tH.snsn-thoie- AIgN?Aiilf,i&T " ORANORrierlda.pr box (12 to 311 in boa), IS.4.e.7Ti KMfornla. psr box (IS to 28 In box). 4.78T.80. QRAPE Pr box (l te Winn ,LEM In box). 18 18W8.S0., Citon vaurorni, pi i In box), 'IIfU.M, per pox (210 .to see mJS v, , GO VERNMRNT BONDS fciaJiV"?w'r'tf .! aSauesa.uii:!:':-::: pst. Urn. V ' ft " V J ! io' M' S'-' A m kJsHiMgf. II 1. aSKStmlasa. mWm T , mWaurBUL. wk flPPriMBta Ti " n ? iflYENING PUBLIC PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND' FLOUR WHEAT Receipts, 1000 busrtsi. Firm. Following? are the quotations: car loU In export Isvstor (government' standard ln apejtlori). standard prices No. 1 northern spring. M.8T1 No. t hard winter. V.1T: No. 2' lururn 12.27! No. 1 hard white. 12 27! U? V"izTA."t " '-iii o. s. IZ.X4.I piv J :- "" . Minimum "".'Sv 12.2(1; No. T7"v? wimer no. 3. 12.211 do. eta. . Si.n do. No. rr no. 12.15: do aampla grade. 12 0' 4 in 11: sort, doNo. s. I2.1 do. Pamela grade. 12,02 ii?5'f'i' maximum trlcss only 10 be ap plied when the other qualities In tb wheat are man nmiti tn mni it ,,No. 3 wheata Maximum price eonlalnlnsl J.?:! p'.r ctn'. raolntura to IS B per cent mola-l "-0 unoar no. 1 or wo. a rea, z. . ,.1,' ,0!i I- 2.21. Maximum orlca con-!,VJ'n"- to 14 per cent molature. Bo ?rA'r Ni 1 r No. 8 red. 2.22i No. 8 -u.b irui B.ll j !hata Maxlum nilea 80 under fi oii,r red. 12.21: 4 aott red, No. 8 whata Maximum price contulnlna not over 14.8 per cant moisture Sounder Vr!'..l?r No- ? " 2 21: No. S oftr2.l. Maximum nrlca contalnlnc rot over 14.7 P' "nl molature. 7c under. No, 1. or No. i.?' .220: No- P soft red. 12 18. Maxl. molitunj. s under No, t. or No. 5 red, ,..- va""l "".fc T" IV. " "i" wjvi oo, o torr rfl. IZ.IT, Rmitnla ta.1..... itl jil. ..i. I...I In no ease, shall price be higher than 4e un5r No. 1 of the subo'ase represented. . Smutty wheats Value, shkll ba detarmined by each sample basis of the, class Una sub- FIjOUn necelpta. 200 bbls, and 3, .182.810 jbs. In sacks. The market ruled steady under light offerings and a fair demand. Quota, tlons: To arrive, per 108 lbs. packed In l.b.,.".cJi".Twlnter wheat. 100 per cent flour, I10.78llj Kansas wheat. 100 per cent Jour. ftlOtt 25; aprln.8 wheat. 100 per cent RYE FLOUR . nulet and barely steady. We muuiv u ev.ouvii per ddi. In sacks, as to liuaiiiy. COHN Receipts, 81.838 bushels. Trade stow and values were nominal Quotations: Car lots for local trade No. 2 yellow, tt 88 1.70: No 8 yellow, $1 841.8o. OATS Receipts. 21.088 bushel Trade was slow, but prices were,, steadily held. Quotations: No. 2 white, 8Hi 82c: standard white, SiesiWci No, 8 white. SOOSOWe: No. 4 white, 78H74c PROVISIONS r . The market ruled steady, but there was little trading-, Quotations follow: City beef, In sets, smoked and alr-drled. SPc: western beef. In sets, smoked, 39c: city beef, knuckles, and tenders, smoked and alr-drled, 40c: western beef, knuckle and tenders. amokei oxea. sue. Heei nun, 14a. 1'orK. ram BZCPD9. Hams. a. l". cured, loose. :b e; ao, axinnea, loose, sv vzuno: no, do. smoked, xvn visunc: oiner mms, tmokeo., en. city cure KH OSOHc H 1U c. red. as to brand and aver- .. 21 ci do. smoked, western LUinUikSH WBl W Li UU. SJ ao. coned, Doneiess.tnnc: 1. P. cured, loose. 2lHc! picnic shoulder. S. P. cured, loose. 21V do. i smoked. 