Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 10, 1918, Final, Image 17

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" i . . , i . 'i' ' .. -.j. -i ' ... , j'ip.
, t; 4i- . '. - i-' '
Morion Star Turns in Card
of 91 Over Overlnook
Clnl) Link
llterlirn.ik, li., M,(V 10
T.nlen sunn.1 vvonuiit golfer ntlier tli.in
Mri. Iloiutlri II llnrluvi win the
Clarence II (it 1st rup next vrnr Mr
deist "III ui e to lull up uiiotliei tnmliv
for tcnla ut I i oveiuniol. iiulf Cliili
Mrs Harlow uf t lie .Mm lun t'rlcUel
flub, uun the (.mid for tlie fifth miii;cilvf
year. Two jnirn MRU he nun the tit -t
truphy outright iml lie now li,t two
lK on tile fiioml nip lltr Mine fol
lows :
. - - -x. ; swwr-a vr'wwimBiivniwii!
i it ii ii :i
I n 4:
i :- in
U the iml of the fit (it nine hole- Mi
Mlldicil i'hvciI.v. uf the IMIIwlelplila
""ilcUct t'luli. Ii-.nl the field wltli II
itrokep, Willi Mic. i! II Sleti-oii of
1 luntltiptloM Willi, a liol' iivvuv
Mri. H.irlovv limine a total of If' ctmltex
Rut of the two Mre Dm low wim tin
only one to licttir lift mi Hw
('.nell.v rinlalud with :i tolal of 'M She
had ii very fine uutRiiltiK loiind and had
It not Itecii for a mow Iiik machine on
the F.iort fouith whei" niter a pood
lilo she tool; thiie nioie tliul.ts to
reach tile creep lie would h.ive lin1
J tolnl of 41 and tli'ii woulil have Ind
her with .Mr I'liiloi..
Mls Civd wa- boIiik we" until
the Kiventeuith At I'le (lid of the t
teenth hole M' Ctvcily wiih still one
tltoke under Mn ll'Mluw tin the -v -"titeenth
II" t'aveilj Mmki'iert
md ended with a d. Mr. Hallow had
.1 four'rn I'te fc.ttnp hole, .md t'.iN n.ive
hei a lend of a linl.e.
Mrs. Harlow end?d with a the Mls
Cavcrly'H secjud vvm on top of a mound
near the itrei 11 T'lls cine her an
awkwaid ta.ne'v wh'c'i eoup'ed with the
hum ci. i." in.i'lp It a "ry (lltllciilt Mint,
ntul whe was Ju.U Hhle to crt out In the
fairway Her mi 1 shot nltniii-t
holed uiil. and two putty Rjir her a
revert. Her card
out :i 1 7 11 . a a .1 :. 11
In .-. 4 7 : ii :i 7 i ; .-.11 n 1
Claruioe II. c.elct. who hai "pent
'oniewheie In the ue'Khliorhood of 11
half million doll c-h In fiiixliiiitltiK the
heautlftil Sea Vie- links .11 Ah-ieon.
with Its 111.11 ve'tulv app dnled chili
limine. KMM- the ineihiook iolf Club a
cup for medal plaj c luinetltluu Hi 1911.
It Wllh to lie won llirte timed hefore II
lireauu the pennane'it iin.pulv of the
tins Won ll I our Time-
And the er flrt touinanicnt w.11
"011 li Mis Uuuuttl II Uirlnw. nf the.
Mellon C11. 1. el Club. 111.1111. timet 111"
champion of this oiiv and twice luniur
up In tin nail ma elianiiiioiKhlp AimI
eei fclnce then Mim Hallow has k'l.t;
011 winning Mr licNt Kc annther
cup last car and the ei. llrtl name
to he Im-i-rll-ed on II iun M-c Ua low f
While there wile forty-elclil entiles as
opposiU to scm nt -elKht lart var. the
best women pla.dis In the clt wtre
aiuoiic the 1 unleslMlil.'. the most cjh
ppleiious uhe'itees IhIsib Mit ''li'mw
II VandeilKck. the former nation d
chainplou. who thus far t'll- y in ha 1
tot appeared in compi tltlve coif; Mif.
;. S. Munsoii and Mbs lltliel Campbell,
who won the Florida championship lat
I.asl eai there wile four blc IihmI
(tnl3. In the (list M s,i Mllduil Ca
(rl. the national unmet -up lu the List
(omiietltlqti. v.as the luediil wlniur In
the local championship. Thhc lln.il was
won by Mi? Cakh K. Ko. who beaut
Miss Weanor Chandler In the final.
In the Ittrtlicll n Cup match the med
nllit wat" Ml.-s Kl.iliu It'senthal The
final waa won bv Mi.s Harlow, who beat
Mrx. I!. K. Muiisju. of the Merlon
Cricket Club Mm fu wnv the winner
of the .Mar Thaer Karnuni tiophj
with a fcoie of 181. Mls Caveilj behiK
hecuiid with 1SS
The intdallst In the llelle Me. hnaii
Hiunui tioph wasM'f '! II. Stetson, of
lluntlngdoti Vnllej, who wan beaten it
the final match hj Mr.- Hallow
' hut May Huppcn
in Baseball Today
li:itli i,i;hi 1:
, . , , l. I. IM'. Mln Imt
Jleirlmul 11 n ..; .mm ..-.Mi
lio.to.i 1 i, ., vii ,m
.New iirk II 11 .I VI .. ,l
lllll-ICil N in im loo
UHsliltiXli.lt II III 15, VHI ,110
M. IaiiIs ii ,ui ..inn .111
VrM"!! n ""' till .V
hlflli. 1 ,:,, ,. ,:lnH
V V1IIINM. I.K,l r,
. . , . I.. I'. . Uln lu.r
New ntk IH 1 ,1115 .,1.111 ,UiK,
l libiicn II ti ,1'S
J'lllliTirilli . II 11 ..mil ,.1:11 .1:1
i .'.'.". !'.""" '" " -'" ,t'.n .ta.
