Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 29, 1918, Postscript, Page 6, Image 6

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    " yywuiwiw;
" mmwmmm ,"')"
.... . . . .u,, lliey(erJ"
ablo to get through Finland only tJJ
getting the opposing arnilcs of the ti,il
inn par v Tinrt rr KhrHa. m..
tsmsmmsmsxmiismmiimx' rvsasi
nml Wl.llo rl. ,,.(.. ..... '"J
. . "wjwr ' .&$
lml.M H.tr.M I. It. .1 .. ..l
i.ui.i uuio miiiu mi j pastd the
or nre.
&!. . Ml,.
- mttBHIi illy fr-rBhrTTPlTlBliWWW
H Prompt Isl
H Delivery fillf
H You can obtain early delivery of HlflHI
H Mack heavy-duty trucks of 3!2, 5 1 2. lK(i
n TVl tons, by placing your orders now, S-
Hj 2302 Chestnut Street ffi
M rrT ' ' "! "i 11 rrwn ir 11 niniiniiiwiMiwiiiiniinijjixa -JlUf
Far-Reaching Demands
Sccretsir Baker Due to Ap- W ants (..utiscientioiis Objectors
pear With Estimates for Sent to Front Trenehes
Coming Year With Shoels
Paper Asserts
of Mikado Arc Granted
Shanghai, April J9
The Chlneso Government lias ngiccd
to now demands made by Japan which
dip of such a nature that the eoun
tn viitually has been tinned 01 ei to
the Jnpincse according to tho Sliang
luil Gi7ttte. which has Jast made ts
Hist uppeainnee umlei the cditoishii.
of Kugene Chen
The Gazette nsorts It has hep" m
fonncd by 11 high onirl.it at IVkm that
the Japanese demands aie fi moie
serious than those In Group V . f t 10
amous twentr-ono demands made by
Jap in in 1915.
Notwithstanding ine Tact that tho
utmost secrecy Is being observed,'
shh the Gazette. "It may be stated
snfclv tliat the follow lug Is not far
from tho true terms of the aBiecment
Chinese expeditionary foi cos went
to Sibcil.i hhall be commanded b u
lap inese.
1 hinese police shall he organ!, d
i. tapunese ollleeis
Jupiti shall tontiol all of China
1 " n ils and dochvards
lapan Rhall ham the privilege of
n,lnB mines in all parts of China
M'lrlal pi Alleges shall be punted
1 ntci- Inner mid outer Mongolia
tnd the whole of Mumhuiia.
Other ni tides Include ptovlsli.n
fin lln.tneial control ami euueutluiial
vBwHHPS&ilililililililSiHE --kaaf ik i 'Mmlvs KtSjfSMmnF iju ttauLJufia1
PaaHsfltrcfiii y
One of the most poweiful 1'iciich Ktins is tlie biK -10 mm. This type of rim lias been invahiablc to the
1'ivnih aimie.s ami has well cainuil the title of "Ft itz's Finish." This picturo was taken just f the bijj
Kim sliot into action.
been bu
Leaders of Counter-Revolution
in Russia Make Some
New Demands
Coprnlmirtn, Apt II II
l.eadrts of the tountci -revolution In
ItUFShi icfuso to lecognlze the pcaC3
treati ffected between the IioIslioIKI
and Hie 1 entrul I'oci.i at nrest-I.ltoisk,
Fas the newspaper Aftenbladet. The
Information was rccelied fiom l'lntand,
find milled that the counter-rciolutlon-arles
aie ilemandlnR new peace which
would allow Ksthonla to Lontlnue undci
Jtus'lan rule
Karller adxltcs also Inilliateil tint the
Itolsheilk regime, hid been overturned,
it was reported that the fonnci f'zurc
Mtcli lels had been named luler of
llusfia and Grand DuKe M cliael A'ev
andioith had been iippolnttd icKtlit.
Prtrnxrait. April ".!