22Wc. Bellies. In DlckU. accord- Ing to average, loose, 82c. Breakfast bacon, sa to brand and average, city cured. 40o: do. western cured. 40c. Lard, western, renned. 26H 027c: do. pure city, kettle rendered, 28tt 927c REFINED SUGARS Demand was fair and the market ruled steady on a batta of 7.48c for fine granu lated. DAIRY PRODUCTS CHEESE Old goods were quiet but steady. New of fine Quality ruled Arm under scarcity, ""he quotations were as fol lows: New York, whole-milk choice, old. 24M 025c: specials, higher. New Tork. whole-milk, fair to good. old. 2224c: do. do. choice fresh. 23H 024c: do. do. fair. 28c. BUTTER The market ruled Arm under & fair demand. The quotatlona ranged as fol lows: Solid-packed creamery, extra. 44c: hlgh-scorlnc lots. 45040c: extra firsts. 43c: Arsts. 41042c: seconds. 38440c; nearby prints, fancy, extra. 48c: fancy hranda Job bing at 40081c, fair to good. 4140c: gar licky. 88 88c. nGQB Supplies were wel under control. The market advanced 18c per case under a good aemana. uuoiauons: ren , cases nearby firsts, $11.40 per standard case; cur. rent receipts, siu.vo per case, western extra. 'wftl '' sss""" I saaaaW - 1X "jf I 'gW l I 1 J l ss2g lllllkLgM I I II ' I III llTfl "l Dg ' I " fHsIPKHM)ypr WSCmjtB 9f v J 1 ,',HBilKrSaSaaaSa.liM f J4KbsVilslgliL HBPaIW BBytBpBijufijfft iiiJBIBwBstfcidgtt sikrim0LW'i "" ''" Vj1'i,'J Pioneer Days and Today '"" Since our forefathers blazed the trail for civilization on this great continent, we have invented and accom plished many seemingly impossible things which have marked the milestones of our progress. And as steam, electricity, the wireless, telegraph and telephone, together with the hundred and one other essentials which have revolutionized , our methods of business and means of communication, perform their "short-cut" functions for us, so have N displaced, in a great measure, that relic of pioneer days, the horse-drawn delivery vehicle, to which the modern , " business man clings only un.til he is shown its costly in efficiency as compared to truck and trailer service. If the delivery department of your business has not yet gotten away from pioneer-era horse-drawn equipment we dealers believe you owe it to yourself Ho let us analyze your delivery problem atno cost to yourself. TWUXTUN t' itm .Mnnmv niS' after.' ajMHlt the " ' ? afeubk tttm and dee ,m work it-three. Truxtun lUtnd, 2 ton. WrHcTffir MUrturt. t TRUXTUN SUM ICQ. mv-- i im;.jMM', -' Ull'a -- , iaisie.ii.i t atfaTt MeaaMsr LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 6,- 1918 nritfla a$11.40 nr caioi flrttt. UO 05 pr mj funcy aUrtHl tees were Jobbing at POULTRY I.1VK pnitr.Tnv-.i.-nu.i. ...... . ....... pltered and lo lower, but rholie stocks were. In fal- requeat at revised prices, other kinds of poultry showed little chsnue.' Quotations" "' v.. 'V' cy'ruiK- L-nicKens. not Leit 'jrns WjlKhJnB,ljif2 lbs. apiece. (in vnc! welghlnx ll(, lbs. .piece. SOO'.v.'cs white leghorns, acordlntt to size. f2HiSo! 22a2Sc. Iucks. Pekln, 2Sa0c. do. Indian i-Vir-r f, 'WJ7C, Guineas, per pnlr 11.3.1 Wl.4.1. I'lgDons, old, per pair, 4US43c: do. jouna per pair, 288iic. DHKHsr.U The market ruled firm under scarcity, with demand equal to the offerings. Quotations: Fresh-killed fowls, in w.iV fancy, dry-nicked, fancy selected, SOW: Wclchlna t lhii. anrl nvf mm bpn fin... .MiJ i.. 4..i "-;..j" r."-r, "'.' "'."" . ."