Ill's II .4(1
tiinmkitii : i ,:u(n
?' ",", i.i ..lilt .shi ,:im
miiin ,i 11 .km
tNii! sdirilulril.
(curve liilleil, (ill till'
I lit lulled Mule- arm)
lell. mill
unit will
I'll klrs Dlllioeler liae enli'leil in
onii cli'p.itl from tlic rank of the
Phillie I'lajer Will .(email. itli Team bnlil Draft
Transfer Is Made in Washington Expect
to L
cave in i wo
Ma in
Tji:riu:i: the piunKinc
-' clly of teats snrrouji
and I kiiu) the) will do their woilt well.
I1001I luck to all of them"
iR Phils left tills
rrims and oilier oll Killefer Heporl- )I.i) 2)
I'lurf f r far-off St l.ooie. It was leaiinil Anoih.i intcresliuc pleip of news was
thxt t in of tin- uieiiibd's of the muni- B1'11 "ut ' "" ''"hi liiiiuiiilK ,)eterdiiy
hllnc ball ih.lt would not be aiuoiic u 'y ll'l,"ln :''- ' IroppcO down
,,, ,, iiiiwiifc 11 flol T( , () tl(. ,lp Rillnn jni,,, Miys
anei anolhci w.d, ui . (IH, lW Killefer has been ordered to
Wlli.11' (n.kles) lillliioifVt Hie ' 'rl'it In one of the training camps In
)"Uthrul iiitcher. who i.inie heie In the,,i""Kl" '" s,"v -'" '-U "'" " l"" ""'
leM,i,,. .,. ., , ,. ...,.."" ''" n0" ''"'I ""I" nv. Tiei-ldont
All .sand 1 ,hai. and Co,,.-.. Whined ,,., lttl ,,,., ,, thc ,.. ,,
line enli!.d In the ami) and will u- W.ichnian will lme to chow for Ills
pott lo I'nele Sain as .'win a,, their "1""' I" Doile I'.iskm who was not In
ti.uisfei fioin (he diaft Is an meed In ' ,1"1"1 '" ""' ,lral h"' """ ,""lc'' fnr
W....lil.iKi..n. In the in. ami,,,,.. ,1,'" Williunp.. who did not leport.
"Ill ipiiiilu Willi the 1 lull until notllltd '"" ''hH-s pi ifmin-it In the came old
to i'o tluli lilt in the othei k.iiih-. wheie "' .,t'!'leida) and lost tin came In one
thtie auv mi ho More, no nj'lon no 1 '"nine when Mijrr ci"0ed tin hall for
pentiantF In r.ut. notliinj; at slake hut I "ve 1',"BBels 'r n low The K.siilt was
tl.ilf IHes 'a double, four .slncles and tin co iun.s.
which were t pouch to win The Moran-
Bums Slams Ball
Over Bleachers Top
( itnllniiril rrmii I'iilc line
to flitcc and I. e hold went to Ui.nl
lluin pl.i.vul .liuksiins Kiounder kioiI
and It 10II11I 0111 to t IkIii for a slncle.
M-urlue l.elhold .Inikson 1II.1I fteallm.'
I'eikuis u Iniuan line inns, one lilt,
no 1 1 ior
.I.1111I son wa, ilnoun U ,j 1ter
Konp itioiindtd to .1. fillips,' Walk. 1
knoiked one Into the left field blench, t
oil the Mi foi a home inn liioice Ituilis
then i.tabllaril a i.enid In Shlhe I'aik
h) Unoikdiij tin ball dean oxer the b ft
lile.iilitiH on the ll). the ball tandlnc In
Soineivtt sn,.(.. -phis if n,e littiKci-t
lout eei seen in Shlhe I'm I,. th.
. lovpi to Ii belnic made li Wall' 1
.loluivoi, of Waelilncton when he h't tin
wall (iaidiiei foubd to Seaalk Two
tills, two lilts no cuoie
l:i IIMI 1NMM.
.1 Collins hlnclcil lo ilchl Murplu
was nit ett il b bis fi lends and as usual
lesponded hi fiinulnc Mi.MiiUIn walked
and Mi'Mulliu wolktil n
1 Svlinlk stiiiik out uii
in ill I. nun to stral hoi, e ,1 Collins was
thrown out Hicrk lo Pcihlns. (, iun.
one hit. no iirois
IMmiIsiiii Eioundid to I!I1i.mk
Wt.Der thiew out liucan. I'd kins
rlucled our vetond Hicrk ui pilful
bv lappinc a sliiBh to ceutei Kalu 1
loivpd out .latulevon No inns, two hits
no 1 1 1 in?
1 until ismm,
r,ibir fanned l.elhold walkdl
Weaur was cafe 011 liucan s fumble.
