i mMnuiuiip i Mini npujii bj hi ipuiHf ;? v-' ' If'Vr' v ' BW1.J' 'V.","- t fsSft:'!" ' "' v ' iPf . EVENIKG PUBLIC !LE LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FEIDAT, MAY w24, 1915 r ,tj l!toVE NO SLACKERS '$"& algnlfliance. as indicative of the growth of acceptance and of the riecemry ma chinery for handling them, la the recent organization of. three discount hpuaes In .Vew TorK, modeled upon the discount ,and Acceptance ltouBee of London, which will deal in hank nnrt traile acceptance 'Another lixn of the times Is the ir if Review by President ffiSjC Patriotic Work mss ?S &' FEDERALIZATION tll.Hll. rlm' Mai- i -,, 'Lawrence E. San, of Pittsburgh. WWWent, rejoiced that there has been ft JdifWaclterlsm" among the banking In- pz the Keystone state In his t'l address this mornlnir hefnre the il convention of the Pennsylvania pifen;' Association at Hotel Trnymore. iSejas. patriotic In tenor from start to bjuid In keeplnc with n war con- ylvatlia A 8 S O C 1 a t i Oil cent enactment of leslslatlon In New iotk ann .MnsacniiHciin huihui inn !avliiK hanl8 lo tiuy tianU acceptances ; ' In New York up to 50 per cent and In ' Massachusetts to 30 pet tent of thelt i deposits. Similar legislation Is pending' land will doubtless he effected In oilier Stales for it proldrs savings hanks, with iearlv motion of Increasing their i.pnnnrllnn nf llnnlil aaaiili il ltOsM(r.1t lim 'l 'PI IIUII ri i... .--,.-. - --- which thoughtful stud-nls of the -axing hanks situation hae long rung nlrert as hlghlv rieslrahle. "An Increasing nuinher of large In dustrial and manufacturing flrm- are using the hankers' acceptance a prncllce which Is hound lo grou n its ad vantages come to h understnnil Natural ly the huslnees man looks to hl hankei foi nrtvlee and co-opera linn The live hanker must he alert to lend and In formed lo counsel his customer In all matters pertaining to this method of i ntuino which nnwspsspM Mn much CI f ion, 1'resment sanos was inter- i advantage to both sajrepeatedly by applause. The pres- 1 Biannual report ajvi the reorts of , association group chairmen were the prtant business before the convention h! morning. President Sands said- LJW'The year Just passed has been In ;Kpar)y-respects the most trying am most IMerestlnit In the history of the ns- MLtlon. Jever before have the hanking juereats of this counlrv been called IPon, to do more free work : and happily fin' vwe say It, never before have tasks E fiSeemore cserfully nccompllhd. : BKW are beginning to realize the -oun- Rry at war Many or our son. ate ' ) Rearing the uniform; some are al jpeid.v on the firing line, others are on Mpeiwfiy, Many more will go. As bank- f"wn.r iii a u-ij pitfciiii iiim viihi ask to, perform In the flotation of the ieveral Liberty lan Issues and It Is fwltll pride I say that Pennsylvania has lived up to her very best patriotic trndl. naL' l,;fMlrhcre has hepn no slackerlsm among 'Vederal Oniernment rlrtuallv umild con -THpuRHKera or ine Keystone .tale in i wattling llie three Liberty Loan drues. hey nave been prodigal in their ex- ndlture In advertising and In rating and In organizing their rcea and in fninint it, numHoe- u. Jfictr'they have bee.i instant In season Vitfta om of season and have supported All, Onirlrnman, Invntli- nl It l nr.. Uw , ,w T - , 1,111 I V 11,11, niKI II I.-, IH'I FTfllceeary for me to recapitulate what Is ?Wlthltl our own knowledge and in which I 6U took such a glorious part I Whe. people of the United Slates are j learning more about bonds than thev jeTerknew nerore. Iiondholders ar now, lv?M found by the million among our , nnAAn - . B-Mi.J-.il. ...... (.rpnlpr ipu- Ynrk I .o.nria Willi I. viVi. - HM4 flap Ihara tflll nt ha tin iiiii.ih I .