Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 03, 1918, Postscript, Page 13, Image 13

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111 fffmr!
-argc Fete to He Given at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Munn's Country
instate on jlay 10 A'aiiey Wynne bees a
Funny Sight
IAN l' nnvv vvc hnvc nnotlicr Inu'li or Riir
lA elen fetr- ltncxt to co'iituem. they
rop iii Jut like crncujps In the spring-
mp Oon't thp ?
Well, tlil U pi v Unit ton nml lilcss
ou. It ims n I'iPiirli rrnnip, which iiiiikci It
II thp tittup i.xiitlm: It In Hip "Koto nu
roflt lr- llnnltaux il'outiptncr" and will
o Riven on Mn If. on tlip estate of Mr.
ml Mi rimilPM Mtiim. nt Itmtnnr.
Women of pniminrnro np tlip Mnln I.lno
ntl in tlip i-miiitips of I'liltHtlPlptilH, Mont
imerv Chi-tpi Dplnvwip nml Hurlm will
ikp part nml thr nffiilr will lip given
ndci tlip iinpiicH of thp t'cnnnyhnnln
omtin Hufrinc" Awji'lntlnn, which tin n
rnnrh of thp Xiitlminl AliiPrlran Woman
uffrnRP Aiforlntlnn him thp icptinsiliillty
t rslsinc lis Khnit nf thp 12S.onn plrdgpil
nnunlh h ilv national ii'soi'lntlon to
tpport ihr winni'ii's overseas hospitals In
ITRS. oiKi.-nr.il rtNCllrvT. n chairman
FA. nf tli. rt. .......I. n nr......!...... nl
- ..ii- nu- i"t.ii- n .! iiiiiiirr ...
omen pinminpiu In hnth oolal nml pro-
iSltmal lifo. nim tliniiarli theii tlmo Is
reatlv nrruplpil hv unr vvnrli. hnvp net
bout to ralip fundi for tliMP hnnpltnl.
affed entiiclv liv mmipn which hnvp rpn-
lerpd wondpiful micc in thp txittlC'torh
plnn nf 1'rnnpp.
The hospliHN. ronipiUInc two unit.
ero thp jlit vtnffpil liv women to ho gent
,roml Ont -potion wan rerenttv rnucht
thp riertn.in ih Up at Pltnrilv nnd lj
orklnK In tlir IvittlP reslnn. whllp nnntlicr
tniMtiK In Hie smith of I'rnnrp Iir.
Iturn K Hum .mil liv. Mmip (. Knrmml.
riilladplphli. hip two of thp pliv alclnnR
lth thp hoptnls.
Mrs. RnrdPti llm riiniin nnd Mm. ITpi-Iipii
fonver ulll .pral nt thp fpto. nnd vvlillc
ip tralnul women of thp ovfiscn htunltnl
rp iiiinWtPiine m thn Kirk mvl woimdpd
i Krniipi. thr .Mini, r.liin nfTnlr will afford
iportunltv foi thp uompn nt homo tn
low whnt thev rnn nnd nrp tlniiif; to con
rve nnd imieiisp fniu ntodurtliin nnd to
aln women to he of cn-nlpt crnnniute
MlIP in tllllp nf Mies'.
Tlip pdin.iiion il nnd Instiurtivp feature.?
'thp fit., mil i.p romhiimd with enter
Inment whieh IphiN ituplf rrmllh to pren
itation nu thr Miinn p-tntr. willed In eno
thp most lr nitifui nn thp .Mil In Mne.
fpatuip i ,r -pti,.i phi). ThPi'p In
bo d.inrliis f-i Hip pIiIIiIipii iik wpII ns
puniipo. n ni Mionpr. n war hnsnll.it
nhuhiipp dpinotf-irntloii nml a llt of nt
aptioiis wlilrh tim pniMiniipl of tlip mm
Ittrp mikrs .pi-t.iin uMi !. nntpunithy.
IMUMJ th-.M- :Piins ullli Mrs. fmrhot
Aln tin- i ii lr i r-'Jl nf Mm r.in m tii.
ohert K. Siiiuilnhicp. Mn. lini-lay 11.
nrbiii(nn. i, ,i.,r, ; rjitI)rli .i,,,
S. r Hirp Mi ' flPorKP A. tiunnhiR.
ra. I.phis 1, Smith. Mm. Opoicp llurn-
tm. ,ti .Mrs IMunnl W 111.1,11. liu n
PrPiiti's Nh hoH, Mm l.'pnop Itrlnton.
fS. firolCP A. I'lPlsi.l II,- M,,,, 'fHP,
re Wllllmi, Wnid .Ii . Miss Aliirnnint
cIC Hil.-ox. Mr A M. Hii.1pi. Mib.
nnhall It Smlih. Mm. Kinnrl ji. .Inrntm.
rrn. William foils. Mm. Ilihvanl H. Mcud
id Mr. .1 CI.iuiIp Itpdford.
yi:i.l. Hi,, hidoo, nip Show oppnPd
pcrui,i nn,! inst mclit wiih rpnlly
tv cvliinc Ii h.ih i pi mini) n roller not
hap In c u,,v il,, nn in llrn.nl mid Kll.s.
