-"imHWr ... IT'''"WmXrT 1 n IfER CENT OF LOAN MINIMUM OBTAINED je,v lorK uiry nnu stale Drive Low Ircastiry Is Disappointed Jew HAMPSHIRE OVEIl Jit. Loins imifpt 01 jciiing .-,. 619 nouns nionp roptna lion of 597,090 VtashliiRlnn, Apt II r.n The Trcacurx tnnuiatiuns snow tn.it li ner cent "i ine .i,vi"j uhv.immi riy Loan minimum lias nc ;:,::;;! Trlbed In 'I"1 ' ,ln8 f"1 SmawInK loiniulttccs hnxo In-.truc- in, to drxnte Itioir oticlgjra to tollrlt - t ptrsonaUx en' thousands of Incll- .. I 1... 1..A, IlllAIA.In II Iia tin... tiduais aim "" "' iii.'i.c.o mi mi"- Jilrl subscribing it)jy subscriptions of S113,U3,(J0P tn tieceesarx during me remainder 01 fijijvteek t' make Hio $3,000,000,000 mil thtTreairs ' hoping for n, lieaxy utcr pbtcrlptlon The fourth d'firlct lo go oxer th top psjbablj ""I be Plt"ri '-lUcaso or San Francisco. KniiMis lit Oxer Iiijj We luxe a'Vi'icd 101 per cnt and ire joins forward to 1j0 icr cent It Mtslble " tnl tekgiant from the IjtansJS "J- "' met. tiiB 'in to ae-niexe t quota fc sjb'crlpt inns b.v States. In the Kansas Missouri, $:i.i73.tr.n; lltT Ul-.' ' l " ' Colorado, $17 105 050; Kansa", 5.11.87S, Mi Nelir.iiK.i $.11,312,0110. OUl.ilioim, 'Ml 156,050 Wxomlns. J),t0S,50; New lli.ilro. $1 li'i "0 $17 105 050; Knnsil, $.11. 876, MlllCO. $1 11'MMIO I A report from the i York il! jblch to ilato Ins propil otic of tin ist d rappolntmcntH of tlio camp r . i . . ... . - . !.... iiRinri, o big- P ... .1 ..nun nloi nnTd r. I f;.,i nfl lfli 1 tn " 1(51 urai'i'"'"""."'" " .,.,,- ..r.,, uld the Treasury rex lew 'shotted rt.i it l New York city am! tjtewYoik snto that me fnlllnp to Keep i- u til, fl.n i,.r.n nf thr, rnt ..f llin rMtm. ll ,l" ..' I'"-' "' ..... .. ... .... . ... try. Tlie twelxo New ,7eit.ey vountle hi the dlirlet nae sutiscriDed 7 per ,, nf ilielr nuitta .'ind KalitleM Couu- tr. Conn 81 per rent, but New York state and New York city liae sub ficr.bed on y fin per rent mid r7 pet W. refpcetliel) Albany, N Y, linn "lubtcrlbed 82 per rent; Newark. !": 'Pulfalo, 62, Hncliester. 53; Sr.iruso, (I, ami Jersey I Mty, 37. f "Only tlie KtioiiKest Mini of support from larRe pun liasern can put tlio Nett .Tork district over Its $100 00(1,000 mini mum quota Tue hope of the New York commltteee li to exceed tho maximum mirk of 11 fiOO.ooo.ooo set for tlio mo esd loan. If possible but very fen mem bers of the roniin tlee think this can be 'iccompllshcd " I SI. LoilU I'rntnl of Iternrd I The St Louts district leported It hut told 528 (119 bonds to ,i nonulitton 'it had sold 58.049 bonds to a population tl91,890 outside of the city or s-t ikiuis, Sections of Indiana. Illinois and Mlsls ital In the district reported that all counties xxithln their borders had equaled w eiceeded their money quotas; Ken tacky reported that only txxo counties W of sixty-four had failed to attain tall honor, Missouri tlexen out of ilnety-four ; Tennessee, one out of twenty-one. and Arkansas-, sex en out of iventy-elght This district Is ehalleng inithe entile country to produce a hlgh r percentage of subscriptions in propor tion to population (, .N'exv Hanipshlip exceeded Its quota yesterday being tae second Stato In the Kenr England district to do so. In the Philadelphia district Pennyl tanla, outside of Phlladelpla, has sub icribed $10 680,450, Philadelphia ptoper, IJJ92l,5SO; southern New Jersey, $12, H7.I50. and Delaware. $0 773.250. (In the Clexeland district. Kentucky lu subscribed $8 633 75n ; Ohio $141,-' tSt.ESO. Pennsjlvanla. $00,351,700:' iWest Virginia, $4,718,700. K message from Richmond said that one xxomaii in Norm i arouna nan win lir farm for $50,000 and Inxested the proceeds In Liberty Bonds. It