-.. . .. - -. .- .i i i . r it . Wijudlca nacalnitt nipitaiiftn in this , Ipil,l rrilfrnllrnllftn of HnnUi An nrly "fertprallzatlon" nf th hanklnc ronurcAM nf ill rountrv. mtirh Hi the Mmp that dip ratlroail" have hrn takpn ni hv (hp Gov ernment, to niako thorn render th larc et nnssJhl meatire nf ervir fnr th nation, wan predicted hv John II Mann. president rt thi Cornmrria1 Tnit ''om pany. Philadelphia, tn a ppfrh lfnre the trut rompanle' .etion nf th Tnn H1vanta Hanker?' AiHnelation in session here. "If 1 ani not nieatly ititstakfii Wwtt a vpt pronouniM'il trend toward the federalization of our banking nvsttPin." the Philadelphia hanker eiild "We rnn bet nift It bv looking it PtraiRlU In thf face find hip to Riildr it In the channel in which It phould tnop W mut face thos prohlem" openlv and aquarelv htkI lth a view tn thn Inflect polelv of thp nation Thn timn for lew InK th'e problem. of finance in a splflh way has pone "I rnn figure that if the Llhertv Loan had failed w a bankers would eoon find our.ofOven orrupyln: virtually hp name position as thp railroad mn The crlpt iij because we had not co-oppratd Wp kno (hat thp raihoad tnpn 5trop m kepp their srpaiate interest? para mount to thp (ntereittj of tlip Ooern mnt. and If the hanker hould einc any tendency to mop in that tiirrrtlci we shall knnw ptarttv what to expct." ALLIED FLEETS BUSY KEEPING SEAS SAFE Naval iMen Still Hope for a Real Fight With Germans Xew Vork, May H Stories nf American, Hrltlsh and P'rench sea flghlers In nctlnn were told In the Morgan llhrarj to a company nf gneets of .1 1 Morgan. Including a large number of officers In the three navies h llalph P Pain the noellt. who has lslterl the nrhlps undei f!ov eminent anlhor'7ation lo tirptare n honk called Th Klghtlna Fleet.' ' Penpl Mill of the InactHllv "f the grand flee- he id ''but the grand fleet " cnntlnualU nctue It Is tint afraid of uhmarlne,; it h.is gone to ea ngnln and again to answer claims that the linTinnn liigh e!!-" (let wih rmnlnif fint. and In e,rv ntncr and man In ihe fleei iheii, in contUlfiH-e that snmt (av thev will actuallv arch the trman I asked Admlinl Hinltv what would happen If the (let man did cmtif nut. and he answered ihppfiith. We'ie hnre what, wlnif' " Mr Paine Inld fif nn nf these ncci Klons when the fleet left It" h"" In the north of Scotland between midnight and dawn In icpon"i' tn a lepntt that thp 'Jetnians weif ahmnd Th' chiiip through a channel, he ald. 'whnh navigators had snld hefnie ti.e war could not he traversed at night . hill In Hie whi all Ihe fi.ts Imw li-iuned in do ihe imHiaibe in thN oicaslon ihe newlv rrlid met Iran bntilehip had rrceHed Ihe place nf honor In the win liit behind th Hntlsh Ilagshlti The Heels rruled twenty hnlii" In ll high gale hill found no German" One (,r ihe nritl-.li hnttl"-hlp had enl up an nberet in a Kile balloon mt hefnre th Ih-et allrd. and had no time In bring him down Sn fnr twont hours he wa towed h the luitihshlp at the end nf his long cable in s wind -o high that hl obseriatlnn car uu allv sticking out lyirliontall behind the hallonn "I l.1td ii!