rm ..J. ,1'VfcTT1 3w.fi '?-. t Imperative for ne to Moaity giving IY TO WIN WAR t: loneys Will Have to tested in Govern- Eminent Bonds trfifidan. Mv 59. Sonar Law tela today or Mtl to b' tallowed bv el. :rltaln, ttpcclally a to tht nation. In order that every aufcht be lent to the winning Ht Mid: be lived more slmblv: athold exDenxes must be re. minimum: all surplus earn- rtapandltures must be Invested HdS ! All li.nW HAnntatta milk invested In war bonds: sub- tottat be twenty-nve millions Kiy." Law was confident that the I'Of. the nation would make the ti9t money unnecessary. E-. : . I Btavv demands on the people tlttd States (or war financing mor sonar Law say tno ble mutt meet, are expected PMsmore. governor of the erve Bank of Philadelphia. he necessity should arise. Mr. itfla sure the American people every cent or their incomes, coat, to the united states. ore was asked to comment ateh received today regard- finance situation In Great Chancellor Law sees It. settlor said the people must HtfA(, abandon all luxuries and ry penny tney couia save in Subscriptions, he said, must 600 pounds sterling weekly. b the equivalent or mote .1. week for every man, woman ..in Great Britain. Law lim it If the subscriptions were not I, the Government would ration Br' MSt aimpuiy living, ana we lip luxuries, but I do not be- .rlll ever have to lend utterly iCan be saved over living cost rnmeni," saia air. rnismore. lild that be necessary the it would not have to command to do it. patriotism and pub- would bring the Government IS. The successive Liberty m that. appreciation of the necessity of la increasing rapidly, as tn ' Becomes more evmeni people t.BBOre quickly and willingly. was well luusiracea ny several tancta In the third Liberty Urn here. Instances In which Etaught largely who had bought i nrst or second issues simpiy Uflng the first and second cam- hey had not awakened to the f6t subscribing. far Chest drive has anown the the working people to help Hltn necessity faces them. They itrlbuted more generously and Bgly than the people of moder- INDUSTRY ZONES 5D OUT IN U.S. TElrtAl WY81C1AN, DEAD Strait of Apopleny Fatal to Olden Practitioner in Columbia, Pa. Cttambla, p May 29. Dr. O. W. uerntneisei. or Columbia, surgeon pnysician and orator, died yesterday afternoon In the Columbia Hospital. Death was the result of a stroke of apoplexy. He was seventy-four years old. Dr Berhthclnel was one of the oldest, practloners In Lancaster County and the eldest phslcian In Columbia. He graduated from Jefferson Mrd'cal College In the class or llin and begnn the practice of his profession at Sllxer Spring. A Jkh years later he removed to Columbia and continued In active nrnctlce Until a few. dajn before his death Dr. nrnthell was a member or the State Medical Society. enrelnnt nf I the Lancaster County Medical Society i and president or the Columbia College .or rnysicians ana sturgeons, tie uan 1 thk i4M. tkn W.AMl.tkl LI.M 11-. ur urnn vl 1110 incuigni tiittlL ni ine olumbla Hospital, tie nas a vcttrati ths dean or thn medical start or the Columbia Hospital. He nas a vrttrati ior the Civil War ahd pam commander or Oeneral Welsh Post, No. 118, O A 11. or Loiumom, Dr. nernthelsel was a member or numerous fraternal organisation In Col Umbta and alkh of Columbia Fire Com pany, No. 1, and an ex-presldetu or the State, Firemen's Association. TRADE COMMISSION TO HAVE BRANCHES Increase of Investigation Re quires Three Regional Establishments PERSHING CITES DEEDS OF AMERICAN BRAVERY i Wounded Sergeant and Avia tors Succeed Against Greater Encmv Forces Wllflliln.tnn. Mnv ?!). The enormous Increase or Industrial Investigation required by the Federal Trade Commission has caused the estab lishment ot three branch ofllce") of the commission, located et New York, Chi cago and San Franelsrt, It una an nounced today. The following members of the staff or the commission are to be In charge of the offices: A. P. Thorn, Jr., at New York: Walter B. Wooden, at Chicago, and D. N. Dougherty, at San Francisco Quarters for the branch office will be furnished by the Secretary of the Treasury In the Federal build ings of the cities selected. The activities or the commission hae grown so rapidly since It has been called to deal with questions touching on ar Industries mat much or Its business now centers In New York, Chlcauo and the Pacific coast, and the establishment ot the branches Is expected to aold con siderable delay and expense or travel to these points. The commission has been n leading force In determining stocks or war and contributing materials on hand and the production capacity for such materia Is It how has pending many cases In which various charges ot unfair competition are named, and In vestigations nre In process which affect both the small producer and the so called trade combinations of cumulatixe wealth and productive poncr. The New York branch office is to be in the custom house, the San Francisco office Is to be In the appraisers' stores building and the fhlcago office, ror the present In the Lytton Building, It But Jackson Uoulcxard. Wsuhlngton, May if. How an American sergeant, single, handed and wounded three times, drove an enemy patrol of four men rrom his trench, and, further deialls or the valor or Meutonnnts Rlchertbacher and Camp hell In tlulr air combats are descilbed by General Pershing In an extension or his communlquo of jeslerday, made pub lic 1 the War Department this ufter noon. Th addition to the communique fol lows : "Section 1!. Yesterday morning thief ir our planrs enrountercd four hostile planes Hying at about 3000 mctrca In the region or Monlscc. In the flBht which ensued Lieutenant Campbell suc ceeded in attacking two or the Germ.iti machines. or these, one lost both wings and fell This was rcfeircd to In esterla'H lommunlque, In thn same encounter one of our n In tors was uouniKtl, Imt succeeded In InilJnj; a normal landing within our lines. "Yesterday morning In n s"rtnr re cently taken uer by our troops un American sergeant encountered a Ger man patrol of four men who had en tered one of our trenches during the night In the flghl which ensued one crge.int, although he hart ri celled three wounds, succeeded In dtlvlng out the hostile patrol, which left grenades and wlie cutters behind. "In Lorraine, on the morning of May 26, a hostile patrol attempted to pene trate our lines, it wan dilvcn on" with a loss to the enemy ot fhe killed Of theso one was brought Into our lines. One of our men was wounded. "This morning Lieutenant Jiichenhach er and I. Untenant Campbell attacked a gtoup of six enemy planes and brought one down out of control." BILL TO END ELECTION BRIBERY IN CONGRESS Measure Aimed at System in Rhode Island and Else where Likely to Pass Du a Stfff Crtrreponrfft Wathlitgtnn. May 29 Congress Is almost certain to pass at this session, the Gerry bill, making hrlb. ery In the election of Senators and Con gressmen a Federal criminal offense. This will make It possible to prose facing them, manv will hesitate, who tlnlnt the rlett on aws wnn SiSStf INDIANA REPUBLICAN SLOGAN, WIN THE WAR National Chairman H a y i Frames Platform of State i Convention Indianapolis, Ind, May 29. Every action of the Republican party in State and nation Is to be determined solely by how It wjtl aid most In win ning the war. This Is tho outstanding declaration of the Republican statement of policy bv National Renubllcan Chairman Will H Hays for adoption this nfternoon by the now Molate the election i "''" Indiana State Republican convention lecnng oi commence umi "' """" ' To this end the party stands for this ine laws wun iiiipuniij ranu ...