-""- V"1 rooaiers, 27c. Itoaatlnir rhlrkens. neat, drj-plcked. 4'A lbs. and over apiece. 87 4 lbs. apiece, niici elah!nr jrn, welgning apiece, niici vrelahlng 34 l'hs apiece! one: weigninir 2 va lbs. apiece, 34c. Tur-- nvjo, uriti. .iry-pirKCU. uesi, 1.3(fll4c: fair to Bood. 2830ct do, western, dri-nlcked best. 32034c: fair to good, 26300; do. old tpms. 34cr do. common, 232Kc. Hnrlnv ducks, I.ons Island, .t,03Uc. bouabs. per 5!'.wnl,e- weighing 11 to 12 Ihs. per doi..J II?Ji-r"rdo wishing l to 10 lbs. per do A 8 2Men7S. do. weighing; 8 lbs. per dot ! tt! vit.ioi ao. weigning t ids. per dos , 14ft lehlnff lissnu Ilia a . I'l llTJ-'-Zi dark 7ScO2. tlil2) small 'and No, 2! FRESH FRUITS Demand was Jnlr ,nnd taluea generslly were well sustajjJBil on choice stock. Ouo tatlune: Apples.fier bhl. Wlnesap, $5n: Albemarle rippln, 8.1O0: Baldwin, $498: Hen Davis. 83 BOftn, Willow Twig. H 10.80- Apples, western, per box Wlnesap, r. uuviiuj urn Lfavm, t J.outu uii: New town rippln. I204. Apples, nearbj, er hamper, r,0cf$180j do, do, per -buhel basket, 25c 11.23. Teaches, deorgin, per 0-basket carrier, S1.28O-1.80. Lemons, per box, 810. Oranges, Florida, per bor t4 7.80: do, Cnllfornls, per box, SA8. Urspefrult. Florida, per box. 12 2.1(M. I'lne apples, Torto lilto, per crnte, $898. tllsck berries. North Carolina, per at.. 0W18c. Cherries, California, per box. 28. Can taloupes, California, per standard crate $0 07; do, do. per pnn irate, $8. Watermel ons, Florida, per 100. .1307S, do, do, ner car load, $330 J 800. VEGETABLES Potatoes were freely offered and easier. Other vegetables were in fair supply and demand at revised figures. Quotations; White potatoes, per too lbs, Pennsylvania, tl, 3001.70! New York. $1.501 70- do. South Carolina, per bhl No, 1, $4..10iH3; No. 2, $2 3tlp8 80: do, Florida, per bbl No. 1. I4.0V8! No. 2. tilt? .1.80! do. do, per 1.10-lb bag No. 1, $3MS .10; No. 2. $2 2,30 Pwect potatoes, Jvrej, per ham perNo. 1. $2.50i?8: No. 2. $1 25 1,75. Celery. Florida, per crute. i3S5. Kgg plant. Florida, per box. $2f?2.75: do. Cuban, per box, $lft2. Cucumbers, Florida, per basket, 80cJ$2: do, .South Carollnn, per basket. $1.1 Ileans. South Carolina, per hnmner. 80cSt12: do. Georgia, per ham-. per. 50cfi,$l: do. North Carolina, per ham-' per, si.rtintr j..v: no. ,10. per '-ooi. nasKei, I1.B0O2.7.1: do. Virginia. per.Vi-bbl, bas ket. $2.80.1 Beets. Norfolk, per 100 bunches. $2fi Pens. Norfolk, per ham per, 7.1c$2. Corn, riorldii, per crate, $3 4- Peppers, Florida, per irate, $1 SOSf 2 25; do, Cubnn. per box, $ltf2J!5 Tomatoes, Florlds, pen crate, $2.2.1P8 Cabbage. Nor folk, per bbl crate, $303 50: do. Kaatern ShA,0 ,Ar hhl. rraln. 23(03 50. Onions. Texas, new, per crate No. 1, i.1c$1.21: No. 2. 60w7.rc. watercress, per inu hunches. )12. Mushrooms, per lb., 20 50c. Refined Sugar Shows No Change New York, June 8. The refined sugar market shows no change, local refiners quoting on the bnsls of 7.4Bc for fine granulated. The Federal and National Companies are withdrawn Cuban raws are unchanged at 6.005c, duty pnld The International sugar committeo has purchased 821,000 hags of Cuban sugar for June shipment at 4.985c. Motor Trucks Trailers DUPLEX Four-Wfceel Driyc . will do twice as much work as any two-wheel driye truck of equal capacity at',V saving of' 33 1-3 To on .tires and ';atlina. Let