Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 10, 1918, Final, Image 2

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ite JOY displays art
Director Gives
Powers to His As-
Mt, J. L. Ackerson
'-.' - -
rior nemoval ot Hoard a
ces to Philadelphia
i in
BOX NETS $2250
Stotesbury Highest Bidder.
Lady Duff-Gordon Pays
S800 for Another
5ight.Ycar.01d Smilingly Tellt
HoW Train Cut Off Legs '
In a white bed at Frankford Hospital,
11 eight-year-old schoolboy, with both
lt cut off and less than an hour to
live, cave an exhibition of almost su
preme courage.
The boy, Albert Hock, 27t7 I'ratt
treet, a pupil at the Rrldtsburg School,
remained conscious for nti hour, an
swering the questions nt nurses and
phy.lclan. aa to hi Identity and the AUCTION IS SUCCESS
cause of the accident, and he managed i
to Keep smiling. I
lie explained cheerfully that he had i
been hopping Belt Line freight trains
esterday afternoon. His foot slipped
and then something happened. That
was all, except that several men from
tha Pennsylvania Korge Company hid i
to bo called to the assistance of the '
crew of the train to remove his body
from Its .position between a wheel of
the heavy train and a brake shot. '
The boy tiled smiling.
Society Clamors to Pay High
Premiums After Dc Wolf
Hopper's Appeals
lion prevail anions- men famllla'rl
3i United States shipping .board I
plana today that Charles 31.
ML director general. U priming J. '
erson, his ttew assistant, to take I
the work now being done by Ad-1
Bowles, ns saner. 1 director of the
sHtn done at Hog IInd and i
. .. . -. . . . . i
i aoirt made by Mr. senwao in np-j... ,i
W air. Ackerson aa his assistant iniuu
arded In Washington n h step '
to severing the connection of Ad-
I Bowles with the shinning board
anlalng the shipping board nnd .
nergency Fleet Corporation. Mr
Kb baa proceeded carefully and has J
wen control or a department away
. ne man before having another
r.- to atep Into the place.
bellevrd Mr. Schwab will not
f Admiral Bowie until the oftlcs ot
pping Board are moved to Phlla-
Wlth the otflcea In Phlladel-
'Within atone's throw of the Hog
, DeWolf Hopper, ' advance man for j
."Out There." spraed his throat this
afternoon and then auctioned ofT seats I
for the dhow.
Out There' I to he given at the I
Metropolitan Opera House May 13, for,
I the benefit of the Hed Cioss. The aW ,
I this afternoon w.s at the Forre-t The-
aire. '
The teason "Colonel" Hopper tall
uctloneers are colonels) had to spray
- I. . ... - in -. ..,.-.,...
iiwIUt I f'lflir I'.llfprs h a throat vvas tnai even a. i.-nmin
lOIIISl L,LilUCl LilllCIO I. ...., ,.,, ,,, ,. ,,,.,, ...... n,i nthl - '
Illluai ,-,. .,.'.v , ....... .... .
although Inspired by 24-karat pattlotisin
i without getting a bit raw.
I Well. "Colonel" Hopper auctioned oh
the se.it-i for "Out There." and demon
i stmfed that he was something more th:in
, 1 1'' "professional buffoon" he said he
STATE was.
n.-ntn ihr actual sale he made :i
, speech which thrilled the patriotic and
Rlslinn Ileirv of the Methodist democratic throng present.
dldatea for the Legislature. i,.,ii,r unrt hr .
t iiiauacii ill ilia iv Pi ...... ,
Politiuil Arena as Foe
of Liquor Traffic
rritmil niQUCB inu u; mc iwm : -- - . . .,, ,,
'and Bristol plants. It will be a I An itinerary w, '''' n ,, '., .7. n alued serious enough, hut b Just
rauveiy easy imk lor -r. ,"',. """""" Vi. -..m,i.. uH.
Iphla. and will tour the counties hi!-
Ons of the first dlKtilcli to be In-( ." T. ! ton
vnded by the Bishop will he Montgom- box will Id
ery County, where "wets" and "drya", nutT-t.ordon had
In the nepuljllcan ranka are locked In j Jm. W0"
a hitter struggle over the nomination I and Lady Duff-Co
nd Mr. Ackeraon to aupervlae
tk being done at those plants.
further retention of Admiral
i unnecessary.
a tum In.eients vvou)0 permit
se of Admiral Bowles with little
If notice. Jt la considered highly
able Mr. Schwab will relieve
1 Bowles, who haa admittedly
rerv rood work at Philadelphia,
r-fc I himself on the ground pre-
lto take up his duties.
lira Bowie had no comment to
kf,pon the probability of the ap-
cm or
i affecting
at at ft t
...... - v. .... --. . - tl..a..-..
president and gcnornl manager (ineuiDerH to control me uPBmmiuir
rnuldn't liMn nuttlnff n little mirth Into
JtrrSSad&lo;". the prl. .f h.n when he -aw proper places for
-1 I -.., 1 n c.nK.,n.. V,,iv1t fh flrxl
l.nwHru I. riuirouuij ......
box with a bid of JSISO, nfter I-id
paid a lew wora
got the second at 1000.
rdon the third at JIOU.
v i 'J W aMaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaal m. k 9. jCe, jmb aH
r aLLLLLLLK.' .--
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam "
T- nHHalaBBBBV aaaHBBBgaw-Ta
nummmmmmmwmM.rK'-!vz?'..:;. .-. .r.
