SBgflSBw . ,'4jjjj it . "h, 4 r'"fflTVirJiVnFT -" "i ' KTWT j-as!v'v-.',-.,ii7'v-i'Js!iiB- ba.';r v Tr('w'1" " j-i - r-' "-- rS, -WW t- ,V-j!? x y-r $ '.' " EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY .18, 1918 TF MEMBER OF THE FAMILY CAN FIND SOMETHING INTERESTING HERE TO READ tf. it ;. , . trm ei i kj; .ie-ojn wii, jpis, vu fuoitc l taoer tot (Jit1 inn mum iiium l.xu gifr Abercromby a Scotch mirseon finish- jshcoms upon n crowd of Herman plait pm v 1 1ntt apr,n on ai meir number m 1110 XHenhchel, die h alc Abrrcromb. i t3ter the lattcr's a1n attemDt at rp- ? '?" to tnk a small leather packet !-V?V over M Without qiiltD underntamlintr R4,i 'the Scotsman aciept It and bin tmu V.f tjisf- J Me hanln 1 fA nfnaln tn ..-.nt gL'&.wirnlnic to retrrn the iMriift hi the t t ' H1HI ui Ml- III- II" IIHK FPrril lMrnw (iT7t vCiffc frm death and the last time &fcs W? Baved by the Intervention oi Mi-a !)&,." omTiAcm who admits him Into a : rriena a home. rVfi WhU there the Ciertnanq atlemni to w.'"rtnier. on are prevented nefore leflv . tftn lintt as Mniinihr. Thf thev kill one r their -Kit- Ahnn rnmlit t chince to eiape and he uhlpa th horiv turtcui in a. nox iouoweu u Mitm i nnniD on A spj follows this ntrnnire- proee. V pton lo tho rallropd Mutton where Mls r u nmnnn ! el.ty-n f . tf ltirw FtJn-V jiAbercrombj rollovt in diffule h1tkc titS Planned to meet hid rex imr nn Iht Inn t wf 'to England. In tlamburtr Abercromb learns thwt "-fvorythlnsr is beinip watrhed and while In a fret over the nd led dinwrn he hears a drunken pillor wlnRlnc whom ho follows and talks to in a nnloon .The nallnr's amMnnt N In th lm Vital as the result of brnwl anl Abercromby Jumps pt the ib nce nt ycntcrtnir the Knt dixuUed as th mis . tnr stoker The pilr slmulatlnK drunk tnness, net safel lntu the boit Abercrombj dop not disclose hlsjin Tipa until the boit arm? safel rhtu ' t Mlas Thompson s Instihatiort h- rDn the vllct -nl finds a child i f drjwlnv bv Prince Kltel tn his father a birthday present Vbtrrromb s humiliation dees not nre ent him from noticing that n waiter has observed the whole scene Aj horn In Scotland all cn wll One day while returning from a walk however Abercrornbv rneet a it d IN r on a brtdaw near the hnui CHAPTER MI TTJAISI.NG himself from his huniim'p' v-Lv ture against the rail of the bridRt as I approached and fating nu be took off Ills hat. The salute was not unusinl In Itself, but it was porhaps just 1 trifle more courtl In txecutkm than was within the powers even when It was within the will of am or out northern gentry of the road The Miow bowed too. In Ingratiating fashion "Can you tell me sir if 1 am on the road to Aberdeen " Hearing him ppeak I understood bis fine manners The man was a forelgnei for though his English w us good it had that suggestion of a trip or halt n it that Is the last barrier to a perfect e 1 in elation. I stopped grounded the but of my rod and smiling at his question Me Responded, pmlling himself pr pleas uitiy. "You must hae left the road to ber- Aon flv mlloa lim L T villi i c He threw up his hands in a gesture of w dismay thev were thin h intls and erv unclean VAch '" he said plalntheU It is the . lajiffuage " $ "Vou are not Hngllsh I asktd "Ah no1 I am Polish ftom Varivr "Where I was student at the unUersltv - once. Got Into trouble here lit bend 5... r TtHtfh rraln ktamp I Viavn Iippii n tie 1 MAnt in f an 1 rlr unrLlnf In lliu inll fffi pit- EKv It rolled off llko a lesson learned and i-i left me with me teenns tim tne man S wao lying tnougn ror nai purpose 1 ?4 Could not Imagine I-ooklne at the hand ' which lie said had worked for nine months in a coil pit ana reniemoennR c ve canas or Alee uum anu ni maie Ki . Oi man'B ntorj teemed to mo pure im B pudsnee Thev wire dlrtj enough cer- tho hands of Alei' Duff and hi mate- fcjj talnly. uut smootn anu unrougnenea, ann ip ' UIO airt wan 111 anowier 4uiint "What do jou want In ADeraeen i asked. "Well," he replied 'my leeetle trouble In Warsaw it blow oer and 1 expect ty' get a little ship, a llfhlng ship to Ulna before the storm of winter tome J T itnr&ne n. nuestion on him sudd lll t.i in German "Are jou afraid of the sea? There seemed lo conn a lllrker of lljtht, a, little spark, into his ees th it died airay as t-oon as it uime and was replaced by an appearance of thought- , "That Is German Is it not' I do not understand I am a Kusstan Pole, from it Estopol, east of Warsaw IT. .mlTn.l aa f al wnot h I n (T Hml nleaeil him as a man smiles sometimes at Ills '1, own He, when the deception Is either so I irrosa a thing as not to ne lliu ui wnni P v . l ... Kll.. i, filet!,, . i nv nna noi rjiri" in mun 11 .. There waa something leptlllan about the creature Tteshnulderlnc my rod I prepared to . move on. .,;. , 4OOK here my man I rnJ cl"" I . . . . , T 1 I n. . nri r, , .wnit If xnil WerO airaiU Ot llie wi I pfv&lbave no Idea why jou should lie about It gauSbut I fancy ou hae mure iierinan iiwii S! Ihave." ? 