(lerinanv s brazen rulo In Ukraine Is
hastening the break between the Hilda
Gu eminent and Berlin
TI10 most kerlous dlsacrcenient has
broken out in the Ultro-Gcrnian eco
nomic commission at Kleff. Germany
demanded that tho land bo taken from
the Ukrainian peasanta und returned to
the landlords, and that all (.lores of
litem! bo tranfeYred to Girnmn
l olonol von Kronetihlem nnd l.leu
teniuit von Kelder the Gel man rep
icventailies h!o demanded iart of nil
liitmn harvests
Despite the Causaclau declaration nf
vv.11. Tuikev has again offeied to begin
pence negotiations with the Russian
When told of reports of
revolution, Mr Corso raid
"The rcvolutlonarj govement whlch
supplanted Czardom In Manh, 1917 - -apparently
never understood outside of
Ilussla. Tho world was disposed to be
lleve that because a hodj 0f conscn"
tlves, well known abroad took ov(r
tho various ministerial portfolios, a sn
ble bmv eminent was assured
'The cardinal fact, however, rtm.ln.
that from tho Mart not a vtl 1
power won ever lodged In t10 ,,'
govMnments headed h5 Kerenskv h
wan ths diamatle personalliv i.'.1"
fiom tho date of the revohmJ ,1
Ilnal nssumptlon of
un .oveni her T i...
Solution t
Holshevlkl on Noi,.,., "),..7
The Count II of Laborers and Soldi.,,!
itnmies iihiuiiini unci imlntaln.rl .
nuthorltj fiom the ,1 n 0f U,0 ,...., '
tlou. but did noi ns.uni. tile rcFnon,,'
bllltv of government or rather ml.
goveniiiient until November 191" '
Tho Coum'l of I-iborem and u i
dlers' fieputles during the early .',,'
of their Bupreniaev ocu.pled then.,, ...
with tho dlsoiganlzation and tltaruntln.
of Ihe nrinv Jlv .lune 8 1017 at l,..'
uno 000 doldleia hnd deserted the ranV.
and vvero wandering aimlessly about tk.
lountn , lootliur and pillaging
Man Shops
6 Years
Until a fellow is eighteen
tL().Cr THE EMI RE FltOVC n FL'IMJEIiSl"'"" na'"M a "ltPtl0" l0
return to tationatj warfaie. lis the
tl..R out who. but this bv no means u"3 ! ' V.'","?;. .....,.. IbuV III? for ll i 111
It iikIiIi.sIi.ii, April S9.
Eecrrtarj Baker Is espeatcd to ap
pear before the House Military Com
mittee this week lo furnish long-delaj cd
estimates for the support of the arm
during tye next fitcal joar. The Houso
committee Is li'tllned to bellevo that It
will ' be a"-ki) to appropriate for an
army of approslmitelv .sooooou men
and that tho Sccretarj will go Into de
tail concernlnR plans foi the specdv
training of additional forces and their
tKspatch to France
The paramount quenlon to be deilded
this week is the size of thu army for
th next tar of operatlo' Tnero will
also bu taiscd the (pietleu whether It
is necessarj to ralc the draft age limit
Itepresentativo bhallenbcrgci, Xh . of
the' House committee, has announced
that he will seek Introduction In the bill
of a provision foi the if glstratlon and
drafting of men up to furtj veara old
Should Secretar IJikir declare such an
amendment unnecesi-ar at this time, he
wlllnot press It.