also said the campaign anions riegtoes xx'as bring kl good results. ax Head) In 1'Ik lit anil lliiy "The naxy is not onlv ready to fight. est It xxlll also glxe exerj thing possl tie to aid In other xxays." said a radio jressaje to Hear Admiral Cowle. itxy Liberty Loan officer, from Admiral Mayo, commander-in-chief of the Atlan tic fleet The message follows: I "The situation on tho battlefront In Europe should strike deep into the minds of the American peoplo tho fact that this xxar demands our utmost ef fort The Liberty Loan Is for tho pur r)e of supplying money Indlspensablo Jo arm, equip und transport tlio men ,to are to confront the enemy on tin, lattlefleld and r.- 'ea. It Is hoped that the naxy xilll continue to show that It Is lot only reaey to light, but that It xxlll slxe ex erj thing possible to aid In incr xvaj s," On the receipt of this ladio, Secretary Daniels (lashed It mound the xxoild in a all-navy message. He added . "This message lings xx ith the Inxlnclble iplrlt6f our embattled naxal forces. Let 'a strengthen this spirit by an oxor "elmlng subscription to the third Lib. tjr Loan. The subscription today h re than $8,000,000 Ueforo midnight W 4 I feel sure xve xvlll raise this to a U1 that xvlll thrill the xvorld " PCuba'a enthusiastic loan drlxe. bv JMeh it u expected to raise more than S 11.660.550 subscribed In the last Lib. JPf Loan campaign has begun xxlth so IPMh, energy and has been attended by JJ much encouragement so far that the jambers of the llaxana general commit. are confident the prexlous total xxlU ; "xceaea Dy a largo margin. ADMIRES U. S. ARMY Crnian TaintCll Sue.lkl, In,.er Tell. of Great Supplies S'lClholm. Alirll .10 Tho nrii.l!..ninii aitonbladet mihiioi,Aa a iar,i... ,,a r. 'AKiatlxe article on American war no. ffe by Its Paris correspondent. Spe. (g- ""imasis is l.ua on the American L5y organization lu France and on the lumi,meraVil uni.,i.. . ,.. . -. . DWIUIC1G l(J ltj urrii incir "ekrtel. 1. ,,.. .... ., .. -.- .w .o n Kciietaiiy uiiercsiiiig inv; r'.? the entire situation and speaks "'c th m,ii. ... ,, i.., 1.1-., iTucn ui iiux ision1 OflllK ,tht oer from the United States nnd iw endless xvarehouses nnd rullways Jjf"! built. COAL OUTPUT GROWS "wnitioui Proilurtinii 11.2jO.000 Tons f We., Enj- April 27 hlngiiin, April 30. There xxas an vtise In mi, i i. ..i s. .. -uiiiuiuua uuai luuuutuuii gine xxeek ending April 27. geologl- rodueT " estimates show. Total tin. " '" Pul "i il.-30.uou tons, a I.."' IXeraen ,.r 1 ot nnn iii-ulnsit '"l.tlOO tho xxeek before" 1'rodllCtIon l ek ending Anrll 6 xvas 9.319.- "aadally average 1,853,000. Dov Kill.,1 I.., tt.l....r Jltnw,i. ... Anrll 30. Preston K of ,. year" oW. la leail a a re En iki f.ctur of the skull received "lobfii It' was rn down uy an an; l, ""iien uy narry Hxvyer, " . ..-i, ciouci or oust raisru u FLIER FALLS TO DEATH Licuicnnnt Lrxy, Son of York Cnrloonisl, Mllctl tMV Inmi.S lP.r.V-:'!"''. " '"' I". .1. ......... -IV" ncior. tins irrtup, n r iblr Ahv' "'V'" lli.it in, Ainyn Lex. f ... S'luadron. ,. 1,111". son Lieut nan' llnxnl 1,'L int xvhlle nii...i """'i lasi -sanrc BX IJi .Lrn,lR n nlrplntie lit n ttaln rr i 'J' ,,,r,'- mi! been n tlip 0...1.. . ,,R,,t 'notitli. lip , Rrnil ntnof t-,,1,,1, College .",,,,,," IUM m 11 ll .-...,l .... . . ',..". I. uiMng nn enlisted. . . --- .....i hi nriiiniiin cngitircring course xv lien he .. rlic name of l.foutcnnni Win ;. . ...V..'