Iwfe r 4 X i i A -fl 9 : S iV.-WHM OPERATORS WANTED fOll HYDRAULIC MOLDING MACHINE8 f xperienee ieslraole. tut not essential Permanent lobs fttty.kour week at htaheit mil Leather Department rj E. F. HOUGHTON 6 CO. 840 'Weit Somerset Street PORTERS, eoiorei : rooS sit aa4 J honn. eo Cfcestnutl it? IlrT Draft.' 994 PRESS HELPERS: RAPID ADVANCE KXNT: GOOD PAT. APPLY SUPERIN. TENDENT. 608 CHESTNUT ST. SALESMAN FOR FOOD PRODUCT U. v CAN EARN J500O tZTi i.rvrr ,.7w vu,,., '"wurani ana nos eSH.tIu5flJlb,ral 'alary and commission. fl Which ihoula earn over J100 weeklv: atata SsfiV. !ln dria"-. ftnd "lv" telephone: fceVaer Office hotels, etc. M BIO. SALESMAN a rentleman who has the ron ii 'if. h.a ofoaiJ acquaintance and can Mil the truth convincingly can make a profit- ! "nnectlon wlth a ,IUs"" Rankin house. Locust ala tor appointment. SALESMAN and estimator: must be eipe- 1frffrt,n ur.h.nJsi;rl2I..l18: 0d salary t tlrht man. 100 N. 10th. J SALESMEN Keystone Telephone Co. rte- ..;. .a "Presentatlve for Its commercial twpartmenti 60 per month to start; we offer V Bermanent nAdHnn ms fhina In fn. i yjy aiio ri. izin sr. P A,N12F.RS.. wanted on chairs. Apply 244 h B. It in Rr 4gA DI!ip,NSEIl wanted. Apply r. W. woolworth Co . 1020 Market t. BOLICITORS Can use several high-grade ?"... house-to-house canvassing: good lfWltiin for men not afraid to approach the but people. Apply Mr. Correa. Public Ledger circulation department, second floor. SOLICITOR Keystone Telephone Co! oZ .If" a representative for Its commer cial department; JD0 per month to start: we offer a permanent position and thane to & w. Appiy ma rv. izm at ENOGRAPHKR flnrf rhnrmi-i nfH- mat. APPlv 280 N Wati St. BTILLMEN vv anted : alternating shifts. Oar Works, Tloca st" east of Richmond ft. STOCK SALESMEN WANTED Hustling, live, wlde-nwake men and women everywhere, all or part tltne. experience un necessary; high commissions: exclusive ter ritory. If 1 can't put you Into big money no one la the business can. JOHN V. HOFPWAV lnvtmn :A' Airwrtter. second floor West End Irubt Building. Philadelphia. TIMEKEEPER for general del leal work on Duuaing operation in uncsier. i a. J lu7. Ledrer Central ' TOOLMAKER3 First-class men on small punch and die work. Excellent wages. Splendid working conditions, MILLER LOCK CO . Orthodox and Tacony sts.. Franktord. UXSVALE STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO. NICETOWN WORKS TOT SEEK EMPLOYMENT AT DIS TANT POINTS WHEN YOU CAN OET A JOB ON GOVERNMENT WORK AT FIRST-CLASS WAOE3 IN THE HEART OF THE CITT? ALL FIRST-CLASS Toolroom and machine shop men, such as lathe, planer, grinder and horizontal and vertical boring mill hands and ma chine tool repairmen, iron and steel molders on heavy floor work. Ironwork ers, Ironworkers helpers, furnace help ers, bollermaker. blacksmiths, riggers, bollerhouse firemen, air-hammer chip pera and laborers. AS WELL AS Electrical machinists, electricians, wire ttes and crane operators, ARE ASSURED 'of permanent jobs at good pay If they flrtiallfy. Works can be reached In less than SO minutes for a B-cvnt fare from any part of the city. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 4S01 Wlssahlckon ave. T1PIST wanted; experience In stenography not required. The Moore & White Com iSmny, 15th at. and Lehigh ave. ATTENTION K TOOLROOM UNIVERSAL GRINDERS BO TOOLROOM LATHE HANDS hMO LABORERS (M03TLY PIECE WORK) 10 BROWN & SHARPE ADJUSTERS THE ABOVE MECHANICS HAVE AN OP- PORTUNITY TO PROVE THEIR AMERI- WCAN MANHOOD BY JOINING OUR RANKS v'DJ MAKING THE SHELLS FOR "OUR I'BOTS IN FRANCE." ARE TOU AN AMERICAN? PROVE' IT TOU WILL RECEIVE AS MUCH PAT HERE AS ELSEWHERE, AND AT THE .SAME TIME HELP "OUR BOYS OVER IE." EDDYSTONE MUNITIONS CO. EDDTSTONE. PA. BQ.1M nn nlntn ivorlc. Imnerlal Wonlen j"":'', "i-k """. """.:.. r. CO., Main ana iecir am.. wwnnYunn WAITERS Exp'd reataurant waiters; cood biv. Whftehouse uare. in a wooaianq. uWjLTCHaiAN, nUht steady Job for E flibfc man. Chambers Bros Co., S2d and Mia. Ud MAN to assist in sdvertlslns da- MUtmsnt; any xnowieage oi rprinuna; or raving Will US neipiui, uu wi. aanitai. Sly by letter only, stating age, former RVio.h.rr:oT chssmut . WIMHBK CUTTERS WANTED FOR LEATHER SHOP t r.rmsn.nt Job i'TWr-hour w..k at hlchsit miu Xathsr Cpartnunt E. F. HOUQHTON 4 CO. 34t West Sonwrs.t it " ss. !0 MAN naTlnc iDKhanleal and drsft room xBtrUne. fsmlliir with slsa iiln trad, abto to tlmat jusntltl.. blu.prlnts and. tak off bills of mst.rlal am,: man.wno anowi sn;p won pif m 11... gjrrwH 0 MAN. il. In aamfl, room of wool.. (TK.rr aous.i aplMidld opportunltT 1 busln,M tramlnc; cooa ohanea far as1 vtiidV.7o,ivc: . Wt (' ' HTO;WJjrCTD MALM Atl&TK&fYtli8,0w, corporation t4!A? SrtEWXHS?" F0R A young man &&.'.? TP.JTEARS LD WHO IS Alt BmOUS AND DESIROUS OF LEARNINO 6r.SR2r.IT.A.5I;E BUSINFRS: EDUCATION. PERSONALITY. FAMILY CONNECTIONS AND COURAGE GIVEN rONSIDERATION; APPLICANT MUST HWE SOME KNOWL. EggE OF ACCOUNTING AND GENERAL OFFICE WORK OR EDUCATION AIDNO THE LINE OF OFFICE SYSTEM MANAGE. JJENT AND SALESMANSHIP APPLY BE TWEEN THE HURS OF AND 10, 12 AND L.OILi..AND 3. ASK FOR MR. TREOO. ?.'U-I!!SJCKLA BLDG., 11TH AND MAR KET STS. Cenernl GREENE WALD'S HIGH CLASS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Purehaslns: aeent mill euppllea or moehln ery. exo., 11600 Purchasing aent pitnt. drugs or chemicals exp . $1000. Hed bkpr. Office Mgr. Bkpr. & Cashier, Three jest, bkprs. Cashiers. Time payroll men. Three Inspectors Asst. foreman. Foreman Mig . exp. Held etoreskeeper. Supt. Tex till mill. Two dept. heafs Mfg.. exp. Supt. factory Draftsmen, J40. Civil englreeer estimator. Co-s e-e. Correspondent Mfg.. exp Supt. Electric, plant. Excellent open Trs for technlcil ard collere men. Greene wald' 2n s nth No enrollment crnrs BUSINESS SERVICE CO., 1300 Land Tit. B. -.BOOKKEEPERS 2'-hn: hotel 18-J33. BUYER Much. Shop. Foundry. J2S00 up CLERKS Shin , J20: Oen.,lS-J20.Hotel,20 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT Exp offlco mer , auditor. murapun t ot trgjn mBn j irn.i.efi uent AUTO MECHANIC, expert, desires work on Saturday and Sundiv; nil makes of cars. L. W. Campbell, B51D Hadfleld ae., Phlla. PSED AUTOMOBILES .. BUICK CARS we are able to make present delivery of come models. HALE MOTOR CO., INC. WAYNE. PA. t.D.'J?rttSJSI?.of BUICK rare In the MAIN LINE DISTRICT from City Line to Psoll and from Llanerch north to the Schuylkill Rlvr. We often have desirable used cars traded !? ?'U.BUlCKS Bulck D-45 11)17 tourln. Call WAYNE 400. Ask for ALLAN HALE. CHEVROLET $490- sedans, tourlnits ard roadsters- demonstrators: slightly used; rea. sonable price for oulck sale. Lorraine Auto n , ni-n r-mrmmint aye. FOUD tnurlns. mechinlcallv right: good ..'IreRi J2.')0 quick sale. Lorraine Auto Co.. -.