Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 29, 1918, Postscript, Page 5, Image 5

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f,onlc " Kral Riclricts En-
I- iliusiasticall buppoiting
Third Libcity Loan
Secretary Calls for Redoubled
Efforts in Remaining r ie
Das of Campaign
hlcaRn, April 2 I
j.(rfBnK hi" 'rip through tlin Smlli '
Jojthwfst and Middle Wpst, Hci rPt irv
(Xioo ocet ppili1 praise fnr tho j
4irt elven Hip "ill d I.lbertv lin
farmers and tnllwnv emploves TIip
E '....M.nt fnllml s In full
Hninr jut completed n trip through ,
IK South ami southwest ilurliiR which
I have iltrl "'in in ddle-slzed cities
inJ tonne I h-n ,,pf" dppplv Impressed
Vilh the cplpu'l"' will. Iiplns performed
j Llbertj I ".in workers ovorvvxhero
VheftrniT" "f Hi muntrv nnd the pen.
plillnnR in Hi' H-" dcti-ely popplatcd
btricls have supported the thlnl Lib
(rtj Loan with unusual .ffect, nnd tlielr
nbscrlptlons in nuinv of tlip aKrlculttirnl
ftil" l,av "" ",' been hlRhlv en-I
jouraclnir Inn Mn Hut tlip farmers nf .
tl Lnitcd 'ii ps m i wakening to Hip I
pailt) nf 'h " i' nil nrp ilftprniltipil
(j buck i'ipip loimln In the limit In
this irrcai tikkI fr hutnm llbertv
J hope Hip fnnni "III imtllmr- their
pod work I nni n prouil, loo, of
lb tplcndid .il tin olll.ors anil eni
loyn of Hip inlrnids of Hip I'nltcd
ttitts aiP tlnintr fin Hip third I.lbertv
tow. Thr r ptitlms ism .uul ln)n!tv
lire bren innpn nous In fait, nil
(xes of Hip ppnplp pvprvwliPre I hive '
lbn are shnuini; a wnndeiful Ptitlnis- I
fVtm and a dpcrcp of Milrltod sunnnit im.
ftqualfdl In PilhPr Hip first or second
(Lberty tan ninpilKnt
Cl(le Muni Intpiisirt WittK
i 'The people if Hip bin il Ir-f excellent
It their efforts fnr tin tmti have Iippii
trill hmc to Intenslfv Hipii work tn rival
the results IipIiir n. hi. veil In Hip smaller
,loirn and mumix distil, ts
' I ha)e visited town after town anil
county iftpr couniv . -i !i! h during mv
ra) pr iniiiii di.iip' nfterwird .iunl.is.
hate been pi- pi! , tilhuslastlc illv nnd
life vtorl. h.i Iippii rmtlniipil with tin
Cmlnlshed mc i iii'I splendid Inv.ilti
iDie fuinilniPtii f niini is Ii.ik Iippii onlv
;ihe flgnal fm rrdnulilPd (Torts
The people f (Iip 1 Til tnd sections nf
jthe countrv up m-t lis ilptPrnilnpil tn
i R(ht this war fnr I.iliPit and for the
tlndlcatlon of Hip rights nt AhipiIpi to
I victorious , otiilulnn as arc Hip peopln
'tf the Atlantic ihp I'lolflo and the tJulf
Vaboards It 1- Indeed n linrtcnlne; thins
'to travel through ihp nmntrx now and
.observe the ln.iitv thp spirit of self-
ilicrlftce nnd tin del. i mined purpose, nf
the people grneiallv Thp soul of Amer
ica Is awake iiunke with .in Intensity
fnl a units vvliuli pells thp doom nf
jnllltar dppouni mil the triumph of
porld democracy
I "Only six iiiip nr tlip thlid Liberty
lean camp-iign rein iln The $2, Odd -
110,000 marli has Iipi n picppd but
(early J1 nnn nun nun leuialns ti lip
effed If ilte nilfnn i tn tpiii h Hip,
minimum of Jl onn nun nun set fnr this
fcan. Amrri i will nit l s itlsllnd with
Ihe minimum This u . innnt lie wnn
tfth m!ntmiin. I In Is i w.ii nf 11111.
