frmmfSmt'W"" ' m in M( H t& 'Irl ' io EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHIlJADELPHlA, TUESDAY, APEIU ' 30, 1918 Wf & m PHOTOPLAY FAVORITE I APPEARS IN PERSON Rita Jolivct, Featured in "Lest ' Wc Forget," Warmly Greeted at Stanley FARNUM IN "TRUE BLUE" STANLEY "Lest We Forct." "rln; Jilts, Jollvet.- Written and directed by Leonee Perrot. Metro play. nita Jollvet received a hearty wel come last evening when he mrulo a personal appearnnce In behalf of the Liberty Loan. She l nlno featured In "Lest We Forget," which la n, war photo play. The plot, though Interesting. Is ot a prevalent type In recent pictures. The best part of this production Is Its technical side, for which tho artistic ; efforts" of Henri Mcnessler and the as sembling of the scenes by Charles A. Taylor, are responsible Itarely have ' such realistic scenes been Incorporated Into a moving picture as those? showing the destruction of a town and the i beautiful photographic effects taken dur ing the flashing of fireworks. The tor-1 pedotng of the Lusltailla gava several I opportunities for some daring dIMng ex hibitions by the "extras." ' As a girl of France, who later becomes an opera singer. Illta Jolhet Is well cast. U Rogers Lytton. who was seen here In the support of Mrs. Klske. makes a sinister German secret service agent, and Hamilton Itevcllo Is the soldier-lover of Miss Jollvet. There arc many people used throughout the production, and the work of the soldiers Is especially fine An added feature Is the film appeal of William Farnum for tho purchase of Liberty Bonds. ARCADIA "Let's Opt a Pliorce ' Rllile Ilurkc. Scenario by John Emerson nit Anita Loon from Vlrtorlrn sard,iu "Plvorcons " Paramount play. The return to the local screens of a production In which Anita Loos nnd John Kmerson have collaborated Is lr flcatlve of enjoyment for re-fen fans In the film adaptation of Victorlen Par dou's "Dlvorcons" the adaptors give an other Instance of their taste and artistic discretion. There Is plenty of genuine comedy throughout this production nnd It keeps up at a lively pace, affording Blllle Burke an opportunity to lndulgt. In her well known coquetry. Prefatory to Sardou's main situations, In which the volatile ' Cyprlenne, following her lively cafe ad- ' Venture Is reconciled to her husband, i new scenes of the heroine's convent days -are shown. Miss Burke reveals marked improve ment In her histrionic ability since her former screen vehicles have been shown. ' and with the Intelligent direction of Charles (Jlblyn she makes n lively, ro- , mantle girl and wife. The subtlety with which John Mlttern invests the part of Henri do Frunclles. tne nusDana, is admirable. Armand Kallse, remembered here for his vaudeville appearnces, Is the lover with whom the girl Is infatuated. The story has been artistically mount ed and the photography of the usual good standard. VICTOniA "True Hlile." with William Karnum. Written anil directed by I-rank Uoyd. iajx production. Director Frank Lloyd, who made "Lea Sllserables" with Mr. Karnum. hns achieved another photoplay success. Although he ha-s not given the star the "usual scene for a big fight, he has, how ever, supplied him with an opportunity to display his muscular ability in han dling his brother roughly In the cabaret episode. The plot concerns the desertion of a wife and a son by an earl, who remar ries after tho first wife's death. The son of the wife by his second marriage Is a "waster," and coincidences bring the two sons together. The first son makes a man of his weaker brother. who Is employed on a ranch. There Is I an element of love Interest rather faint-1 ly sustained In the part of a school i teacher. William Farnum does some of his characteristic acting. Ills mtthod of ex pressing brut,j Btrength by his mobility of features as well as by his clenched hands Is well known. An excellent por trait was furnished by Charles Clary as the father, while little Francis Car penter, who has been seen In many of the Fox kiddle pictures. Impersonated the hero In boyhood. The parade of Saturday, n Drew com edy, current news weekly and a scenic reel completed the program. During the first hour of the Sunday perform ance, to which admittance was given with the purchase of a Liberty Bond, more than (3500 was subscribed. HEOEMT "With Neatness and Dlipatch.' with Bushman and nnvne. Scenario by June Malhls from Kenneth I,. Roberts's ; story. t reeled by W Ham S. Dull. Metro play. A favorite team of the cinema, com posed of Francis X. Bushman and Bev- ?! ' " ? Sfn ?n 0"n...,. Interpret another story from the Satur day Evening Post. This tale Is one of tho best comedies that the Metro ofllce has turned out In some time and affords tha players many opportunities for the display of their talents. There Is a fruitful farcical element In the situation of a man impersonating a crook In order to help a girl escape from the custody of an aunt. Real thieves enter the home and the pseudo crook captures them and In the end wins the girl for himself. The situations that de velop are breezy and are well acted. Mr. Bushman Is the nephew of the police commissioner who helps the lovers ind Miss Bayne Is the girl who fosters her sister's escape from the locked room. The episode of the "Brown Bag" In the ertes showing the exploits of the Her man propagandists as exposed In "The Pagle's Eye" shows some good thrilling material. "Mr. Flx-Itr with Douglas Fairbanks Is the current feature film at the Palace TliitBtr Thft Slrnn fa shnwlnn. '-rh- Honor of Ills House." with Sessue ..!,.. o. ,.. M..J,.. Hayakawa, as a major offering. Heading tho Locust's bill Is "Wolves of the Rail," with William S. Hart. The Orpheum Theatre in Germantown Is presenting a prlng season of pictures. The present attraction is "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin." "Making the Movies" Broadway What Is probably this season's most unique vauaevnie act was .presented last night at the Broadway Theatre under the title "Making the Movies." Fun galore Is contained in this genuine novelty performance, which allowed both patrons ot the theatre and the actors themselves varied opportunities to dis play their acting ability. The large house waa kept In virtually a continual uproar for fully forty-five minutes: Frank It. Abrams, producer of this vauaevnie rce. is aeserving or neaps ot credit for this fine bit ot entertain ment. The other acta on the program which . backed the "Making the Movies" helped to create the Impression that the bill this week has seldom been equaled throughout the playing season. Maud Durrand and company and Carson and Williams, futurist humorists, were like Wise well received. Charlie Chaplin's version of "A Dog's IJfe" fittingly rounded out the program of merit " , 1 1 , , ,1 "The New Producer" Crow Key. "The Kew Protjucers," an operatic nnvaltT of unusual .merit, carries off th headline honors at'the Cross Keys The atre for the first half of this week. This .nr La o. little rem of melody and cawllv Moused InSwlnnlM Its way to the bMita ot the audlc Prtend and Downlnc. with a world (jaoo rrusssnin ant company iij wen re 'LIBERTY THERMOMETER" IN FACTORY BOOMS LOAN ' disarm : . ?'5,w - t-ruiaBrm : j, r Jw Jmfm - rtWon Iff ! mm ih ia . fH iVI i tcMttsn ;unn' ..?.-.?., fmf I mm sS es V ' U.s. Mr JH ; ii,-'v. -. ' . in, .r. W I t.fflTtmT tMl R V sS" A- V ftiV 1 ZZSZ 1 ,, i' iiz iss o Wit's. am w& I v w JF mi mm'&Bm&ii!im off m- wk mk mkW jS' mm - $WffiWmmW ii m HI m MP Kr j MS s v :-i ,SS;; B( W I IIMIW'MI ' UHilMl JEK I lm& lit' IIMll'l'V. 3."JJ.