Four-Minute Alen Give It
Preference Over
Red Cross
Twenty Million Wanted for
Welfare of Men Fighting
for United States
Investigation Shows Man Reported
Heart Ujeie Victim Was
Kllleil In Accident
1, ,, Ji " Schlettefer, physician at the
I'encoyd Irln Works, was censured today
bv Deputy Coroner Heller for reporting
the death of William I Kelly, who had
been employed at the Iron works, as
due to heart A una
The Coroner's Jury found today that
t lie man had been killed in an accident'
r.i.."T '",, "ctor Hchletterer nd
rnltted making a euperflclal examlnntlon.
I,ej f?1'1 .,.he. mfln wa heavily clothed
and that hla Injuries were not .serious.
The man a death. It waa determined,
vvas due to Injuries Inflicted by a ma
chine In the Iron plant April 29.
Kelly lived at 333 Ieverlngton avenue.
Hla sister, a Red Cross nurse, wrotn
Director of Health Krusen that he had
numerouj Injurle.i on the chest and
arms. A phjalclan of the department
held a l4t-inorteni examination and re
ported hie finding to the Coroner. The
department phvslclan told the Jury to
day that Kelly's arms were broken, that
he had a severe bruise on hla head and
that his chest was badly crushed.
. Tl1.? Jury ,00k " action against Doc
tor Hchletterer. but the Coroner char
acterised his diagnosis an "extremely
careless." .
New System Under One
Chief to Be Effective
of a Congressman, u State Senator nnd
four Assemblymen.
.State Itepresentatlve Fletcher W.
Stltes Is supported by the "drys" for
Congress, and Slate inBuiunc- '-o'"""-1 b(ra crond I
loner Charles A. Ambler for the Sen-1 aucton Me i
ed by congresman v n.A,,,r., ,,
Kager to Pay lllglienl Prlee
Fashionable folks arrived eaily and
nsiembled down toward the stage. Then
the band plaed outside, nnd the most
that ever patronizea an
re swarmed in
The comedian prciileil at tlie sale in the l'orrc-l Thealre this after
noon of tickets for tlie Hed Crons plav, "Out There," which will be,
prcsenleil at the Metropolitan Opera House
Standing behind General I'ersli
lug and our soldiers "ocr Ihere"
Is what It means to put jour money
In tlie War Client.
National recognition of the Impor
tance of the war chest campaign In
Philadelphia and surrounding counties
wa accorded today through special per
mission granted by William McCormlck
Blair, national director of the four
inlnute men.
This permission enables the four-minute
speakers of the war chct districts
to give the campaign right of way.
over the big American Tied Cross drive, '
upon which four-minute men must con-1 1.. I r at 1 i
centrato their .peaking activities J UUgC jMClUlCliacI
inrougnoui me rest or me country
The :9t speakers of the Philadelphia
four-minute organization and also the
four-minute men of Montgomery. Dela
ware, Chester and Ilucks Counties have
been so advised In special Instructions
Issued by Harry I) Wescott and Henry
Tt. Hodge, city and Slate four-minute
The speaking concession In favor of
the war chest la unuaual, it Is said As
the four-minute men aie under strict
injunction from Washington to speak
for campaigns that are national In
their srnne It warn itn.n -n-......
I tlona made by Mr. Hodge that an ex-
Iceptlon was made excluding the war
chest district from the orders which
confine four-nilnute speakers to the Ited
j Crosa drive elsewhere
I Philadelphia has been divided Into
eight divisions for the drlv. ?nh
division has a director directly respon
sible to the central committee. Outside
oi uie central sect on nt ih.
I cacn wara will have
under the.
Magistrate -Was
dieted Illegally
"iarl Uurldp"
dleaflli it. .ti. ii
I .a- rpl.... n-jt nnnnuari lit' 1 nnBTCllsinun ' .. .. .t. ..1. n nAlAn' r r n-ra i ti a a -. t a t 1 ..i.. urn UltlS Un llirprin
uTeehlwIn, board!"" T,enry'wTwatson and SU.e Hepresenta-1 a-- Willi Of.U, IS IIWIlip ' I C I IS IMItHlHirgll AUdiellCC "r- 'eader .hIH luvj cli.r.. o
.who is a constructor tive james a io... "'-'-"" i they can. hut mix rrowj K n,5 - Alnlld Ml Split input Is Jilronc V tor mor. division, i',i, . :. " " " "VA
v. has been with the Kmer-1 support of the lis nrose ana wei iori. , pav n u couM an;ord. and mavne - --c. theie will he V feCii ..V .... "n7'n
Corporation several month Bishop Berry autniis u is uoudhui a mie b)t moI,. Inlrrfpssioil Service v Drv Amendment men and women ":io
. i,.ri.. A . ti. former-, whether the "drys" will elect enough while the i.ennle were nourlna Into the Mlicrccbbioil Ot.rltt v il iiuciiuiiiciii men ana women.
Emergency Fleet Corporation, regard factional lines and support Tie-
and Howard Coonley. the new publican candidates pledged to the
eldent of the i:mrgency F'eet prohibition nmenomeni. reaaru.e-
tlon. were In Washington today. , whether tliey are i-enrose or vare men.
! (Schwab Is In New York, where
remain until noon tomorrow.
I expected In Philadelphia to
throughout the evening and
the whole of Sunday.