Irauma Tlip soldur mil thp i-allnr kIip
the maxfniuni fnr thru lountry Mhen
ttey ale Hipir hps The a U 11 poptili-
IUot must en thp iiiixlmiini nKn Hut
toey 00 lint hue to Klvp thPlr 11ms to
Jo to Tlie rm Rn tlin unslniuui bv
Hersubeilbinc run l.lbprtv l.onn by
producing nml jirorlm Inp tn the limit,
the Ihlni-? rr.Miiitf.il tn kiiul.iln niir niiiiler:
fk the field
1 ITorU Musi lie ICnlnti lite.) j
"Durlne the mnilnlnc (lp dais of
lie canipalgn 1 r irnevtK hope that the
linen, women and rlilldrrti nf tlin nation
numron nitinsPiips into tmi nattlo ror
.liberty wnh tin whnlp.hpaited en
LVjslasm and pi lf-acrtni'p dlFplard by
lur noble-snidiprw and mtlors lfforti
oust be redoubled .HI alone Hip line
Plt! Inil n. lAimliui in. I C.,.au .. hUt I
v-v( .viiit iouiii.. .Ill) ...l..n ...ll.ii
llr. r.lt-j.,1, . ...!., . II 1 il..l
"'t aui.iii. 11. i-i iiiumi ii'mii iiii'II
luotas thould inntlnue theli efforts with
Jnabatlnit VlRnr Trose who are ntlll
.latEtne behind should timl must i.lttll
IvD dtlfpl'll nnrl llim. i-r. mi .. n. Llrif tn I
'the erj last mniute of tlie i.impiign '
in us nose on Mav I thp people or '
America must nd a thundeiouH mes-
IMje to nur defpndprs on lind .mil e-e.i I
yn me .ire ri hkIIiik liclilnil them with
'II of then r -oiircei and with the ln-
l"ii re'oiuiinn io see mis ir nn
Ijshed with Hip finish of the kaiser's mil
itary defpnilsin
I America Ins neier failed tn do anj
Ireat Job wb 1I1 sue hn undert.il.i n and
he will not fail now It cer one does
)li full dutv We must InavIK oir
ubsfrlbe the third l.lhi rt ,1-oan and
jre nolire on ttie Kaiser and his mll
Jtary autoi rai i tint Ameilia will llcht
Jntll donniKda If ncresi ar to Miure
nberty and Jusihv. foi thewoild '
i Mr Modno will lslt tho Oreat fil.rs
tllal trairlnir i-Mmn lo.lTi nnd then
Will depart I01 ijii.nd Itaplds, Mlih
I Mutt hncrlllrr tn In the llnr
At a ma.s meelliif- lkl iiltlil Mm I.e.
Ihote of Ihe Serietm h appeal was that
line Amenp-iti ppople must sacrlflco In
ptery way if the war l.s tn bo won, be
Jtause our nrnn and nax cannot sm-
ireea unless b.u ked up bj tho active co
operation and assistant 0 of tho lUlll.m
'The war ran onI be won by pacrl-
,ce. ne deilaied If tho war In to bo
on some one elfo besides our soldiers
BUSt makH R.ieflPau
a ttratuio of the sacrifice tint the
people must make he deilarcd, tluy
pust not demand n hlclirr and still
n'Sher lato of tnteretit 'Wo don t Lire
I canllnAniii.i.ii i.n ..n n i.......
t "ii.iiinimiini .hit tain .it iiuciiov
Bi' ho "aid Ameili.tn iatrlntltm Is
kVOt meaHUlf n hv Ihe rale nf Intetest hilt
&y the elzo of the hearts of tho Amcrl-
n People -
S-The head of the Trousury hhowed that
III InPreaiA .e rra-fmfH nt 1 nnc .nnt
'. -..-m..TW yjk uilt:-v.li .i t a I 'S I ..Hi
Jn the Interest rate palU uould add a
burden ol tnnAnnn .. tn imnti 4hn
American people 01 of $10,000,000,000
urlne the llfo of the bonds 1 his udded
aywden, ho tald, Mould forro up the cost
IH'lvlne, and If rontinutd Increases were
,ae would break the back of tho Amcr
jjjto people to pay It
PJA olce from tho gallery shouting nt
Jhla point, "We 11 make tho Kaiser pay
i?i" raised thunders nf nnnlnuse
Wl would gladly hao the bonds pay
M0 per cent In that cat'e." retorted tho
ijker, to lonllnued applause
The greatest demonstration came
lhen ihtk La.wntiis... ntnH v.lillni. I hft
Ktlaer's declaration of unrestricted sub
Rapine 'warfare, In which two essels a
!?elc Were permitted to cross to Kngland
W fly the American flac nt their stern.
PhOUtr.d "T Unl. T..l.nH fnR tttla
u, r iiii( iiiu ivnioii iui iii.
woo; permission to fly our flan on these
LtWO shins 1. ...A ..III nil a fitn.
., -. . .Ull VD ..111 u ......
JO, PrMlece of fblne the American Hag
'fy tho aoernment bulldlntr In Ber-
neadinit Oflice Rullilinz Hums
ViiimlDiton, April 2 Fire,, probably
y oy a sparjt from a locomotive,
jv niPl destroyed a frame oftlco build-
, peioncimr tn lh Phll.vinhla and
Wlnaf YlAllUMlW r.n.nnO Irt tnm WMA
rf ( Tn?: .''' -"...,.-..,... ."--
J ."'' ,0BS waB prQuapiy aouvii(
Heading rather GtcT" Children
5-prtt..'. r T..-- .
