-TTT7I4 V.-.--H Em. ,. fl trvlcra I I bus J n nfip, SPtosrKi,KS imi 1 1a afl .."2.1 JicvV' CITHS PLACED I ON SUGAR RATION PACKING MAIL FOR AERO DELIVERY swasrwY theaut OMA1TC1remen , r'liary Consumer Not, ' Hit, But Canning Sup i ply Is Limited , High Pitch Production When every branch of national production is strained to the ut most, you must take nochanccs. Protect your plant against fire anil prevent interruption to business by equipping your bulldlnr; with Globe , 6prinklers. They pay for themselves. GLOBE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CO. (OSS WASHINGTON AVE. DlrMnunn 431 MANUFACTURERS CUT .sssBtISh???! l (l5prinUfri .- WAR CHEST SHARE FOR BOY SCOUTS as 1 fhllnrlctplila went on sucar rations to day. i This iIom not brine; hardship to the rmall conumr. It Is i measure primar ily for the limitation of the eugir used by manufacturers. I Dut housewives rettulrltiR more .than Ave pounds of FtiRar and needed for can- i nine must slrn n ttic.r certificate at the crocer'a HiilIi a card allows them tn obtain tucntj-flve pounds of sujar at one time. In Illllne out th certificate the con- t turner must declare the sucar will he until only for horns piesonlne and that no sugar will he nrdeierl from any Miuto In excess of the requirements for that nuniT-r. The miantltv of aucir on hand must he stated and the amount , ft in carmine and weserv nr ilurlnc I inun he chen Helium fin ofi a.ui T.vnoo manufac ture! r ol foodstuffs In this State who use surar hi their Industries nvit take 1VT 1 TT 1 -mm 1-, u" "K"r "1 UIPIT inUUSlllCS tlVlt UlhC INeetl JHeln 111 JMOIICV JJC- oul 1( ''"' ndmlnlMratlon"a latlonhiK 1 . certificates or thcyvWIl be unable tu cause oi threat increase j"h "-""" I The food administration has sent In in Antivitine structlins to all riflnem and wholesalers -ttt r INBOUND FREIGHT UNDER EMBARGO Z3L "BLOODY nFTH" DATE SET .. AritfUMii !-, Murder Conspiracy Cases to Be Tried Week of August 0 . Th Fifth Ward murder election eases, which were ordered to be tried In I ' cnrsiDLfASB BECOME PRODUCTIVE .. Chester County hy the Supreme Court on . PntrTnlcfn fnr Tmnrnvemenli War Reeulations to Re eve "n application for a charm, of venue. lotyiakcnior, implements c will begin at West Chester the wreK or Congestion and Speed Shipments FOODSTUFFS Will Be Mnrle to Bring in Big Revenue August Sfi. This was definitely decided when District Attorney Ttotnn. James I day Oordon. Jr.. nnd Josenh Taulane, Assistant District Attorneys', and Wll- . . Iln... rl.fiw . f.t.1... U'llllum nntlor. I Jr.. Juilge Hause and District Attorney ' According to the records of the re EXCEPTED wlc. .orsanlzed real estate dlxlslon of the District Attorney itotan said tnat, nureau of City rroperty. many plots representing, the Commonwealth, he was tnkfn for publ)c but ns , umeeIoped eager for an early trial and suKKCstcd ... i . j . ., that If next week was possible he was i ' I'roxements. will be made to pay the ready to co to trial In this he was city hand-ome revenue this jear. Joined by Mr. Oray. who represents the rl'p l,,ot" "", frni comp.iratUely ilefemlant!.. mirl r.tlie nf the. Plilladel- ?",l trnctH to sections a block In site. phla party wete In n similar frame of mind, but the Chester County Judces. A rtenenl embnrsn on IneomlnR frelcht for the duration of the war went Into effect today. 1 The new r-eulatlotis for this city nnd I Baltimore are dcilcnrd tn relieve the 1 congestion, thereby spcedln tip the l.li..nl .B.na n.i.l ,.( I , M I I n ti tltlll niuiiiriii ,i in"))" .iim iiniiiiifn.. . . - . ,,,. utllliliiB railroad terminals to their best after hearlnir the Mew, the visit nB ,.i V. tu. ..-.i,.in. ,i nv attorneys, explained that It seemed lm- In Kreat incisure wlth's peculation on PosHl.le to call an exti a session of court foodstuffs I1" Nlcw ot ,ho f"rt ,,,,lt ""' f'1""'5" The reRulatlnns roNern eat load do- ' Chester County, who In the main mesllc fre.Rht tra.l,P from all part, nf I '"''- '':"'?. "r . "?";" the country to freight station-, tram """ ".. ......,.