;ale ef Moving I'aaettled
Indite and other details of the
'if the shipping board offices
Caahlngton to Philadelphia re-
hpi settled.
r uimer, cnairman ni inc i-otn-on
moving, returned to "Wash
;. today from Philadelphia. He
haa no idea when me tirsi
ad would be transferred, al-
tdhering to his original plan ot
was the advice given by Bishop Berry
I last night at a banquet In St. Matthew's
theatre. "Colonel" Hopper and Mr
Stotesliuiy In tin- wings of the Mage
were getting ready for the sale. Intro
ductions were crisp ana snappy
"Colonel" Honner and Mr. Stotesbury
both being lather Important men In their I . .
uriiii.r lines of business, were both 'ercession '"
Methodist Church, Fifty-third and Chest- ate ( Kettlng to the s.-ene of action and Church. Itltlcnhouse Snuaie. nt noon to
nut streets. there wrs little time to spare idav
No Tin,, For Personal Feud. ,. The throng -It, the theatre .,,, .. w comfolt BmJ unl
The Bishop paid Ills respects to tboso j Mnte'sbury looked after final arrange- ln asking' 'f!od save our nation.'" went i the State. Uverywhete 1 go I find the"
dominated by factionalism in the "pre- j mfnt(t KULh ,ts stationing the clerks ln on BMiop Rhlnelander. "I tejolce that I people strongly In favor of the ratlflca-
A.'h" .',,!er.oHn? fenrt'f "snalor I l,,eir ,"2PCr "'"V'"; ""J'." 1Io'""Vn.1 fiod"s ,e"",e i,rp mln K'H'er to nskitlon .r the Shepputd amendment; there
for the old personal teud or senator in.,I.f,.... to ionic nfter his throat. ... , .
Penrose and Senator Vare." Nvi, linn,,, rtumed. l.adv Iiuff-Cor-1(,01 for I'W. The power of nod will I Is also it veiy strong sentiment against
He urged the renomlnatlon of every donj wlth hcr i,eautlful dogs, was there. brlng salvation.
i "Not 'Oott mlt L'ns' hut 'we with
ifiod."' said Bishop Ilhlnelandcr at the
1 i women's war service of praer nnd In-
llnly Trinity Episcopal
rlttbnrgli. May 10.
J. Deiuo O'.Vell. State Highway Com-
mlslsoner, was one of the speakers nti
the O'Nell hcHduuarters on Grant '
street today at noon. Mr, O'Nell said:
"During the last eight wteks I have '
visited the majoilty of the counties of
' Penrose and Orundy. The s.oters of the
Organlratlon and Committees
The final organization of the campaign
and corporate organizations for the cam
paign announced touay ure as follows:
Corporate Organization
,Wr W.lfarj Couiull of rwiodelBhla and1 '. '-our' ,s umonstltutlonal In del
vicinity- li. I' siuttsbun, pnaidesii n gating to Judges of that court the pow
iV.unlt" ini Mc" f'i""" , for caeater . to sit us Justices of the peace,
luuniy; Jompr li. (Inindy. vice president
Indictments against Magistrate George
A. Persch for alleged embezzlement and
misdemeanor In ofllce were nuashed to
day by Judge McMlchoel. ln Quarter
Selons Court.
The Court held that the Indictments
were based on Illegal foundation, hav
Ing tiiflr origin In a void warrant, and
could rot stand becauss the proceedings
originated In the Municipal Court, which
had no Jurisdiction
Persch, a Vare supportetr, was ar
rested last October on a wan ant Issued
by Judge Brown In Municipal Court. The
charge of embezzlement wns made after
District Attorney Kotan had examined
the Maglstiate's books, which were sub
mitted during the hearing o'f Mayor
Smith and eight other defendants In the
Fifth Ward murder conspiracy case.
Atlarks Municipal Court's Status
In the decision today. Judge McMlchael
said Judge Brown had no authority to
it as committing magistrate Hnd to
hold Persch In ball, and declares that
the act of Assembly creatine: Hie Muni.
c'pal Court Is umonstltutlonal In dele-.
Congressman who supports the. Federal , Hnd' Mr stotesbury and Colone), Hopper .Members of tlie motor messenger State have made up their minds and
prohibition amendment, and laid special hj ,i, onnortunltv of meeting? her. ' , ., , ... , . , , , ,,. ti.,-..
ims tipon lha wndld aml lh n"! ni.iy ! detenu Led to drUe I-enww anrt
trer Harrow and CosteUo. tlie only j cx uaH nlteady liberal nnd patriotic, Present In uniform. Oilier socictley I rum not only out of politics but out of
i iiiiiiut-iiiiiiu suiiKf r.-ijsiin-ii iu vuitr iui Liir r is. i.ioitis trt in itvi-ira iitipfii iimi itiiivrriuru rtr me itru rti?". inr inn MniP
I )lKli u. , " - . ur lll. Ilin'i' " "v II1S. n-. . .IU - ... .,...-
between May 15 and June 1 jamenamem. ino huuicsb av uie imikiuci. pa.tr0tc, which It consented to do. "'""' ' uommni-o oi iiauonai uciense. "The nltempt of I'enrose to corral the
ared likely today, however, that ,0,1,V..J ' Introduced Idy Durf-C.oidon, who .)"' "' "ague tor woman s serv-1 .,.,. ... ,,-.. ., d rvs and th e wet a for
."truck load will not leave Wash- . "Whether Pennsv vanla thall elect a Mu al)e knw it was unnecessary for Ice and the Kmetgency Aid of Pennsjl-P ,te" ,,r J'0'" ,'1' arJ nu lne w" Ior
k. . m.,u.. mo.. "I nHnc uriuiuiB iimi win rauiy llie pronilil- i ,.. i n.t. nnv imp nresent to he n-ITinu. i"s iiiuiure, .- .-imu ,.o H..t .
"IteratKins neing maue to me
Idduartera here taking more time
ras anticipated. I
"-are being completed w Hereby
loye of the fleet corporation
Swill com to this city with the
er of the offices will have definite
In mind where to make their
'before they leavo Washington.
W. Kldd, who Is In charge of
adequate housing facilities for
Lworkers. has fifty stenographers
.listing several thousand houses
'the workers may go. This list,
L from patriotic householders and
iojwner. who answered the appeal
ew their homes open to the fleet
Jon einploe.. will be taken to
ton tomorrow.