--... ki mcir country
liendlnir, Vn . April !) ,TpP
A W.aiir steel wnrk'i. i, 11,, , V '
ffirl R,,co" & - A
Weaver sile-man In the tnvv 1
Congressman Asserts the
Virgin Islands Are Ur-
lots as Naval Bac
COST WAS S2S,000,000
V iishtnelnli, prit 1
Old the I nltpd StatPS buv a pib in t
poke" when It piid lipmnarl. JC", nun nun
for the Vlrttlti Islands fnrnierlv known
ns the Putih West lndlps' ihls iue
tlnn Inq artspn in CnnL-rpM frnn. ih.
J denhorn. Loiii-i.nt.i Million-
lire. Scied in odiliuii
j I'rnnsianlsm In Its most hateful form
and nmountn to seditious treason belnar
I tn effect prn-dermnn propatrnnda of the
most puniiinp insidious nnd ilemnrnlirliiK
tort to t.ie moralp of the Amerlcnn
people hnviiiK Hip direct effect of sow-
Ini: sppiIs of distort! dlmontcnt and
tintnd acalnst a great novernment with
iv limn we are associated In bonds of
1 11 fieri) love"
Prntpfflnii Never Den'eil
Referring to IMenborn's plea at the
Americanization meethiK fnr nrotectloi
I tit citizens of (irininn descent the reso.
lVniPYWT lutlon said
HM.Mt.rl All 1 TIip rlcht of iirntrctlon to neron nnd
Pfniiertj never hns been denlpil to per
sons of (iprmaii dpscpnt by Aniprln or
New Orleans, April 2! On nn nltl- Its peopl" and nevrr lias bien rpfuscsl
fin v it rhaiKlnir vlnlntlnn of tlie psplnti. Wllllnm IMmborn, nltltmitrli his speech
ngp net Willi nn Kikuhorn. piostdent and isinduet In this coniniunltv during
if the I oulslani It.lllvvnv nnd Nnvlim- Hip great ronfligr itlnn In l.urnpe havenl
nmi t'ompanv nnd a nrtturnll?oil rill, most tlnns been Iniillous to the best In
"en nf ilprmun birth, vv.m nrmsted tiv tirrst of this countrv, as evidenced liv
fippnrtineiit nf .Itlstlii' ngPii's "t n,M "rlllngs In Ihe public pros de-
"h evvsluiiv l.i nnunnnc the siie and shipping of muni-
scrlptlon of 12 SO to the V M P A wr
fund, which he subsequently raised to
(25. although ho enJoj'B the reputation
of being the wealthiest man In I,ouls-
Assistant District Attorney Nicholas
t'allan nniiounced that I'denbqrn'a r
rest rnn Independent nf action taken foj? '
the committee. Ilejond this statement
the Federal authorities declined to com.
111,111 1.1, fl.n nra.a.
. U. ,...- unci. . Lj
Kdenborn. founder of the American V"'..
ftecl nnd Wire Comnnnr. now n nar of j . , t
tho tTnlted States fitcel Corporation, hasr t
been referred to as "father of the wire ,i
Industry In America," having erected' t-5
mills and produced wlro In 1170, three ' JH
J ears after he came to tho United States 1
rrom his birthplace, Westphalia, rrus- 'Jl'
sla " .
i ,
V... I ..-I. . I, nn M.I. . ' I
.ini in it, rfiprn . j iieonoro i". i
1 hcnilorr I. MioiiU Is III
Tho nucst fnllovvpil u mnetlriR lifro tlnns In tin penpli nf thp fulled Ktatps ' Rhonts, president nf the Intcrborough
l'prsons passinp n store at 1t10 Wost Susquchnnn.v nvonuc h.ne been aHmcted lv the .uranccmfnt if
colored rfrps which form the interlocked fines of t he I nited State, and 1 lame The li-pln vv s
ntTanced In Abrnh ini I Hernmci. matiacoi of the stoic
uirclnsures bv H(prppitatlve fidgett
isiinus are useless ns a mini hnse (
Hip use to which the tuajnrlt) of thp
American ppoplp bellpvpd thev would be
put when the treitv was negotiated
Members nf nngresn who believe
that Oik i-Hnds were purchiRPd pn
maillj fnr their vtiiix as "ieil pstnte"
ni as the slti n' n great naval bao
t" Child tin- apprnncms to the Carlb
bein Sou, are Inclined tn inquire fui
Hipi Irto the vnlup of the ptirrhnse
Vdmlnlstr.ltlnll lenrlers dppHro lh.it
the Navy Department did not nrgottiio i T15 ' -NAtMWN of Mlttd-Curop
the imrthnsn nf the islands that the I i-J famp. makes In tho ossisrhp 7.i
vrTTZXZ H.ng a strnng appeal for . M..,le,
tho fnlted States miv be greater than m',n PPn"nili' union as the best menns
surface conditions Itullcite
Dr. JSiuiiiiaiiii. of "iMiltel-Kniopa" Fame, flrehit - Outer Cns
toni Willi Must SiiilSn for All Central Muiope
to raw miterlals or the smircen of
imw i r
'To tuki llunmiv ns an example,
what n diffen nee It would make tn lipr
mngninpent fnrestr If timber maiuifnc
ttirp for the whole of Cintrsl nuiope
werp rairlpd nn nt tin Ir vtiv edge
That alntie would titnp einlgl al mil oi
what wonderful possibilities ate opened
nf the epi utlve romiiilttci of the Nn lo I'ran
tnnml Sp. uiltv Lrvtiii . Iiiiillslnmi rc- tn tin- ml
mi at . bli h i rKnllitiiins vvme adopt
et i linuii te ilng alleged titteinni ps
Idenbiiiti nt nn Amnilinnlsitltin
ni"piing fif i Itl ons of tloMluin descent
list I'tld-iv nlpht ui ' sedltldiis trennii
icunst tin- t nited rttatt-s ami Its
I .