.'or" "Pl'rnrs In - cstrrdnx I . I. ,i . "'"onitii,epiiBi,tK wounded iVi... i " xxiniain 'liun it " . i . .. i inu'P or tilts Rlllilllltiil frmil Ptllicele i tx and I i 1 'i 1 (! ROPE AROUND NECK, HE BUYS LIBERTY BOND Siwlioii iMcc Siibsn-ilit? Follow liamr I' mm lt (Irnwd of WoiKinru tlnrrUliurs, prll After irpcatedly refusing m Pi,i, rih, to the third Libert Loin. s,inr u u alleeeil. tint lie did tint 'In Ilex n" In the bonds. Jainei llenrx of sierinn einplojcd lis ii nuclillllst Hi the liutlirr ford loundlioiise, n.uroul.x s, aped lynchliiB Sunday at the ImikU or fellntt-einploxer Up ,..r,ipe 1 ttrob.ihle Injury by agreeing fluallx- to laki- $no xxorth of bondn after he had been sxxunp clear nf the (-round bv n loim In the hands of determlnd men The machinist had bem Rlxm until hunilny inldnlRht to suleilbe of "take i (1,n ... ...,... .... .,,. . uii.iiMi.iitv, a nun one oiuer eni plo.xc of the shop, xxho hid spoken ncnlnxt the bondx The second man Kaxe In Just before midnight and xxas not molested The m.ieliltilvt, bonever, mamtalneil a defiant attitude, It is al leged, and refused to subscribe The ffelhiK against the man grew, nnd eirly In the morplni; a lope xxum obtained A nonse xxan placed around the man's tforl, momiit Inter ho xxas KttlnirlnK clear of the floor. gasping Tor breath He xxas saxed for the lime being by the arrlxal in the shop of one of the Iioscm, xxho pleaded xx llli Hie men to glxe the defl mt one another chance. This, they flnnllx agreed to do If he xiould take 1W0 worth of the bonds x.ml, with the naoo Ktlll iiround his mck, the inai lilnWt blgnul for the bond The Mate Health lirpjitnient emploxe xxho. It Is said, refused to purchase any of the third Liberty bond", has suli scilbcd for $00i) xxorth. The depart imnt on Saturday reported that all but ono attache had bought bonds ;i0 MAIUKUS UN ROLL Sergeant anil Txxo l'rixalcs K i licit, 23 Wounded UiiHhbiEtun, April 30. Thero xxere thirty names on the marines' casualty list gixitt nut labt night by tho Navy Department. Thrco men xxero killed hi action, one died of xvouuds und tin ce of disease, ten xxero sexerely xxounded and thirteen slightly xx-ouuded. The list fol lows: Kll.t.lU) Iff ACTION llunnery Serjeant William C. Tarr rrlxatcj Oscar Hobln'von John I. fchadd DII1II OP WOUNDS 3rlvate Benjamin J. I.ucKen diud or nisKx.sn Porroral Vernon N Kostlitln Privates Mrtls I). CarsllI KUvxard II XVrlls aBvnitr.i.Y wounuuu Corporals I)utton"H retcrson Annl llalley John Mulcaliy Privates CUrencft K. MeTas- Hnrxey (1 Adkltlt t"Mrl ... XValter W. fctanlvy S. Trunk H. llp.M I'leree Pair- 'Ihomns it. Under- vx ontl I'harlrs XV. Mllburn cnua i-MOItTI.Y WOL'NDKU Corporal Georue W. ltuth Privates fin ll.nnn Ist-nnctll hatldi IVnco Hubert Palkenslrln Walter H Hush i: .Ilolemler William r Nappler Henry It Cameron l.lllher I. O Hanlon Holier! K. Qulnil leorue l . nerry Juacpli C Mnlnney Jason P Heed INTERRUPTS LOAN SPEAKER Lanca-lcr Man Held for Patriotic Rally Disturbing ... ! Anrll 30 Wllllo nil- .tA!,ai,.n. mi 'niiillenee iii the Scenic Mil tlon-Plcture Theatie last evening n the Interest or the Liberty Loan. Charles 11 Workman was Interrupted bv Joseph List, xvho made several leinarks and acted disorderly before being ejected r-,..,. ti.n iiienire bv attendants He xvas arrestea in iroiu ui i" ei... charged xvith disorderly conduct In a place of public amusement. List Is being held for a hearing. Mr Workman bad opened his address xx hen Lbt, xvho xvas seated In the rear of the auditorium, arose fioiii his seat nnd started talking. Mr. Workman In vited the man up to tho platform, say ing he xvanted to know If lie xvere a Oermin, and If ho xvere, ho said ho would liatnllo hlni there German Yam Sent to Sweden l nmtiin April 30 According to n Tteuter dlspatih from Stockholm the Aftonblado publishes a telegram from Zurich by x ay of Ueilln to the iffect ilM "nn entire fleet of British trarj ports Is xvaltlng In the channel to take he Hrlllsh army home In case of need On Inquiry of the Adm rally. Ite'er Acencx was tnfoimed that the state ment 'is absolutely dcxold of any foun datlon xxhatexcr." jlrWWjujiLI MwwcypuglZSSiij 1 1. iff! JPr.nirj.a.