rv, 5 ''.lh t.BMWgh MmiiVi. .'(' mm kh , r met, Township lMt,Pa. ) Basis &h ft Sansom Sts. V-.- JVY"- TURNOVER OF STOCKS ON NEW YORK EXCHANGE IS LARGEST RECORDED IN MANY MONTHS Sales Total Above 1,7QP,000, With Many Ishiics Scoring Big Advances Baldwin and Other Steel Industrials Assume Leadership ODD LOTS r fL .. PARTIAL "PAYMENTS Mallei on Request JGHES & DIER PhlU. Block Exchange Chlearo Board of Trade '(' ltM Walnut Street TON! K-V Montgomery Transit Company to .und) n fia. due B4fl. tfavinr rtnal Drottrtton. hMdr nf thnv rtqueilfd to nd thlr names M of thMr hnMlnm t H. HENDERSON I HEED BUILDING -PHILADELPHIA Facts th6 Line- Every Una of type In a new lCp-rs bklet Inei Iieued. telle 0 Important (acta about an Oil,. Min im or Industrial slock traded In on the Hew York Curb. Too Hat la dudes orer Stocks lirlnr par Talue. capital atock. dividend rate, lilth and low level Xor the month and rear and other flrurcj lor vest fiocket reference that the nvcslor can't keep In hlf memory. far free BsoUrt T. V.-043 lES&BAKER STOCK BROKERS ' rr lido. Philadelphia J mfwALNur teao mryrsroMr ca ,,ea MroitK rironiunr.H ico nosTo.v !- Dirnl Prints Witts r 4 MAKER., BHUlnr. PUMtMft. ' send ma tout rent nocliet i booklet about 400 atocka. 'V T. TJ.-0I3 High Points in Today's Financial News Trading teas the largest II has been In month on the, .Veto York Stock Exchange. Many Issues scored big gain early In the session, reacting later on rcallxlng, but closed generally higher. Hates totaled more than 1,100.000 .shares. War-ordcr Issues led on the Curb, tilth demand Increasing. BimI ness teas small in the grain pit. Cotton advanced. Xeutral exchnngn was stronger. An extra dividend of li per cent was dcclaied by directors of the Cambria Htccl Company. liar silver Has unchangM In Xcw York and London, Nrtv York, May 16. The ale on the slock exchange today were tlio largest In it lone period. The mllllon-sharo mark was passed early, anil by 2 o'clock about 1,500,000 shares had been traded In, In this huge volume ot business there was naturally profit-taking on mi enormous scale, but Ouring tho Greater part of the day the buying was In such largo volume that realiz ing sales, even In Immense blocks, wero quickly absorbed at the most violent advances the market has known since the time of the boom trading In war stocks. Most of the Interest was devoted to the steel Industrials, Buldwln moving up 4H to 1014. Crucible Steel 6tt to 01, nnd Republic 4'i to 90. There was an excited crowd trading In United States Steel all through the day, with that stock moving up 2! to 113H. n new high record for the year. Bethlehem, "B" advanced 5'4' to 35 and Marine preferred made a pain of over 4 points to 08V Nearly everything traded In shared to some ex tent In these vigorous advances, with Reading responding to renewed buying by banking interests and advancing 2i toJOH. and several special ties made gains of 3 to 5 points. The violent advances were followed by sharp reactions, with tho mar ket under the greatest pressure for a lime in the late trading, when tJnltd States Steel reacted about 2 points and numerous other Issues sold off 2 to 3 point", but this reaction was considered natural after tho gains made In the first half of the day, and was not regarded as In any way changing the market position Tho most Important feature of the bond market was the demand for the new Liberty 4 Us, which were traded In on a very large scale, with nearly all the transactions above 38 INCREASED DEMAND FOR STOCKS DEVELOPS IN THE CURB MARKET New York Stock Sales nav oy ArrouxTANTH I'nbllc Accountant, MCNCK K. 1IHUWN CO. BAI. ESTATi: TIIUHT HI.IXI 1TB ADJUST PAHTNKIIH1I1P riON DISPUTED ACCOUNTS HI. APVKBTlWKMBrra tATK Of M NUN Z. I1UAVKS, ,' fJeeaaecel Ltlera ttetamentary eaiaia navioar been granted to an psreona indebted to the ,are renueeted to inuka payment. vinjc clairna to preaent the delay, at the office uf th executor. u-j Chestnut aireet. LSON Z. GRAVES 1NAND J. (1RAVVTM DENT I.IPK ANt, TnlluT r or piiiiArjKi.puiA AHA H. WI.SO. 1'realdent. Executore. ART FAILURE STATE'S WHEAT r-:i tie - . . . . 'in aoutheast Advised Ma' Replant With Lu " 1. :('!, Harrlebnra-, May IB. I-May bulletin of the State of Arrlculture makes un- predictions as to the wheat utheaatern Pennayivanla, In- tncaiter County. It Is eur- :,aome land in wheat which Is nf be put Into buckwheat. red that some parts of Lan- ter, Delaware and Mont- unties will not have DO tier average yield for Un years. t Is made by J, Aldus Herr, ior, wno saya : .r the exception In the ,n acreage In Chester and ertalnly should not be left i the rotation will suit, do- ern might be planted with and yield a fair crop on otherwise would not be itinr. (-wbere buckwheat Is adapted m it would be well to sow aac uortions of the iteM I a WM wop of grain which e ussiiiute ror Wheat tra la aulte m. vefuehi. kw: planted In many of awai mere generally ; When the corn la in ataae: the emn (a,,i i time to sed the ground .tail. Another valuable -aetweted, ii broom aawrti.reeaU the time wwq.um a small nranan" inm eM iiH a avneTTv, to m mooa Although Recessions Occur, There Is No Weakening Tone War Stocks the Leaders Curtiss Aeroplane Unusually Active New York, May 16 Trading was In large tolumc on the Curb nil through the day, with