?, Ma Aks I50 Job
MacCormac. one of the offl-
fthe fleet corporation, announced
rthat a well-known Phlladelphlan,
to man for the last ten years.
piled for a J 1 500 position. His
.lion I being held under advise
es the spirit that builds ships,"
ccormac said. A woman who
on also applied for a poil-
nplet list of all the emnlovea
'Washington who refuse to come
111 be ent to Mr. McCormac
Elbe middle of next week. From
;,th position Philadelphia will
upon to fill will be compiled,
croup to come here, comnrls-
r. persons, win Brrive on Alay
Mai' groups will arrive to take
duties every day thereafter.
tnafer will be completed bv the
f h month.
Bl'!??.!- ."3..?' Bth it., and Cirrle
, i.n a, am l.
MlnVlo. Norfolk. Vs.. and Ireno
, Columbia, ra.
r. Boldraaw. JIB V Columbia
Anna. I (nil unit lltl si.Ki. .
rVaiiiVSErv ai nth'u
.Jobnion, Rojtoruuh. and Anna
pa. 242 w, Johnson at.
;. rranlt. Sisa vint. . ..
Intr. Laneaater. Pa. "
,". aire Kanatead t and
tory umendment Is, at the present mo
ment, very doubtful. It certainly will
not do so unless a lot of citizens who
believe that the rum power should be
dethroned shall rise above the petty
partisanship which seems now to sway
them. Our one paramount objective Is
to get a dry Legislature. We must get
that Legislature from the Itepubllcan
party. What does It matter to us
whether the candidates who, If elected,
will vote for ratification are "Organl-
erous on men an occasion. America " " " isi nt msnop liiimeianovr noomerang; me ors aie noi going vo
has done much for the sake of denioc- , that a day each week be designated for! he fooled by hie deathbed lepentance.
racy, she said, and win do more.
"Colonel" Hopper needed no introduc
tion, ns Mr. Stotesbury said In Introduc
ing him
Hopper in Serious Role
The "Colonel admltttd somewhat
proudl that he was a "professional buf
foon." but then he grew serious long
enough to say he was "here for some'
auffman. S V. r--BAn ..
eefltrl, ilmlnctan. bL.
Sle. 21 Wllanon at.
ffev. aT s'j a 1st mt , ...
White, iJSO S. tld .1 ' '
erson. SJOomlr at., arid Anna
X.I&1. a n aL ----
Mihm. Ilfto Jl.ltr.d. at . and
' Moore,
, Il Tl
IS Mali
2tl plan
rd. nT:i
. JMRIntAWM 1a .... r..
iM'riikn it. "
aia are., and llabsj
limond ai.
?l Thnmaa m aA .
.T- -"""-- -. HIB
7u.,"orrTiniu2.f: lh '
ItOT.RMnan t., andTtomanla
aM:fth.f.,? v-
'Tt-,f:- "a Ml"-
l. J.i an4 itoa
p.ii t.. tnd Kit
iltmali au
ward. Mt W. Vo,i:
Mtb St.. and a41
atMa 92 -.a
XlrH (Sua.
Tork, Pa., and gallla
r. Tpnjm
BfMitk at.
ra. Ud..
IX. V(
tith w
Sa. MM Uoa4
ef.ii ..'i. . .
: .
.irfc-' Ket.lUtM
n Am as. -v
1Kb. Jt. J., )d Etkat
)Mta Mjiei'
a oattt-
zatlon men or "Town Meeting" men? thine- verv ditferent from buffoonerv
hat utter folly to allow Senator Ten- He then descilhed the show. "Out
ro and rtenator Vare to projert their There." written by J. Hartley Manneis
old prraonsl and political fmd n0 (inland Including In Its cast Laurette Tay
present vllal rontestt Why allow our- lor. Oeorge Arllss, Julta Arthur, James
selves to be so unall when a great T. Powers, George MacFarlane, Oeorge
e..onoin'c and moral Issue is trembling ' M Cohan. James K. Hackett, Ber.vl
hi the balance? How can men claim to ' .Mercer. Mine. Uleanor Clsnero. II B.
be patriotic In these tremendous days Warner, Mrs. Flske, Helen Ware, O P.
aim .mi in ircugnize me ract that rum Heggie. Chauncey Olcolt and others.
Is the arch enemy of our man-power. Burr Mcintosh will sell the programs,
our industrial efficiency ind our nation- whkh will bear signatures of all the
wide program of war preparation? Why i stars engaged
cannot the good citizens of Pennsyl-1 "Colonel" Hopper said he didn't know
"nlc. bo large enough Just once to for- much about the Metropolitan Opera
:... i . J" f'J" of Political House, "not having been a tenor for
.nenr r.n?r.. h"'1". for mtn nd 'everl ear1." but that there were seat
IXum? renr"cn,,ne the highest pa. diagrams around, so everbody would
lrl0"5m' know how to bid. He asked the aud-
Fralaea narrow and roateiio ' lence to do as well a Baltimore did,
"The factional bittern,,, -.v...,. . . which up to the time he left had paid
Wa An.., in... .,.. "'ii i ae- fQft.aift tnr seals nt auction and was
.services ai wnicn women engaged In ' in. 1..1, ....,.. ,i i. ...n i.-nn . m ih.
war work and the general public may WOrkingmen of the State, and they are
Join In praver for the men In the army ' Kolg , j,g. him by his past perform
and for the women who are giving their allc raIher than by his promises for
time and efforts to the work of backing tnc future. It Is a crime for the backers
up..U'f, RmJ"'w .... .of an.v candidate to tiy to capitalise
Willie the bells In the chuiches rlnsri patriotism to advance his interest: Pen-
now ax iioo i eacn tray as a can to every ro and t!rUnd and a few 'special
otio within hearing to pause a moment In prniege' men nt Philadelphia have
liinjn iui vim puiuirin iiiiu nnuuin, n
f... !,..,.. ......... .,..r..7v. ::. "'"
.v. ...... vuuinji rrrcnti itooerts. VICf
prealttent for Montauniery County i William
!" M.'.0.",1 'le,.P'Wnt for DIaar
Lounivi Muah I. Wilson, aecretary.- Urelrl ft
Co.. treasurer.