Itbbeii; was tlirowu out b) itindiiir,
both men udvamliic .lnck"on Kioiiudeil
to liucan. No 1 uus, no lilts. 0111 eitoi
lllsberc thiew out Ivopp Uulkir
ctoiindcd lo MiMulllii. Iliiins bunted
and hiat It out. liaidiur flit il to I. el
bold. .No tuns one hit. 110 inni"
.1 folllns Hied to Walku- Miirphv
beat nut a hit to liucan M.-Milllln IHed 1
to lvopp Sill. ilk foulid to I'uklps .No
I nil-, oik lilt llt ellnrs I
i.i iilsiin sliicled In left liucan
foiled ll.DliNnll .1 Collin In W'e.ud I
I'eiklns lllid In M tn ili Husk
CI minded Ii .1 Collins ,Ni inns nue
lilt, no ei tor-. i
t YV U UIlILLo r Ua play in exhibition camk
I'enn Hivalri Take V i r
Trial Spins on Srhnyl
kill Coinx'
fanned liiecc kuoiktd
Knli-leil in New Yolk
'.' .,'.,,,,', '' voiiple or ,Ihv3 aim"
aid lill.luiefei. "and expect to be called
at any lu'iiute I (Mdn't warn to b
iii..'ii lu the diaft bnaus-e It would ap
pear Ihal I was foiced to Join Hi- colors
I .tin leippy to lie aide to j..i that
wiu.i 1 ...i.i- ,. j.m. 1,1 a tonnitions rattore
men aie colnc 1
iibitut thai -but
wions dlrtctlou
nnd dhlploti.
md llleies no doubt
tiny are colnc In the
Toda) the are lu the
ml 1 pecl to do some-
dow n
1 tin-".
thine tonioi me, ncaluct St ,oole That
western tilp looms up mote ltupoitant
(ac'i d.i) If the I'hlls come bai.lv to
eat th and settle down lone etutuch to
or a i-hip.Miid or Hoineihlnc that uouldiwlu 11 few came nil well and cood. It
make me crnipt I want to do m bit . nut, faiewill forder The) mn't oust
and the moner the bdtei
VVIilll-il had nollilnc to t,i), hut he.
ti'o. Is iiwnltlnc the call II Is possible
that liot'i playeis, will be asslcucd to one
of I lie 1 mips In ,N"cw V.nk.
The loss of thet-e athletes especially
Whltltd will bo a i-cicie blow to the
team Ohwrc Is a wuuOei fill player who
Is a ipilck thinker and Id In the xamo
e)er) iiilnui.'. lie hits well and win one
of I'at Moia'n's chief assistants. Chitted
ban not been In tin llue-un for the last
thne da)H t'"d pel haps I'at Is bieaklnc
lu r'lurcrnlil in rlcht mid Crinath In
left to il't iliem aceusloiued lit th msl
tluna when Whitttd baies At pttHeiit
Ceoice Is "aid to be ,!iirfe, Inc from a
il'.ulei hoi.-e hut In is us, d us ,, pinch
the cellar, hut they 11 cet
The t-unuiiuilea lollow
1 I hi' V
.Mini It II llarl'in M.rL.ii HI
111.. .MIMrfil l'sirl I'hlla-
(lelplila Crld.rl HI
Mrs. II. II. .slvle.in II V
C C I .. HI
.Vim. c H Put II , i'. c Urn
Mlm i:, I'lmnilUr. II. V. I' C ,lul
Mr., A K IllllstFin. II.iIm. Mil.-
Mrs. .1. W Prik. Merlin,. nil
Mm. J. P. Heir. .1.1. L'liiinlrv nil
Alrn. .1 V. Turnlmll Milte-
marh ... I111
Mrf, A. Danntrnluiuin, Pull-
inont lni:
.Mm. II. 1'. M11I1I1. S.irili Hills lni
Mm. X 11. I'fik. PhllnUeliihlii
Country In'.l
Mrs. K. C Karni'lidw l.lvr
ton I n't
Mrs. 11. -. Su'l'lHrils. unr-
krouk .... II11
Mrc P. II. KUcr. OierLroul.. Iln
Mr.. It Slatlrr Phllinunt .. I III
Mrs. T. II. Vrttrrleln Coun
ir . Iti
Mlsi Jimney, Meriuii . 1IJ
Mm. llHlnlltt.il. Cnuutiv I'lult It'.'
Mrs. M. II. Vht, H lillfiiiHmli lie.
Mrs. J. A. Keriu.l t'uuntr)
I'lul Ill
.Mrs. O. li llreei, Jr )i...l-
huri .Ill
Miss K. Mc.Niflv Merlon, ... ISll
Vrs ll-.rton Ivir-T St. Il.vl.ll U"J
Mrs. Otorse M(CIllanil, Ott-r-
uioui 12.1
Mrs Arthur l.our .Mrri.m. Uil
Mini K llulfe. St. IlitvlJs U's
Mm. T. ( Welhtrlll. liver-
brook I."J 1 r. Ill
Mip, S H. Peck, of the Philadelphia
Country Club, canie alone late 'In tht
afternoon and beat out Mm. Stettou for I -N' lltn
the net score pilze with u cross of lull. jjuXurn
a nanuicap 01 m ami a net 1ut.11 of tn
Ills 114
(jiaiits I line Ureal Team
But one i.iliiiol hpeak handily nf tin;
1 lub In cause of the disaster on the Polo
limunds The illante aie struiifrcr.llian
last )i'.t- and Die ball 1 lub Is one of the
l.est that e)er ha)e been lu the National
I.e.iRiie 1'roni Younc to McCarthy tlm
line-up Is a shmcluc uue and all) man
can Iium up the ball came with a lone
clout In addition to that the) aie cel
tmc all of the bleaks and 11111 he ton
'libinl a eiy luck) aBKrecatlon. uf
i'uiiie Mils luck HluiT is backed up by
cood pie) Inc. lots of ablllt) and a stiont,
puiuh. bin lis theie Just ll.c v.une
Pat Moian .iiluiilK It is one of the best
Mil i lllhs he eel lias v-eell and otlur
critics acire with him The pla.vers ale
so coud that the) kipt 0,1 wluulnc came'
w li' 11 1..U!) Doile letlied to the side
lines and the cleat sttouil stu ker ap
paientl) has not been mlsed
Three Oilier- Mat (in
Three oilier meinbeis of Mnrau's club
am In claes A-t and may be calUd at
anv time The) are ''ikiuI.i Met. ttllcau
who Is playluc 8Uch u cuod came at
set ond bice: Hen Tlncup am? 1Mh
D.dIs. Tie last named are pitchers and Too Nentiiii Tlul All
wile epecieu to win man) K. lines tills
)chi Davis linn been III since the traln
1 lltr ll lp, hut Ik roundlnc Into Kltape. and
will be mailable for ilut) In (mother
week If lie still Is with the club.