2s.; Tie grlnnea at me Wa "The Engleesh thc think eery one f-5 a afraid of the sea nui intirj.eii S'?h l passed on taking no more heed As ' - . . ... .... lnvu?lc(! Mill "iSv. Hlntunce between us Increased, so S'tSridld tne fellow's lenom lncriase sy:- -rh rnireesn' lie inouioi kl A .. - . . 1 II iiiii I MIF I1HIIU p KDlK Of me Sea as u 11 " ,?- ""- erty; but boon ou will ontiersianu ou &ifJhie been feeshlng todav ? .ils' oUX0u what f think The shot was fired s. rihaxe been i'hae been feeshlng in irouoieo wrtifn ' -before today, and 1 will snow you mH of It I ' Behold " ...... rui. .naA md n.ium nnd look back lbi T marveled at the mans bate all an- lffN Oi "'... m..a i mv Innocent nuts- Ei fr. tlin sea He had incKea ui . . i nz iriiiiv. iuuocu j j - . . . tvl .!lii..- .nr imi nn dancing with hi vellow box and was dancing with rai-i. his feet making u great noise on hlH feet making irmrien flooring C rB a i f i .a rnni.nrioirc ?$"' Itr tji a. strange spectacle in that lonel; Br: "5od3 "" tn ft ,iKht ... n strange spectacle in that lonelj evening -1 S "Dr .Abercrombj '" he shouted :. ?J"wAhmmmb ' s"i There wa .An.aikln fnrmnl in mS ia puuitniii-h -: : : .., h'nrm n f,ntn unnutmr nn nn . " " . i1 ViAnner of crilng mv name tnat caugiic . : - t'.qterf M h nt.en with inn u"V--lrt' "pori n-ri sime i came Hume anil I could nol H "myewrr He was T facing me with his j el .1 lot behind this' I a c I mav Me thumbed over hlR oblong notebook fire had been laid slrue t ca! fliWe'dnotM F'-n'eeTtngXind 3 gft-" -J JJSJ JteJl Z "ftJ," nle, V&, 1 w p. i1 "." " -:- : .. "... .. . i .. Q vnrv h. u" l v.""-""' !... w s lt ....,., nouse. airs inercromDV vno lniormed i tr.v- t-nr., hofnro tt-,i rfiA u 'SS iamekeeper-rheTons. loping stride was sufficient The peddler soice rent (5hV5?M hl clutched his box as If to r .. . tA Viiimlroii mrilB A, hnmir nn tllO Pmlinil 1 ihini t miMf hAA been in the act hn.nin mv mnuth ti. lautrh. when S,4te"u "show jou what comes of feeslv 1". ""' ' rather', he bou.e Inquiring for l.octor ber- I ,. nt a note a"klg KoVsjIh to come'and ri -j .Huri il ai iuu wt. .. . i in iiiii in ik ti mm itiii t:r miih n i 11. ,i .,mi 1 i n nin, i, . ,.. ., . 1 1 . ,1 i i F?- atlmpat simultaneously with the crash of mri 'the1' box on tne wooaen unusc mco fjaJTVQ jruni IIH3 WM ...Bo. .... Hidden crack I crack 1 crack 1 At the nrfet Jnjrcap was lifted clean off my head as y a sudden wind; with the second a ear pi rea-noi iron iuibwj hu3 i' sk of my neck, and at the third my I jerKea ltseir irom my grasp, recame flenly aue line a serpent, anu cook live Into mv Bide. I must have bwn up my hands and fallen back- in s neap, collapsing into cite on- dltcn at the side of the road, Ut the burdocks and? thistles. Then neaa felt. sen I came to myself Forsvth was MMMqs over me, and old Peter Milne, forester, knelt at mv head, on one witn nis nat tun ot water 1 ten hly sick and weak. ' coming round, Peter." Forsyth wylng. "But. man. It was an avvfu' w' thing that." r," said Peter. "If ye had ns' . your- gun, and if I had na shouted plantation, uenina tne DiacKguaru s K'a'a funeraL we'd have had on m .... - . . ki iiiucl nave nunc uu usuin, tor Ivcartie round they were examln l back of mv neck. eighth of an Inch more, and he'd MJo you think maybe the sinews are MMf asked Peter. "I mind me of a m 1 inai was ncre ueiorn. you, wuuie had a bit accident that cut tho or his necK. ana wnen he got his neck was set stiff, looking th-'sky." ( thin Forsyth seemed to give no olng,on laving- my head with the a fae Vm i ellln" vou," said Peter M.ntro ions: xvr. as vie intra ;ot, ha1 aone lor pneasants but be was no use for rab- aDui wnuiwicws or any iSQwmtkMomet J- , if - 'J- STEALTHY T P&feg JOHJN. USOiN- With conRiderahte pain f ns ihle io rnln mvpoir a little Tho peddler with the eltow ho T gapped Gelt' hi h nil HkM 'lid T'nfMh f tooU him in nn stride and stamped vn him Now drlnU this And hi held Peter's old hit to m lips' Hid nu rait h him ' J Hkpd said Vt)TF th t Just rtiiRlit him on the ldp of IiIh head as I passed, and Knoi Kit the little creei hln de ii over the hrljf lies time et T'eti r rliimd in I hauled him iMit o the water w lit n I went to nil m hat and h h Ivin on tho side ttispln IlKe n fisli Do oti think oit rould w ilk s r" ' the Kninekeepfr ajUd enroui iKinclv Peter HURKcted thtt a Bate mlRht he InUen (iff It hitiirou in rirrv mi T his was all the Htitnul Uion ) needed No- IhliiB woulil liive pieced Peter better than to ime olliriatrd In kik h a pm en- Hon I mis Mill (larfMl but rlh tint peem to lne received an verloiiH d image How did it all happen'' 1 asked Peed sii Porsjth teniirktd griml tints just what Peter and me are waitln to ak ou All I know Is 1 hivv that little drll on the trig dint In' a jig- 1 kind of Hies, 1 lew I m th'nMn -nnd nt M vndin watehiti Then bo clasbefl down bis bit box and that wm a pi glial for on the nlch then cime three Hliot s f 1 0111 t he t ree nei r c then T started runnin , paid Peter tiking up the tile I hrird the Mints when I wis up bv in iIih wood1 So t came crashin through the muitr ToukIis tlr" -o is not to nil"s th sport Peter wis epitte union si tfMis or the gnniiiess of it) it and t hi ml the fellow tint tired go teaiin through the 11 nd rgrow th I nev er -iw htm It t otiltl n 1 c blent 1 ould it" wellhm been an ai - pcopb went m IVirsjtb for toriobori tton tli would ge none' md so Peter a It wis no ,u ( blent -ld Forsvth pit king up his gun grtat stir it II make in the paper t II make in the piper said Milne T he nolite will be oot from steenhive wheneet we rej ort it H stnacktd his lips ovr the iiropect It II 11111(1' a greit law in tin ount Now an edit wm the 1 it thing L "sirfd It was imirinir to me to think that the affair of tho Kensphel pipers wis nor spj nntsrieii inn irnr inis nato ff llw tjllfilltll niri-1 tllAIn th lllr ll litKtlkiiJ m i om: msi:i ! llkr Olllldlll VK pi(eflll hut Irritional 1 ould not undirstind It Jirel tolltT II L'll tlir tllimt 1)1 I I) flii.. coertd tit it I hid imf-elf hc n fooled in risking im life for tint Infantllo' uiubiiik iihh ine jcereu ,11111 iiuKiii il lit, I.IA t nmllil ll II a llllilaiulniifl Willi- iil ,,v .ui iil.i- u,i',iiti''-j iji.h- poalng this affair cime out In public 1 there was not onl m mother to think of, the whole miserable adenturcs con-1 netei with little l.ltel s drawings for Ii u ilttt rt li.l.u lilnlhilqi n.illl.f lii.u Ini '" "i i'r ' IV" ,, , ,1 v, i , i uri-uiiie tuwu mi i i uiuiu nun, ii. Perhaps It was in incident, I said' at length '1 was, accident thon ' Forsyth asserieo me man inai nreu me snot meant to hao jour life would oa swiar to tnat in a court Qf instil e KorsMh' I asked him IT-l... I. ........ ..!. . .1 I.I.. nl. Tn gamekeeper strokrd his chin con- I slilerlngl Hut It s what i iwoumnoi, ne sain nut u s w nat i f i uunn j jUst so i answered miw in ten o a imciisi main imiisis iari guns tor rea- u Ju-t gone of tramps, and this ono had into tin wo id to try his vvtinon I'orsvtb td hir nueerlv and nothltnr It was Peter who Pnoke sild i - - .".. .... . uell, well ill just go dow n and brine un that lit t lo fellow I bring up that lit t lo fellow In the water. anil wen mo wnat be tas to it all When ho had gone the gamekeeper spoke up Mr Aberirombj 1 ken fine there's more In this affair than meets the eje, but If vou don t vvant anj siandal about it oue only to sav tho word .'L'ta?, all right then the -hlngs n ' i,I mi im. as ' a kirk . ioor on i . i!;j..wl,M mB aH a klrk ,,oor on wwk' '. whats his word against mine when everjbodj knows old Petr Milne for the blggect leear In Kincardineshire "CAP" STUBBSIfs All 'NAH 'lil A W . '"'-f' rtG 1i A'yy1vSa ' ... .,. .. . iuuiuiiciiiiuutit tauj -- lu ms ir iiy si '( j'Tlr TT" I (sOCH A NICE LITTLE BOVM ZtfZ TnHi I IV W""thZhk you ao much 3SI fi Z f-fP"i wish voo'JB Lm V- ,T -WAT; I WONDER) ifSS $ ?Wll-LlrVi, " j StRONG V AJSmn AND 1-rn.AV 9 JP. I MOW TH' -AWNpwKTtnEj "- .-in iiAwjJn n " i " i i n i ll I ' ' !s- tj. - . ,t 11- i.mniiii' " A ' r e -'' ' 4 j . v iRv-A-tu-- - - -"-, 4- frtA if----- JV- , -'J i T jf- -u.- , -- ML n y A -,.wJ'. . i "," IJ "' "" i"i"ii v ' .. . .. i .-, "' .a :t- . ' k If i. ..W .p. .i e . , ". -T fi ERROR S Ih h no a nia Itkf h slitrv fitr n man o Ms rtputatinn In flml credit for U ft saw IVter mitiinf; b irk nlnnr ind is olthnr P,.,.r.l ..r -Ip.cI Ho was i arr inc jomu'iiIiik limwer I nh tho m in h enno he pried to up Nn ii tiaiA of liitn left prptjt thin nn nn cnniM mrwarii nun .1 lot of peddb r s frooils a handful of I Pom lacw elot lies bruslie 1 help pels Mirs 1 tooth bruh and U( h llko Thrv were swininiln around and round in the pool bflow tho brlR he uhl I ni thhikin h must hi tummllt ont n bis box ITa bean to wipe tho m iswir I It be kecpln them for mi- -t!f .is a nrt of jwiuvencer nd the rest, too I d finders aro Kerpirs Ilnol no ho t-t plonsjii hit would 1 do i a rlothe brush I th it nnlv hruh nn bienks for funenK f lp ,in(T Vo ken "h vpim. vpidr.m UA h io ono now Thi Hgrrtful tone with