-jjpfal n Undivided Responsibility fill WM. STEELE ,. . .. ?B'"C 1." tOUSliuc!"'" EVENING PUBLIC PROMINENT PH1LADELPHIANS AT CAMP io i -wnmrw tm y r mziw zki-1 w'. wmmmmzgm IffiSSaM REPDBUCANS YIELD W"! WSST WILSON FINAL POWER M ' M mS0M With )rnniii inn VirA. MA 1 Wm XWs&ak' i iMinoiitx ill Koisi Furthrr I'AllMlsiolls, XX oahliicfnn, pril ' Villi PT'age bx the fse,nt, rf Oxerman "empo'verlng bill lr ,( xlrtotv for Prrs'denl Wlbon linns toilix declared thev li , their last ground Ah the measure pm. enlnl House todux where It will i out lnng deb ite or tremendous tlon llcpuhllriin e,idrr Imp. would tight Ihroiigh the inn coming xx Inter before grintm. broad and unspecified lmwei resident S n.itor Halllnger. nilimriiv I. ,u, i declared two Vd'ninlslratlnn nuasiin lli.it authiirir.lttg Hip i;xetmii in t. commandeer leal and pet-"iiil pi np ii xvhen neiessarv and that authoimne th iloveinment to bux . ie oi Hue x it Wall) all grains and farm pioducis must nnt he presxrd bv the liimo.r.its "If the majority Insists on these bills, said Halllnger, ".xou max as well m ml home for iiiur xx Inter clothes, because I'otignss will sta right In n until tin next session in December" The Iieinncrat'r margin "f lontrol is so sliiu in both houses that Halllnger warning was taken Ferlously by Demo cratic lendus xxho already haxe plans under xvn.x for nn ainlrablo agiiimeut on the two hills In question, aa well as other legislation Tho Administration x i tnry on the Oxerman hilt xxas clean cut Only two niuiiidineiits xxere adopted Duo pro posid by Senator Wadswnrth, Nexv York, authorizes the President, If he wbhes, to create a new dlxlslon of ah craft produc tion, namo a man to head it who shall bo responsible only to the Prescient and not to tho War Department, nnd tianfr lo him nil money appropilated for ax la tion The other, b Jones, Washington, cuts ft oin ii year to nix months tho time after the xxar xxlth xvhlch the President must relinquish powers grant ed him undir tho bill. On tho final vote, 03 lo 13, those xxho opposed the bill xxere: Kepubllcans llranilfgee. Cummin. Dillingham. Krance. lialllngtr, Harding, lolmron (C'al ). Knox, Po.ndixtcr, Shei- man, .Sterling, .Sutherland. Democrat Kecd WOMEN'S CLUI1S JN SESSION Warlinic Program for General I'cdera. lion Convention lint Miring. Ark., prll 30 -The fourteenth biennial convention of the tieneral Federation of Women's flubs conxeueil today. The entertainment xxlll be along (he Hues of xvartlmo simpllrltx and inanx of the expenslxe pleasures of former ronxcntlons xxlll not bo on the pio grain, It xvas announced T. P. M. Ilennell, Joblier, Dead T P SI. Hennett. for more thnn thirty xears a wholesale Jobbing merchant on Market street, j dead at IiIh resi dence, l!ori (ireen street. He died Sun- day of pleutlsy. .xi r. nenndt xvas born lu Mllfonl. Del After receixmg Ills education nt the Mil ford Academy he became a school teacher before he xvas nineteen xears old At that age hi c.imo lo Philadel phia entering tho Jobbing house of (icorge McDowell Al Co Ho fltiallx be came a member of the firm He rctucd from actlx-e business In 1895 Get Good Soap Now The rlinWi tntH anl oils uM In our Turf Hath .Soap Kt niHrcir and hichcr rry wW Wlill1 our pren nt upply of thl irfppt nrrnoimi clnnnr ft we will onMnu to J xoll 11 RI J mitr 11 iiin-o .n j II Tlio next lot duul)tlea win ot in tro LLEWELLYN'S l'hlUU' IPtila " KtMndard Hrus Store 1318 Chestnut Street Cor sarlv teeth Items und Myrrh. OJo 1 I ! SSS2f IV One contract, one intelligent planning of tlie entire operation, one responsi bility from start to finish nil the anxiety and risk of error is instantly removed by Steele Service. & SONS CO. rhllatlclphla Toronlo m LEDGER-- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. 