an Increasing demand for Mocks, and although recessions occurred there was no weakening ton, buying orders coming in on a larger t.cale on every reaction. Most interest was attached to the dealings In the war stocks, with Aetna ranging from 16 lo 15'., while Wrlght-Martlu moted up from 11 to ll?i and Curtiss Acroplanp was unusually active, celling at 37 U 3514. Submarine reflected renewed accumulation, advancing early from 18?, to 13. The greatest strength was shown In many of the oil slocks. Stand ard oil Issues were 5 to 10 points higher and Midwest Itellnlng, the most prominent of the Independent group, rose from 114 to 113. Oklahoma Producing, which had ranged around 0'i for hom time, was traded in at " to 7i. The mining stocks were fairly actlte, with Magma selling at 35 to 37, and Nlplsslng at 8'i lo 3. INIIUKTItlAI.S ni'i 1.1 '4 n 3'l Vea. rloe ApI( Oalel Aetna I'.xplo Am Brit Mfg . Am Marconi Am Wrltlnir Paper fan Car & Kdy prf. ? Charcoal Iron . Chetrolet Motors . 1st Cramps is Curtiss Aeroplane ... 33H Curwen Tool s Carbon Steel . ... 110 Kmerson Phonog . . sv Federal Dye , lleiulee Mfg ... .1" Inter-I.ube .... I Kathodlnn Bronie pf. .. IhlKh Coal Kales. . so Lima Ijco 4S Maxim Munitions . . ,' Marlln Arms 5 N Y Shipbuilding . 30 North Am Pap Pulp. . :! Otis ICIevator 4n Peerless Motor It Poole i:ng 10 Itedden Truck Scrlpns Booth is S H Kresge w I s! Standard Motors .... Ill Hteel Alloys I Submarine IS St Joseph Iead, .. 1,1" Todd Khlpbiilldlng . 03 Triangle Kllm V United Prollt Sharing K .Steamship 0T United Motors 2', United Sugar 3U World's Film V Wright-Martin Alr.. II Klnc Concent . . , . I KTAMl.WU) Oil. Iddlnols .. - IM Ohio 340 Prairie Pipe 2" K O Cal 51.1 H O N J ! SONY S Oil, sous la tha and few ft; ' w. I (BV.kMUlal far 3S trtry KM I , w nwr whmiii f l7i n ill 3V4 so "Hi an so un o in 3 51) 3 I SI ID '.4 on is 3 nil in. in is IT an 13 H 7 It4 lH OK V. V4 7 5ti 3.1 '.4 IU hTOTKS ISO .11.1 28.1 1W 'V4 li.i 3I.4 110 ft s 13V is on 10T4 3IA it's hTOCKH i.Nni:ri:.Mn:NT on, hTot'its co.vt, lent, eluse Mlllet Oil . Met I'etrol Ohio Fuel Oklahoma Hef . . Bice Oil ... Saiiulna Kef . . Sequoyah Mnulalr united West oil. .111 . V. . 15 . 7 ft S'-i 1 Alk I 111 11 !H Sl4 '. II Innlol 113 11 IS AII.MMi MOCKS 333 313 iNnnri:NiBNT Harnett Oil & Oas. , V4 Co den-: Co I'Ji 7., Klk Basin H Federal Oil '4i 3V. Inter Petrol 13J4 I34 Houston Oil 45 4A Merrltt Oil 33 Vs S3 H n?i, 31. in 33 Alaska Stundard. . . , Atlanta Big Iedge Butte New York . . . , Con Arizona Cal & Jerome. . . . Kmma Consolidated First National UoldDeld Merger (loldlleld Cons . Ocliineld Florenco . Cold Held Ken anas . (Ireeu Monster . , . llecla Mining . Houe Sound Independence I,cad . Jerome Verde . ... Jim Butler Junilio Intension . . MeKlnley Darragh . Magma Copper . . Mother Iodn Mines Co of Ainer. . Nevada Illlls Nevada Wonder . . . Nlplsslng Ohio Copper Bay Hercules San Toy , . . . , Stewart .. A. ... Tonopah Kxtenslon.. United Verde West Und Con , ... White Oaks White Caps Yerlngtou Ml I A lo s 1st, V, in 13 I A Ii 41 41, 'A 3 3 1 in m ii in 30 13 3A 31 4S 411 H4 IK .1 III I 1 S'4 I) ,i " i 4 10 sl 3.33 7-33 I ft Ml in 4Vi S3 s.i i IIOMIH ',i IS IS Bethlehem Cs Cosden OH Ss Cosdcn At Co 6s . Cudahy Bs til ItUKslan (iov tijn... :il Russian Cov B'.-in .17 South Buy 6s... osu Sinclair Oil 6 lo Todd Shipbuilding 6s. 00 nsiJi S3 S3 1(1 .1(1 .If I 0B so ou s 'It 114 US. I - 4 IK. 7-3J Si4 "y ii m i" i 404 it 7-33 I ft S4 osh lllah Adtance Hum. IS4 A aska Did j. 1 Alaska Juneau Hi Allls Chalmers. .!(, Am Beet Sugar 74 'd Am Can 40V4 do pref ..,, or Am Sum Tob IJSSi Am Car & F Co S3 Am Int Corp , A!"i Am Ice Sec... 33 du pref .. 3 Am Hide tt. t, 14 do pref . , (13 Am l.tnseed , aiy do pref 73 Am licomo lli Am Smelting sih Am Sum Tob IJS"4 Am Steel Fdry. ss Am Sugar ... my. Am Ter A. Tel. 0SV4 Am Wool sin., do pref ll. Am Writ P pf 33V, Am Z.lnc & l,d ist, do pref is Anaconda 1114 Atchison S1 do pref S3 Atlantic C I, . 01 Allan O ft XV 1113 Bald I.oco Co loi',i Bait & Ohio .inn Barett Co 3 Bntnpllas Mln . t Beth Steel . til 14 do II 3, do S p c pref inflTt Bkljn It T. .. ISH Burns Ilrot, 133V4 Butto Cop A V, iny, Butte & H C 30 Cal petroleum in',i do pref . . nst Can I'ae I. in Cal rack Co II central I.eath 12 Cerno d Pas 331,4 chand .Motors S3 Chesa & Ohio 11014; fill Crt West ltd do pref 2.tv, Chi, M & St P. 434 do pref ..II 1, CM ft NW II3H Chl.lt I ft P tc 2.1 do Ope pr to HOT, do 7 p c pf to II Chile Copper 1114 Chlno Con Cop ti col Fue a Ir 3014 Col !as ft i:io 3 ii Cnnsol (las . finT Com Can 13 14 Com Prod 13 do pref no Cruclhlo Steel 1I1 do pref . . HI 14 Cuba Cane Sug 3V, do pref . 811, Den ft II pf 0W Dom Mines s, Dlftlllcrs Seo 1 Urle. in, do 1st tiref 31', flast Williams. 31 14 Cen i:iic Co 133 Gen Motors 13s Conilrlch I! ' ls, c,t Northern pf 113 fit Nor Ore rub 3nM llreene.Can Cop 43 fiiilf State Sttel 02 Illinois Central H7H Int Agrlcul in Inspiration Cop sola Interbgh-con C 0 do pref II Int Mtr Marine 3n', Int Mer Mar pr ns Intern'l I'apir . 41 Int Nickel ,. sold Kansas Clt" So 20 KelfV Sprlngf'd in, Kennefntt Cop npn Lack Steel . 11 H Lehigh Yalle. rtUj I.eo Buh ft Tire in, I.lg ft M T Co 101 I-ouls ft Nash 111 Max Motor . 31 li, do 1st pref SI do 2d pref . 