; :.fv y.wT; . :775gl to ' jt25?!t. ?-.:v ' f i; f .IN RED CROSS BILL Waiting for "Out There" Seen- cry Great Artists "Fill In" Willi Vaudeville The exlradordlnarv menu of dramatic art served nt the Metropolitan Opera Home last evening for tlie benefit of I lie Tied Cross nun preceded by a auilc He appetizer which rendered the occasion even more unustnl than had been an ticipated. More than 1000 persons had come, to tee the matt lustrous nggrcga tlon of footllght start rer assembled at one time since Joseph Jefferson re Vlvtd "The TUvals" with the stago ill , Tlnltles of his day. Including the ptoceeds nf the auction ale of boxes 'and the souvenir auto graphed program tbo receipts of last night's performance of "Out There" to taled about J23.000. There would hc been equivalent artistic remuneration for this expenditure had Mr. Manners s touching Hed Cross plav. as orlglnilly lillled. been the sole attraction Hut climax was piled on climax with a prodi gality that must remain memorable In the annals of the American theatre. The final curtains were not drawn until the small hour of 1 In the morning, after the vast audlerro had been regaled with an unprecedented "variety show-." n brll llant presentation of n poignant wnr drama, patriotic address's, humorous Impromptu monologues and select'ons b distinguished voca!lts. The potpourri was occasioned b transportation difficulties, which de lajed until 0 o'clock the arrival of Hie "Out There" Fernery from Wilmington, where the matinee performance had been riven. Hurr Mcintosh relieved the feel ings of the audlcme. which had been for ' an hour patlentlv waiting for the curtain to rise. lie i raved Indulgence for ii series of misadventures. eMollid the ills, i tlnctlon of the phenomenal group f 1 plojera all volunteering their tervlces as ...... ... !.- 11-. 1 r-.n ...i.l n.l.lu.l H iriUlllB lO lllO ItCti Viu-T mm iu..i.. that he had toino surprises to ieve.il while the long-walled scenery was being set. Thern was no hjperbolo In his fore cast. The quality of the Improvised vaudeville hill, which listed a full hour, proved Indeed a iccord George M Cohan was the first headllner. Of course he sang Ovi There." iind i.aruo In his most melting mood never fo moved I and thrilled n Metropolitan audience iu did the nimble 'Valikce Doodle Biv" with lila Inspiriting and puKitlng war1 song. Chauncev Olcott offered "Moth-r M.i chrec" In a volie well-nigh as fresh and dulcet as In the da of "MavouriHfii " The sphnilor of supreme poetli! Inspiia- tlon was thin dlt-closed In Julia Arthur's magnlllcent i citation of "The Battle Hymn of the Kepublle' whose passion ate patriotism Is' slartllngly npplleibte In every lino to the present conflict The actress asked her auditors to sing the . chorus, and tbev rispouded with a ting ing firvor which fully Justified Uudvuril Kipling's rtidoisement of Jull Ward Howe's mastirplcce as the most Irre sistible war nmg ivtr written James T. Pouira relieved the emo- tlonal tension with a sot of his own crses. In which humor und palilotlsin were delleloiiDly blended licit n Ware recited 'Carr.v On" l.leanora de I'is- neros sang 'Come Hick to Krin" Percy . Chandler and 11. T Molisbury i-poke for the war chest Hurr Mclnto"h told a batch of clever slorlei, concluding with a , patriotic plea, and b that time the inr- I tain, a run two hour late, was run up On "Out There " Mr Manners', play had I em fihc- Itouslv chosen. It tells the touching stor of n lAiulon coiKne girl, derisively de- ' scribed ns "'Aunied Annie.' who Is pis. slonatelv dslious of "doing something' ' for the cause of freedom, llu wish Is eventually grautid She becomes a cleaner in a fmnt hospital anil nt last a Hed Cross nurse Her hplrltu ii develop ment reacts on her burdid family with stimulating patriotic result". The piece Is rather looselj knit, but Its personages nre very vividly drawn and provide Just the sort of. opportunity s In which an all-star cat mav level. Xot an lota of there values was lost In the superb Interpretation Lauretto Ta.vlor'-i characterisation of the little Camden town patriot was profound!) moving, in stinct with humor, tcnderniss and funvy The hospital tpcs an American, by Cleorge Cohan, an Irishman, bj .Mr Ol cott: a cockne, by that gifted artist, O. P. Heggle; ,t Scotchman, by (Jeorge MacKarlane; a surgeon, by (Jeorge Ar llss; a Canadian, by James K llaikett. and a nurse, by Julia Arthur weie all genre gems Notable pcrfoimancis In the London scenes wero also given b) Berl Mercer, as Annie's gln-tlppllng mother; II, II, Wariiir, as her pugilistic brother; Helen Ware, as an Hast Side belle, and James T. l'ouers, as her comically earnest lover. 