01 th or Whii inn ni Hip Nprk or wtioroipr
o did luir to co hpfoip 1 know It was
mil. down, ii,wi Hroaif xtrpPt. I,ast nlsht
in Jusl had in t.ikp n Wnlnut or Mnikot
rcpt imi- if Mm iiiii IMIt have nnnthpr Itlnd
rnr, ,ind miii nt t ,iP to Tupiiiv-third
reel, t.il.p ;i feu hIpiik and tlieic ou
The piiBPiini ns rrully lipuutlful. .Mm.
f.'llliam Upher nnd Mr. TlininuM (I Ash-
in pot it up Two rhlpin rpprcHpntpil cif
ne of thp i'piiippii Allied eountrlPH that
'e niraPd ncnhiht fiPim.uiy.
Anno Ashtnn ippipypnled Ameiii-.i nnd
16 was cpitninU hp.ititlful. Slip Is px.
cmel pntt nml h,i thp mosi wiiiidcrful
hloriiiB Kveix timn I Iiiip pph her aj
ir hapk a sl. .enr ago when sho was
10 tinlpxt littlp piiipsirpiimi on a pnny
ever tan, she has I'lddPii. I helleve ho
i ns mueli nt home with horses ns It'
ossible. for nnv one to he. nnd nlie cer-
ilnly makes i heaiitlfiil picture.
DK Al.l. uipri'PS. whnt do mi think
nf I lie onr. .Minimi Mnlfnrd mirilni: last
uesday nlsht" Vou know Inst Monday
or brother, Kendall Mnlfnrd, Jr.. cam
omo from I'i.-iihc nml his narenls. Mi.
nd Mr. 11 K .Mnlfnrd, nuked n, Ini'RO
umber of theii friend to dlnn on Tiien-
ly uishi at ' their home. Winlhuist,
I'm ne.
AVell. but the Ruests wine nurprlscil, for
icy found not mil) Kendall. Jr., but woro
mazed to heal the weddlns marelT nnd
i ee Marion. Io"Miik a must channlns
ride, mrao wnlkinw Into the room with
er father, to be married then nnd there
i Major Ilnhpit Klmh.il!. United .Stales
rdnanep, of Wnllluim, M. ., the ccro-
pony belnc peifonneil liy thu Itcv. Audits-
la Walton Si-hlek.
Mlss Mulfoid'a sown was of white ftutln.
tquisitelv beaded In el')tals. Hho woro
tulle ell and cnirled a bhuuer bniuiuet
:f lilies of the valley.
Just lmaKlue the Miirpilse of ieroiie.
ir ou ee no nno even knew they wcto
lRiiRed. It had never been announced.
think it was h beautiful way to Mirprlse
eople and must have wived h lot of tho
lual excitement of eiucitHliiincntH and
i on, which us'ually wear a bride out bo-
iro the auspicious day. Mrs. Arthur
leyer. Miss Mulfnid lter, who win
etself u biide last June, was mation of
onor mill woro her weddliiR die. Mnjor
berly, of Washlnnton, 1). c, wan best
mn. ,
Marlon 1 n Kiaduate of Viikhui- Collese.
he him slen much of her time tn war
orlc tlila last )ear and ban been In charge
f canteen committees nt Mrs. (ieorge W.
hllds Urexel'H almost slnco the beKlnnliiK
f that work. Major and Mra, Klmlmll
a, a taken niailmcuts nt the Montana in
n'akhlnclon where ho Is stationed.
yPON'T injw whether he Is n loie or
liiGt. U fttvt tho f,sH KOT, but
Rlrl on n train at a reitiiln bivph ump
hould thp wild Kill nlmnl mix thn tmin
bpcaup ii tionp ti nil) Imppeiipd nlmiK
Tlmf what linpppnpil for I nw the ctrl
In the train )plujc franlirnlh to n,P L., i
on thp tntlnn platfoim who wm, inK ,ii
umbrella in hand was i.n-inc fmni initnW
to window nf nld tinop train iMkiiic tun
soldier where they werp fiom while l.pi
own train on the otlipr sidp of the pi urn, m
nlmnm passpd on. Ilnd nnt tlif . ,n p
rarful Joined In with thp nfn, PSiiid ci i i
thp train nnd shrieked Hip nthe, - nnni
nt the top of tltpfr iunc perhnps o,
would Rtlll lip on thp plntfoim wmtim: tn
Join her friend. 1 know If nwfulh nmrl
nnd there are ton many Kirls In thp -i..,v
but "them ns aw if will know whn i
menn nnd she'll know who I menu nnd I
know whn l mean, and no whnt d.. vou
Social Activities
Mr rt tlamlltnn i-elkpt. .,f ;nin sinmn
tret I mrtoln!nR Ml .Mm Sherldnn.
nler nf r,ir,n npnip rinny nl Mm
Hownpv of WashlnBtni,. r r Mi Tni
kt will nppupy her countrv houe at Meimn
on Jun I ,
Mr nrl Km num. 'of mn i.n. ut
irpt. i ntrtnlnlns hr itr. Mr ipiir
MrMnriiv. nf n niK f,., n fr , ,
Mr Knrntim will ipatp nn lim I', for tirr
iimmr hmn m Murray Ha), I'nnadn.