I di nh n n iiltn is spv nt. iiats ill
uul rpputi d to be maiiv ttnii j a intl
ti n nn w is taken Into t ustndv as hn
tipped from a train of tie rnvd n'
vvldi h he is pVesblent He was teimmi
to pliie tin" Inintlon of wliiih tin
lipihral ngpnts refused to dlvulgi
I . .. .
t'utl Vpperli "SfiMiInns I reii( n
The resolution ndoplnl b tin ,, -turltv
I.eagiiP inminlttpp nuoted 1 d'li
born as having snld nt the nietu inli
tlon meeting
"There bn In en much till, "f 'n-i
manv coming over here and nltael lug
the fnlted Ptntps W" l
have no fenr Hint Herman, win mr
nttaik the fnlted Statis It would til.
a maritime mtlnn tn do tint bei ms
merUa Is Mil rounded bv wnt i
America can look tn iiher cuintms fi i
and I nc ind his oppnsltlnn Hnpld Trnnslt CompanK Is III nt his
if nuriia in tin war. homo here Nothing hns been nn.
'its iitirii i id i iun support of the crltn- nniinccd concerning the nature of Mr,
h it lluis n ii m limn enemv who Shonts's illness but Frank Iledley
in Hindi tun l hnini s with intuit tn de general rmnager of the Inteihorough,
utrnj mus.a i ,,l B the tiort of stated his condition was; not consld
Nm en jit I i nun n ious cub- cind serious
in-ti filani,
ptil "t
rtlclpatlon In mnrk.ts .ve.v.hete at u" f,,r ""wsorv agncultural Industries m,v possible ntta.k- In '""''" J;
i in ii.. n... e ii. n iriim.s ir from entl n urtnln prime minister stit d
II since It Is Impossible tn . .iniblne I ,n "" ,,,"c, "' ,ho ""'""' lr r,rom Our nttlon l mlstrpss nf the spa Ins
such varied ilnmnlns without the labors 'ienee to Husseldorf and Hamburg there
of one of us being ousted ni absorbed are no i ustoms bairlers for spirits
hv the other That was the Point on u beaten products nnd preseris f.verv
of faring the dltll.ult situation that will clnc,rn. nf 10 , ocnlur, ,nt trBt '" "' '""' nd would corns Into
t.ermnii) MiintsTheiii romroir uie enirni rowers niii in- ,,, ,,.,,1-,. for example tn unite proinineni e n ai me prrseni nine ..v
........... ,.i. ,,, ,... , wn.r.. . . . I rgpntina, and Voith riermanv in one menns of antiquated methods onlv 12hl
UepresPiitatlve John It ar nf Af,,r ri.mnrklnc that II Is not a mat- , ,hP , m(,rK, mnmunlty bv one .hi ."4 bus ) can be obtained from a
-. innton IM . a member of the limine ter of satlsfvlng all the producers tmnu- . .. ' hectare ' - acres we nrn nmplv re-
aval Sffalis .'ommittee replving In fneturers and dealers In the u.untrles '"," ni" warded if e an nbtaln "41,1 hv brlng-
1..-1 .. ,.. ,i.i ,i,n I . ... .. . .. ... . i We mill ulreiili nssertpa Hint n n wariiril II VVPian nniain -fill ill nrillB
it i n-iiiiN ul iui" ..iji iiiiT-i.i.ii,-nn in inn rnnrpmpi I nniv ni T rpH.u u i.upi' ' " -
been mistress nf the sen and nlwaw vv ilf
be mlstrpss of the se-v
The speech is declared In the resnlu
tlnn "to hreathe the arrogant spirit of
. . ... a nf nriineini innniimi nun innnnrn rut-
'sliiuls fnr a naval Int-e decHred in tho ness turnover and sphere nf si'l.in s n ennsider a rusinnis ami ecnnomn rrnn- 1 ,. " .. , , IItInenran m-
llnuse mat i.crminv wouiu ne er)ivvnole and leaving to mniistriais 10 nrr mun nmi m i n-i Hrmn-n . - - ... ,,,, ,.,i ,.u ,,,.. .
