Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 30, 1918, Night Extra, Image 2

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lladelphia Give as
toes Are Honored. Is
ajw j rtl
BF. oiogan
),000 IN 12 HOURS
upaigners Wilt Not Halt in
- T 1. T 1
ive io neacn neouirea
ft?- su,uuu,uuu
zwn '
r MamnMal flai' ! 1ia
of Amerlra'a lnrinn datl
i.......t ,., i..i... mo
I heaped with flowers, let the Wnr
for the living lie heaped and
l araln nrlth irnlil.
W"SUnd by our hornet of today,"
! message from the groves of
nerocs of yesterday."
fciTWo "hundred and fifty thousand dol-
I an hour for twelve hours, nr $3,000,-
. by midnight, tonight !
iffhls wag the program of the War
campaign workers when they
Jted today on the last lap of their
Vfl In th f.ltlBA nt hnmqnirv
feijPlla minimum amount asked for the
$20,000,000 lacked $3,000,000 of
subscribed ni the drive entered
Tst lap.
JUt the rallying War Chest campaign-
l have no Idea of havlnit to wait until
ft last minute to realize success. In
.few hours left they hone to have.
npllshed the raising of the money
ary to make th drive a success.
JOIw, 'I'lillnilrlplilmii). give."
JiThl was the rallying cry of the
campaigners when the break of
awn today saw thousands of persons
IWlnp their way to the various ceme-'
lea tO nav honor to thp hprnlp rifiirl
Sr,the Civil War. "r,e as you never!
before," was their Memorial pay
LWhile the wheels of Industry were
Bed for two minutes In honor of the
VII War heroes this morning, and the
Ten bells chimed out their glorious
lite to those who "fought and prc-
ed us a union," one band of ncver-
: workers worked on, unheeding tha
dor thus being done the departed
oea, and thinking only of the safety
IGomfnrt nt the hprnpH that are to he
in. heroes that are to blaze a trail to I
tin and make the uorld a. "decent
tea to live in."
'These were the War Chest workers
hile the entire city paused to pay
ct to the denarted ones, the wheels
rlfce War Chest campaign never ceased.
PJP;'V Battle loosens luretrinic
K&iL .
t.Tne great uerman urue un ine wt-m
la having Its effect. Pursestrlngs.
ned by the Oerman onslaught, but
Mned again when the drive paused.
torn asunder once more ny ine
at massed drive of the Kaisers
Ilea in France, which American soi-
are flrhtln? heroically to check.
tTm. T. stotesburv and the Wanamakers
WJohn and Rodman, and employes of
I Wanamaker store nave spurreu ine
r-Cheat workers with gifts ol iuu,-
ran the prisoners in me eastern
taiitlirv are riving. Their total gifts
v 11100, the convicts are pushing for.
in an elion to pass me iu '
'the campaign has enoca.
fx& Boeths Bring In ta.m
in thougn tne Dooms in me t,-tn-,.ctlnn
of the city have been in
r' . .... ., , .,.
Ration for but three days they have
116. 273. 25 in suDsenpuons io
"War Chest.
'this sum S1079 was turned in by
Kattonal League for Woman's Serv.
...booths, which have been erecieu in
!.tha principal theatres. The Kmer-
' Aides' booths collected isiii.as in
rrtntlnns. while the nvc booths
ned by the Naval Auxiliary received
fontgomery County has gone over me
land u now romnlng merrily far oft
JNo Man's land with Its report to-
To date the chief towns nave
In the following:
yn Mawr, Rosemont and Haverford,
00: Merlon, $161,000; rtornsiown,
0 i Pottstown, ilou.uuu; v-on-
X1Z5,000, ana Arumore ami
rood. $100,000.
1 aubscrinttona for yesterday were
M07. making the grand total for
rdrtve to date $16,663,000. The teajn
lined by George H. irrazier cameo
ke day's honors, with subscriptions
:.flOI,t27. J. S. W. Harvey reported
440 for his team workers.
Blfail Deliveries by Foot Carriers
t3 TJ,v
yrt """'
ellday hours for deliveries were ob-
I at the postomce today. .No Uellv-
Wot mall by foot carriers was made
amy one In the parcel post automo-
arvlce. There will be one 01 per-
parcel post matter in the after-
kmonev order and Dostal savings
Stbry sections at central postofflco
all day, but the Inquiry, reg-
r",B,Da BCIlciai uulicijr nmuuntt nic
NaflUl It this morning. Stamps may
lined during the entire day. Sub-
I. remain open until 11 o clock.
rare dispatched as usual and col
I . mad.