Mi .tiime M Andrr nf tiolt XynttnH
tipt, hn leawt Mr Ktheltwrt eln'
hou-e at niu MIII, Me. nnd will occupy It
rarl in Jun.
Mr nnrt Ml .Inhn -. U'allarp, of 21.1,
Walnut rtreet, hnvp lea wit a houxe In rhl
fn for th,. summer nnd will oeeupy it on
June 1
Mi niohri1nn shoemaker, Jr . I wnd
Ino n few daj' furlnush l hi home In
Mr nenjamln i'arkaiir1nn and hPr dauah
'er. Ml- Mnrle f'nrkridnn. have taken nn
npaitment In West Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mr William V Win-!, of l.ans
flown, have hrn spendlns ome time nt
"iTan I'll), x. J. .
Ml- M Sin,. ,,f X. Vnrtl elt, I llt
Inc her dniishter. Mr Many S Ynunc. In
Mm .Inlm s Thninsnn. nf It 1 40 Torrpdale
avpnii". will enleitnin on thp Hftermion of
May IS In honor of hi itr. Ml lillih
ln Thomson, ilauahtrr nf lr. nnd Mr Wil
liam linger Thnnisnn, nf 2.M I North Thlr.
teenth lreil, wlinsi. riisaRempnt In Mr
Unrff Mnnrp. nn nf f. s nn:rpmnn and
5Iri .1 Itatnpinn Mnnre. ha reeently turn
Mi If i i-d Mrliiiiinl, nf V. nnonniiil. i' In
Atlantli I'm fur n s,nrt lnj Mr liplumiit
will piitertaiii Mb M area hi r, of lnt.
Inns, nn May I& foi a wprk.
Mi nnrt Mm Mnr Kpli,. nnrl Ml
Helen KMsher. nf ;:;.1 lrrn elrpel. will
leave alHinl .Iiiiip I in xnend the uniim-r In
Mi KiltVHiri MeKlllen lin- i nut tied In
lhlladlphla nftr mieiidliiB a wees, with Mr.
and Mi., Kirderli-k J Mluhell.
Ml Mnnie nf WllllllllEtOII, Is Vhitllts hr
daURlilpr, Mr. M llnhli
Mi and Mi I'rrdeilek i lleiilt, of 11
houth Klftv-aerniiil Mrcet. aiinnuni'e 111 mor
ilacp of theii iliiilpliter. Mlm Mnrle Ilenlla.
and l.lrillriiiiiu llnheil H Uniblrk. on prll
.10. In Olil Swedes I'hiuih Sfter n hotl
weddlnn nip. Mi- litnhhk will live in u
CU'ln On. when' Lieutenant Kinb'i'k. vvlin
H m the nidiiaine iriierve imp, i nnvv sta
tioned Tim r.oeiiinrp i luh nf ienld will clve
a Muvtinip danr on Friday evenlnR, Slav
t". nt the niil York ttnad Countiy Club Th
musii- will he furmahd hv the Marktown
Jazz Hand, TIip rnninilttep In plurRp enn
slt nf Mr Stnnlev A Urmia, rhalrman ; Mr.
Thompson .lone. Mr. In liulllner nnd Str
Andiew S Whltnl.er
The Phi Helta Pl Sorority will clve a
sintnR dance nt the t'hllnmuslan Club, Mill
Walnut lifet. this evenliiR The enmnillt
in rhnrcp Includes Hip follow ins: inemlier
from tli dirferptu rhapteri-: Alpha. Ml
Helen Chatham. Miss llrniii Clovver, Mli
i:ti.e Wnnd , Itptn. .Ml tlraie Slill. Ml
Madeline Xelssley, Mis sknn I'nkerndnnnl ,
'iammn. Miss Marian Mnthews. Mli Krnnce
Malahan. .Mis Dnrnlhy Clark: I'ottH. MIhs
.Mvrtl Itlep. Mis norl i:pler, nnd Mis Lil
lian SaiiKster
Aiinniinreinent 1 made nf (he innrrlaRe nf
Miss Nnni'v I!. WrlKht. dniishlir of Mis
M i! Hi.iRri. nf 4R2S North Tenth meet,
to Mi I'lnnk M Kelcrr, of 2BH Ninth Sev
eutpenlh tieet, on Saturday etenlns, A pi II
L'T hy the llev lir Coopei, at the home nf
the bride' mother. Thn lulile was ntii'iulril
hv Mrs Herbert Aarnti ns matron nf hnnm ,
while Mr. Anion was the brldeKinnni best
man. Mi. and Mr KeiRei hit nn a. In H f
weddliiR trip.
