HS ;.-" h r l. ly Unconscious on ktwer at Noon ? .Recess ITY QUESTIONED erl Pending Result of ysician's Exam ination ft Clltraao. MftV 16. alley, ope of the I. vr. W. de , Jcollansed during ttie trial conwanlona In Jail told 41a that for sonic time he had J Of hla head, and tho Judge trial while lie eeni lor a ;to examine lilm for vanity. Mra an organizer of the .erl- t Workers" Industrial Union. He F'WhB-BtandlnK Illness, which nf- lttlm repeatedly since the trial , ;when a recess vvaa declared at lwas reported to the Judge that 'ttra defendants was lying on the C floor under a bench. Brw.ii' found to be almost uncoti- FiWtaJallmatea said that for sev- he had been acting uueerly, write with matchea and com- that hla head hurt. I number of letters form the 'of the prosecution a cane. II. da waa called to Identify the of Albert D. l'rashner. The i Admitted that Prashner waa the 'however, and Jloundx waa not atand. er worked as Hn organlier for JW. W. In various communities concerning- hla irouuics. Jie to build un the organliatlon 'the automobile factories In De nt with little success. from oils he wrote about the dlfll- rholdlnis tho I. W. W. member- ' line. He complained In one If. .. ... lutlonary principles are . not nough Imbedded In our members land the concerted efforts to 400 '(the agricultural workers' something was done he pre- membership would melt away pld1y than It nail been built up. M town i'rasnner wrote ne nau arned by the mayor and chief of not to start anything. rfcflt of all this." ho wrote, "we ahead." FEDERATION "WET" 5 F cicgui9 ll.J.t.i a tuuiui- Indorse Woman suffrage rati. !., 31ay 16. The Penn ffederation of Labor In con- it here today oted unanimously ronibition and or woman sui me of the delegates gasped M Federal aunrag amenamem ced before the body, but not a la & waa rtamt niralnil it rejection of the prohibition mem, toe aeiegates Drone imo and It was some time before Hid be restored. 2R MEN HOLD )NVENTIONS AT SHORE i '.' . . - . ,.lannen and utners tuctunge bvi.. t?..... .. ..e tt. J"' u" " "'c I y Trade itle rttr. May Hi. Phlladel- ' nrd nlavlnir leading oarts today I annual convention of the Amerl- ther Chemists Association, in al Association of Tanners and tilled organizations cf the leathei jr at the Traymort. re the chemists' association. C. gfell. or Philadelphia, president, I to the formation of the Society her Traders' Chem'sts. said: the war has nrogrsxrt and re. Snore and more the barbaric tend- fiat the uerman uovernment. It some Increasingly evident to tne : chemlsta of the Allied 'nations tare amicable relations w'.th the a In the International Assor'a- leather Trades' Chemists Is Im- r BDDreclat'on cf the ImDortant lien applied chemistry occunles Industry has heen emnhaslreo. Ilk war. The only way to obtain oi anmiy is in pay mem sucn ' will attract men of sound Mi and training to the lrathre If this la not done other Indus 411 take the men with brains pom ua and we can hne what l Ivtkllf!VA th fnrinfv tn lh industry is to pay plant chem lrely too small salaries " 1,'C. Email, of Philadelphia, for Mataent or tne Morocco Manurac FAaaoclatlon and now chief of I In atner control board, proposed a rrcsiaeni wnson in a joint of tha chemists and tanners ndred men sprang to their feet la of acclamation. re the tanners thts mornlpg jjen jtogers rata tnat i:s srad- tne Tanners institute nau en country a service. )N NAMES JUSTICES t Atiociate of DUlricl Supreme . (T Court Appointed ilea,. May 10. The following as were sent to the Senate to- Chief Justice Supreme Court, i;oiumoia waiter