,-V (j-
pr .& w hsm
sf,v V'2
u fTMKi -i'a
.11 -,'i . r - 1.'-:
Ir' '&'
Shipbuilding Director Will Al
dreea Cnmtlcn Board of Trade
I'reparatlons nre well under way fot
the big war rally of Industrial and busi
ness Interests to be held under the aus
pices of the Camden Uoard of Trade on
Thursday evening, June 6. In the Third
Regiment Armory, Camden. This event
takes the place of the annual shad din
ner Usually held at Clloucester, which
will be eliminated this year In the spirit
of wartime conservation,
In its stead will be held a great war
rally, at which the heads of Industries,
the retail business men and professional
men will get together and hear discus
sions of v.ar conditions tight down to
date from men who are In a position to
know the situation.
The principal spenkers will be Charles
M Schwab, director of shipbuilding, and
rteprcsentatlve Clarence ! Miller, of
Minnesota. Mr. Miller wn one of thn
congressional delegates sent to France
to study the situation there.
'Penrose Buncombe," Says ,
Senator of National Chair- ,
man's Coming Visit
Will It llas. Republican national
chairman, and others high In the
national councils nr the Republican
party will get a cool leccptlon from
the Vare forces when they come hero
on their proposed "harmony" expedi
tion. Senator Vare said sn himself, when
his attention was directed to reports
from Washington concerning the pro
posed visit of Republican chiefs to
"Penrose buncombe" was the way Sen
ator Vare dubbed dispatches from Wash
ington announcing the proposed visit of
Hays and others to Thlladelphla to
bring about a condition of harmony be
tween the warring Penrose and Vare
tongs In the Republican organization.
The leader of the Vare faction also sug
gested that "Hays ought to get busy
with him (Penrose) first," If he wishes
to have a united party In Pennsylvania.
In political circles the belief Is general
that the Vares will have no harmony
program unless It provides for their
recognition as the undisputed Republican
leaders of the city. I
They are said to be willing to forego I
their aspirations for a hand in the State
leadership, and, according to Senator
vares oft repeated assertions, have only
"mixed It up" with the Penrose forces In
the State because of the refusal of the
latter to recognize the Vares here.
"There Is nothing to harmonize," salfl
the Senator yesterday, ,"for the regular
Republicans In this city are all lined up
for the regular Republican ticket and
the regular Republican Organization.
"Don't make any mistake nbout this
stuff regarding the visit. It looks to me
like some more of that Penrose hunk
that we get often. Wo need no harmo
nlzers In this city and they might as
well know that first as last. For once
more I repeat there is nothing to har
monize." "We nre in good shape here, and
won't have any trouble In electing
Republicans to Congress from this city.
There was no contest against any mem
bers of the present delegation except
those inspired by Penrose, so Hays ought
to get busy with him first.
"The regular Republican organization,
too, will sec that the whole ticket Is
supported In fine Btyle, and It looks as
If the Republicans nil over the Stata
were In good shape, too."
Pennsylvania Militury College
Students Open Camp Cook
Pennsylvania Military College. Ches
ter, honored the first graduate of the i
school known to have fallen In the war
at the opening of the school's annual
camp of instruction at Springfield, Dela
ware County, today,
ndmund Garretson Cook is the name
of the camp. It opened this morning.
Cook, a resident of Iansdowne, was
graduated several years ago.
For a time ho was a member of the
Texas National Guard, and soon after
the outbreak of the war he went to
England and enlisted, being assigned to
the Grenadier Guard. His death oc
curred on the battlefield In the early
stages of the conflict.
There are 130 students of the college
quartered at the camp. Others have
been sent to Plattsburg for training.
Regular army officers, assisted by the
military officers of the college, are In
charge of the instructions at the camp.
The camp will end June 6 and the
school term will close the following day.
Boy Confesses Jewelry Theft
Edward Karle Young, nineteen ears
old. Sixteenth and Arch streets, has been
turned over to 'the chief of police of
Strafford, Pa., by Detectives Creedon
and Malone. Young was arrested at his
home on a charge of larceny. The police
say the boy admitted taking several
hundred dollars' worth of iewelrv from
of Strafford, about six weeks ago. All
the jewelry has been recovered.
