Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 27, 1918, Night Extra, Image 13

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yillanova Branch of Queen Mary's Guild Moves From Bryn
Maivr to Home of Mrs. T.De Witt Cuyler.
Girl Scouts to Camp Out
rTiHE VUUnova branch of Queen Mary's
Guild his outgrown Its quarters at
Ryneton, Mrs. George Thayer's home In
VlUanova. So Mrs. T. De Witt Cuyler has
very klnjjly offered the ballroom at Edg
wood, her home In Haverford. It to an Im
mense room and Just suited for this work.
There are ever so many new members and
this branch has also combined with tho
Bryn Mawr branch, which, has been meet
ing at the home of Mrs. John Harvey
Gordon, and they are ablo to turn out so
very much more work.
The members of this branch aro Mrs.
Charles Slnnlckson, Miss Frances L. Cuy
ler, Mrs. Charles Townsend, Mrs. Joseph
T. Jeanes, Mrs. Charles Henry Scott, Jr.,
Mrs. George C. Thayer, Mrs Samuel Bo
dine, Mrs. W W. Bodlne, Mrs. Morris W.
Stroud, Mrs. M. W. Stroud, Jr., Mrs. Wil
liam Innes Forbes, Mrs. Heatly C Dulles,
Mrs. J. Kenton Elsenbrey, Mrs. Tristram
Colket, Mrs. Kane Green, Mrs. W. B. Mc
Ilvalne, Mrs. Thomas Balrd, Jr., Mrs. John
Balrd, MfB. Herbert Lloyd, Miss Roberts,
Mrs. George L. Packard, Mrs George V.
Curwen, Miss Cameron. Mrs. Truxtun Hare,
Mrs. George W. Kendrlck, 3d, Sirs W. W
Montgomery, Jr., Mrs. Lewis C. Neltson,
Mrs. Ledyard Heckscher, Mrs Thomas
Newhall, Mrs. Burton Chance, Mrs Adolph
C. Rosengarten, Mrs. W W. Curtln. Mrs
James D. Wlnsor, Jr., Mrs Theodore Spen
cer, Mrs. Daniel M. Bsrringer, Mrs William
Penn Gaskill Hall. Mrs. Nathan Hayward.
Mrs. Carroll Hodge, Mrs. Kent Willing,
Mrs. Murdo'ck Kendrlck. Mrs. S Deis Sink
ler. Mrs C. K. Underhill. Miss Julia Wood
and Mrs. Harry C. Potter.
ALONG with the other activities of the
-Girl Scouts of this city and vlrlnlty,
they have now adopted farming "vncl are
organizing Into bands to cultivate war gar
dens. Under the leadership of the captains
and lieutenants, who comprise many delis
of one to several enis agj, thev have
shown already what they can accomplish
In this line and have many model kitchen
gardens to display.
In most cases, however, the ground
which has been donated to them for this
purpose has been beond the city limits
and Is not accessible for many of the
Girl Scouts who are anxious to aid In this
work. Two of the oiganized troops are
prepared to cultivate cltv lots and are
therefore anxious to obtain ground In
southwest Philadelphia for this purpose.
1 and they tell me they are read), to make
arrangements with any one who may offer
' property for this cause at the Girl Scouts
headquarters, 34 South Seventeenth street
MR. GEORGE H. McrADDEN has con
tributed a large piece of ground on
his estate at West Chester to this organi
zation, which will be utilized as a summer
camp for the scouts. Two farmhouses aie
located on the grounds, while tents will be
arranged for camping out. There will be
from thirty to forty scouts accommodated
there at one time Beginning on June 1
the camp will be opened under tho direction
of a graduate from Chevy Chase. A large
sum was realized for this purpose at a
rummage sale given by the local council
last week at 1523 Chestnut street
The council consists of the following . Miss
Elizabeth Adams, Miss Katherine Hutchin
son. Mrs Alexander Coxe, Miss Cectlv
Barnes, Miss Edith Biddle. Miss Eugenia
Cassatt, Miss Anna F. Davis Miss Rose
Dolan, Miss Gertrude Ely, Miss Helen
Fleiiher. Miss Anne Thomson. Miss Elsie
Foederer, Mrs. John Grolle. Miss Kath
arine Lea, Mrs. Robert Lesle , Miss Anno
i Melrs. Mrs. Richard T. Nalle. Miss Dickie
Newbold. Mrs. Nicholas Roosevelt. Miss
Almee Stone and Mrs. Edwaul Marshall.
WELL, every day yon hear or new en
gagements and the "engagees" seem to
gagements an dthe "cngagees" seem to
be getting more and more youthful as time
goes on. Most of the fiances hae been
twenty-one Up to now. but such Is not the
case with Ben Rush He Is not yet twenty.