Kiad to take Hum off the Innds nf th0l(,cfia ,,Pt)vi Htlll , , .,, n,.i t,nl f.urnpe and Itu.s.a and have al- '"K" "','' ''"' "J? "'!,, o , ;
United Mites nl. wnr; r i,le tn mat... .... of the ready added that such . frontier I.e. ; ''0'"m ,Zi ,t,lrs '
Tin tnvv iiiinronriatlon till! soon to bt. nnnnrmnin ..rrnii1,l them he enntinuns tvveen tlennanv nnd usti In-lluncai v is siores. implements ami iwim ,
considered bv the Senate carries an
npproprlitlon of junnnnn for eipemns
Incident to the occupitlon' and 'the
pticutlnn of the provisions of Hie act
requlrliiK ' tempnrnrv Kovermnent and ()ur icnnomlp sstem which detiem
foi other purposes
Inntiliv his developed that th t2M
Ti.n ,..i.in,i ..fm. 1 1... u u i utii have iti nur onlii on unfit ressatv for It would In n thousand ami one wins we cm
Its bitter ri onornli tinlibles wbh 1 will onlv act as a dlvidtnc line between cnun- effeit a vnluible adjustinr nt of the
i.re- innm i.iili iinnn ihe Centtnl tries which h.irtnntilre with eai h and treasures of the soil nnd tin fori es nf
Powers hitherto Isoli ed and hnvcottpt!
Imports will he dianel dr nnd ex
it iuted tn a ereatei extpnt than nnv
non Is IntPiided for the improvement of modern econnmlc ex stem e has ever brcn
s initarv mndltlnns on Hip Islands, the tIiosp who catrv on our Industrhs will
erection nf hnspltais etc and tho ad t is true heve mnnev in their pockets
ministration of Interna' Kovcrnment I but no w ni In theli storehnuses and
vvhleli on the vvhub tan onlv ciln labor or Pnimlal resnuins anil np
bv unrestrtitpd union i entral Kurope porlunllles and investment lUflcaclous
nlreidv pofesses closelv related cus- connections will bo established between
tnms tariffs mi easv of iiRxImll itlnn the dlstricls nf the Ithlne and Pinubc
Hint the outer eustnms wall mtKht serve which will benefit all who shiro In
for hfilh countries nnd the p-irtv wall them ilrnln vvnuld trivel up stream
be pulled down This p the sole plan coal down stream creative nun will
which has n future for it olonp cuar- heal the wounds mused bv the war and
The onlv appicciable Industrv of tin. no rapper In leserve The purihasinjr ntees thn advnntaeea bound up with nnkf' flnanie possible despite liurcdlhle
Islands ship tepalr has ceised owIiik power nf t'entral European mone has l)p crnlllon nf markets In this laso burdens Our rrowlnc minhonii will
tn the wnt there s vcrv little firmlnK increaslnslv diminished and tn addition wp mUbf ,1( utmnB to ,(,! Itl(1 ine or hsRin tlielr liff with a vvldu outlook
and fhaliman fanceit ueciaieu cue pco- tills monev win ne verv nmim .ira..n nol,nBi. for inf measures, the so-called
pic are In a deplorable inndltlon so upon fnr the purposes of taxation preferential tariffs. Impede intercourse
fas as resources, revenues and occupi , Mlltllll x-peement. Itnl wtth other economic States and lead tn
tlons are concerned and there Is i short- nalurill oivi-ton nnd Im reuse
nij.inf revenues ns i-ompirc.l with abso. With this mnnpv .d vvhleli he titer- n ,rrtorv nf the
lutely essential cNpendltu.es nitlonil vilun his so depreciated we of Hhnr
' iiiall h.ne tn make vprv expensive nur- nium
ihisps nnd that. 1no when there Willi ' Whoevei reflects what the removal
be far-reachlnc restrictions on piireh ise ()f the old i uslnms barriers Ins uipant
in such
Mlcnlnwn Girl Pi ml- riipri-licil llrare. '
let Jn Mi llitip I'ol I
llenlovvii, I'a , Apiil It i.iirdiii(r
to vvoid leceived in this citv the.
"Not ii I'roper I'laie
n.nl...nni,iii.a Miller nf M nnesoti
.":'... .:. .. ,. .... llcensp. and on circn snare in sucn for the extent of the tundern Oerman
- n .1 L-nuu rr f ii in rn i f i x. i rt i iififiirn -..-.--
nni u ...... ... ,,.,, . a tltuition sll unnecessin mnipetiMon empire can picture lo himself what , Tt cnsui v ncinrtntent it vv islilnctoi
III HIP ucvcinpiiiriii .' "i'- ""'. ..i.i. .,- ..Ill ...nnl lie molded nt anv ,l, rc-t il.imin. nml Vllstll.l. . . , .. ...... ,., .........
neclallv with icspeit tn continued ap- "" ""ii. "'"v , , I. , ,i,i;t , , ln '" rrceipi in ii unv kiiiu ini.ii.-i
liiHlns of ( l-onslderahb. sums , f - Th; "P.; S STJ,? ?n Z,, eX , " 'JT'AxTr
tiniiiiiiiii- iirmiurprN 111111 rfiiiisiiiiiri n - -- -.