That It will he nei.es.-.arj for America
to put a large arm into the Held In the
next twelve months Is the Impression at
the Capitol
In his flrtt appearance before, the eom
mlttee, Sccretar Baker said the trails
pbrtation pioblem ntcessirll) would
hae an Important bearing on the size
of the army and it would be useless to
call anc? train more men than could be
ent across. The shipping situation, he
paid, was lmpiovlng neadllj and the
War Department was awake to tho ilutv
of sending men to Gut ope as rapldl) as
they could be trained
New iirl., April JO t'oloml Tlieo
(Toro Ituosevclt declared no American I
has n right to a night s sleep unless dur
ing the do he has done Komethlng to
aid in the war against German), In urg
ing a large audlenco to Invest hi the
third J.lbertj J..oaii
'The man who dues not think that It
was Ameiliaw dutj to flgh for her own
sake In lew of the Infamous conduct
of Germany toward us. stnnus on a
level with a man who wouldn't think It
necessar) to fight In n private quirrd
because his wlfett facp was slapped,'
a9erted the one-time President, prefac
ing nn attack n the "conscientious ob
jector "
'I would In lo find out what he Is
conclentlus about," wild the I'olonel
He ma be loiiHclentious about killing
somebodv else : he nm -be conscientious
about keeping his own caicass f.ifo from
"If he merelv objects to killing some
one else, then send him to the fiont with
a spado to dig tiemhex In the daugei
zone or cle put him on a mine Bwteper
If be savs 'hat his lonsclciue forbids
him to do anv of the nccv.ssarv work of
. national self-defense, then 1 would an- ,
swer that my conscience would forbid
me to let him vote I
I 'Tho Anierlian who Is not now heart,
and froul In favoi of fighting this war
thtough to a victorious conclusion Is I
a traitor to tills country and to man
kind lie Is unlit to live In Anurkri
He Is unfit to he a free man, for his I
toul Ih the i-oul of n slave
(iiiilliiii.il from I'nce (In,
then held tigulnpt flesh assaults of
A dispatch filed In I'el.ln Apill 4 thp f0P yram time the struggle e-
hild It was icported theie that Japan tpn ti,u banks of thu Vpics-
h id submitted a now scries of demands L,nlMI I'nnal
to China. IncIudliiK imnplote control ,ln ,,, c.omlllP i,attleflelit there wore
of Chlna'8 llninces tho nut chase of ,, .,atrol Ull.0untei. In whlc'i tho
-.0 nor .eat of China s ammunition In , , , u Fomc proncrii
Japan opuatlon of Chinee Hon mines ,, crcat ,,inuol, Cre lo.ulng
md dockyards under Japanese con i,,,,,,,,. especially north of the
Kuitenc Chen an Anglicized China-I slKn .,,, , , .,
mv furnwrlv vv ns editor of tho I'ekln I'leld Moishal Hiilg evldetitls expects
Gazette In which ho tan led on a
campilgn agilnst Japanese Influence
In Chlin, denouncing the Chinese Gov
ernment on the giouud it was Molding;
to Japanese inlluenco and "selling out
China' A ; tar ago he was m rested In
Ptkln after his papci had published
an article to the effect that tho Pio
mler had been caiivlng on seciet ne
gotiations with the Japanese foi a,
a German dilve against his Arras posb
tions Hern the Canadians are tabling
busilv and vi Ith tui ccs
Get man raids, nil repulsed along the
St Mlhlel salient and at l.unevllle
tnav have involved American tioops In
tictiched In these sedolH
LOM)0 PAPERS F12 tit
loss or c l us
18 Killed in Action on
Double CuSllultV LlSl ' inclining the public foi the los,s of the
Cli unit 1 port The Miwlav Tlmti i
l.onilini, Apill .'9- I'axsitrts
some of tho ncwspapeis seem to
United States Must Fill
Gaps in Allied Ranks
tonllnued from 1'nre (Ine
that will end the war 'iron decision
can only be arrived at b the destruc
tion of the Allied foices in th field
before fresh units contributed from ad
ditional levies In Prance and Great Brit
ain, as well as by our own troops, can
tat-e up their iwsltloii In sutllclcnt num..
hers jo turn the German successes toi
defeat - I
Trer, follows the warning tint Amer-j
lea must be readj to supplj many men
tor the struggle I
rtevlewlng the mllltar operations of
the week, the statement pointed out that i
the pout hern end of the front had been
well held, but that the Plunders re
Kkn was less tat'sfactorj ' Mlllt.io
men set the dangerous possibility that
the Irtish will be forced to Meld the
vitally lmpoitant Vpre, and there. Is
even some fear that the Teuton will
reach the ( liannel ports It Is a moot
rujestlcii as to whether the dispositions
west and northwest of Vprss are such as
a thwart the onward progress ot the I
liorl e j
C ncernlng the battle of rudthonrev
Involving the American forces, the state
meat said
"On n. frontage of approximately three
Jf'tometcrs in the vicinity ot Setchepie)
th ei.ciii) swept over our front lines
Our men were driven out of the village,
wltle tha enem) was ablo to hold tem
poraTll During the night, the Geimans
evacuated tho positions taptuied and
we iv ere able to reoecupy our original
front lines. Along the Meuse, our troops
lertt en: another raid "
The sutnnmrj added that pressure
nishi't the American sector northwest
of Toui Is Increasing.