-,!S.i SSBBB f SBKWSJHBSSSBUaSII easKKsmc5s?srKacssffi5srass3SS:ja35s8s This novel device, showing the amounts raised for the thud Liberty Loan by the employes in the differ ent departments of tho A. B. Kirschbaum clothing factory, Broad nnd Carpenter streets, has stimulated subscriptions remarkably by applying the principle of competition to the campaign among the work ers. In place of the usual bulb at the base of the thermomter, a Liberty Bell i.- the inspiring emblem that impels nil to aid the good work. CITFPD A fHQTC ATTAPIf OUrrilmllljlu til LtVjll SENATE REPUBLICANS Blame Them for Delay and Demand Vote on Federal Amendment Washington, April nil. The National Woman's party, which has directed its chief attack against the Democratic party in the fight for passage of the woman suffrage amend ment, has turned its guns on Republi can Senators from New Kngland States, who were charged with delay In the Senate. Members of tho Woman's party from many sections of the country arrived in Washington to renew their demand for early action by the Senato on the suf frage amendment. Suffragists believe they have the necessary two-thirds ma jority and are urging a vote. Senator I.enroot, of Wisconsin, and Senator Oulon, of Louisiana, are new suffrage supporters In the upper house. Senator Balrd. of New Jersey, nlso is counted as favorable to the amendment, although ho has declined to commit himself. I Miss Lillian Ascough, of Hartford, Conn , State chairman of the Woman's party, said : "This International question Is being delayed by the opposition of a group of conservative Senators, notably those from New Hngland. whose arguments are provincial ana of the last genera tion. In spite of the support of Senator Oalllnger. Republican floor leader, four of the six Republicans who definitely declare they will not vote for the amend ment are .New i;nglanders. We are counting on Mr. McLean, of Connecticut, to v,eln redeem this record." "Too Many Sweethearts" Globe "Too-Many1 Sweethearts? Heading a hill of unusual excellence. miniature musical comedy, easily takes the honors at the show at the !lobp Theatre this week, 'ilrls. costumes and songs all play an Important part In the success of this offering and nre of the best An act that proves especially enter taining is given by rjruett. Kramer and flruett, while Harry Rohm and Rose Hnney. a Philadelphia girl, present many new songs and capers with an en thusiasm that is contagious. The Ryan Richfield company also proves popular In a clever playlet, entitled "Mag Hag gerty's Father." Will and Mary Rogers, the Hlrshoff Troupe and the Threo Rosells complete the program. The Three RomanotTa Nixon Novel Ideas In acrobatic dancing were presented at the Nixon Theatre by the Three Romanoffs. This trio of sons of old Russia went through several halr ralslng stunts of daring to better Illus trate their endeavors In this line of dancing nnd on several occasions had virtually the whole house amazed at their efforts to entertain. The remainder or the bill this week Kasllkewise well recelvd. It consisted o! the extremely humorous sketch. "A High-Toned Burglar." with Lenkar and Dolan In the principal roles ; Stone and Boyle, up-to-date entertainers, nnd Schoen and Walton, in a dancing and singing skit The photoplay was "Ills Majesty Bunker Bean." "Record Breakers" Trocadero Waves of laughter, fun. Jollity and hilarity swept over the audience nt the Trocadero on the crests of "Record Breakers." The full tide of amusement and entertainment came. Tiowever. when Jack Reid made his appearance on the stage and put over some "record break ers" in the comedy line. And last but not least, "Dottle," specialty dancer, tip-toed before the footlights and In a swirl of skirts and sklrtlets concluded a zippy program of breezy vaudeville. "The Count and the Kid" Wm. Penn Music and comedy are well blended In 'The Count and the Kid," tabloid musical show, which Is the headllner at the William Penn. A chorus of pretty girls, combined with "leads" of good voice and clean fun, makes the act en tirely enjoyable and ltwas roundly ap plauded by the audiences. Other good acts on the bill are John and Winnie Hennlngs; Corbett. Shepard and Dunn; Howard and Sadler, and Hope and Uno, Charlie Chaplin In "A Dog's Life," a comedy of uproar. Is the motion picture. "Maids of America" Casino A bevV of nretty girls with an un limited avck of fancy dances and catchy sours feature the "Maids of America'' at the Casino this week. The play, a two-act musical farce. Is a pleasing one for lovers ot musical corneay and car. rles a well-balanced chorus and affords many laughs, besides giving an op- luuiiy io near ut latest song nils. i aaac is nesa sy jriorence uogtrsr gymoBtst, r Jfl- I obby Willi .5ccqfarV " - JJ '.'Ift fwM - niravOfRoi . ) If, Ui Tu 1 . m h&mimi Laytf $ fnlpi 'fi'Vm cuw - $ . ' m. i mm c&f i - v w && L3$BM ?ttUrti Oaf- 40$:f! JsPPHa OfJi)Dliri5 fi W Mt. SUBMARINE SKETCH THRILLS AT KEITH'S I Palriotie Playlet Boosts Lib- erty Loan to Total of SI, 300,000 I There is a patriotic act on the bill at j Keith's this week that CErrles with It one of the most forceful Liberty Loan boosts that has yet been developed In connection with tho third drive. There's no connection between the act and tlu loan drive. It Just happens that both nre "on" here at the same time. But If ever there was developed In this city a greater and more potent plea for expression of American patriotism, it hasn't been apparent. The act Is staged as "Submarine F-7" nnd the scene Is laid In the Interior of an American submarine "somewhere In the Atlantic." The underwnter boat representation is correct in every de tail. The audience sees visibly the opera tion of a periscope nnd the reflection below of the "doings" abovo water. There was recorded In remarkable detail the blowing up of a big dreadnought and In ery respect tho effect was so ap parent that visitors had much trouble trying to make themselves actually be lieve they weren't down under water. Tho patriotic note was impressed when the men In the "sub" faced death after some of the debrin from the torpedoed dreadnought had crippled the under water boat. The parting of the men Just before the submarine commander was getting ready to open the "sea doors" to drown the crew rather than permit it to meet death by suffocation Influenced tears not so much of sorrow is of real Joy at the patriotism of the American olllcrs and crew so ready to face death for their country. J. J. Ward play the role of the "sub" commander and does It remark ably well. Associated with him nre Ralph Thoinp&on, Louis Alter, J. Wallace Clinton. Sam Stein, Kd llarcey nnd Frederick Dale all of them unusually clever nc'ors. When the curtain rung down on the act II. J. Cattell. city statistician, plead ed for the Liberty Loan. A delegation of soldiers representing various nation alities' from Camp Dlx, under Lieutenant Clark, together with young women at tached to the Kmergency Aid nnd a batch of sailors, went into the audience to receive subscriptions, and beforo the Biiow n.tu lliiisiieu nuoui iu.iiuu nnu , , , di., , . ... -.. .' been subscribed. This brings tho total subscriptions taken In at Keith's to Jl. 300,000. The entire bill this week represents one of tho best put on at Keith's In a long time. Mrs. Oene Hughes and com- pany have a sketch called "downs" that Is well acted, and which carries with It a lesson on dress that's unusually ap pealing, it Is well staged. F.I Brendel nnd Flo Hert Phlladel- phlans, by tho way aro a scream tn Waiting for Her." Brendel "dolls up" like a Swede and is a laugh from start to finish. Moss and Fry are newcomers at Keith's. They're both negroes, and there never was more humor put Into "blackface" stories than these two Inject Into a uunch of nonsensical chatter. They're both good singers, too. Joseph L. Browning has an unusual monologue, dressed as a minister. It was his first time here, nnd he made good right from the start. The Four Sensational Bolses, In an aerial novelty : Heleno Hamilton and Jack Barnes, In an Interesting skit, "Just Fuji" ; Mang and Hnydcr, athletes of note;" An nouncer" James J. Morton and tho Pathe Weekly finished a corking good bill. RITA J OLIVET HAS BUSY PATRIOTIC DAY . Rita Jollvet. the film star, who Is the Couptess Clpplco in private life, had a busy time In Philadelphia yesterday. She was met on her arrival by a delega tion of the Women's Liberty Loan com mittee, who tendered her a luncheon at the Rltz-Carlton, after which she de livered an address for the loan In the ballroom of the hotel, Tbe picture actress also made matinee and evening appearances at the Stanley Theatre, where she gave patriotic talks ana ner aay or activity was conciuaeu by a visit to League Island and an en-U thuslastlc reception by the tackles. Just prior to the showing of the Stanley's evening bill, Mlsg Jollvet was the guest f honor at a dinner given by Jules K. Masioaum at. ine ueuevue-irairora. Dramatic and shotODlay editors of the it ine Philadelphia newspapers and representa tive o rcai lltm liquid jJunuit v yiSMsMK'OA IMS OCCSJSlOn. - SCHOOLBOY FARMERS' TRAINING CAMP OPENS ,300 Youngsters Begin Study at Stale College Will Harvest Crops State Collcce, Ph., April SO. More than 300 schoolboys from vari ous sections of tho State began work to day In tho farm training camp con ducted under the co-operative manage ment of the Pennsylvania State College and the Committee of Public Safety. They will be under the Instruction of college agricultural experts until May 10, and a second detachment will be here fiom May 14 to May 24. After tney navo mastered tho clC' VZ".K, "rmc"Ves "ccessary to make I..K..I ui 1.UMIO liumraiilio uso at larm , work, the boys wll bo placed with I tJJiS nfv i . Fr,an' , ,,r-Ttlc,al training involves Individual work by I each boy In mo care and handling of horses hitched to different kinds of farm machines nnd the use of Implements In the garden and truck patches. In tho dairy barns the boys are being taught to feed and milk cows, handle silage. clean stables and mix feed. The boys ,t t'ctiiK wi-jir ucit-u in prepaiing seeu beds, transplanting nnd making and up- plying spray mate.lals. livery young- ster Is learning how to rake, shock. ,.,.,. , , . . .. .. . ' mien, inau una mow nay. cons dnrnhln attention will be given to the operation of gas engines and tractors by the older boys. The boys' working hours are from 5 '30 a. m. to fi p. ni. They lrive been quartered in the coiivgc armory. NEW RULE AFFECTS JERSEY UTILITIES Information That Must He Filed With Coiuiiiisfiriucrs When Change in Itales U I'ropotcil Trenton. .V. .1.. April 30 In the mat ter of filing changes In ratei by Xew Jersey street railway, pas. electric light, power, sewer, water and telephone com panies with the State Board of Public L'tlllty Commissioners the board todav announced that before any public utility shall change any existing rate or sched ule It shall, at least twenty days beforo the proposed change Is to become iffec tlve, give written notice to the Board of Public l'tlllty Commissioners, contain ing the following: hirst 'ine name of the public utility tho mnnlclnnlllv .e .v,'i..i... fi.T." "( ,',,e, uir ridi which It operates and tho nature of the proposed change "Second. A statement as to the rate schedule or classification it Is proposed I -rhieli ci,, . , the rchJ r'V" ,.?' reasn why "Hand Ho Hevue" Nixon Grand "The Band Box Revue" as offered by Ous Kdwards's company at the Nixon C.'rnnd Is a deVht fur the kiddles -ir. 1 grown-ups us well. Numerous pretty girls appear In this picturesque produc tion, including "Cuddles." Ueorge Price nnd Vincent O'Donnell. a trio of clever Juveniles These Is an abundan -e of elaborate costumes and the settings aro nil that could bo desired. Tli bill also Includes the Australian Crelghtons, Burns and Kissen In comedy, Josephine Sabel. and Franklyn Ardell and company. An Interesting photoplay rounds out the bill. Continuing Attractions The spring musical comedy season In Phlladelphta Is one of the most enliven ing of recent years. "The George M. Cohan Revue" is the current offering at the Forrest ; "Back Again," vvltn Weber nnd FleldB. remains at the Chestnut Street Opera House, and dainty "Oh, Boy" is the Lyric's bill. The strictly dramatic attractions are "The Man Who Came Back," at the Adelphl, and "Passers-By," at the Little Theatre. "Girls of the Allies" Gayely 'The Mustard Kings" aro "Flying High" at the Oayety. At least that Is the Impression which the "Olrls of the Allies" made In clever burlesque por trayals before a capacity house. So, Mr. Vaudeville Fan. meet Charles Fell, Ray Montgomery. Gladys Sears and Mil He Loverldge, who are putting the "pep" In pepper at the Gayety. Aren't They Wonders? Nixon Colonial The show at the Nixon Colonial Is headed by a clever sketch, called "Aren't They WondersT" which brought manv laughs on account of the novel Idea In- volved and the many funny situations The story Is consistent and tho playlet Is well presented, Good acts were also offered by the Krempa Brothers. Three Romanoff Olrls and others. William 8. Hart, In "The Tiger Man." Is, the photoplay attraction. This Is an Intensely intercatln screen rjratna wKk a grlppUg- Hetf. 5Ei?.S?.CSS..i...fuSsS5SfiKS)!EK I ALABAMA IS LIKELY TO JOIN DRY STATES Opponents of Federal Amend incut Will Mnkc Desperate Efforts to Defeat Ratification ' lllrinliiglmm, Ala., April 30. Opponents of the Federal prohibition amendment hnve arranged to launch rn extended advertising campaign through tho dally nnd weekly newspapers of this Stnto nnd to send a llylng squadron of spenkcr.s Into every county. They will hundlo their campaign from Birming ham, where olllces hnve been opened. The first move of tne anti-amendment organization will be to have the prohi bition amendment submitted totheoters by ballot In tho Stntc Democratic pri mary, with tho provision that the Demo cratic nominees for positions In the Leg islature shall be obligated to carry out tho wishes of a majority of the voters. Tho fact thct the antl-nmendment or ganization lecelved little encouragement rrom the K.nto Democratic Uxeoutlve Committee when It sought to have a State convention last month, however, Indicates that a majority of the com mittee favors tho ratification of the i nmendment. The committee rontend- that the I.eglslrture need not be bound by any ileclaintlnn made at the polls. I nnp mum ncwviiy seem m ne shown by those ng.'ilnst the amendment i in obtaining the services of newspapers, ' those in favor of, It claim that a ma jority of the newspapers of Alabrma favor the ratlflr-ation of the amendment. It is known that certain newspapers ! have declined to handle ndvertlslng for i thn anil-amendment committees and for ' the gubernatorial candidates who .ire opposed to the ratification of the amend I ment One at least of those Is said to have re.urned all anti-amendment ad vertising with the statement that it will not be published at nny price. I Thomas H Kllhy, pro-ratlllcatlon ' , undUlate fop (Sovernor, who lias) been fouling the State to confer with his supporters. Is quoted as having recently ii ade this statement: 1 visited a large number of counties in South Alabama recently and 1 have j msi returned from .North Alabama. I mi convinced that the nmendment will be ratified by a good majority "The sentiment is overwhelmingly In faor of the retention of the present prohibition laws and a great majority believe the only way to make It certain that Alabama will not. again havo na loons Is to ratify the Federal prohibition amendment. "When the real campaign starts the people will he surprised to know hou many prominent men who were opposed to the State amendment In 100ft aio in favor of tho ratification of the Federal amendment. This will show the churigt In sentiment In the last nine years." BONNET KOUGE CASE OXT rprTT 1-V Ii 4 lite ' widow nf John Dohertv (nee Tlrownl. Relo 1 I IWAIj .UN I AHla tlvfs and friends, members nf Falrhlll M. F.. - - . I Church nnd James (1. Illalne Council. No Seven Aicti-cil of Espionage in Con nctiion With Paper Hacked by J Germans 1 Paris. April 30. Tho trial of those i accused In the affair of the Bonnet I Rouge, it newspaper said to havo fJer ; man financial backing nnd to have been engaged In propaganda for the enemy, Is now In progress. Colonel Voyer. who presided tit the Holo Pasha trial, and Lieutenant Mornet, who represented the government in those proceedings, filled the same offices yesterday when the case was heatd before the third war council. Tho seven persons, who are charged with espionage, communication and commerce with the enemy, listened to the Indictment without showing emo tion with the exception of M. Marion, assistant manager of Bonnet Rouge , visiter! America In .Inlv ,1 A.. BUSt m0. Tnls defo contemptuously when he Ascribed by the pro: fondant sneered heard himself by the prosecutor us drunkard and "debauchee.' .ml "debauch Bentfjs I Austin. John Uaker. Kiizlibeth Hannah A. Lordan. Timothy Lucia. KUzabcth I.uclie. M.irirnrvt L. l.uxk. Richard J. l.uts, Charles Joseph Madden, ell.i Miner, Catharine A, Mathlaa. Richard Mcllrlde, Annie McCauley. Mareuret MrClay. William T. -McIJermott. Marcaret Acnes P. Ic I)CV tt. Man-'ur.,r th i i juiiurcs. u. r ,,,,?5!12,,i,Ti,1M' ; )'? "award T , Hoyle'. rjdward m' IlrqkU I..,. 1 ;.';"'"."."""' Hutler. John Morris Cameron, Jane Cassldy. John A. Cassldy. Clair C. Chester, Carolina 'Ills. Harry F. Colllna. Marv R. Connor. James K, Mctlnnlgal. James F. Comely. Udnurd M. Melluah. Mary l Coursault. i alruirlnt, McKlnney. Henry Coxe. John Redman McKlnnon. Kllzatth Cramer. Hessie Mea.rvzal, S. Leslie Miller. Harry K. Moore. William F. Mulkerns. Mlrhael Murphy, RrldKvt Murphy. Patrick Nealnn. Kdwarc North. William II. O'Donnell. Francla J. ii'llouike, Patrick C. (ischwald. Alines Perkins, Samuel n. I'fizenmaler. John Pe I.ucns. Louis Pecker, Mary L. Pfwr. Helen Dlerolf. Charlea I, Dingle. Mary Ilroad Dohorty. K. P. Dunn. Catharine Dunn, Nathan J. fcli r. F. Lewis Farnum, Henry W. Feaster Harry W. Fee. Sister M Rose i-enton, jonn u Ramsay. William J. Ferrla. Catharine F. ftntieh Mrv Fiedler, M. Katherlno Reichenbere, Aaron riiHiuin, t iiiiniu liemier, l.UWArd Foley. Martha Itevnolds. Kntnryne Fowler. Francis A. Frammlffiren, J. P. I'ueircl. ICmmu M. dans, Anron ilelli. John O. Gilbert, Ueorffo A, tllllan. John A. (Sirard. Catharine C. (lobrlnht. A. c. iieynoios. I ti. Klddell. Robert Robinson, Kath. 13. Rochelle. Fredk. W. Rusk. William A. Ryer. George H. rlaven. Ilenrv 1.. Krhwelker, Helen M. Hcntt. Joseph A. Shrlver. Warren Jl. Fhumnn. Frank Simons. Joseph Knyder. Sarah stelnbrrner, Caroline Stevenson, Charlotte 12. Taylor Tllicer. Morcaret Timmtns. Annie Tomlinaon, Thornton Torbert. Coard II. Trauh. Maedaiena Trevor. Annie S. Trott. Thomas D. Tulley. Cornelius VVuner. F.llzaheth Webster, Martha B. Weldon. Anna Weila. Walker Y. oldsmlth Marzurct "rnham. James Oraham. Jane tluthrle, John A. Hale. George F. Hamilton. William V. Hancock. Matilda Hanlsk. Ien Ha us. John V. A. Ii'iuklns. Msey Jane Hemberuer. Charlea Henry-Wyand. F C. Hevmei. William M. Holt. John Holt. John T llouaril. Kdward A. Hutrhln.ion. It. P. (Jeorire Jackson. John Jenntnffs Matthew rt. vvii-nn 'T,n-aH Vr vviirnins. Time c JunBle, M. C. Wolf, Henrv Kane. Catherine Womelsdnrf. M. K. Kecitan. Raymond J. Wrluht. Lowlna D. Kelly. Wm. Paul Yeauer Mary A. Kdfink. Emma P. r0rk. Henrv O. Krerker, Louisa W. Young. Josephine Kulp, Joseph C. Vander, Lthel AUSTIN Anrll HT. JOHN, hushand of '!. .Au""n nee McMrnamlnl. Itelatlvea and friends. Invited tn funeral Va,1 7-n.O a Si'nnP,?rlor" ?f M.r" M- McLaughlin & Bon. SSSnnreen t iufh requiem mass at. Fran els Tvavler's Church 0 a. m. Int. Holy Crosg l em. HAKF.R April SS, ELIZAPF.TII widow of bd ward I) Raker, aged 80. Relatives and friends Invited to services. Wed.. S p. m . brother's residence. John Tlcknar, SS29 Falrmount ave. Int. Pleasant Ht. Cem.. Claremont. N. If HATTI'IIEH. Anrll 20, Mrs. EL1ZA IIBT1I N. IIATTUKKS. aged 00 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, ThuI,v.,u.n-m.i Op'" Memorial Home for Aged Hllnd. 0713 Woodland ave. Int. Tern. wood Cem HRNNETT April 28. suddenlv. T. P M. RENNETT. Relatives and frh-nda invited to services. Wed . 3:30 p. m . 1903 Oreen st Int. private. HOWEN. Aorll 28, It V T II ANNA noWEN, d 84, ftelatlve. and friend. Invited tn funtral. Tues.. 8 p. m.. resl. dence of Dr. L. B. Walton. Jenklntown. PV also st Hatboro llaptlst Church. Wed., a:80 p. in Int. adjlntnjr arnunds. HOVLE. 'Arrll 20. EDWAnn V bn.hina of late Sarah Ilovla, Hltiws and friends Invited to funeral, Oladwyne, Mmtgomcry Co.. Pa wed., 8 a. m. Solemn requiem mass Church of Holy Family 10 a. m. Int. Westminster Cem. BOYLE. April 20. EDWARD MEL VILLB, husband of Alice r.rk.r Ilojie. Itelatlvea and friends invited to services. Tues.. 2 p. tn 1334 Diamond at. Int. private. of Mary J, Ilrahler, (nee Oreenbak ijvAiiur,. nuru in, juiin a., nuiuand Mary J. Urabler Inee ClreenhskV , At "..-....-- - " j -, . I. : -; . ".' ". , iieiaiivrs sou irienos invueo; io lunerai, runeral. -lndaw. Thurs., 0 of ene hrnlha-J, Charin iireennak, st flair, I'a. Utah mass t tutr'rs uimiu.,, di in,r. -, man mass 8t Honlfaclua'a -church 9:30 a. m, Remains may De viewea lues., B (o in p. m. , 333U N Ilancroft st Int. fit. Clair, Pa Potta- Vl'ltJ - Fi'ssr VVI'J- iiUHfMl-AV PI. 1.1 Tork, April zi , joiiwMORBtB. BIJTL.ER, 0f sister. W? flrnwooi v Jenklntown. .r."s,vv,i4'r" vTtrco- ,i1UvV.r2iam,r ,. . cauwHqM. r-XtUTAi,vtt0tV stu sr ami c4vis rfjfW: nn.Tiig Cameron, rtelntlvps and frlnii Invited to funeral srrvlces. Thurs.. -:30 p. m., ftsio Anirora ave. Int. private. Hemalna may be viewed Wed., after 7:30 p. m. PASHIDY April 27. JOHN A. CAPHinT. J. ami late jury Cr4lrty, aaM 27. Uela' (lVe and frlsnda, employes of William lled, Invited to funsral. WrA.. R:30 a. m.. resl? denca of aunt. Mian Nellie Cassldy. 1B3S S. 24th s. Itenulem hla-h mass Church of St. Hdmonri 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto aervlc. C.vSStliy. Airll :T. In Murrain Ct.Atrt C. PAHSIIIV wife of Thomas K. Cnssldy and InURhter of Hophla and late Chnrlcs 1 ark lT and sister nf William F and Frank J. Kackler, of Phlta. 