Obedience of Ward Committeemen Holding Municipal Offices
to Mayor's Orders to Quit Politics Only Increases
"Secret Adviser's"
MCJECRET advisers" to Vare ward
O committees will, number more than
100 If custom is followed, relative to
Mayor Smith's ordera that ward com
mitteemen on the city payroll muit quit
politics. Several hundred ward commit
teemen controlled by Senator Penrose
and Town Meeting leaders will be left in
a more open position because of their
being employed by the Municipal Court,
County departments and Stat position
In City Hall.
Out of the,272 membera of the Re
publican committee of the forty-eight
wards In the city many hundreds have
held or are holding well-paying places
under tha city, county or State government-
Eighty-five Vare men recently
war complained of by the Committee of
Seventy, but out of thla number several
hold Btata positions In. the department
of Health and Charities and cannot ba
affected by tha most recent order.
, 'Tie request of tha committee of sev
enty for the dismissal of the Vare com
mitteemen left Mayor Smith ng othsr
course than to instruct his department
hsads t6 warn the political workers to
asK active commit! duties, m admit
tSuy the ouMs service U .directly
ajmusat the pnrriaiena of the Shsrn act.'
TWaWtttatlon. however, .will apply only
:sK.j-jAfiji: ?-
MaBHHPkVaiaasaLfli 9 EJaaSmaTmJa2awaaaaWawalBl KmKKISKBSSSISSSprKQgMfiujSfU
vflMMa aaBBaBBwaHafe MHHCnJr MaM a sjlaaa7--'-aaaaaUAj, v . - ,o WH IBtk . V naJaaHaB
f PLMK7n ''---'' HMai(HLTl9 EaHallBKaHmlw'l mai
B ' lymt ' ' ''P?jiMrJB -''; --"l -' Works Uanlship to South j
B' - 'PSfe Lm!!!S51' ''2j Opn Street Household j
W ' t' , ' ' .mmfmm ff kfelHBBr"VC Whaat some le'crlbe as ,i political j
IT ., J - iH '" " , "sB "'"'''-S HIaS boinbaidment has hiought sole ilMres
a-Vw Tf r !-. . W , '
HiiiiiHMBMaaw-fl. ' ! J . J MMaWHM aggBkvH
iiHpHpfeMHMa.JU --. :s .ajPB""!a)
lliaaaaallSIPn' '"'
Uncle Sam's veteran eolilicrs, his fighters of loiluy, mi I ln potential defenders marched today in honor of the
nation's hern dead. The enthusiasm of the marchers down llrond street anil can on Chestnut street to Inde
pendence Square was nndampenctl by the stead) drizzle that compelled spectators along the line of march to
take refuge under umbrella'. The photograph below -lnw a group of (, A, R. veterans' grandson taking their
miniature warship to the Delaware River to launch it nt accordance with their annual custom.
Penn Seniors' President Io Train
us Avialor at Dallas
Arthur T. Hissing, president of the
senior clnss. t'nlverslty of Pennsj Ivanln,
left today for the army alatlon field at
Camp Dick, Dallas. Tex. He enllstecl
In the aviation service last February,
and received a sudden call to report
Besides being president of the senior
class, Hissing was editor-in-chief of The
Pennsylvanlan. the student dally; presi
dent of the Wharton School Association,
a member of the athletic council, presi
dent of the Wharton honor committee,
vice president of the Christian Associa
tion, head cheer leader at Penn, presl
dent ot the undergraduate committee,
representing the student body, un editor
of the Punch Bowl and Bed and Bbte,
two student monthly magazines, nnd
president of the Franklin Society.
Kissing matriculated from the Cen
tral High School He Is a member of
the Phi Beta Kappa Junior Honorary
Society and the Sphinx Senior Society,
as wll as the Alpha Tau Omega Fra
ternity. His engagement to Miss Mil
dred Bcauchamp was announced re
One Lad Loses Life in Vain Ef
fort to Rescue Other
Two boys drowned In the Delaware
Itlver opposite the Noble street wharf,
one in an heroic attempt to rescue the
Stanley Kanopka. nine years old,
rear of 519 North Philip street, died a
hero. He was trying to save his com
panion, Stephen Lanckowski, nine
years old, who had been seized with
cramps, but went to his death locked
In the arms of his chum. The Lanc
kowski boy lived at 208 Falrmount
Joseph Duncan, Jr., 121 Nectarine
street, recovered the Kanopka boy's body
a short time later. Police recovered
the other body with grappling hooks.
Both were sent to the Roosevelt Hospital
'but efforts at resuscitation were futile.
.' This
may or may not be the course
pursued this year in vacancies that may
result from the Mayor's order.