- - i Hirmniini np F(?P. .tourings, runiboutB ind coupeiets. lfiia-17-in' ennd gii-ir. 1!W N. Carlisle. FORD raClRtorB, all models. 1017 Included: llriAoal ellnn-.... tj . . anrt .T - i"i 'limn till "i mi III' uil , riH il LtlLIlt FRANKLIN. 1H17. 2-pass roadster; run 4400 miles, car L tlrs In A-l cond . at reas. price; ubct to demonstration by appoint. riat FerMr-e Station, n21 N. Nltrona et. MITCHELL 1117: A-l condition: V0. Over- i (v 1 1 mi ,i n t aioniimfin hp. PACKARD, n-ol. tour.. A-l cond t pxtra tire: bin; bargain for quick nal, Pfelfr'a Onrnge. 2-4-B PalmT et. Phone Kena. pa TO.. PAIGE 101 TOURINO. 5.ran3ni;er. fl-3S; fiillv equipped, paint and cencral condition tTv fln: big barrnln $S50. Fold tindrr our Guar.intpd Trial n.in. Wrilov.WHlv fotor Co . 304 N. Rroid t. PAIOC 1017 TOrniNO. 7-raPJen(;pr. fl-Hl; Juit llko new; fully puaxantped; barRain; SoM tinrlpr niir flunrn ! Trll Plan. PlgAlowWlHpy Motor Co.. 304 N. Prnnd.gl PAIOH JMfl TOl'RINO, fl-4. 7-pasa.: in xcptlnnnl condition throughout; epeclally rrlrd. t7. SoM undr our Ouarintpd Trial Plan. Rtir1nwW11lpv Motor Co . 34 N Proud nt. PAIOR 10 IB touring, (Vlfi; nvprhaulM and In A-l condition: nn ho purhacod rlcht. Sold imir our Ouarnnted Trial Plan nip-fiow.uiii"v Motor Co. 301 N Prond at. PAKJK tour'c, W'Pasf , rt-4rt nverh'di Al fond.: n"lv pilntd, will dmon,: no deal. Pall Sun or w-kdivt, 201 i Prnndvwln t. THUKK-TON TUL'CK. with fumlturft body, In Rood runntne condition, for pnli at bar en In price. Apply purclinplns; dept., J. B. Van Rcl(r Co, Camden, N. J, AUTOMOBILES TO ?HIRE PHII'A. ft NEW YORK MOTOR UXPRKS Matprlal transported In any quantity, inv tiumr of trucks, anv dav or every day. Call Walnut BR21 or Rnco SflS3 .TAMFfl TKTKX ft CO . 3T0 Ifi-M Riillillnff HAUMNO Autotrucks to hire. H to B ton; hour, day or week. Jamea J. Rnonev & Co.. 1622 Sansom. Spruce 1013. Race 1371. ATJTO SUPPLIES REPAIRING VULCANt'.INO AND tTPHD TIRRS PIERCR. 1427 FATRMOUXT AVr. BOATS, MOTORB'TS, LAUNCHES tOR SAUK Moil otn-actlvo fiO-ft. rained decK cruiser, equipped with -cylinder Van Rlerck motor, new 1917, apeed up to IS miles; Interior finish mahogany; double atata. room, pleeplm? acrommodatlona for a peoplo: tl?o a 45.tf.'. H-cytlnder Sterllnsr enslne, 5x6, pratlrally new: both can be purchased from owner at attractive fljrurea. C. F, Bonior, 1R S. Front at . Phlla.. Pa. HORSES FOR SALE Saddle horac, 4 yearn old. bay with black markings; was broken by a woman: well trained, stromr; up to and car. rvlnjc over 18,i rounds; winner of third prize Phlla. Indoor Show, 1918. P 41B, Ledser Office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FIRST-CLASS RRICK PROPERTY, new, completely equipped. Ions-established lea cream factory at Pethlehem. Pa,; capacity 6000 sallona dally; price $2(3,000; opportunity la knocking; herd It. PARIS ft SHIMHR. TWhlphem. Pa. NEWSPAPER ROUTE for sale; only morn- lng route for all the Phlla. and Atlantic Cit dcttlvt nnd Sunday nanera: this rnnin covers 5 pillages just outaide of Atlantic- uity; canfo nouBni wnn or witnout equip mpnt. T. f. Showell. Ahwcon, N. J, EXCEPTIONAL UUMNESS OPPORTUNITY An (jtceptlonal opportunity Is offered to purchanW before June 1 the rntlro stock, fix tures ana euouwiu oi iiogera a Aimer, wholenalo and retail hardware bunlnen. pi. tabllfhed over 0 years. 130 and ISA Market at., rmia. uwner araiiea ror military arv Icc. Any Information eladly elveu. Call at once. . HOTEL, stock and fixtures, near Bethlehem Steel and Coke Works. Bethlehem. Pa., doing an Immensely profitable business, for sale on account of serious sickness: raro opportunity; price 24 OOP M 201. Ld Off. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE Business, buildings and lot in prominent lo cation: absolutely no competition; doing about tlOo per day: prle erv rasonabl SCHWEITZER. 4413 FRAXKFOHP AVE CAPITAL RAISED for good proposition. Klndlv write detalla. H 050. Ledffer Central. TRAFFIC .MANAGER Do you nod a man who knows th business to look after your Interests In Washington? C . ledger OffW SALi: Iron and steel work, on Vshlp" or ders, now runnln? full time; will accept additional capital or sell all. $100,000. J 141 Ledger Central. DRUO STORF! for rent. Besch Haven. N. J, Inquire R. F. Encle. the Covlncton, West Philadelphia . CAPABLE business man will Invest IS000 to Sin. 000 with aeivlce In established paying business: state line. H OSS. Ledger Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS WANTED We must have 60 more to (111 an order. Anv size up to n karats: prices no object Call or phone Walnut 714.1, suite 21 and 22. X Chestnut st. II. Kelly & Co. (over Chllds' Restaurant) DIAMONDS BOUGHT HIGHEST PRICES PAID T1T1KINESS STRICTLY CONPIDENTTiT. 143T Chestnut st Room 201 J Mats Mrr. DAMAGE claims, bus. and other difficulties handled; accts. collected, etc.: bk. ref.: 22 yrs.' exp : your rlchts protected without you advanclnK any fee. Mutual Adjustment Co.. Room 429. Heed Bldg 1218 Filbert St. TYPEWRITINQ work wanted: prompt serv Ice In reasonable time. Write Handle Btver. . " reox .i. rniia . r. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS, physical culture; hrs. 10-0. Ph. Locust C04T. 302 S. Broad CASH REGISTERS WE MAKE AND SELL ONliT NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS . AND CREDIT FILES Lowest prices. Small monthlyjpay. znenis. o inierrsi cnaraea. writ ten guarantee. Old r.rlsters re paired, reo exchanced. rebuilt, boucht. (old and QEORQE D.