Dlrectora II A. tltulf. jr.. A K. nrry.
Raniuel T. Ilodlne. Kdnard VV. Uol., Otirii
llurnham. Jr., Alfred K. Burk. Percy M
ihandiar. J. llovitli Cummlnts. Thomai
I levvitt Cujler. Hamuel a. Kela. jam". A.
MV.,''t .?"r.,"s.,"'.. Frailer. Josech II
(rundi-, John J. llmtferson. n. Leo Hunt.
A1!s.1 i'' Jfhnson. David Klrachbaum. lln!
rat O. Llovrt. John It. Maaon. Oeorge II.
Mct'addn. efnn.ham H. Morrla. B. I'u.ey
raMmoro. Ueor.a Wharton Pappar, Hamu-I
nea, I'arclial rtobarta. Hon. Thomai i B
?.mU,!?' w- "lncUle Smith. William C. anroul
K T. Htoti.bury. Erneat T. Trlrnr. John
Van,mlher, j. Utnry William,, "fluU I.
vv nson.
Camnalzn Or.anliallon
Cleneral campaign committee H6ratln a.
I.losd, chairman: John H. Maaon, vice chair
man. John J, llendrson. vice chairman!
Hugh I. Wllaon. aailatunt to chairman: Al
bert K. tlrry, saalitant !o chairman.
Philadelphia t'ounty Thornaa Hhallorois
J' dlrlalonal director for Weat Phlladei
rh'! John M. Patlaraon, divisional director
for South PMladelphlat Thomas F. Arm
strong, divisional director for North 1 nil
noiphla. J. Unwell Cummlnit. divisional
dinrtor for Kensington: (Jeorao 1. t'orrer,
ni:Firnai oir-i ior ior .ortnwest J'hMitjsl
The decision also prevents llstilet At
torney llotan from presenting what l
unown as "District Attorney's bills"
Carl F Davis, of 601 North Broad
street, and August (Savin, of ;66 nidge
avenue, testified that they swoie out
warrants before Persch and paid for
them. The returns to the City Con
troller, It was alleged, did not contain
these warrants.
Judges Take Under Advisement Hat-
lot Petitions Filed by Vre
Judges Audenrled. Carr and Finlttter
today heard applications for tlie appoint.
Local Board Chairman Quotes
Letter Charging Slackcrisin.
Proposes Army Pay
Diaft exemption of shlpvard cmploes
through the appointment of an expert
with full knowledge of shipbuilding to
act on nil exemption claims for this sec
tion Is ft plan outlined by Provost Mar
shal Oeneral Crowder which will be put
Into effect within a short time.
C J. Drenncn, Sun Shipbuilding Com
pany. Chester, who Is virtually responsi
ble for the plan, In all probability will
be selected to iart out the system.
Coincident with the new draft plan
was the announcement that Samuel J.
Buck, chairman of Local Board No. Id.
has suggested to draft headquarters In
Ilnrrlshurg that men of draft nge needed
In shlpards be Inducted Into the serv
ice and assigned to the shipyards with
a soldier's snJaiy. He asserted that It
Is the opinion of the boaid that many
of the shlp.vard emplojes are "nothing
but slackers."'
Outlining of the plan followed n con
ference betweer a committee represent
ing shipbuilding companies along the
Delaware niver and Oeneral Crowder.
Mr. Drcnnen was chairman of tho com
mittee. Serving with him were G, Oen
dall. New York Shipbuilding Company,
Camden. N. J., and H Hunter, a lawyer
of New York.
fthlpwnrkera llsem,)!
I'nder the present draft laws, a ship
yard worker Is given deferred classifi
cation by the appellate draff board at
the request of the Navy Department. H
Is then permitted to work In the ship
yards at h big salary, meanv.hlle being
considered In the Government scivlco
like n soldier
The aluzed "unfairness" of this plan
prompted the anonymous letter sent
by "Ls Mothers" to General Crowder,
according to tin writer
The letter tefers to one shipyard
worker, of draft age and without de
pendents, "who never did work on ships
until lately." and who is "walking tha
slrei-ts and working down at the Navy
Ynrd making big money and cnjojlng
"Is that fair'."' the letter asks.
Kaemptlon Canceled on Leaving
Exemption granted n worker will he
canceled limned jately upon his It nvlng
tlie employ of th'e shipyard, and all em
ployment managers will be compelled to
repoit cases of men leaving.
The Delaware Itlver dlstrltt repie
sentative will open offices In this city
June 1.
The country will be divided Into sev
eral districts, and each dl-tilct will
have one man to settle exemption dis
putes. Heretofore It has been the custom
ot employment managers' of each ship
yard to consult the officials at Wash
Ington when exemption vvas sought for
an emploe, and the Washington au
I thorltles would ln turn recommend to tho
I local boaid that the worker In tiucstloit
be given deferred classification.
for the soldiers and for the women who
1 are engaged In the work of the war.
If a church vveie designated In every
section of the city, regardless of denomi
nation, where such a service of prayer
might be held, the custom would soon
spread to other cities.
