uWkUtJ A PAGE OF FUN FOR YOUNG AND OtD TO REMIND ONE THAT LIFE S W( WrtW M (THIS FADE 18 irCTAT PROTECTED BY COPTRtOHT) I FA- SCHOOL DAYS y 0G Now Witch Oat The Limit AW HMMff IS ANOTHER NEIGHBOR WHO DOESN'T SPEAK TO THE TERRIBLB-TEMPERBDri Y i Cornell 'Him. yiei chkth you haVe." , "Tea, 1 won It playing gelt." "Any special fe&son for .carrying Mis links around with you?" msmBmSSmmmm ! ! -aBaiBawtfvtfMMrtMrilMMMMMMpBMMHaaHiHHHHM WBWaMMMMMiMMMMMM rrX i '& WfflMMmk inB ufeU,,! w ty ft s H t - ' " - .... - .,--,,,, , "-' "'""-"iH L B' . ... . i "Fust Ihiy lakes oar hitn, 4ni! aWiL 6J. jf" "" "Ov -!& eS fJ3 S then thty Ukis bur mafgerlnf. It's SV- wfAW ' J f 0:---SXvVv "". JL ftfcTr ft in lgh tlmi this war wasshet up!" "-s Jxv7 ( I aT"NVtlll!Ss!S't ill li:l -; i j jL 3 " . ti i - ' - ktf 1 """ UkjL - '. i "' t"- fr f I vtt kSbfer. ri' Huf nwf J 1 1. UlPf -4ig?gaBlilllllli.BEa UniMiMr D ' f b TTiem -was Bgliftw 3ty ! yjj Hit Luck "How's the world treating you?" "Not very often." Jestfcr. Ammd av cHBsrtiur I fciii & il ill btkfcr tUkt . H.r nkme 1 iw6t..dL&k6tey lWt Attffe tkfcfcjrbVL will Ay 6 -too WT i a.-m. TIOX. a, , JP' LUr i- - -- . i hum til g' "the Young Lady Across the Way 'M tc ibhdm THE GUMPS Have You Seen Andy'h Little Garden? Cofyrirfct. 191S. by fhi Trlfaun Co. A9 SIDNEY saiitf. '7Z1I: Th young lady acios.3 the way lays she saw In the war hews that ths Americans were using their neavies with good effect and she sup poses It's best to have something warm next the skin when they per iplre so. ro 1TI0WM To tMe TABIC i,i- N . allsIS J I &Efe' tHfey'fet r- "- "jl J" -(& . PETEY Better Talk Under Your Breath, Pete When You Call Lady Cops Jokes By C. A. VOifflK '?.! SWAT THE kAi'SER Bu BUNNY Tluykada retle9 niikt Tkey dreaxrvtr They wetii dbWtt wkct e Most sitvnef 5,J6 Wheti f Tkou4ktlufr LiU ettt- J MAttfetwify ' vito w" ftMf&Fvx watery 'v vi-l - - . . .. ... : . - . 3 fi.-kii a mit- emi iJCF 4Ar) FERDtEThe Riveting Contest 6n Ort d Att tfdirteitt B . A. iTacGi brt ftoYS.Trttftfe A HiLfe .iiMi: KEttLfe.'WeMT T K.Kfc t OVEft ToTHfe PLUMBthS FOP. tf ? ro0i.0EmN6 iSrNoOSE Ask HIM "ft puis it i Mitri A e-' WVfeT. tau, n r w t 'PA!W ktR sOfttLYMnS.VJWM.feOT HATfeoxrtcAWtff Would ado A UTfLfe iOWWYTOTK FFlftUtEDlN, M A? NW60 VKHttltj 1 V32 ABt OUR CMW1M N9 LITTI.E. fEACH BLOSSOMS?, nwvjna EbbmfcW.tVlfe eUihW6fftk. WIH'TVj46r (KlWhtAHTttltAM A6HtBdbY tfMMtftiUtioM tarn fem m aWttiaipifta mM Bid', ikM Uii I uJiU ntJIr Ubihii.fM Ur,f AMtS nMfc JtVia iui i i iiV nuZZi Tiiri'T.i uai.UT.ru 7. passtn, pnovc x--it wb in oi'i.nojnjjViHicti MmmSk I After YoO" re THnoOiiH old top c6Mt bvth t 1 TUt AstoKWLT WW W.n'SJtBUMHJWnwW! .BmTHOWjuANpt IbMlSE! I f VEriEfE3 A Uf tLEJ I f b '4? fWi'U UP itH A h'Ntj)V ' v 1 hh rprBV 7 -i -f, im 1 1 . su lm j UhUfm W I I---7f :LWnVt'',ii-ii;i,:-'1 i rnOntfiMbnnBislnHbnl Would you please sehd A PLOrtBE CWEft TO i7lyEST pHELSlEi SEETHE-HEWi STtLEBOHHETa HWBfei 15 AH( RWETiHl ii1Ti;'i',i C0NTES1 L' I !i f t3 'JT1 '- . " V5.' rT j JMiaferlii