which bo con 1 ludi fl gao mo a pobl 1 bill Tako ao the r lothps brush Mi ho went 'in, ir a memorial of vour mrra iscipi , nnd IVirsvth run lno thlw funn nw brush an a souveneer of the clout h gtv tin tinker ' Tin giniekeepi r put the 'viothbruMi In bis poc ket U he rcmirkeil I II tike If if II be Min useful to nu for cleining th lot k m gun bno evirvthlng else, now I winted to git homo md have .t long meditation over he vMit t Ii it hid hnnnened Hnv ln lld up tlu gunekieper thi re wis notning in iat 110m refer Milne s tilk 1 alk In 1 uld Hut I unow th it w hen trim storv would meielj idd to his repu tation fi r romancing Uoth men 10- conipinted me on the wi for I had no fam to be left alone and net bans bo (lotted at from among he trtts agiin mir wnen 1 got nomo uitwmteiy 1 ft nnd snmt thing w hk h soon give me other food lor thoucht I I1.1H Iiei n womb ring how 1 inuld slip unnoticed to tin mom A a tnii ei or net theio li i.i .iihl1 wjl 4 b..1.1i .. L,. ...!.. ; husL'it's nncu c u:nR r3T ir:i u. n.w or misi i.i i Iho hous, wis in i stii,. of ,rfdt eT- itenient nn mnlliir to full of In r own mws i to hip no ces for my con dltlon ill igp f Sho met me at ho door the onstihit liLhiml her 'Hugh diil ou lint an money or aluibk-, in our loom'' ' h I irlrd w s Hie m.itter- oiniihinit; Inppt ned ' irei.irnl to be I gi 'i --onuiniiig n id nn lappened IUI1:I11 ,,r IHHKUI!- haul llie con- II.....I .. 1 I ... . .1.- idon imiu e-'iiei Wo hint all up and down tho burn looking for mmi villi m mother Mi mom was In a t Ho of complete . aisornei 'hi puce litteret with the contents of the dr.awirs the mattress ami the. pillows i ut nptn and their insidfs scattired terwlnre Hooks ia j all about The backs hid em been I removed from the pictures nnd the total I debris made i huge pile on the floor i ileum iiihUm i huge i t i ..-.. . l. ! . ,. i a luwn mi ilie uge oi mv aeas tiirri led The policcnnn notebook In hand look advantage of my speechless conoiiion I would like tlno lo get a list of ' tho mUsirg artlelis Mr Abercromby so h I tj rtpor-rt to the sair-rfeenl, ' he tald T his I ignored 'Tell me what happened'' 1 paid to mv mother Mut the officer was not to h done out of the full glorv of such an ocx s'on the lirtt time I suppose ho had come face to face with crime in the whole course of his innocent career as a rural polletman aiajue sir no leimrKen 'it would n'L ,,hat .,l ""rKario,,i, rn'r', ha", "," 'maUe' an'' Vous articles (hst Inclosed) remined Tho circumstances as the stattd them was , and cuuraliy of foreign Italian annear. I a rice lit n upon Infonned Mrs A that, lhc was In the emplojment of an Aber-I a Matter of Location deen house-decoratlnB flnn who hid re celed Instructions from the doctor to call iml estimate for certain structural alternations and decorations to bin roomn Mrs A nrpr lialnB heard of nor ngreefl to the sime mii for n fusing admission, belnt? pomewhat hot about It but the mm was presslnp, caMnpr tint hn had a train to ntcn and that he w is onH for measuring the dnioi t loom th it tli s' he was admitted to tin rooms and Mt lett the house to co In sfirih for the floctor h ms absent over nti hour an! nn Iter i turn the. nnn was cniie hrlRtlna MnrKdlnr icd 12 ind 5 '"L ,,,T Vi'.K V,'".'', '". . ',?. i",,niJ. noise In the Intrnm and tint iho I'" " " '" " ' " 'v.- Haliin deputed in a preit hurr 'Did not observe whit B''id'' h ried with him r-w He snatmed hi bnok ' Tnat s as far as 1 v got and T think wed best now btgin the hnentnt T wish paid nn motlii 1 nu would score tint out ibout niv being dls 1 pleased- In tin Pircumstam e I he constable wived his hand rra natural feelin It wis me-m 1 be sild l T am afreied it must stand Iorbe it's Christina MaeKellirn el tleru e and It does ni do to tinipd vv i offeeciil document M niotln r ttirnid on the damsel who stood at the door flushing both horrified and angr to sro her hirnihss backdoor gosslji about the mistress thus chroni cled in tin tillii ial dncunu nt ' Nf er In r d lilni mi m its onlj Tallinn Urine though he tilks as If h was tho Iord High lustue 111 mo his wife the night nnd oull pee if Phe dots ni nnke him wilte down Just what mhi votild llki p tid Dim wi his Christina MacKellai this and thai ' him th it s iifir given nn but Kirst I pi pre I was it tin st pool w I bis w 1ft, md ho a poM office ltdfib (lei In iboot on a ted bii v 1 b Tnr brutil dlmtnesq of this ittli.k took the official buath aw iv Now now be airt but this fffort at digtiitv wis pile and splutters Meanwhile I sit linking up things In ni mind Tin murderous ntt ick in the glen was not the nierel spiteful tet of nengo ot which I Ind nnrvtled it was 1 ontn cted