111 tiir tS S hSy WW3mm$r iKskS foi ii. i HSirffiflfiPril in iii SeatsSKaBfxQ ' . , Tho pioup incliid' s prominent Philmlr-lpliinn fiom ex cry nr Kiiniatton at t amp Menilc tuK iiiK an urtivp pait m I.ibeity Loan work nmnni tlipir mpti and fellow ofTirci.. nt cinip. Hcloxv tiro Captain .Sidt.cy Itoikiicss (loft), aido-dc-enmp, Sovontv nintli Division, and Captain II. A. KilduITo (richt). ciimmandlnir 31 Uh Field Hospital, both of Philadelphia. I'piiopal Mecling Opens lliirletnn, Pii.. April 30 The spring sessions of the Itiadlng Archdeaconry of toe Kplscop.il fhurch opened hero this cxenlng and xvlll bo continued tomorrow, xxlth al out forty de'egntes lu attendance The sermon tonight xxas prcai lied by the Hex. Dr. D II Toop, rector of tho Church of Holy Apostles, of Philadel phia The salutation waa dcllxered by tho lit. llcv. lllshop Talbot, of lleth lehem, Defer clion on Turkey Vt ni-lilngtnii, April JO The resolu tion In faxor of declaration of xxar by the I lilted States xxlth Turke.x and Ilul garla, xvas discussed briefly csterd.15 bv the Smnte Foreign Itelalious Committee Action was deferred until lite this wee., when a suhf uminitlee is to lie appi,iuteil to receive from Prsldent Wilson reasons wlix he opposes declarations at this time Sx&3PS5p J 9 (I.I1IH fflLlSh J 923 MARKET STREET Continuing the Extraordinary Of l Itf Mil ' iJ eMliliU I MI W 1 1 fWfir 7( Silk Crepe de Chine New Silk Poplin SKIRTS WAISTS $3.00 Values , $2 $5.00 Values. New einhioidered nnd frilbel fionts oiliots shovvlnc daintx touehes ft laces l.alge X'O nei of ttjlej for eholi'e and l,isttn band modpH lioc'Krt All shades fur wrar Basement A Bin Reduction WnnWs $10 & $12.50 SUITS A has rment i I u r e special most unusual, sex cral st.xles for choice In nexv e-oat effei'ta K x n r y suit xx o r t li f u 1 1 v drsible our spe cial Bale pr.ee Children's Wash Dresses, Kach ft full M 00 xalue fling. hams, percales, reps and c-haiii-brax lu duel from 2 to 0 xears MEAD iu LOAN STANDARD OIL CO. FALLS INTO NET hi jiiir.ilinn of I n (I i a n a ( h.ii pi'd Willi iolaliou- of Clinton Act XXesMn.:t..ii, ill 30 lie t iivtnd nil c ,i p,n,,, of Indians li, filn Into the net .if V - Federal Itadi' Cninnilssinii hnrced xxlth violation- .if the Federal Trade Commission a. I and Hie Claxton act X iiiniplnliit todax xvas filed against tin inp.in.x alleging that It Is attempt ing , stllle iiiinpetltlon bx refusing to sell ami dellxir Its products In carload Inls Various other ihatges are also mi foi Hi lu Hie tniuplalnt. luchldlng the allegation thai tin companx- relli lis gasoline and keiuseno produota onlx to those ihalera and agents xxho xvlll deal In the other products of the com pun and who xvlll tefialn from han dling the gasoline of mix of the lom panx's competitors Touching Hie Claxton net the com plaint charges that Tor scxeral .xears past tho Standard ml fompinv of In dian i has illsiilmluateil In price bi - '"?,Z., ' . . . .i . .... . rliiilnatlon nm substantially "M 11 I ! lompellllon 01 tend lo create 11 monopolx, I'nder agreements, the complaint savs, the lompanx is olillgited to pax con sumers In certain competitive ureas with llttlo or no opportunity of reselling to other consumers, 11 commission 01 re bate of ono i-int a gallon on the outgo, provided the ron-mincrs