Ihe chance of an Austrlun offensive
arlnst Italy was again noted
Farm Onre Occupied li Allegcil Slacr
of Girl 1 Hcinp Searched
liil.ewniiil, V !.. April 29 Seuich bv
the local authorities failed to disclose
the bodies of two women who disap
peared while living ut n farm near
here once occupied bj Hehnuth Schmidt
who committed suicide at Detroit after
he bad been arrehttd on tho charge of
murdering a New York girl ho hid nut
through a mitrlmonial advertisement
I'or sW hours men grappled with
books In a well whire the authorities
thought Schmidt might have hidden the
bodies If he murdered the women, as
suspected by the New York police To
diy nn expert well-digger will descend
and make a closer health
Montana Will Make an Effort to ft a he
More From Iu Supplj
Montana may cease to look to the
wftslem coast for her fish supply nnd
produce much of it herself under plans
DOW considered b the State Fish and
Game Warden and the State food ad
ministration. ,(am "Warden J L llelluit, In a
Uer to Alfred Atkinson, State food
Administrator declares that Investiga
tion has disclosed the presence In the
-waters of the State an 'abundance of
M arm-water fish, carp. ling, suckers and
A treat many psrch, which may be taken
frith a setne and put ou the market.
The Game and Klah Commission has
consented to shipping the fish out of the
State, to help meet tho food situation
in the East, Mr Dellart soys, during I
thsj war
New Members for K. of "C.
ts)die. I' April : Ninety-si'
ifeanibera wrn initiated Jo to thecJCnUhts
ctliisabus, third dfKre In be Audlto-.
, t st, awn's,chitr.cft.rcejftHynday
4kMTr wm exemiiHfisd bf Dlsttlrt
Geurs v, luUoaernk of Slouch
Wife of Movie Mar Denies Rei on
(ilialiou Through Adress bitua-
tion Uiu hanged
New rk, April Ji When a dispatch
from I.os Angelet- i al . containing u
"peislstent tepoit in l.os Angeles the
home of peislstent reports and motion I
picture factorlts that Mr and Mr
Douglas r.ilrbauks had been leconclled ,
and that Miss Maiv I'lckford had been
the peacemaker was read to Mrs I'alr
banks esteiday, she laughed
"If the situation had any humor In It
that report would be icalls funny," paid
Mrs. Palibanks 'Mr I'abbanks and
mjt-elf are not leconclled The situation
Is the same as when 1 announced that
we bad decided to sepirate Neither Mr
Pairbanks nor Miss I'lckford saw me or
communicated with ine when thev were
In this city recentl 1 have not thought i
of taking further action such as effect- I
ing a legal separation, but be ccitalu '
that Mi Fairbanks and mvself aro not
reconciled and w 111 not b" '
Zeelirupge Haul Wins I'laudiU of Inter-'
Allied bea Counril '
Purl", April J!) Important decisions i
were taken at the closing sittings of the
InteAAllIed Naval Council, with a
lewr to obtaining closer collaboration
between the Allied naval forces and In- i
tenslfjlng their Joint action The foi. J
lowing resolution was proposed by i
Georges I.eygues. French Minister of
Marine, who presided and was adopted-
'The Inter-Allied Naval Council ex
presses Its admiration for coolness,
daring and splendid courage displayed
In the British navy In the attacks on
Ostend and Zeebrugge and for the ra
pidity with which It gained Its objec
tives, despite the Immense difficulties of ,
the enterprise and the desperate resist
ance of the enemy." '
Iniitlmie.l from I'wce line
WvLLACi; ' WtNTUn, Jit, coipoial,
PISAVi'lS UAHNnb private.
Al.VIV W GOUDON, plivat.
DAVID P I.1XDGP.GN. pilvut.