-SCHWARZ, Acent THE NATIONAL CASK REOISTER CO. 780 Chestnut st. Phones: Sprue, 2900 Raoa (8T0 CARPET CLEANING1 CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE "'"' ' ' ' . . i .;. r:.j '?i MALIBTATB f OS SALS "'" tOOAN Grange Farms Radley Houses Park Avenue Above Olney Avenue, Logan f!r.!euDurbtn. Just where town and country tneel. The ir.ost e:ar?a lsr homes In Philadelphia. Prominent features "Prlvite Oarsis to every house.' Tweniy-rooi orivewiy, minwa, t-orsrvatonr Sleep n porch. Biniara room, in j-or iocai 111.000. telled. Price. E. S. Radley, 5701 North Park Avemie BUILDER AND OWNER 87 aotossoblle via O'.d Torlt Road or Broad St. to Olney Ave. M at. iliiiMliiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMnmit'i'i""""111 MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES NEW ar.d second-hand bicycles- tires 11.00 up. Andrew T. Birchett. SOS 3. 22d. FOR SALE BABY coich. Hlo?t! made, lat. X2JS mpd : re- verlhlA ffenene(- 11Rri(l!Vnlue t.10. com- ptete line. Miller. C040Q S. 2d. Open evaw. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES, new and second-hand bowllnr alleys and sup piles, phonographs and auto tires. Bruns-wtck-Ba lke.collendr Co . 1002 Arch St. BILLIARD, pool, comb't'n. 2d-hand. boutht. told, rented, exc Kefer, 820 Olrard avs. DICTAPHONE Colum'a outfit, comp with records Ph Loo m. or H 74T Led Cent, OFFICE FURNITURE Large line desk, safes, flies, cabinets and general office furniture, store fixtures. We Ruv. Sell and ExchanM PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 4070 1127 ARCH ST RACE 2B0. SAI"ES. r-epronf. also with thin will": clos- Ing out nO slUhtlv uyed. harg 72 N Fourto. WAX BAOS. paper drlnUnx cups footh- plcks. envelopes r.xra L-Mtifnn. tn ?. oin 115 LADV'S Tiffany diamond engagement rlns, set In platinum, weighing about a carat: alue J200. .... . . . RIEDER'B LOAN OrFTCE. 12 Mirket st. LAROB ROLLER COASTER and large pa vilion: about 60.000 feet of lumber used: prlco 1900; also large engine, boiler and StftCK. 54UW. fll aia. Lentur vjuive Iiln OENT'S a-tone diamond ring; pure RIEDER-saLOA$N orFICE. 12 Market St. HEATING "' Syt'-TW WKSi. w. AluKiJiJ rii-iui.a xicit-iv .l"i'"r1tr. to 40r, les3 fuel than stoe mi furnaces, furnishes moro heat: air constantly In circu lation, kevplng house cojv and comfortable. MAKIN-KELSEY HEATINO. 1827 Filbert at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS POWER PLANT MACHINERY In stock for Immediate demery; power plants designed "POWER EQUIPMENT CO . ENGINEER3 1218 Chestnut st. FOR SALE Stiff-leg derrick, nfl-ft. h?: 1 traveling derrick, steel frame. S0-ft. boom: both complete, with engine, boiler and half irrt clamshell buckets. II. C. Ambler. 3717 old Torn roao ..r.l. Ht. I.I X.' I- l.-riT.lt.'JT rvnuil'iuai.' .-- w.. ....... Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam ana on engines numns air compressors. HI K TIIUMMi l. . l- . "' "" KLEU1K1C MOTOKs MAnllNB TOOL3 POWER F.OUIPME-VT O' BR tF.N MACHINERY TO 11 N. 3D ST. Wanted WANTED Second-hand elevator wire cable, . ii.i . ... .....Mia. ! M . 4" nnd ;; advlso what you cin offer, stating lowest cah price. N. Block si Co., P. O Box 481, Norfolk. Va OLD GOLD OLD gold, iiher, platinum, plated ware, old atjrl" Jewelry, teeth plate" bought for casn. Est. 117. J L. Clark, refiner. B07 Sansom. CASH PAID for old gold, silver, ontloue clocks. Rogers. 43 H. 17th st. Locust 1219. PAINTING ANDPAPERHANGINQ WE do high-grade paperhanglns & palntlnti reaa. Why pay more? We go everywhere. Morris Leshner.5417 Market. Ph.Belm't 508. PIANOS. PLAYERS. TUNING. ETC. J27.0O VICTROIJi. IV. with 0 10-Inch D. F. records: flno outfit for one looking for a good machln" at small price. Send for cat alogue ll1II.Todd. 13U0 Arch, 223 Market. $4110 KNAHE-ANOELUS nlayer-pfano, ma hogany caso: can't bo told from new; cost t0M, terms can be arranged. H. U. TODD, i:nm Aren st.. 175 CASH $i3. 11 weekly, for magnificent mahognny J3.30 piano- been used 9 mo.; decided ha rgaln. 11. II. TODD. 130 Arch at. IIKf HANDSOME Lester upright grand; good na new: guar.: co-t nvi. II R. Todd. 13Q'I Arch st Open fi'.itur'lav oenlngs PIANO. $100 Stelnwav upright: cost J150: guaranteed In splendid condition. H 11. HJAJ. l" "-' -' rilONOORAl'IlS, any make, machines re. Jaired for tl. Robert Hoyd. 20 S. 17th. PRINTING SAMPLES OF ENVELOPES CARDS, LET TER HEADS. ETC . WITH PRICK LIST. MAILED ON REQUEST. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY AND INTELLIGENTLY, HAN DLED. LOUIS FINK A SONS, 60 N. 7th. STAMPS AND COINB STAMPS. ALBUMS AND SUPPLIES For Stamp Collectors PHILA. STAMP CO.. 21 8. 17th ST. STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1819 MARKET ST. BROWN STORAGE CO Special rate cltv or country. New York. Baltimore and ... .. . -. . kl . ..I.nl.. flLM- wasningion. Lruf-ita lu mm 'm un.,..o " H N 5lh r Tioga 4490. Park 4012 P. MII.l.ION-dol. concrete fireproof warehouse N.Phlla Storage Co.. 2033 Lehigh. Dla 7s0 PACKARD 4t FORD, auto erlce. Est, free . WEST PHILA. MONARCH 8TORAQE CO.. 3807 Lancaster ave. Automobile vans. Parking and shipping. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS Underwoods, etc.. "ale or rent: right prices Phs. Filbert 3133: Main D983D. Guarantee Typewriter Co. .47 N.lOth. WANTED Antloue Jewelry, old gold, silver, false teeth, old rolps diamonds. watches. 114 H 8th st. CASH REOISTER and meat sllcer wanted; state price. 3417 Webster. Market 4334. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prices paid for ladles' and gentlemen's clothing of all descriptions, hats, shoes, furs. etc. ; will call, day or evening, city or suburbs: call, wrlta or phone. Bell. Poplar 5771. Open oenlncs. ii.At kkk. i.'.tii i-opiar si. CAST-OFF clothing, ahoea and hats bought! senq postal, pneiqman. v.. rupmr. Cast-off clothing, men's only; highest prices paid: send poa. or pn 7 pi.'irn t-rrm .. FURNITURE For fair treaft and highest nrloes see nunacK. ? in nuin Lie, in,i. r,t V vnli cllvee nlitlnnm ftllaa teeth talking machines A records bought: high est prices rain 40 re. imn. rn. wai. pim. 1rilrlVi:i.V hlghent orlrea oald: ladlea1 gentlemen's cast-off clotjilng, ihoes. hats; ca?. day. evening, city, country. Phone Dick Ineon 133 Friedman Bros . 1444 South at. OLD GOLD, silver, talking machines and records bought. 2048 Ridge ave. ROOMS FOR RENT BROAD ST.. N.. 1618 Large furnished room, second floor, next to bath; rent rea sonable . CHESTNUT. 2009 .. ROOMS AND PROFESSIONAL' OFFICES CHESTNUT. 