Inxolxcd use the company's: products excluslx-ely The complaint fiuther alleges that through its agents and rniplnes nnd by means of adxeitlsements the com pany has in ide cert lin represintatlons relit otlng on Its iniupitllori One of the representations set foilh Is that in the exent lubilnting oils other than those of tho companx were used upon icrtaln ngrteultui.il maihlnetv, the guarantees upon the in.ichlni rx Issued bv tin inanu factureis would not be binding Reduced From Our Stocks Formerly $15.00, $16.75 and $19.75 I lunilmls Law 1 a K e ti itflon t iffr of th t ti(i(triiuit v smnp iiinl IiuihIi rdi iitto ill Khttrc to nun u fnr i linxr rftlui mI it i it li i to fur ill,- -pf 'j.I waif All-Wool Serges, Poplins and Shepherd Checks In eri ivipular oat model .f tho MHvnn Mannish tailored or tltose Mith lit Mp trlinniln' tnui'l.es that ni'tko ilu tn i'ii dress v and unusual In ttjl' ? rt T l, fyk f:j?;W . .x . e- -srx " waist bIiou Iiik 'hi new summer .j'-r. ' Reduced! Women's and Misses' DRESSES 5 $nr.65 71 79' Values to $15.00 big collection of this reason s nf w?m ami a sniaite I s'sles lift A , w APIilL 30, 1918 8 SHIPS LEAVE WAYS, 7 COMPLETED IN WEEK Krt'onl Kblulilislird Willi Hc port of 91.10.") Tons in miTiean Yards tJMi HL'ILT IN :0 DAYS XX iKhlniitnn, April 30. i i nn hlngs nnd dcllicrlo In Amerb '' '.i'd i for the week Just ctidul I a total of ai.to.-i ton, iireoidlns n tuirnieiit glxcn out by the fulled - ii. -hipping board, tho most eiicour igoiR 'lioxxltiK that has been made ii'i" ig imx xxeek since the shipbuilding I" griioi legnt, Hire st..rl freighters, nggrtsatliiR 1 ' t i os. ere reported to the Hitler t " lii n I orporntiou to liaxe left ''" " " li t Snturda.x tille xxood o i,f I. on tons xxna aim launched on siiiimI.iv inakltis the total lauitchlncs roi tlie dnx 'Jl RKi tons lM-r Hie xitek Jtim ended the ship- v uds i r tlie loitntrx launched steel and ii Inills totaling 4I.1H3 tons, making ii pi ii ml titnl of launching since the iniiiiiiiliiig program got under xxny 1 In . mi (nu ll t" ore the steel ships Hint went off i e iv s in the xxeek I'lagler, tanker, it 7S tiiis, Newport News Shipbuilding ii nam, Vewpoit News; Westbridge. T'egiiiet SSHO tons, Diithle .1 i'ii. Port l mil ir . Plqua fielghlrr, 4000 lon, t us ,x Jones WUmliiKton, Del ; U-iko lieian freighter, 2930 ion-, Toledo shipbuilding I'xinpsnx Ohio T Hie four wood ships Hint went into the vvnlcr during the Iprt week. one. the i iipnnkii. established n new tecord for fisl liiilldlug iinly flftj working davs elapseii llv ceil la.xlng of kei 1 and numbing (irant Suiitli-Poiter, of Port, land i in- built Hie I'apitnlui as xxell us Hie prexlous record holder, Wik in tint left the waxs last xveek The lis of wood ships launclud fol lows Xccnina 3500 tops. Foundation Foinpanj, Ncwatk, N .1 , Caponka 3ri00 tons, liintit Smith-Porter Coinpany, Portland, lire , Sttugeoii Iliv, 3500 ton's Like and ivean Niivlgitloii Cnmpiii), Sliirgeon llox. Wis ; Vstnrla 3500 ton", I McKaehern Shipbuilding Companx, As toria Ore i Neirl.x r.n.Oon toti-i or completed sirrl ships xv et,. produced during the xxeek The new comets include s 0000-ton tanker, n Otoo-ton fielghtei of the Isher woitd txpo and two i.tntidiird SSOO-tou frelghlers All nm requisitioned ships, the 110. Lake I'lnrtcs and Like I'omo. argo 3inn tons each, Amerlciu Khlp bulldlng I'oinpanv-, Ixiralne, O . Yellow stone, cargo, 340H tons, Monro , Scott. (Sail Finnil-rn. Weslgate inigo. S800 .tons, f'nlumbla Shipbuilding I'ompanx. j Portland, Ore , Dverhrook. tanker. 