--n Ihe "llhtnarlne ha-.e where American iibninrln'S are undei - going llitenille llllinillg for "llllkillg n.. n I- l,nnl uliilrr the direction nf i-LDinln Nasinith. w ho nntili siiliinaiine maikable exploit" and Ihe Sen nf WATER POWER1 BILL IN DOUBTFUL CLASS Secretary IWcAdoo Fears Sites May Be Lost lo Rail roads Washington, May :4. The Administration water power legllatlon. after a short period of re ined Interest, was again In the class "doubtful of passage at thl esinn" tndsy Seorrtarv nf the Treauiv McAdoo Is reported to have become alarmed at the proHpect Ihnl w-nter pow-ee "lies needed for the elect! iflcatlon of tc- rnMw-ni "vsiems under his conliol mlghl he lened to prliste enterprise under the hill In the dl-nih .ullage of the iallio.nl" lie In said to hnw convinced the l'ieldenl that more time for rnn sldeintlnn of nh pnlhle nltlmnte le "illl" "hnllld he given hefnre Ihe hill Is placed nil the leg'Malne cjlendsi .M tan while ihe right lo lake the leas ing powet from th" hind" of Ihe Snore-In-IeK ,r Win Vgrhiiltuie and Inldinr. nml nlnce II In the hand" of a nnn- paitltan enmm sion holding offb e foi a Irnio leini inntlniied in the llnii-e water pnw i I i nnnnlttee Hi. ben .1 llulklei .iitninet for Hie Mai lndulle hoaifl sppenred befoie ihe KorHcii Affa is I'nmmlttee nf the llnil-e Indai. lllglnR the paesage of Ihe h'lood hill foi th" Inlying of iower lte" on boiindatv wnter" a-- a wai emergency nirnsiiie The bill I" a ninpnnlnn-piice (if legtslat on In the omnibus watei power bill ill ihe hamU nf the watei power inmrnlilee n would gin- the leasing powei in l!ie on bmimlari watei" to the S"er-ari ,t War ' The Koielgn Affair- i-onimlttee "eenied fliitngnnl'-llc lo the tneauie. and 'I wa doubtful todai uheiher a fainrahle ie porl on the bill could be fci tired with out an appearance bv Secrctari flak"r to po nt .iul wheirin the bill iuntle the title of n war measule RED CROSS FUND NOW ABOVE $74,000,000 Country, aa there has been In the past fiwjth a Liberty Bond In eiery home w , vffA. hall hear less In the future about Si WMUtfl-bdfldhoIder.". E4?i' Bam Oood from the Mnr S' ll.i'',4Alrflll dn the war is and frleht'nllv i K 4Mtljr,in blood and trensure. some good , tTunvv one come oui or ii. i ne lives .inrhlch have been sacrificed can neier he k'd Mcalled., The atrocities committed by 1 Wi,0rmanF and their accomplices, the I Jl V,,(viV M III, llllliT, rn im n,.. U uilniiniiu lire ,iuiiaii-, ,1111 nriri nt- fined., Hill, some good has reiulted. nations which have handed to- '.to rid the globe of Prusslanlsm 1): that this horrible thing stand" Wivo come to a "tronger realliallon h& brotherhood that should bind hti ilty. more than they eier could have llted in centurlea of peace. In the Jnltcd. States there has been a unlfl- Fifatton of Interests such as peace could t Kaviie hrlncr. We "ee this fninir unleli ' i tt manv dlreetlona The rallreail, nf .JgUlfs nation are under 'Government dl- -recuon, inis meinou or operation may rfiotba' agreeable to the owners nnrt fiHUcttf Of the roads : Indeed, it may cX'ba itAfelv Said w thnut fear nf contradle. ji ifci'tion that It Is not agreeable, hut that t-.Jumflcation Is the result of the needs c "fi-lhe time and the exigencies created ffi&tf Uy .ihe war f.-aini. -.... (JW aut It Is in the banking profession ;. Sapikt- w are chiefly Interested In the r. V'-'lSHflltrtn nf the nreunl irel-lorralhae lJOVemnt. .Vow we have the Federal , Jleeerv eyitem which has proved of in itattfrtable value in the heavv financing f'tftlh.the Oovvernment Is obliged to I jM,and which Is winning more adher ihfrlght along, l'nder the stress of .rwaf'th great trust companies of the --dMuntrV' im vanldlv i-nmlne tn nercelie i hevtst Importance of unifying the jttrhole financial system of the nation Pkqare rapiaiy becoming memners m le'iFederai Iteserv? system Of great nportance are the continued efforts of xt'trust comnanv