n ' Ti ssrassFii 'i " mwmmw - JS VmJNlJNIjt ifViSliL JuaiJijttJti--ru.LLiASJtuijrrLXA'i, .aiuxwAi, itaxxj. v, vftl.WT.i , it ,r . - V- ! t :- l - 3 1?E DISPATCHES FROM THE WAR FRONTS VIVIDLY PORTRAYING GREAT WORLD EVENTS i v rf TRIUMPH LLOYD GEORGE Gaine Derides Propli- ' ecy That Irish Policy Will Cause Fall v IED NATION'S SOUL" fi ller's Enemies Arc Com- red to Those of Washing ton, Pitt and Lincoln n tt at t n i ivr V:. uy u."iiij vi wnr. 9fficiel Cable to filming Public Ledger &CPVTioht, i)l$, lyXtvi York Times Co. jft?i .. .. p Z. ItHiA ... .... .1. . .. ..iLH ll.nl j' ;" I'lwiMiuin ui uuujn niu cdjini; m.i, Hwr Lloyd Gcorso Goscrnment Is up "irskchlntr Its linur of dentine- If it through the next tew weeks. It unle tlio war, but a considerable rfcdyi of the lcorousIy cncricetla and kTihemently ocal persons In rarlUmcnt f. Aid the press hie decided that It shall VJIve. They arc not Nationalists, nor Unionists, but disaffected Liberal ho re follower? of the last admlnlstra- Bji.twpVgorin. urn. BfjjThe Irish question Is to bo thi cause. BJM th collnpic. the new Home rtule Vgl&, whatexer It may be, will fall. f Ob Goernment will rel(tn, nr other WOVtrnment will be possible under the wrtttnt Parliament, there will be ally military recline; that some of them In earlier ears and In other spheres hae drawn the Huord against the will of the people or threatened to draw It ! that thin bias In faur of a doitrlne of force has been the principal causo of the alienation from the (loxernment of the Iabor party and one of the lamo and llng excused for the) manifest farre of the proceedings at Uretl.llosk, which led to the Itusslan peace rinally. It will be said that his alliance with that part of the personnel of his Immediate adWsors who r barged with Imperialistic bias, as well n with' some or rus more prominent supporters In the pres, hax been a necessity of his nnsmon as a leaner with n xast follow ing and jet no party, nn Inevitable sequel iu mo circumstances under which he tool, and holds office: that ho full well I linows that a mnlltlon so Inharmonious' .an onlv lat ns long as It Is In tho In- ' tercstof boih parties to milntaln It. nnd that each side In the meantime, wlthmtt loe or a pretense of fidelity. Is franklv using the other for the carrying out of Its will. It max- lo white truth or black lie but. whether truth or lie. can It be tald I to bo Interfering with tho work of the war' it cannot In truth and Jutlco be sild f to bo doing so 1'remler 'Tired Ibr Milan's Soul." What, then, will the charges men and whit will they come to-' Thev will mean that the I'llmn Minister partlj as i le-uler and pirtlv as a man, has I awakened during the lact xenr and a half of olDce u ertaln bod of nitlxc and Intenselj vocal person il Imstllltx but that nothing he his done and noth- I Ing lie mglected to do, bowcxer It m.ij hixo offended against pirty or IVirllii ment. cm bx the light of an known fact or natural Inference bo thought to luivo Injured Mm nation In the onlv In t rest thai matters now, the pro"ecu-1 Hon of the war On th contrurx It Is admittedly be.xond the , quialinn of reasonable minds that In loncretf and m iterlit things, as well as In the higher 'things of spirit, the Prime Minister Ins RUSSIAN OUTLOOK BLACK TO ALLIES Rcturnc d Officials Sec Little Hope in Mujiks' "Murder Spree"' GERMANS FIND TROUBLE A LITTLE MUD HOME ON THE WEST Can't Control Anarchy, httt Scrk to Spread It Into Entente Countries n CHARLES II. C.nASTV Special Cnhlr tn 1a ruing Public Ledger I Corvrlaht lilt bj lie . en. X oil. Time, fn ' , rut-In. Max- f inwlp of Internal cnnltlons in Uus. I i Is brought to 1'nrls bv ofncials Iden tified with Allied Interests In I'etrograd and now arriving home ifier n dinkuH mm rouninnoiit journev The leports are xerx- dlscoiirnglng tn nil partliulars, MVe one. H Is ngree that Uermanx Is haxlng nnd will continue to luxe dlf nmltj In laiiltallzlng her Itusflati sue Lees There are supposed to lie t -,0 100 f?ertllltl lirllnnn.ii In Tii0l. t. I... fnrmaiits six Hut Germany villi do well I to gt in pop ri nt of them back undei J &llML-Rnd iaxo ntxer been faithful to1 , ', . ' '!"t '" " rho prisoners .ire p irtliipatlng i LlSWesent one toil..ixn Injured Mm nation In the onlv In- ,c B,ncfal pKnW. ot , ,nuik ,,.! I?"Vre5enl One. Itirct llml matters nnw Ih tirnwisfii. .,.. .. 