Last year the Flrty-sixth Ward
committee Included a large number of
municipal employes, a number of whom
came directly under Major Smith. The
list made public by the Committee of
Seventy includes a half dozen Forty
sixth Ward men who are employed In
the Department of Public Works. In
this ward, where tne vare destinies are
cared for by Harry A. Mackey, there
were a number of registrations from
the ward commltteea by men who se
cured employment In municipal depart
ments. As most of the ward committeemen
earn their places through' being prac
tical politicians, and through a familiar
ity with the voters, their appointment
to office usually leads to renewed ef
forts on their part to carry divisions.
Thla fact was particularly noticeable on
May primary day, when City Hall was
virtually deserted by the workers who
are also omcanolders. soma omce doors
wars 1 closed all day, while others had a
single clerk or two ready to serve tha
public This , condition was especially
tha casa in county omcea. ,
Quitting ward committees by U
resignation rout by no means "impjlea
aulttlM active work in connection with
ward guanines' It was' rf Ij predicted
tM ttnovfh roost of th ,Vr
Dr. Louis Newton Rohin.'on Gels
Mrs. Rippin's Place
President Judge Charles L. Brown, of
the Municipal Court, has announced the
nnnnintmnnl nf t"li t niilo VAiitnri T)aK
'I'I'ifiiitHiv lib 4im tirn tun iV'fi' 1
Inson, professor of economics at Hwarth- '
more college, as chief nrobatlon olllcer 1
,i. ..-. 1
VJi ,11,3 UWUI u
Doctor uobinson succeeds Mrs. Jane
Deeter Ilippln, who submitted her resig
nation March 20 to take effect May 15.
Interference with the work of the nro
batlon ottlce from political sources was
alleged to no tne real cause or her resig
nation. Doetor Robinson was horn No ember
3. 1888, on a farm near Tunkhannoek,
Pa He took his A. n. degree at Swarth
more in 1300. He has taken several nost-
graduate courses. He became nn In
structor In economies nt Swarthmore In
1(I8 nnd in 1911 he received the de
cree of Ph. D. at Cornell, his thesis
being a study of criminology nnd nrlson
reform. He was nnnolnted a member
and secretary of the Pennsjlvanla State
Penal commission In 1!H3
Tribute to "Father of American
Navy" Honor Also to Poinsett
Veterans and pons of veterans paid
tribute today to the memory of Com
modore John Barry, "father of the
American nayy," with ceremonies at the
base of the Barry statue In Independence
Square, and later by firing a volley over
the naval hero's grave In old St. Mary's
Graveyard, Fourth and Locust streets.
Commodore Harry commanded the
"fir.st Continental Congress warship."
Several speakers delivered euk.gles
on American naval heroes from the base I
of the Hairy shaft.
A detachment of bluejackets from the
nnvv nrd nartlelnatecl In the ceremo- '
nles In Independence Square, later went'
to the Hillside Cemetery. In Montgom
ery County, and tired three volleys over
the grave of George Poin.sett, a seaman
of the I'nited States battleship Florida,
killed In action during the American oc
cupation of Vera Cruz. Mex April 21,
1914. A handsome monument, erected
by the officers and men of the Klorlda,
marks Poinsett's grave. Taps was sound.
ed there by naval buglers.
The Symphony Club, under the direc
tion of Johan Grolle, gave Its tenth
public concert last evening In Wlther
spoon Hall. The conductor led his well
trained forces In admirable readings of
Moor's barcarole, a Bach aria, Fran
chetti's "Pizzacatn - Arabesque" and
Volkmann's "Serenade." The club's Ju
nior Orchestra, under William F. Hap
plch. was heard In Mlersch's elegy and
berceuse. Itheinberger's "Vision" and
Glllet's "Entr'acte Gavotte." The excel
lent soloists were Rosalie Cohen, pianist,
who interpreted her own adagio, caprice
and theme with variations, nnd George
Kavldow, violinist, who offered a Bach
prelude and fugue.
. .
Mariner Held for 'Aattetnpted Theft
Thomas Allen, of this city, a seaman
nn a merchant ship, was arrested In
Camden today by Policeman Horner on
a charge of attempting to break into the
house of Mrs. Jennie Wagner. 120 Gant
street, Camden. Allen, after a hearing
Deiore iiecoraer aiacKnouse, was neld
under $300 ball for court.