"I am not rajlnc I am soriy that the
hj)s aie coliig awa)." hi Id I'at Moran,
'but I cutely will fnhs them. Hut the
hoys arc coins to do s-oiuethhiR bigger
than the) ever could anoniplish nil the
ball Held and I wish them roiy success-.
1 ni pi oud lo hae men on my
ball club In the ten lee of their country.
The tumble wllh the I'hllK now Is that
the) hae been 111 a slump the plu.veiK
aie unliving and tDlnc Ihelr beet tn
Cet hai k In fo 1 111 and win some cames.
The until of the matter Is the) are ny
iuc too haul and aie accomplishing
Tomoiiow the home folks open lu St
Louis wllh ,loe Uecthger on the 111011111I
Tl.ey eped In r.et down to hulness and
make up foi their bum work In the last
nine Mctoi)Ieas contests.
Kalu 1
laibold's dihe and Ducan tine
out Weaver lined to Kopp Nti
no hits, no emus
.lamlesnn mounded lo Mc.Mullin lvopp
liopped to McMullIn lllsheic tluen out
Walki, .Ni inns, no hits, no emirs
IIKbdC stiilek out .laikson bniil to
Kopp .1 Collins also filed to Kopp
No 1 nits no lilts, nn eiioi.s
Hums fll.d to Juikt-oti liaidn.i flltd
to lllsheic Kabei iIikw out Iiaxldcon
.No inns, no hits, no euoii
i;i:mh inmm.
' alkir 1, nue In and took Muipli)'
.short fly. McMulltn singled lo centtr
Schalk singled lo ilR.it. Fending .Mc
MullIn lo thud and went to ti 0111I on
tin tlilow l-'alnr stunk out for the
t 111 1 rl time Kopp made a wouileifiil
iiinnluc 1 .11 eh of l.elbold'a low Hut 1
lu si, oil It ft initii. .No tuns two
Iill no enors.
Afld liURiin had two stilhis and one
lallnl ball, he was taken out and
Shannon went up to hat loi I1I111
Shannon fann.d Peikln- foubd to
Seaalk. ilncc flhd lo .1 Collins .No
1 mis, no hits no ci nus
Shamiou now pla.vlucal sh.ut I . t Ihe
Alhlellvs Weaver F-iuch'd to left lnv
1iIm.ii fell asleep and falhd lo iovii (list
so IIIsheic'H bunt went foi a eltiRlu
.laiksi.n saci lllied. Iluins In lalilnii
'.I Collins sliiKbd 10 tenter. Mining
Weavei and llls'ueiR. but wad thiown
out at n-iond. Walker to Miinnon
Jlllipll) was out. lllllll. In lileRK Two
mil, lluee liit. no eirois
Jahutsou was tossed 0111 b I'aber
Kopp went out the same wav Walker
fulled In Weaver -No tuns 110 hits
no mors
i.r.Di(. . 1., iiim
Italic It til Ei. llie Irfl.li.inili'il I wirier
' of llie Iteil o. I- leailiug llie
iiii-rirnn l.e.ipue liutlers willi an
iivcrajtc of ."110. -1tiIii , Itnlli,
1 liallinc in llie 1 li',ill-lli pn-ilinn.
foi, nil pl.iic. poiiiiilcil mil llirre
(lonlile-, a niple ami a -ingle in
I live Irip- In llie plate ap,iin-t I
1 1. in mini d lo win and end ihcjr mi
, sou In a saiiies-rul iimiiih 1 the Ceiiti.il
1 1 1 lull School iiaiKiiicii aeioinpanieil by
''"o.iih Mcl'hi'isiin twin) left for An
I naiinlls. while toiniiltow tin v will nn -t
the Annapolis ph lies In a dual dew
llll e IIM'I ill !- VI 111 iodise
'Ihe tin 11I hich siliool dtvv has 1 11111
lleted ill Ivvii laics this season and lis
lecoid shorts two di f' .Us 0111 lloili
I'enn flesh and the otlni finni the
Pllm-loli fitsh vidolv toiuoirow
01 even a dose lace will be lecaubd
iniilir the w.11 conditions as a siucis
fill season for Cential
TI11 men who lift todav aie 1'n.n li
McPlieison ManaRi 1 HunhiiiRei- Mc
Clintoek, liuhlii. I'lirhnian Ihnmelt,
llellels, Tl.lie) Sudd. Jones and Coo
gall Mitiiaw. who lias he. n on tin
ikl, s Tot the last Mill did not
iiLiiunpaii) Ihe nipt id
Tin Yale 0.11 sun 11 who will tlv.l I'enn
in Ihe annual aoinvllc oIiuskIf toinoiiow
Ifiptlinoii win lak" two vv-ii-kouts on Ihe
schuvlklll todiiv. Ciiatli Abbott and hH
ci.iup nf llll hifkles 111 rived III this c'ty
late veslelda). ton late tlen for a
twilight spin over the llinle) cniirse and
Hie N'iw llavin aRCiecallon conllned
ihelr aciiualulaiicpslilp wllh the mile
mil rive-sUieenlhs lane tn 11111 da)
ll was ll, si aunoiiiiced thai the llll
mi-sum, would not eml 'heir shells
hen but would ii"e the daft beloiiRlui:
1 . Ihe I'udlne P.oat Club limit in
Jilitio plnns wen upd snmewhat when
lino shells weie deposited ve'teiday al
I it PhllaiMphla P.niRe Club In care of
I inns iiounes, w no is me no.iiii"i-e ...
it nilaiil at New Haven
I tviieh Xlibntt annouiiiril that his men
"cir In f.ilily Rood lmp' 1 onslib r'nc
ii. fa that the) havebein b.inillciipiKd
" then triiltilng bv link of stitlli lent time
I. donte Ii. Ihe pradiies Tin lllue
i.iisluen who Wde suppo-ed to be (-
i melv Ilchl men lmlv lot aveiacliiK
I I"" pounds vvhlih l leall) heav.v for the .