section to produce a 1 Ifcodvffif laws for the government of the ItMist-comDanles and State banks which 1 rill'meet the renulrements and laws ' ),hlh may bo passed by the Legislature 3 ot this Commonwealth. I fxt ' WorU ,or Victorious reaee fe!lr"A patriotic cltlns. we need not r F.Iwilend our aid 1n selling bonds ana Bi fctfcrift" stamps and any other form of K' "ll. ....... -ii .. -, ...,, ,le- ,Taine money wnicn me nuiciimiviu - fi Wivttea; but also in using our Influence In - wffTy way in tne airecuon 01 iirinnuis ao.wlth victory We can do n great iial In eomhntlnir the Insidious German jpig;inda. We can report tn the au Brlt(a any suspicion of disloyal action. V4. ti.ii defend not only our own country Ul fcrtument. but also our Allies There jtf many who make an occasional fling tlWijriana. torgeuing or ignorini; uir kat that It was the British fleet which !Er". .. . . ... d. ,1 t..., il.. ARXIlrOUgn ine nrsi inrve yvnin i-iv mr TaUuia. OeAan nnen and enabled the ' Z-SntttA RUtM to carry on Its commerce I tUt Europe. Kot only that, but the fact 1 .UtJth British fleet keeps the Oerman ' If -iCartbottlea up In the Kiel Canal at this "I '&' moment prevents raids on our 'f atoorc by the German navy. Our fleet TjivVrouId not k"p ,h Hun navy ln,lt" 'Jrflt Inglorious hiding place." '! TalUfaBUgf of Traiie Areeptanee Kj, iteadlly widening uae or me sccentance In all parta of the counj )jnost cratlfylng development,-' fi'.V. 1, noilisworint aeaji ui inr of Economics. University of Pitts. ;egpclally at thia time when 4tntry needs can ror tneeounaest Practice and the use of the most VSwtrumenta of trade. The trade .haa become a nxture in our credit operations as It haa fin foreign countries,. Mt more atraaiiy me Danaera t Is making Ita way An In number of. business firms and Mis are resorting to the use of 'acceptances and find this de- f;1n American banking practice, kthlit and economical thsn the itlce. pf selling or discounting merciai paper ui special S 1 6.294.o36 : PennsyK ania Division S4.l93.82 1 A total of reached in th 't the American M'u-hlnrlnii Mai 21 ITt.Ji.8IA ha hern M-cnnd wai-fund dine fled t'l'os". acinrding tn rejiorts received at national head ipiarters this nftetnonn The Atlantic illusion lepi.rt" $R.4nr,,. 2H.1 From the central division a total of IK.SJiri.Oiin has been received, distrib uted as follows Michigan JSUuin. null . WltfniiMn. !. 144.01111. Illinois. SH.nnn.uon : Iowa. t325. OOli , Nebraska. $!:(!. Oftn I'lncago alone rcporis collectli.ns of $2.nou.00O. A lotnl nf 17.2H3.n75 reported fiom the Lake divl.ilon. teceived n" fnllown .Jlhio. $ I.OHB 3B2 Indiana. JS.Snl.72J. lientuclij JfiBSi.iinii Itecelpts from the liulf dltlsloti aggregate !.8,'lfi.4n:i. ,0111 prllng Mlsi"sippl, Jnfi2.n22 ; Alabama. $146.1131 From ihe Mountain division JI,SS!.fi'i hay been i-nllected, comprising I'oloiadu J!l6t. 3.1. Wyoming. JIKfi.nRS. New Mex ico $111.22. and fiah Jini.nss New Kngland reports collectlonp ttf $4,lifi onn Reports from the different suitev of this division have not been receded A lotal nf $2 :i2.llo is n turned from the Northern diii"on In the Northwestern division iiiegon re pmtv 7IS.888. Washington JI.IRIK73 Idaho. $22(1048. and Alaska JM.13S The tntal fnr this division Is $2 1'iR 47 The I'aclftc division reports collect ions of $3(183.42(1. comprising California $2. 867. 017; N'eiada. $56 37'' and Vri inna. $166,031 The Pennsylvania dl ilsinn lotal Is J4.195.S2I. including Pennsvlinnln, J2.OftS.417. and Melaware 11.197.404 Totals for the Potomac divimnn in date are $1,817,055, Including Maryland. 