Philadelphia Aviator
Dowm German Plane
Continued from Pace One '
han received from him came the day of
me announcement mat Major Raoul
Lufbery, premier American aviator, had
been shot down by a German. That let
ter aaid that Major Lufbery was visit
ing Lieutenant McLanahan's group on
the Toul front, and told how nrnurf an
th. American aviators were of their
IiApa'b ,hI,I.u.h.u,I. '
McLanahan waa born at St. Davids,
Fa, Although his home haa bean In
Philadelphia nearly all hla life, he haa
lived her but little, being' away at
school or traveling In Rurope most of
in time. He went to oeiancey School
her two years, than to Eurooe. return.
Ins; to enter preparatory school at Ash
"Vtlle. N. C From thar he want tn Tib.
Services Tomorrow for Gem
Expert and Religious Worker
Charles Gedney King, noted gem ex
pert and for fifty-one years associated
with the jewelry firm of J, 13. Caldwell
----- -- af----t Va V , iai4i
& Co, will he hurled tomorrow morn
Inir ut 11 nVinnit rmm tho v-nieonnni
-"D . --. ---" -.... ..- (....w,....
Church of St. James the Less. Friends
may call this afternoon at his home at
2305 South Lambert street.
Mr. King died Tuesday at his home nt
the age of seventy-four years. He wns
born In Boston In 1844 and came to this
city In his twenty-third year. He entered
the employ of the Caldwell company soon
after arriving here and died In the serv
ice of that .firm. Among the clientele of
the store Mr. King numbered as his cus
tomers many of the wealthiest and more
fashionable residents of the city. He
had not been at the store since last
November, having been In poor health
for more than two years.
Mr. King hail been for many years ac
tive and prominent in church work and
In conjunction with John Wanamaker,
established the Bethany Presbyterian
Mission from which has grown the pres
ent church of that name. He was for a
long time a vestryman of St. Mark's
Hplscopal Church and superintendent of
the Sunday school.
He was unmarried.
Railroad Blamed for Deaths
Allentnwn, Pa.. May 30. The Cor
oner's Jury that Investigated the deaths
of Harvey Bachman, his wife and their
daughter, who were Killed last rnurs
day evening when a Lehigh Valley ex
press train struck their automohlle at
the Gordon street crossing, this city.
censured the railroad company for run-
nlngs Its trains at excessive speed.
uwm uiionnen. me waicnman. wnu
left nis post just oeiore tne express
train was due to' report the gates de
fective, was accused of gross negn
gence by the Jury.
LtaMmmt Atauaeto HtwUy Me
LmuJiml Mm Uaiud 9uui
AviatlM Cmm rko IfcM Met
'1- '
, rw
to ft polloninnn's limne
Announcement uni mad Saturday
that Sergennt Albert F MeMullen. nf
the tialllo Miuad. would renort to the
Fiont and Westmoreland stieets station.
be Binning last Sunday.
This trunsfct, coming on the heeN of
a pievlous shift nf the pollci man ftom
Iho Twonty-i'lRlilh and Illtnor -MioN
tntfon, 1 omplt'tf'ly irmood hlin frnin tin boach front, foot of Kcliellengnr np
o.i arrets to hi Jinnm 1 mi- In t,, pnrnde vro th Pity Coni-
Tho srRcjuit spendq a Rood pait of
his day goln to nnd from work H
Ihos at 2031 South Op.il strrrt, nine
mljps from tlir Front and WVtmnrcl.ind
stroptH station.
Yctrrdny. licr firt dnv out of ted
for ppvornl work1. Mrs 'MfMullrn prp
pentfd a plcturo of sorrow AVnpp ftom
month, of illnpj-H, iOip spokp of thp
"awfulm"!- of pmifshint? a man for
lining hla duty" She had In mind Maor
Smith's order to policemen to btay out
of politic.
"IJci-aup my hiih;ind fibpjpd tin
Mayor's order, IMrertor WINon, with
malicious pplt onlj to puidp him. trans
ferred Mr, McMulIrn to thK station two
iinurn away from hln home," she dp
clnred. The serpen nt has ppen children.
Some of them, th jounpest, will nee
him seldom now. Up Ieaes in the morn
ing lonsr before the babies are awake,
lie returns at night after they have.
gone to bpd. VIrtiiallv thre hours of
the time he oncn spent with Mrs. Me
Mullen hate been taken from him.
"Captain Mills said no policeman
would be stationed far fiom hla home,"
Mrs MeMullen declared "Nine miles
may not be far, but It takes Mr. Me
Mullen a long time to get there and nn
equally long time to get back. Up must
leae the house before 6 o'clock to ie
port on time."