- ...... .v ''""' . ' . . . ..... .. Kli r nil In it nimnn Ihem linti' Th -. iiniii n. Biiniiiii'ti hi ill ii""i tracks and prlate sidings In l'hlladel phla To Keep the tr.'n'portatlnn lines and terminals opn frr the use of the Ren (ral nubile It has been found lnineratle- ly neie-sary to co-ordinate to the full est po-slble extent the tall movement J with each eolslRiirr's rcmili fluents and 'ability promptly to make delivery of the ifrelRht upon arrival at the de'tlintlon Delinquent toiislRtires will not obtain peilnd decldtd upon Is the usual mid summer criminal term of court. AFTER CLEAN-UP SLACKERS Detail flRiirrs In reference to this revenue were tiled with Director Dalesman to day hv Chief Arthur, of the nureau of City Property, who. with the Director, effected the rcorRanlnatlon. The plot bounded by Tenth. Lombard, i:iVfr.th and Hodman streets, which Is eventually to be n modern recreation center, will yield In rentals thl year fiDll, vhleh Is far above the Interest charees on the money to he spent In the dsvelopniint of the plot eventually, and ample to cover all carryliiR charges of the property within this site. Aside from this, u pirlll to the city will be left. T lie pint at Front, Allen nnd Hope 'T-jsra Perry's! for thai Summer Si Knur.!. Iiunrrlnn Kiiwl Kvi. sticets will yield about $1218. Oround . ' , ' taken over by the city for the openliiR tlcnco of Ciirclc?nc?s Score, or clean-up slackers bad com- of Delaware avenue, from Falrmount avenue to Laurel street, will vleld DRIVE OPENS NEXT WEEK of rtiR.ir not tn i-l nny sucar tn manti raelurtr, who do not piodure a sugar certlrti. He The sworn statements mu-t show bow much sUKar Is needed ami the (Uantitv lued durliiR the pievlous yi a r. The Boy Scouts of America will have a corner In the War Chet. Government war demtnds, so great that the small membership fee which lias heretofore supported th- Nation il Council of the organization Is no longer sufficient to carry on the work all pver (fl l"t'.W.ooa K I !l'!er...nl A New York postal ilrrk it fliown filling one of the mail Imp, wliirh i I in; lirnuplit In I'hilailelpliia toil.15 liv airplane on it mi In Waliin; ton. Tlic rat c.i are twcntv-fniir tent, an ounce, fnr wlii.li .penal stamps bearing; that denomination arr being made I favorable consideration of applications Plaint, lodged against them todav h city ' - roumi taken for the open- for rillroadri., for r?rlnn Inspectors acting under Director Kru-en, Ing of Kenyon street In the twenty- .K'Tllr hehavvce's" &?" "P-""! of Health and Carl- second ward on which there are two I tie, of freight on hand at railroad ter-, lhf,, complaints were tiled with C,y pP ll V rr. .VreeJ tt' initials. TIM, will do away In n great Solicitor Connelly, who. becauro of their P ,,, ",-,. .ini -Manay- measure with the congestion on tallrnad ' number, has aslgned a special nsnlstant """' ' '" '"'' tr.ioi.a m.a ui,tiu . I) take eliarce of tbe work , The noueral embargo will cariv some ' The '"P-ln". "'''ll0''""1? pveptlons. among which are perishable .,;!,1!0al;,hVr:"epar,t,,,,e,t,ade,d I foodstuffs, coal, Government freight and 1 ,y irfctor Krusen, started yesterday rrelght for tallrnad use nnd certain war ' iimnilng and will cover the city before .Industries. All other ttalllc will be completion The first day's reports show handled onlv upon special permits cover- n laxity and carelessness seldom It ever lug eash Individual shipment. equaled here . ,.,.,. 1 The inoi Imnnri .1.1 inn nf the new During "Clean-up v eek" the an- I ,J, 1Z. ,,l V "' I , ,.nMirt nouncement was made that sla(keis who cgulatlon, that have been formulated fnl,C(, to lake ndvantage of the extra 1 limnm m nnnoirnn ' n nn inn mr nnnID rI n 1 mr ninrv rvn lr""' coiigesuon a, wen a, specui... rorC(, 0r n,bh h co lectors and the tin. ACTION IS APPROVED SOIL OF VALLEY FORGE PLEA FOR BIRD LIFE ,'i hWrrK rs1 ;W .isSnwis p2 penult liefnre the frctght w W allowed miel This arnliJr. Plrcclor Krusen .. i ri -i,t,x.,A,i Katfl tnd.iv. was dl.Mpe.irdpd bv iiihiiv ' llli ilin iat.t , . tt. n-. ... U.l TIlF .lllmltl hitrjttnn nf tlirt urn i.iren U ""." "" CJ?"lfc ""1 " ",l """ "iiik KENNY'S SHIBE PARK BLUE DEVILS TREAD PRESENT 'SANCTUARY mo country, necessitated a request from ,-xfll c r 1- . . irr i- t- t ti tr- vt o I n ! n .luuiiiiisiraiion ni nie einu.irKo 1, .,., r,i hv tbe onuri tn .lejn on nr n.v .t. ........ . ,M l " '" ' iMllls Snvs PiiIii-p l.iiriliiin Wna I' .nillnll: Ii-piii.i llernee View Airs. Si'lireiner Pimilc Prn. liamll..! 1... . ..... 1.. .i,..i .in,iio '""'"" nj ine lourt to 1 lean up nr pa in i-niiaaeipnia Council that .1 little ' " " "' w -"r"" ,; ,-. J .i. ;",'... .:",....... .Vi 1 1 PC iiany lor space In tho chest he set aside for the Seouts. 1 Four hundred thousanJ Boy Scouts In ' the United States, located in every ' village and hamlet, at every crossroad. ' have been cdVerlng- themcivos. with Rlory In tho sale of I,lbeity noiid, and thrift stamps, while at th- present, at Actiii" Within Ridits and Dutv Historic Scours of Revo- liitioiKirv Times t - a duce i" antasy lielore Oak Lane Chili twenty-five x If wed his- In nld In eyceuuiK up mo vi ar vork The, Phl'adelphla Council. In better financial condition than any other .-nun. ell In the enuntrv. Is In n position to conduct its affairs for thieo years with, out asking nld. but the National Council Is In no Buch condition. In upholding the stand taken by Cap- 1 Reverently trending the sacred soli of tain Kenny Inordeilng his nolkemen v.allev forge, hallow eil bv the suffering. from Shlbe T'.ul; during sesterdas'a iUn M. ...... .. t. ... . -..'. fc . ... ... .t.,u,i. iu i-rcsiuciii vviison. tliey nasciMii g nun bi tween tlie Athletics and torio scem of the Revolution -.. "uiuik in., wno.i, ami nill,ile. .11 pearcn 01 niacK vvnlnu V , ""''' """"""' """ "- from llnrilsbiiig todav They arc being would Issue Identification card, signed I entertained bv prominent Main Line by himself for detective, and men In women plain clothes who arc detailed at the fifty of them enjo.ved iet and recre. baseball park In nddltlon to their rtg- ntlon at riement A r-rlscomn tountry ular police I'trdcntlnlK Ki nny quit tho park nod calkd out the policemen be cause .1 gatekeeper Insisted he pay a ten-cent war tax" In leforcnco to Captain Kenny's action s-up"rintcnicnt Mills said today PROBATION CHIEF RESIGNS .Smut, Nerd Sniw ,l.l There Is nlmost a unlveisal misunder standing of tho Hoy Scouts In their re lation to the War Chest, ai cording tn local ofllcers of the 01 c.-inl?..!!.... n.,.t only those who know the Internal flnan- "Kenny Is police captain In the dIM- tallied by Mrs, Drexel Paul and Mrs division of the freight trafllc tntniiMsfcion Tor the N'orth Atlantic porta. The ceneral headquarters are In New 1 Vnrk The Philadelphia branch has olllces In Itnoni 131. Ilroad Street Sta- tlon It It Itlvdenhurgh. chairman of "Sanctuary." n bird masque hv Terey , ","! I'hlladelphla domestic division. Is in Mackaye. a, give,, this af.ernnn on "-." In Philadelphia. the estate of Mts i: Clarence Miller, at The men Oak Lane, to 111.1 ik the closing meeting contingent nf too famous of lhp 0t1( j p plP,P,v ru, (m l.n ....I...1 n Ta. ..n The nlav. n out-. act fantasy written In blank verse. I, a plea for the pres-r- ill Washington vatlon of birds It was given about, Announcement wa, made todav nf the seven xcars agn In New fngland, when resignation of Miss Henrietta S Addlton President Wilson nnd his first wife as ch'ef probation ntlker of the Juvenile were spectatots. nnd their ilitighter Court. Margaret nnd Jessie, were actresses In She left to accept the position nf as- the little drama Mr Wilson expressed slstant director of the committee on pro- gieat delight, and expressed his approv- leciive work for girls In Washington nl nf the plea It urges. The production was directed on maintaining a nuisance I'mniht lomnliaiHo with the court nider to clean up may lcsult in flnea being hi !.l up GARBAGE MEN PENALIZED Fine? Imposed For Careless Work in April fenaltte' aggregating S194S f.n liave been Imposed by Director of public Mis, Atltliinn Will Take Pn-itioii JV.?,l.,.,.,.r.'i'".?.i,.,...,ip?"