His engagement to Laura Tobln. of Augus
ta, Ga., was announced on Saturday. Laura
Tobln, they tell me, Is very pretty, tall and
slender and very vivacious. Ben Is already
"over there" with the i est of the old Troop,
now a trench mortar battery
His sister Charlotte married John Dray
ton this winter, you remember. John was
also in the old Troop. I'm not quite suie
If he is still with It or in another part of
the service. Malsle Rush, who was to have
eome out this year, and Rlchar". Rush are
also his sister and brother.
Little MIeb Tobln Is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Augustus de Cottes Tobln, of
Augusta. She was educated at the Acad
emy of Notre Dame and Is, I hear, very
AND, my dears, there's something more
.In the wind these days. Just sit tight
and wait and you'll hear of another en
gagement between a Philadelphia man and
a Bill with starry eyes, who halls from the
tunny South, or I miss my guess.
Social Activities
lire. G. Heidi Norrls has received word of
the safe arrival In France of her sistetr,
Mrs. Arthur Ryerson. Mfs Ryerson has
Just announced the engagement of her
daughter, Miss Susln Ryerson, to. Lieutenant
George. Plttersor). of Ann Arbpr, Mich., a
rftewber ef the Royal Flying Corps In France.
Mf. and Mrs. Howard Ford Hansen, of
Fifteenth and Locust streets, have taken a
cottage at Bay Head, N. J , for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oauthorpe, of Wil
mington, Del., have leased a Cottage at Sea
Gate, N. J., for the summer.
The Art Alliance will give a .reception to
Mf. and Mrs. John. McClure Hamilton to
morrow afternoon from 5 until 7 o'clock at
a private Ytfw ' the works of Mr Hamilton.
The reception Commlttte Includes Mr. and
Wis, William Woodward Arnett. Mrs. Ja.
plr Ytates Brlnton. Mr, and Mm. Edward
Horner Cottes, Ml" Violet Oakley, Mr, and
lira. Thornton Oakley. Mr Joseph T, Pear
ton, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Seyffert. Dr.
"ind Mrs, J Madlaon Taylor,. Mr. and Mrs.
Paul King. Mrs. Cpntellus Stevenson, Mr.
and Mi. Gideon Bpirlck, Mrs. John Fred
erick Lewis, Mrs. Otla Skinner, Mr, and
Mrs, Jdtiph Pennel.', Mr. and Mrs. W.
Ham Jay Turrto. Mr, and Mrs. C. Bhlllard
Smith and Mrs- Inwgene B, Oakley.
Ml t a .Dorothy Dodit and Mlts Jane Dodge.
ilUfnter of Mr, and Mr. Kern Dodge, of
WlWf"'";. -Tf- iv" .'," 7C i .
nrn. bhv" ju Mi un ucuv
of the Red Cross, on Saturday afternoon, on
the estate of their grandmother, Mrs. James
Mapes Dodge. Those who assisted In the
plays were Miss Ruth Wllsonhelm, Miss
Helen Wllsonholm, Miss Mary Gray. Miss
Elizabeth Gray and little Master Bobby
Dodge, who took tho part of tho sleeping
Mrs Henry Tetlow, 2d. of Oermantown,
spent the week-end In Baltimore to be with
1 er husband, Lieutenant Tetlow, who Is
stationed nearby,
Mrs Jacob Rlegel and her sister Mrs.
Daniel II Whitney, of Oermantown. left to
day for Greenville, S. C . where they will
visit M.ss Marguerite Rlegel who Is Interested
In war work In Greenville.
Mr. and Mrs. William O Rowland, of 2101
Pine street, are the guests of Irs Charles
H. Howell, at her country place In Torres
dale Mrs. Roland will be remembered as
Miss Cecils F. Howell.
The marriage of Mlsa Eleanor Scatter
good Duzby. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Mil
ton M. Busby, of Oermantown, to Mr
Charlton Ooodnow Eaton, of Boston, will take
place on June 1, at 7 30 o'clock in the Uni
tarian Church, of Oermantown, Qreen street
and Chelten avenue Miss Marion E Buzby
will attend her sister as maid of honor and
the bridesmaids will be Miss Anna V Con
don. Miss Thelma Berger. M.ss Dorijthv
Longstreth, Miss Elsa Barth Th (lower
girl will be Miss Virginia Vanderbeck and
the ring-bearer, Master Qeorge Vanderbeck
The bridegroom will hae ns beet man .ilr
Lawrence Halle!., of Newton Centre. Mass ,
and the ushers arc Mr William Woortridge.
of Bnton, Mr Robert Stelncrt, Mr Howard
Buzhy and Sergeant Waldo Eppers Owing to
th" Tibsenee of Mr. Jesse M Bi".by. brother
of the bride, with the ambulance rorpi in
France, and Sergeant Harold H Haton, In
a New England training camp, th leccp
tion following the ceremony at tne bride's
heme will be very quiet.