2I'4 Met Petrol 10J-V Miami Con Cop so, Mldta'e Steel ni M ft St I. new 11 Mo IC ft T. 3-1", Missouri Pac 2 IS, do pref fit a, Nat Con ft Cab IS Nat 1:11:1 ft Stpd air, Ne Con C011 . 23 Ve O T ft M 21", N V Air Brako 1331, New York Cent 1,1 N V N II ft Ii It',, N Y O ft W. 3 l-li Norf ft XV . .I07li North Pacltlc sit. Nova Scot Stl. 3 Ohio (las ti"i Pan Am Pet pf 3", Penna It It . 4 IV Pen (las ft C i;ii I'eio Mariiuette 13 Pitts ft MVm 3IH4 I'ltts Coal 30',H Pierce. Arrow 12 V, 1'resi.ed Stl Car (liM, Piillnian Pal C Mil l!y Stl Spring . f.sl, Bay Con Cop 2nvi Beading licir, Itep I ft Stl on Royal Imtrh Hills Saage Arms SI1V4 St I, ft S F 13, do pref w I 20 Seaboard Air L s do pref .. I HV, 'ears iioeuucK.1411 Sloss.Shef S&I.. .H4 I Sinclair Oil . .lo South Pacltlc . si I South Rwy . 2.1 If; I do pref . . H2Vi StudebaktT . . 41 Sup Steel ... isi.4 Tenn Cop ft Ch IKV4 Tex ft Pac .. I1W Texas Co . 1301, Third Ave Bit 2t;, Tobacco Prod 111 Un Bag ft Pap 10V4 Union Paclllc .un U Alloy Steel 44 Un Cigar Stores 02', Un By Intest . in I' S C I P ft K I0, U S Ind Alco l.ll U K Bublier. . mi U S Sm ft Ref 431 f,ow 13V, 114 114 33 V, 71 U 471, otm 1331, sow, 33 1 33 V, nm,4 I34 ni 311, 7314 (IS ',4 S2V4 I2l, mil, 114 osv, nnv, n, 23 IS IS no 1, S2 01 innv, 0.1 Va 3.1 31 I Dili sai,, Inn 41 I33i lnv 27 ', IS"', A3V4 110 II not, 3.1 'h S3V4 W(4 7 21 43 73 0.1 ', 23 mi 70S, IBIa 41V, 41, :u nn,, 70', 421, 110 71H 01 14 3P4 8IS, II H on, m4 31 31 1.1M3 12.114 1 nni 331, 431, ssi4 117 in .13. st, 43V4 231, 0.1 If, 43V, 20 V, l Hi 31". SS niiu 1714 in: lii '1A 31 211 O'l 20 V, .in 14 in, 31 1 21 Sill 17 V, an, 2l(, 231, 133 71 381, 211, 1117 8514 03 ll'i, 02", in, 4n 1314 SO-, f.ll, till, mi, 117), .10 r, 2.114 88 Oil, H'l !, 80 131, 20 S n-r, 1411 fl4' 20 SO',4 31V, n-JV, in 4114 17 V, 1 7 14 l.in soii, 301, 7l14 17 Hi 1314 0114 in in 131 li .181, 13 Tina, 13V, .. 1 114 33 -I 741i 471, 96 V, .. 13174 SOW, 3314 . .1314 3014 14 A3', 4 31 7314 081 M14 Net rill,. Yen; York Bond Sales 4 Is 11. IV, V II. I'd fllW. -Mid 114'fc OOVh '4 38 li on. 33 V, f 18 f 18 4 nnij 4 84 01 110 014 14 f I'd f I -114 ,m 01 41 1 0I4 00", inn 44 13314 IV4 14 1014 37 I8,i 3114 111 II 10li 33I4 si 5014 7 23 4114 11 03 li 23 flllli 70', I I II", 48li 31 OO'd 13 13', no 711', 0114 3M4 81", 0 8 IS I'd ins, 33 3l'i 1.12 130 41 02 3314 437, 8KI4 07 in 4 '4 ITd 4 114 'd 4 4 '4 . 4 d I- 4 'i S I li 14 4 V, It, 'd 41 13 I 'i 1, I'd V, ' 14 III.', 2000 Am Ag deb Bs 4'l OlOon Ang-Frnch 6, 2. 21000 Am For See B 06 4000 Am Smelt fs,. S9U 7000 Am el clt 4s.. SStJ, BOOOAtch cell Is ., 81 Ti 1000 do cv Is ... S7 Bnnn do cv 4s 1900 87 'j SOOO Bait ft Oh 3 '.in 83 1000 ib Bs 82 1B0OO do 4s. .. . 78U 2000 II ft O P 1, i: ft W Va Is.. "B 2000 BetlSt lslBs '30 80 11000 Braden Cop Bs 2 Bono Bkn BT Bs '18 37 J, lOOOBordo 0s . . 89tj inoflCana Cv Bh '21 30 4000 do Bs 1331 , 31"; lOOOChl Ot XV 4s . B3, lOnoCM&StPcvl'is 71 2000 C It I ft P 4s 70 2000 Col ft So 4'4s. 71s; 17000 City Paris 0s 85',, innn Conflas cv s 101 15000 Corn Vr li fl4 38 Va SOOO Den ft R O Cs. 74 81000 Pis S Corp Cs 87 J 1000 Urlo cv 4sh'r A 48s, 19000 do Series I) B3, 51000 Pr Repub BVJs 38',i lOOOOtiMi P.lec 3',4s. 7.1 10000 Int Met 4'4s. B4'4 78000 Int Mer Mar 0s 91'4 K000 Ksn Cv So Bs. 80 11000 IajijIs ft N Is. SGlj 1 .10000 l.ll, liond 314, 09 13.1000(1 do 4a . . 0.1.10 113000 do It Id , 03.14 3300OOO iln 4",n . 08.08 Uionn I,ons (is . 83'4 l'lOOO Marcellles 6s. 83 'a BOOOMldvalc Bs . 89 4000 M P XV U 5s '23 30 22000 do gen (s 63 7000 N Y Air B Gs 99 1400ONYCx.lt Os . 94i 2000 NY Cv 4 4s '0B 97 2000 N Y By ndj Bs 20 1, 1000 Norf ft W 4s 83', 1000 Nor P gen 3s BSia 10000 Poo Ons 6s. 73", 1000 Pen- Mora Is fO BOOO Reading gen 4s 81', 10000 Rep C 6s 1904 98', 6000 Sinclair war "s 91, BOOO St I. ft S F ser A Cs. 00 1000 South Bell Bs '16 3n00 So Pac cv 49 "9, 6000 do cv Bs . 95 900O So Rwy gen 4s 03 '4 3000 do con Bs 93 1000 Texas Co Cs 98 'j 3000 Third Ate. 4s 50 , 7O000 IJ S Rubber Bs 81 4000 U H Steel -s fBs 98 , 3000 Un P.nc 1st 4s 85 10000 L K of r, II ft 1 Bs 99', 5000 do B',s 1919 97, 18000 doB'dsnew '19 99'4 27000 do B'js 1921 95', 5000 West Shore 4s 78'j Tolil mle-. si.soo.f.00, rompiretl 1, 1 1 la SI. 117.0(81 etentti thim fir thl iieek, sv,,22n,sli Mime period lint week. SI3.. 1 1 j.ljM.I. l'e 9i; 92 Id 969. 8914 8214 81 87 871, 89 82 78 !i 7B 80 9114 97 , S'J'.J 90 31H B9, 71 70 7Ii 8Ma I'll 98 !i 71 SCtJ 48, B3 98 73 BIU 92 , 794 Rfi'a 08.01 04.00 01.98 08 89 '4 89 j 89 90 f.'l 99 91 97 , 201J 83', B84 7.1 'a 80 84'i ,98, 31", 'lee 94'i 92 K, 9fi'i 89 4 8214 r48Ma 87 8714 83 82 78'J 75 80 91 '5 97 83 ',a 90 91, 69 ( 71 70 7n 8S 101 98 4 74 87, 48, B33, 98 7.1 bii; 931, 80 80 14 08.00 01.01 01.14 08.03 89 14 89', 89 90 B9 9'l 91 97 . 20'i 831, 68 4 73 80 84'i 98, 91?. Sales in Philadelphia Nt lllah Iiw CloM chae. in Am Oas . 73 73 73 Inn Anaconda nol4 no',4 0014 - 14 OlllaldlxiC 100 08 100 --8 03 Brill J O 3411 32 341i - -1 H 100 Cubs C S 3.1 33 33!d - 14 IConTNJnni4 V4 0t4 4- V4 183.1 Rleo Stor 32 SO!, 30 V, 3V lSOKrle .... 17 17 17 ',4 O Asp pf . .. fl 37 In Co NA 2 20 20 V4 700.1 1.k Sup C ISli 1714 17V4 '.4 238 l.eh Nav. n!4 0SV4 3V4 . . soihVal.. niv, IV, oii -i V4 l813Mldval. 