1132.057; Virginia. $7.16.520: West Vir ginia. J51 1.398. and Washington. I c J438.000 Southern dlvl"lnn totals shnw returns nf J3,noi.!i31. comprising Georgia. J753. U27; Tennes.-ee. J770.I35: North Caro lina. $620,000: South Carolina, $507. onn. and Florida. $341,869. From the Southwestern division a total of $9,031,510 is reported. Includ ing Atkansas. $529,071'. Kansas. $1,637 583: MiHrnurl. 13.167.721 Oklahoma! $1,058.82.1 and Texas. S2 617 809 iSSHi FIND O'LKAKY'S MOTOR Nalion-Wiile Search for .Man Wanleil on E'pionape Charge Continue" New burgh, V. V May 24. Federal agents have received from the police here an automobile belonging to Jeremiah O'l.eary. for whom there 1" a nation wide search, he being wanted fnr viola tion of the espionage act the machine was found In a garage here, where it was placed May 11 by Or Oanlel O'Leary. a hrother of the fugitive, who resides here The missing man was laid seen about New York May 8 Doctor O'Leary declared another brother. John O'Leary had driven the car from New Vork to this city &wM0WrjwyM'&M9)M?awsjn If corns trouble vou. ask your drill-rid. He will ttlt you that 32 A, F Pierce's Corn ritittn, on 22 the tnitket for 16 ytsri, have W alwars been told on a money Tgk back guarantee, without qutation, m, if they fall to do the trick. He win ten tou to mate no expert- J menu. Use the inall. cloie-fittinr. platttrs which rernore the pain &2 almoit as soon u applied and the gZ .corn In a few houri. A rreen box m containing irratraent tor 8 corns lor 5c. BrjnsJHf you prefer. Wlntbrop Sales Co., 116 West 32nd St, K, Vnrlr. Vmmmm jyEimAcrqFAiiMONiA COMMUNITY TOPtESYAvuc j sTrttiTtt" SECOlfD FLOOR SV-SsJ,; 1 K Women's Smart Pumps and Oxfords - r $495 Over 150 oi the Tiost wanted styles to clioote from. Sizes 1 to 0 and AA to E in the assortment. Get your shoes here and save the difference. Dr. Carson's Cushion SOLE OXFORDS $2.29 The shoe that is pleasing thou sands of wom en, in black kid and white linen. By mall. Re extrs Boys' & Girls' Play Oxfords Tan I.ntui with elk t'lln oles sues II in Ji to 8 . lilU Sizes $1 je 4 to 11 ItiO Sites Uh tn '1.35 Boys' & Girls' Tennis Oxfords fSQfc, white canrsiree. fiC ItV-tjdMrbb.rO V s'es T to 2 an m m . and with skin F N"Ti, K!r ras 69 Boys' SCOUT Shoes Tan Grain C, Elk. V soles; Bizes 8 to l?ft. $1.98 Sizes 1 to 2. Men's Shoes & Oxfords $295 & $T95 Samples and tpecial lots of well - known makes such as Bates, Kneeland, Hor- sneim, iiiup ftd others tome have slichi fac- IT f sW Ar ARMY PLANNED HERE MAY RESTORE RUSSIA Kercneky's Followers in Wasli ington Consider Sending Ex pedition Into Siberia IVaKhlntton, May 21 A sroup of Influential ttusplan ha;- come to tVahlnitton today with the sun- ce.tlnn that a mniement be 'initiated for the overthrow nf the Bolshevik teRllne nnn ine reeiorHiinn ni iiihtih to h in"itlon nf lnportanoe in the war The dplepatlnn. which etienl eome Tlm in conference with Tlorl M.ikhmetierf the nns.lan nmhas.ador. and which w Inter nrmmpanled 'n the State Peparl- meni bv llaron Olnshurif. an nltnch of th" ltu"."lnn emhaxy. wan hearted b Apoilinnrlue Dlmllrovltch Semenoi-"ki who ii.i" minister of ways and coni- , ninnlcntion" under Tremier Keren'Uv I fuller memherw of the delegation who I took purl tn tiie conference at the nii"- 1 lnn i-mb.-!"! were reported to he I'olone ' l.lknch. h inenilier nf the Uti"piun I'nin 1 mi..inn ent to the t'nited Sillies In l-'ienckv. tVhitney VIhnei let"Ki n ieir"-entHtive of the ItttPslan iaho1 ' pnilv of uhich rremler Keren.'k.i i I himself k member and l-Illa." Rosenthal ;in ntlorne.i Th four llii"lans are al' le.