,- At home cards are lnclosfd for 1675 Beacon
street, nrookllne. Mass
M.ss Buzbj will entertain her bntfal party
at dlnntr on Friday evening at her home
Tho guests will also Include Mrs William
Wooclrlrtge and Mr Sherwood Smith.
Mr William A Philips has left the Belle-vuf-Stratforil
to loin her husband, Major
rhlllps. at Aberdeen, Mrl
Mr and Mrs Watson Null, nf Oerman-
Pholn b Marceau.
Dauehter of Mr. and Mr. James Terr,
of 3861 North Broad street, who will he
an aide at Hie Fete Champetrc on Thurs
day, Fridav and Saturday of tlii week
in aiil of the Mifericonlia Hospital
town, will leave on June 1 to sprnd the
summer months in Somerset. Md.
Mrs Giles Bishop Jr and her family will
leaxe on June 1 with Major Bishop for the
naval station at New Orleans.
Mrs George A Zinns, of Plaza Place,
Wilmington. Is spending some time In this
city, woiking in aid of the French War Re
lief. Colonel Zinns is stationed in Cali
fornia. The marriage of Miss Mathllde H Loeb,
daughter of Mr And Mrs. Oscar D Loeb,
of 2124 Spring Garden street, to Assistant
Paymaster H Stanley Samter, L. S N R F ,
will take place on Saturday evening, June
15, in Mercantile Hall, and will be followed
by a dinner TTie bride will be attended
by her sister, Mrs Elmer D Simon and Miss
Ruth Sam'.er, sister of the bridegroom
Mr and Mrs Clarence Turner of Rox
borough, have removed to Washington, D C.
Mr. William F Dixon, of Ridge avenue,
Roxborough. and Mr John G. Morris have
gone to Reading, Pa., for a week's visit
Mrs. William Horn of Glenslde, waB hos
tess at the final meeting of her five hundred
club. Twenty dollars was donated to the War
Chest fund Among the guests were Mrs.
G A. F. Dentsch, Mrs. Herman Frieder, Mrs
Charles Hermann, Mrs. Morris Drucker, Mrs.
William Root. Mrs Herman Golden, Mrs
Hear! Mrs. Kahn. Mrs H. Saffer. Mrs J
Frieder, Mrs Albert Salklnhelm
Mr. John J Riley, of 21S East Price
street, Germantown, announces the engage
mertt of his daughter, Miss Marguerite M,
Riley, to Dr James F. Feely, U S N, of
3802 Powelton avenue. West Philadelphia.
Doctor Feely Is at pretent stationed at New.
Vtrt. R I. The wedding will'take place in
American and French Red Cross Aided at
Affair in Washington on Saturday
Washington, May 37. Mrs. Newton
D. Baker, wife of the 'Secretary of
War. sang at the American and French
Red Cross benefit kermesa and gar
den party, given on Saturday evening at
the home of Baroness Rellle, 1343 Harvard
street, Waahlngton. The evening furnished
a variety of entertainment, including danc
ing, gymkhana, vaudeville, bridge, buffet
supper and a number of booths offering flow,
era, fancy articles, cigars and cigarettes.
Mrs. J Hamilton Lewis tolA fortunes and
Mr, John Barrett auctioned souvenirs from
the front donated by the officers of the
French military mission, Including a num
ber of crosses and medala. Among others
assisting were Mrs. Breckinridge Long, Mrs.
Franklin Roosevelt, Mrs Clarence Ridley,
Mrs. Frederio H. Harris, Mma. Vlgpal, Mm,
dt Blanpre, Mme. Collardet, tMme. Chovel,
Mme. Lacombe, Mme. Rausch, Princess
Ghtka, severa) of the ladles from the era
basalea .and legations and wlvts of Amer
ican offlcefc. The Engineer Band played
during the evinlng.
urn iHn i
jwi iwjwwujMm,iiuiMAuajftmntwwmgi
Holding a romcrcation with Mr Chipmunk, from left to riphl. are Mmp Rtitli IVorMin. daughter of Mr and Mr. Jneph
Pearion, of Germantown; MUs Mar Miller, daughter of Mr. 11 ( Millei, of Oak I mir, and Min Sarah Filier, dttaghtcr of Mr.
'ml Mrp. rtliur II. I i-lirr, nf C.ermiinlnun.
Delivers Baccahnirrute Sermon nt
Bcechwood School Com
mencement Week Begins
IlrllorlnK tho lwuralauieat," rerimm to
the classes of 1 91 . Heerhnnnd School, eR
terdav. Hlhup Joseph K Hen v empli.isl7ed
the Importance of tin- wnrk girls and .miiiiik
women can accomplish under existing con
ditions in this counm
The features of todays program, mm the
commencement week series of eents were
a patriotic demonstration and a musical con
cert and tomorrow night the annual recep
tion h the seniors will be glen at the
Bellevue - Stratford The commencement
proper takes place Wednesday, and thepo are
the diploma and certlfl-ate winners awards
to be made by Pr Matthew Reaper presi
dent of Beechwood The following receded
Llternrv Course Four years Miss Dorothv
VIeta Paige, Mls Mary Elizabeth Mitchell.