.Mr and Ml Joseph A 'n, ..r vr.'H
I'ulnki nvenue. mid fiirmeilv of I h.e.i Iihv
hiKued hivttnllnii tn thp vverldinc iriepiiou of
liielr d.i'uRlili'i. Ml MnrR.uet W iv, nnd
Pr. Jninea V Mendllln, of New Mnven Cnnn
nn Wednesday Rfternoini. .Mnv II. ni tin h
home The ceremony will Hike phien at I
iii'lmk in St. I'eter' 1 loteslnnt Kplsiopnl
Church. Wayne avenue and llaivey stieti,'
and will he attended by the two families
ml) The bride will be attended by her
cousin, Ml Mildred Cuxe. fir. .Mendllln.
who Is a lieutenant In the dentnl reset ve
corps, will have for best man KiisIkii John
Menvle. of the I'. R N A nimibei of en
tertainment have been Riven In honor of
tho brlde-lo-be. On Monday evenlnp. May
13. Mis Mildred t'oxo will give a dinner In
her honor.
The Helta l'hl SlKina Koiorliy will Rive a
dance nt the Oeimantown Automohllo Club
tomorrow evening.
Til pliotoeraph of Miss Hllzaheth Walsh
In )esterday's Kvknino Cpbuiu l.Kiniun was
taken by the I'holO'Craflers.
Iiarilone Will Sing in Delrnit in Aid of
I'allierles CliiMren of
Trail ro
Major i'Iihi lea H. Wanen Is chairman nnd
Mis. Thomas II. Cooley nctlnR chairman for
the conceit to be Riven In Detroit Sunday
iiftrrnoou, May K', ut 2,30 o'clock, by
Charles W. Clark.- baritone
Tho entire proceeds will ho Riven to the
fund for the fatherless clilldien of Fiance
The 'patronesees for the concert will be as
follows. Mis. llussell A. Alger, Jr. Mis.
William T. Harbour. Mm Joseph Ilelaneer.
Mr A W Copland, Mrs. Archibald W
Pluck. Mrs. Rcthuite Puffleld, Mrs. Hratheurn
Ilendiie, Mrs. It, Adillngton Newman, Mrs.
Charles I. Calms, Mra, Francis Palms, Mrs.
Kdward V). Stair, Mrs. James Turner. Mrs.
Charles B. Warren. Mrs. 11. Klrke White,
Jr Mrs. Richard T. Williams. Mrs. Henry
V I.yster. Mis. John a Tlumnsy. Mrs. Har
riet N Alterbury Mrs. Alexis C AiiKtll Mrs.
Frederick M Aiiter Mrs W It Kales, Mrs.
J W Thompson, Mrs Frederick I Smith.
Mrs. Charles A. KtftlllriRer, Miss Minuit
. Smith, Miss Oracfe A. Hill and the French
department o tb Central, Hlh Bcbool. .
1 .4 O rr i rviTn nirin
Itui'fnti if (,.iii,ii,,ii I'iiuls Dp
iiuuitl for I'Vilrijil Sprifc
I'Afpotlo Suinl
The wm has sienih hmadennl ihr i npe
of Keivlcc fin tin I'.inr.iii nf Oi'i-tlpMl mn fm
Trained Women. 511; South Thiitienlh elieet.
lirrindiiiR In Mm. Itm Smith, prrslilent of
the bureau nnd prnfi'Mii nf rcnnnmlps at
fliM, Xtavvr Cnllpgi'
"Wp have tlllpd Iniiumeiahle Federal posi
tion. There I i, orent d.'innmr for trained
women, dietitian, ilrnftsnieii, t ileitis pb up, ,.
atnr, wnnirn Willi exo'iitive ahllllv h,i,I
rlerk and sti'llnBiaphem The ileum ml
foi the Inst .-hiiiim! pns-.ihl hi' llllrd .
have Mlpplle,! ,nr,w nf w n,',i fnr Uifg
Island shlphulldlliK plant and othei ilnvsin
inenl plates In I'lillndelphlH
"We ha vi. mil women In the msii.iI imp
at WiishiiiRion In the fowl H,liiiliu-,iii,ii.in
and in ail depHiimenls ,,f Fedeial hnivlii'
nnt nniv iii UaibiiiRinn, but all ovi'i tin
rnlllll I , "
Tbeln I- .in i,m', t tleninntt tint nl ni
(Vdeml riv ns- but also In Ivlllan nml, f..i
iinlnrd wmn.. n In chemlinl mid phvHi, ,,
lllhol.tlnilrs Hml III, cli.iui, ,, lilbnmlnil, s.
The khIiiiIi , nn rimI nnd the fill in r m um h
wmk pinml'liiR. iit'intdlnu ! Mi Hinitli
Ml" Thrnilma tliitihci. Hi maiiHRer of
the Inn, an. h'. hrrn Innneil in th,. i,
Cross nnd Is n,,.ipe1 vllh pliirrinnu vmhU
under the deimilinent nf civIKhii pernnnnel.