0000 lions, Chester Shipbuilding Company, Chester, Pa ; Western Queen, cargo, 1S0 tops, Skinner Js IMilj, Seattle. Washington: Itiemerton, catgo, 7300 j loin. Seattle Shipbuilding Company, 'Seattle, Washington A conference between ship owneis and represiutatlves of the crews to reach an adjustment of tlie wage question .was addressed bv Itobi 1 1 II PasH, dl- I rector of labor for tlie Putted states I shipping luaid, and t'omnilsi Inner I'harles P.. Page Mi Page drove home tlio lesson of mote ship nnd better I handling of those alread.v in the scixlre r.J Fun Stored in a Furrier's Way A on 20 Examples of the Great Savings $90.00 Marmot Coat ltolllng sliaxxl collar, snjppv sport belted model $110.00 Muskral Coat Large shaxxl capo collai of nal ui al muskrat a( -length model $110.00 Marmot Coal " length , loose model. $135.00 Muskrat Coat Plain or Hudson Seal trimmed; 5 lei.gth , llaro eeslgn $145.00 Marmot Coat Full-length loose model; lustious brown color $145.00 Muskrat Coat Full-length model; Hudson Seal or mtul.rat collar and cuffs. $185.00 Hudson Seal Coat Smart spurts model, latge. xxolf cape collai $190.00 Nutria Coat Hudson seal or nutria collar and cuffs Jaunty design $195.00 Hudson Seal Coats $135.00 .length model, Hudscm teal large cape collar nnd cuffs. $245.00 Nutria Coats Large Hudson seal caps collar and cuffs Fine quality. JERSEY NEGIIO BUREAU DOES EXTENSIVE WORK Welfare Orcjniralloit lailarccs Acliv ille. and Will He Mainlalncd in i llepntlmrnt of Labor ' Trenton, N, 4,, April 30 A report ailed for bx Hoxctnor Kdgc from the loflklals of the Negro Welfare and Km- l1u incut tturruti, vvhlcli vxus legalized I bx Hie last Legislature In xvhut xxas I, mm n as the 'migrant bill ' shown that tills new activity has ucceetlci 111 se curing ciiiplojiuent, not on!) for negroes migrating from the South, but nlso for negroes suddenly released from penal Institutions and otherwise under a huiidl inp llranehes of the work have been founed lu man) counties of the Stale, resulting In flee medical treatment of migrant-. Improvement of housing con tMloti". i are of stranded soldlets, sub srilptlotn lo the third Liberty Ixian totaling Iff. nnu and xarlous other ac llxlllc. The Welfiue Purcau xvas created vvlllilii the ! pnrtiuint of Labor and ar r.ingemen'ls have bieu made xxlth Com inlsslomr of Labor Lexxls T llrxnnt xxlienbj the luite.iu will become an tilll clallv malnlnlneil subdepartment of the Dipartmint of Libor heneefoilh. (.KHAKIl TO SPEAK HERE 1'ormrr nilinailnr lo Grrmsny Will ddrrn Mrelinp 'lliurnlav Jniiirs W lierniu. toimer Anicr'can Amhaso'iUor to (iernuinx. will nddreis a piti lotto niK'tlni; rhuridn) excnlng nt tlie Acndeinv of Music In behalf of the Third Lltiertv Loan I'.iptalii Mlhur Hunt chute author slid xv ar inriopoiiilMit, also xvlll nd dress the inietlng. xvhlch xvlll begin at X l,i oilccl. I Ichiro K MtzscllA It chnlrman of the isitiunlttee In charge Mr Herard was In lieimaux when the war brgan and his revi I itlnns of Herman Inttlgtie liavi caused much comment sline his lecall Mi lierard's nililrees P'1'bab..x will tnnt iln srxti-il accounls of illplnitiatlc dlfcnssloiu. previous to the t lilted Mates' entrv Into the war Lancaster Poliirimm Drafted "in aster, Ps Aplll 30 Among the li-' urn f tnl nun who started this mom Ing for Camp Lee weie fliarbs Imt warl Hie first imllrrman to be selected heie. Jaiins i'll.k u well known lint, I cli ik, nnd Conrad c Muthe. one of Hie men who attended Hie Fort Mag.in 'anin and who lias been terxliig a mllitarx Instiuetor at Nazareth Hall Silver Flower Baskets Our selection is large, show ing many styles in patterns to meet all tastes. Among them is an elegant sterling silver haskct, beauti fully hand - engraved and picrccd-hcight nineteen and one-half inches $210, S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND MKP.CHANTS JF.WKLKHS S1LVK11SM1TH3 MavPson & JDeMair? 