1ho final act closed with a Trafalgar Square recruit ing plea by Miss Talor. Two additional features composed an tfflingac Mrs. FlbKu read a patriotic address, whoso effect" was unhappily marred by curtains Impetuously drawn logetner Before sue nau tlnlshed speak ing, and Mme. I'lsneros sang the na tional hymns of Iirltalii. Italy. Kianco and America. The departing throng came near balling the first faint stieaks of dawn. But the patriotic and artistic stimulus ot the. occasion was well worth the dissipation. Franklin Baker, Jr., of Germantovvn, went home with the autographed pro tram In his pocket. He had paid ?15uu (or It at Burr Mcintosh's auction sa.e. II. T. C. a "VILLAGE" IS ARTISTIC, BUT ALSO HOOVERIZKS So Girl Who Disappeared from Home Here Comes Rack to Mother ami Pood Margaret Hove. seventeen-)ear-old stenographer, 325 Hast Chelten avenue. Germunlovvn, Is back home again after a dip Into the artistic dirt of Washing ton Square, Nex York the "Village" In vvhIUi Bohemia tears a hvdra head The girl disappeared last week "I don't want to go home. I want to have an apartment In Greenwich Vil lage; to have a green tea set: to wear bobbed hair and sandals and have a Pekinese poodle. Oh! Village how I love It! So dirty, so gbod-naturtd and so artistic!" She held out her arms to the Villas?) and thus hade farewell. Albert Walter, special agent of the Department of Justice, decided that Miss Hoye should return home with htm, after he had located her at 3D Washing ton Square. She had left here without telling either her friends or her family of her sudden determination to estab- llsh herself In the artlstla environs of Ouldo Bruno's- little cltv of tobacco moke, cellar restaurants. Itusslan nov ellBts, versllbrlstr. futurists and starva . tlon. lltr mother had been frantic. In spite of her entreaties. Special Agent Walter took her away. "And now that I've got to go back to Philadelphia." said Miss Iloje, "where I don't belong, I shall go right don n Into .the cellar, and talk with Patsy he' my dor. and the only one I've missed" f Then she confessed that she hadn't nau veiy mucn 10 eat since tier feet .began treading the road to Tarnassus. an Walter look her to a restaurant and they had a regular banquet After that miss tioye annouueea mat site was ready to go back to the barbarism or u good home and plenty to eat. Tire Threatens Family V -i Awakened by the cr.'ea nf Ms wife Unrrlm Tatrv. in Miilllh ThlrH 1.1. ... 1 ... i.i I Jt n.i . ..' Pju iiuio uvu hup morning 10 a lila MAnt d!iIbv T)i,at.lM t.... a.. p ,.. wf"' .....wv nMiiup iiiki All- roem ne rounu nis tw cn'idren, lRL.Jb ' ?. OW. t Harry,1 ' WHAT IS IT? What Is a War Chest? A community fund in this case a Five Counties fund providing money for authorized war relief. Will There Be No "Drives, " Then, For War-Relief Contributions? No. The War Chest will take their place. Just as this week it takes the place of the Red Cross Campaign. For How Long ? For one year it is expected. You give once a year to the War Chest. i i i 1 What Area Will . the War Chest Cover ? Five counties: Philadelphia, Mont gomery,, Delaware, Chester and Bucks. . What Is Its Advantage ? It takes the place of constant money-raising, "drives" and "cam paigns" for war-relief purposes. What Other Advantage Has It? It saves you from constant calls: it protects you from possible un worthy war -relief schemes: it in sures your money going where it is most needed for war relief. How Does One Contribute tot the War Chest? Bygivingadefinite sumeachmonth for one year. ' The War Welfare Council, Northeast Corner Broad &Chestnut Streets (1st Floor), Philadelphia -r ..,., 1 -.1 i, , J - T -& w ,