Miss Christine Grace Phillips and Miss i:th
lyn Marguerite Seiner. two-car courfe
Mtss Sarah Eller Zea and Miss Lole Elaine
Domertlc Science 1M9 Miss Mae Paxton.
Miss Marlon Ruth richer MiS3 Nina M Cus
ter Miss Leila Florence Kouch. Mis3 Marga
ret Mablcy Fox Miss Harriet S Gentleu Miss
Cora Helen Ho Miss Arllne Mary Lewis.
Miss Sarah Matilda Lowell. Mlsa Kathrvn
Elizabeth Maulfalr Miss Clementine Marie
Pent, Miss Porotta Mildred Roberts Mts
Helen Esther Roberts Miss Cora Louis?
Thurman. Mi? i:ilnore i;uzaoetn waop
worth. Miss Margaret Mary Wltmer Do
mestic Arts M!s Margaret Caroline
Fischer Miss Fannie Clarissa Toon. Miss
Chrtstlne Hane Miss Helen Jenkins Mis?
Julia Gardner Kellocg. Mis'- Hdlth Miller
Peterson Miss Hdna Frances Tush Miss
Ruth Virginia Satterfleld Miss Jessie Lav
ton Sapp- MIfs Margaret Llnch Shute. Miss
Katherine Jane Steeni
Secretaryship ''curses Mtss Miriam Mag
dalene Bartljo Miss Katharine Friedman
Miss Mao Hocker ningrlch. Miss M.iiinn
Elizabeth Phlfer Miss Hse MrSorlex Row
land. Miss Frances Pauline Sheaffer. Miss
Emlle Frances Wells Department of Ex
pression MIsp Bertha Elizabeth Fouch
Fine Arts Courre Miss Violet Jlav Ketter
ing Miss Mary Rebecca Wilson Tinner. Mls
Sarah Ruth Motter Arts and ("rafts Miss
Jane Agnes Sapp Miss Margaret Marlon
Trevorton Four-jeai Music PourFe- Mips
Ethln Margaret Seiner Voice I'lilttiif
Course Miss Christine Grace Phillips Col
lege Preparatorv Course MIfs Elizabeth
Heist and Miss Florence Marie Allen
High School Course Miss Marie Fred
erick Avery. Miss Florence S Burt Miss
Agnes Clara Fackler. Miss Elizabeth Leona
Fackler, Miss Alice Klrlin Oehrls Miss Kath.
erlne Hanna Hutchinson, Miss Elizabeth R
Livingston. Miss Mary Eleanor Maddox,
Miss Beatrlz Plnero. Miss Geneeva Plnero.
Miss Dorothea Brltton Tope. Miss Edrea
Louise Leuther Miss Evelyn Rohrer Rose
boro. Miss Caroline May Sands, Miss Corlnne
Roche Secrest. Miss LoulFe Buckingham Se
crest. Miss Anna Lucy Slatterv, Miss Dor
othy Pitt Smith. Miss Edith Marlon Steens
Miss Margaret Agnes Tannery. Miss Eliza
beth Cecelia Turner. Miss Margaret Kath
erine Van Cleft and Miss Harriet Graham
Kindergarten Courses Miss Lillian Black.
Miss Mildred Alta Brown, Miss Fmma
Pauline Crossland Miss Rachel Jeannette
Howling, Miss Mildred Louise Hunt, Miss
Freda Virginia Jones. Miss Mildred Kirk
land. Miss Margaret Elizabeth Leist. Misa
Adele K McDonald, Mies Helen Cotter
Prltchard. Miss Lillian E Schmehld Miss
Olga Isabel Holt Schotze. Mtss Dorothy An
nlce Smith. Miss Amy Rufe Swank Nine
young women in the physical education
courses won diplomas or certlflcates
Former Penn Student Writes to
Parents in Roxborough That
Trip Was Ideal
Experiences on a transport on the lookout
for submarines are related with as much
detail as the censor will permit by Vernon
Halg, of Roxborough, a University of Penn
sylvania man, now In the United States serv
ice "The ocean voyage was Interesting and
at times very exciting," he writes his parents
"Our armed liner was a very large one,
carrying (deleted) troops. We encountered
all kinds of weather, but for the most part
it was warm and the sun waa ehlnlng We
spent most of our tlma on the deck looking
for ships. When a ship appeared on tht
horizon everybody on board knew It The,
guns were trained on tht distant vessel, but
her Identity wob alwaya made out before
she came wthln eight miles of us.
"We were convoyed as we approached
England. Our gunners fired at spars sticking
up In the witer They took no chances.