us prove it, - ( BUSINESS CAREER' OF PETER FLINT A Story of Salesmanship by Harold Whitehead (Canrlpht. Iltfl Mr. Whitehead tolll nnstoer loiir biisfness Qwestlons on buuina seltino advertising and employment. Ask your ouraflons clearly nnrf Give nil the jactn. Your correct name nnrt full addrcsi must be signed to nil inovlrlr. Thoie tcMch are anoitimous must be lanotcd. Answers lo technical aerations lefft be scut by matt. Other qticstions iclll he nitsucrcd li this column. Tlr most interestluo prob lems 0 inquirer ic 'J Be tooieil inlo Hie afarv 0 7 i' (eler I(nf. CV11I MY HOW Graham laughed at me when 1 told him my experience this morning with a Frenchman 1 1 remem bered what he said about trying to speak to people In their own language. 1 used to speak French fairly well, so when I called at the Frenchman's house and he came to the door, and his first re mark was, "Pardon, sir.; you weesh to speak to'mc?" I answered, "Oul, Mon sieur." "Tarler-voUs Francats?" ho asked, eagerly, his face lighting up. "Un peu," I replied, He said something In French, but s6 quickly 1 did not catch It, "Kxcusez mol," 1 b'gan, "does vous read la Moon 7" "Comment?" he said, looking puzzled. I knew I l.ndn't srnt that nulte rlcht. mr. T l. KnlH i.f. JuIh. .... ...V... scribed le"ATr' la. Moon?"" "" ""I'm talking turkey now, "Book7 Book7 You sell books?" "Notti non. Monsieur the news na- pler." said I hurriedly. "Kcrlvez votre nom sur le, contract blank." k nr man jookco at nic lur a iniuuic, then burst out laughing. "Perhaps my Kngllsh may be a little moro Intelligible to jou than jour French Is to me.'1 He gave me an order and a cigarette after I hnd explained the proposition, and bade me good-day, and as I went down the steps he called after me. "Allow me to compliment j-ou on your Parisian accent!" Graham told me that ho was quietly looking around for another opening In New Y'ork, and he was good enough to say that If he heard of nnj thing that would suit me ho would let me know. I demurred somewhat and said I thought I ought to stay where I was for a few months at any rate, as I had been Jumping around from one thing to another for so long that I didn't seem to get ahead at all. "Your determination to secure a per manent, progressive opportunltj Is ex cellent," said Graham to me. "but If jbu ara In a position which Is not per manent nor progressive is It wise to continue) In it Just for tho sake of a shibboleth?" "What's thnt mean?" I asked. ' "Look It up In your dictionary when you get to jour room," "I haven't got one their." "No7" And he raised his ej'ebrows ln surprise. "I. think It would be an excellent Investment on j'otir part. I cannot understand anybody being with out a dictionary-." Well, we lcrt it mat it ne couia nnu a Job with a good future for me I would be tickled to pieces to take it. I felt the last few days that, although It may be dandy to work for a good ...... If ,i'a a o Vilt nf n Inl A In urnflr for the Moon, which was unquestionably a punk sheet. One of the crew managers and his gang were fired todnj". They hadn't been doing verj well. It seems, so Perry and Power at the Rim Is greater-than at the hub. like ordU nary axles. That's whyx DENBY TRUCKS with Denby inter na gear, do mora work on to five ' tons.' -f . - Awr DIAMOND T. STANDARD CHASSIS rsSMsJBsisJMJ had sent