1'unoral from moinjr a residence, naio K St., Tues., 2 p. m. Int. llelvus Ocm. riiKRTKii Anrii "a rA.nnt.tN'H. wife of John V. t'hester. Ilclatlvca and friends. I mombrrs Hmanuel Iteformed rip'scopat I Church. Vork and Senvlva sta.. Invited to funeral. Frl.. ! p. m.. SUM Senvlva at. Services at above fhureh 2:i0 p. m int. I private. North I'edar Hill lm. Friends may rail Thurs . after s p. m. rtt.t.S. April 27. HAItllY P.. Jr.. son nf I Henry F. and latt, Annie V. rills tnee Law less), aired IS Itelatlvcs anil friend. Ht. Ann'a I'atholle club. Invited to funeral. Wed., H:3 a. m.. father's residence, 2200 K Ihtgh nve. Solemn requiem mass St. ' Ann'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto service , CUI.MN8. At llcrlln. N. J.. April 1.0. 1 MAP.Y IS., wife of W. Harry Collins, aced i .17. Itclatlvea and frlcnda Invited to funeral services. Thura. 2 p. m.. residence, nerlln, i N. J. Int. Berlin I'm. Ilemalns may be viewed Wed. evff. Train leaves Market at. ferry 12:2.1 p. m. for llerlln. N. J. CONNDIt.-At Cnittesvllle, Pa., April 21. .IA.MKH I!. CO.NNon. aced 47. Itelatlvea and Mends Invltfd to funeral, 210 Harmony St.. Coatesvllle Pa.. Wed. .Meet at house at 0 a. m. Mass St. Cecilia's Church lu a. rn. Int. St. Cecilia Cem COKNKI.Y. April 2ft. ISmVArtn At., hus band of Marv A. Cornelv tree Ferani. for merly of I'ort Carbon. I'a. Funernl, Thurs.. 7 a. m . 24111 K. Somerset st. Solemn mass nf reriulem St. Ann's Church 8 4.1 a. m. Itelatlvea and friends Invited. Int. St. Stephen's Cem. I'ort Cabin. Pa. Train leaves rteidltu: Terminal 10:30 a. m. Auto funeral. rvttville papers copy. COritPACl.T. On April 2S. lOIR, CATH- .hii.i.', "i iip,M. i,i, wmow or i';mn i our- i sault. nited Set vears. Itelatlvea nnd friends invuru io lunerai. on inurs.. l :.ui p. m., from residence of on-ln-l.iv, Charles F. Morris. 1712 S. Water st. Services In St. John's Church. .Id nnd Heed sta.. at 2 30 n. m. Int Fernwood Cem. Hemalns mav be viewed Wed, eve. COXi:. April 2'l. Major JOHN rtl:fiM.N. son nf Inte Dr. Edward J'tin-r nnd Mav Louisa cinpler Coie. nued ss. Funeral setv. Ices. 1,114 Pino st . Wed.. 11 h m Int. private CIIAMFH April 2R. at. Pomers Point. N J.. linSHIl: I) , wife of Hnrri Cramer nnd dauahter of late Hllborn and F.llznbeth Jones, aped 4(1. Relatives nnd friends In vited to funeral P' rvlees Femwood Cem. Wed., on nrrlval Headlns Tlwv. train leav ing I'leasantvllie. N. J.. t):20 n. m. Int. Pernwood Cem. Da LUCAS April 2rt r.OPIS. son of I Catharine nnd late John Pe Lucas ard IS. j i,-,ni,,i-n HMi, iri'-n'in, i,eHHU" hi in narreti Heart Invited to funernl. Wed . R a m . inS7 H.snth st H-nuiem hlh mass Church of Ht Thomas Aoulnas 0:30 a. m. Int. Holy Cr-" Cem Antn service. .nECKnn. April 211 marv K.. wire of V.dward Pecker (nee Ford). Relatives and friends, n V. M Sodality of st Agatha's i'b"rrr Invited to funeral. Frl . 8:30 a. m.. 4S21 Haverford ave. Solemn mass of re quiem at Church of Our Mother of Sorrows 10 a m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto fu neral. Lancaster papers please conv. IlRVKlt. hMdoenly. April 2!) IIKLP.N dautchter of James F. and Nellie Dever fnee McOrath) nred (1 vears 7 months Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.. fl:30 a m . reildence of parents, fill) w. Tlocn st Reou'em (Atmela') Mass SI. Veronica's Church 10 a. m. Int. private. New Cathedral Cem. IUKKOT.F. Suddenlv. April 21. cHAULnS I. niHROLF. husband of Mloa riatucl. for merly of 1'hlla.. aired 70. Funeral Wed., at house, 2 p. m. Int. Mount Joy Cem. DtN'OLK Suddenly. April 2n. at Hi." R. 2.1th st.. llaltlmore. Md . MARY IinOAD. daughter of John H. nnd Addle C. Dingle. Services at lnte residence. Tues , r, p. rn. Remains will arrive at W. Phlln . Penna. R. R. Sta . Wed., 11 a. m. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem DOHLRTY. April 2ft. KLIZAftnTIT D . li. or l,.. invueo to lunerai service. Thurs n m.. brothers residence. Will am .T nrotner a reamence, Itrown. i.'433 N. Ma-shall st. Int. nrlvnte. Westminster Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed., s to 10 p. m. Auto funeral Dt'N.V April 27. CATHARI.VE. dauahter of late Fcnton and Cathnrlne llunn Rela tives nnd friend Invited to funeral. Weil.. S:30 a. m.. parlors of Jnmes flabby. 4.27 Frankford ale Hlnh mass St. Joachim's Church 10 h. m Int. St Joachim's Cem. nt'NN" April 20 at Atlantic City, N. J., NATHAN J. IH'N'X. aced .111. Due notice of funeral will tie plven. KCH'R. April 27. F. LEWIS, husband of Nellie Kaer (nee Mulrloonl. Helntlve.' nnd friends. Court Somerset. No. S21, F. of A.; Taylor Hose Co., No. 3.",. Volunteer Fire men: German Turnvereln, Invited tn funeral services. Tues . 2 p m., 02.1 W. Sliver at. Int. Hillside Cem. Remains mav be viewed Men . K to 10 p. m. Auto funeral carxi .vi. fiunncniy, April 211. henry WHIIM'I.E FARNUM. husband nf Anna Scott Farnum and son of late Charles A. nnd Elizabeth Whipple Farnum. need 40. Funeral service at Church of thn Redeemer. Uryn Mawr. Pa., Tues.. 3:30 p m. FI3A8Tr.ll April 27. HARRY W.. hus band of Mary Gill Feaster, Reed 08. Rela tives and friends, employes P. R. R.. In vited, without furtner notice, to services, 211.1 N, 13th St.. Tues.. 8 p. m.. Wed., brother-ln-lavv's residence, J. Alva GUI. RIchboro, Ta., 2:30 p. m. Conveyances will meet trains leavins Rending Terminal 1:23 and Newtown 12:17 p. m. at Churclivllle sta tion. Int. private. FEE Suddenly. March 30. at Pnscn. Wash. SISTER M. ROSE In life (Anna M.l. daughter of James A. and Catharine F. Fee. Int LewNton. Idaho. April 2. FI3NTON. Anrll 27. JOHN D ynXTOM. aced 7.,. Relatives and friends. Mystic i.odzc. .no. -j,u. i. ii. u I--.: curtis i.ncnmp- mmt. No. 77. 1. O. O. F.. Invited tn fn. peral services. Wed . 2 p. m . residence of nephew. Jonn it. aiciihancv. n:i2 Hath st.. Ilristul. Pa. Int. All Saints' Cem.. Torres- dale. i- i:iim.s. Ann 7. catiiarink f.. daughter of Alexander and Katie Ferris (nee Roberts), aReU 2 years 3 months. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Wed.. 2 p. in., residence of parents. 11143 3. llouvler st. Int. private. Fennvood Cem FIEDLER. Anil 21. M. 'CATHERINE. daughti r of William F nnd M-rv Fiedler (nee Kyle), aced 4. Relatives and trlends In- vlletl lo lunerai services, wen., p. m.. parents' residence. 3021 Old Yurk rd. FIT.PATRICK Suddenly. April 27. WIL LIAM, son of William nnd Delia Patrick (nee Rnbbett). aged 11. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8.30 a. m.. parents' residence. 2038 Sansom at. Angel's maBs St. Patrick's Church 10 a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem FOLEY. Anrll 27. MARTHA L. wife of Maurice P Foley and daughter ot late James and Eltznhith llalrd. aged 37. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral eerviceg. Wed.. 2 p. m . reslcnoe nf husband. 017 Main at . Camden. N. J. Friends may call Tu-s. 7 to a p m FOWLER. April 27, FRANCIS A . hus band cf late Laura Flwler (nee Hastings), aRed 00 Relatives a.ld friends, Keystone Castle, No. 1. K. of G. E. : Mnwood Assem bly. No. 7. A O. M. P : Disston's Hen. Society: P. G I. Hen. Aeso., invited to fu neral services. Wed.. 2 p. m.. 1030 N. Oratz st. Int. private. Remains may bo viewed Tus. after 8 pm. FRAM.MIOGF.N. April 20. JOHN P . hus band ot Catherine M (nee Prodellne) and son of Jacob and Elizabeth Frammlgcen. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thura . K:30 u. m.. 1440 N rhlllp st. Sol emn hlsll mass St Michael's Church 10 a m. Int llolv Cross I'em. Auto funeral. Drnnklvn and Elizabeth papers copy. FI'EIIEL. April 27. EMMA M.. daughter of Katherlne and late Onttlob FueRel (nee Cachy), aged in. Relatives and friends. Young Ladles of tha Holy Family of St. Honlfaclua'a Church, employes of Pine Tree Silk Mills. Invited to funeral. Thurs . R:30 a. m.. 2120 N Palethorp st. Requiem mass St. Honlfaclua'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Most Holy Redeemer Cem. Auto service . OANS. April 20. AARON, husband of Caroline II. Oans. father of Walter S and Milton H dans and late llerlte Uans Ochs. aged 70. Funeral servlcea, Wed., 1:30 p. m., 2020 Green st. Int. private. Mt. Slnal Cem. Omit flowers. GEIH. April 27. JOHN O OEIR. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services, Wed.. 4 p. m., residence of sister. Mrs. Mamie M. Snyder. 317 Haddon ave.. West mont, N. J. tnt. private. Friends may call Tues. nftee 7 p, m. OILHERT. April 20. GEORGE A., hus band ot Margaret Gilbert (nea Ntckllng), aged 4H. Itelatlvea and friends liarbarosa Unt. Vereln: Columbia llund. No. 37. D. O. H. R. ; Iladlacher Unt. Vereln; Lafayette Hen. Society, Invited to funeral services, Thurs., 2 p. m. S. W. cor oth and Luzerno sts. Int. Northwood Cem. Remains may be viewea vveu., n y. rn. auih service. OII.LAN. Anrll 2H. JOHN A., hushand of Mae H. GUIan (nee Sheeran) and son of Thomas J. and Ellen GUIan. Itelatlvea and friends, also.ll. V. 21. Sodality. Holy Name and Temperance Societies or Our Mother of Sorrows' Churchi Columbus Council K. of C. : employes of Phlla. Lawn Mower Co.. and other societies of which he was u mem ber, invited to runeral Thura.. 8:30 a. m., loot Relmont ave. Solemn requiem mass Church of our Mother of Sorrows 10 a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. Auto service. OIRAHP. April 29, CATHARINE C, wife of Charles c. Glrard. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral services, Thurs., 2 p. m., Gnrfteld ave.. hetween Partram and Ashland aves., I.lanwellyn, Del, Co., Pa. Friends may call Wed. after 7 p. m. Int. private. OOHRIOHT. April 27. ANA8TASIA C . widow of .Harry Oobrliht. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Wed., 8:30 a. m.. 120 s, 40th at. Solemn requiem mass St. Francis d Sales Church 10 a. m. Int. pri vets. ,J!()!'I?.I,.M.;T,J' APr". Ti MARGARET GOLDSMITH (nee 8puck). wife of John II. Ooldsmlthvagrd 43. Itelatlvea and friends Invited t' runeral services, Tues., 2 p. m.. 2313 N. Orlonna at. Int. private. Friends may ral' Vun. . H to 10 p. m. ORAHAM. April 27. JANE, wife of James Graham, Relatives and friends In vlted to service. Wed., 2 n. m.. 030 N. S7th st. int. West Laurel Hill Ctm. Remains may be viewed Tuea. eve. .GUTHRIE. April S. JOHN A., husband of Ida M. authrle, aged 08. Relatives and friends, pv. No. 4. p. of L. E.i Penna. II H. Voluntary Relief Dept.. nvited to ssrvlce. Wed.. 2:30 p. m,. Oil N Sd at Int. private. Fernwood Ctm. West Cheater pa pars copy 'HALE. April SJ qEORaE r husband of lata. Elizabeth M Hale and son of lata jfarsnret M. H., Itelatlvea and friends iiau io IK!. 'vto.. s n. m,. resir. ,-r". .,:",," ,.-' mviiau to iu,'"i. Ta s a. m.. resioeneA nr.ATiiH Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. ii, u.. s:J0 a, m.. residence of brother, n.u W. Somerset st. Requiem msss St. Ld vyard's Church 10 a. tn. Int. New Cathedral HANCOCK April 20. 1IHS. MATILDA, daughter of Jnmes and the late Matilda Mc Kennan Hancock. Funeral services on Wed. morning. May 1. nt It o'clock, at her late home, nt St. Davids. Pa. Int. private. IIANtBK Suddenly. April 20. LEO, son of Andrew and Mary nanisa, agea ii. ! tlves and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 8:30 a. m., parents' residence. 210 W. Wlldey , st. High requiem mass St. Peter's Church 111 a. m. Int. Most Holy Redeemer Cem. Auto funeral. . ... HAL'S. April 21). JOHN F, A husband nf Emma E. Ilaus (nee Van Billiard), aged 03. Relatives and friends, members of i Perseverance llsnd. Musicians' Union of I Penna.. Local No. 1, it. P. of A.. Invited , to funeral services. Frl. 2 P. m.. 'J-'Jii . Hone st. Int (Ireenmount Cem, Remains llinv be viewed Thurs. eve. Auto service. HAWKINS. Fourtn Month .27th. MARY JANE, widow of Leslie M. Hawkins, aged 74. Itelatlvea and friends Invited to fu neral. Fourth-day, Fifth. Month 1st. 2:30 p. m.. ned I Jon road. Ilybeny. Philadelphia. Int. Wm. Penn Cem, Autos will meet trob iei Red t.lnn. 1:30 to 2 r, m . ., , . Hii.MitnnoF.n.- April ss, ciiAnt.ES. hs. band of Agnes Hemberger (nee Ferns). 2.T20 Potter st. Due notice of funeral will be Bl,miNRY-WYAND. April 27. FANNIE C. widow of Captain William 13. Henry and daughter late Jacob and Mary Wyand. Rela tives and friends, also Shepherds of Heth lehem. No. 3, of Camden. Invited to funeral services. Turs.. 2:30 p. in.. Absecon. N. J. Int Plenssntville Cem. ... . HEYMEL Anrll 21. at Jiillnstown. K J.. WILLIAM M. HEYMEL. agvd 72. . Pelstlv's and friends Invited lo funeral. Wed 10:30 a. m.. son-in-law's residence. Clarence Rldgway, Jullustown, N. ! Int. Sprlngflcld 'hOLT. April 2R. at 240 N Crelghton st.. West Phlla.. formerly of West Grove. Pa.. JOHN, husband of late Elizabeth Holt, aged 77. Relatives and friends Invllj-d to service. Thurs. 1 p. m.. chapel Friends' Purring Ground. West Grove, Pa. Int. West Orov Friends' Ilurvlng Ground. Friends may view remains Wed.. 7 to HI P. m . Oliver II. Pair lllitg.. 1S20 Chest- ""itOLT. April 28. JOHN P.. Jr.. husband of Mary 7.erkwtr Holt. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral. Wed . 8:30 a. m.. Itl Llanfnlr rnnd. Cynwyd. Pn Mass St. .Matthias's Church 10 a. m. Int. private. Westminster Cem Auto service. .. HOUARD Suddenly. April 20. P.DWARD A. HOPARD. aged 7R. Relatives and friends. Potter Iodge, No. 441, F. and A. M.. In vited to funeral servlres, Tues . 2 p, m 4320 Ofago ave. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Auto s p r v t f f Ht'TCItlNSON. April 21. ROnKItT GtamtlE son nf Samuel J and A. Hllzn lnth S. Hutchinson and grandson of Robert nnd lle Mary A Roon aged i months. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral aervlces. Wed.. 2 p m.. residence of parents. 2S1.- N. Front st. Int. private. Westmlnrter Cem. Friends may call Tues. eve. Auto "jENNlNas. April 27. MATTHEW R.. son of Frank II.. Sr nnd Hannah Jennings, aged 10. Relatives and friends Invited to iunerni scrvic-s iuen.. -,.ir v. 'i1-. ,,"' '" " of parents. Tullytown. Pa. Int. Tullytown Cem. Remains may be viewed Mnn eve. JACKSON. April 28. JOHN, .husband of Mary Jackson. Relatives and friends, pnllcn of the Sixth District. Invited, to funeral services. Wed.. 2 p. m.. PI32 Winter st. Int. private. Friends may call Tues. eve. Auto ,UJUNO. April 20. IBIS. HENRY FRED ERICK, son of Adam and Sophia Jung (nee Wassmuth). agd 13 ears 4 months. Rela tives and friends, also members of St. Paul s Reformed Church. Illhle Class nnd Confirma tion Class nf 1B10. Invited to attend funeral service Thura.. 1 p. m.. parenta' residence. 1020 Tnsker st Remains may he viewed Wed. between 8 and to p. m. Int. Icrn- W JUNOLi: April 2ft. MAROVERrrn C . daughter of Mury C and Joseph W. Jungle. Duo notice of funeral will bo given, from parents' residence. 484.", N. 3th st, KNE. April 28. CATHARINE, widow of John Kane. Relatives nnd friends, invited to funeral. Thurs.. 8:30 n. m . 2028 Prandy wine st. K.ilemn requiem nines St. I-ranels Xavirr's Church 10 a. r.i. Int. Old Cathe dral Cem. Autn funernl .,.,,,. , KEEOAN. April 211. RAYMOND J., son of James A. KeeKiin. Sr . and Sue C. Keegan, BRtd 22. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl., 8:30 a. m.. 0732 Springfield ave. Solemn high mass of requiem Church of the Most Illessed Sacrament in a. m. Int, Holv Cross Cem. Auto funeral. KELLY'. Suddenly. April 211. WM. PAUL, husbnnd of Isabella Kelly, aged 30. Notice CfKOFlNK. April 28. EMMA FREDERICK, wife of late Christian Koflnk. aged 74. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Weil.. 2 p. m. . son's residence. Charles W. Koflnk, 2148 N. Mervlne St. Int. private. KRECKER. April 21. LOUISA W . widow of William F. Krecker, aged 81. Relatives and friends. Hoard of Mnnagera of Evan gelical Home for the Aged and members of Emanuel Evangelical Church, Invited to fu nernl servlcea Wed.. 2 p. m.. residence of son, John P. Krecker. 1723 W. Erie ave. Int. prlvati KUI.r. April 21, Rev. JOSEPH CAPrER KPI.P. hushand of Adelaide Garrison Kulp. aged 01. Relatives and friends, members New Jersey M. E Conference. Invited to funeral, ved.. 10:30 a. m.. First M. E. Churih. Camden. Int. private. Harlclgh CfLINDAL. April 27. HANNAH A., wife of Robert II. Llndal Itelatlvea and friends In vited to funeral services. Wed., 2 p. m., 032 Maple ave.. Colllngswood. N. J. Int. private, Harlelah Cem. Friends may call Tues., after 7 pm. LORDAN. April 28, TIMOTHY, husband of Catharine Lordan, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs.. 8:30 a. m.. 0141 Relnhard st. High mass of requiem Church of the Most Pleased Sacrament 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral LUCAS April 20. ELIZABETH, widow of Nl'holas i.ucns. aged 00. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 2 p. in., residence of son-in-law. Ernest Krah, 2223 11. Y.irk st. Int. (Ireenmount Cem. LUCKE April 211. MARGARET I,., daughter of Edmund A and late Margaret l.ucke (nee llalrd). Due notl.-e of funeral will be given from 107 s. .",7th st. LUSIC April 28. RICHARD J., husband of late Mary V- Lusk (nee Kennedy), and son of Marie and late Edward Lusk. Rel atives, and friends, members nf Reamers' and Twisters' Hen. Asso., Invited to funeral, Wed., 8:30 n. m., residence of brother-in-law. Thomas J. Sager. 32t0 Rorer at. Requiem mass Church of the Ascension 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral. LUTZ. Suddenly. April 20, CHARLES JOSEPH, son of late fieorge nnd Emllv I.utz. Due notice will be given. 1023 N. 17th st. MAIER. April 20. at Mouth Vlneland, N J.. CATHARINE A. MAIER (neo I.utz), wife of Jacob Mater, formerlv of or, N 033d st Relatives and friends Invited to funeral serv ices, Wed., at .1:30 p. m.. Emanuel Reformed Church. Rrldeeburg. Frlenda may view re mains at church. Services nt house private. Int. Emanuel Reformed Cem., Prldesburg, Phlla Auto funernl. MADDEN Anrll 28. MARCELLA. wf of Thomns F. Madden nnd mother of Rev. Thomas F. Madden, aged KB. Relatives and friends. Altar Socltev. Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8:30 a. m.. 1032 E. Chelten ave.. Oer mnntnwn. Solemn requlm mass Church of tho lmmacutate Conception 10 a. m Int. Holv Senulchre Cem. MATIHAS April 27 RICHARD husband of Jnne Mnthlaa (nee Porter), Relstlvoi and friends, employes of Wm. Cramp & Sons s. nnd E. 11. Co.. Invited to funeral services. Wed,. 2 p. m . 2310 Sepvlva Bt. Int. Mt. Peace Cem. Auto funeral. Remains may be viewed Tues. eve. , McllRIDE. April 20. ANNIE MoRRIDB (neo Conway), widow of Edward McPrlde. Funeral Wed., 8:30 a. m , niece's residence, Mrs. Mary Doyle, 1103 S 27th St. Solemn mass of requiem St. Francis's Church 10 a. m. Itelatlvea and friends Invited to at tend. Int. Old Cathedral Cem. Auto fu neral McCAPLEY April 27. MARGARET Me CAPLEY (nee Sonster). widow of William A. MiCaulev, aged 70. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 2 p. m.. 2020 Mor ris st. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remains may be viewed Tues.. after 7 n. m. MoCI.AY. April 27. WILLIAM T. Me CLAY, son of late Andrew and Margaret J. MrClay. Relatives and friends. Invited to services. Wed.. 2 n. m.. residence ot sis ter. Miss Mary McClay. 3010 N. 15th st. Int. private. Omit flowers MeDERMOTT. April 20. MARGARET AGNES P. dau.thter nf Charles E. nnd Ilrldtet A. MoPcrmntt (nee O'Malley). Due notice of funeral will be given from residence of parents 217 McKean st. MrDEVlTT. April 20. MARGARET, widow of Henry McDevltt. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Wed.. 8:30 a. m.. 2720 W. Albert st. Solemn requiem mass m. coiumna a i-nurrn in a. m. int. rew Cathedral cem. Auto runeral. McOONIGAL. Anrll 28. JAMES P.. hus. band of Wlni'lfred MrGnnlgnl (nee Hewitt). Relatives and frienns invited to runeral, Frl.. 8:30 a. m.. 233 N. Vogdea st. W. Phlla. High mass Church of Our Ladv of Victory. 10 a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. Auto service. .MCIIUUII. April iS. .MARY 17. , neioved daughter of Frank and Emma J McIIugh. duo notice or lunerai win do given, from parents' residence. 412 N. Salford St., W. rhlla. MrKINNEY April 28, at his home. 000 West End ave.. New York. HENRY NEL SON McKINNEY. aged 8. Services at Central Baptist Church, 02d at. and Amster dam ave, New York. Wed.. 8 p. m. ; also Memorial iiaptist cnurcn. iiroaa and Mas ter sts.. Phlla.. Thurs.. 2 p. m. Int. pri vate. aiCKlNXUN. April i'7. KI.IZAHKTH, vf nf George McKlnnon (nee McNeverson). Rel atives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 8:80 a. m.. Ciy s. 2d st. High mass of re. nulem St. Philip's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Crosa Cem. ME8THKZAT Anrll 01 at Aldlne ltnt.1 Justice 8. LESLIE MESTREZAT. Relatives and friends Invited to services, Second Pres byterian Church, 21st and Walnut its., Tuea.. 4 n. m. Int. unlontown. Pa., Vsd. MILLER. Anrll 20. HARRY F... husband of Sadie II. Miller, aged 38. Relatives and irienos, Kensington uooje. no, 211. F. and A. M.: Kensington It. A. Chapter, No. SSSi Kensington Commanderv. No. 84, K. T.t Lu Lu Temnle, A. A, O, N. M. 8 Invited to funeral. Wed., 2 p. m.. 2418 N, 17th at. Int. Northwood Cem. Remains may bs viewed Tues., 8 to 10 TV m. MOORE. April 28. WILLIAM F.. husband of Margaret A. Moore, aged 83. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs,. 8:30 a, m.. 2102 Bummer st. (21st and Race). Solemn high mass of requiem Cathedral 10 a, m. ini. iioiy uross lira, Auto runeral. MULKKRNS April 27. MICHAEL, son of Ellen and lata Mark Mulkerns. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Wed.. 7:30 a. m., mother's residence, Bfllo Cherry at.. West Phlla. Solemn mass 6t requiem Church of Our Lady of Victory a m, Int. New Calh-drsl rem. Auto funeral. MURPHY Anrll 50. n Bit ffi.i .. J1RIDOET. widow of John J Murphy. No tlrv of funeral later jiUJii'lir. nucfleniv. at MrK,.,,i n. AStil M PATHlCKsonof Dshnl. nd JK.TIIR 10 Mspnlon ave.. Mnne..r!rrr- JS mars of requiem Our " t..S. "". 1. iT4l v-nurcn i a. m. Int, lit. Csr'n.V?' Csriai NEALON.-Aprll 20 EDU-Tn' of Agnes M. J, Ne,lon i.ii"'.'!!), nn.Jffl lives and friends tifflJ". Wlitli&l mrm NonTH. Anrtl R, wirit.w atlves and friends lnvlt.5 ". A"rul KK p'c'a'reSS in ansiT nsi i. ' H ff iTlese'd s's'crSmTn","0. 'M Cross Cem. Auto seJvi;. m- 1st. ffii HOPRKE.Apr1 nn.. M ? :nj'l,J?.SE-..C!n ? 'ate-VatrOC.! tHAsii1 I Cem' ' -fCa I. nSCHWALD Anrll no . SS WAI.I) widow if jhn rTiftinM ,.ES 0Ca aged 07. Itelatlvea and frUM.