She doe n Rreal ileal vf vvnik amoiiB thi-
familli"- nf the nlillei in pliti lllR lilnlhi'l .
ill pin 1-1 inn. wink in In advising win hiides
vvhp have never wnikeil and now inii-l
"In fni'l. thn mlvi'-niv ilepniliiii'iil of thn
huienii, villi, h I- i'iiiii,. fn,. m Mn tnvnl
uahle pan ,,r lhi umk. Ulll- whn wish m
lakn speclnl IliiluliiR am advised whin iol
Iprp ni m IiikiI in eiiiri W m, icii whn have
nn ti-sinhiR ni nimiiiil,. li,, have been pin.
tei'led' hereinfnii' finnl-li nn i.'iipi.mI and
dlltlculi pinbli-in : Inn mi imw the deinuiid
I, n much ftrr.itei Ih.in th,. uipph th.n
lhe are ndvi-.d tinr wfullv." nld Mi
Smith 'Lis'Iuipi air .-eui i, th vaiinii
h hniil.i ami inlliqe., m ie the uiil;, nf th,.
di'iiiandh tn Hi' imlii ni.,1 world '
dncim; mstkhk (:ik
MY IIOI TO Ml) 1.0 X
Lir Doll.ir UrMiltinp 1'iuiii ToMfht I!h
UMi.iiiiMiriit Will ( tn Buy ItotnU
The Phllal"'liliiu AsMorlaiiftn f TrnrhriM
of njimiiis lin plnnncil n Ma hop ftti to
night ti nWt tlit- l,lbrt Ixinn.
. II llolirrti, pr'Midiit f III h.mhii
itftti, HniKMiniPH tlmt ppiv rtriitiir tnkfii in
will lie nitic l(l tntti l.ilKt( IIoikIm
TIip lu. ImIIi ii" ' til ,M- n aiitltt llitll,
Itnmil (imi MiiHti i HtMtlM Iihm lit i n nli-tiitnt-d
fm thf tt't-.Tlfiii Iritv iiifirisFKin.il
n mi "H iti- fi oin in it (i rl.iiit tnu n'tuU itlti
linvt volutit I I 4 I tllMI MIMKH
hi .tn tiiuiK f tin -iiiii,- T th- nff.iir
Mt Unix 1 1. " s Kii tlft in Ki tn tnt'iui!
I liult'l .Ultl ft- li)!l(l Will ti1I tMlt' KIM
ill i K" -.iviny tlit iiM - of lti of imip
UllX V t . f f lit I t I i"l 'Mil lilt
(lllh-l. til hM,iriltiill nf lltr llanlir
St., I. - I ' I i . u , l ml . -
Nuliniiiil -,i, liiiiiin ni I iiiltwl MntM
I lll .. , i I I I. .'. . I IH V.i 1. 1- MIM I
l.lll', ',1 i'l l,ul i I. I, i. linn Vli'iu-
ll, f-
The engagement of-Miis Menrr of SOU
Tarkfiile avenue, to Mr. Allien Cold-
man, of 1753 North Tliirly-lhjrd ttreel
i amioiuiced loilsy
x w wmsmt MLsmir ,"
fllMll. I.l W I I ,,,, -h 1. , I I,,
Mils. n:iiitii. miivroN
Mrmlier- id a iiiiinuilli'e in iluirne of
llie "I nle nu I'rohl ill'- llniilitu )'()l.
Iremei." wliiili will lie given on Mnv Id
on llie i-lale of Mi., t.liarli- , Miiiiii,
ni ll.iilunr
Mi Cain anil Mi- 1'iil ()MM'alo
liifiii'iiialitiii l)rk ill llrouil
Slippl Slnlinii
W hal H1114. dues ,. I 11 11 nn u., 1,. l.
hliilli Cllv '" list,. 11 di.liKill .lied I.imMiiR
iiiiiii nf Mlv .lull 1 i, In. ..-iilik-kr.n, the
HlM wniimtl In hi flitptmiil at till illfmuia-
1I1111 rlnxk 111 III nnd Sin it Sum, ,11.
'Thai pn,v," i Ml Cnln, "whpti
lonipaied Willi Miinn ilnv k Vistnnlnv a
wtimnil nked linn iiiniiv iiihII lieis wre
111 11 i'IIv Miunte In Philadelphia
"Xeiulv evei 1hIv iii-Ii for a llinelnlile
and olijei'ls tn letlhiR us whim thrv want
in B" Tlienathere Is the inn ii who lle up
mn tune asking u, 'IMeae alve hip n IV1111.
si Ivanla limetnhle nver I In I'emiK) Ivnnla
Its Ih nnd finin Phllnrinlphla tn (he Peimsv I
vsnln Slallnn in New nrl(.' ttehlnd him I'
the mail whn first hei niise we are o lnw.
"Ii's a Rreal life '
Ml Mai) Kills. I.U1.-1 1veiHI ulieel, I at
the same deal, with Mis', Cain
Al llil the women bad in tefri iiihiiv
itlillnn to the man at (he dek with Ihem
who had Ihlrl.x -ihn e vears' expel len' l.'it
tmw the) tan lell, all In 1 bmiili, wb.it
time the train Rot . what 1 amp a imhu.iii
sou 1 In, Hi. it the liikel oflii e i downulalrs
and lh I1.1I11 lnil jtiM miisiiie.