1.1-t. ' ... ,. .... ni.-m iiii:ii ioillillrs flu Iier Itllt Ol the rtuslan iiopulatlon Tin re Is noi tio'lblIltv whatexer of orginlzltig P.us Klau soldiers Into Herman mlllt.ii units Tin re Is some comfort for the .Miles In the dltllellltles now helm- rnrounlired nerl election and'then nobody seems'1" ,d,e l"rienc contributions to the im- In ftusslu bv the scheming Ueriinn- ' W know what xvlll happen then n' i" """ ""' " ";" '" ullltl xveriicic, mo niicr aro empiu)iiiK a TThB prophets of doom may be right, mian nus so nnn inn unions "" or so leuseicss propiganui, ntul in lertain niifiibiiiMivu me inu-.io ui il- iiiiiine, oiner uireciions mex may ne nine, to arm accomplish results Thej are uilng HoN It Is difficult to think of the list shexlsm to Introduce anarchy Into the ,tk excuse for the struggle, but It can-! three and a half lears of the countrx Allied countries by sulitcrrinein streams JMt be the battlefield. The disaffected without thinking of him It xvlll beivvhlih piss through neutrnl territory hut in ffitnc BAmu fprtntn If tbn &t Oovernment Is td fight for Its life dur- mg the next few weeks, Ireland may bo .,tlv excuse for the struggle, but It can- j'JJIkerals of the late administration will "mm. challenge Home ltuie. They are PvfMrtdy committed to It. Neither will , may conaemn mo conscription oi ne- -tttid. The feeling of Hngland, ScotHnd M wales is too strong and deep ror (jmm. No nngllsh, Welsh or .Scottish ft liberal will be, so bold as to question ! tl sole right of the lanplre to control J lmncrlal Issues No candidate outside .f Ireland who xalues his seat or event IL.WB safety will dare bv any Jugglery of rtnclpie with expeulencj to m-xue com- El i ft - '. I ,yttiMMeWp-QSP'VlnMBKiHHW -r v "OUR SOLDIERS STAND THE GAFF" U. S. Officer Thus Describes Conduct of Men in Big Battle FRENCH PRESAGES FIRM IRISH POLICY New Lord Lieutenant to Enforce Conscription Measure WORK LIKE VETERANS Hy CHARLES n. CIUSTY , Special Cable to Etcning Public Ledger rfTopvrtohf. lilt, tu Cie "'" 'k "imrj Co. 1'aris, May G. An offlccr from our dlxlslott In tho Trench lino southeast of Amiens. In Paris, for ono day, came into tho niU Hotel for luncheon today nnd gaxe mo a cheering nccount of how the Ameri cans nro sizing up In fast company. He summed it up In good Amcrlcancsc 'Our men nre standing tho Ban." They soon dlscoxcred, he Hrfld, Unit what they thought xvus xxar down on the old section xxas not xxar nt till compared xvlth tho furnace on 1 rltzs HOME RULE IS CRUX Impossible to tell the story of these dajs of dread and darkness without the mine of I.lojd George being xelned through and through it hlns and short comings there max" haxp been, but whether .it the held of iiffalrs ut hold ing a loner place, the present I'rlme Minister h is been a leader and an In splier of tho nation since the first dsxs of the xvar, and It seems as sure as that the tun will rlso to morrow tint, whether In office ol out of it ho xvlll be a leader nnd an In-pirei of the nation tn cause wiui ine siiraicm. .v pr.esi- . . . . moa. outside of tho irisn iriestnooa. -hrfnr. ,. .i10 .nonlo t illt of '" ". -, , ". . ,. . 'i inerelore. xvnen mc ikuimu n lourago their W' Lolble ihangc of aovernment J.16'!1 .,?ihe,', . r'lS '."h:C'S xvarn them to take are. tint Inf. This Influence Is xerv subtle and Inrrt to combat Prance Is eonstitrtly sub jectid to it but the fine morale ( xlstlng here has shown no coiitimliiition. Cerninns del Atarihlps Oerminy is said to luxe got less war mtterlal in Husla thin is commonly i supposed owing lnalnlx to Jtulm xvate improxlifeiicn and grift thiough ..i,.i. .,.. . il r...iiLli.il l. flu At 11. s wero dlsslpited before lierm inv Washington Thev regud as 'hllda ionic! git them One Hem regnuaui ,,idx all iniumi. "'",'"," , i large is tw.nty excellent levtrox rs, iinl-liclK cicnume, aim i..