Holy Trinity Church was selected) for
the first service because of Its nearness
to the offices of women's war work or-
j ganl7atlons Other churches will be util
ized later under the plans now being
Regaining I'o.illon g Capital Cilv of
Philadelphia Is fast regaining her
position as the "capital cltv" of
America, salt! Herman Le P.oy Collins,
a; a luncheon of the Business Science
luh In ihe Bellevue-Stratrord Hotel
...'.';S1'':' .t.l'u ,u'lln''l"K of thn war,
Pnllailelnhln 1ms har.ni.,.. n. .......... -
Industrial division Alba R. Johnson I .... .-..' . . i ini.ri.un i.i...,..i..i ,... . . u:
.l:. . .-..-.......-.. . . .. . . I .1. i.ru I'aiLon. i.eo in ii I i.inss ntui ' ...uu,. mi nt-inin, uec aren
State law forbids the use of the flag omb"i. ehalfmifi ratal! employes" Paul Henry H. Farley represented the Vare Mr. Collins. "We have built vast muni,
for this purpose. This has caused a I Thomssnn. chairman utilities employ.:, Hcpuullcan , .1. Louis Breltlnger ami ! ." r,onts.B"d thousands of workmen
.... . ,. .. .. a, -.. ..,-,,.. ....i .. ..,. . I. ,., ,, n. .. .. . .... .. l.n,. no It., Ir. unci. n...l In II.. 1...
wave nr Indignation thronchout the jubtph n w.ci..uniM . ciNiruiaii puDiiutm- .vtr. ituuie tne mvin .Meeting pariv -ren- I "'-..., "V"'. "" i 'c ncrr.
ment of election officers to fill vacancies
In division boards.
The Court also took under contldcra- '
tlon a few remaining applications of the
Vare faction to enjoin the County Com-1
ll. IP T t .fY.rl.. a. .1.1... I , ....... .- Ill'.iuiltl3 liuill iuiiiiiiik Ull I r If nMH
Old Yorit rtoad dlvlalon: John Walton, divi.l J""0''1 "'' ""mes of certain candidates I
slonal director for Northeast Philadelphia; "" ward executive committee whose
, .. .!-. 1 ....I.... ...1.1.1. 1 .1.3
moie general Intercession Is needed, In i,. .hh ..i, i.nrni. ninndarhimri " c:..Uoti' chairman central eamraUn nomination papers were attacked as not
the opinion of Bishop P.hluelander. boll , . "I1!? . .1 L .f-"0."-J"d '."""- . ffm,,,l."V.n,'.- ".,.?.' V".k.a.n.i '"' ''" containing; the requisite number of valid
-. ... ... . ... . i ' ', "Dims niv '""iBii "" " . .ri"m"- :'- "---I. -. . inaorHrmeniR.
tliflr Ilteratut-, notufthstandlnff the I
ploro finds Illustration In the treatment I 20'''40 for
which Is beina- aernrd.,1 . .Lr''i?nl still buying.
sylvanla Congressmen who wlihom r. "IIow ""5' B" totnK to " ,ne m i t r . A . A
gard to their political future had coir" I nMD, ln T d0,,t kow" he "ll(!' "The urkisli Outrages Against Ar-
age enough to vote ln favor' of auhmii theatre mu.t be clastic " tt 11 o. 1
ting the prohibitory amendment to thl ',1' nu'0rdon started the bidding meiliatlS Have Been Stopped,
people. If wa have any oroDer n..lfor choice of the boxes at $30(1. From c ti . All
of gratitude and Justice every one of t,,e bllln- cn" oI. 'W nun- Sa'8 Doctor Akcd
these eighteen Contre?men who Is now'dr'd'" ...
back to the man. "I can't see you very Armenian atrocities have, ceased be-
State and the real patriotic cltltens of
Pennsylvania will show their resentment
on election day
"The Penrose machine has never been
i able to poll more than about 25,000
vote Theie are about 700,000 Repub
lican votes In Pennsylvania, nnd If C00,-
I 000 of them turn out and vote on pri
mary day It will mean 'Good-by Pen-
irose'; It will mean a clean Pennsyl
vania; It will mean a clean State In
I which to raise our bojs and girls; It
will mean a square deal and fair play
for the -norklngmen aa well as the bust,
ness men. I am confident of the result
and 1 ant willing to leave my case In
the hands of the people."
a candidate for re-election will be re
elected. Congressman Darrow nnii
Congressman CosteUo. of this cits
should, without the slightest question,
be renominated and re-elected. I have
never met either of these gentlemen and
have no personal Itnerest ln them. My
Intere.t Is based wholly upon Justice
snu patriotism.
well, but I know tht dulcet voice well cause Turkey wishes to avoid war with
enough to call jou Jimmy," It was the United States.
James Elyerson. This Is the declaration of the Itev.
Charles Edward Aked, former pastor of
First (Joes to ateteabury the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, New
Mr. Klverson and Lady Duff-Gordon ' York, known as Rockefeller's Church. H
ran the price up to 11260. Mr. Stoles. ,ls a member of the National Armenian
,.r. ..- .... . hnrv mail It ItKAA and Mr Rlvaranti I relief Committee
have their opportunity r,'L,?l, helped It up until Mr. Stotesbury got the, Turkey' object In avoiding war with
nave tneir opportunity now, Public c n..t hoi' for .oiin the United States s that she want a
rawTr?th.f?.',B&'e.h 'Lem;! ChaHton ' Y.rna. ?' got the fourth ' friend at the pe.ee t.b,e when the war
ey. .,af nVmcs.' They can electi,,,. , ,.nn. winiam n w.rii.n .. I. over, according to Doctor Aked.
nrti, fnr ssnn nn,i .lulu M.isihmin, th "it Is imnoslble for Americans to un-
1500. Altogether, about ' derstano conauions in sma minor, saiu
of seata were sold. J. D. Doctor Akto. our ejeo on inr mci
flrst choice of seat for front. We could hardly play Germany's
a sufficient number of Senators and As
aemhlvman to arlvA .Tnhn TtarlA..An... i.,
deathblow. But It cannot be done If , .IVSoi. ..
we peral.t In waging war among our-1 !,..M00.1,r,h
selves. The chances now are that we'I lA8 ,
are about to throw away the most stra
tegic opportunity wnicn haa ever come
to our Keystone State by miserable lit
tle factional bickering that are wholly
unworthy of American and Christians."