t IIMM l.IT'II.l. l ifll.Xil
.. .. i IMP I til I It' IM I r iit-ciiiiii'i-i
purine dPlntc on iiih una appro in ii- - B,lnM ea.h othei in
turn mil nepreven mive iinin nrr.. mirkets Tn put tho matter
from nnirmin railKeit tne anmissinn tl, ,he m titer or transition Tron-
that the h-.rl.or at St Thorn . s not " Jnr m,.r ,, , nur mutual
lapible of development for a naval bise en,B or Uarrel over everv stnsle
"Ah to whether there v.nuld b any pun his. W e sh ill eilher
development at all has tint been .onsid J" ,,., ,,,,, fo, the dlstrllmtinn
cred " said Mr Padgett - c,rn hPa,, r trv to stial It fiom
The question tint was nskesl me tho h oth.
other div and which I answered was ' .. . , .,,, f,.pt ,)l(t rhcro lips a
as to the relitlve value of ndaplahllltv far Ktroneei i omnulslon toward
This Is tantumntint lo dnulitiltc the
possibilities of everv t-eund business of
an nciliultur.il or indiistilal uiltire It.
would also mean II is true and we
must not slilru the facts, that a num
ber of nrbltrarv emu cms indlv or
Kaulzcd lndlv placed ceocraiihlcalh
nnd artltlclullv sllmulated would p)
to the woll and would hive to be
turned to better purpose . but that
nf the hirhor at St Thomas for a nival commnn ecnnnmlc pollcv Hun Is patent vvnuld lie nn misfortune since even
has. Vompired with thers 1 slated . to Ihe looer-on lor mm winii. -
. .. ... .... .1 .. ..I. i...lllnn im nimnu is lint ill all
then thai at r-nmana a uicr.- a. .. .".....-. -';..,, nr
times moro prolnbl Itv a mere temnnraiv st ite ot
idinted nil affilrstolast onlv until the return of the p
idiptcd thin rnmiitons but It Hip b.Blnnhu; nf '""',"
nlace minx manv, mans
valuable nnd much better i
St Thomas lstln nrncerllire flip lllttlliatP dP
Jlut I am unonlelillj advised that XPi01,n,ent of wbiih no one nn fnreee
place for our present ..- said Mr Wl.i.e, '-nni, ved
Mlllei acvote ourselves to the IntrU ite lis .f
ln mv Judcment It Is not a proper rnnon-tnirtinc out economic svstcm
place to establish a naval base ' Mr eallir,t consideration of Hie m mil n
Padeett satd , umstancis shows tint hem efnrnid
"Tho sum tnried here Is JJO0O0O thern will ailuallv he ij ie.il Hit";1
continued the Minnesota mcnibei Whit econo.nl. "-'' l.,,h.nnn??.C.nr0.,,u.' bv
rcirth are we fioln, to spend Jr. ,000 to - ..""".Vnl'"?....'?
on tho Koviinment nf tho ii-land or bt contrnl or f.Ip and pun hasp and f iln
Thomas for ' .tnethniU extent and intuition nf in
Mr lMdcctl lepllcd Thn revenues I ,ut.ton No one vi ill welcome III s s,i ne
of tho llind of M Thoipii and thn I Ku irdi inshili but when does di nm
Vlrnln Islands efpcclillv ht 'Ihomis ask if It lb ivelcniiip'
o derived fromP.i ship,,.,,, There At.-j Zl "nel Z
ate nn Industries there to amount to ' .T'y.f n'aUInc common iiuse In resin
anvthliiB incept a llttlo mercantile '. , j pirtlillv huhnilttinc tn ship
"There Is quite a lot of t-hlp repilr "0,,trnl .if Its new .cnnnmlc life 'I bu
inr;" wtu be so cnmpllilv unavnidible when
There was. hu, this war h.s ahso I tho door of Intern itlnn.l Inlcicnurs is
,u.er inral,ed I and the people p.hero j on.- niore op'nedjhit all protest );
are In a drplorablo condition so far as J"e" rPl Tnls eeP!-sltv has lie n
lesouices revenues nnd occupations arn j.ri!ped bv the centril nflii es for Inns
concerned nnd thern Is a shortage of i tttnn cinnomi In bnih coimtrlps Hup
toveniies as c-ompircd with absolutely those upon wliosp t-hniddprs ;ct' ' '
en.lal expenditures." ' I n. rpspon si bli It.of -mr Indus,,,,,
"They had a land tax.' Mr Sillier ,ufe "", Mon,r ,, ,.
raid "Is not tho land producing as lormrr
much now ns It did then to enable, it to I Thn whole, pun h isinc power of . ui
nil this tax? ' 'new Central European economic us.