DAN'IHt. i: .MPP.DOCK. private
Wll.I.lAM J (IBIUHN Pilvutc
MG1.V1N P JSICi:. private
JOHN" J UV.AN, prlvaU
llllll of VVlHIMlU
CIIAltl.KS J HI.AN'KFonP, cmpninl
giii:gop. i'm:gi.oglm piivote
tiled if DlKeiiKe
JOHN TVYl.OB, corporal
oP.VAI. 1'IKU private
IVOItY GAXIBLi:. private
JAMr '' Gi:i'Ni;it. prhati.
JI.SiR ll HGWITT, private
HOMi:o NADUAP, ptlvute
MUItMN' I'ltOi'TOU. private
WILLli: SI.MJlo.VS private.
AltTIUT. J bTi:Vi:N'H, pilvutt
llled iif c tilenU
JOSUI'H KILVM'IS MISUt;i.l., pilvate
FllANK OSIIOIIN, private.
llled Oilier ( muri
JOHN V COX, prlvute
VMerelv VVollllded
Wi:SL,i:V 11 Bl IITON corporal
MAX HOBIJHT BCIlKi;, private
DIGO I.flS COimi:TTJi:it. private.
JOK I.i:TO. private
STAN1.HY Mi:iDOWSKI, private.
P.OBI.V MOUlti: pilvate
THOMAS It MrMvlJIl. prlvat.
II.MAM O DHl.t. private
WAI.TKH I ItOCND private
sIlKlitlv VViillllcli-il
HGBBKUT A .('HASH, lieutenant
JAMKS J Fl.A.VAGN' Ueutennnt.
UOBKItT HAYi;s, lieutenant
WII.l.IAM J KII:VV1:NAI:I!. Ileutcn.
WII.l.IAM H O&noR.V, 'leiitenant.
JOHN" It ItATAJPZAK. lieutenant
UAJ.I'II BOVIi: seigeant.
HOWAHD I. Bl ItHI.V. seigeant
JOHN r, tloPKIN" sergeant
WIU'ItHD B JOHNfeON". sergeant
WII.l.IAM I. KNOX seigeant
( HAHI.l U STItlBI. teig.tint
THOMAS J I.HH. corporal
CUHTIh P BAN"K, wagonei
I'l-AIIlIXCi; AXDHUbOX pi lv ate
PItANK II GBPMI', private
GKORGi: d'AMGI.IO, private
APSTIX 1 UI.Y, private
WILLIAM A llXGLIhll, private
IlOMP.O K I.APi:ilIi;rtn, private
STHPHUN" I.OHKNTI. iirlvate.
GKORUi: MCRI'HY, private
JOSHPH I.. IUTCHIK. private.
CHARI.KS (' WATbON, private.
MUnlliC In Artlon
'ARI. HOLST. private
Thrie Is no denving tint the lo-s
nf ICcmtiitl hill Is a consldetabln
tactical ucceis foi tho cncni, and
It will be well t hire fore to pitpire
fm thi' lectipt of other dlsagiccablo
news. If the cticmv Ik able to extend
Ills gilp on Kcmnu'l we mnv be toni
pelleil to evacuate v. prrs Such evac
uation would not lnevltablv entail
tho iibandoumeut of Dunkhk Calais
and Houlogne but it is well to leal
le th it thceo coiiscnueiicts might
ensue W r must icmenibei tint tho
Germans cannot win the wai bv tho
occupation of ptes anduho Chan
pel ports.
The llvpnlns; N'cws in N'oitholiffo
paper) said last night
Tho tapttno of Kcmmel hill tm
doubtedlv Is a useful htcp In the
direction of Calais and Boulogne,
nnd It Is iranklv admitted tint Its
loss Kuivcly Impel lis 'ipres We
hope and believe the Channel poits
will b savttl Vl we must face the
fact that theli loss comes within
the lniifre of oontinKcneics to bo
lt.ltontd with nnd we have alieady
made up our minds tlut even if the
vvmst should come to the woit it
will make no dllfcinue to out viff
nraui piosetutlon of the vvut.
- pence ncgoiiaiions wuit the iiussiau , , . . , 'O""."
v digginc trenches and put "Ian Government proposing that the.v IllS lllOtllCr UOCS lllOSt of his
Ing fiom a hint fiom Germain which tweiltv-fnnr ln vv if. ,!.
needs all the Tuiklsh troops It can oh-i LrC1U I(?Ur' il,s' ",,c "0CS.