a fellow to dee what they did. and it turned out they would work 'for about three hours In the morning:, and then they would go booting; tor the rest of the day and the lies they told the people I it was quite common for them to say that the whole year's mibscrlpi tlon wag only fifty cents and that wag the only payment the people had to make. Graham and I saw the Kane: stnndlns; nt the corner yesterday, holding; an In dignation meeting. It seems they tried (o get some of the other fellows to threaten to leave If they were fired. One fellow belong ing: to another crew told Terry he would leave If he fired theo there. Quick ns a flash Terry said. ''I won't wait for jou to leave. You're fired. Do you get that?" He put his hand In his pocket and pulled out some bills and paid the man off. And fay! the fellow. was surprised. Ho changed his tone In a minute. "Aw. don't take It like that, Mr. Terry j I waa only Joklnc." Terry ailed up, all together, and told Us what the dlsmtised gang had been up to. "Listen, you)fellovvs, we're some times working on a second-rate paper such as this. Sometimes we're on pretty good papers. We can't always choose tho kind of papers wo work for. We have to take the Jobs when they come along. Hut there's one thing you can take from me. That Is. whatever paper we work for, wo work on tho level. It's Just such bums ns that gang I've fired which gets nil solicitors as a body In had. The majority of solicitors are mighty decent fellows. I believe all you felloWH are on the level; but if vou're not, ou had better get out of our ,.own free will before I clear jou out. TODAY'S IlUSINl:SH KPIORAM It's paradoxical, but true, that In order to climb jou must Keep on the hvel. , , What does this mean la YOU? Business Questions Answered Will you please send me a list of the best trade papers catering to the food product In dustry, as I am Interested the same as L. M. Those with the most display advertls ing should appeal to me, SPECIALTY 8LAESSIAN. Under separate cover you will receive a list of the trade publications you ask lor. I run a shoe store and do a business of 120.000 a j ear. What had my rent ought to be? I ask because the landlord wants to raise It I pay $850 now and he wants to moke It 8700. 8II0EMAN. You are paying all j-ou should now. Itent should, be about 2K per cent, of your sales, or on $20,000 you should pay not more than JfiBO. (CONTINUED TOMOnrtOW) Decrease in Wheat Flour Output Minneapolis, June 6. The Northwest ern Miller sajs: "The Minneapolis wheat flour output last week decreased 11,820 barrels Tho mills made, week ended June 1st, 199,060 barrels, against 240,. 425 barrels ln 1917. Today sixteen mills are In operation. Demand for wheat flour is of a routine nature. Government Orders Steel for Cars New York, June 6 The Government has distributed orders for 922,110 tons of plntes, shapes and bars with the steel makers, to be used for the 100,000 cars which the Government recently ordered from the equipment makers of the coun try. DIAMOND T TRUCKS , Built in five sizes to fit the require ments of every user. After more than five yearn of service no DIAMOND T TRUCK has ever worn out : they are good Invest ments for long service. ptandardixed units plus our plan of care of trucks In. service give a maximum of hauling efficiency. Ask any user. Ebert Motor Truck Co. Inc. DISTRIBUTORS 2425-29 N. Broad St. MOTORTRUCKS ar backed by a $70,000,000 00 Corpora tlon with 76 ycara ot manufacturing experience, a service organization with DO direct Company Branche and tbou sands ot local diitrlbutort. Think what thi means to an owner, 1500. 