1808 Single rooms near bath. SUItaniB lor yenuemen CHESTNUT. 2048 Large, welt-turnlsned . .Uatplii llcrhts afaanritt rPOHT. lM'v .ni ....-- LOCUST. IMS Unfurnished rooms: 1 and 3 room suites; private bath; electricity; par ciuetrv floors. LOCUST. 4033 Four rooma nnd bath: prt. "r.-M .. ft... -.4 If AmmirA 1ee KfiaO XV yate ram: poarq n nwiicu noa.. w"oe ... RACE. 8812 Large lecond-floor room: soutfj- nw,"". 1.2.. u.i.j... ....II r.n,l.hjA ern exposure, wimww, n, .u,ubu. nanng ow. room, furnished; all conveniences; 1 or 2 unuiwwi. 18TH. 8.. 280 Beautifully turn, suite. 1 rooms and bath: gentleman only: refs. ISTH. 8.. 260 Two beautifully furn. rooms; gentlemen only: references exchanged. 8218 BARINO ST. Suite. 2 large furnished rooms, private bath and Porch: also slngla rooms! breakfast if wanted. Phona Barfni T2a HANDSOMELY furnlshsd room In luijj lin orlvata home: electrlo lights' 10 mlnutea to City Hall. Telephone Baring 418, BEAUTIFULLY turn. apts.. attrae centj 1 soma hsirni-. Sherwood Co.. 1T11 Walnut. WEAT PHILADELPHIA 48TH. 8.. 1212 Nicely Jure. room. Sd-floor frariti all cons : porch: gent'n. Wd. 0lt J. 8IBT, 8.. 118 Nicely furn. room, electrlo fight. nsar"L''; gentleman. Belmoat llit. SOABPiyO WBAL I8TATB tO SALS 1 LOOAN inclosed front porches. H1ch elaao LOOAN 3112 N. Hutchlrson st. 2-sts-.. 4 bedrrns , twin 25-ft front, will sell rlcht to quids buyer on easy terms lrpect!on In vited. 4314 N 12th st , S btdrr"s.. alrllsM. splendid cond , nr. trolley, lccatlon u"eteelled Oehlhaua 6 Dallis 4709 N. Broad. Wyo S71 COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTED FRENCH KAMILT lhlng private on Perklo. men River vlll aceommodite a few sum rrer boardrs heme coeklnp; fresh milk and eircs Terms- Adults. 510; children. $5 weekly. 3D miles from Philadelphia, by Reading Road. E. Fromtn, Box 20. Qreen la-e. Pi. BOARD on nociern firm or n refined hor-e: within easy conrritlng dlstarce of PMla delphla; voung eurle. no children. T. L., P. O. Box 104. PhtliiMnhla rJANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location: special sclentlfe care nervous elderly. eery comfort: nurs; booklet. Dr. Randal City Lire. Chest Kill. APARTMENTS APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a peclalty. Sherwood A Co . 1721 Walnut St. Pome very attractive 1 and 2 room furnished arts : some hskpg. THE UFNEVA 18TII ST ABOVE WALNUT High-class apartment with or without rrl- vate bath: entirely return Ph gpru-e l.on ATTRACTIVELY furnished single rcom; private bath rentril location in a. 20th. l'3300 HAMILTON Bachelor arts , n-cond- noor ironi, porcn, sniae, ory aesir.iuie FURNISHED APARTMENTS DEStRABLE second-floor front nptrtment 2 rooms and bath, 2049 Chestnut street, IS40 per annum EDOR O CROSS 1411 Walnut street NEW, 1 and 2 room'. rrlMte bath fur n Ished. eleelrlrlt s. nil corns m.n wilnut C.KHMXNTOWS GERMANTOWN Apartment. 3 room3. well lurnisueu; iwo minuicn irom vjuen lane station: conenlent to trollev. June. July, Ausuit. Phone qerinantown loo-t r K NN5VLVANM srilfHUVN SIX-ROO.L furnished apartment. 1.3 mlnu'es from Broad st . attract!e locallt. shady grounds and porch Lanslowne 312 J Seoehnrp WILDWOOD Crest rum. apts.. all ronvs. Booklet. A.M Tonguv.3122 Cnmlv t..Phlla. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS FURNISHED APT , .3 roomi and bath. In Creshqlm Vtllov Apts , tonenient to triln and trollev. Phone Chestnut mil pr.1 w. 10TH. N . 1401 2 rooms. $7 up. alo 1 rm prlv bath; llaht lipkpg : rlnel? room APARTJIENTS for rent, York rd south of 68th ae.; O rooms, all com ententes. O. J. GISSEL CO . Agent, 4SJ(I N. Broad APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE UTH AND riNT! STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE DELMAR-M0RRIS Amprloan plan CTIET.THM AVH ANP MOHRIS ST. GRRMANTOWN MONTKVI.STA APAHTMKNTS ,il nntl Oxfnri stu. rooms bith ami kltchon.-ttp. furnished. Also room with prltto bati. Dining room optlonil. rhonn Ovorbrook anflt. 22D AND WAI.NTT. N. i:. ror., th Swarth moro Now i'J-ty. pt. hotrl 2 rooms nml bath, furnlshrd or unfurnished, or 1 single room II. T). Stott. mnnnger. THE ESMOND 1STVn'pconnucB Suites of 2. .1 nnd 4 rooma Tilth Mth. THE LITTLE HOTEL. 223 S. Broul el. A good place to llvo uhlle In Philadelphia. wf.t rinr.nFi.riii THE SHERWOOD 81TII AND CHESTNUT STS. One and 2 room, vlth prlato bath, excel lent table. Raring 7t48. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY For Sale at Old Prices n j,-. nth innn nalnbridge 134 N. Edgewood 317 S. Juniper 21120 N. 11th 1232 Kater 2000 Mt. Vernon 1731 Naudlln 332-4 S. 17lh 907 Pino 2013 N 13th 2021 Sansom J. A. Patterson. 130 S. 15 th FOUR SOLD LAST WEEK ONLY .1 LEIT lr.23-l.13I. 33 KEIUIAUall ST Two-story brick dwellings. H rooms Porch fronts, hot-watt r heat Electrlo light. 1-iumlry tubH I'rloo now $.'!2.r.o: was S330O THEO II. NICKI.ES. 2113 Oermantown av. 1320070.1 W. CLEAItriEI.D ST. Porch" front dwelling, all eonenlences. Including 4 bedrooms, convenient to car lines, schools and churches. For particulars call or write H. E. Smith. 724 W Brie ave 1814 N. 27TII ST. Cheap to quick buver: hot.water heat, electric light, modern plumbing: Interior attrartiveiv remoaeiea, WM. T. B. ROBERTS & SON, Olenalde. Pa, Phone Ogontz 082. 1027-20 E. VENANGO SI". 2 story, tl rooms and bath, stone porches; all conveniences; excellent condition; must be sold: owner leaving city. SCHWEITZER 4413 Frnnkford ave J30II CASH Kip St., 3300 N. (near Front Westmorel'd) 2sty porch-front dwg.. 7 rooms all ronvs : possession 30 davs: price S20I0. Theodore E Nlckleg. 2113 Oermantown nve 12300 3P27 N. DELHI ST.. tl rooma and bath, porch front: adjacent to Hunting Park. For nermlsslon to Inspect call II. E. Smith. 724 W. Erie ave J2HOO 3S31 N. FRANKLIN ST Six rooms and bath, hardwood finish; converted Into Dutch hall: good condition. H. E. Smith. 724 W Erie ave. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $3000. 3281 N. 11th St.. 8 rooms: hot-water heat, electrlo lights porch front; key next door DARRAI1. 210 N 11th st. DITMAN ST.. B000 block; new; 6 rooms, bath, heater, etc ; $2200. ORISCOM. 21 00 Catharine St.. Phlla. 