-irlel" In thn Kederatlnn llu.""i;ii' ' ."rn iiiiinli" in Atneiica nnd ictitesented I that in panlzation olllcialli in the ion iftreni' Todnv thete wa" a report lhat incl.efi , ntiiirmatnin nnrt wnicn 11 .t in fuel rlenleri at the embasi that Ker en"kv hlnieelf. u ho I" expected "nun lo arriie in thi" cnuntri. uac pieeni at the crinfeience. The i-nnfei i'iH-e. reie pi eliininat f th" fotmiil.itloii of n definite plan for nlilliii: in hrlnuinc ahnut th icelora tlon of i:n"i.i to p position of power and inflilln e a" well nh of law and f-rdet It ! expected that when th idan ha" iiep- ilotltilteli- fnriniilntefl it will lie "llhlnltled to th" I'nited Stale" Government for cnnpiriH.-atlon and ap pioial The plan, "o far a" il lia been ih'leloped. If underHtorni tn include the raltlne In this country of a Volunteer force of nutans to be dispatched to Siberia. It la not j'tt known whether the movement will be an independent one or associated with the activities of ieneral Scmenoff dreat Hrltain and France are earnest ly and urBently trjlne ( obtain Interien 'ion In yiberla This was made .,ai in it hlRh f!ov rment official i"da Imi there lias a URpestlnn that t rio."al" now take a llfferent trend iN.tn hefnre. nnd that a ilan of Joint action, rather than haiR-ht Japanese action. Is heinc talked Tills dovemment has repeated that Its position Is Unchanged against Japanese Intervention. Whether the President Is considering some m-hemg whereby this country would assist In a military ex ptdltlon. or whfrchv the Allied powers would give econnin'c aid. Is unknown The .State I'ep.n tment, however Is known to he glilng thoughtful consider ation tn the economic phase, while nn Mnerican cnnomle mission l. being planned to go lo Russia before long One man. who has been In touch with Ittiasla by long residence there said he had suggested some time ago to the (Jov ernment the disbursement of large sums ! In r.u."la, as the simplest and best solu tion. Ills plait' haa the backing of' th State Depirtrrient, and a cncret Plan for aid haa beentinder consideration for some time. lTailrnail Praketnan Killed Newark, lei Mav H. J It Dunn ,of rialtlmore, a brakeman on the Baltlmora nnd Ohio Railroad, was killed between Newark. Del., Mav 21. I It Dunn, of liird with a brother In Baltlmora nnd his body was sent to that city He had been working for the railroad for onlv a few weeks and had Intended to fltilt today While shifting at the Nei ark freight house Dunn fell between WO of the cars cniniiianneii .1 thai pel foi nied 1 - In Ihe liardmiellc Marmora, "inklnc a Turkl"h haitlestiip ami .-ieiai -- linrt" He I" now iriiining Viimrlian" in the vet-j difflcult iinlk "f Wlbinlirln- The "iihiuaiiiie ha no (1 lends, othci wfi-elH "hont win-never thei " V" ,.r wllll.cil topplliB 10 And m.l 1. helh.-r il heloncs 10 friend w enenn . n, ih wmk I" vimewh.it haaardoii" The "iilim-irlne 111-11 are te.lgiiert ! fc-nod deal nf II I met one nine cr who hid that he dldnt mind l when two dirtrmor of hl own flet had attack--d his boat t.n-- rnnimltiK II nd the ntliei droppiiiB .1 dtith bomb, bin he did thiol' tt was 11 little too much when the Ad miral coinmnid.d them for then ( net irj Ot the Amerlian "allots In Irelind he "aid thai wnlle a icl'i l.irtf.-i perccnlace if them weie .if lri"li blnn.l and h.id B"iie mei with a enllmm.il mpathj f"r Inland. tln had i:inlshd because of tlir tteainiuit accorded them b th" population "Krom the pulpit "f Ihe 1 oik Cathedral he i-aid. 