'"Hec niii In the-e w.u times when I
most ,.f thr heft) matei lal l in the
'.inks of I tide Sam's fntce 1
Petiii ill (mioiI ?li.iie
The Pi tin luen are In eielleni shape 1
foi the event and aie anxious for a
lianee t n.ivi the defeat vvhlih was'
Imndeil Hie P.rd and lllue hil season on .
1I11 Sehuvlklll course j
Tin UuakiiH took a workout veter-
il.i v and that loo consist, d only of a long
pin without an.v brushing with the I
l.ltinlm elRhl The fad thai the Varsllv
IU in ei client (ondltlon was evidenced j
1 on Wediu'sdav when the first eight trim-'
med the utiKh tmptovdt .Iuiiuum bv ni
li 1 cths over the regulation distance ,
ll'rc-li limine!- Meet Cnrnrll
J t 2 n't lock tonioriow ufteiiionn the
ifiislitueii tiatk team will oppose .tack
Moakhv's Conn II .vmillugs on l'l.inklli,
I'll Id The ivents will be over In plenlv 1
of time to allow the spectators to go out
to the liver drive lo view the eiew races
The fleshnuii wire also si hedllled to'
plav ihe llrown Prep nine 011 I'ranklln
Pield. but the game was canceled b) '
the s.i hool luanaceuient .
The Vaisity liasebali plaris left this
innrnliiR fioin llhacn when. Ihe) will
pla) Coinell Intiioiri.w Waller Heinhardt
will do the hut line for the Ihd ami lllue
The sentluc and M.uNlke of Ihe Yale
1 lews follow :
nii; viisi
I'll-ilillK (Kill tl ((Me
slriike, . IE. I Kt(((
r. llll
I'felTcr, .Mullaiie. Hjan anil Slalil
Aniting llie WleraiH in the
I'liliiiKii, Mav In. llaseball slurs nf a
forniir geneiatlou, innii) know 11 only
lv 11 iHit.irjuti to piesinl-ihi) enthusiasts,
met in battle agilii .vtslenlay In a came
sincid desplle the ram for sevdal bun
dud Jad.lis fioui the tlreat Lukes naval
training station.
Among the veleians wi;e "Illll.v" Sun
d.i). one ihe falest sprluttr lu the Na
tional League. I-'t",i I'fefTtr, one of the
cientist stciinil h.in inn, the came has
known. "Ton)" .Multure who pllthed
In the Cincinnati I'.eds. and "Jlmni)"
lljllli. of the old Clllclgo Colls Jake
Stnhl plii)td llrst baie and vvaa Ihe
.vounget" of the iiggirgatlnu
The veterans weie divided into two
t nms. the Ml-N'allntuils ami the All
vnierliaii The .Nationals won Ihe game
In the fourth Inning win 11. with tht
scoie II to 1 rain made the uiutlmia
lion of the 1 oniest Impossible.
Kulrii". ("ItiM" Veilneiluv
New lurk. May In The fulled
Hunts Purine Association, which will
stage Its annual spilng meeting at Itel
nioiit Pail. Teiuiliial Satuiday. Mav S5
aiiuoiiiues that enltles for the l.ieat
I'lilled Hunts Sieeplediase will close
next Wedtiesda). May 13
-. , u .-m
On fenl.tive l.iit o Be;
Itelerii Sliy 23 uml'
June 1 r:
llrrentllle, . f.. .May lu Jo
in mugging, outfielder of the ."!
.Muercan League baeliall club, wb
rttentiy witiidravvn tyotn Clata '
until it(((( inaveu in 1 18 JA tv
ernment agtiifs appeal, totUy
Placed In the tentative Ilt for th
diaft of men tn be Culled between
.a nun .mile 1.
The local exemption board of
vllle, with vvhoiii jHikcon wak red
dnv llled a telegram to him, lnJI
n me 1 11 icii go ciun, notll.ving nun
vi ir befoie llie nearest board. 'M
x-iiii'iied fur the draft .V3
ancKson e oruer nuiuuer w un ine.n
kr.al.l m file no.l ll.l- ..,,,.. I. am 1.haI
imsed In the cull for men for th 1
draft If Ihe famous slugger passes'
phvsital cvamlnatlun he will In all M
ablllt) be called In thin drnft. It vva.1
iioiinceu ny tne duel cieri. or tn
hoanl th's afternoon, Jackson nn 1
In. illy placed lu Cass 4 on the groull4jJ
dependency, ills wile iieing poineu WJ
(lursiKinuaiie as uepeuuetii upon nln
smnioi I
.lllli Kn(tiueer. .1; 303d liripiuV,'?