..I.r5' l,'".",.n5 HI'I -(l tXllll I UIMMfll II'IHI IIIIH I Wllllltl- tiP. for failure tn do their ok prop- Ladies' Shirt Waists Atl STYI.KS. INTLCD- INO SII.K AND (iEt)R(lKTTK CltF.rB lltit qualltv: white and colors. x Special Value p $1.50 to $6 Also full line of Udlci. children's and. men'i linBf. McPHILOMY'S, 1624 Market St. NE.XT TO STANLEY THEATRE OPEN EVENINGS Except Tueidar and Wednendar & lt rj rejldenco at Wa ne Twonty-ftve were entertained at brenkfAst at the Louella Jt Wayne, hy Mrs francis M. Roberts Mrs. Charles A Munn, of Wnodcrest. Radnor, was hostess to a party for lunclieim. and others are being enter- Mou .11 which hhlbe Park Is l.icated. Ho Paul Mills. Tomorrow the whole party tlrely by Mrs miziiheth Lavender and also the gatekeepers. Ah It Is his part tn see th it policeman stationed at the ball park perform their duties, he Jiau 11 tiRiit to enter the park without londlycheeredthcKrenchlieri.es. 1 were only "'" " " I The men arrived at Devon In three .'." ' ."'.'" """ "e "" m no sneeal lour st eeti ne nre. which r. clal construction of the movement o.-m I" known to the nftlcera nf the ball nark ..111 i.,.,i 'n, .in. ... u-nn.in...( .. ,u ,. - 1 ... ,i. ...-! . ,. .- .. ,..... .... ...w ... ..v.,.-. i-.Ma.u ini- suuaiion. The Philadelphia Council bus asked the War Chest to assume the small burden and what they ask Is a small amount of tho extraordinary expense of war In order that tho Scouts every where may continue to make gaidens, sell bonds nnd thrift stamps, hunt black walnut trees, and half u hundicd othei things. The War Chest drive will start Mon day, Already the workers are "head over heels" In work, War Chest clubs nre being organised among the various business clubs of the city nnd enthusi astic meetings are being held everywhere. "HEYDAY" MERRYMAKERS Schrelner, pr'nelpal of th" Philadelphia live hundred poisons assembled at School of Lxpresslon and Dreinatlc Art. TAInn (nJ.i. 11 li. ,1... ...a.. .. ...... ...... .... !. llll .tin Ifl Ifllltl, ,,.. Iin. .lln.A.l 1., llfir . 'V. .11. I "i. ... , .11.. I..,- ll.V . .1.-11 ,11 III. I 11,. .-,i. llir ... in, nth ', 1 ..ti, .ii,j,i, tif .., .,..... ... ,, . ... ,., ........ . ...... ....... -. .,.-., , . .. ... mi... i.. I....... r. 'loveinnieiit as director of the commtt lil'-u rflliws li'Mllls in .K'KUIHIlirm anil . .ukiiii-. , .,..r- riiiuu-K ,--.iii rill. I inrir i,t-u sil in. . ... ... crlv In April The fines were as follows- p J law. lor. $ln.5n; Cunningham ft Mutrav. $L'I; IMwIn II Vare. $37B ; T I. flanagan. IJED.sn. Howard i: Ruch estate, $111 5n, p. J. & A Peoples. $114; fiank Curran. $39;, and David MoMahnn estate, $48. The Penn Iteduitlon Companv. wlikh ha, the tontract fnr lolloitlns the cat- Mr.S JnilO lleefer III....!,, f..r,, l.lef I'll gO Of tllO elltln- Oltj'. WilS lined $2'.'(! probation oUlcer of the Mu'ntcMial Court. , f"r neglecting to make collection,. recently resigned because of dlllleultv with Judge Urown over the matter of salary Several month, ago she was glvi n a leave of nbsence to work fnr the OLD PARLOR SUITS MADK EQUAL TO NEW ir-,lwtlBfa J Rr-ronstrilrted and rollahrd 10 tin S tin C'ATrn Made to Order. SI m. We aell uphol- trrv tfnnrla at nholeaale nrlrea ' a targe selection I Rtns on nana. Mr (iuurantee First Llan Mork American Upholstery Co. Olrlrnt nnd Ltiriceat Hone of Kb Kind 732 Arch Street ,,,, 3868 mi L I J 2 " Al ft ! ft , H te SK Dn.rr. ti 1U1J o I In the paik he was stopped and nsked to pay war tax. Now the federal law exempta -an officer on otllcial busmes, from pjylng a war tax, and Captain .enny was tliere on oMldal business. "In New York city tho police do not enter the hall parka to provide pro tection for the park owners, but the baseball officials havo to furnish their own policemen on the Inside of th3 gl minds "The fpiestlon In my mind now !s whether the policemen shouldn't be nn tl.