Six Name Include One Death Four
Injured in Explosion of Oxygen
Washington, May 10. The Navy Des
partment today reported th following
Auguat Henry Btnaon, machinist'
mate, Dixon, Cal., Injurd (not atrloualy)
In aeaplane accident at Cap May, N. J
May I.
Assistant Surgeon Edwin P. Bugbee.
U. 3. N-. and th following men were
Injured when an oxygen operator burat:
Walter aTarnee Breaitell, Otlivllle, X. Y. :
Thorn. s Flash, 1(21 Hyde .treet. San
Franclcco: Albert Carl Robert Trlspel,
Ht Twenty-ftrat .treet. Milwaukee.
Frederick Edwin F. Relf, naval plum.
ber. waa drowned while underrolnr In.
Iitructlon In the deep-sea diving echool,
r-MB.4M A.llnn V-wnA.I T 1
IVlllsW BM.w. .vnn,., w .
"' V, filfctM Mrrie Licen.ei
Kaktaa.'Ma... May 10. Couple taking
ige JiQAe nere tnta momtnar
out marrtage
wer CJareAoe,
U Ceanly and Edith
rt. AaUroju'Aweaweiler and-Marie
wlr lS'M'itt.SiSterJ tlla
)3C0 each, and Mrs. J. Gardner Cassatt
the second at llSfj.
William G. Davidson, who might have
got seats for i each, said he was In
a hurry, so he bid 115 each and took,
eight ee.t. at that price plus face value.
Olh.r box sale were: t
P. W. Robert. 1500 ; F. W. Chandler,
J500; Charles E. Hires, MOO; Samuel
D. Lit. 00: Mrs. S. K. Hutchinson.
I250 ; II. B. Swope. 200, and Mrs. Wil
liam Piatt Pepper, $100.
The following paid premiums of $50
for box: Mrs. H. D. McKean. Mis
Phebe Dowas and J, B. Beury (two
2974 Philadelphia
In New Draft Call
Tentlnajed frees fate On
the State exempt from thle call for th
same reason Include! Adam County,
Altoona, No.. 1 and :: Clinton County,
Ea.ton, Forest County, Greene County,
HarrUburg. No. 2 and 3 ; Reading. No.
P. I and 4 ; Flke County. Wllke.-Barre,
yo. 1, I and 3; WUIIamaport, York,
No. 1 and 2.
All th men summoned from the west
ern counties go to Camp Humphrey,
Lee and Greenltaf. The Camp Meade
quota total 7711.
District adjacent to Philadelphia and
their quota follow: Buck. No. l, ez
ment No. 2,- It men: No. I, tl men:
Chswter city. No. 1,- II men: Xo. :, 37
:, CJuwer county. No. I, 17 men;
2!."m., I. --'- - - V v a -' 1
a-an.a anv better, ror uermany nas od-
Ject In the East rather than In the West,
Germany can afford to be beaten in the
west If she can realize her eastern am
bition. "Her dream of a Herlln-to-Bagdad
railroad now Is menaced by the British
drive In Mesopotamia, but she has an.
other drem a more vivid one of a
Berlln-to-Bombay roadway. This ha
been mde possible by the victory over
the Russians and the land ceded to Tur.
key by Russia.
"But till can be prevented. Armenia
can be set up a an Independent king
dom, with a ruler from Holland, Switz
erland or America, and thiis a solid
country could be placed In the path ot
tho Germans. This I the only thing
that cn bo done."
Dr. Aked spoke at Wltherepoon Hall
at 4 o'clock thl afternoon on "Pales
tine and Armenia Today Since the Brit
ish Occupation."
He appeared under th direction of
the Armenian relief committee of the
Emergency Aid, of which Mr. George
Horace Lorlm.r I chairman and Mrs.
Robert M. Downs, treasurer. Hla ad
dress was a plea for the future of an
ancient race.
. ' '
Fourteen Million "Cart Wheels" Re
ducej to Bullion
Bar mad from appproxlmately H,
Ote.eeo ctlrer dollars,' melted down at
th Philadelphia Mint, were shipped west
today. The bars welched 10.121,121
f.TM.uMfmate ajaaUMtlea of the til-
plovaa: Herbert J. TUv, chairman general
l.ticV. Count Joseph It. Orundy, director.
( heater County 11. A. r.fale. Jr., dl
I ririoi.
liV.a re County William C. Sproul. di
.Montgomery County Percival Robert., dl
rertor There are forty-four teams In the
central section of the city, the committee
nays. Thoy will cover the. territory bs
tween Poplar and South streets between
tho two rivers. The liveliest competition
la predicted by the War Che.t offlcluls.
At a conference each captain will be
allowed to pick from the prospect file
kept by the committee the person he
consider he can "land." If he fall
within a specified time the prospect will
he turned over to another team.
In this way every person In the center
of the city will be reached. They will
also be reached nt home by the teams
ln the wards, the committee points out.