9!d 3714 37 4-3V4 33Penn It R 43 41 4M4 1-4 I'll I la Co cum pf . .3211 , , .112 Phil llleo 231,4 23V, 2314 ,. I P ft W pf 0814 081,4 0814 li 033 P R T t C 20V4 2n 2n . s Phil Trae n7 7 07 874 Reading- 80 88 00 1-1 Ti, 200Tono Bel 3 3ft 3 ft ft 14.1 Ton,, Mill 2)1 2)1 3)1 s Un Trac 4n 40 40 I 43 U O I. . n? 07 fll 4- 401.1 tt H Steelll.11, HH4 IHTi 4- Wi CO CO 95 95 79', 794 95 96 03 03 93 93 9S'i 98'4 .'.CS, 5C, 80 S0 'l8, !lfc4 S3 83 994 t'0'4 97 , 97 . 39 99 a, 95 9 51 i 784 "3'4 tyuotallon git en Is yesterday'B close. Tntnl ale. 19.131 fthnre, rnntptrril tilth 1.1,82.1 hare jeXerdafi hm far thla week, 40.300 Mi.irr-i i.inie period last neek, 20.309 lurei. IIONUS Net . . Blah lw CIoki chse. (1000 Bold IX)C Cs .80 SO 80 BOOO Am fiasft UlecBs 80 80 2000 Mb Bonds 41, h . 08 2800 do .tijs.DO 3200 do In . !l I. OS 1300 do let Is 03.10 6000 Phlla Co cons 5s 8114 4000 Phlla Rlec 1st 6s Olli 1000 Reading gen Is 8I14 8000 Un Rwy Inv 6s. 37 8114 0414 . 8114 14 37 14 el0'11' ."!"' 813.0OO. rnmpareil ultli 2I.. ZOO je.lrrilail Mm. fr f hi, wrfk, SI49.O00I nonie lerlod last Meek, J.01,549 07.30 08.10 04.30 til. .10 8114 Ol'i 8414 .17 80 08 08.70 01.80 03.10 4- .30 .40 Local Bid and Asked 411 0'!', 31 1.1 8 l 43 4- Vj 2,1 1 05 V, 4 1 , 13 U 74 3014 4-14 I 19 'i mi h ai ' 31 -t 1, 807, 4 T, (1(1 7, 1714 I li 107 1 117 4 1 -old 14 34 4-Hi -'H4 4 'a HOT,, 1', 30 . I 37 11 .11, -. 21 I. II. Hi 17', h 3 Hi V. 2114 4 23), 4 31', 13114 214 71V, f V. 30 II, sn. 4 V, 101 81 14 4 li (I.I I- 14 11 !.' 4 II". 4n 114 13 A "II, 14 317, 4 '. 40V, II, 3 I- V. nir, 11, 301, 14 20 4 SO Id 03 r li so 14 is so 4214 '3' Vi 20 h V. K 17', !i 110 mr, 4-ir. 20 ooii 2114 14 02 li 4 V. 30-y. 4- Vs 44 Wj r 14 177. Id 17Vi 14 13H 2074 Id 30 V. 1 - i MATURITIES IN JUNE SMALL War Kiiiante Corporation WiJI Not All iance Large Sums Ne lorfc. May 10 The War Finance Corporation will not be called upon to I protldo for many corporation maturities j In June, as the number falling due and I the aggregate amount are comparatltcly small. Total amount uf maturities In Juno Is J31 430.810. as conipsred with IS3.I18.490 In .May and ICC 234,811 In June. Rill Thn )irgct amount maturing Is In the public utility list, tll.33S.C00. In dustries are second largest, $11,200,250, nnd railroad issues coming Utpj figure at 18,831,390 The largest Item In the railroad llt Is the Puget Sound and Wlllapa Rail way B per cent trust certificates for J2. 999. BOO, which conio due June 1 This rnnmnni' I, ti taitivMlrirv ,if Chlcnt-n. 'i ! Milwaukee and St. Paul IUUwny Com- pan. wlilcti guaraiitd (irlnclpal and Interest on the note-i Itet-ponidblllty for paying off the notes ni coino tiion the railroad administration, and H Is likely that IHrctor Ueneral McAdoo will again demonstrate lila ability as a financier by inducing Minm bankers to extend a loan to this company for re funding purposes, as ho m-ently did In the case of the New York Central Rail road Company Union Iepot Railroad consolidated G per cent noti s. duo June 1. for J3.BO0.000, are th" largest Important Issue among the iiuhllc utilities Thin company Is .-. feubsldl.11 y of United Railways Company of St. luls. whoso president is now In Washington for the purpose of rrtk 1 in aid from tip. Wai Finance Corpora tion to saH the coriany fioni rc-ler-shlp Commencing June I th" United Railways Cotnpanv uf St Ixiul.s will charge six-cent fares 011 Its line. At tin) end of tile iar it must show cause for mailing this fate perma nent Another company which ma) seek internment aid Is the New Orleans Rail- .way and Light Conip.ui). (ikp 1; ,,er ent notCB foi IJ.Bou.OOO fall due June 1 Among tho Industrials, the most Im portant maturity Is the tier cent notes I of the international Cotton Mills for I $1,000,000. No plans mite ben an nounced for taking care of this Issue. Kxtra DKiilenil liy Globe Oil I New York, M.iv 10 The Globe Oil Company has decland an extra dltldend of 1 per cent In addition lo the usual I monthly dividend of 1 14 per cent, with the suggestion that tho extra dividend iJif? t emment thrift stamps. IMvldend Is pay. Zi,f ,",7 lable June 10 to holders of record May 25. 4-V4 lli - - . ' ii' l u I INACTIVE NEW YORK STOCKS 1.,'vj Following are quotations for Inactive S8 1 ' New York stocks ana in which there 13'J, H 1 1,. 1 were nu u, - - ", I,B yicsi ToJav Hid Atk American Store 27 Hrlll J O 21', 21', Iluftalo (t. Sunn t e 02 'In prf . . 47 Italilwln n-,l4 nieeirlc Htorege. r,0, (leneral sphslt. tt lo pref . IM Km, tone Tl-phon n ,lo t e r.o l.sl-e Hup-rlnr Corp 17 i.enun .ftMgauon. IMfIh 'alk )'nnsjltahK . I'hllailelphl, KIcc riillaa.iphln Co rt,i r, i-er rent crtf do n per (cut rref 32 iTlia 11 I 1 c Tonopah llelmont Tonopah Mlnlnn. 1 nlon Traction I l'nlto! Ofta Inin I t'ntte.1 states htoel 11 1 lnrK llwy , ilo pref 1 W CrHnip A. Kon YtTTclav BM I!.' 47 r.j', ti IS Atk 27 40 31. 11 DO 8', 17', 17'. 17S I71, fi4 (."It, 1114 1,1; ion, ill r,o, 111'. 44 44'i 44'. 4.1 21I -.'.-.'. 2V. 1M4 27 27 2S 32 31 5'J', .11 2",' EH -JO 2(1', t'i', (.04 8s s., ,V, S, 3A 3S -'l 3 2)5 3 40 It 40', 114 17 (.74 '1 H7'J 111'. 112 111', III", 74 4 74 4 31 3J 31 32 77 79 77 7 I'tm.AOEI.l'IUA INACTIVE STOCKS Following nro quotations for Inactive stocks listed In the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and In which there were no transactions today The price given 13 the last pretlous close: Acme T 1st pf 31 Lch Nv rights Acme Tea Co. Bl firs: paid .. 1714 A C War .. 14 l.eh Vnl Tr of 2014 19 I, Nrdrtpf. 