-.ffln llllll- InStef.rl e .. f.I,.l,l,in n 1nll TUT OrtS.mr.rtI 1 m nr... - " .."-.... v.. .....v .. ..., Ji LUAlltUIi Al I'lMt game. were only six speaking characters In the ''''-',. -mi" .xoiiiion necomes nssisiam play, but the entile school participated ?J?"J? Washington tomorrow. In the pantomime and the dances, which ' . ,T.?i. . , .. '".I"-'3 'V' 'M?" took place on a natuial stage on Mrs. "'," ltJ1,l, c"'c, .""" ' ",",rk "'. "", Mlllefs place foimed by ., semi- S" 'I'lll.ZZ" 'h' J .u.nj .l.0" mained on the siding until davhreak. four officers nre In charge of the nartv Miller's place fomii" which Includes one American, Corporal ilrcle nf dark trees Amrnd. who fought with them during Here Quercus, the faun keeper of the the campaign isanctuar, whole all the birds nf the The main outing was planned by fnrcst ma' ,lml safety met the poet, women ot mat section rnr me nernes Ffii-""'"' ''" '"' -...-o.-... ... woe .....-, that they would hive a thorough rest I '. ' '"'rds with men Then i.une nnd recreation "Thev are nnt l.eino' Stark, tho hunter of plumes, who shot I entertained, thev're .'.ist lestlng and n tar" a"rt beautiful bird, which fell, having fun" explained Mrs. Munn wounded Into the sanctuary. Thus the (jfrmaii l.nemics of hairriMii ing of Taeita. Mcel Toiitplil thi snlrlt of the dance, who healed the vMth the Indorsement nf President naving inn explained .virs. .vitmn. ..... ...... ...-- ,.,..unw They will have the full freedom nf the sanctuary was desecrated. Munu's beautiful country place tnmor- 1.!i, closed with the comini nnd rnthcr hindered the work, it Is not frnm any dissatisfaction that I am le signing," said Mlsi Addlton "It l mainly because I want tu be with Mrs ltlppln In Washington.'' PLEA FOR DEMOCRACY Will row, with no formal attempts at enter- broken wing of the bird and pled for the Wilson, the friends of Herman Demnc- . " . . . ' rnmr n III linlrl n u I n rr t Vs. I ai an lire dered hlni for trial Rut In this instance. ' a tney please he Is hold lesponslble for good order In ' his ilivlson and he lertanly ha.i to see r;i TTPUrn nnAIPrc CPlIlllin that the policemen perform their duties." rLfciTCHhK PRAISES SCHWAB ftuj.i-riiiieiitii-iii .inns nisi. ueciaieii Provost Smith Grants Holiday and Students Hum Three "Profs" in Efligy This Is "heyday" at the University of Pennsylvania. Heyday Is the annual traditional day of merrymaking at Pennsylvania. The provost granted a half holiday and the celebration began with the assembling of all the undergraduate classes In i chapel at 12:30 o'clock. J The day represents the formal moving.; UB of all the classes- the freshmen tr. I the sophomore, the sophomore to the Owners of Baltimore Fear for Junior, the Junior to the senior nnd the ' JJcr Safely tenlor to the graduate. On this day the ' . . , , , . elections of the new senior president, of ' Are scowb plain Delaware River neninr snoletv men nnd nf the nubiioi. variety home-lovers, after all, or Is the ft.- LIrS r. ,.?.?ne.i IUDlca- junt "nf the Baltimore mere y a lark for tlon boards are announced, jhe fun f te thing' The nominees voted on for senior class Navigators along the Delaware River president were Arthur Clayton McCarthy are asked to scour the waters for the and Charles C. Parlln. McCarthy has I scow, and In case she Is found notify enlisted In the marine corps trd Par-1 the Traylor Shipbuilding Corporation, lin will probably be the next senior presl- at Cornwells. Un H la ..resident nf tho Christian Since she broke away from her moor- incl.tion anPd a member of the I'hllo" 1 1""8 Monday and went floating down the Association and a member of the I mio- rlNcp on (,)e ebh t,de .,! of the iimiiicni. o.i.j ....u ...i-.. ..... -." company nave contldently expected to c,.