J, siccoy, rsev. r.Aasoclata Justice of the Su- urt, District of Columbia ennlngs Bailey, of Nashville, i United Rtates Attorney Thos. p3r vl iirmiiun, ivy., eastern ?f .Kentucky, a reappointment. unuea mates Marshals Henry i oi iciroit, eastern aistrict ot i; John B. P. It. -Wilson., of Port l. district of Maine, a reannnlnt. rUiur P. Carpenter. Rutland, oi Vermont, a reappointment. ARREST DAMAGES !. Loflattire Will Approve Dry" Amendment Pennsylvania will ratify the Kederal prohibition amendment when the legis lature meets next January, according to tr. Homer W. Tope, superintendent of the Philadelphia district of the Antl Kaloon league, who has Just returned from a tour of the state. Dr. Tope de clared that when the people cut off the saloons In America "they will paralyse the right arm of tho Kaiser and stop his propaganda In this country." "Pennsylvania will be one df the thlr-ty-alx to ratify." raid Dr. Tope. "It will pass the reroiutloil the first thing by a majority In House and Senate. Then more good legislation will be enacted In Pennsylvania In 1919 than In tne last twenty-five years. It will stop po litical dickering at the capltol and Pennsylvania will produce more states men In the next twenty-five years than In nil her history. First, settle the liquor question, nnd It wilt help to solve the war problem. PRESBYTERIANS HEAR STIRRING WAR SPEECH Democracy Musi Win or Per ish, Says the Rev. Dr. Chap man, Retiring Moderator AWWKtmCTTrtUPW r H1PF OF TTTY BI r if, , " ' j'v . " ; r " v K i -- 1 iUfc CnlumlMia, O., May 1C. "The church must have a great bap tism of the Spirit of Jesus" said the Utv. Dr. J Wilbur Chapman, tetlrlng moderator, lit the opening seslon of the General Assembly of tho Presbyterian. Church, North, today. The ('htirc'i Is not Methodist. Hip tlst, l.'plscopal, I'resbjterlan." raid Dr. Chapman. "It Is the body of Christ. I am quite sure there lire sonic great denominations which ought to be merged. Surely there can bo no reason In the world why all Presbyterian anil Reformed bodies should not be united." With reference to the war, Doctor Chapmnri said: "This Is a. real union of nations. S let us keep rank In our devotion to Christ, In our determination to win this war. For we must win It If It costs our last dollar and calls for our last men. The fate of t'.ie world for decades to come Is hanging In the balance. The war must not end until victory of thi Allies over Germany Is accomplished, for democrncy has no choice. It must win or It must perish." A national service commission was appointed by the assembly a year ago. Doctor Chapman toured tne country in connection with the work. Thirty-four men were sent to towns and cities contiguous to cantonments. Thero was no exploitation of Presby teranlsm, nor any emphasis upon denom inational propaganda In the camp work. So far as possible the forces were co ordinated with other spiritual agencies. Other denominational war tervlco commissions ncted on tho mnic prin ciple. Congregational, Episcopalian, Baptist, Methodist, Iteformed und Lu theran Churches co-operuted with Pres byterians. Another topic to engage tlie nttentlon of the general assembly Is the progress of the ministerial relief fund toward Its $10,000,000 endowment. The annual re port will show considerably more than $4,000,000 worth of property and securl tics and receipts last year of M12.000. r" i Z-. ii mi mi ' i 1 i BHHHHflCflvwLVaWaflLkfliSBcViPi l Hi -B r"'""viJ9La&Hfl H inlaJgrWgMlaB frJ'LridHBl fHlHflHif "'WB H i lCrW juHBHXk'l JjhiEMKSattxMiaKjlL -T2?in; Vjaaiki JUt' S9pa " MpSBPnMMs Hr3SjKa iaSwS?BjHarl i i taBata6BL2FKPULM I KiLViViHJLViVHHaHBBRf vHaViViVHEallMnaanl fex BW'i F". 