-.-.-. .. .i .. i.itrn .ewspurr union. Willi "mini lo the rllit o." Iliem ami mini to llie left of lliem," thce jnung Anient an solilier on the wrtcrn front still find inurli in life to smile about, while llicir ininrailcs are cnjoxiiiR llieir morning "wash-up a hit further link in the Irene li the American ISed i'ro smut optimistic initlcr about the .Soviets action In Mos. ci w. of which Hasnintid KohblnH was tin author 'I lie nutlioritles iibnxo (pioteil hold tho positive opinion tint thos( xlcxvs nro too meite ii ml ileprecl ite ,i. ,.oti.ht nnmreiittv given them In i..c 11 ilillxlng bv Aniirii i lm.il. nlrnllllis. HIU llli AUSTRIA PREPARING TO SUPPRESS SLAVS fuxorlto fiont Tho Americana liuxe settled to their xxork llko xeternns. They go about it quietly nnd sobcrlx. Although brandv Is obtainable In the Trench x. Mages, our hos do not seem to xxant to drink, they hao excite ment enough. They are steady under shellflrc, cry reidv xx th their lines, and haxe learned to hide in n rabbit xxnncn if a shell hole Is not axnllable llverxbody Is surprised to sco the Americans so entltely amenable to discipline, theli temperament having been heretofore rated lebelllous. Thev nro heroic under suigery. The oillcer described thl scene that occurred In a hospital iccentlx The surgeon xvus opeiatlng on .t hultet xxound In the scilp, using no unesthetlc. After u few minutes the pitlent quietly le mnrkeil: , , 1 ' feax-, doc. aie volt through up theie" 1'xe got iinothei in my thigh " It was liue. though the surgeon had not known theie xxas n second xxound I Tho lrcncli aie taxing cue oi mis putlculir dlxlslon, including food. While the Mildleis miss theli xxullles hitter cakes, pie and other peculiaily American dishes, they know tho in tuip of the emergency nnd take cvety thing philosophlcnll. 'Theie Is a quillty that pisses cur ipnt In mix countrv and In nil ili- Irfinilon. May 6. The Dillv Telegraph'n parliamen ts y correaponcTent. commenting on the appointment of Tit Id Marshal Vis count 1'iench us Lord I.leutcnint of Ireland Haxs' "Kleld Marshal Trench's appoint ment means thut the CJoxernmcnt xxlll now pursue the strong nnd firm Irish policy which It rocently announced to I'arllnmcnt, offprlng homo rulo llrst nnd then lulling upon It eland to do Its duty in the xvar. Conscription has already been eMcnded to Itelmd hy law. hut the lixv xvlll not he rn- foiced bv nn order In council until the home uilc bill also Ilmls Its xvny to the statute book. "The meisure xxlll be completed this xxeek nnd Introduced in the House of Commons earlv next week. The C!ox eminent Intends (o press It forward xxlth lgor nnd to stake Its clstcncc on Its pissing" Tlcld Maishal Tiench. though born In Knglind. comes of an Irish famllv and Is n knight of the Most Illustrious AMERICAN ARTILLERIST WINGS GERMAN PLANE Pot fcliot ,I'orrei Uochc to Kelurn to Own l.Incj anil Descend SprcisI Cable to Ihening Public Ledger Corirlght, lilt, bv the A'cio York Time Co. Mlth the American ArmT tn Franee. May C An American nrtllerjman ac complished tho feat of bringing down a borne airman with a pot shot from a, sexentx-flxo gun A Herman nier just after midday started oxer our lines on the Toul front. At the moment no Amer ican nicrn wero In sight. Thcro was bright sunshine, and the boche xvas fly ing at an altltudo of about 3000 feet when the gunner saw him. .lust after tho firing started the bocho turned suddenly and wended his crippled way Just back of tho Herman lines Ob serxera saw him taken from hia machine hv his comndes It is rare that the ar tlllerx. brings down an