Mrs. MeMullen (said the sergeant did
no campaigning for either Scott or Hei
dleman and thereby hangs the Di
rector's action. sh bellee. Director
Wilson's division in the Forty-eighth
Ward, whete MeMullen formerly va
stationed, gae Heldleman a majority
ner Scott in the primary election fight
for Lieutenant Governor. WIIpoii was
backing Scott.
Lnrdnor's Point Pumping Station
Employes Raisn Flag
Claiming credit for superior coal con
servation as ii war economy moe, the
ISO cll.v employes at the Gardner's Point
Pumping lai.in today raised a hand
fomc nierlcnn I'ajr otr the main build
inir or the pliuit.
Queen l.nno and other pumping sta
tions iiNimtp the ci,al record In connec
tion with tne Intie.ised water supply,
and Chief Pttrlrtnn K. I).ls has been
callil hi as l rbltialor.
The rnmpitlt'ou developed between the
wot King tcioi-, of the various water
plants has rcu'ted In material savings
and plans me n.iCur foot to offer a
hunut to the IP c men, engineers, etc., who
make the best iciord for a given period
of time In the fnture.
As n result ot the contests the cltv
supply of wa e has been augmented to
a point vbete it meets most demands
and at a uductd use of coal.
Garfield Monument Moved
VVIImloKtnn, Del., May .10. The monu.
ment to l'resldent Garfield, which has
stood at Klcventh nnd West streets for
several years, has been removed to
Concord avenue and Jefferson street.
The removal was madn necessary on
account of the widening of Eleventh
street and Pelawaio avenue, which will
efface tho plot where the monument
Shivering Memorial Day Paradcr and Picnicker Sing Their
Own Little "Hymn
Anr again B-r-r-r-r-r-r!
And for the third time B-R-R-R-R-R !
Thla little "hymn ot hate" Is dedicated
to the weatherman, who, employing
Hlndenburg tactics, sprung a surprise
todav and. Instead of nutting one over.
put one under and away under, at that.
The thermometer tnis morning, omciai
w registered S4 degrees at 6 o'clock.
Yesterday at the same hour the thin
sliver line In the glass tube nodded
genially, from the 6-degree mark, or a
difference, we Beg to note, oi ""
a ,-hiiiinr rainfall today marred nu
merous-Memorial Day events. The drli-
ling downpour began ai ociock arm
k iikiv tn enntlnue for the rest of the
Kuy. the Weather Bureau announced
shortly before, noon.
Many aged veterans of the .Civil War
were prevented from taking, part In
paraees by the bad weather, which also
Interfered .with several athletlo event
and other outdoor observance .ot the
holiday. ' -, .
n..M.r.r! Let the "Hymn of Hate"
War Department Announces
Awards to Pcnnsylvanians
Announcement has been made bv the
War Department in Washington of the
Issuance of commissions to the following
residents of Philadelphia and vicinity:
Cyril Alnsworth, Swarthmore; Walter
M. Campbell. 2136 Xorth Carlisle street:
Kllsworth C. Friday, 34B4 Frankford
avenue, second lieutenants, aviation
Howard S. MrCamlllsh, Philadelphia
General Hospital : Charles Schablnger,
122!) I.lndley avenue, firrt lieutenants,
medical reserve corps.
William OenniMon, West Chester:
.lohn S Dunn, 6330 Baynton street; Her
liert Hves, .lenklntown : Jacob T. Scldcss,
4fl0t Baltimore avenue; Howard K.
Tomllnson. 400 South Fifteenth street,
trtond llcutenanls, engineer corps.
William M. Bowman, 3324 Spruce
street : Peter ,1, Sommers, 205 West
York street, second lieutenants. National
.lack F. Srhccfz. Wyncote ; Carroll n.
Khelton. 2261 North Thirteenth street,
second lieutenants, aviation corps.
Leonard C. Dursthoff, Philadelphia
General Hospital t
Interesting Events Feature
Memorial Day Exercises at
Shore Resort
Wlldnnort, . .1., May 30.
The season of lniR opened here to-
day with n 'hang" In spite of the threat
ening weather.
Memorial Pay ciowds nnd enthusiasm
on this day always form the barometer
by which the pteuent season Is Judgec?.
The crowd, numbering Into the thou
sands, wns not so law as otjier enrs.
dti" to th" fact that no excursions wete
allowed to the seashore resorts by Gov
ei imiPiit ofliclals.