-..... ..... ... iiri.i. ai. 11 iiirs nr rnu nirn nnii n id rnt tha i i "Had this Incident occurred outside . j,hl;mrf'rue,el wTn Pd'olng 'exactiv ''l? " "h. spirits of birds nd n en ??'. ,0,,.rt 5, '"'"ffi, 'r'v'roh . of Konn'H dKtrlot. I wnuld have or- ,1KP care-iree nojs flnu doing exactly . . ,. . , in the i 31 nail, H.l Arclil In sympathy , Thft cast N: Queri ua. th" faun Alt in the poM i Shy. the naturalist . I StarU. tho nlum hunter onus . ii i. h,i u.i u- n-...,! nf a, pi. i ...it. . 1"' T .. .,. -.. mnn.u ncrrmann Linii in iiiiii niiiiMuu iiiv I'lniiivc ui in- stniniiui Mime - n .n-ia ii. i.ii ua inn urnriT nr in iTinnn tectlves of going to ball games to loaf i .' -1 H, ,,"l"",v-yii.iii vjii-, Miiiirert Sterrltt only to repudiate the Kalsei's assertion He said tnat there nave neen maue ' special airangementB for detectives in I plain clothes to enter the park If they have the nroper Identification cards signed by himself. WANDERLUST LURES SCOW Fraternity Curiosity Is at Its height on the campus In anticipation of the burning of three professors In efligy tonight as part of the heyday celebration. Every effort has been made by stu dents and faculty members alike to learn who the professors arc. One rumor Is that for the first time on record :i dean of an undergraduate school In to be "burned." The names are not announced by the University eophomoreu until tonight. Municipal Appointments City appointments today Include Clarence T. Oarrett. 41IS Glrard avenue, and Benjamin S. Snyder. 839 Walnut lane, principal assistant engineers. Hu reau of Surveys, salary J1900 each; Charles Hoseback, 141 West Wlldey street, and Robert Miller. 318 Queen lane, oilers. Bureau of Water. J1000 each: Edward T. Ray, 272S Jasper street, painter. Bureau of Charities, II 60 a day, and Robert Brumbaugh. 1R Tackawanna street, carpenter, Bu retu of City Property, J4 a day. Pershing Cables Thanks to Camden Shipivorhers General Pershing's congratula tory messages to officers and work men at the A'eto Torfc ShlpoulMlnff Companv, In Camden, on the Tuck ahoe achievement, folloics: "Keferenc your cablecram re ftrting world's, record In ship lifinchlnr, ant pleased to say that the spirit of patriotism shown by men building ships Is fully recoe nlied and appreciated by their American brothers on thex battle. Jtae, ) "tho support of the United Army of Shipbuilders at home is essen tial to the success of the united Armies at the front, TOtmm toe army's pearliest con- sf sfJeVftweVvVJJW sWl hear from her. but she has not been seen as far south as Baltimore, for which city she was named nnd to which she may. like tho cat that came back, attempt to go. Without the assistance of a navigator however, she mav get lost In the wallow of the sea off the Virginia Capes, and olllclals of the com pany would like to locate her before it is too late. Hhe Is described as being 105 feet long, thirty-three feet wide nine feet deep and of n capacity of SOO tons DOG'S ACTION INDUCES MAN TO SIGN PLEDGE Little Pomeranian Unconsciously Puts Barney Fitzpatrick "on the Water Wagon" Barney Fitzpatrick Is on the "water wagon," thanks to a little Pomeranian dog. Barney today solemnly took the pledge for a year, tn Magistrate Harris's office. Here's how It happened. Constable Harvey had occasion to replevin a small Pomeranian dog, which he took to Magistrate Harris's office In a six by ten Inch box, Later Barney was taken before the magistrate. The magistrate requested him to sign the pledge. "But I don't want to stop drinking," expostulated Barney. "You'd better." said the "Judge." Just about this time, the box which was on the Magistrate's desk started to move. Barney's eye splod It and he ex-. claimed in consternation: viatcs Need for Inquiry, Says Senator Senator Duncan Hugh Fletcher, chair man of the Senate Committee on Conn meico today paid tribute to the organi zation abilities of Charles M Srltuah, who, he said, "has wi ought a vast Im pro ement In the shipbuilding situation." The Florida Senator Is In Philadelphia with a subcommittee on milltarv