1530.3H-40 S. STILLMAN 4 rms. and bath; good order. RE1LLY. 1015 South st. HOUSES In N. W section. $2000 to I3S00. ALBERT E BROWN 310 Lincoln Rldn 1133 OXFORD Semidetached stone house. 27x150 B rooms. 2 baths, marble shower Central heat and electric light O A OANSI.EY. 1218 Chestnut at. Building T.ots. Factory Sites. Etc. SITES. RAILROADS Penna. and Reading. $2000 per acre and up. according to loo.; Inq. for terms. DIETERICH 737 Walnut. Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors SALE, with P nnd R. and Penna. R. R. sidings. In Philadelphia; large buildings; refrigerating plant; suit many purposes; last use brewery; possession: without equipment If desired J 88, tfdger Central r WF-ST riHL.DET.PHIA 36th and Powelton Avenue (N. W. COR Attractive 3-famllr house, second and third floors rented; first floor, 5 rooms and, bath, with exclusive porch reserved for purchaser; private garage; $7000 cash required; balance vu murisage. vpcil tor inspection. JAMES D..WINCHELL 17th and Sansom sts., Phlla. At the Same Old Bargain Price 18T.14S N Farson at. (Slat ft Arch). 1882 Brown. 8r. bath; lot 23x80. 888 N. 41st at.. 0 rms.. and bath. 4028 Havcrford, porch front: 2(1x70. Market Jt. lot. 42x120. near 88th 18 N. St. Bernard, porch, 16x93.8. J. A. Patterson, 130 S. 15th (1000 IN CASK, subject, buys a fine prop erty, 00th below Chestnut, lot 20x88. hot water heat. Dutch hall. S rooms: close to elevated. road, is minutes, from center of city. 1215 Filbert St.. Room 140. PHOTOPLAYS CTDANn oto' Ay. at Venango, E of Broad 31 KAN LI TODAY LAST 1UUM rVV JttkXi WtACT JrOxVgALB MAIN LTNg P. R. R, pun NARBERTH 18 MINUTES TO BROAD STREET STATION THREE NEW RESIDENCES FOR SALE 89.230 J10.000 812.300 (TWO WITH OARAOES) Carefully planned, well-built bomes In splerdld a-.i co-.-venlent location. Every modern Improvement, two baths, many unique conveniences. Prices surprisingly reasonable. Ore property entirely complete Immediate possession. The other two ready In less than a month Just the time for you to eltct as to finish, etc. ROBERT J. NASH 3 1001 CHESTNUT STREET Residence Telephone. Narberth COS rWBWHaiimi MERI0N New house $10 too ard up. o. Merlon and Valley roads, north side of Merlo-. right at tfce stitior' 2 sold In a week. 1 for J12.300 a1 other for $21 300. Open every day. TRANK H. MAHAN. rfnne Ardmore S3. JAMES R. SCOTT, phone Merlon 500. NARnERTH 57710. new- house. Colonial new building, good location, 9 rooms, bJth, rang, easy terms. WM. C. CLAGHORN ;, MAIN LINE FOR SALE 2' Acres at Devon . .. $40 nno 321 Narberth ave, Na-berth 40 000 Wells Homestead. Wayne . to ono G310 City Line. Overhrook . .. 27.000 10 Acres. Mill Creek . . 21. ono 122 Elmwood nve., Narberth . 14.000 Breen Homesteid Oladivvn . ono 210 1avne nve. Narberth .. 7 000 123 Elmwood nve.. Narb-rth 0 loo 211'4 Price ave., Nirberth, garage. 5 S00 510 Es.ex ave., Narberth . . 5. inn 231 Fset ave . Narberth ,i..ioo !J1 Tmh ave, Nirbrth .1300 211 Prlco ave, N-vrhorth vn 17 Acres. New Centervllle 3 100 201 Price ave. Nirberth ... . 5 000 0l4 Montgomery av1., Narberti . 4,00 SO'vConwTj ave . Narberth . 4100 1 nrookhurst ave. Narberth 4.ooo 210 Hampden ave, Narberth 3 300 210 Elm terrace, Narberth a ?no 1.1 Acres. Sellr"Vll!e 3 nnn 2 Acres. Davleeford . 2100 210 Wnoilblnn ave , Narberth etore 2.100 W T HARRIS, Rill Estate Orpo-lte Stitlon Nnrberth Pa 11IT I'HM.MlEI.Pm 58th & Walnut Sts. Two-story dwellings; 8 and 9 rooms, with garape. FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUSE Ferdinand D. Fleming N. E. Cor. Broad & Chestnut Sts. BRLMAR TERIlACr. HOMES, ,17th to CSth it $2000, splendid location: SIS monlhlv epenSe, uf whtcli ou save 14: 0 rooms ind bath: nil lonvenlencea. simple hou.e open every dav, hnnily to Remington. Wmlng. house and Hog I.lind plinls. Inipect while they last 1 torner bouse at $3100; I end house at J2'-00. E. II APSLEY, 5Sth and Srrlngneld nve. rmen $i;no 3727 LAIICIIWOOD AVE. S'ample hou.e open Light room" and tulh. modern conveniences I.Ol'tS IIALPRIN 1201 Chestnut st NINE ROOMS porrh front, on r,7tli st . few door from Woodlind nve.; hot-water ht.: well built: In One condition: convtnlent to Hot- Inland or Eddvatone; bargain. ORISCOM, 2100 Catharine St.. riilla. CORNER PROPERTY. 87nnn nnd a bargain; Pemberton built It on lb" boulevard: en tirely modern, containing 10 rooms and 2 bath? llHmmoml-Wliltley Really Co., r.003 Spruce st, N ft. COR r.lTH AND IltVINO Southern exposure, s room, and Inth, electric lights; Immedlato po..ee.on prlco joooo. CHAIN. .111 S, f.2d SEVERAL vacant properties, 3700 block on Pemberton st : nil Improvements: sample house open Samuel Teruk, Agent, N. E. cor f.th and Morrl. sts. $3701 MODERN homo In everv detail! hot. waver ne.u, electric iLtiils, convenient tc school., chtlrcbee store, nnd cars. UAY MOND I LOI'I.AND. 7121 Woodland ave $2010: VACANT Po..esslon at once, 200 block S. Ira7.ler st , 7 room., porch front. Ideal location HAM- MOND-wnrn.i:v ro . ni'Q2 spruce st. N. II. COR. .ViTII AND 1RVINO Southern exposure; S room, and Inth electric lights: Immediate po.-eeelon price $0000. CHAIN .111 S. r.2.1 $4000 MODERN. .1400 block Lirchwood. hot water, electric pirquttrv floors, pos ses. ion 1 week, Hanimond-Whltley Co f.am Spruce u $3.100 Two storv. porch front, s room.; on a wide miln ptreet- good trnnslt fnrilltle. to nny section of cltv Empire Title and Trust Co. tlth and Lnncneter MODT'RN 12. ROOM DWELI.INO. 3 STOUT 1213 N 17TH ST. (V II COH 17TH VNP PIHOTI, SMALL AMOI'NT CAH I.OOVV TIH'ST COMI'WY. 1431 CHESTNl'T ST MODERN. 7 room., porch front: near 4!th at.: 1 fare to Hog Island: good condition. ORISCOM. 2100 Catharine at; OOon BLOCK H stores A apts JJ1S1 Hirrlok. S Mirket st Two 3 stv. (ts.'d Jlo 000 each rcptnls 1011 Chestnut. Wal 301 ONE rn Catholic Church. r . lot 10x ft., $2300 clear. Tlloa. R Smith. 1.13S rt.Breeze Bnlli'lng Tit. LOT 01x113. nt Tenni freight sta.; light 4 sides. SMITH. 