43 13 I, N wr w I.. 7 30 l.itnn Schuyl. 48 75 l,lt Brothers. . 251, 10V4 Mlnehlll BO 29 Norrlstown ..121 '13 Alliance lnj . Amer Ice . . , A mer Rwy .. Am Ry pref. Amer Mill... Amer Stores. Amer Sirs pf . Brill J o nf.. 70 Buf ft Sus t c 62 Cam Iron . . 4os; Camb Steel .,..127 Catawa 1st pf B2 Cat.-iWH 2d pf Bl Jen Asphalt 14' ill ft II T ... lit . II T Pf. Keystone Tel. Key Tet liref. I.eh Nv rights tun palrt . I.eh Val Tr. 10 17 8 50 59 Vi 20 Noun Cent .. 73 North Penn.i. 80 I'enna Salt .. 88 P It -I . .. . 234 Phlla Co .. 26 Pciiii Trafllc. 21i Rwys Co rjen 2 I'll C of N .1 109 4 II C, I war.. 274 U H Steel pf..!in Warwick Iron 8 14 West Coal . 70 W J ft Sensh 10 York Rwy... 9', Ycrk Rwy pf. 31 BIG MAJORITY OF INTEREST IN LOCAL TRADING IS GIVEN LAKE SUPERIOR CORPORATION More Than 6000 Shares Change Hands in Active Market, and Price Advances to Another New Top Bald- win and Midvalc Are Strong Interest In trading on tho Philadelphia Stock Hxclmnge today was very largely attracted to Lake Superior Corporation, which was also jesterday'a leader. That Issuo started off nctlvo nnd higher early In tho session and more than 6000 shares had changed hands tip to inlclaftcrnoon, with the de mand continuing good and Its price marked up S to ISM, another new high record for this year. Just before tho ctoso realizing sent It off, but It was believed that the reaction was only temporary. No special news was forthcoming to explain the continued momentum and ndvance of tills populnr local stock, but the opinion still prevailed In the Street that the Improvement wns only the nntunil course following that taken by United States Htccl common ntKj various steel Industrials. Thero was also, an unusually large tnrnoter of Mldvalo Steel for the Philadelphia market, and It advanced more tjian 4 points to abote f9, with many reports current as to the causn of Its strength nnd activity both here and In New York, but prominent brokers were generally of tho opinion that the gains were due to the Increased Government business and the erection of a big gun plant by tiin Pederal Government so that the big war orders could be quickly executed. There continued to be rumors concerning a possible merger of the Mid vale and Baldwin Locomotive companies, nnd from New York there came a report that Midvalc had procured control of the latter. However, there was no confirmation of this rumor, and from a source close to the management ot Mldvale In this city It wns said that an crucial of that company had denied any knowledge of the contemplation of such a consolidate. The most prob able explanation of the advance of Baldwin on the big board and Its gain on small rales here of nearly .114 points to above 100, was thought to be tho report from it reliable source that the common stock would be placed on a dividend basis next week. Reports that tho Baldwin company and several other large war-order manufacturers would benefit through tho big gun order announced for Midvalc were also thought to have had a strengthening In fluence. niectrlc Storage Ilittery continued fairly nctlio again In today's session, but was lower, losing 2 points to CO'i as the close approached. Transit trust certificates still showed no Influence of tho labor difficulties and the advocacy of 11 fare Increase, and, while there was a little activity In tho certificates, their price was only a trifle helow jesterday's closing quotation. Union Traction, on a small sale, lost 1 point, and Philadelphia Traction was un changed. .7. G. Brill Rdvanccd more than 1 point and the majority of price changes for other homo issues were to slightly higher levels, although most of the remaining business was in small odd lots. Reading Railway was fairly active and advanced l'j, Pennsylvania was unchanged, Lehigh Valley ndtanccd ; and Lrle a trifle. United States Steel common showed fair momentum and was up ns much as 2 points, but later turned downward and most of the gain was wiped out. Liberty Loan bonds were not heavily traded In and all but the 3Hs were higher. Federal Call on Slate Banks The Federal Reserve Board has called for a statement of condition of Stato banks and trust companies which are members of the Federal Reserve Banks ns of May 10. This is the same date named In the call of the Comp troller for condition of the national hanks. , This is tho second call made by tho Federal Resene Board for condition of State member banks, the first being on December 3. While national banks aro required to publish n synopsis of their statement the State bank mem bers ur not required to publish their statement although there Is no objec tion to their doing so. There ate sixteen State banks and" trust companies now members of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. The statements of conditions are mado to tho Federal Reserve Banks. There Is no limit to the calls which the Comptroller of tho Currency may make, although tho custom is for fhe calls a year. The Federal Reserve Board may nsk for the condition of State member banks three times a year. e Net earnings of Tonopah-Celmont Development for April were $62,470 as compared, with 163,202 In March. In addition tho Belmont Surf Inlet mines reported net earnings for April of $31,400 as compared with $37,477 In Alarch. Net earnings ot Jim Butler Tonopah for April wcro $16,504 as compared with $38,835 In March, being the largest earnings teported Nlnce last fall. Short-Term Notes Hate Amer rotten Oil r, Ainer TtT autrn II Unit .1 Ohio I Unit It Ohio . Hethlehem SJe. Ii llrooklyn It T r, Can 1'ac Uwv 11 I'll It It t 1'I t. Hudson :, Hrl- It It 3 imeral llkdrle n Ornerl rciecirlc (I (Ireat North Ity n ,-s v renlral . . IVnnmlviinla ("o Put, fie Crp N J It A U M I' Co . Southern llw) 3 II S ttuhlier ! I t'lali Hirur t'nrp (I west 1; a. .n ( o 1, Itui S1 -is 14 Feb .lllh July Pel, July .Mill' July AUZ April I lee July Sept Kept .lun Jl.ir I'll, Mar li-c H-l.l Fill III, I 99', HH4 till", US', OS 07. US', 11 H74 on'. 