with the pencil th it had been made in nn room Tin v were still afrei Hcnsehel s papir then It was xtriordin 1 Wno tin v (pjlte uniwiro of tin mIui lessne" of th it p iper" " hv I did not m s if know where it wis now 1 hid thrown it into tho fireplace on tin night of my nrrfval I ben a sudden small gleim nf tight bioke over nn uiidi rst indlng -a suspicion thit moved swlftl into ter taint Uh s lould 1 assume th it tho piper wa-i worthies Mertlv because of rh UnlK I ir M MM M nn. mn i. its surf ice appiarinie of cliildisliness" Dtheis who kiuw more of It than did I did not think it worthbs" I fort,ot hi ro I w is and tin id up Oh fool fool, fool ' I cried llugi said ni mother reproingl And I mw tint I hid been addressing the alrt id irctfillen constable W lit n howeei, 1 epl lined that I had luen imrelj piaking of imself hq cli ired up fieliig I suppose that ho was In good compam afti i Isirty Mai Kelt irs attack 1 turned to tb it masterful crta ture Did inu see nn thing of a peddler with a ellow box A peddler" ' s ml Mie 'leu a peddli r with a llow box ' A sho saiit I here was a man wl'ajcllow box sellin things ' ion talked to him No mon than ordnnrv ' ' When was it ' ' bout eleven or nn bi Ivrelvi ' That is when the other mm waj in the house ' ' l.actlv ' ald Kirstv Iho otliccr roughed and cleared his throat .So ' he s.ild 'while the peddler with the box held jou in talk at tho bark door tho Italian had the full run of the l-ou'i, eh' That Is verj ttrango con din t m r strange ' ' Klrstj was flustered and had nothing to saj Tins gave nn tho rliame of gifting rid of them for theie was a thing that I was anxious to find out above iverj thing else I had been Irving to rrmember been lit in my room ame this as P'" rm"" the ,oal, ' No It , 0t been lighted' Crumpled and di de. d, but Intact there was little i: 'iece bv It luul i-tled tels drawing for Mis deal Papas blrthdav ill.,, .. i,,r i,fi (CO.NTINLKD MONDAY) "'" ! -!- !- -:- -- -. 1?.. rnnnr THE DAILY NOVELETTE DICKY A BIRD liy At.VAU JORUON GAM 11 (TI)i;CLlXi: to tnke Iho rc"!)onil- (j nucusn X i) iit It was with riet hied firmness that Uindal ttiegorv mine managot spoke It was with resentful lips and a deep "cowl tint William Halo faced him Pont stand In ourovvn Ilghl Greg orv ' ho utlerid, and there was a hid den snarl In his tone ' I 111 not thinking of dial declared the joiing m.anagei frcelv ' Mv mind Is with tho men 1 nu order the old shaft pierced It lannot be tapped above the two-hundred foot level llicie Isn t a man in the gangs ou 1 ould hire to go down Old heven. They know that poisoned air. flio damp, sure death lie nt the bottom of the abandoned shaft oh thev alwnjs Fay that," tctortcd Palo irrllnblj ' I don t ask them lo go down Seveii I want tho wall pierced t.o we tan hre ik through ncross it to the new Jodi ' Wbv not work around It In the regular waj" challenged Gregorj And wasto ovir ten thousand dol lars" doen lives nre worth mole than tint suggested Giegor.v, steadllv Dale lost nil patience with him lie looked uglj and menacing ns hr a-krd with an angry catch In his vni'c Ho jou refuse to do It" The Implied Threat ' I'oslllvelv Mr Il.tnnin the Piel dent of the lompuiv, 111.1v do so I will pot take tho responslbilllv Itut it is his expec Unci to have the woik accomplished bv this time next week when ho returns Ho Is bringing onie capitalists with I1I111 1 our dutv I, cleai to put this work through I fen ' added Dak as If he was pre smtlng a clinching argument hesita tion on -oiir part mav lead to the los of bis conlldenco and well, that also of his finiilv flregorv bowed with dlgnltv and was silent but hn left the office fullv awaie of the slgnilli into of those last words I hej refeired t" Miss He itrlce Han som, daughter and heiress of the rich and txiwerful ovvnei of the Hljthes- 1 d lit coal mines 'I he allusion had disturbed Grrgorv ' he proceeded on )ils wav his brain was Inid at work setking to devise I some method of tipping the new vein 'without risk Thtrt was a mv mil In had suggested it but it Involved iwo months' laboi and lonsiderable c -peme on his wav to the shift house thi voiiiig man iger piu-ed In finnt of 0110 of tin numerous wn tched shacks that lined the 10 id small poor ciowd suiiouiided tin plni e In the front v ird weie ji nolo ot more of tho household nitltlis siicli as b ds iicuphoud ilnlrs md tables llltlt whlto-fai ed crippled child -it on tho benth jusi outside of the dooi her irutihes b hei i(le Stand ing ne ir her was t hollow-eved man npinrentlv her fnthtr Ills eves weit swollen with dc-pilr as lie viewed the pro pedlngs about him One of our workers I remember him soliloquized Oregon