Gcinniis are o Inouslilous the dlgltal ' liXCCDt IOT tllOSC Sl" VearS '
f I his dispatch the tlist rtcelved fiom , tllC beSt H tO Sell 1110!t
Petiogtad since early In the month L. c J ..
shows the unsual delai in cable news tlllllgS) 10T a 111311 IS tO Sell
fiom Russia J hjs womcn fol-s A d .,
.rSn ,rh.u isD,,,-'bcst ay to Ho that is to ad-
London I iincs.'iioic rdger Vn ire
Co;.yrifllil M e'iic.fe. ftiun to,
Hrilish Iliaihiiiartcrs. Aptil 29
There is continuous Ilglitmg, of which
tho chief centc- a- Heien l.ocrc
mind itself can tell vvhctlici &o far
thu piogicsH has been at a satlhfactoiy
late In propoitlon to tho losses.
Wo know- the pncm Is still pushing
In new divisions It appeals that In
mot cliboiatc defenses to' a twentj-fom-
houis' eover At somo points
their advanced positions uie held by
only shell hole machine-f,im defenses
An extraordlnaiy incldcn occutied
to u liiitlbh ah plane a shuit time ago
H was a tuc-patei and It gave
bittle to an enemv maihlnc, which
was shot down and crushed After
the bittle, which took pl.n e just ovei
tho lines neai Anas, oui airplane
was seen going' olf to the bouthwaid,
appatcntlv onlv paitlallv utidet con
trol it dlsippeaied, Whetc it went
'heiciiftei will nevei be known, but
noro than two houis later the same
midline crashed to earth twenty
miles behind out lines The petiol
lank was emptv and both occupants
had been dead fcomo time apparently
killed bv the f-ame bullet lit the
opinion of experts this luaihiiio had
flow n li.v itself at leist two hours with
two dead men in II until the petrol
hehiK I'Vliiiustcd, It swiiiib off In
a creal tircle over unknown lands
and had. In behind its starlinj; plate,
as boats have been l.iiown (o sail
Willi sheet, made fast and a dead
man's hand on the tiller.
lnrl, Apill 20 "i lie J'lench War Of
fice has given cut the following
In tho couise of the night there was
violent ai tiller lighting notth of the
Avie and In the region between I.as
stgnv and Nov on North of the
.'lieniln-deajDanics we made two suc-
ces-ini raiu on tne lieiman lines and
V counter
ev liable and will be tho direct result of VCl'tlSC 111
inioierauio couuuions crcaietl in tlie
Holshevlkl, according to 1'iederlrk Jf
Corse, an Ameilcau, who leached this
port vestcrday aftei sixteen yeliis' itsl
dence In 1'etrograd
JIi Coser, who Is accompanied b his
wife was the gtncral lepresentatlve In
Russia of the New A ork l.lfo ItiMiianec
t'ompanv He said he and his wlfo left
Petiograd In a partv of fifteen twelve
of whom were Americans, when life
theie became absolutelj unheal able, In
The Maqazine In
' On Million Homes
' -t -' .... . -,1 t .nnl. nf tliaun it.. t t If. ..!. An nttnnlr iitn.
:iiii i inn nn ti ii v l i iiii iil iiivv. t tut ivi'tniiii'i n v ii iiiii-ii: iiiuien, iiuia
places mlnoi positions ehaiiRcd hands divisions In all weio iifced nf which -j,e yrPtK lepulsedGerinant-
moie than once On the whole, the live weie new. namely, tJie lhlitcentli, tacks made aftei spirited bombard-
...P.r.t tbVliti c has been in favor of Mntteenth i eyerie divisions, and the ments. northwest of ithelms and In
1 iV, 1.1.1V ntt -sixth mid LMJd divisions and the the wctors of , Mllll., ,,uilc,na
UAboutlSM..ttc..en Austia.lans a,e ffi'Vl .hoi'i.thf Kc,mUrh1 -lid JiSV'r "" 'C'
XLVKLd0!? Pr-e1 W nMlh -. Ke'.lllnU ttWd Hie , I- .Hh. onicia, lepou sa5.s me.elv
have worked their wav to the veiv io inn uii mo mjiuh. ; "'i- "'iui.. nuinoaiuments fn
outsklits of Metaien The place Is The Flench had agiiust them near
verv stronglv held, too Tho Alls. Ilaneard one new divisio'i as wedl as
tiullan parties bv itevei woik have elements of the rotitth Giiaul lhsatz
pushed the German line hack In this below theie Theie Is not the small
section of tho fiont. est sign theiefote that the Geimans
The Germans have eon bilnfrlnn i,e (blackening- oi beginning to icgaul
un new divisions and n number of their resomtes of men as otliti than
guns on both Hides now nio nusestl unlimited. At the &ame time, we
ir. mndlcinim iiuatititics In all vll know that laige diafts of the 19IU
llleis uretonneux to the Lute
and m the region wct of Novon
Silver Compotes
Handsomely designed and
of a weight which will give
everlasting service.