Hunting a Husband
ITtnlt a week I liave been liviliB n sin, use
new life Hni h itav has been a nvel.
llnn I linvp been tiviuir In Ihlnk diffeieiillv
Tiviiir In thiiiw nslil" the nlil nli iiv ,,f hf,
Ml exeept nne. nd I have bpen leariihiR In
"moke Hut el I do not like the cpiei 1
i.iste nu my tolisue Nor the smoke ilmkeii
in in llnoat
I have lieen happv. Inn Fnr I ihlnk nnt'
1,1111 11111 for nie So swiii' Yet did lie not
-n -,. thai flil nlRhl ' Mnielll Me I mil
i.i l in, Iced Ii) the slaiidmils of nlhei men
II. m an artist
IIms pneni wa in uiv box Hit 11M1111I11R
it w .1 - ft nm him 1'here mu a lin,. wllh it
in s.n he would dine Willi me louiRht.
II. 1 1 is hi poem;
Itnased Sailor
I li.nU over llv Inch nail of the am den.
M slniiiiiR heui iMtch and send hack the
liRht. '
Tin li'illvhiM'k lend Ilieir tall heads.
II11I I pa tin m hv
ciiMtred inlRiiiiiietts wreatliea me with faint
Pnpple whl on vlender stem.
The latkspin Rives nut a deep puiplc slow.
'I In n I Bianil Mill, still
s in v hit'tithtns tmdy will let me
I h. Ilowei she lovrd
-inall, inRRfd, blue.
nn In a foigoiten clump
For her
and me '.
1 ,,,n i-llRhil) puzzled b) 11 I It w 1111,11
r, miii one he loved hefnreme? Is ilii hl,
. . 1 1, ;i I way of tellliiR nie? Snoiehow I
hi imi imagine Morslll with lllning hrai
tli i-eem o o useful
- , imw 1 am waltliiR for Moielll .iii.fil
m nn prettiest 1 heck pink My hat shad
111R inv e)e I do not have tn think imw
I il, nnt have to try to pleaso him. llecuue
- 1 i-hall leave 11 unsaid.
I am home. My cheeks still hmn with
Moielll and I sat 1I111I11R together. In a
tlnv place my name "Tho Itabbll Hole "
I do not know what 1 ate. 1 was can led
awn) by tho look In his eyes.
Rhl rami) Into the inom. liven time
she was startllnR lllack tllpped liaii, sen
blue e)cs under blnck lashes. A hi.iiik..
fasi-lnatliiR person.
I b.iw Morelll' eyes wander tn her I was
iianliiR hack in my (hair, tiyliiR to imikt
You will excuse me? Hut a moment
Moielll rose. He went tn her In 11 few
minutes lie wa talklnR with much feehue
I could ee his dramatic gestures from wliere
I sat
I waited. The minutes passed. He ilul
tint return! Still I waited At l.lsi. shamed
I lose from my table. hud to pas them
on my wuy nut He wa Immersed In con
velH.it 1011 Thee vvoid lloulril to me us I
passed- "I.Ike a fiall white. Mower, bciulltiK
011 Us stem."
AiiRer tilled me. If 1 could only do
somethliiR' I reached my 100111. Ills poem
lay on thn table. I tore It Into fragments
1 am calmer now 1 know that l have been
a fool, It haa taught me one le"ou
I cannot sleep Ilel wv inc I hear mm
one coughing -coughing It slupi Thrn
begins again I wonder who it is
Toiuoiriw-Tu ltoow Uclvw .,
Jm,,Mm Wi ! .nRn
UMIc) Pnrk Il.i" 0ri-uliiTiliPl
(.liiiita Tor l.ibrrU l.nnn.
IIiip' for Altirt'
An Mlltailivi date, rt.," Riv, 11 .it 1 bet
Hall III ltel Hill, .i-1 i(IIiik Im lite
I In .t 1I1. In 1 wi.nl limit Tilt iiltnil
1 j.i 11 It Hi. I S 'luh I" win. Ii
nn,. .' 1 m 'otitic 1 "I It' li.HR Vntiilil..
llm wii, li.i.l .lilltui i.f the ll.llli. llie Miv
M.iltlni vti it, . Mi- Ibltii lltindnili .Ml
f till II I'll.,! . Ml-s M.iiRileilli ll.lllllllll Ml'
iiii 'lal't Mi .limns C.,'-ttl Vlt Iriiin-
l.ell SHllel Ml I'ltlllllll) et,.tt lllnl Ml
Hi III) lllllllll
Until. 1 lllllie I', be RIVell llim tveek will
be lie nne In III In ihe inn, ..it nf ihi Media
Wniiinii- Club ihU eveiiiiii: lt". .Iiimi P
llllllllt ll.l-i t ll.tlle III III. Illll'i.) et liltll ntll
lb. 11 Tin uiil have .ttlttpi. .1 u Knin Ii 111 -plum
nml the .irrnti tvill l.t ulveii in raWe
lllnnev r.'l I III tlllHis,
'llie nel suit 1 1 1 ,l inn iI.Iimp will be Riven
III llie llitll, I'atk niiiliiMi nun mi SntiiiilH)
iveiiltiu Mn II. 11111I1 1 llie diiietiiiii nf Mi
I'lllllli II Hets- I. lie pilHieil- In he lie.
vnteil .t t liaril.