(V,Vl funeral services. Wed. n m . Il!l1t il Logan'Tnt. ,ffihv.7.M-lSf"S5 I'l'niflVH At i .. .. .si !n,3SfKS neral. Thurs., 2-311 p m fu,lirt,J U .mrren . . Hever.y. "n ,' ', -gjjrjj. ?lF&viU!r ISM. RAMSAY HAY. Relotl Han.llton Lod atlves nnd friends wii,i.M laii.iiion i.ouge. No r,on, P imi ,,"M Tue,,..,n2 ,pJnmM ""'"" 13J8 MsTM terToL-ZSIliih-5J 8:30 a. m.. parents' residence, "Ufa: rEM ""ce , Solemn requiem miMSt iK.S'Pl Church 10 a m Int Holy oeei. S01"" ' . HElCHENHEItO. -Hii",enlvCrs,..if'2!' .2 Moore, i'a.. AARON REICllRVnpiin ' ,wl known as ApOl.PH IiniciirSmSn3' '' 03. Due notice of funeral tiiik. rim rlor. of Hor.rRn.W01rlJ fe&. funeral pa wood. Pa HKUTTEn April TEH. Relatives ' and" friend, sii.W'i publican Cub. Invite,! V K!' ".""I M 32il Cabot St.. Thurs 1 p m mt iiiW tl'p"-mH""nln!, maV b slewed '"."gj REYNOLDS'. s.prll ;t KATMVmv ,il widow of James J Retnold.' Tf,,N5,3 t'ves nnd friends Inv ted to funiriT wli';! 7:30 a..rn. residence of , w.!:Vi l-:ilwartl llevno da. li M n .;' "'. ''".y High miss St. Joseph's Chu'rch , nsitiS?sJ jm. Int. Mt. Carmel Cem . Mm"'.' l!?.'PD.K,'L".- Apr'' 2". nonEItT nt". "" agea ni iieianves and frlenda InVltrl to funeral services. Thurs. 2 i m ! Leeds at. Fjlenls mav call Wsd. n1 "' "!;Atc. funeral. Int. private"' " Poi INSON Vnea-lyf-wftoV, , RSSKsTweS' ,a8U3U"a"nrJ . "KM'JSa Solemn requiem mas, St Agatha'. Churl' ' RbWlELLE -April 2riT.nDnmCK tt'I husband nf Mullld. V. lln.ii. ,..'' ."J rleth) aged ,-,0 Due notice of funeral, toi RUSK. Ann "0. wit.t.riuSi of Thomas A. and Ida JIsv Rurk'iSJl Montgomery). aged 18. Relatives tJ friends Invited to funeral services. To.J . 2:3d p. m.. parents' residence. (His PiEi tnctto st.. Lawndnle Int. Lawn View Cl-i l'r ends mav rail Mnn. eve. .l RYER. April 20. OEOnOEH h,h,nj,(! Inte Mary A. Ryer Relatives and frlfrJli Post No. 2. G. AR. Invited to tmmCi 4IHIII .vierinn ave , Thurs asm. Man tti requiem St. Clements's Church, 2oth atd' Cherrv sts. 10 a m Int private. J Arm 27. suddenly, HELEN M . daughter or Christina 8 -J late William O. Sfhwelker Relatlvea as. friends. Phlln. Chapter, No 01, Rutin Star, Invited tn funeral services. Thum 2 n. m.. brother's residence. William ni Schwelker. 231 W. Rockland it, 0lner$ Int. private. Mt. Teare Cem. Ilemalns sal i be viewed Wed.. 7 to 0 p. tn. .2 SCOTT. April 27. JOSEri! A, icn at John and late Mnrgarvt Scott, formerlr , .'iu vvnarion si. neiaiivca ana rrien.i,' emnlnves I.anston ManotVDn Machine Cm . invited to funeral. Wed , 8:30 a, m., breta, er's residence. James I. Scott. Ull S. Jin si. poirmn requiem rn.ii oi, unarnai Church Hi a. m. Int. New Cathearal Cta.; Antn service. 1 SHRIVER. April 27. WARREN K. K of latr Wm. 11. and Margaret Kanale Shrt, ver. Relatives and friends Invited ta funaral services. Wed., 11 a. tn. 03 II. Halsei iirJ Ullltlll.uni ana.. aV'iisaiCs , HIILWIAN. April i.'H. KRANrC, huibiBJ of Josephine Y. Shumnn, ased 50. Relittvd ana inenan. iacony joiicp, r.o, nun, f, m A. M.. Invited to funeral, VeA 3.30 p. a.; .140(1 Din a ton st.. Tai-onv tnt nrlvat. fimi nowers. WaBhliicton. I). C. pa Df n c opjr, PUiu.Nr. April -.'. jvir.iu, mucioo Mary Bimnns inc nurKi. jteiftinri hi! And ss T.siuiTIIM nf fha Sarvrsxl Umxrt ail Holy Nam1 Soclrtv of St, AgRtha's Cbsrts and employes of Penna Laundry. Invito u fimornL Sat.. N:.m n tn. . 423 X. Sli It-. Solemn j-equtem mani Ht Acatha'i Chuirfc 10 ft. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. Auto funtr.U.1 , RNYDKIl. April 21, SAHAH. widow tt. Christian A. Hnyner (nee iiarnii. KeitcivH and friends lnvltM to tuntrtl serflcti,' Tues.. 2 p. m.. 1418 Diamond st, lot. Notts i n.,l III II rvm aTKi.NnKnoi;n. - April 28, caroling ...l,A r.f Itnlnmnn Mlalnharp,, seed AT. tlves and friends Invited to funeral. Vifl 11 a. m.. 3110.-, N. Smrdley st. Int HlJI Ulnal fm rin,lt rliurer Mt STEVENSON. April 27. st Cr.arlei.0s4 P C. CHARI1TTB E TAYIA1R, widow u xviniAm ir Rlu,n,nn .Nineral BerrVces Wed., 2:1' p. m, Oliver II. Hair BMjja 1820 Chestnut st. Int. wooaianai Leoi. TII.U1ER. April 211, MARQAItET. .wlls of Jacob Ttllger (nee Zimmerman, aieo Relatives and friends .Invited to funeral .... on m uo W .lefr.rson tt. SM emn hiVh miss At Peter's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Redeemer Cem. . ,. . , , TIMMINS. April 27. ANNIE. lfs cf B ward J. Tlmmins ann naugnier i .--j and llargaret McElhono. Rl'lv" !, friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8.30 Is . tj, BH44 Windsor place (5Mh and SprlMMS C. I. ? "" ""'. ..rri, ft . SLffS , Un1.n.n maaa fit rOUlem l.SUTS Of tho 51081 lliesseu pacrarnriu. v -. .... . n.iL., i cm AiiIa fnnirsL v S TOMI.INSON. April 27 THOWJVjJ husband of late EIISin.TomIlMon.IWs. lives and friends Invited to funeral '"". Wed 1 o m.. residence of son. lois ;, 3d sV. ift. William P;nn Cem. RTO mav he viewed J'ues. . atl'rT n i -BDRToji TpnilWlT.-Aprll 21 ..COARD BVmTOjJ A""'":'"'' .',vr"';',v" n " :. invitea t BCOll 'OSl, iio. !. ; -- - V.,m.mI funeral services. Tues.. St. ".VJ',t;Mu"'' son, Joseph O. Torbert. 1 ' N. .- U;J Mt..yrnon vT. ?"'.", .SYJHIsva. wtirt of oVgiTi-TVaui: ;ri?wfM Invlud to funeia I. Wed, 8.30 a. rj.. His , Ventura's ( hurch 10 a. m, Int. P"""?! Aut- fimcal. Rema ns may bs rln. Tues.. Hller DP. in, .- R -Maft TREVOR. April 29, ANNIE S. J""i of William H. Treinr. Kunersl serrKtaf wed " d rn.. 4932 Rublcam svs., Ota. J TKOTt" April 2.V THOMAS D.. hU"JJi of Elizibeth, Jlaxvvell Trott, ss.d 7 $ tlves and friends. Mitchell lof'l.i.v Na. fi.."K! , &: SffiiS S??m.n?owBn. A -bTilIprVlNEUy?, band of Mary '.u' -I'"." .trimatiJ f Ical Union No 2.137 Amsliamaito clety of Carpenters and g nelJ' , ". re,u.cmma..-ChuVch.St ThomA man a. m. Int. Holy cross i- sjd "wUo'NER ne.,Kant).-APr.l Igg invited to funeral. Wedy a,nP' aVi!u" llalley st.. Camden, ,N. J ',Jr Tuei " Cem" Friends may view "mslnf Tmi WEH8TER. Suddenly. Aprtl..'' tel: THA K w fa ,0, Bsnlsl .Vr'A Tsei! T" . York 'roa'd' below Willow '"IvffioVJ-.-Aprl. ST JffHf u m 2S87 E. Monmoutn s", ? ,, Fequlem mass, Church of tns r. ? a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchrj rm. wBis, WELLS. April 27 WALEn I M u sged . Relatives and frle na s ' funeral, Wed., 2 p. m.. .'08 8. "" sj Media. Pa. Int. private, , c fMtet WiaOINS. April '-'.. T'LI'IY,.1-0f tou Thomas T. Wiggins and dsHfVg" pflsttws, and late Henry Rshner, siJ I -", 'rrlr4' Rslstlves smiMSi Sl'ILM'PLnfelrT Vu.offi '.V.iui hsslvan. f rom s-' ' ?.-.",,;"i!l " wRidi(r;-rApri i so, if "d". "neutialj of William P. Wright, agea "'.ims, iJ and frlinds Invuej io "- "- pj. 1J prlvat.. Prlstol Cem. . wj, 4U v TEAOER April ?. Mnn'a"frleai..?tl Harry C. yeagsr. ''A"- " ,on'a I" vtud to funeral. Wed.. - -. "Knjrr denes." ; ll Tu.s.7li Tacony. Friends msy eu " 4 8Rk!8iia;d.nly. on April T. mlmr. Mm. IJ. HCnniUCT ".-.I R "r i ii . tiki I nAniuiorTs " 'ilj rmi- Konslstory. " .Phlla. council No. j , Arcanum, to funeral at Armiironi t1,RY,"?:a..aM.l Arrll 28, JOSEW AVi!.Tri V-. i. niiatlves snu m ? toUnitV .Vr'vic... Wj. I . ZANHB" -?.' ' A"An VneTEIrn S5rmftWr2r fiSui Invite sffiSK linrvMS : ,u O'DONNELI .-April Au! ""121 r.ei,.,jive".".n 'rfw d ri?&& nsn. irnm m n Brii.-wi,vi"trt.t7sa'!a Llverv Stable Protective i.."' ') tti I'nt. Ver. Invited to funersi .il,!5l 2 n. m . Ilellmawr Camd.n Co v ,tW'4a ma is mav be viewed Tues ".' Ji M eave Chestnut st wharf Wed ni.T,,l"! ltema ns miv also be viewed Wed .'" ' ana irienos ""'", Viofa st. ! Cv Thurs.. 2 P. m.. 2032 Flora Jfc t to vate, K. Peace Cem Auto iu malna may b viewed Wed T'0," wrij WILHON. April ,VIie? H "vllMO XWJ f?iRhMAVd7rp4agtg 11'AI G ftn ATiril ) Jiiju, mn), p,U rtrifc