When any stick showed up we blazed away.
A Mick four Inehea wide waa broken In two
from a distance of more than a mile.
"The gun crews on deck practiced every
afternoon, A rtglmenti) band played, enter
utomints were given in the evening : in fact,
something waa always happening The food
on the boat was much better than w ex
pected. A soldier accustomed to camp life
cculd not compUln of anything untef. he ex
perienced ieastckaesi."
II ' 1 i i '! I
- .myt - ysg
Reception ;ien for Bridegroom and Ilrnlc
on Saturdii) at Hridcsroom's Home
l lie in.uriago of MIhp licne Hausner,
daughter of Mrs Berlin Hiuner of .113
North Carlisle pmci. to Mr Rowland E
Scargle son of Mr and Mrs Charles E
Scrcle of r,.M2 North Twentirth stitet was
solemnised im Tlmrsdn. Mn ".t it the
Prepnvtcrtnn mine, Sixteenth nnil Tioga
streets Th ceremony was performed bv
the ltev Itohett l.lttcll p.ivtor nf the Tioga
Piesbj terl.lll Chin, h
The bride woie het triM-linc nut of il.nlc
blue with a bl.ibl lia to milch find ,i col -page
bouquet nf white pwe,t pi. is She w.ts
attended b her Mtci
Mr Edwin Knelf nf
groom s best man
Mips Itrrtlm Hausner
Logan, w.is the hrlde-
A nceptlnn was held on s.itiml.iv eening
at the home nf the bridegrooms parents
After a short trip Mr Pcarcle who Is In
tho dental reserve cm pp will return to Camp
Meade, while the bride will lle with her
mother until the close of the war
Varied Program for Affair in
Manayunk in Aid of Aux
iliary No. 220
The members of group No i of auxiliary
N'o 2:n of the Tted Cros society will gie
an Interesting entertainment this evening in
the lecture auditorium of the Mount Z'on
Methodist Episcopal Church Oren lane,
Manank. in aid of the wool fund The
affair hap been arranged bv Miss Marian
Stout and Miss M Merine and the program
will Include selections Vn Ihe Twin C ty
Orchestra, led bv Mlss Mervlne , ocal solos
bv Miss Elizabeth Simpson, soprano. Mr
Carl Mvers. tenor, drnmatlc readings In Mr
John H McMurtrle and the humorous sketch.
Charleis Aunt' In which Mr Harrv Fnr
r.ind will nke the leading role others In
the cast will he Mr c rll Pennlnn Mr
Frederick Hoffman. Miss Margate! Weir and
Miss Kllen Burgess Among the patronesses
are, Miss Simpi-on. Mrs Clarence Kepcr.
Mips MaTlan Hodgson. ; Mrs Thomas Shoe.
smIMi. Mrs Rnhen Main Mrs. Arthur Sheb
lev. Mlev 7da Woodhead Mrp Henree L ttle
wood Mrs Richird Entwlple, Mrs Charlton
ade Mrs Frederick Simpson Mrs IMwarrt
("happen. Mrs Ch.ulcs Simpson Mis i;rin
Simpson Mis .lame- Tuttle. Mrp Jean
Wright Mr- i;eorge Ilirdman Mrs (ieorge
Tnggert Mis cinrles I,angheim Mrs. Oicar
Llojd Miss lMllh H.ltn. Mts Mwa H.iln,
Mrs Wood. Miss Nellie Srhofleld, Mrs
J B Lewis Mij, Marlon Westerman, Mrs
Charles Jordan. Miss Harriet Fornev, ,Mr
Charles Langhelm, Miss Bessie Lewis, Mips.
Irma Clegg, Miss Anna Law ton. Miss nil.
abeth Hardman. MIfs Flnri-me Holdsworth.
Miss Jessie Priest. Miss Lilla Calhoun Mrs
C. Kuhn Mrs James Hardman. Mm Kath
arine Dodgson. Mis Cornman. Mis w
Walmsley, Mrs C Hammond, Mrs c White
man, Mrs W Law and Mis .1 Johnson
Photo by Pboto-Crtttr.