10 10114 20 iniis 2- 7. 10 lis 21 11.14 10 till 10 03 ri iis 18 Km 22 804 10 110 S Ask 094 VI", Iill'a PS4 US', 074 IIS, III 074 074 1004 Km', lis 04 ml', 074 lit OU 1004 004 l-Oltina.V CIOVBHNMB.VT KBCURITIKS Amer For Sreur Anuln-Kn nrti . .1 Argentine (lo.t 11 Canadian tlovt 3 City of Purls (I fteph of Franc 34 tlusalan Oott . (14 llusxlan (loit 34 Hwlsa (iot . . 3 II K of li 11 A I .', UKoflllli I. 34 U Ii of O II I 64 An:; Oct .May Auif Oct April Jim, Deo Mar Sept Nov Nov lo im'i 20 024 211 07 10 07 21 S.I 111 0s4 10 37 21 .11 211 101 4 IS IIU4 10 074 0.11. Convertible Into Ions-term bonds. 07 924 1174 074 K-.4 nss 411 39 102 00 S IIS B'i NEW YORK COITEE MAItKET New York, May 10 There was 11 dull and featureless opening in the market for coffee futures llill prices were un. .'7. I,', .... --- .... I , - -- ".- -". . .. . . ad 1 I. M nteei . ,3, 114 lllld 4 'd Clten la n ao- i--'," r,r. ciiaiiKtu iium ii ii-iui, -,- mm do prer . ..Ill);, I09', I001, .,,- rtuhber.. 0.'" ft ,S t,f ttOU I I" iriinancuona wr.c irimruu on 1110 Utah Copper . S7i, 8.10, l f I'A i, r, ,iey nt 35 " 1' f pf iq2 call. , . , ,. , , , Va-Car Chem . 4714 injfj 40(4 it V mJ c I pf 5,i N Y C ft S L 16 " , It la belleird that ocal cofTeo mer- Ivn. iron ft C 70 7n in" ii A111rnril.K nf H" A.ol'' Hu "i ! chants hate not mado offers to the iWnbasli . . 0!i IH(, 014 1? ! AmC . . nn 38 Nor ft West nf 3 loMrninent nt the price of 10 4c net do pref A... 13 12 isifi K Am 0t Oil ?JV North Amer . i, cash, del tered, ijh they claim this price I .1.. ., e it ...ft, ...-, L.i f An, T-xpress. (" ii ,,v,i ,.-.... .!.. It., he loo low. tlmt the last cost and West Maryland I5..i.i'" iV" S Am l" ' Ohio has" ret. Si" ir"v ""! rt-Ucl l.ere were 10 20; West Union Tel 01 0.1 03 IU Am J 5 J .. 43 ."t Sllter" ,5 '"..jl?"1"?. S"!".' . ."J: ?5r,l"B?. Ii2 mrm A asn NiTIOIl l'i" " -T IFatn H MONEY-LENDING HATES ?KW YOBK Money on call opened at 514 per cent! high, 514: iow, 514; last, 51, ; closed at 514 : ruling rate, 514 per rent. Inactivity continued the feature ot the market for time funds, offering are at a minimum but there has been no indi cation of strain for lack of supply on tho part of borrowers. Prime mercantile paper Is still slow, with the rullnr rate 6 per cent both here and at the Interior. Prime bank accentances ore un chaneed at 4,4 4 ',4 per" cent on ellglblta. PHir.AnBI-1'HIA. Call. C per cent; time. Bii O per cenL Commercial paper, three to four months, BO per cent; six months, per cent. LOM DON Money on call was un changed today at 214 Pr cent. The rate of discount In the open marker for short bills was t4 Pr cent and for three months bills waa 1 -U par cent, un altered. FOREIGN EXCHANGE ' tfew Terk,May 16 - Neutral exchanges took the lead In the foreign exchani; market In the early dealings today and . .J'-.neral atrenath In some cases. Vh7w high nure on this movement were MtaMUttied for Dutch guilder; and Bternnar coaunucu " Iterea jron. nruiBu - 1 iPWnWBT C ..( ure wm u S .altr iiaTinea was limited. rt?sil:4.74, cables 4.7I.V, S, MmlMtly, 4.71; ninety 1 t.ej. 4.J. IS1 Hank of England Statement t , . London, May 16. The weekly statement of the Bank of Kngland follows; Total reserve 30, 181,000. .Increase 49,000; circulation $49,976,000, Increase 294.000: bullion 61,708,000, increase 73,000; other se curities 106,552,000. Increase 3.141.000: other deposits 133,820,000, Increase S, 691,000; public deposits 41,457,000, In crease 3,884,000; Government securi ties 57,316,000, Increase 1,445.000 The proportion of the bank's resene to Harm t c Is now 17.20 per cent, nralnsi 18.20 per cent lasfweek, and compares with an advance from :o to 20.42 per cent In this week last year. Clearings tnroUKii ixnaon Danxs ror the week were 392,970,000, against 384,900,000 last week. Auto Lighting Companies May Merge Maw York. May 16. Rumors am In circulation of a probable merger of the United States L.ignt & neat Company, the Auto-Lite Company, and possibly one or two other concerns and it Is stated that an announcement Is expected short ly. Wheat Flour Output Decrease Minneapolis, May If. The Minne apolis wheat flour output last week de creased 31,750 barrets. The mills mad, week ended May 11, 175,970 barrels, against 361,340 in 1(17. Today nine tn and one-half mills are In operation. half in (loci BANK CLEARINGS Bank elaarlnsa today compared rcaponalnc day last vtwo " Phlla ftJ.B4S.127 l5n.40i.MS IM.S41.S4t N. Tork 7 5.S47.4M Uo.oSS.OOO 74,nJfl.Ji fioalon .', U.aM.0U 40,:,0W 33.862.oJfl naltlraera H.e,74 f. brats 2.17.0M 2,14.M 13,447,151 ltd car ina -,J BAR LYE& Westlnghouse M 47 Wheel ft Ij 1: , Oli Wilson Co . 