The campaign will be a whirlwind, ac
cording to War Chest officials, and the
organization la virtually complete.
li-IVf ronv
ose element and I. A. Qulnn renresented vv ill we nolil thin proud osllon by
the Democrats, caring lor me men vvlia make this pros-
eilty possible, by pioper housing und
nr At." iiacc tiiu nvnnivd sanitary conditions, by the building of
BLACK. BASS HIS UNDOING suitable hollies for them, or will we
, , v w . ,w forfeit It by huddling Ihem together in
Black bass had an appear for George uts H,i shacks"" a,""" i
Kerns, n night worker at the Adams 'Ji
Express office at the Pennsv Ivanla Rail
road terminal In Camden, which he could
not resist todav.
Kerns, who lives In Fein stieet. Cam
den, at a hearing before Recorder Stack
house said that, seeing a shipment of
fl.h at the express office, he couldn't
resist the temptation to take a couple
for breakfast. Just then a detective
nabbed him. Kearns was fined J10 and
t'ire Sweeps Timber I.anil
Alumna, P., Slav 10. Nlnctv acres of
valuable timber vvas oftrojed by fire
that swept over the cltv watershed
at the Ivlitaunlng Point teservolrs.
Two thousand small trees, ust planted bv
the city, were ruined. A strong wind
fanned the flames and It took strenuous
work by 100 volunteers to get tho file
under control.
Tempest Orders Designations
of One-Way Streets and
Proposes Changes
Captain Tempest, head of the traffic
division, announced, thl afternoon that
electric signs designating one-way
streets will be Installed.
They will be placed at street intersec.
Cons In the district bounded by Tenth
and Seventeenth streets and Locust and
Callow hill streets, with the probable ex
tension of the system to Spring Garden
street later.
Additional traffic policemen have also
been stationed In Market street at Elev
enth, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fifteenth
streets, and In Chestnut nt Thirteenth
and Fifteenth streets.
Captain Tempest conferred with Act
ing Superintendent Mills relative to an
amendment to the .treet parking ordi
nance changing the nonp.rklng limit
on Uroad .treet and other, -afreets.
Under the existing ordinance, parking
I jiot allowed on Broad street between
Locust and Race streets, between
o'clock In the morning and ( o'clock at
night. Tempest would change the limit
to Spring Garden and South street.
He explained hi reque.t for a change
by the fact that there I much more
traffic now on Broad .treat between
the point mentioned than when the or
dinance wa pasted, and that there are
constant stream, of motortruck carry
ing freight passing along" Broad atrtet.
Germanlown Youlh Taken From
Waion by Policeman
Vincent K Morton, nineteen. Ka.t
Chelten avenue, deserted from the army
at Newport New. Va.. two vve.ka ago.
It Is aald. and returning to Philadelphia,
cot a rob on anjvlcn wagon.
Grlbban. 'of the Uermantown nntla.
saw him today and turned dim over to
Major C. G. Young, at th Frankfort
' Akt $1500 Heart Balm
I Suit was entered In the Munlclnal
I Court today by Dlla May Bradley, :am
North Mutter street, against Clara
I Dlckert, 33(2 North Second street, to
recover 11600 damage for the alleged ,
alienation of the affections of the plain
tiff husband, waiter w. uraaiey.
DVVinsON. Mv . Rev. 1. WILLIAM
DAVIDSON. Relative, .nd frifnrla Invited
to funeral. Man.. a. m . o32'J Hpruie si.
Rarvlrea at at. Jam..'. P. K. Church. 2Jd
an1 Walnut eta.. 10 a. m Int. private
husband of Marraret Keith and son nf lat
Tainple and Helen C. T. rral.e. Servlrra at
R R, Brln.hurat Co., 1924 Arch at., Mon
11 a. m Int prlvata,
lau.htar of late Edmund A. and Emily II.
Roudtr. and SI. R.l.tlv.. and frltnits In
vitart to aervlca.. Set., 1 d. m., St. Mary's
Church. 1-ocu.t at. above Stth. int. private.
son of Charlta B. and Catherine K. Miller,
a.rd OS, Relative, and frl.nds Invliait to
funeral aervlce. S.t 2 p. m at e;s s.
th st. Int. prlvtte.
CARPKKTRAH w.ntad. SO cant, par hour.
Kmal Knalnearlnai Co., Incerp.. 14th and
Virar a rrrrr niaq
1IOYH wanted 1 yeara up: waa-a til In
IIS vtrk: short hours. Call MrNealv
Price Morocco Worke, Richmond and Tioga
NAILER, eipcrlenced on clear hoxaa
.no bottom nailing,
sis iwrmr. ai.
Sh.lo V.ndearlft,
MAN wanna far gtn.r.l work In whol..
..I. tnv housa. ...lit packer and shipper,
ate. Adarts. vv 211. Ledger Office.
KD AND WALNUT. N. E. cor., th. Sw.rth.
more Naw IS-.tr. apt. hettl. 3 rmi. and
bath. turn, or vinturn., er 1 sing) room.
K. I. Btott. Mar.
onATZ. K. IUI Flrr-laa room, and
boeret frtvata hoinai also aal. a.rred.
Dlamftnd T4e W.
wit W J
F1? Mf'f. P.l
rwi ntxvn
CAMDKN ana auburb.1 naueaa far aal-j
rem an isaaAefe .keaaea.. Frank P. 1
A new book by
Mary Roberts Rinehart
youth, romance, tenderness
these three
A Great Novel
byJhe author of L" and Bab?
NOW Rlk4y-nkmrtUn$ hyTh ATnnS1.40 Nt I
y. i aasHI,
rsau.. . t, ,, ..tiflv..
M jwha vl