Tile illt..l f.tt llie ttlllln, I'nik lb irni 111
the l.ll.i tiv l.ttin iiiiupalRii K In nun. Twr.
bundled anil twelve thimniid ilnlliii lin
alleadv I n tilt.t 1 1I11 1 and it K Iiimi. d II11I
.'Ml mill w.ll be le.ielii.l b) tin 1 nd nf lin
tt I't'k
Mil cer- ni t'si'liltv Tea (.lull
Miv Kmliiin M, iliiiltt l i it -ninaiiti,
mid Mp .lulu 1 W nlile tent. 1 ulll lie the
mini .Is at Hie K.niiliv T' 11 1 luh mn IimIo al
SerBi.uil Hall nn Tin -dm il let mini
Mli Me'llnl'V li,i lit.pieiill, I ,1 Inn rtl
null tin l'lnlii,,'li,lil.i iipeiallt ,1, i.lv nnd
in ei ami letlt.,1 Ml Villi,, net tl nn
inliitibit linn t,. I nivi'i-ilv iiuilleiii'i ' He li
.1 junior In llie Meiliinl Sehnnl nml Im- heen
liea.il nn stvtial 11, iii'imr, reienllv Ml 1
Mullnliv sain.' llie n. 1 1 f Mud M.iii.111 In
llie Plilladelitliia iiitiniti s'iM,etx p, ,tim .
linn nf ' llnbiii l,., lMi, ,', ,,1,,, ,, ,,
the till' inle In Hit imp npi 1,1
11 n
II 1
I' M
n 11 ,1 ;"- 1,1.
K I T A J 0 L I V E T
IS V II - t -Ht Vi ni
l I Hi: l'l I Mini SINVKII"
. .... '" Arlei sf Ptntur.
Doualus Knii'bnnkH ,. ' ,,...
.Nev, ..k( ,u Kne,v ,? ..i.
TUK 111: MIT lip THP Kt vHBr
,- 'HrvrviT ni'i miti r
UILLIIi BUItKK "" ' "' '
, , ihTfiupT tiivn't'ir'r:'"" ,'"'"r
W M FOV Pr-iirnts
In r-Tl Slumlis nf ' TRI'K HI,IIB"
N.il W..I, VViiMVN vvn THU l,W
I'omlna THI5HV Bltll In I'MTnPATII V
REGENT maiJkct "'"I".. iTi
K D 1TI r STORE V "rli'iViJiU.',, 8r-
vniihp vt-ii: vt-iins
in v din: h ij 1. (,
DM ,, . 'J.1."".
filiaoffi MuiaI Cft;nri In VnuiltvlIIt
lllll.sllilri- 1 not'PE others
Dull) Twle S'lahtly
sIWAi JJ?os. & CO.
nnoADWAY :iJiSnTll
WJ1. FARNUM J 'VrvA'so
Academy of Music
May (i to 11, Aft. & N'jBht
"Over the Top"
with Bertt. AltTIlUIt OUT
Anifrl-ft OrHiPt rhniopiy
I'll tuia iuiRed by h ninors,
S(ut Now 1 1 10 OhMtnut.
Chfiktt 10 HMk, T lUly
nwHOHNU Maids of America
Walnut Ah. Sill BU
With A I, K HALL.
aiXIOCI J-" pSVa ;? o-iopuooaj,
fsmv am. 40 b-iuid TIr,. ,
HI WiiAY VJI01V AvUvtlAVt)
nml sympathy for llie millions of
H10 Iprriblf Huns throuKli their unspeakable brutalities toward inno
cent women and children. Now is llie time for the American people
to learn the truth about what is happening in Northern France, where
those barbarians have practiced unheard-of cruelties and savageries
toward men. women and children. That is the message and the motive
bnt-r. of I). V. (Jrimih's "Hearts of the World," the wonderful world
dnuna of the groat war. which the Philadelphia Censors say must not
be exhibited in Philadelphia until il has been deleted of scenes showing
the brutality of German soldiers and Gorman oflicers.
It was l.i lell the world THE TRUTH that D. W. Grinlth gave up
n year and a half of his life, entailed enormous financial sacrifices, risked
his life dozens of times behind the firing line it was with this noblfj
mission that D. W. Griffith conceived and executed, with the assistance
of the PiHlish and French Governments, the marvelous work which the
Philadelphia Censors now say must not be shown until the scenes depict
ing German brutalities arc cut out.
Tola,, in the Courts of Philadelphia, the question will be decided
;is in w nether or not the ofiicial censors can suppress this great patriotic
Meanwhile we ivspectfully ask the public of Philadelphia to read
once more the following editorial reprinted from yesterday's Philadel
phia Inquirer:
Censors Who Need to Be Censored
By what Hirht ln thp fllm crnsor of IVntisylvania constitutn
thennclvca it botly of Superior Rpinj;? ! what riRht do they
Inko 11 pioiluetinn thnt hit'- hod the lip.iity ro-oporation of the
1 icn,h (invrinmont. Hint ha Iicpp iiulomeil by (ho Cannilian and
l-'irnch t'r-nsoi nml hj the National lloanl of Cpninns of the United
States, ami proceed to chop inipmtnnt acene out of it?