2000, SOOO. 4000 . founds Caparltf Factory lira net. and Kerr Ice Station 211-13 North 22d Street H3HR You'll find ln the Master Truck those same units of construction that are Included In the highest priced trucks In America but at a moderate price. Add to this the many exclusive Master features ana you have the best, truck value ob tainable, regardless Of pries. 2, 3 1-2, S Ton lmmedlatm DiUvry Larsoo Olibmaftik Co. 231-33 NORTH BROAD STREET TROY INCREASE ;mot TRAILERS SC Philadelphia Arrivals at New York Hotels The followlnr residents of Phlladelehla are registered at New York hotels: Mrs. A. Arnold, Breslln T, nehan, Jr., Continental. (1. It. Colestock. urand. J. Degler, Orand. J. Irwin, Navarre. J. II. Kelley. Hreslln. a. A. McFarlan. Continental. r. 8. McNslly. Latham It. J, u. Patterson. Continental. A. Rtokea, Navarre. F. J, Fwltiel, Van Cortland Mrs F. J. Swltiel. Van Cortland. W. IC. Thorne. flreslln. J. n Anderson. Park Avenue. l B. Duryea. Longacre. F. C. Hatch St. Louis. Mrs F C. Hatch. St. Louis. ' It. Klmberly. Park Avenue. N. U. Klelnrlb. Latham. J. L. Llpshutx. Longacre. O. CVJfrlen, Tark Avenue. J. F.. Watklns, Hreslln. N. D. Yarnal. Park Avenue. . Trade Representatives manners Miss Lustl. dresses. 18 Cast Twenty-sixth street. Room 1814. Dannenbaum Millinery Company L. Loeb, laces nnd ornaments. Hotel Aberdeen, Frank at Seder If. L. Ilembaum. costs, suits, furs and dresses. 364 Fifth avenue, care Abel. Olmbel Ilrnthers E. Deal, representing; n, Ilohn, trunks and leather goods: Mis A. 11, Lerner. women's wear (basement); Miss A Guggenheim, umbrellas: D. R. Scott, men's furnishing goods; Broadway and Thlrt) -second street. Largman Brothers J. LArgman. manufac turers men's neckwear. 200 Fifth avenue Lit Ilrnthers Mr. Feldman, Jobs cotton dresses. 1281 Broadway M. Hllvermsn sV Son A. Silverman, ready DfeigPAli iilstfa - SHOPS "1 GENTLEMEN I sraiasfsisisisisHB - SHOPS " The Largest Dlstribater or MANHATTAN SHIRTS la FUtUddphla Unusual Values in Cool Underwear For Tnese Warm Da$s Vf B.V.D, MMansco 1 1 . c ansco t n- c . - Union ouits Ue V Iwo-riece ouits .ia( nion suits . nn ca nn $1.5 , $1.25 to $6.50 1-p to $7-UU Single Garmente Garment 6 65j Delpark Skirts and Drawers, 5 5c eacK Our Feature Garment This Veek LIGHT MKRCERIZKD I.ISLK THREAD SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, VERY HII.KY. A LIGHT DLITE SHADE, MADE IN rillLADELrillA Dl THE ROXFORD MILLS AND ALWAYS SOLD FOR f L50. j Now $1.00 a Garment ALL SIZES 28 TO SO INCHES 1018 CHESTNUT STREET 113 S. 13TH STREET MOTOR TRUCK EXPRE-SS Hauling Miscellaneous Freight Daily Between New York Philadelphia Baltimore Reading Our Own Tri-Weekly Service Direct to ', Washington. Easton, Pa. SHIPMENTS TRANSFERRED At M Vlr t. BROOKLYN. , HOBOKEN. JERSEY CITT. VNW.!- ... .... .w.w. ARK gETTB. BHOriP" 1HT.AN11. - KfcCfclVING STATIONS NEW YORK Cor. Dey and Washington Street! " PHILADELPHIA 525 Market Street x BALTIMORE 20 East Pratt Street READING 12 North 6th Street EASTON Ferry and Sltgreaves Streets RPAM.Cl FTrHPR M,r-aaTa-jk mhbvsss NEW RATE CARDS UPON REQUEST Dav and Night Motor Freight Service NEW YORK and Efficient Rttf mm Ovrnithl Lout J Smrviam at W A New Departure nnrnuniTirD nuit a ,t viocrxiUL,i.Ei rniLri.4K MAIN OFFICE. 