airplane on tho front lines The encmv axlators haxe recently been slaxlng well oxer their own lines, their last three nights hax Ing taken place there. Todax, In perfect weather condl. tlons, they haxo tried sexeral sorties for obverxatlon. but ran away from several I Inv nations to light. i 3 Million Cold Feet Order of St Patrick He succeeds us VIcerov Itiron Wlmborne. who xx.isnp-1 KxrprV third fntttilv of the pointed Lot il I.ieutenmt In 1915, Cr) llliru l.tlllliy ui i no serxlng to Mux. 1916. and wis lcip. 1 nillllOll WIIO rCUfJ 11115 pointed the following August, after ,. . . .... the Dublin lexolt. In connection xxlth Delineator DUyS a llOt-Watei that upilslng. Lord AVImborno gaxelj -ffi norli vetr Fnur ntlfl testimony hcfoie the inxestlgatlng OOttlt CaCll Car, rOlirailU commission, xxhlch later absolved him n hnlf nonnli nine feet tf) fiom lesponslbiutv for the outbreak..'1 ",au r,v-uF,v- """' ""tl Like most of his predecessors In tho ofllcc, Lord Wlmboine had little or no connection xvlth Irelind before his ap pointment as Lord Lieutenant. RED FLAG STARTS RIOT a tamny, a loiai or inrcc million cold feet for manu facturers of hot-water bottles to cater to. The great De ineator audience or a London SorWUu Def Honie Secretary milIjon prosperous families i onuon. "mv ''-Ahho'ch Home I buy vast quantities of house- ri'i n 1 cn' : ... cutnstiinces " icmirkcd tho oillcer, Three Ciiliinct Oflicci .r Resign r.u;;dM0V1.f.0,diCrs haxe it. it is com -will en ,tht xvhll MMt fight and die. Irish subjects may Teaiat and lixe. f$jti Clire Agalntt the Tremler .ilvhere. then, if not oxer Ireland, will N.tlw battle haxe to be fought? If the nUmrnment has to go to the country SWar the body of tho I'rlme Minister hlm- l and his alleged sins anu snort Rings In the prosecution of the xvar. i sins and shortcomings, though be many and however unwelcome I task. It seems to be the dutx of such those who bcllex'c the present I'rlme later to be the, only possible J'llme sister under the existing conditions the only t,tate(man In this country i commands at once tne sympathy or ijorlty of our own people and the dence of thepeoplo and uoxern- Bta of our allies, to make full und nk summary In advance of the that are certain to he made down to the day of pcice ,ullt or being built on the lialtlc. vvhlch Allies should gi isp the nettle in Therefore, when the people t ill of f "u"lt, UM f forfinniIecHiess might have k,berla. The Ainerl.an imtlmd of del possible ihangc of Uoxeriirnent. le us am" ' 'which arc now falling into ,R with the sltuitlm, In tint coui.tn xvarn them to take c are tint before thev , Jn-" " ' " u, to,,P4,rv .inhuris-liig to lapan crx. -ThP King is dead" h '" ' ' '"a , folmvlng significant facts are , ,1(rP ,,e American l.itirmlt of pollcx a position to ndd, 'Long llxe the King J 0t, . showing KusIan conditions, ins, It Is stated, prndmed. unhappllj, Astalled a I Incoln ni ,na now as to the merits of the charges against Lloxd George In what way do they differ from the charges which haxe been made in the past and In nearly exery countrv against ine statesmen xvho haxe conducted the af fairs of nations In the period or war; Of such kind were the charges agilnst ' the ounger l'ltt. who during the quarrel l.. .. ..In..!. .Inv in Key 1015 JlUbM-ill domestic llllicrcin .-n ..,.....-., ,.... . oflkers xvere murdered by n Bolhexlt O,,nlon must now be itcanxasfcd be ?"1 ,.Z.. i,.t lr,. nnnv murders f(jrc the new Coxcr.umiil can proci.d JIlvJU II""'- -- - i . . . ... In I'tMroRTid . I . .... ... t . .. tll.nln ntiA.a If. and not a single conxic-1 fearles-ty. wuicn ic- o...s... .-.,. ... Indeed the courts nave ti.e inuuenc-u m v.- "".