Daughter of Sir. and Mrs. Maurice Burton, of 3016 Wet Coulter street, German
town, whoe engagement to Mr. Warner RobeVu Supplee, cf 5U3 Kingtetiing
avenue, hat been announced
I ' I' 'l i 'i i
TOO? '
- rsyw - 'ygt - J - v - vsR?-yrs!sa
Sham Battles Feature of Every
Day at Benefit for Miseri-
fordin Hospital
Anm Hiid Navv !1a s will he features or
this eiu's Fete Cbampetie' to be held for
three das Memorial l")i. Fridav and Sat
uidax, on the grounds of the Conent of
Mcrc.. at Merlon There will be military
drills and phain battles on each dav of the
fete Friday will be Navy Day and Sat
urday win he Armv Day Plans have been
perfected by Mrs Frank Hookey, who has
charge of the garden cafe, ti pro Ide for
the thrones which are expected to attend
eaih dav Everything from a sandwich to
a special dinner mav be had at very reason
able prices Ther will be absolutely no ad
mission charge, and although the roment is
onlv a fhort walk from the station all trains
and the Bala street cars will be met by
A welcome addition to this ear's fete will
be a magazine, newspaper and periodical
bopth which will be In charge of Mrs J
Quennell The amusements will be entirely
under the direction of the Junior auxiliary
of the hospital, of which Miss Mary Conway
is chairman
A ppeclal feature will be a dog show,
which will be held on Fridav. the second dav
of the fete, at 2 o'clock This show will be
opened for pets as wet) as pedigreed dogs
A bahv show will be held on Saturdav after
ncon at S o'clock, followed by a Punch and
Judy rhow, which promiseR to be a great
treat for the youngsters Miss Agnes Land
Is chairman of this committee Among the
Judges will he Mrs. Anthony A Hirst. Mrs
M E H McMlchan. M" J. Quennell and
Mra James A Mundv
The audellle and moving pictures will
be the most Interesting feature of the fete
Two performances will be riven each dav
This committee Includes Miss Violet I Lew
chairman. Miss Marv Conway Mfss Agnes
Movlan, Miss Martha McVeigh, Miss Matle
Carrigan Miss Julia Movian. Miss Agnes
Land. Miss Maty Land and Mrs Joseph
The tov p and dolls booth promises to be
a very attractive one and will be in charge
of Mrs Waller Cckhnrdt Among her aides
will be Mrs James Billlngtnn, Mrs Lewis
Kdge Mis Lollta Hopper, Miss Mav Cun
ningham Miss Huth Diamond and .Miss Elea
nor Gallagher
Mrr William Beglev will have charge of
the grab-hags Mrs Vincent Carroll and
.Mis Paul Casselman will sell Ice cream
tones Mrs David Scannell and the Misses
Montague will preside at the candy booth
Latest styles in bags may be seen at the
hag booth which will be In charge of Mrs
Thomas Hare and Mrs Clarence Faries Miss
Kdlth Mellersh and Miss Catherine Rowan
will have the grab-bags
- - sss2!W!!
v. -
-- f, lift
Philadelphia SuffragiBts Plan to
Aid Nevada Woman's Cam
paign to Enter Upper House
Local members of the National Woman'a
party have received copies of the platform
of Mlsa Anne Martin, of Nevada, the first
woman In the country to campaign for a
seat In the United States Senate.
Miss Martin's platform is especially In
teresting to women of this city because of
the fact that It was In the Bellevue-Stratford
last March 27 that Miss Martin's campaign
was launched Miss Caroline Katzenateln,
executive secretary of the Pennsylvania
Branch National Woman's party. Is exhibit
ing a copy of Miss Martin's platform at the
organization's headquarters in the Penfleld
A number of Miss Martin's close personal
friends in this city are planning to go Weet
to help in her campaign Her platform Is
built on "Winning the war" and in support
ing President Wilson's war polloy
Miss Martin, who was national legislative
chairman of the Woman's party until she
entered the senatorial fight, has spoken
many times In this city and has made a
profound Impression because of her sound
Judgment political acumen and Irres.stlble
logic Some of her many friends In Phila
delphia have shown their interest In Miss
Martin's campaign bv contribut.ng toward It
Among the contributors are Miss Mary A
Burnham, Mrs Pope Yeatman. Marshall E
Smith Mrs K O Halllgan Mr and Mrs
Earl Harnes and Dr Margaret R Kollock.
What Ml Martin Stands For
First The winning of the war
Support of President Wilson's war policy
and of the Oovernment to win the war
Support of President Wilson's Ideal of the
settlement of the war through a league of
nations that shall prevent further wars
Second Development of Nevada
To meet merica'p greatest need in war
and peace the Increased production of food
(al Conservation of the waters of the Hum
boldt and other streams for irrigation and
the opening of new lands under Federal
and State direction .
b Increasing the number of home-own
ing farmers by assisting new settlers through
the drat difficult years bv Federal farm loans
at low rates of Interest and by providing
farms for returned soldiers
(c) Elimination of freight rate discrim
inations against Nevada, thus lowering the
price of farm and mining niachlner.v nnil the
necessities of life
(d) Protection of seasonable labor -on
ranches in the Interest of both farmer and
laborer bv securing lower railroad fares
Third State and national prohibition as a
war measure foi the conservation of food ma
terial and man-power and as a permanent
measure aftter the war.
Fourth Winning the spiritual Issue of the
vva r.
To make the world safe for Democracy."