Vni. II'. X. J.. Mav ID The lth'l
Hinders nmnfii u(. tne a). '(( sisnitlir J
llrlKuile here seaifrdHV. winning br 0
No. ;. 11
No. (I. I (.. Ill tins
Nn. A. II. II, I'rlie
Nn. I.-1. It. bii.iv
Nn. :t. vv. viriiii
No. ' VI, I'littrrsiiK
llnw, .1. Millrnr.i
( nvswiiiti, II, , Ivltiill
lass Ml. lit. Vc
IIUS tm ('..no ;:
I 'II II III! .1,111 '.'II
nun 17: .1.111 'in
111111 tin n.u: -.'i
mm ivi (i.nii ih
I'll'! Ill .'..III 'III
mm iiik n.cn -m
mm ihi ,1.11 in
Jr. IIIIH I'M .1.115 ::
. 1,. 11-1)11
s. .1,1,1,1
VV, V, i.aii
. II. Vliiii.i,,,
OI'EN SESO. TOMORROW! V.vi.V.k,.l","r
s Us 1 in IKs
mm n.u .-..11 ih
mm i;u li.iiii 'm
nun nn .i.u'i ;!
i'i:u i(,ii .l.iei in
in. 1 ih .vim m
mm ni'i ,-.io '.'ii
'I. , Hurl
i.ti the 1
Tt.lllonow the Mlawbllilge f.
I team will open the siason
l'lilted SIkKs ii.ivv tram
Island This ciinie pn
battle to.val. with shankev. fonii'ili of
'the .New Yoik Xniel'tcaiis, c MiKvllt),
forinei lv of thc Phillies. In the liiv for
Ihe nnvv Inn", and big John iigdeu. tlu
"spied king." necupilng the box for the
home team A musiial eutt itaiuuieut
I will be furnished bv the tamous train
ing tamp band of tlflv plciee followed
b) a ill III of Ihe Jxdiles Lieutenant
Comnuiiidei- Addlei'ii will llnicv out the
I hall Soldiers all.T s.lilols in l.liifoim
I will lit iidmlttnl In' to all the games
I .u the Sltawlnldgt .v. Clolhlei (lounds
' dm Iiik Ihe season
?lel-on In Meel Tiiwamla
1 Mt'lson A will ta, kle 'lowauda
1 V A. at Fouith nod Ileiks slie.is to
iiiionow Ld ileiuer and Ual-tou will
I fill III the baltriv In, Hie Indicts whllt
1 Ml. IIIIXIMIN I 11.11 1'
I'.i.lll',,, and n.i, ne Ml. III. lie
sM,Le. II. I. Ileniliiniiv 111 .1.11 IS
I N... 7.1'. 1. Urn-ill, 111 II. IHI 17
League . Nil. H, 11, I'. I . I.wbn: ll'.H .'..ll IH
l.i lie a I Nn. .1. II. I., Ilrlvell II.! II. OH 211
i., ., it, --, iiiiihi-irnrr ins ...... 1 1
Nn, .1, I'. I.. 1 1 nrr llll .'..III III
Nn. .', .1, s, lln.dlun llll .1,11 III
Mini. II, .1. Hall 1.11 .1.1 1 IH
liivswalii. II, Cirxin, .'til IIIH ,1.11.1 IH
I . , I'll) sun
I.. . Pine
I.. II. Malkrr
l Its. llll ri.s
IH! 11,011 III
iiii ,i.n'i ;ii
ihii ii. o; in
Wcilni.in In .loin llrown.
si. I.oul.. Mav in -carl Weihnan.
pltiher lor the St Louis Amerlians, who
aunouii(.eil that he would not pla) this
-casiin on nitoiiut of Illness, telegraph. il
club olliclals heie that he will repoit for
hit) June 1
llienlien ol Pete l.elbetl
Ihe visltols. wllh Sweene
will mill f.
. had. of the
Mi din.
St, Jiisepir, 3
Meill II, Bh S. llfHH
I'll.. vi 1"
, er. '. Il.uli'eil SI .1. Si lis s Here itllfrfl'
nim.'i'li 'inn I is. nn: ill- iisliiitn ill rvsr'
dale niniiiii.' i.v ,. tn a vii'.irnn men
vmis He rraiur
His larte-t llMrllmliirs of MMIT1N sts l I'lillmlelidiln
S" "TtTi
I'lltST 11.11'!'. Pi furlongs
In lli Mm lni. O'Hrlen. III! 311 7 lu 1.1 l
.VIIIiIh. U7. llubliis.m.. .1
Vlirlu .'nl.ll.l l,,J llll.l.r
Tuiie ...,! AlMrainon, nn.ri i."i,oins
Cora V L'tllla uli'l old Hill Hen.lcr also
sia'uvii n.ii'i: n ruriono
llu vl.t.isB 111. Kiitn-
liter li
Cmiill Ho). IIL'. Ilunlen . 1.1 I'U " L
Piiaehrr 101 lake 3 .VI I
'rime. 1:1 a
rniitii u.iri:. .' mil."
(tartir, 114, Hlinesy..MI In ll m
I..1, .Ml V IUS- B m
Tomorrow's I'imliio Knlries
Klrat race, tvvo-)ear.nlilfl. selling, -ll fur
-nntizai in.-. TLon
lonas Wswoks. 114
niiiiiler, IU1: j'eiirone. 1U4: Hlr lleau
Snreplet. till, l C lllrl. 1114, I. .1.
iintna limn,;, nn, i.'iuie .viciiride (imp I,
, 107: "Asiik Cook, till (tPoloniae Hlulile
:Viond. rare, selling handtcdp. Ihree-
ear-old. 1 lulls Culonel I'ulentftie, III-.,
Iloldsn lllow, lis, Miaile, 1'.',. (Irev Haul
limp ). IUHi llaupy Vallev, 101. Valspur,
v ; Uoblin. ion: Producer limp I, Ins, llrown
i. , Hsrrv (Imp. I. H.l
Third race, the (Ireeii Sprlnn I'al'ev
Htefplecliaae, haiiilicun. fuur-vfur-old ami
up. 'J niltea hi. I'liarltnle, l.-,7, The llrooli
llinp.l I4'.'l Pair Mac llnip.l. Ill, Hunkllig
11.1: tnt. ISS: tllolil K .113. IClj Mlver llarl
(Imp.) 1.13: Ji:rl) l.lulil. l:i: JSIxI).Kour,
IS7: lCaptalo Parr. s4; lllolsrt illlver.