becoming lu ll lesfed 'Oh I see I liked to a tiee was a legil notice of tvittlon and the seizurt of t battels fin delinquent rent This was a com mon oicurientc at the mines In this icpcciil cise. however something in tin pitiable helplissnesi of the llttli ilnld and the forloin btaring of the old min ippcalcd stionglv to the mlno nnn agel Utile lllrkt 'Whit do vol sav ' hhoutcd tin .111 ' aneer taking up a biid-cagi and swinging it within the sight of his au dience Cage and blid A canarv I.ooks like .1 singer N hat am I of fued Tho lage was of the commonest its fi 1thcrc.1l on up nil as negkcted-looklng and cheerless as Its owneis Oh p.ipi spoki the little girl In pie idlng teaiful tones, don t let them t-tll pnoi dc u Oickv ' ' liobt rt Origoij moved to the aide of tin old man lion t I know jou" he spoke eiuleUlv lou put me on watch dutj nights sii was the rt sponsc but the old rlieumitlis 1 lid me un n lame from the Dexter coal district when thev shut down and hid no monev Whit jou so kindlj allowed me to rain here is all gone and the v re taking our poor be longings for lenl ' I 11 stop that snoko Gregory flnnlv Don t cij little, one 1 ou bhint lose jour pet bird ' Itobcrt elrcgorv was as good as bis won! Inside of five minutes the elilm upon which the sale vvas b lsed was paiel out of bis own pocket, the goods lestored to the house, and he was more than tmhiriasscel at the overwhelming gintitude of his poor pensioners Iho little iliild hid the blid out of Its cago and was caressing II as if it weiei a petted child '1011 don t know about Plekv,' ex plained the old man 'lies a hero he Is and an expert Down at the Dexter mines twko we sent him into the shafts and twice ho came out, staggeicd and nearlj gone We knew what that meant blr Urn damp ' quick Idea came to tho mind of Oiegoij He had read once of these trained mine biiels I or some time lie plied the old man with eiuestions re garding tho capabilities of the feathered pet 1 "an ho do if' exclaimed the old min could ho tell how things aio in the old shaft beven' Whv sir, 111 be glad to try tho experiment ' Tile Tent 'I wo hours later a do sen curious miners watched a proceeding unique and invstifving to their point of view Old John Dean had not boasted aln Iv of Dlckj and his clever abilities The little bird stood on his ringer, head on one side, watching him as If listening to an understood mandate as a board was pulleel nwav from the shaft top Then with a bright cheep, Dicky plunged straight down Into the gloom and darkness rivo minutes ten minutes no token of the return of the messenger. Fif teen minutes' John Dean looked grave and anxious Then a great wave of excitement passed over the gathered throng ns there fluttered into view a wavering splash of jellow Dick The bird barely got through the aper ture Us head dropped Its wings folded It sank, a helpless lump, to tho ground Its ejes moved once or twice, It straight ened out rigid CHAPTER VI I he Giant Wins a Rattle tl'cjlll pcistindcs tlir rcoimcil Giant of the Woodv tn turn farmo so that tuo lounlri hoy man he 1 omc soMirr? J'cqqv in thli adi cn fiire I? mndo tmtstblt by Camouftauu I'crfumc) l1 1T"HnN" will ou start work"' VV 1'armei Dalton nsketl the Giant of tho AVoods "When elo tho liojs want to enlist"' 'Tomorrow " choiuseel Hcyi nnd I3III 'A lot of our chums arc going then " 'Tomorrow will hit me Just light. The fishing Is mlghtj good todaj " Hut It didn't lilt l'cggy right. "Tou hadn't ought to waste another hour," sho eleel ired rather DiKon and his sons looked around in bewilderment Then thej' looked nt tho Clltnt. Ot rourso they couldn't see I'cggv, xvho was hidden from them by thu C.imouflago I'ci fume "Aro jou ft etiti iloeiuist? ' asked Hon 'Iho Giant laughed "So" he innsweird "thnts tho spirit of 1 91 S I elo whit jou have to elo light now ,111 stut wotk this ei minute No 111010 la loafing foi mo until vv,u is done ' ' I 111 glad of that " retmiked 1'ai mer 'Dillon looking nnlotisly nt the skv ' It feels n. bit like rain nnd I'd HkQ lo get tho lnv In The crop means enough elollats to pav 0111 back elebts land I 11 feel a lot easier when its snfelv In the Inm " 1 ' So will we" declared Ken 'Then well not have anj home woirles when fighting fen Undo bam " So thej wont to woik The ha all cut and dried, lav in tho meadows I waiting to ho lo cded on wagons and cntrled to tho nam I I'eggv was astonished nt the amount I of work the Giant could elo He I seemed immensely strong and pitching .liav was like pla to him He pitched moro than lien nnd 11111 together 1 rainier Dilton looked on appiiivingly 'lie's doing tho woik of tin co men," i he elei land I Peggv