"Tho land tax there Is nominal ' tern vlepcn.N upon our pivmnt m-dl .
riialrman Padgett replied "Tho land , exchinRe not beliiK deprecla id to an
Harts at the waters cdee la bounded Impossible extent our n onev win imim
proDamj uevei irmi i. .- '
thrOURhout the world dellnlte fixrd rP
latlons, that Is exchince values must
bo determined, In order tint It miv be
possible to know whit sum will have to
be pild In the cise of lons-term acree-
ments Doth transition econmn .nm o...
thine that l eemiiiie mil nf nituril
eiowth .an mill tjiln Hi ere iter
I he vltil lines ittcf. nf aerl
iln I Indllstiv In theli lelitinn
I i III,, nutsltli wnild will iPmtiii l
Ihev wen ihe i nl iln, 4,0 t, ii, m
ihe illstl , 1111 n 1 r 1 ih, 1 n . 1 ,1
horn, I ,1 11 w II 1 I tp it , It t ,p
'Iho TmiHtirv Ipp 11 Iniciit tinned
tho trinket nvei I" the asviv otllce
nnd it In turn sent It to the spulil
aid niiniiiittee fm its win fund vvhl.li
Is inised Milclv throush volunl.ii ion
trlhtltlons of tilnkets etc
The Identltv or the Alleiitovvu plrl
has nut vet In en Icatned
J'OnO fnr N 1 111I.111 (hurili
, riintiin. P11. vtiril .1 In ihpiiv rv ;
nf her hush. ml M Jnr I vr tt Wurreti
Mis fverett W irren his ptesent.d to I J
s, 1 ul.i s I pis, , ini . hur, Ii br, jriliiin
w .rth , I it 1 1 lv 1 in I mds I In in !
en r fi ill th hi 'Is is 1 I 11 1 d ,11
ll 111 imtPii 111 ' f Hi 1 ! work ,
tti I in h .1 h I lii II in 1 J
, n in ul 111 11 ' ' , 1 1 I '
Van Sciver Furniture Costs
Less Than the Ordinary Kind-
TOOT only is the first cost lower, quality considered, but when you take
i into .account the superior workmanship, design and finish, all of which
mean greater durability and immeasurably greater satisfaction to you, the
original saving is intensified. As a general rule we
prefer to talk about quality rather than price; to
emphasize the beauty and worthiness of Van Sciver
furniture, its substantial construction, accurate de
sign and charm of line and contour. But the econ
omy, as well as the pleasure and satisfaction of
dealing here, is a point that should not be overlooked
and of this, careful comparison is the surest
pi oof. Come in and let us show you through Amer
ica's largest and most interesting furniture store.
&Sir4m -- "Illltl llltltl Its -rgrse
Tre vo jf0 jf n win of
eors? jl
III oat Ext raordinary
by tho heavens on 0110 tiuo aim ma
water on the other "
"The eentleman Is entirely correct,'
Interrupted Mr Mlllei
"And goes up straight from the water
Tho farming interest amounts to nowi-
"I assume estimates wero submitted future commercial dealings with Aiistri-i
shovvlne $200,000 was needed to ad- depend on un agreement of this kind vv 11 n
minister tho government of that Island?" regard to the exchange
Ihe estlnntes suummeii wero vei since, inorru.n
we frequentlv tin 1
much more, but the Secretary has re.ourselves participating as ii' ";
ortcd onlv i00 000 Admiral Oliver the public and private undertakings of
and when I was down there I spent sev-our ally the maintenance of her put'
..ii. 1.111 in n nerhonai con nhno ni nnwer neciuii-n 11 ......... ......
aril lintlrs
versatlon. going over the whole state of affects
vcrv neirlv whllo on her
the Island was very earnest In recom
mending even much moro than this,
for Health and JloipltuU
"Old he vvint to build docks nr build
roads? ' inquired Mr Miller
"No It was for health and hospitals
and Internal government and admlnls.
tratlon of affairs," Chairman Tadgett
replied ' It does rot contemplate
making anj thing of that kind vvhat-
VOne of the sources of revenue of that
Island was a lottery, which, of course
has now ceatcd to exist. In addition to
the returns received from shipping," eald
Itenresentntlvo Illcks of New York
"Now- It happened that down there the
educational system was entirely main
tained by religious Institutions That
has now xlrtuaily ceased and some of
this money Is going to go Into the
Mr Miller resumed
"I nm sure evidence was submitted to
the committee to which I belong when
we purchased this Island for the sum
of $5 000,000, which some of us thought
was" extortionate, that there would be
no considerable charge on the Treasury
nf the United Statea In maintaining It
unless wo wanted to develop a naval
base Now. here Is an estimate for the
first ear ot J200.000 "
"But last year there was an appro
nrlatlon of 100,000 and this year It l
1200.000, and last year It was Just for
a part of the year and before they had
opportunity to have any Investigation!, or
ettmn.," Chairman J'adgctt replied.
. ci. ,11,1 ilrs r nothing mom ur
gently than our financial stabllltv We
have had losses enough abroid In our
investments throughout the world nnd
do not wish to tint bv ruining eich
other nut that pr. supposes the wish
to Increase our profits b h.iimonlou
"But wo tannot Increase this mutual
Sale o
Ri $12.75 H Bl
A Sensational Sale
Ml wiml serges, silk taffetas nut, 11
hi tie 1 11 pes melHiii ind (imrgttt.
I'eSSeS Reduced
1 n pt h il
T( )t
The Devil to
By Frances Nimmo Greene
The cashier executed for
murder, the hank president
indicted for complicit) .