- V rlCIl llio iiiii-i ma ! i-v. ...... ,.. susceptible .Inn eH tl.ott i,..n .i.niiui.Pil 1 here are rump trials, and nnjbodv In the audience has the prlxllege of testlfxlng. asking questions oi making speeches in Hip streets of reirograu lorim-i between Kngland nnd Trance was told In K(,neras n uniform mi) bo seen selling tho Houe of Commons that he was a ,)ettpaper,t while ladles in sealskin degenerate son; xnai ins puriinm ' tho enemies of his country in I'arll inient was enough to make his fathers bones IloWliexI't LRGES HIGHER WAGES TO HOLD LABOR ON FARM I Hr unrtr ihn naxement of the Abbey that he was a stern oppressor of Ung land, an Indefatigable dlstractor of Ku- rope; tnat ne resemoiea cmiauy in "- irjes tnat are certain to ne maue ", , :vll '. , ra- ;n hptrax- and 1". hJ21h '!0" riHr.,1? tWlen angef M5 VT1. v im nicy i nay uej rrcn iui tuiib , , ,. ... ttty re worth, and thus show the real ' '".-",!,S ., .r ,hp rharcPS , Maracter of their subject untouched for "' . U..i,i .., h ,f..r m, nrr,r. iLUi..j- .... i.i I.. incaust Washington, xvho after nta proc- "''.r' "..''""''" :. "."". ."'"" ha., Hon ., neutrality III the war be- j, wniiij' iu pruscc-uie our iirmsn cnu oi i -; - --- - - ,. h S' U xvar tween Ungland and I ranee xvas the sun- Tlrst. It w 111 be said that, hax ng be- Jfci oi a sio..n ii " , in. ime Prime Minister. Llojd George, who attacks, in which hints of the guillotine , hitherto been nothing If not a. demo- were put forth as a. proper end to a et. Molated the llrst principles of career of Infumx. and of such kind were '.jlLu . t un. i.i. .... -...-. .i.. . i. .rnu nfiinst T.lncoln who. at the i--i'' .vii. T.i(.r.. .,.-.. ....... i. , ij e IiIk nrst nresldentlal term, xvnen V& MWrstooU to be respotiKlble to the in- tlie CIU War was coin nlowly and : X tlAJt hv .eDnm nB .. hnQtilAnrn..tUA.lt.p Itl.A cinr.) kit r tiCrt (IT IPO CUIIUltlKH "" ,. L. .,...- .i. ............... ..... ,... grpiimlll.lt Inn of DUbl C ri.nm. nuiKiiuia inuii nuu eier ueiori upin ills i-tiuiiiiwuj ..sexiupled by an serxant of the people, dibt were being sexerelj felt, xvas tne p by," gTitherlng about him as his chief object of such bitter and xlndictlxe as t Arhectlnz assistants il irrouti of mlvlspis ' .miit imh Inside Congress and outside fcft' ho, ns regards their rank and ofilclal0f it. tliat he came within 400 000 xotes fJeltlon, were not responsible to Tarlle- nf hnlnir defeated for his aeconu term tyjiwnt, and as regarda their political rec- 0f ofllce. 'tm unu opinion wpre noioriousiy op- . - . t t n. iiik ....". The British iiitlou. with Its great al lies America. 1-ranco and Italy, and IU martr confederates. Belgium and Ser bia, is now confronted by the sternest moment of our deadly struggle. Wo are .' . ...., nii nn unreeenerate and relentless enemy which, flushed with the umand we trust a temporary succes coits aie snoveung ...u. '"':;;'. , ., MiM. xrrarn soldiers stind by laugiung gieeiuuj- v 4cw jcrvv uunau ... -- such scenes, r-cr pie who were formcrlv f I'lioil I nek Milk Business Tlireateneil Irentnn. -Max f Tlirre will not be enough fond In New .Tersrx to go nroiind unless tho business of funning will justify a wage tint xvlll hold ibor and Interest xoung men In firming as a liuslness iitiordlng to announcement to ilax In the nnrket news seiv (p bulletin Issued bv the Bureau of Marl ets ot the -tate Pepirtment of Agriculture Just now tho milk business is a losing one in New- Jersey, the bulletin adds It is stated that, while farmers luxe produced milk at a loss in the pist and thex can do It agiln, the milk business of the Mate for the next twenty xeirs m seriously threatened li conditions now existing The bulletin sis that the causes for the situation are tint the demand for and the consumption of milk havo de e leased butler subutltutes are taking the place of butter, and condensed milk and cheee aie stored in laige quantities never before heard of becausa expected exports cannot be made M V6wl tj exery democratic nplratlon. KK?,,VHd s l-Teet On Mill To W In i-E W& H may be white truth or black lie, iinetner truin or ne ran it be that the fact. If fact It Is, has had effect on the nation's