herself wns having .1 splendid I time Tho smell of the new h iv vvas won Ideifullj sweet Slip climbed up on the iMiiill hijcocks and lolled down them anil even hid ,1 wondeiful lido on a load of liav She line pitted tho Glint's hand approvingly ns ho flu ilshed pitching tho h iv upon the rick, nnil ho had responded bv lossing lier I11w.1v upon top as the- hnises started j foi tho bun lint vvas .1 rldo filled I with tin ills foi she seemed ,1 terrible elistince fiom tho earth and tho load tossed anil pitched as the wagon jolted civil the lough Held T'eggv felt even more quIvcisHif cxeitement thin when sno vvem living 111 ncr nupiane. The Ulids kept eloso watch on I'eggv. Hill and Ren, who didn't know of her piesente, weie much puzzled bj this ' I'unnj how thoo TJiids lit," said Mill "Must bo that a big stenm Is com ing ' leplleel Men 'I've heard of Heists and Hlids acting queei when u liui lie me Is iieai " Farmer Dalton happv as lie was at seeing tho liaj flowing into the mow In Ills barn, was won led The skv didn't look light to him It didn't look right to Peggv, 1 ither Sho begin to feel that something vvas about to happen Aftci a while a dirk cloud appealed awaj off on tho western horizon All the men saw it nnd their woik became n lace Thev knew now that a stoi m was comlirg and thev would neve to tush to save tho liav. Faster nnd fastei the Giant speeded uj, Hen and Hill couldn't keep up witli lilm, and their father earne to their aid Uven with tlueo men working against lilm tho Giant did mum thin tho others together. The Glint wasn't used to labor Ho hid been taking things cas for jeirs hunting, trapping; and fishing Pitching; liav on a hot day caused Iho perspliatlon to diip from him Hut ho stuck to the Job As the storm approached ho worked harder and haider. Peggy was sorry for lilm, and jet sho was glad for he was showing that he was n real hero a hay hero Finally the last load was on the 'It's death down there " spoke John Dean In a hoarse, suppiesved tone ' Pooi Dickv a hero to the last ' At daybreak the next morning the warning of the expert little pet bore fruit Old Shaft Seven was belching out smoke tho lire damp had begun its dreael work ' If we had pierced that wall, where would the new lexels be now'" was the pertinent question Hobert Gregory gravely put to Mr Dale And the latter bowed his head pat out a trembling hand and In his heart was a great thankfulness In a manner utilitarian, too, the fire damp cleared the way to safe piogress in the new work Itobert Gregory did not lose his pres tige with his emplojer Xor did he lose the peerless Beatrice As to the mine owner he surpassed even Gregory In providing tho Dean family a new home with permanent comforts Little Nellie Dean mourned the loss of her beloved pet There was thit which turned her sorrow Into proud, peaceful calm, however Jvear the mouth of, old Shaft Seven a modest granite block of stone was placed, bearing the simple and touch ing Inscription' 'Sacred to the Mem ory of Dicky a Bird " Monday's Complete Xoieletlc ilr.AV MAT HAPPENED.' THE "DREAMLAND ADVENTURES" Bfj DADDY THE INVISIBLE FA IKY A comphtc nt.iv uilirntutc tach uiek, beatnntnu Slontlny and endim Satwdav .'lie landed i,' lier wagon It stinted foi the bain The Fitoim clouds weie now traveling lap Idlv Thev mounted higher nnd hlghei In the skv Theie was a strange still ncss In the nil 'I he hoises weie uiijeel tow aid the bain on a gallop As thev dashed up the ini line to tho bai 11 1I001 with tho inlii in sight sweeping across the nisadnws fiom which thev had just come thetei wa a sudden snap nnd tho wagon came to a stop Tho harness on 0110 of the lioiscs had broken To stop for nu Instant meant tho welling of the h iv .mil Its possible loss. The Giant lumped foi waul seized the bioken hat ncss and pulling against the other hoise, jei ked the wagon safclv into the barn Just us the rain came down in torrents f'cggj and the Hlids had taken shelter in a shed a little elistince from the bain Peggv wished that she had gone to the bai 11 with the others foi it would have been xeij- comforting to hold the hand of the Giant ns the wind howled, the lightning flashed and ithe thunder tolled I 'Oh Judge Owl will di own'" cried Hob Ollnk to Peggv She looked out into tho storm, nnd Ibere was .fudge 1 flu 1 flnimftn, Im, l.nli.l.n. 1. 1...,-..... . 