140: I'lalilr il'Aniour (imp.). Ilu: tlironks,
Un: IMeloilrama 13li Hrrntwoo.1. 147:
Ci-noiure. 13'.; Trumpeter. II:!: Archdale.
Ill', (ti'oo entry. lto tnlrt. Il'arr
enlry, TDavla entry.)
fourth rare, the Itelvedere hanilirap,
,. threeo-ear-olda and up, 1 1-11 mllea The
I'orler, loj; Lady Dorothy. 1)4; Mary Maud
' limp.), HI: St. laldor. III.'.; lalUnrle Hon.
107: Hondaie, 10s: Hauberk, till: .Nut.
rraeker (Imp ). fill Sunny Rluoe. 99:
i. (a)Pamroach, 110: (b)Horrow, llaj (b)Johren
y (Imp ). HI): (c)Klng- Xeptunt, in.i: (e)3wen
i Up 11. 7. (alltoaa enr, (blW'hltney en-
Sv tryt le)Tree entry.
a.. Fifth rate, the Kqulty handicap, thrti.
Ku war-olds and up. A furlongs -Aaaume, llu:
9' Vr. Johnaon. 10Ji (a)Ltocharea. ISS; Th
i'orler. lu: cnariia i)as(Ker, in.i: irir.
(Il.l. 00: UMaphM. HO: Ten Caddy. KIM;
Cobalt (Imp.), vl: Kl Plaudit. UI: Nebraska.
Hit Tumblvr. llu. (a)McLan enin,
tfUth race, the Junior, purse, two.) ear
nlds. B furloms War Club, list Plar
Itealm, IU', llrlsk, ll'.'i tlallor. 11'.'; Ilia
Ulster. 1WI. ,. .
ntit'ii'i in.v. pi..is. ii.. re,rii -.. ia mi"
P ..n .nlli- ami llll 1 unit (laliif. I'ml. 1,17.
!::. ..".-' "7. ...r ..vr-. - :.... .. -..--:
-ivvailr Lstu), ....ii rvi.ivrr. i.n.
'll': ubolus. llli IVaukeas. li
, aADDrcntie allotvama claimed.
Wcathtr clear: Iraek. fasl
Yirlit Club Burned
Oat. May 10. The Ilo)al Caiut-
ouie. on UdHt untario.
r yucot rP.
l:i. llrren .
Time, a Till
VVaukcag Kin l.)l.e 1.".' mi H tl l
KlltlerBold l.'U. Iliil.ltisi.n . .. 4 an 3 ..
Polruma. 11.1, .stalker . .1 !!"
Time 1.4'.'.
FIITII HACK. I l-m miles
jlome Hneet Home, IM , , ...
Uiillnhan I5.sn 14 111 I.I..MI
llerviah, IK.. Htixlo,, . 1 1 .ill
fairl) llu Mielileman. . . Ill ill
'lime :l'.i:i-.l
' Tomorrow's Louisville Knlries
Vlrsl rare tlalnilna; tii Hiree.jeiir-.iMa
and up. ll lurlonga llllle. Kill. Vlrale lull.
Hon Tronip, lul. lattlery lul Hklles Knob,
llli Miueeler. Ilili heJan. llll. Chuha-ra
"Ktoilil rate, SM'U. twn-vfar-nlil inslilefl
nillea. 4 furlonns Hlaek Wlna US. Lalis.
IP.'; Itraxlo, ll'J; Hester II . IP.'. I-H'lv pl
11'.'; I'lspr (lueeii 11": Lilsinril, US; Jap.
US: Wallerina, ll'J, llrlmful, US: The
tllnalltei US. ...
Third race. Ilnmi tliree-iear-.ilils anil up,
r.i furlongs -I'uunterl'lasl IllJ Courtship.
Kill: llutterseotih II. Kill, holly, ISll: Prince
ur Come, lu.li lirad!e's Cholre, us.
Pourth rars. pure lioon, n, Uovernor s
llunilliap. thre-rar-oMa and up, mile
Jim Hsftsrlng. ; Olive Wood, 101; Warsaw,
inn Urundy. 10.1: Prulleake, Hihi Tom ile
Tamart. 113; Captain lloea, KM.
fifth rate, the Kellluiky Derby, 113,11(10,
three-ar-olda. IU miles Viva America.
US: Kmrnilnalor, 114; War Cloud, 117:
l.urkv H., 117; American Kaile. 117: Jimri
T. Clark, 117: Jim HecTerlng. 117; Kacoba,
117; Aurum. 117; Hewell Combs, 117,
Hlxth rate. ISOO. two-vear-olds, 4i fur
lonas Col. Livingston, los- l.u-lnda lu!;
..J. ,11. . ........ .'1..1. tll Vt'u. lv.,..
, (.etlll.'S, .".. I'U.l.l v-.B,n .,",, ... '.,,
in.i: ! Win I Win ln.1i Lancelot. Hi.l;
Hearv Huberts. I0U Matdainer, Hl: llrnlli
r Macl'sn, limi Mujjr Parke. Il'.'l Col.
Tavlor, US.
rieventh rm-. clalnihu. Isnn, ihrre-esr-..i.is
and unvvarU, l1 miles .Mistress 1'ullv,
III. IKnrfuilur. lis; Hlerth Iiki; 'llrynll.
,l Mooiltrap. " ,'V ""V,a' " -tneer i.eauer,
ld r llll MaliiiUn, 11,1.