-- - Appointed City Nunc Director Krusen, of the Department o' Health and Charities, today appoint ed Hnnnah Mary Krlsher, 6100 Arkvle street, to the position or city nurse. The place carries a salary or 900 a year. shment In thn State courts nun prosecution by the Federal Government facing them, they will hesitate, who othciwlse would flagrantly brtak the Mate laws. Although Senator Peter G Gerry ot Rhode Island, Introduced the measure to meet peculiar conditions that hae existed In his own State tor many ears, It will he a salutary effect In purify ing conditions In connection with elec tion or Senators and Congressmen In all the other States. In Rhode Island, a pampered rotteh borough system exists regarding elec tions, In much the same way It existed In Kngland prior to the pabsage or the reform bill, Senator Gerry dectared, In ill.scussinc the bill 111 the Senate "In tho election or 19H. when I was running for Congress In Rhode Island," ho said, "I employed tome detectivet on election day, and as a result of their Investigations and some other Informa tion bi ought to the attention of the district attorney, fifty-six Indictments were had flftj-one for violations of Section 37, and five for violation of Sec tion 19 W. S. S. TOTALS GROW Sales to Date Reach the Amount of $230,000,000 Wathlngton, May 29 The total sales of tht' war saving and the thrift stamps to date are approximately I2B0,000,000. This month'B sales have been in ex cess of $60,000,000. program: First. To use every possible means to win the vvar. Second For peace with victory and never by compromise. Third Sane preparation now for peace after the war. Charging that the party In power Is J. ft'. tVBBkSBkSv' ". , v-" TTSejs. i -, UL-tmMKmll ' - . . . ' "' "- . ' . I-. . '" ' tJ --.. , ,. . fullty of afaetiemf patty Mrttttn soil tick to tht serious detrlmsntaf tht Country's cause, the demand It mtde that partisan politics be taken out and be kept out of the management of the War. Carping criticism of the Admlnlstra-H tlon Is rtrongiy denounced, out con structive criticism, sympathetically of fered, la defended, Regarded as one of the most important Stat conventions ever held. Interest centered entirely In Chairman Hays's "Win tht War" platform. Only State officers, ranking from Secretary of State down, art being nominated. The platform drawn by chalrrnin Mai's after conferences with Republican leaders all over the country was adopted without change by the resolutions com mittee at a session lasting until early this morning. Senator Harry S. New charged that the Administration Is playing polities, and declared that a political propaganda Is being carried on behind the slogan, "stand by the President." "Mr. Creel, with his bunch of social istic, muck-raking misfits. Is employing it In every form at his limited com mand." he said. President Wilson, the Indiana Senator characterised as "the most astute leader the Democratlo paity hoe ever had, the hVawdtst lrtflsWtUioitrtfciftMi ctmpromlMni'ln nil partttsnlhiu of any ' - . v' f. IB 'li'i ii uiliiliim t W mta k;hat eJW thi WHlta Brat sines int aaya w Mmw jacnton. ' ' ' " ' ' Funds for Officers ami. Enlisted Men In 'the U. 8. Army and Navy and with Red Cross tr V. M. C. A, ThSfe8t Way To carry funds is by Travels' Ltttert of Cratilt which we Issua fraa of eommlssloa To sand funds It by Mall er CabU Trantfar which may ba aaadt through us. Mt HAVE OUR OWN AMERICAN REPRBttNTATIVI IN PftANOI WITH HEADOUARTERS AT THE OFFICE OP CREDIT COMMERCIAL OE FRANCE 90 RUE LAFAYETTE, PARIS Brown Brothers & Co. VbURTH AMD CtrtS-rWVT STRUTS) PHILADELPHIA tm- ' ' su'ji nm,ii.Ln,i.i!J.ui.i..liTn HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT apahtmicnt. apartmp.nts APARTMENT! APARTMESTh EXPLAINS U-BOAT RUMOR Divided Into 20 Die ts for Production A( GnlAa IB FF m .