1.133 rolnt Ilree7e nve. nKBMtXTOH $3600 HOMES OF QUALITY $3600 EAST AND WEST SIDE OF HEECHWOOD ST.. fllno north: 7 rooms, porch, gas and electric, hot-water heat; terriee: largo lard: gas kitchen: laundrv In ba.ement. SIMPLE HOUSE OI'FN ion CASH AOCri'TrD WM O MA1ION liril.DER OlSSTL CO K2H N. IIROAD ST. C.TS U120-2S MORTON ST. Delightful 3-s'crv brick porch houses; 0 rooms and bath- good location DONNELLY SUESS Lehigh nnd Oermantow-n nve. BUNGALOW TYPE HOUSE, lot 121 ft. d-eo; hot-water heat, gaa and electricity: large open nreplioe. nrleo $4000 Smith, Dalgllesh te Rn.s 1022 Oermantown Ave Tlocn, 1001 CAYUOA ST. Two-etorv brick porch dwelling, 8 rooms and bath steam heat. Donnelly A Sues. Lehigh & Oermantown ava 20J w. TIOoa 12 rm. . porch, side jard: lot 24 Oxtio- an from Tioga Sta . conv. to trolley. R1IOADS l.ltli ah. Susquehanna. Fratikford $2000 EDMUND ABOVE WAKRLINQ ST . rooms and bath, all conveniences. In cluding hot-water heat, elec lights, station ary tubs, etc . amall amount of cash re quired bal. hei rent Agent on premises or II E SMITH. 724 W. Erie ave $r.nno Modern homo In Northwood. 8 rooma and bath, hot-water heat; front and side porch; lot .10x100. SCHWEITZER 4413 FRANKFORD AVE PF.NVVf.VAMA SriHTH.W,N ARDMORE PARK Stone and stucco dwell ing: rteam heat, gas and electric: lot 7.1x112: garage with heat ar.d light. Price $6900: bargain. Wm. A, McCrea, Ardmore, Pa. . COI.Ll.NaDALE 3-STORY detached stone and brick home, Parker ave.; porch. 10 rooms and bath' lot 40x120; hot-water he.t, etc., bargain for oulck sale; $4400 Lofland, 7121 Woodland -vv DARnY ONLY $3000 Three-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms and bath; all modern convs ! lot 2.1x90 ft : 2 squalen from subway cars RAYMOND I. LOFLAND, 7121 Woodland. rnoTori.AYB H ml'VRD AND .vlANAGED BT MEMBERS OF THE UNITED EXHIBITORS' ASSOCIATION BELMONT MD AB0VE ROBERT WARWICK and OAIL KANE in itiei raLfib rnitAu Blackton's "FAIRY GODFATHER" rFDAR 60TK CBDAK AVENUE ALICE BRADY "IIil" "THE EAOLE'S EYE" No. J. COLISEUM Market Bet. 69th t "0th TODAY "The Witch Woman" COLONIAL atuXS.MT' "OVER THE TOP" With SEltOS EMPEY (Himself) EUREKA ,0TK UARKET 8TS . JEWEL CARMEN In "THE BBIBB OF FEAR" FRANKFORD 4TWf -Ms MAI. Mf ATS T0.UX MAIN LfNT! P. K. It. fflfPIIBIIIIlWffllfllitlllllPIH'IIPIIIIiliBIII1. PKNXqVT.VWtA scnrRBAv BEECHWOOD 3 mln from 80th St.: mod det. stone. and-shlrgte llrm. hs. ; 50x121: $7300 Barrlck. 1011 Chrstnut Wal. 3501 ELKINS PARK KEW HOUSES ""fin to SI'S 00; ttp ir ntcriray in "On" Hi'Mop" sertlon a ppltydM rw hcift tnr S600 with 4 Wdrofl-n ar.1 2 baths: lot 12(7 ft. front Htt'o cish required, or TCfcanc for a Loffan r-ouse will te considered, MAURICE G. PAUL Church read. Elklns ParV. cr 135 S. 5ti. st. ELKINS TAHK Vcll-corntructed Ftortvand- shingle house cent-ilnlnff 10 rftoms: Hre lot: 1 ffiuare to ttlon: room for caraK. nnrr must am 7nnn M llfll I.fd Ctn.t. batht. 3 m!n from tta.; par. McCom'tk - .m-LormirK, iuii i.-n'inui k . ,Kin j-itk. ULKN'OLDCN 221 S Clrtfr rtkf, fine prepprty, rononlfnt to train and trolley: larst lot, 105x21)0, 12 room?, 2 baths: easy tfrmt r V FOOt.KTOV. 1211 ChFtnut OW:NOM)tN Only H400. fine Ilttlp homo, dctarhed hou(: tarso lot: a barcaln r f nonhfisTQN. 121s chhstnitt OLnNSlDi: For sale at a barcaln nttrac tlvt modern pinslf house, rontnlnlns 7 rnom: Iitbo porch across entire front of hfni, slrrplnn: porch on rofond floor: hot water heat p.M and clclMetv; built na ou would ImtM ou own botn1: neir train nnd trolls: $4.o. vm t n nonrnTaS & FOX, Olenildo ra . nt FtHtlon Open 7 daa i went, Phnn nr, nt7 n(2 (1LEVSTDK MeautlftJl morifrn buncRlow, Jndhldualitv In design: larco lllnff room, bis open fireplace sir Jtltchen, A bedroom, lartre closft?. modrn bath: lot I7fixl3l; lurant Furroitnd!ns. n"nr train and trolley: $(100 WM T. 1. ROnERTP ft RON. Gl"t side. Pa , at Mutton. Open 7 da$s a week PhniT Ogont7 fiS2. OLEN'SIDE fHnr will uarriflcA bautlfa' cor proprrtv, in r , ri nnd el-c: h w. ht., cot.v. to trnlns nnd trnllty. $07.0. Ren lilneor & Ttnnlnnr. Cllensld. l'n . op Ftn. PRIMOS. PA Sr. mod flwp., fl vrn old: alt conn ; trol nnd train: larp lot: car a go; termt to suit J. D. Olbson. Prlmoa. Pa. ItmiXY PARK DM Mon-and-hlni;l9 dwer.. best lnntlon. IHOnn, 2 stn I detached nwn nt a fhi to rlo bldn. (IFho, nfct. MrCormlrk A .Mr Cormlfk. 1'Ml Chpntnut t. WEST CHESTER PIKE T-ot 00x200; mnke Rood war ffnrdn: only $330, easy terms. M 1IVJ T.r.lgPr LVntrnl. Dandy Suburban Homes $2600 to $9000 Call or Arlte ror particulars T A HFATY Hrmont Ave J. rt. IIL.AL.1 nnnET HTT.r, P. O. BOX 245. Ph. Lansdowne 1003W. nilAPTUMM HOME, within 2. mllea of I'un-iunipni.i. coiienini ior trnin nna trou lev. about 1 arm nf crnnnfl? )lem hlph; with all roinenlences; brick barn and room for 4 nutoniobllca; poultry houfro nnd othtr out biilldlnRs; in refineri nelphborhood; prle to cl(ii an estnte. joioo. Take our word for u ir ih worm mnrf. CARTS A- SIMMER P.Mhl"hm. Pa. NEAR ULENSmn Attrac. buna"., larire cor. lot (ran nnd elec ronv. to trnin, h. w. ht.: Jinoo- terms. Rennlner & Rennlncer, falppsid P.i.. opnnnii station. HEAI'TIKIM. M'l.UKIIAN LOT NEAR CJTY 20x120 fpt. Bom1 fruit trees: onlv $"; J3 down nnd 12 monthly, tltl Inimrel, nnd re- mmb-r nnt )n .Ttpv If 47 Led Cent MODERN HOMER, convenient to P.Oth Ft. termln l $4000 to JSnno OKOnor. I, RARNES. Comnmnw-fnlth Trust Hide Phlla NEW jkbskv M'nrnn v Barrington, N. J. Seven rooms: parage, outhulldlnxs. Lot 100tHO J2T0O BSTATR nr 101IX MATHKn. JR. CI.TNTOX 1 nVWS Mar. 219 Market st.. CamJen, N. J. I.At'RKI, PrnlMnsOlen anil Locust aves : 2'3'Story fram.; pIpc , pas: lot 1.10x1.10' roul hou.o 12x24 conv to train and trol ; J-ISOO Birrlck. ton Cho.tnut. Walnut 3101 MALAGA. N'. .1 OM.f.i shinned house. It rooms. Rood rendi tion; 3 acre., old shade; State road In vll. laK-": rrI-A fl.mo MISH i.iix SMITH 0nr lirMAN Modern bumralowM and fin dwell. lnjrs. all rltv convonl.nres; some with pa. rags fimscoM. 2100 Catharine St., riilla. HPY I-flTS viivv iifii.n i.iTRn LirPINCOTT LOT"! AN'n HOME3 ii tnoos iir.tnitTS. n j rr.xx'ivi.v.xxiA ATTENTION, BUSINESS MEN: BROAD STREET. BETHLEHEM; BUSINESS OOxOO, price, J27.OO0 a barf ft In If we know anything about aluen; Investigate. PROPERTY (CORNER) Garis & Shimer, Bethlehem, Pa. rKNXSVT.VAMA FnMS es.Acnn rnun- farm in Montom.rr County Pa.: fine stone houss. old snade, apples, pears, plums, quinces, peaches nec tarines; a hla-h-grade farm; price $12,000; la very rpr sr nable PARIS e. SHIVKft. Tt.thl.hem Pa. T1NICUM AVB near Hoc Island and ship yard. 101J acrp. E. MOWBRAY 201 Main St., Darby, or lis S. 2Slh St.. Phlla. REAL ESTATE WANTED IIOUSR wanted, S or (I rooms: mod. conv. , In Northwood rectlon. Frankford: lelnlty high school; Jeasp 2 or more j.are: hlah. class fami'v of 3: clve full nartlculars In rrnlv Addrpp. fjpo Ston.r Itrlstnl. Pa WANTED Small housps In S. Phlla. for homo or Investment. P 432, Ledeer Office. REAL ESTATE WANTED CJTV PROPERTY bouuht quickly for cash. WESLEY ROCKETT. Kith and Parrlsh. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY LARUE COLONIAL MANSION. 4 acres: pure spring water; 5 minutes' walk to train: suit hoarding, sanitarium or club. T1IOS R SMITH. IMS Point llrerip ave. 2100 N. l.VTH ST Store and dwelling, 44J8 Germantovvn avp . 3."3fl N. Broad at , 03U Stenton ave., 14.10 bparks st.; porches. Brown. 6101 York rd. rnOTOPLAYS R JEFFERSON "&&" DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "MR. FIX-IT" HJlvIRO FRONT ST. & OIRARD AVE. j umuu Jumbo Junction on Frankford "L," CARLYLE BLACKWELL In "THE LEAP TO FAME" KNICKERBOCKER " ETHEL CLAYTON j Mack Bennett Comedy "Kitchen Lady' I Of 1 1ST KD AND WCU6T STREETS L.UV-UO I Mats. 1 :80. 3 :0. Evi. 6 :S0 tall ' MARY PICKFORD In "M'LISB" NIXON MD AND UKRKf fBs-4 , "OVER THE TOP" With 6EROT. EMPET (Hlrnwlf) ' MAir'-'Wff ACT" 0:i - e-!f f l N. BROAD. 19 rms , 8 baths... IIBO s8ours.'r8ath:r oTn?.".mi iit&.-.f.?:: , J. A. Patterson, 130 S. 15th Wr.XTAT. T.1STS THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY Tor Insuranpps on Lives and Orantlng An1 fiitflpft ntT Cfiratn.it t noth Tihonee. 241 S la.Hr. 120.311 13t S.S0 ir.r. IKiO 00 20 R 22d,2rtr 0 00 31 S.S2d,14r. 110 (IT 2020 l.nc.'t, lXr 12 00 2131 Sp'ce. llr. 100 00 1.14S Pln, 14r. 10 34 2117 Pine. ISr. 83.34, 1340 Sp'ce. lOr 100 00 1420 N.loth.lor 7s.no 1410 Pine, llr, SI 34 1018 Pine. llr.. 0 00 Vi S in, llr 05.00 1710 Dla'nd.llr. 4 00 1022 Oifd. llr 4J.U0 l33N.17th.llr 43.00 2rtace lor. 4 no 724 N.Fr'nt.lli 323 N. th. Or 25 00 STOKER ANM TlWBI.MNfSa 5! N 2d. l.r.J4.ooiloo Poplsr.lOr $4.no 21 N 2d. ISr. 40.00 1R3N. 4th, 12r 40 00 101 Fed'!. lOr. 33 0O1341 Rldlte. llr. 8.00 3140 P'rlsh. lOr 30 ooiimoN. 20th,10r 27.B0 421 Orecn. 7r. 23 00 2041 N. J'up.lOr 21.00 2lRldp. llr. 2..00 riis m .id sr.. 23 no 341 s 4th. or 22.00 S4 s. za er.. zi mi 308 Mont'se, Or 22 00 324 Vine, 4r .. 20 00 12 WOx'd. Or 51.00 2Jf Ambpr, Or. 20 00 1120 S 2d. .r tSOOf ItftT.surpt. llr 'JO 00 201 Wh'ton.Sr 13.0011201-U S. 2d. 5r 13.00 Business Properties and Store 324 DIAMOND. COR 4T1I SI. S-STORY STORE fl, F. BOOLnSTOX. 121S CHESTNUT Store and Itvvelllnrs S10 s. ,TH .'tore. 1. roon; Frood order: suit lobblns bus. Jardella, 1,3. Christian. l'aetorlps, Vnrflioiie. Mfr. Floor Large Pover User3 6EE 2 LARGE GROUND FLOOR3 Textiles, Machinists, Ironworkers C0H0CKSINK MILLS STEAM AND D. C. ELECTRIC POWER Large and small floors. 1733 Randolph. Warehouse and Factory With power On Delaware River & R. R Immediate Posspsslon. 20 434 so ft. floor space In factory with light, heat, power nnd It It. siding. D S n CHEW , S28 Commprcla! Trust Bide. , Cinrnce 3 PRIVATE 1 car parafres, 30th above Pow. elton ave.. Inc. hot-water heat nnd elec. It. Am prpm or T D Wlnrhu 17th San'in 2100 CHANCELLOR PT., spic for 3 cars. s.tviur.L w. Lnvit Real K'tatp Trust IlulldlnR OITICKS, Ill'INTSS ROI)IS, rtr. STAFFORD TlI'ILIlINO 1112-14 CHRSTNCT CENTRAL I OCATION BUSINESS ROOM. OFFICE AND FLOORS APPLY ROOM S3 LARGE DAYLIGHT bullrtlnjr' sprlnVslpd' Ion Insurance: splfndld llsht: Broad and Wal. lace st" , suita for mfir. or warehousp Ap. plv Kahn ft nrppnhrg 301 Morris ItldF. OFFICE SPACE 12.000 sauarp feet. mod. ern office hutldlne, center of city: low rental: will dlvldp Arply Kahn & drew tctc, 30'j Morris Bide. SUITE OF OITICES for rent on elshth rtoor Land Titlo Hulldlni;: also on tpnth floor. vacated bv Pennslvanla Shipbuilding Com- panv Apply Lind Tltlp and Trut Company. WALNUT ST SECOND-FLOOR THONT, 2 ispi.r.vnin iiooiit: ooori light. Arri.V ON PREMISE'S. WATSON & 1IUCK Kl. 1811 WALNUT ST. 1013 CHESTNl'T HT. Spcond floor. 2MV) pq. ft.: iro"d llBht, PtPam hpnt. V1LL13 WINCHESTER CO.. 1001 Chestnut st. MlDHLC-t'ITY IIUILDING. 84 K. 17th St. A few dp ofOres. Homo with pkvllrhts. WILLIS-WINCHESTER CO., 1001 Chestnut. CIKKMLl: lll.IH!., 17U1 Chestnut, studio skv. light! N. light. JardPlla. l.1. Christian st. WEST PHIt.nKI,PHI 4100 PINE ST. Two desirable properties, $55 and !35 per month EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. 4B48 LOCUbT ST. Rent, furnished, modern 3-story house: all convenlpnres: pood nelth. borhood; 3 summer months: $03 per month; refprrnce. Ttarlna: 7203 R. Chestnut Hill LIST of attractive housps for rent, fur nished. In St. Marlins and Chrstnut Hill WAIINOCK EMLKN 112 S 10th st. pkvnyi.v wi sunrmtAv llnslne Prnnertles and Sttres GI.ENOLDEN Handiome store, rood for harbpr or dry rds . ecn m'inliion dlst.; Just romplPtPd C r. Eeglpston I21S Chestnut IA1N LINT P. R. R. BRYN MA1VR 22 Elliott avp . npnr station. 3 fctory oil stonp ijptachpd mod residence, 14 rooms 2 baths: wide porchps dsraap JOHN BARRY .07 Land TIIIp Ulrtg. NEW JEKSF.' irAiinRn ASRURY PARK OCEAN OROVE Summpr cottapps and boardlnp houses, sale or rett, from $1.0 up Write for Information Mention Ledger. EDWARD I BROWN, 144 Lake ave. Ocean Grove. N. J. 11 VVHEAD SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT .IOSEPH r MORTON THONE 20 POINT PLEASANT 11AYHEAD. N .1. OCEAN CITY For rpnt nr sale: what th market has to offer listed: auto serv Write CLAYTON HAINES BRICK. 411 8th St., Ot-pnn Cltv. N .T. Office closed sunaay. OCEAN (IROVE. N 3. runlshed cot tapes, ltunpalows and boanllns houses for rent, season 101R SEND TOR LIST CHARLES I. KflAST. Oil MAIN AVE. bTtlNi: HARBOR Cottapps. hunialowa nnd apartmnnts for rent, furnlshrd; moderate prices. Call, phone or write to S, J, R. Co,, northeast corner 3d and Walnut sts. FOR RENT FURNISHED west 1'inLMiFi.rni. BALTIMORE AV.. 5321 Furn. 2-stv house, 3 bedrrns.. southern expos., larpe, cool porch with awnings: large yard W'd 2022 PRIVATE FURNISHED HOUSE W Phlla central locitlon: Juno 1 to Sept 10; adults only, no subletting J80O. H 030, Led Cent, rllOTUPLAVR The Stanley Booking Corporatioifl fH13 following theatres, obtain their pictures through the STANLET BoolriBaf'? v,oriJDraiion. wnicn is a guarantee ot early enow nz of the fines npneiiTc t3'1 Jlons. All pictures reviewed before exhibition Ask for tha theit fn vnmSSi loca ltv nbta nlnr nloture. thrnuirh th. mivirw i.iS 'V",B'.1" y01 .'