Among thc many desirable
patterns is one of sterling sil
ver, beautifully hand - chased
and pierced height thirteen
inches $165.
S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st.
lages, while loads and other centeis
behind the Hues ate almost con
tlnuously shelled The Geninns es
pcclillv have been phelliug; from nil
tho successive heights behind Mont
Kcmmel hack to Mont Dcs Cats
vvhllo from the hinall towns bevond
thev have been dienchlne 'he ruins of
Yptes with gas.
i Toe Pavs Dcarlv
class aie now coming In to leplace
the iccent hisses. The icuults of
this class list Mimmi'i weie found to
bo mj bad that thev were taken avvav
from this front and sent to Rusa.
Hovs of eighteen aie now doing; sti-
rlhon uut nntl lieiiuan oovs in m-v-
entcen hive been muhteied In thei
iccent fmther comb out munition fac-
torles in Saxony, It Is Mild have i
vlclded anothei 10 000 men to the I
i flf The Francesca Plauer-Piaiio if!
Of ' .IK)
The outstumhrnj fact of last week's colors. Get man piNoneis 119 by no
operations was the captuie of Hem- means sure that the offensive is a
1 mel hill 1S tho encmv and tho pi tig- success, nenlv all being piofoundlj ,
less ho has made on tho 1 Tandem Impiesstd b tho tenlblo character of
fiont. It would be foolish to attempt the lossts.
to minimize tho lmpoitance of these
gains, but It ma bo worth vvhllo to
consider them In their 1 elation to tho,
field as a whole? Tho entire opeta
tions hero constitute an attempt bv
the Germans to attain ccrtuln definite
Twcnl.v live Miles 'vet to Go j
it would bciiscless to tiv to assess
the diiett Importance of the Cciman
pi ogress in Flanders, Slnto thc be-
inning lie lias maue an extreme gain
noi taut Ik his obvious tin eat to take
Ypres This Is of impoitunce from n
sentimental lathei than a leal stand
point At certain other pans of tho
iccent hattlefront tho Germans have
rottsvllle. l'a.. April 29. Senator
Kdward 12. Beiaieman. of Harrlsburjr.
after making u. canvass of tills region
In company with Auditor General
Phsvlta & Untrils)! 1lars,' l.l .!
tie nee of cany In if the coal region for the
Governor over John IV K. Scott, of
Mr Snyder also predicted Beldleman's
success, notwithstanding the fact that
Mr Scott is backed by raul W. Ilouck.
Secretary of Internal. Affairs, of this
y, ma county vnairnisn a. b.
WARN LOAN m.Ark!l.ns
Bl.,,kln. P... April 29-Shamokln's iiLT0"?. J M1.
i.ioerij jxan committee, or which State
Senator William C McConnell Is chair
man, has Issued notice through the local
newspapers that on Saturday of this
week the committee will publish a
"slacker list."