01 Willys Overland 10U IT. A 014 59 IS'', 43 H 014 30 1014 Totul sale. 1,717.000 ehare. rnmpared with 1, 120, 70) ahare. r.lrrdui tliu, fur tlili week. .1,271,000 aliareai aaine period lu,t k, 2.313,800 .hare.. l Financial Briefs April gross of the cities Sep Ice Com pany were $1,885,760, ngalnst $1,609 013 the same month last year, or an Increase of $276,737. Net for the month In creased $270,372. Twelve month gross increased $5,765,785, with net for the period gaining $5,661,593, The New York Subtreasury gained $113,000 from the banks yesterday, mak. ing a cash net gain since Friday of $1,334,000. The Nevada Consolidated Copper Com- Sany reports for the quarter ended larch 31 earnings of $470,109, against $1,822,166 In the preceding quarter and a deficit, after dividends and deprecia tion, of $1,689,367. against a deficit of L$26,154 in the quarter ended December OUT. 1917. The production of copper In tne quarter unaer consiaerution amount ed to 17.436,164 pounds, compared with 22.153,166 pounds In the December quar ter. The first sale of stock of the Liberty Title and Trust Company, since the name ot the company waa changed, waa made at auction yesterday at 10$. This Is a new high. The previous top waa 10214, The sugar trade, Including sales de partment ot alt local refiners, will be closed on Saturdays during the sum mer commencing June I. Tobacco Co, Would Increate Stock New Yark, May 16, The stockholder of the-Llagett Myera Tobacco Cnm- y win a uiwa 10 auinonie txi.ajs,- Am Sm Pf A. 88,, Am Smelt B 93 Am top m . A""il.V,Vf 62 nw ? ';1 m Mall -.., Baclno T ft t jn?? Beorla ft i;a8t "", RiT "!. w R,77 Blerce-Ar nf.' T Sl.taaftHLtt! n..K ;-": " - liaiu i-y ' i mntf i.u" ne" cor. i 1 im & Ohio Pf 55 Rrndltiir Htnf 11 "?Wl &'!"" ljr". -'---- .n. Cm lathpf.10- ekl t, Alton.. llenlZim . . Ily Stl Sug pf 9V Saxon t,Jll 2'. Chi & Alton.. gaxon, Motor. 7 - I' M Iirew -. r.rara lflil .. i..,.tTAv nf.100 ' H lit Pj. P ft B 2d Pf. 4214 Com Tab !" Miatt Ariz., 1714 ;:r ; e, iy '' "K HtV . 28 K llf -S7 con in -" j; - - ?j ' ,r.... gi "pre't" ? . a a-b)5o,srrf .it liei v-" Den ft H Bet Kdlson 5 Texas Co ,,: !,, ,,a ti, ...z -;" ' Tlet Kaiaon. .2, Ji. i'(u prr. 04 KlVo Btr Bat. 68J4 Tran WmE,.. Vo vrtm "a nf... -' ."" t-y It. 4u P-'r iVpt... "?- Type.Jool; am Chem Oen Cigar .155 81 United Ry nv 17V H Iln Typen ?y,uLy '.7 K2 5L?n.. lf I ; riaar pr. 's on a Pn.. il! Oen 4'"r v' m ,BU Un c. a, ''.ii'a Gen Motors p. Un g-- " 1J...0, Homeatak M. " in. Arr of.,. Iowa Cent jewel Tea,, c JJ-J f, U,h' W, l !Sn. - nif iu h mty Imp If u (f.rclk,.'vdCn, J .?'. . Manhat Kiev. U R It lat t)f.lox, on. of. .. to United Krult.l24C II H r: I T ,r a , " KB.J,n,lA'M if., TSent nf.lOIU vln n.. Miy Pt BJ. "K w.Vn hK tj Max Pt Pf..! Wells-Kargo. i Mich cent .. Mont Pr. . . . 6H Mo K T pf Mor Kiui. t Jf 8tP B8M H at Asm , at ,.., !H Varan. ,,, WeatlnghouM n orf ( Wh'l ft I.E pf White Mo;.. u wiily..o pref Soij Woofworth ..III WdrOaM WhMU Yeat Open lllah Low Clon clo.e N 411 S 27 8 20 8 3.1 8 30 B H.-. S 37 S.30 H.4I H.4J ..",l ... K .1.1 N.A7 h .10 M 111 S 113 M..12 H.70 H.I19 K (111 s.7n g.7.1 8.71 8 8.' .. . lie nearer the true alue. The local spot market continues quiet and uncnangeu. July September lie, ember January . February March . April . . DIVIDENDS DECLARED Federal Mining and Smeltlns Company, resular ouarterly of 14 per cent on pre ferred, payable June 15 to atock of record DavlY Daly, Initial dividend of fifty renta a ahare, payable June 29 to atock ot record Juna 8. illttenliouaa Truat Company, resular aeml annual of 24 per cent, payable Juna 10. Holar IteOnlns Company, regular aeml annual of 1.1 a ahare, payable from 1U1S earnlnsa un Juna 2U to atock of record May 81. Cudahy racklns Company, rrtular quar terly of 14 per cent on common, payable Juna 13 to atock of record June A. Acme Tea Company, resular quarterly of 11.73 per ahare on ftrat preferred, pay able June 1 aa reglatered May 20. Ilrltlen-Amerlcan Tobacco Company, an Interim dividend of per rent, free of lirltlih tax. on the ordinary eharea. Philadelphia lSlectrlo Company, rerular quarterly of Is, per cent, payable Juna IS aa reslatered May 22. Hooka do not cloa. Weetlnshouae. Church. Kerr 4k Co.. quar terly of 14 per cent on preferred and Hi per cent on common, both payable June 10 to atock of record June 1. Charge Unfair Trade Practices Washington, May 16. Complaints against the Ironlte Company, ot Chicago, tho Master Builders' Company of Cleve. land and the United Products Company of Chicago, alleging unfair methods ot competition, have been Issued by the Federal Trade, Commission. Ohio Oil Company Pays-Extra riadlay. o.. May 16 The Ohio Oil Company today declared the uaUal quar terly dividend of $1-26 a share and etn extra dividend of $4,75 a share, both COTTON PRICES DROP ON ACTIVE REALIZING Operators Apparently Believe Prircs Have Gone High Enough and Unload COTTON lll'.l.T MKXTHKIt f OMHTIONS New Vork. Ma 10. The follcmlnx lent perntiirea ,ere rrrorilfd In the cotton belt IliU PKirnlnsi , , I'ort Htultli end Knnillle, not nkli linma, l.'ltle llnck und Atlanta. Oil Mireie liori. lrk(,lnra. 11on1aonier . 4'lit.ltm (Miau. Nsali, ille. AiiKtiatu. Tliomaatllle. hinnnniili. Wllmlneton hc,I Tsmte-. 6I1 Ahlleer. 