a.ffalis. which Inspected tho Mldvala Steel Works. The improvement has been so great ami so noticeaoie, j-enaior i-ietcner said, that the investigation of the Com merce Committee into the shipbuilding program had virtually come to a stand still. It has not been dropped alto gether, however. "As long as things continue to go along as at present I can see no reason for intervention by our committee," was the way Senator Fletcher summer up the status of the Investigation. He declared the greatest need ' at present was for materials and expressed confidence in the ability of Mr. Schwab to get them. "I do not think there Is any need of commandeering houses for shlpworkers In Philadelphia," he said. "The greatest nroblem here la that of tiansnortatlon. Through the commandeering of trans pot tation facilities the situation here has been Improved to such an extent us to avoid taking nver houses. Senator Fletcher spoke of the Clov ernment's plan to requisition turbine engines for transports being built at Hog Island. "I'lans are now under way to take turbine engines that are being made for the Navy Department." said Senator Fletcher. "The merchant marina being built by the Government Is in great need of these turbines. "The navy la getting them In good quantities and Is using them for de stroyers. It teems to us the need for merchant ships at present is greater than for destroyers " The committee will go to Bethlehem tomorrow WINE FLOWS IN GUTTERS OF DpWNTOWN STREETS Motortruck Breaks Down and Ba'rrcli Empty Contents Over Pavement) Wine flowed In the gutters today In the vicinity or secona street. Addresses will be made by Wal- ' ter Damroch and Frank Slgel, of New Frances Schrelnr York, Karle Mnthle, of Chicago; Fled Kntlmrlne Hermes erlrk l,. Hoffman, of Newark; N J , ' r, "''en tlrafeiv William Bilcker find Herbert Welsh V?. ...t'l'.i.vw.. .... ., ,. fTnenn will mes.le The purpose nr me meeting Is not The llltle Misses Dnrnlhv T--nl.e n,l mat .MlieriCHIl c IIHUO.I Herman llinn 1 sin.i Yi. ...,.,.... i J.i,.j -t, : ... - or de-cent nre disioai to tins country, Marlon i Raymond recited the part of hut to ,,. ,nBt he Ftan(, for ffie the Bobln. Others In the pantomime and cause of democracy thioughout the dances were .Margaret Schell, Helen world, and, above all. In Germany Itself Scheerer. Marie Dugan, Gladys Zleger, i - - Mabel Trucksess. Klsle Watson, Klc.inor Iieuey, .viarie VVIilte nnd -Miriam llugnes. There will be a repetition of the per formance on Saturday afternoon on the old Thomas estate, Clifford Park, before the Junior Dramatic League. "Give me the pledge card, quick," he cried. Barney hastily affixed his signa ture to the promise to stay sober for a year., and hurried from the office. CHARGED WITH STABBING Clarence Marshall Held for Attack on John Lord Clarence Marshall, fifty-one. Tabor's lane below Stonehouse lane, was ar rested today In connection with the stabbing last night of John Lord, twenty. Lord Is In a serious condition at the Meihodlst Hospital. According to the police. Lord came out of a saloon at Third and Shunk streets and started an argument with Marshall. The quarrel developed Into a nut, ana Maruaii, liter osara. and Christian ftrtK. It was all because a large motortruck conveying several barrels of wine broke 'fdown. Three OI ine larsrev uarrcin roueo. 10 the pavement. The heads of the bar rels broke and the wine gushed out. Service Guarantetd Wtitn You Wtar Underdown SHIRTS $1.50 Each", i ICh i or a Th Mn't tit tauillld I JIOr1 nv atvt nr ValU. l.. Cos's Attache or Betaoas4 J. AWARD FRANKLIN MEDALS Thomas C. Mendenliall and Gu gliclmo Marconi Are Recipients Thomas Corwln Mendenliall, physicist, Ravenna, Ohio, and Slgnor Ougllelmo Marconi, wireless Inventor, member of the Italian Senate, were the recipients of Franklin medals awarded this after- noon at tne KranKlin institute. Dr. Walton Clark, of the Institute. made the presentation. Because Slgnor siarconi was unaDie tn come to this country, tho