1. v... ,,uu i.nv i nih iieijuussiv iiviui u cue wind Ho had sought lefugo in n tiee and had been blown and washed out. Without thinking ' ot heiself, 1 Alice Kent and the Day's Work The Story of n Business Girl Who Would Nol Fail Ih VAUTUA Kr.Ll.hR ( opjriohl ror hy Public ledger Comtanv. FttOM Mrs Pratt s house lo mv board ing place it was tluee miles and a lialf, a distance quicklj covered bv street ears Hut and not alone for the pur pose of saving n nickel that dismal Sat urdav I resolved to walk As I e rosseel the bridge, trudged up the hill and at tho cemetery crowning its summit passed to look back at the village then went on down the long stretch of load leading to the college giecn, and thence beneath over-arching elms to Uelling ton s main street, the dllllculty of find ing woik wherewith to replace the eni plojment soon to end at the llhrarv vvas for the time being put to (light by the disturbing natutc tit this dav s dis coveries For Mrs Pratt heater or bad news I ente i tallied the tiadltlonil sentiment of stiong dislike nnil decided that in future 1 would sltei i lear of her. but the memorv of whit she had told mo could not be so casllj dlmlsseil 'the earlier loneliness at grandfather's seemed In significant hi comparison with the sense of Isolation whkh I now experienced What it meant that llarbara was being brought up in ignorance of lier birth struck home and I vowed a solemn vow that she should never learn through me of oui relationship, nor should Di and Mrs Blnkc havo just cause to' suspect me or any wish to alter the pluib they had made foi her, furthermore, I would keep mj distance from their villag'b, Barbara should have her chance But for me Mrs Pratt's comments had changed the universe To be sliro I still clung to the thought of Mrs Denton s home-coming in the fall; but no longer In the hope that she would make me known to Bar bara The tone of Mrs Pratt's talk had been so unfortunate that In tho whole world Mrs Denton now appeared as the only person who could tell me of my mother as I longed to hear of her, own hammock at liome I'eggv dashed out lo sue him Shi Blabbed lilm and steered him into thi Jlud As she did so she herself was raughl In tlir stoini The lain washed awaj the Camoulligi- I'eifumo and A could see herself again Tlieic was a shout from tho Giant Ho was looking nt hei from tho turn Sii were Hen, HIM anil Farmer Dalton, all eij much astonished. The Glanl liislied to her lescue As she saw him coming and struggled towaid him. I'egg found hei self picked up bv th wind tossed about In a w hit ling blun of tain, can led lushing for u loin distance and suddenly cast downward She landed In her own hammock ai home Sutpiised nnd delighted, though dripping wet, she jumped oul and ran as fast as sho could for thi house "I'm mlghtv glad thev got that hay In " she thought, as she gained th door 'That was a real battlo and the Giant ot the Woods showed him self a dandy fighter" (7ic ncrf of the Dreamland d icntuics (s "The 11 or of tlir Frogs." in uhich the funny folia of the Varihland, aidtd by Penny, uin a siirnihinv triumph otrr deadly foes. It will be published next ttcck) 1 and could vMalize the blurred Image ol childhood It was known to mo thai mv mother as a girl had been verj studious and that, when grandfathei would not glvo her monev for tuition at tho best-known female seminary of her dij In that localltj', through one winter she had sat up half the night poring over textbooks, thereby preparing herself to teach district school, this work in tuin jlelded enough monev to sunnlv her mndei I neds at the seminary where Mrs Den. ton at that time was a student, too Lnllko nn mother, I vvas not stucflous at school I discriminated among les tons onlj bj the mental note that somi wcio worse than others I had no as piiatlons for college, even in the clasai atmosphere of Hellington Hut I did realize tint unless I expected to sup. port myself b manual labor (for which mv present job of lifting and carrying heavy xolumcs in the library left mi disinclined), I must go to school a lit. tlo longer In order to qualify for work that was, better paid and easier In oilier words, It was borno In upon me at fifteen that I didn t know enough t earn my salt And I had discovered, too, that In a place like Bellington, offering at thai lime few opportunities for gills to maki their waj, personal influence was power ful , newspaper mention of Mrs Denton's summer travel In Huropo confirmed mj earlier belief that she was a person ot consequence In the communltj-. Mj mother's absent friend now loomed up in the dlstanco as one who could and, for the bake of auld Iang sjne, would help mo to get on my feet Not ye( had I bejen able to redeem my watch from Helen Farle, and lis absenci weighed on me And so, while I turned over In my mind ways and means oi making out till fall, I kept counting th dajs till Mrs Denton should come home. (CONTINUED MONDAY) T , r 'JBHHflWttKf i-Bi .;.w t Mjmmmm l f?K '