'lemplile. .iierliiinn nun .iiaeon. not rriiarnlu ntitl I hnrleton. SSl ew Orietin, and JaekMin.llle. 70. und Corpu ChrUtl nnd iul'eton. 74. ... There wee ,0i Inch of preelnltatlon nt Atlanta. .00 -t AuxiiMtu and llmlnxtnn. ,0t nt Thomaa.llle and .20 nt Hatutinah. New York, May 10 In sharp contrast with the declines of tho pretlous two sessions, the cotton market today scored net adwinces of 25 to 68 points. At times there was n lery strong tone, caused mainly by talk of peace and reports of unfatorablo crop conditions In lb" eastern belt, but nctlic realizing and selling by some bears operators, who apparently believed that prices had gone high enough, caused a drop of about 50 points from tho top. Reports of an linproted demand for low grades and the appearance of a little trade buying helped the early ad fnnre,. Another factor was the strength of New Orleans, which led t arbitrage buying here by houses with rsew Orleans connections On the whole, howeier, tho ndvance seemed to reflect the technical position and ufter showing net gains ot noout 38 to 46 points, the market turned a shado easier with later nuctuanons Irregular. The bulk of the bulng on tho early advance was attributed to covering, and while the more urgent demand appeared to have been supplied, local brokers said there mutt still be a lafge short In terest outstanding. ' The weather was considered lery fa vorable all through the belt. Including seasonable temperatures everywhere. May July October .. December January . Ytaterday'a ClOB" lo.e Open lllah t.ow f.ast 2S.03 21.7H 2S.4H 2.1.78 21.00 2R.30 2.1.75 2.1 SO 23.4S 24.10 24.40 24.0J 24.21 24.24 24.54 24. (HI 24.17 21.41 4 SO 4.30 : 1.17 I. Ml 4.33 11.35 Liverpool Cotton ii....i Uiv 16. Snot cotton was quiet today with prices weak at a de cline of 16 points for middling, old contract.' at 21.66d. The sales were 2000 bales. The receipts were 1000 bales, none American. Futures were steady In tho early dealings. Old contracts, yppt 5 rices, were I American, middling fair. .2 76d: good middling. 23.07d; middling, 21.66d: low middling. 21.02d; good ordi nary, 20.02d; ordinary, 19.60d. Cotton Buyers and Sellers New York, May 16 May-Hartoorn July brooks. Rountree and Segal bid; Kelffer. Hubbard, Lester. Schley, Weirlt. Hagedorn and Rusaell offered. October Mitchell. Hubbard and Young bid; Hyman. Downs, (Jumeoni, .. .ri Watklna offered. December Nixon, Mitchell. Hartcorn and Hegal bid; Hagedorn, Montgomery W.X?" Sft..,. -.,. .; ..a BUSINESS IS SMALL IN W CORN MARKET Uneasiness Among .Shorts Leads lo Fairly Good Cov ering Movement :hin niii.T e.thi:k ioukcast riilraso. Mm in. Illinois nnd Ml.aonrl rlr tonlalit nnd prohnbly Friday, V) lronin Kolr tonlxliti rrldoy partly rloii.l., Mlnne.oe 1 In.ellleil tonlsht nnd Fri (Inv. proloilib ehoiieri, Iohb (jeiiersllr. fair and continued iinriii tonlehtl tlday un.etlle.l- i.i.i!'.,t-i,i?..,",','5,",bl,r howera to nlcht ami 1-rlday, cooler. lii?."lh. I.,,nt,' t'naettled nd cooler la. nlrht and Friday. and jv'lda" ,'ro'",b,'' shelters tool, lit rln'od"."""- l'"W ,onl,,,, 1'rlday partly .i.iP.n,."lk r'.'V1 'omln I'ntettlrd ' -mi rnuai, ta- CIiIcbko, May 16, Business was much smaller In volume In the corn market today. There was a rcarclty of offerings In the early dealings and the tone was strong, with scattered commission houses buying. it was estimated that the receipts would be small, probably reventy cars, and this caused som uneasiness among shorts and led to n fairly it-md coverlnit movement. The cash market, which "honed a quiet deposition, dhqilaytd ,. strong tone. May opined nt $1.27!,. which was tho highest, and .closed at $1.27, bid. the lowest, unchanged. July htarted at $1.43H ; the high was $1.44i ; the low, $1.44'4 ; the close, $1.41!4ifi 1,414. com pared with $1.4314 yesterday. The market for oats generally moved In sympathy with corn. Although bust, ness was light, a scattered demand In the early dealings held prices fairly steady. When the decline In corn started, pit traders offered oats down with an Increased lolume of trading In evidence. May opened nt 76?,c. went to 76Sa and then dropped to 75!4c. The c!oie wbb 7575Hc. compared with 750 yesterday. The start on July was 67c. Tho high was 67tfc, tho low 65Hc and the llnal. G5J 065T.C, compared with 66?c yesterday, Iadlm future, ranted aa folio 1; corn (new delliery) Yta'dav-, Open lllah txw Cloaa cloae May .... I.27i 1.27 1.2H.127i I 27i July .... 1.I3H 1.44H 1.41(4 1.411 lis-, Oata 1mv .... tit VltU ?K1' ,-' .... July .... 00i 07'i 63S 03 l'al Ird- July ....21.81 Mept. ...23.23 Itlba July ..,.23 aro Sept. ...23.B3 Pork May ....42.5.1 July ....43.15 Did. tAaked. 23.40 23 42 23.90 42.5.1 43.40 !4..12 .24.B0 :4.7 24.97 22,80 22.SI1 23.90 23.30 42.41 42 00 42,13 M2.13 24.110 25.20 2.1.80 23.80 42.53 43.16 RAILROAD EARNINGS NEW onr.EANH, TEXAS' AND MEXICO 1017 Operatlnv revenue ., in, net, 220 Net oper. revenue, 2,4S7.ihi.i Other 1 nrome 803.&D2 Uruaa Income ,. 2.487.8X1 WA11AB1I ItAIIAYAr Year ended December XI 1917 Operat. revenue $40.471, sts Net after taxe.a. 10.543.822 Hlrosa Income,,,.,.,, 11,115,009 lircreaae. Inereaaa :ao. sot S7S.80J 207.507 413,071 I2,730.SBI l,127.BSf 1.063.531 Refined Sugar Unchanged New York, Atay i. itenned au re uncnangeu at, i.stc. TM" ana me NiiWMi.t are t(3 :ift -' M 4IU . -----' -- r . - -mi- J... a, M