2611.29 N. REESE 8T PniLADRT.FVTA.iVA. t i ntlLA. FREIGHT STATION zll-29 N. Reese St. rhenest Kens. 118S. rrk 1S4 "ASK FOR MR. SMOtiENM Fr prmpt and etlelent rrle 1VTFW YH1? l m M J w w am H Ta, n ! e : DL HI uuij ixnrKc ptui najs PHILADELPHIA 4 North Front St. Market 2360. Main 411 m.... v-.l. J DL:ij.i.l: new luin uu luiMucipiiM nan iikuh tf. Member Phils,. Chamber of Commeree. MeransH,'A''''3tt' ' "AMwfflSB Phila. Phone: Market 201 M0T0RIKil)FRE)8HT Corpora TIO ARCH STRBHT , MOTOR FREIGHT i mx (NEW YORK ajd vwiPHILADElPfllA sVsm WmrU aa4 We coUeet a4 nc rgfl HINSDAIX SSSaSST RICEIVma STATIONS .411 Matiiat Sjwm terkj ALL ABOARD NEW YORK i j&., t. v '--U cstar VZrV i-ijjgmjgm r to-war.'ii Wt VTweaty seswtl, iiaisi Atiapiteaei. -. . - N. BnHtenburg Co. Mr, wants: Mrs. p.- Areola, cam re-its' wei 1281 Broadway, i Olmsn Brothers B. H. Itlman. lllkMNl . turcra' skirt; 1270 Broadway. j, . 18.80: selected light., $l?rl7.in: media . and light mixed, f 18.809 18.TBI - Puw. f $18.40018.85. . . CATTLB Tlecelpts. 18.000 he. INrr I little trading on acount of delay in mytai " cattle to pens on acount of strike. -Market t nerauy steaay wun yesieraay .tfiif H pulp steers averaging; 1800 pouha, r 7.65. , ' j J lleet 117, Qtrn-irM tt.ii anon Strong. "9t ' strong-weight shorn lambs higher a ai si7.iii spring ismns. izn ao. eoeep handy fat ewes, 118 steady; beet ?t Kansas Ctr, June 8 CATTLB Rseel, 1800 hesd. Strong, 10c higher. HOOS Receipts. 7000 bead; 8e to Joe hlfiIlEEP Receipts. 200 head. Btront, SSe higher. Sonth Omgh, June 8. HOGS Receipts. 11.700 head: Be to 10c lower. CATTLB Receipt. B200 head; 10a to 0 SHEEP Receipts, 1700 bead. 8troBf. Kresge Co. Increases Diridettd Detroit, Sllch., June The 3; 9. Kresge Company declared a semi-annual dividend of 2 per cent on the common stock, an Increase of H of 1 per cent, placing the stock upon, a 6 per ,cent annum baols. v GENTLEMEN Allentown, Pa. BcthleheBit-PgsZI- " & ' rvLi POINTS IN CONNECTICUT. XAMACsW' r-fW .. m TORPOR ATlftNM jn'ri vwsh rmrm V .T,Yaf mmmm.-iffiae aWa -V CLOSING LIVESTOCK PMCM;. Chlfg. June 6. Hobs Reeehjt' iojfe 21.000 head. Unevenly lOo to 20e lower tM',' yesterday' average. Heavy joutehersy it.M fl18.70; light butchers. 18.78ie.M; hMOr f ,,(., tin ASMIAXfit rnurh hesvy. llft.gsl irrivrrv ' . f" .AjAJ? PHILADELPHIA s. sir lgTs 100 LW the, KetHoiner 1 in Motor Truck Delivery ' '. '.', urn vnov rVstt7c4f rteJy-'' nun ivna suixabsM w.BK.f. nr.n lusa rjiEiMHT STATWaT isi. w. ith acvj-- I-hones: FARRAGCT, ea yr tlMau wMmmiiif, '' -i fsr-f4 ' v . A mrx m en Sill sx-X' ' -," fc";-" ? PHILADEBM w JURv t...." rrm .: a. o $?&: oMpcr it V4HIBN! MM! JtUW TtgtV i-VVs 4H.Caasl TL!!ii. HJGTtt&gl i- Tl.zL3ri .." i 'U Tsmm i -. i'W tvw C- )? . . r k wB-sPsW V -sjr vi il'i r. At 1)11 we DKl fG .3- am M W :v W 'tSi? t-sr "atwl 1 Wi -fsyfc w x 'm 1 1 t Jl- "-W R?V lt : ' Ei.. 1'" ' ? 'ft4!.?- t rV- Hd om2 V f 6! tr t . h v I" m i M . .vSi till nSHSB 3BBBBtassflf ssssssjgyssj gsrwsqsr -, m m wlsik i.Tf" A i I .if. ' "t t' '51. A i ;2 ,tfi 7-3''u tt la " . (j tt ' l i m I tri; h a..'a.:iw.ij'A-. gat Wf ." f! JSSK S iamBlw muu9mWmmmmWmmmkWmmmkmWm9mmmm