'f aJTBa.El.U: ?- 'T.t 4, ,c-4e IWHW OIK ni HM 1 IIM NRII. i.t . M...M a t nAwmrk C"nntfi; rWutlon calla.for a census NATIONS MAN-POWER rife ! - Presses Resolution T h a t Would Utilize. All Between 18 and 15 NEEDED TO WIN WAR which would turn the entire man-power of the nation to war work, either In.the minefield or )n the fields und Industrial shops at home. A rouncll, composed of tlin Cahlnet officers and provost Marshal Uenral I louder Would he rstnnllslieit in irnrt: out plans for the mobilization. The first stiii would be n complete census of Ihe number of men now available for mili tary service. Tho next step would be mi Prctlii'U 1-ong Conflict, Which .Must Destroy Military Mriitit'c When Max M)crs took up lii ilulirs toilay m rlilef of lln llurcni of Weights ami Mrnuircs lie fotinil his offiic at Ilroail anil Cherry flrecti profuecl) ileroralcil with llowcr, llie pift of friends PLANS TO CUT RED TAPE War Deparlment Would r.llniinale Unneceesary Courts-Murlial Uathlnglon. May 10. The War De parlment Is seeking to reduce nn much as possible the number of courts-martial In this country. Without desiring to let down on dis cipline or on punishment for Infraction of rules, officials are striving to nlm- pllfy the process so that the miles of red tape ami musses of turirsiiundincc tan bo eliminated It Is the department's ileilie that Hie preliminary Imt'ttlgnllns shall be more thorough In each ciixc and that. If pos sible, Bomo action shall be tal,en with out I'otirt-mnrllal. Colonel Davis, of the Juilge advo cate's office, has lecenlly rompkted a trip to most of the inntonnunls. In an effort to simplify and unify tho situation. ITALIAN MINISTERS QUIT Home, May 1C Two cabinet mem bers, (ieneral Dullollo, Mlnlitor of Mu nitions, and Hlifnor IIImkIiI, Minister of Transport. Iiavo rislgncd their port folios. Senator (Ilovnnnl Villa has been ap pointed. Minister of Transport. The Minister of War will lake charge of the Ministry of Munitions loi tho tlmo being. s.lilnnloii. May 10. Predating a long war. Senator Cum- mini, nf town, today urged tho Senate to act qu'ckly upon his resolution, whlili would pnivlilH for complete mohlllsi- tlnn of the entire manpower of tho Unit id Hlatis to war work. Senator Cummins declared that Hie rumored plan of nllow lug the President tho right to determine) the slr-e nf the army of the United Stales would be a, grave error "Whatever may have been our former view with repect to n speedy termina tion of hostilities It Is now reasonably coitaln that we have beforn us n long mil cvrrn struggle," Senator Cunimlni said "It Is not enough to drive tho Kalrcr from power We must destroy forever the military menace of that nation. "We will nil agree that In this crisis every man In the United States ought to ha doing the thing which will most con tribute to our strength in tlin war, und If he docs not du that thing our hope ot winning Is to that lAtcnt Impair! d My preposition Is that ivery able-bodied man In this country between the ages of eighteen and forty-five must cither work In a useful way or fight. "As oniinaniler-ln-chlef the President shoulJ have nothing to ik with raising armies. Tho Constitution ests tills power In Congress. It will be most un fortunate If we arc led or coerced Into a mistake in this regard. "Our duty Is to put an army In the WZME set r loea 'COTHI jpaNWN wrta out crlppllnc the Industry. k Provision Is also made to determine the number of men' who are engaged In Industries and businesses which arc