'the Amer lian snllots wiie denounced n iiiltures who had come tn corrupt the lounc tin 11 ,md debauch the voiing women. ' The weie aituckcd. Jt ei ed and hated . thev found the treei full of M.l. nit Irishmen who 1 1 fil"i d In volun teer, who man bed in p.iladc- with Sinn Fein banners and detli d Kneland tn rnn. pi rlpt th.m It wa" due onl ifi the Irene dl"elpHne maintained thai theie wa" no "ei lull." distilrh.itl' ' . for the American nlloi mnie than one- at temined i" obtain li.iw in lame bortle In Ro nei to I '"I k .Hid cet even Wl'll (heir enemies The liehailni of Ameri can sailnl-" ha." been eicellenl Sfion men from the hattleihip. w.nl ash ir- foi the i-liristm.i" hnllrtai" 111 i:d iiburBh and niit thle were tir.iuKhi hack diunk Wonderful Assortments of White Footwear at GEUTING'S 1 i. "ijik Sport Oxford vs-- 5 Wonderful seems to be the real description of our white stock, judpring from what we are told by women who have shopped around. And the . ist wonderful part about u is that prac tically every one of the most wanted models is made up in Gcutincr's famous Kid-Kloth which is more shape-hold-inp;. cooler, more comfort able, cleans easier and is much more economical than buck, yet on the foot you can't tell them apart. May We Prove to you. as we have done to "thousands of other women this season that rou can secure the smartest pumps and ox fords In town today "f ell Itatherr at Geuting's for Savoy Pumps Pure Thread Silk Stockings in White, All Leather Shades and Novelties at $1.50 fcf?6e',(PaoN0UNCE0 oyting) 1230 Market BhoeE and Stockings for the family. Every Font Professionally Fitted Three denting Brothers The Stores of Famous Shoes V T 19 So. nth A quick Service Men's Shop Supervining THE WAR CHEST HONOR ROLL Watch This Roll Grow From Day to Day 100 Per Cent Of the Employes of These Firms and Corporations Have Subscribed to the War Chest t'omly Flanijran t'ompanj, 118 S. Delaware Ave., Phila. Aetna Foundry, 22d & Allegheny Aic Phila. Miller Drug Co., 13fi N. 2d St., Phila. Samuel Howell, 130 S. Front St.. Phila. Commercial Trust Company, City Hall Square, Phila. Vim Motor Truck Company, iiroad and Huntingdon SIb., Phila. V. Bodek Company, 53 X. 3d St., Phila. V. V. Fulmer, 133 S. 8th St Phila. D. V. Drown, 73S Santorn St., Phila. Louis Buehn Co., 835 Arch St., Phila. Penn Phonograph Companv, 17 S. 9th St., Phila. H. B. Smith Co., 17th and Arch Sts Phila. Royal Typewriter Company, 004 Walnut St., Phila. William Henry Maulc, Inc., 21st and Arch Sts., Phila. George A. Uppincott. 238 Ionic SI.. Phila. Creason & Morris. 18th and Alle gheny Ave., Phila. 90 Per Cent. .Chilton Printinc Company, 49th and Market Sts.. Phila. X. V. Birkley & Son, 520 N. 2d St- Phila. Miller. Bain, Beyer Company, 10th and Filbert Sts., Phila. Thomas Roberta & Compan, 116 S. Front St., Phila. Arthur H. Thomas Company, 230 S. 7th SU Phila. . 75 Per I. X. Simon &! Son, 428 Market St., National Cash Register Company, 730 Chestnut SU Phila. Underwood Typewriter Company, 10th .and Chestnut Sts., Phila. W. Atlee Burpee, 475 N. 5th St.. Phila.- Otto H. Eisenlohr & Bro 932 Market SU Phila. Cent. Phila. Inc., 60 Per Cent. Artman, Treichler & Company, 626 Arch St., Phila If you are entitled to a place on this roll, telephone at once to Walnut 605 (Mr. Bok). THE WAR WELFARE COUNCIL, ; HHPiHHHHr BmMSMMW i I & Cents "w-,fiirS58S 'They come from above thafs the 'way they taste0 laBaaBa il 1 1 iat Tin laMMaa bill tfimt 1 1 n i W m a infniiiiiaVifctFllflltHrA'- " - ,"...,. e n i i iti 'if 'Mn A.tiUJBi KlitffWaHaMBBMi , -i A t rit..fln mjsf ifef o Merthcaat Come&ClHMfeHit mfoiM Stet sremcKs ttfp,Miijiwl,,flpip