First Political democracy ta) National
woman suffrage (b) Woman's more direct
participation In government. In order to se
cure through her special responsibility the
care and conservation of huma-i life the
protection of women and children and the
welfare of our soldiers now and after the
Second Industrial democracy (a) to
insure tn labor, not only protection of hours
and wages and legislation for health In
surance but a Just stake In Industry (b)
A readjustment of labor conditions affecting
women that shall be fair both to the women
and the returning soldiers, (c) Public own
ership of public utilities
Miss Martin announces herself as a can
didate to be nominated as an independent by
th" people for th people She says that her
election will prove to the women of the world
that as thev will have helped win the war
po shall their voice h heard in the highest
legislative hodv in America the Senate nf
the United States
Some strong reasons whv Miss Martin be
lieves she should he elected are as follows
Because In her birth, her training her love
and svmpathv she belongs to Nevada he
cause through her education and experience
she Is fltt ' as few people to take a place
In 'he Senate nf the I'nlted States, because
she has accomplished things bv winning suf
frage for Nevada women she hap made it
possible for them to send the first woman
to the Senate nf the United States, bv her
work at Washington and throughout the
countrv she has helped make en.ua! suffrage
a national Issue thus bringing it to Its
present assured Issue because she has stood
against great odds, for high Ideals and be
cause she will hl.ind for the principles an
nounced In her platform
Items of news for Ihe noeletT pnee ss 111 be
arrentfil anil printed In the hyenlns PuMIr
ldser. prorliled tlieT are written on one
elite of the nitner nnl and are elsnfd with
full name nnil te leplinne number or the
eniler. a It miint he, iitnilWe te.jerlfr th
notee. Adilrees -"Sorletj Hdltor." Evenlnt
1'ublle Ledeer. 606 ChrHnut etrret.
Concert in eonnertlnn with the annual con
vention of the American Guild of Banjolsts.
Mandollnlsts and Guitarists. tVitherspoon
Aridreas, William II. Lewis, before Market
Street Merchants' Association 8pm
Testimonial dinner to Charles II. (irakelow-,
Adelphia Hotel, " p. m
Municipal Hand concert. Fourth utreet and
Lehigh avenue
20 Degrees Cooler Than the Street
NIOlrrS, l 50 II, 7.1c. 50e
Decoration Day
Mata Thure ft gtt !.13
A. H WOODS Presents
Pop. Mat. Thurs., Best Seats $1
THAt'?;S0bT-0SECA,S HTiIAfti
P. W. Griffith's Supreme Triumph
Now Playing Twice Daily
Garrick Theatre 2d Month
Evgs. & Sat. Mat., 25c to $1.60
DAILY MATS. 25c to $1
QTPANT) GtnAAvt, at Venanga, B. of Croad
In "U'Utl,"
bJJ I Jk mk
Provost Smith's Greetings to 'Blj
in Trenches Arrive i
April 20
1 t 1
Provost Smlth't Christmas rmtlnytf
w.i.tora.iy oi .renusyivamm. men in'.u
trenehss wara not received until April 3$i
"cwrgo m u, lewis, 'is Arcnueciure,
Iff a. flmt ll1ltrtAnf In Vi avUtlnM i
In Italy. Lieutenant LewU write to.H
Ptnnivlvalna ClBaia . n1tAan
"Within the last week I received the fW$
- 4i Biv.vtuita biiu 14IQ aiuivunow rB
.we. aw umi j-uur magazine naa Deen lorwarafi.
ed. The Usuee have not yet reached me, bfrt ;
uutn are me uncertainties or mall sex
In wartlm!..
Thfifta. ( a rrrfA1tt hiihViib a TS a uaali '
vanla men at this post In Italy, among theiC
ae I recall, are Norman Sweeteer, Architey
ture. and Henry Crawford, both first llii-1
tenants In th flvinv kj(-iH y? nkMii -
reason r I pAnnnt i itaAmu. . a '
the service, except that we are ualn flylMtViHg
machines of the finest t-pes. M'tr
"Men who remember 'William J. Hauh.?M
Architecture, 1914, track and football, .n"kWi
winner of the Roman scholarship, wirrJSI
uimrsicu io Know ne is in Florence wimsJ
the American TitA rrnna rinU . . mIa tiil
serviceable work among the Italians.' . til
Now we are to see service In Franea. alW4
every one Is anxious to get a chance at rlv2
'si'vmik iiioitMa oi grjara auty and Tnaxe3
Ma..c urtincH, wrues jonn r. Keriianv;
another son of Penn, who has since lefr
camo fnr Prflnr k 4
T'l,-- . . . JfK
nine are no .pennsviVAnia mn in "mit0
retrlment, and contequently I have not thJS
. ; , v "'"i iweuier ana uiKins; oversju
school days with any one. I have- been "la 'J5
th Federal Pen-Ice since March 35. 1917,'
On Which riatfc 1 was r.U.A .... ' w..1
7;r, vw.i-cm a.vmy troui icnQUI
by the mnhlHratfnn nf ,.. - . ai-.