- ;, Washington, aiay 29. trigones ior aecenirausing war f-JEavt been laid out and cen- tn for each. It was officially Latthe War Industries Board potts, chief of the resources and action, win ascertain tacin- work In each sont through fUd at the following cities. tiling tht industrial territory " irtdgeport, New Tork city, HU Rocntater. PittsDurgn. Cincinnati, Detroit Chicago. .VAtlanta, Birmingham. St, Kansas City, Mo.; St. fcttkta and San Francisco. i be an Independent economic tr'at possible in production of , Industrial, tons center an ex- .tht war Industries Board, tpartmsnt and tht Navy De- j will bt placed. Contracts will . through these representatives. jp In constant touch with as to Government needs. Bcatlona and other technical at-center will compile data tta manufacturing equipment. on facilities, raw materials. &y ws win oring manuiaciurtrs trlets together, to make possl. tlon of products within tht i-naullng of partly finished l.kt tllmlhated. Derelict Was Coastal Schooner, Wrecked in Crath An Atlantic Port. May 29. One of tne seven derelicts oft the Virginia capes which gave rise to rumors that Herman submarines or raiders had been operat ing along the coast recently, was the wreck of a coastal schooner, which crashed Into another off Wlnterquarter shoals. Delaware, last week. This was learned at the office or the commandant or this naval district, where It waa an nounced that the wreck had been de stroyed by coast guard cutters. The rate or the rrew ot the schooner and the fxtent or the damage to the other was not made known. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PP.NtVt.V.NI. Ml'llfltllW riANHll.VANIA lt'IlfRnN iiiiniiinvin niiiiwuiiNann I1; friz-uxTTzr.' r trf,.,T".- 3VS.TVI. ' --- ':.7- srawi:, ni?txz jnr ."r- , 'w""- ef'sttJi'.v XZ'V 4-"T- . QieVv(-k llHailW iHi.Hflai2"' .-,. ..? - -" .' . ... siftsaaassansHSBaHragi! ; 'v , 'H, " Wyfl,;' ;'""' I Wf ' "iii'iiiri'riii rarafialElSS3HKffiK'SSM;:S. PI. SaalHKSEKEELfl jfwWnwaWnHEW'MnilfMBji j .L iiTJHfelwA I iHilttltaESEtHEV LODGES LANE AND STATE ROAD At Cynwyd 5 Minute From Station Ideal Colonial .tott homes nlth Mate roofni 10 ronm. t bath with thtmerj nodrrn plumhlnic. hrtrnunPd flonrft. open flreplatei southern eiposurt. Contenlent to nrhooln and churrliei. rurrhanera ran have choice of pnprM and electric fltturea. Excellent opportunity tr Immediate piirchnnern to buy on eonrenlent termi. Only IK nilnutcA from Urornl atreet. Asent un prriulset Saturday ani Sunday or phone Cjnnyd 753. JAMES E. DOLAN & CO., 12S Bala Avenue, Cynwyd ",r,:ri wra r: i,i:; ,ti ir niiBi'iwmiiiiiBiii'B iiraiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiinii ihm ;iiiiiimni w im wa m i nwimr FOR RUSSIAN AID m Women' Death Bat U. 9. Secretarie May II. Russia's Alllad and Amarlcan steed today by lime. Botch ot tna women' Battalion icrttary ot etau uinsing oi war nager. waa tor anea. now belltvtd cry Her nrl military mod (or economic aid art oua oonsiasrauon: on. I tM way of such aid. tspt- .. might tau into Qtrman '."t Baser, nowtvtr, lUttntd tfc woman'a pita. 8ha A taa yra-Auy tiamtnt in tsi-fia aonaallata4. Til i'of tht.Allltd atntlmtnt. 'aotonwiwnaa ottt it irioaa Jowti togtther )WN 252 PLANES ' ."., i tjwawy Alytrtit ta Veak ijrviix -: 7. r "i i" ififtStfsy Hri ;vV',htL'"i2 'yfawa"yTfW..wi ivaaw'-'j)'''. U-Boat May Be Whale Mobile, Ala., May 59 Steamship of ficers arriving here tell of sighting a big whale in the Gulf or Mexico recently, and said they were convinced the recent reports of enemy submarines In the gulf had been caused by other vessels sight ing the whale. BEAL ESTATE FOR BENT NEW JERSEY 8KASH0RE $1 DAILY IN JCNE rent one of the four-roam, fully far nlabei Ortrle-ltfhted bunmlown ot the Stone Harbor Buhgalow Colony simr BATinxot good fishing. Close, to the ocean and boardwalk, con venient to flahlna- around i. In the heart ot a modern, up-to-dato eeasldo reaort. Bach buna-alow a pretty lummer home. bivciriv us", aiwsiaii waitr ana Bewer- act. vrean vcaeiBDits, Uvcred to our door. menin or aeaaon, modationa now. B meats. to Raiaai h iha ..i. fveserve your accom OVTH JRRffRV RKALTY CO. is "uum ininu ht. Bell moae. Lombard list BBaaamilf 94mmKmMB1KmMQltlB3IR JtjJ' s alfliBBBBBBBBBFBiaBnaHBrs9aBHBBB laVKz ' ''"liBBBBSBlVBaaBBBBmLBBBBBBBaBVBW . v ,, jnaBVataaWtTWBBlBBKaaBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBK IW fj saaaaaaaaaaapaaapasast. - t f i '" ' 'WWWaiBRlMalBawBaB i BEAL ESTATE FOB BALE 25-Room House in Perfect Condition 10 ACRES SCITAJILE FOR Sanitarium, Home or Private Country Seat Located at Dolstown, Pa. (Near Station). 