CVrtiiinly not hj Ihe 1 ijrlit of pai amount intelliKonce, nor by
the rijrht of pre-eminent wisdom, noi yet by the right of unlimited
po"inn of paramount common ene. What then? The right of
power thr tight that come from Might. This is the (Icrman way,
nml nraint thnt way a ffo'odl) portion of the civilized woild is up
in nrm. The censoi s of renn Ivania have their puny prejudice."
and thej pioceed to oscieKo thoe piejudice bpcaujo they have
the nuthont) of their official position back of them.
"Heart.- of the World" i a film with a mission. It portrnys
f-ninc, nt least, of the monstrous brutalities which the Hun hai
inflicted upon humanity. It intention is to teveal visually the
policies that the (lei-man (ioveinment ha deliberately adopted in
teiToi-ir.e those peoples which it would diive into slavery. The
luutalities of the (lermnn armies and these armies are composed
of the tlermnn people themselves : te the result of the German
theory of education which teaches .'.' oluto obedienre to the orders
of military uutocinc). l.el the (Sermans get it footing in America
and then we should suiTei these very atrocities which our eyes,
according to the censois, are too pure to look upon.
Let it be understood that the scene which the censors have cut
out ate not carried to their logical conclusion on tho Hint. But the
censois claim that theie is n suggestion to that end. In the ordi
nary social play they eliminnle suggestion. They foitify them
selves with the plea of "consistency," and argue that if sugges
tion i nnt perinissililp m one instance it never can be in any
other. Hence they would take a cleat war scene and ruthlessly
slash it with the crudity of the tank amateur following out a line
of prejudice.
What these censors fail to tealize is thai this country is at
war; that war a conducted by the (iormnns is savage and brutal
ill the extreme; that oui boys nt the front ate running up again-t
this savagely and brutulity; thai this country needs to s edu
cated into the wuys of t'ju Huns in older that it may fully undci
siand the danger that it - uld face with a German triumph. Tie
country needs to be urou d. And the censors of 1'cunnylvnnia tin
not appear to be willing thut it should be.
It isn't this Mm that needs to be censoted, hut It is tho censor .
themselves. And it is to be hoped that they will be.
We believe thai Truth and Freedom, as always, .will continue to
prevail in Philadelphia.
Managers of 1). W. Giiflilh's "Heatts of the World."
AnPl PHI Kniugs at S:1C
fUL,Ll rll Matinees at a: U
MAT. SAT. S$l.50
mm ci ion 1r-s11s HiitncitT
II 1.11 VI I IM I. Hill VV
mi. 11 1 11 "ii 11 'in tv, r.oo
lKW'1 I'l I v'' ' "I'AV 1
tlSli t (1h IY
ami v iiivii'Krr.NT cST
AMI Till: 1 SI'AI.
Weber-Field Chorus
u-3? IN TOWN "gi," n-V
MATINEE SAT. "$, $1.50
Bread Without Wheat
Help to Win the War
(Public Ledger Food Economist)
Lectures in the Afternoons, May
6 7. 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the Curtis
uditorlum Building, Indepenednce
Tickets may be obtained without
charge at Ledger Central, Broad and
Chestnut streetg, nnd Public Ledger
Ofllcc, Independence, Square.
EL. UnHNDHI. ti VUi IHEIIT uosa A rttttt
accoNDlAND uvsr week ov
JAUfcS i, UOnTO.N. iliwclAl Amoudcm
. I', ifi 1, i, I , In I' .- 11 I ' . Mil II
i AT H 15
r '-
people who have been alauRhlered by
19lli and Hunting Park Ave.
tsLVilJ iJi i wis
nnafli oocn at i awn tbm
litl.n or, aln al ..inuvl broi 0th and
Maiitvt l,pelll samo piu.pt aa chare.!
ct hnv aim.nds
ivvn wruKS
, ..- ai KiiAnn
i ni vii i in ii i -mnv ,t i.nnTii
AutItortjtHl rhntoplny Version of
Ambassador Gerard's
"My Four Years in Germany" -iii.hchv
i:i m..T8 ov
BROAD Vk Mon., May 6
m:is sow hi:li.in
COHAN A HARma lVearnt
a rLAT or this 8FxnKr tEnvi?a ,
A Xtntti ilrauiA W M vitU thiiilinc UUAtIow
nl nena-xripplnc dmuMi Tha play h ta Mb
with a master rleuih, vhof imrkabl atlrMS'"
tures. w hit iralllng a band of p!l, outrltmT.
In trtathlesi Interest th moat abaotblnj; tatev -
Ilia ulnrv Avir u, rlltain. . J.-
in -wn ri iv j
LITTLE i"2'"'- "" u vWt
J'iiuiii. l,or!ia oii1'jsvh
.-Um?Qxm?qm pw
kTa KliS rt-mttt tP"'e
o- .?;? r tmki -v
f Wfirac?' - ' i. .
jtex&teat ' .