Dare, a beautiful Rirl en
agcd to Hrent and loved
by the District Attorue).
Larry, her brother unwill
ingly bccoiriinp;( Rrent's
companion in hU lonely
eottntrv house from this
beginning a thrilling story
of love and mystery devel
ops in a most unexpected
way. $1 35 net.
$1.00 New Lingerie
Waists, 69c
Mm Hlitrr lawnt- xUn ami nr
tfjmlifH Mtili real luc or mlinnl
el j trimmed front
a a
I jj
Suits a i!
M mm
yf . J J J
0 ::
iniiiii 1 nni jr ; z
11 .son l wh j J
1, pn s, nti d rn '
I -:
ff ::
11 "
s. :
ff s
a m
Reduced from our stock
Several hundred n' w -uts , mf.
down to an unusu il stnill prii , f 1
sie. I il m lllng
All-Wool Serges, Poplins
and Shepherd Checks
In all the 11, w , st , n it
trlmnilnir iffeitH nf the
the popular , nlnrlngs an
All pUis
An Unusual Chamber Suite, Exclusive to the Van Sciver Store
In desiKnnif; flits 1 mdsome suite it was ojr desire to obUtm the ultimato in fjracc of line
and perfection of detail that could be expressed in that mo3t charming of all Period styles, the
Queen Anne yet to hold the pnre wthin reasonable bounds and nn inspection of the suite will
show that wo "accomplished both purpo-ec It cm be had in Mahogany or American walnut and
omprises Bureau, 182.1 in. SfiO.OO; full-size Bed, S."i8.00; ChiiTolicr (with wide, convenient trays),
j0.0O, and Triplicate Mirror Dressing Table. !"i.u0; the four pieces (complete suite), $241.50.
Pieces max he bought separateh. and if preferred, xou can have Twin Beds, at $38.00 each, or
smaller Bureau nt $G2 30. Not' the exquisite turnings and figured plaques oi front panels.
Time lo Think of Summer
Floor Coverings and Furnishings
"Tlir. furnishings of the Summer home, or refuting the city home, so as to obtain the maximum
of comfort and coolness during the warm weather to come, are matters uppermost now in the
minds of many Our alrcadx extensive line of Summer Furniture has been further augmented
by recent heavy shipments and we can .say, without exaggeration, that we are now presenting
the most complete and charming collection eve assembled. There are novelty suites and pieces
in abundance, of reed and willow m ivory, silve- grey, blue enamel, baronial and natural finishes,
outdoor furniture in rustic hickory, lawn swings and, of course, the ever necessary Porch Rocker,
the last mentioned in many stjles and sizes, beginning as low as $1.85. Grass Rugs, Rag Rugs
and Fibre Rugs are here in great vanct We present n few interesting quotations:
Olatha Novelty Grass Rug:
$1.25 and $1.50 New
Wash Skirts, 79c
Jllrt (I f. K of a SI vie ..llll.ll
dines Kition poplins rips Hmi
nnvcllv weavei Button trimmed
COUCH HAMMOCKS A porch luxury that
once in uo becomes almost indispensable We
have them covered with plain khaki, fancy
ducks nnd eietonnes, from $9.75 to $35 00.
ually large nnd beautiful line of cretonnes and
Summer display fabiics is here nnd prices lire
very modeiatc.
AWNINGS Order them now -for with the
wnrm weather comes n rush of orders. Tele
phone or drop n postal card nnd wcwill send a
man to take measurements nnd givo ou an
estimate. You will get the Jiest of materials
and workmanship at reasonable cost.
ably tho richest and most serviceable grass,
rugs made unusual art designs nnd color ef
fects, to harmonize with any decorative
$5.50 to $7.00
$7.85 to $10.00
$9.75 to $12.50
6x9 ft. Rugs
8x10 ft. Rugs
9x12 ft. Rugs
9x15 ft. Rugs $13.85 to $16.25
10.6x13.6 ft. Rug $16.75 to $18.50
12x15 ft. Rugs $18.75 to $22.75
Our Display of Dimiiff Suites, Redrnom and LiviAg tioom Suitet in the Period
Designs is I tiequallcd tit Magnitude and Variety and Well Worth a Visit.
A Bin Reduction on
Women's Suits dp
Coats & Dresses
A B. Wmm Sdvw Go.
M Values from $10.00 to $15.00
B 1000 coats, suits nnd dresses that we
have collected nfter painstaking efforts
- All are new in style, of goes! nualltv ma
1 W terlals and worth ttvo and three times
fpj) our site price
C00 7,c "'"e ot Style and liconoiiiu 002'
Manufacturers, Importers and Retailers
Market Street Ferry, Camden, New Jersey
Store Opens Dally at 8 30 A
Cloiei at 5.30 P. M.
1 -w i)
Market Street Ferry Doatt
Land Opposite Store
a:: 2
m. m.T' "J
J '
ft A
- '
" .. IjBbr
- j
...Jy-.MfiAm. v.J