not esentlal to the prosecution or the war. It Is also provided by the resolution that there shall be a census of men who are not rmplovnl This would Include men who are living on their Incomes or who ure supported without effort. These men would be listed as fitted for war service ami the lesolutloii would provldo a plan to give them work to do. MOTOR TRUCK EXPRESS Hauling Miscellaneous Freight Daily Between New York Philadelphia Baltimore Reading Washington. Easton, Pa. Allentown, Pa. Bethlehem, Pa. SHIPMENTS TRANSFERRIN At New York for mtnoKi.TM. iionoKF.N, ji:usr.r citt. nkw. ii new torn ror A1,. rolNTH IN CONNECTICUT. MASSACHU- HIITTH. nilOtli: 1.MI..VND. . RECEIVING STATIONS NEW YORK Cor. I)c- and WashitiRton Streets PHILADELPHIA B25 Market Street BALTIMORE 20 East Pratt Street READING 12 North Cth Street EASTON Ferry and Sitgrcavcs Streets BEAM-FLETCHER CORPORATION m-.w nvri: carhs was nmvKnr rol'LAIt 6100 ' - " tttmtwiwwwttttwi.wwv.TTOn DAY MOTOR FREIGHT NIGHT SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA Efficient Overnight Service Ratet Low 70c per Receiving Station 100 to lbs. Receiving Station A New Departure in Motor Truck Delivery 0BERH0LTZER PHILA. & NEW YORK EXPRESS CO., Inc. MAIN OFFICE, 2G11-29 N. REESE ST.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Lews Suit Aialmt FaBee Oficer Way II. A Jury In ramtarea a verdict laac in an action br llanrarat W. Jama L ninUv. HtHHerford claimed 't- - aaniaanr or Jraprlv arrested Mr " la riCheltnham ria ea (aaea voaara.- iw; IknSt &- 1'? Mrs. Oaad wav-re- s . v . .v "Ifi .5" rem awenals WAR TALE CIRCULATED BY ENEMY IS "NAILED" 7biipered Rnmor of Secret Hospital Horrors Exposed is German Lie Another (Herman propaganda lie circu lated In the downtown section of the city, was nailed today. The story was to the effect that the parents of two younr men In the army, from whom they have not heard for several months, were surprised recently when a blc tour ing car drove up in front of their home and a man In the car asked them If they would like to see one of their sons. He told the parents that he couldn't take both of them, so the father decided to bo. the story Roes. After he had traveled In the macilnc for three or four hours. tas the propa gandists, who are circulating the rumor the father waa blindfolded and driven another three hours. Then he was taken Into a big room, which turned out to be a hospital, and shown his sou, with both legs cut off. The room was filled with cripples, the story added. All of which Is a lie. SOUTHERN METHODISTS FAVOR CHURCH UNION General Conference Unanimously Adopts Report on Subject Newly Elected Bithop Declines Position Atlanta. Hi.. May 16. Unification of all southern and northern churches was recommended nere tooay at tne opening session of the Methodist Kplscopal Gen eral Conference, when a committee re port on tne suDieci was unanimously adopted. I'l, St. ... . (.,.(. .fc". .b.u u.o.i.,.. declined to accept that porltlon, claiming III heaiin. F. S. Parker. New Orleans, was re elected secretary of the Kpnorth League and H. A. Boaz, Polytechnic, Tex., was elected secretary ot tne cnurcn Doaro extension. By a vote of 192 to 71 the conference voted to call a special session of the Methodist Church Huuth, providing the Joint southern and northern commissions on unlrtcatlon reached an agreement prior to the general conference of the Methodist Kplacopal North, which meets in io:o. SHIPBUILDERS WALK OUT Ilaltlmore. May 16. About 1000 ship builders who walked out ot the Bethle hem Nteel Company's plant at Sparrow's Point late yesterday, met this afternoon to discuss their grievances and repeated the assertion that they were not striking. The men assert thatthey cult work to await an adjustment o' hours of work and a bonus system. Work at the plant has already been seriously delayed by the walkout. J? I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr P KKSfwK!eWW9 T4TBMbWbHHbBbBbKL"LtbB' L''''Tv.'rQ&Kt'ftJV- V T " SBBMBBbSbWL " B-B--tiW if MbT BJj Wafc f 1 ! U E -jtwiA-y i i ..mn.