The morning was devoted to meeting
nnd receiving the G A It. nnd Spanlsh
Ameilcan War Veterans and other vis
itors. At 2 o'clock, after forming at the
Washington Building, Young's avenue
and the Boatdunllt, the parade moved
northward 011 the great wooden way to
the Ocean Pier nut? countermarched
hack to the big Casino Auditorium,
where a patriotic address was delivered
by the Hon. William Hills, of Illinois.
At 11 ti m t lir rii iv 11 vttr nf t V10 TVTfi '
muppti and manolP il.inrp innlc nlnri nn
nilssloners, nlllctnls and members of the
Hoard of Trade. Wlldwood City Band,
dlreeled bv Oscar Hehner: members of
the !. A. II. nnd Spanish wnr veterans,
Wlldwood Hoy Scouts, city home guards,
maypole dancers, folk dancers in pretty
lOHtume, under the direction of Miss
l'.lsle Klsher, director of physical train
Inp of the Wlldwood schools, and more
than 1000 school children.
The parade and entertainment on the
beachfront were enthusiastically ap
plauded by thousands of spectators).
The great wooden way waa taste
fully decorated with evergreens and
HaRs under the supervision of City Com
missioner William C. Ilendee. After the
folk dance by sixteen high school Rlrls
the unique ceremony of launching the
handsome floral laden craft, the
"Mystic." In honor of the sailor dead
who udc their lives for their country's
cause, a custom first established at
Wlldwood, took place amid the firing of
a military salute.
Addresses were delivered by CI. A. it.
veterans and prominent spenkers while
the large crowd sang patriotic fcongs.
It was one of the most patriotic
gatherings ever held at the twin Wild
wood resorts.
Memorial Service for First Time
in Orthodox Synagogues
For the first time in the history of the
Orthodox Jewish religion prayers vvcte
offered today for the soldier dead of
the American and Allied armies in all of
the Orthodox uvnagogues of the United
States and Canada.
At the festival of nosh Hashanah the
prayer for the Jewish dead Is recited,
but It Is not on record that orthodox
lews have ever before Included In tho
Kndish tho, divine remembrance for
This action wan decided on by tho
Union Orthodox Rabbis of tho United
States and Canada, when they met to
nrranee for a day of fasting nnd prayer
?n conformity with l'resldent Wtlson'd
Francis G. Lewi, of Allcnlown,
Stricken While in Bank
tu.ninun. r... May 30. Stricken
with heart disease yesterday while in a
bank, Frnncls O. Lewis, former city and
rnuntv solicitor, and recretary of the
l.ohlgh County Bar Association, died to.
day In the Allentown Hospital. He was
a po.ctltloner hefore the State Superior
nnd Supreme Courts, and handled many
big case".
He was M the time of his death serv
ing bin second term as City Assessor
of Allentown. whose assessment he was
tevlsing. He was the father of I.leu
tenant William E. Lewis, serving with
tho Rainbow Division In France.
Confesses to Bootlegging
Hnrdrntown, . 4.. May 30. Patrick
O'Hara was before Mayor Garrison this
morning charged with purchasing liquor
for three soldiers from Camp Dlx. He
had been locked up all night. He ad
mitted before thn Mayor that he was
guilty as charged. He will be turned
over to the United States Commissioner.
of Hate" Under
bed and bedroom to the North Pole and
then had been unkind enough to go out
without shutting the doors or windows,
Wlfey's snores, which -even the
-weatherman can not Interrupt, mingled
not unmusically with the shatter-chatter
or Hubby's clinking molars, while Little
Hopeful In the crib across the room
wheezed out anticipatory and rutteril
warnings fet a cure and certain attack of
croup. i ,
Those fortunate citliens who listened
to the advice of the coal expert and did
their ".coal shopping" early (hook them
selves fown to the coal bin and hustled
buckets of black, diamonds stqv'ewardB.
whilst those 'who had no coal proceeded
to break up boxes, barrels and anything
else that would make a blase, y
But alas, and alack, and alfalfa, aid
a-sorrow and a-grlef and a-wee I Get
ting away to a fine, lead, the eather.
man promise a barrage during th day
of gusty wlpd and driving rain. in
fact, report reached the central mo-
Homage Paid to Past and
Present Heroes With
Solemn Service
Memorial Tribute Sacred to
to Those Bdttling for Free
dom of World
Washington, May 30.
Peculiar solemnity was lent Memorial
Day services for the nation's hero dead
today nt Arlington National Cemetery.