will to xxage win the war? It cinnot xvlth truth Justice be said to haxe done so, :ext it will bo said that by way of rtt for tne assistance lie has re- d from tho group of Journalists are charged xvlth bludgeoning his cessor out of power he has grant- them facilities xxhlch haxe been de- to their professional colleagues; with his own Journalistic Instinct hi sure krovviedirp of the hsi wuv work upon the public mind he has aMooraged, if not Inspired, such a rak- na narrowing or tne ground lie ed to plow as lias glxen the effect iclal and unfair advantage In the of Government secrets to prlxate Izatlons, and that, aboxe all, he has ted. If not Invited, a kind of un- ;al collaboration In legislation, in Wianageinent of the war, and In the functions of Ministers on the 'of. certain outstanding Journalists whatexer their capacity for gov- t, haxe no mandate from either ofpeopie, anu inercroro no re lllty to either. y De white truth or black lie. whether truth or lie, can It be said ?. j-t.i i . i- t i.n. ... ... n .7--., 1& i. lb in, lino iiau anx ixapie eneci on ma toriunes or T Has UlimliMd Ofllrlal. It will be said that, acting under utslde Influence, and in order to .In his hold of power, he permitted from time . to time to lmpoe le upon military and naxal chiefs. n, to dismiss from the) serxlce or on, lor reasons wnicn naxe noi been, divulged, some officials of noit credit and authority, si- '.criticism by employing his on the press to discredit them In In the eyes 01 the public. It may be white truth or black v whether truth or He can it be any certainly inai ine laci, 11 ta, hatf ever strengthened th the enemy or weakened our .1 H will be said that on taking up iposuion in tne mate n on variouaj occasions sine tad, promises of success In U means of-protectloo from aaet In security from assault iVa not Ban lumiiso; mac. fraaa, rcejMcsaVoveropttmlsm or saekax'whlch aatmata could hara la th,IiDjsabia failure and WsnantslsBtorruptlon of cer- aitkeu. aaa kk nia worn , to fttr aar aad atoken tt to ,fTWl...H.il.,- - 111 feHaall-aap.aMliotkali asorori:a .rn..n.,i nr reduced to menial employ ment. Man noblewomen beg food from houo to hou'e rlraten' l'lsg Hoisted The orgies on Russian ships In xarlous ports nro said to beggar description The officers haxe all been murdered bv their men. xvho took possession of the xcssels Among others, two former roxal xachts are scenes of rex els In which tho basest pisslona haxo free rein Tho black flag and tho skull and crosshones fix i.xer tho fortress of I'eter and Taul ns well bh over the house at Ilelslng fors, which xxas formcrlx a naxal oillcer-. club, but Is now frankly converted into an anarchists club Tim lower classes aro simply making a prolonged spree of It Doctrines arc enunciated to which most democrats everywhere would willingly sub-crlbe. but xvhat the professors of theso prin cipled prictlce Is worthy only of ill-gust. I'eoplo of position and sub-tancc who could get away haxo done so. but b far tho larger proportion xveio caught and hixo lost excrjming niicredlt l'mplre's tletlval In such conditions It is dirtlcult to trace tendencies My infornimts do not credit recent repot ta of 11 n attempt to reestablish Czardom 'I he Russian, they say, Is an Infant mentally, and whoever has the last word Is likely to Influence him temporarily: but the time Is not jet rlpo for Installing autocracj or any other lorm or orun The Itusslan masses nad formerly n ague trust In America, but In .the gen eral confusion this has partly dlrap peared. England Is distrusted, and Franco Is not liked The Gcrmins haxo the most Influenco becauso thev nro nl was on the Job, appealing to Slav sus ceptibilities. , , Kourops of Information, bomo Uiih point , . a.. . --1 -aniinArfitlnti fillfl r I fl PT llli ttera to us In this great hour "y"' I lH cr,'at .outitrx. whose collapse well crty. security, faith and the dignity of ;,,ltfc, arricd , .,11 down M Inform ants saw no preseni nope niiiiaitiuij thcro Ih no element that lould constitute a nucleus or order I suggested the Cossacks, Tho answer was o Help 1 rom Lo.aaik. 