-ammmwr-mmm. IISEM, . f VSJBT V&yfJPTV tBXBBSVAffVSaBmfWaBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ I'vI'VaT m.V)TV7' lMlBBBBEF'BTBTBBBBHBTr Q s I'tlll.A. FKUIOIIT STATION SV.W YOItK FMKIOIIT STATION I81I-2B K, lteeie St. 15S-50 W. 15IU rhonetl Kens. llSB. Tark HI. rhonei l'AltUAHUT tum'Mtttumnu.f.muti.mf.ytny f S10 I X107 HHnnli,! Lrtt ... tfralni"bf W. I -?- AV inariiTT itim iood-by to nair vN v'- jyntmtt la more thin a scalp con. iihw. iv mvrsiir smoiners tne L ut r eveatuallr brlnas bal of the haFr roots n4 inn Da.iuiiM- nm -B? TirsDtcd to, clean us 'ft Wild. f root ta TJrantfd to clno ui d DBorl It clnac. aoftna anil mmwmmm ib acaip ana HiinuiiM tM kalf o normal btalthy arewlh. - . JeZ.ELZeZaL'ZE 2r r 1 fW:4 A Drastic Freight Embargo Went Into Effect Yesterday i What Does It Mean to You? Owners possessing Motor Truck and Trailer equipment experienced little or no inconven ience when the limited zone embargo went into effect a short time ago. They are fully prepared to cope with the new situation and maintain a definite delivery schedule within the specified area. THE-WONDER TRUCKS AT HOG ISLAND TIIF. SF.I.FCTWN OF TUB EMEBGKNCY FI.KET CORP. icion Trucks nrttr th. real VilliJL'. for YOUR hulln problems, too. Utmoi stratloa at our convenience. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ACASON MOTOR TRUCK SALES CO. 48JS nriOWN STREET Phone.. Del. I0SI. Weil M TROY TRAILERS INCREASE MOTOR TRUCK EFFICIENCY TRUXTUN If it'a economy you're after, Truxtun will interest you. For Truxtun means a saving' in money, time and upkeep. It costs about the same as .one good , VuM team and does the work of tkn$. Truxton VA and. 2 too. iWrHe for our ljtarature. TWXTUN SALES JCO. Wednesday, May 15th marked the beginning of more serious limitations on railroad freight facilities for general shipments. Within a radius of 1 50 miles Motor Trucks and Trailers not only assure an efficient system of delivery, but show immediate divi dends on the investment. We dealers each have a fund of up-to-the-minute facts and figures which will prove of value to you. And we are ready to analyze yo.ur immediate individual problems. IjKotciYv You'll And lm the Master Truck those same units of construction that are Included In the highest priced trucks In America but at a . moderate price. Add to this th wmbu ...ln.l.u fmmt li.lll.. Mnrf you have tha best truck value ob tainable, regardless of price. "M'l, St;'! Ttmm Immodimlm Delivery I tragi oygrJiftLjlftl (V JE. VW . ligMfWF wy The Denby INTERNAL GEAR Puts the pover where it does most good and makes e nb y Motor Trucks economical, AM.1 J.MhJ.11. I ... I- nil wycimmuw 1 THE INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK Is backed bv a $70,000,000.00 Cor IKiration with TO years of manufac turing experience, n service orpanl ration with SO direct t'omnanv nrnnchea and thousands cyf local distributors, Think what this means to an ovv ner. 7 Model; Price Ranging From $1450 to $2550 International 'Harvester Co. OF AMKKIC'A Factory Itranrh and Hrrilre Slallon 211.13 North 22d Street "YOU CAN PULL MORE Than YOU CAN CARRY" TROYTRAILERCO. 