?q ..., r ,.. AIU.U. 12th, Morris tPassyunk Ave. AlnamDra Mat.DallyatS: Evbs.O:434I). MARGUERITE CLARK In "RICH MAN. POOR MAN" ADO! I ( 52D AND THOMPSON ArULLU MATINEE DAILT BUSHMAN and HAYNE In "WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH" MACK SENNETT COMEDT ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW I0TH MARGUERITE CLARK In "PRUNELLA" BLUEBIRD SUSQUEHANNA AVE. MXRY GARDEN In "THE SPLENDID SINNER" BROADWAY BR0Ik ave. MIRIAM COOPER in "WOMAN AND THE LAW" EMPRESS MAIN STREET 5IANATUNK MAE MARSH In "THE CINDERELLA MAN" FAIRMOUNT sothq1d ave. BERT LYTELL "THE TRAIL TO YESTERDAY" PAi V THEATRE 1311 Market St. J71T14S-I a JVW K.IUOAUL, UKMASt WILLIAM S, HART In "THE TIOER MAN" CTU CT THEATRE Be'ow Spruca 3D 1 fi D I . MATINEE DAILT Mary Garden '" "E SPIiN.. Also BILLY FARSON In "BILLY'S BABY" GREAT NORTHERN Ar.. MARGUERITE CLARK , In "RICH MAN. POOR MAN" IMPERIAL 6Sat.SEVrT.8TTl NORMA TALMADGE la "BT RIOHT OF PURCHASE" " W? -nun . D "., 'impMH RENT Purnlshe. at MeeW'a nouse, t Dtarooms, Terr v spacious porches: H acre beeutlf wn, carara. ate., i banain aiy,i mftftin. FRANK T4WOOKH WOBR1ILL. MasWli JjAwsdownb Furnished 10-room SQUares from etetlni.' aivit tmlfeTt ....- .i.ri- 1 . T.-'"j es irom statiov ana iroiier; cKiinn. laeai surrounaincai iaan laeii surraunamtsi laanar ansae;, reference. Bell phone. 40.. Address X. Lansdowns. NEW JEREY (ITJBTJItBAW TO RENT FOR SKA RON at flheltar Heljthtt. N, T attractively tint. mer nome. iu rooma ana nam; inor equipped throughout; light, running perfect tenerage; parnuetry floo th out; golf, tennis, boating, bathing; an ...si pu.,di fir i.uicp, camnu. vuiumi TSgea hotels: very moderate rental. For forte particulars Inquire P W09, Ledger Offlcav-. NEW JERSEY E A BHOBB CAPE MAT 720 tvta pwronTrvw srr Completely furnished house for rsnt far 1 en. if rooms; 12 nearooms: s Datnsi enj Unon acslleatton in Pafrtpfe nnr. Yhlngton st.. Cape May. Th Pana. 1 817 Chestnut st.. Phlla. jvi, -JK3 MORTQAQES ISO NOTE OR MORTOAOB .Immediate aettlementi j'2-1 unseiuea estate Loana Rulldtna; Association Fundi DEMPSEY CO. 11000 i imn sr. vtO to loan on real aetata aei '-' immediate settlement: pa: TO as desired. $2000 EDW. M. MOLL & igthrt.f-f; l'l'NIlS for flrt anti PtinA morti Phllad-Iphia and nenrhv, Kw Jry m i-s'nn'Aivnnia iiimn L.O.. im vmux I CAN noslttvelv tilaeft that mnrtr.rm m :ttrttffj rmmt.vti . -.. - a . . 4 - - ni vZTi.1h rfrtW HV k iuu ni tnr c, i:i ur .u. jn- if r. osi atmw - i m 1?ni rhitniit nt n11 rhnn Wal. TUt. fjV4TJ At.t, AM)rTNTs"iRT"iwn' n MriRTfiTiinK'yiS OnliV . J-Jfc MAURTCE II MATBINOER.'B. F m- "H'? 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES ! A&MA LOANS ON INTERESTS IN ESTATE.'-'-!( .TOHN A BARRY. .07 LAND TITLE BtOftf-'Jtfa 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES Disced. L Barnes. 714 Commonwealth Trust Bl04f.;yjf JlUJMaX IU LUAJX rf BENEFICIAL LOANS,!! Tou can obtain a loan of $25 to $800, v-' '"J rurfd by homo furniture or real citato, ,4 party Easy monthly repayment pUtt 'I7it lesal charRfs. THn FOCIETT 1 tnancMf OT oy locai nuainesa una professional nan KofitSB was not orjrnnl2ed so!v to make moatiVrfW from pi, courirouH, connaeniiai itrvioa fw7rj,:di sured. Call, write or phone our nitiMlHVJ oinco, y? BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY!? jv4viiut-i i sii(i ijuniu ui irnufi Tt-.'iT.i Member Phlla. Chamber of Commerce m walnut Libertv Buildine ?M ins ' " Tgf,m x. c. v.un. jinv-vu jFiU v-ri.anu sb .ZzZWVM Tioga Hobson Building TBfta 4503 3.3 OrrtMANTOWN AVK. riL Plctcher Buildinir saa"-gi am 8910 B002 GERMANTOWN A7B. -,im Money Advanced to Housekeepers or any responsible vtv son on thilr PERSONAL NOTE. , Lawful, legal rate of Interest. oonfV" dentlal, courteous treatment, convenient terms, oulck service. , Call, write or phone CENTRAL LOAN CO.'. INC 1410 SOUTH PENN SQUARE ROOM 700, TENN SQUARE BLDO. Phone Locust C963 -'. (Opposite the south side of City Rati) ' READY MONEY' 117 NORTH BROAD 230 Market St.. 2S4S aertnantown t United States Loan Society" ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY ... & 123 AND UP 2 PERCENT - rJ8 -b AND UP H4 PERCtNt ..Aia ISUO AND UP..... l" PER ctS ;JA Hi MARKET ST. RIDOE AVE. AND OXFORD BT. S2D AND SOUTH I ATJCTION- SATES ABSOLUTE AUCTION. Sir.ta tif2 VAN PKAACi & CO. h. Auctioneers, WILL SELL MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1918 AT 10 SO A. M. ON. PREMISES, FIRST AVE. AT 42B AND 43D STREETS, N. T . CITT $300,000 Orltrmal Tf THE ENTIRE EQUIPMENT OF THB fet' Postal Transfer Service, Inc. &8 OccupylnB the five-story building at tti, abovo address, cons'atinr f "w.: inn rcmitir tnn &? I u" UrUULUC 1 UU lm nitrwrm mrvmrim VI I I IK IK I K V4V: a.VV-rX XXYVlt 2-TON, 34 -TON iJ: 25 GENERAL VEHICLE ELECTRIC Mtt One 7-Pass. ALCO aOUHINO CAS Motors. Motor Parix anrl Rwel.' .. . syii i.art; uuanuiy or Accessories, 8 tram me ,r JJ smith Shop, complete. S!isSsa tr.on tt. r r..i.n. t L . - v.vsyii Stee. MVta.lfc Lockef J. ItJtT.rfcaSSi ors, Offlce Eaulpment. !rM lVatch dally papers for further artllajil?8 Auctioneer's Office, 537 Broadway, N. T. tXiSff Telephone Sprlni 2248-2519? ' 7M PHOTOPIJITS J3M -.. .x uuumns corporation. F.IRPRTV BROAD AND DOUGLAS FAmiffiS&mm In "MR. FIX-IT" JfM ..r-..,, -aWfl MAKrvh. I S I THEATRE IJiVt MIRIAM COOPFR irinr?r "sWa in "WOMAN AND THE LAW m VIUUKL " 6UUTH BT. OTCh FANNIE WARD' f In "INNOCENT" PALACE 12u MARK5T- MADV r,A,",?X" "'" r'-4 ii-hai ri-rs.ruKU In "M'LIBS'i -t-f-' iS m PRINCESS ii MARKET ft if avnc,j6T &mB&am REGENT MK.ri.5!r. CD A Ktifo Truua! jsivli3 s. BJ3tiR in l.lMWtg HIOQIN8. 0- j,fifl eW T A 1 Tat f2VHt A. ktsjuxnia. aVIALi 1 J "'VST e?t,i s?v- CLARA KIMBALXOlSd "' auuie or QLA1S" RIVnl I BSD AND ? HTIVI WILLIAM S. HARfl in "TttB DESERT XAN DI ID'S MARKET 8TRKK "V"uADDVBgi.; 2a s iniviv i irisJriE. y aa.9 In "THE OOLDKN 90HX&& SAVOY H BILLIE B r ,.Aa In "LET'S QITA M STANLEY ,? CLTS U y ifom m LX.S m tti :wy .4Tei Hsl iS K'4l zmMmm '' pJWWI i&VfjSi l EssTBSHA '-.'' (V .ik!... " nHii-'VH &&;