'They aro good people, but they haxe all they can do to protect their own country from the BolshexiUI. And ic member their distance from l'etrograd ulmoBt as far as Denxer from New York thus rendering the transportation of soldiers Impossible, although I believe that a few thousand Cossacks could hold Petrograd If the United Mates marines stationed In China had happened to be In Petrograd at the psychological mo ment It Is possible that Russia could haxo been held In the Kntente" I recently cabled, xvlth favorable com ment from Henry T. Paxison, head ot 1.- i.n,..Mvraairian oiitriiattt ston nt no slaughter of its own soldier. to follow up its advantage It IS IIO ttlllO IO lower ira "' " our army and nix y by u't'on home, by disputes about the personal Si of the I'rlme Minister, bv-afra-less change of Goxemment and by all the mischlexous turmoil and strife of a general election If Ireland Is to be made the excuse for so shocking an In ur to the highest Interest of 'junianlty. let us say at once plainly and 'thout f, .r that Ireland is not worth It Noth !!ir..r.i,i hp worih it. because nothing " ""' -- ... .,.,--., !, ENEMY AIRMEN ACTIVE Prii"iati I icutenant Complains Ilitlcrl; of nnlili Axiator I nniloii, Max ii German soldiers com plain of Inadequate, protection against Brltlsli axlitois A Prussian lieutenant, xvho was cap tured said he xvas lonductlng a tr Un load 'of thlrt-slx centimeter shells to tho front xxhen 11 British nxlator bombed and blew up tho train. as Protest Against Repres sive Measures 1 nndon. Max A fopenh igen dlspitrhss state that three! members of tho Austrian Cabinet hive I resigned ns a pro'csl agilnst incisures which the Austrlin Government Is plin nlng tn take Hgaltm the .Slivonlc ngl t it Ion In Austria 'I hey aro the Mln lsti of Agrlrultur" nnd the Huthenlan ind Slavonian Mlnlslirs 'J hat a lino Is lo be drawn between j the derm in anil 1 zech laces In the i1 distribution of food in Ilohrmli is in dicated In- this statement In tho Ves sli he elttuig of Berlin ' 1 lie announcement bv Premier von I Sedler ot Autrl 1 of the appointment of district food administrators in Bo hemia Is the fulfillment of one of the mon Insistent demands of tho Germin populitloli of that region It Ih pro posed to create ten districts In Bohemia for food administration purposes 1 Ive of them xvlll be Czech, three German and two mixed ' AustiiaH determlnitlun to take meas ures agilnst the Slavonic agitation in 1 Bohemia, militated In the dispatches from Copenhigen, mix bring to a head the political conflict th it has been rag ing for months between tho Maxlc and German elements hi Kmperor Chules 8 realm A scvire tolhy of repression has been dem inelcd b the Germans, unci Count Czerulu tliu iceentlj deposed Hoteigu .Minister went so fur lis to sa tint tho trcToniblo Czechs should be cowed xvlth whips I licpres'-lon mav he met with resist ing on tho pirt of the Haxs At 11 great meeting held in I'raguo April 1 1 ' the iVechs, Slovene and Sieiho-CroatH of Austria bound thrm'-clvcH to stand together and adopted a manifesto which plalnl stated tint the movement xxas Intended to recurc tho Independence of the Slixlc races Great crowds chiered the manifesto, denounced the Germans and cheered the Lntente Similar manifestations hive slnco taken place among tho Mnxs in the southern part of tho Kmpirc. mon sense GERMANS SLAY FRENCH BOY SCOUT AS TRAITOR siecietirx Gup hid prohibited the antl wir meetlnir stheduled to be held at Klnshurx Park hundax afternoon In 'lihration of the rentenarv of Knrl Marx several hundred hoclill"ts an- rieneil seeking tiouble One of them waved a red flag It wis el7ed bv bjstaiiilers and a free-for-all 1 fight followed The police flmlly dis pel Fed the crowd Toharco nations