Weather clear track faat
New Waiver Utile
New llHven, Conn , .May In. -A new
waiver iiile. designed to meet the
I so 'shortage lu experienced pla)eis. and
to assist the v.uiktr teams In build
ing up their plavlng strength. was
adoptnl at a special meeting hero of
the ill.'cctor.s of Ihe Laslern Hastball
il II su l' '.il League.
I.li.u 74111 The pile provides that each club
. n .".il I must leduie to the pla)er limit by
June I and that any owner icleusing
III. Sn " Puijei- musi noiit) tne oilier ciun
uvvneiH foit).clght Iioiiih In advance of
. nn tills; action, hi order to give them
ll "u oppoitunlty to obtain the man If thev
wish, the find application received
being given the prefennce-
(! Willi Oernidiitoun High ilionl.gj
Kvenl I rum Oilier eilinin i'm
il I won the srUton traik t liainplonslilp
of the lisriiianlewn lllcl, Krehni' n I'lass
)iatr'1.0 at the llennatitnwii V VI I A
The winners aliliissul a tola! ef '-'!Hi points
l. wits aed.n'l with '.'It's C S aeored t.-.l.
(la had 11. U-.l scurril 0 jnd ll I nettfil .l'
Steiniuck Was lilch svorer with 12's
puliils. llarl si ornl It Vdnnts 111 und
istatou and Hod eaih s ored s'v
iN'evv I'ililier for Untie
Ho. Ion, Mn) 10 The Huston tlinvea
toda signed Allen V Kiirinan. who
pitched last ear for the Cnlverslly
of Vermont He Is a left-hander and
has been vvoiklng out with the Braves
for a week Last summer, plav lug In
a munitions bague In Canada, he won
nine out of ten games
nrnrcrn from ho. :s ami in
S. E. Cor. 9th &. Arch Sti.
Opsd llondiy and Saturday Until 9 '!
1H- '"f A i7
with (.eparnO tnlUm lo mutrli.
l.lnrn Hint tiUrr IIU.
At $2.65
Lvdllilie .Men'" Hear
Ah'o':: 'iie, 11 North 9th st.
.mmmbm (Ipeil l.lenlngs mmmmlmmmm
I'InAW IIA'J'S arc here in exerv .stvle and
Sennit Straws arc all the raye this
heahon. All the newest inodek in rough ami
Miiooth edges. Special altcnlion is called tu
our Self-adjusted Straw Hats hand- fcQ
1. range in price $2 to $12.
. I lat lor cverv neat
m.&&r jjiB
Athletics vs. Chicago
tiiji r. c.ii.i.r.u at sua i
All Men In Perl Ire
laevles. lTnlform Attmllfarf IVu
Tlrkela at (Umbel tiros.' anal hnaidlntV
fllvmnia A A broad and llalnbrldft
I viiympia n. m. Hl(rry ty,KrH,t ri
' 31II.1IM1 E
Jlinm Tlernej'
Tammjr Herman
llarrr 1KM) llrnvvn vs. nushle
Jne HnlLsr la. Jim Jenr
lUldle Morgan la, KreilJj Kee.e
m nnnnon
Slilpyird I.eifue ,
The 'Delaware niver Shipbuilding
League will have Ha opening c!a tomor.
row. The league cnmracei eifiit yard a
CAS CO - 27t in.
CLYDE -Ttrlin,
tie. Ren qOe. l.le. rena 11,11 IV1.lne.war ps
I'alsir Wa
Jebnnr Trnii
a. Joe iVeUn
. Alfle. Sail
Irish I'atsr t
iia nuiiamso
Youni Itoblcfea
Mai Ulllliimson ua. I'atsr IVallars
. sinsnr irn
ra. joe lie
.a Ua. ana. II .DO
Tlelcata al Panaifa'a. M . 11th i.
son vs.
ean va.
mmy air.aif va.
Icue vtaaanu vs.
,yr BeiTt" .
rriraa .
Uroksr 10g
Actual ilia
Why pay a penalty
For your pleasure ?
Switch to Girards
Why endanger your health
and efficiency by smoking
the wrong kind of cigars?
You can get the Girard at
most any cigar counter.
Every puff is a true Havana
delight. And you can bank
on it that the Girard will
leave no after - effect ex
cept "the lingering taste of
10c and up 10c
KOSHLAND King of Odd Lots
I Jr r
Buying clothes here is a pleasure
for any man. Instead of having two
or three makes to choose from, you
have FORTY.
The bigger the variety of choice
you can have, the more certain you are
to find exactly the sort of a suit you
At our stores you see the styles of
40 of the leading clothing makers of
America. No other store in this city
can show you one-quarter that number
of makes.
They are the odd lots, models and
samples of these makers which we buy
at practically HALF their regular
prices. You in turn buy them of us at
proportionate savings.
We assume the responsibility for
your satisfaction, if you are not sat
isfied we give you back your money.
Once you buy here you will be so
pleased with the variety and quality
of the clothes we otter, and so de
lighted with the value you got f or sj
your money that you win maKe it
a point to always buy here.
$ 1 7-95
$ 1 9 95
$ 1 4-95
, 1000 Pairs of Men's Pants-
An oircnnp: that spells oppor- f0
tunity to the man requirinj,' an ex- H M Q
tra pair of pants to help wear out J' '-
the coat and vest. Fine values are ,.
these. "P
-n A
15-17-19 NORTH 13TH SI
."c t .
Kerunil Ilcior .llinia Market blreel, ' I
. mm i ear - "' J "
your nrvwm
SLrfrsMltwleaPt .. or
vbm. mi
T -1 .4 . a. " 1 --i . .
,-i'?.i"M rXtL"K'tr Lt JZZJ