- - r rlWf SV &,'&? H '-, V , Aliening public ledger Philadelphia, Frulau, MU -'. i-S' 1 FOLK AND HAPPENINGS OF UNUSUAL INTEREST AND SIDELIGHTS ON THE WAR, IN PICTORIAL REVIEW .A W-" lr ' js -i' P . f WHEN THIS NAVAL HYDROPLANE WAS WRECKED off Nanturket during n visit of four hydroplanes to the island the aviatois I'scnprd with n few lnuipr. hit rn Mi. in il 1 j!m s rl" . THE ART OF CAMOUFLAGE has reached a hig.i point of ew lopinent h..Ip.-.i, m Mialli'p m to imitate trees (photo at left) and rock- i photo at itch! i I ml I W il I ml IKfettr &2Ti3K5ftfeijK & t THIS N i; W llRK SCHOOLGIRL, Maty Cul 'ntta, has ample reason to lie proud, and advertised her family's distinction in ill"' Liberty Loan painoV. Ini rinitluniil l-'llm ytivin (fr . I HI- CAN CONQUER THE WILDEST of bucking bronchos, although only seventeen. He is Corporal Percy Vannote, of 2235 Tulip street, Kensington, nov at Douglas, Ariz. iHRLE MAIDS OF THE MIKADO'S KINGDOM will be played by tho Misses Dorothy Tyson, Elsie I" ilinghast and Helen Nesley in "The Japanese Girl," staged by Temple University Kindergaiten Department. t . c LIBERTY BOND bALES amounting to $1200 were made in two hours by little Char lotte Hai burger, four years okl, for the Girl Scouts, Troop G8. ROLLER SKATING IS GREAT fun theso spring days for kiddies in Rittenhouse Square, including Frances D, Fuguet und Louise G. Fugue t PIGEONS AS TRENCH MESSAGE BEARERS is an idea mudo real by tho a()4th Field Signul Corps at Camp Meade. The photo shows the camp pigeon house. &&-', i" i.i. ,' Y.f kx'i--. flM .m . jsmmumvr jm ' 'X &'. t