...-, ''" inn spent nve montns doing j
guard duty through central New York, one!!
month In camp at Pelham Bay. N.. T and'fSi
that Hih 1 .... . a. .. -
remaining seven months in tralntn.- t !-.,. Si
Wirlcwm.,!. c? r ,. " .
.-..... w, ,,,, 0
Parody by Kentucky Lad Helm to Eua!
Achinc Hflrtrl n,l C.Li ltni
Neck, il
VhM. m. -t.i .
the ;;;., ""in"c" l0 ,n.e :s
. "' ." mere, an eno or tne!vi
singing rises behind them, it i th. A,i-v VSftS
boys, an army of the rake and hoe. m6bl-AFI
"'l (i. nrnsi, nnn joining th r-jgs
garden reelmentB nil m. th -,. a " wa
stht-ol boy Joe I.ee Davis, of Kentucky, ha j&
..- v ,, "' """ oune io uie tune or
Over Ther.'. hs.s a remarkably Invigorat
ing effect In spite of aching btcks &hd aun-
burnt r.tcle?
.riitittn ,t uii.B i. . . . . ,"
...., .w 4, juiir nut, in your noe, Ott VoUr HO T-
Mart, riip vour roct dig vour row dto Zour wSo) 3?
Ltary tn know tht gardener's joy. v"1
Lnf.' '"m " ". ' the icfrf, plant th .-5
hl the sunbeams tnrk do not shirk, of ti'i
All the iorf must spade the orovnd.
All the orla must hustle 'round.
uit mere, oirr mere: ,
flirf f yrord send the word oter then.
That the lads tire hoeing, the lads art hoeing.
The o(rtt iif tthoutng everywhere.
P"-fiIi n nftrrfrtt In nrr-ntiw
With the hour uith the boui, the brave bdvs,, tl
Who uill not come back till ft otfr, evsr thsrs,M$m
iuih :
llilS A. iS.i
to ,m
.. .. mr.FW
ALL THIS WEEK !- ":lor,?
... . T! JVSJ
l r itai rntPE..-s iaj IU7 ur "Vpys
By Elinor Olyn Authfir of Tbree Wk" ,W
Sunuy Animated Mtsaxlne Inetuder K.a
KlttennousD square r lower lviarxei
1U A 11. ti ij'ia r. ,Si
ALL inm L.. vu
A.V AP.TCRAFT " M ' 141 S S "
A R C A D I A'l
10 15 A M . 13, i 3 Y .1 ii, T.45. :J0 P,
First Rhowlnt of "PRUNELLA"
Paramount rirtur i.ui'"uii
From the ria of Same Name
, . . j.,lrtl Nat ttrsctlon . jnJ
mme. petrovA skM!
Rlttenhoust Square Floner Market
' ,-!,
J - -".-.iSii-'l
nljU . .. . A METRO PlctUV
Francis A. iiushman -c.
., .. - .... ...,w.c jw;
n a m to u p; M.y5
rnnQQ TfPVv MARKET ST Blvr Mtn ,
t,KUbO iVEt 1 O Daily Twlci Nlgtlrj
n tr I V nit ri W V T T. t. '?
w -.:-..- "i:
HHIlanwAY iwli swaiui , .h-,v
"MERRY-GO-ROUND" ""''-' 1
Authorlted PhotopUy Version of OerarAs JfJ
EVENINGS nd SATrRiSAV MAT . Sc to ll.Mti
uinf.ii jAiior.t.p. t i i,n- . .
ayjLiuiaiw niiu oniuuttJ
. . .., M A kl., tft,. h. III. -' "
f.m.mm.ni to ths Treasury IBrtmM '
of the umtM eits. , yj
DAILY. 10 A. M. to ii f. . ;.
Admission 2e. Protesds to Wr,.q
Consisting or . w'
lit soprano, ma r v-ii.. . .
1st AltO, JIARIE BTOSB IjAnusriTUi, .
mv XtlT.T.lCR XtOtTNT. PUnlat. .
Jjs Bind fr6m Nvt Yard In Aftemes)i ,
nav i KJauKHiAnuxs aa w
No Ertrs. AdmlMlon.
MtlUss TEN EYCK t WEILY Hen t,i
oricinai ponvs ana uancs i;rsnua
Mullen t Congtn; Oeo k Dick R4thi
rrumtt. and Otnirs. v,."
'" '' " .wwil'i
D6von War Kelief Horse Satf
June 6, 7, 8, at Deyoft
(Benent Mam Line Bi
Emergency Aid)
GAYETY this vampire oml-i"
.. Tr-.i
....,,,-, Pt3
. - t ;
. . f i -P
-a. t ,
". " . .-. .
. -fev
. ? ';-v,:
" ' 4.1X. , ,.-
?. 4
a 'SLifu L .jAi j iv.. v .