Italian Government sent Count V Macchi de Cellere to receive the medal, 1 ne Franklin medal was founded In 1914, and is awarded only to those workers In physical science or tech nology whose efforts. In the opinion of the institute, have done most to ad vance a knowledge of physical science or Its applications. The award was made to Senator Mar coni In recognition of his brilliant In ception and successful .development of the application of magneto-electric waves to the transmission of signals and telegrams, without the use nf metnttto conductors. ' The award to Doctor Mendenhall Is In recognition of his fruitful labors In physical research, particularly his con tributions to knowledge of physical con stauts and electrical standards. After the presentations, Doctor Men denhall made an address on "Some Meteorological Memories," and Count de Cellere also spoke. Auto Hits Car, Two Hurt Abraham Meeley. thirty-nine vears old. 847 St. Bernard street, nnd Walter Wlllard. twenty-three vears1 nld, 3610 Mount Vernon street, were seriously In jured today, when nn auto truck In which they were riding collided with a westhound trnlley car at Thirty-fourth , and Market streets. Warner Trailers Made hr the Rpeednmtter Mn TWO AND FOCR WHEEL TYTM M TON TO 7 TONS CArACITX JOHN W. ADAMS. DMrlbutor 10S Abbott Bids., Uroad & Usee PU. FLAGS-AII Kinds: Service Flags and Banners, 50 , cents un Business places. . a lodges, clubs. Piles and holdtrs. i j'rnmpt Attention O J. H. Baneert. 810 Arch St. Ilfll rlinne Filbert 2747 I Keystone rlinne Main 3701 CHIROPODY Troprr Care of the FFET Mfan Comfort nnd lfli..a 1 Ifa'a createst essentials. VUlt n. for Tnr FOOT ailments, ralnleii. AntUentlr, IneTprnslre. U A TkT'NT A b- cr- "th A ban"") Xli.iN XX I ' (Mrr Crane's) smt 1t04 rheotmit Hi. Panama Hats j bleachei). blocked and BsVaVrTtaflK irlmmed In any style) "HaaTaV J - m no actd to In- ( ur your hat. V Jefferson Hat Col. 135 S. 10th St. WTfe - ' Z,.K r itnnuitr - - rTi riai ii --. ON TUB CKUST LdKf OF THE WAVE OUR ATLANTIC CITY STORE Morris and Atlantic Avenues Will be opened Wednesday, May 15th, 1918 Our aim there will be, as In Philadelphia, to give the best possible service, the same quality of groceries, the same prompt delivery. If you intend to spend any part of the summer at the shore, give us your order now, ao that you may have your groceriea delivered to you the very minute you move in. Mitchell, FLetcher & Co., Inc. lEy,BANKSSBiD!) r (VV p MILITARY-MVAL JEWELERS M A V HERALDISTS STATIONERS MEDALISTS H7 New -Service Wrist Watch with Second Hand for Doctors Gold Case 15Jewels Fifty Dollars Especially Durable WS.S. Pledge Week - a reminder DALSIMER STANDARD SHOES fjl SMART HIGH-CUT Pump specially designed for Buckles, and fitting closely around the ankle. In patent leather, black calf or black glace kid. Is&ki' i "''wVV White Linen mm ;M,rmiCut Steel Bnckles qSr fclfcBsfcsMaiiaBW a) Just one of the special suggestions from our large assortment of moderately-priced footwear, offering an opportunity to young women who are looking for style 0ithout extravagance. 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET The Big Shoe Stor? . 1204-06-08 Market St., ku" nouin.r..iiRi;AHT a ConraTf Military HhouW long lapela rollltiB overJ tiuttoni siasiict, vertical rts, or napptil plckctn; Httlnir ualkt. X"'. m At $20 i $25, $30, j and worth mM than these PrU when scaled today's markt CI There's no eettii .. iV3 away trom it-r-l ric prices are higl than they have been in your mer have been going 1 steadily month 'M month, and now 1 going to be SCAR( as well as dear! : 1 We have wooll and worsteds in tr Summer S u i t s tr we owned betwi one and .two y ago at prices a below what have to pay for tr! Now! 1 J Take these $23 $30 Summer Sull ours they areS ually worth fivejl lars more today; we'd have to g too, if we had jut cured . the meroj Ait-m (nr- tlfm t ',' CJ AU of which 1 that you wiU;;y no mistake in in a supply at; figures today!. PERK' i -i