5 N. 211 STIEET DIAMOND T TRUCKS Vaqaestlontblr th flaest eon strutted Truck oa th market I IV . caa aaltklr canvlae 7t " ' At !, prompt delTrla. EWrtMottrTrockCo.be. riiiiiiLrm niimuiiiaiuminiuj:iii!i;iuJi,t;n;:i;aiUU:Tija::un:nLrr::niii:if!:iiii!)jnrjiLnnftBi!Lni:i:nj:!i:,,r.:r LMiiiniNnjn:t;,u:in,i!!iN:i:u':a:nT:!;i!E:T;:!iic.r;iLri:uiiL raji;uirTj3tii "ASK FOR MR. SMOLENS" Tor prompt and efficient servhe on jour shipment blnii NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA Daily Service Both Ways Shipper io Consignee Direct IMIII.AIIKI.riHA M1W OUK .-, erlh Frniit hi. t'u t'anal M. Market 2201'. Main 118 Sprlns 326 New York and Philadelphia Auto Trucking Co., Inc. Membrra 1'lilla. C'liamher of Commerce, Mrrrbants' A'n rf .New Yerh t;uni;niimul.UiLIUi;irJi:nm.JuU,iH;unm-aiiJi::m'iU:i..iiii:ii yntiiii i:u;.i..u.i julTUi)MiiLjiiiui.:iiijiijiiu..Ljjiii.t.Miiii.iu.nM:i.imiiw;a.MiiiuiuuHaaiiM.mmaTaj CTOK23sK3rC!S2S33 1 A -MXTriT TXTr TXTn Daily Motor Freight Service iiktwi:i:n COATESVILLE LANCASTER HARRISBURG AND PHILADELPHIA Shipments Will Now Be Received Hilpper In above ilttrs please ndtlne us ot Inter-rfty shlpnient. M Trucks for General Hauling Purposes : Packard Equipment X MOORE'S MOTOR FREIGHT SERVICE W, m t f Ca I'linn. IL.sh.t rvl a. . w Front and caiiownui aw. rsVsi rnnadeiphia mmKsmnwummim INTER-CITY MOTOR TRANSPORTATION CO. Inc. New York and Intermediate Points 80C--I00 IbS. ''",ll!" ran m-ivnBBii 1'ierr loaded van srulril iiml fullv rovered by maximum Insurance. J.very iuu II.MI.Y HIMIVM'I. v.Ve requeot Inqulrlen for cuntrurt or day nerrlce. I'lllLAIHM-l'IIIA NMV YORK rimnv Lombard SSJ4 I'lion llroad SO? LOUIS KARSTAEDT. Pres.. Member Philn. Chnmbcr of Commerce QMiiiBiimaMiiiiiiiiMiiii'.iiiiriiaiiiiMiPBi : ANMiti.M'iMi Tin: i:ti:xsion of our iiaii.y motoii i:xriti;ss i::: ::,rt snitvici: to .:.: WILMINGTON, DEL. V ADDITION TO OlIB lir.dlH.AK IIAII.Y AlMtYlt'I! TO :j.- ii CHESTER, MEDIA AND DELAWARE CO. POINTS i ' Khlnmenta Ileeclved Before Noon Delivered Same Pay :': i: nm MlMrTTiM CUIPPPDC P"t our rush ahlpnienta for I'hlla. Ir our :' t WlUVliriljlUIl OnlrrtKa oare. Prompt attention to all orders. ft. DELAWARE COUNTY AUTO TRUCK SERVICE ;!; Vf BIT T.I NG BROS. iijfe :; l'llll.VDIM.I'lll V Itllcr.lVlMi '' "'?.-" ,a.viiai;T nrilKKT riiohes: Key., Main 30CG; Dell, ljmnaru.iuij Night Phone: Media 94 W :' TRUCKING TO NEW YORK Iterular iulch delivery for y&ur freight from Philadel phia to New York 5-ton cov ered auto trucks reaxonable rates, Ircludlng Insurance. Apply Welsbach Co , fllou icster, N. J.. Traffic DepU LIB MOTOR FREIGHT .,,, (NEW YORK and sbyiceJphilaDELPHIA Hen Wblt n4 Pirre-Arrow Tntelia .. lluU mnA .I-IIva a hmIiih In IBB CltV. HK1cr A T C motor rKElOHT HINSDALE. COBI'ORATIOX RECEIVING STATIONS 419 Markat Slraat rtlONK TIOOA Mf J TV TATION WALKED HAKAGER TRANS CLAP GENERAL Careful llaudllnc Quick 8er"lt Lone-DUtanc. HAULIN1 "Hn trial tail what Ik 1 . - a.-! It. eatltfactlon vqarantetd In f-rv rn-cf ncnsinvion wi rmtm OQ19 i LIBERTY TRANSPORTATION CC tOS WEST ALLEGHENY AVE. itr ALL ABOARD FORI NEW YORK Motor Trurk Hrvlro Pally fr lI.IIai1atlnltlav Hlinnna. Sfriontl Suptrvliton on all PeHvarUa,! SpreUl TUtea on Full Ioadf. Conaljrn-I Incnis (O pninia wim iiureiiugr uf Winston Trucking Co.. Ibc 164 Market St rhon 1105 Market. Newark. N. J, I MOTOR ( L0CAL TRUCK G HAULING I DISTANCE WEIERMANI TRANSPORTATION d MOTOR TRUCK SERVIl Ha-liif of ail klnit. PrestM '0n Dtlawar At, and Ga Phone Market ms. Main J 01 W Ovarcomc H.T0 a-TOX aiWTOB " Jl J I ji. 9, L. rnuiuK tu ?. ... awMaeaaajaM .f LT .T."" &- .J yftififriTp