24 miles from Phila. by trolley nr auto. Contains 3 baths hat. and fitted throughout with handsome etectrle fixtures. Situated 300 feet aboe let el of the sea and la sudd lied with fine pur water Doyiestown, Pa. OWNKR vimi0t0lA0im0m pur water WYNNE JAMES . 9 QgMArr0W7- IIERMANTOWN nrjwiAxtnww 18 SOLD LAST WEEK WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN A HOME OF THIS CHARACTER? $2800 ONLY $ 1 00 CASH REQUIRED! SUBSTANTIAL CONSTRUCTION. CONVENIENT LOCATION. . 1300 Iblock; NEW CITY PARK -- . Price St. aaaaaaaaaaaaaKa!IIBBjBBjV. facing proposed tBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtrSBKgra-pSBBJkJ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai1tfioSftS5ffN,Ws- aiiiiiiiiiiiiiBairmiaw.ii-TEr L;--' ii, e P.iff llsrmlKiha. MmCJiii'-llMnnBli'l H'fTli.".''' '"' ' '"" '""filWiislsli Hliinb aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEfLZiirlSSt.'PJwJMil aaatBBHBKsrrMh.Mi " ' nai tttHB HflMMM .AdaaBBBBBBBJRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ riTl'rfB. HaBBBBBBBBBBBBJSSBBSBBBBJBBBBBBaaBtBBBBSSSiSVBaBBiHSP ,iaasai' -aaBBaiaa.s ai. r ifcC i LAOX UTOBY. 10 BOOMS, PORCHJCS, BACK STAIBWAY, LAUNDRY-TUBS, ETC. v-V M BUND MAN WOULD UK TUB VALVE OFFtRSD MtM" WifV "' ' INSPECT- SAMPU HOUSE mHfa.:. . L fnMU. , inHliL Taka Caaltaa its. Car to Stanton Ava. (Oalw 1 3 aJlW'RW,?Ty-r.yarT?? "r ' " " -- , - -- -ri ' - KB. i5riu IB JJ i, OWt- At, facw. 0k Ua IIH The Touraine Spruce, I6th and De Lancey Sts. Philadelphia's Largest Hotel and Housekeeping Apartment The Touraine offers all those refinements of convenience and luxury that hitherto only the best appointed home or hotel could provide. The apartments have all outside rooms and vary in size from four rooms and bath to ten rooms and three baths. The individual rooms and closets are the largest ever designed for an apartment house in this city. Kitchens equipped with refrigerating systems, gas range and special ventilating system.. American plan dining room. Other unique features include a pure-food store for the exclusive use of patrons and separate house for servants, con nected with main building by subway. Now Open for Inspection and Occupancy. IT j II stassssBssassssass! aststtsa sss . ,. REAL ESTATE FOB BALE BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE JOB SALE WKgT HHLADEtPHIA WBBT PHH.APKI.rHIA WEST PHILADELPHIA BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE WEST PHILADELPHIA Let Your Neighbor Pay Your Rent We will show you how you can live in one of these beautiful 'new apartments on Angora terrace at Fifty-fifth street practically rent free. Inspect the properties, then ask us to explain our proposition. ANGORA TERRACE These apartments, located in the heart of West Phil adelphia's best residential section, are substantially built, and contain every modern jconvenience and luxury. N6where else in the city can you find such desirable homes, and no where can you obtain such liberal tirms at we art .i7J sri. 7-"vu sj ,i;,',."r,ij&i . E3ffi9l Ev3" ??' nullum Our co-operative plan en ables persons of moderate means to buy one of these two-family apartments at a small outlay of cash. The owner lives, in one and rents the other, and the rent of one pays for both. AT 55TH STREET afyfg a"""J" ' 1.1 '1 1W , JMM9U m T-V-. r. t..L-!.. y a. LOGAN fRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA 'V. 1 ! T '41 A. ?t J '. ',' ,1.'',W.' a Thrifty homeseekers will find in our unique plan both a solution to the per plexing; housing1 problem ahd an unusually'attrac$ye investment.' Homes care becoming increasingly dif ficult to obtain 'in West Philadelphia, and there ii never any trouble in ob taining ,: desirable -tenii I'iWLvSi & 3 t a ,! 'J Jbltt XMm.i BniTsTsailBlt Tm ir Ti JBI iTV' i r"t. J