Included In the list will be the names
of every resident of sufficient means to
warrant buying a Liberty Bond and who
has failed to do so At the same time
Ihe committee will publish as - supple
ment to the local newspapers the third
list of "honor citizens" those who have
bought bonds
finis which must be attained within of something more than six miles from
measurable limits both of tlmo and W11 ueton to bejond Kcmmel, 01 eight
e.xpendltuie of meit. miles trom a starting point ut Anncn-
Though the enemv losses in tho 'h.'" ,to "b(0 "jl"cul He has
Kerawil aicv were ve.v gieat. the abou tweiitJ-llve miles mote In this
I ground won may be wo.th the losses, dltectlon to go in an air lino to Dun-
urn nm tbev vvoith the tota osses in '" "".1 ." '"" "ll,",ra' ""
all paits of the battle areas' During
the week the Geimans mado their
very costlv attempt on the line from
1 Villcih-Uretonncaux. to tlauguid It
! was an overs mgulne estimate to
place tho uiimbei of prisoners In this
1 affair at a thousand Those taken by
the Ihitlsh only amounted to some 1
300. As the French also took some I
the total wilt not fall far short ot a'
thousand As has been stated the
I fighting wus singular!) fierce and tlie
1 number of prisoners taken weie un
I usually small In piopoitlon to the
I euem)'s losses In addition, the Ger
mans mado two Ineffective attempts
I against out line north of tho Somme
.near Salll). both of which were com
pletely ciushed by rllle fire Here
again tho Australians sny their losses
I were extrcmel) hear), as In such'
I cases thes commonly aro
I Tho enemy ulso HUffeied badly In j
1 his operations in Aveluy wood nnd ,
Houzlncourt. where the Welsh troops I
1 fought well Finally, all his mlnoi
I operations which are all he attempted ,
In tho Hobecq Utvincliy area since nis 1
disastrous fiasco of April 18. have ,
trained him nothinir but tho loss of
liven. Surveying tho field ns a whole,
the drain upon German man power In
all these episodes must be reckoned 1
as offsetting tne uerman gains in
To Crush Itrlttsli Army
Uo)s Drowned in .Mine Breach
VVIIkea-IUrre, !'., April 29 The
combination of mine cave and neglected
mine drains caused the death by drown
,ns. "Jf, .or5e '('"fi seven )eara old.
and Writer Ifplnsky, eleven )ars old.
both ot Warren street. Parsons.
With several companions the boys went
to It cave to play, and when they found
It filled with water they attempted to
make A raft of the. hrntrAt, ,...,.
Llnets and Laplnsky fell from the planks J
Huct ustwt. .... vjen ut tncir lime friend
But It Is understood that the Ger
man high command has undertaken
to crush the British army and reach
the Channel ports with losses not ex.
ceedlng a million and a halt of men.
Whatever estimate we may cnoose-10
make, it Is certain that the casualties '
already consume a measurable propor-.
Hon of that number. It -is accepted j
now as fall ly axiomatic that either 1
side can capture any position provided
he lias guns enough and Is vyllllng to
spend sufficient mon. We have always 1
succeeded In our formal attacks, how.
ever, against strong positions and it
looks as If the Germans can do the 1
tame. But the Germans have burned I
tip men a we never areanea 01 uoing, 1
Founded 1865
Life and Trust Company
of Philadelphia
Selecting the
Provident as the
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Trustee of your
estate eliminates
the unpleasant
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quently arises
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Fourth and Chestnut Streets
Francesca Player-Piano
opens new realms
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Music is one of the greatest sources of happiness and content.
And today the wonderful art of music is YOURS. Through the
inventions of the great Aeolian Company tlie world of music is thiown
open to you.
One of (Jie finest pioducts of this organization is the Francesca
Player-Piano an instrument made especially for C. J. Heppe &
Son in the same factory and under the same rigid supervision as
the Steinway and Weber Pianolas. It is a marvelous instrument.
And all its vital features are protected from imitation by the Aeolian
With the Francesca you may play the world's best music. It
gives you the technique of a master a playing ability that is sure,
efficient and comprehensive. This great instrument, beautiful in
design and finish, wonderfully sweet toned and responsive to your
varying moods, will add much to your life. Its value cannot be
measured in dollars although the price is very moderate, $475.
Settlement may be made through our Rental-Payment Plan,
which applies all the rent toward the purchase. Rental terms as low
as $2.50 weekly. Call, phone or write for full details and catalogues.
' $475
1117-1110 CHESTHUT ST.--6IHt5t.THOMPSOIxl,STS.
i 3
vtern uv,v.icu. -tncir uooies were
covered. ' u
. 5mne; no one but Uie German hisl coins