With the knowledge that Americans
dally are giving their lives In tiuman
Hy's cause on the battlefields of France.
the nation's capital suspended all but
the most pressing war business to pay
homage to these men who gave all to
tholr country in past conflicts
In prayer nnd fasting, following out
the President's request, the country took
grave heed of the past and Intense In
ventory f the present. The withered
ranks of Civil War veterans, who went
tenderly to place upon the tombs or the
fighters of other days a garland of mem
ory. were Joined by those of the present
generation, who honored the living he
roes and the dead martyrs of today's
coiitpi-t with autocracy.
i.Thp ."n.eB of N'orth nnd ui. 'on
since obliterated, cast no shadow on the
observance of this national holiday. For
the Northland and Southland made of It
a unified nnd consecrated time, sacred to
...e nn-,1 ot oi. out even more sacred to
the boys of 1918 who fight, not alone to
save a nation, but to save a world
President Wilson, following his own
precepts, attended church during tho
forenoon, joining In prayers for victory
to the cause of America and her Allies..
The President, members of Congress, and
Allied diplomats united at the National
Cemetery In attendance on the exercises
to laud the memories of the fallen, whose
spirit Is now In living form overseas. The
l'resldent did not deliver nn address.
Flags hung at half-mast, and every
national monument wns draped with
the Stars and Stripes. Thousands of
AVashlngton's war workers Journeyed to
Arlington to hear the nation's represen
tatives recall tho deads of the heroes
who have passed, but who will never be
Those who have already perished on
land and sea In the present great strug
gle were honored by great floral wreaths
launched on the Potomac at the foot of
the Arlington slopes. Another wreath
was floated divvvn the river In remem
brance of those who went down with
the Lusltanla. American and British
cruisers lying In the harbor fired salvos
as the floral tokens were launched.
Memories of the Maine were recalled
when the graves of the men taken fron)
the wrecked battleship at Havana were
draped with flowers. Dr. Manuel Ces
pedes, the Cuban Minister, whose coun
try has joined with the United States
In the world war, paid a stirring tribute
to the men of the Maine.
"We have nailed our flag with your
to the old mast of the Maine, and we
won't give up tho ship," he said.
The floral wreaths released on the
Potomac and those placed upon the
tomb of tho Maine dead were sent to
Arlington by President Wilson.
West Chester. P May 30.
Memorial Day was celebrated generally
today In the bame manner as In former
vears, there being but one special
feature, a meeting tat 8:30 tn the Court
House. There wer.e patriotic addresses,
and prayers were offered for the Presi
dent, all Oovcrnment ofliclals and tor the
buccess of the war against the Kaiser.
Following the service the Civil War
Veterans and other organization;
marched to Marshall Square and
decorated the monument of the Ninety
seventh' Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun
teers, and also visited the county monu
ment at the courthouse. There were
addresses at both places and the
veterans visited Oakland and Green
Mount Cemeteries.
In the afternoon squads of the
veterans visited Birmingham Cemetery
on the Brandyvvlne battleground, as well
as others In the county. This evening
there will be a patriotic meeting In
Memorial Hall.
Members of Henry R. Guss Post, Civil
War Veterans, also visited several ceme
teries and will hold services this evening
In their post room.
Alabama Wutsonites, Armed;
Take Refuge in Mountains
Montgomery, Ala., May 30. Hiding
in me uiuuuiuine iicur jiuciuuru, coon
County, are nine slackers and one army
deserter, who armed with rifles said to
have been shipped to them In a coffin
box. are defying arrest.
These men are not pro-Germans. They
are Watsonltes, their parents havlnr
been followers of Tom Watson and hla
paper, the Jeffersonlan, which several
months ago was suppressed by the Gov
ernment. Their creed Is "We'd rathe
be shot at home than In Eurqpe,"
The deserter Is Ira Culvert, a drafted
man, whose aged father said he would
rather have his son shot at home than
die of pneumonia at Camp Gordon, The
son was sick at Camp Gordon, and when
he recovered he deserted and took refuge
with the slackers In raves near his home.
husband of Annie L. Weber (nee MoUn),
Kelalives ana irienas. racmwri oi i-oaxe nn i
482, P. nnd A. M., and all ether ucletles of
which he was a member. Invited to a-rvlres.
Hat.. 2 d. m. precisely. 1101 W. Wyoming
ave. int. private.
BUTLER. Suddenly, May 0, HILVIA
HAYWABI) BUTLER, ased at. Funeral
services Nat.. 2 p. m.. from 185 R. aortas
lane. Oermantown. Int. private.
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