1115 CKestnut Street Opposite Keith's Theatre Saving of 50 Per-' Cent Your Fur Coat Should Interest You! That Is Exactly What You Can Save By Buying Now IN OUR REMOVAL SALE! We have materially reduced all our Fur Coats to make an effective clearance before we move into our new store at 1215 Chestnut Street. This clearance is necessary, because we have placed large orders for our new store, and we do not want to take any of our present stocks with us. And yet, fur prices have advanced fully Go per cent in wholesale cost since we bought our"present stocks, and wholesale fur prices at the St. Louis sale last week showed another increase of 35 per cent in raw skins. Every woman with foresight will buy 'now and make a full saving of 50 per cent. Purchases will be reserved in our storage vaults until next fall on payment of a de posit. Payments to be continued monthly. $59.50 $74.50 $74.50 $89.50 $98.50 $98.50 $125.00 dark skins. $395.00 Leopard Coat Scat collar and cuffs. $325 Hudson Seal Coats Large cane collars of silky skunk siiawi collar ana cuns. $350.00 Natural Squirrel Handsome belted model in 8 length; of try choice sklna. $395 Hudson Seal Coats rnll.lenetli loose models:, large cape, skunk collar, $395.00 Mole Coats Full-belted model In smart sports design, $695.00 Natural Beaver Full length; verjP fine quality $750.00 Russian Kolinsky j. Full-length handsome model , xqjKbCQtlonal value. $130.00 $175.00 Veivciiolco feklna. n READING, PA., KEEPS U?t VIGOROUS WAR ON VICE City Ueteclixes Raid Houte Deiltnr4 as Olijecllonable by GoxcrnmcDt Ofliciali lie adlnr, r April 30 - The national crusade against xlce, Instituted by the War Department to protect sailors and soldiers, xvas brought to a climax In Heading early today, xvhen city detec tlxea raided one of the nine houses ' xxhleli Mayor Filbert had ordered close! at the request of Goxernment officials, This Is the second official step taken In Heading to clean the city of xlce. A house on Plum street xxas the flrat to feel the eagle's claxv City Detectives Miller and Muber raided the place and arrested four women and one man, nit nf whom xvere lodged at City Hall. Th deterttxes declared the raid xxas made to break up the dope, ring In Reading, xxhleli xxas one of the requests made by lioxernnient odlclals following their ln x estimation of xlce conditions In Ilead Int? One hundred charges of dope xvere) confiscated lu the raid, Qucbrc IVelale 111 Oneher, April 30. Cardinal Begin, Vrchblihop of Quebec slnco 1898, la grnxely ill. following n hemorrhage. Ills condition Is considered alarming because of his advanced age. Cardinal Begin is sexentv-elght xenrs of age. He xvas elevated to his present title In 1914, PREVENT WASTE Vast quantities of food arc left after every meal, because of a lack of appetizing flavor. Well seasoned food is Econ omy. A delicious season itirj is LEAtPERRINS SAUCE THE ORIQINAL WORCESTERSHIRB Jt prevents waste of food. Furs Remodeled at Moderate Cost $260.00 Natural Raccoon- Coats $175 Ueautlful spart model, of xery $195.00 $220.00 skunk, cuffs and xxlfe border. $340.00 Sable Squirrel Coats $225.00 ', length full model: large $245.00 $275.00 I cuffa and xvlde border. $275.00 $475.00 $525.00 1E,00 Natural Mink U $595.00 " , . W n St ,i ,tf.: r " "i Sit rV "f ll ft i at I SI i i-'3 . t ilM 4- ? i ( ii MX s-t t ' f It iir-yd "Vjii .l 4; 7- V '"1 1 r I &(?$& The Home of Style and Economy 02$ yjgjSJSiaJSJEal rtv.1!ac,'.ln eoncealed the bov from tin i. .U i'lewel nun up unu uur iub local iiosuitui. A - A. -iv . - .. o