y-, yv m$m f l V ." Gt .A Philadelphia, Saturday, May 25, 1018 PftATERIALS TO HALT THE FOE--NO LACK OF POWDER AND' SHOT FOR THE ARMIES OF THE ALLIES 'ty.ai aPUPP La.- "?"" fj52;xacasa.'n'-iy $ MC&Aisuasasr r?.7?-J3 stj ;,tk?-j l. '.-. " l-,v--4 ritiB m jam , - .! Sfftf aiwHKIrg'---.b uf-iKi : . LM'f' ;Ua UH fL'ikt R,.iKK'iV"t.-: vj. ;'svt !fe2Sl?M'i''. r-?tlfiSilSISlliK5ik v c 4& ki yt-iii.ww- jjst3iMONr13i.'v .-, wnx .p ' : " '. ..-w t"5&srtommm&vm--&. v. r LTOf'SI faff aF1 hiMT-flM-iikaBlS.r ' .fmSmKmtK, Wk A ffl 3lliMiS3jilHHfci IIB & y .LAm 7rflBMLB j? SrJJ i. EUXKi JI W V?wlL Sfl . SuX Wt -.-. ,,.,'I".VJ.1 f I I l3A M I I 'in 1111 I IK-.-'.l ,-.- -r.'Vi.'-KVv-, BM V .. . -. . -- rr- y mflT-M , llT"'"--"r ;:-. ,ii. Z. -"zzzzgs" feJfKK R;.siri P'!!B8iwPi-w.' nH T'tT' jrl 'tJmMmt'' Mjt J-k!' " mmmmmm:;mm'i&m' WHtMlir I Tilly'?'1 ' f - -..Hf.'. .y".f ..Tjff . r w . ' ' 1 THE CEASELESS ACTIVITY in the transport of material up to the line in France is indication of preat events in the makinpr. Above, the scene at an ammunition A u m p, where the British arc stacking; cases. .JnKLf .-ti .dajBBmNL. , ..matamaBHiS tigaMWHSir- ' JB 'WBBttraiaHH "" rtTf HHI ilHHHHKBlHHHBLHHHHHHnr. OWHHHHHHHHHHHftlHHHHHHHHHrHBHIBr i.'Jf ST? h X nmmfo.'Wi .&Wr- JIBl':BinHIBABHKfiiaHBHHHMaHBHHK' .fM Sv3k m ffSI il wMWKBm I BS wWiKMSk99 - . ' ' .- e 7: THE BATTLE ZONES OF TODAY teem with millions of human beinRs feverishly engaged in the transport of supplies for the vital first lines. Above, an ammiwition-loading point transferring cases from train to caisson. t"A i" K&f &. If " ' :&. U "s l& St Ei-ivp tm- BS? is! tiafcr 8 ?."' P. &! 0 t-r ?$"': y m ';! ai5s. y ! Wnlri09ESBBBHBBBrAMHH v EVERY HIGH WAY LEADING to the battleline is an artery through w h i c h flows an unend ing stream of men and mate rials. Above, French ' reserves on the way to the Oise region. International Film Service SjEjJSy5itin S&. . w ' t -?. i I'SSmtm ..tivi . r fei.at - 'SfwrgS1 ( -A 5irasvsa2JK2s - -Li; sisi3SjasfcwwiM ""- si3'r': , - - : ... ....al a .'sj- r.M . ,.oc.w."- , ..Jj.jjv.a 7..T7,'"":Ti-V. "!L ir m 'Mta wfrTWsx&Wh iP..' . KlTlrlki hjK--'fv "tnTi". fr -- -- " sF "t'vSSBH-HBI . CI- . . . iQtiai ritii miiuinJ i EaiKlrTS JoiJlMHvH f S &sFy?bUHf " IHVBHB j 'MflfcHfe'Hw-iMF JkttttJfeAMflvtfMJJMB' 1 . Imi: 'W .. .viMA.v;i,'v a ! r r mui " s";,' j )', " iV- fr '. ' vr AMMUNITION IN NEVER-ENDING quantity must flow to the "heavies" barrinc the wav to thP enemv. ov pIsp virtorv rnnnnf. v, htowA. 1 This photograph shows how well the British forces are prepared for another German offensive. BOUND FOR ENGLAND and then home to Canada, this wounded Canuck is not regretful for his 7hisfortune, especially since he finds himself in the hands of faithful comrades and pleasant-faced '& war nurses. . j Canadian Official 1'hotocraph iV J 4 -iri EXTENT TO WHICH Germany hair been forced to call "upon her "raanH-power to carry oUt . her'junbjtloua. plaaVia indicated by these, youthful prisoners in British hands. Tl J i IntArnatlunil Film Service latusatliHut Film Strvlo NEVER. BEFORE IN THE WAR has -the artillery played such a major part as now, when every shelter behjnd either battleline is being searched out by the big guns.. This photo shows two, French peasants in the ruins of their Home, g'truck by a big shell. s International Film Scrvk IMAGINE IF ONEtOF- THESE monster shells were to come crashing into Broad street!, Yet that is just what pften happens in Nancy, France, where fortunately this great projectile tailed Jw Ii, .& " - I 10 expioae. ,i. .a i W-. ' J,S 1 J'' -W- aAs--t4j-w. V-Wr f-Jft I "7i.i 4. ; StAiVi , ' XdttM. ."'; T ,1 V- Zflvai' . ' -fcfcW J, KHn. "WsJS" Tr MT " TTT T" TT !" Iimil T