in Trance Pari-, Mav 6 Tho Trench are In- 1 trodurlng tnhiccn cirds thus nutting the I neoplp on ritlnns Clgir and clgirette lards nre being Issued to women as well as men hold products every day. Do you manufacture something used bv American homes? '.The Delineator Refused to Tell of Frcncli ( I' W Ml srsr-r II I j'dMlimi, Jeutons walking Into Ambush lainilon, Mhj i'i Aililicssing 1 meet Ing of I'ox bcouts at Gulldliall, Lieu tenant Cliiieia! lniden l'ovvtll told of work done hi 1'iench liov Scouts neir the lighting line. A heroic deed by ono 1'iemli l!o Scout wis described In h letter found on 11 deid German. Sli Ilobeit ip id the Icttci, which fol lows 'A ti.utoi has iLst been shot a little ' nih Iui bclrntiiig to one of those gvmnastlc societies which weal the tiicoloi button The pooi little fcl loxx In his infatuation wished to be u I tin "A Genu 111 column was passing a wooded defile und the bov xvns caught nml asked whether the Trench xvero ibout lie icfused to give Informa tion. Tlflx x.uds further on lire was opt 1 ed fiom the cover of the wood 'The prisoner xvas asked in Trench if he had known that the enemy was; in ine lorest ana no end not cienv it. lie xvent xvlth firm step to a telegraph po't und stood up agilnst it, xvlth a green xlnexurd behind him, nnd re. iilxed the xollcx of the tiring put xv llli a pi cud smile on his face. ' Infatu ited bo) , It was a pitj to spe such xxasted courage." Diamond Rings for Men The new green gold rings, with hand - chased decora tions, arc much admired. For a man of good taste we oltcr one of green gold, with a large diamond in oc tagonal setting $165. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND Mi;ilCIl.V.MS Ji:Wi:Li:nS SILVLUSM1TIIS ma llbc We haxe 110 right, no time and no strength to think of anx thing else now To permit any secondary issue, no mat ter how momentous, whether It Is an .............. - une- niher. to d sturb our primary duty of prosecuting this holy If awful war to Its only righteous end. which Is tho end of all war. would be an unpardonable crime against morality. religion, civilization mm r.n, ... iciifci". ..,.. . .1, ..!, wlfurA cause tnat peunim v" " !"-"" " "" of our children. It would bo the sin against the Holy Ghost. (Jerman Station Blown Up I'arlt. May 6 A msterlous explosion has destroxed the electric railway sta tion at Frankfort on-Main. German), said a dlspatcli Zurich today to the Matin from litniMiinMumiimijom ,f I 7he Meeting place .w lepresentative American Men and 1 Wwaen fiom every r 'aW', v. ... siaie inuie union Fts'MMsV ., M , 111 II fcsiwTM AST" n;is i p- flflli30C? TST- Ji noN DTisn aywBsfiiSa lluvuna 1011 I II .iwm5x0m iirawn I I J0ISU!S&r Sweet JiJ m W-zjBS3s icnt Brs' c'" MfrB" phlla' S-t ''" - . - i . , . . ..-.. Healyour mSBJWt I skinwitk tJ , The new Spring VCOLLARy CARPET SWEEPERS : BROOMS : BUCKETS r1 a o w S3 73 ftik ssV-, SPONGES o o The HOOVER SUCTION SWEEPER Will clean your rugs thoroughly by the com bined operation or shaking, brushing and suction. Let us demonstrate. Everything; that will lighten the house work may be found at "The Houseful- mshing Store. J.Franklin Miller Incorporated 1612 Chestnut Street TRASH BURNERS : : GARBAGE CANS : : DUSTERS Il " " " 11 ?rr?rvii sjt UHH Resinol I! your doctor said to use Resinol for that skin-trouble you'd try it without a second thought I Well, many doctors throughout the country art prescribing It to heal sick skins, , and have been doing' so for years. . Il usually itepi Itcblnf ta burnlnf tt oik, make Uep potswbtt, o4 oulcklr duri war H Utt9 of ih untlf btly cniDtlon. Kctlnol Sain ilia conutnt lb Kwinol nt4k tio. luklfir h ftMflUttl Mr IT IS NOT TOO LATE UNTIL NOON, THURSDAY This Company Will Accept Subscriptions to the THIRD LIBERTY LOAN Payment May Be Made on Any Plan Satisfactory to You COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY City Hall Square it .rv V.ttM!M cotttinsrtMrKtoMU ,